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--- a/doc/refman/RefMan-cic.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/RefMan-cic.tex
@@ -63,11 +63,6 @@ Their properties, such as:
{\Prop:\Type$(1)$}, {\Set:\Type$(1)$}, and {\Type$(i)$:\Type$(i+1)$},
are defined in Section~\ref{subtyping-rules}.
-% TODO: Somewhere in the document we should explain:
-% - what concrete actions (in *.v files) cause creation of new universes
-% - different kinds of relationships between universes (i.e. "max" and "succ")
-% - what are all the actions (in *.v files) from which those relationships arise
The user does not have to mention explicitly the index $i$ when referring to
the universe \Type$(i)$. One only writes \Type. The
system itself generates for each instance of \Type\ a new
@@ -94,17 +89,6 @@ constraints must remain acyclic. Typing expressions that violate the
acyclicity of the graph of constraints results in a \errindex{Universe
inconsistency} error (see also Section~\ref{PrintingUniverses}).
-% TODO: The concept of 'universe inconsistency' deserves more attention.
-% Somewhere in the document we should:
-% - give concrete examples when universe inconsistency arises
-% - explain why it arised
-% - how can a user identify the "vicious cycle".
-% QUESTION: Is the presentation of universes as totally ordered a necessary or advantageous step?
-% QUESTION: Shouldn't the explanation of universes in this chapter
-% be consolidatd with Chapter 29: Polymorphic Universes?
%% HH: This looks to me more like source of confusion than helpful
%% \subsection{Constants}
@@ -184,7 +168,6 @@ More precisely the language of the {\em Calculus of Inductive
The notion of free variables is defined as usual. In the expressions
$\lb x:T\mto U$ and $\forall x:T, U$ the occurrences of $x$ in $U$
are bound.
-% TODO: what is the best play to say that "terms are considered equal up to α-conversion"?
The notion of substituting a term $t$ to free occurrences of a
@@ -241,10 +224,11 @@ we write $x \in \Gamma$. By writing $(x:T) \in \Gamma$ we mean that
either $x:T$ is an assumption in $\Gamma$ or that there exists some $t$ such
that $x:=t:T$ is a definition in $\Gamma$. If $\Gamma$ defines some
$x:=t:T$, we also write $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$.
-For the rest of the chapter, the
-notation $\Gamma::(y:T)$ (resp.\ $\Gamma::(y:=t:T)$) denotes the local context
-$\Gamma$ enriched with the declaration $y:T$ (resp. $y:=t:T$). The
-notation $[]$ denotes the empty local context.
+For the rest of the chapter, the $\Gamma::(y:T)$ denotes the local context
+$\Gamma$ enriched with the local assumption $y:T$.
+Similarly, $\Gamma::(y:=t:T)$ denotes the local context
+$\Gamma$ enriched with the local definition $(y:=t:T)$.
+The notation $[]$ denotes the empty local context.
% Does not seem to be used further...
% Si dans l'explication WF(E)[Gamma] concernant les constantes
@@ -305,23 +289,16 @@ local context $\Gamma$ and a term $T$ such that the judgment \WTEG{t}{T} can
be derived from the following rules.
\item[W-Empty] \inference{\WF{[]}{}}
-% QUESTION: Why in W-Local-Assum and W-Local-Def we do not need x ∉ E hypothesis?
\item[W-Local-Assum] % Ce n'est pas vrai : x peut apparaitre plusieurs fois dans Gamma
\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~x \not\in \Gamma % \cup E
\inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~x \not\in \Gamma % \cup E
-% QUESTION: Why in W-Global-Assum and W-Global-Def we do not need x ∉ Γ hypothesis?
\item[W-Global-Assum] \inference{\frac{\WTE{}{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~c \notin E}
\item[W-Global-Def] \inference{\frac{\WTE{}{t}{T}~~~c \notin E}
-% QUESTION: Why, in case of W-Local-Assum and W-Global-Assum we need s ∈ S hypothesis.
-% QUESTION: At the moment, enrichment of a local context is denoted with ∷
-% whereas enrichment of the global environment is denoted with ;
-% Is it necessary to use two different notations?
-% Couldn't we use ∷ also for enrichment of the global context?
