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-\newcommand{\coqtt}[1]{{\tt #1}}
-\newcommand{\coqimp}{{\mbox{\tt ->}}}
-\newcommand{\coqequiv}{{\mbox{\tt <->}}}
- \subsection*{\aname{no:number}{Question:~\sf{#1}}}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\ahrefloc{no:number}{#1}}
- \addcontentsline{htoc}{subsection}{\ahrefloc{no:number}{#1}}}
-\newcommand{\answer}{{\bf Answer:~}}
-\newcommand\vfile[2]{\ahref{#1}{\tt {#2}.v}}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Init.Wf.html}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Logic.Berardi.html}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Logic.Classical.html}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Logic.ClassicalFacts.html}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance.html}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Logic.Eqdep.html}
- {http://coq.inria.fr/library/Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.html}
-Frequently Asked Questions
-{\Coq} version 8
-\question{What is {\Coq}?}
-\answer {\Coq} is a proof assistant with two main application fields:
-proving program correctness and formalising mathematical
-theories. {\Coq} offers also automatic extraction of zero-defect
-programs from a proof of their specification.
-\question{How to use {\Coq}?}
-\answer{{\Coq} offers a development environment in which you can
-alternatively define predicates, functions or sets and state claims to
-be interactively proved. {\Coq} comes with a large library of
-predefined notions both from the standard mathematical background
-(natural, integer and real numbers, sets and relations, ...) and from
-the standard computer science background (lists, binary numbers,
-finite sets, dictionaries, ...). {\Coq} comes with a
-graphical interface.
-\question{What are the main applications done in {\Coq}?}
-\answer Largest developments are Java certification, safety of
-cryptographic protocols, advanced constructive and classical analysis,
-algebraic topology, ...
-\question{What is the logic of {\Coq}?}
-\answer {\Coq} is based on an axiom-free type theory called
-the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (see Coquand \cite{CoHu86}
-and Coquand--Paulin-Mohring \cite{CoPa89}). It includes higher-order
-functions and predicates, inductive and co-inductive datatypes and
-predicates, and a stratified hierarchy of sets.
-\question{Is {\Coq}'s logic intuitionistic or classical?}
-\answer {\Coq} theory is basically intuitionistic
-(i.e. excluded-middle $A\lor\neg A$ is not granted by default) with
-the possibility to reason classically on demand by requiring an
-optional module stating $A\lor\neg A$.
-\question{What's the status of proofs in {\Coq}}
-\answer {\Coq} proofs are build with tactics allowing both forward
-reasoning (stating
-cannot be accepted without a proof expressed in the Calculus of
-Inductive Constructions. The correctness of a proof relies on a
-relatively small proof-checker at the kernel of {\Coq} (8000 lines of ML
-code). Even {\Coq} decision procedures are producing proofs which are
-double-checked by the kernel.
-\question{Can I define non-terminating programs in {\Coq}?}
-\answer No, all programs in {\Coq} are terminating. Especially, loops
-must come with an evidence of their termination.
-\question{Is {\Coq} a theorem prover?}
-\answer {\Coq} comes with a few decision procedures (on propositional
-calculus, Presburger arithmetic, ring and field simplification,
-resolution, ...) but the main style for proving theorems is
-interactively by using LCF-style tactics.
-\question{How is equational reasoning working in {\Coq}?}
-\answer {\Coq} comes with an internal notion of computation called
-{\em conversion} (e.g. $(x+1)+y$ is internally equivalent to
-$(x+y)+1$; similarly applying argument $a$ to a function mapping $x$
-to some expression $t$ converts to the expression $t$ where $x$ is
-replaced by $a$). This notion of conversion (which is decidable
-because {\Coq} programs are terminating) covers a certain part of
-equational reasoning but is limited to sequential evaluation of
-expressions of (not necessarily closed) programs. Besides conversion,
-equations have to be treated by hand or using specialised tactics.
-\question{What are the high-level tactics of {\Coq}}
-\item Decision of quantifier-free Presburger's Arithmetic
-\item Simplification of expressions on rings and fields
-\item Decision of closed systems of equations
-\item Semi-decision of first-order logic
-\item Prolog-style proof search, possibly involving equalities
-\question{What are the main libraries of {\Coq}}
-\item Basic Peano's arithmetic
-\item Binary integer numbers
-\item Real analysis
-\item Libraries for lists, boolean, maps.
