path: root/contrib
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6 files changed, 175 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
index 2ed139b52..7b2e4c9d7 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -205,7 +205,9 @@ let sign_of_arity env c =
let vl_of_lbinders =
(fun n _ v a ->
- if v = info_arity then (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) (prop_name::a))::a else a) []
+ if v = info_arity
+ then (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) (prop_name::a))::a
+ else a) []
let vl_of_arity env c = vl_of_lbinders env (List.rev (fst (decompose_prod c)))
@@ -542,7 +544,8 @@ and extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t =
match kind_of_term c with
| Lambda (n, t, d) ->
let v = v_of_t env t in
- let id = next_ident_away (id_of_name n) [prop_name] in
+ let id = id_of_name n in
+ let id = if id=prop_name then anonymous else id in
let env' = push_rel_assum (Name id,t) env in
let ctx' = (snd v = NotArity) :: ctx in
let d' = extract_term_info env' ctx' d in
@@ -553,7 +556,8 @@ and extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t =
| Info,NotArity -> MLlam (id, d'))
| LetIn (n, c1, t1, c2) ->
let v = v_of_t env t1 in
- let id = next_ident_away (id_of_name n) [prop_name] in
+ let id = id_of_name n in
+ let id = if id=prop_name then anonymous else id in
let env' = push_rel (Name id,Some c1,t1) env in
(match v with
| (Info, NotArity) ->
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml b/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
index cda6e4a9c..9c7bb4e6b 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
@@ -102,9 +102,7 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
| MLrel n ->
- let id = get_db_name n env in
- apply (if string_of_id id = "_" then str "prop" else pr_id id)
- (* HACK, should disappear soon *)
+ let id = get_db_name n env in apply (pr_id id)
| MLapp (f,args') ->
let stl = List.map (pp_expr true env []) args' in
pp_expr par env (stl @ args) f
@@ -117,24 +115,24 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
apply (str "(" ++ st ++ str ")")
| MLletin (id,a1,a2) ->
- let id',env' = push_vars [id] env in
+ let i,env' = push_vars [id] env in
let par' = par || args <> [] in
let par2 = not par' && expr_needs_par a2 in
(hov 0 (open_par par' ++
- hov 2 (str "let " ++ pr_id (List.hd id') ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++
- pp_expr false env [] a1 ++ spc () ++ str "in") ++
- spc () ++
- pp_expr par2 env' [] a2 ++
- close_par par'))
+ hov 2 (str "let " ++ pr_id (List.hd i) ++ str " =" ++ spc ()
+ ++ pp_expr false env [] a1 ++ spc () ++ str "in")
+ ++ spc () ++ pp_expr par2 env' [] a2 ++ close_par par'))
| MLglob r ->
apply (pp_global r)
| MLcons (r,[]) ->
- pp_global r
+ assert (args=[]); pp_global r
| MLcons (r,[a]) ->
+ assert (args=[]);
(open_par par ++ pp_global r ++ spc () ++
pp_expr true env [] a ++ close_par par)
| MLcons (r,args') ->
+ assert (args=[]);
(open_par par ++ pp_global r ++ spc () ++
prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (spc ())) (pp_expr true env []) args' ++
close_par par)
@@ -148,17 +146,18 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
let ids',env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in
pp_fix par env' (Some i) (Array.of_list (List.rev ids'),defs) args
| MLexn s ->
+ assert (args=[]);
(open_par par ++ str "error" ++ spc () ++ qs s ++ close_par par)
| MLprop ->
- str "prop"
+ assert (args=[]); str "prop"
| MLarity ->
- str "arity"
+ assert (args=[]); str "arity"
| MLcast (a,t) ->
- (open_par true ++ pp_expr false env args a ++ spc () ++ str "::" ++ spc () ++
- pp_type false t ++ close_par true)
+ (open_par true ++ pp_expr false env args a ++ spc () ++ str "::" ++
+ spc () ++ pp_type false t ++ close_par true)
| MLmagic a ->
(open_par true ++ str "Obj.magic" ++ spc () ++
- pp_expr false env args a ++ close_par true)
+ pp_expr false env args a ++ close_par true)
and pp_pat env pv =
let pp_one_pat (name,ids,t) =
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index 8b2ec13ee..5656a4285 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ exception Impossible
let anonymous = id_of_string "x"
let prop_name = id_of_string "_"
-(*i let prop_name_to_anonymous =