\item[Ax-Prop] \index{Typing rules!Ax-Prop}
\item[Ax-Set] \index{Typing rules!Ax-Set}
@@ -366,7 +343,6 @@ difference between {\Prop} and {\Set}:
well-typed without having $((\lb x:T\mto u)~t)$ well-typed (where
$T$ is a type of $t$). This is because the value $t$ associated to $x$
may be used in a conversion rule (see Section~\ref{conv-rules}).
-% QUESTION: I do not understand. How would that be possible?
\section[Conversion rules]{Conversion rules\index{Conversion rules}
@@ -815,7 +791,6 @@ $\begin{array}{@{} l}
\subsection{Well-formed inductive definitions}
We cannot accept any inductive declaration because some of them lead
to inconsistent systems.
-% TODO: The statement above deserves explanation.
We restrict ourselves to definitions which
satisfy a syntactic criterion of positivity. Before giving the formal
rules, we need a few definitions:
@@ -843,9 +818,6 @@ in one of the following two cases:
\item $T$ is $(I~t_1\ldots ~t_n)$
\item $T$ is $\forall x:U,T^\prime$ where $T^\prime$ is also a type of constructor of $I$
-% QUESTION: Are we above sufficiently precise?
-% Shouldn't we say also what is "n"?
-% "n" couldn't be "0", could it?
$\nat$ and $\nat\ra\nat$ are types of constructors of $\nat$.\\
@@ -854,11 +826,9 @@ $\forall A:\Type,\List~A$ and $\forall A:\Type,A\ra\List~A\ra\List~A$ are constr
The type of constructor $T$ will be said to {\em satisfy the positivity
condition} for a constant $X$ in the following cases:
-% QUESTION: Why is this property called "positivity"?
\item $T=(X~t_1\ldots ~t_n)$ and $X$ does not occur free in
-% QUESTIONS: What is the meaning of 'n' above?
any $t_i$
\item $T=\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ occurs only strictly positively in $U$ and
the type $V$ satisfies the positivity condition for $X$
@@ -870,12 +840,10 @@ following cases:
\item $X$ does not occur in $T$
\item $T$ converts to $(X~t_1 \ldots ~t_n)$ and $X$ does not occur in
-% QUESTIONS: What is the meaning of 'n' above?
any of $t_i$
\item $T$ converts to $\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ does not occur in
type $U$ but occurs strictly positively in type $V$
\item $T$ converts to $(I~a_1 \ldots ~a_m ~ t_1 \ldots ~t_p)$ where
-% QUESTIONS: What is the meaning of 'p' above?
$I$ is the name of an inductive declaration of the form
$\Ind{\Gamma}{m}{I:A}{c_1:\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall
p_m:P_m,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall
@@ -898,7 +866,6 @@ cases:
\item $T=(I~b_1\ldots b_m~u_1\ldots ~u_{p})$, $I$ is an inductive
definition with $m$ parameters and $X$ does not occur in
any $u_i$
-% QUESTIONS: What is the meaning of 'p' above?
\item $T=\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ occurs only strictly positively in $U$ and
the type $V$ satisfies the nested positivity condition for $X$
@@ -969,10 +936,6 @@ the type $V$ satisfies the nested positivity condition for $X$
\paragraph{Correctness rules.}
-% QUESTION: For a related problem, in case of global definitions
-% and global assumptions, we used the term "well-formedness".
-% Couldn't we continue to use the term also here?
-% Does it make sense to use a different name, i.e. "correctness" in this case?
We shall now describe the rules allowing the introduction of a new
inductive definition.
@@ -999,7 +962,6 @@ provided that the following side conditions hold:
$I_{q_i}$ which satisfies the positivity condition for $I_1 \ldots I_k$
and $c_i \notin \Gamma \cup E$.
-% TODO: justify the above constraints
One can remark that there is a constraint between the sort of the
arity of the inductive type and the sort of the type of its
@@ -1007,7 +969,6 @@ constructors which will always be satisfied for the impredicative sort
{\Prop} but may fail to define inductive definition
on sort \Set{} and generate constraints between universes for
inductive definitions in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-% QUESTION: which 'constraint' are we above referring to?
It is well known that existential quantifier can be encoded as an
@@ -1025,7 +986,6 @@ The same definition on \Set{} is not allowed and fails:
Fail Inductive exSet (P:Set->Prop) : Set
:= exS_intro : forall X:Set, P X -> exSet P.
-% TODO: add the description of the 'Fail' command to the reference manual
It is possible to declare the same inductive definition in the
universe \Type.