-\item Libraries for relations, sets
-%\subsection{Equality on Terms}
-\question{How can I prove that 2 terms in an inductive set are equal? Or different?}
-\answer Cf "Decide Equality" and "Discriminate" in the \ahref{\refman}{Reference Manual}.
-\question{Why is the proof of \coqtt{0+n=n} on natural numbers
-trivial but the proof of \coqtt{n+0=n} is not?}
-\answer Since \coqtt{+} (\coqtt{plus}) on natural numbers is defined by analysis on its first argument
-Print plus.
-\noindent the expression \coqtt{0+n} evaluates to \coqtt{n}. As {\Coq} reasons
-modulo evaluation of expressions, \coqtt{0+n} and \coqtt{n} are
-considered equal and the theorem \coqtt{0+n=n} is an instance of the
-reflexivity of equality. On the other side, \coqtt{n+0} does not
-evaluate to \coqtt{n} and a proof by induction on \coqtt{n} is
-necessary to trigger the evaluation of \coqtt{+}.
-איט\question{I have two proofs of the same proposition. Can I prove they are equal?}
-\answer In the base {\Coq} system, the answer is no. However, if
-classical logic is set, the answer is yes for propositions in {\Prop}.
-More precisely, the equality of all proofs of a given proposition is called
-{\em proof-irrelevance}. Proof-irrelevance (in {\Prop}) can be assumed
- without leading to contradiction in {\Coq}.
- That classical logic (what can be assumed in {\Coq} by requiring the file
- \vfile{\LogicClassical}{Classical}) implies proof-irrelevance is shown in files
- \vfile{\LogicProofIrrelevance}{ProofIrrelevance} and \vfile{\LogicBerardi}{Berardi}.
- Alternatively, propositional extensionality (i.e. \coqtt{(A
- \coqequiv B) \coqimp A=B}, defined in \vfile{\LogicClassicalFacts}{ClassicalFacts}),
- also implies proof-irrelevance.
-% It is an ongoing work of research to natively include proof
-% irrelevance in {\Coq}.
-\question{Can I prove that the second components of equal dependent
-pairs are equal?}
-\answer The answer is the same as for proofs of equality
-statements. It is provable if equality on the domain of the first
-component is decidable (look at \verb=inj_right_pair= from file
-\vfile{\LogicEqdepDec}{Eqdep\_dec}), but not provable in the general
-case. However, it is consistent (with the Calculus of Constructions)
-to assume it is true. The file \vfile{\LogicEqdep}{Eqdep} actually
-provides an axiom (equivalent to Streicher's axiom $K$) which entails
-the result (look at \verb=inj_pair2= in \vfile{\LogicEqdep}{Eqdep}).
-\question{I have two proofs of an equality statement. Can I prove they are
-\answer Yes, if equality is decidable on the domain considered (which
-is the case for {\tt nat}, {\tt bool}, etc): see {\Coq} file
-\verb=Eqdep_dec.v=). No otherwise, unless
-assuming Streicher's axiom $K$ (see \cite{HofStr98}) or a more general
-assumption such as proof-irrelevance (see \ref{proof-irrelevance}) or
-classical logic.
-\question{What is Streicher's axiom $K$}
-\answer Streicher's axiom $K$ \cite{HofStr98} asserts dependent
-elimination of reflexive equality proofs.
-Axiom Streicher_K :
- forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P: x=x -> Prop),
- P (refl_equal x) -> forall p: x=x, P p.
-In the general case, axiom $K$ is an independent statement of the
-Calculus of Inductive Constructions. However, it is true on decidable
-domains (see file \vfile{\LogicEqdepDec}{Eqdep\_dec}). It is also
-trivially a consequence of proof-irrelevance (see
-\ref{proof-irrelevance}) hence of classical logic.
-Axiom $K$ is equivalent to {\em Uniqueness of Identity Proofs} \cite{HofStr98}
-which states that
-Axiom UIP : forall (A:Set) (x y:A) (p1 p2: x=y), p1 = p2.
-Axiom $K$ is also equivalent to {\em Uniqueness of Reflexive Identity Proofs} \cite{HofStr98}
-Axiom UIP_refl : forall (A:Set) (x:A) (p: x=x), p = refl_equal x.
