path: root/doc/sphinx
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sphinx')
30 files changed, 2792 insertions, 3540 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING b/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING
deleted file mode 100644
index fa6fe1537..000000000
--- a/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-How to migrate the Coq Reference Manual to Sphinx
-# Install Python3 packages (requires Python 3, python3-pip, python3-setuptools)
- * pip3 install bs4 sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pexpect antlr4-python3-runtime sphinxcontrib-bibtex
-# You may want to do this under a virtualenv, particularly if you end up with issues finding sphinxcontrib.bibtex. http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/
- * pip3 install virtualenv
- * virtualenv coqsphinxing # you may want to use -p to specify the python version
- * source coqsphinxing/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
-# After activating the virtual environment you can run the above pip3 command to install sphinx. You will have to activate the virtual environment before building the docs in your session.
-# Add this Elisp code to .emacs, if you're using emacs (recommended):
- (defun sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region (left right &optional beg end count)
- (unless beg
- (if (region-active-p)
- (setq beg (region-beginning) end (region-end))
- (setq beg (point) end nil)))
- (unless count
- (setq count 1))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (or end beg))
- (dotimes (_ count) (insert right)))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char beg)
- (dotimes (_ count) (insert left)))
- (if (and end (characterp left)) ;; Second test handles the ::`` case
- (goto-char (+ (* 2 count) end))
- (goto-char (+ count beg))))
- (defun sphinx/coqtop (beg end)
- (interactive (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))
- (replace-regexp "^Coq < " " " nil beg end)
- (indent-rigidly beg end -3)
- (goto-char beg)
- (insert ".. coqtop:: all\n\n"))
- (defun sphinx/rst-coq-action ()
- (interactive)
- (pcase (read-char "Command?")
- (?g (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":g:`" "`"))
- (?n (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":n:`" "`"))
- (?t (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":token:`" "`"))
- (?m (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":math:`" "`"))
- (?: (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region "::`" "`"))
- (?` (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region "``" "``"))
- (?c (sphinx/coqtop (region-beginning) (region-end)))))
- (global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") #'sphinx/rst-coq-action)
- With this code installed, you can hit "F12" followed by an appropriate key to do quick markup of text
- (this will make more sense once you've started editing the text).
-# Fork the Coq repo, if needed:
- https://github.com/coq/coq
-# Clone the repo to your work machine
-# Add Maxime Dénès's repo as a remote:
- git remote add sphinx https://github.com/maximedenes/coq.git
- (or choose a name other than "sphinx")
- Verify with:
- git remote -v
-# Fetch from the remote
- git fetch sphinx
-# Checkout the sphinx-doc branch
- git checkout sphinx-doc
- You should pull from the repo from time to time to keep your local copy up-to-date:
- git pull sphinx sphinx-doc
- You may want to create a new branch to do your work in.
-# Choose a Reference Manual chapter to work on at
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yo7dV4OI0AY9Di-lsEQ3UTmn5ygGLlhxjym7cTCMCWU
-# For each chapter, raw ReStructuredText (the Sphinx format), created by the "html2rest" utility,
- is available in the directory porting/raw-rst/
- Elsewhere, depending on the chapter, there should be an almost-empty template file already created,
- which is in the location where the final version should go
-# Manually edit the .rst file, place it in the correct location
- There are small examples in sphinx/porting/, a larger example in language/gallina-extensions.rst
- (N.B.: the migration is a work-in-progress, your suggestions are welcome)
- Find the chapter you're working on from the online manual at https://coq.inria.fr/distrib/current/refman/.
- At the top of the file, after the chapter heading, add:
- :Source: https://coq.inria.fr/distrib/current/refman/the-chapter-file.html
- :Converted by: Your Name
- N.B.: These source and converted-by annotations should help for the migration phase. Later on,
- those annotations will be removed, and contributors will be mentioned in the Coq credits.
- Remove chapter numbers
- Replace section, subsection numbers with reference labels:
- .. _some-reference-label:
- Place the label before the section or subsection, followed by a blank line.
- Note the leading underscore. Use :ref:`some_reference-label` to refer to such a label; note the leading underscore is omitted.
- Many cross-references may be to other chapters. If the required label exists, use it. Otherwise, use a dummy reference of the form
- `TODO-n.n.n-mnemonic` we can fixup later. Example:
- :ref:`TODO-1.3.2-definitions`
- We can grep for those TODOs, and the existing subsection number makes it easy to find in the exisyting manual.
- For the particular case of references to chapters, we can use a
-convention for the cross-reference name, so no TODO is needed.
- :ref:`thegallinaspecificationlanguage`
-That is, the chapter label is the chapter title, all in lower-case,
-with no spaces or punctuation. For chapters with subtitles marked with
-a ":", like those for Omega and Nsatz, use just the chapter part
-preceding the ":". These labels should already be in the
-placeholder .rst files for each chapter.
- You can also label other items, like grammars, with the same syntax. To refer to such labels, not involving a
- section or subsection, use the syntax
- :ref:`Some link text <label-name>`
- Yes, the angle-brackets are needed here!
- For bibliographic references (those in biblio.bib), use :cite:`thecitation`.
- Grammars will get mangled by the translation. Look for "productionlist" in the examples, also see
- http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html.
- For Coq examples that appear, look at the "coqtop" syntax in porting/tricky-bits.rst. The Sphinx
- script will run coqtop on those examples, and can show the output (or not).
- The file replaces.rst contains replacement definitions for some items that are clumsy to write out otherwise.
- Use
- .. include:: replaces.rst
- to gain access to those definitions in your file (you might need a path prefix). Some especially-important
- replacements are |Cic|, |Coq|, |CoqIDE|, and |Gallina|, which display those names in small-caps. Please use them,
- so that they're rendered consistently.
- Similarly, there are some LaTeX macros in preamble.rst that can be useful.
- Conventions:
- - Keywords and other literal text is double-backquoted (e.g. ``Module``, ``Section``, ``(``, ``,``).
- - Metavariables are single-backquotes (e.g. `term`, `ident`)
- - Use the cmd directive for Vernacular commands, like:
- .. cmd:: Set Printing All.
- Within this directive, prefix metavariables (ident, term) with @:
- .. cmd:: Add Printing Let @ident.
- There's also the "cmdv" directive for variants of a command.
- - Use the "exn" and "warn" directives for errors and warnings:
- .. exn:: Something's not right.
- .. warn:: You shouldn't do that.
- - Use the "example" directive for examples
- - Use the "g" role for inline Gallina, like :g:`fun x => x`
- - Use code blocks for blocks of Gallina. You can use a double-colon at the end of a line::
- your code here
- which prints a single colon, or put the double-colon on a newline.
- your other code here
-# Making changes to the text
- The goal of the migration is simply to change the storage format from LaTeX to ReStructuredText. The goal is not
- to make any organizational or other substantive changes to the text. If you do notice nits (misspellings, wrong
- verb tense, and so on), please do change them. For example, the programming language that Coq is written in is these days
- called "OCaml", and there are mentions of the older name "Objective Caml" in the reference manual that should be changed.
-# Build, view the manual
- In the root directory of your local repo, run "make sphinx". You can view the result in a browser by loading the HTML file
- associated with your chapter, which will be contained in the directory doc/sphinx/_build/html/ beneath the repo root directory.
- Make any changes you need until there are no build warnings and the output is perfect. :-)
-# Creating pull requests
- When your changes are done, commit them, push to your fork:
- git commit -m "useful commit message" file
- git push origin sphinx-doc
- (or push to another branch, if you've created one). Then go to your GitHub
- fork and create a pull request against Maxime's sphinx-doc
- branch. If your commit is recent, you should see a link on your
- fork's code page to do that. Otherwise, you may need to go to your
- branch on GitHub to do that.
-# Issues/Questions/Suggestions
- As the migration proceeds, if you have technical issues, have a more general question, or want to suggest something, please contact:
- Paul Steckler <steck@stecksoft.com>
- Maxime Dénès <maxime.denes@inria.fr>
-# Issues
- Should the stuff in replaces.rst go in preamble.rst?
- In LaTeX, some of the grammars add productions to existing nonterminals, like term ++= ... . How to indicate that?
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/README.rst b/doc/sphinx/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3036fac81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+ Documenting Coq with Sphinx
+ README.rst is auto-generated from README.template.rst and the coqrst docs;
+ use ``doc/tools/coqrst/regen_readme.py`` to rebuild it.
+Coq's reference manual is written in `reStructuredText <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html>`_ (“reST”), and compiled with `Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/>`_.
+In addition to standard reST directives (a directive is similar to a LaTeX environment) and roles (a role is similar to a LaTeX command), the ``coqrst`` plugin loaded by the documentation uses a custom *Coq domain* — a set of Coq-specific directives that define *objects* like tactics, commands (vernacs), warnings, etc. —, some custom *directives*, and a few custom *roles*. Finally, this manual uses a small DSL to describe tactic invocations and commands.
+Coq objects
+Our Coq domain define multiple `objects`_. Each object has a *signature* (think *type signature*), followed by an optional body (a description of that object). The following example defines two objects: a variant of the ``simpl`` tactic, and an error that it may raise::
+ .. tacv:: simpl @pattern at {+ @num}
+ :name: simpl_at
+ This applies ``simpl`` only to the :n:`{+ @num}` occurrences of the subterms
+ matching :n:`@pattern` in the current goal.
+ .. exn:: Too few occurrences
+ :undocumented:
+Objects are automatically collected into indices, and can be linked to using the role version of the object's directive. For example, you could link to the tactic variant above using ``:tacv:`simpl_at```, and to its exception using ``:exn:`Too few occurrences```.
+Names (link targets) are auto-generated for most simple objects, though they can always be overwritten using a ``:name:`` option, as shown above.
+- Options, errors, warnings have their name set to their signature, with ``...`` replacing all notation bits. For example, the auto-generated name of ``.. exn:: @qualid is not a module`` is ``... is not a module``, and a link to it would take the form ``:exn:`... is not a module```.
+- Vernacs (commands) have their name set to the first word of their signature. For example, the auto-generated name of ``Axiom @ident : @term`` is ``Axiom``, and a link to it would take the form ``:cmd:`Axiom```.
+- Vernac variants, tactic notations, and tactic variants do not have a default name.
+Most objects should have a body (i.e. a block of indented text following the signature, called “contents” in Sphinx terms). Undocumented objects should have the `:undocumented:` flag instead, as shown above.
+The signatures of most objects can be written using a succinct DSL for Coq notations (think regular expressions written with a Lispy syntax). A typical signature might look like ``Hint Extern @num {? @pattern} => @tactic``, which means that the ``Hint Extern`` command takes a number (``num``), followed by an optional pattern, and a mandatory tactic. The language has the following constructs (the full grammar is in `TacticNotations.g </doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g>`_):
+ A placeholder (``@ident``, ``@num``, ``@tactic``\ …)
+``{? …}``
+ an optional block
+``{* …}``, ``{+ …}``
+ an optional (``*``) or mandatory (``+``) block that can be repeated, with repetitions separated by spaces
+``{*, …}``, ``{+, …}``
+ an optional or mandatory repeatable block, with repetitions separated by commas
+``%|``, ``%{``, …
+ an escaped character (rendered without the leading ``%``)
+ FIXME document the new subscript support
+As an exercise, what do the following patterns mean?
+.. code::
+ pattern {+, @term {? at {+ @num}}}
+ generalize {+, @term at {+ @num} as @ident}
+ fix @ident @num with {+ (@ident {+ @binder} {? {struct @ident'}} : @type)}
+Here is the list of all objects of the Coq domain (The symbol :black_nib: indicates an object whose signature can be written using the notations DSL):
+``.. cmd::`` :black_nib: A Coq command.
+ Example::
+ .. cmd:: Infix "@symbol" := @term ({+, @modifier}).
+ This command is equivalent to :n:`…`.
+``.. cmdv::`` :black_nib: A variant of a Coq command.
+ Example::
+ .. cmd:: Axiom @ident : @term.
+ This command links :token:`term` to the name :token:`term` as its specification in
+ the global context. The fact asserted by :token:`term` is thus assumed as a
+ postulate.
+ .. cmdv:: Parameter @ident : @term.
+ This is equivalent to :n:`Axiom @ident : @term`.
+``.. exn::`` :black_nib: An error raised by a Coq command or tactic.
+ This commonly appears nested in the ``.. tacn::`` that raises the
+ exception.
+ Example::
+ .. tacv:: assert @form by @tactic
+ This tactic applies :n:`@tactic` to solve the subgoals generated by
+ ``assert``.
+ .. exn:: Proof is not complete
+ Raised if :n:`@tactic` does not fully solve the goal.
+``.. opt::`` :black_nib: A Coq option.
+ Example::
+ .. opt:: Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes
+ This option controls whether types declared with the keywords
+ :cmd:`Variant` and :cmd:`Record` get an automatic declaration of the
+ induction principles.
+``.. prodn::`` :black_nib: Grammar productions.
+ This is useful if you intend to document individual grammar productions.
+ Otherwise, use Sphinx's `production lists
+ <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html#directive-productionlist>`_.
+``.. tacn::`` :black_nib: A tactic, or a tactic notation.
+ Example::
+ .. tacn:: do @num @expr
+ :token:`expr` is evaluated to ``v`` which must be a tactic value. …
+``.. tacv::`` :black_nib: A variant of a tactic.
+ Example::
+ .. tacn:: fail
+ This is the always-failing tactic: it does not solve any goal. It is
+ useful for defining other tacticals since it can be caught by
+ :tacn:`try`, :tacn:`repeat`, :tacn:`match goal`, or the branching
+ tacticals. …
+ .. tacv:: fail @natural
+ The number is the failure level. If no level is specified, it
+ defaults to 0. …
+``.. thm::`` A theorem.
+ Example::
+ .. thm:: Bound on the ceiling function
+ Let :math:`p` be an integer and :math:`c` a rational constant. Then
+ :math:`p \ge c \rightarrow p \ge \lceil{c}\rceil`.
+``.. warn::`` :black_nib: An warning raised by a Coq command or tactic..
+ Do not mistake this for ``.. warning::``; this directive is for warning
+ messages produced by Coq.
+ Example::
+ .. warn:: Ambiguous path
+ When the coercion :token:`qualid` is added to the inheritance graph, non
+ valid coercion paths are ignored.
+Coq directives
+In addition to the objects above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following directives:
+``.. coqtop::`` A reST directive to describe interactions with Coqtop.
+ Usage::
+ .. coqtop:: options…
+ Coq code to send to coqtop
+ Example::
+ .. coqtop:: in reset undo
+ Print nat.
+ Definition a := 1.
+ Here is a list of permissible options:
+ - Display options
+ - ``all``: Display input and output
+ - ``in``: Display only input
+ - ``out``: Display only output
+ - ``none``: Display neither (useful for setup commands)
+ - Behavior options
+ - ``reset``: Send a ``Reset Initial`` command before running this block
+ - ``undo``: Send an ``Undo n`` (``n`` = number of sentences) command after
+ running all the commands in this block
+ ``coqtop``\ 's state is preserved across consecutive ``.. coqtop::`` blocks
+ of the same document (``coqrst`` creates a single ``coqtop`` process per
+ reST source file). Use the ``reset`` option to reset Coq's state.
+``.. coqdoc::`` A reST directive to display Coqtop-formatted source code.
+ Usage::
+ .. coqdoc::
+ Coq code to highlight
+ Example::
+ .. coqdoc::
+ Definition test := 1.
+``.. example::`` A reST directive for examples.
+ This behaves like a generic admonition; see
+ http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#generic-admonition
+ for more details.
+ Example::
+ .. example:: Adding a hint to a database
+ The following adds ``plus_comm`` to the ``plu`` database:
+ .. coqdoc::
+ Hint Resolve plus_comm : plu.
+``.. inference::`` A reST directive to format inference rules.
+ This also serves as a small illustration of the way to create new Sphinx
+ directives.
+ Usage::
+ .. inference:: name
+ newline-separated premisses
+ ------------------------
+ conclusion
+ Example::
+ .. inference:: Prod-Pro
+ \WTEG{T}{s}
+ s \in \Sort
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Prop}
+ -----------------------------
+ \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Prop}
+``.. preamble::`` A reST directive for hidden math.
+ Mostly useful to let MathJax know about `\def`\ s and `\newcommand`\ s.
+ Example::
+ .. preamble::
+ \newcommand{\paren}[#1]{\left(#1\right)}
+Coq roles
+In addition to the objects and directives above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following roles:
+``:g:`` Coq code.
+ Use this for Gallina and Ltac snippets::
+ :g:`apply plus_comm; reflexivity`
+ :g:`Set Printing All.`
+ :g:`forall (x: t), P(x)`
+``:n:`` Any text using the notation syntax (``@id``, ``{+, …}``, etc.).
+ Use this to explain tactic equivalences. For example, you might write
+ this::
+ :n:`generalize @term as @ident` is just like :n:`generalize @term`, but
+ it names the introduced hypothesis :token:`ident`.
+ Note that this example also uses ``:token:``. That's because ``ident`` is
+ defined in the the Coq manual as a grammar production, and ``:token:``
+ creates a link to that. When referring to a placeholder that happens to be
+ a grammar production, ``:token:`…``` is typically preferable to ``:n:`@…```.
+``:production:`` A grammar production not included in a ``productionlist`` directive.
+ Useful to informally introduce a production, as part of running text.
+ Example::
+ :production:`string` indicates a quoted string.
+ You're not likely to use this role very commonly; instead, use a
+ `production list
+ <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html#directive-productionlist>`_
+ and reference its tokens using ``:token:`…```.
+Common mistakes
+Improper nesting
+ .. code::
+ .. cmd:: Foo @bar
+ Foo the first instance of :token:`bar`\ s.
+ .. cmdv:: Foo All
+ Foo all the :token:`bar`\ s in
+ the current context
+ .. code::
+ .. cmd:: Foo @bar
+ Foo the first instance of :token:`bar`\ s.
+ .. cmdv:: Foo All
+ Foo all the :token:`bar`\ s in
+ the current context
+You can set the ``report_undocumented_coq_objects`` setting in ``conf.py`` to ``"info"`` or ``"warning"`` to get a list of all Coq objects without a description.
+Overusing ``:token:``
+ .. code::
+ This is equivalent to :n:`Axiom @ident : @term`.
+ .. code::
+ This is equivalent to ``Axiom`` :token`ident` : :token:`term`.
+Omitting annotations
+ .. code::
+ .. tacv:: assert @form as @intro_pattern
+ .. code::
+ .. tacv:: assert form as intro_pattern
+Tips and tricks
+Nested lemmas
+The ``.. coqtop::`` directive does *not* reset Coq after running its contents. That is, the following will create two nested lemmas::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Lemma l1: 1 + 1 = 2.
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Lemma l2: 2 + 2 <> 1.
+Add either ``undo`` to the first block or ``reset`` to the second block to avoid nesting lemmas.
+Abbreviations and macros
+Abbreviations and placeholders for specially-formatted names (like ``|Cic|``, ``|Coq|``, ``|CoqIDE|``, ``|Ltac|``, and ``|Gallina|``) are defined in a `separate file </doc/sphinx/replaces.rst>`_ included by most chapters of the manual. Some useful LaTeX macros are defined in `</doc/sphinx/preamble.rst>`_.
+The ``dev/tools/coqdev.el`` folder contains a convenient Emacs function to quickly insert Sphinx roles and quotes. It takes a single character (one of ``gntm:```), and inserts one of ``:g:``, ``:n:``, ``:t:``, or an arbitrary role, or double quotes. You can also select a region of text, and wrap it in single or double backticks using that function.
+Use the following snippet to bind it to :kbd:`F12` in ``rst-mode``::
+ (with-eval-after-load 'rst
+ (define-key rst-mode-map (kbd "<f12>") #'coqdev-sphinx-rst-coq-action))
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/README.template.rst b/doc/sphinx/README.template.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f90efa995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/README.template.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ Documenting Coq with Sphinx
+ README.rst is auto-generated from README.template.rst and the coqrst docs;
+ use ``doc/tools/coqrst/regen_readme.py`` to rebuild it.
+Coq's reference manual is written in `reStructuredText <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html>`_ (“reST”), and compiled with `Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/>`_.
+In addition to standard reST directives (a directive is similar to a LaTeX environment) and roles (a role is similar to a LaTeX command), the ``coqrst`` plugin loaded by the documentation uses a custom *Coq domain* — a set of Coq-specific directives that define *objects* like tactics, commands (vernacs), warnings, etc. —, some custom *directives*, and a few custom *roles*. Finally, this manual uses a small DSL to describe tactic invocations and commands.
+Coq objects
+Our Coq domain define multiple `objects`_. Each object has a *signature* (think *type signature*), followed by an optional body (a description of that object). The following example defines two objects: a variant of the ``simpl`` tactic, and an error that it may raise::
+ .. tacv:: simpl @pattern at {+ @num}
+ :name: simpl_at
+ This applies ``simpl`` only to the :n:`{+ @num}` occurrences of the subterms
+ matching :n:`@pattern` in the current goal.
+ .. exn:: Too few occurrences
+ :undocumented:
+Objects are automatically collected into indices, and can be linked to using the role version of the object's directive. For example, you could link to the tactic variant above using ``:tacv:`simpl_at```, and to its exception using ``:exn:`Too few occurrences```.
+Names (link targets) are auto-generated for most simple objects, though they can always be overwritten using a ``:name:`` option, as shown above.
+- Options, errors, warnings have their name set to their signature, with ``...`` replacing all notation bits. For example, the auto-generated name of ``.. exn:: @qualid is not a module`` is ``... is not a module``, and a link to it would take the form ``:exn:`... is not a module```.
+- Vernacs (commands) have their name set to the first word of their signature. For example, the auto-generated name of ``Axiom @ident : @term`` is ``Axiom``, and a link to it would take the form ``:cmd:`Axiom```.
+- Vernac variants, tactic notations, and tactic variants do not have a default name.
+Most objects should have a body (i.e. a block of indented text following the signature, called “contents” in Sphinx terms). Undocumented objects should have the `:undocumented:` flag instead, as shown above.
+The signatures of most objects can be written using a succinct DSL for Coq notations (think regular expressions written with a Lispy syntax). A typical signature might look like ``Hint Extern @num {? @pattern} => @tactic``, which means that the ``Hint Extern`` command takes a number (``num``), followed by an optional pattern, and a mandatory tactic. The language has the following constructs (the full grammar is in `TacticNotations.g </doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g>`_):
+ A placeholder (``@ident``, ``@num``, ``@tactic``\ …)
+``{? …}``
+ an optional block
+``{* …}``, ``{+ …}``
+ an optional (``*``) or mandatory (``+``) block that can be repeated, with repetitions separated by spaces
+``{*, …}``, ``{+, …}``
+ an optional or mandatory repeatable block, with repetitions separated by commas
+``%|``, ``%{``, …
+ an escaped character (rendered without the leading ``%``)
+ FIXME document the new subscript support
+As an exercise, what do the following patterns mean?
+.. code::
+ pattern {+, @term {? at {+ @num}}}
+ generalize {+, @term at {+ @num} as @ident}
+ fix @ident @num with {+ (@ident {+ @binder} {? {struct @ident'}} : @type)}
+Here is the list of all objects of the Coq domain (The symbol :black_nib: indicates an object whose signature can be written using the notations DSL):
+Coq directives
+In addition to the objects above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following directives:
+Coq roles
+In addition to the objects and directives above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following roles:
+Common mistakes
+Improper nesting
+ .. code::
+ .. cmd:: Foo @bar
+ Foo the first instance of :token:`bar`\ s.
+ .. cmdv:: Foo All
+ Foo all the :token:`bar`\ s in
+ the current context
+ .. code::
+ .. cmd:: Foo @bar
+ Foo the first instance of :token:`bar`\ s.
+ .. cmdv:: Foo All
+ Foo all the :token:`bar`\ s in
+ the current context
+You can set the ``report_undocumented_coq_objects`` setting in ``conf.py`` to ``"info"`` or ``"warning"`` to get a list of all Coq objects without a description.
+Overusing ``:token:``
+ .. code::
+ This is equivalent to :n:`Axiom @ident : @term`.
+ .. code::
+ This is equivalent to ``Axiom`` :token`ident` : :token:`term`.
+Omitting annotations
+ .. code::
+ .. tacv:: assert @form as @intro_pattern
+ .. code::
+ .. tacv:: assert form as intro_pattern
+Tips and tricks
+Nested lemmas
+The ``.. coqtop::`` directive does *not* reset Coq after running its contents. That is, the following will create two nested lemmas::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Lemma l1: 1 + 1 = 2.
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Lemma l2: 2 + 2 <> 1.
+Add either ``undo`` to the first block or ``reset`` to the second block to avoid nesting lemmas.
+Abbreviations and macros
+Abbreviations and placeholders for specially-formatted names (like ``|Cic|``, ``|Coq|``, ``|CoqIDE|``, ``|Ltac|``, and ``|Gallina|``) are defined in a `separate file </doc/sphinx/replaces.rst>`_ included by most chapters of the manual. Some useful LaTeX macros are defined in `</doc/sphinx/preamble.rst>`_.
+The ``dev/tools/coqdev.el`` folder contains a convenient Emacs function to quickly insert Sphinx roles and quotes. It takes a single character (one of ``gntm:```), and inserts one of ``:g:``, ``:n:``, ``:t:``, or an arbitrary role, or double quotes. You can also select a region of text, and wrap it in single or double backticks using that function.
+Use the following snippet to bind it to :kbd:`F12` in ``rst-mode``::
+ (with-eval-after-load 'rst
+ (define-key rst-mode-map (kbd "<f12>") #'coqdev-sphinx-rst-coq-action))
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/extended-pattern-matching.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/extended-pattern-matching.rst
index 1d3b66173..c4f014772 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/extended-pattern-matching.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/extended-pattern-matching.rst
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ the expressiveness of the theory remains the same. Once the stage of
parsing has finished only simple patterns remain. Re-nesting of
pattern is performed at printing time. An easy way to see the result
of the expansion is to toggle off the nesting performed at printing
-(use here :opt:`Set Printing Matching`), then by printing the term with :cmd:`Print`
+(use here :opt:`Printing Matching`), then by printing the term with :cmd:`Print`
if the term is a constant, or using the command :cmd:`Check`.
The extended ``match`` still accepts an optional *elimination predicate*
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ by:
Multiple patterns
-Using multiple patterns in the definition of max lets us write:
+Using multiple patterns in the definition of ``max`` lets us write:
.. coqtop:: in undo
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ This option (off by default) removes parameters from constructors in patterns:
match l with
| nil => nil
| cons _ l' => l'
- end)
+ end).
Unset Asymmetric Patterns.
Implicit arguments in patterns
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ become impossible branches. In an impossible branch, you can answer
anything but False_rect unit has the advantage to be subterm of
-To be concrete: the tail function can be written:
+To be concrete: the ``tail`` function can be written:
.. coqtop:: in
@@ -591,24 +591,24 @@ generated expression and the original.
Here is a summary of the error messages corresponding to each
-.. exn:: The constructor @ident expects @num arguments
+.. exn:: The constructor @ident expects @num arguments.
The variable ident is bound several times in pattern termFound a constructor
of inductive type term while a constructor of term is expectedPatterns are
incorrect (because constructors are not applied to the correct number of the
arguments, because they are not linear or they are wrongly typed).
-.. exn:: Non exhaustive pattern-matching
+.. exn:: Non exhaustive pattern-matching.
The pattern matching is not exhaustive.
.. exn:: The elimination predicate term should be of arity @num (for non \
- dependent case) or @num (for dependent case)
+ dependent case) or @num (for dependent case).
The elimination predicate provided to match has not the expected arity.
.. exn:: Unable to infer a match predicate
- Either there is a type incompatibility or the problem involves dependencies
+ Either there is a type incompatibility or the problem involves dependencies.
There is a type mismatch between the different branches. The user should
provide an elimination predicate.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/extraction.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/extraction.rst
index 38365e403..cb93d48a4 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/extraction.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/extraction.rst
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ Generating ML Code
The next two commands are meant to be used for rapid preview of
extraction. They both display extracted term(s) inside |Coq|.
-.. cmd:: Extraction @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Extraction @qualid
Extraction of the mentioned object in the |Coq| toplevel.
-.. cmd:: Recursive Extraction @qualid ... @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Recursive Extraction {+ @qualid }
Recursive extraction of all the mentioned objects and
all their dependencies in the |Coq| toplevel.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ extraction. They both display extracted term(s) inside |Coq|.
All the following commands produce real ML files. User can choose to
produce one monolithic file or one file per |Coq| library.
-.. cmd:: Extraction "@file" @qualid ... @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Extraction "@file" {+ @qualid }
Recursive extraction of all the mentioned objects and all
their dependencies in one monolithic `file`.
@@ -57,36 +57,36 @@ produce one monolithic file or one file per |Coq| library.
language to fulfill its syntactic conventions, keeping original
names as much as possible.
-.. cmd:: Extraction Library @ident.
+.. cmd:: Extraction Library @ident
Extraction of the whole |Coq| library ``ident.v`` to an ML module
``ident.ml``. In case of name clash, identifiers are here renamed
using prefixes ``coq_`` or ``Coq_`` to ensure a session-independent
-.. cmd:: Recursive Extraction Library @ident.
+.. cmd:: Recursive Extraction Library @ident
Extraction of the |Coq| library ``ident.v`` and all other modules
``ident.v`` depends on.
-.. cmd:: Separate Extraction @qualid ... @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Separate Extraction {+ @qualid }
Recursive extraction of all the mentioned objects and all
their dependencies, just as ``Extraction "file"``,
but instead of producing one monolithic file, this command splits
the produced code in separate ML files, one per corresponding Coq
``.v`` file. This command is hence quite similar to
- ``Recursive Extraction Library``, except that only the needed
+ :cmd:`Recursive Extraction Library`, except that only the needed
parts of Coq libraries are extracted instead of the whole.
The naming convention in case of name clash is the same one as
- ``Extraction Library``: identifiers are here renamed using prefixes
+ :cmd:`Extraction Library`: identifiers are here renamed using prefixes
``coq_`` or ``Coq_``.
The following command is meant to help automatic testing of
the extraction, see for instance the ``test-suite`` directory
in the |Coq| sources.
-.. cmd:: Extraction TestCompile @qualid ... @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Extraction TestCompile {+ @qualid }
All the mentioned objects and all their dependencies are extracted
to a temporary |OCaml| file, just as in ``Extraction "file"``. Then
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ Setting the target language
The ability to fix target language is the first and more important
of the extraction options. Default is ``OCaml``.
-.. cmd:: Extraction Language OCaml.
-.. cmd:: Extraction Language Haskell.
-.. cmd:: Extraction Language Scheme.
+.. cmd:: Extraction Language OCaml
+.. cmd:: Extraction Language Haskell
+.. cmd:: Extraction Language Scheme
Inlining and optimizations
@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ order to produce more readable code.
The type-preserving optimizations are controlled by the following |Coq| options:
-.. opt:: Extraction Optimize.
+.. opt:: Extraction Optimize
Default is on. This controls all type-preserving optimizations made on
the ML terms (mostly reduction of dummy beta/iota redexes, but also
simplifications on Cases, etc). Turn this option off if you want a
ML term as close as possible to the Coq term.
-.. opt:: Extraction Conservative Types.
+.. opt:: Extraction Conservative Types
Default is off. This controls the non type-preserving optimizations
made on ML terms (which try to avoid function abstraction of dummy
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ The type-preserving optimizations are controlled by the following |Coq| options:
implies that ``e':t'`` where ``e'`` and ``t'`` are the extracted
code of ``e`` and ``t`` respectively.
-.. opt:: Extraction KeepSingleton.
+.. opt:: Extraction KeepSingleton
Default is off. Normally, when the extraction of an inductive type
produces a singleton type (i.e. a type with only one constructor, and
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ The type-preserving optimizations are controlled by the following |Coq| options:
The typical example is ``sig``. This option allows disabling this
optimization when one wishes to preserve the inductive structure of types.
-.. opt:: Extraction AutoInline.
+.. opt:: Extraction AutoInline
Default is on. The extraction mechanism inlines the bodies of
some defined constants, according to some heuristics
@@ -163,22 +163,22 @@ The type-preserving optimizations are controlled by the following |Coq| options:
Those heuristics are not always perfect; if you want to disable
this feature, turn this option off.
-.. cmd:: Extraction Inline @qualid ... @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Extraction Inline {+ @qualid }
In addition to the automatic inline feature, the constants
mentionned by this command will always be inlined during extraction.
-.. cmd:: Extraction NoInline @qualid ... @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Extraction NoInline {+ @qualid }
Conversely, the constants mentionned by this command will
never be inlined during extraction.
-.. cmd:: Print Extraction Inline.
+.. cmd:: Print Extraction Inline
Prints the current state of the table recording the custom inlinings
declared by the two previous commands.
-.. cmd:: Reset Extraction Inline.
+.. cmd:: Reset Extraction Inline
Empties the table recording the custom inlinings (see the
previous commands).
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ code elimination performed during extraction, in a way which
is independent but complementary to the main elimination
principles of extraction (logical parts and types).
-.. cmd:: Extraction Implicit @qualid [ @ident ... @ident ].
+.. cmd:: Extraction Implicit @qualid [ {+ @ident } ]
This experimental command allows declaring some arguments of
`qualid` as implicit, i.e. useless in extracted code and hence to
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ principles of extraction (logical parts and types).
by a number indicating its position, starting from 1.
When an actual extraction takes place, an error is normally raised if the
-``Extraction Implicit`` declarations cannot be honored, that is
+:cmd:`Extraction Implicit` declarations cannot be honored, that is
if any of the implicited variables still occurs in the final code.
This behavior can be relaxed via the following option:
-.. opt:: Extraction SafeImplicits.
+.. opt:: Extraction SafeImplicits
Default is on. When this option is off, a warning is emitted
instead of an error if some implicited variables still occur in the
@@ -253,19 +253,19 @@ a closed term, and of course the system cannot guess the program which
realizes an axiom. Therefore, it is possible to tell the system
what ML term corresponds to a given axiom.
-.. cmd:: Extract Constant @qualid => @string.
+.. cmd:: Extract Constant @qualid => @string
Give an ML extraction for the given constant.
The `string` may be an identifier or a quoted string.
-.. cmd:: Extract Inlined Constant @qualid => @string.
+.. cmd:: Extract Inlined Constant @qualid => @string
Same as the previous one, except that the given ML terms will
be inlined everywhere instead of being declared via a ``let``.
.. note::
- This command is sugar for an ``Extract Constant`` followed
- by a ``Extraction Inline``. Hence a ``Reset Extraction Inline``
+ This command is sugar for an :cmd:`Extract Constant` followed
+ by a :cmd:`Extraction Inline`. Hence a :cmd:`Reset Extraction Inline`
will have an effect on the realized and inlined axiom.
.. caution:: It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the ML
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Notice that in the case of type scheme axiom (i.e. whose type is an
arity, that is a sequence of product finished by a sort), then some type
variables have to be given (as quoted strings). The syntax is then:
-.. cmdv:: Extract Constant @qualid @string ... @string => @string.
+.. cmdv:: Extract Constant @qualid @string ... @string => @string
The number of type variables is checked by the system. For example:
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ The number of type variables is checked by the system. For example:
Axiom Y : Set -> Set -> Set.
Extract Constant Y "'a" "'b" => " 'a * 'b ".
-Realizing an axiom via ``Extract Constant`` is only useful in the
+Realizing an axiom via :cmd:`Extract Constant` is only useful in the
case of an informative axiom (of sort ``Type`` or ``Set``). A logical axiom
have no computational content and hence will not appears in extracted
terms. But a warning is nonetheless issued if extraction encounters a
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ The system also provides a mechanism to specify ML terms for inductive
types and constructors. For instance, the user may want to use the ML
native boolean type instead of |Coq| one. The syntax is the following:
-.. cmd:: Extract Inductive @qualid => @string [ @string ... @string ].
+.. cmd:: Extract Inductive @qualid => @string [ {+ @string } ]
Give an ML extraction for the given inductive type. You must specify
extractions for the type itself (first `string`) and all its
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ native boolean type instead of |Coq| one. The syntax is the following:
the ML extraction must be an ML inductive datatype, and the native
pattern-matching of the language will be used.
-.. cmdv:: Extract Inductive @qualid => @string [ @string ... @string ] @string.
+.. cmdv:: Extract Inductive @qualid => @string [ {+ @string } ] @string
Same as before, with a final extra `string` that indicates how to
perform pattern-matching over this inductive type. In this form,
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ native boolean type instead of |Coq| one. The syntax is the following:
into |OCaml| ``int``, the code to provide has type:
-.. caution:: As for ``Extract Constant``, this command should be used with care:
+.. caution:: As for :cmd:`Extract Constant`, this command should be used with care:
* The ML code provided by the user is currently **not** checked at all by
extraction, even for syntax errors.
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ native boolean type instead of |Coq| one. The syntax is the following:
ML type is an efficient representation. For instance, when extracting
``nat`` to |OCaml| ``int``, the function ``Nat.mul`` stays quadratic.
It might be interesting to associate this translation with
- some specific ``Extract Constant`` when primitive counterparts exist.
+ some specific :cmd:`Extract Constant` when primitive counterparts exist.
Typical examples are the following:
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ As an example of translation to a non-inductive datatype, let's turn
Avoiding conflicts with existing filenames
-When using ``Extraction Library``, the names of the extracted files
+When using :cmd:`Extraction Library`, the names of the extracted files
directly depends from the names of the |Coq| files. It may happen that
these filenames are in conflict with already existing files,
either in the standard library of the target language or in other
@@ -396,16 +396,16 @@ code that is meant to be linked with the extracted code.
For instance the module ``List`` exists both in |Coq| and in |OCaml|.
It is possible to instruct the extraction not to use particular filenames.
-.. cmd:: Extraction Blacklist @ident ... @ident.
+.. cmd:: Extraction Blacklist {+ @ident }
Instruct the extraction to avoid using these names as filenames
for extracted code.
-.. cmd:: Print Extraction Blacklist.
+.. cmd:: Print Extraction Blacklist
Show the current list of filenames the extraction should avoid.
-.. cmd:: Reset Extraction Blacklist.
+.. cmd:: Reset Extraction Blacklist
Allow the extraction to use any filename.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/generalized-rewriting.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/generalized-rewriting.rst
index e4dea3487..e10e16c10 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/generalized-rewriting.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/generalized-rewriting.rst
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ A parametric relation :g:`Aeq: forall (y1 : β1 ... ym : βm )`,
:g:`relation (A t1 ... tn)` over :g:`(A : αi -> ... αn -> Type)` can be
declared with the following command:
-.. cmd:: Add Parametric Relation (x1 : T1) ... (xn : Tk) : (A t1 ... tn) (Aeq t′1 ... t′m ) {? reflexivity proved by refl} {? symmetry proved by sym} {? transitivity proved by trans} as @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Parametric Relation (x1 : T1) ... (xn : Tk) : (A t1 ... tn) (Aeq t′1 ... t′m ) {? reflexivity proved by refl} {? symmetry proved by sym} {? transitivity proved by trans} as @ident
after having required the ``Setoid`` module with the ``Require Setoid``
@@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ For Leibniz equality, we may declare:
[reflexivity proved by @refl_equal A]
-Some tactics (``reflexivity``, ``symmetry``, ``transitivity``) work only on
+Some tactics (:tacn:`reflexivity`, :tacn:`symmetry`, :tacn:`transitivity`) work only on
relations that respect the expected properties. The remaining tactics
-(``replace``, ``rewrite`` and derived tactics such as ``autorewrite``) do not
+(`replace`, :tacn:`rewrite` and derived tactics such as :tacn:`autorewrite`) do not
require any properties over the relation. However, they are able to
replace terms with related ones only in contexts that are syntactic
compositions of parametric morphism instances declared with the
following command.
-.. cmd:: Add Parametric Morphism (x1 : T1 ) ... (xk : Tk ) : (f t1 ... tn ) with signature sig as @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Parametric Morphism (x1 : T1 ) ... (xk : Tk ) : (f t1 ... tn ) with signature sig as @ident
The command declares ``f`` as a parametric morphism of signature ``sig``. The
identifier ``id`` gives a unique name to the morphism and it is used as
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ instance mechanism. The behavior on section close is to generalize the
instances by the variables of the section (and possibly hypotheses
used in the proofs of instance declarations) but not to export them in
the rest of the development for proof search. One can use the
-``Existing Instance`` command to do so outside the section, using the name of the
+cmd:`Existing Instance` command to do so outside the section, using the name of the
declared morphism suffixed by ``_Morphism``, or use the ``Global`` modifier
for the corresponding class instance declaration
(see :ref:`First Class Setoids and Morphisms <first-class-setoids-and-morphisms>`) at
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ equality over ordered lists) ``set_eq ==> set_eq ==> set_eq``
``multiset_eq ==> multiset_eq ==> multiset_eq`` (``multiset_eq``
being the equality over unordered lists).
-To declare multiple signatures for a morphism, repeat the ``Add Morphism``
+To declare multiple signatures for a morphism, repeat the :cmd:`Add Morphism`
When morphisms have multiple signatures it can be the case that a
@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ Tactics enabled on user provided relations
The following tactics, all prefixed by ``setoid_``, deal with arbitrary
registered relations and morphisms. Moreover, all the corresponding
-unprefixed tactics (i.e. ``reflexivity``, ``symmetry``, ``transitivity``,
-``replace``, ``rewrite``) have been extended to fall back to their prefixed
+unprefixed tactics (i.e. :tacn:`reflexivity`, :tacn:`symmetry`, :tacn:`transitivity`,
+:tacn:`replace`, :tacn:`rewrite`) have been extended to fall back to their prefixed
counterparts when the relation involved is not Leibniz equality.
Notice, however, that using the prefixed tactics it is possible to
pass additional arguments such as ``using relation``.
@@ -564,21 +564,23 @@ on a given type.
Every derived tactic that is based on the unprefixed forms of the
tactics considered above will also work up to user defined relations.
-For instance, it is possible to register hints for ``autorewrite`` that
+For instance, it is possible to register hints for :tacn:`autorewrite` that
are not proof of Leibniz equalities. In particular it is possible to
-exploit ``autorewrite`` to simulate normalization in a term rewriting
+exploit :tacn:`autorewrite` to simulate normalization in a term rewriting
system up to user defined equalities.
Printing relations and morphisms
-The ``Print Instances`` command can be used to show the list of currently
+.. cmd:: Print Instances
+This command can be used to show the list of currently
registered ``Reflexive`` (using ``Print Instances Reflexive``), ``Symmetric``
or ``Transitive`` relations, Equivalences, PreOrders, PERs, and Morphisms
(implemented as ``Proper`` instances). When the rewriting tactics refuse
to replace a term in a context because the latter is not a composition
-of morphisms, the ``Print Instances`` commands can be useful to understand
+of morphisms, the :cmd:`Print Instances` command can be useful to understand
what additional morphisms should be registered.
@@ -596,7 +598,8 @@ packing together the reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity lemmas).
Notice that the syntax is not completely backward compatible since the
identifier was not required.
