path: root/contrib
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7 files changed, 610 insertions, 660 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
index 58bcd927e..7dc1b4c47 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -26,8 +27,9 @@ open Mlutil
open Closure
open Summary
open Nametab
-(*s Extraction results. *)
+(*S Extraction results. *)
(* The flag [type_var] gives us information about an identifier
coming from a Lambda or a Product:
@@ -63,14 +65,6 @@ let default = (Info, NotArity)
type signature = type_var list
-(* When dealing with CIC contexts, we maintain corresponding contexts
- telling whether a variable will be kept or will disappear.
- Cf. [renum_db]. *)
-(* Convention: innermost ([Rel 1]) is at the head of the list *)
-type extraction_context = bool list
(* The [type_extraction_result] is the result of the [extract_type] function
that extracts a CIC object into an ML type. It is either:
@@ -84,55 +78,93 @@ type type_extraction_result =
| Tarity
| Tprop
-(* The [term_extraction_result] is the result of the [extract_term]
- function that extracts a CIC object into an ML term *)
+(* The [indutive_extraction_result] is the dual of [type_extraction_result],
+ but for inductive types. *)
+type inductive_extraction_result =
+ | Iml of signature * identifier list
+ | Iprop
-type term_extraction_result =
- | Rmlterm of ml_ast
- | Rprop
+(* For an informative constructor, the [constructor_extraction_result] contains
+ the list of the types of its arguments, a signature, and the number of
+ parameters to discard. *)
+type constructor_extraction_result =
+ | Cml of ml_type list * signature * int
+ | Cprop
(* The [extraction_result] is the result of the [extract_constr]
- function that extracts any CIC object. It is either a ML type, a ML
- object or something non-informative. *)
+ function that extracts any CIC object. It is either a ML type or
+ a ML object. *)
type extraction_result =
| Emltype of ml_type * signature * identifier list
| Emlterm of ml_ast
-(*s Utility functions. *)
+(*S Tables to keep the extraction results. *)
+let inductive_table =
+ ref (Gmap.empty : (inductive, inductive_extraction_result) Gmap.t)
+let add_inductive i e = inductive_table := Gmap.add i e !inductive_table
+let lookup_inductive i = Gmap.find i !inductive_table
+let constructor_table =
+ ref (Gmap.empty : (constructor, constructor_extraction_result) Gmap.t)
+let add_constructor c e = constructor_table := Gmap.add c e !constructor_table
+let lookup_constructor c = Gmap.find c !constructor_table
+let constant_table =
+ ref (Gmap.empty : (section_path, extraction_result) Gmap.t)
+let add_constant sp e = constant_table := Gmap.add sp e !constant_table
+let lookup_constant sp = Gmap.find sp !constant_table
+let signature_table = ref (Gmap.empty : (section_path, signature) Gmap.t)
+let add_signature sp s = signature_table := Gmap.add sp s !signature_table
+let lookup_signature sp = Gmap.find sp !signature_table
+(* Tables synchronization. *)
+let freeze () =
+ !inductive_table, !constructor_table, !constant_table, !signature_table
+let unfreeze (it,cst,ct,st) =
+ inductive_table := it; constructor_table := cst;
+ constant_table := ct; signature_table := st
+let _ = declare_summary "Extraction tables"
+ { freeze_function = freeze;
+ unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ init_function = (fun () -> ());
+ survive_section = true }
+(*S Utility functions. *)
let none = Evd.empty
-let type_of env c = Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty (strip_outer_cast c)
+let type_of env c = Retyping.get_type_of env none (strip_outer_cast c)
-let sort_of env c =
- Retyping.get_sort_family_of env Evd.empty (strip_outer_cast c)
+let sort_of env c = Retyping.get_sort_family_of env none (strip_outer_cast c)
open RedFlags
-let whd_betaiotalet = clos_norm_flags (mkflags [fBETA;fIOTA;fZETA])
+let betaiotazeta = clos_norm_flags (mkflags [fBETA;fIOTA;fZETA])
+(* TODO: verifier si c'est bien de la réduction de tete... *)
let is_axiom sp = (Global.lookup_constant sp).const_body = None
type lamprod = Lam | Product
-let flexible_name = id_of_string "flex"
-let id_of_name = function
- | Anonymous -> id_of_string "x"
- | Name id -> id
-(* [list_of_ml_arrows] applied to the ML type [a->b->]\dots[z->t]
+(*s [list_of_ml_arrows] applied to the ML type [a->b->]\dots[z->t]
returns the list [[a;b;...;z]]. It is used when making the ML types
- of inductive definitions. We also suppress [Prop] parts. *)
+ of inductive definitions. We also suppress [prop] and [arity] parts. *)
let rec list_of_ml_arrows = function
