path: root/contrib
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
12 files changed, 690 insertions, 1796 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/eterm.ml b/contrib/subtac/eterm.ml
index 7b07abbc8..e59dead34 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/eterm.ml
+++ b/contrib/subtac/eterm.ml
@@ -7,10 +7,23 @@
open Term
open Names
-open Sutils
open Evd
open List
open Pp
+(** Utilities to find indices in lists *)
+let list_index x l =
+ let rec aux i = function
+ k :: tl -> if k = x then i else aux (succ i) tl
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ in aux 0 l
+let list_assoc_index x l =
+ let rec aux i = function
+ (k, v) :: tl -> if k = x then i else aux (succ i) tl
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ in aux 0 l
(** Substitute evar references in t using De Bruijn indices,
where n binders were passed through. *)
let subst_evars evs n t =
@@ -91,28 +104,19 @@ let eterm evm t =
- let declare_evar (id, c) =
+ let _declare_evar (id, c) =
let id = id_of_string ("Evar" ^ string_of_int id) in
ignore(Declare.declare_variable id (Names.empty_dirpath, Declare.SectionLocalAssum c,
Decl_kinds.IsAssumption Decl_kinds.Definitional))
- let declare_assert acc (id, c) =
+ let _declare_assert acc (id, c) =
let id = id_of_string ("Evar" ^ string_of_int id) in
tclTHEN acc (Tactics.assert_tac false (Name id) c)
msgnl (str "Term constructed in Eterm" ++
Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) t'');
Tactics.apply_term (Reduction.nf_betaiota t'') (map (fun _ -> Evarutil.mk_new_meta ()) evts)
- (* t'' *)
- (* Hack: push evars as assumptions in the global env *)
-(* iter declare_evar evts; *)
-(* Tactics.apply t' *)
- (*tclTHEN (fold_left declare_assert tclIDTAC evts) (Tactics.apply t')*)
open Tacmach
-let etermtac (evm, t) =
- let t' = eterm evm t in
- t'
-(* Tactics.apply (Reduction.nf_betaiota t')
- Tactics.exact (Reduction.nf_betaiota t')*)
+let etermtac (evm, t) = eterm evm t
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/infer.ml b/contrib/subtac/infer.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index d52d8edf5..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/infer.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-open Natural
-open Names
-open Term
-open Rawterm
-open Util
-open Sast
-open Scoq
-open Pp
-open Printer
-let ($) f g = fun x -> f (g x)
-let app_option f default = function Some x -> f x | None -> default
-let concat_map f l =
- let rec aux accu = function
- [] -> List.rev accu
- | hd :: tl ->
- aux (f hd @ accu) tl
- in aux [] l
-let unique l =
- let l' = List.sort Pervasives.compare l in
- let rec aux accu = function
- [] -> List.rev accu
- | x :: (y :: _) as tl when x = y ->
- aux accu tl
- | hd :: tl ->
- aux (hd :: accu) tl
- in aux [] l'
-type term_pp = Pp.std_ppcmds
-type subtyping_error =
- | UncoercibleInferType of loc * term_pp * term_pp
- | UncoercibleInferTerm of loc * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp
- | UncoercibleRewrite of term_pp * term_pp
-type typing_error =
- | NonFunctionalApp of loc * term_pp * term_pp
- | NonConvertible of loc * term_pp * term_pp
- | NonSigma of loc * term_pp
-exception Subtyping_error of subtyping_error
-exception Typing_error of typing_error
-exception Debug_msg of string
-let typing_error e = raise (Typing_error e)
-let subtyping_error e = raise (Subtyping_error e)
-type sort = Term.sorts
-type sort_loc = sort located
-(* Decorated terms *)
-type dterm =
- DRel of nat
- | DLambda of (name located * dtype_loc) * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DApp of dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DLetIn of (name located) * dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DLetTuple of (name located * dtype_loc * dtype_loc) list * dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DIfThenElse of dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DSum of ((name located) * dterm_loc) * (dterm_loc * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc
- | DCoq of constr * dtype_loc
-and dterm_loc = dterm located
-and dtype =
- | DTApp of dtype_loc * dtype_loc * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTPi of (name located * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTSigma of (name located * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTSubset of (identifier located * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTRel of nat
- | DTTerm of dterm_loc * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTSort of sort_loc
- | DTInd of (identifier located) * dtype_loc * inductive * sort_loc
- | DTCoq of types * dtype_loc * sort_loc
-and dtype_loc = dtype located
-let print_name = function
- Name s -> str (string_of_id s)
- | Anonymous -> str "_"
-let print_name_loc (_, n) = print_name n
-let string_of_list l =
- let rec aux = function
- hd :: ((_ :: _) as tl) ->
- hd ++ str "," ++ aux tl
- | hd :: [] -> hd
- | [] -> mt()
- in aux l
-type context = (name * dtype_loc) list
-let print_dtype_locref : (context -> dtype_loc -> std_ppcmds) ref =
- ref (fun ctx t -> mt())
-let print_context ctx =
- let cmds, _ =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (x, t) (acc, ctx) ->
- let xpr = print_name x ++ str " : " ++ !print_dtype_locref ctx t in
- (xpr :: acc), ((x, t) :: ctx))
- ctx ([], [])
- in string_of_list cmds
-let type_of_rel ctx n =
- try snd (List.nth ctx n)
- with e ->
- debug 3 (str "Error in type_of_rel, searching for index " ++ str (string_of_int n)
- ++ str " in context " ++ print_context ctx ++ str ": " ++
- str (Printexc.to_string e));
- raise e
-let name_of_rel ctx n =
- try fst (List.nth ctx n)
- with e ->
- debug 3 (str "Error in name_of_rel, searching for index " ++ str (string_of_int n)
- ++ str " in context " ++ print_context ctx ++ str ": " ++
- str (Printexc.to_string e));
- raise e
-let rec sort_of_dtype ctx = function
- | DTApp (_, _, _, x)
- | DTPi (_, _, x)
- | DTSigma (_, _, x)
- | DTSubset (_, _, x)
- | DTTerm (_, _, x)
- | DTSort x
- | DTInd (_, _, _, x)
- | DTCoq (_, _, x) -> x
- | DTRel i -> sort_of_dtype_loc ctx (type_of_rel ctx i)
-and sort_of_dtype_loc ctx (_, t) = sort_of_dtype ctx t
-let rec no_var n (loc, t) =
- match t with
- | DTApp (x, y, t, _) -> (no_var n x) && (no_var n y)
- | DTPi ((_, x), y, _) -> (no_var n x) && (no_var (succ n) y)
- | DTSigma ((_, x), y, _) -> (no_var n x) && (no_var (succ n) y)
- | DTSubset ((_, x), y, _) -> (no_var n x) && (no_var (succ n) y)
- | DTRel i when i <> n -> false
- | x -> true
-let rec lift_rec n k (loc, t) =
- let t' =
- match t with
- | DTApp (x, y, t, s) -> DTApp (lift_rec n k x, lift_rec n k y,
- lift_rec n k t, s)
- | DTPi ((id, x), y, s) ->
- DTPi ((id, lift_rec n k x), lift_rec n (succ k) y, s)
- | DTSigma ((id, x), y, s) ->
- DTSigma ((id, lift_rec n k x), lift_rec n (succ k) y, s)
- | DTSubset ((id, x), y, s) ->
- DTSubset ((id, lift_rec n k x), lift_rec n (succ k) y, s)
- | (DTRel i) as x ->
- if i < k then x else DTRel (n + i)
- | DTTerm (t, tt, s) -> DTTerm (lift_term_rec n k t, lift_rec n k tt, s)
- | DTCoq (c, t, s) -> DTCoq (Term.liftn n k c, lift_rec n k t, s)
- | DTSort _
- | DTInd _ -> t
- in loc, t'
-and lift_term_rec n k (loc, s) =
- let s' =
- match s with
- DRel i ->
- if i < k then s else DRel (n + i)
- | DLambda ((nl, dt), dt', dtlam) ->
- DLambda ((nl, lift_rec n k dt), lift_term_rec n (succ k) dt',
- lift_rec n k dtlam)
- | DApp (dte, dte', dt) ->
- DApp (lift_term_rec n k dte, lift_term_rec n k dte', lift_rec n k dt)
- | DLetIn (nl, dte, dte', dt) ->
- DLetIn (nl, lift_term_rec n k dte, lift_term_rec n (succ k) dte',
- lift_rec n k dt)
- | DLetTuple (nl, dte, dte', dt) ->
- DLetTuple (nl, lift_term_rec n k dte,
- lift_term_rec n (List.length nl + k) dte',
- lift_rec n k dt)
- | DIfThenElse (db, de, de', dt) ->
- DIfThenElse (lift_term_rec n k db, lift_term_rec n k de,
- lift_term_rec n k de', lift_rec n k dt)
- | DSum ((x, tx), (ty, dty), dt) ->
- DSum ((x, lift_term_rec n k tx),
- (lift_term_rec n (succ k) ty, lift_rec n (succ k) dty),
- lift_rec n k dt)
- | DCoq (c, t) -> DCoq (Term.liftn n k c, lift_rec n k t)
- in loc, s'
-let lift n t = lift_rec n 0 t
-let lift_term n t = lift_term_rec n 0 t
-let rec unlift_rec n k (loc, t) =
- let t' =
- match t with
- | DTApp (x, y, t, s) -> DTApp (unlift_rec n k x, unlift_rec n k y, unlift_rec n k t, s)
- | DTPi ((id, x), y, s) ->
- DTPi ((id, unlift_rec n k x), unlift_rec n (succ k) y, s)
- | DTSigma ((id, x), y, s) ->
- DTSigma ((id, unlift_rec n k x), unlift_rec n (succ k) y, s)
- | DTSubset ((id, x), y, s) ->
- DTSubset ((id, unlift_rec n k x), unlift_rec n (succ k) y, s)
- | (DTRel i) as x ->
- if i < k then x else DTRel (i - n)
- | DTTerm (t, tt, s) -> DTTerm (unlift_term_rec n k t, unlift_rec n k tt, s)
- | DTCoq (c, t, s) -> DTCoq (c, unlift_rec n k t, s)
- | DTSort _
- | DTInd _ -> t
- in loc, t'
-and unlift_term_rec n k (loc, s) =
- let s' =
- match s with
- DRel i ->
- if i < k then s else DRel (i - n)
- | DLambda ((nl, dt), dt', dtlam) ->
- DLambda ((nl, unlift_rec n k dt), unlift_term_rec n (succ k) dt',
- unlift_rec n k dtlam)
- | DApp (dte, dte', dt) ->
- DApp (unlift_term_rec n k dte, unlift_term_rec n k dte', unlift_rec n k dt)
- | DLetIn (nl, dte, dte', dt) ->
- DLetIn (nl, unlift_term_rec n k dte, unlift_term_rec n (succ k) dte',
- unlift_rec n k dt)
- | DLetTuple (nl, dte, dte', dt) ->
- DLetTuple (nl, unlift_term_rec n k dte,
- unlift_term_rec n (List.length nl + k) dte',
- unlift_rec n k dt)
- | DIfThenElse (db, de, de', dt) ->
- DIfThenElse (unlift_term_rec n k db, unlift_term_rec n k de,
- unlift_term_rec n k de', unlift_rec n k dt)
- | DSum ((x, tx), (ty, dty), dt) ->
- DSum ((x, unlift_term_rec n k tx),
- (unlift_term_rec n k ty, unlift_rec n k dty),
- unlift_rec n k dt)
- | DCoq (c, t) -> DCoq (c, unlift_rec n k t)
- in loc, s'
-let unlift n t = unlift_rec n 0 t
-let rec type_of_dterm ctx t =
- match t with
- DRel (i) ->
- (try let t = type_of_rel ctx i in lift (succ i) t
- with e -> debug 3 (str "Couldn't find type of rel in type_of_dterm");
- raise e)
- | DLambda (_, _, dt) -> dt
- | DApp (dte, dte', dt) -> dt
- | DLetIn (nl, dte, dte', dt) -> dt
- | DLetTuple (nl, dte, dte', dt) -> dt
- | DIfThenElse (db, de, de', dt) -> dt
- | DSum (_, _, dt) -> dt
- | DCoq (_, dt) -> dt
-let type_of_dterm_loc ctx (_, t) = type_of_dterm ctx t
-let rec subst_term_type_rec (loc, s) t k =
- let s' =
- match s with
- DRel i ->
- if k < i then DRel (pred i)
- else if k = i then
- match snd (lift_rec k 0 t) with
- DTRel i -> DRel i
- | DTTerm (t, _, _) -> snd t
- | _ -> failwith ("Substitution of a type in a term")
- else (* k > i *) s