-Axiom $K$ is also equivalent to
- eq_rec_eq :
- forall (A:Set) (x:A) (P: A->Set) (p:P x) (h: x=x),
- p = eq_rect x P p x h.
-It is also equivalent to the injectivity of dependent equality (dependent equality is itself equivalent to equality of dependent pairs).
-Inductive eq_dep (U:Set) (P:U -> Set) (p:U) (x:P p) :
-forall q:U, P q -> Prop :=
- eq_dep_intro : eq_dep U P p x p x.
- eq_dep_eq :
- forall (U:Set) (u:U) (P:U -> Set) (p1 p2:P u),
- eq_dep U P u p1 u p2 -> p1 = p2.
-All of these statements can be found in file \vfile{\LogicEqdep}{Eqdep}.
-% \subsection{Equality on types}
-\question{How to prove that 2 sets are differents?}
-\answer You need to find a property true on one set and false on the
-other one. As an example we show how to prove that {\tt bool} and {\tt
-nat} are discriminable. As discrimination property we take the
-property to have no more than 2 elements.
-Theorem nat_bool_discr : bool <> nat.
- pose (discr :=
- fun X:Set =>
- ~ (forall a b:X, ~ (forall x:X, x <> a -> x <> b -> False))).
- intro Heq; assert (H: discr bool).
- intro H; apply (H true false); destruct x; auto.
- rewrite Heq in H; apply H; clear H.
- destruct a; destruct b as [|n]; intro H0; eauto.
- destruct n; [ apply (H0 2); discriminate | eauto ].
-\question{How to exploit equalities on sets}
-\answer To extract information from an equality on sets, you need to
-find a predicate of sets satisfied by the elements of the sets. As an
-example, let's consider the following theorem.
-Theorem le_le :
- forall m n:nat,
- {x : nat | x <= m} = {x : nat | x <= n} -> m = n.
-A typical property is to have cardinality $n$.
-\question{Can I identify two functions that have the same behaviour (extensionality)?}
-\answer Extensionality of functions is an axiom in, say set theory,
-but from a programming point of view, extensionality cannot be {\em a
-priori} accepted since it would identify, say programs as mergesort
-and quicksort.
-% Axiom extensionality : (A,B:Set)(f,g:(A->B))(x:A)(f x)=(g x)->f=g.
-Let {\tt A}, {\tt B} be types. To deal with extensionality on
-\verb=A->B=, the recommended approach is to define his
-own extensional equality on \verb=A->B=.
-Variables A B : Set.
-Definition ext_eq (f g: A->B) := forall x:A, f x = g x.
-and to reason on \verb=A->B= as a setoid (see the Chapter on
-Setoids in the Reference Manual).
-\question{Is {\Type} impredicative (that is, letting
-\coqtt{T:=(X:Type)X->X}, can I apply an expression \coqtt{t} of type \coqtt{T} to \coqtt{T} itself)?}
-\answer No, {\Type} is stratified. This is hidden for the
-user, but {\Coq} internally maintains a set of constraints ensuring
- If {\Type} were impredicative then Girard's systems $U-$ and $U$
-could be encoded in {\Coq} and it is known from Girard, Coquand,
-Hurkens and Miquel that systems $U-$ and $U$ are inconsistent [Girard
-1972, Coquand 1991, Hurkens 1993, Miquel 2001]. This encoding can be
-found in file {\tt Logic/Hurkens.v} of {\Coq} standard library.
- For instance, when the user see {\tt forall (X:Type), X->X : Type}, each
-occurrence of {\Type} is implicitly bound to a different level, say
-$\alpha$ and $\beta$ and the actual statement is {\tt
-forall X:Type($\alpha$), X->X : Type($\beta$)} with the constraint
- When a statement violates a constraint, the message {\tt Universe
-inconsistency} appears. Example: {\tt fun (x:Type) (y:forall X:Type, X \coqimp X) => z x x}.
-\section{Inductive types}
-\question{What is a "large inductive definition"?}
-\answer An inductive definition in {\Prop} pr {\Set} is called large
-if its constructors embed sets or propositions. As an example, here is
-a large inductive type:
-Inductive sigST (P:Set -> Set) : Type :=
- existST : forall X:Set, P X -> sigST P.