- | Tarr (Miniml.Tarity, b) -> assert false
+ | Tarr (Miniml.Tarity, b) -> list_of_ml_arrows b
| Tarr (Miniml.Tprop, b) -> list_of_ml_arrows b
| Tarr (a, b) -> a :: list_of_ml_arrows b
| t -> []
(*s [get_arity c] returns [Some s] if [c] is an arity of sort [s],
- and [None] otherwise. *)
+ and [None] otherwise. *)
let rec get_arity env c =
match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
@@ -141,49 +173,21 @@ let rec get_arity env c =
| Sort s -> Some (family_of_sort s)
| _ -> None
-(* idem, but goes through [Lambda] as well. Cf. [find_conclusion]. *)
-let rec get_lam_arity env c =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
- | Lambda (x,t,c0) -> get_lam_arity (push_rel (x,None,t) env) c0
- | Prod (x,t,c0) -> get_lam_arity (push_rel (x,None,t) env) c0
- | Cast (t,_) -> get_lam_arity env t
- | Sort s -> Some (family_of_sort s)
- | _ -> None
-(*s Detection of non-informative parts. *)
-let is_non_info_sort env s = is_Prop (whd_betadeltaiota env none s)
-let is_non_info_type env t =
- (sort_of env t) = InProp || (get_arity env t) = Some InProp
-(*i This one is not used, left only to precise what we call a non-informative
- term.
-let is_non_info_term env c =
- let t = type_of env c in
- let s = sort_of env t in
- (s <> InProp) ||
- match get_arity env t with
- | Some InProp -> true
- | Some InType -> (get_lam_arity env c = Some InProp)
- | _ -> false
-(* [v_of_t] transforms a type [t] into a [type_var] flag. *)
+(*s [v_of_t] transforms a type [t] into a [type_var] flag.
+ Really important function. *)
let v_of_t env t = match get_arity env t with
| Some InProp -> logic_arity
| Some _ -> info_arity
- | _ -> if is_non_info_type env t then logic else default
+ | None when (sort_of env t) = InProp -> logic
+ | None -> default
-(*s Operations on binders *)
+(*S Operations on binders. *)
type binders = (name * constr) list
(* Convention: right binders give [Rel 1] at the head, like those answered by
- [decompose_prod]. Left binders are the converse. *)
+ [decompose_prod]. Left binders are the converse, like [signature]. *)
let rec lbinders_fold f acc env = function
| [] -> acc
@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ let rec lbinders_fold f acc env = function
f n t (v_of_t env t)
(lbinders_fold f acc (push_rel_assum b env) l)
-(* [sign_of_arity] transforms an arity into a signature. It is used
+(*s [sign_of_arity] transforms an arity into a signature. It is used
for example with the types of inductive definitions, which are known
to be already in arity form. *)
@@ -200,91 +204,70 @@ let sign_of_lbinders = lbinders_fold (fun _ _ v a -> v::a) []
let sign_of_arity env c =
sign_of_lbinders env (List.rev (fst (decompose_prod c)))
-(* [vl_of_arity] returns the list of the lambda variables tagged [info_arity]
+(*s [vl_of_arity] returns the list of the lambda variables tagged [info_arity]
in an arity. Renaming is done. *)
let vl_of_lbinders =
- lbinders_fold
- (fun n _ v a ->
- if v = info_arity
- then (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) (prop_name::a))::a
- else a) []
+ let f n _ v a = if v <> info_arity then a
+ else (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) a) :: a
+ in lbinders_fold f []
let vl_of_arity env c = vl_of_lbinders env (List.rev (fst (decompose_prod c)))
-(*s [renum_db] gives the new de Bruijn indices for variables in an ML
- term. This translation is made according to an [extraction_context]. *)
-let renum_db ctx n =
- let rec renum = function
- | (1, true :: _) -> 1
- | (n, true :: s) -> succ (renum (pred n, s))
- | (n, false :: s) -> renum (pred n, s)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- renum (n, ctx)
-(*s Decomposition of a function expecting n arguments at least. We eta-expanse
- if needed *)
-let force_n_prod n env c =
- if nb_prod c < n then whd_betadeltaiota env none c else c
-let decompose_lam_eta n env c =
- let dif = n - (nb_lam c) in
- if dif <= 0 then
- decompose_lam_n n c
- else
- let t = type_of env c in
- let (trb,_) = decompose_prod_n n (force_n_prod n env t) in
- let (rb, e) = decompose_lam c in
- let rb = (list_firstn dif trb) @ rb in
- let e = applist (lift dif e, List.rev_map mkRel (interval 1 dif)) in
- (rb, e)
-(*s TODO commentaires *)
+(*S Modification of the signature of terms. *)
-let prop_abstract_1 f =
+(* We sometimes want to suppress [prop] and [arity] in the signature
+ of a term. It is so:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item after a case, in [extract_case]
+ \item for the toplevel definition of a function, in [suppress_prop_eta]
+ below. By the way we do some eta-expansion if needed using
+ [expansion_prop_eta].