- | DLambda ((ln, dt), e, t') ->
- DLambda ((ln, subst_rec dt t k), subst_term_type_rec e t (succ k),
- subst_rec t' t k)
- | DApp (x, y, ta) ->
- DApp (subst_term_type_rec x t k, subst_term_type_rec y t k, subst_rec ta t k)
- | DLetIn (nl, e, e', t') ->
- DLetIn (nl, subst_term_type_rec e t k, subst_term_type_rec e' t (succ k),
- subst_rec t' t k)
- | DLetTuple (nl, e, e', t') ->
- DLetTuple (nl, subst_term_type_rec e t k, subst_term_type_rec e' t (k + List.length nl),
- subst_rec t' t k)
- | DIfThenElse (b, e, e', t') ->
- DIfThenElse (subst_term_type_rec b t k, subst_term_type_rec e t k,
- subst_term_type_rec e' t k, subst_rec t' t k)
- | DSum ((nl, dt), (dt', tt'), t') ->
- DSum ((nl, subst_term_type_rec dt t k),
- (subst_term_type_rec dt' t (succ k), subst_rec tt' t (succ k)),
- subst_rec t' t k)
- | DCoq (c, dt) -> DCoq (c, subst_rec dt t k)
- in loc, s'
-and subst_term_rec (loc, s) t k =
- let ttype =
- let dtype = type_of_dterm [] (snd t) in
- (dummy_loc, (DTTerm (t, dtype, sort_of_dtype_loc [] dtype)))
- in
- let s' =
- match s with
- DRel i ->
- if k < i then DRel (pred i)
- else if k = i then snd (lift_term_rec k 0 t)
- else (* k > i *) s
- | DLambda ((ln, dt), e, t') ->
- (* !!! *)
- DLambda ((ln, subst_rec dt ttype k),
- subst_term_rec e t (succ k), subst_rec t' ttype k)
- | DApp (x, y, ta) ->
- DApp (subst_term_rec x t k, subst_term_rec y t k, subst_rec ta ttype k)
- | DLetIn (nl, e, e', t') ->
- DLetIn (nl, subst_term_rec e t k, subst_term_rec e' t (succ k),
- subst_rec t' ttype k)
- | DLetTuple (nl, e, e', t') ->
- DLetTuple (nl, subst_term_rec e t k, subst_term_rec e' t
- (k + List.length nl),
- subst_rec t' ttype k)
- | DIfThenElse (b, e, e', t') ->
- DIfThenElse (subst_term_rec b t k, subst_term_rec e t k,
- subst_term_rec e' t k, subst_rec t' ttype k)
- | DSum ((nl, dt), (dt', tt'), t') ->
- DSum ((nl, subst_term_rec dt t k),
- (subst_term_rec dt' t (succ k), subst_rec tt' tt' (succ k)),
- subst_rec t' ttype k)
- | DCoq (c, dt) ->
- DCoq (c, subst_rec dt ttype k)
- in loc, s'
-and subst_rec (loc, s) (t : dtype_loc) k =
- let s' =
- match s with
- DTPi ((id, a), b, s) -> DTPi ((id, subst_rec a t k),
- subst_rec b t (succ k), s)
- | DTSigma ((id, a), b, s) -> DTSigma ((id, subst_rec a t k),
- subst_rec b t (succ k), s)
- | DTSubset ((id, a), b, s) -> DTSubset ((id, subst_rec a t k),
- subst_rec b t (succ k), s)
- | DTRel i ->
- if k < i then DTRel (pred i)
- else if k = i then snd (lift k t)
- else (* k > i *) s
- | DTApp (x, y, t', s) -> DTApp (subst_rec x t k, subst_rec y t k,
- subst_rec t' t k, s)
- | DTTerm (x, tt, s) -> DTTerm (subst_term_type_rec x t k, subst_rec tt t k, s)
- | DTCoq (c, ct, s) -> DTCoq (c, subst_rec ct t k, s)
- | DTSort _ | DTInd _ -> s
- in loc, s'
-let subst s t = subst_rec s t 0
-let subst_term s t = subst_term_rec s t 0
-let rec print_dterm' ctx = function
- | DRel n ->
- (try
- print_name (name_of_rel ctx n) ++ str ("(" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ ")")
- with Failure _ -> str ("UNBOUND_REL_" ^ (string_of_int n)))
- | DLambda ((namel, t), e, _) -> str "fun " ++ print_name (snd namel) ++ spc () ++
- str ":" ++ spc () ++ print_dtype' ctx (snd t) ++ spc () ++ str "=>" ++ spc ()
- ++ print_dterm_loc ((snd namel, t) :: ctx) e
- | DApp (x, y, _) -> (print_dterm_loc ctx x) ++ spc () ++
- str "(" ++ (print_dterm_loc ctx y) ++ str ")"
- | DLetIn (n, e, e', _) ->
- let te =
- try type_of_dterm_loc ctx e
- with e -> debug 3 (str "Couldn't find type_of_dterm in print_dterm'");
- raise e
- in
- str "let" ++ spc () ++ print_name_loc n
- ++ spc () ++ str "=" ++ spc () ++ print_dterm_loc ctx e ++
- print_dterm_loc ((snd n, te) :: ctx) e'
- | DLetTuple (nl, t, e, _) ->
- str "let" ++ spc () ++ str "(" ++
- string_of_list (List.rev_map (fun (n, _, _) -> print_name_loc n) nl)
- ++ str ")" ++ spc () ++ str "=" ++ spc () ++
- print_dterm_loc ctx t ++ str "in" ++ spc () ++
- print_dterm_loc ((List.map (fun (x, y, z) -> (snd x, y)) nl) @ ctx) e
- | DIfThenElse (b, t, t', _) ->
- let ctx' = (Name (id_of_string "H"), (dummy_loc, DTRel 0)) :: ctx in
- str "if" ++ spc () ++ print_dterm_loc ctx b ++ spc () ++
- str "then" ++ spc () ++ print_dterm_loc ctx' t ++ spc () ++
- str "else" ++ spc () ++ print_dterm_loc ctx' t'
- | DSum ((n, t), (t', tt'), _) ->
- let ctx' =
- try (snd n, type_of_dterm_loc ctx t) :: ctx
- with e -> debug 3 (str "Couldn't find type_of_dterm in print_dterm' (sum)");
- raise e
- in
- str "(" ++ print_name (snd n) ++ str ":="
- ++ print_dterm_loc ctx t ++ str ","
- ++ print_dterm_loc ctx' t' ++ str ":"
- ++ print_dtype_loc ctx' tt' ++ str ")"
- | DCoq (cstr, t) -> pr_constr cstr
-and print_dterm_loc ctx (_, x) = print_dterm' ctx x
- (*debug_msg 1 (str ":" ++ print_dtype_loc ctx (type_of_dterm ctx x))*)
-and print_dtype' ctx = function
- | DTApp (x, y, t, s) -> print_dtype_loc ctx x ++ spc() ++
- str "(" ++ print_dtype_loc ctx y ++ str ")"
- | DTPi ((id, x), y, s) ->
- str "(" ++ print_name_loc id ++ str ":" ++ print_dtype_loc ctx x ++ str ")"
- ++ spc() ++ print_dtype_loc ((snd id, x) :: ctx) y
- | DTSigma ((id, x), y, s) ->
- str "[" ++ print_name_loc id ++ str ":" ++ print_dtype_loc ctx x ++ str "]"
- ++ spc() ++ print_dtype_loc ((snd id, x) :: ctx) y
- | DTSubset ((id, x), y, s) ->
- str "{" ++ str (string_of_id (snd id)) ++ str ":" ++ print_dtype_loc ctx x ++ str "|"
- ++ spc() ++ print_dtype_loc ((Name (snd id), x) :: ctx) y ++ str "}"
- | (DTRel i) as x ->
- (try print_name (name_of_rel ctx i) ++ str ("(" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ ")")
- with Failure _ -> str ("_UNBOUND_REL_" ^ (string_of_int i)))
- | DTTerm (t, tt, s) -> str "Term:(" ++ print_dterm_loc ctx t ++ str ")"
- | DTInd (n, t, i, s) -> str (string_of_id (snd n))
- | DTCoq (c, t, s) ->
- debug_msg 1 (str "Coq:(") ++ pr_constr c ++
- debug_msg 1 (str ":" ++ print_dtype_loc ctx t ++ str ")")
- | DTSort s ->
- pr_constr (mkSort (snd s))
-and print_dtype_loc ctx (_, t) = print_dtype' ctx t
-let _ = print_dtype_locref := print_dtype_loc
-let rec reduce_term t =
- match t with
- | DLambda ((n, x), y, dt) -> DLambda ((n, reduce_type_loc x), reduce_term_loc y, reduce_type_loc dt)
- | DApp (dte, dte', dt) -> snd (subst_term dte' dte)
- | DLetIn (nl, dte, dte', dt) -> snd (subst_term dte' dte)
- | DLetTuple (nl, dte, dte', dt) -> t (* TODO *)
- | DIfThenElse (db, de, de', dt) -> t (* TODO *)
- | DSum _ | DRel _ | DCoq _ -> t
-and reduce_term_loc (loc, t) = (loc, reduce_term t)
-and reduce_type = function
- | DTApp (x, y, t, s) -> snd (subst y x)
- | DTPi ((id, x), y, s) -> DTPi ((id, reduce_type_loc x), reduce_type_loc y, s)
- | DTSigma ((id, x), y, s) -> DTSigma ((id, reduce_type_loc x), reduce_type_loc y, s)
- | DTSubset ((id, x), y, s) -> DTSubset ((id, reduce_type_loc x), reduce_type_loc y, s)
- | (DTRel i) as x -> x
- | DTTerm (t, tt, s) -> DTTerm (reduce_term_loc t, reduce_type_loc tt, s)
- | DTInd (n, t, i, s) as x -> x
- | DTCoq (c, t, s) as x -> x
- | DTSort _ as x -> x
-and reduce_type_loc (loc, t) = (loc, reduce_type t)
-let rec type_equiv ctx u v =
- trace (str "Check type equivalence: " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx u ++ str " and " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx v);
- match snd u, snd v with
- DTCoq (_, x, _), y -> type_equiv ctx x v
- | x, DTCoq (_, y, _) -> type_equiv ctx u y
- | DTApp (_, _, t, _), _ -> type_equiv ctx t v
- | _, DTApp (_, _, t, _) -> type_equiv ctx u t
- | (DTPi ((_, x), y, _), DTPi ((n', x'), y', _)) ->
- type_equiv ctx x x' && type_equiv ((snd n', x') :: ctx) y y'
- | (DTSigma ((_, x), y, _), DTSigma ((n', x'), y', _)) ->
- type_equiv ctx x x' && type_equiv ((snd n', x') :: ctx) y y'
- | (DTSubset ((_, x), y, _), DTSubset ((_, x'), y', _)) ->
- type_equiv ctx x x'
- | (DTRel x, DTRel y) -> x = y
- | (DTInd (n, _, i, _), DTInd (n', _, i', _)) -> i == i' || i = i'
- | _ -> false
-let convertible ctx u v =
- type_equiv ctx (reduce_type_loc u) (reduce_type_loc v)
-let rec check_subtype ctx u v =
- trace (str "Check subtype: " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx u ++ str " and " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx v);
- match (snd u, snd v) with
- DTCoq (_, t, _), _ -> check_subtype ctx t v
- | _, DTCoq (_, t, _) -> check_subtype ctx u t
- | DTInd (_, t, _, _), _ -> check_subtype ctx t v
- | _, DTInd (_, t, _, _) -> check_subtype ctx u t
- | DTApp (_, _, t, _), _ -> check_subtype ctx t v
- | _, DTApp (_, _, t, _) -> check_subtype ctx u t
- | DTRel i, _ ->
- let t =
- try type_of_rel ctx i
- with e ->
- debug 3 (str "Couldn't find type_of_rel in check_subtype");
- raise e
- in check_subtype ctx (lift (succ i) t) v
- | _, DTRel i ->
- let t =
- try type_of_rel ctx i
- with e -> debug 3 (str "Couldn't find type_of_rel in check_subtype");
- raise e
- in
- check_subtype ctx u (lift (succ i) t)
- | (DTPi ((_, x), y, _), DTPi ((n', x'), y', _)) ->
- check_subtype ctx x' x && check_subtype ((snd n', x') :: ctx) y y'
- | (DTSigma ((_, x), y, _), DTSigma ((n', x'), y', _)) ->
- check_subtype ctx x x' && check_subtype ((snd n', x') :: ctx) y y'
- | (DTSubset ((_, x), y, _), _) -> check_subtype ctx x v
- | (_, DTSubset ((_, x), y, _)) -> check_subtype ctx u x
- | (DTSort s, DTSort s') ->
- (match snd s, snd s' with
- Prop _, Type _ -> true
- | x, y -> x = y)
- | _ -> convertible ctx u v
-let rec mu ctx = function
- | DTSubset ((_, x), y, _) -> mu ctx (snd x)
- | DTCoq (_, x, _) -> mu ctx (snd x)
- | DTInd (_, t, _, _) -> mu ctx (snd t)
- | DTApp (_, _, t, _) -> mu ctx (snd t)
- | DTRel i -> mu ctx (snd (type_of_rel ctx i))
- | x -> x
-exception Not_implemented of string
-let notimpl s = raise (Not_implemented s)
-let type_application ctx ((locx, x) as tx) ((locy, y) as ty) =
- let narg, targ, tres, sres =
- match mu ctx x with
- | DTPi ((n, x), y, z) -> n, x, y, z
- | x ->
- typing_error (NonFunctionalApp (locx,
- (print_dtype_loc ctx tx),
- (print_dtype' ctx x)))
- in
- try
- if check_subtype ctx ty targ then
- let dtres = subst tres ty in
- debug 1 (str "Subst of " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx ty ++ str " in " ++
- print_dtype_loc ((snd narg, targ) :: ctx) tres);
- debug 1 (str "Subst in result type: " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx dtres);
- dummy_loc, DTApp (tx, ty, dtres, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx dtres)
- else
- subtyping_error (UncoercibleInferType
- (locy, print_dtype_loc ctx ty, print_dtype_loc ctx targ))
- with e -> raise e (* Todo check exception etc.. *)
-let rec dtype_of_types ctx c =
- let dt =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Rel i ->
- DTRel (pred i)
- | Var id ->