- List.map (fun i -> if i=prop_name then anonymous else i) i*)
(*s In an ML type, update the arguments to all inductive types [(sp,_)] *)
let rec update_args sp vl = function
@@ -169,23 +166,6 @@ let ast_map_lift f n = function
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f n a)
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
-(* Fold over asts, with binding depth as parameter. *)
-let ast_map_lift_case f n m (_,ids,a) = f (n+(List.length ids)) m a
-let ast_fold_lift f n m = function
- | MLlam (i,a) -> f (n+1) m a
- | MLletin (i,a,b) -> f (n+1) (f n m a) b
- | MLcase (a,v) -> let m = f n m a in
- Array.fold_left (ast_map_lift_case f n) m v
- | MLfix (i,ids,v) ->
- let k = Array.length ids in Array.fold_left (f (k+n)) m v
- | MLapp (a,l) -> let m = f n m a in List.fold_left (f n) m l
- | MLcons (c,l) -> List.fold_left (f n) m l
- | MLcast (a,t) -> f n m a
- | MLmagic a -> f n m a
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> m
(*s [occurs k t] returns true if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
let occurs k t =
@@ -221,6 +201,23 @@ let ml_lift k t =
let ml_pop t = ml_lift (-1) t
+(*s Computes a eta-reduction *)
+let eta_red e =
+ let ids,t = collect_lams e in
+ let n = List.length ids in
+ if n = 0 then e
+ else match t with
+ | MLapp (f,a) ->
+ let m = (List.length a) - n in
+ if m < 0 then e else
+ let a',a'' = list_chop m a in
+ let f = if m = 0 then f else MLapp (f,a') in
+ if test_eta_args_lift 0 n a'' && not (occurs_itvl 1 n f)
+ then ml_lift (-n) f
+ else e
+ | _ -> e
(*s [permut_rels k k' c] translates [Rel 1 ... Rel k] to [Rel (k'+1) ...
Rel (k'+k)] and [Rel (k+1) ... Rel (k+k')] to [Rel 1 ... Rel k'] *)
@@ -247,31 +244,6 @@ let rec ml_subst e =
| a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
in subst 0
-(*s Idem without lifting of one. *)
-let rec ml_subst_no_lift e =
- let rec subst n = function
- | MLrel i as a ->
- let i' = i-n in
- if i'=1 then ml_lift n e
- else if i'<1 then a
- else MLrel i
- | a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
- in subst 0
-(*s Simplification of any [MLapp (MLapp (_,_),_)] *)
-let rec merge_app = function
- | MLapp (f,l) ->
- let f = merge_app f in
- let l = List.map merge_app l in
- (match f with
- | MLapp (f',l') -> MLapp (f',l' @ l)
- | _ -> MLapp (f,l))
- | a -> ast_map merge_app a
(*s [check_and_generalize (r0,l,c)] transforms any [MLcons(r0,l)] in [MLrel 1]
and raises [Impossible] if any variable in [l] occurs outside such a
[MLcons] *)
@@ -323,8 +295,10 @@ let rec permut_case_fun br acc =
let (r,l,t) = br.(i) in
let t = permut_rels !nb (List.length l) (remove_n_lams !nb t)
in br.(i) <- (r,l,t)
- done; ids,br
+ done;
+ (ids,br)
(*s Generalized iota-reduction. *)
(* Definition of a generalized iota-redex: it's a [MLcase(e,_)]
@@ -361,78 +335,78 @@ let is_atomic = function
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> true
| _ -> false
-let rec simplify o = function
+let rec simpl o = function
| MLapp (f, []) ->
- simplify o f
+ simpl o f
| MLapp (f, a) ->
- simplify_app o (List.map (simplify o) a) (simplify o f)
- | MLcons (r,[t]) when is_singleton r -> simplify o t
+ simpl_app o (List.map (simpl o) a) (simpl o f)
+ | MLcons (r,[t]) when is_singleton r -> simpl o t
(* Informative singleton *)
| MLcase (e,[||]) ->
- MLexn "empty inductive"
+ MLexn "absurd case"
| MLcase (e,[|r,[i],c|]) when is_singleton r -> (* Informative singleton *)
- simplify o (MLletin (i,e,c))
+ simpl o (MLletin (i,e,c))
| MLcase (e,br) ->
- let br = Array.map (fun (n,l,t) -> (n,l,simplify o t)) br in
- simplify_case o br (simplify o e)
+ let br = Array.map (fun (n,l,t) -> (n,l,simpl o t)) br in
+ simpl_case o br (simpl o e)
| MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic c) || (nb_occur e <= 1) ->
- (* Expansion of a letin in special cases *)
- simplify o (ml_subst c e)
+ simpl o (ml_subst c e)
+ | MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic (eta_red c)) ->
+ simpl o (ml_subst (eta_red c) e)
| MLfix(i,ids,c) as t when o ->
let n = Array.length ids in
if occurs_itvl 1 n c.(i) then
- MLfix (i, ids, Array.map (simplify o) c)
- else simplify o (ml_lift (-n) c.(i)) (* Dummy fixpoint *)
- | a -> ast_map (simplify o) a
-and simplify_app o a = function