+ \end{itemize}
+ To ensure correction of execution, we then need to reintroduce
+ [prop] and [arity] lambdas around constructors and functions occurrences.
+ This is done by [abstract_constructor] and [abstract_constant]. *)
+let expansion_prop_eta s (ids,c) =
+ let rec abs ids rels i = function
+ | [] ->
+ let a = List.rev_map (function MLrel x -> MLrel (i-x) | a -> a) rels
+ in ids, MLapp (ml_lift (i-1) c, a)
+ | (_,Arity) :: l -> abs (prop_name :: ids) (MLarity :: rels) (succ i) l
+ | (Logic,_) :: l -> abs (prop_name :: ids) (MLprop :: rels) (succ i) l
+ | (Info,_) :: l -> abs (anonymous :: ids) (MLrel i :: rels) (succ i) l
+ in abs ids [] 1 s
+let kill_all_prop_lams_eta e s =
+ let m = List.length s in
+ let n = nb_lams e in
+ let p = if m <= n then collect_n_lams m e
+ else expansion_prop_eta (snd (list_chop n s)) (collect_lams e) in
+ kill_some_lams (List.rev_map ((=) default) s) p
+let kill_prop_lams_eta e s =
+ let ids,e = kill_all_prop_lams_eta e s in
+ if ids = [] then MLlam (prop_name, ml_lift 1 e)
+ else named_lams ids e
+(*s Auxiliary function for [abstract_constant] and [abstract_constructor]. *)
+let prop_abstract f =
let rec abs rels i = function
| [] -> f (List.rev_map (fun x -> MLrel (i-x)) rels)
- | (_,Arity) :: l -> abs rels i l
+ | ((_,Arity)|(Logic,_)) :: l -> MLlam (prop_name, abs rels (succ i) l)
| (Info,_) :: l -> MLlam (anonymous, abs (i :: rels) (succ i) l)
- | (Logic,_) :: l -> MLlam (prop_name, abs rels (succ i) l)
in abs [] 1
-let prop_abstract_2 f =
- let rec abs rels i = function
- | [] -> f i (List.rev_map (function MLrel x -> MLrel (i-x) | a -> a) rels)
- | (_,Arity) :: l -> abs rels i l
- | (Info,_) :: l -> MLlam (anonymous, abs (MLrel i :: rels) (succ i) l)
- | (Logic,_) :: l -> MLlam (prop_name, abs (MLprop :: rels) (succ i) l)
- in abs [] 1
(*s Abstraction of an constant. *)
-let abstract_const sp s =
- if List.mem default s then
- prop_abstract_1 (fun a -> MLapp(MLglob (ConstRef sp), a)) s
- else MLglob (ConstRef sp)
-(*s The opposite function. *)
-let eta_expanse_w_prop e s =
- let s = List.filter (function (_,NotArity) -> true | _ -> false) s in
- let ids,e = collect_lams e in
- let m = List.length ids in
- assert (m <= (List.length s));
- let _,s = list_chop m s in
- let core = if s <> [] then
- prop_abstract_2 (fun i a -> MLapp (ml_lift (i-1) e,a)) s
- else e
- in let new_e = named_lams core ids in
- try
- let new_e,_,_ = kill_prop_aux new_e in new_e
- with Impossible -> new_e
-(*s Error message when extraction ends on an axiom. *)
+let abstract_constant sp s =
+ let f a =
+ if List.mem default s then MLapp (MLglob (ConstRef sp), a)
+ else MLapp (MLglob (ConstRef sp), [MLprop]) (* or MLarity, I don't mind *)
+ in prop_abstract f s
+(*S Error messages. *)
let axiom_message sp =
errorlabstrm "axiom_message"
@@ -295,58 +278,7 @@ let section_message () =
errorlabstrm "section_message"
(str "You can't extract within a section. Close it and try again.")