-.. cmd:: Add Morphism f : @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Morphism f : @ident
+ :name: Add Morphism
The latter command also is restricted to the declaration of morphisms
without parameters. It is not fully backward compatible since the
@@ -610,11 +613,11 @@ Notice that several limitations of the old implementation have been
lifted. In particular, it is now possible to declare several relations
with the same carrier and several signatures for the same morphism.
Moreover, it is now also possible to declare several morphisms having
-the same signature. Finally, the replace and rewrite tactics can be
+the same signature. Finally, the :tacn:`replace` and :tacn:`rewrite` tactics can be
used to replace terms in contexts that were refused by the old
implementation. As discussed in the next section, the semantics of the
-new ``setoid_rewrite`` command differs slightly from the old one and
+new :tacn:`setoid_rewrite` tactic differs slightly from the old one and
@@ -624,8 +627,9 @@ Extensions
Rewriting under binders
-warning:: Due to compatibility issues, this feature is enabled only
-when calling the ``setoid_rewrite`` tactics directly and not ``rewrite``.
+.. warning::
+ Due to compatibility issues, this feature is enabled only
+ when calling the :tacn:`setoid_rewrite` tactic directly and not :tacn:`rewrite`.
To be able to rewrite under binding constructs, one must declare
morphisms with respect to pointwise (setoid) equivalence of functions.
@@ -672,12 +676,12 @@ where ``list_equiv`` implements an equivalence on lists parameterized by
an equivalence on the elements.
Note that when one does rewriting with a lemma under a binder using
-``setoid_rewrite``, the application of the lemma may capture the bound
+:tacn:`setoid_rewrite`, the application of the lemma may capture the bound
variable, as the semantics are different from rewrite where the lemma
-is first matched on the whole term. With the new ``setoid_rewrite``,
+is first matched on the whole term. With the new :tacn:`setoid_rewrite`,
matching is done on each subterm separately and in its local
environment, and all matches are rewritten *simultaneously* by
-default. The semantics of the previous ``setoid_rewrite`` implementation
+default. The semantics of the previous :tacn:`setoid_rewrite` implementation
can almost be recovered using the ``at 1`` modifier.
@@ -710,7 +714,7 @@ defined constants as transparent by default. This may slow down the
resolution due to a lot of unifications (all the declared ``Proper``
instances are tried at each node of the search tree). To speed it up,
declare your constant as rigid for proof search using the command
-``Typeclasses Opaque`` (see :ref:`TypeclassesTransparent`).
+:cmd:`Typeclasses Opaque`.
Strategies for rewriting
@@ -809,8 +813,8 @@ strategy. Their counterparts ``bottomup`` and ``topdown`` perform as many
rewritings as possible, starting from the bottom or the top of the
-Hint databases created for ``autorewrite`` can also be used
-by ``rewrite_strat`` using the ``hints`` strategy that applies any of the
+Hint databases created for :tacn:`autorewrite` can also be used
+by :tacn:`rewrite_strat` using the ``hints`` strategy that applies any of the
lemmas at the current subterm. The ``terms`` strategy takes the lemma
names directly as arguments. The ``eval`` strategy expects a reduction
expression (see :ref:`performingcomputations`) and succeeds
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/implicit-coercions.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/implicit-coercions.rst
index c48c2d7ce..09faa0676 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/implicit-coercions.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/implicit-coercions.rst
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ conditions holds:
We then write :g:`f : C >-> D`. The restriction on the type
of coercions is called *the uniform inheritance condition*.
-.. note:: The abstract classe ``Sortclass`` can be used as a source class, but
+.. note:: The abstract class ``Sortclass`` can be used as a source class, but
the abstract class ``Funclass`` cannot.
To coerce an object :g:`t:C t₁..tₙ` of ``C`` towards ``D``, we have to
@@ -124,45 +124,45 @@ term consists of the successive application of its coercions.
Declaration of Coercions
-.. cmd:: Coercion @qualid : @class >-> @class.
+.. cmd:: Coercion @qualid : @class >-> @class
Declares the construction denoted by `qualid` as a coercion between
the two given classes.
- .. exn:: @qualid not declared
- .. exn:: @qualid is already a coercion
- .. exn:: Funclass cannot be a source class
- .. exn:: @qualid is not a function
- .. exn:: Cannot find the source class of @qualid
- .. exn:: Cannot recognize @class as a source class of @qualid
- .. exn:: @qualid does not respect the uniform inheritance condition
+ .. exn:: @qualid not declared.
+ .. exn:: @qualid is already a coercion.
+ .. exn:: Funclass cannot be a source class.
+ .. exn:: @qualid is not a function.
+ .. exn:: Cannot find the source class of @qualid.
+ .. exn:: Cannot recognize @class as a source class of @qualid.
+ .. exn:: @qualid does not respect the uniform inheritance condition.
.. exn:: Found target class ... instead of ...
- .. warn:: Ambiguous path
+ .. warn:: Ambiguous path.
- When the coercion `qualid` is added to the inheritance graph, non
- valid coercion paths are ignored; they are signaled by a warning
- displaying these paths of the form :g:`[f₁;..;fₙ] : C >-> D`.
+ When the coercion :token:`qualid` is added to the inheritance graph, non
+ valid coercion paths are ignored; they are signaled by a warning
+ displaying these paths of the form :g:`[f₁;..;fₙ] : C >-> D`.
- .. cmdv:: Local Coercion @qualid : @class >-> @class.
+ .. cmdv:: Local Coercion @qualid : @class >-> @class
- Declares the construction denoted by `qualid` as a coercion local to
- the current section.
+ Declares the construction denoted by `qualid` as a coercion local to
+ the current section.
- .. cmdv:: Coercion @ident := @term.
+ .. cmdv:: Coercion @ident := @term
- This defines `ident` just like ``Definition`` `ident` ``:=`` `term`,
- and then declares `ident` as a coercion between it source and its target.
+ This defines `ident` just like ``Definition`` `ident` ``:=`` `term`,
+ and then declares `ident` as a coercion between it source and its target.
- .. cmdv:: Coercion @ident := @term : @type.
+ .. cmdv:: Coercion @ident := @term : @type
- This defines `ident` just like ``Definition`` `ident` : `type` ``:=`` `term`,
- and then declares `ident` as a coercion between it source and its target.
+ This defines `ident` just like ``Definition`` `ident` : `type` ``:=`` `term`,
+ and then declares `ident` as a coercion between it source and its target.
- .. cmdv:: Local Coercion @ident := @term.
+ .. cmdv:: Local Coercion @ident := @term
- This defines `ident` just like ``Let`` `ident` ``:=`` `term`,
- and then declares `ident` as a coercion between it source and its target.
+ This defines `ident` just like ``Let`` `ident` ``:=`` `term`,
+ and then declares `ident` as a coercion between it source and its target.
Assumptions can be declared as coercions at declaration time.
This extends the grammar of assumptions from
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ grammar of inductive types from Figure :ref:`vernacular` as follows:
Especially, if the extra ``>`` is present in a constructor
declaration, this constructor is declared as a coercion.
-.. cmd:: Identity Coercion @ident : @class >-> @class.
+.. cmd:: Identity Coercion @ident : @class >-> @class
If ``C`` is the source `class` and ``D`` the destination, we check
that ``C`` is a constant with a body of the form
@@ -211,13 +211,13 @@ declaration, this constructor is declared as a coercion.
function with type :g:`forall (x₁:T₁)..(xₙ:Tₙ)(y:C x₁..xₙ),D t₁..tₘ`,
and we declare it as an identity coercion between ``C`` and ``D``.
- .. exn:: @class must be a transparent constant
+ .. exn:: @class must be a transparent constant.
- .. cmdv:: Local Identity Coercion @ident : @ident >-> @ident.
+ .. cmdv:: Local Identity Coercion @ident : @ident >-> @ident
Idem but locally to the current section.
- .. cmdv:: SubClass @ident := @type.
+ .. cmdv:: SubClass @ident := @type
:name: SubClass
If `type` is a class `ident'` applied to some arguments then
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ declaration, this constructor is declared as a coercion.
``Identity Coercion`` `Id_ident_ident'` : `ident` ``>->`` `ident'`.
- .. cmdv:: Local SubClass @ident := @type.
+ .. cmdv:: Local SubClass @ident := @type
Same as before but locally to the current section.
@@ -237,19 +237,19 @@ declaration, this constructor is declared as a coercion.
Displaying Available Coercions
-.. cmd:: Print Classes.
+.. cmd:: Print Classes
Print the list of declared classes in the current context.
-.. cmd:: Print Coercions.
+.. cmd:: Print Coercions
Print the list of declared coercions in the current context.
-.. cmd:: Print Graph.
+.. cmd:: Print Graph
Print the list of valid coercion paths in the current context.
-.. cmd:: Print Coercion Paths @class @class.
+.. cmd:: Print Coercion Paths @class @class
Print the list of valid coercion paths between the two given classes.
@@ -263,9 +263,12 @@ Activating the Printing of Coercions
.. cmd:: Add Printing Coercion @qualid
- This command forces coercion denoted by :n:`@qualid` to be printed. To skip
- the printing of coercion :n:`@qualid`, use :cmd:`Remove Printing Coercion`. By
- default, a coercion is never printed.
+ This command forces coercion denoted by :n:`@qualid` to be printed.
+ By default, a coercion is never printed.
+.. cmd:: Remove Printing Coercion @qualid
+ Use this command, to skip the printing of coercion :n:`@qualid`.
.. _coercions-classes-as-records:
@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ Classes as Records
We allow the definition of *Structures with Inheritance* (or classes as records)
by extending the existing :cmd:`Record` macro. Its new syntax is:
-.. cmdv:: Record {? >} @ident {? @binders} : @sort := {? @ident} { {+; @ident :{? >} @term } }.
+.. cmdv:: Record {? >} @ident {? @binders} : @sort := {? @ident} { {+; @ident :{? >} @term } }
The first identifier `ident` is the name of the defined record and
`sort` is its type. The optional identifier after ``:=`` is the name
@@ -291,7 +294,7 @@ by extending the existing :cmd:`Record` macro. Its new syntax is:
(this may fail if the uniform inheritance condition is not
-.. cmdv:: Structure {? >} @ident {? @binders} : @sort := {? @ident} { {+; @ident :{? >} @term } }.
+.. cmdv:: Structure {? >} @ident {? @binders} : @sort := {? @ident} { {+; @ident :{? >} @term } }
:name: Structure
This is a synonym of :cmd:`Record`.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/micromega.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/micromega.rst
index 4f8cc34d4..0e9c23b9b 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/micromega.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/micromega.rst
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ tactic *e.g.*, :math:`x = 10 * x / 10` is solved by `lra`.
.. tacn:: lia
:name: lia
-This tactic offers an alternative to the :tacn:`omega` and :tac:`romega`
+This tactic offers an alternative to the :tacn:`omega` and :tacn:`romega`
tactics. Roughly speaking, the deductive power of lia is the combined deductive
power of :tacn:`ring_simplify` and :tacn:`omega`. However, it solves linear
goals that :tacn:`omega` and :tacn:`romega` do not solve, such as the following
@@ -150,9 +150,10 @@ are a way to take into account the discreteness of :math:`\mathbb{Z}` by roundin
.. _ceil_thm:
-**Theorem**. Let :math:`p` be an integer and :math:`c` a rational constant. Then
+.. thm:: Bound on the ceiling function
- :math:`p \ge c \rightarrow p \ge \lceil{c}\rceil`
+ Let :math:`p` be an integer and :math:`c` a rational constant. Then
+ :math:`p \ge c \rightarrow p \ge \lceil{c}\rceil`.
For instance, from 2 x = 1 we can deduce
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/miscellaneous-extensions.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/miscellaneous-extensions.rst
index 80ea8a116..b6c35d8fa 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/miscellaneous-extensions.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/miscellaneous-extensions.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Program derivation
|Coq| comes with an extension called ``Derive``, which supports program
derivation. Typically in the style of Bird and Meertens or derivations
of program refinements. To use the Derive extension it must first be
-required with ``Require Coq.Derive.Derive``. When the extension is loaded,
+required with ``Require Coq.derive.Derive``. When the extension is loaded,
it provides the following command:
.. cmd:: Derive @ident SuchThat @term As @ident
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst
index 20e40c550..80ce01620 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst
@@ -12,24 +12,29 @@ This tactic does not need any parameter:
.. tacn:: omega
-``omega`` solves a goal in Presburger arithmetic, i.e. a universally
+:tacn:`omega` solves a goal in Presburger arithmetic, i.e. a universally
quantified formula made of equations and inequations. Equations may
be specified either on the type ``nat`` of natural numbers or on
the type ``Z`` of binary-encoded integer numbers. Formulas on
``nat`` are automatically injected into ``Z``. The procedure
may use any hypothesis of the current proof session to solve the goal.
-Multiplication is handled by ``omega`` but only goals where at
+Multiplication is handled by :tacn:`omega` but only goals where at
least one of the two multiplicands of products is a constant are
solvable. This is the restriction meant by "Presburger arithmetic".
If the tactic cannot solve the goal, it fails with an error message.
In any case, the computation eventually stops.
+.. tacv:: romega
+ :name: romega
+ To be documented.
Arithmetical goals recognized by ``omega``
-``omega`` applied only to quantifier-free formulas built from the
+:tacn:`omega` applied only to quantifier-free formulas built from the
/\ \/ ~ ->
@@ -38,11 +43,11 @@ on atomic formulas. Atomic formulas are built from the predicates::
= < <= > >=
-on ``nat`` or ``Z``. In expressions of type ``nat``, ``omega`` recognizes::
+on ``nat`` or ``Z``. In expressions of type ``nat``, :tacn:`omega` recognizes::
+ - * S O pred
-and in expressions of type ``Z``, ``omega`` recognizes numeral constants and::
+and in expressions of type ``Z``, :tacn:`omega` recognizes numeral constants and::
+ - * Z.succ Z.pred
@@ -53,32 +58,32 @@ were arbitrary variables of type ``nat`` or ``Z``.
Messages from ``omega``
-When ``omega`` does not solve the goal, one of the following errors
+When :tacn:`omega` does not solve the goal, one of the following errors
is generated:
-.. exn:: omega can't solve this system
+.. exn:: omega can't solve this system.
This may happen if your goal is not quantifier-free (if it is
- universally quantified, try ``intros`` first; if it contains
- existentials quantifiers too, ``omega`` is not strong enough to solve your
+ universally quantified, try :tacn:`intros` first; if it contains
+ existentials quantifiers too, :tacn:`omega` is not strong enough to solve your
goal). This may happen also if your goal contains arithmetical
- operators unknown from ``omega``. Finally, your goal may be really
+ operators unknown from :tacn:`omega`. Finally, your goal may be really
-.. exn:: omega: Not a quantifier-free goal
+.. exn:: omega: Not a quantifier-free goal.
If your goal is universally quantified, you should first apply
- ``intro`` as many time as needed.
+ :tacn:`intro` as many times as needed.
-.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized predicate or connective: @ident
+.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized predicate or connective: @ident.
.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized atomic proposition: ...
-.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with proposition variables
+.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with proposition variables.
-.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized proposition
+.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized proposition.
-.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products
+.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products.
.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with equality on type ...
@@ -115,21 +120,23 @@ Options
.. opt:: Stable Omega
-This deprecated option (on by default) is for compatibility with Coq pre 8.5. It
-resets internal name counters to make executions of ``omega`` independent.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.5
+ This deprecated option (on by default) is for compatibility with Coq pre 8.5. It
+ resets internal name counters to make executions of :tacn:`omega` independent.
.. opt:: Omega UseLocalDefs
-This option (on by default) allows ``omega`` to use the bodies of local
+ This option (on by default) allows :tacn:`omega` to use the bodies of local
+ variables.
.. opt:: Omega System
-This option (off by default) activate the printing of debug information
+ This option (off by default) activate the printing of debug information
.. opt:: Omega Action
-This option (off by default) activate the printing of debug information
+ This option (off by default) activate the printing of debug information
Technical data
@@ -149,7 +156,7 @@ Overview of the tactic
Overview of the OMEGA decision procedure
-The OMEGA decision procedure involved in the ``omega`` tactic uses
+The OMEGA decision procedure involved in the :tacn:`omega` tactic uses
a small subset of the decision procedure presented in :cite:`TheOmegaPaper`
Here is an overview, look at the original paper for more information.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/program.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/program.rst
index be30d1bc4..b685e68e4 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/program.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/program.rst
@@ -145,13 +145,14 @@ prove some goals to construct the final definitions.
Program Definition
-.. cmd:: Program Definition @ident := @term.
+.. cmd:: Program Definition @ident := @term
This command types the value term in Russell and generates proof
obligations. Once solved using the commands shown below, it binds the
final |Coq| term to the name ``ident`` in the environment.
- .. exn:: @ident already exists (Program Definition)
+ .. exn:: @ident already exists.
+ :name: @ident already exists. (Program Definition)
.. cmdv:: Program Definition @ident : @type := @term
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ Program Definition
.. exn:: In environment … the term: @term does not have type @type. Actually, it has type ...
- .. cmdv:: Program Definition @ident @binders : @type := @term.
+ .. cmdv:: Program Definition @ident @binders : @type := @term
This is equivalent to:
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ See also: Sections :ref:`vernac-controlling-the-reduction-strategies`, :tacn:`un
Program Fixpoint
-.. cmd:: Program Fixpoint @ident @params {? {@order}} : @type := @term.
+.. cmd:: Program Fixpoint @ident @params {? {@order}} : @type := @term
The optional order annotation follows the grammar:
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ using the syntax:
Program Lemma
-.. cmd:: Program Lemma @ident : @type.
+.. cmd:: Program Lemma @ident : @type
The Russell language can also be used to type statements of logical
properties. It will generate obligations, try to solve them
@@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ Frequently Asked Questions
-.. exn:: Ill-formed recursive definition
+.. exn:: Ill-formed recursive definition.
This error can happen when one tries to define a function by structural
recursion on a subset object, which means the |Coq| function looks like:
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/ring.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/ring.rst
index ae666a0d4..47d3a7d7c 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/ring.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/ring.rst
@@ -171,21 +171,21 @@ performs the simplification in the hypothesis named :n:`@ident`.
Error messages:
-.. exn:: not a valid ring equation
+.. exn:: Not a valid ring equation.
The conclusion of the goal is not provable in the corresponding ring theory.
-.. exn:: arguments of ring_simplify do not have all the same type
+.. exn:: Arguments of ring_simplify do not have all the same type.
``ring_simplify`` cannot simplify terms of several rings at the same
time. Invoke the tactic once per ring structure.
-.. exn:: cannot find a declared ring structure over @term
+.. exn:: Cannot find a declared ring structure over @term.
No ring has been declared for the type of the terms to be simplified.
Use ``Add Ring`` first.
-.. exn:: cannot find a declared ring structure for equality @term
+.. exn:: Cannot find a declared ring structure for equality @term.
Same as above is the case of the ``ring`` tactic.
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ following property:
The syntax for adding a new ring is
-.. cmd:: Add Ring @ident : @term {? ( @ring_mod {* , @ring_mod } )}.
+.. cmd:: Add Ring @ident : @term {? ( @ring_mod {* , @ring_mod } )}
The :n:`@ident` is not relevant. It is just used for error messages. The
:n:`@term` is a proof that the ring signature satisfies the (semi-)ring
@@ -396,18 +396,18 @@ div :n:`@term`
Error messages:
-.. exn:: bad ring structure
+.. exn:: Bad ring structure.
The proof of the ring structure provided is not
of the expected type.
-.. exn:: bad lemma for decidability of equality
+.. exn:: Bad lemma for decidability of equality.
The equality function
provided in the case of a computational ring has not the expected
-.. exn:: ring operation should be declared as a morphism
+.. exn:: Ring operation should be declared as a morphism.
A setoid associated to the carrier of the ring structure has been found,
but the ring operation should be declared as morphism. See :ref:`tactics-enabled-on-user-provided-relations`.
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ zero for the correctness of the algorithm.
The syntax for adding a new field is
-.. cmd:: Add Field @ident : @term {? ( @field_mod {* , @field_mod } )}.
+.. cmd:: Add Field @ident : @term {? ( @field_mod {* , @field_mod } )}
The :n:`@ident` is not relevant. It is just used for error
messages. :n:`@term` is a proof that the field signature satisfies the
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/type-classes.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/type-classes.rst
index 3e95bd8c4..6c7258f9c 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/type-classes.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/type-classes.rst
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ the remaining fields, e.g.:
One has to take care that the transparency of every field is
-determined by the transparency of the ``Instance`` proof. One can use
-alternatively the ``Program Instance`` variant which has richer facilities
+determined by the transparency of the :cmd:`Instance` proof. One can use
+alternatively the :cmd:`Program Instance` variant which has richer facilities
for dealing with obligations.
@@ -269,12 +269,9 @@ the Existing Instance command to achieve the same effect.
Summary of the commands
+.. cmd:: Class @ident {? @binders} : {? @sort} := {? @ident} { {+; @ident :{? >} @term } }
-.. _Class:
-.. cmd:: Class @ident {? @binders} : {? @sort} := {? @ident} { {+; @ident :{? >} @term } }.
- The ``Class`` command is used to declare a type class with parameters
+ The :cmd:`Class` command is used to declare a type class with parameters
``binders`` and fields the declared record fields.
@@ -299,12 +296,10 @@ Variants:
This variant declares a class a posteriori from a constant or
inductive definition. No methods or instances are defined.
-.. _Instance:
.. cmd:: Instance @ident {? @binders} : Class t1 … tn [| priority] := { field1 := b1 ; …; fieldi := bi }
-The ``Instance`` command is used to declare a type class instance named
-``ident`` of the class ``Class`` with parameters ``t1`` to ``tn`` and
+The :cmd:`Instance` command is used to declare a type class instance named
+``ident`` of the class :cmd:`Class` with parameters ``t1`` to ``tn`` and
fields ``b1`` to ``bi``, where each field must be a declared field of
the class. Missing fields must be filled in interactive proof mode.
@@ -314,112 +309,106 @@ optional priority can be declared, 0 being the highest priority as for
auto hints. If the priority is not specified, it defaults to the number
of non-dependent binders of the instance.
-..cmdv:: Instance @ident {? @binders} : forall {? @binders}, Class t1 … tn [| priority] := @term
+.. cmdv:: Instance @ident {? @binders} : forall {? @binders}, Class t1 … tn [| priority] := @term
This syntax is used for declaration of singleton class instances or
for directly giving an explicit term of type ``forall binders, Class
t1 … tn``. One need not even mention the unique field name for
singleton classes.
-..cmdv:: Global Instance
+.. cmdv:: Global Instance
One can use the ``Global`` modifier on instances declared in a
section so that their generalization is automatically redeclared
after the section is closed.
-..cmdv:: Program Instance
+.. cmdv:: Program Instance
+ :name: Program Instance
Switches the type-checking to Program (chapter :ref:`programs`) and
uses the obligation mechanism to manage missing fields.
-..cmdv:: Declare Instance
+.. cmdv:: Declare Instance
+ :name: Declare Instance
In a Module Type, this command states that a corresponding concrete
- instance should exist in any implementation of thisModule Type. This
- is similar to the distinction betweenParameter vs. Definition, or
- between Declare Module and Module.
+ instance should exist in any implementation of this Module Type. This
+ is similar to the distinction between :cmd:`Parameter` vs. :cmd:`Definition`, or
+ between :cmd:`Declare Module` and :cmd:`Module`.
-Besides the ``Class`` and ``Instance`` vernacular commands, there are a
+Besides the :cmd:`Class` and :cmd:`Instance` vernacular commands, there are a
few other commands related to type classes.
-.. _ExistingInstance:
-Existing Instance
.. cmd:: Existing Instance {+ @ident} [| priority]
-This commands adds an arbitrary list of constants whose type ends with
-an applied type class to the instance database with an optional
-priority. It can be used for redeclaring instances at the end of
-sections, or declaring structure projections as instances. This is
-equivalent to ``Hint Resolve ident : typeclass_instances``, except it
-registers instances for ``Print Instances``.
-.. _Context:
+ This commands adds an arbitrary list of constants whose type ends with
+ an applied type class to the instance database with an optional
+ priority. It can be used for redeclaring instances at the end of
+ sections, or declaring structure projections as instances. This is
+ equivalent to ``Hint Resolve ident : typeclass_instances``, except it
+ registers instances for :cmd:`Print Instances`.
.. cmd:: Context @binders
-Declares variables according to the given binding context, which might
-use :ref:`implicit-generalization`.
+ Declares variables according to the given binding context, which might
+ use :ref:`implicit-generalization`.
.. tacn:: typeclasses eauto
-This tactic uses a different resolution engine than :tacn:`eauto` and
-:tacn:`auto`. The main differences are the following:
-+ Contrary to ``eauto`` and ``auto``, the resolution is done entirely in
- the new proof engine (as of Coq v8.6), meaning that backtracking is
- available among dependent subgoals, and shelving goals is supported.
- typeclasses eauto is a multi-goal tactic. It analyses the dependencies
- between subgoals to avoid backtracking on subgoals that are entirely
- independent.
-+ When called with no arguments, typeclasses eauto uses
- thetypeclass_instances database by default (instead of core).
- Dependent subgoals are automatically shelved, and shelved goals can
- remain after resolution ends (following the behavior ofCoq 8.5).
- *Note: * As of Coq 8.6, all:once (typeclasses eauto) faithfully
- mimicks what happens during typeclass resolution when it is called
- during refinement/type-inference, except that *only* declared class
- subgoals are considered at the start of resolution during type
- inference, while “all” can select non-class subgoals as well. It might
- move to ``all:typeclasses eauto`` in future versions when the
- refinement engine will be able to backtrack.
-+ When called with specific databases (e.g. with), typeclasses eauto
- allows shelved goals to remain at any point during search and treat
- typeclasses goals like any other.
-+ The transparency information of databases is used consistently for
- all hints declared in them. It is always used when calling the
- unifier. When considering the local hypotheses, we use the transparent
- state of the first hint database given. Using an empty database
- (created with Create HintDb for example) with unfoldable variables and
- constants as the first argument of typeclasses eauto hence makes
- resolution with the local hypotheses use full conversion during
- unification.
-#. ``typeclasses eauto [num]``
- *Warning:* The semantics for the limit num
- is different than for auto. By default, if no limit is given the
- search is unbounded. Contrary to auto, introduction steps (intro) are
- counted, which might result in larger limits being necessary when
- searching with typeclasses eauto than auto.
-#. ``typeclasses eauto with {+ @ident}``
- This variant runs resolution with the given hint databases. It treats
- typeclass subgoals the same as other subgoals (no shelving of
- non-typeclass goals in particular).
+ :name: typeclasses eauto
+ This tactic uses a different resolution engine than :tacn:`eauto` and
+ :tacn:`auto`. The main differences are the following:
+ + Contrary to :tacn:`eauto` and :tacn:`auto`, the resolution is done entirely in
+ the new proof engine (as of Coq 8.6), meaning that backtracking is
+ available among dependent subgoals, and shelving goals is supported.
+ typeclasses eauto is a multi-goal tactic. It analyses the dependencies
+ between subgoals to avoid backtracking on subgoals that are entirely
+ independent.
+ + When called with no arguments, typeclasses eauto uses
+ the ``typeclass_instances`` database by default (instead of core).
+ Dependent subgoals are automatically shelved, and shelved goals can
+ remain after resolution ends (following the behavior of Coq 8.5).
+ .. note::
+ As of Coq 8.6, ``all:once (typeclasses eauto)`` faithfully
+ mimicks what happens during typeclass resolution when it is called
+ during refinement/type-inference, except that *only* declared class
+ subgoals are considered at the start of resolution during type
+ inference, while ``all`` can select non-class subgoals as well. It might
+ move to ``all:typeclasses eauto`` in future versions when the
+ refinement engine will be able to backtrack.
+ + When called with specific databases (e.g. with), typeclasses eauto
+ allows shelved goals to remain at any point during search and treat
+ typeclasses goals like any other.
+ + The transparency information of databases is used consistently for
+ all hints declared in them. It is always used when calling the
+ unifier. When considering the local hypotheses, we use the transparent
+ state of the first hint database given. Using an empty database
+ (created with :cmd:`Create HintDb` for example) with unfoldable variables and
+ constants as the first argument of typeclasses eauto hence makes
+ resolution with the local hypotheses use full conversion during
+ unification.
+ .. cmdv:: typeclasses eauto @num
+ .. warning::
+ The semantics for the limit :n:`@num`
+ is different than for auto. By default, if no limit is given the
+ search is unbounded. Contrary to auto, introduction steps (intro) are
+ counted, which might result in larger limits being necessary when
+ searching with typeclasses eauto than auto.
+ .. cmdv:: typeclasses eauto with {+ @ident}
+ This variant runs resolution with the given hint databases. It treats
+ typeclass subgoals the same as other subgoals (no shelving of
+ non-typeclass goals in particular).
.. tacn:: autoapply @term with @ident
:name: autoapply
@@ -441,34 +430,36 @@ Typeclasses Transparent, Typclasses Opaque
This command defines makes the identifiers transparent during type class
- .. cmdv:: Typeclasses Opaque {+ @ident}
- :name: Typeclasses Opaque
+.. cmd:: Typeclasses Opaque {+ @ident}
+ Make the identifiers opaque for typeclass search. It is useful when some
+ constants prevent some unifications and make resolution fail. It is also
+ useful to declare constants which should never be unfolded during
+ proof-search, like fixpoints or anything which does not look like an
+ abbreviation. This can additionally speed up proof search as the typeclass
+ map can be indexed by such rigid constants (see
+ :ref:`thehintsdatabasesforautoandeauto`).
- Make the identifiers opaque for typeclass search. It is useful when some
- constants prevent some unifications and make resolution fail. It is also
- useful to declare constants which should never be unfolded during
- proof-search, like fixpoints or anything which does not look like an
- abbreviation. This can additionally speed up proof search as the typeclass
- map can be indexed by such rigid constants (see
- :ref:`thehintsdatabasesforautoandeauto`).
+By default, all constants and local variables are considered transparent. One
+should take care not to make opaque any constant that is used to abbreviate a
+type, like:
- By default, all constants and local variables are considered transparent. One
- should take care not to make opaque any constant that is used to abbreviate a
- type, like:
- ::
+ relation A := A -> A -> Prop.
- relation A := A -> A -> Prop.
+This is equivalent to ``Hint Transparent, Opaque ident : typeclass_instances``.
- This is equivalent to ``Hint Transparent, Opaque ident : typeclass_instances``.
.. opt:: Typeclasses Dependency Order
This option (on by default since 8.6) respects the dependency order
between subgoals, meaning that subgoals which are depended on by other
subgoals come first, while the non-dependent subgoals were put before
- the dependent ones previously (Coq v8.5 and below). This can result in
+ the dependent ones previously (Coq 8.5 and below). This can result in
quite different performance behaviors of proof search.
@@ -530,6 +521,23 @@ Typeclasses Transparent, Typclasses Opaque
solution to the typeclass goal of this class is found, we never
backtrack on it, assuming that it is canonical.
+.. opt:: Typeclasses Debug {? Verbosity @num}
+ These options allow to see the resolution steps of typeclasses that are
+ performed during search. The ``Debug`` option is synonymous to ``Debug
+ Verbosity 1``, and ``Debug Verbosity 2`` provides more information
+ (tried tactics, shelving of goals, etc…).
+.. opt:: Refine Instance Mode
+ This option allows to switch the behavior of instance declarations made through
+ the Instance command.
+ + When it is on (the default), instances that have unsolved holes in
+ their proof-term silently open the proof mode with the remaining
+ obligations to prove.
+ + When it is off, they fail with an error instead.
Typeclasses eauto `:=`
@@ -546,26 +554,3 @@ Typeclasses eauto `:=`
default) or breadth-first search.
+ ``depth`` This sets the depth limit of the search.
-Set Typeclasses Debug
-.. opt:: Typeclasses Debug {? Verbosity @num}
-These options allow to see the resolution steps of typeclasses that are
-performed during search. The ``Debug`` option is synonymous to ``Debug
-Verbosity 1``, and ``Debug Verbosity 2`` provides more information
-(tried tactics, shelving of goals, etc…).
-.. opt:: Refine Instance Mode
-This options allows to switch the behavior of instance declarations made through
-the Instance command.
-+ When it is on (the default), instances that have unsolved holes in
- their proof-term silently open the proof mode with the remaining
- obligations to prove.
-+ When it is off, they fail with an error instead.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/universe-polymorphism.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/universe-polymorphism.rst
index c791fc906..6e7ccba63 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/addendum/universe-polymorphism.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/universe-polymorphism.rst
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ levels.
When printing :g:`pidentity`, we can see the universes it binds in
the annotation :g:`@{Top.2}`. Additionally, when
-:g:`Set Printing Universes` is on we print the "universe context" of
+:opt:`Printing Universes` is on we print the "universe context" of
:g:`pidentity` consisting of the bound universes and the
constraints they must verify (for :g:`pidentity` there are no constraints).
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ declared cumulative using the :g:`Cumulative` prefix.
Declares the inductive as cumulative
-Alternatively, there is an option :g:`Set Polymorphic Inductive
+Alternatively, there is an option :opt:`Polymorphic Inductive
Cumulativity` which when set, makes all subsequent *polymorphic*
inductive definitions cumulative. When set, inductive types and the
like can be enforced to be non-cumulative using the :g:`NonCumulative`
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Cumulative inductive types, coninductive types, variants and records
only make sense when they are universe polymorphic. Therefore, an
error is issued whenever the user uses the :g:`Cumulative` or
:g:`NonCumulative` prefix in a monomorphic context.
-Notice that this is not the case for the option :g:`Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity`.
+Notice that this is not the case for the option :opt:`Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity`.
That is, this option, when set, makes all subsequent *polymorphic*
inductive declarations cumulative (unless, of course the :g:`NonCumulative` prefix is used)
but has no effect on *monomorphic* inductive declarations.
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ Explicit Universes
The syntax has been extended to allow users to explicitly bind names
to universes and explicitly instantiate polymorphic definitions.
-.. cmd:: Universe @ident.
+.. cmd:: Universe @ident
In the monorphic case, this command declares a new global universe
named :g:`ident`, which can be referred to using its qualified name
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ to universes and explicitly instantiate polymorphic definitions.
declarations in the same section.
-.. cmd:: Constraint @ident @ord @ident.
+.. cmd:: Constraint @ident @ord @ident
This command declares a new constraint between named universes. The
order relation :n:`@ord` can be one of :math:`<`, :math:`≤` or :math:`=`. If consistent, the constraint
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ end of a definition or proof, we check that the only remaining
universes are the ones declared. In the term and in general in proof
mode, introduced universe names can be referred to in terms. Note that
local universe names shadow global universe names. During a proof, one
-can use :ref:`Show Universes <ShowUniverses>` to display the current context of universes.
+can use :cmd:`Show Universes` to display the current context of universes.
Definitions can also be instantiated explicitly, giving their full
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ underscore or by omitting the annotation to a polymorphic definition.
.. opt:: Strict Universe Declaration.
