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+\achapter{Polymorphic Universes}
+\aauthor{Matthieu Sozeau}
+\asection{General Presentation}
+ \em The status of Universe Polymorphism is experimental.
+This section describes the universe polymorphic extension of Coq.
+Universe polymorphism makes it possible to write generic definitions making use of
+universes and reuse them at different and sometimes incompatible universe levels.
+A standard example of the difference between universe \emph{polymorphic} and
+\emph{monomorphic} definitions is given by the identity function:
+Definition identity {A : Type} (a : A) := a.
+By default, constant declarations are monomorphic, hence the identity
+function declares a global universe (say \texttt{Top.1}) for its
+domain. Subsequently, if we try to self-apply the identity, we will get
+an error:
+Set Printing Universes.
+Fail Definition selfid := identity (@identity).
+Indeed, the global level \texttt{Top.1} would have to be strictly smaller than itself
+for this self-application to typecheck, as the type of \texttt{(@identity)} is
+\texttt{forall (A : Type@{Top.1}), A -> A} whose type is itself \texttt{Type@{Top.1+1}}.
+A universe polymorphic identity function binds its domain universe level
+at the definition level instead of making it global.
+Polymorphic Definition pidentity {A : Type} (a : A) := a.
+About pidentity.
+It is then possible to reuse the constant at different levels, like so:
+Definition selfpid := pidentity (@pidentity).
+Of course, the two instances of \texttt{pidentity} in this definition
+are different. This can be seen when \texttt{Set Printing Universes} is
+Print selfpid.
+Now \texttt{pidentity} is used at two different levels: at the head of
+the application it is instantiated at \texttt{Top.3} while in the
+argument position it is instantiated at \texttt{Top.4}. This definition
+is only valid as long as \texttt{Top.4} is strictly smaller than
+\texttt{Top.3}, as show by the constraints. Note that this definition is
+monomorphic (not universe polymorphic), so the two universes
+(in this case \texttt{Top.3} and \texttt{Top.4}) are actually global levels.
+When printing \texttt{pidentity}, we can see the universes it binds in
+the annotation \texttt{@\{Top.2\}}. Additionally, when \texttt{Set
+ Printing Universes} is on we print the ``universe context'' of
+\texttt{pidentity} consisting of the bound universes and the
+constraints they must verify (for \texttt{pidentity} there are no
+Inductive types can also be declared universes polymorphic on universes
+appearing in their parameters or fields. A typical example is given by
+Polymorphic Record Monoid := { mon_car :> Type; mon_unit : mon_car;
+ mon_op : mon_car -> mon_car -> mon_car }.
+Print Monoid.
+The \texttt{Monoid}'s carrier universe is polymorphic, hence it is
+possible to instantiate it for example with \texttt{Monoid} itself.
+First we build the trivial unit monoid in \texttt{Set}:
+Definition unit_monoid : Monoid :=
+ {| mon_car := unit; mon_unit := tt; mon_op x y := tt |}.
+From this we can build a definition for the monoid of
+\texttt{Set}-monoids (where multiplication would be given by the product
+of monoids).
+Polymorphic Definition monoid_monoid : Monoid.
+ refine (@Build_Monoid Monoid unit_monoid (fun x y => x)).
+Print monoid_monoid.
+As one can see from the constraints, this monoid is ``large'', it lives
+in a universe strictly higher than \texttt{Set}.
+\asection{\tt Polymorphic, Monomorphic}
+\optindex{Universe Polymorphism}
+As shown in the examples, polymorphic definitions and inductives can be
+declared using the \texttt{Polymorphic} prefix. There also exists an
+option \texttt{Set Universe Polymorphism} which will implicitly prepend
+it to any definition of the user. In that case, to make a definition
+producing global universe constraints, one can use the
+\texttt{Monomorphic} prefix. Many other commands support the
+\texttt{Polymorphic} flag, including:
+\item \texttt{Lemma}, \texttt{Axiom}, and all the other ``definition''
+ keywords support polymorphism.
+\item \texttt{Variables}, \texttt{Context}, \texttt{Universe} and
+ \texttt{Constraint} in a section support polymorphism. This means
+ that the universe variables (and associated constraints) are
+ discharged polymorphically over definitions that use them. In other
+ words, two definitions in the section sharing a common variable will
+ both get parameterized by the universes produced by the variable
+ declaration. This is in contrast to a ``mononorphic'' variable which
+ introduces global universes and constraints, making the two
+ definitions depend on the \emph{same} global universes associated to
+ the variable.
