path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml b/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml
index a6d744ba4..9b971ef5a 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml
+++ b/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml
@@ -423,14 +423,13 @@ let mk_inductive_obj sp packs variables hyps finite =
(* The current channel for .theory files *)
-let theory_channel = ref None;;
+let theory_buffer = Buffer.create 4000;;
-let theory_output_string s =
+let theory_output_string ?(do_not_quote = false) s =
(* prepare for coqdoc post-processing *)
- let s = "(** #"^s^"\n#*)\n" in
- match !theory_channel with
- Some ch -> output_string ch s;
- | None -> print_string s; flush stdout
+ let s = if do_not_quote then s else "(** #"^s^"\n#*)\n" in
+ print_if_verbose s;
+ Buffer.add_string theory_buffer s
let kind_of_theorem = function
@@ -623,9 +622,7 @@ let _ =
let _ =
(function () ->
- theory_channel :=
- Util.option_app (fun fn -> open_out (fn^".v"))
- (theory_filename xml_library_root);
+ Buffer.reset theory_buffer;
theory_output_string "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"latin1\"?>\n";
theory_output_string "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:ht=\"http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/namespaces/helm-theory\">\n";
theory_output_string "<head>\n<style> A { text-decoration: none } </style>\n</head>\n")
@@ -635,8 +632,17 @@ let _ =
(function () ->
theory_output_string "</html>\n";
- Util.option_iter close_out !theory_channel;
- Util.option_iter
+ let ofn = theory_filename xml_library_root in
+ begin
+ match ofn with
+ None ->
+ Buffer.output_buffer stdout theory_buffer ;
+ | Some fn ->
+ let ch = open_out (fn ^ ".v") in
+ Buffer.output_buffer ch theory_buffer ;
+ close_out ch
+ end ;
+ Util.option_iter
(fun fn ->
let coqdoc = Coq_config.bindir^"/coqdoc" in
let options = " --html -s --body-only --no-index --latin1 --raw-comments" in
@@ -650,14 +656,10 @@ let _ =
command ("mv "^dir^"/"^dot^"*.html "^fn^".xml ");
command ("rm "^fn^".v");
print_string("\nWriting on file \"" ^ fn ^ ".xml\" was succesful\n"))
- (theory_filename xml_library_root))
+ ofn)
-let _ =
- Lexer.set_xml_output_comment
- (fun s ->
- output_string (match !theory_channel with Some ch -> ch | _ -> stdout) s)
+let _ = Lexer.set_xml_output_comment (theory_output_string ~do_not_quote:true) ;;
let uri_of_dirpath dir =
"/" ^ String.concat "/"