- let ref = Nametab.locate (Libnames.make_short_qualid id) in
- let t = Libnames.constr_of_global ref in
- snd (dtype_of_types ctx t)
- | Meta mv -> notimpl "Meta"
- | Evar pex -> notimpl "Evar"
- | Sort s -> DTSort (dummy_loc, s)
- | Cast (c, _, t) -> snd (dtype_of_types ctx t)
- | Prod (n, t, t') ->
- let dt = dtype_of_types ctx t in
- let ctx' = (n, dt) :: ctx in
- let dt' = dtype_of_types ctx' t' in
- DTPi (((dummy_loc, n), dt), dt', sort_of_dtype_loc ctx' dt')
- | Lambda (n, t, e) -> notimpl "Lambda"
- | LetIn (n, e, t, e') -> notimpl "LetIn"
- | App (f, el) ->
- snd (List.fold_left
- (fun acc el ->
- let tel = dtype_of_types ctx el in
- type_application ctx acc tel)
- (dtype_of_types ctx f) (Array.to_list el))
- | Const cst ->
- let t = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- let dt = dtype_of_types ctx t.Declarations.const_type in
- DTCoq (c, dt, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx dt)
- | Ind i ->
- let (_, ind) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env ()) i in
- DTInd ((dummy_loc, ind.Declarations.mind_typename),
- dtype_of_types ctx ind.Declarations.mind_nf_arity,
- i, (dummy_loc, ind.Declarations.mind_sort))
- (* let t = Inductiveops.type_of_inductive (Global.env ()) i in *)
-(* debug "Lookup inductive"; *)
- (* let dt = dtype_of_types ctx t in *)
-(* DTCoq (t, dt, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx dt) *)
- | Construct con ->
- let t = Inductiveops.type_of_constructor (Global.env ()) con in
- let dt = dtype_of_types ctx t in
- DTCoq (c, dt, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx dt)
- | Case _ -> notimpl "Case"
- | Fix fixpt -> notimpl "Fixpoint"
- | CoFix cofixpt -> notimpl "CoFixpoint"
- in dummy_loc, dt
-let rec dtype_of_constr ctx c =
- let dt =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Rel i -> DTRel (pred i)
- | Var id ->
- let ref = Nametab.locate (Libnames.make_short_qualid id) in
- let t = Libnames.constr_of_global ref in
- snd (dtype_of_constr ctx t)
- | Meta mv -> notimpl "Meta"
- | Evar pex -> notimpl "Evar"
- | Sort s -> DTSort (dummy_loc, s)
- | Cast (_,_,t) -> snd (dtype_of_constr ctx t)
- | Prod (n, t, t') ->
- let dt = dtype_of_constr ctx t in
- let ctx' = (n, dt) :: ctx in
- let dt' = dtype_of_constr ctx' t' in
- DTPi (((dummy_loc, n), dt), dt', sort_of_dtype_loc ctx' dt')
- | Lambda (n, t, e) -> notimpl "Lambda"
- | LetIn (n, e, t, e') -> notimpl "LetIn"
- | App (f, el) ->
- snd (List.fold_left
- (fun acc el ->
- type_application ctx acc (dtype_of_constr ctx el))
- (dtype_of_constr ctx f) (Array.to_list el))
- | Const cst ->
- let t = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- let dt = dtype_of_constr ctx t.Declarations.const_type in
- snd dt
- | Ind i ->
- let (_, ind) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env ()) i in
- DTInd ((dummy_loc, ind.Declarations.mind_typename),
- dtype_of_types ctx ind.Declarations.mind_nf_arity,
- i, (dummy_loc, ind.Declarations.mind_sort))
- | Construct con ->
- let t = Inductiveops.type_of_constructor (Global.env ()) con in
- let dt = dtype_of_constr ctx t in
- snd dt
- | Case _ -> notimpl "Case"
- | Fix fixpt -> notimpl "Fixpoint"
- | CoFix cofixpt -> notimpl "CoFixpoint"
- in dummy_loc, dt
-let list_assoc_index x l =
- let rec aux i = function
- (y, _) :: tl -> if x = y then i else aux (succ i) tl
- | [] -> debug 2 (str "raising not_found in list_assoc_index");
- raise Not_found
- in aux 0 l
-let coqref ctx (loc, r) =
- let qualid = Libnames.make_short_qualid r in
- try
- let gr = Nametab.locate qualid in
- debug 3 (str "Resolved " ++ str (string_of_id r) ++ str " globally");
- Libnames.constr_of_global gr
- with Not_found ->
- debug 3 (str "Error in coqref");
- Nametab.error_global_not_found_loc loc qualid
-let coqtermref ctx r =
- let constr = coqref ctx r in
- let dtype = dtype_of_constr ctx constr in
- DCoq (constr, dtype), dtype
-let coqtyperef ctx r =
- let constr = coqref ctx r in
- let dtype = dtype_of_types ctx constr in
- snd dtype, dtype
-let debug_loc n (loc, e) =
- debug n (Toplevel.print_toplevel_error (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, Debug_msg e)))
-let rec dtype n ctx (loc, t) =
- let t' =
- match t with
- TApp (x, y) ->
- let tx, ty = dtype n ctx x, dtype n ctx y in
- snd (type_application ctx tx ty)
- | TPi ((name, t), t') ->
- let dt = dtype n ctx t in
- let dt' = dtype (succ n) ((snd name, dt) :: ctx) t' in
- DTPi ((name, dt), dt', (dummy_loc, type_0))
- | TSigma ((name, t), t') ->
- let dt = dtype n ctx t in
- let dt' = dtype (succ n) ((snd name, dt) :: ctx) t' in
- DTSigma ((name, dt), dt', (dummy_loc, type_0))
- | TSubset ((i, t), t') ->
- let dt = dtype n ctx t in
- let ctx' = (Name (snd i), dt) :: ctx in
- let dt' = dtype (succ n) ctx' t' in
- DTSubset ((i, dt), dt', sort_of_dtype_loc ctx dt)
- | TIdent (loc, i) ->
- let name = Name i in
- if List.mem_assoc name ctx then
- let typ = List.assoc name ctx in
- let index = list_assoc_index name ctx in
- debug 3 (str "Resolved " ++ str (string_of_id i) ++ str " locally");
- DTRel index
- else fst (coqtyperef ctx (loc, i))
- | TTerm t -> let t, tt = dterm n ctx t in DTTerm (t, tt, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx tt)
- in (loc, t')
-and dterm n ctx (loc, t) =
- let t', tt' =
- match t with
- | SIdent li ->
- begin
- let name = Name (snd li) in
- if List.mem_assoc name ctx then
- let typ = List.assoc name ctx in
- let index = list_assoc_index name ctx in
- let typ' = lift (succ index) typ in
- debug 3 (str "Resolved " ++ str (string_of_id (snd li)) ++ str " locally");
- DRel index, typ'
- else coqtermref ctx li
- end
- | SLambda (((loc, name) as ln, t), e) ->
- let dt = dtype n ctx t in
- let name = Name name in
- let ln = loc, name in
- let ctx' = (name, dt) :: ctx in
- let de, te = dterm (succ n) ctx' e in
- let dpi = dummy_loc, DTPi ((ln, dt), te, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx' te) in
- DLambda ((ln, dt), de, dpi), dpi
- | SLetIn ((loc, name) as ln, e, e') ->
- let de, te = dterm n ctx e in
- let de', te' = dterm (succ n) ((name, te) :: ctx) e' in
- DLetIn (ln, de, de', te'), te'
- | SApp (f, e) ->
- let dt, tf = dterm n ctx f in
- let narg, targ, tres, sres =
- match mu ctx (snd tf) with
- | DTPi ((n, x), y, z) -> n, x, y, z
- | x -> typing_error (NonFunctionalApp
- (fst f, print_dterm_loc ctx dt,
- print_dtype' ctx x))
- in
- let de, te = dterm n ctx e in
- (try
- if check_subtype ctx te targ then
- let term = (dummy_loc, DTTerm (de, te, sort_of_dtype_loc ctx te)) in
- let dtres = subst tres term in
- debug 1 (str "Subst of " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx term ++ str " in " ++
- print_dtype_loc ((snd narg, targ) :: ctx) tres);
- debug 1 (str "Subst in result type: " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx dtres);
- DApp (dt, de, dtres), dtres
- else
- subtyping_error
- (UncoercibleInferTerm (fst e,
- print_dtype_loc ctx te,
- print_dtype_loc ctx targ,
- print_dterm_loc ctx de,
- print_dterm_loc ctx dt))
- with e -> raise e (* Todo check exception etc.. *))
- | SSumDep (((loc, id), t), (t', tt')) ->
- let dt, tt = dterm n ctx t in
- let ctx' = (Name id, tt) :: ctx in
- let tt' = dtype (succ n) ctx' tt' in
- let dt', _ = dterm (succ n) ctx' t' in
- let rest = dummy_loc,
- DTSigma (((loc, Name id), tt), tt', sort_of_dtype_loc ctx' tt')
- in
- DSum (((loc, Name id), dt), (dt', tt'), rest), rest
- | SSumInf (t, t') ->
- let dt, tt = dterm n ctx t in
- let ctx' = (Anonymous, tt) :: ctx in
- let dt', tt' = dterm (succ n) ctx' t' in
- let rest = dummy_loc,
- DTSigma (((dummy_loc, Anonymous), tt), tt', sort_of_dtype_loc ctx' tt')
- in
- DSum (((dummy_loc, Anonymous), dt), (dt', tt'), rest), rest
- | SIfThenElse (b, t, t') ->
- let dn, tn = dterm n ctx b in
- let ctx' = (Name (id_of_string "H"),
- (dummy_loc,
- DTCoq (Term.mkVar (id_of_string "H"),
- (dummy_loc, DTSort (dummy_loc, mk_Set)),
- (dummy_loc, type_0)))) :: ctx
- in
- let dt, tt = dterm (succ n) ctx' t
- and dt', tt' = dterm (succ n) ctx' t' in
- if convertible ctx' tt tt' then
- DIfThenElse (dn, dt, dt', tt), (unlift 1 tt)
- else typing_error (NonConvertible (loc, print_dtype_loc ctx' tt,
- print_dtype_loc ctx' tt'))
- | SLetTuple (nl, t, t') ->
- let dt, tt = dterm n ctx t in
- debug 2 (str "Let tuple e type: " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx tt);
- let rec aux n lctx tt l =
- match snd tt, l with
- DTSigma ((nl, t), t', s), nl' :: ((_ :: _) as tl) ->
- aux (succ n) ((nl', t, tt) :: lctx) t' tl
- | _, [nl] ->
- (nl, tt, tt) :: lctx
- | _, _ -> typing_error (NonSigma (fst tt, print_dtype_loc ctx tt))
- in
- let ctx' = aux 0 [] tt nl in
- let ctx'' = (List.map (fun (nl, t, t') -> (snd nl, t)) ctx') @ ctx in
- let dt', tt' = dterm ((List.length nl) + n) ctx'' t' in
- let t = DLetTuple (ctx', dt, dt', unlift (List.length nl) tt') in
- debug 2 (str "Parsed let-tuple: " ++ print_dterm' ctx t);
- debug 2 (str "ctx' = ");
- debug 2 (str "ctx' = " ++
- let cmds, _ =
- (List.fold_right
- (fun (x, t, t') (acc, ctx) ->
- let acc' = print_name_loc x ++ str ":" ++
- print_dtype_loc ctx t
- in
- let ctx' = (snd x, t) :: ctx in
- (acc ++ spc () ++ acc', ctx'))
- ctx' (mt (), ctx))
- in cmds);
- debug 2 (str "Parsed let-tuple in-term: " ++ print_dterm_loc ctx'' dt');
- debug 2 (str "Parsed let-tuple type: " ++
- print_dtype_loc ((List.map (fun (x, t, _) -> snd x, t) ctx') @ ctx) tt');
- t, tt'
- in (loc, t'), tt'
-let infer ctx t = dterm 0 ctx t
-let infer_type ctx t = dtype 0 ctx t
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/infer.mli b/contrib/subtac/infer.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 637e9edb1..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/infer.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-type term_pp = Pp.std_ppcmds
-type subtyping_error =
- | UncoercibleInferType of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp
- | UncoercibleInferTerm of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp
- | UncoercibleRewrite of term_pp * term_pp
-type typing_error =
- | NonFunctionalApp of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp
- | NonConvertible of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp
- | NonSigma of Util.loc * term_pp
-exception Subtyping_error of subtyping_error
-exception Typing_error of typing_error
-exception Debug_msg of string
-val subtyping_error : subtyping_error -> 'a
-val typing_error : typing_error -> 'a
-type sort = Term.sorts
-type sort_loc = sort Util.located
-type dterm =
- DRel of Natural.nat