-(*s Tables to keep the extraction of inductive types and constructors. *)
-type inductive_extraction_result =
- | Iml of signature * identifier list
- | Iprop
-let inductive_extraction_table =
- ref (Gmap.empty : (inductive, inductive_extraction_result) Gmap.t)
-let add_inductive_extraction i e =
- inductive_extraction_table := Gmap.add i e !inductive_extraction_table
-let lookup_inductive_extraction i = Gmap.find i !inductive_extraction_table
-type constructor_extraction_result =
- | Cml of ml_type list * signature * int
- | Cprop
-let constructor_extraction_table =
- ref (Gmap.empty : (constructor, constructor_extraction_result) Gmap.t)
-let add_constructor_extraction c e =
- constructor_extraction_table := Gmap.add c e !constructor_extraction_table
-let lookup_constructor_extraction i = Gmap.find i !constructor_extraction_table
-let constant_table =
- ref (Gmap.empty : (section_path, extraction_result) Gmap.t)
-let signature_table =
- ref (Gmap.empty : (section_path, signature) Gmap.t)
-(* Tables synchronization. *)
-let freeze () =
- !inductive_extraction_table, !constructor_extraction_table,
- !constant_table, !signature_table
-let unfreeze (it,cst,ct,st) =
- inductive_extraction_table := it;
- constructor_extraction_table := cst;
- constant_table := ct;
- signature_table := st
-let _ = declare_summary "Extraction tables"
- { freeze_function = freeze;
- unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- init_function = (fun () -> ());
- survive_section = true }
-(*s Extraction of a type. *)
+(*S Extraction of a type. *)
(* When calling [extract_type] we suppose that the type of [c] is an
arity. This is for example checked in [extract_constr]. *)
@@ -373,18 +305,18 @@ let rec extract_type env c =
and extract_type_rec env c vl args =
(* We accumulate the context, arguments and generated variables list *)
let t = type_of env (applist (c, args)) in
- (* Since [t] is an arity, there is two non-informative case:
- [t] is an arity of sort [Prop], or
- [c] has a non-informative head symbol *)
- match get_arity env t with
- | None ->
- assert false (* Cf. precondition. *)
- | Some InProp ->
- Tprop
- | Some _ -> extract_type_rec_info env c vl args
+ (* Since [t] is an arity, there is two non-informative case: *)
+ (* [t] is an arity of sort [Prop], or *)
+ (* [c] has a non-informative head symbol *)
+ match get_arity env t with
+ | None ->
+ assert false (* Cf. precondition. *)
+ | Some InProp ->
+ Tprop
+ | Some _ -> extract_type_rec_info env c vl args
and extract_type_rec_info env c vl args =
- match (kind_of_term (whd_betaiotalet env none c)) with
+ match (kind_of_term (betaiotazeta env none c)) with
| Sort _ ->
assert (args = []); (* A sort can't be applied. *)
@@ -428,7 +360,7 @@ and extract_type_rec_info env c vl args =
extract_type_app env (IndRef spi,si,vli) vl args
|Iprop -> assert false (* Cf. initial tests *))
| Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
- let id = next_ident_away flexible_name (prop_name::vl) in
+ let id = next_ident_away flex_name (prop_name::vl) in
Tmltype (Tvar id, id :: vl)
(* Type without counterpart in ML: we generate a
new flexible type variable. *)
@@ -438,7 +370,7 @@ and extract_type_rec_info env c vl args =
| _ ->
assert false
-(* Auxiliary function used to factor code in lambda and product cases *)
+(*s Auxiliary function used to factor code in lambda and product cases *)
and extract_prod_lam env (n,t,d) vl flag =
let tag = v_of_t env t in
@@ -447,11 +379,11 @@ and extract_prod_lam env (n,t,d) vl flag =
| (Info, Arity), _ ->
(* We rename before the [push_rel], to be sure that the corresponding*)
(* [lookup_rel] will be correct. *)
- let id' = next_ident_away (id_of_name n) (prop_name::vl) in
+ let id' = next_ident_away (id_of_name n) vl in
let env' = push_rel_assum (Name id', t) env in
- extract_type_rec_info env' d (id'::vl) []
+ extract_type_rec_info env' d (id'::vl) [] (* TODO !!!!!!!!!! *)
| (Logic, Arity), _ | _, Lam ->
- extract_type_rec_info env' d vl []
+ extract_type_rec_info env' d vl [] (* TODO !!!!!!!!!!!! *)
| (Logic, NotArity), Product ->
(match extract_type_rec_info env' d vl [] with
| Tmltype (mld, vl') -> Tmltype (Tarr (Miniml.Tprop, mld), vl')
@@ -467,21 +399,21 @@ and extract_prod_lam env (n,t,d) vl flag =
| Tmltype (mlt,vl'') -> Tmltype (Tarr(mlt,mld), vl''))
| et -> et)
- (* Auxiliary function dealing with type application.