-In the {\tt Set} impredicative variant of {\Coq}, large inductive
-definitions in {\tt Set} have restricted elimination schemes to
-prevent inconsistencies. Especially, projecting the set or the
-proposition content of a large inductive definition is forbidden. If
-it were allowed, it would be possible to encode e.g. Burali-Forti
-paradox \cite{Gir70,Coq85}.
-\question{Why Injection does not work on impredicative {\tt Set}?}
- E.g. in this case (this occurs only in the {\tt Set}-impredicative
- variant of {\Coq}}:
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive I : Type :=
- intro : forall k:Set, k -> I.
-Lemma eq_jdef :
- forall x y:nat, intro _ x = intro _ y -> x = y.
- intros x y H; injection H.
-\answer Injectivity of constructors is restricted to predicative types. If
-injectivity on large inductive types were not restricted, we would be
-allowed to derive an inconsistency (e.g. following the lines of
-Burali-Forti paradox). The question remains open whether injectivity
-is consistent on some large inductive types not expressive enough to
-encode known paradoxes (such as type I above).
-\question{Why can't I define a non terminating program?}
-\answer Because otherwise the decidability of the type-checking
-algorithm (which involves evaluation of programs) is not ensured. On
-another side, if non terminating proofs were allowed, we could get a
-proof of {\tt False}:
-(* This is fortunately not allowed! *)
-Fixpoint InfiniteProof (n:nat) : False := InfiniteProof n.
-Theorem Paradox : False.
-Proof (InfiniteProof O).
-\question{Why only structurally well-founded loops are allowed?}
-\answer The structural order on inductive types is a simple and
-powerful notion of termination. The consistency of the Calculus of
-Inductive Constructions relies on it and another consistency proof
-would have to be made for stronger termination arguments (such
-as the termination of the evaluation of CIC programs themselves!).
-In spite of this, all non-pathological termination orders can be mapped
-to a structural order. Tools to do this are provided in the file
-\vfile{\InitWf}{Wf} of the standard library of {\Coq}.
-\question{How to define loops based on non structurally smaller
-recursive calls?}
-\answer The procedure is as follows (we consider the definition of {\tt
-mergesort} as an example).
-\item Define the termination order, say {\tt R} on the type {\tt A} of
-the arguments of the loop.
-Open Scope R_scope.
-Require Import List.
-Definition R (a b:list nat) := length a < length b.
-\item Prove that this order is well-founded (in fact that all elements in {\tt A} are accessible along {\tt R}).
-Lemma Rwf : well_founded (A:=R).
-\item Define the step function (which needs proofs that recursive
-calls are on smaller arguments).
-Definition split (l : list nat)
- : {l1: list nat | R l1 l} * {l2 : list nat | R l2 l}
- := (* ... *) .
-Definition concat (l1 l2 : list nat) : list nat := (* ... *) .
-Definition merge_step (l : list nat) (f: forall l':list nat, R l' l -> list nat) :=
- let (lH1,lH2) := (split l) in
- let (l1,H1) := lH1 in
- let (l2,H2) := lH2 in
- concat (f l1 H1) (f l2 H2).
-\item Define the recursive function by fixpoint on the step function.
-Definition merge := Fix Rwf (fun _ => list nat) merge_step.
-\question{What is behind these accessibility and well-foundedness proofs?}
-\answer Well-foundedness of some relation {\tt R} on some type {\tt A}
-is defined as the accessibility of all elements of {\tt A} along {\tt R}.
-Print well_founded.
-Print Acc.
-The structure of the accessibility predicate is a well-founded tree
-branching at each node {\tt x} in {\tt A} along all the nodes {\tt x'}
-less than {\tt x} along {\tt R}. Any sequence of elements of {\tt A}
-decreasing along the order {\tt R} are branches in the accessibility
-tree. Hence any decreasing along {\tt R} is mapped into a structural
-decreasing in the accessibility tree of {\tt R}. This is emphasised in
-the definition of {\tt fix} which recurs not on its argument {\tt x:A}
-but on the accessibility of this argument along {\tt R}.
-See file \vfile{\InitWf}{Wf}.
-\section{Elimination, Case Analysis and Induction}
-%\subsection{Parametric elimination}
-\question{What is parametric elimination?}
-\answer {\em Parametric} elimination is a generalisation of the
-substitutivity of equality. Only inductive types with non-constant
-parameters are concerned with this kind of dependent
-elimination. Typical examples of inductive types enjoying parametric
-elimination in {\Coq} standard library are the equality predicate
-\verb=eq= and the less than predicate on natural numbers \verb=le=.