- | DLambda of (Names.name Util.located * dtype_loc) * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DApp of dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DLetIn of Names.name Util.located * dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DLetTuple of (Names.name Util.located * dtype_loc * dtype_loc) list *
- dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DIfThenElse of dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dterm_loc * dtype_loc
- | DSum of (Names.name Util.located * dterm_loc) * (dterm_loc * dtype_loc) *
- dtype_loc
- | DCoq of Term.constr * dtype_loc
-and dterm_loc = dterm Util.located
-and dtype =
- DTApp of dtype_loc * dtype_loc * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTPi of (Names.name Util.located * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTSigma of (Names.name Util.located * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTSubset of (Names.identifier Util.located * dtype_loc) * dtype_loc *
- sort_loc
- | DTRel of Natural.nat
- | DTTerm of dterm_loc * dtype_loc * sort_loc
- | DTSort of sort_loc
- | DTInd of Names.identifier Util.located * dtype_loc * Names.inductive *
- sort_loc
- | DTCoq of Term.types * dtype_loc * sort_loc
-and dtype_loc = dtype Util.located
-val print_dtype_loc :
- (Names.name * dtype_loc) list -> dtype_loc -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val print_dterm_loc :
- (Names.name * dtype_loc) list -> dterm_loc -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val sort_of_dtype_loc :
- (Names.name * dtype_loc) list -> dtype_loc -> sort_loc
-val infer :
- (Names.name * dtype_loc) list -> Sast.term_loc -> dterm_loc * dtype_loc
-val infer_type : (Names.name * dtype_loc) list -> Sast.type_loc -> dtype_loc
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/interp.ml b/contrib/subtac/interp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6b763055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/interp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+open Term
+open Evarutil
+open Evd
+open Libnames
+open Global
+open Names
+open Scoq
+open Coqlib
+open Pp
+open Printer
+open Subtac_errors
+open Util
+open Rawterm
+open Context
+open Eterm
+(* match t with
+ | RRef(loc, gr) ->
+ | RVar(loc, id) ->
+ | REvar(loc, e_key, arglopt) ->
+ | RPatVar(loc, (b * pvar)) ->
+ | RApp(loc, fn, args) ->
+ | RLambda(loc, name, typ, body) ->
+ | RProd(loc, name, dom, codom) ->
+ | RLetIn(loc, var, def, body) ->
+ | RLetTuple(loc, names, (name, expr), def, body) ->
+ | RIf(loc, cond, (name, expr), bodyl, bodyr) ->
+ | RRec(loc, fix_kind, identifiersarr, rawdecllistarray,
+ rawconstrarray, rawconstrarray) ->
+ | RSort(loc, rsort) ->
+ | RHole(loc, hole_kind) ->
+ | RCast(loc, expr, cast_kind, toexpr) ->
+ | RCases _ (* of loc * rawconstr option *
+ (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list *
+ (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list *) ->
+ | RDynamic(loc, dynobj) ->
+ *)
+type recursion_info = {
+ arg_name: identifier;
+ arg_type: types; (* A *)
+ wf_relation: constr; (* R : A -> A -> Prop *)
+ wf_proof: constr; (* : well_founded R *)
+ f_type: types; (* f: A -> Set *)
+ f_fulltype: types; (* Type with argument and wf proof product first *)
+type prog_info = {
+ evd : evar_defs ref;
+ mutable evm: evar_map;
+ rec_info: recursion_info option;
+let my_print_constr env ctx term =
+ Termops.print_constr_env (env_of_ctx env ctx) term
+let my_print_context env ctx =
+ Termops.print_rel_context (env_of_ctx env ctx)
+let my_print_rawconstr env ctx term =
+ Printer.pr_rawconstr_env (env_of_ctx env ctx) term
+let filter_defs l = List.filter (fun (_, c, _) -> c = None) l
+let evar_args ctx =
+ let rec aux acc i = function
+ (_, c, _) :: tl ->
+ (match c with
+ | None -> aux (mkRel i :: acc) (succ i) tl
+ | Some _ -> aux acc (succ i) tl)
+ | [] -> acc
+ in Array.of_list (aux [] 1 ctx)
+let evar_ctx prog_info ctx =
+ let ctx' =
+ match prog_info.rec_info with
+ Some ri ->
+ let len = List.length ctx in
+ assert(len >= 2);
+ let rec aux l acc = function
+ 0 ->
+ (match l with
+ (id, _, recf) :: arg :: [] -> arg :: (id, None, ri.f_fulltype) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert(false))
+ | n -> (match l with
+ hd :: tl -> aux tl (hd :: acc) (pred n)
+ | _ -> assert(false))
+ in
+ List.rev (aux ctx [] (len - 2))
+ | None -> ctx
+ in filter_defs ctx'
+let lookup_local env ctx (loc, id) =
+ try
+ let name = Name id in
+ let index, term, typ = Context.assoc_and_index name ctx in
+ let index = succ index in
+ let typ' = lift index typ in
+ debug 3 (str "Resolved " ++ str (string_of_id id) ++ str " locally as rel " ++ int index ++ str " : " ++
+ my_print_constr env ctx typ' ++ str " in context: " ++
+ my_print_context env ctx);
+ mkRel index, typ'
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let (n,typ) = Termops.lookup_rel_id id (Environ.rel_context env) in
+ let index = List.length ctx + n in
+ mkRel index, (lift index) typ
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let (_,_,typ) = Environ.lookup_named id env in
+ mkVar id, typ
+ with Not_found ->
+ Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id
+let pair_of_array a = (a.(0), a.(1))
+let make_name s = Name (id_of_string s)
+let app_opt c e =
+ match c with
+ Some constr -> constr e
+ | None -> e
+let rec disc_subset x =
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | App (c, l) ->
+ (match kind_of_term c with
+ Ind i ->
+ let len = Array.length l in
+ let sig_ = Lazy.force sig_ in
+ if len = 2 && i = Term.destInd sig_.typ
+ then
+ let (a, b) = pair_of_array l in
+ Some (a, b)
+ else None
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+and disc_exist env ctx x =
+ trace (str "Disc_exist: " ++ my_print_constr env ctx x);
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | App (c, l) ->
+ (match kind_of_term c with
+ Construct c ->
+ if c = Term.destConstruct (Lazy.force sig_).intro
+ then Some (l.(0), l.(1), l.(2), l.(3))
+ else None
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+let disc_proj_exist env ctx x =
+ trace (str "disc_proj_exist: " ++ my_print_constr env ctx x);
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | App (c, l) ->
+ (if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force sig_).proj1
+ && Array.length l = 3
+ then disc_exist env ctx l.(2)
+ else None)
+ | _ -> None
+let sort_rel s1 s2 =
+ match s1, s2 with
+ Prop Pos, Prop Pos -> Prop Pos
+ | Prop Pos, Prop Null -> Prop Null
+ | Prop Null, Prop Null -> Prop Null
+ | Prop Null, Prop Pos -> Prop Pos
+ | Type _, Prop Pos -> Prop Pos
+ | Type _, Prop Null -> Prop Null
+ | _, Type _ -> s2
+let rec mu prog_info env ctx t =
+ match disc_subset t with
+ Some (u, p) ->
+ let f, ct = mu prog_info env ctx u in
+ (Some (fun x ->
+ app_opt f (mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).proj1,
+ [| u; p; x |]))),
+ ct)
+ | None -> (None, t)
+and coerce prog_info env ctx (x : Term.constr) (y : Term.constr)
+ : (Term.constr -> Term.constr) option
+ =
+ let rec coerce_unify ctx etyp argtyp =
+ match kind_of_term etyp, kind_of_term argtyp with
+ Evar (ev, args), _ ->
+ let evm = evars_of !(prog_info.evd) in
+ (*if is_defined evm ev then
+ coerce' ctx etyp (existential_value evm (ev, args))
+ else ( *)
+ prog_info.evd := evar_define ev argtyp !(prog_info.evd);
+ debug 1 (str "Defining evar (evar to type) " ++ int ev ++ str " := " ++ my_print_constr env ctx argtyp);
+ None
+ | _, Evar (ev, args) ->
+ let evm = evars_of !(prog_info.evd) in
+ if is_defined evm ev then
+ coerce' ctx etyp (existential_value evm (ev, args))
+ else (
+ debug 1 (str "Defining evar (term to evar)" ++ int ev ++ str " := " ++ my_print_constr env ctx etyp);
+ prog_info.evd := evar_define ev etyp !(prog_info.evd);
+ None)
+ | _, _ -> coerce' ctx etyp argtyp
+ and coerce' ctx x y : (Term.constr -> Term.constr) option =
+ let subco () = subset_coerce ctx x y in
+ trace (str "Coercion from " ++ (my_print_constr env ctx x) ++
+ str " to "++ my_print_constr env ctx y);
+ match (kind_of_term x, kind_of_term y) with
+ | Sort s, Sort s' ->
+ (match s, s' with
+ Prop x, Prop y when x = y -> None
+ | Prop _, Type _ -> None
+ | Type x, Type y when x = y -> None (* false *)
+ | _ -> subco ())
+ | Prod (name, a, b), Prod (name', a', b') ->
+ let c1 = coerce_unify ctx a' a in
+ let c2 = coerce_unify ((name', None, a') :: ctx) b b' in
+ (match c1, c2 with
+ None, None -> None
+ | _, _ ->
+ Some
+ (fun f ->
+ mkLambda (name', a',
+ app_opt c2
+ (mkApp (Term.lift 1 f,
+ [| app_opt c1 (mkRel 1) |])))))
+ | App (c, l), App (c', l') ->
+ (match kind_of_term c, kind_of_term c' with
+ Ind i, Ind i' ->
+ let len = Array.length l in
+ let existS = Lazy.force existS in
+ if len = Array.length l' && len = 2
+ && i = i' && i = Term.destInd existS.typ
+ then
+ begin (* Sigma types *)
+ debug 1 (str "In coerce sigma types");
+ let (a, pb), (a', pb') =
+ pair_of_array l, pair_of_array l'
+ in
+ let c1 = coerce_unify ctx a a' in
+ let remove_head c =
+ let (_, _, x) = Term.destProd c in
+ x
+ in
+ let b, b' = remove_head pb, remove_head pb' in
+ let ctx' = (make_name "x", None, a) :: ctx in
+ let c2 = coerce_unify ctx' b b' in
+ match c1, c2 with
+ None, None -> None
+ | _, _ ->
+ Some
+ (fun x ->
+ let x, y =
+ app_opt c1 (mkApp (existS.proj1,
+ [| a; pb; x |])),
+ app_opt c2 (mkApp (existS.proj2,
+ [| a; pb'; x |]))
+ in
+ mkApp (existS.intro, [| x ; y |]))
+ end
+ else subco ()
+ | _ -> subco ())
+ | _, _ -> subco ()
+ and subset_coerce ctx x y =
+ match disc_subset x with
+ Some (u, p) ->
+ let c = coerce_unify ctx u y in
+ let f x =
+ app_opt c (mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).proj1,
+ [| u; p; x |]))
+ in Some f
+ | None ->
+ match disc_subset y with
+ Some (u, p) ->
+ let c = coerce_unify ctx x u in
+ let evarinfo x =
+ let cx = app_opt c x in
+ let pcx = mkApp (p, [| cx |]) in
+ let ctx', pcx' = subst_ctx ctx pcx in
+ cx, {
+ Evd.evar_concl = pcx';
+ Evd.evar_hyps =
+ Environ.val_of_named_context (evar_ctx prog_info ctx');
+ Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty;
+ }
+ in
+ Some
+ (fun x ->
+ let key = mknewexist () in
+ let cx, evi = evarinfo x in
+ prog_info.evm <- Evd.add prog_info.evm key evi;
+ (mkApp
+ ((Lazy.force sig_).intro,
+ [| u; p; cx;
+ mkEvar (key, evar_args ctx) |])))
+ | None ->
+ (try
+ let cstrs = Reduction.conv (Global.env ()) x y
+ in
+ ignore(Univ.merge_constraints cstrs (Global.universes ()));
+ Some (fun x ->
+ mkCast (x, DEFAULTcast, y))
+ with
+ Reduction.NotConvertible ->
+ subtyping_error
+ (UncoercibleRewrite (my_print_constr env ctx x,
+ my_print_constr env ctx y))
+ | e -> raise e)
+ in
+ try ignore(Reduction.conv_leq (Global.env ()) x y); None