The \texttt{exType} inductive definition has type $(\Type_i \ra\Prop)\ra
@@ -1044,7 +1004,6 @@ Inductive exType (P:Type->Prop) : Type
Inductive types declared in {\Type} are
polymorphic over their arguments in {\Type}.
-% QUESTION: Just arguments? Not also over the parameters?
If $A$ is an arity of some sort and $s$ is a sort, we write $A_{/s}$ for the arity
obtained from $A$ by replacing its sort with $s$. Especially, if $A$
@@ -1093,13 +1052,10 @@ $P_l$ arity implies $P'_l$ arity since $\WTELECONV{}{P'_l}{ \subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u
\Gamma_{P'},(A_1)_{/s_1};\ldots;I_k:\forall \Gamma_{P'},(A_k)_{/s_k}]$
we have $(\WTE{\Gamma_{I'};\Gamma_{P'}}{C_i}{s_{q_i}})_{i=1\ldots n}$;
\item the sorts are such that all eliminations, to {\Prop}, {\Set} and
- $\Type(j)$, are allowed (see section~\ref{elimdep}).
-% QUESTION: How should I interpret the above side-condition, when I am trying to show that 'list nat : Set'?
+ $\Type(j)$, are allowed (see Section~\ref{allowedeleminationofsorts}).
-% QUESTION: Do we need the following paragraph?
-% (I find it confusing.)
Notice that if $I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ is typable using the rules {\bf
Ind-Const} and {\bf App}, then it is typable using the rule {\bf
Ind-Family}. Conversely, the extended theory is not stronger than the
@@ -1142,7 +1098,6 @@ singleton -- see paragraph~\ref{singleton}) is set in
{\Prop}, a small non-singleton inductive type is set in {\Set} (even
in case {\Set} is impredicative -- see Section~\ref{impredicativity}),
and otherwise in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-% TODO: clarify the case of a partial application ??
Note that the side-condition about allowed elimination sorts in the
rule~{\bf Ind-Family} is just to avoid to recompute the allowed
@@ -1208,8 +1163,6 @@ Because we need to keep a consistent theory and also we prefer to keep
a strongly normalizing reduction, we cannot accept any sort of
recursion (even terminating). So the basic idea is to restrict
ourselves to primitive recursive functions and functionals.
-% TODO: it may be worthwhile to show the consequences of lifting
-% those restrictions.
For instance, assuming a parameter $A:\Set$ exists in the local context, we
want to build a function \length\ of type $\ListA\ra \nat$ which
@@ -1246,11 +1199,6 @@ same as proving:
$(\haslengthA~(\Nil~A)~\nO)$ and $\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA,
(\haslengthA~l~(\length~l)) \ra
-% QUESTION: Wouldn't something like:
-% http://matej-kosik.github.io/www/doc/coq/notes/25__has_length.html
-% be more comprehensible?
One conceptually simple way to do that, following the basic scheme
proposed by Martin-L\"of in his Intuitionistic Type Theory, is to
@@ -1263,11 +1211,6 @@ But this operator is rather tedious to implement and use. We choose in
this version of {\Coq} to factorize the operator for primitive recursion
into two more primitive operations as was first suggested by Th. Coquand
in~\cite{Coq92}. One is the definition by pattern-matching. The second one is a definition by guarded fixpoints.
-% QUESTION: Shouldn't we, instead, include a more straightforward argument:
-% http://matej-kosik.github.io/www/doc/coq/notes/24__match_and_fix.html
-% ?
\subsubsection[The {\tt match\ldots with \ldots end} construction.]{The {\tt match\ldots with \ldots end} construction.\label{Caseexpr}
\index{match@{\tt match\ldots with\ldots end}}}
@@ -1307,24 +1250,9 @@ omitted if the result type does not depend on the arguments of
$I$. Note that the arguments of $I$ corresponding to parameters
\emph{must} be \verb!_!, because the result type is not generalized to
all possible values of the parameters.
-% QUESTION: The last sentence above does not seem to be accurate.
-% Imagine:
-% Definition foo (A:Type) (a:A) (l : list A) :=
-% match l return A with
-% | nil => a
-% | cons _ _ _ => a
-% end.
-% There, the term in the return-clause happily refer to the parameter of 'l'
-% and Coq does not protest.
