path: root/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sphinx/MIGRATING')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING b/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING
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index 000000000..fa6fe1537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/MIGRATING
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+How to migrate the Coq Reference Manual to Sphinx
+# Install Python3 packages (requires Python 3, python3-pip, python3-setuptools)
+ * pip3 install bs4 sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pexpect antlr4-python3-runtime sphinxcontrib-bibtex
+# You may want to do this under a virtualenv, particularly if you end up with issues finding sphinxcontrib.bibtex. http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/
+ * pip3 install virtualenv
+ * virtualenv coqsphinxing # you may want to use -p to specify the python version
+ * source coqsphinxing/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
+# After activating the virtual environment you can run the above pip3 command to install sphinx. You will have to activate the virtual environment before building the docs in your session.
+# Add this Elisp code to .emacs, if you're using emacs (recommended):
+ (defun sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region (left right &optional beg end count)
+ (unless beg
+ (if (region-active-p)
+ (setq beg (region-beginning) end (region-end))
+ (setq beg (point) end nil)))
+ (unless count
+ (setq count 1))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (or end beg))
+ (dotimes (_ count) (insert right)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (dotimes (_ count) (insert left)))
+ (if (and end (characterp left)) ;; Second test handles the ::`` case
+ (goto-char (+ (* 2 count) end))
+ (goto-char (+ count beg))))
+ (defun sphinx/coqtop (beg end)
+ (interactive (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+ (replace-regexp "^Coq < " " " nil beg end)
+ (indent-rigidly beg end -3)
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (insert ".. coqtop:: all\n\n"))
+ (defun sphinx/rst-coq-action ()
+ (interactive)
+ (pcase (read-char "Command?")
+ (?g (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":g:`" "`"))
+ (?n (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":n:`" "`"))
+ (?t (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":token:`" "`"))
+ (?m (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region ":math:`" "`"))
+ (?: (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region "::`" "`"))
+ (?` (sphinx/quote-coq-refman-region "``" "``"))
+ (?c (sphinx/coqtop (region-beginning) (region-end)))))
+ (global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") #'sphinx/rst-coq-action)
+ With this code installed, you can hit "F12" followed by an appropriate key to do quick markup of text
+ (this will make more sense once you've started editing the text).
+# Fork the Coq repo, if needed:
+ https://github.com/coq/coq
+# Clone the repo to your work machine
+# Add Maxime Dénès's repo as a remote:
+ git remote add sphinx https://github.com/maximedenes/coq.git
+ (or choose a name other than "sphinx")
+ Verify with:
+ git remote -v
+# Fetch from the remote
+ git fetch sphinx
+# Checkout the sphinx-doc branch
+ git checkout sphinx-doc
+ You should pull from the repo from time to time to keep your local copy up-to-date:
+ git pull sphinx sphinx-doc
+ You may want to create a new branch to do your work in.
+# Choose a Reference Manual chapter to work on at
+ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yo7dV4OI0AY9Di-lsEQ3UTmn5ygGLlhxjym7cTCMCWU
+# For each chapter, raw ReStructuredText (the Sphinx format), created by the "html2rest" utility,
+ is available in the directory porting/raw-rst/
+ Elsewhere, depending on the chapter, there should be an almost-empty template file already created,
+ which is in the location where the final version should go
+# Manually edit the .rst file, place it in the correct location
+ There are small examples in sphinx/porting/, a larger example in language/gallina-extensions.rst
+ (N.B.: the migration is a work-in-progress, your suggestions are welcome)
+ Find the chapter you're working on from the online manual at https://coq.inria.fr/distrib/current/refman/.
+ At the top of the file, after the chapter heading, add:
+ :Source: https://coq.inria.fr/distrib/current/refman/the-chapter-file.html
+ :Converted by: Your Name
+ N.B.: These source and converted-by annotations should help for the migration phase. Later on,
+ those annotations will be removed, and contributors will be mentioned in the Coq credits.
+ Remove chapter numbers
+ Replace section, subsection numbers with reference labels:
+ .. _some-reference-label:
+ Place the label before the section or subsection, followed by a blank line.
+ Note the leading underscore. Use :ref:`some_reference-label` to refer to such a label; note the leading underscore is omitted.