- The command ``Unset Strict Universe Declaration`` allows one to freely use
+ Turning this option off allows one to freely use
identifiers for universes without declaring them first, with the
semantics that the first use declares it. In this mode, the universe
names are not associated with the definition or proof once it has been
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib b/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib
index 97231c9ec..3e988709c 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib
+++ b/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib
@@ -3,47 +3,6 @@
@String{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}
@String{SV = "{Sprin-ger-Verlag}"}
- author = {Ph. Audebaud},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the sixth Conf. on Logic in Computer Science.},
- publisher = {IEEE},
- title = {Partial {Objects} in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1991}
- author = {Ph. Audebaud},
- school = {{Universit\'e} Bordeaux I},
- title = {Extension du Calcul des Constructions par Points fixes},
- year = {1992}
- author = {Ph. Audebaud},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs}},
- editor = {{B. Nordstr\"om and K. Petersson and G. Plotkin}},
- note = {Also Research Report LIP-ENS-Lyon},
- pages = {21--34},
- title = {{CC+ : an extension of the Calculus of Constructions with fixpoints}},
- year = {1992}
- author = {L. Augustsson},
- title = {{Compiling Pattern Matching}},
- booktitle = {Conference Functional Programming and
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- year = {1985}
- author = {J.L. Bates and R.L. Constable},
- journal = {ACM transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
- title = {Proofs as {Programs}},
- volume = {7},
- year = {1985}
author = {H.P. Barendregt},
publisher = {North-Holland},
@@ -51,55 +10,6 @@ Computer Architecture},
year = {1981}
- author = {H. Barendregt},
- institution = {Catholic University Nijmegen},
- note = {In Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, Vol II},
- number = {91-19},
- title = {Lambda {Calculi with Types}},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Bellin and J. Ketonen},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- pages = {115--142},
- title = {A decision procedure revisited : Notes on direct logic, linear logic and its implementation},
- volume = {95},
- year = {1992}
- author = {M.J. Beeson},
- publisher = SV,
- title = {Foundations of Constructive Mathematics, Metamathematical Studies},
- year = {1985}
- author = {E. Bishop},
- publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
- title = {Foundations of Constructive Analysis},
- year = {1967}
- author = {R.S. Boyer and J.S. Moore},
- key = {BoMo79},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- series = {ACM Monograph},
- title = {A computational logic},
- year = {1979}
- author = {S. Boutin},
- month = sep,
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- title = {Certification d'un compilateur {ML en Coq}},
- year = {1992}
title = {Using reflection to build efficient and certified decision procedure
@@ -112,15 +22,6 @@ s},
year = {1997}
- author = {S. Boutin},
- title = {R\'eflexions sur les quotients},
- school = {Paris 7},
- year = 1997,
- type = {th\`ese d'Universit\'e},
- month = apr
author = {N.J. de Bruijn},
journal = {Indag. Math.},
@@ -129,121 +30,6 @@ s},
year = {1972}
- author = {N.J. de Bruijn},
- booktitle = {to H.B. Curry : Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism.},
- editor = {J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {A survey of the project {Automath}},
- year = {1980}
- author = {G. Dowek and A. Felty and H. Herbelin and G. Huet and C. Murthy and C. Parent and C. Paulin-Mohring and B. Werner},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = may,
- number = {154},
- title = {{The Coq Proof Assistant User's Guide Version 5.8}},
- year = {1993}
- author = {The Coq Development Team},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = Feb,
- number = {255},
- title = {{The Coq Proof Assistant Reference Manual Version 7.2}},
- year = {2002}
- author = {C. Parent},
- institution = {Ecole {Normale} {Sup\'erieure} de {Lyon}},
- month = oct,
- note = {Also in~\cite{Nijmegen93}},
- number = {93-29},
- title = {Developing certified programs in the system {Coq}- {The} {Program} tactic},
- year = {1993}
- author = {C. Parent},
- school = {Ecole {Normale} {Sup\'erieure} de {Lyon}},
- title = {{Synth\`ese de preuves de programmes dans le Calcul des Constructions Inductives}},
- year = {1995}
- author = {P. Weis and X. Leroy},
- publisher = {InterEditions},
- title = {Le langage Caml},
- year = {1993}
- author = {Laurent Chicli and Lo\"{\i}c Pottier and Carlos Simpson},
- title = {Mathematical Quotients and Quotient Types in Coq},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2002},
- year = {2002}
- author = {Projet Formel},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {110},
- title = {{The Calculus of Constructions. Documentation and user's guide, Version 4.10}},
- year = {1989}
- author = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- address = {Linz},
- booktitle = {EUROCAL'85},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {{Constructions : A Higher Order Proof System for Mechanizing Mathematics}},
- volume = {203},
- year = {1985}
- author = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- booktitle = {Logic Colloquium'85},
- editor = {The Paris Logic Group},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- title = {{Concepts Math\'ematiques et Informatiques formalis\'es dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1987}
- author = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- journal = {Information and Computation},
- number = {2/3},
- title = {The {Calculus of Constructions}},
- volume = {76},
- year = {1988}
- author = {Th. Coquand and C. Paulin-Mohring},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of Colog'88},
- editor = {P. Martin-L\"of and G. Mints},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {Inductively defined types},
- volume = {417},
- year = {1990}
- author = {R.L. {Constable et al.}},
- publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
- title = {{Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development System}},
- year = {1986}
author = {Th. Coquand},
month = jan,
@@ -261,24 +47,6 @@ s},
year = {1986}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- booktitle = {Logic and Computer Science},
- editor = {P. Oddifredi},
- note = {INRIA Research Report 1088, also in~\cite{CoC89}},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {{Metamathematical Investigations of a Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1990}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- booktitle = {Proceedings 9th Int. Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science},
- title = {{A New Paradox in Type Theory}},
- month = {August},
- year = {1991}
author = {Th. Coquand},
title = {{Pattern Matching with Dependent Types}},
@@ -286,49 +54,18 @@ s},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- booktitle = {Types for Proofs and Programs},
- editor = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipokow},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {{Infinite objects in Type Theory}},
- volume = {806},
- year = {1993},
- pages = {62-78}
- author = {P. Corbineau},
- title = {A Declarative Language for the Coq Proof Assistant},
- editor = {M. Miculan and I. Scagnetto and F. Honsell},
- booktitle = {TYPES '07, Cividale del Friuli, Revised Selected Papers},
- publisher = {Springer},
- series = LNCS,
- volume = {4941},
- year = {2007},
- pages = {69-84},
- ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-68103-8_5},
- author = {C. Cornes},
- month = nov,
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- title = {Conception d'un langage de haut niveau de représentation de preuves},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- year = {1997}
- author = {J. Courant},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique, ENS Lyon},
- title = {Explicitation de preuves par r\'ecurrence implicite},
- year = {1994}
+ author = {Cristina Cornes and
+ Delphine Terrasse},
+ title = {Automating Inversion of Inductive Predicates in Coq},
+ booktitle = {TYPES},
+ year = {1995},
+ pages = {85-104},
+ crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/1995},
+ bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
author = {Haskell B. Curry and Robert Feys and William Craig},
title = {Combinatory Logic},
volume = 1,
@@ -337,17 +74,40 @@ s},
note = {{\S{9E}}},
- author = {Delahaye, D.},
- title = {Information Retrieval in a Coq Proof Library using
- Type Isomorphisms},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of TYPES '99, L\"okeberg},
- publisher = SV,
- series = lncs,
- year = {1999},
- url =
- "\\{\sf ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/coq/David.Delahaye/papers/}"#
- "{\sf TYPES99-SIsos.ps.gz}"
+ author = {Gonthier, Georges and Ziliani, Beta and Nanevski, Aleksandar and Dreyer, Derek},
+ title = {How to Make Ad Hoc Proof Automation Less Ad Hoc},
+ journal = {SIGPLAN Not.},
+ issue_date = {September 2011},
+ volume = {46},
+ number = {9},
+ month = sep,
+ year = {2011},
+ issn = {0362-1340},
+ pages = {163--175},
+ numpages = {13},
+ url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2034574.2034798},
+ doi = {10.1145/2034574.2034798},
+ acmid = {2034798},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+ keywords = {canonical structures, coq, custom proof automation, hoare type theory, interactive theorem proving, tactics, type classes},
+ hal_id = {hal-00816703},
+ url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00816703},
+ title = {{Canonical Structures for the working Coq user}},
+ author = {Mahboubi, Assia and Tassi, Enrico},
+ booktitle = {{ITP 2013, 4th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving}},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ pages = {19-34},
+ address = {Rennes, France},
+ volume = {7998},
+ editor = {Sandrine Blazy and Christine Paulin and David Pichardie },
+ series = {LNCS },
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39634-2\_5 },
+ year = {2013},
@@ -361,99 +121,7 @@ s},
pages = {85--95},
month = {November},
year = {2000},
- url =
- "{\sf ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/coq/David.Delahaye/papers/}"#
- "{\sf LPAR2000-ltac.ps.gz}"
- author = {Delahaye, D. and Mayero, M.},
- title = {{\tt Field}: une proc\'edure de d\'ecision pour les nombres r\'eels en {\Coq}},
- booktitle = {Journ\'ees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Pontarlier},
- publisher = {INRIA},
- month = {Janvier},
- year = {2001},
- url =
- "\\{\sf ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/coq/David.Delahaye/papers/}"#
- "{\sf JFLA2000-Field.ps.gz}"
- author = {G. Dowek},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {1283},
- title = {Naming and Scoping in a Mathematical Vernacular},
- type = {Research Report},
- year = {1990}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- journal = {Compte-Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences},
- note = {The undecidability of Third Order Pattern Matching in Calculi with Dependent Types or Type Constructors},
- number = {12},
- pages = {951--956},
- title = {L'Ind\'ecidabilit\'e du Filtrage du Troisi\`eme Ordre dans les Calculs avec Types D\'ependants ou Constructeurs de Types},
- volume = {I, 312},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science},
- note = {Also INRIA Research Report},
- pages = {151--160},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {A Second Order Pattern Matching Algorithm in the Cube of Typed $\lambda$-calculi},
- volume = {520},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- month = dec,
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {D\'emonstration automatique dans le Calcul des Constructions},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- title = {The Undecidability of Pattern Matching in Calculi where Primitive Recursive Functions are Representable},
- year = 1993,
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- volume = 107,
- number = 2,
- pages = {349-356}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
- volume = {69},
- pages = {135--155},
- title = {Third order matching is decidable},
- year = {1994}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the second international conference on typed lambda calculus and applications},
- title = {Lambda-calculus, Combinators and the Comprehension Schema},
- year = {1995}
- author = {P. Dybjer},
- booktitle = {Logical Frameworks},
- editor = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- pages = {59--79},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Inductive sets and families in {Martin-Löf's}
- Type Theory and their set-theoretic semantics: An inversion principle for {Martin-L\"of's} type theory},
- volume = {14},
- year = {1991}
+ url = {http://www.lirmm.fr/\%7Edelahaye/papers/ltac\%20(LPAR\%2700).pdf}
@@ -466,75 +134,6 @@ s},
year = {1992}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique, ENS Lyon},
- title = {Une proc\'edure de d\'ecision pour le Calcul des Pr\'edicats Direct. Étude et impl\'ementation dans le syst\`eme {\Coq}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- institution = {LIP-ENS-Lyon},
- title = {A decision procedure for Direct Predicate Calculus},
- type = {Research report},
- number = {96--25},
- year = {1995}
- author = {J.-C. Filliâtre},
- title = {Verification of Non-Functional Programs
- using Interpretations in Type Theory},
- journal = jfp,
- volume = 13,
- number = 4,
- pages = {709--745},
- month = jul,
- year = 2003,
- note = {[English translation of \cite{Filliatre99}]},
- url = {http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/publis/jphd.ps.gz},
- topics = {team, lri},
- type_publi = {irevcomlec}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- title = {Preuve de programmes imp\'eratifs en th\'eorie des types},
- type = {Thèse de Doctorat},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris-Sud},
- year = 1999,
- month = {July},
- url = {\url{http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/publis/these.ps.gz}}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- title = {{Formal Proof of a Program: Find}},
- month = {January},
- year = 2000,
- note = {Submitted to \emph{Science of Computer Programming}},
- url = {\url{http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/publis/find.ps.gz}}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre and N. Magaud},
- title = {Certification of sorting algorithms in the system {\Coq}},
- booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics:
- Emerging Trends},
- year = 1999,
- url = {\url{http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/publis/Filliatre-Magaud.ps.gz}}
- author = {E. Fleury},
- month = jul,
- note = {Rapport de Stage},
- title = {Implantation des algorithmes de {Floyd et de Dijkstra} dans le {Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1990}
author = {Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier},
publisher = {Gauthier-Villars},
@@ -554,13 +153,6 @@ s},
year = {1994}
- author = {E. Gim\'enez},
- title = {Un calcul des constructions infinies et son application \'a la v\'erification de syst\`emes communicants},
- school = {\'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon},
- year = {1996}
author = {E. Gim\'enez},
title = {A Tutorial on Recursive Types in Coq},
@@ -591,21 +183,6 @@ s},
year = {1995}
- author = {J.-Y. Girard},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Scandinavian Logic Symposium},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- title = {Une extension de l'interpr\'etation de {G\"odel} \`a l'analyse, et son application \`a l'\'elimination des coupures dans l'analyse et la th\'eorie des types},
- year = {1970}
- author = {J.-Y. Girard},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris~7},
- title = {Interpr\'etation fonctionnelle et \'elimination des coupures de l'arithm\'etique d'ordre sup\'erieur},
- year = {1972}
author = {J.-Y. Girard and Y. Lafont and P. Taylor},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
@@ -614,32 +191,6 @@ s},
year = {1989}
- author = {John Harrison},
- title = {Metatheory and Reflection in Theorem Proving: A Survey and Critique},
- institution = {SRI International Cambridge Computer Science Research Centre,},
- year = 1995,
- type = {Technical Report},
- number = {CRC-053},
- abstract = {http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/jrh/papers.html}
- author = {D. Hirschkoff},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA IARFA, Ecole des Ponts et Chauss\'ees, Paris},
- title = {Écriture d'une tactique arithm\'etique pour le syst\`eme {\Coq}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {Martin Hofmann and Thomas Streicher},
- title = {The groupoid interpretation of type theory},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the meeting Twenty-five years of constructive type theory},
- publisher = {Oxford University Press},
- year = {1998}
author = {W.A. Howard},
booktitle = {to H.B. Curry : Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism.},
@@ -650,27 +201,6 @@ s},
year = {1980}
- author = {G. Huet},
- title = {Programming of Future Generation Computers},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of TAPSOFT87},
- series = LNCS,
- volume = 249,
- pages = {276--286},
- year = 1987,
- publisher = SV
- author = {G. Huet},
- booktitle = {Programming of Future Generation Computers},
- editor = {K. Fuchi and M. Nivat},
- note = {Also in \cite{Hue87tapsoft}},
- publisher = {Elsevier Science},
- title = {Induction Principles Formalized in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1988}
author = {G. Huet},
booktitle = {A perspective in Theoretical Computer Science. Commemorative Volume for Gift Siromoney},
@@ -680,112 +210,17 @@ s},
year = {1989}
- author = {G. Huet},
- title = {Extending the Calculus of Constructions with Type:Type},
- year = 1988,
- note = {Unpublished}
- editor = {G. Huet},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- series = {The UT Year of Programming Series},
- title = {Logical Foundations of Functional Programming},
- year = {1989}
- author = {G. Huet},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of 12th FST/TCS Conference, New Delhi},
- pages = {229--240},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {The Gallina Specification Language : A case study},
- volume = {652},
- year = {1992}
- author = {G. Huet},
- journal = {J. Functional Programming},
- pages = {371--394},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Residual theory in $\lambda$-calculus: a formal development},
- volume = {4,3},
- year = {1994}
- author = {G. Huet and J.-J. L\'{e}vy},
- title = {Call by Need Computations in Non-Ambigous
-Linear Term Rewriting Systems},
- note = {Also research report 359, INRIA, 1979},
- booktitle = {Computational Logic, Essays in Honor of
-Alan Robinson},
- editor = {J.-L. Lassez and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {The MIT press},
- year = {1991}
- author = {J. Ketonen and R. Weyhrauch},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- pages = {297--307},
- title = {A decidable fragment of {P}redicate {C}alculus},
- volume = {32},
- year = {1984}
- author = {S.C. Kleene},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- series = {Bibliotheca Mathematica},
- title = {Introduction to Metamathematics},
- year = {1952}
- author = {J.-L. Krivine},
- publisher = {Masson},
- series = {Etudes et recherche en informatique},
- title = {Lambda-calcul {types et mod\`eles}},
- year = {1990}
- editor = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Logical Environments},
- year = {1992}
- editor = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Logical Frameworks},
- year = {1991}
- author = {A. Laville},
- title = {Comparison of Priority Rules in Pattern
-Matching and Term Rewriting},
- journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
- volume = {11},
- pages = {321--347},
- year = {1991}
- author = {F. Leclerc and C. Paulin-Mohring},
- booktitle = {{Types for Proofs and Programs, Types' 93}},
- editor = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipkow},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{Programming with Streams in Coq. A case study : The Sieve of Eratosthenes}},
- volume = {806},
- year = {1994}
+ author = {Gyesik Lee and
+ Benjamin Werner},
+ title = {Proof-irrelevant model of {CC} with predicative induction
+ and judgmental equality},
+ journal = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
+ volume = {7},
+ number = {4},
+ year = {2011},
+ ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2168/LMCS-7(4:5)2011},
+ bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
@@ -805,14 +240,7 @@ Matching and Term Rewriting},
url = {draft at \url{http://www.irif.fr/~letouzey/download/extraction2002.pdf}}
- author = {Z. Luo},
- title = {An Extended Calculus of Constructions},
- school = {University of Edinburgh},
- year = {1990}
author = {Sebastiaan P. Luttik and Eelco Visser},
booktitle = {2nd International Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Algebraic Specifications (ASF+SDF'97), Electronic Workshops in Computing},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
@@ -820,92 +248,15 @@ Matching and Term Rewriting},
year = {1997}
- author = {{P. Martin-L\"of}},
- publisher = {Bibliopolis},
- series = {Studies in Proof Theory},
- title = {Intuitionistic Type Theory},
- year = {1984}
- author = {P. Manoury and M. Simonot},
- title = {Automatizing Termination Proofs of Recursively Defined Functions.},
- journal = {TCS},
- volume = {135},
- number = {2},
- year = {1994},
- pages = {319-343},
- author = {A. Miquel},
- title = {A Model for Impredicative Type Systems with Universes,
-Intersection Types and Subtyping},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS'00)}},
- publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
- year = {2000}
- author = {A. Miquel},
- title = {Le Calcul des Constructions implicite: syntaxe et s\'emantique},
- month = {dec},
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- year = {2001}
- author = {A. Miquel},
- title = {The Implicit Calculus of Constructions: Extending Pure Type Systems with an Intersection Type Binder and Subtyping},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA01), Krakow, Poland}},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- number = 2044,
- year = {2001}
- author = {A. Miquel and B. Werner},
- title = {The Not So Simple Proof-Irrelevant Model of CC},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = {2002},
- pages = {240-258},
- ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2646/26460240.htm},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2002},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- editor = {H. Geuvers and F. Wiedijk},
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, Second International Workshop,
- TYPES 2002, Berg en Dal, The Netherlands, April 24-28, 2002,
- Selected Papers},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- volume = {2646},
- year = {2003},
- isbn = {3-540-14031-X},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- address = {Austin},
- booktitle = {Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
- month = jan,
- publisher = {ACM},
- title = {Extracting ${F}_{\omega}$'s programs from proofs in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1989}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- month = jan,
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- title = {Extraction de programmes dans le {Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1989}
+ author = {Conor McBride},
+ title = {Elimination with a Motive},
+ booktitle = {TYPES},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {197-216},
+ ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2277/22770197.htm},
+ crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2000},
+ bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
@@ -920,14 +271,6 @@ Intersection Types and Subtyping},
year = {1993}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- month = jan,
- publisher = {{ENS Lyon}},
- title = {{Le syst\`eme Coq. \mbox{Th\`ese d'habilitation}}},
- year = {1997}
author = {C. Muñoz},
month = sep,
@@ -936,73 +279,6 @@ Intersection Types and Subtyping},
year = {1994}
- author = {C. Mu{\~{n}}oz},
- title = {Un calcul de substitutions pour la repr\'esentation
- de preuves partielles en th\'eorie de types},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- year = {1997},
- note = {Version en anglais disponible comme rapport de
- recherche INRIA RR-3309},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat}
- author = {B. {Nordstr\"om} and K. Peterson and J. Smith},
- booktitle = {Information Processing 83},
- publisher = {Oxford Science Publications},
- series = {International Series of Monographs on Computer Science},
- title = {Programming in {Martin-L\"of's} Type Theory},
- year = {1990}
- author = {B. {Nordstr\"om}},
- journal = {BIT},
- title = {Terminating General Recursion},
- volume = {28},
- year = {1988}
- editor = {P. Odifreddi},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {Logic and Computer Science},
- year = {1990}
- author = {M. Parigot and P. Manoury and M. Simonot},
- address = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
- booktitle = {Logic Programming and automated reasoning},
- editor = {A. Voronkov},
- month = jul,
- number = {624},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{ProPre : A Programming language with proofs}},
- year = {1992}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring and B. Werner},
- journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
- pages = {607--640},
- title = {{Synthesis of ML programs in the system Coq}},
- volume = {15},
- year = {1993}
- author = {M. Parigot},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- number = {2},
- pages = {335--356},
- title = {{Recursive Programming with Proofs}},
- volume = {94},
- year = {1992}
author = {C. Parent},
booktitle = {{Mathematics of Program Construction'95}},
@@ -1014,14 +290,16 @@ the Calculus of Inductive Constructions}},
year = {1995}
- author = {K.V. Prasad},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of CONCUR'93}},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{Programming with broadcasts}},
- volume = {715},
- year = {1993}
+ author = {Lemme Team},
+ title = {Pcoq a graphical user-interface for {Coq}},
+ note = {\url{http://www-sop.inria.fr/lemme/pcoq/}}
+ author = {David Aspinall},
+ title = {Proof General},
+ note = {\url{https://proofgeneral.github.io/}}
@@ -1034,15 +312,6 @@ the Calculus of Inductive Constructions}},
note = {ISBN-0-8176-3763-X}
- author = {J. Rouyer},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = nov,
- number = {1795},
- title = {{Développement de l'Algorithme d'Unification dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1992}
title = {Subtypes for Specifications: Predicate Subtyping in
@@ -1055,115 +324,7 @@ the Calculus of Inductive Constructions}},
year = 1998
- author = {A. Sa\"{\i}bi},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = dec,
- number = {2345},
- title = {{Axiomatization of a lambda-calculus with explicit-substitutions in the Coq System}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {D. Terrasse},
- month = sep,
- school = {IARFA},
- title = {{Traduction de TYPOL en COQ. Application \`a Mini ML}},
- year = {1992}
- author = {L. Th\'ery and Y. Bertot and G. Kahn},
- institution = {INRIA Sophia},
- month = may,
- number = {1684},
- title = {Real theorem provers deserve real user-interfaces},
- type = {Research Report},
- year = {1992}
- author = {A.S. Troelstra and D. van Dalen},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- series = {Studies in Logic and the foundations of Mathematics, volumes 121 and 123},
- title = {Constructivism in Mathematics, an introduction},
- year = {1988}
- author = {B. Werner},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {Une th\'eorie des constructions inductives},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- year = {1994}
- author = {B. Barras},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {Auto-validation d'un système de preuves avec familles inductives},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- year = {1999}
- author = {D. de Rauglaudre},
- title = {Camlp4 version 1.07.2},
- year = {1998},
- note = {In Camlp4 distribution}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- title = {{A Complete Proof Synthesis Method for the Cube of Type Systems}},
- journal = {Journal Logic Computation},
- volume = {3},
- number = {3},
- pages = {287--315},
- month = {June},
- year = {1993}
- author = {P. Manoury},
- title = {{A User's Friendly Syntax to Define
-Recursive Functions as Typed $\lambda-$Terms}},
- booktitle = {{Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES'94}},
- series = {LNCS},
- volume = {996},
- month = jun,
- year = {1994}
- author = {L. Maranget},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {2385},
- title = {{Two Techniques for Compiling Lazy Pattern Matching}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {L.Puel and A. Su\'arez},
- booktitle = {{Conference Lisp and Functional Programming}},
- series = {ACM},
- publisher = SV,
- title = {{Compiling Pattern Matching by Term
- year = {1990}
- author = {H. Saidi},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique Fondamentale, Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {R\'esolution d'\'equations dans le syst\`eme T
- de G\"odel},
- year = {1994}
author = {Matthieu Sozeau},
title = {Subset Coercions in {C}oq},
year = {2007},
@@ -1174,7 +335,7 @@ Decomposition}},
series = {LNCS}
Author = {Matthieu Sozeau and Nicolas Oury},
booktitle = {TPHOLs'08},
Pdf = {http://www.lri.fr/~sozeau/research/publications/drafts/classes.pdf},
@@ -1182,96 +343,7 @@ Decomposition}},
Year = {2008},
- author = {T. Streicher},
- title = {Semantical Investigations into Intensional Type Theory},
- note = {Habilitationsschrift, LMU Munchen.},
- year = {1993}
- author = {Lemme Team},
- title = {Pcoq a graphical user-interface for {Coq}},
- note = {\url{http://www-sop.inria.fr/lemme/pcoq/}}
- author = {David Aspinall},
- title = {Proof General},
- note = {\url{https://proofgeneral.github.io/}}
- title = {Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development.
- Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions},
- author = {Yves Bertot and Pierre Castéran},
- publisher = {Springer Verlag},
- series = {Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS series},
- year = 2004
- author = {P. Wadler},
- title = {Efficient Compilation of Pattern Matching},
- booktitle = {The Implementation of Functional Programming
- editor = {S.L. Peyton Jones},
- publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
- year = {1987}
- author = {Cristina Cornes and
- Delphine Terrasse},
- title = {Automating Inversion of Inductive Predicates in Coq},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = {1995},
- pages = {85-104},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/1995},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- editor = {Stefano Berardi and
- Mario Coppo},
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop TYPES'95,
- Torino, Italy, June 5-8, 1995, Selected Papers},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- publisher = {Springer},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- volume = {1158},
- year = {1996},
- isbn = {3-540-61780-9},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- author = {Conor McBride},
- title = {Elimination with a Motive},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = {2000},
- pages = {197-216},
- ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2277/22770197.htm},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2000},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- editor = {Paul Callaghan and
- Zhaohui Luo and
- James McKinna and
- Robert Pollack},
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop, TYPES
- 2000, Durham, UK, December 8-12, 2000, Selected Papers},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- publisher = {Springer},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- volume = {2277},
- year = {2002},
- isbn = {3-540-43287-6},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
author = {Alessandro Giovini and Teo Mora and Gianfranco Niesi and Lorenzo Robbiano and Carlo Traverso},
title = {"One sugar cube, please" or Selection strategies in the Buchberger algorithm},
booktitle = { Proceedings of the ISSAC'91, ACM Press},
@@ -1280,38 +352,7 @@ Languages},
publisher = {}
- author = {Gyesik Lee and
- Benjamin Werner},
- title = {Proof-irrelevant model of {CC} with predicative induction
- and judgmental equality},
- journal = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
- volume = {7},
- number = {4},
- year = {2011},
- ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2168/LMCS-7(4:5)2011},
- bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
-@Comment{cross-references, must be at end}
- editor = {B. Nordstr\"om and K. Petersson and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {Available by ftp at site ftp.inria.fr},
- title = {Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
- year = {1992}
- editor = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipkow},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs},
- volume = {806},
- year = {1994}
author = "W. Pugh",
title = "The Omega test: a fast and practical integer programming algorithm for dependence analysis",
journal = "Communication of the ACM",
@@ -1319,43 +360,15 @@ Languages},
year = "1992",
- hal_id = {hal-00816703},
- url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00816703},
- title = {{Canonical Structures for the working Coq user}},
- author = {Mahboubi, Assia and Tassi, Enrico},
- booktitle = {{ITP 2013, 4th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving}},
- publisher = {Springer},
- pages = {19-34},
- address = {Rennes, France},
- volume = {7998},
- editor = {Sandrine Blazy and Christine Paulin and David Pichardie },
- series = {LNCS },
- doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39634-2\_5 },
- year = {2013},
- author = {Gonthier, Georges and Ziliani, Beta and Nanevski, Aleksandar and Dreyer, Derek},
- title = {How to Make Ad Hoc Proof Automation Less Ad Hoc},
- journal = {SIGPLAN Not.},
- issue_date = {September 2011},
- volume = {46},
- number = {9},
- month = sep,
- year = {2011},
- issn = {0362-1340},
- pages = {163--175},
- numpages = {13},
- url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2034574.2034798},
- doi = {10.1145/2034574.2034798},
- acmid = {2034798},
- publisher = {ACM},
- address = {New York, NY, USA},
- keywords = {canonical structures, coq, custom proof automation, hoare type theory, interactive theorem proving, tactics, type classes},
+ author = {B. Werner},
+ school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
+ title = {Une th\'eorie des constructions inductives},
+ type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
+ year = {1994}
author = {Benjamin Gr{\'{e}}goire and
Xavier Leroy},
editor = {Mitchell Wand and
@@ -1374,7 +387,7 @@ Languages},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
author = {Mathieu Boespflug and
Maxime D{\'{e}}n{\`{e}}s and
Benjamin Gr{\'{e}}goire},
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/conf.py b/doc/sphinx/conf.py
index 23bc9a2e4..f65400e88 100755
--- a/doc/sphinx/conf.py
+++ b/doc/sphinx/conf.py
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ extensions = [
+# Change this to "info" or "warning" to get notifications about undocumented Coq
+# objects (objects with no contents).
+report_undocumented_coq_objects = None
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
@@ -96,11 +100,13 @@ language = None
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
exclude_patterns = [
- '_build',
- 'Thumbs.db',
- '.DS_Store',
- 'introduction.rst',
- 'credits.rst'
+ '_build',
+ 'Thumbs.db',
+ '.DS_Store',
+ 'introduction.rst',
+ 'credits.rst',
+ 'README.rst',
+ 'README.template.rst'
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/index.rst b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
index 296330607..136f9088b 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/index.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
.. include:: preamble.rst
.. include:: replaces.rst
.. include:: introduction.rst
.. include:: credits.rst
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/introduction.rst b/doc/sphinx/introduction.rst
index 4a313df0c..75ff72c4d 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/introduction.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/introduction.rst
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
-This document is the Reference Manual of the |Coq|  proof
-assistant. A companion volume, the |Coq| Tutorial, is provided for the
-beginners. It is advised to read the Tutorial first. A
-book :cite:`CoqArt` on practical uses of the |Coq| system was
-published in 2004 and is a good support for both the beginner and the
-advanced user.
+This document is the Reference Manual of the |Coq| proof assistant.
+To start using Coq, it is advised to first read a tutorial.
+Links to several tutorials can be found at
+https://coq.inria.fr/documentation (see also
The |Coq| system is designed to develop mathematical proofs, and
especially to write formal specifications, programs and to verify that
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/language/cic.rst b/doc/sphinx/language/cic.rst
index 5a2aa0a1f..f6bab0267 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/language/cic.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/language/cic.rst
@@ -917,45 +917,33 @@ condition* for a constant :math:`X` in the following cases:
satisfies the nested positivity condition for :math:`X`
-For instance, if one considers the type
.. example::
- .. coqtop:: all
+ For instance, if one considers the following variant of a tree type
+ branching over the natural numbers:
+ .. coqtop:: in
- Module TreeExample.
- Inductive tree (A:Type) : Type :=
- | leaf : tree A
- | node : A -> (nat -> tree A) -> tree A.
+ Inductive nattree (A:Type) : Type :=
+ | leaf : nattree A
+ | node : A -> (nat -> nattree A) -> nattree A.
End TreeExample.
+ Then every instantiated constructor of ``nattree A`` satisfies the nested positivity
+ condition for ``nattree``:
- [TODO Note: This commentary does not seem to correspond to the
- preceding example. Instead it is referring to the first example
- in Inductive Definitions section. It seems we should either
- delete the preceding example and refer the the example above of
- type `list A`, or else we should rewrite the commentary below.]
- Then every instantiated constructor of list A satisfies the nested positivity
- condition for list
- │
- ├─ concerning type list A of constructor nil:
- │ Type list A of constructor nil satisfies the positivity condition for list
- │ because list does not appear in any (real) arguments of the type of that
- | constructor (primarily because list does not have any (real)
- | arguments) ... (bullet 1)
- │
- ╰─ concerning type ∀ A → list A → list A of constructor cons:
- Type ∀ A : Type, A → list A → list A of constructor cons
- satisfies the positivity condition for list because:
- │
- ├─ list occurs only strictly positively in Type ... (bullet 3)
- │
- ├─ list occurs only strictly positively in A ... (bullet 3)
- │
- ├─ list occurs only strictly positively in list A ... (bullet 4)
- │
- ╰─ list satisfies the positivity condition for list A ... (bullet 1)
+ + Type ``nattree A`` of constructor ``leaf`` satisfies the positivity condition for
+ ``nattree`` because ``nattree`` does not appear in any (real) arguments of the
+ type of that constructor (primarily because ``nattree`` does not have any (real)
+ arguments) ... (bullet 1)
+ + Type ``A → (nat → nattree A) → nattree A`` of constructor ``node`` satisfies the
+ positivity condition for ``nattree`` because:
+ - ``nattree`` occurs only strictly positively in ``A`` ... (bullet 3)
+ - ``nattree`` occurs only strictly positively in ``nat → nattree A`` ... (bullet 3 + 2)
+ - ``nattree`` satisfies the positivity condition for ``nattree A`` ... (bullet 1)
.. _Correctness-rules:
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-extensions.rst b/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-extensions.rst
index 1a7628d89..53b993edd 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-extensions.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-extensions.rst
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ expressions. In this sense, the ``Record`` construction allows defining
In the expression:
-.. cmd:: Record @ident {* @param } {? : @sort} := {? @ident} { {*; @ident {* @binder } : @term } }.
+.. cmd:: Record @ident {* @param } {? : @sort} := {? @ident} { {*; @ident {* @binder } : @term } }
the first identifier `ident` is the name of the defined record and `sort` is its
type. The optional identifier following ``:=`` is the name of its constructor. If it is omitted,
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ depends on both ``top`` and ``bottom``.
Let us now see the work done by the ``Record`` macro. First the macro
generates a variant type definition with just one constructor:
-.. cmd:: Variant @ident {* @params} : @sort := @ident {* (@ident : @term_1)}.
+.. cmd:: Variant @ident {* @params} : @sort := @ident {* (@ident : @term_1)}
To build an object of type `ident`, one should provide the constructor
|ident_0| with the appropriate number of terms filling the fields of the record.
@@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ to be all present if the missing ones can be inferred or prompted for
This syntax can be disabled globally for printing by
-.. cmd:: Unset Printing Records.
+.. cmd:: Unset Printing Records
For a given type, one can override this using either
-.. cmd:: Add Printing Record @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Printing Record @ident
to get record syntax or
-.. cmd:: Add Printing Constructor @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Printing Constructor @ident
to get constructor syntax.
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ of :g:`match` expressions.
Printing nested patterns
-.. opt:: Printing Matching.
+.. opt:: Printing Matching
The Calculus of Inductive Constructions knows pattern-matching only
over simple patterns. It is however convenient to re-factorize nested
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ in the same way as the |Coq| kernel handles them.
Factorization of clauses with same right-hand side
-.. opt:: Printing Factorizable Match Patterns.
+.. opt:: Printing Factorizable Match Patterns
When several patterns share the same right-hand side, it is additionally
possible to share the clauses using disjunctive patterns. Assuming that the
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ printer to try to do this kind of factorization.
Use of a default clause
-.. opt:: Printing Allow Default Clause.
+.. opt:: Printing Allow Default Clause
When several patterns share the same right-hand side which do not depend on the
arguments of the patterns, yet an extra factorization is possible: the
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ default) tells |Coq|'s printer to use a default clause when relevant.
Printing of wildcard patterns
-.. opt:: Printing Wildcard.
+.. opt:: Printing Wildcard
Some variables in a pattern may not occur in the right-hand side of
the pattern-matching clause. When this option is on (default), the
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ pattern-matching clause are just printed using the wildcard symbol
Printing of the elimination predicate
-.. opt:: Printing Synth.
+.. opt:: Printing Synth
In most of the cases, the type of the result of a matched term is
mechanically synthesizable. Especially, if the result type does not
@@ -539,23 +539,23 @@ Printing matching on irrefutable patterns
If an inductive type has just one constructor, pattern-matching can be
written using the first destructuring let syntax.
-.. cmd:: Add Printing Let @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Printing Let @ident
This adds `ident` to the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching
is written using a let expression.
-.. cmd:: Remove Printing Let @ident.
+.. cmd:: Remove Printing Let @ident
This removes ident from this list. Note that removing an inductive
type from this list has an impact only for pattern-matching written
using :g:`match`. Pattern-matching explicitly written using a destructuring
:g:`let` are not impacted.
-.. cmd:: Test Printing Let for @ident.
+.. cmd:: Test Printing Let for @ident
This tells if `ident` belongs to the list.
-.. cmd:: Print Table Printing Let.
+.. cmd:: Print Table Printing Let
This prints the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
written using a let expression.
@@ -571,20 +571,20 @@ Printing matching on booleans
If an inductive type is isomorphic to the boolean type, pattern-matching
can be written using ``if`` … ``then`` … ``else`` …:
-.. cmd:: Add Printing If @ident.
+.. cmd:: Add Printing If @ident
This adds ident to the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
written using an if expression.
-.. cmd:: Remove Printing If @ident.
+.. cmd:: Remove Printing If @ident
This removes ident from this list.
-.. cmd:: Test Printing If for @ident.
+.. cmd:: Test Printing If for @ident
This tells if ident belongs to the list.
-.. cmd:: Print Table Printing If.
+.. cmd:: Print Table Printing If
This prints the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
written using an if expression.
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Advanced recursive functions
The following experimental command is available when the ``FunInd`` library has been loaded via ``Require Import FunInd``:
-.. cmd:: Function @ident {* @binder} { @decrease_annot } : @type := @term.
+.. cmd:: Function @ident {* @binder} { @decrease_annot } : @type := @term
This command can be seen as a generalization of ``Fixpoint``. It is actually a wrapper
for several ways of defining a function *and other useful related
@@ -689,11 +689,11 @@ presence of partial application of `wrong` in the body of
For now, dependent cases are not treated for non structurally
terminating functions.
-.. exn:: The recursive argument must be specified
-.. exn:: No argument name @ident
-.. exn:: Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded recursion or measure
+.. exn:: The recursive argument must be specified.
+.. exn:: No argument name @ident.
+.. exn:: Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded recursion or measure.
-.. warn:: Cannot define graph for @ident
+.. warn:: Cannot define graph for @ident.
The generation of the graph relation (`R_ident`) used to compute the induction scheme of ident
raised a typing error. Only `ident` is defined; the induction scheme
@@ -703,12 +703,12 @@ terminating functions.
which ``Function`` cannot deal with yet.
- the definition is not a *pattern-matching tree* as explained above.
-.. warn:: Cannot define principle(s) for @ident
+.. warn:: Cannot define principle(s) for @ident.
The generation of the graph relation (`R_ident`) succeeded but the induction principle
could not be built. Only `ident` is defined. Please report.
-.. warn:: Cannot build functional inversion principle
+.. warn:: Cannot build functional inversion principle.
`functional inversion` will not be available for the function.
@@ -782,12 +782,12 @@ structured sections. Then local declarations become available (see
Section :ref:`gallina-definitions`).
-.. cmd:: Section @ident.
+.. cmd:: Section @ident
This command is used to open a section named `ident`.
-.. cmd:: End @ident.
+.. cmd:: End @ident
This command closes the section named `ident`. After closing of the
section, the local declarations (variables and local definitions) get
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ Section :ref:`gallina-definitions`).
Notice the difference between the value of `x’` and `x’’` inside section
`s1` and outside.
- .. exn:: This is not the last opened section
+ .. exn:: This is not the last opened section.
@@ -852,41 +852,41 @@ In the syntax of module application, the ! prefix indicates that any
(see the ``Module Type`` command below).
-.. cmd:: Module @ident.
+.. cmd:: Module @ident
This command is used to start an interactive module named `ident`.
-.. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding}.
+.. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding}
Starts an interactive functor with
parameters given by module_bindings.
-.. cmdv:: Module @ident : @module_type.
+.. cmdv:: Module @ident : @module_type
Starts an interactive module specifying its module type.
-.. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} : @module_type.
+.. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} : @module_type
Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by the list of `module binding`, and output module
type `module_type`.
-.. cmdv:: Module @ident <: {+<: @module_type }.
+.. cmdv:: Module @ident <: {+<: @module_type }
Starts an interactive module satisfying each `module_type`.
- .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} <: {+<; @module_type }.
+ .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} <: {+<: @module_type }.
Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by the list of `module_binding`. The output module type
is verified against each `module_type`.
-.. cmdv:: Module [ Import | Export ].
+.. cmdv:: Module [ Import | Export ]
Behaves like ``Module``, but automatically imports or exports the module.
Reserved commands inside an interactive module
-.. cmd:: Include @module.
+.. cmd:: Include @module
Includes the content of module in the current
interactive module. Here module can be a module expression or a module
@@ -894,11 +894,11 @@ Reserved commands inside an interactive module
expression then the system tries to instantiate module by the current
interactive module.
-.. cmd:: Include {+<+ @module}.
+.. cmd:: Include {+<+ @module}
is a shortcut for the commands ``Include`` `module` for each `module`.
-.. cmd:: End @ident.
+.. cmd:: End @ident
This command closes the interactive module `ident`. If the module type
was given the content of the module is matched against it and an error
@@ -906,40 +906,40 @@ Reserved commands inside an interactive module
functor) its components (constants, inductive types, submodules etc.)
are now available through the dot notation.
- .. exn:: No such label @ident
+ .. exn:: No such label @ident.
- .. exn:: Signature components for label @ident do not match
+ .. exn:: Signature components for label @ident do not match.
- .. exn:: This is not the last opened module
+ .. exn:: This is not the last opened module.
-.. cmd:: Module @ident := @module_expression.
+.. cmd:: Module @ident := @module_expression
This command defines the module identifier `ident` to be equal
to `module_expression`.
- .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} := @module_expression.
+ .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} := @module_expression
Defines a functor with parameters given by the list of `module_binding` and body `module_expression`.
- .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} : @module_type := @module_expression.
+ .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} : @module_type := @module_expression
Defines a functor with parameters given by the list of `module_binding` (possibly none), and output module type `module_type`,
with body `module_expression`.
- .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} <: {+<: @module_type} := @module_expression.
+ .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} <: {+<: @module_type} := @module_expression
Defines a functor with parameters given by module_bindings (possibly none) with body `module_expression`.
The body is checked against each |module_type_i|.
- .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} := {+<+ @module_expression}.
+ .. cmdv:: Module @ident {* @module_binding} := {+<+ @module_expression}
is equivalent to an interactive module where each `module_expression` is included.
-.. cmd:: Module Type @ident.
+.. cmd:: Module Type @ident
This command is used to start an interactive module type `ident`.
- .. cmdv:: Module Type @ident {* @module_binding}.
+ .. cmdv:: Module Type @ident {* @module_binding}
Starts an interactive functor type with parameters given by `module_bindings`.
@@ -947,11 +947,11 @@ This command is used to start an interactive module type `ident`.
Reserved commands inside an interactive module type:
-.. cmd:: Include @module.
+.. cmd:: Include @module
Same as ``Include`` inside a module.
-.. cmd:: Include {+<+ @module}.
+.. cmd:: Include {+<+ @module}
is a shortcut for the command ``Include`` `module` for each `module`.
@@ -961,30 +961,30 @@ Reserved commands inside an interactive module type:
The instance of this assumption will be automatically expanded at functor application, except when
this functor application is prefixed by a ``!`` annotation.
-.. cmd:: End @ident.
+.. cmd:: End @ident
This command closes the interactive module type `ident`.
- .. exn:: This is not the last opened module type
+ .. exn:: This is not the last opened module type.
-.. cmd:: Module Type @ident := @module_type.
+.. cmd:: Module Type @ident := @module_type
Defines a module type `ident` equal to `module_type`.
- .. cmdv:: Module Type @ident {* @module_binding} := @module_type.
+ .. cmdv:: Module Type @ident {* @module_binding} := @module_type
Defines a functor type `ident` specifying functors taking arguments `module_bindings` and
returning `module_type`.
- .. cmdv:: Module Type @ident {* @module_binding} := {+<+ @module_type }.
+ .. cmdv:: Module Type @ident {* @module_binding} := {+<+ @module_type }
is equivalent to an interactive module type were each `module_type` is included.
-.. cmd:: Declare Module @ident : @module_type.
+.. cmd:: Declare Module @ident : @module_type
Declares a module `ident` of type `module_type`.
- .. cmdv:: Declare Module @ident {* @module_binding} : @module_type.
+ .. cmdv:: Declare Module @ident {* @module_binding} : @module_type
Declares a functor with parameters given by the list of `module_binding` and output module type
@@ -1170,77 +1170,79 @@ component is equal ``nat`` and hence ``M1.T`` as specified.
.. _import_qualid:
-.. cmd:: Import @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Import @qualid
If `qualid` denotes a valid basic module (i.e. its module type is a
signature), makes its components available by their short names.
-.. example::
+ .. example::
- .. coqtop:: reset all
+ .. coqtop:: reset all
- Module Mod.
+ Module Mod.
- Definition T:=nat.
+ Definition T:=nat.
- Check T.
+ Check T.
- End Mod.
+ End Mod.
- Check Mod.T.
+ Check Mod.T.
- Fail Check T.
+ Fail Check T.
- Import Mod.
+ Import Mod.
- Check T.
+ Check T.
-Some features defined in modules are activated only when a module is
-imported. This is for instance the case of notations (see :ref:`Notations`).
+ Some features defined in modules are activated only when a module is
+ imported. This is for instance the case of notations (see :ref:`Notations`).
-Declarations made with the Local flag are never imported by theImport
-command. Such declarations are only accessible through their fully
-qualified name.
+ Declarations made with the ``Local`` flag are never imported by the :cmd:`Import`
+ command. Such declarations are only accessible through their fully
+ qualified name.
-.. example::
+ .. example::
- .. coqtop:: all
+ .. coqtop:: all
- Module A.
+ Module A.
- Module B.
+ Module B.
- Local Definition T := nat.
+ Local Definition T := nat.
- End B.
+ End B.
- End A.
+ End A.
- Import A.
+ Import A.
- Fail Check B.T.
+ Fail Check B.T.
.. cmdv:: Export @qualid
+ :name: Export
When the module containing the command Export qualid
is imported, qualid is imported as well.
- .. exn:: @qualid is not a module
+ .. exn:: @qualid is not a module.
.. warn:: Trying to mask the absolute name @qualid!
-.. cmd:: Print Module @ident.
+.. cmd:: Print Module @ident
- Prints the module type and (optionally) the body of the module `ident`.
+ Prints the module type and (optionally) the body of the module :n:`@ident`.
-.. cmd:: Print Module Type @ident.
+.. cmd:: Print Module Type @ident
- Prints the module type corresponding to `ident`.
+ Prints the module type corresponding to :n:`@ident`.
.. opt:: Short Module Printing
- This option (off by default) disables the printing of the types of fields,
- leaving only their names, for the commands ``Print Module`` and ``Print Module Type``.
+ This option (off by default) disables the printing of the types of fields,
+ leaving only their names, for the commands :cmd:`Print Module` and
+ :cmd:`Print Module Type`.
Libraries and qualified names
@@ -1436,7 +1438,9 @@ For instance, the first argument of
in module ``List.v`` is strict because :g:`list` is an inductive type and :g:`A`
will always be inferable from the type :g:`list A` of the third argument of
-:g:`cons`. On the contrary, the second argument of a term of type
+:g:`cons`. Also, the first argument of :g:`cons` is strict with respect to the second one,
+since the first argument is exactly the type of the second argument.
+On the contrary, the second argument of a term of type
forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n -> ex nat P
@@ -1508,9 +1512,8 @@ implicitly applied to the implicit arguments it is waiting for: one
says that the implicit argument is maximally inserted.
Each implicit argument can be declared to have to be inserted maximally or non
-maximally. This can be governed argument per argument by the command ``Implicit
-Arguments`` (see Section :ref:`declare-implicit-args`) or globally by the
-:opt:`Maximal Implicit Insertion` option.
+maximally. This can be governed argument per argument by the command
+:cmd:`Arguments (implicits)` or globally by the :opt:`Maximal Implicit Insertion` option.
See also :ref:`displaying-implicit-args`.
@@ -1523,6 +1526,7 @@ force the given argument to be guessed by replacing it by “_”. If
possible, the correct argument will be automatically generated.
.. exn:: Cannot infer a term for this placeholder.
+ :name: Cannot infer a term for this placeholder. (Casual use of implicit arguments)
|Coq| was not able to deduce an instantiation of a “_”.
@@ -1562,7 +1566,7 @@ absent in every situation but still be able to specify it if needed:
The syntax is supported in all top-level definitions:
-``Definition``, ``Fixpoint``, ``Lemma`` and so on. For (co-)inductive datatype
+:cmd:`Definition`, :cmd:`Fixpoint`, :cmd:`Lemma` and so on. For (co-)inductive datatype
declarations, the semantics are the following: an inductive parameter
declared as an implicit argument need not be repeated in the inductive
definition but will become implicit for the constructors of the
@@ -1585,7 +1589,7 @@ Declaring Implicit Arguments
To set implicit arguments *a posteriori*, one can use the command:
-.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid {* @possibly_bracketed_ident }.
+.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid {* @possibly_bracketed_ident }
:name: Arguments (implicits)
where the list of `possibly_bracketed_ident` is a prefix of the list of
@@ -1599,7 +1603,7 @@ of `qualid`.
Implicit arguments can be cleared with the following syntax:
-.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid : clear implicits.
+.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid : clear implicits
.. cmdv:: Global Arguments @qualid {* @possibly_bracketed_ident }
@@ -1608,13 +1612,13 @@ Implicit arguments can be cleared with the following syntax:
implicit arguments known from inside the section to be the ones
declared by the command.
-.. cmdv:: Local Arguments @qualid {* @possibly_bracketed_ident }.
+.. cmdv:: Local Arguments @qualid {* @possibly_bracketed_ident }
When in a module, tell not to activate the
implicit arguments ofqualid declared by this command to contexts that
require the module.
-.. cmdv:: {? Global | Local } Arguments @qualid {*, {+ @possibly_bracketed_ident } }.
+.. cmdv:: {? Global | Local } Arguments @qualid {*, {+ @possibly_bracketed_ident } }
For names of constants, inductive types,
constructors, lemmas which can only be applied to a fixed number of
@@ -1666,7 +1670,7 @@ Automatic declaration of implicit arguments
|Coq| can also automatically detect what are the implicit arguments of a
defined object. The command is just
-.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid : default implicits.
+.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid : default implicits
The auto-detection is governed by options telling if strict,
contextual, or reversible-pattern implicit arguments must be
@@ -1740,7 +1744,7 @@ appear strictly in the body of the type, they are implicit.
Mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments
-.. opt:: Implicit Arguments.
+.. opt:: Implicit Arguments
This option (off by default) allows to systematically declare implicit
the arguments detectable as such. Auto-detection of implicit arguments is
@@ -1752,7 +1756,7 @@ arguments have to be considered or not.
Controlling strict implicit arguments
-.. opt:: Strict Implicit.
+.. opt:: Strict Implicit
When the mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments is on,
the default is to automatically set implicit only the strict implicit
@@ -1761,7 +1765,7 @@ implicit arguments. To relax this constraint and to set
implicit all non strict implicit arguments by default, you can turn this
option off.
-.. opt:: Strongly Strict Implicit.
+.. opt:: Strongly Strict Implicit
Use this option (off by default) to capture exactly the strict implicit
arguments and no more than the strict implicit arguments.
@@ -1771,7 +1775,7 @@ arguments and no more than the strict implicit arguments.
Controlling contextual implicit arguments
-.. opt:: Contextual Implicit.
+.. opt:: Contextual Implicit
By default, |Coq| does not automatically set implicit the contextual
implicit arguments. You can turn this option on to tell |Coq| to also
@@ -1782,7 +1786,7 @@ infer contextual implicit argument.
Controlling reversible-pattern implicit arguments
-.. opt:: Reversible Pattern Implicit.
+.. opt:: Reversible Pattern Implicit
By default, |Coq| does not automatically set implicit the reversible-pattern
implicit arguments. You can turn this option on to tell |Coq| to also infer
@@ -1793,7 +1797,7 @@ reversible-pattern implicit argument.
Controlling the insertion of implicit arguments not followed by explicit arguments
-.. opt:: Maximal Implicit Insertion.
+.. opt:: Maximal Implicit Insertion
Assuming the implicit argument mode is on, this option (off by default)
declares implicit arguments to be automatically inserted when a
@@ -1839,7 +1843,7 @@ Renaming implicit arguments
Implicit arguments names can be redefined using the following syntax:
-.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid {* @name} : @rename.
+.. cmd:: Arguments @qualid {* @name} : @rename
With the assert flag, ``Arguments`` can be used to assert that a given
object has the expected number of arguments and that these arguments
@@ -1865,18 +1869,18 @@ Displaying what the implicit arguments are
To display the implicit arguments associated to an object, and to know
if each of them is to be used maximally or not, use the command
-.. cmd:: Print Implicit @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Print Implicit @qualid
Explicit displaying of implicit arguments for pretty-printing
-.. opt:: Printing Implicit.
+.. opt:: Printing Implicit
By default, the basic pretty-printing rules hide the inferable implicit
arguments of an application. Turn this option on to force printing all
implicit arguments.
-.. opt:: Printing Implicit Defensive.
+.. opt:: Printing Implicit Defensive
By default, the basic pretty-printing rules display the implicit
arguments that are not detected as strict implicit arguments. This
@@ -1908,9 +1912,9 @@ but succeeds in
Deactivation of implicit arguments for parsing
-.. opt:: Parsing Explicit.
+.. opt:: Parsing Explicit
-Turning this option on, deactivates the use of implicit arguments.
+Turning this option on (it is off by default) deactivates the use of implicit arguments.
In this case, all arguments of constants, inductive types,
constructors, etc, including the arguments declared as implicit, have
@@ -1930,7 +1934,7 @@ Assume that `qualid` denotes an object ``(Build_struc`` |c_1| … |c_n| ``)`` in
structure *struct* of which the fields are |x_1|, …, |x_n|. Assume that
`qualid` is declared as a canonical structure using the command
-.. cmd:: Canonical Structure @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Canonical Structure @qualid
Then, each time an equation of the form ``(``\ |x_i| ``_)`` |eq_beta_delta_iota_zeta| |c_i| has to be
solved during the type-checking process, `qualid` is used as a solution.
@@ -1971,11 +1975,11 @@ and ``B`` can be synthesized in the next statement.
Remark: If a same field occurs in several canonical structure, then
only the structure declared first as canonical is considered.
-.. cmdv:: Canonical Structure @ident := @term : @type.
+.. cmdv:: Canonical Structure @ident := @term : @type
-.. cmdv:: Canonical Structure @ident := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Canonical Structure @ident := @term
-.. cmdv:: Canonical Structure @ident : @type := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Canonical Structure @ident : @type := @term
These are equivalent to a regular definition of `ident` followed by the declaration
``Canonical Structure`` `ident`.
@@ -2003,7 +2007,7 @@ It is possible to bind variable names to a given type (e.g. in a
development using arithmetic, it may be convenient to bind the names `n`
or `m` to the type ``nat`` of natural numbers). The command for that is
-.. cmd:: Implicit Types {+ @ident } : @type.
+.. cmd:: Implicit Types {+ @ident } : @type
The effect of the command is to automatically set the type of bound
variables starting with `ident` (either `ident` itself or `ident` followed by
@@ -2025,7 +2029,7 @@ case, this latter type is considered).
Lemma cons_inj_bool : forall (m n:bool) l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
-.. cmdv:: Implicit Type @ident : @type.
+.. cmdv:: Implicit Type @ident : @type
This is useful for declaring the implicit type of a single variable.
@@ -2064,7 +2068,7 @@ the ``Generalizable`` vernacular command to avoid unexpected
generalizations when mistyping identifiers. There are several commands
that specify which variables should be generalizable.
-.. cmd:: Generalizable All Variables.
+.. cmd:: Generalizable All Variables
All variables are candidate for
generalization if they appear free in the context under a
@@ -2072,16 +2076,16 @@ that specify which variables should be generalizable.
of typos. In such cases, the context will probably contain some
unexpected generalized variable.
-.. cmd:: Generalizable No Variables.
+.. cmd:: Generalizable No Variables
Disable implicit generalization entirely. This is the default behavior.
-.. cmd:: Generalizable (Variable | Variables) {+ @ident }.
+.. cmd:: Generalizable (Variable | Variables) {+ @ident }
Allow generalization of the given identifiers only. Calling this command multiple times
adds to the allowed identifiers.
-.. cmd:: Global Generalizable.
+.. cmd:: Global Generalizable
Allows exporting the choice of generalizable variables.
@@ -2126,7 +2130,7 @@ to coercions are provided in :ref:`implicitcoercions`.
Printing constructions in full
-.. opt:: Printing All.
+.. opt:: Printing All
Coercions, implicit arguments, the type of pattern-matching, but also
notations (see :ref:`syntaxextensionsandinterpretationscopes`) can obfuscate the behavior of some
@@ -2145,7 +2149,7 @@ the high-level printing features, use the command ``Unset Printing All``.
Printing universes
-.. opt:: Printing Universes.
+.. opt:: Printing Universes
Turn this option on to activate the display of the actual level of each
occurrence of :g:`Type`. See :ref:`Sorts` for details. This wizard option, in
@@ -2156,7 +2160,7 @@ Constructions.
The constraints on the internal level of the occurrences of Type
(see :ref:`Sorts`) can be printed using the command
-.. cmd:: Print {? Sorted} Universes.
+.. cmd:: Print {? Sorted} Universes
:name: Print Universes
If the optional ``Sorted`` option is given, each universe will be made
@@ -2165,7 +2169,7 @@ ordering) in the universe hierarchy.
This command also accepts an optional output filename:
-.. cmdv:: Print {? Sorted} Universes @string.
+.. cmdv:: Print {? Sorted} Universes @string
If `string` ends in ``.dot`` or ``.gv``, the constraints are printed in the DOT
language, and can be processed by Graphviz tools. The format is
@@ -2235,7 +2239,7 @@ with a named-goal selector, see :ref:`goal-selectors`).
Explicit displaying of existential instances for pretty-printing
-.. opt:: Printing Existential Instances.
+.. opt:: Printing Existential Instances
This option (off by default) activates the full display of how the
context of an existential variable is instantiated at each of the
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-specification-language.rst b/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-specification-language.rst
index a9c4dd758..76a016ff6 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-specification-language.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/language/gallina-specification-language.rst
@@ -551,32 +551,33 @@ has type :token:`type`.
.. _Axiom:
-.. cmd:: Axiom @ident : @term.
+.. cmd:: Axiom @ident : @term
- This command links *term* to the name *ident* as its specification in
- the global context. The fact asserted by *term* is thus assumed as a
+ This command links :token:`term` to the name :token:`ident` as its specification in
+ the global context. The fact asserted by :token:`term` is thus assumed as a
-.. exn:: @ident already exists (Axiom)
+.. exn:: @ident already exists.
+ :name: @ident already exists. (Axiom)
-.. cmdv:: Parameter @ident : @term.
+.. cmdv:: Parameter @ident : @term
:name: Parameter
Is equivalent to ``Axiom`` :token:`ident` : :token:`term`
-.. cmdv:: Parameter {+ @ident } : @term.
+.. cmdv:: Parameter {+ @ident } : @term
Adds parameters with specification :token:`term`
-.. cmdv:: Parameter {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term ) }.
+.. cmdv:: Parameter {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term ) }
Adds blocks of parameters with different specifications.
-.. cmdv:: Parameters {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term ) }.
+.. cmdv:: Parameters {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term ) }
Synonym of ``Parameter``.
-.. cmdv:: Local Axiom @ident : @term.
+.. cmdv:: Local Axiom @ident : @term
Such axioms are never made accessible through their unqualified name by
:cmd:`Import` and its variants. You have to explicitly give their fully
@@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ has type :token:`type`.
Is equivalent to ``Axiom`` :token:`ident` : :token:`term`.
-.. cmd:: Variable @ident : @term.
+.. cmd:: Variable @ident : @term
This command links :token:`term` to the name :token:`ident` in the context of
the current section (see Section :ref:`section-mechanism` for a description of
@@ -596,22 +597,24 @@ will be unknown and every object using this variable will be explicitly
parametrized (the variable is *discharged*). Using the ``Variable`` command out
of any section is equivalent to using ``Local Parameter``.
-.. exn:: @ident already exists (Variable)
+.. exn:: @ident already exists.
+ :name: @ident already exists. (Variable)
-.. cmdv:: Variable {+ @ident } : @term.
+.. cmdv:: Variable {+ @ident } : @term
Links :token:`term` to each :token:`ident`.
-.. cmdv:: Variable {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }.
+.. cmdv:: Variable {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }
Adds blocks of variables with different specifications.
-.. cmdv:: Variables {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }.
+.. cmdv:: Variables {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }
+ :name: Variables
-.. cmdv:: Hypothesis {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }.
+.. cmdv:: Hypothesis {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }
:name: Hypothesis
-.. cmdv:: Hypotheses {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }.
+.. cmdv:: Hypotheses {+ ( {+ @ident } : @term) }
Synonyms of ``Variable``.
@@ -641,46 +644,48 @@ type which is the type of its body.
A formal presentation of constants and environments is given in
Section :ref:`typing-rules`.
-.. cmd:: Definition @ident := @term.
+.. cmd:: Definition @ident := @term
This command binds :token:`term` to the name :token:`ident` in the environment,
provided that :token:`term` is well-typed.
-.. exn:: @ident already exists (Definition)
+.. exn:: @ident already exists.
+ :name: @ident already exists. (Definition)
-.. cmdv:: Definition @ident : @term := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Definition @ident : @term := @term
It checks that the type of :token:`term`:math:`_2` is definitionally equal to
:token:`term`:math:`_1`, and registers :token:`ident` as being of type
:token:`term`:math:`_1`, and bound to value :token:`term`:math:`_2`.
-.. cmdv:: Definition @ident {* @binder } : @term := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Definition @ident {* @binder } : @term := @term
This is equivalent to ``Definition`` :token:`ident` : :g:`forall`
:token:`binder`:math:`_1` … :token:`binder`:math:`_n`, :token:`term`:math:`_1` := 
fun :token:`binder`:math:`_1` …
:token:`binder`:math:`_n` => :token:`term`:math:`_2`.
-.. cmdv:: Local Definition @ident := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Local Definition @ident := @term
Such definitions are never made accessible through their
unqualified name by :cmd:`Import` and its variants.
You have to explicitly give their fully qualified name to refer to them.
-.. cmdv:: Example @ident := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Example @ident := @term
+ :name: Example
-.. cmdv:: Example @ident : @term := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Example @ident : @term := @term
-.. cmdv:: Example @ident {* @binder } : @term := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Example @ident {* @binder } : @term := @term
These are synonyms of the Definition forms.
-.. exn:: The term @term has type @type while it is expected to have type @type
+.. exn:: The term @term has type @type while it is expected to have type @type.
-See also :cmd:`Opaque`, :cmd:`Transparent`, :tac:`unfold`.
+See also :cmd:`Opaque`, :cmd:`Transparent`, :tacn:`unfold`.
-.. cmd:: Let @ident := @term.
+.. cmd:: Let @ident := @term
This command binds the value :token:`term` to the name :token:`ident` in the
environment of the current section. The name :token:`ident` disappears when the
@@ -690,13 +695,14 @@ prefixed by the let-in definition ``let`` :token:`ident` ``:=`` :token:`term`
``in``. Using the ``Let`` command out of any section is equivalent to using
``Local Definition``.
-.. exn:: @ident already exists (Let)
+.. exn:: @ident already exists.
+ :name: @ident already exists. (Let)
-.. cmdv:: Let @ident : @term := @term.
+.. cmdv:: Let @ident : @term := @term
-.. cmdv:: Let Fixpoint @ident @fix_body {* with @fix_body}.
+.. cmdv:: Let Fixpoint @ident @fix_body {* with @fix_body}
-.. cmdv:: Let CoFixpoint @ident @cofix_body {* with @cofix_body}.
+.. cmdv:: Let CoFixpoint @ident @cofix_body {* with @cofix_body}
See also Sections :ref:`section-mechanism`, commands :cmd:`Opaque`,
:cmd:`Transparent`, and tactic :tacn:`unfold`.
@@ -803,9 +809,9 @@ and to prove that if any natural number :g:`n` satisfies :g:`P` its double
successor :g:`(S (S n))` satisfies also :g:`P`. This is indeed analogous to the
structural induction principle we got for :g:`nat`.
-.. exn:: Non strictly positive occurrence of @ident in @type
+.. exn:: Non strictly positive occurrence of @ident in @type.
-.. exn:: The conclusion of @type is not valid; it must be built from @ident
+.. exn:: The conclusion of @type is not valid; it must be built from @ident.
Parametrized inductive types
@@ -864,7 +870,7 @@ that it disallows recursive definition of types (in particular lists cannot
be defined with the Variant keyword). No induction scheme is generated for
this variant, unless :opt:`Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes` is set.
-.. exn:: The @num th argument of @ident must be @ident in @type
+.. exn:: The @num th argument of @ident must be @ident in @type.
New from Coq V8.1
@@ -912,7 +918,7 @@ Mutually defined inductive types
The definition of a block of mutually inductive types has the form:
-.. cmdv:: Inductive @ident : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type } {* with @ident : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type }}.
+.. cmdv:: Inductive @ident : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type } {* with @ident : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type }}
It has the same semantics as the above ``Inductive`` definition for each
:token:`ident` All :token:`ident` are simultaneously added to the environment.
@@ -924,7 +930,7 @@ parameters correspond to a local context in which the whole set of
inductive declarations is done. For this reason, the parameters must be
strictly the same for each inductive types The extended syntax is:
-.. cmdv:: Inductive @ident {+ @binder} : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type } {* with @ident {+ @binder} : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type }}.
+.. cmdv:: Inductive @ident {+ @binder} : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type } {* with @ident {+ @binder} : @term := {? | } @ident : @type {* | @ident : @type }}
The typical example of a mutual inductive data type is the one for trees and
forests. We assume given two types :g:`A` and :g:`B` as variables. It can
@@ -1037,7 +1043,7 @@ constructions.
.. _Fixpoint:
-.. cmd:: Fixpoint @ident @params {struct @ident} : @type := @term.
+.. cmd:: Fixpoint @ident @params {struct @ident} : @type := @term
This command allows defining functions by pattern-matching over inductive objects
using a fixed point construction. The meaning of this declaration is to
@@ -1151,7 +1157,7 @@ The ``Fixpoint`` construction enjoys also the with extension to define functions
over mutually defined inductive types or more generally any mutually recursive
-.. cmdv:: Fixpoint @ident @params {struct @ident} : @type := @term {* with @ident {+ @params} : @type := @term}.
+.. cmdv:: Fixpoint @ident @params {struct @ident} : @type := @term {* with @ident {+ @params} : @type := @term}
allows to define simultaneously fixpoints.
@@ -1178,7 +1184,7 @@ induction principles. It is described in Section
Definitions of recursive objects in co-inductive types
-.. cmd:: CoFixpoint @ident : @type := @term.
+.. cmd:: CoFixpoint @ident : @type := @term
introduces a method for constructing an infinite object of a coinductive
type. For example, the stream containing all natural numbers can be
@@ -1239,38 +1245,45 @@ inhabitant of the type) is interactively built using tactics. The interactive
proof mode is described in Chapter :ref:`proofhandling` and the tactics in
Chapter :ref:`Tactics`. The basic assertion command is:
-.. cmd:: Theorem @ident : @type.
+.. cmd:: Theorem @ident {? @binders } : @type
-After the statement is asserted, Coq needs a proof. Once a proof of
-:token:`type` under the assumptions represented by :token:`binders` is given and
-validated, the proof is generalized into a proof of forall , :token:`type` and
-the theorem is bound to the name :token:`ident` in the environment.
+ After the statement is asserted, Coq needs a proof. Once a proof of
+ :token:`type` under the assumptions represented by :token:`binders` is given and
+ validated, the proof is generalized into a proof of :n:`forall @binders, @type` and
+ the theorem is bound to the name :token:`ident` in the environment.
-.. exn:: The term @term has type @type which should be Set, Prop or Type
+ .. exn:: The term @term has type @type which should be Set, Prop or Type.
-.. exn:: @ident already exists (Theorem)
+ .. exn:: @ident already exists.
+ :name: @ident already exists. (Theorem)
- The name you provided is already defined. You have then to choose
- another name.
+ The name you provided is already defined. You have then to choose
+ another name.
-.. cmdv:: Lemma @ident : @type.
- :name: Lemma
+ .. exn:: Nested proofs are not allowed unless you turn option Nested Proofs Allowed on.
-.. cmdv:: Remark @ident : @type.
- :name: Remark
+ You are asserting a new statement while already being in proof editing mode.
+ This feature, called nested proofs, is disabled by default.
+ To activate it, turn option :opt:`Nested Proofs Allowed` on.
-.. cmdv:: Fact @ident : @type.
- :name: Fact
+ The following commands are synonyms of :n:`Theorem @ident {? @binders } : type`:
-.. cmdv:: Corollary @ident : @type.
- :name: Corollary
+ .. cmdv:: Lemma @ident {? @binders } : @type
+ :name: Lemma
-.. cmdv:: Proposition @ident : @type.
- :name: Proposition
+ .. cmdv:: Remark @ident {? @binders } : @type
+ :name: Remark
- These commands are synonyms of ``Theorem`` :token:`ident` : :token:`type`.
+ .. cmdv:: Fact @ident {? @binders } : @type
+ :name: Fact
-.. cmdv:: Theorem @ident : @type {* with @ident : @type}.
+ .. cmdv:: Corollary @ident {? @binders } : @type
+ :name: Corollary
+ .. cmdv:: Proposition @ident {? @binders } : @type
+ :name: Proposition
+.. cmdv:: Theorem @ident : @type {* with @ident : @type}
This command is useful for theorems that are proved by simultaneous induction
over a mutually inductive assumption, or that assert mutually dependent
@@ -1292,79 +1305,65 @@ the theorem is bound to the name :token:`ident` in the environment.
The command can be used also with :cmd:`Lemma`, :cmd:`Remark`, etc. instead of
-.. cmdv:: Definition @ident : @type.
+.. cmdv:: Definition @ident : @type
This allows defining a term of type :token:`type` using the proof editing
- mode. It behaves as Theorem but is intended to be used in conjunction with
+ mode. It behaves as :cmd:`Theorem` but is intended to be used in conjunction with
:cmd:`Defined` in order to define a constant of which the computational
behavior is relevant.
The command can be used also with :cmd:`Example` instead of :cmd:`Definition`.
- See also :cmd:`Opaque`, :cmd:`Transparent`, :tacn:`unfold`.
+ .. seealso:: :cmd:`Opaque`, :cmd:`Transparent`, :tacn:`unfold`.
-.. cmdv:: Let @ident : @type.
+.. cmdv:: Let @ident : @type
Like Definition :token:`ident` : :token:`type`. except that the definition is
turned into a let-in definition generalized over the declarations depending
on it after closing the current section.
-.. cmdv:: Fixpoint @ident @binders with .
+.. cmdv:: Fixpoint @ident @binders with
This generalizes the syntax of Fixpoint so that one or more bodies
can be defined interactively using the proof editing mode (when a
body is omitted, its type is mandatory in the syntax). When the block
of proofs is completed, it is intended to be ended by Defined.
-.. cmdv:: CoFixpoint @ident with.
+.. cmdv:: CoFixpoint @ident with
This generalizes the syntax of CoFixpoint so that one or more bodies
can be defined interactively using the proof editing mode.
-.. cmd:: Proof
- A proof starts by the keyword Proof. Then Coq enters the proof editing mode
- until the proof is completed. The proof editing mode essentially contains
- tactics that are described in chapter :ref:`Tactics`. Besides tactics, there
- are commands to manage the proof editing mode. They are described in Chapter
- :ref:`proofhandling`.
-.. cmd:: Qed
+A proof starts by the keyword :cmd:`Proof`. Then Coq enters the proof editing mode
+until the proof is completed. The proof editing mode essentially contains
+tactics that are described in chapter :ref:`Tactics`. Besides tactics, there
+are commands to manage the proof editing mode. They are described in Chapter
- When the proof is completed it should be validated and put in the environment
- using the keyword Qed.
-.. exn:: @ident already exists (Qed)
+When the proof is completed it should be validated and put in the environment
+using the keyword :cmd:`Qed`.
.. note::
- #. Several statements can be simultaneously asserted.
+ #. Several statements can be simultaneously asserted provided option
+ :opt:`Nested Proofs Allowed` was turned on.
#. Not only other assertions but any vernacular command can be given
while in the process of proving a given assertion. In this case, the
command is understood as if it would have been given before the
- statements still to be proved.
- #. Proof is recommended but can currently be omitted. On the opposite
- side, Qed (or Defined, see below) is mandatory to validate a proof.
+ statements still to be proved. Nonetheless, this practice is discouraged
+ and may stop working in future versions.
- #. Proofs ended by Qed are declared opaque. Their content cannot be
+ #. Proofs ended by :cmd:`Qed` are declared opaque. Their content cannot be
unfolded (see :ref:`performingcomputations`), thus
realizing some form of *proof-irrelevance*. To be able to unfold a
- proof, the proof should be ended by Defined (see below).
-.. cmdv:: Defined
- :name: Defined
- Same as :cmd:`Qed` but the proof is then declared transparent, which means
- that its content can be explicitly used for type-checking and that it can be
- unfolded in conversion tactics (see :ref:`performingcomputations`,
- :cmd:`Opaque`, :cmd:`Transparent`).
+ proof, the proof should be ended by :cmd:`Defined`.
-.. cmdv:: Admitted.
- :name: Admitted
+ #. :cmd:`Proof` is recommended but can currently be omitted. On the opposite
+ side, :cmd:`Qed` (or :cmd:`Defined`) is mandatory to validate a proof.
- Turns the current asserted statement into an axiom and exits the proof mode.
+ #. One can also use :cmd:`Admitted` in place of :cmd:`Qed` to turn the
+ current asserted statement into an axiom and exit the proof editing mode.
.. [1]
This is similar to the expression “*entry* :math:`\{` sep *entry*
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/coq-commands.rst b/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/coq-commands.rst
index 93dcfca4b..ad1f0caa6 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/coq-commands.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/coq-commands.rst
@@ -55,15 +55,20 @@ Customization at launch time
By resource file
-When |Coq| is launched, with either ``coqtop`` or ``coqc``, the resource file
-``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/coq/coqrc.xxx`` is loaded, where ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME``
+When |Coq| is launched, with either ``coqtop`` or ``coqc``, the
+resource file ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/coq/coqrc.xxx``, if it exists, will
+be implicitly prepended to any document read by Coq, whether it is an
+interactive session or a file to compile. Here, ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME``
is the configuration directory of the user (by default its home
-directory ``/.config`` and ``xxx`` is the version number (e.g. 8.8). If
+directory ``~/.config``) and ``xxx`` is the version number (e.g. 8.8). If
this file is not found, then the file ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/coqrc`` is
-searched. You can also specify an arbitrary name for the resource file
+searched. If not found, it is the file ``~/.coqrc.xxx`` which is searched,
+and, if still not found, the file ``~/.coqrc``. If the latter is also
+absent, no resource file is loaded.
+You can also specify an arbitrary name for the resource file
(see option ``-init-file`` below).
-This file may contain, for instance, ``Add LoadPath`` commands to add
+The resource file may contain, for instance, ``Add LoadPath`` commands to add
directories to the load path of |Coq|. It is possible to skip the
loading of the resource file with the option ``-q``.
@@ -171,7 +176,7 @@ and ``coqtop``, unless stated otherwise:
Coq's auto-generated name scheme with names of the form *ident0*, *ident1*,
etc. The command ``Set Mangle Names`` turns the behavior on in a document,
and ``Set Mangle Names Prefix "ident"`` changes the used prefix. This feature
- s intended to be used as a linter for developments that want to be robust to
+ is intended to be used as a linter for developments that want to be robust to
changes in the auto-generated name scheme. The options are provided to
facilitate tracking down problems.
:-compat *version*: Attempt to maintain some backward-compatibility
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/utilities.rst b/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/utilities.rst
index 59867988a..59a88771a 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/utilities.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/practical-tools/utilities.rst
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Here we describe only few of them.
(e.g. wrappers)
can be extended by including other paths in which ``*.cm*`` files
- are searched. For example ``COQ\_SRC\_SUBDIRS+=user-contrib/Unicoq``
+ are searched. For example ``COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS+=user-contrib/Unicoq``
lets you build a plugin containing OCaml code that depends on the
OCaml code of ``Unicoq``.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ltac.rst b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ltac.rst
index 009758319..2b128b98f 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ltac.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ltac.rst
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ focused goals with:
in a tactic expression, by using the keyword ``only``:
.. tacv:: only selector : expr
+ :name: only ... : ...
When selecting several goals, the tactic expr is applied globally to all
selected goals.
@@ -268,11 +269,19 @@ focused goals with:
for ``n-n`` when specifying multiple ranges.
.. tacv:: all: @expr
+ :name: all: ...
In this variant, :n:`@expr` is applied to all focused goals. ``all:`` can only
be used at the toplevel of a tactic expression.
+ .. tacv:: !: @expr
+ In this variant, if exactly one goal is focused :n:`expr` is
+ applied to it. Otherwise the tactical fails. ``!:`` can only be
+ used at the toplevel of a tactic expression.
.. tacv:: par: @expr
+ :name: par: ...
In this variant, :n:`@expr` is applied to all focused goals in parallel.
The number of workers can be controlled via the command line option
@@ -282,8 +291,8 @@ focused goals with:
nothing (i.e. it cannot make some progress). ``par:`` can only be used at
the toplevel of a tactic expression.
- .. exn:: No such goal
- :name: No such goal (goal selector)
+ .. exn:: No such goal.
+ :name: No such goal. (Goal selector)
.. TODO change error message index entry
@@ -342,7 +351,7 @@ We can check if a tactic made progress with:
to one of the focused subgoal produced subgoals equal to the initial
goals (up to syntactical equality), then an error of level 0 is raised.
- .. exn:: Failed to progress
+ .. exn:: Failed to progress.
Backtracking branching
@@ -383,7 +392,7 @@ tactic to work (i.e. which does not fail) among a panel of tactics:
:n:`first [:@expr__1 | ... | @expr__n]` behaves, in each goal, as the the first
:n:`v__i` to have *at least* one success.
- .. exn:: Error message: No applicable tactic
+ .. exn:: No applicable tactic.
.. tacv:: first @expr
@@ -472,7 +481,7 @@ one* success:
whether a second success exists, and may run further effects
- .. exn:: This tactic has more than one success
+ .. exn:: This tactic has more than one success.
Checking the failure
@@ -510,7 +519,7 @@ among a panel of tactics:
each goal independently, if it doesn’t solve the goal then it tries to
apply :n:`v__2` and so on. It fails if there is no solving tactic.
- .. exn:: Cannot solve the goal
+ .. exn:: Cannot solve the goal.
.. tacv:: solve @expr
@@ -541,7 +550,7 @@ Failing
:tacn:`fail` tactic will, however, succeed if all the goals have already been
- .. tacv:: fail @natural
+ .. tacv:: fail @num
The number is the failure level. If no level is specified, it defaults to 0.
The level is used by :tacn:`try`, :tacn:`repeat`, :tacn:`match goal` and the branching
@@ -549,14 +558,14 @@ Failing
(backtracking). If non zero, the current :tacn:`match goal` block, :tacn:`try`,
:tacn:`repeat`, or branching command is aborted and the level is decremented. In
the case of :n:`+`, a non-zero level skips the first backtrack point, even if
- the call to :n:`fail @natural` is not enclosed in a :n:`+` command,
+ the call to :n:`fail @num` is not enclosed in a :n:`+` command,
respecting the algebraic identity.
.. tacv:: fail {* message_token}
The given tokens are used for printing the failure message.
- .. tacv:: fail @natural {* message_token}
+ .. tacv:: fail @num {* message_token}
This is a combination of the previous variants.
@@ -567,7 +576,7 @@ Failing
.. tacv:: gfail {* message_token}
- .. tacv:: gfail @natural {* message_token}
+ .. tacv:: gfail @num {* message_token}
These variants fail with an error message or an error level even if
there are no goals left. Be careful however if Coq terms have to be
@@ -575,7 +584,7 @@ Failing
tactic into the goals, meaning that if there are no goals when it is
evaluated, a tactic call like :n:`let x:=H in fail 0 x` will succeed.
- .. exn:: Tactic Failure message (level @natural).
+ .. exn:: Tactic Failure message (level @num).
@@ -754,11 +763,11 @@ We can carry out pattern matching on terms with:
branches or inside the right-hand side of the selected branch even if it
has backtracking points.
- .. exn:: No matching clauses for match
+ .. exn:: No matching clauses for match.
No pattern can be used and, in particular, there is no :n:`_` pattern.
- .. exn:: Argument of match does not evaluate to a term
+ .. exn:: Argument of match does not evaluate to a term.
This happens when :n:`@expr` does not denote a term.
@@ -817,6 +826,7 @@ We can make pattern matching on goals using the following expression:
.. we should provide the full grammar here
.. tacn:: match goal with {+| {+ hyp} |- @cpattern => @expr } | _ => @expr end
+ :name: match goal
If each hypothesis pattern :n:`hyp`\ :sub:`1,i`, with i=1,...,m\ :sub:`1` is
matched (non-linear first-order unification) by an hypothesis of the
@@ -838,7 +848,7 @@ We can make pattern matching on goals using the following expression:
branches or combinations of hypotheses, or inside the right-hand side of
the selected branch even if it has backtracking points.
- .. exn:: No matching clauses for match goal
+ .. exn:: No matching clauses for match goal.
No clause succeeds, i.e. all matching patterns, if any, fail at the
application of the right-hand-side.
@@ -885,7 +895,7 @@ produce subgoals but generates a term to be used in tactic expressions:
match expression. This expression evaluates replaces the hole of the
value of :n:`@ident` by the value of :n:`@expr`.
- .. exn:: not a context variable
+ .. exn:: Not a context variable.
Generating fresh hypothesis names
@@ -995,7 +1005,7 @@ Testing boolean expressions
all:let n:= numgoals in guard n<4.
Fail all:let n:= numgoals in guard n=2.
- .. exn:: Condition not satisfied
+ .. exn:: Condition not satisfied.
Proving a subgoal as a separate lemma
@@ -1045,8 +1055,8 @@ Proving a subgoal as a separate lemma
with tactics is fragile, and explicitly named and reused subterms
don’t play well with asynchronous proofs.
- .. exn:: Proof is not complete
- :name: Proof is not complete (abstract)
+ .. exn:: Proof is not complete.
+ :name: Proof is not complete. (abstract)
Tactic toplevel definitions
@@ -1086,7 +1096,7 @@ Basically, |Ltac| toplevel definitions are made as follows:
Printing |Ltac| tactics
-.. cmd:: Print Ltac @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Print Ltac @qualid
Defined |Ltac| functions can be displayed using this command.
@@ -1101,10 +1111,11 @@ Info trace
.. cmd:: Info @num @expr
+ :name: Info
This command can be used to print the trace of the path eventually taken by an
|Ltac| script. That is, the list of executed tactics, discarding
- all the branches which have failed. To that end the Info command can be
+ all the branches which have failed. To that end the :cmd:`Info` command can be
used with the following syntax.
@@ -1131,23 +1142,22 @@ Info trace
Info 1 t 1||t 0.
- The trace produced by ``Info`` tries its best to be a reparsable
+ The trace produced by :cmd:`Info` tries its best to be a reparsable
|Ltac| script, but this goal is not achievable in all generality.
So some of the output traces will contain oddities.
- As an additional help for debugging, the trace produced by ``Info`` contains
- (in comments) the messages produced by the idtac
- tacticals \ `4.2 <#ltac%3Aidtac>`__ at the right possition in the
- script. In particular, the calls to idtac in branches which failed are
+ As an additional help for debugging, the trace produced by :cmd:`Info` contains
+ (in comments) the messages produced by the :tacn:`idtac` tactical at the right
+ position in the script. In particular, the calls to idtac in branches which failed are
not printed.
- .. opt:: Info Level @num.
+ .. opt:: Info Level @num
- This option is an alternative to the ``Info`` command.
+ This option is an alternative to the :cmd:`Info` command.
This will automatically print the same trace as :n:`Info @num` at each
tactic call. The unfolding level can be overridden by a call to the
- ``Info`` command.
+ :cmd:`Info` command.
Interactive debugger
@@ -1217,7 +1227,7 @@ performance bug.
.. warning::
- Backtracking across a Reset Ltac Profile will not restore the information.
+ Backtracking across a :cmd:`Reset Ltac Profile` will not restore the information.
.. coqtop:: reset in
@@ -1280,8 +1290,8 @@ performance bug.
benchmarking purposes.
You can also pass the ``-profile-ltac`` command line option to ``coqc``, which
-performs a ``Set Ltac Profiling`` at the beginning of each document, and a
-``Show Ltac Profile`` at the end.
+turns the :opt:`Ltac Profiling` option on at the beginning of each document,
+and performs a :cmd:`Show Ltac Profile` at the end.
.. warning::
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/proof-handling.rst b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/proof-handling.rst
index 86c94bab3..eba0db3ff 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/proof-handling.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/proof-handling.rst
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
In |Coq|’s proof editing mode all top-level commands documented in
Chapter :ref:`vernacularcommands` remain available and the user has access to specialized
commands dealing with proof development pragmas documented in this
-section. He can also use some other specialized commands called
+section. They can also use some other specialized commands called
*tactics*. They are the very tools allowing the user to deal with
logical reasoning. They are documented in Chapter :ref:`tactics`.
-When switching in editing proof mode, the prompt ``Coq <`` is changed into
-``ident <`` where ``ident`` is the declared name of the theorem currently
+Coq user interfaces usually have a way of marking whether the user has
+switched to proof editing mode. For instance, in coqtop the prompt ``Coq <``   is changed into
+:n:`@ident <`   where :token:`ident` is the declared name of the theorem currently edited.
At each stage of a proof development, one has a list of goals to
prove. Initially, the list consists only in the theorem itself. After
@@ -34,10 +35,10 @@ terms of λ-calculus, known as the *Curry-Howard isomorphism*
terms are called *proof terms*.
-.. exn:: No focused proof
+.. exn:: No focused proof.
-Coq raises this error message when one attempts to use a proof editing command
-out of the proof editing mode.
+ Coq raises this error message when one attempts to use a proof editing command
+ out of the proof editing mode.
.. _proof-editing-mode:
@@ -46,137 +47,151 @@ Switching on/off the proof editing mode
The proof editing mode is entered by asserting a statement, which typically is
the assertion of a theorem using an assertion command like :cmd:`Theorem`. The
-list of assertion commands is given in Section :ref:`Assertions`. The command
+list of assertion commands is given in :ref:`Assertions`. The command
:cmd:`Goal` can also be used.
-.. cmd:: Goal @form.
+.. cmd:: Goal @form
-This is intended for quick assertion of statements, without knowing in
-advance which name to give to the assertion, typically for quick
-testing of the provability of a statement. If the proof of the
-statement is eventually completed and validated, the statement is then
-bound to the name ``Unnamed_thm`` (or a variant of this name not already
-used for another statement).
+ This is intended for quick assertion of statements, without knowing in
+ advance which name to give to the assertion, typically for quick
+ testing of the provability of a statement. If the proof of the
+ statement is eventually completed and validated, the statement is then
+ bound to the name ``Unnamed_thm`` (or a variant of this name not already
+ used for another statement).
.. cmd:: Qed
- :name: Qed (interactive proof)
-This command is available in interactive editing proof mode when the
-proof is completed. Then ``Qed`` extracts a proof term from the proof
-script, switches back to Coq top-level and attaches the extracted
-proof term to the declared name of the original goal. This name is
-added to the environment as an opaque constant.
+ This command is available in interactive editing proof mode when the
+ proof is completed. Then :cmd:`Qed` extracts a proof term from the proof
+ script, switches back to Coq top-level and attaches the extracted
+ proof term to the declared name of the original goal. This name is
+ added to the environment as an opaque constant.
-.. exn:: Attempt to save an incomplete proof
+ .. exn:: Attempt to save an incomplete proof.
-.. note::
+ .. note::
- Sometimes an error occurs when building the proof term, because
- tactics do not enforce completely the term construction
- constraints.
+ Sometimes an error occurs when building the proof term, because
+ tactics do not enforce completely the term construction
+ constraints.
-The user should also be aware of the fact that since the
-proof term is completely rechecked at this point, one may have to wait
-a while when the proof is large. In some exceptional cases one may
-even incur a memory overflow.
+ The user should also be aware of the fact that since the
+ proof term is completely rechecked at this point, one may have to wait
+ a while when the proof is large. In some exceptional cases one may
+ even incur a memory overflow.
-.. cmdv:: Defined.
- :name: Defined (interactive proof)
+ .. cmdv:: Defined
+ :name: Defined
-Defines the proved term as a transparent constant.
+ Same as :cmd:`Qed` but the proof is then declared transparent, which means
+ that its content can be explicitly used for type-checking and that it can be
+ unfolded in conversion tactics (see :ref:`performingcomputations`,
+ :cmd:`Opaque`, :cmd:`Transparent`).
-.. cmdv:: Save @ident.
+ .. cmdv:: Save @ident
+ :name: Save
-Forces the name of the original goal to be :n:`@ident`. This
-command (and the following ones) can only be used if the original goal
-has been opened using the ``Goal`` command.
+ Forces the name of the original goal to be :token:`ident`. This
+ command (and the following ones) can only be used if the original goal
+ has been opened using the :cmd:`Goal` command.
-.. cmd:: Admitted.
- :name: Admitted (interactive proof)
+.. cmd:: Admitted
-This command is available in interactive editing proof mode to give up
-the current proof and declare the initial goal as an axiom.
-.. cmd:: Proof @term.
- :name: Proof `term`
+ This command is available in interactive editing mode to give up
+ the current proof and declare the initial goal as an axiom.
-This command applies in proof editing mode. It is equivalent to
+.. cmd:: Abort
-.. cmd:: exact @term. Qed.
+ This command cancels the current proof development, switching back to
+ the previous proof development, or to the |Coq| toplevel if no other
+ proof was edited.
-That is, you have to give the full proof in one gulp, as a
-proof term (see Section :ref:`applyingtheorems`).
+ .. exn:: No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress).
-.. cmdv:: Proof.
- :name: Proof (interactive proof)
+ .. cmdv:: Abort @ident
-Is a noop which is useful to delimit the sequence of tactic commands
-which start a proof, after a ``Theorem`` command. It is a good practice to
-use ``Proof``. as an opening parenthesis, closed in the script with a
-closing ``Qed``.
+ Aborts the editing of the proof named :token:`ident` (in case you have
+ nested proofs).
+ .. seealso:: :opt:`Nested Proofs Allowed`
-See also: ``Proof with tactic.`` in Section
+ .. cmdv:: Abort All
+ Aborts all current goals.
-.. cmd:: Proof using @ident1 ... @identn.
+.. cmd:: Proof @term
+ :name: Proof `term`
-This command applies in proof editing mode. It declares the set of
-section variables (see :ref:`gallina-assumptions`) used by the proof. At ``Qed`` time, the
-system will assert that the set of section variables actually used in
-the proof is a subset of the declared one.
+ This command applies in proof editing mode. It is equivalent to
+ :n:`exact @term. Qed.`
+ That is, you have to give the full proof in one gulp, as a
+ proof term (see Section :ref:`applyingtheorems`).
-The set of declared variables is closed under type dependency. For
-example if ``T`` is variable and a is a variable of type ``T``, the commands
-``Proof using a`` and ``Proof using T a``` are actually equivalent.
+.. cmd:: Proof
+ Is a no-op which is useful to delimit the sequence of tactic commands
+ which start a proof, after a :cmd:`Theorem` command. It is a good practice to
+ use :cmd:`Proof` as an opening parenthesis, closed in the script with a
+ closing :cmd:`Qed`.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using @ident1 ... @identn with @tactic.
+ .. seealso:: :cmd:`Proof with`
-in Section :ref:`tactics-implicit-automation`.
+.. cmd:: Proof using {+ @ident }
-.. cmdv:: Proof using All.
+ This command applies in proof editing mode. It declares the set of
+ section variables (see :ref:`gallina-assumptions`) used by the proof.
+ At :cmd:`Qed` time, the
+ system will assert that the set of section variables actually used in
+ the proof is a subset of the declared one.
-Use all section variables.
+ The set of declared variables is closed under type dependency. For
+ example if ``T`` is variable and a is a variable of type ``T``, the commands
+ ``Proof using a`` and ``Proof using T a`` are actually equivalent.
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using {+ @ident } with @tactic
-.. cmdv:: Proof using Type.
+ Combines in a single line :cmd:`Proof with` and :cmd:`Proof using`.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using.
+ .. seealso:: :ref:`tactics-implicit-automation`
-Use only section variables occurring in the statement.
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using All
+ Use all section variables.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using Type*.
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using {? Type }
-The ``*`` operator computes the forward transitive closure. E.g. if the
-variable ``H`` has type ``p < 5`` then ``H`` is in ``p*`` since ``p`` occurs in the type
-of ``H``. ``Type*`` is the forward transitive closure of the entire set of
-section variables occurring in the statement.
+ Use only section variables occurring in the statement.
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using Type*
-.. cmdv:: Proof using -(@ident1 ... @identn).