+ MLfix (i, ids, Array.map (simpl o) c)
+ else simpl o (ml_lift (-n) c.(i)) (* Dummy fixpoint *)
+ | a -> ast_map (simpl o) a
+and simpl_app o a = function
+ | MLapp (f',a') -> simpl_app o (a'@a) f'
| MLlam (id,t) -> (* Beta redex *)
(match nb_occur t with
- | 0 -> simplify o (MLapp (ml_pop t, List.tl a))
+ | 0 -> simpl o (MLapp (ml_pop t, List.tl a))
| 1 when o ->
- simplify o (MLapp (ml_subst (List.hd a) t, List.tl a))
+ simpl o (MLapp (ml_subst (List.hd a) t, List.tl a))
| _ ->
let a' = List.map (ml_lift 1) (List.tl a) in
- simplify o (MLletin (id, List.hd a, MLapp (t, a'))))
+ simpl o (MLletin (id, List.hd a, MLapp (t, a'))))
| MLletin (id,e1,e2) ->
(* Application of a letin: we push arguments inside *)
- MLletin (id, e1, simplify o (MLapp (e2, List.map (ml_lift 1) a)))
+ MLletin (id, e1, simpl o (MLapp (e2, List.map (ml_lift 1) a)))
| MLcase (e,br) -> (* Application of a case: we push arguments inside *)
let br' =
(fun (n,l,t) ->
let k = List.length l in
let a' = List.map (ml_lift k) a in
- (n, l, simplify o (MLapp (t,a')))) br
- in simplify o (MLcase (e,br'))
+ (n, l, simpl o (MLapp (t,a')))) br
+ in simpl o (MLcase (e,br'))
| f -> MLapp (f,a)
-and simplify_case o br e =
+and simpl_case o br e =
if (not o) then MLcase (e,br)
if (is_iota_gen e) then (* Generalized iota-redex *)
- simplify o (iota_gen br e)
+ simpl o (iota_gen br e)
try (* Does a term [f] exist such as each branch is [(f e)] ? *)
let f = check_generalizable_case br in
- simplify o (MLapp (MLlam (anonymous,f),[e]))
+ simpl o (MLapp (MLlam (anonymous,f),[e]))
with Impossible ->
try (* Is each branch independant of [e] ? *)
check_constant_case br
with Impossible ->
if (is_atomic e) then (* Swap the case and the lam if possible *)
let ids,br = permut_case_fun br [] in
-(* let ids = prop_name_to_anonymous ids in *)
let n = List.length ids in
if n = 0 then MLcase (e, br)
else named_lams (MLcase (ml_lift n e, br)) ids
else MLcase (e, br)
(*s Local [prop] elimination. *)
(* Try to eliminate as many [prop] as possible inside an [ml_ast]. *)
(* Index of the first [prop] lambda *)
let rec first_prop_rank = function
@@ -450,11 +424,11 @@ let min_nb_args p m t =
if f=(MLrel (n+p)) then min (List.length a) m else m
| a -> ast_fold_lift minrec n m a
in minrec 0 m t
(* Given the names of the variables, build a substitution array. *)
let rels_to_kill ids =
- let n = (List.length ids)+1 in
+ let n = List.length ids in
let v = Array.make (n+1) 0 in
for i = 1 to n do v.(i) <- i done;
let rec parse_ids i j = function
@@ -472,8 +446,8 @@ let rec kill_prop_rels v m d t =
let rec killrec n = function
| MLrel i as a ->
let i'= i-n in
- if i' < 0 then a
- else if i' <= m then MLrel (v.(i')+n )
+ if i' < 1 then a
+ else if i' <= m then MLrel (v.(i')+n)
else MLrel (i-d)
| a -> ast_map_lift killrec n a
in killrec 0 t
@@ -488,86 +462,80 @@ let rec kill_some_args ids args = match ids,args with
(* Apply the previous function recursively on a whole term *)
-let kill_prop_args p ids t =
- let ids = List.rev ids in
+let kill_prop_args t0 ids m t =
+ let rids = List.rev ids in
let rec killrec n = function
- | MLapp(MLrel i, a) when i = n+p ->
- let a = kill_some_args ids a in
- MLapp (MLrel i, List.map (killrec n) a)
- | a -> ast_map_lift killrec n a
+ | MLapp(e, a) when e = ml_lift n t0 ->
+ let k = max 0 (m - (List.length a)) in
+ let a = List.map (killrec n) a in
+ let a = List.map (ml_lift k) a in
+ let a = kill_some_args rids (a @ (make_eta_args k)) in
+ named_lams (MLapp (ml_lift k e, a)) (list_firstn k ids)
+ | e when e = ml_lift n t0 ->
+ let a = kill_some_args rids (make_eta_args m) in
+ named_lams (MLapp (ml_lift m e, a)) ids
+ | e -> ast_map_lift killrec n e
in killrec 0 t
+let kill_prop_aux c =
+ let m = nb_lams c in
+ let ids,c = collect_lams c in
+ let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
+ let diff = m - List.length ids' in
+ if ids' = [] || diff = 0 then raise Impossible;
+ let db = rels_to_kill ids in
+ let c = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff c) ids' in
+ (c,ids,m)
(* The main function for local [prop] elimination. *)
let rec kill_prop = function
- | MLapp (MLfix(i,fi,c),a) ->
- let n = Array.length fi in
+ | MLfix(i,fi,c) ->
- let k = first_prop_rank c.(i) in
