path: root/doc/RefMan-ltac.tex
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diff --git a/doc/RefMan-ltac.tex b/doc/RefMan-ltac.tex
index 4011e975d..73731bea5 100644
--- a/doc/RefMan-ltac.tex
+++ b/doc/RefMan-ltac.tex
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@ proof of such a lemma can be done as shown in table~\ref{cnatltac}.
Reset Initial.
-Require Arith.
-Require PolyList.
-Require PolyListSyntax.
+Require Import Arith.
+Require Import PolyList.
+Require Import PolyListSyntax.
@@ -470,15 +470,17 @@ Require PolyListSyntax.
-Lemma card_nat: ~(EX x:nat|(EX y:nat|(z:nat)(x=z)/\(y=z))).
+Lemma card_nat :
+ ~ ( EX x : nat | ( EX y : nat | (forall z:nat, x = z /\ y = z))).
-Red;Intro H.
-Elim H;Intros a Ha.
-Elim Ha;Intros b Hb.
-Elim (Hb (0));Elim (Hb (1));Elim (Hb (2));Intros;
- Match Context With
- [_:?1=?2;_:?1=?3|-?] ->
- Cut ?2=?3;[Discriminate|Apply trans_equal with ?1;Auto].
+red; intro H.
+elim H; intros a Ha.
+elim Ha; intros b Hb.
+elim (Hb 0%N); elim (Hb 1%N); elim (Hb 2%N); intros;
+ match context with
+ | [_:(?X1 = ?X2),_:(?X1 = ?X3) |- _ ] =>
+ cut (X2 = X3); [ discriminate | apply trans_equal with X1; auto ]
+ end.
@@ -504,18 +506,18 @@ First, we define the permutation predicate as shown in table~\ref{permutpred}.
Section Sort.
-Variable A:Set.
-Inductive permut:(list A)->(list A)->Prop:=
- permut_refl:(l:(list A))(permut l l)
- |permut_cons:
- (a:A)(l0,l1:(list A))(permut l0 l1)->
- (permut (cons a l0) (cons a l1))
- |permut_append:
- (a:A)(l:(list A))(permut (cons a l) (l^(cons a (nil A))))
- |permut_trans:
- (l0,l1,l2:(list A))(permut l0 l1)->(permut l1 l2)->
- (permut l0 l2).
+Variable A : Set.
+Inductive permut :
+list A -> list A -> Prop :=
+ | permut_refl : forall l:list A, permut l l
+ | permut_cons :
+ forall (a:A) (l0 l1:list A),
+ permut l0 l1 -> permut (a :: l0) (a :: l1)
+ | permut_append :
+ forall (a:A) (l:list A), permut (a :: l) (l ^ a :: nil)
+ | permut_trans :
+ forall l0 l1 l2:list A,
+ permut l0 l1 -> permut l1 l2 -> permut l0 l2.
End Sort.
@@ -550,26 +552,29 @@ Compute in} and we can get the terms back by {\tt Match}.
-Recursive Tactic Definition Permut n:=
- Match Context With
- [|-(permut ? ?1 ?1)] -> Apply permut_refl
- |[|-(permut ? (cons ?1 ?2) (cons ?1 ?3))] ->
- Let newn=Eval Compute in (length ?2) In
- Apply permut_cons;(Permut newn)
- |[|-(permut ?1 (cons ?2 ?3) ?4)] ->
- (Match Eval Compute in n With
- [(1)] -> Fail
- |_ ->
- Let l0'='(?3^(cons ?2 (nil ?1))) In
- Apply (permut_trans ?1 (cons ?2 ?3) l0' ?4);
- [Apply permut_append|
- Compute;(Permut '(pred n))]).
-Tactic Definition PermutProve:=
- Match Context With
- [|-(permut ? ?1 ?2)] ->
- (Match Eval Compute in ((length ?1)=(length ?2)) With
- [?1=?1] -> (Permut ?1)).
+Ltac Permut n :=
+ match context with
+ | [ |- (permut _ ?X1 ?X1) ] => apply permut_refl
+ | [ |- (permut _ (?X1 :: ?X2) (?X1 :: ?X3)) ] =>
+ let newn := eval compute in (length X2) in
+ (apply permut_cons; Permut newn)
+ | [ |- (permut ?X1 (?X2 :: ?X3) ?X4) ] =>
+ match eval compute in n with
+ | [1%N] => fail
+ | _ =>
+ let l0' := '(X3 ^ X2 :: nil) in
+ (apply (permut_trans X1 (X2 :: X3) l0' X4);
+ [ apply permut_append | compute; Permut (pred n) ])
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac PermutProve :=
+ match context with
+ | [ |- (permut _ ?X1 ?X2) ] =>
+ match eval compute in
+ (length X1 = length X2) with
+ | [(?X1 = ?X1)] => Permut X1
+ end
+ end.