+ with Reduction.NotConvertible -> coerce_unify ctx x y (* head recutions needed *)
+and interp prog_info env ctx t : constr * constr (* The term -> its coq translation, its coq (not algorithmic) type *) =
+ let error s = anomaly ("subtac.interp: " ^ s) in
+ debug 1 (str "Interpreting term: " ++ my_print_rawconstr env ctx t ++ str " in env : " ++
+ my_print_context env ctx);
+ let rec type_app ctx (locf, coqf, ftyp) (e : rawconstr) =
+ let coercef, support = mu prog_info env ctx ftyp in
+ let narg, argtyp, restyp =
+ try
+ match decompose_prod_n 1 support with
+ [x, y], z -> x, y, z
+ | _ -> typing_error (NonFunctionalApp (locf, my_print_constr env ctx coqf, my_print_constr env ctx support,
+ my_print_rawconstr env ctx e))
+ with _ -> typing_error (NonFunctionalApp (locf, my_print_constr env ctx coqf, my_print_constr env ctx support,
+ my_print_rawconstr env ctx e))
+ in
+ let coqe, etyp = aux ctx e in
+ let _ = debug 2 (str "Coercion for application: " ++
+ my_print_constr env ctx coqf ++ str " : " ++
+ my_print_constr env ctx ftyp ++ str " and " ++
+ my_print_constr env ctx coqe ++ str " : " ++
+ my_print_constr env ctx etyp)
+ in
+ let coercee = coerce prog_info env ctx etyp argtyp in
+ let coqe' = app_opt coercee coqe in
+ let restype' = Term.subst1 coqe' restyp in
+ let call =
+ let len = List.length ctx in
+ let cf = app_opt coercef coqf in
+ match prog_info.rec_info with
+ Some r ->
+ (match kind_of_term cf with
+ Rel i when i = (pred len) ->
+ debug 3 (str "Spotted recursive call!");
+ let ctx', proof =
+ subst_ctx ctx (mkApp (r.wf_relation,
+ [| coqe'; mkRel len |]))
+ in
+ let evarinfo =
+ {
+ Evd.evar_concl = proof;
+ Evd.evar_hyps =
+ Environ.val_of_named_context
+ (evar_ctx prog_info ctx');
+ Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty;
+ }
+ in
+ let key = mknewexist () in
+ prog_info.evm <- Evd.add prog_info.evm key evarinfo;
+ mkApp (cf, [| coqe'; mkEvar(key, evar_args ctx) |])
+ | _ -> mkApp (cf, [| coqe' |]))
+ | None -> mkApp (cf, [| coqe' |])
+ in
+ debug 2 (str "Term obtained after coercion (at application): " ++
+ Termops.print_constr_env (env_of_ctx env ctx) call);
+ call, restype'
+ and aux ctx = function
+ | RRef(loc, gr) ->
+ (match gr with
+ | VarRef var ->
+ let coqt = type_of_global gr in
+ mkVar var, coqt
+ | ConstRef const ->
+ let coqt = type_of_global gr in
+ mkConst const, coqt
+ | IndRef ind ->
+ let coqt = type_of_global gr in
+ mkInd ind, coqt
+ | ConstructRef constr ->
+ let coqt = type_of_global gr in
+ mkConstruct constr, coqt)
+ | RVar(loc, id) -> lookup_local env ctx (loc, id)
+ | RApp(loc, fn, args) as x ->
+ let loc = loc_of_rawconstr fn in
+ debug 1 (str "Interpreting application: " ++ my_print_rawconstr env ctx x);
+ let coqfn, fntyp = aux ctx fn in
+(* let coqfn, fntyp, args =
+ match kind_of_term coqfn with
+ Ind i ->
+ let len = List.length args in
+ debug 1 (my_print_constr env ctx coqfn ++ str " inductive applied to " ++ int len ++ str " arguments: " ++
+ List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> acc ++ str " " ++ my_print_rawconstr env ctx arg) (str "") args
+ );
+ let sig_ = Lazy.force sig_ in
+ if len = 2 && i = Term.destInd sig_.typ
+ then
+ let b = match args with [a;b] -> b | _ -> error "Partially applied subset type constructor" in
+ let coqb, btyp = aux ctx b in
+ (match kind_of_term coqb with
+ | Lambda (n, t, b) ->
+ mkApp (coqfn, [|t; coqb|]), mkSort (mk_Set), []
+ | _ ->
+ debug 1 (my_print_constr env ctx btyp ++ str " is not a lambda") ;
+ error "Ill-typed subset type: ")
+ else if len = 3 && i = Term.destInd (Lazy.force eqind)
+ then
+ let b,c = match args with [a;b;c] -> b,c | _ -> error "Partially applied eq type constructor" in
+ let coqb, btyp = aux ctx b in
+ mkApp (coqfn, [|btyp; coqb|]), mkProd (Anonymous, btyp, mkSort (mk_Prop)), [c]
+ else (
+ debug 1 (str "Not an eq or sig: " ++ my_print_constr env ctx coqfn);
+ coqfn, fntyp, args)
+ | x ->
+ debug 1 (str "Not an inductive: " ++ my_print_constr env ctx coqfn);
+ coqfn, fntyp, args
+ in*)
+ let _, term, typ =
+ List.fold_left (fun (loc, coqfn, fntyp) (e : rawconstr) ->
+ let coqfn', fntyp' = type_app ctx (loc, coqfn, fntyp) e in
+ join_loc loc (loc_of_rawconstr e), coqfn', fntyp')
+ (loc, coqfn, fntyp) args
+ in term, typ
+ | RLambda(loc, name, argtyp, body) ->
+ let coqargtyp, argtyptyp = aux ctx argtyp in
+ let coqbody, bodytyp = aux ((name, None, coqargtyp) :: ctx) body in
+ let prod = mkProd (name, coqargtyp, bodytyp) in
+ (* Check it is well sorted *)
+ (*let coqprod, prodtyp = aux ctx prod in
+ if not (isSort prodtyp) then
+ typing_error (IllSorted (loc, my_print_constr env ctx prodtyp));*)
+ let coqlambda = mkLambda (name, coqargtyp, coqbody) in
+ (coqlambda, prod)
+ | RProd(loc, name, dom, codom) ->
+ let coqdom, domtyp = aux ctx dom in
+ let coqcodom, codomtyp = aux ((name, None, coqdom) :: ctx) codom in
+ let s1, s2 = destSort domtyp, destSort codomtyp in
+ let s3 = sort_rel s1 s2 in
+ mkProd (name, coqdom, coqcodom), mkSort s3
+ | RLetIn(loc, var, def, body) ->
+ let coqdef, deftyp = aux ctx def in
+ let coqbody, bodytyp = aux ((var, Some coqdef, deftyp) :: ctx) body in
+ mkLetIn (var, coqdef, deftyp, coqbody),
+ Term.subst1 coqdef bodytyp
+ | RLetTuple(loc, names, (name, expr), def, body) -> error "Let tuple : Not implemented"
+ | RIf(loc, cond, (name, expr), bodyl, bodyr) ->
+ error "If: not implemented"
+ | RRec(loc, fix_kind, identifiersarr, rawdecllistarray,
+ rawconstrarray, rawconstrarray2) ->
+ error "Rec : Not implemented"
+ | RSort(loc, rsort) ->
+ let x, y =
+ (match rsort with
+ RProp Pos -> mk_Set, type_0
+ | RProp Null -> mk_Prop, type_0
+ | RType None -> type_0, type_0
+ | RType (Some u) -> Type u, type_0)
+ in mkSort x, mkSort y
+ | RHole(loc, k) ->
+ let ty = Evarutil.e_new_evar prog_info.evd env ~src:(loc,InternalHole) (Termops.new_Type ()) in
+ (Evarutil.e_new_evar prog_info.evd env ~src:(loc,k) ty), ty
+ | RCast(loc, expr, cast_kind, toexpr) ->
+ let coqexpr, exprtyp = aux ctx expr in
+ let coqtoexpr, toexprtyp = aux ctx toexpr in
+ mkCast (coqexpr, cast_kind, coqtoexpr), toexprtyp
+ | RCases _ (* of loc * rawconstr option *
+ (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list *
+ (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list *) ->
+ anomaly "Not implemented"
+ | REvar(loc, e_key, arglopt) ->
+ let evm = evars_of !(prog_info.evd) in
+ let evi = map evm e_key in
+ let args =
+ match arglopt with
+ Some l -> Array.of_list (List.map (fun e -> fst (aux ctx e)) l)
+ | None -> [||]
+ in
+ (match evi.evar_body with
+ Evar_defined v -> mkApp (v, args), evi.evar_concl
+ | _ ->
+ mkEvar (e_key, args), evi.evar_concl)
+ | RPatVar(loc, (b, pvar)) -> error "Found a pattern variable in a term to be typed"
+ | RDynamic(loc, d) ->
+ if (Dyn.tag d) = "constr" then
+ let c = Pretyping.constr_out d in
+ let j = (Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty c) in
+ j, c
+ else
+ user_err_loc (loc,"subtac.interp",(str "Not a constr tagged Dynamic"))
+ in aux ctx t
+let global_kind = Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition
+let goal_kind = Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Definition
+let make_fixpoint t id term =
+ let term' = mkLambda (Name id, t.f_fulltype, term) in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force fix,
+ [| t.arg_type; t.wf_relation; t.wf_proof; t.f_type;
+ mkLambda (Name t.arg_name, t.arg_type, term') |])
+let merge_evms x y =
+ Evd.fold (fun ev evi evm -> Evd.add evm ev evi) x y
+let subtac' recursive id env (s, t) =
+ check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"];
+ check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Specif"];
+ try
+ let evm = Evd.empty in
+ let coqintern = Constrintern.intern_constr evm env in
+ let coqinterp = Constrintern.interp_constr evm env in
+ let s, t = coqintern s, coqintern t in
+ let prog_info = { evd = ref (Evd.create_evar_defs evm); evm = evm; rec_info = None } in
+ trace (str "Begin infer_type of given spec");
+ let (evs, coqs) = Pretyping.understand_tcc evm env s and (evt, coqt) = Pretyping.understand_tcc evm env t in
+ debug 1 (str "Coq understands as : " ++ my_print_constr env [] coqs ++ str " : " ++ my_print_constr env [] coqt);
+ let coqtype, prog_info, ctx =
+ match recursive with
+ Some (n, t, rel, proof) ->
+ let coqrel = coqinterp rel in
+ let t', ttyp = interp prog_info env [] (coqintern t) in
+ let namen = Name n in
+ let coqs, styp = interp prog_info env [namen, None, t'] s in
+ let ftype = mkProd (namen, t', coqs) in
+ let fulltype =
+ mkProd (namen, t',
+ mkProd(Anonymous,
+ mkApp (coqrel, [| mkRel 1; mkRel 2 |]),
+ Term.subst1 (mkRel 2) coqs))
+ in
+ let proof =
+ match proof with
+ ManualProof p -> (* TODO: Check that t is a proof of well_founded rel *)
+ coqinterp p
+ | AutoProof ->
+ (try Lazy.force (Hashtbl.find wf_relations coqrel)
+ with Not_found ->
+ msg_warning
+ (str "No proof found for relation "
+ ++ my_print_constr env [] coqrel);
+ raise Not_found)
+ | ExistentialProof ->
+ let wf_rel = mkApp (Lazy.force well_founded, [| t'; coqrel |]) in
+ let key = mknewexist () in
+ prog_info.evm <- Evd.add prog_info.evm key
+ { Evd.evar_concl = wf_rel;
+ Evd.evar_hyps = Environ.empty_named_context_val;
+ Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty };
+ mkEvar (key, [| |])
+ in
+ let prog_info =
+ let rec_info =
+ { arg_name = n;
+ arg_type = t';
+ wf_relation = coqrel;
+ wf_proof = proof;
+ f_type = ftype;
+ f_fulltype = fulltype;
+ }
+ in { prog_info with rec_info = Some rec_info }
+ in
+ let coqctx =
+ [(Name id, None, ftype); (namen, None, t')]
+ in coqs, prog_info, coqctx
+ | None ->
+ let coqs, _ = interp prog_info env [] s in
+ coqs, prog_info, []
+ in
+ trace (str "Rewrite of spec done:" ++ my_print_constr env ctx coqtype);
+ let coqt, ttyp = interp prog_info env ctx t in
+ trace (str "Interpretation done:" ++ spc () ++
+ str "Interpreted term: " ++ my_print_constr env ctx coqt ++ spc () ++
+ str "Infered type: " ++ my_print_constr env ctx ttyp);
+ let coercespec = coerce prog_info env ctx ttyp coqtype in
+ trace (str "Specs coercion successfull");
+ let realt = app_opt coercespec coqt in
+ trace (str "Term Specs coercion successfull" ++
+ my_print_constr env ctx realt);
+ let realt =
+ match prog_info.rec_info with
+ Some t -> make_fixpoint t id realt
+ | None -> realt
+ in
+ let realt = Evarutil.whd_ise (evars_of !(prog_info.evd)) realt in
+ trace (str "Coq term" ++ my_print_constr env [] realt);
+ trace (str "Coq type" ++ my_print_constr env [] coqtype);
+ let evm = prog_info.evm in
+ (try trace (str "Original evar map: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_map evm);