- let m0 = nb_lams c.(i) in
- let m = min m0 (List.length a) in
- let m = Array.fold_left (min_nb_args (n-i)) m c in
- if m < k then raise Impossible;
- let ids,ci = collect_n_lams m c.(i) in
- let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
- if ids' = [] && m = m0 then raise Impossible;
- let diff = m - List.length ids' in
- let db = rels_to_kill ids in
- let ci = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff ci) ids' in
- let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
- for j = 0 to (n-1) do
- c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args (n-i) ids c.(j))
- done;
- let a = List.map kill_prop (kill_some_args (List.rev ids) a) in
- MLapp(MLfix(i,fi,c),a)
+ let c,ids,m = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
+ ml_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) (kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m (MLrel 1))
+ with Impossible -> MLfix (i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c))
+ | MLapp (MLfix (i,fi,c),a) ->
+ (try
+ let c,ids,m = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
+ let a = List.map (fun t -> ml_lift 1 (kill_prop t)) a in
+ let e = kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m (MLapp (MLrel 1,a)) in
+ ml_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) e
with Impossible ->
MLapp(MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),List.map kill_prop a))
- | MLletin(id,MLfix(i,fi,c),e) ->
- let n = Array.length fi in
+ | MLletin(id, MLfix (i,fi,c),e) ->
- let k = first_prop_rank c.(i) in
- let m0 = nb_lams c.(i) in
- let m = min_nb_args 1 m0 e in
- let m = Array.fold_left (min_nb_args (n-i)) m c in
- if m < k then raise Impossible;
- let ids,ci = collect_n_lams m c.(i) in
- let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
- if ids' = [] && m = m0 then raise Impossible;
- let diff = m - List.length ids' in
- let db = rels_to_kill ids in
- let ci = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff ci) ids' in
- let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
- for j = 0 to (n-1) do
- c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args (n-i) ids c.(j))
- done;
- let e = kill_prop (kill_prop_args 1 ids e) in
- MLletin(id,MLfix(i,fi,c),e)
+ let c,ids,m = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
+ let e = kill_prop (kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m e) in
+ MLletin(id, MLfix(i,fi,c),e)
with Impossible ->
- MLletin(id,MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),kill_prop e))
+ MLletin(id, MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),kill_prop e))
| MLletin(id,c,e) ->
- let k = first_prop_rank c in
- let m0 = nb_lams c in
- let m = min_nb_args 1 m0 e in
- if m < k then raise Impossible;
- let ids,c = collect_n_lams m c in
- let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
- if ids' = [] && m0 = m then raise Impossible;
- let diff = m - List.length ids' in
- let db = rels_to_kill ids in
- let c = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff c) ids' in
- let e = kill_prop_args 1 ids e in
+ let c,ids,m = kill_prop_aux c in
+ let e = kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m e in
MLletin (id, kill_prop c,kill_prop e)
with Impossible -> MLletin(id,kill_prop c,kill_prop e))
| a -> ast_map kill_prop a
+and kill_prop_fix i fi c =
+ let n = Array.length fi in
+ let ci,ids,m = kill_prop_aux c.(i) in
+ let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
+ for j = 0 to (n-1) do
+ c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args (MLrel (n-i)) ids m c.(j))
+ done;
+ c,ids,m
let normalize a =
- if (optim())
- then kill_prop (simplify true (merge_app a))
- else simplify false (merge_app a)
+ if (optim()) then kill_prop (simpl true a) else simpl false a
(*s Special treatment of non-mutual fixpoint for pretty-printing purpose. *)
+(* TODO a reecrire plus proprement!! *)
let make_general_fix f ids n args m c =
let v = Array.make n 0 in
for i=0 to (n-1) do v.(i)<-i done;
@@ -762,14 +730,8 @@ let subst_glob_decl r m = function
let warning_expansion r =
warn (hov 0 (str "The constant" ++ spc () ++
Printer.pr_global r ++
-(*i str (" of size "^ (string_of_int (ml_size t))) ++ i*)
spc () ++ str "is expanded."))