\caption{Permutation tactic}
@@ -584,22 +589,23 @@ table~\ref{permutlem}.
-Lemma permut_ex1:
- (permut nat (cons (1) (cons (2) (cons (3) (nil nat))))
- (cons (3) (cons (2) (cons (1) (nil nat))))).
+Lemma permut_ex1 :
+ permut nat (1%N :: 2%N :: 3%N :: nil) (3%N :: 2%N :: 1%N :: nil).
-Lemma permut_ex2:
- (permut nat
- (cons (0) (cons (1) (cons (2) (cons (3) (cons (4) (cons (5)
- (cons (6) (cons (7) (cons (8) (cons (9) (nil nat)))))))))))
- (cons (0) (cons (2) (cons (4) (cons (6) (cons (8) (cons (9)
- (cons (7) (cons (5) (cons (3) (cons (1) (nil nat)))))))))))).
+Lemma permut_ex2 :
+ permut nat
+ (0%N
+ :: 1%N
+ :: 2%N :: 3%N :: 4%N :: 5%N :: 6%N :: 7%N :: 8%N :: 9%N :: nil)
+ (0%N
+ :: 2%N
+ :: 4%N :: 6%N :: 8%N :: 9%N :: 7%N :: 5%N :: 3%N :: 1%N :: nil).
\caption{Examples of {\tt PermutProve} use}
@@ -625,46 +631,56 @@ for the left implication to get rid of the contraction and the right or).
-Tactic Definition Axioms:=
- Match Context With
- [|-True] -> Trivial
- |[_:False|- ?] -> ElimType False;Assumption
- |[_:?1|-?1] -> Auto.
-Tactic Definition DSimplif:=
- Repeat
- (Intros;
- (Match Context With
- [id:~?|-?] -> Red in id
- |[id:?/\?|-?] -> Elim id;Do 2 Intro;Clear id
- |[id:?\/?|-?] -> Elim id;Intro;Clear id
- |[id:?1/\?2->?3|-?] ->
- Cut ?1->?2->?3;[Intro|Intros;Apply id;Split;Assumption]
- |[id:?1\/?2->?3|-?] ->
- Cut ?2->?3;[Cut ?1->?3;[Intros|
- Intro;Apply id;Left;Assumption]|
- Intro;Apply id;Right;Assumption]
- |[id0:?1->?2;id1:?1|-?] ->
- Cut ?2;[Intro;Clear id0|Apply id0;Assumption]
- |[|-?/\?] -> Split
- |[|-~?] -> Red)).
-Recursive Tactic Definition TautoProp:=
+Ltac Axioms :=
+ match context with
+ | [ |- True ] => trivial
+ | [_:False |- _ ] => elimtype False; assumption
+ | [_:?X1 |- ?X1 ] => auto
+ end.
+Ltac DSimplif :=
+ repeat
+ (
+ intros;
+ match context with
+ | [id:(~ _) |- _ ] => red in id
+ | [id:(_ /\ _) |- _ ] =>
+ elim id; do 2 intro; clear id
+ | [id:(_ \/ _) |- _ ] =>
+ elim id; intro; clear id
+ | [id:(?X1 /\ ?X2 -> ?X3) |- _ ] =>
+ cut (X1 -> X2 -> X3);
+ [ intro | intros; apply id; split; assumption ]
+ | [id:(?X1 \/ ?X2 -> ?X3) |- _ ] =>
+ cut (X2 -> X3);
+ [ cut (X1 -> X3);
+ [ intros | intro; apply id; left; assumption ]
+ | intro; apply id; right; assumption ]
+ | [id0:(?X1 -> ?X2),id1:?X1 |- _ ] =>
+ cut X2; [ intro; clear id0 | apply id0; assumption ]
+ | [ |- (_ /\ _) ] => split
+ | [ |- (~ _) ] => red
+ end).