-% So I am not sure if I really understand why parameters cannot be bound
-% in as-clause.
The other arguments of $I$
(sometimes called indices in the literature)
-% QUESTION: in which literature?
+% NOTE: e.g. http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/~sacchini/papers/types08.pdf
have to be variables
($a$ above) and these variables can occur in $P$.
The expression after \kw{in}
@@ -1364,6 +1292,7 @@ compact notation:
% \mbox{\tt =>}~ \false}
\paragraph[Allowed elimination sorts.]{Allowed elimination sorts.\index{Elimination sorts}}
An important question for building the typing rule for \kw{match} is
what can be the type of $\lb a x \mto P$ with respect to the type of the inductive
@@ -1373,34 +1302,26 @@ We define now a relation \compat{I:A}{B} between an inductive
definition $I$ of type $A$ and an arity $B$. This relation states that
an object in the inductive definition $I$ can be eliminated for
proving a property $\lb a x \mto P$ of arity $B$.
-% QUESTION: Is it necessary to explain the meaning of [I:A|B] in such a complicated way?
-% Couldn't we just say that: "relation [I:A|B] defines which types can we choose as 'result types'
-% with respect to the type of the matched object".
+% TODO: The meaning of [I:A|B] relation is not trivial,
+% but I do not think that we must explain it in as complicated way as we do above.
We use this concept to formulate the hypothesis of the typing rule for the match-construct.
-The case of inductive definitions in sorts \Set\ or \Type{} is simple.
-There is no restriction on the sort of the predicate to be
The \compat{I:A}{B} is defined as the smallest relation satisfying the
following rules:
We write \compat{I}{B} for \compat{I:A}{B} where $A$ is the type of
+The case of inductive definitions in sorts \Set\ or \Type{} is simple.
+There is no restriction on the sort of the predicate to be
\item[Prod] \inference{\frac{\compat{(I~x):A'}{B'}}
{\compat{I:\forall x:A, A'}{\forall x:A, B'}}}
\item[{\Set} \& \Type] \inference{\frac{
s_1 \in \{\Set,\Type(j)\}~~~~~~~~s_2 \in \Sort}{\compat{I:s_1}{I\ra s_2}}}
-% QUESTION: What kind of value is represented by "x" in the "numerator"?
-% There, "x" is unbound. Isn't it?
-% The rule does not fully justify the following (plausible) argument:
-% http://matej-kosik.github.io/www/doc/coq/notes/26__allowed_elimination_sorts.html
-% NOTE: Above, "Set" is subsumed in "Type(0)" so, strictly speaking, we wouldn't need to mention in explicitely.
The case of Inductive definitions of sort \Prop{} is a bit more
complicated, because of our interpretation of this sort. The only
@@ -1468,7 +1389,6 @@ predicate $P$ of type $I\ra \Type$ leads to a paradox when applied to
impredicative inductive definition like the second-order existential
quantifier \texttt{exProp} defined above, because it give access to
the two projections on this type.
-% QUESTION: I did not get the point of the paragraph above.
%\paragraph{Warning: strong elimination}
%\index{Elimination!Strong elimination}
@@ -1514,59 +1434,6 @@ Extraction eq_rec.
An empty definition has no constructors, in that case also,
elimination on any sort is allowed.
-% In Coq, this works:
-% Check match 42 as x return match x with
-% | O => nat
-% | _ => bool
-% end
-% with
-% | O => 42
-% | _ => true
-% end.
-% Also this works:
-% Check let foo := 42 in
-% match foo return match foo with
-% | O => nat
-% | _ => bool
-% end
-% with
-% | O => 42
-% | _ => true
-% end.
-% But here:
-% Definition foo := 42.
-% Check match foo return match foo with
-% | O => nat
-% | _ => bool
-% end
-% with
-% | O => 42
-% | _ => true
-% end.
-% Coq complains:
-% Error:
-% The term "42" has type "nat" while it is expected to have type
-% "match foo with
-% | 0 => nat
-% | S _ => bool
-% end".
-% However, the Reference Manual says that:
-% "Remark that when the term being matched is a variable, the as clause can
-% be omitted and the term being matched can serve itself as binding name in the return type."
-% so I do not understand why, in this case, Coq produces a given error message.
\paragraph{Type of branches.}
Let $c$ be a term of type $C$, we assume $C$ is a type of constructor
for an inductive type $I$. Let $P$ be a term that represents the
@@ -1741,14 +1608,10 @@ definition.