+ The ``*`` operator computes the forward transitive closure. E.g. if the
+ variable ``H`` has type ``p < 5`` then ``H`` is in ``p*`` since ``p`` occurs in the type
+ of ``H``. ``Type*`` is the forward transitive closure of the entire set of
+ section variables occurring in the statement.
-Use all section variables except :n:`@ident1` ... :n:`@identn`.
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using -({+ @ident })
+ Use all section variables except the list of :token:`ident`.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using @collection1 + @collection2 .
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using @collection1 + @collection2
+ Use section variables from the union of both collections.
+ See :ref:`nameaset` to know how to form a named collection.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using @collection1 - @collection2 .
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using @collection1 - @collection2
+ Use section variables which are in the first collection but not in the
+ second one.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using @collection - ( @ident1 ... @identn ).
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using @collection - ({+ @ident })
+ Use section variables which are in the first collection but not in the
+ list of :token:`ident`.
-.. cmdv:: Proof using @collection * .
+ .. cmdv:: Proof using @collection *
-Use section variables being, respectively, in the set union, set
-difference, set complement, set forward transitive closure. See
-Section :ref:`nameaset` to know how to form a named collection. The ``*`` operator
-binds stronger than ``+`` and ``-``.
+ Use section variables in the forward transitive closure of the collection.
+ The ``*`` operator binds stronger than ``+`` and ``-``.
Proof using options
@@ -185,16 +200,16 @@ Proof using options
The following options modify the behavior of ``Proof using``.
-.. opt:: Default Proof Using "@expression".
+.. opt:: Default Proof Using "@expression"
- Use :n:`@expression` as the default ``Proof``` using value. E.g. ``Set Default
- Proof Using "a b"``. will complete all ``Proof`` commands not followed by a
- using part with using ``a`` ``b``.
+ Use :n:`@expression` as the default ``Proof using`` value. E.g. ``Set Default
+ Proof Using "a b"`` will complete all ``Proof`` commands not followed by a
+ ``using`` part with ``using a b``.
-.. opt:: Suggest Proof Using.
+.. opt:: Suggest Proof Using
- When ``Qed`` is performed, suggest a using annotation if the user did not
+ When :cmd:`Qed` is performed, suggest a ``using`` annotation if the user did not
provide one.
.. _`nameaset`:
@@ -202,163 +217,132 @@ The following options modify the behavior of ``Proof using``.
Name a set of section hypotheses for ``Proof using``
-.. cmd:: Collection @ident := @section_subset_expr
-The command ``Collection`` can be used to name a set of section
-hypotheses, with the purpose of making ``Proof using`` annotations more
-.. cmdv:: Collection Some := x y z
-Define the collection named "Some" containing ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``.
-.. cmdv:: Collection Fewer := Some - z
-Define the collection named "Fewer" containing only ``x`` and ``y``.
-.. cmdv:: Collection Many := Fewer + Some
-.. cmdv:: Collection Many := Fewer - Some
-Define the collection named "Many" containing the set union or set
-difference of "Fewer" and "Some".
-.. cmdv:: Collection Many := Fewer - (x y)
-Define the collection named "Many" containing the set difference of
-"Fewer" and the unnamed collection ``x`` ``y``
+.. cmd:: Collection @ident := @expression
+ This can be used to name a set of section
+ hypotheses, with the purpose of making ``Proof using`` annotations more
+ compact.
-.. cmd:: Abort.
+ .. example::
-This command cancels the current proof development, switching back to
-the previous proof development, or to the |Coq| toplevel if no other
-proof was edited.
+ Define the collection named ``Some`` containing ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``::
+ Collection Some := x y z.
-.. exn:: No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress)
+ Define the collection named ``Fewer`` containing only ``x`` and ``y``::
+ Collection Fewer := Some - z
+ Define the collection named ``Many`` containing the set union or set
+ difference of ``Fewer`` and ``Some``::
-.. cmdv:: Abort @ident.
+ Collection Many := Fewer + Some
+ Collection Many := Fewer - Some
-Aborts the editing of the proof named :n:`@ident`.
+ Define the collection named ``Many`` containing the set difference of
+ ``Fewer`` and the unnamed collection ``x y``::
-.. cmdv:: Abort All.
+ Collection Many := Fewer - (x y)
-Aborts all current goals, switching back to the |Coq|
+.. cmd:: Existential @num := @term
-.. cmd:: Existential @num := @term.
+ This command instantiates an existential variable. :token:`num` is an index in
+ the list of uninstantiated existential variables displayed by :cmd:`Show Existentials`.
-This command instantiates an existential variable. :n:`@num` is an index in
-the list of uninstantiated existential variables displayed by ``Show
-Existentials`` (described in Section :ref:`requestinginformation`).
+ This command is intended to be used to instantiate existential
+ variables when the proof is completed but some uninstantiated
+ existential variables remain. To instantiate existential variables
+ during proof edition, you should use the tactic :tacn:`instantiate`.
-This command is intended to be used to instantiate existential
-variables when the proof is completed but some uninstantiated
-existential variables remain. To instantiate existential variables
-during proof edition, you should use the tactic :tacn:`instantiate`.
+.. cmd:: Grab Existential Variables
-See also: ``instantiate (num:= term).`` in Section
-See also: ``Grab Existential Variables.`` below.
-.. cmd:: Grab Existential Variables.
-This command can be run when a proof has no more goal to be solved but
-has remaining uninstantiated existential variables. It takes every
-uninstantiated existential variable and turns it into a goal.
+ This command can be run when a proof has no more goal to be solved but
+ has remaining uninstantiated existential variables. It takes every
+ uninstantiated existential variable and turns it into a goal.
Navigation in the proof tree
+.. cmd:: Undo
-.. cmd:: Undo.
-This command cancels the effect of the last command. Thus, it
-backtracks one step.
+ This command cancels the effect of the last command. Thus, it
+ backtracks one step.
+.. cmdv:: Undo @num
-.. cmdv:: Undo @num.
+ Repeats Undo :token:`num` times.
-Repeats Undo :n:`@num` times.
-.. cmdv:: Restart.
+.. cmdv:: Restart
:name: Restart
-This command restores the proof editing process to the original goal.
+ This command restores the proof editing process to the original goal.
+ .. exn:: No focused proof to restart.
-.. exn:: No focused proof to restart
+.. cmd:: Focus
+ This focuses the attention on the first subgoal to prove and the
+ printing of the other subgoals is suspended until the focused subgoal
+ is solved or unfocused. This is useful when there are many current
+ subgoals which clutter your screen.
-.. cmd:: Focus.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.8
-This focuses the attention on the first subgoal to prove and the
-printing of the other subgoals is suspended until the focused subgoal
-is solved or unfocused. This is useful when there are many current
-subgoals which clutter your screen.
+ Prefer the use of bullets or focusing brackets (see below).
+.. cmdv:: Focus @num
-.. cmdv:: Focus @num.
+ This focuses the attention on the :token:`num` th subgoal to prove.
-This focuses the attention on the :n:`@num` th subgoal to
+ .. deprecated:: 8.8
-*This command is deprecated since 8.8*: prefer the use of bullets or
-focusing brackets instead, including :n:`@num : %{`
+ Prefer the use of focusing brackets with a goal selector (see below).
-.. cmd:: Unfocus.
+.. cmd:: Unfocus
-This command restores to focus the goal that were suspended by the
-last ``Focus`` command.
+ This command restores to focus the goal that were suspended by the
+ last :cmd:`Focus` command.
-*This command is deprecated since 8.8.*
+ .. deprecated:: 8.8
-.. cmd:: Unfocused.
+.. cmd:: Unfocused
-Succeeds if the proof is fully unfocused, fails is there are some
-goals out of focus.
+ Succeeds if the proof is fully unfocused, fails if there are some
+ goals out of focus.
.. _curly-braces:
.. cmd:: %{ %| %}
-The command ``{`` (without a terminating period) focuses on the first
-goal, much like ``Focus.`` does, however, the subproof can only be
-unfocused when it has been fully solved ( *i.e.* when there is no
-focused goal left). Unfocusing is then handled by ``}`` (again, without a
-terminating period). See also example in next section.
+ The command ``{`` (without a terminating period) focuses on the first
+ goal, much like :cmd:`Focus` does, however, the subproof can only be
+ unfocused when it has been fully solved ( *i.e.* when there is no
+ focused goal left). Unfocusing is then handled by ``}`` (again, without a
+ terminating period). See also example in next section.
-Note that when a focused goal is proved a message is displayed
-together with a suggestion about the right bullet or ``}`` to unfocus it
-or focus the next one.
+ Note that when a focused goal is proved a message is displayed
+ together with a suggestion about the right bullet or ``}`` to unfocus it
+ or focus the next one.
-.. cmdv:: @num: %{
+ .. cmdv:: @num: %{
-This focuses on the :n:`@num` th subgoal to prove.
+ This focuses on the :token:`num` th subgoal to prove.
-Error messages:
+ Error messages:
-.. exn:: This proof is focused, but cannot be unfocused this way
+ .. exn:: This proof is focused, but cannot be unfocused this way.
-You are trying to use ``}`` but the current subproof has not been fully solved.
+ You are trying to use ``}`` but the current subproof has not been fully solved.
-.. exn:: No such goal
- :name: No such goal (focusing)
+ .. exn:: No such goal.
+ :name: No such goal. (Focusing)
-.. exn:: Brackets only support the single numbered goal selector
+ .. exn:: Brackets only support the single numbered goal selector.
-See also error messages about bullets below.
+ See also error messages about bullets below.
.. _bullets:
@@ -409,35 +393,30 @@ The following example script illustrates all these features:
-.. exn:: Wrong bullet @bullet1 : Current bullet @bullet2 is not finished.
+.. exn:: Wrong bullet @bullet1: Current bullet @bullet2 is not finished.
-Before using bullet :n:`@bullet1` again, you should first finish proving the current focused goal. Note that :n:`@bullet1` and :n:`@bullet2` may be the same.
+ Before using bullet :n:`@bullet1` again, you should first finish proving the current focused goal. Note that :n:`@bullet1` and :n:`@bullet2` may be the same.
-.. exn:: Wrong bullet @bullet1 : Bullet @bullet2 is mandatory here.
+.. exn:: Wrong bullet @bullet1: Bullet @bullet2 is mandatory here.
-You must put :n:`@bullet2` to focus next goal. No other bullet is allowed here.
+ You must put :n:`@bullet2` to focus next goal. No other bullet is allowed here.
.. exn:: No such goal. Focus next goal with bullet @bullet.
-You tried to applied a tactic but no goal where under focus. Using :n:`@bullet` is mandatory here.
+ You tried to apply a tactic but no goal where under focus. Using :n:`@bullet` is mandatory here.
.. exn:: No such goal. Try unfocusing with %{.
-You just finished a goal focused by ``{``, you must unfocus it with ``}``.
+ You just finished a goal focused by ``{``, you must unfocus it with ``}``.
Set Bullet Behavior
+.. opt:: Bullet Behavior %( "None" %| "Strict Subproofs" %)
-The bullet behavior can be controlled by the following commands.
-.. opt:: Bullet Behavior "None"
-This makes bullets inactive.
-.. opt:: Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs"
-This makes bullets active (this is the default behavior).
+ This option controls the bullet behavior and can take two possible values:
+ - "None": this makes bullets inactive.
+ - "Strict Subproofs": this makes bullets active (this is the default behavior).
.. _requestinginformation:
@@ -445,112 +424,118 @@ Requesting information
-.. cmd:: Show.
+.. cmd:: Show
-This command displays the current goals.
+ This command displays the current goals.
+ .. exn:: No focused proof.
-.. cmdv:: Show @num
+ .. cmdv:: Show @num
-Displays only the :n:`@num`-th subgoal.
+ Displays only the :token:`num` th subgoal.
-.. exn:: No such goal
-.. exn:: No focused proof
+ .. exn:: No such goal.
-.. cmdv:: Show @ident.
-Displays the named goal :n:`@ident`. This is useful in
-particular to display a shelved goal but only works if the
-corresponding existential variable has been named by the user
-(see :ref:`existential-variables`) as in the following example.
+ .. cmdv:: Show @ident
-.. example::
+ Displays the named goal :token:`ident`. This is useful in
+ particular to display a shelved goal but only works if the
+ corresponding existential variable has been named by the user
+ (see :ref:`existential-variables`) as in the following example.
- .. coqtop:: all
+ .. example::
- Goal exists n, n = 0.
- eexists ?[n].
- Show n.
+ .. coqtop:: all
-.. cmdv:: Show Script.
+ Goal exists n, n = 0.
+ eexists ?[n].
+ Show n.
-Displays the whole list of tactics applied from the
-beginning of the current proof. This tactics script may contain some
-holes (subgoals not yet proved). They are printed under the form
+ .. cmdv:: Show Script
+ :name: Show Script
-``<Your Tactic Text here>``.
+ Displays the whole list of tactics applied from the
+ beginning of the current proof. This tactics script may contain some
+ holes (subgoals not yet proved). They are printed under the form
-.. cmdv:: Show Proof.
+ ``<Your Tactic Text here>``.
-It displays the proof term generated by the tactics
-that have been applied. If the proof is not completed, this term
-contain holes, which correspond to the sub-terms which are still to be
-constructed. These holes appear as a question mark indexed by an
-integer, and applied to the list of variables in the context, since it
-may depend on them. The types obtained by abstracting away the context
-from the type of each hole-placer are also printed.
+ .. cmdv:: Show Proof
+ :name: Show Proof
-.. cmdv:: Show Conjectures.
+ It displays the proof term generated by the tactics
+ that have been applied. If the proof is not completed, this term
+ contain holes, which correspond to the sub-terms which are still to be
+ constructed. These holes appear as a question mark indexed by an
+ integer, and applied to the list of variables in the context, since it
+ may depend on them. The types obtained by abstracting away the context
+ from the type of each hole-placer are also printed.
-It prints the list of the names of all the
-theorems that are currently being proved. As it is possible to start
-proving a previous lemma during the proof of a theorem, this list may
-contain several names.
+ .. cmdv:: Show Conjectures
+ :name: Show Conjectures
-.. cmdv:: Show Intro.
+ It prints the list of the names of all the
+ theorems that are currently being proved. As it is possible to start
+ proving a previous lemma during the proof of a theorem, this list may
+ contain several names.
-If the current goal begins by at least one product,
-this command prints the name of the first product, as it would be
-generated by an anonymous ``intro``. The aim of this command is to ease
-the writing of more robust scripts. For example, with an appropriate
-Proof General macro, it is possible to transform any anonymous ``intro``
-into a qualified one such as ``intro y13``. In the case of a non-product
-goal, it prints nothing.
+ .. cmdv:: Show Intro
+ :name: Show Intro
-.. cmdv:: Show Intros.
+ If the current goal begins by at least one product,
+ this command prints the name of the first product, as it would be
+ generated by an anonymous :tacn:`intro`. The aim of this command is to ease
+ the writing of more robust scripts. For example, with an appropriate
+ Proof General macro, it is possible to transform any anonymous :tacn:`intro`
+ into a qualified one such as ``intro y13``. In the case of a non-product
+ goal, it prints nothing.
-This command is similar to the previous one, it
-simulates the naming process of an intros.
+ .. cmdv:: Show Intros
+ :name: Show Intros
-.. cmdv:: Show Existentials.
+ This command is similar to the previous one, it
+ simulates the naming process of an :tacn:`intros`.
-It displays the set of all uninstantiated
-existential variables in the current proof tree, along with the type
-and the context of each variable.
+ .. cmdv:: Show Existentials
+ :name: Show Existentials
-.. cmdv:: Show Match @ident.
+ It displays the set of all uninstantiated
+ existential variables in the current proof tree, along with the type
+ and the context of each variable.
-This variant displays a template of the Gallina
-``match`` construct with a branch for each constructor of the type
+ .. cmdv:: Show Match @ident
-.. example::
- .. coqtop:: all
+ This variant displays a template of the Gallina
+ ``match`` construct with a branch for each constructor of the type
+ :token:`ident`
- Show Match nat.
+ .. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
-.. exn:: Unknown inductive type
+ Show Match nat.
-.. _ShowUniverses:
+ .. exn:: Unknown inductive type.
-.. cmdv:: Show Universes.
+ .. cmdv:: Show Universes
+ :name: Show Universes
-It displays the set of all universe constraints and
-its normalized form at the current stage of the proof, useful for
-debugging universe inconsistencies.
+ It displays the set of all universe constraints and
+ its normalized form at the current stage of the proof, useful for
+ debugging universe inconsistencies.
-.. cmd:: Guarded.
+.. cmd:: Guarded
-Some tactics (e.g. :tacn:`refine` :ref:`applyingtheorems`) allow to build proofs using
-fixpoint or co-fixpoint constructions. Due to the incremental nature
-of interactive proof construction, the check of the termination (or
-guardedness) of the recursive calls in the fixpoint or cofixpoint
-constructions is postponed to the time of the completion of the proof.
+ Some tactics (e.g. :tacn:`refine`) allow to build proofs using
+ fixpoint or co-fixpoint constructions. Due to the incremental nature
+ of interactive proof construction, the check of the termination (or
+ guardedness) of the recursive calls in the fixpoint or cofixpoint
+ constructions is postponed to the time of the completion of the proof.
-The command ``Guarded`` allows checking if the guard condition for
-fixpoint and cofixpoint is violated at some time of the construction
-of the proof without having to wait the completion of the proof.
+ The command :cmd:`Guarded` allows checking if the guard condition for
+ fixpoint and cofixpoint is violated at some time of the construction
+ of the proof without having to wait the completion of the proof.
Controlling the effect of proof editing commands
@@ -559,24 +544,34 @@ Controlling the effect of proof editing commands
.. opt:: Hyps Limit @num
-This option controls the maximum number of hypotheses displayed in goals
-after the application of a tactic. All the hypotheses remain usable
-in the proof development.
-When unset, it goes back to the default mode which is to print all
-available hypotheses.
+ This option controls the maximum number of hypotheses displayed in goals
+ after the application of a tactic. All the hypotheses remain usable
+ in the proof development.
+ When unset, it goes back to the default mode which is to print all
+ available hypotheses.
.. opt:: Automatic Introduction
-This option controls the way binders are handled
-in assertion commands such as ``Theorem ident [binders] : form``. When the
-option is set, which is the default, binders are automatically put in
-the local context of the goal to prove.
+ This option controls the way binders are handled
+ in assertion commands such as :n:`Theorem @ident {? @binders} : @term`. When the
+ option is on, which is the default, binders are automatically put in
+ the local context of the goal to prove.
+ When the option is off, binders are discharged on the statement to be
+ proved and a tactic such as :tacn:`intro` (see Section :ref:`managingthelocalcontext`)
+ has to be used to move the assumptions to the local context.
+.. opt:: Nested Proofs Allowed
-The option can be unset by issuing ``Unset Automatic Introduction``. When
-the option is unset, binders are discharged on the statement to be
-proved and a tactic such as intro (see Section :ref:`managingthelocalcontext`) has to be
-used to move the assumptions to the local context.
+ When turned on (it is off by default), this option enables support for nested
+ proofs: a new assertion command can be inserted before the current proof is
+ finished, in which case Coq will temporarily switch to the proof of this
+ *nested lemma*. When the proof of the nested lemma is finished (with :cmd:`Qed`
+ or :cmd:`Defined`), its statement will be made available (as if it had been
+ proved before starting the previous proof) and Coq will switch back to the
+ proof of the previous assertion.
Controlling memory usage
@@ -586,15 +581,15 @@ When experiencing high memory usage the following commands can be used
to force |Coq| to optimize some of its internal data structures.
-.. cmd:: Optimize Proof.
+.. cmd:: Optimize Proof
-This command forces |Coq| to shrink the data structure used to represent
-the ongoing proof.
+ This command forces |Coq| to shrink the data structure used to represent
+ the ongoing proof.
-.. cmd:: Optimize Heap.
+.. cmd:: Optimize Heap
-This command forces the |OCaml| runtime to perform a heap compaction.
-This is in general an expensive operation.
-See: `OCaml Gc <http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Gc.html#VALcompact>`_
-There is also an analogous tactic :tac:`optimize_heap`.
+ This command forces the |OCaml| runtime to perform a heap compaction.
+ This is in general an expensive operation.
+ See: `OCaml Gc <http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Gc.html#VALcompact>`_
+ There is also an analogous tactic :tacn:`optimize_heap`.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ssreflect-proof-language.rst b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ssreflect-proof-language.rst
index 977a5b8fa..63cd0f3ea 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ssreflect-proof-language.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/ssreflect-proof-language.rst
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ an improvement over ``all null s``.
The syntax of the new declaration is
-.. cmd:: Prenex Implicits {+ @ident}.
+.. cmd:: Prenex Implicits {+ @ident}
Let us denote :math:`c_1` … :math:`c_n` the list of identifiers given to a
``Prenex Implicits`` command. The command checks that each ci is the name of
@@ -2157,10 +2157,10 @@ equivalent to:
More generally, the tactic:
-.. tacn:: @tactic; last @natural first
+.. tacn:: @tactic; last @num first
:name: last first
-where :token:`natural` is a |Coq| numeral, or and Ltac variable
+where :token:`num` is a |Coq| numeral, or an Ltac variable
denoting a |Coq|
numeral, having the value k. It rotates the n subgoals G1 , …, Gn
generated by tactic. The first subgoal becomes Gn + 1 − k and the
@@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ circular order of subgoals remains unchanged.
Conversely, the tactic:
-.. tacn:: @tactic; first @natural last
+.. tacn:: @tactic; first @num last
:name: first last
rotates the n subgoals G1 , …, Gn generated by tactic in order that
@@ -5322,11 +5322,11 @@ intro item see :ref:`introduction_ssr`
multiplier see :ref:`iteration_ssr`
-.. prodn:: occ_switch ::= { {? + %| - } {* @natural } }
+.. prodn:: occ_switch ::= { {? + %| - } {* @num } }
occur. switch see :ref:`occurrence_selection_ssr`
-.. prodn:: mult ::= {? @natural } @mult_mark
+.. prodn:: mult ::= {? @num } @mult_mark
multiplier see :ref:`iteration_ssr`
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/tactics.rst b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/tactics.rst
index 7a45272f2..da4c3f9d7 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/tactics.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/tactics.rst
@@ -53,13 +53,20 @@ specified, the default selector is used.
.. opt:: Default Goal Selector @toplevel_selector
- This option controls the default selector – used when no selector is
- specified when applying a tactic – is set to the chosen value. The initial
- value is 1, hence the tactics are, by default, applied to the first goal.
- Using value ``all`` will make is so that tactics are, by default, applied to
- every goal simultaneously. Then, to apply a tactic tac to the first goal
- only, you can write ``1:tac``. Although more selectors are available, only
- ``all`` or a single natural number are valid default goal selectors.
+ This option controls the default selector, used when no selector is
+ specified when applying a tactic. The initial value is 1, hence the
+ tactics are, by default, applied to the first goal.
+ Using value ``all`` will make it so that tactics are, by default,
+ applied to every goal simultaneously. Then, to apply a tactic tac
+ to the first goal only, you can write ``1:tac``.
+ Using value ``!`` enforces that all tactics are used either on a
+ single focused goal or with a local selector (’’strict focusing
+ mode’’).
+ Although more selectors are available, only ``all``, ``!`` or a
+ single natural number are valid default goal selectors.
.. _bindingslist:
@@ -85,14 +92,14 @@ bindings_list`` where ``bindings_list`` may be of two different forms:
the ``n``-th non dependent premise of the ``term``, as determined by the type
of ``term``.
- .. exn:: No such binder
+ .. exn:: No such binder.
+ A bindings list can also be a simple list of terms :n:`{* term}`.
In that case the references to which these terms correspond are
- determined by the tactic. In case of ``induction``, ``destruct``, ``elim``
- and ``case`` (see :ref:`ltac`) the terms have to
+ determined by the tactic. In case of :tacn:`induction`, :tacn:`destruct`, :tacn:`elim`
+ and :tacn:`case`, the terms have to
provide instances for all the dependent products in the type of term while in
- the case of ``apply``, or of ``constructor`` and its variants, only instances
+ the case of :tacn:`apply`, or of :tacn:`constructor` and its variants, only instances
for the dependent products that are not bound in the conclusion of the type
are required.
@@ -144,8 +151,8 @@ no numbers are given, all occurrences of :n:`@term` in the goal are selected.
Finally, the last notation is an abbreviation for ``* |- *``. Note also
that ``|-`` is optional in the first case when no ``*`` is given.
-Here are some tactics that understand occurrences clauses: ``set``, ``remember``
-, ``induction``, ``destruct``.
+Here are some tactics that understand occurrences clauses: :tacn:`set`, :tacn:`remember`
+, :tacn:`induction`, :tacn:`destruct`.
See also: :ref:`Managingthelocalcontext`,
@@ -160,201 +167,203 @@ Applying theorems
.. tacn:: exact @term
:name: exact
-This tactic applies to any goal. It gives directly the exact proof
-term of the goal. Let ``T`` be our goal, let ``p`` be a term of type ``U`` then
-``exact p`` succeeds iff ``T`` and ``U`` are convertible (see
+ This tactic applies to any goal. It gives directly the exact proof
+ term of the goal. Let ``T`` be our goal, let ``p`` be a term of type ``U`` then
+ ``exact p`` succeeds iff ``T`` and ``U`` are convertible (see
+ :ref:`Conversion-rules`).
-.. exn:: Not an exact proof.
+ .. exn:: Not an exact proof.
-.. tacv:: eexact @term.
- :name: eexact
+ .. tacv:: eexact @term.
+ :name: eexact
-This tactic behaves like exact but is able to handle terms and goals with
+ This tactic behaves like exact but is able to handle terms and goals with
+ meta-variables.
.. tacn:: assumption
:name: assumption
-This tactic looks in the local context for an hypothesis which type is equal to
-the goal. If it is the case, the subgoal is proved. Otherwise, it fails.
+ This tactic looks in the local context for an hypothesis which type is equal to
+ the goal. If it is the case, the subgoal is proved. Otherwise, it fails.
-.. exn:: No such assumption.
+ .. exn:: No such assumption.
-.. tacv:: eassumption
- :name: eassumption
+ .. tacv:: eassumption
+ :name: eassumption
-This tactic behaves like assumption but is able to handle goals with
+ This tactic behaves like assumption but is able to handle goals with
+ meta-variables.
.. tacn:: refine @term
:name: refine
-This tactic applies to any goal. It behaves like exact with a big
-difference: the user can leave some holes (denoted by ``_`` or``(_:type)``) in
-the term. refine will generate as many subgoals as there are holes in
-the term. The type of holes must be either synthesized by the system
-or declared by an explicit cast like ``(_:nat->Prop)``. Any subgoal that
-occurs in other subgoals is automatically shelved, as if calling
-shelve_unifiable (see Section 8.17.4). This low-level tactic can be
-useful to advanced users.
+ This tactic applies to any goal. It behaves like :tacn:`exact` with a big
+ difference: the user can leave some holes (denoted by ``_`` or ``(_:type)``) in
+ the term. :tacn:`refine` will generate as many subgoals as there are holes in
+ the term. The type of holes must be either synthesized by the system
+ or declared by an explicit cast like ``(_:nat->Prop)``. Any subgoal that
+ occurs in other subgoals is automatically shelved, as if calling
+ :tacn:`shelve_unifiable`. This low-level tactic can be
+ useful to advanced users.
-.. example::
- .. coqtop:: reset all
+ .. example::
+ .. coqtop:: reset all
- Inductive Option : Set :=
- | Fail : Option
- | Ok : bool -> Option.
+ Inductive Option : Set :=
+ | Fail : Option
+ | Ok : bool -> Option.
- Definition get : forall x:Option, x <> Fail -> bool.
+ Definition get : forall x:Option, x <> Fail -> bool.
- refine
- (fun x:Option =>
- match x return x <> Fail -> bool with
- | Fail => _
- | Ok b => fun _ => b
- end).
+ refine
+ (fun x:Option =>
+ match x return x <> Fail -> bool with
+ | Fail => _
+ | Ok b => fun _ => b
+ end).
- intros; absurd (Fail = Fail); trivial.
+ intros; absurd (Fail = Fail); trivial.
- Defined.
+ Defined.
-.. exn:: invalid argument
+ .. exn:: Invalid argument.
- The tactic ``refine`` does not know what to do with the term you gave.
+ The tactic :tacn:`refine` does not know what to do with the term you gave.
-.. exn:: Refine passed ill-formed term
+ .. exn:: Refine passed ill-formed term.
- The term you gave is not a valid proof (not easy to debug in general). This
- message may also occur in higher-level tactics that call ``refine``
- internally.
+ The term you gave is not a valid proof (not easy to debug in general). This
+ message may also occur in higher-level tactics that call :tacn:`refine`
+ internally.
-.. exn:: Cannot infer a term for this placeholder
+ .. exn:: Cannot infer a term for this placeholder.
+ :name: Cannot infer a term for this placeholder. (refine)
- There is a hole in the term you gave which type cannot be inferred. Put a
- cast around it.
+ There is a hole in the term you gave whose type cannot be inferred. Put a
+ cast around it.
-.. tacv:: simple refine @term
- :name: simple refine
+ .. tacv:: simple refine @term
+ :name: simple refine
- This tactic behaves like refine, but it does not shelve any subgoal. It does
- not perform any beta-reduction either.
+ This tactic behaves like refine, but it does not shelve any subgoal. It does
+ not perform any beta-reduction either.
-.. tacv:: notypeclasses refine @term
+ .. tacv:: notypeclasses refine @term
+ :name: notypeclasses refine
- This tactic behaves like ``refine`` except it performs typechecking without
- resolution of typeclasses.
+ This tactic behaves like :tacn:`refine` except it performs typechecking without
+ resolution of typeclasses.
-.. tacv:: simple notypeclasses refine @term
- :name: simple notypeclasses refine
+ .. tacv:: simple notypeclasses refine @term
+ :name: simple notypeclasses refine
- This tactic behaves like ``simple refine`` except it performs typechecking
- without resolution of typeclasses.
+ This tactic behaves like :tacn:`simple refine` except it performs typechecking
+ without resolution of typeclasses.
-.. tacv:: apply @term
+.. tacn:: apply @term
:name: apply
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument term is a term well-formed in the
-local context. The tactic apply tries to match the current goal against the
-conclusion of the type of term. If it succeeds, then the tactic returns as many
-subgoals as the number of non-dependent premises of the type of term. If the
-conclusion of the type of term does not match the goal *and* the conclusion is
-an inductive type isomorphic to a tuple type, then each component of the tuple
-is recursively matched to the goal in the left-to-right order.
+ This tactic applies to any goal. The argument term is a term well-formed in the
+ local context. The tactic apply tries to match the current goal against the
+ conclusion of the type of term. If it succeeds, then the tactic returns as many
+ subgoals as the number of non-dependent premises of the type of term. If the
+ conclusion of the type of term does not match the goal *and* the conclusion is
+ an inductive type isomorphic to a tuple type, then each component of the tuple
+ is recursively matched to the goal in the left-to-right order.
-The tactic ``apply`` relies on first-order unification with dependent types
-unless the conclusion of the type of ``term`` is of the form :g:`P (t`:sub:`1`
-:g:`...` :g:`t`:sub:`n` :g:`)` with `P` to be instantiated. In the latter case, the behavior
-depends on the form of the goal. If the goal is of the form
-:g:`(fun x => Q) u`:sub:`1` :g:`...` :g:`u`:sub:`n` and the :g:`t`:sub:`i` and
-:g:`u`:sub:`i` unifies, then :g:`P` is taken to be :g:`(fun x => Q)`. Otherwise,
-``apply`` tries to define :g:`P` by abstracting over :g:`t`:sub:`1` :g:`...`
-:g:`t`:sub:`n` in the goal. See :tacn:`pattern` to transform the goal so that it
-gets the form :g:`(fun x => Q) u`:sub:`1` :g:`...` :g:`u`:sub:`n`.
+ The tactic :tacn:`apply` relies on first-order unification with dependent types
+ unless the conclusion of the type of :token:`term` is of the form :g:`P (t`:sub:`1`
+ :g:`...` :g:`t`:sub:`n` :g:`)` with `P` to be instantiated. In the latter case, the behavior
+ depends on the form of the goal. If the goal is of the form
+ :g:`(fun x => Q) u`:sub:`1` :g:`...` :g:`u`:sub:`n` and the :g:`t`:sub:`i` and
+ :g:`u`:sub:`i` unifies, then :g:`P` is taken to be :g:`(fun x => Q)`. Otherwise,
+ :tacn:`apply` tries to define :g:`P` by abstracting over :g:`t`:sub:`1` :g:`...`
+ :g:`t`:sub:`n` in the goal. See :tacn:`pattern` to transform the goal so that it
+ gets the form :g:`(fun x => Q) u`:sub:`1` :g:`...` :g:`u`:sub:`n`.
-.. exn:: Unable to unify ... with ... .
+ .. exn:: Unable to unify ... with ... .
-The apply tactic failed to match the conclusion of term and the current goal.
-You can help the apply tactic by transforming your goal with the
-:tacn:`change` or :tacn:`pattern` tactics.
+ The apply tactic failed to match the conclusion of :token:`term` and the
+ current goal. You can help the apply tactic by transforming your goal with
+ the :tacn:`change` or :tacn:`pattern` tactics.
-.. exn:: Unable to find an instance for the variables {+ @ident}.
+ .. exn:: Unable to find an instance for the variables {+ @ident}.
-This occurs when some instantiations of the premises of term are not deducible
-from the unification. This is the case, for instance, when you want to apply a
-transitivity property. In this case, you have to use one of the variants below:
+ This occurs when some instantiations of the premises of :token:`term` are not deducible
+ from the unification. This is the case, for instance, when you want to apply a
+ transitivity property. In this case, you have to use one of the variants below:
-.. tacv:: apply @term with {+ @term}
+ .. tacv:: apply @term with {+ @term}
-Provides apply with explicit instantiations for all dependent premises of the
-type of term that do not occur in the conclusion and consequently cannot be
-found by unification. Notice that the collection :n:`{+ @term}` must be given
-according to the order of these dependent premises of the type of term.
+ Provides apply with explicit instantiations for all dependent premises of the
+ type of term that do not occur in the conclusion and consequently cannot be
+ found by unification. Notice that the collection :n:`{+ @term}` must be given
+ according to the order of these dependent premises of the type of term.
-.. exn:: Not the right number of missing arguments.
+ .. exn:: Not the right number of missing arguments.
-.. tacv:: apply @term with @bindings_list
+ .. tacv:: apply @term with @bindings_list
-This also provides apply with values for instantiating premises. Here, variables
-are referred by names and non-dependent products by increasing numbers (see
-:ref:`bindings list <bindingslist>`).
+ This also provides apply with values for instantiating premises. Here, variables
+ are referred by names and non-dependent products by increasing numbers (see
+ :ref:`bindings list <bindingslist>`).
-.. tacv:: apply {+, @term}
+ .. tacv:: apply {+, @term}
-This is a shortcut for ``apply term``:sub:`1`
-``; [.. | ... ; [ .. | apply`` ``term``:sub:`n` ``] ... ]``,
-i.e. for the successive applications of ``term``:sub:`i+1` on the last subgoal
-generated by ``apply term``:sub:`i` , starting from the application of
+ This is a shortcut for :n:`apply @term`:sub:`1`
+ :n:`; [.. | ... ; [ .. | apply @term`:sub:`n` :n:`] ... ]`,
+ i.e. for the successive applications of :token:`term`:sub:`i+1` on the last subgoal
+ generated by :n:`apply @term`:sub:`i` , starting from the application of
+ :token:`term`:sub:`1`.
-.. tacv:: eapply @term
- :name: eapply
+ .. tacv:: eapply @term
+ :name: eapply
-The tactic ``eapply`` behaves like ``apply`` but it does not fail when no
-instantiations are deducible for some variables in the premises. Rather, it
-turns these variables into existential variables which are variables still to
-instantiate (see :ref:`Existential-Variables`). The instantiation is
-intended to be found later in the proof.
+ The tactic :tacn:`eapply` behaves like :tacn:`apply` but it does not fail when no
+ instantiations are deducible for some variables in the premises. Rather, it
+ turns these variables into existential variables which are variables still to
+ instantiate (see :ref:`Existential-Variables`). The instantiation is
+ intended to be found later in the proof.
-.. tacv:: simple apply @term.
- :name: simple apply
+ .. tacv:: simple apply @term.
+ :name: simple apply
-This behaves like ``apply`` but it reasons modulo conversion only on subterms
-that contain no variables to instantiate. For instance, the following example
-does not succeed because it would require the conversion of ``id ?foo`` and
+ This behaves like :tacn:`apply` but it reasons modulo conversion only on subterms
+ that contain no variables to instantiate. For instance, the following example
+ does not succeed because it would require the conversion of ``id ?foo`` and
+ :g:`O`.
-.. example::
+ .. example::
- .. coqtop:: all
+ .. coqtop:: all
- Definition id (x : nat) := x.
- Hypothesis H : forall y, id y = y.
- Goal O = O.
- Fail simple apply H.
+ Definition id (x : nat) := x.
+ Parameter H : forall y, id y = y.
+ Goal O = O.
+ Fail simple apply H.
-Because it reasons modulo a limited amount of conversion, ``simple apply`` fails
-quicker than ``apply`` and it is then well-suited for uses in user-defined
-tactics that backtrack often. Moreover, it does not traverse tuples as ``apply``
+ Because it reasons modulo a limited amount of conversion, :tacn:`simple apply` fails
+ quicker than :tacn:`apply` and it is then well-suited for uses in user-defined
+ tactics that backtrack often. Moreover, it does not traverse tuples as :tacn:`apply`
+ does.
-.. tacv:: {? simple} apply {+, @term {? with @bindings_list}}
-.. tacv:: {? simple} eapply {+, @term {? with @bindings_list}}
- :name: simple eapply
+ .. tacv:: {? simple} apply {+, @term {? with @bindings_list}}
+ .. tacv:: {? simple} eapply {+, @term {? with @bindings_list}}
+ :name: simple eapply
-This summarizes the different syntaxes for ``apply`` and ``eapply``.
+ This summarizes the different syntaxes for :tacn:`apply` and :tacn:`eapply`.
-.. tacv:: lapply @term
- :name: lapply
+ .. tacv:: lapply @term
+ :name: lapply
-This tactic applies to any goal, say :g:`G`. The argument term has to be
-well-formed in the current context, its type being reducible to a non-dependent
-product :g:`A -> B` with :g:`B` possibly containing products. Then it generates
-two subgoals :g:`B->G` and :g:`A`. Applying ``lapply H`` (where :g:`H` has type
-:g:`A->B` and :g:`B` does not start with a product) does the same as giving the
-sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
+ This tactic applies to any goal, say :g:`G`. The argument term has to be
+ well-formed in the current context, its type being reducible to a non-dependent
+ product :g:`A -> B` with :g:`B` possibly containing products. Then it generates
+ two subgoals :g:`B->G` and :g:`A`. Applying ``lapply H`` (where :g:`H` has type
+ :g:`A->B` and :g:`B` does not start with a product) does the same as giving the
+ sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
-.. warn:: When @term contains more than one non dependent product the tactic lapply only takes into account the first product.
+ .. warn:: When @term contains more than one non dependent product the tactic lapply only takes into account the first product.
.. example::
Assume we have a transitive relation ``R`` on ``nat``:
@@ -494,7 +503,7 @@ sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
.. tacv:: eapply {+, @term with @bindings_list} in @ident as @intro_pattern.
- This works as :tacn:`apply ... in as` but using ``eapply``.
+ This works as :tacn:`apply ... in ... as` but using ``eapply``.
.. tacv:: simple apply @term in @ident
@@ -502,15 +511,15 @@ sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
on subterms that contain no variables to instantiate. For instance, if
:g:`id := fun x:nat => x` and :g:`H: forall y, id y = y -> True` and
:g:`H0 : O = O` then ``simple apply H in H0`` does not succeed because it
- would require the conversion of :g:`id ?1234` and :g:`O` where :g:`?1234` is
- a variable to instantiate. Tactic :n:`simple apply @term in @ident` does not
+ would require the conversion of :g:`id ?x` and :g:`O` where :g:`?x` is
+ an existential variable to instantiate. Tactic :n:`simple apply @term in @ident` does not
either traverse tuples as :n:`apply @term in @ident` does.
.. tacv:: {? simple} apply {+, @term {? with @bindings_list}} in @ident {? as @intro_pattern}
.. tacv:: {? simple} eapply {+, @term {? with @bindings_list}} in @ident {? as @intro_pattern}
- This summarizes the different syntactic variants of :n:`apply @term in
- @ident` and :n:`eapply @term in @ident`.
+ This summarizes the different syntactic variants of :n:`apply @term in @ident`
+ and :n:`eapply @term in @ident`.
.. tacn:: constructor @num
:name: constructor
@@ -521,8 +530,8 @@ sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
constructor of :g:`I`, then ``constructor i`` is equivalent to
``intros; apply c``:sub:`i`.
-.. exn:: Not an inductive product
-.. exn:: Not enough constructors
+.. exn:: Not an inductive product.
+.. exn:: Not enough constructors.
.. tacv:: constructor
@@ -555,7 +564,7 @@ sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
to :n:`intros; constructor 1 with @bindings_list.` It is typically used in
the case of an existential quantification :math:`\exists`:g:`x, P(x).`
-.. exn:: Not an inductive goal with 1 constructor
+.. exn:: Not an inductive goal with 1 constructor.
.. tacv:: exists @bindings_list
@@ -572,7 +581,7 @@ sequence ``cut B. 2:apply H.`` where ``cut`` is described below.
Then, they are respectively equivalent to ``constructor 1`` and
``constructor 2``.
-.. exn:: Not an inductive goal with 2 constructors
+.. exn:: Not an inductive goal with 2 constructors.
.. tacv:: left with @bindings_list
.. tacv:: right with @bindings_list
@@ -617,17 +626,21 @@ binder. If the goal is a product, the tactic implements the "Lam" rule given in
:ref:`Typing-rules` [1]_. If the goal starts with a let binder, then the
tactic implements a mix of the "Let" and "Conv".
-If the current goal is a dependent product :math:`\forall` :g:`x:T, U` (resp
+If the current goal is a dependent product :g:`forall x:T, U` (resp
:g:`let x:=t in U`) then ``intro`` puts :g:`x:T` (resp :g:`x:=t`) in the local
context. The new subgoal is :g:`U`.
If the goal is a non-dependent product :g:`T`:math:`\rightarrow`:g:`U`, then it
puts in the local context either :g:`Hn:T` (if :g:`T` is of type :g:`Set` or
-:g:`Prop`) or Xn:T (if the type of :g:`T` is :g:`Type`). The optional index
+:g:`Prop`) or :g:`Xn:T` (if the type of :g:`T` is :g:`Type`). The optional index
``n`` is such that ``Hn`` or ``Xn`` is a fresh identifier. In both cases, the
new subgoal is :g:`U`.
-If the goal is neither a product nor starting with a let definition,
+If the goal is an existential variable, ``intro`` forces the resolution of the
+existential variable into a dependent product :math:`forall`:g:`x:?X, ?Y`, puts
+:g:`x:?X` in the local context and leaves :g:`?Y` as a new subgoal allowed to
+depend on :g:`x`.
the tactic ``intro`` applies the tactic ``hnf`` until the tactic ``intro`` can
be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.
