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+%\coverpage{The module {\tt Equality}}{Cristina CORNES}
+\chapter{Tactics for inductive types and families}
+This chapter details a few special tactics useful for inferring facts
+from inductive hypotheses. They can be considered as tools that
+macro-generate complicated uses of the basic elimination tactics for
+inductive types.
+Sections \ref{inversion_introduction} to \ref{inversion_using} present
+inversion tactics and section \ref{scheme} describes
+a command {\tt Scheme} for automatic generation of induction schemes
+for mutual inductive types.
+%\coverpage{Module Inv: Inversion Tactics}{Cristina CORNES}
+\section{Generalities about inversion}
+When working with (co)inductive predicates, we are very often faced to
+some of these situations:
+\item we have an inconsistent instance of an inductive predicate in the
+ local context of hypotheses. Thus, the current goal can be trivially
+ proved by absurdity.
+\item we have a hypothesis that is an instance of an inductive
+ predicate, and the instance has some variables whose constraints we
+ would like to derive.
+The inversion tactics are very useful to simplify the work in these
+cases. Inversion tools can be classified in three groups:
+\item tactics for inverting an instance without stocking the inversion
+ lemma in the context:
+ (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion} and
+ (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion\_clear}.
+\item commands for generating and stocking in the context the inversion
+ lemma corresponding to an instance: \texttt{Derive}
+ (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion}, \texttt{Derive}
+ (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion\_clear}.
+\item tactics for inverting an instance using an already defined
+ inversion lemma: \texttt{Inversion \ldots using}.
+These tactics work for inductive types of arity $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})s$
+where $s \in \{Prop,Set,Type\}$. Sections \ref{inversion_primitive},
+\ref{inversion_derivation} and \ref{inversion_using}
+describe respectively each group of tools.
+As inversion proofs may be large in size, we recommend the user to
+stock the lemmas whenever the same instance needs to be inverted
+several times.\\
+Let's consider the relation \texttt{Le} over natural numbers and the
+following variables:
+Restore State "Initial".
+Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
+ | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0%N n
+ | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
+Variable P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
+Variable Q : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Prop.
+For example purposes we defined \verb+Le: nat->nat->Set+
+ but we may have defined
+it \texttt{Le} of type \verb+nat->nat->Prop+ or \verb+nat->nat->Type+.
+\section{Inverting an instance}
+\subsection{The non dependent case}
+\item \texttt{Inversion\_clear} \ident~\\
+\index{Inversion-clear@{\tt Inversion\_clear}}
+ Let the type of \ident~ in the local context be $(I~\vec{t})$,
+ where $I$ is a (co)inductive predicate. Then,
+ \texttt{Inversion} applied to \ident~ derives for each possible
+ constructor $c_i$ of $(I~\vec{t})$, {\bf all} the necessary
+ conditions that should hold for the instance $(I~\vec{t})$ to be
+ proved by $c_i$. Finally it erases \ident~ from the context.
+For example, consider the goal:
+Lemma ex : forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
+To prove the goal we may need to reason by cases on \texttt{H} and to
+ derive that \texttt{m} is necessarily of
+the form $(S~m_0)$ for certain $m_0$ and that $(Le~n~m_0)$.
+Deriving these conditions corresponds to prove that the
+only possible constructor of \texttt{(Le (S n) m)} is
+\texttt{LeS} and that we can invert the
+\texttt{->} in the type of \texttt{LeS}.
+This inversion is possible because \texttt{Le} is the smallest set closed by
+the constructors \texttt{LeO} and \texttt{LeS}.
+inversion_clear H.
+Note that \texttt{m} has been substituted in the goal for \texttt{(S m0)}
+and that the hypothesis \texttt{(Le n m0)} has been added to the
+\item \texttt{Inversion} \ident~\\
+\index{Inversion@{\tt Inversion}}
+ This tactic differs from {\tt Inversion\_clear} in the fact that
+ it adds the equality constraints in the context and
+ it does not erase the hypothesis \ident.