+ Many cross-references may be to other chapters. If the required label exists, use it. Otherwise, use a dummy reference of the form
+ `TODO-n.n.n-mnemonic` we can fixup later. Example:
+ :ref:`TODO-1.3.2-definitions`
+ We can grep for those TODOs, and the existing subsection number makes it easy to find in the exisyting manual.
+ For the particular case of references to chapters, we can use a
+convention for the cross-reference name, so no TODO is needed.
+ :ref:`thegallinaspecificationlanguage`
+That is, the chapter label is the chapter title, all in lower-case,
+with no spaces or punctuation. For chapters with subtitles marked with
+a ":", like those for Omega and Nsatz, use just the chapter part
+preceding the ":". These labels should already be in the
+placeholder .rst files for each chapter.
+ You can also label other items, like grammars, with the same syntax. To refer to such labels, not involving a
+ section or subsection, use the syntax
+ :ref:`Some link text <label-name>`
+ Yes, the angle-brackets are needed here!
+ For bibliographic references (those in biblio.bib), use :cite:`thecitation`.
+ Grammars will get mangled by the translation. Look for "productionlist" in the examples, also see
+ http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html.
+ For Coq examples that appear, look at the "coqtop" syntax in porting/tricky-bits.rst. The Sphinx
+ script will run coqtop on those examples, and can show the output (or not).
+ The file replaces.rst contains replacement definitions for some items that are clumsy to write out otherwise.
+ Use
+ .. include:: replaces.rst
+ to gain access to those definitions in your file (you might need a path prefix). Some especially-important
+ replacements are |Cic|, |Coq|, |CoqIDE|, and |Gallina|, which display those names in small-caps. Please use them,
+ so that they're rendered consistently.
+ Similarly, there are some LaTeX macros in preamble.rst that can be useful.
+ Conventions:
+ - Keywords and other literal text is double-backquoted (e.g. ``Module``, ``Section``, ``(``, ``,``).
+ - Metavariables are single-backquotes (e.g. `term`, `ident`)
+ - Use the cmd directive for Vernacular commands, like:
+ .. cmd:: Set Printing All.
+ Within this directive, prefix metavariables (ident, term) with @:
+ .. cmd:: Add Printing Let @ident.
+ There's also the "cmdv" directive for variants of a command.
+ - Use the "exn" and "warn" directives for errors and warnings:
+ .. exn:: Something's not right.
+ .. warn:: You shouldn't do that.
+ - Use the "example" directive for examples
+ - Use the "g" role for inline Gallina, like :g:`fun x => x`
+ - Use code blocks for blocks of Gallina. You can use a double-colon at the end of a line::
+ your code here
+ which prints a single colon, or put the double-colon on a newline.
+ your other code here
+# Making changes to the text
+ The goal of the migration is simply to change the storage format from LaTeX to ReStructuredText. The goal is not
+ to make any organizational or other substantive changes to the text. If you do notice nits (misspellings, wrong
+ verb tense, and so on), please do change them. For example, the programming language that Coq is written in is these days
+ called "OCaml", and there are mentions of the older name "Objective Caml" in the reference manual that should be changed.
+# Build, view the manual
+ In the root directory of your local repo, run "make sphinx". You can view the result in a browser by loading the HTML file
+ associated with your chapter, which will be contained in the directory doc/sphinx/_build/html/ beneath the repo root directory.
+ Make any changes you need until there are no build warnings and the output is perfect. :-)
+# Creating pull requests
+ When your changes are done, commit them, push to your fork:
+ git commit -m "useful commit message" file
+ git push origin sphinx-doc
+ (or push to another branch, if you've created one). Then go to your GitHub
+ fork and create a pull request against Maxime's sphinx-doc
+ branch. If your commit is recent, you should see a link on your
+ fork's code page to do that. Otherwise, you may need to go to your
+ branch on GitHub to do that.
+# Issues/Questions/Suggestions
+ As the migration proceeds, if you have technical issues, have a more general question, or want to suggest something, please contact:
+ Paul Steckler <steck@stecksoft.com>
+ Maxime Dénès <maxime.denes@inria.fr>
+# Issues
+ Should the stuff in replaces.rst go in preamble.rst?
+ In LaTeX, some of the grammars add productions to existing nonterminals, like term ++= ... . How to indicate that?