+Ltac TautoProp :=
- Axioms
- Orelse
- Match Context With
- [id:(?1->?2)->?3|-?] ->
- Cut ?2->?3;[Intro;Cut ?1->?2;[Intro;Cut ?3;[Intro;Clear id|
- Apply id;Assumption]|Clear id]|
- Intro;Apply id;Intro;Assumption];TautoProp
- |[id:~?1->?2|-?]->
- Cut False->?2;
- [Intro;Cut ?1->False;[Intro;Cut ?2;[Intro;Clear id|
- Apply id;Assumption]|Clear id]|
- Intro;Apply id;Red;Intro;Assumption];TautoProp
- |[|-?\/?] ->
- (Left;TautoProp) Orelse (Right;TautoProp).
+ Axioms ||
+ match context with
+ | [id:((?X1 -> ?X2) -> ?X3) |- _ ] =>
+ cut (X2 -> X3);
+ [ intro; cut (X1 -> X2);
+ [ intro; cut X3;
+ [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
+ | clear id ]
+ | intro; apply id; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
+ | [id:(~ ?X1 -> ?X2) |- _ ] =>
+ cut (False -> X2);
+ [ intro; cut (X1 -> False);
+ [ intro; cut X2;
+ [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
+ | clear id ]
+ | intro; apply id; red; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
+ | [ |- (_ \/ _) ] => (left; TautoProp) || (right; TautoProp)
+ end.
\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions}
@@ -679,15 +695,16 @@ table~\ref{tautolem}.
-Lemma tauto_ex1:(A,B:Prop)A/\B->A\/B.
+Lemma tauto_ex1 : forall A B:Prop, A /\ B -> A \/ B.
-Lemma tauto_ex2:(A,B:Prop)(~~B->B)->(A->B)->~~A->B.
+Lemma tauto_ex2 :
+ forall A B:Prop, (~ ~ B -> B) -> (A -> B) -> ~ ~ A -> B.
\caption{Proofs of tautologies with {\tt TautoProp}}
@@ -708,26 +725,25 @@ table~\ref{isosax}.
Reset Initial.
-Require Arith.
+Require Import Arith.
Section Iso_axioms.
-Variable A,B,C:Set.
-Axiom Com:(A*B)==(B*A).
-Axiom Ass:(A*(B*C))==((A*B)*C).
-Axiom Cur:((A*B)->C)==(A->B->C).
-Axiom Dis:(A->(B*C))==((A->B)*(A->C)).
-Axiom P_unit:(A*unit)==A.
-Axiom AR_unit:(A->unit)==unit.
-Axiom AL_unit:(unit->A)==A.
-Lemma Cons:B==C->(A*B)==(A*C).
+Variables A B C :
+ Set.
+Axiom Com :
+ A * B = B * A.
+Axiom Ass : A * (B * C) = A * B * C.
+Axiom Cur : (A * B -> C) = (A -> B -> C).
+Axiom Dis : (A -> B * C) = (A -> B) * (A -> C).
+Axiom P_unit : A * unit = A.
+Axiom AR_unit : (A -> unit) = unit.
+Axiom AL_unit : (unit -> A) = A.
+Lemma Cons :
+ B = C -> A * B = A * C.
-Intro Heq;Rewrite Heq;Apply refl_eqT.
+intro Heq; rewrite Heq; apply refl_equal.
End Iso_axioms.
@@ -749,33 +765,41 @@ CompareStruct}). The main tactic to be called and realizing this algorithm is
-Recursive Tactic Definition DSimplif trm:=
- Match trm With
- [(?1*?2)*?3] -> Rewrite <- (Ass ?1 ?2 ?3);Try MainSimplif
- |[(?1*?2)->?3] -> Rewrite (Cur ?1 ?2 ?3);Try MainSimplif
- |[?1->(?2*?3)] -> Rewrite (Dis ?1 ?2 ?3);Try MainSimplif
- |[?1*unit] -> Rewrite (P_unit ?1);Try MainSimplif
- |[unit*?1] -> Rewrite (Com unit ?1);Try MainSimplif
- |[?1->unit] -> Rewrite (AR_unit ?1);Try MainSimplif
- |[unit-> ?1] -> Rewrite (AL_unit ?1);Try MainSimplif
- |[?1*?2] ->
- ((DSimplif ?1);Try MainSimplif) Orelse
- ((DSimplif ?2);Try MainSimplif)
- |[?1-> ?2] ->
- ((DSimplif ?1);Try MainSimplif) Orelse
- ((DSimplif ?2);Try MainSimplif)
-And MainSimplif:=
- Match Context With
- [|- ?1== ?2] -> Try (DSimplif ?1);Try (DSimplif ?2).