@@ -635,16 +648,17 @@ be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.
.. exn:: @ident is already used.
.. tacv:: intros
+ :name: intros
This repeats ``intro`` until it meets the head-constant. It never
reduces head-constants and it never fails.
-.. tac:: intro @ident
+.. tacn:: intro @ident
This applies ``intro`` but forces :n:`@ident` to be the name of the
introduced hypothesis.
-.. exn:: name @ident is already used
+.. exn:: Name @ident is already used.
.. note:: If a name used by intro hides the base name of a global
constant then the latter can still be referred to by a qualified name
@@ -663,7 +677,7 @@ be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.
`(@ident:term)` and discharges the variable named `ident` of the current
-.. exn:: No such hypothesis in current goal
+.. exn:: No such hypothesis in current goal.
.. tacv:: intros until @num
@@ -692,7 +706,7 @@ be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.
too so as to respect the order of dependencies between hypotheses.
Note that :n:`intro at bottom` is a synonym for :n:`intro` with no argument.
-.. exn:: No such hypothesis : @ident.
+.. exn:: No such hypothesis: @ident.
.. tacv:: intro @ident after @ident
.. tacv:: intro @ident before @ident
@@ -701,7 +715,7 @@ be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.
These tactics behave as previously but naming the introduced hypothesis
:n:`@ident`. It is equivalent to :n:`intro @ident` followed by the
- appropriate call to move (see :tacn:`move ... after`).
+ appropriate call to ``move`` (see :tacn:`move ... after ...`).
.. tacn:: intros @intro_pattern_list
:name: intros ...
@@ -746,7 +760,7 @@ be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.
Assuming a goal of type :g:`Q → P` (non-dependent product), or of type
- :math:`\forall`:g:`x:T, P` (dependent product), the behavior of
+ :g:`forall x:T, P` (dependent product), the behavior of
:n:`intros p` is defined inductively over the structure of the introduction
pattern :n:`p`:
@@ -871,7 +885,7 @@ quantification or an implication.
This tactic expects :n:`@ident` to be a local definition then clears its
body. Otherwise said, this tactic turns a definition into an assumption.
-.. exn:: @ident is not a local definition
+.. exn:: @ident is not a local definition.
.. tacv:: clear - {+ @ident}
@@ -890,21 +904,21 @@ quantification or an implication.
.. tacn:: revert {+ @ident}
:name: revert
-This applies to any goal with variables :n:`{+ @ident}`. It moves the hypotheses
-(possibly defined) to the goal, if this respects dependencies. This tactic is
-the inverse of :tacn:`intro`.
+ This applies to any goal with variables :n:`{+ @ident}`. It moves the hypotheses
+ (possibly defined) to the goal, if this respects dependencies. This tactic is
+ the inverse of :tacn:`intro`.
.. exn:: No such hypothesis.
.. exn:: @ident is used in the hypothesis @ident.
-.. tac:: revert dependent @ident
+.. tacn:: revert dependent @ident
This moves to the goal the hypothesis :n:`@ident` and all the hypotheses that
depend on it.
.. tacn:: move @ident after @ident
- :name: move .. after ...
+ :name: move ... after ...
This moves the hypothesis named :n:`@ident` in the local context after the
hypothesis named :n:`@ident`, where “after” is in reference to the
@@ -938,9 +952,9 @@ the inverse of :tacn:`intro`.
This moves ident at the bottom of the local context (at the end of the
-.. exn:: No such hypothesis
-.. exn:: Cannot move @ident after @ident : it occurs in the type of @ident
-.. exn:: Cannot move @ident after @ident : it depends on @ident
+.. exn:: No such hypothesis.
+.. exn:: Cannot move @ident after @ident : it occurs in the type of @ident.
+.. exn:: Cannot move @ident after @ident : it depends on @ident.
.. example::
.. coqtop:: all
@@ -967,8 +981,8 @@ The name of the hypothesis in the proof-term, however, is left unchanged.
particular, the target identifiers may contain identifiers that exist in the
source context, as long as the latter are also renamed by the same tactic.
-.. exn:: No such hypothesis
-.. exn:: @ident is already used
+.. exn:: No such hypothesis.
+.. exn:: @ident is already used.
.. tacn:: set (@ident := @term)
:name: set
@@ -980,7 +994,7 @@ The name of the hypothesis in the proof-term, however, is left unchanged.
first checks that all subterms matching the pattern are compatible before
doing the replacement using the leftmost subterm matching the pattern.
-.. exn:: The variable @ident is already defined
+.. exn:: The variable @ident is already defined.
.. tacv:: set (@ident := @term ) in @goal_occurrences
@@ -1098,7 +1112,7 @@ Controlling the proof flow
:g:`U` [2]_. The subgoal :g:`U` comes first in the list of subgoals remaining to
-.. exn:: Not a proposition or a type
+.. exn:: Not a proposition or a type.
Arises when the argument form is neither of type :g:`Prop`, :g:`Set` nor
@@ -1108,15 +1122,15 @@ Controlling the proof flow
This behaves as :n:`assert (@ident : form)` but :n:`@ident` is generated by
-.. tacv:: assert form by tactic
+.. tacv:: assert @form by @tactic
This tactic behaves like :n:`assert` but applies tactic to solve the subgoals
generated by assert.
- .. exn:: Proof is not complete
- :name: Proof is not complete (assert)
+ .. exn:: Proof is not complete.
+ :name: Proof is not complete. (assert)
-.. tacv:: assert form as intro_pattern
+.. tacv:: assert @form as @intro_pattern
If :n:`intro_pattern` is a naming introduction pattern (see :tacn:`intro`),
the hypothesis is named after this introduction pattern (in particular, if
@@ -1125,7 +1139,7 @@ Controlling the proof flow
introduction pattern, the tactic behaves like :n:`assert form` followed by
the action done by this introduction pattern.
-.. tacv:: assert form as intro_pattern by tactic
+.. tacv:: assert @form as @intro_pattern by @tactic
This combines the two previous variants of :n:`assert`.
@@ -1135,7 +1149,7 @@ Controlling the proof flow
the type of :g:`term`. This is deprecated in favor of :n:`pose proof`. If the
head of term is :n:`@ident`, the tactic behaves as :n:`specialize @term`.
- .. exn:: Variable @ident is already declared
+ .. exn:: Variable @ident is already declared.
.. tacv:: eassert form as intro_pattern by tactic
:name: eassert
@@ -1178,9 +1192,9 @@ Controlling the proof flow
This behaves like :n:`enough form` using :n:`intro_pattern` to name or
destruct the new hypothesis.
-.. tacv:: enough (@ident : form) by tactic
-.. tacv:: enough form by tactic
-.. tacv:: enough form as intro_pattern by tactic
+.. tacv:: enough (@ident : @form) by @tactic
+.. tacv:: enough @form by @tactic
+.. tacv:: enough @form as @intro_pattern by @tactic
This behaves as above but with :n:`tactic` expected to solve the initial goal
after the extra assumption :n:`form` is added and possibly destructed. If the
@@ -1227,8 +1241,8 @@ Controlling the proof flow
the goal. The :n:`as` clause is especially useful in this case to immediately
introduce the instantiated statement as a local hypothesis.
- .. exn:: @ident is used in hypothesis @ident
- .. exn:: @ident is used in conclusion
+ .. exn:: @ident is used in hypothesis @ident.
+ .. exn:: @ident is used in conclusion.
.. tacn:: generalize @term
:name: generalize
@@ -1352,7 +1366,7 @@ goals cannot be closed with :g:`Qed` but only with :g:`Admitted`.
a singleton inductive type (e.g. :g:`True` or :g:`x=x`), or two contradictory
-.. exn:: No such assumption
+.. exn:: No such assumption.
.. tacv:: contradiction @ident
@@ -1558,9 +1572,9 @@ analysis on inductive or co-inductive objects (see :ref:`inductive-definitions`)
intros n H.
induction n.
-.. exn:: Not an inductive product
+.. exn:: Not an inductive product.
-.. exn:: Unable to find an instance for the variables @ident ... @ident
+.. exn:: Unable to find an instance for the variables @ident ... @ident.
Use in this case the variant :tacn:`elim ... with` below.
@@ -1834,8 +1848,8 @@ See also: :ref:`advanced-recursive-functions`
-.. exn:: Cannot find induction information on @qualid
-.. exn:: Not the right number of induction arguments
+.. exn:: Cannot find induction information on @qualid.
+.. exn:: Not the right number of induction arguments.
.. tacv:: functional induction (@qualid {+ @term}) as @disj_conj_intro_pattern using @term with @bindings_list
@@ -1868,8 +1882,8 @@ See also: :ref:`advanced-recursive-functions`
:n:`@ident` is first introduced in the local context using
:n:`intros until @ident`.
-.. exn:: No primitive equality found
-.. exn:: Not a discriminable equality
+.. exn:: No primitive equality found.
+.. exn:: Not a discriminable equality.
.. tacv:: discriminate @num
@@ -1897,7 +1911,7 @@ See also: :ref:`advanced-recursive-functions`
the form :n:`@term <> @term`, this behaves as
:n:`intro @ident; discriminate @ident`.
- .. exn:: No discriminable equalities
+ .. exn:: No discriminable equalities.
.. tacn:: injection @term
:name: injection
@@ -1908,7 +1922,7 @@ See also: :ref:`advanced-recursive-functions`
:g:`t`:sub:`1` and :g:`t`:sub:`2` are equal too.
If :n:`@term` is a proof of a statement of conclusion :n:`@term = @term`,
- then ``injection`` applies the injectivity of constructors as deep as
+ then :tacn:`injection` applies the injectivity of constructors as deep as
possible to derive the equality of all the subterms of :n:`@term` and
:n:`@term` at positions where the terms start to differ. For example, from
:g:`(S p, S n) = (q, S (S m))` we may derive :g:`S p = q` and
@@ -1918,93 +1932,96 @@ See also: :ref:`advanced-recursive-functions`
equality of all the subterms at positions where they differ and adds them as
antecedents to the conclusion of the current goal.
-.. example::
+ .. example::
- Consider the following goal:
+ Consider the following goal:
- .. coqtop:: reset all
+ .. coqtop:: in
- Inductive list : Set :=
- | nil : list
- | cons : nat -> list -> list.
- Variable P : list -> Prop.
- Goal forall l n, P nil -> cons n l = cons 0 nil -> P l.
- intros.
- injection H0.
+ Inductive list : Set :=
+ | nil : list
+ | cons : nat -> list -> list.
+ Parameter P : list -> Prop.
+ Goal forall l n, P nil -> cons n l = cons 0 nil -> P l.
+ .. coqtop:: all
-Beware that injection yields an equality in a sigma type whenever the
-injected object has a dependent type :g:`P` with its two instances in
-different types :g:`(P t`:sub:`1` :g:`... t`:sub:`n` :g:`)` and
-:g:`(P u`:sub:`1` :g:`... u`:sub:`n` :sub:`)`. If :g:`t`:sub:`1` and
-:g:`u`:sub:`1` are the same and have for type an inductive type for which a decidable
-equality has been declared using the command ``Scheme Equality`` (see :ref:`proofschemes-induction-principles`),
-the use of a sigma type is avoided.
+ intros.
+ injection H0.
-.. note::
- If some quantified hypothesis of the goal is named :n:`@ident`,
- then :n:`injection @ident` first introduces the hypothesis in the local
- context using :n:`intros until @ident`.
+ Beware that injection yields an equality in a sigma type whenever the
+ injected object has a dependent type :g:`P` with its two instances in
+ different types :g:`(P t`:sub:`1` :g:`... t`:sub:`n` :g:`)` and
+ :g:`(P u`:sub:`1` :g:`... u`:sub:`n` :sub:`)`. If :g:`t`:sub:`1` and
+ :g:`u`:sub:`1` are the same and have for type an inductive type for which a decidable
+ equality has been declared using the command :cmd:`Scheme Equality`
+ (see :ref:`proofschemes-induction-principles`),
+ the use of a sigma type is avoided.
-.. exn:: Not a projectable equality but a discriminable one
-.. exn:: Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible @terms
-.. exn:: Not a primitive equality
-.. exn:: Nothing to inject
+ .. note::
+ If some quantified hypothesis of the goal is named :n:`@ident`,
+ then :n:`injection @ident` first introduces the hypothesis in the local
+ context using :n:`intros until @ident`.
-.. tacv:: injection @num
+ .. exn:: Not a projectable equality but a discriminable one.
+ .. exn:: Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible @terms.
+ .. exn:: Not a primitive equality.
+ .. exn:: Nothing to inject.
- This does the same thing as :n:`intros until @num` followed by
- :n:`injection @ident` where :n:`@ident` is the identifier for the last
- introduced hypothesis.
+ .. tacv:: injection @num
-.. tacv:: injection @term with @bindings_list
+ This does the same thing as :n:`intros until @num` followed by
+ :n:`injection @ident` where :n:`@ident` is the identifier for the last
+ introduced hypothesis.
- This does the same as :n:`injection @term` but using the given bindings to
- instantiate parameters or hypotheses of :n:`@term`.
+ .. tacv:: injection @term with @bindings_list
-.. tacv:: einjection @num
-.. tacv:: einjection @term {? with @bindings_list}
- :name: einjection
+ This does the same as :n:`injection @term` but using the given bindings to
+ instantiate parameters or hypotheses of :n:`@term`.
- This works the same as :n:`injection` but if the type of :n:`@term`, or the
- type of the hypothesis referred to by :n:`@num`, has uninstantiated
- parameters, these parameters are left as existential variables.
+ .. tacv:: einjection @num
+ :name: einjection
+ .. tacv:: einjection @term {? with @bindings_list}
-.. tacv:: injection
+ This works the same as :n:`injection` but if the type of :n:`@term`, or the
+ type of the hypothesis referred to by :n:`@num`, has uninstantiated
+ parameters, these parameters are left as existential variables.
- If the current goal is of the form :n:`@term <> @term` , this behaves as
- :n:`intro @ident; injection @ident`.
+ .. tacv:: injection
- .. exn:: goal does not satisfy the expected preconditions
+ If the current goal is of the form :n:`@term <> @term` , this behaves as
+ :n:`intro @ident; injection @ident`.
-.. tacv:: injection @term {? with @bindings_list} as {+ @intro_pattern}
-.. tacv:: injection @num as {+ intro_pattern}
-.. tacv:: injection as {+ intro_pattern}
-.. tacv:: einjection @term {? with @bindings_list} as {+ intro_pattern}
-.. tacv:: einjection @num as {+ intro_pattern}
-.. tacv:: einjection as {+ intro_pattern}
+ .. exn:: goal does not satisfy the expected preconditions.
+ .. tacv:: injection @term {? with @bindings_list} as {+ @intro_pattern}
+ .. tacv:: injection @num as {+ intro_pattern}
+ .. tacv:: injection as {+ intro_pattern}
+ .. tacv:: einjection @term {? with @bindings_list} as {+ intro_pattern}
+ .. tacv:: einjection @num as {+ intro_pattern}
+ .. tacv:: einjection as {+ intro_pattern}
These variants apply :n:`intros {+ @intro_pattern}` after the call to
- ``injection`` or ``einjection`` so that all equalities generated are moved in
+ :tacn:`injection` or :tacn:`einjection` so that all equalities generated are moved in
the context of hypotheses. The number of :n:`@intro_pattern` must not exceed
the number of equalities newly generated. If it is smaller, fresh
names are automatically generated to adjust the list of :n:`@intro_pattern`
to the number of new equalities. The original equality is erased if it
corresponds to an hypothesis.
-.. opt:: Structural Injection
+ .. opt:: Structural Injection
- This option ensure that :n:`injection @term` erases the original hypothesis
- and leaves the generated equalities in the context rather than putting them
- as antecedents of the current goal, as if giving :n:`injection @term as`
- (with an empty list of names). This option is off by default.
+ This option ensure that :n:`injection @term` erases the original hypothesis
+ and leaves the generated equalities in the context rather than putting them
+ as antecedents of the current goal, as if giving :n:`injection @term as`
+ (with an empty list of names). This option is off by default.
-.. opt:: Keep Proof Equalities
+ .. opt:: Keep Proof Equalities
- By default, :tacn:`injection` only creates new equalities between :n:`@terms`
- whose type is in sort :g:`Type` or :g:`Set`, thus implementing a special
- behavior for objects that are proofs of a statement in :g:`Prop`. This option
- controls this behavior.
+ By default, :tacn:`injection` only creates new equalities between :n:`@terms`
+ whose type is in sort :g:`Type` or :g:`Set`, thus implementing a special
+ behavior for objects that are proofs of a statement in :g:`Prop`. This option
+ controls this behavior.
.. tacn:: inversion @ident
:name: inversion
@@ -2132,13 +2149,13 @@ the use of a sigma type is avoided.
:n:`dependent inversion_clear @ident`.
.. tacv:: dependent inversion @ident with @term
- :name: dependent inversion ...
+ :name: dependent inversion ... with ...
This variant allows you to specify the generalization of the goal. It is
useful when the system fails to generalize the goal automatically. If
- :n:`@ident` has type :g:`(I t)` and :g:`I` has type :math:`\forall`
- :g:`(x:T), s`, then :n:`@term` must be of type :g:`I:`:math:`\forall`
- :g:`(x:T), I x -> s'` where :g:`s'` is the type of the goal.
+ :n:`@ident` has type :g:`(I t)` and :g:`I` has type :g:`forall (x:T), s`,
+ then :n:`@term` must be of type :g:`I:forall (x:T), I x -> s'` where
+ :g:`s'` is the type of the goal.
.. tacv:: dependent inversion @ident as @intro_pattern with @term
@@ -2147,7 +2164,7 @@ the use of a sigma type is avoided.
.. tacv:: dependent inversion_clear @ident with @term
- Like :tacn:`dependent inversion ...` with but clears :n:`@ident` from the
+ Like :tacn:`dependent inversion ... with ...` with but clears :n:`@ident` from the
local context.
.. tacv:: dependent inversion_clear @ident as @intro_pattern with @term
@@ -2381,35 +2398,35 @@ simply :g:`t=u` dropping the implicit type of :g:`t` and :g:`u`.
.. tacn:: rewrite @term
:name: rewrite
-This tactic applies to any goal. The type of :n:`@term` must have the form
+ This tactic applies to any goal. The type of :token:`term` must have the form
-``forall (x``:sub:`1` ``:A``:sub:`1` ``) ... (x``:sub:`n` ``:A``:sub:`n` ``). eq term``:sub:`1` ``term``:sub:`2` ``.``
+ ``forall (x``:sub:`1` ``:A``:sub:`1` ``) ... (x``:sub:`n` ``:A``:sub:`n` ``). eq term``:sub:`1` ``term``:sub:`2` ``.``
-where :g:`eq` is the Leibniz equality or a registered setoid equality.
+ where :g:`eq` is the Leibniz equality or a registered setoid equality.
-Then :n:`rewrite @term` finds the first subterm matching `term`\ :sub:`1` in the goal,
-resulting in instances `term`:sub:`1`' and `term`:sub:`2`' and then
-replaces every occurrence of `term`:subscript:`1`' by `term`:subscript:`2`'.
-Hence, some of the variables :g:`x`\ :sub:`i` are solved by unification,
-and some of the types :g:`A`\ :sub:`1`:g:`, ..., A`\ :sub:`n` become new
+ Then :n:`rewrite @term` finds the first subterm matching `term`\ :sub:`1` in the goal,
+ resulting in instances `term`:sub:`1`' and `term`:sub:`2`' and then
+ replaces every occurrence of `term`:subscript:`1`' by `term`:subscript:`2`'.
+ Hence, some of the variables :g:`x`\ :sub:`i` are solved by unification,
+ and some of the types :g:`A`\ :sub:`1`:g:`, ..., A`\ :sub:`n` become new
+ subgoals.
-.. exn:: The @term provided does not end with an equation
+ .. exn:: The @term provided does not end with an equation.
-.. exn:: Tactic generated a subgoal identical to the original goal. This happens if @term does not occur in the goal.
+ .. exn:: Tactic generated a subgoal identical to the original goal. This happens if @term does not occur in the goal.
-.. tacv:: rewrite -> @term
+ .. tacv:: rewrite -> @term
- Is equivalent to :n:`rewrite @term`
+ Is equivalent to :n:`rewrite @term`
-.. tacv:: rewrite <- @term
+ .. tacv:: rewrite <- @term
- Uses the equality :n:`@term`:sub:`1` :n:`= @term` :sub:`2` from right to left
+ Uses the equality :n:`@term`:sub:`1` :n:`= @term` :sub:`2` from right to left
-.. tacv:: rewrite @term in clause
+ .. tacv:: rewrite @term in clause
- Analogous to :n:`rewrite @term` but rewriting is done following clause
- (similarly to :ref:`performing computations <performingcomputations>`). For instance:
+ Analogous to :n:`rewrite @term` but rewriting is done following clause
+ (similarly to :ref:`performing computations <performingcomputations>`). For instance:
+ :n:`rewrite H in H`:sub:`1` will rewrite `H` in the hypothesis
`H`:sub:`1` instead of the current goal.
@@ -2418,141 +2435,133 @@ subgoals.
In particular a failure will happen if any of these three simpler tactics
+ :n:`rewrite H in * |-` will do :n:`rewrite H in H`:sub:`i` for all hypotheses
- :g:`H`:sub:`i` :g:`<> H`. A success will happen as soon as at least one of these
- simpler tactics succeeds.
+ :g:`H`:sub:`i` different from :g:`H`.
+ A success will happen as soon as at least one of these simpler tactics succeeds.
+ :n:`rewrite H in *` is a combination of :n:`rewrite H` and :n:`rewrite H in * |-`
that succeeds if at least one of these two tactics succeeds.
- Orientation :g:`->` or :g:`<-` can be inserted before the :n:`@term` to rewrite.
+ Orientation :g:`->` or :g:`<-` can be inserted before the :token:`term` to rewrite.
-.. tacv:: rewrite @term at occurrences
+ .. tacv:: rewrite @term at occurrences
- Rewrite only the given occurrences of :n:`@term`. Occurrences are
- specified from left to right as for pattern (:tacn:`pattern`). The rewrite is
- always performed using setoid rewriting, even for Leibniz’s equality, so one
- has to ``Import Setoid`` to use this variant.
+ Rewrite only the given occurrences of :token:`term`. Occurrences are
+ specified from left to right as for pattern (:tacn:`pattern`). The rewrite is
+ always performed using setoid rewriting, even for Leibniz’s equality, so one
+ has to ``Import Setoid`` to use this variant.
-.. tacv:: rewrite @term by tactic
+ .. tacv:: rewrite @term by tactic
- Use tactic to completely solve the side-conditions arising from the
- :tacn:`rewrite`.
+ Use tactic to completely solve the side-conditions arising from the
+ :tacn:`rewrite`.
-.. tacv:: rewrite {+ @term}
+ .. tacv:: rewrite {+, @term}
- Is equivalent to the `n` successive tactics :n:`{+ rewrite @term}`, each one
- working on the first subgoal generated by the previous one. Orientation
- :g:`->` or :g:`<-` can be inserted before each :n:`@term` to rewrite. One
- unique clause can be added at the end after the keyword in; it will then
- affect all rewrite operations.
+ Is equivalent to the `n` successive tactics :n:`{+; rewrite @term}`, each one
+ working on the first subgoal generated by the previous one. Orientation
+ :g:`->` or :g:`<-` can be inserted before each :token:`term` to rewrite. One
+ unique clause can be added at the end after the keyword in; it will then
+ affect all rewrite operations.
- In all forms of rewrite described above, a :n:`@term` to rewrite can be
- immediately prefixed by one of the following modifiers:
+ In all forms of rewrite described above, a :token:`term` to rewrite can be
+ immediately prefixed by one of the following modifiers:
- + `?` : the tactic rewrite :n:`?@term` performs the rewrite of :n:`@term` as many
- times as possible (perhaps zero time). This form never fails.
- + `n?` : works similarly, except that it will do at most `n` rewrites.
- + `!` : works as ?, except that at least one rewrite should succeed, otherwise
- the tactic fails.
- + `n!` (or simply `n`) : precisely `n` rewrites of :n:`@term` will be done,
- leading to failure if these n rewrites are not possible.
+ + `?` : the tactic :n:`rewrite ?@term` performs the rewrite of :token:`term` as many
+ times as possible (perhaps zero time). This form never fails.
+ + :n:`@num?` : works similarly, except that it will do at most :token:`num` rewrites.
+ + `!` : works as `?`, except that at least one rewrite should succeed, otherwise
+ the tactic fails.
+ + :n:`@num!` (or simply :n:`@num`) : precisely :token:`num` rewrites of :token:`term` will be done,
+ leading to failure if these :token:`num` rewrites are not possible.
-.. tacv:: erewrite @term
- :name: erewrite
+ .. tacv:: erewrite @term
+ :name: erewrite
- This tactic works as :n:`rewrite @term` but turning
- unresolved bindings into existential variables, if any, instead of
- failing. It has the same variants as :tacn:`rewrite` has.
+ This tactic works as :n:`rewrite @term` but turning
+ unresolved bindings into existential variables, if any, instead of
+ failing. It has the same variants as :tacn:`rewrite` has.
-.. tacn:: replace @term with @term
+.. tacn:: replace @term with @term’
:name: replace
This tactic applies to any goal. It replaces all free occurrences of :n:`@term`
- in the current goal with :n:`@term` and generates the equality :n:`@term =
- @term` as a subgoal. This equality is automatically solved if it occurs among
- the assumption, or if its symmetric form occurs. It is equivalent to
- :n:`cut @term = @term; [intro H`:sub:`n` :n:`; rewrite <- H`:sub:`n` :n:`; clear H`:sub:`n`:n:`|| assumption || symmetry; try assumption]`.
+ in the current goal with :n:`@term’` and generates an equality :n:`@term = @term’`
+ as a subgoal. This equality is automatically solved if it occurs among
+ the assumptions, or if its symmetric form occurs. It is equivalent to
+ :n:`cut @term = @term’; [intro H`:sub:`n` :n:`; rewrite <- H`:sub:`n` :n:`; clear H`:sub:`n`:n:`|| assumption || symmetry; try assumption]`.
-.. exn:: @terms do not have convertible types
+ .. exn:: Terms do not have convertible types.
-.. tacv:: replace @term with @term by tactic
+ .. tacv:: replace @term with @term’ by @tactic
- This acts as :n:`replace @term` with :n:`@term` but applies tactic to solve the generated
- subgoal :n:`@term = @term`.
+ This acts as :n:`replace @term with @term’` but applies :token:`tactic` to solve the generated
+ subgoal :n:`@term = @term’`.
-.. tacv:: replace @term
+ .. tacv:: replace @term
- Replaces :n:`@term` with :n:`@term’` using the first assumption whose type has
- the form :n:`@term = @term’` or :n:`@term’ = @term`.
+ Replaces :n:`@term` with :n:`@term’` using the first assumption whose type has
+ the form :n:`@term = @term’` or :n:`@term’ = @term`.
-.. tacv:: replace -> @term
+ .. tacv:: replace -> @term
- Replaces :n:`@term` with :n:`@term’` using the first assumption whose type has
- the form :n:`@term = @term’`
+ Replaces :n:`@term` with :n:`@term’` using the first assumption whose type has
+ the form :n:`@term = @term’`
-.. tacv:: replace <- @term
+ .. tacv:: replace <- @term
- Replaces :n:`@term` with :n:`@term’` using the first assumption whose type has
- the form :n:`@term’ = @term`
+ Replaces :n:`@term` with :n:`@term’` using the first assumption whose type has
+ the form :n:`@term’ = @term`
-.. tacv:: replace @term with @term in clause
-.. tacv:: replace @term with @term in clause by tactic
-.. tacv:: replace @term in clause replace -> @term in clause
-.. tacv:: replace <- @term in clause
+ .. tacv:: replace @term {? with @term} in clause {? by @tactic}
+ .. tacv:: replace -> @term in clause
+ .. tacv:: replace <- @term in clause
- Acts as before but the replacements take place inclause (see
- :ref:`performingcomputations`) and not only in the conclusion of the goal. The
- clause argument must not contain any type of nor value of.
+ Acts as before but the replacements take place in the specified clause (see
+ :ref:`performingcomputations`) and not only in the conclusion of the goal. The
+ clause argument must not contain any ``type of`` nor ``value of``.
-.. tacv:: cutrewrite <- (@term = @term)
- :cutrewrite:
+ .. tacv:: cutrewrite <- (@term = @term’)
+ :name: cutrewrite
- This tactic is deprecated. It acts like :n:`replace @term with @term`, or,
- equivalently as :n:`enough (@term = @term) as <-`.
+ This tactic is deprecated. It can be replaced by :n:`enough (@term = @term’) as <-`.
-.. tacv:: cutrewrite -> (@term = @term)
+ .. tacv:: cutrewrite -> (@term = @term’)
- This tactic is deprecated. It can be replaced by enough :n:`(@term = @term) as ->`.
+ This tactic is deprecated. It can be replaced by :n:`enough (@term = @term’) as ->`.
.. tacn:: subst @ident
:name: subst
+ This tactic applies to a goal that has :n:`@ident` in its context and (at
+ least) one hypothesis, say :g:`H`, of type :n:`@ident = t` or :n:`t = @ident`
+ with :n:`@ident` not occurring in :g:`t`. Then it replaces :n:`@ident` by
+ :g:`t` everywhere in the goal (in the hypotheses and in the conclusion) and
+ clears :n:`@ident` and :g:`H` from the context.
-This tactic applies to a goal that has :n:`@ident` in its context and (at
-least) one hypothesis, say :g:`H`, of type :n:`@ident = t` or :n:`t = @ident`
-with :n:`@ident` not occurring in :g:`t`. Then it replaces :n:`@ident` by
-:g:`t` everywhere in the goal (in the hypotheses and in the conclusion) and
-clears :n:`@ident` and :g:`H` from the context.
-If :n:`@ident` is a local definition of the form :n:`@ident := t`, it is also
-unfolded and cleared.
-.. note::
- When several hypotheses have the form :n:`@ident = t` or :n:`t = @ident`, the
- first one is used.
+ If :n:`@ident` is a local definition of the form :n:`@ident := t`, it is also
+ unfolded and cleared.
+ .. note::
+ + When several hypotheses have the form :n:`@ident = t` or :n:`t = @ident`, the
+ first one is used.
-.. note::
- If `H` is itself dependent in the goal, it is replaced by the proof of
- reflexivity of equality.
+ + If :g:`H` is itself dependent in the goal, it is replaced by the proof of
+ reflexivity of equality.
+ .. tacv:: subst {+ @ident}
-.. tacv:: subst {+ @ident}
+ This is equivalent to :n:`subst @ident`:sub:`1`:n:`; ...; subst @ident`:sub:`n`.
- This is equivalent to :n:`subst @ident`:sub:`1`:n:`; ...; subst @ident`:sub:`n`.
-.. tacv:: subst
- This applies subst repeatedly from top to bottom to all identifiers of the
- context for which an equality of the form :n:`@ident = t` or :n:`t = @ident`
- or :n:`@ident := t` exists, with :n:`@ident` not occurring in `t`.
+ .. tacv:: subst
+ This applies subst repeatedly from top to bottom to all identifiers of the
+ context for which an equality of the form :n:`@ident = t` or :n:`t = @ident`
+ or :n:`@ident := t` exists, with :n:`@ident` not occurring in ``t``.
.. opt:: Regular Subst Tactic
This option controls the behavior of :tacn:`subst`. When it is
- activated, :tacn:`subst` also deals with the following corner cases:
+ activated (it is by default), :tacn:`subst` also deals with the following corner cases:
+ A context with ordered hypotheses :n:`@ident`:sub:`1` :n:`= @ident`:sub:`2`
and :n:`@ident`:sub:`1` :n:`= t`, or :n:`t′ = @ident`:sub:`1`` with `t′` not
@@ -2570,41 +2579,40 @@ unfolded and cleared.
unfolded which otherwise it would exceptionally unfold in configurations
containing hypotheses of the form :n:`@ident = u`, or :n:`u′ = @ident`
with `u′` not a variable. Finally, it preserves the initial order of
- hypotheses, which without the option it may break. The option is on by
+ hypotheses, which without the option it may break.
.. tacn:: stepl @term
:name: stepl
+ This tactic is for chaining rewriting steps. It assumes a goal of the
+ form :n:`R @term @term` where ``R`` is a binary relation and relies on a
+ database of lemmas of the form :g:`forall x y z, R x y -> eq x z -> R z y`
+ where `eq` is typically a setoid equality. The application of :n:`stepl @term`
+ then replaces the goal by :n:`R @term @term` and adds a new goal stating
+ :n:`eq @term @term`.
-This tactic is for chaining rewriting steps. It assumes a goal of the
-form :n:`R @term @term` where `R` is a binary relation and relies on a
-database of lemmas of the form :g:`forall x y z, R x y -> eq x z -> R z y`
-where `eq` is typically a setoid equality. The application of :n:`stepl @term`
-then replaces the goal by :n:`R @term @term` and adds a new goal stating
-:n:`eq @term @term`.
-.. cmd:: Declare Left Step @term
+ .. cmd:: Declare Left Step @term
- Adds :n:`@term` to the database used by :tacn:`stepl`.
+ Adds :n:`@term` to the database used by :tacn:`stepl`.
-The tactic is especially useful for parametric setoids which are not accepted
-as regular setoids for :tacn:`rewrite` and :tacn:`setoid_replace` (see
+ The tactic is especially useful for parametric setoids which are not accepted
+ as regular setoids for :tacn:`rewrite` and :tacn:`setoid_replace` (see
+ :ref:`Generalizedrewriting`).
-.. tacv:: stepl @term by tactic
+ .. tacv:: stepl @term by @tactic
- This applies :n:`stepl @term` then applies tactic to the second goal.
+ This applies :n:`stepl @term` then applies :token:`tactic` to the second goal.
-.. tacv:: stepr @term stepr @term by tactic
- :name: stepr
+ .. tacv:: stepr @term stepr @term by tactic
+ :name: stepr
- This behaves as :tacn:`stepl` but on the right-hand-side of the binary
- relation. Lemmas are expected to be of the form :g:`forall x y z, R x y -> eq
- y z -> R x z`.
+ This behaves as :tacn:`stepl` but on the right-hand-side of the binary
+ relation. Lemmas are expected to be of the form
+ :g:`forall x y z, R x y -> eq y z -> R x z`.
- .. cmd:: Declare Right Step @term
+ .. cmd:: Declare Right Step @term
Adds :n:`@term` to the database used by :tacn:`stepr`.
@@ -2617,28 +2625,25 @@ as regular setoids for :tacn:`rewrite` and :tacn:`setoid_replace` (see
with `U` providing that `U` is well-formed and that `T` and `U` are
-.. exn:: Not convertible
+ .. exn:: Not convertible.
+ .. tacv:: change @term with @term’
-.. tacv:: change @term with @term
+ This replaces the occurrences of :n:`@term` by :n:`@term’` in the current goal.
+ The term :n:`@term` and :n:`@term’` must be convertible.
- This replaces the occurrences of :n:`@term` by :n:`@term` in the current goal.
- The term :n:`@term` and :n:`@term` must be convertible.
+ .. tacv:: change @term at {+ @num} with @term’
-.. tacv:: change @term at {+ @num} with @term
+ This replaces the occurrences numbered :n:`{+ @num}` of :n:`@term` by :n:`@term’`
+ in the current goal. The terms :n:`@term` and :n:`@term’` must be convertible.
- This replaces the occurrences numbered :n:`{+ @num}` of :n:`@term by @term`
- in the current goal. The terms :n:`@term` and :n:`@term` must be convertible.
+ .. exn:: Too few occurrences.
-.. exn:: Too few occurrences
+ .. tacv:: change @term {? {? at {+ @num}} with @term} in @ident
-.. tacv:: change @term in @ident
-.. tacv:: change @term with @term in @ident
-.. tacv:: change @term at {+ @num} with @term in @ident
+ This applies the :tacn:`change` tactic not to the goal but to the hypothesis :n:`@ident`.
- This applies the change tactic not to the goal but to the hypothesis :n:`@ident`.
-See also: :ref:`Performing computations <performingcomputations>`
+ .. seealso:: :ref:`Performing computations <performingcomputations>`
.. _performingcomputations:
@@ -2805,7 +2810,7 @@ the conversion in hypotheses :n:`{+ @ident}`.
definition (say :g:`t`) and then reduces
:g:`(t t`:sub:`1` :g:`... t`:sub:`n` :g:`)` according to :math:`\beta`:math:`\iota`:math:`\zeta`-reduction rules.
-.. exn:: Not reducible
+.. exn:: Not reducible.
.. tacn:: hnf
:name: hnf
@@ -2932,7 +2937,7 @@ the conversion in hypotheses :n:`{+ @ident}`.
This applies ``simpl`` only to the :n:`{+ @num}` occurrences of the subterms
matching :n:`@pattern` in the current goal.
- .. exn:: Too few occurrences
+ .. exn:: Too few occurrences.
.. tacv:: simpl @qualid
.. tacv:: simpl @string
@@ -2962,7 +2967,7 @@ the conversion in hypotheses :n:`{+ @ident}`.
:n:`@qualid` refers in the current goal and then replaces it with its
:math:`\beta`:math:`\iota`-normal form.
-.. exn:: @qualid does not denote an evaluable constant
+.. exn:: @qualid does not denote an evaluable constant.
.. tacv:: unfold @qualid in @ident
@@ -2979,9 +2984,9 @@ the conversion in hypotheses :n:`{+ @ident}`.
The lists :n:`{+, @num}` specify the occurrences of :n:`@qualid` to be
unfolded. Occurrences are located from left to right.
- .. exn:: bad occurrence number of @qualid
+ .. exn:: Bad occurrence number of @qualid.
- .. exn:: @qualid does not occur
+ .. exn:: @qualid does not occur.
.. tacv:: unfold @string
@@ -3071,7 +3076,7 @@ Conversion tactics applied to hypotheses
Example: :n:`unfold not in (Type of H1) (Type of H3)`.
-.. exn:: No such hypothesis : ident.
+.. exn:: No such hypothesis: @ident.
.. _automation:
@@ -3122,6 +3127,7 @@ hints of the database named core.
to know what lemmas/assumptions were used.
.. tacv:: debug auto
+ :name: debug auto
Behaves like :tacn:`auto` but shows the tactics it tries to solve the goal,
including failing paths.
@@ -3141,7 +3147,9 @@ hints of the database named core.
.. tacv:: trivial with *
.. tacv:: trivial using {+ @lemma}
.. tacv:: debug trivial
+ :name: debug trivial
.. tacv:: info_trivial
+ :name: info_trivial
.. tacv:: {? info_}trivial {? using {+ @lemma}} {? with {+ @ident}}
.. note::
@@ -3174,7 +3182,7 @@ can solve such a goal:
Goal forall P:nat -> Prop, P 0 -> exists n, P n.
-Note that :tacn:`ex_intro` should be declared as a hint.
+Note that ``ex_intro`` should be declared as a hint.
.. tacv:: {? info_}eauto {? @num} {? using {+ @lemma}} {? with {+ @ident}}
@@ -3220,7 +3228,9 @@ the processing of the rewriting rules.
The rewriting rule bases are built with the ``Hint Rewrite vernacular``
-.. warn:: This tactic may loop if you build non terminating rewriting systems.
+.. warning::
+ This tactic may loop if you build non terminating rewriting systems.
.. tacv:: autorewrite with {+ @ident} using @tactic
@@ -3251,7 +3261,8 @@ See also: :tacn:`autorewrite` for examples showing the use of this tactic.
This tactic tries to solve the current goal by a number of standard closing steps.
In particular, it tries to close the current goal using the closing tactics
- :tacn:`trivial`, reflexivity, symmetry, contradiction and inversion of hypothesis.
+ :tacn:`trivial`, :tacn:`reflexivity`, :tacn:`symmetry`, :tacn:`contradiction`
+ and :tacn:`inversion` of hypothesis.
If this fails, it tries introducing variables and splitting and-hypotheses,
using the closing tactics afterwards, and splitting the goal using
:tacn:`split` and recursing.
@@ -3262,7 +3273,7 @@ See also: :tacn:`autorewrite` for examples showing the use of this tactic.
.. tacv:: now @tactic
:name: now
- Run :n:`@tac` followed by ``easy``. This is a notation for :n:`@tactic; easy`.
+ Run :n:`@tactic` followed by :tacn:`easy`. This is a notation for :n:`@tactic; easy`.
Controlling automation
@@ -3272,40 +3283,42 @@ Controlling automation
The hints databases for auto and eauto
-The hints for ``auto`` and ``eauto`` are stored in databases. Each database
-maps head symbols to a list of hints. One can use the command
+The hints for :tacn:`auto` and :tacn:`eauto` are stored in databases. Each database
+maps head symbols to a list of hints.
.. cmd:: Print Hint @ident
-to display the hints associated to the head symbol :n:`@ident`
-(see :ref:`Print Hint <printhint>`). Each hint has a cost that is a nonnegative
-integer, and an optional pattern. The hints with lower cost are tried first. A
-hint is tried by ``auto`` when the conclusion of the current goal matches its
-pattern or when it has no pattern.
+ Use this command
+ to display the hints associated to the head symbol :n:`@ident`
+ (see :ref:`Print Hint <printhint>`). Each hint has a cost that is a nonnegative
+ integer, and an optional pattern. The hints with lower cost are tried first. A
+ hint is tried by :tacn:`auto` when the conclusion of the current goal matches its
+ pattern or when it has no pattern.
Creating Hint databases
-One can optionally declare a hint database using the command ``Create
-HintDb``. If a hint is added to an unknown database, it will be
+One can optionally declare a hint database using the command
+:cmd:`Create HintDb`. If a hint is added to an unknown database, it will be
automatically created.
-.. cmd:: Create HintDb @ident {? discriminated}.
-This command creates a new database named :n:`@ident`. The database is
-implemented by a Discrimination Tree (DT) that serves as an index of
-all the lemmas. The DT can use transparency information to decide if a
-constant should be indexed or not (c.f. :ref:`The hints databases for auto and eauto <thehintsdatabasesforautoandeauto>`),
-making the retrieval more efficient. The legacy implementation (the default one
-for new databases) uses the DT only on goals without existentials (i.e., ``auto``
-goals), for non-Immediate hints and do not make use of transparency
-hints, putting more work on the unification that is run after
-retrieval (it keeps a list of the lemmas in case the DT is not used).
-The new implementation enabled by the discriminated option makes use
-of DTs in all cases and takes transparency information into account.
-However, the order in which hints are retrieved from the DT may differ
-from the order in which they were inserted, making this implementation
-observationally different from the legacy one.
+.. cmd:: Create HintDb @ident {? discriminated}
+ This command creates a new database named :n:`@ident`. The database is
+ implemented by a Discrimination Tree (DT) that serves as an index of
+ all the lemmas. The DT can use transparency information to decide if a
+ constant should be indexed or not
+ (c.f. :ref:`The hints databases for auto and eauto <thehintsdatabasesforautoandeauto>`),
+ making the retrieval more efficient. The legacy implementation (the default one
+ for new databases) uses the DT only on goals without existentials (i.e., :tacn:`auto`
+ goals), for non-Immediate hints and do not make use of transparency
+ hints, putting more work on the unification that is run after
+ retrieval (it keeps a list of the lemmas in case the DT is not used).