+ with Not_found -> trace (str "Not found in pr_evar_map"));
+ let tac = Eterm.etermtac (evm, realt) in
+ msgnl (str "Starting proof");
+ Command.start_proof id goal_kind coqtype (fun _ _ -> ());
+ msgnl (str "Started proof");
+ Pfedit.by tac
+ with
+ | Typing_error e ->
+ msg_warning (str "Type error in Program tactic:");
+ let cmds =
+ (match e with
+ | NonFunctionalApp (loc, x, mux, e) ->
+ str "non functional application of term " ++
+ e ++ str " to function " ++ x ++ str " of (mu) type " ++ mux
+ | NonSigma (loc, t) ->
+ str "Term is not of Sigma type: " ++ t
+ | NonConvertible (loc, x, y) ->
+ str "Unconvertible terms:" ++ spc () ++
+ x ++ spc () ++ str "and" ++ spc () ++ y
+ | IllSorted (loc, t) ->
+ str "Term is ill-sorted:" ++ spc () ++ t
+ )
+ in msg_warning cmds
+ | Subtyping_error e ->
+ msg_warning (str "(Program tactic) Subtyping error:");
+ let cmds =
+ match e with
+ | UncoercibleInferType (loc, x, y) ->
+ str "Uncoercible terms:" ++ spc ()
+ ++ x ++ spc () ++ str "and" ++ spc () ++ y
+ | UncoercibleInferTerm (loc, x, y, tx, ty) ->
+ str "Uncoercible terms:" ++ spc ()
+ ++ tx ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc () ++ str "type" ++ spc () ++ x
+ ++ str "and" ++ spc() ++ ty ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc () ++ str "type" ++ spc () ++ y
+ | UncoercibleRewrite (x, y) ->
+ str "Uncoercible terms:" ++ spc ()
+ ++ x ++ spc () ++ str "and" ++ spc () ++ y
+ in msg_warning cmds
+ | e ->
+ msg_warning (str "Uncatched exception: " ++ str (Printexc.to_string e))
+ (*raise e*)
+let subtac recursive id env (s, t) =
+ subtac' recursive id (Global.env ()) (s, t)
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/natural.ml b/contrib/subtac/natural.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index a76d7357b..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/natural.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-type nat = int
-let (+) (x : nat) (y : nat) = x + y
-let (-) (x : nat) (y : nat) =
- if y > x then raise (Invalid_argument "in substraction")
- else x - y
-let succ (x : nat) = succ x
-let (<) (x : nat) (y : nat) = x < y
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/rewrite.ml b/contrib/subtac/rewrite.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index afbbd18af..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/rewrite.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
-open Evd
-open Libnames
-open Coqlib
-open Natural
-open Infer
-open Term
-open Names
-open Scoq
-open Pp
-open Printer
-open Util
-type recursion_info = {
- arg_name: identifier;
- arg_type: types; (* A *)
- wf_relation: constr; (* R : A -> A -> Prop *)
- wf_proof: constr; (* : well_founded R *)
- f_type: types; (* f: A -> Set *)
- f_fulltype: types; (* Type with argument and wf proof product first *)
-let id_of_name = function
- Name id -> id
- | Anonymous -> raise (Invalid_argument "id_of_name")
-let rel_to_vars ctx constr =
- let rec aux acc = function
- (n, _, _) :: ctx ->
- aux (Term.subst1 (mkVar n) acc) ctx
- | [] -> acc
- in aux constr ctx
-let subst_ctx ctx c =
- let rec aux ((ctx, n, c) as acc) = function
- (name, None, typ) :: tl ->
- aux (((id_of_name name, None, rel_to_vars ctx typ) :: ctx),
- pred n, c) tl
- | (name, Some term, typ) :: tl ->
- let t' = Term.substnl [term] n c in
- aux (ctx, n, t') tl
- | [] -> acc
- in
- let (x, _, z) = aux ([], pred (List.length ctx), c) (List.rev ctx) in
- (x, rel_to_vars x z)
-(* Anotation needed for failed generalization *)
-let named_context_of_ctx ctx : Sign.named_context =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (name, x, t) ctx ->
- let x' = match x with
- Some e -> Some (rel_to_vars ctx e)
- | None -> None
- and t' = rel_to_vars ctx t in
- (id_of_name name, x', t') :: ctx)
- ctx []
-let env_of_ctx ctx : Environ.env =
- Environ.push_rel_context ctx (Global.env ())
-let rels_of_ctx ctx =
- let n = List.length ctx in
- Array.init n (fun i -> mkRel (n - i))
-type prog_info = {
- mutable evm: evar_map;
- rec_info: recursion_info option;
-let my_print_constr ctx term =
- Termops.print_constr_env (env_of_ctx ctx) term
-let my_print_context ctx =
- Termops.print_rel_context (env_of_ctx ctx)
-let pair_of_array a = (a.(0), a.(1))
-let make_name s = Name (id_of_string s)
-let app_opt c e =
- match c with
- Some constr -> constr e
- | None -> e
-(* Standard ? *)
-let unlift n c =
- let rec aux n acc =
- if n = 0 then acc
- else aux (pred n) (Termops.pop acc)
- in aux n c
-let filter_defs l = List.filter (fun (_, c, _) -> c = None) l
-let evar_args ctx =
- let n = List.length ctx in
- let rec aux acc i = function
- (_, c, _) :: tl ->
- (match c with
- | None -> aux (mkRel i :: acc) (succ i) tl
- | Some _ -> aux acc (succ i) tl)
- | [] -> acc
- in Array.of_list (aux [] 1 ctx)
-let evar_ctx prog_info ctx =
- let ctx' =
- match prog_info.rec_info with
- Some ri ->
- let len = List.length ctx in
- assert(len >= 2);
- let rec aux l acc = function
- 0 ->
- (match l with
- (id, _, recf) :: arg :: [] -> arg :: (id, None, ri.f_fulltype) :: acc
- | _ -> assert(false))
- | n -> (match l with
- hd :: tl -> aux tl (hd :: acc) (pred n)
- | _ -> assert(false))
- in
- List.rev (aux ctx [] (len - 2))
- | None -> ctx
- in filter_defs ctx'
-let if_branches c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | App (c, l) ->
- (match kind_of_term c with
- Ind i ->
- let len = Array.length l in
- if len = 2
- then
- let (a, b) = pair_of_array l in
- Some (i, (a,b))
- else None
- | _ -> None)
- | _ -> None
-let disc_proj_exist ctx x =
- trace (str "disc_proj_exist: " ++ my_print_constr ctx x);
- match kind_of_term x with
- | App (c, l) ->
- (if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force sig_).proj1
- && Array.length l = 3
- then
- (match kind_of_term l.(2) with
- App (c, l) ->
- (match kind_of_term c with
- Construct c ->
- if c = Term.destConstruct (Lazy.force sig_).intro
- && Array.length l = 4
- then
- Some (l.(0), l.(1), l.(2), l.(3))
- else None
- | _ -> None)
- | _ -> None)
- else None)
- | _ -> None
-let rec rewrite_type prog_info ctx ((loc, t) as lt) : Term.types * Term.types =
- trace (str "rewrite_type: " ++ print_dtype_loc [] lt);
- trace (str "context: " ++ my_print_context ctx);
- let aux prog_info ctx x = fst (rewrite_type prog_info ctx x) in
- match t with
- DTPi ((name, a), b, s) ->
- let ta = aux prog_info ctx a in
- let ctx' = (snd name, None, ta) :: ctx in
- (mkProd (snd name, ta, aux prog_info ctx' b)), mkSort (snd s)
- | DTSigma ((name, a), b, s) ->
- let ta = aux prog_info ctx a in
- let ctx' = (snd name, None, ta) :: ctx in
- mkApp ((Lazy.force existS).typ,
- [| ta;
- mkLambda
- (snd name, ta, aux prog_info ctx' b) |]),
- mkSort (snd s)
- | DTSubset ((name, a), b, s) ->
- let ta = aux prog_info ctx a in
- let name = Name (snd name) in
- let ctx' = (name, None, ta) :: ctx in
- (mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).typ,
- [| ta; mkLambda (name, ta, aux prog_info ctx' b) |])),
- mkSort (snd s)
- | DTRel i ->
- let (_, term, typ) = List.nth ctx i in
- let t =
- (*match term with
- Some t -> Term.lift (succ i) t
- | None -> *)mkRel (succ i)
- in t, Term.lift (succ i) typ
- | DTApp (x, y, t, _) ->
- let (cx, tx), (cy, ty) =
- rewrite_type prog_info ctx x, rewrite_type prog_info ctx y
- in
- let coercex, coqx = mutype prog_info ctx tx in
- let narg, targ, tres =
- match decompose_prod_n 1 coqx with
- [x, y], z -> x, y, z
- | _ -> assert(false)
- in
- debug 2 (str "Coercion for type application: " ++
- my_print_constr ctx cx ++ spc ()
- ++ my_print_constr ctx cy);
- let coercey = coerce prog_info ctx ty targ in
- let t' = Term.subst1 (app_opt coercey cy) tres in
- let term = mkApp (app_opt coercex cx, [|app_opt coercey cy|]) in
- debug 1 (str "Term obtained after coercion (at application): " ++
- my_print_constr ctx term);
- term, t'
- | DTCoq (t, dt, _) ->
- (* type should be equivalent to 'aux prog_info ctx dt' *)
- t, Typing.type_of (env_of_ctx ctx) prog_info.evm t
- | DTTerm (t, dt, _) -> rewrite_term prog_info ctx t
- | DTSort s -> mkSort (snd s), mkSort type_0 (* false *)
- | DTInd (_, t, i, s) ->
- let (_, ind) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env ()) i in
- mkInd i, ind.Declarations.mind_nf_arity
-and mutype prog_info ctx t =
- match disc_subset t with
- Some (u, p) ->
- let f, ct = mutype prog_info ctx u in
- (Some (fun x ->
- app_opt f (mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).proj1,
- [| u; p; x |]))),
- ct)
- | None -> (None, t)
-and muterm prog_info ctx t = mutype prog_info ctx t
-and coerce' prog_info ctx x y : (Term.constr -> Term.constr) option =
- let subco () = subset_coerce prog_info ctx x y in
- trace (str "Coercion from " ++ (my_print_constr ctx x) ++
- str " to "++ my_print_constr ctx y);
- match (kind_of_term x, kind_of_term y) with
- | Sort s, Sort s' ->
- (match s, s' with
- Prop x, Prop y when x = y -> None
- | Prop _, Type _ -> None
- | Type x, Type y when x = y -> None (* false *)
- | _ -> subco ())
- | Prod (name, a, b), Prod (name', a', b') ->
- let c1 = coerce prog_info ctx a' a in
- let bsubst = Term.subst1 (app_opt c1 (mkRel 1)) b in
- let c2 = coerce prog_info ((name', None, a') :: ctx) bsubst b' in
- (match c1, c2 with
- None, None -> None
- | _, _ ->
- Some
- (fun f ->
- mkLambda (name', a',
- app_opt c2
- (mkApp (Term.lift 1 f,
- [| app_opt c1 (mkRel 1) |])))))
- | App (c, l), App (c', l') ->
- (match kind_of_term c, kind_of_term c' with
- Ind i, Ind i' ->
- let len = Array.length l in
- let existS = Lazy.force existS and sig_ = Lazy.force sig_ in
- if len = Array.length l' && len = 2
- && i = i' && i = Term.destInd existS.typ
- then
- begin (* Sigma types *)
- debug 1 (str "In coerce sigma types");
- let (a, pb), (a', pb') =
- pair_of_array l, pair_of_array l'
- in
- let c1 = coerce prog_info ctx a a' in
- let remove_head c =
- let (_, _, x) = Term.destProd c in
- x
- in
- let b, b' = remove_head pb, remove_head pb' in
- let b'subst =
- match c1 with
- None -> b'
- | Some c1 -> Term.subst1 (c1 (mkRel 1)) b'
- in
- let ctx' = (make_name "x", None, a) :: ctx in
- let c2 = coerce prog_info ctx' b b'subst in
- match c1, c2 with
- None, None -> None
- | _, _ ->
- Some
- (fun x ->
- let x, y =
- app_opt c1 (mkApp (existS.proj1,
- [| a; pb; x |])),
- app_opt c2 (mkApp (existS.proj2,
- [| a; pb'; x |]))
- in
- mkApp (existS.intro, [| x ; y |]))
- end
- else subco ()
- | _ -> subco ())
- | _, _ -> subco ()
-and coerce prog_info ctx (x : Term.constr) (y : Term.constr)
- : (Term.constr -> Term.constr) option
- =
- try let cstrs = Reduction.conv_leq (Global.env ()) x y in None
- with Reduction.NotConvertible -> coerce' prog_info ctx x y