+In the previous example, {\tt Inversion\_clear}
+has substituted \texttt{m} by \texttt{(S m0)}. Sometimes it is
+interesting to have the equality \texttt{m=(S m0)} in the
+context to use it after. In that case we can use \texttt{Inversion} that
+does not clear the equalities:
+inversion H.
+Note that the hypothesis \texttt{(S m0)=m} has been deduced and
+\texttt{H} has not been cleared from the context.
+\item \texttt{Inversion\_clear } \ident~ \texttt{in} \ident$_1$ \ldots
+ \ident$_n$\\
+\index{Inversion_clear...in@{\tt Inversion\_clear...in}}
+ Let \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, be identifiers in the local context. This
+ tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, and then performing
+ {\tt Inversion\_clear}.
+\item \texttt{Inversion } \ident~ \texttt{in} \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$\\
+\index{Inversion ... in@{\tt Inversion ... in}}
+ Let \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, be identifiers in the local context. This
+ tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, and then performing
+ \texttt{Inversion}.
+\item \texttt{Simple Inversion} \ident~ \\
+\index{Simple Inversion@{\tt Simple Inversion}}
+ It is a very primitive inversion tactic that derives all the necessary
+ equalities but it does not simplify
+ the constraints as \texttt{Inversion} and
+ {\tt Inversion\_clear} do.
+\subsection{The dependent case}
+\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} \ident~\\
+\index{Dependent Inversion-clear@{\tt Dependent Inversion\_clear}}
+ Let the type of \ident~ in the local context be $(I~\vec{t})$,
+ where $I$ is a (co)inductive predicate, and let the goal depend both on
+ $\vec{t}$ and \ident. Then,
+ \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} applied to \ident~ derives
+ for each possible constructor $c_i$ of $(I~\vec{t})$, {\bf all} the
+ necessary conditions that should hold for the instance $(I~\vec{t})$ to be
+ proved by $c_i$. It also substitutes \ident~ for the corresponding
+ term in the goal and it erases \ident~ from the context.
+For example, consider the goal:
+Lemma ex_dep : forall (n m:nat) (H:Le (S n) m), Q (S n) m H.
+As \texttt{H} occurs in the goal, we may want to reason by cases on its
+structure and so, we would like inversion tactics to
+substitute \texttt{H} by the corresponding term in constructor form.
+Neither \texttt{Inversion} nor {\tt Inversion\_clear} make such a
+substitution. To have such a behavior we use the dependent inversion tactics:
+dependent inversion_clear H.
+Note that \texttt{H} has been substituted by \texttt{(LeS n m0 l)} and
+\texttt{m} by \texttt{(S m0)}.
+\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear } \ident~ \texttt{ with } \term\\
+\index{Dependent Inversion_clear...with@{\tt Dependent Inversion\_clear...with}}
+ \noindent Behaves as \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} but allows to give
+ explicitly the good generalization of the goal. It is useful when
+ the system fails to generalize the goal automatically. If
+ \ident~ has type $(I~\vec{t})$ and $I$ has type
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})s$, then \term~ must be of type
+ $I:(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{x})\rightarrow s'$ where $s'$ is the
+ type of the goal.
+\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion} \ident~\\
+\index{Dependent Inversion@{\tt Dependent Inversion}}
+ This tactic differs from \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} in the fact that
+ it also adds the equality constraints in the context and
+ it does not erase the hypothesis \ident~.
+\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion } \ident~ \texttt{ with } \term \\
+\index{Dependent Inversion...with@{\tt Dependent Inversion...with}}
+ Analogous to \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear .. with..} above.