+\item \texttt{Hint \{Resolve, Rewrite\}} will use the auto/rewrite hint
+ polymorphically, not at a single instance.
+\asection{{\tt Cumulative, NonCumulative}}
+\optindex{Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity}
+Polymorphic inductive types, coinductive types, variants and records can be
+declared cumulative using the \texttt{Cumulative} prefix. Alternatively,
+there is an option \texttt{Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity} which when set,
+makes all subsequent \emph{polymorphic} inductive definitions cumulative. When set,
+inductive types and the like can be enforced to be
+\emph{non-cumulative} using the \texttt{NonCumulative} prefix. Consider the examples below.
+Polymorphic Cumulative Inductive list {A : Type} :=
+| nil : list
+| cons : A -> list -> list.
+Print list.
+When printing \texttt{list}, the universe context indicates the
+subtyping constraints by prefixing the level names with symbols.
+Because inductive subtypings are only produced by comparing inductives
+to themselves with universes changed, they amount to variance
+information: each universe is either invariant, covariant or
+irrelevant (there are no contravariant subtypings in Coq),
+respectively represented by the symbols \texttt{=}, \texttt{+} and
+Here we see that \texttt{list} binds an irrelevant universe, so any
+two instances of \texttt{list} are convertible:
+$\WTEGCONV{\mathtt{list@\{i\}} A}{\mathtt{list@\{j\}} B}$ whenever
+$\WTEGCONV{A}{B}$ and furthermore their corresponding (when fully
+applied to convertible arguments) constructors.
+See Chapter~\ref{Cic} for more details on convertibility and subtyping.
+The following is an example of a record with non-trivial subtyping relation:
+Polymorphic Cumulative Record packType := {pk : Type}.
+Print packType.
+\texttt{packType} binds a covariant universe, i.e.
+$\WTEGCONV{\mathtt{packType@\{i\}}}{\mathtt{packType@\{j\}}}$ whenever
+\texttt{i $\leq$ j}.
+Cumulative inductive types, coninductive types, variants and records
+only make sense when they are universe polymorphic. Therefore, an
+error is issued whenever the user uses the \texttt{Cumulative} or
+\texttt{NonCumulative} prefix in a monomorphic context.
+Notice that this is not the case for the option \texttt{Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity}.
+That is, this option, when set, makes all subsequent \emph{polymorphic}
+inductive declarations cumulative (unless, of course the \texttt{NonCumulative} prefix is used)
+but has no effect on \emph{monomorphic} inductive declarations.
+Consider the following examples.
+Monomorphic Cumulative Inductive Unit := unit.
+Monomorphic NonCumulative Inductive Unit := unit.
+Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.
+Inductive Unit := unit.
+Print Unit.
+\subsection*{An example of a proof using cumulativity}
+Set Universe Polymorphism.
+Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.
+Inductive eq@{i} {A : Type@{i}} (x : A) : A -> Type@{i} := eq_refl : eq x x.
+Definition funext_type@{a b e} (A : Type@{a}) (B : A -> Type@{b})
+ := forall f g : (forall a, B a),
+ (forall x, eq@{e} (f x) (g x))
+ -> eq@{e} f g.
+Section down.
+ Universes a b e e'.
+ Constraint e' < e.
+ Lemma funext_down {A B}
+ (H : @funext_type@{a b e} A B) : @funext_type@{a b e'} A B.
+ Proof.
+ exact H.
+ Defined.
+\subsection{\tt Cumulativity Weak Constraints}
+\optindex{Cumulativity Weak Constraints}
+This option, on by default, causes ``weak'' constraints to be produced
+when comparing universes in an irrelevant position. Processing weak
+constraints is delayed until minimization time. A weak constraint
+between {\tt u} and {\tt v} when neither is smaller than the other and
+one is flexible causes them to be unified. Otherwise the constraint is
+silently discarded.
+This heuristic is experimental and may change in future versions.
+Disabling weak constraints is more predictable but may produce
+arbitrary numbers of universes.
+\asection{Global and local universes}
+Each universe is declared in a global or local environment before it can
+be used. To ensure compatibility, every \emph{global} universe is set to
+be strictly greater than \Set~when it is introduced, while every
+\emph{local} (i.e. polymorphically quantified) universe is introduced as
+greater or equal to \Set.
+\asection{Conversion and unification}
+The semantics of conversion and unification have to be modified a little
+to account for the new universe instance arguments to polymorphic
+references. The semantics respect the fact that definitions are
+transparent, so indistinguishable from their bodies during conversion.