-Print eq.
-Print eq_ind.
-Print le.
-%\subsection{Dependent elimination}
-\question{What means dependent elimination?}
-\answer Dependent elimination is a generalisation of the
-standard Peano's induction principle on natural numbers. This
-elimination asserts that to prove a property P on say the set {\tt nat} of
-natural numbers, it is enough to prove the property on O and to prove
-it on successor numbers. Combined with fixpoints, this directly
-provides with usual Peano's induction scheme.
-Non dependent elimination is when elimination is used to build an
-object whose type does not depend on the eliminated object. An example
-of non dependent elimination is recursion, or the simpler form of
-{\coqtt if $\ldots$ then $\ldots$ else}.
-The relevant tactics to deal with this kind of elimination are {\tt
-elim}, {\tt induction}, {\tt nestruct} and {\tt case}, {\tt
-simple induction} and {\tt simple destruct}.
-% \question{Does the elimination in Prop follows a
-% different rule than the elimination in Set?}
-% \answer There are two kinds of dependent case analysis. The result type of a
-% case analysis may depend on the matched object (this is what is
-% usually intended by dependent) but may also depend on the non-constant
-% arguments of the type of the matched object without being dependent of
-% the object itself.
-% This is typically what happens in a proof using equality. The result
-% does not depend on the proof of the equality itself but crucially
-% depends on the second compared argument of the equality.
-% It happens that proofs using elimination (i.e. case analysis or
-% induction) on objects at the Set level are usually dependent on the
-% matched term. This is because propositions precisely depend on the
-% object on which an induction or case analysis is applied. Conversely,
-% it happens that proofs using elimination on objects at the Prop level
-% (typically elimination on equality proofs) are usually not dependent
-% on the matched object. This is because proofs usually stay at the
-% proof level and a few developments are stating things about proofs.
-% But, again, to be not dependent on the matched objet does not mean not
-% dependent at all. For equality, dependency on the second compared
-% argument is precisely what provides with the substitutivity schema of
-% equality.
-\question{Why is dependent elimination in Prop not
-available by default?}
-This is just because most of the time it is not needed. To derive a
-dependent elimination principle in {\tt Prop}, use the command {\tt Scheme} and
-apply the elimination scheme using the \verb=using= option of
-\verb=elim=, \verb=destruct= or \verb=induction=.
-\question{How to eliminate impossible cases of an inductive definition}
-Use {\tt inversion}.
-\question{How to perform double induction?}
-\answer In general a double induction is simply solved by an induction on the
-first hypothesis followed by an inversion over the second
-hypothesis. Here is an example
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
- | even_O : even 0
- | even_S : forall n:nat, even n -> even (S (S n)).
-Inductive odd : nat -> Prop :=
- | odd_SO : odd 1
- | odd_S : forall n:nat, odd n -> odd (S (S n)).
-Goal forall n:nat, even n -> odd n -> False.
-induction 1.
- inversion 1.
- inversion 1. apply IHeven; trivial.
-\Rem In case the type of the second induction hypothesis is not
-dependent, {\tt inversion} can just be replaced by {\tt destruct}.
-\question{How to define a function by double recursion?}
-\answer The same trick applies, you can even use the pattern-matching
-compilation algorithm to do the work for you. Here is an example:
-Fixpoint minus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n, m with
- | O, _ => 0
- | S k, O => S k
- | S k, S l => minus k l
- end.
-Print minus.
-\Rem In case of dependencies in the type of the induction objects
-$t_1$ and $t_2$, an extra argument stating $t_1=t_2$ must be given to
-the fixpoint definition
-\question{How to perform nested induction?}
-\answer To reason by nested induction, just reason by induction on the
-successive components.
-Require Import Arith.
-Infix "<" := lt (at level 50, no associativity).
-Infix "<=" := le (at level 50, no associativity).
-Lemma le_or_lt : forall n n0:nat, n0 < n \/ n <= n0.
-induction n; destruct n0; auto with arith.
-destruct (IHn n0); auto with arith.