+\section{Deriving the inversion lemmas}
+\subsection{The non dependent case}
+The tactics (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion} and (\texttt{Dependent})
+{\tt Inversion\_clear} work on a
+certain instance $(I~\vec{t})$ of an inductive predicate. At each
+application, they inspect the given instance and derive the
+corresponding inversion lemma. If we have to invert the same
+instance several times it is recommended to stock the lemma in the
+context and to reuse it whenever we need it.
+The families of commands \texttt{Derive Inversion}, \texttt{Derive
+Dependent Inversion}, \texttt{Derive} \\ {\tt Inversion\_clear} and \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear}
+allow to generate inversion lemmas for given instances and sorts. Next
+section describes the tactic \texttt{Inversion}$\ldots$\texttt{using} that refines the
+goal with a specified inversion lemma.
+\item \texttt{Derive Inversion\_clear} \ident~ \texttt{with}
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort~ \\
+\index{Derive Inversion_clear...with@{\tt Derive Inversion\_clear...with}}
+ Let $I$ be an inductive predicate and $\vec{x}$ the variables
+ occurring in $\vec{t}$. This command generates and stocks
+ the inversion lemma for the sort \sort~ corresponding to the instance
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ with the name \ident~ in the {\bf
+ global} environment. When applied it is equivalent to have
+ inverted the instance with the tactic {\tt Inversion\_clear}.
+ For example, to generate the inversion lemma for the instance
+ \texttt{(Le (S n) m)} and the sort \texttt{Prop} we do:
+Derive Inversion_clear leminv with (forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m) Sort
+ Prop.
+Let us inspect the type of the generated lemma:
+Check leminv.
+%\item \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ \ident$_1$ \ident$_2$ \\
+%\index{Derive Inversion_clear@{\tt Derive Inversion\_clear}}
+% Let \ident$_1$ have type $(I~\vec{t})$ in the local context ($I$
+% an inductive predicate). Then, this command has the same semantics
+% as \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ \ident$_2$~ \verb+with+
+% $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \verb+Sort Prop+ where $\vec{x}$ are the free
+% variables of $(I~\vec{t})$ declared in the local context (variables
+% of the global context are considered as constants).
+%\item \verb+Derive Inversion+ \ident$_1$~ \ident$_2$~\\
+%\index{Derive Inversion@{\tt Derive Inversion}}
+% Analogous to the previous command.
+%\item \verb+Derive Inversion+ $num$ \ident~ \ident~ \\
+%\index{Derive Inversion@{\tt Derive Inversion}}
+% This command behaves as \verb+Derive Inversion+ \ident~ {\it
+% namehyp} performed on the goal number $num$.
+%\item \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ $num$ \ident~ \ident~ \\
+%\index{Derive Inversion_clear@{\tt Derive Inversion\_clear}}
+% This command behaves as \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ \ident~
+% \ident~ performed on the goal number $num$.
+A derived inversion lemma is adequate for inverting the instance
+with which it was generated, \texttt{Derive} applied to
+different instances yields different lemmas. In general, if we generate
+the inversion lemma with
+an instance $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ and a sort $s$, the inversion lemma will
+expect a predicate of type $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})s$ as first argument. \\
+\item \texttt{Derive Inversion} \ident~ \texttt{with}
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort\\
+\index{Derive Inversion...with@{\tt Derive Inversion...with}}
+ Analogous of \texttt{Derive Inversion\_clear .. with ..} but
+ when applied it is equivalent to having
+ inverted the instance with the tactic \texttt{Inversion}.
+\subsection{The dependent case}
+\item \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear} \ident~ \texttt{with}
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort~ \\
+\index{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear...with@{\tt Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear...with}}
+ Let $I$ be an inductive predicate. This command generates and stocks
+ the dependent inversion lemma for the sort \sort~ corresponding to the instance
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ with the name \ident~ in the {\bf
+ global} environment. When applied it is equivalent to having
+ inverted the instance with the tactic \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear}.
+Derive Dependent Inversion_clear leminv_dep with
+ (forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m) Sort Prop.