For doing this, the syntax of fixpoints is extended and becomes
\[\Fix{f_i}{f_1/k_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n/k_n:A_n:=t_n}\]
where $k_i$ are positive integers.
+Each $k_i$ represents the index of pararameter of $f_i$, on which $f_i$ is decreasing.
Each $A_i$ should be a type (reducible to a term) starting with at least
$k_i$ products $\forall y_1:B_1,\ldots \forall y_{k_i}:B_{k_i}, A'_i$
-and $B_{k_i}$
-being an instance of an inductive definition.
-% TODO: We should probably define somewhere explicitely, what we mean by
-% "x is an instance of an inductive type I".
-% QUESTION: So, $k_i$ is the index of the argument on which $f_i$ is decreasing?
+and $B_{k_i}$ an is unductive type.
Now in the definition $t_i$, if $f_j$ occurs then it should be applied
to at least $k_j$ arguments and the $k_j$-th argument should be
@@ -1764,9 +1627,6 @@ $\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall p_r:P_r,
\forall x_1:T_1, \ldots \forall x_r:T_r, (I_j~p_1\ldots
p_r~t_1\ldots t_s)$ the recursive arguments will correspond to $T_i$ in
which one of the $I_l$ occurs.
-% QUESTION: The last sentence above really fully make sense.
-% Isn't some word missing?
-% Maybe "if"?
The main rules for being structurally smaller are the following:\\
Given a variable $y$ of type an inductive
@@ -1782,7 +1642,6 @@ The terms structurally smaller than $y$ are:
If $c$ is $y$ or is structurally smaller than $y$, its type is an inductive
definition $I_p$ part of the inductive
declaration corresponding to $y$.
- % QUESTION: What does the above sentence mean?
Each $f_i$ corresponds to a type of constructor $C_q \equiv
\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots,\forall p_r:P_r, \forall y_1:B_1, \ldots \forall y_k:B_k, (I~a_1\ldots a_k)$
and can consequently be
@@ -1792,9 +1651,6 @@ The terms structurally smaller than $y$ are:
in $g_i$ corresponding to recursive arguments $B_i$ (the ones in
which one of the $I_l$ occurs) are structurally smaller than $y$.
-% QUESTION: How could one show, that some of the functions defined below are "guarded"
-% in a sense of the definition given above.
-% E.g., how could I show that "p" in "plus" below is structurally smaller than "n"?
The following definitions are correct, we enter them using the
{\tt Fixpoint} command as described in Section~\ref{Fixpoint} and show
the internal representation.
@@ -1828,7 +1684,6 @@ The reduction for fixpoints is:
\[ (\Fix{f_i}{F}~a_1\ldots
a_{k_i}) \triangleright_{\iota} \substs{t_i}{f_k}{\Fix{f_k}{F}}{k=1\ldots n}
~a_1\ldots a_{k_i}\]
-% QUESTION: Is it wise to use \iota for twice with two different meanings?
when $a_{k_i}$ starts with a constructor.
This last restriction is needed in order to keep strong normalization
and corresponds to the reduction for primitive recursive operators.
@@ -2030,45 +1885,6 @@ impredicative system for sort \Set{} become:
{\compat{I:\Set}{I\ra s}}}
-% QUESTION: Why, when I add this definition:
-% Inductive foo : Type := .
-% Coq claims that the type of 'foo' is 'Prop'?
-% QUESTION: If I add this definition:
-% Inductive bar (A:Type) : Type := .
-% then Coq claims that 'bar' has type 'Type → Prop' where I would expect 'Type → Type' with appropriate constraint.
-% QUESTION: If I add this definition:
-% Inductive foo (A:Type) : Type :=
-% | foo1 : foo A
-% then Coq claims that 'foo' has type 'Type → Prop'.
-% Why?
-% QUESTION: If I add this definition:
-% Inductive foo (A:Type) : Type :=
-% | foo1 : foo A
-% | foo2 : foo A.
-% then Coq claims that 'foo' has type 'Type → Set'.
-% Why?
-% NOTE: If I add this definition:
-% Inductive foo (A:Type) : Type :=
-% | foo1 : foo A
-% | foo2 : A → foo A.
-% then Coq claims, as expected, that:
-% foo : Type → Type.
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