+This is accomplished by changing one rule of unification, the
+first-order approximation rule, which applies when two applicative terms
+with the same head are compared. It tries to short-cut unfolding by
+comparing the arguments directly. In case the constant is universe
+polymorphic, we allow this rule to fire only when unifying the universes
+results in instantiating a so-called flexible universe variables (not
+given by the user). Similarly for conversion, if such an equation of
+applicative terms fail due to a universe comparison not being satisfied,
+the terms are unfolded. This change implies that conversion and
+unification can have different unfolding behaviors on the same
+development with universe polymorphism switched on or off.
+\optindex{Universe Minimization ToSet}
+Universe polymorphism with cumulativity tends to generate many useless
+inclusion constraints in general. Typically at each application of a
+polymorphic constant $f$, if an argument has expected type
+\verb|Type@{i}| and is given a term of type \verb|Type@{j}|, a $j \le i$
+constraint will be generated. It is however often the case that an
+equation $j = i$ would be more appropriate, when $f$'s
+universes are fresh for example. Consider the following example:
+Set Printing Universes.
+Definition id0 := @pidentity nat 0.
+Print id0.
+This definition is elaborated by minimizing the universe of id to level
+\Set~while the more general definition would keep the fresh level i
+generated at the application of id and a constraint that $\Set \le i$.
+This minimization process is applied only to fresh universe
+variables. It simply adds an equation between the variable and its lower
+bound if it is an atomic universe (i.e. not an algebraic \texttt{max()}
+The option \texttt{Unset Universe Minimization ToSet} disallows
+minimization to the sort $\Set$ and only collapses floating universes
+between themselves.
+\asection{Explicit Universes}
+The syntax has been extended to allow users to explicitly bind names to
+universes and explicitly instantiate polymorphic definitions.
+\subsection{\tt Universe {\ident}.
+ \comindex{Universe}
+ \label{UniverseCmd}}
+In the monorphic case, this command declares a new global universe named
+{\ident}, which can be referred to using its qualified name as
+well. Global universe names live in a separate namespace. The command
+supports the polymorphic flag only in sections, meaning the universe
+quantification will be discharged on each section definition
+independently. One cannot mix polymorphic and monomorphic declarations
+in the same section.
+\subsection{\tt Constraint {\ident} {\textit{ord}} {\ident}.
+ \comindex{Constraint}
+ \label{ConstraintCmd}}
+This command declares a new constraint between named universes.
+The order relation can be one of $<$, $\le$ or $=$. If consistent,
+the constraint is then enforced in the global environment. Like
+\texttt{Universe}, it can be used with the \texttt{Polymorphic} prefix
+in sections only to declare constraints discharged at section closing time.
+One cannot declare a global constraint on polymorphic universes.
+\item \errindex{Undeclared universe {\ident}}.
+\item \errindex{Universe inconsistency}
+\subsection{Polymorphic definitions}
+For polymorphic definitions, the declaration of (all) universe levels
+introduced by a definition uses the following syntax:
+Polymorphic Definition le@{i j} (A : Type@{i}) : Type@{j} := A.
+Print le.
+During refinement we find that $j$ must be larger or equal than $i$, as
+we are using $A : Type@{i} <= Type@{j}$, hence the generated
+constraint. At the end of a definition or proof, we check that the only
+remaining universes are the ones declared. In the term and in general in
+proof mode, introduced universe names can be referred to in
+terms. Note that local universe names shadow global universe names.
+During a proof, one can use \texttt{Show Universes} to display
+the current context of universes.
+Definitions can also be instantiated explicitly, giving their full instance:
+Check (pidentity@{Set}).
+Universes k l.
+Check (le@{k l}).
+User-named universes and the anonymous universe implicitly attached to
+an explicit $Type$ are considered rigid for unification and are never
+minimized. Flexible anonymous universes can be produced with an
+underscore or by omitting the annotation to a polymorphic definition.
+ Check (fun x => x) : Type -> Type.
+ Check (fun x => x) : Type -> Type@{_}.
+ Check le@{k _}.
+ Check le.
+\subsection{\tt Unset Strict Universe Declaration.
+ \optindex{Strict Universe Declaration}
+ \label{StrictUniverseDeclaration}}
+The command \texttt{Unset Strict Universe Declaration} allows one to
+freely use identifiers for universes without declaring them first, with
+the semantics that the first use declares it. In this mode, the universe
+names are not associated with the definition or proof once it has been
+defined. This is meant mainly for debugging purposes.
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