+Check leminv_dep.
+\item \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion} \ident~ \texttt{with}
+ $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort~ \\
+\index{Derive Dependent Inversion...with@{\tt Derive Dependent Inversion...with}}
+ Analogous to \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear}, but when
+ applied it is equivalent to having
+ inverted the instance with the tactic \texttt{Dependent Inversion}.
+\section{Using already defined inversion lemmas}
+\item \texttt{Inversion} \ident \texttt{ using} \ident$'$ \\
+\index{Inversion...using@{\tt Inversion...using}}
+ Let \ident~ have type $(I~\vec{t})$ ($I$ an inductive
+ predicate) in the local context, and \ident$'$ be a (dependent) inversion
+ lemma. Then, this tactic refines the current goal with the specified
+ lemma.
+inversion H using leminv.
+\item \texttt{Inversion} \ident~ \texttt{using} \ident$'$ \texttt{in} \ident$_1$\ldots \ident$_n$\\
+\index{Inversion...using...in@{\tt Inversion...using...in}}
+This tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$\ldots \ident$_n$,
+then doing \texttt{Use Inversion} \ident~\ident$'$.
+\section{\tt Scheme ...}\index{Scheme@{\tt Scheme}}\label{Scheme}
+The {\tt Scheme} command is a high-level tool for generating
+automatically (possibly mutual) induction principles for given types
+and sorts. Its syntax follows the schema :
+{\tt Scheme {\ident$_1$} := Induction for \term$_1$ Sort {\sort$_1$} \\
+ with\\
+ \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} .. \\
+ with {\ident$_m$} := Induction for {\term$_m$} Sort
+ {\sort$_m$}}\\
+\term$_1$ \ldots \term$_m$ are different inductive types belonging to
+the same package of mutual inductive definitions. This command
+generates {\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_m$} to be mutually recursive
+definitions. Each term {\ident$_i$} proves a general principle
+of mutual induction for objects in type {\term$_i$}.
+The definition of principle of mutual induction for {\tt tree} and
+{\tt forest} over the sort {\tt Set} is defined by the command:
+Restore State "Initial".
+Variables A B : Set.
+Inductive tree : Set :=
+ node : A -> forest -> tree
+with forest : Set :=
+ | leaf : B -> forest
+ | cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
+Scheme tree_forest_rec := Induction for tree
+ Sort Set
+ with forest_tree_rec := Induction for forest Sort Set.
+You may now look at the type of {\tt tree\_forest\_rec} :
+Check tree_forest_rec.
+This principle involves two different predicates for {\tt trees} and
+{\tt forests}; it also has three premises each one corresponding to a
+constructor of one of the inductive definitions.
+The principle {\tt tree\_forest\_rec} shares exactly the same
+premises, only the conclusion now refers to the property of forests.
+Check forest_tree_rec.
+\item {\tt Scheme {\ident$_1$} := Minimality for \term$_1$ Sort {\sort$_1$} \\
+ with\\
+ \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} .. \\
+ with {\ident$_m$} := Minimality for {\term$_m$} Sort
+ {\sort$_m$}}\\
+Same as before but defines a non-dependent elimination principle more
+natural in case of inductively defined relations.
+With the predicates {\tt odd} and {\tt even} inductively defined as:
+Restore State "Initial".
+Inductive odd : nat -> Prop :=
+ oddS : forall n:nat, even n -> odd (S n)
+with even : nat -> Prop :=
+ | evenO : even 0%N
+ | evenS : forall n:nat, odd n -> even (S n).
+The following command generates a powerful elimination
+Scheme odd_even := Minimality for odd Sort Prop
+ with even_odd := Minimality for even Sort Prop.
+The type of {\tt odd\_even} for instance will be:
+Check odd_even.
+The type of {\tt even\_odd} shares the same premises but the
+conclusion is {\tt (n:nat)(even n)->(Q n)}.
+% $Id$