-let warning_expansion_must r =
- warn (hov 0 (str "The constant" ++ spc () ++
- Printer.pr_global r ++
- spc () ++ str "must be expanded."))
let print_ml_decl prm (r,_) =
not (to_inline r) || List.mem r prm.to_appear
@@ -791,9 +753,9 @@ let rec empty_ind = function
| ids,r,[] -> Dabbrev (r,ids,Texn "empty inductive") :: l,l'
| _ -> l,t::l')
-let is_exn = function
- | MLexn _ -> true
- | _ -> false
+let global_kill_prop r0 ids m = function
+ | Dglob(r,e) -> Dglob (r,kill_prop_args (MLglob r0) ids m e)
+ | d -> d
let rec optim prm = function
| [] ->
@@ -807,22 +769,21 @@ let rec optim prm = function
else optim prm l
| Dglob (r,t) :: l ->
let t = normalize t in
- let b = expand (strict_language prm.lang) r t
- and b' = is_exn t in
+ let t,l =
+ try
+ let t,ids,m = kill_prop_aux t in
+ t,(List.map (global_kill_prop r ids m) l)
+ (* TODO: options & modularité? *)
+ with Impossible -> (t,l) in
+ let b = expand (strict_language prm.lang) r t in
let l = if b then
if not (prm.toplevel) then if_verbose warning_expansion r;
List.map (subst_glob_decl r t) l
- else if b' then
- begin
- if not (prm.toplevel) then if_verbose warning_expansion_must r;
- List.map (subst_glob_decl r t) l
- end
else l in
- if not b' &&
- (not b || prm.mod_name <> None || List.mem r prm.to_appear) then
- let t = optimize_fix t in
+ if (not b || prm.mod_name <> None || List.mem r prm.to_appear) then
+ let t = optimize_fix t in
Dglob (r,t) :: (optim prm l)
optim prm l
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
index 6ce52c055..0aafb399b 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
@@ -61,3 +61,9 @@ val add_ml_decls :
val optimize :
extraction_params -> ml_decl list -> ml_decl list
+(* DEBUG *)
+val kill_prop_aux : ml_ast -> ml_ast * identifier list * int
+val global_kill_prop : global_reference -> identifier list -> int -> ml_decl -> ml_decl
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
index 34af744f7..4c55aa35a 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
@@ -177,9 +177,7 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
| MLrel n ->
- let id = get_db_name n env in
- apply (if string_of_id id = "_" then str "prop" else pr_id id)
- (* HACK, should disappear soon *)
+ let id = get_db_name n env in apply (pr_id id)
| MLapp (f,args') ->
let stl = List.map (pp_expr true env []) args' in
pp_expr par env (stl @ args) f
@@ -187,24 +185,24 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
let fl,a' = collect_lams a in
let fl,env' = push_vars fl env in
let st = (pp_abst (List.rev fl) ++ pp_expr false env' [] a') in
- (open_par par' ++ st ++ close_par par')
+ apply (open_par par' ++ st ++ close_par par')
| MLletin (id,a1,a2) ->
- let id',env' = push_vars [id] env in
+ let i,env' = push_vars [id] env in
let par2 = not par' && expr_needs_par a2 in
(hov 0 (open_par par' ++
- hov 2 (str "let " ++ pr_id (List.hd id') ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++
- pp_expr false env [] a1 ++ spc () ++ str "in") ++
- spc () ++
- pp_expr par2 env' [] a2 ++
- close_par par'))
+ hov 2 (str "let " ++ pr_id (List.hd i) ++ str " =" ++ spc ()
+ ++ pp_expr false env [] a1 ++ spc () ++ str "in")
+ ++ spc () ++ pp_expr par2 env' [] a2 ++ close_par par'))
| MLglob r ->
apply (pp_global r)
| MLcons (r,[]) ->
+ assert (args=[]);
if Refset.mem r !cons_cofix then
(open_par par ++ str "lazy " ++ pp_global r ++ close_par par)
else pp_global r
| MLcons (r,[a]) ->
+ assert (args=[]);