-and disc_subset x =
- match kind_of_term x with
- | App (c, l) ->
- (match kind_of_term c with
- Ind i ->
- let len = Array.length l in
- let sig_ = Lazy.force sig_ in
- if len = 2 && i = Term.destInd sig_.typ
- then
- let (a, b) = pair_of_array l in
- Some (a, b)
- else None
- | _ -> None)
- | _ -> None
-and disc_exist ctx x =
- trace (str "Disc_exist: " ++ my_print_constr ctx x);
- match kind_of_term x with
- | App (c, l) ->
- (match kind_of_term c with
- Construct c ->
- if c = Term.destConstruct (Lazy.force sig_).intro
- then Some (l.(0), l.(1), l.(2), l.(3))
- else None
- | _ -> None)
- | _ -> None
-and subset_coerce prog_info ctx x y =
- match disc_subset x with
- Some (u, p) ->
- let c = coerce prog_info ctx u y in
- let f x =
- app_opt c (mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).proj1,
- [| u; p; x |]))
- in Some f
- | None ->
- match disc_subset y with
- Some (u, p) ->
- let c = coerce prog_info ctx x u in
- let t = id_of_string "t" in
- let evarinfo x =
- let cx = app_opt c x in
- let pcx = mkApp (p, [| cx |]) in
- let ctx', pcx' = subst_ctx ctx pcx in
- cx, {
- Evd.evar_concl = pcx';
- Evd.evar_hyps =
- Environ.val_of_named_context (evar_ctx prog_info ctx');
- Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty;
- }
- in
- Some
- (fun x ->
- let key = mknewexist () in
- let cx, evi = evarinfo x in
- prog_info.evm <- Evd.add prog_info.evm key evi;
- (mkApp
- ((Lazy.force sig_).intro,
- [| u; p; cx;
- mkEvar (key, evar_args ctx) |])))
- | None ->
- (try
- let cstrs = Reduction.conv (Global.env ()) x y
- in
- ignore(Univ.merge_constraints cstrs (Global.universes ()));
- Some (fun x ->
- mkCast (x, DEFAULTcast, y))
- with
- Reduction.NotConvertible ->
- subtyping_error
- (UncoercibleRewrite (my_print_constr ctx x,
- my_print_constr ctx y))
- | e -> raise e)
-and rewrite_term prog_info ctx (t : dterm_loc) : Term.constr * Term.types =
- let rec aux ctx (loc, t) =
- match t with
- | DRel i ->
- let (_, term, typ) = List.nth ctx i in
- let t = mkRel (succ i) in
- t, Term.lift (succ i) typ
- | DLambda ((name, targ), e, t) ->
- let argt, argtt = rewrite_type prog_info ctx targ in
- let coqe, et =
- rewrite_term prog_info ((snd name, None, argt) :: ctx) e
- in
- let coqt = mkLambda (snd name, argt, coqe)
- and t = mkProd (snd name, argt, et) in
- (coqt, t)
- | DApp (f, e, t) ->
- let cf, ft = rewrite_term prog_info ctx f in
- let coercef, coqt = muterm prog_info ctx ft in
- let narg, targ, tres =
- match decompose_prod_n 1 coqt with
- [x, y], z -> x, y, z
- | _ -> assert(false)
- in
- let ce, te = rewrite_term prog_info ctx e in
- debug 2 (str "Coercion for application" ++
- my_print_constr ctx cf ++ spc ()
- ++ my_print_constr ctx ce);
- let call x =
- let len = List.length ctx in
- let cf = app_opt coercef cf in
- match prog_info.rec_info with
- Some r ->
- (match kind_of_term cf with
- Rel i when i = (pred len) ->
- debug 3 (str "Spotted recursive call!");
- let ctx', proof =
- subst_ctx ctx (mkApp (r.wf_relation,
- [| x; mkRel len |]))
- in
- let evarinfo =
- {
- Evd.evar_concl = proof;
- Evd.evar_hyps =
- Environ.val_of_named_context
- (evar_ctx prog_info ctx');
- Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty;
- }
- in
- let key = mknewexist () in
- prog_info.evm <- Evd.add prog_info.evm key evarinfo;
- mkApp (cf, [| x; mkEvar(key, evar_args ctx) |])
- | _ -> mkApp (cf, [| x |]))
- | None -> mkApp (cf, [| x |])
- in
- let coercee = coerce prog_info ctx te targ in
- let t' = Term.subst1 (app_opt coercee ce) tres in
- let t = call (app_opt coercee ce) in
- debug 2 (str "Term obtained after coercion (at application): " ++
- Termops.print_constr_env (env_of_ctx ctx) t);
- t, t'
- | DSum ((x, t), (t', u), stype) ->
- let ct, ctt = rewrite_term prog_info ctx t in
- let ctxterm = (snd x, Some ct, ctt) :: ctx in
- let ctxtype = (snd x, Some ct, ctt) :: ctx in
- let ct', tt' = rewrite_term prog_info ctxterm t' in
- let cu, _ = rewrite_type prog_info ctxtype u in
- let coercet' = coerce prog_info ctxtype tt' cu in
- let lam = Term.subst1 ct (app_opt coercet' ct') in
- debug 1 (str "Term obtained after coercion: " ++
- Termops.print_constr_env (env_of_ctx ctx) lam);
- let t' =
- mkApp ((Lazy.force existS).typ,
- [| ctt; mkLambda (snd x, ctt, cu) |])
- in
- mkApp ((Lazy.force existS).intro,
- [| ctt ; mkLambda (snd x, ctt, cu);
- ct; lam |]), t'
- | DLetIn (x, e, e', t) ->
- let ce, et' = rewrite_term prog_info ctx e in
- let ce', t' = aux ((snd x, (Some ce), et') :: ctx) e' in
- mkLetIn (snd x, ce, et', ce'), t'
- | DLetTuple (l, e, e', t) ->
- (* let (a, b) = e in e', l = [b, a] *)
- let ce, et = rewrite_term prog_info ctx e in
- debug 1 (str "Let tuple, e = " ++
- my_print_constr ctx ce ++
- str "type of e: " ++ my_print_constr ctx et);
- let l, ctx' =
- let rec aux acc ctx = function
- (x, t, t') :: tl ->
- let tx, _ = rewrite_type prog_info ctx t in
- let trest, _ = rewrite_type prog_info ctx t' in
- let ctx' = (snd x, None, tx) :: ctx in
- aux ((x, tx, trest) :: acc) ctx' tl
- | [] -> (acc), ctx
- in aux [] ctx (List.rev l)
- in
- let ce', et' = aux ctx' e' in
- let et' = mkLambda (Anonymous, et,
- unlift (pred (List.length l)) et') in
- debug 1 (str "Let tuple, type of e': " ++
- my_print_constr ctx' et');
- let ind = destInd (Lazy.force existSind) in
- let ci = Inductiveops.make_default_case_info
- (Global.env ()) RegularStyle ind
- in
- let lambda =
- let rec aux acc = function
- (x, t, tt) :: (_ :: _) as tl ->
- let lam = mkLambda (snd x, t, acc) in
- let term =
- mkLambda (make_name "dummy", tt,
- mkCase (ci, et', mkRel 1, [| lam |]))
- in aux term tl
- | (x, t, _) :: [] ->
- let lam = mkLambda (snd x, t, acc) in
- mkCase (ci, et', ce, [| lam |])
- | _ -> assert(false)
- in
- match l with
- (x, t, t') :: tl ->
- aux (mkLambda (snd x, t, ce')) tl
- | [] -> failwith "DLetTuple with empty list!"
- in
- debug 1 (str "Let tuple term: " ++ my_print_constr ctx lambda);
- lambda, et'
- | DIfThenElse (b, e, e', tif) ->
- let name = Name (id_of_string "H") in
- let (cb, tb) = aux ctx b in
- (match if_branches tb with
- Some (ind, (t, f)) ->
- let ci = Inductiveops.make_default_case_info
- (Global.env ()) IfStyle ind
- in
- let (ce, te), (ce', te') =
- aux ((name, None, t) :: ctx) e,
- aux ((name, None, f) :: ctx) e'
- in
- let lam = mkLambda (Anonymous, tb, te) in
- let true_case =
- mkLambda (name, t, ce)
- and false_case =
- mkLambda (name, f, ce')
- in
- (mkCase (ci, lam, cb, [| true_case; false_case |])),
- (Termops.pop te)
- | None -> failwith ("Ill-typed if"))
- | DCoq (constr, t) -> constr,
- Typing.type_of (env_of_ctx ctx) prog_info.evm constr
- in aux ctx t
-let global_kind = Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition
-let goal_kind = Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Definition
-let make_fixpoint t id term =
- let term' = mkLambda (Name id, t.f_fulltype, term) in
- mkApp (Lazy.force fix,
- [| t.arg_type; t.wf_relation; t.wf_proof; t.f_type;
- mkLambda (Name t.arg_name, t.arg_type, term') |])
-let subtac recursive id (s, t) =
- check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"];
- check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Specif"];
- try
- let prog_info = { evm = Evd.empty; rec_info = None } in
- trace (str "Begin infer_type of given spec");
- let coqtype, coqtype', coqtype'', prog_info, ctx, coqctx =
- match recursive with
- Some (n, t, rel, proof) ->
- let t' = infer_type [] t in
- let namen = Name n in
- let coqt = infer_type [namen, t'] s in
- let t'', _ = rewrite_type prog_info [] t' in
- let coqt', _ = rewrite_type prog_info [namen, None, t''] coqt in
- let ftype = mkLambda (namen, t'', coqt') in
- let fulltype =
- mkProd (namen, t'',
- mkProd(Anonymous,
- mkApp (rel, [| mkRel 1; mkRel 2 |]),
- Term.subst1 (mkRel 2) coqt'))
- in
- let proof =
- match proof with
- ManualProof p -> p (* Check that t is a proof of well_founded rel *)
- | AutoProof ->
- (try Lazy.force (Hashtbl.find wf_relations rel)
- with Not_found ->
- msg_warning
- (str "No proof found for relation "
- ++ my_print_constr [] rel);
- raise Not_found)
- | ExistentialProof ->
- let wf_rel = mkApp (Lazy.force well_founded, [| t''; rel |]) in
- let key = mknewexist () in
- prog_info.evm <- Evd.add prog_info.evm key
- { Evd.evar_concl = wf_rel;
- Evd.evar_hyps = Environ.empty_named_context_val;
- Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty };
- mkEvar (key, [| |])
- in
- let prog_info =
- let rec_info =
- { arg_name = n;
- arg_type = t'';
- wf_relation = rel;
- wf_proof = proof;
- f_type = ftype;
- f_fulltype = fulltype;
- }
- in { prog_info with rec_info = Some rec_info }
- in
- let coqtype = dummy_loc,
- DTPi (((dummy_loc, namen), t'), coqt,
- sort_of_dtype_loc [] coqt)
- in
- let coqtype' = mkProd (namen, t'', coqt') in
- let ctx = [(Name id, coqtype); (namen, t')]
- and coqctx =
- [(Name id, None, coqtype'); (namen, None, t'')]
- in coqt, coqt', coqtype', prog_info, ctx, coqctx
- | None ->
- let coqt = infer_type [] s in
- let coqt', _ = rewrite_type prog_info [] coqt in
- coqt, coqt', coqt', prog_info, [], []
- in
- trace (str "Rewrite of coqtype done" ++
- str "coqtype' = " ++ pr_constr coqtype');
- let dterm, dtype = infer ctx t in
- trace (str "Inference done" ++ spc () ++
- str "Infered term: " ++ print_dterm_loc ctx dterm ++ spc () ++
- str "Infered type: " ++ print_dtype_loc ctx dtype);
- let dterm', dtype' =
- fst (rewrite_term prog_info coqctx dterm),
- fst (rewrite_type prog_info coqctx dtype)
- in
- trace (str "Rewrite done" ++ spc () ++
- str "Inferred Coq term:" ++ pr_constr dterm' ++ spc () ++
- str "Inferred Coq type:" ++ pr_constr dtype' ++ spc () ++
- str "Rewritten Coq type:" ++ pr_constr coqtype');
- let coercespec = coerce prog_info coqctx dtype' coqtype' in
- trace (str "Specs coercion successfull");
- let realt = app_opt coercespec dterm' in
- trace (str "Term Specs coercion successfull" ++
- my_print_constr coqctx realt);
- let realt =
- match prog_info.rec_info with
- Some t -> make_fixpoint t id realt
- | None -> realt
- in
- trace (str "Coq term" ++ my_print_constr [] realt);
- trace (str "Coq type" ++ my_print_constr [] coqtype'');
- let evm = prog_info.evm in
- (try trace (str "Original evar map: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_map evm);
- with Not_found -> trace (str "Not found in pr_evar_map"));
- let tac = Eterm.etermtac (evm, realt) in
- msgnl (str "Starting proof");
- Command.start_proof id goal_kind coqtype'' (fun _ _ -> ());
- msgnl (str "Started proof");
- Pfedit.by tac
- with
- | Typing_error e ->
- msg_warning (str "Type error in Program tactic:");
- let cmds =
- (match e with