- Precondition: [r] is of type an arity. *)
+(*s Auxiliary function dealing with type application.
+ Precondition: [r] is of type an arity. *)
and extract_type_app env (r,sc,vlc) vl args =
let diff = (List.length args - List.length sc ) in
let args = if diff > 0 then begin
- (* This can (normally) only happen when r is a flexible type.
- We discard the remaining arguments *)
+ (* This can (normally) only happen when r is a flexible type. *)
+ (* We discard the remaining arguments *)
(*i wARN (hov 0 (str ("Discarding " ^
(string_of_int diff) ^ " type(s) argument(s)."))); i*)
list_firstn (List.length sc) args
end else args in
let nargs = List.length args in
- (* [r] is of type an arity, so it can't be applied to more than n args,
- where n is the number of products in this arity type. *)
+ (* [r] is of type an arity, so it can't be applied to more than n args, *)
+ (* where n is the number of products in this arity type. *)
(* But there are flexibles ... *)
let sign_args = list_firstn nargs sc in
let (mlargs,vl') =
@@ -497,8 +429,8 @@ and extract_type_app env (r,sc,vlc) vl args =
(List.combine sign_args args)
- (* The type variable list is [vl'] plus those variables of [c] not
- corresponding to arguments. There is [nvlargs] such variables of [c] *)
+ (* The type variable list is [vl'] plus those variables of [c] not *)
+ (* corresponding to arguments. There is [nvlargs] such variables of [c] *)
let nvlargs = List.length vlc - List.length mlargs in
assert (nvlargs >= 0);
let vl'' =
@@ -512,13 +444,13 @@ and extract_type_app env (r,sc,vlc) vl args =
Tmltype (Tapp ((Tglob r) :: mlargs @ vlargs), vl'')
-(*s Signature of a type. *)
+(*S Signature of a type. *)
(* Precondition: [c] is of type an arity.
This function is built on the [extract_type] model. *)
and signature env c =
- signature_rec env (whd_betaiotalet env none c) []
+ signature_rec env (betaiotazeta env none c) []
and signature_rec env c args =
match kind_of_term c with
@@ -531,25 +463,25 @@ and signature_rec env c args =
| Rel n ->
(match lookup_rel n env with
| (_,Some t,_) ->
- let c' = whd_betaiotalet env none (lift n t) in
+ let c' = betaiotazeta env none (lift n t) in
signature_rec env c' args
| _ -> [])
| Const sp when args = [] && is_ml_extraction (ConstRef sp) -> []
| Const sp when is_axiom sp -> []
| Const sp ->
- let t = constant_type env sp in
- if is_arity env none t then
- (match extract_constant sp with
- | Emltype (Miniml.Tarity,_,_) -> []
- | Emltype (Miniml.Tprop,_,_) -> []
- | Emltype (_,sc,_) ->
- let d = List.length sc - List.length args in
- if d <= 0 then [] else list_lastn d sc
- | Emlterm _ -> assert false)
- else
- let cvalue = constant_value env sp in
- let c' = whd_betaiotalet env none (applist (cvalue, args)) in
- signature_rec env c' []
+ let t = constant_type env sp in
+ if is_arity env none t then
+ (match extract_constant sp with
+ | Emltype (Miniml.Tarity,_,_) -> []
+ | Emltype (Miniml.Tprop,_,_) -> []
+ | Emltype (_,sc,_) ->
+ let d = List.length sc - List.length args in
+ if d <= 0 then [] else list_lastn d sc
+ | Emlterm _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ let cvalue = constant_value env sp in
+ let c' = betaiotazeta env none (applist (cvalue, args)) in
+ signature_rec env c' []
| Ind spi ->
(match extract_inductive spi with
|Iml (si,_) ->
@@ -564,84 +496,59 @@ and signature_rec env c args =
(*s signature of a section path *)
and signature_of_sp sp typ =
- try
- Gmap.find sp !signature_table
+ try lookup_signature sp
with Not_found ->
- let s = signature (Global.env()) typ in
- signature_table := Gmap.add sp s !signature_table; s
+ let s = signature (Global.env()) typ in
+ add_signature sp s; s
-(*s Extraction of a term.