+ The new implementation enabled by the discriminated option makes use
+ of DTs in all cases and takes transparency information into account.
+ However, the order in which hints are retrieved from the DT may differ
+ from the order in which they were inserted, making this implementation
+ observationally different from the legacy one.
The general command to add a hint to some databases :n:`{+ @ident}` is
@@ -3329,21 +3342,21 @@ The general command to add a hint to some databases :n:`{+ @ident}` is
.. cmdv:: Hint Resolve @term {? | {? @num} {? @pattern}}
:name: Hint Resolve
- This command adds :n:`simple apply @term` to the hint list with the head
- symbol of the type of :n:`@term`. The cost of that hint is the number of
- subgoals generated by :n:`simple apply @term` or :n:`@num` if specified. The
- associated :n:`@pattern` is inferred from the conclusion of the type of
- :n:`@term` or the given :n:`@pattern` if specified. In case the inferred type
- of :n:`@term` does not start with a product the tactic added in the hint list
- is :n:`exact @term`. In case this type can however be reduced to a type
- starting with a product, the tactic :n:`simple apply @term` is also stored in
- the hints list. If the inferred type of :n:`@term` contains a dependent
- quantification on a variable which occurs only in the premisses of the type
- and not in its conclusion, no instance could be inferred for the variable by
- unification with the goal. In this case, the hint is added to the hint list
- of :tacn:`eauto` instead of the hint list of auto and a warning is printed. A
- typical example of a hint that is used only by :tacn:`eauto` is a transitivity
- lemma.
+ This command adds :n:`simple apply @term` to the hint list with the head
+ symbol of the type of :n:`@term`. The cost of that hint is the number of
+ subgoals generated by :n:`simple apply @term` or :n:`@num` if specified. The
+ associated :n:`@pattern` is inferred from the conclusion of the type of
+ :n:`@term` or the given :n:`@pattern` if specified. In case the inferred type
+ of :n:`@term` does not start with a product the tactic added in the hint list
+ is :n:`exact @term`. In case this type can however be reduced to a type
+ starting with a product, the tactic :n:`simple apply @term` is also stored in
+ the hints list. If the inferred type of :n:`@term` contains a dependent
+ quantification on a variable which occurs only in the premisses of the type
+ and not in its conclusion, no instance could be inferred for the variable by
+ unification with the goal. In this case, the hint is added to the hint list
+ of :tacn:`eauto` instead of the hint list of auto and a warning is printed. A
+ typical example of a hint that is used only by :tacn:`eauto` is a transitivity
+ lemma.
.. exn:: @term cannot be used as a hint
@@ -3371,7 +3384,7 @@ The general command to add a hint to some databases :n:`{+ @ident}` is
This command adds :n:`simple apply @term; trivial` to the hint list associated
with the head symbol of the type of :n:`@ident` in the given database. This
tactic will fail if all the subgoals generated by :n:`simple apply @term` are
- not solved immediately by the ``trivial`` tactic (which only tries tactics
+ not solved immediately by the :tacn:`trivial` tactic (which only tries tactics
with cost 0).This command is useful for theorems such as the symmetry of
equality or :g:`n+1=m+1 -> n=m` that we may like to introduce with a limited
use in order to avoid useless proof-search. The cost of this tactic (which
@@ -3417,52 +3430,55 @@ The general command to add a hint to some databases :n:`{+ @ident}` is
discrimination network to relax or constrain it in the case of discriminated
- .. cmdv:: Hint %(Transparent | Opaque) {+ @ident}
+ .. cmdv:: Hint %( Transparent %| Opaque %) {+ @ident}
Declares each :n:`@ident` as a transparent or opaque constant.
- .. cmdv:: Hint Extern @num {? @pattern} => tactic
+ .. cmdv:: Hint Extern @num {? @pattern} => @tactic
+ :name: Hint Extern
+ This hint type is to extend :tacn:`auto` with tactics other than :tacn:`apply` and
+ :tacn:`unfold`. For that, we must specify a cost, an optional :n:`@pattern` and a
+ :n:`@tactic` to execute.
- This hint type is to extend :tacn:`auto` with tactics other than :tacn:`apply` and
- :tacn:`unfold`. For that, we must specify a cost, an optional :n:`@pattern` and a
- :n:`@tactic` to execute.
+ .. example::
- .. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
- .. coqtop:: in
+ Hint Extern 4 (~(_ = _)) => discriminate.
- Hint Extern 4 (~(_ = _)) => discriminate.
+ Now, when the head of the goal is a disequality, ``auto`` will try
+ discriminate if it does not manage to solve the goal with hints with a
+ cost less than 4.
- Now, when the head of the goal is a disequality, ``auto`` will try
- discriminate if it does not manage to solve the goal with hints with a
- cost less than 4. One can even use some sub-patterns of the pattern in
- the tactic script. A sub-pattern is a question mark followed by an
- identifier, like ``?X1`` or ``?X2``. Here is an example:
+ One can even use some sub-patterns of the pattern in
+ the tactic script. A sub-pattern is a question mark followed by an
+ identifier, like ``?X1`` or ``?X2``. Here is an example:
- .. example::
+ .. example::
- .. coqtop:: reset all
+ .. coqtop:: reset all
- Require Import List.
- Hint Extern 5 ({?X1 = ?X2} + {?X1 <> ?X2}) => generalize X1, X2; decide equality : eqdec.
- Goal forall a b:list (nat * nat), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
- Info 1 auto with eqdec.
+ Require Import List.
+ Hint Extern 5 ({?X1 = ?X2} + {?X1 <> ?X2}) => generalize X1, X2; decide equality : eqdec.
+ Goal forall a b:list (nat * nat), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
+ Info 1 auto with eqdec.
- .. cmdv:: Hint Cut @regexp
+ .. cmdv:: Hint Cut @regexp
- .. warning::
+ .. warning::
- These hints currently only apply to typeclass proof search and the
- :tacn:`typeclasses eauto` tactic.
+ These hints currently only apply to typeclass proof search and the
+ :tacn:`typeclasses eauto` tactic.
- This command can be used to cut the proof-search tree according to a regular
- expression matching paths to be cut. The grammar for regular expressions is
- the following. Beware, there is no operator precedence during parsing, one can
- check with :cmd:`Print HintDb` to verify the current cut expression:
+ This command can be used to cut the proof-search tree according to a regular
+ expression matching paths to be cut. The grammar for regular expressions is
+ the following. Beware, there is no operator precedence during parsing, one can
+ check with :cmd:`Print HintDb` to verify the current cut expression:
- .. productionlist:: `regexp`
+ .. productionlist:: `regexp`
e : ident hint or instance identifier
- :|_ any hint
+ :| _ any hint
:| e\|e′ disjunction
:| e e′ sequence
:| e * Kleene star
@@ -3470,42 +3486,42 @@ The general command to add a hint to some databases :n:`{+ @ident}` is
:| eps epsilon
:| ( e )
- The `emp` regexp does not match any search path while `eps`
- matches the empty path. During proof search, the path of
- successive successful hints on a search branch is recorded, as a
- list of identifiers for the hints (note Hint Extern’s do not have
- an associated identifier).
- Before applying any hint :n:`@ident` the current path `p` extended with
- :n:`@ident` is matched against the current cut expression `c` associated to
- the hint database. If matching succeeds, the hint is *not* applied. The
- semantics of ``Hint Cut e`` is to set the cut expression to ``c | e``, the
- initial cut expression being `emp`.
- .. cmdv:: Hint Mode @qualid {* (+ | ! | -)}
- This sets an optional mode of use of the identifier :n:`@qualid`. When
- proof-search faces a goal that ends in an application of :n:`@qualid` to
- arguments :n:`@term ... @term`, the mode tells if the hints associated to
- :n:`@qualid` can be applied or not. A mode specification is a list of n ``+``,
- ``!`` or ``-`` items that specify if an argument of the identifier is to be
- treated as an input (``+``), if its head only is an input (``!``) or an output
- (``-``) of the identifier. For a mode to match a list of arguments, input
- terms and input heads *must not* contain existential variables or be
- existential variables respectively, while outputs can be any term. Multiple
- modes can be declared for a single identifier, in that case only one mode
- needs to match the arguments for the hints to be applied.The head of a term
- is understood here as the applicative head, or the match or projection
- scrutinee’s head, recursively, casts being ignored. ``Hint Mode`` is
- especially useful for typeclasses, when one does not want to support default
- instances and avoid ambiguity in general. Setting a parameter of a class as an
- input forces proof-search to be driven by that index of the class, with ``!``
- giving more flexibility by allowing existentials to still appear deeper in the
- index but not at its head.
- .. note::
- One can use an ``Extern`` hint with no pattern to do pattern-matching on
- hypotheses using ``match goal`` with inside the tactic.
+ The `emp` regexp does not match any search path while `eps`
+ matches the empty path. During proof search, the path of
+ successive successful hints on a search branch is recorded, as a
+ list of identifiers for the hints (note Hint Extern’s do not have
+ an associated identifier).
+ Before applying any hint :n:`@ident` the current path `p` extended with
+ :n:`@ident` is matched against the current cut expression `c` associated to
+ the hint database. If matching succeeds, the hint is *not* applied. The
+ semantics of ``Hint Cut e`` is to set the cut expression to ``c | e``, the
+ initial cut expression being `emp`.
+ .. cmdv:: Hint Mode @qualid {* (+ | ! | -)}
+ This sets an optional mode of use of the identifier :n:`@qualid`. When
+ proof-search faces a goal that ends in an application of :n:`@qualid` to
+ arguments :n:`@term ... @term`, the mode tells if the hints associated to
+ :n:`@qualid` can be applied or not. A mode specification is a list of n ``+``,
+ ``!`` or ``-`` items that specify if an argument of the identifier is to be
+ treated as an input (``+``), if its head only is an input (``!``) or an output
+ (``-``) of the identifier. For a mode to match a list of arguments, input
+ terms and input heads *must not* contain existential variables or be
+ existential variables respectively, while outputs can be any term. Multiple
+ modes can be declared for a single identifier, in that case only one mode
+ needs to match the arguments for the hints to be applied.The head of a term
+ is understood here as the applicative head, or the match or projection
+ scrutinee’s head, recursively, casts being ignored. ``Hint Mode`` is
+ especially useful for typeclasses, when one does not want to support default
+ instances and avoid ambiguity in general. Setting a parameter of a class as an
+ input forces proof-search to be driven by that index of the class, with ``!``
+ giving more flexibility by allowing existentials to still appear deeper in the
+ index but not at its head.
+ .. note::
+ One can use an ``Extern`` hint with no pattern to do pattern-matching on
+ hypotheses using ``match goal`` with inside the tactic.
Hint databases defined in the Coq standard library
@@ -3627,7 +3643,7 @@ described above: either they disappear at the end of a section scope,
or they remain global forever. This causes a scalability issue,
because hints coming from an unrelated part of the code may badly
influence another development. It can be mitigated to some extent
-thanks to the ``Remove Hints`` command (see :ref:`Remove Hints <removehints>`),
+thanks to the :cmd:`Remove Hints` command,
but this is a mere workaround and has some limitations (for instance, external
hints cannot be removed).
@@ -3635,11 +3651,12 @@ A proper way to fix this issue is to bind the hints to their module scope, as
for most of the other objects Coq uses. Hints should only made available when
the module they are defined in is imported, not just required. It is very
difficult to change the historical behavior, as it would break a lot of scripts.
-We propose a smooth transitional path by providing the ``Loose Hint Behavior``
+We propose a smooth transitional path by providing the :opt:`Loose Hint Behavior`
option which accepts three flags allowing for a fine-grained handling of
non-imported hints.
.. opt:: Loose Hint Behavior %( "Lax" %| "Warn" %| "Strict" %)
+ :name: Loose Hint Behavior
This option accepts three values, which control the behavior of hints w.r.t.
@@ -3784,14 +3801,15 @@ some incompatibilities.
.. tacv:: intuition
- Is equivalent to :g:`intuition auto with *`.
+ Is equivalent to :g:`intuition auto with *`.
.. tacv:: dintuition
+ :name: dintuition
- While :tacn:`intuition` recognizes inductively defined connectives
- isomorphic to the standard connective ``and, prod, or, sum, False,
- Empty_set, unit, True``, :tacn:`dintuition` recognizes also all inductive
- types with one constructors and no indices, i.e. record-style connectives.
+ While :tacn:`intuition` recognizes inductively defined connectives
+ isomorphic to the standard connective ``and``, ``prod``, ``or``, ``sum``, ``False``,
+ ``Empty_set``, ``unit``, ``True``, :tacn:`dintuition` recognizes also all inductive
+ types with one constructors and no indices, i.e. record-style connectives.
.. opt:: Intuition Negation Unfolding
@@ -3820,11 +3838,14 @@ first- order reasoning, written by Pierre Corbineau. It is not restricted to
usual logical connectives but instead may reason about any first-order class
inductive definition.
-.. opt:: Firstorder Solver
+.. opt:: Firstorder Solver @tactic
The default tactic used by :tacn:`firstorder` when no rule applies is
- :g:`auto with *`, it can be reset locally or globally using this option and
- printed using :cmd:`Print Firstorder Solver`.
+ :g:`auto with *`, it can be reset locally or globally using this option.
+ .. cmd:: Print Firstorder Solver
+ Prints the default tactic used by :tacn:`firstorder` when no rule applies.
.. tacv:: firstorder @tactic
@@ -3845,7 +3866,7 @@ inductive definition.
This combines the effects of the different variants of :tacn:`firstorder`.
-.. opt:: Firstorder Depth @natural
+.. opt:: Firstorder Depth @num
This option controls the proof-search depth bound.
@@ -3888,11 +3909,12 @@ match against it.
hypotheses using assert in order for :tacn:`congruence` to use them.
.. tacv:: congruence with {+ @term}
+ :name: congruence with
- Adds :n:`{+ @term}` to the pool of terms used by :tacn:`congruence`. This helps
- in case you have partially applied constructors in your goal.
+ Adds :n:`{+ @term}` to the pool of terms used by :tacn:`congruence`. This helps
+ in case you have partially applied constructors in your goal.
-.. exn:: I don’t know how to handle dependent equality
+.. exn:: I don’t know how to handle dependent equality.
The decision procedure managed to find a proof of the goal or of a
discriminable equality but this proof could not be built in Coq because of
@@ -3904,7 +3926,7 @@ match against it.
arguments are supplied for some partially applied constructors. Any term of an
appropriate type will allow the tactic to successfully solve the goal. Those
additional arguments can be given to congruence by filling in the holes in the
- terms given in the error message, using the with variant described above.
+ terms given in the error message, using the :tacn:`congruence with` variant described above.
.. opt:: Congruence Verbose
@@ -3923,7 +3945,7 @@ succeeds, and results in an error otherwise.
This tactic checks whether its arguments are equal modulo alpha
conversion and casts.
-.. exn:: Not equal
+.. exn:: Not equal.
.. tacn:: unify @term @term
:name: unify
@@ -3931,7 +3953,7 @@ succeeds, and results in an error otherwise.
This tactic checks whether its arguments are unifiable, potentially
instantiating existential variables.
-.. exn:: Not unifiable
+.. exn:: Not unifiable.
.. tacv:: unify @term @term with @ident
@@ -3945,7 +3967,7 @@ succeeds, and results in an error otherwise.
variable. Existential variables are uninstantiated variables generated
by :tacn:`eapply` and some other tactics.
-.. exn:: Not an evar
+.. exn:: Not an evar.
.. tacn:: has_evar @term
:name: has_evar
@@ -3954,7 +3976,7 @@ succeeds, and results in an error otherwise.
a subterm. Unlike context patterns combined with ``is_evar``, this tactic
scans all subterms, including those under binders.
-.. exn:: No evars
+.. exn:: No evars.
.. tacn:: is_var @term
:name: is_var
@@ -3962,7 +3984,7 @@ succeeds, and results in an error otherwise.
This tactic checks whether its argument is a variable or hypothesis in
the current goal context or in the opened sections.
-.. exn:: Not a variable or hypothesis
+.. exn:: Not a variable or hypothesis.
.. _equality:
@@ -3986,10 +4008,10 @@ solved by :tacn:`f_equal`.
:name: reflexivity
This tactic applies to a goal that has the form :g:`t=u`. It checks that `t`
-and `u` are convertible and then solves the goal. It is equivalent to apply
+and `u` are convertible and then solves the goal. It is equivalent to
+``apply refl_equal``.
-.. exn:: The conclusion is not a substitutive equation
+.. exn:: The conclusion is not a substitutive equation.
.. exn:: Unable to unify ... with ...
@@ -4079,7 +4101,7 @@ symbol :g:`=`.
:n:`intro @ident; simplify_eq @ident`.
.. tacn:: dependent rewrite -> @ident
- :name: dependent rewrite
+ :name: dependent rewrite ->
This tactic applies to any goal. If :n:`@ident` has type
:g:`(existT B a b)=(existT B a' b')` in the local context (i.e. each
@@ -4090,6 +4112,7 @@ symbol :g:`=`.
:tacn:`injection` and :tacn:`inversion` tactics.
.. tacv:: dependent rewrite <- @ident
+ :name: dependent rewrite <-
Analogous to :tacn:`dependent rewrite ->` but uses the equality from right to
@@ -4107,8 +4130,8 @@ Inversion
available after a ``Require Import FunInd``.
-.. exn:: Hypothesis @ident must contain at least one Function
-.. exn:: Cannot find inversion information for hypothesis @ident
+.. exn:: Hypothesis @ident must contain at least one Function.
+.. exn:: Cannot find inversion information for hypothesis @ident.
This error may be raised when some inversion lemma failed to be generated by
@@ -4139,7 +4162,7 @@ function :n:`@ident`. This function must be a fixpoint on a simple recursive
datatype: see :ref:`quote` for the full details.
-.. exn:: quote: not a simple fixpoint
+.. exn:: quote: not a simple fixpoint.
Happens when quote is not able to perform inversion properly.
@@ -4349,19 +4372,20 @@ This tactics reverses the list of the focused goals.
unification, or they can be called back into focus with the command
-.. tacv:: shelve_unifiable
+ .. tacv:: shelve_unifiable
+ :name: shelve_unifiable
- Shelves only the goals under focus that are mentioned in other goals.
- Goals that appear in the type of other goals can be solved by unification.
+ Shelves only the goals under focus that are mentioned in other goals.
+ Goals that appear in the type of other goals can be solved by unification.
-.. example::
+ .. example::
- .. coqtop:: all reset
+ .. coqtop:: all reset
- Goal exists n, n=0.
- refine (ex_intro _ _ _).
- all:shelve_unifiable.
- reflexivity.
+ Goal exists n, n=0.
+ refine (ex_intro _ _ _).
+ all: shelve_unifiable.
+ reflexivity.
.. cmd:: Unshelve
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/vernacular-commands.rst b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/vernacular-commands.rst
index 692ff294a..c37233734 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/vernacular-commands.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/proof-engine/vernacular-commands.rst
@@ -14,64 +14,63 @@ Displaying
.. _Print:
-.. cmd:: Print @qualid.
+.. cmd:: Print @qualid
+ :name: Print
-This command displays on the screen information about the declared or
-defined object referred by :n:`@qualid`.
+ This command displays on the screen information about the declared or
+ defined object referred by :n:`@qualid`.
+ Error messages:
-Error messages:
+ .. exn:: @qualid not a defined object.
+ .. exn:: Universe instance should have length @num.
-.. exn:: @qualid not a defined object
+ .. exn:: This object does not support universe names.
-.. exn:: Universe instance should have length :n:`num`.
-.. exn:: This object does not support universe names.
+ .. cmdv:: Print Term @qualid
+ :name: Print Term
+ This is a synonym of :cmd:`Print` :n:`@qualid` when :n:`@qualid`
+ denotes a global constant.
+ .. cmdv:: Print {? Term } @qualid\@@name
+ This locally renames the polymorphic universes of :n:`@qualid`.
+ An underscore means the raw universe is printed.
-.. cmdv:: Print Term @qualid.
-This is a synonym to ``Print`` :n:`@qualid` when :n:`@qualid`
-denotes a global constant.
-.. cmdv:: About @qualid.
+.. cmd:: About @qualid
:name: About
-This displays various information about the object
-denoted by :n:`@qualid`: its kind (module, constant, assumption, inductive,
-constructor, abbreviation, …), long name, type, implicit arguments and
-argument scopes. It does not print the body of definitions or proofs.
-.. cmdv:: Print @qualid\@@name
+ This displays various information about the object
+ denoted by :n:`@qualid`: its kind (module, constant, assumption, inductive,
+ constructor, abbreviation, …), long name, type, implicit arguments and
+ argument scopes. It does not print the body of definitions or proofs.
-This locally renames the polymorphic universes of :n:`@qualid`.
-An underscore means the raw universe is printed.
-This form can be used with ``Print Term`` and ``About``.
+ .. cmdv:: About @qualid\@@name
-.. cmd:: Print All.
+ This locally renames the polymorphic universes of :n:`@qualid`.
+ An underscore means the raw universe is printed.
-This command displays information about the current state of the
-environment, including sections and modules.
+.. cmd:: Print All
+ This command displays information about the current state of the
+ environment, including sections and modules.
+ .. cmdv:: Inspect @num
+ :name: Inspect
-.. cmdv:: Inspect @num.
- :name: Inspect
+ This command displays the :n:`@num` last objects of the
+ current environment, including sections and modules.
-This command displays the :n:`@num` last objects of the
-current environment, including sections and modules.
+ .. cmdv:: Print Section @ident
-.. cmdv:: Print Section @ident.
-The name :n:`@ident` should correspond to a currently open section,
-this command displays the objects defined since the beginning of this
+ The name :n:`@ident` should correspond to a currently open section,
+ this command displays the objects defined since the beginning of this
+ section.
.. _flags-options-tables:
@@ -87,151 +86,136 @@ handling flags, options and tables are given below.
.. TODO : flag is not a syntax entry
-.. cmd:: Set @flag.
-This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state of :n:`@flag` is restored
-when the current module ends.
-.. cmdv:: Local Set @flag.
-This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state
-of :n:`@flag` is restored when the current *section* ends.
+.. cmd:: Set @flag
-.. cmdv:: Global Set @flag.
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state of :n:`@flag`
+ is restored when the current module ends.
-This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state
-of :n:`@flag` is *not* restored at the end of the module. Additionally, if
-set in a file, :n:`@flag` is switched on when the file is `Require`-d.
+ .. cmdv:: Local Set @flag
-.. cmdv:: Export Set @flag.
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state
+ of :n:`@flag` is restored when the current *section* ends.
- This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state
- of :n:`@flag` is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@flag`
- is switched on when this module is imported.
+ .. cmdv:: Global Set @flag
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state
+ of :n:`@flag` is *not* restored at the end of the module. Additionally, if
+ set in a file, :n:`@flag` is switched on when the file is `Require`-d.
-.. cmd:: Unset @flag.
+ .. cmdv:: Export Set @flag
-This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original state of :n:`@flag` is restored
-when the current module ends.
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` on. The original state
+ of :n:`@flag` is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@flag`
+ is switched on when this module is imported.
+.. cmd:: Unset @flag
-.. cmdv:: Local Unset @flag.
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original state of
+ :n:`@flag` is restored when the current module ends.
-This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original
-state of :n:`@flag` is restored when the current *section* ends.
+ .. cmdv:: Local Unset @flag
-.. cmdv:: Global Unset @flag.
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original
+ state of :n:`@flag` is restored when the current *section* ends.
-This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original
-state of :n:`@flag` is *not* restored at the end of the module. Additionally,
-if set in a file, :n:`@flag` is switched off when the file is `Require`-d.
+ .. cmdv:: Global Unset @flag
-.. cmdv:: Export Unset @flag.
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original
+ state of :n:`@flag` is *not* restored at the end of the module. Additionally,
+ if set in a file, :n:`@flag` is switched off when the file is `Require`-d.
- This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original state
- of :n:`@flag` is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@flag`
- is switched off when this module is imported.
+ .. cmdv:: Export Unset @flag
+ This command switches :n:`@flag` off. The original state
+ of :n:`@flag` is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@flag`
+ is switched off when this module is imported.
-.. cmd:: Test @flag.
-This command prints whether :n:`@flag` is on or off.
+.. cmd:: Test @flag
+ This command prints whether :n:`@flag` is on or off.
-.. cmd:: Set @option @value.
-This command sets :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The original value of ` option` is
-restored when the current module ends.
+.. cmd:: Set @option @value
+ This command sets :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The original value of ` option` is
+ restored when the current module ends.
+ .. TODO : option and value are not syntax entries
-.. TODO : option and value are not syntax entries
+ .. cmdv:: Local Set @option @value
-.. cmdv:: Local Set @option @value.
+ This command sets :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The
+ original value of :n:`@option` is restored at the end of the module.
-This command sets :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The
-original value of :n:`@option` is restored at the end of the module.
+ .. cmdv:: Global Set @option @value
-.. cmdv:: Global Set @option @value.
+ This command sets :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The
+ original value of :n:`@option` is *not* restored at the end of the module.
+ Additionally, if set in a file, :n:`@option` is set to value when the file
+ is `Require`-d.
-This command sets :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The
-original value of :n:`@option` is *not* restored at the end of the module.
-Additionally, if set in a file, :n:`@option` is set to value when the file
-is `Require`-d.
+ .. cmdv:: Export Set @option
-.. cmdv:: Export Set @option.
+ This command set :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The original state
+ of :n:`@option` is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@option`
+ is set to :n:`@value` when this module is imported.
- This command set :n:`@option` to :n:`@value`. The original state
- of :n:`@option` is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@option`
- is set to :n:`@value` when this module is imported.
-.. cmd:: Unset @option.
+.. cmd:: Unset @option
This command turns off :n:`@option`.
+ .. cmdv:: Local Unset @option
+ This command turns off :n:`@option`. The original state of :n:`@option`
+ is restored when the current *section* ends.
-.. cmdv:: Local Unset @option.
+ .. cmdv:: Global Unset @option
- This command turns off :n:`@option`. The original state of :n:`@option` is restored when the current
- *section* ends.
+ This command turns off :n:`@option`. The original state of :n:`@option`
+ is *not* restored at the end of the module. Additionally, if unset in a file,
+ :n:`@option` is reset to its default value when the file is `Require`-d.
-.. cmdv:: Global Unset @option.
+ .. cmdv:: Export Unset @option
- This command turns off :n:`@option`. The original state of :n:`@option` is *not* restored at the end of the
- module. Additionally, if unset in a file, :n:`@option` is reset to its
- default value when the file is `Require`-d.
+ This command turns off :n:`@option`. The original state of :n:`@option`
+ is restored at the end of the current module, but :n:`@option` is set to
+ its default value when this module is imported.
-.. cmdv:: Export Unset @option.
- This command turns off :n:`@option`. The original state of :n:`@option` is restored at the end of the
- current module, but :n:`@option` is set to its default value when this module
- is imported.
+.. cmd:: Test @option
-.. cmd:: Test @option.
-This command prints the current value of :n:`@option`.
+ This command prints the current value of :n:`@option`.
.. TODO : table is not a syntax entry
-.. cmd:: Add @table @value.
+.. cmd:: Add @table @value
:name: Add `table` `value`
-.. cmd:: Remove @table @value.
+.. cmd:: Remove @table @value
:name: Remove `table` `value`
-.. cmd:: Test @table @value.
+.. cmd:: Test @table @value
:name: Test `table` `value`
-.. cmd:: Test @table for @value.
+.. cmd:: Test @table for @value
:name: Test `table` for `value`
-.. cmd:: Print Table @table.
-These are general commands for tables.
-.. cmd:: Print Options.
+.. cmd:: Print Table @table
-This command lists all available flags, options and tables.
+These are general commands for tables.
+.. cmd:: Print Options
+ This command lists all available flags, options and tables.
-.. cmdv:: Print Tables.
+ .. cmdv:: Print Tables
-This is a synonymous of ``Print Options``.
+ This is a synonymous of :cmd:`Print Options`.
.. _requests-to-the-environment:
@@ -239,358 +223,331 @@ This is a synonymous of ``Print Options``.
Requests to the environment
-.. cmd:: Check @term.
+.. cmd:: Check @term
-This command displays the type of :n:`@term`. When called in proof mode, the
-term is checked in the local context of the current subgoal.
+ This command displays the type of :n:`@term`. When called in proof mode, the
+ term is checked in the local context of the current subgoal.
+ .. TODO : selector is not a syntax entry
-.. TODO : selector is not a syntax entry
+ .. cmdv:: @selector: Check @term
-.. cmdv:: @selector: Check @term.
+ This variant specifies on which subgoal to perform typing
+ (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
-specifies on which subgoal to perform typing
-(see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
.. TODO : convtactic is not a syntax entry
-.. cmd:: Eval @convtactic in @term.
-This command performs the specified reduction on :n:`@term`, and displays
-the resulting term with its type. The term to be reduced may depend on
-hypothesis introduced in the first subgoal (if a proof is in
-See also: Section :ref:`performingcomputations`.
-.. cmd:: Compute @term.
-This command performs a call-by-value evaluation of term by using the
-bytecode-based virtual machine. It is a shortcut for ``Eval vm_compute in``
-See also: Section :ref:`performingcomputations`.
-.. cmd::Extraction @term.
-This command displays the extracted term from :n:`@term`. The extraction is
-processed according to the distinction between :g:`Set` and :g:`Prop`; that is
-to say, between logical and computational content (see Section :ref:`sorts`).
-The extracted term is displayed in OCaml syntax, where global identifiers are
-still displayed as in |Coq| terms.
+.. cmd:: Eval @convtactic in @term
+ This command performs the specified reduction on :n:`@term`, and displays
+ the resulting term with its type. The term to be reduced may depend on
+ hypothesis introduced in the first subgoal (if a proof is in
+ progress).
-.. cmdv:: Recursive Extraction {+ @qualid }.
+ See also: Section :ref:`performingcomputations`.
-Recursively extracts all
-the material needed for the extraction of the qualified identifiers.
+.. cmd:: Compute @term
-See also: Chapter :ref:`extraction`.
+ This command performs a call-by-value evaluation of term by using the
+ bytecode-based virtual machine. It is a shortcut for ``Eval vm_compute in``
+ :n:`@term`.
+ See also: Section :ref:`performingcomputations`.
-.. cmd:: Print Assumptions @qualid.
-This commands display all the assumptions (axioms, parameters and
-variables) a theorem or definition depends on. Especially, it informs
-on the assumptions with respect to which the validity of a theorem
+.. cmd:: Print Assumptions @qualid
+ This commands display all the assumptions (axioms, parameters and
+ variables) a theorem or definition depends on. Especially, it informs
+ on the assumptions with respect to which the validity of a theorem
+ relies.
+ .. cmdv:: Print Opaque Dependencies @qualid
+ :name: Print Opaque Dependencies
+ Displays the set of opaque constants :n:`@qualid` relies on in addition to
+ the assumptions.
-.. cmdv:: Print Opaque Dependencies @qualid.
+ .. cmdv:: Print Transparent Dependencies @qualid
+ :name: Print Transparent Dependencies
-Displays the set of opaque constants :n:`@qualid` relies on in addition to
-the assumptions.
+ Displays the set of transparent constants :n:`@qualid` relies on
+ in addition to the assumptions.
-.. cmdv:: Print Transparent Dependencies @qualid.
+ .. cmdv:: Print All Dependencies @qualid
+ :name: Print All Dependencies
-Displays the set of
-transparent constants :n:`@qualid` relies on in addition to the assumptions.
+ Displays all assumptions and constants :n:`@qualid` relies on.
-.. cmdv:: Print All Dependencies @qualid.
-Displays all assumptions and constants :n:`@qualid` relies on.
+.. cmd:: Search @qualid
+ This command displays the name and type of all objects (hypothesis of
+ the current goal, theorems, axioms, etc) of the current context whose
+ statement contains :n:`@qualid`. This command is useful to remind the user
+ of the name of library lemmas.
+ .. exn:: The reference @qualid was not found in the current environment.
-.. cmd:: Search @qualid.
+ There is no constant in the environment named qualid.
-This command displays the name and type of all objects (hypothesis of
-the current goal, theorems, axioms, etc) of the current context whose
-statement contains :n:`@qualid`. This command is useful to remind the user
-of the name of library lemmas.
+ .. cmdv:: Search @string
+ If :n:`@string` is a valid identifier, this command
+ displays the name and type of all objects (theorems, axioms, etc) of
+ the current context whose name contains string. If string is a
+ notation’s string denoting some reference :n:`@qualid` (referred to by its
+ main symbol as in `"+"` or by its notation’s string as in `"_ + _"` or
+ `"_ 'U' _"`, see Section :ref:`notations`), the command works like ``Search`` :n:`@qualid`.
-Error messages:
+ .. cmdv:: Search @string%@key
+ The string string must be a notation or the main
+ symbol of a notation which is then interpreted in the scope bound to
+ the delimiting key :n:`@key` (see Section :ref:`LocalInterpretationRulesForNotations`).
-.. exn:: The reference @qualid was not found in the current environment
+ .. cmdv:: Search @term_pattern
-There is no constant in the environment named qualid.
+ This searches for all statements or types of
+ definition that contains a subterm that matches the pattern
+ `term_pattern` (holes of the pattern are either denoted by `_` or by
+ `?ident` when non linear patterns are expected).
+ .. cmdv:: Search { + [-]@term_pattern_string }
-.. cmdv:: Search @string.
+ where
+ :n:`@term_pattern_string` is a term_pattern, a string, or a string followed
+ by a scope delimiting key `%key`. This generalization of ``Search`` searches
+ for all objects whose statement or type contains a subterm matching
+ :n:`@term_pattern` (or :n:`@qualid` if :n:`@string` is the notation for a reference
+ qualid) and whose name contains all string of the request that
+ correspond to valid identifiers. If a term_pattern or a string is
+ prefixed by `-`, the search excludes the objects that mention that
+ term_pattern or that string.
-If :n:`@string` is a valid identifier, this command
-displays the name and type of all objects (theorems, axioms, etc) of
-the current context whose name contains string. If string is a
-notation’s string denoting some reference :n:`@qualid` (referred to by its
-main symbol as in `"+"` or by its notation’s string as in `"_ + _"` or
-`"_ 'U' _"`, see Section :ref:`notations`), the command works like ``Search`` :n:`@qualid`.
+ .. cmdv:: Search @term_pattern_string … @term_pattern_string inside {+ @qualid }
-.. cmdv:: Search @string%@key.
+ This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
-The string string must be a notation or the main
-symbol of a notation which is then interpreted in the scope bound to
-the delimiting key :n:`@key` (see Section :ref:`LocalInterpretationRulesForNotations`).
+ .. cmdv:: Search @term_pattern_string … @term_pattern_string outside {+ @qualid }
-.. cmdv:: Search @term_pattern.
+ This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
-This searches for all statements or types of
-definition that contains a subterm that matches the pattern
-`term_pattern` (holes of the pattern are either denoted by `_` or by
-`?ident` when non linear patterns are expected).
+ .. cmdv:: @selector: Search [-]@term_pattern_string … [-]@term_pattern_string
-.. cmdv:: Search { + [-]@term_pattern_string }.
+ This specifies the goal on which to search hypothesis (see
+ Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
+ By default the 1st goal is searched. This variant can
+ be combined with other variants presented here.
-:n:`@term_pattern_string` is a term_pattern, a string, or a string followed
-by a scope delimiting key `%key`. This generalization of ``Search`` searches
-for all objects whose statement or type contains a subterm matching
-:n:`@term_pattern` (or :n:`@qualid` if :n:`@string` is the notation for a reference
-qualid) and whose name contains all string of the request that
-correspond to valid identifiers. If a term_pattern or a string is
-prefixed by `-`, the search excludes the objects that mention that
-term_pattern or that string.
+ .. example::
-.. cmdv:: Search @term_pattern_string … @term_pattern_string inside {+ @qualid } .
+ .. coqtop:: in
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ Require Import ZArith.
-.. cmdv:: Search @term_pattern_string … @term_pattern_string outside {+ @qualid }.
+ .. coqtop:: all
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ Search Z.mul Z.add "distr".
-.. cmdv:: @selector: Search [-]@term_pattern_string … [-]@term_pattern_string.
+ Search "+"%Z "*"%Z "distr" -positive -Prop.
-This specifies the goal on which to search hypothesis (see
-Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
-By default the 1st goal is searched. This variant can
-be combined with other variants presented here.
+ Search (?x * _ + ?x * _)%Z outside OmegaLemmas.
+ .. cmdv:: SearchAbout
+ :name: SearchAbout
-.. coqtop:: in
+ .. deprecated:: 8.5
- Require Import ZArith.
+ Up to |Coq| version 8.4, :cmd:`Search` had the behavior of current
+ :cmd:`SearchHead` and the behavior of current :cmd:`Search` was obtained with
+ command :cmd:`SearchAbout`. For compatibility, the deprecated name
+ :cmd:`SearchAbout` can still be used as a synonym of :cmd:`Search`. For
+ compatibility, the list of objects to search when using :cmd:`SearchAbout`
+ may also be enclosed by optional ``[ ]`` delimiters.
-.. coqtop:: all
- Search Z.mul Z.add "distr".
+.. cmd:: SearchHead @term
- Search "+"%Z "*"%Z "distr" -positive -Prop.
+ This command displays the name and type of all hypothesis of the
+ current goal (if any) and theorems of the current context whose
+ statement’s conclusion has the form `(term t1 .. tn)`. This command is
+ useful to remind the user of the name of library lemmas.
- Search (?x * _ + ?x * _)%Z outside OmegaLemmas.
+ .. example::
-.. note:: Up to |Coq| version 8.4, ``Search`` had the behavior of current
- ``SearchHead`` and the behavior of current Search was obtained with
- command ``SearchAbout``. For compatibility, the deprecated name
- SearchAbout can still be used as a synonym of Search. For
- compatibility, the list of objects to search when using ``SearchAbout``
- may also be enclosed by optional ``[ ]`` delimiters.
+ .. coqtop:: reset all
+ SearchHead le.
-.. cmd:: SearchHead @term.
+ SearchHead (@eq bool).
-This command displays the name and type of all hypothesis of the
-current goal (if any) and theorems of the current context whose
-statement’s conclusion has the form `(term t1 .. tn)`. This command is
-useful to remind the user of the name of library lemmas.
+ .. cmdv:: SearchHead @term inside {+ @qualid }
+ This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules named
+ by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ .. cmdv:: SearchHead term outside {+ @qualid }
-.. coqtop:: reset all
+ This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
- SearchHead le.
+ .. exn:: Module/section @qualid not found.
- SearchHead (@eq bool).
+ No module :n:`@qualid` has been required (see Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
+ .. cmdv:: @selector: SearchHead @term
+ This specifies the goal on which to
+ search hypothesis (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
+ By default the 1st goal is searched. This variant can be combined
+ with other variants presented here.
-.. cmdv:: SearchHead @term inside {+ @qualid }.
+ .. note:: Up to |Coq| version 8.4, ``SearchHead`` was named ``Search``.
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
-.. cmdv:: SearchHead term outside {+ @qualid }.
+.. cmd:: SearchPattern @term
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ This command displays the name and type of all hypothesis of the
+ current goal (if any) and theorems of the current context whose
+ statement’s conclusion or last hypothesis and conclusion matches the
+ expressionterm where holes in the latter are denoted by `_`.
+ It is a variant of :n:`Search @term_pattern` that does not look for subterms
+ but searches for statements whose conclusion has exactly the expected
+ form, or whose statement finishes by the given series of
+ hypothesis/conclusion.
-Error messages:
+ .. example::
-.. exn:: Module/section @qualid not found
+ .. coqtop:: in
-No module :n:`@qualid` has been required
-(see Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
+ Require Import Arith.
-.. cmdv:: @selector: SearchHead @term.
+ .. coqtop:: all
-This specifies the goal on which to
-search hypothesis (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
-By default the 1st goal is
-searched. This variant can be combined with other variants presented
+ SearchPattern (_ + _ = _ + _).
-.. note:: Up to |Coq| version 8.4, ``SearchHead`` was named ``Search``.
+ SearchPattern (nat -> bool).
+ SearchPattern (forall l : list _, _ l l).
-.. cmd:: SearchPattern @term.
+ Patterns need not be linear: you can express that the same expression
+ must occur in two places by using pattern variables `?ident`.
-This command displays the name and type of all hypothesis of the
-current goal (if any) and theorems of the current context whose
-statement’s conclusion or last hypothesis and conclusion matches the
-expressionterm where holes in the latter are denoted by `_`.
-It is a
-variant of Search @term_pattern that does not look for subterms but
-searches for statements whose conclusion has exactly the expected
-form, or whose statement finishes by the given series of
-.. coqtop:: in
+ .. example::
- Require Import Arith.
+ .. coqtop:: all
-.. coqtop:: all
+ SearchPattern (?X1 + _ = _ + ?X1).
- SearchPattern (_ + _ = _ + _).
+ .. cmdv:: SearchPattern @term inside {+ @qualid }
- SearchPattern (nat -> bool).
+ This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
- SearchPattern (forall l : list _, _ l l).
+ .. cmdv:: SearchPattern @term outside {+ @qualid }
-Patterns need not be linear: you can express that the same expression
-must occur in two places by using pattern variables `?ident`.
+ This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ .. cmdv:: @selector: SearchPattern @term
-.. coqtop:: all
+ This specifies the goal on which to
+ search hypothesis (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
+ By default the 1st goal is
+ searched. This variant can be combined with other variants presented
+ here.
- SearchPattern (?X1 + _ = _ + ?X1).
+.. cmd:: SearchRewrite @term
+ This command displays the name and type of all hypothesis of the
+ current goal (if any) and theorems of the current context whose
+ statement’s conclusion is an equality of which one side matches the
+ expression term. Holes in term are denoted by “_”.
-.. cmdv:: SearchPattern @term inside {+ @qualid } .
+ .. example::
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ .. coqtop:: in
-.. cmdv:: SearchPattern @term outside {+ @qualid }.
+ Require Import Arith.
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ .. coqtop:: all
-.. cmdv:: @selector: SearchPattern @term.
+ SearchRewrite (_ + _ + _).
-This specifies the goal on which to
-search hypothesis (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`). By default the 1st goal is
-searched. This variant can be combined with other variants presented
+ .. cmdv:: SearchRewrite term inside {+ @qualid }
+ This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
+ .. cmdv:: SearchRewrite @term outside {+ @qualid }
-.. cmdv:: SearchRewrite @term.
+ This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules
+ named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
-This command displays the name and type of all hypothesis of the
-current goal (if any) and theorems of the current context whose
-statement’s conclusion is an equality of which one side matches the
-expression term. Holes in term are denoted by “_”.
+ .. cmdv:: @selector: SearchRewrite @term
-.. coqtop:: in
- Require Import Arith.
-.. coqtop:: all
- SearchRewrite (_ + _ + _).