- | NonFunctionalApp (loc, x, mux) ->
- str "non functional type app of term " ++
- x ++ str " of (mu) type " ++ mux
- | NonSigma (loc, t) ->
- str "Term is not of Sigma type: " ++ t
- | NonConvertible (loc, x, y) ->
- str "Unconvertible terms:" ++ spc () ++
- x ++ spc () ++ str "and" ++ spc () ++ y
- )
- in msg_warning cmds
- | Subtyping_error e ->
- msg_warning (str "(Program tactic) Subtyping error:");
- let cmds =
- match e with
- | UncoercibleInferType (loc, x, y) ->
- str "Uncoercible terms:" ++ spc ()
- ++ x ++ spc () ++ str "and" ++ spc () ++ y
- | UncoercibleInferTerm (loc, x, y, tx, ty) ->
- str "Uncoercible terms:" ++ spc ()
- ++ tx ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc () ++ str "type" ++ spc () ++ x
- ++ str "and" ++ spc() ++ ty ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc () ++ str "type" ++ spc () ++ y
- | UncoercibleRewrite (x, y) ->
- str "Uncoercible terms:" ++ spc ()
- ++ x ++ spc () ++ str "and" ++ spc () ++ y
- in msg_warning cmds
- | e -> raise e
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/rewrite.mli b/contrib/subtac/rewrite.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 17660e14a..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/rewrite.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-val subtac :
- (Names.identifier * Sast.type_loc * Term.constr * Scoq.wf_proof_type) option ->
- Names.identifier -> Sast.type_loc * Sast.term_loc -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/sast.ml b/contrib/subtac/sast.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0ca759d..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/sast.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-open Names
-open Util
-type const = CNat of int | CInt of int | CBool of bool
-type term =
- SIdent of identifier located
- | SLambda of (identifier located * type_ located) * term located
- | SApp of term located * term located
- | SLetIn of (name located) * (term located) * term located
- | SLetTuple of (name located) list * term located * term located
- | SIfThenElse of (term located) * (term located) * (term located)
- | SSumInf of (term located) * (term located)
- | SSumDep of (identifier located * term located) * (term located * type_ located)
-and lettuple_el = (identifier located) option * term_loc * type_loc option
-and term_loc = term located
-and type_ =
- | TApp of type_loc * type_loc
- | TPi of (name located * type_loc) * type_loc
- | TSigma of (name located * type_loc) * type_loc
- | TSubset of (identifier located * type_loc) * type_loc
- | TIdent of identifier located
- | TTerm of term_loc
-and type_loc = type_ located
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/scoq.ml b/contrib/subtac/scoq.ml
index 52acb845d..a864b95c9 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/scoq.ml
+++ b/contrib/subtac/scoq.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
open Evd
open Libnames
open Coqlib
-open Natural
open Term
open Names
@@ -16,6 +15,8 @@ let build_sig () =
let sig_ = lazy (build_sig ())
+let eqind = lazy (gen_constant "subtac" ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq")
let boolind = lazy (gen_constant "subtac" ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "bool")
let sumboolind = lazy (gen_constant "subtac" ["Init"; "Specif"] "sumbool")
let natind = lazy (gen_constant "subtac" ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "nat")
@@ -66,7 +67,5 @@ let std_relations = Lazy.lazy_from_fun std_relations
type wf_proof_type =
- | ManualProof of Term.constr
+ | ManualProof of Topconstr.constr_expr
| ExistentialProof
-let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/sparser.ml4 b/contrib/subtac/sparser.ml4
index dbb149c20..38ef0a7aa 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/sparser.ml4
+++ b/contrib/subtac/sparser.ml4
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ open Term
open Libnames
open Topconstr
-open Sast
(* We define new entries for programs, with the use of this module
* Subtac. These entries are named Subtac.<foo>
@@ -38,8 +36,6 @@ module Subtac =
let gec s = Gram.Entry.create ("Subtac."^s)
(* types *)
- let subtac_spec : type_loc Gram.Entry.e = gec "subtac_spec"
- let subtac_term : term_loc Gram.Entry.e = gec "subtac_term"
let subtac_wf_proof_type : Scoq.wf_proof_type Gram.Entry.e = gec "subtac_wf_proof_type"
(* Hack to parse "(x:=t)" as an explicit argument without conflicts with the *)
@@ -85,144 +81,11 @@ open Subtac
open Util
- GLOBAL: subtac_spec subtac_term subtac_wf_proof_type;
- (* Types ******************************************************************)
- subtac_spec:
- [
- "10" LEFTA
- [ t = subtac_spec; t' = subtac_spec -> loc, TApp (t, t') ]
- | [ t = subtac_spec_no_app -> t ]
- ];
- subtac_spec_no_app:
- [ [
- "(" ; t = subtac_spec_lpar_open -> t
- | "[" ; x = subtac_binder_opt; "]"; t = subtac_spec ->
- loc, TSigma (x, t)
- | "{" ; x = subtac_binder; "|"; p = subtac_spec; "}"; "->"; t = subtac_spec ->
- let ((locx, i), tx) = x in
- loc, TPi (((locx, Name i), (loc, TSubset (x, p))), t)
- | "{" ; x = subtac_binder; "|"; p = subtac_spec; "}" ->
- loc, TSubset(x, p)
- | t = subtac_type_ident; f = subtac_spec_tident -> f t
- ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_spec_no_app_loc:
- [ [ x = subtac_spec_no_app -> (loc, x) ]
- ];
- subtac_spec_tident:
- [ [
- "->"; t' = subtac_spec ->
- fun t -> loc, TPi (((dummy_loc, Anonymous), t), t')
- | -> (fun x -> x)
- ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_spec_lpar_open:
- [
- [ s = subtac_identifier; t = subtac_spec_lpar_name -> t s
- | s = subtac_spec; ")" -> s ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_spec_lpar_name:
- [
- [ ":" ; y = subtac_spec; ")"; t = subtac_spec ->
- (fun s -> loc, TPi ((((fst s), Name (snd s)), y), t))
- | l = LIST1 subtac_spec_no_app_loc; ")" -> fun s ->
- List.fold_left (fun acc x ->
- (join_loc (fst acc) (fst x), TApp (acc, snd x)))
- (fst s, TIdent s) l
- ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_binder:
- [ [ s = subtac_identifier; ":"; t = subtac_spec -> let (l,s) = s in
- ((loc, s), t)
- | "{"; x = subtac_binder; "|"; p = subtac_spec; "}" ->
- let ((l, s), t) = x in
- ((l, s), (loc, TSubset (x, p)))
- ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_identifier:
- [ [ s = IDENT -> (loc, id_of_string s) ] ]
- ;
- subtac_real_name:
- [ [ s = IDENT -> (loc, Name (id_of_string s))
- (* | "_" -> loc, Anonymous111 *)
- ] ]
- ;
- subtac_name:
- [ [ n = OPT subtac_real_name -> match n with Some n -> n | None -> loc, Anonymous ] ]
- ;
- subtac_binder_opt:
- [ [ s = subtac_name; ":"; t = subtac_spec -> (s, t) ] ]
- ;
- subtac_type_ident:
- [ [ s = subtac_identifier -> loc, TIdent s ] ]
- ;
- subtac_term:
- [
- "20" LEFTA
- [ t = subtac_term; t' = subtac_term ->
- let loc = join_loc (fst t) (fst t') in
- loc, SApp (t, t')
- ]
- | "10"
- [
- i = subtac_identifier -> loc, SIdent i
- | "fun"; bl = LIST1 subtac_binder; "=>"; p = subtac_term ->
- (List.fold_left
- (fun acc (((loc, s), (loc', t)) as b) ->
- (join_loc loc (fst acc), SLambda (b, acc))) p bl)
- | "let"; "("; nl = LIST0 subtac_name SEP ","; ")" ; "="; t = subtac_term;
- "in"; t' = subtac_term ->
- loc, (SLetTuple (nl, t, t'))
- | "let"; i = subtac_name; "="; t = subtac_term; "in"; t' = subtac_term ->
- loc, (SLetIn (i, t, t'))
- | "if"; b = subtac_term; "then"; t = subtac_term; "else"; t' = subtac_term ->
- loc, SIfThenElse (b, t, t')
- | "("; t = subtac_lpar_term -> t
- ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_lpar_term:
- [ [
- x = test_id_coloneq; t = subtac_term; ",";
- t' = subtac_term; ":"; tt = subtac_spec; ")" ->
- (loc, (SSumDep (((dummy_loc, x), t), (t', tt))))
- | t = subtac_term; f = subtac_lpar_term_term -> f t
- ]
- ]
- ;
- subtac_lpar_term_term:
- [ [
- ","; t' = subtac_term; ")" ->
- (fun t -> loc, (SSumInf (t, t')))
- | ")" -> (fun x -> x)
- ] ]
- ;
+ GLOBAL: subtac_wf_proof_type;
[ [ IDENT "proof"; t = Constr.constr ->
- Scoq.ManualProof (Scoq.constr_of t)
+ Scoq.ManualProof t
| IDENT "auto" -> Scoq.AutoProof
| -> Scoq.ExistentialProof
@@ -230,20 +93,8 @@ GEXTEND Gram
-type type_loc_argtype = (type_loc, constr_expr, Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
-type term_loc_argtype = (term_loc, constr_expr, Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
type wf_proof_type_argtype = (Scoq.wf_proof_type, constr_expr, Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
-let (wit_subtac_spec : type_loc_argtype),
- (globwit_subtac_spec : type_loc_argtype),
- (rawwit_subtac_spec : type_loc_argtype) =
- Genarg.create_arg "subtac_spec"
-let (wit_subtac_term : term_loc_argtype),
- (globwit_subtac_term : term_loc_argtype),
- (rawwit_subtac_term : term_loc_argtype) =
- Genarg.create_arg "subtac_term"
let (wit_subtac_wf_proof_type : wf_proof_type_argtype),
(globwit_subtac_wf_proof_type : wf_proof_type_argtype),
(rawwit_subtac_wf_proof_type : wf_proof_type_argtype) =
@@ -251,15 +102,14 @@ let (wit_subtac_wf_proof_type : wf_proof_type_argtype),
[ "Recursive" "program" ident(id)
- "(" ident(recid) ":" subtac_spec(rect) ")"
+ "(" ident(recid) ":" constr(rect) ")"
"using" constr(wf_relation)
- subtac_wf_proof_type(wf)
- ":" subtac_spec(s) ":=" subtac_term(t) ] ->
- [ Rewrite.subtac (Some (recid, rect,
- Scoq.constr_of wf_relation, wf)) id (s, t) ]
+ subtac_wf_proof_type(wf)
+ ":" constr(s) ":=" constr(t) ] ->
+ [ Interp.subtac (Some (recid, rect, wf_relation, wf)) id Environ.empty_env (s, t) ]
-[ "Program" ident(id) ":" subtac_spec(s) ":=" subtac_term(t) ] ->
-[ Rewrite.subtac None id (s, t) ]
+[ "Program" ident(id) ":" operconstr(s) ":=" constr(t) ] ->
+ [ Interp.subtac None id Environ.empty_env (s, t) ]
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/sutils.ml b/contrib/subtac/sutils.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64365b676..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/sutils.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-let list_index x l =
- let rec aux i = function
- y :: tl -> if x = y then i else aux (succ i) tl
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- in aux 0 l
-let list_assoc_index x l =
- let rec aux i = function
- (y, _) :: tl -> if x = y then i else aux (succ i) tl
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- in aux 0 l
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/sutils.mli b/contrib/subtac/sutils.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 00dd00b1c..000000000
--- a/contrib/subtac/sutils.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-val list_index : 'a -> 'a list -> int
-val list_assoc_index : 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> int