if Refset.mem r !cons_cofix then
(open_par par ++ str "lazy (" ++
pp_global r ++ spc () ++
@@ -213,6 +211,7 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
(open_par par ++ pp_global r ++ spc () ++
pp_expr true env [] a ++ close_par par)
| MLcons (r,args') ->
+ assert (args=[]);
if Refset.mem r !cons_cofix then
(open_par par ++ str "lazy (" ++ pp_global r ++ spc () ++
pp_tuple (pp_expr true env []) args' ++ str ")" ++ close_par par)
@@ -245,18 +244,19 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
let ids',env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in
pp_fix par env' (Some i) (Array.of_list (List.rev ids'),defs) args
| MLexn s ->
+ assert (args=[]);
(open_par par ++ str "assert false" ++ spc () ++
- str ("(* "^s^" *)") ++ close_par par)
+ str ("(* "^s^" *)") ++ close_par par)
| MLprop ->
- str "prop"
+ assert (args=[]); str "prop"
| MLarity ->
- str "arity"
+ assert (args=[]); str "arity"
| MLcast (a,t) ->
- (open_par true ++ pp_expr false env args a ++ spc () ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
- pp_type false t ++ close_par true)
+ (open_par true ++ pp_expr false env args a ++ spc () ++ str ":" ++
+ spc () ++ pp_type false t ++ close_par true)
| MLmagic a ->
(open_par true ++ str "Obj.magic" ++ spc () ++
- pp_expr false env args a ++ close_par true)
+ pp_expr false env args a ++ close_par true)
and pp_one_pat s env (r,ids,t) =
let ids,env' = push_vars (List.rev ids) env in
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ let pp_ast a = hov 0 (pp_expr false (empty_env ()) [] a)
let pp_parameters l =
(pp_tuple pp_tvar l ++ space_if (l<>[]))
-let pp_one_inductive prefix (pl,name,cl) =
+let pp_one_ind prefix (pl,name,cl) =
let pp_constructor (id,l) =
(pp_global id ++
match l with
@@ -341,20 +341,20 @@ let pp_one_inductive prefix (pl,name,cl) =
prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str " | "))
(fun c -> hov 2 (pp_constructor c)) cl)))
-let pp_inductive il =
+let pp_ind il =
(str "type " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str "and ")) (pp_one_inductive "") il ++
- fnl ())
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str "and ")) (pp_one_ind "") il
+ ++ fnl ())
-let pp_coinductive_preamble (pl,name,_) =
+let pp_coind_preamble (pl,name,_) =
(pp_parameters pl ++ pp_type_global name ++ str " = " ++
pp_parameters pl ++ str "__" ++ pp_type_global name ++ str " Lazy.t")
-let pp_coinductive il =
+let pp_coind il =
(str "type " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str "and ")) pp_coinductive_preamble il ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str "and ")) pp_coind_preamble il ++
fnl () ++ str "and " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str "and ")) (pp_one_inductive "__") il ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl () ++ str "and ")) (pp_one_ind "__") il ++
fnl ())
@@ -370,9 +370,9 @@ let pp_decl = function
(fun (_,_,l) ->
List.iter (fun (r,_) ->
cons_cofix := Refset.add r !cons_cofix) l) i;
- hov 0 (pp_coinductive i)
+ hov 0 (pp_coind i)
end else
- hov 0 (pp_inductive i)
+ hov 0 (pp_ind i)
| Dabbrev (r, l, t) ->
hov 0 (str "type" ++ spc () ++ pp_parameters l ++
pp_type_global r ++ spc () ++ str "=" ++ spc () ++
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef57348fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Require Addr.
+Extraction NoInline ad_double ad_double_plus_un.
+Require Map.
+Extraction Inline Map_rec Map_rect.