-\question{How to define a function by nested recursion?}
-\answer The same trick applies. Here is the example of Ackermann
-Fixpoint ack (n:nat) : nat -> nat :=
- match n with
- | O => S
- | S n' =>
- (fix ack' (m:nat) : nat :=
- match m with
- | O => ack n' 1
- | S m' => ack n' (ack' m')
- end)
- end.
-\section{Coinductive types}
-\question{I have a cofixpoint t:=F(t) and I want to prove t=F(t). What is
-the simplest way?}
-\answer Just case-expand F(t) then complete by a trivial case analysis.
-Here is what it gives on e.g. the type of streams on naturals
-CoInductive Stream (A:Set) : Set :=
- Cons : A -> Stream A -> Stream A.
-CoFixpoint nats (n:nat) : Stream nat := Cons n (nats (S n)).
-Lemma Stream_unfold :
- forall n:nat, nats n = Cons n (nats (S n)).
- intro;
- change (nats n = match nats n with
- | Cons x s => Cons x s
- end).
- case (nats n); reflexivity.
-\question{I copy-paste a term and {\Coq} says it is not convertible
- to the original term. Sometimes it even says the copied term is not
-\answer This is probably due to invisible implicit information (implicit
-arguments, coercions and Cases annotations) in the printed term, which
-is not re-synthetised from the copied-pasted term in the same way as
-it is in the original term.
- Consider for instance {\tt (@eq Type True True)}. This term is
-printed as {\tt True=True} and re-parsed as {\tt (@eq Prop True
-True)}. The two terms are not convertible (hence they fool tactics
-like {\tt pattern}).
- There is currently no satisfactory answer to the problem.
- Due to coercions, one may even face type-checking errors. In some
-rare cases, the criterion to hide coercions is a bit too loosy, which
-may result in a typing error message if the parser is not able to find
-again the missing coercion.
-\question{I have a problem of dependent elimination on
-proofs, how to solve it?}
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive Def1 : Set := c1 : Def1.
-Inductive DefProp : Def1 -> Set :=
- c2 : forall d:Def1, DefProp d.
-Inductive Comb : Set :=
- c3 : forall d:Def1, DefProp d -> Comb.
-Lemma eq_comb :
- forall (d1 d1':Def1) (d2:DefProp d1) (d2':DefProp d1'),
- d1 = d1' -> c3 d1 d2 = c3 d1' d2'.
-\answer You need to derive the dependent elimination
-scheme for DefProp by hand using {\coqtt Scheme}.
-Scheme DefProp_elim := Induction for DefProp Sort Prop.
-Lemma eq_comb :
- forall d1 d1':Def1,
- d1 = d1' ->
- forall (d2:DefProp d1) (d2':DefProp d1'), c3 d1 d2 = c3 d1' d2'.
-destruct H.
-destruct d2 using DefProp_elim.
-destruct d2' using DefProp_elim.
-\question{And what if I want to prove the following?}
-Inductive natProp : nat -> Prop :=
- | p0 : natProp 0
- | pS : forall n:nat, natProp n -> natProp (S n).
-Inductive package : Set :=
- pack : forall n:nat, natProp n -> package.
-Lemma eq_pack :
- forall n n':nat,
- n = n' ->
- forall (np:natProp n) (np':natProp n'), pack n np = pack n' np'.
-Scheme natProp_elim := Induction for natProp Sort Prop.
-Definition pack_S : package -> package.
-destruct 1.
-apply (pack (S n)).
-apply pS; assumption.
-Lemma eq_pack :
- forall n n':nat,
- n = n' ->
- forall (np:natProp n) (np':natProp n'), pack n np = pack n' np'.
-intros n n' Heq np np'.
-generalize dependent n'.
-induction np using natProp_elim.
-induction np' using natProp_elim; intros; auto.
- discriminate Heq.
-induction np' using natProp_elim; intros; auto.
- discriminate Heq.
-change (pack_S (pack n np) = pack_S (pack n0 np')).
-apply (f_equal (A:=package)).
-apply IHnp.
-\question{Why does {\Coq} tell me that \texttt{\{x:A|(P x)\}} is not convertible with \texttt{(sig A P)}?}
-\answer This is because \texttt{\{x:A|P x\}} is a notation for
-\texttt{sig (fun x:A => P x)}. Since {\Coq} does not reason up to
-$\eta$-conversion, this is different from \texttt{sig P}.