- Precondition: [c] has a type which is not an arity.
- This is normaly checked in [extract_constr]. *)
+(*S Extraction of a term. *)
-and extract_term env ctx c =
- extract_term_wt env ctx c (type_of env c)
+(* Precondition: [c] has a type which is not an arity, and is informative.
+ This is normaly checked in [extract_constr]. *)
-(* Same, but With Type (wt). *)
-and extract_term_wt env ctx c t =
- let s = sort_of env t in
- (* The only non-informative case: [s] is [Prop] *)
- if (s = InProp) then
- Rprop
- else
- Rmlterm (extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t)
-(* Variants with a stronger precondition: [c] is informative.
- We directly return a [ml_ast], not a [term_extraction_result] *)
-and extract_term_info env ctx c =
- extract_term_info_wt env ctx c (type_of env c)
+and extract_term env c =
+ extract_term_wt env c (type_of env c)
(* Same, but With Type (wt). *)
-and extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t =
+and extract_term_wt env c t =
match kind_of_term c with
| Lambda (n, t, d) ->
- let v = v_of_t env t in
let id = id_of_name n in
- let id = if id=prop_name then anonymous else id in
- let env' = push_rel_assum (Name id,t) env in
- let ctx' = (snd v = NotArity) :: ctx in
- let d' = extract_term_info env' ctx' d in
(* If [d] was of type an arity, [c] too would be so *)
- (match v with
- | _,Arity -> d'
- | Logic,NotArity -> MLlam (prop_name, d')
- | Info,NotArity -> MLlam (id, d'))
+ let d' = extract_term (push_rel_assum (Name id,t) env) d in
+ if (v_of_t env t)=default then MLlam (id, d')
+ else MLlam(prop_name, d')
| LetIn (n, c1, t1, c2) ->
- let v = v_of_t env t1 in
let id = id_of_name n in
- let id = if id=prop_name then anonymous else id in
- let env' = push_rel (Name id,Some c1,t1) env in
- (match v with
- | (Info, NotArity) ->
- let c1' = extract_term_info_wt env ctx c1 t1 in
- let c2' = extract_term_info env' (true :: ctx) c2 in
- (* If [c2] was of type an arity, [c] too would be so *)
- MLletin (id,c1',c2')
- | _ -> extract_term_info env' (false :: ctx) c2)
+ (* If [c2] was of type an arity, [c] too would be so *)
+ let c2' = extract_term (push_rel (Name id,Some c1,t1) env) c2 in
+ (match v_of_t env t1 with
+ | _,Arity -> MLletin (prop_name,MLarity,c2')
+ | Logic,NotArity -> MLletin (prop_name, MLprop, c2')
+ | Info, NotArity ->
+ let c1' = extract_term_wt env c1 t1 in
+ MLletin (id,c1',c2'))
| Rel n ->
- MLrel (renum_db ctx n)
+ MLrel n
| Const sp ->
- abstract_const sp (signature_of_sp sp t)
+ abstract_constant sp (signature_of_sp sp t)
| App (f,a) ->
- extract_app env ctx f a
+ extract_app env f a
| Construct cp ->
abstract_constructor cp (signature_of_constructor cp)
| Case ({ci_ind=ip},_,c,br) ->
- extract_case env ctx ip c br
+ extract_case env ip c br
| Fix ((_,i),recd) ->
- extract_fix env ctx i recd
+ extract_fix env i recd
| CoFix (i,recd) ->
- extract_fix env ctx i recd
+ extract_fix env i recd
| Cast (c, _) ->
- extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t
- | Ind _ | Prod _ | Sort _ | Meta _ | Evar _ ->
- assert false
+ extract_term_wt env c t
+ | Ind _ | Prod _ | Sort _ | Meta _ | Evar _ -> assert false
| Var _ -> section_message ()
-(*s Abstraction of an inductive constructor:
+(*s Abstraction of an inductive constructor.