-.. cmdv:: SearchRewrite term inside {+ @qualid }.
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
-.. cmdv:: SearchRewrite @term outside {+ @qualid }.
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in the modules named by the given :n:`qualid` sequence.
-.. cmdv:: @selector: SearchRewrite @term.
-This specifies the goal on which to
-search hypothesis (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`). By default the 1st goal is
-searched. This variant can be combined with other variants presented
+ This specifies the goal on which to
+ search hypothesis (see Section :ref:`invocation-of-tactics`).
+ By default the 1st goal is
+ searched. This variant can be combined with other variants presented
+ here.
.. note::
- For the ``Search``, ``SearchHead``, ``SearchPattern`` and ``SearchRewrite``
- queries, it
- is possible to globally filter the search results via the command
- ``Add Search Blacklist`` :n:`@substring`. A lemma whose fully-qualified name
- contains any of the declared substrings will be removed from the
- search results. The default blacklisted substrings are ``_subproof``
- ``Private_``. The command ``Remove Search Blacklist ...`` allows expunging
- this blacklist.
+ .. cmd:: Add Search Blacklist @string
-.. cmd:: Locate @qualid.
+ For the ``Search``, ``SearchHead``, ``SearchPattern`` and ``SearchRewrite``
+ queries, it is possible to globally filter the search results using this
+ command. A lemma whose fully-qualified name
+ contains any of the declared strings will be removed from the
+ search results. The default blacklisted substrings are ``_subproof`` and
+ ``Private_``.
-This command displays the full name of objects whose name is a prefix
-of the qualified identifier :n:`@qualid`, and consequently the |Coq| module in
-which they are defined. It searches for objects from the different
-qualified name spaces of |Coq|: terms, modules, Ltac, etc.
+ .. cmd:: Remove Search Blacklist @string
-.. coqtop:: none
+ This command allows expunging this blacklist.
- Set Printing Depth 50.
-.. coqtop:: all
+.. cmd:: Locate @qualid
- Locate nat.
+ This command displays the full name of objects whose name is a prefix
+ of the qualified identifier :n:`@qualid`, and consequently the |Coq| module in
+ which they are defined. It searches for objects from the different
+ qualified name spaces of |Coq|: terms, modules, Ltac, etc.
- Locate Datatypes.O.
+ .. example::
- Locate Init.Datatypes.O.
+ .. coqtop:: all
- Locate Coq.Init.Datatypes.O.
+ Locate nat.
- Locate I.Dont.Exist.
+ Locate Datatypes.O.
+ Locate Init.Datatypes.O.
+ Locate Coq.Init.Datatypes.O.
-.. cmdv:: Locate Term @qualid.
+ Locate I.Dont.Exist.
-As Locate but restricted to terms.
+ .. cmdv:: Locate Term @qualid
-.. cmdv:: Locate Module @qualid.
+ As Locate but restricted to terms.
-As Locate but restricted to modules.
+ .. cmdv:: Locate Module @qualid
-.. cmdv:: Locate Ltac @qualid.
+ As Locate but restricted to modules.
-As Locate but restricted to tactics.
+ .. cmdv:: Locate Ltac @qualid
+ As Locate but restricted to tactics.
See also: Section :ref:`locating-notations`
@@ -608,40 +565,35 @@ toplevel. This kind of file is called a *script* for |Coq|. The standard
(and default) extension of |Coq|’s script files is .v.
-.. cmd:: Load @ident.
-This command loads the file named :n:`ident`.v, searching successively in
-each of the directories specified in the *loadpath*. (see Section
+.. cmd:: Load @ident
-Files loaded this way cannot leave proofs open, and the ``Load``
-command cannot be used inside a proof either.
+ This command loads the file named :n:`ident`.v, searching successively in
+ each of the directories specified in the *loadpath*. (see Section
+ :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`)
+ Files loaded this way cannot leave proofs open, and the ``Load``
+ command cannot be used inside a proof either.
+ .. cmdv:: Load @string
-.. cmdv:: Load @string.
+ Loads the file denoted by the string :n:`@string`, where
+ string is any complete filename. Then the `~` and .. abbreviations are
+ allowed as well as shell variables. If no extension is specified, |Coq|
+ will use the default extension ``.v``.
-Loads the file denoted by the string :n:`@string`, where
-string is any complete filename. Then the `~` and .. abbreviations are
-allowed as well as shell variables. If no extension is specified, |Coq|
-will use the default extension ``.v``.
+ .. cmdv:: Load Verbose @ident
-.. cmdv:: Load Verbose @ident.
+ .. cmdv:: Load Verbose @string
-.. cmdv:: Load Verbose @string.
+ Display, while loading,
+ the answers of |Coq| to each command (including tactics) contained in
+ the loaded file See also: Section :ref:`controlling-display`.
-Display, while loading,
-the answers of |Coq| to each command (including tactics) contained in
-the loaded file See also: Section :ref:`controlling-display`.
+ .. exn:: Can’t find file @ident on loadpath.
-Error messages:
+ .. exn:: Load is not supported inside proofs.
-.. exn:: Can’t find file @ident on loadpath
-.. exn:: Load is not supported inside proofs
-.. exn:: Files processed by Load cannot leave open proofs
+ .. exn:: Files processed by Load cannot leave open proofs.
.. _compiled-files:
@@ -653,151 +605,139 @@ Chapter :ref:`thecoqcommands` for documentation on how to compile a file). A com
file is a particular case of module called *library file*.
-.. cmd:: Require @qualid.
-This command looks in the loadpath for a file containing module :n:`@qualid`
-and adds the corresponding module to the environment of |Coq|. As
-library files have dependencies in other library files, the command
-``Require`` :n:`@qualid` recursively requires all library files the module
-qualid depends on and adds the corresponding modules to the
-environment of |Coq| too. |Coq| assumes that the compiled files have been
-produced by a valid |Coq| compiler and their contents are then not
-replayed nor rechecked.
-To locate the file in the file system, :n:`@qualid` is decomposed under the
-form `dirpath.ident` and the file `ident.vo` is searched in the physical
-directory of the file system that is mapped in |Coq| loadpath to the
-logical path dirpath (see Section :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`). The mapping between
-physical directories and logical names at the time of requiring the
-file must be consistent with the mapping used to compile the file. If
-several files match, one of them is picked in an unspecified fashion.
+.. cmd:: Require @qualid
+ This command looks in the loadpath for a file containing module :n:`@qualid`
+ and adds the corresponding module to the environment of |Coq|. As
+ library files have dependencies in other library files, the command
+ :cmd:`Require` :n:`@qualid` recursively requires all library files the module
+ qualid depends on and adds the corresponding modules to the
+ environment of |Coq| too. |Coq| assumes that the compiled files have been
+ produced by a valid |Coq| compiler and their contents are then not
+ replayed nor rechecked.
+ To locate the file in the file system, :n:`@qualid` is decomposed under the
+ form `dirpath.ident` and the file `ident.vo` is searched in the physical
+ directory of the file system that is mapped in |Coq| loadpath to the
+ logical path dirpath (see Section :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`). The mapping between
+ physical directories and logical names at the time of requiring the
+ file must be consistent with the mapping used to compile the file. If
+ several files match, one of them is picked in an unspecified fashion.
-.. cmdv:: Require Import @qualid.
-This loads and declares the module :n:`@qualid`
-and its dependencies then imports the contents of :n:`@qualid` as described
-:ref:`here <import_qualid>`. It does not import the modules on which
-qualid depends unless these modules were themselves required in module
-using ``Require Export``, as described below, or recursively required
-through a sequence of ``Require Export``. If the module required has
-already been loaded, ``Require Import`` :n:`@qualid` simply imports it, as ``Import``
-:n:`@qualid` would.
+ .. cmdv:: Require Import @qualid
+ :name: Require Import
-.. cmdv:: Require Export @qualid.
+ This loads and declares the module :n:`@qualid`
+ and its dependencies then imports the contents of :n:`@qualid` as described
+ :ref:`here <import_qualid>`. It does not import the modules on which
+ qualid depends unless these modules were themselves required in module
+ :n:`@qualid`
+ using :cmd:`Require Export`, as described below, or recursively required
+ through a sequence of :cmd:`Require Export`. If the module required has
+ already been loaded, :cmd:`Require Import` :n:`@qualid` simply imports it, as
+ :cmd:`Import` :n:`@qualid` would.
-This command acts as ``Require Import`` :n:`@qualid`,
-but if a further module, say `A`, contains a command ``Require Export`` `B`,
-then the command ``Require Import`` `A` also imports the module `B.`
+ .. cmdv:: Require Export @qualid
+ :name: Require Export
-.. cmdv:: Require [Import | Export] {+ @qualid }.
+ This command acts as :cmd:`Require Import` :n:`@qualid`,
+ but if a further module, say `A`, contains a command :cmd:`Require Export` `B`,
+ then the command :cmd:`Require Import` `A` also imports the module `B.`
-This loads the
-modules named by the :n:`qualid` sequence and their recursive
-dependencies. If
-``Import`` or ``Export`` is given, it also imports these modules and
-all the recursive dependencies that were marked or transitively marked
-as ``Export``.
+ .. cmdv:: Require [Import | Export] {+ @qualid }
-.. cmdv:: From @dirpath Require @qualid.
+ This loads the
+ modules named by the :n:`qualid` sequence and their recursive
+ dependencies. If
+ ``Import`` or ``Export`` is given, it also imports these modules and
+ all the recursive dependencies that were marked or transitively marked
+ as ``Export``.
-This command acts as ``Require``, but picks
-any library whose absolute name is of the form dirpath.dirpath’.qualid
-for some `dirpath’`. This is useful to ensure that the :n:`@qualid` library
-comes from a given package by making explicit its absolute root.
+ .. cmdv:: From @dirpath Require @qualid
+ This command acts as :cmd:`Require`, but picks
+ any library whose absolute name is of the form dirpath.dirpath’.qualid
+ for some `dirpath’`. This is useful to ensure that the :n:`@qualid` library
+ comes from a given package by making explicit its absolute root.
+ .. exn:: Cannot load qualid: no physical path bound to dirpath.
-Error messages:
+ .. exn:: Cannot find library foo in loadpath.
-.. exn:: Cannot load qualid: no physical path bound to dirpath
+ The command did not find the
+ file foo.vo. Either foo.v exists but is not compiled or foo.vo is in a
+ directory which is not in your LoadPath (see Section :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`).
-.. exn:: Cannot find library foo in loadpath
+ .. exn:: Compiled library @ident.vo makes inconsistent assumptions over library qualid.
-The command did not find the
-file foo.vo. Either foo.v exists but is not compiled or foo.vo is in a
-directory which is not in your LoadPath (see Section :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`).
+ The command tried to load library file :n:`@ident`.vo that
+ depends on some specific version of library :n:`@qualid` which is not the
+ one already loaded in the current |Coq| session. Probably `ident.v` was
+ not properly recompiled with the last version of the file containing
+ module :n:`@qualid`.
-.. exn:: Compiled library @ident.vo makes inconsistent assumptions over library qualid
+ .. exn:: Bad magic number.
-The command tried to load library file :n:`@ident`.vo that
-depends on some specific version of library :n:`@qualid` which is not the
-one already loaded in the current |Coq| session. Probably `ident.v` was
-not properly recompiled with the last version of the file containing
-module :n:`@qualid`.
+ The file `ident.vo` was found but either it is not a
+ |Coq| compiled module, or it was compiled with an incompatible
+ version of |Coq|.
-.. exn:: Bad magic number
+ .. exn:: The file `ident.vo` contains library dirpath and not library dirpath’.
-The file `ident.vo` was found but either it is not a
-|Coq| compiled module, or it was compiled with an incompatible
-version of |Coq|.
+ The library file `dirpath’` is indirectly required by the
+ ``Require`` command but it is bound in the current loadpath to the
+ file `ident.vo` which was bound to a different library name `dirpath` at
+ the time it was compiled.
-.. exn:: The file `ident.vo` contains library dirpath and not library dirpath’
-The library file `dirpath’` is indirectly required by the
-``Require`` command but it is bound in the current loadpath to the
-file `ident.vo` which was bound to a different library name `dirpath` at
-the time it was compiled.
+ .. exn:: Require is not allowed inside a module or a module type.
-.. exn:: Require is not allowed inside a module or a module type
-This command
-is not allowed inside a module or a module type being defined. It is
-meant to describe a dependency between compilation units. Note however
-that the commands ``Import`` and ``Export`` alone can be used inside modules
-(see Section :ref:`Import <import_qualid>`).
+ This command
+ is not allowed inside a module or a module type being defined. It is
+ meant to describe a dependency between compilation units. Note however
+ that the commands ``Import`` and ``Export`` alone can be used inside modules
+ (see Section :ref:`Import <import_qualid>`).
See also: Chapter :ref:`thecoqcommands`
-.. cmd:: Print Libraries.
-This command displays the list of library files loaded in the
-current |Coq| session. For each of these libraries, it also tells if it
-is imported.
-.. cmd:: Declare ML Module {+ @string } .
-This commands loads the OCaml compiled files
-with names given by the :n:`@string` sequence
-(dynamic link). It is mainly used to load tactics dynamically. The
-files are searched into the current OCaml loadpath (see the
-command ``Add ML Path`` in Section :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`). Loading of OCaml files is only possible under the bytecode version of ``coqtop`` (i.e.
-``coqtop`` called with option ``-byte``, see chapter :ref:`thecoqcommands`), or when |Coq| has been compiled with a
-version of OCaml that supports native Dynlink (≥ 3.11).
+.. cmd:: Print Libraries
-.. cmdv:: Local Declare ML Module {+ @string }.
+ This command displays the list of library files loaded in the
+ current |Coq| session. For each of these libraries, it also tells if it
+ is imported.
-This variant is not
-exported to the modules that import the module where they occur, even
-if outside a section.
+.. cmd:: Declare ML Module {+ @string }
+ This commands loads the OCaml compiled files
+ with names given by the :n:`@string` sequence
+ (dynamic link). It is mainly used to load tactics dynamically. The
+ files are searched into the current OCaml loadpath (see the
+ command ``Add ML Path`` in Section :ref:`libraries-and-filesystem`).
+ Loading of OCaml files is only possible under the bytecode version of
+ ``coqtop`` (i.e. ``coqtop`` called with option ``-byte``, see chapter
+ :ref:`thecoqcommands`), or when |Coq| has been compiled with a
+ version of OCaml that supports native Dynlink (≥ 3.11).
-Error messages:
+ .. cmdv:: Local Declare ML Module {+ @string }
-.. exn:: File not found on loadpath : @string
+ This variant is not exported to the modules that import the module
+ where they occur, even if outside a section.
-.. exn:: Loading of ML object file forbidden in a native Coq
+ .. exn:: File not found on loadpath: @string.
+ .. exn:: Loading of ML object file forbidden in a native Coq.
-.. cmd:: Print ML Modules.
+.. cmd:: Print ML Modules
-This prints the name of all OCaml modules loaded with ``Declare
-ML Module``. To know from where these module were loaded, the user
-should use the command ``Locate File`` (see :ref:`here <locate-file>`)
+ This prints the name of all OCaml modules loaded with ``Declare
+ ML Module``. To know from where these module were loaded, the user
+ should use the command ``Locate File`` (see :ref:`here <locate-file>`)
.. _loadpath:
@@ -811,110 +751,92 @@ for practical purposes. Such commands are only meant to be issued in
the toplevel, and using them in source files is discouraged.
-.. cmd:: Pwd.
-This command displays the current working directory.
-.. cmd:: Cd @string.
-This command changes the current directory according to :n:`@string` which
-can be any valid path.
-.. cmdv:: Cd.
-Is equivalent to Pwd.
-.. cmd:: Add LoadPath @string as @dirpath.
-This command is equivalent to the command line option
-``-Q`` :n:`@string` :n:`@dirpath`. It adds the physical directory string to the current
-|Coq| loadpath and maps it to the logical directory dirpath.
+.. cmd:: Pwd
+ This command displays the current working directory.
-.. cmdv:: Add LoadPath @string.
+.. cmd:: Cd @string
-Performs as Add LoadPath :n:`@string` as :n:`@dirpath` but
-for the empty directory path.
+ This command changes the current directory according to :n:`@string` which
+ can be any valid path.
+ .. cmdv:: Cd
+ Is equivalent to Pwd.
-.. cmd:: Add Rec LoadPath @string as @dirpath.
-This command is equivalent to the command line option
-``-R`` :n:`@string` :n:`@dirpath`. It adds the physical directory string and all its
-subdirectories to the current |Coq| loadpath.
+.. cmd:: Add LoadPath @string as @dirpath
+ This command is equivalent to the command line option
+ ``-Q`` :n:`@string` :n:`@dirpath`. It adds the physical directory string to the current
+ |Coq| loadpath and maps it to the logical directory dirpath.
+ .. cmdv:: Add LoadPath @string
-.. cmdv:: Add Rec LoadPath @string.
+ Performs as Add LoadPath :n:`@string` as :n:`@dirpath` but
+ for the empty directory path.
-Works as ``Add Rec LoadPath`` :n:`@string` as :n:`@dirpath` but for the empty
-logical directory path.
+.. cmd:: Add Rec LoadPath @string as @dirpath
+ This command is equivalent to the command line option
+ ``-R`` :n:`@string` :n:`@dirpath`. It adds the physical directory string and all its
+ subdirectories to the current |Coq| loadpath.
-.. cmd:: Remove LoadPath @string.
+ .. cmdv:: Add Rec LoadPath @string
-This command removes the path :n:`@string` from the current |Coq| loadpath.
+ Works as :cmd:`Add Rec LoadPath` :n:`@string` as :n:`@dirpath` but for the empty
+ logical directory path.
-.. cmd:: Print LoadPath.
+.. cmd:: Remove LoadPath @string
-This command displays the current |Coq| loadpath.
+ This command removes the path :n:`@string` from the current |Coq| loadpath.
+.. cmd:: Print LoadPath
+ This command displays the current |Coq| loadpath.
-.. cmdv:: Print LoadPath @dirpath.
+ .. cmdv:: Print LoadPath @dirpath
-Works as ``Print LoadPath`` but displays only
-the paths that extend the :n:`@dirpath` prefix.
+ Works as :cmd:`Print LoadPath` but displays only
+ the paths that extend the :n:`@dirpath` prefix.
-.. cmd:: Add ML Path @string.
+.. cmd:: Add ML Path @string
-This command adds the path :n:`@string` to the current OCaml
-loadpath (see the command `Declare ML Module`` in Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
+ This command adds the path :n:`@string` to the current OCaml
+ loadpath (see the command `Declare ML Module`` in Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
-.. cmd:: Add Rec ML Path @string.
+.. cmd:: Add Rec ML Path @string
-This command adds the directory :n:`@string` and all its subdirectories to
-the current OCaml loadpath (see the command ``Declare ML Module``
-in Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
+ This command adds the directory :n:`@string` and all its subdirectories to
+ the current OCaml loadpath (see the command :cmd:`Declare ML Module`).
-.. cmd:: Print ML Path @string.
+.. cmd:: Print ML Path @string
-This command displays the current OCaml loadpath. This
-command makes sense only under the bytecode version of ``coqtop``, i.e.
-using option ``-byte``
-(see the command Declare ML Module in Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
+ This command displays the current OCaml loadpath. This
+ command makes sense only under the bytecode version of ``coqtop``, i.e.
+ using option ``-byte``
+ (see the command Declare ML Module in Section :ref:`compiled-files`).
.. _locate-file:
-.. cmd:: Locate File @string.
+.. cmd:: Locate File @string
-This command displays the location of file string in the current
-loadpath. Typically, string is a .cmo or .vo or .v file.
+ This command displays the location of file string in the current
+ loadpath. Typically, string is a .cmo or .vo or .v file.
-.. cmd:: Locate Library @dirpath.
+.. cmd:: Locate Library @dirpath
-This command gives the status of the |Coq| module dirpath. It tells if
-the module is loaded and if not searches in the load path for a module
-of logical name :n:`@dirpath`.
+ This command gives the status of the |Coq| module dirpath. It tells if
+ the module is loaded and if not searches in the load path for a module
+ of logical name :n:`@dirpath`.
.. _backtracking:
@@ -927,95 +849,72 @@ interactively, they cannot be part of a vernacular file loaded via
``Load`` or compiled by ``coqc``.
-.. cmd:: Reset @ident.
-This command removes all the objects in the environment since :n:`@ident`
-was introduced, including :n:`@ident`. :n:`@ident` may be the name of a defined or
-declared object as well as the name of a section. One cannot reset
-over the name of a module or of an object inside a module.
-Error messages:
-.. exn:: @ident: no such entry
-.. cmd:: Reset Initial.
-Goes back to the initial state, just after the start
-of the interactive session.
-.. cmd:: Back.
-This commands undoes all the effects of the last vernacular command.
-Commands read from a vernacular file via a ``Load`` are considered as a
-single command. Proof management commands are also handled by this
-command (see Chapter :ref:`proofhandling`). For that, Back may have to undo more than
-one command in order to reach a state where the proof management
-information is available. For instance, when the last command is a
-``Qed``, the management information about the closed proof has been
-discarded. In this case, ``Back`` will then undo all the proof steps up to
-the statement of this proof.
+.. cmd:: Reset @ident
+ This command removes all the objects in the environment since :n:`@ident`
+ was introduced, including :n:`@ident`. :n:`@ident` may be the name of a defined or
+ declared object as well as the name of a section. One cannot reset
+ over the name of a module or of an object inside a module.
-.. cmdv:: Back @num.
+ .. exn:: @ident: no such entry.
-Undoes :n:`@num` vernacular commands. As for Back, some extra
-commands may be undone in order to reach an adequate state. For
-instance Back :n:`@num` will not re-enter a closed proof, but rather go just
-before that proof.
+ .. cmdv:: Reset Initial
+ Goes back to the initial state, just after the start
+ of the interactive session.
-Error messages:
+.. cmd:: Back
+ This command undoes all the effects of the last vernacular command.
+ Commands read from a vernacular file via a :cmd:`Load` are considered as a
+ single command. Proof management commands are also handled by this
+ command (see Chapter :ref:`proofhandling`). For that, Back may have to undo more than
+ one command in order to reach a state where the proof management
+ information is available. For instance, when the last command is a
+ :cmd:`Qed`, the management information about the closed proof has been
+ discarded. In this case, :cmd:`Back` will then undo all the proof steps up to
+ the statement of this proof.
-.. exn:: Invalid backtrack
+ .. cmdv:: Back @num
-The user wants to undo more commands than available in the history.
+ Undo :n:`@num` vernacular commands. As for Back, some extra
+ commands may be undone in order to reach an adequate state. For
+ instance Back :n:`@num` will not re-enter a closed proof, but rather go just
+ before that proof.
-.. cmd:: BackTo @num.
+ .. exn:: Invalid backtrack.
-This command brings back the system to the state labeled :n:`@num`,
-forgetting the effect of all commands executed after this state. The
-state label is an integer which grows after each successful command.
-It is displayed in the prompt when in -emacs mode. Just as ``Back`` (see
-above), the ``BackTo`` command now handles proof states. For that, it may
-have to undo some extra commands and end on a state `num′ ≤ num` if
+ The user wants to undo more commands than available in the history.
+.. cmd:: BackTo @num
+ This command brings back the system to the state labeled :n:`@num`,
+ forgetting the effect of all commands executed after this state. The
+ state label is an integer which grows after each successful command.
+ It is displayed in the prompt when in -emacs mode. Just as :cmd:`Back` (see
+ above), the :cmd:`BackTo` command now handles proof states. For that, it may
+ have to undo some extra commands and end on a state `num′ ≤ num` if
+ necessary.
+ .. cmdv:: Backtrack @num @num @num
+ :name: Backtrack
-.. cmdv:: Backtrack @num @num @num.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.4
-`Backtrack` is a *deprecated* form of
-`BackTo` which allows explicitly manipulating the proof environment. The
-three numbers represent the following:
+ :cmd:`Backtrack` is a *deprecated* form of
+ :cmd:`BackTo` which allows explicitly manipulating the proof environment. The
+ three numbers represent the following:
- + *first number* : State label to reach, as for BackTo.
- + *second number* : *Proof state number* to unbury once aborts have been done.
- |Coq| will compute the number of Undo to perform (see Chapter :ref:`proofhandling`).
- + *third number* : Number of Abort to perform, i.e. the number of currently
- opened nested proofs that must be canceled (see Chapter :ref:`proofhandling`).
+ + *first number* : State label to reach, as for :cmd:`BackTo`.
+ + *second number* : *Proof state number* to unbury once aborts have been done.
+ |Coq| will compute the number of :cmd:`Undo` to perform (see Chapter :ref:`proofhandling`).
+ + *third number* : Number of :cmd:`Abort` to perform, i.e. the number of currently
+ opened nested proofs that must be canceled (see Chapter :ref:`proofhandling`).
+ .. exn:: Invalid backtrack.
-Error messages:
-.. exn:: Invalid backtrack
-The destination state label is unknown.
+ The destination state label is unknown.
.. _quitting-and-debugging:
@@ -1024,86 +923,81 @@ Quitting and debugging
-.. cmd:: Quit.
-This command permits to quit |Coq|.
+.. cmd:: Quit
+ This command permits to quit |Coq|.
-.. cmd:: Drop.
-This is used mostly as a debug facility by |Coq|’s implementors and does
-not concern the casual user. This command permits to leave |Coq|
-temporarily and enter the OCaml toplevel. The OCaml
+.. cmd:: Drop
+ This is used mostly as a debug facility by |Coq|’s implementors and does
+ not concern the casual user. This command permits to leave |Coq|
+ temporarily and enter the OCaml toplevel. The OCaml
+ command:
+ ::
- #use "include";;
+ #use "include";;
+ adds the right loadpaths and loads some toplevel printers for all
+ abstract types of |Coq|- section_path, identifiers, terms, judgments, ….
+ You can also use the file base_include instead, that loads only the
+ pretty-printers for section_paths and identifiers. You can return back
+ to |Coq| with the command:
-adds the right loadpaths and loads some toplevel printers for all
-abstract types of |Coq|- section_path, identifiers, terms, judgments, ….
-You can also use the file base_include instead, that loads only the
-pretty-printers for section_paths and identifiers. You can return back
-to |Coq| with the command:
+ ::
+ go();;
- go();;
-.. warning::
- #. It only works with the bytecode version of |Coq| (i.e. `coqtop.byte`,
- see Section `interactive-use`).
- #. You must have compiled |Coq| from the source package and set the
- environment variable COQTOP to the root of your copy of the sources
- (see Section `customization-by-environment-variables`).
+ .. warning::
+ #. It only works with the bytecode version of |Coq| (i.e. `coqtop.byte`,
+ see Section `interactive-use`).
+ #. You must have compiled |Coq| from the source package and set the
+ environment variable COQTOP to the root of your copy of the sources
+ (see Section `customization-by-environment-variables`).
.. TODO : command is not a syntax entry
-.. cmd:: Time @command.
+.. cmd:: Time @command
-This command executes the vernacular command :n:`@command` and displays the
-time needed to execute it.
+ This command executes the vernacular command :n:`@command` and displays the
+ time needed to execute it.
-.. cmd:: Redirect @string @command.
+.. cmd:: Redirect @string @command
-This command executes the vernacular command :n:`@command`, redirecting its
-output to ":n:`@string`.out".
+ This command executes the vernacular command :n:`@command`, redirecting its
+ output to ":n:`@string`.out".
-.. cmd:: Timeout @num @command.
+.. cmd:: Timeout @num @command
-This command executes the vernacular command :n:`@command`. If the command
-has not terminated after the time specified by the :n:`@num` (time
-expressed in seconds), then it is interrupted and an error message is
+ This command executes the vernacular command :n:`@command`. If the command
+ has not terminated after the time specified by the :n:`@num` (time
+ expressed in seconds), then it is interrupted and an error message is
+ displayed.
+ .. opt:: Default Timeout @num
-.. opt:: Default Timeout @num
+ This option controls a default timeout for subsequent commands, as if they
+ were passed to a :cmd:`Timeout` command. Commands already starting by a
+ :cmd:`Timeout` are unaffected.
- This option controls a default timeout for subsequent commands, as if they
- were passed to a :cmd:`Timeout` command. Commands already starting by a
- :cmd:`Timeout` are unaffected.
-.. cmd:: Fail @command.
+.. cmd:: Fail @command
-For debugging scripts, sometimes it is desirable to know
-whether a command or a tactic fails. If the given :n:`@command`
-fails, the ``Fail`` statement succeeds, without changing the proof
-state, and in interactive mode, the system
-prints a message confirming the failure.
-If the given :n:`@command` succeeds, the statement is an error, and
-it prints a message indicating that the failure did not occur.
+ For debugging scripts, sometimes it is desirable to know
+ whether a command or a tactic fails. If the given :n:`@command`
+ fails, the ``Fail`` statement succeeds, without changing the proof
+ state, and in interactive mode, the system
+ prints a message confirming the failure.
+ If the given :n:`@command` succeeds, the statement is an error, and
+ it prints a message indicating that the failure did not occur.
-Error messages:
+ .. exn:: The command has not failed!
-.. exn:: The command has not failed!
.. _controlling-display:
@@ -1131,13 +1025,15 @@ Controlling display
:cmd:`SearchPattern`, :cmd:`SearchRewrite` etc. to omit types from their
output, printing only identifiers.
-.. opt:: Printing Width @integer
+.. opt:: Printing Width @num
+ :name: Printing Width
This command sets which left-aligned part of the width of the screen is used
for display. At the time of writing this documentation, the default value
is 78.
-.. opt:: Printing Depth @integer
+.. opt:: Printing Depth @num
+ :name: Printing Depth
This option controls the nesting depth of the formatter used for pretty-
printing. Beyond this depth, display of subterms is replaced by dots. At the
@@ -1181,79 +1077,77 @@ as numbers, and for reflection-based tactics. The commands to fine-
tune the reduction strategies and the lazy conversion algorithm are
described first.
-.. cmd:: Opaque {+ @qualid }.
-This command has an effect on unfoldable constants, i.e. on constants
-defined by ``Definition`` or ``Let`` (with an explicit body), or by a command
-assimilated to a definition such as ``Fixpoint``, ``Program Definition``, etc,
-or by a proof ended by ``Defined``. The command tells not to unfold the
-constants in the :n:`@qualid` sequence in tactics using δ-conversion (unfolding
-a constant is replacing it by its definition).
-``Opaque`` has also an effect on the conversion algorithm of |Coq|, telling
-it to delay the unfolding of a constant as much as possible when |Coq|
-has to check the conversion (see Section :ref:`conversion-rules`) of two distinct
-applied constants.
-The scope of ``Opaque`` is limited to the current section, or current
-file, unless the variant ``Global Opaque`` is used.
+.. cmd:: Opaque {+ @qualid }
+ This command has an effect on unfoldable constants, i.e. on constants
+ defined by :cmd:`Definition` or :cmd:`Let` (with an explicit body), or by a command
+ assimilated to a definition such as :cmd:`Fixpoint`, :cmd:`Program Definition`, etc,
+ or by a proof ended by :cmd:`Defined`. The command tells not to unfold the
+ constants in the :n:`@qualid` sequence in tactics using δ-conversion (unfolding
+ a constant is replacing it by its definition).
-See also: sections :ref:`performingcomputations`, :ref:`tactics-automatizing`, :ref:`proof-editing-mode`
+ :cmd:`Opaque` has also an effect on the conversion algorithm of |Coq|, telling
+ it to delay the unfolding of a constant as much as possible when |Coq|
+ has to check the conversion (see Section :ref:`conversion-rules`) of two distinct
+ applied constants.
+ .. cmdv:: Global Opaque {+ @qualid }
+ :name: Global Opaque
-Error messages:
+ The scope of :cmd:`Opaque` is limited to the current section, or current
+ file, unless the variant :cmd:`Global Opaque` is used.
+ See also: sections :ref:`performingcomputations`, :ref:`tactics-automatizing`,
+ :ref:`proof-editing-mode`
-.. exn:: The reference @qualid was not found in the current environment
+ .. exn:: The reference @qualid was not found in the current environment.
-There is no constant referred by :n:`@qualid` in the environment.
-Nevertheless, if you asked ``Opaque`` `foo` `bar` and if `bar` does not exist, `foo` is set opaque.
+ There is no constant referred by :n:`@qualid` in the environment.
+ Nevertheless, if you asked :cmd:`Opaque` `foo` `bar` and if `bar` does
+ not exist, `foo` is set opaque.
-.. cmd:: Transparent {+ @qualid }.
+.. cmd:: Transparent {+ @qualid }
-This command is the converse of `Opaque`` and it applies on unfoldable
-constants to restore their unfoldability after an Opaque command.
+ This command is the converse of :cmd:`Opaque` and it applies on unfoldable
+ constants to restore their unfoldability after an Opaque command.
-Note in particular that constants defined by a proof ended by Qed are
-not unfoldable and Transparent has no effect on them. This is to keep
-with the usual mathematical practice of *proof irrelevance*: what
-matters in a mathematical development is the sequence of lemma
-statements, not their actual proofs. This distinguishes lemmas from
-the usual defined constants, whose actual values are of course
-relevant in general.
+ Note in particular that constants defined by a proof ended by Qed are
+ not unfoldable and Transparent has no effect on them. This is to keep
+ with the usual mathematical practice of *proof irrelevance*: what
+ matters in a mathematical development is the sequence of lemma
+ statements, not their actual proofs. This distinguishes lemmas from
+ the usual defined constants, whose actual values are of course
+ relevant in general.
-The scope of Transparent is limited to the current section, or current
-file, unless the variant ``Global Transparent`` is
+ .. cmdv:: Global Transparent {+ @qualid }
+ :name: Global Transparent
+ The scope of Transparent is limited to the current section, or current
+ file, unless the variant :cmd:`Global Transparent` is
+ used.
-Error messages:
+ .. exn:: The reference @qualid was not found in the current environment.
+ There is no constant referred by :n:`@qualid` in the environment.
-.. exn:: The reference @qualid was not found in the current environment
-There is no constant referred by :n:`@qualid` in the environment.
-See also: sections :ref:`performingcomputations`, :ref:`tactics-automatizing`, :ref:`proof-editing-mode`
+ See also: sections :ref:`performingcomputations`,
+ :ref:`tactics-automatizing`, :ref:`proof-editing-mode`
.. _vernac-strategy:
-.. cmd:: Strategy @level [ {+ @qualid } ].
+.. cmd:: Strategy @level [ {+ @qualid } ]
-This command generalizes the behavior of Opaque and Transparent
-commands. It is used to fine-tune the strategy for unfolding
-constants, both at the tactic level and at the kernel level. This
-command associates a level to the qualified names in the :n:`@qualid`
-sequence. Whenever two
-expressions with two distinct head constants are compared (for
-instance, this comparison can be triggered by a type cast), the one
-with lower level is expanded first. In case of a tie, the second one
-(appearing in the cast type) is expanded.
+ This command generalizes the behavior of Opaque and Transparent
+ commands. It is used to fine-tune the strategy for unfolding
+ constants, both at the tactic level and at the kernel level. This
+ command associates a level to the qualified names in the :n:`@qualid`
+ sequence. Whenever two
+ expressions with two distinct head constants are compared (for
+ instance, this comparison can be triggered by a type cast), the one
+ with lower level is expanded first. In case of a tie, the second one
+ (appearing in the cast type) is expanded.
-Levels can be one of the following (higher to lower):
+ Levels can be one of the following (higher to lower):
+ ``opaque`` : level of opaque constants. They cannot be expanded by
tactics (behaves like +∞, see next item).
@@ -1266,52 +1160,42 @@ Levels can be one of the following (higher to lower):
+ ``expand`` : level of constants that should be expanded first (behaves
like −∞)
+ .. cmdv:: Local Strategy @level [ {+ @qualid } ]
-These directives survive section and module closure, unless the
-command is prefixed by Local. In the latter case, the behavior
-regarding sections and modules is the same as for the ``Transparent`` and
-``Opaque`` commands.
-.. cmd:: Print Strategy @qualid.
-This command prints the strategy currently associated to :n:`@qualid`. It
-fails if :n:`@qualid` is not an unfoldable reference, that is, neither a
-variable nor a constant.
-Error messages:
-.. exn:: The reference is not unfoldable.
+ These directives survive section and module closure, unless the
+ command is prefixed by ``Local``. In the latter case, the behavior
+ regarding sections and modules is the same as for the :cmd:`Transparent` and
+ :cmd:`Opaque` commands.
+.. cmd:: Print Strategy @qualid
-.. cmdv:: Print Strategies.
+ This command prints the strategy currently associated to :n:`@qualid`. It
+ fails if :n:`@qualid` is not an unfoldable reference, that is, neither a
+ variable nor a constant.
-Print all the currently non-transparent strategies.
+ .. exn:: The reference is not unfoldable.
+ .. cmdv:: Print Strategies
+ Print all the currently non-transparent strategies.
-.. cmd:: Declare Reduction @ident := @convtactic.
-This command allows giving a short name to a reduction expression, for
-instance lazy beta delta [foo bar]. This short name can then be used
-in ``Eval`` :n:`@ident` ``in`` ... or ``eval`` directives. This command
-accepts the
-Local modifier, for discarding this reduction name at the end of the
-file or module. For the moment the name cannot be qualified. In
-particular declaring the same name in several modules or in several
-functor applications will be refused if these declarations are not
-local. The name :n:`@ident` cannot be used directly as an Ltac tactic, but
-nothing prevents the user to also perform a
-``Ltac`` `ident` ``:=`` `convtactic`.
+.. cmd:: Declare Reduction @ident := @convtactic
+ This command allows giving a short name to a reduction expression, for
+ instance lazy beta delta [foo bar]. This short name can then be used
+ in ``Eval`` :n:`@ident` ``in`` ... or ``eval`` directives. This command
+ accepts the
+ Local modifier, for discarding this reduction name at the end of the
+ file or module. For the moment the name cannot be qualified. In
+ particular declaring the same name in several modules or in several
+ functor applications will be refused if these declarations are not
+ local. The name :n:`@ident` cannot be used directly as an Ltac tactic, but
+ nothing prevents the user to also perform a
+ ``Ltac`` `ident` ``:=`` `convtactic`.
-See also: sections :ref:`performingcomputations`
+ See also: sections :ref:`performingcomputations`
.. _controlling-locality-of-commands:
@@ -1320,8 +1204,8 @@ Controlling the locality of commands
-.. cmd:: Local @command.
-.. cmd:: Global @command.
+.. cmd:: Local @command
+.. cmd:: Global @command
Some commands support a Local or Global prefix modifier to control the
scope of their effect. There are four kinds of commands:
@@ -1330,28 +1214,29 @@ scope of their effect. There are four kinds of commands:
+ Commands whose default is to extend their effect both outside the
section and the module or library file they occur in. For these
commands, the Local modifier limits the effect of the command to the
- current section or module it occurs in. As an example, the ``Coercion``
- (see Section :ref:`coercions`) and ``Strategy`` (see :ref:`here <vernac-strategy>`)
- commands belong to this category.
+ current section or module it occurs in. As an example, the :cmd:`Coercion`
+ and :cmd:`Strategy` commands belong to this category.
+ Commands whose default behavior is to stop their effect at the end
of the section they occur in but to extent their effect outside the module or
library file they occur in. For these commands, the Local modifier limits the
effect of the command to the current module if the command does not occur in a
section and the Global modifier extends the effect outside the current
sections and current module if the command occurs in a section. As an example,
- the :cmd:`Implicit Arguments`, :cmd:`Ltac` or :cmd:`Notation` commands belong
+ the :cmd:`Arguments`, :cmd:`Ltac` or :cmd:`Notation` commands belong
to this category. Notice that a subclass of these commands do not support
extension of their scope outside sections at all and the Global is not
applicable to them.
+ Commands whose default behavior is to stop their effect at the end
- of the section or module they occur in. For these commands, the Global
+ of the section or module they occur in. For these commands, the ``Global``
modifier extends their effect outside the sections and modules they
- occurs in. The ``Transparent`` and ``Opaque`` (see Section :ref:`vernac-controlling-the-reduction-strategies`) commands belong to this category.
+ occurs in. The :cmd:`Transparent` and :cmd:`Opaque`
+ (see Section :ref:`vernac-controlling-the-reduction-strategies`) commands
+ belong to this category.
+ Commands whose default behavior is to extend their effect outside
sections but not outside modules when they occur in a section and to
extend their effect outside the module or library file they occur in
when no section contains them.For these commands, the Local modifier
limits the effect to the current section or module while the Global
modifier extends the effect outside the module even when the command
- occurs in a section. The ``Set`` and ``Unset`` commands belong to this
+ occurs in a section. The :cmd:`Set` and :cmd:`Unset` commands belong to this
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/proof-schemes.rst b/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/proof-schemes.rst
index e12e4d897..838926d65 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/proof-schemes.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/proof-schemes.rst
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ induction for objects in type `identᵢ`.
natural in case of inductively defined relations.
.. cmdv:: Scheme Equality for @ident
+ :name: Scheme Equality
Tries to generate a Boolean equality and a proof of the decidability of the usual equality. If `ident`
involves some other inductive types, their equality has to be defined first.
@@ -105,15 +106,15 @@ Automatic declaration of schemes
.. opt:: Elimination Schemes
-It is possible to deactivate the automatic declaration of the
-induction principles when defining a new inductive type with the
-``Unset Elimination Schemes`` command. It may be reactivated at any time with
-``Set Elimination Schemes``.
+ It is possible to deactivate the automatic declaration of the
+ induction principles when defining a new inductive type with the
+ ``Unset Elimination Schemes`` command. It may be reactivated at any time with
+ ``Set Elimination Schemes``.
.. opt:: Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes
-This option controls whether types declared with the keywords :cmd:`Variant` and
-:cmd:`Record` get an automatic declaration of the induction principles.
+ This option controls whether types declared with the keywords :cmd:`Variant` and
+ :cmd:`Record` get an automatic declaration of the induction principles.
.. opt:: Case Analysis Schemes
@@ -124,8 +125,8 @@ This option controls whether types declared with the keywords :cmd:`Variant` and
.. opt:: Decidable Equality Schemes
-These flags control the automatic declaration of those Boolean equalities (see
-the second variant of ``Scheme``).
+ These flags control the automatic declaration of those Boolean equalities (see
+ the second variant of ``Scheme``).
.. warning::
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/syntax-extensions.rst b/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/syntax-extensions.rst
index c4a7121ce..3b95a37ed 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/syntax-extensions.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/user-extensions/syntax-extensions.rst
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ need to force the parsing level of y, as follows.
For the sake of factorization with Coq predefined rules, simple rules
have to be observed for notations starting with a symbol: e.g. rules
starting with “{” or “(” should be put at level 0. The list of Coq
-predefined notations can be found in Chapter 3.
+predefined notations can be found in Chapter :ref:`thecoqlibrary`.
.. cmd:: Print Grammar constr.
@@ -916,9 +916,8 @@ Binding arguments of a constant to an interpretation scope
.. seealso::
- :cmd:`About @qualid`
- The command to show the scopes bound to the arguments of a
- function is described in Section 2.
+ The command :cmd:`About` can be used to show the scopes bound to the
+ arguments of a function.
.. note::