-Recursive Tactic Definition Length trm:=
- Match trm With
- [?*?1] ->
- Let succ=(Length ?1) In
- '(S succ)
- |_ -> '(1).
-Tactic Definition Assoc:= Repeat Rewrite <- Ass.
+Ltac DSimplif trm :=
+ match
+ trm with
+ | [(?X1 * ?X2 * ?X3)] =>
+ rewrite <- (Ass X1 X2 X3); try MainSimplif
+ | [(?X1 * ?X2 -> ?X3)] =>
+ rewrite (Cur X1 X2 X3); try MainSimplif
+ | [(?X1 -> ?X2 * ?X3)] =>
+ rewrite (Dis X1 X2 X3); try MainSimplif
+ | [(?X1 * unit)] =>
+ rewrite (P_unit X1); try MainSimplif
+ | [(unit * ?X1)] =>
+ rewrite (Com unit X1); try MainSimplif
+ | [(?X1 -> unit)] =>
+ rewrite (AR_unit X1); try MainSimplif
+ | [(unit -> ?X1)] =>
+ rewrite (AL_unit X1); try MainSimplif
+ | [(?X1 * ?X2)] =>
+ (DSimplif X1; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif X2; try MainSimplif)
+ | [(?X1 -> ?X2)] =>
+ (DSimplif X1; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif X2; try MainSimplif)
+ end
+ with MainSimplif :=
+ match context with
+ | [ |- (?X1 = ?X2) ] => try DSimplif X1; try DSimplif X2
+ end.
+Ltac Length trm :=
+ match
+ trm with
+ | [(_ * ?X1)] => let succ := Length X1 in
+ '(S succ)
+ | _ => '1%N
+ end.
+Ltac assoc := repeat
+ rewrite <- Ass.
\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (1)}
@@ -787,29 +811,29 @@ Tactic Definition Assoc:= Repeat Rewrite <- Ass.
-Recursive Tactic Definition DoCompare n:=
- Match Context With
- [|-?1==?1] -> Apply refl_eqT
- |[|-(?1*?2)==(?1*?3)] ->
- Apply Cons;
- Let newn=(Length ?2) In
- (DoCompare newn)
- |[|-(?1*?2)==?3] ->
- (Match Eval Compute in n With
- [(1)] -> Fail
- |_ ->
- Pattern 1 (?1*?2);Rewrite Com;Assoc;
- (DoCompare '(pred n))).
-Tactic Definition CompareStruct:=
- Match Context With
- [|-?1==?2] ->
- Let l1=(Length ?1)
- And l2=(Length ?2) In
- (Match Eval Compute in l1=l2 With
- [?1=?1] -> (DoCompare ?1)).
-Tactic Definition IsoProve:=MainSimplif;CompareStruct.
+Ltac DoCompare n :=
+ match context with
+ | [ |- (?X1 = ?X1) ] => apply refl_equal
+ | [ |- (?X1 * ?X2 = ?X1 * ?X3) ] =>
+ apply Cons; let newn := Length X2 in
+ DoCompare newn
+ | [ |- (?X1 * ?X2 = ?X3) ] =>
+ match eval compute in n with
+ | [1%N] => fail
+ | _ =>
+ pattern (X1 * X2) 1; rewrite Com; assoc; DoCompare (pred n)
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac CompareStruct :=
+ match context with
+ | [ |- (?X1 = ?X2) ] =>
+ let l1 :=
+ Length X1 with l2 := Length X2 in
+ match eval compute in (l1 = l2) with
+ | [(?X1 = ?X1)] => DoCompare X1
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac IsoProve := MainSimplif; CompareStruct.
\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (2)}
@@ -823,17 +847,19 @@ Table~\ref{isoslem} gives examples of what can be solved by {\tt IsoProve}.
-Lemma isos_ex1:(A,B:Set)((A*unit)*B)==(B*(unit*A)).
+Lemma isos_ex1 :
+ forall A B:Set, A * unit * B = B * (unit * A).
-Lemma isos_ex2:(A,B,C:Set)
- ((A*unit)->(B*C*unit))==
- (((A*unit)->((C->unit)*C))*(unit->(A->B))).
+intros; IsoProve.
+Lemma isos_ex2 :
+ forall A B C:Set,
+ (A * unit -> B * (C * unit)) =
+ (A * unit -> (C -> unit) * C) * (unit -> A -> B).
+intros; IsoProve.
\caption{Type equalities solved by {\tt IsoProve}}