\item In ML, contructor arguments are uncurryfied.
\item We managed to suppress logical parts inside inductive definitions,
@@ -652,90 +559,78 @@ and extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t =
The following code deals with those 3 questions: from constructor [C], it
[fun ]$p_1 \ldots p_n ~ x_1 \ldots x_n $[-> C(]$x_{i_1},\ldots, x_{i_k}$[)].
- This ML term will be reduced later on when applied, see [mlutil.ml].
+ This ML term will be reduced later on when applied, see [mlutil.ml].\\
- In the special case of a informative singleton inductive, [C] is identity *)
+ In the special case of a informative singleton inductive, [C] is identity. *)
-and abstract_constructor cp (s,n) =
- let f = if is_singleton_constructor cp then
- function [x] -> x | _ -> assert false
- else
- fun a -> MLcons (ConstructRef cp, a)
- in anonym_lams (ml_lift n (prop_abstract_1 f s)) n
+and abstract_constructor cp (s,params_nb) =
+ let f a = if is_singleton_constructor cp then List.hd a
+ else MLcons (ConstructRef cp, a)
+ in prop_lams (ml_lift params_nb (prop_abstract f s)) params_nb
-(* Extraction of a case *)
+(*s Extraction of a case. *)
-and extract_case env ctx ip c br =
+and extract_case env ip c br =
let ni = mis_constr_nargs ip in
(* [ni]: number of arguments without parameters in each branch *)
(* [br]: bodies of each branch (in functional form) *)
let extract_branch j b =
+ (* Some pathological cases need an [extract_constr] here rather *)
+ (* than an [extract_term]. See exemples in [test_extraction.v] *)
+ let e = extract_constr_to_term env b in
let cp = (ip,succ j) in
let (s,_) = signature_of_constructor cp in
assert (List.length s = ni.(j));
- let (rb,e) = decompose_lam_eta ni.(j) env b in
- let lb = List.rev rb in
- (* We suppose that [sign_of_lbinders env lb] gives back [s] *)
- (* So we trust [s] when making [ctx'] *)
- let ctx' = List.fold_left (fun l v -> (v = default)::l) ctx s in
- (* Some pathological cases need an [extract_constr] here rather *)
- (* than an [extract_term]. See exemples in [test_extraction.v] *)
- let env' = push_rel_context (List.map (fun (x,t) -> (x,None,t)) rb) env in
- let e' = extract_constr_to_term env' ctx' e in
- let ids =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (v,(n,_)) a -> if v = default then (id_of_name n :: a) else a)
- (List.combine s lb) []
- in
- (ConstructRef cp, ids, e')
+ let ids,e = kill_all_prop_lams_eta e s in
+ (ConstructRef cp, List.rev ids, e)
if br = [||] then
MLexn "absurd case"
- (* [c] has an inductive type, not an arity type *)
- match extract_term env ctx c with
- | Rmlterm a when is_singleton_inductive ip ->
- (* Informative singleton case: *)
- (* [match c with C i -> t] becomes [let i = c' in t'] *)
- assert (Array.length br = 1);
- let (_,ids,e') = extract_branch 0 br.(0) in
- assert (List.length ids = 1);
- MLletin (List.hd ids,a,e')
- | Rmlterm a ->
- (* Standard case: we apply [extract_branch]. *)
- MLcase (a, Array.mapi extract_branch br)
- | Rprop ->
- (* Logical singleton case: *)
- (* [match c with C i j k -> t] becomes [t'] *)
+ (* [c] has an inductive type, not an arity type. *)
+ let t = type_of env c in
+ (* The only non-informative case: [c] is of sort [Prop] *)
+ if (sort_of env t) = InProp then
+ begin
+ (* Logical singleton case: *)
+ (* [match c with C i j k -> t] becomes [t'] *)
+ assert (Array.length br = 1);
+ let e = extract_constr_to_term env br.(0) in
+ let s = iterate (fun l -> logic :: l) ni.(0) [] in
+ snd (kill_all_prop_lams_eta e s)
+ end
+ else
+ let a = extract_term_wt env c t in
+ if is_singleton_inductive ip then
+ begin
+ (* Informative singleton case: *)
+ (* [match c with C i -> t] becomes [let i = c' in t'] *)
assert (Array.length br = 1);
- let (rb,e) = decompose_lam_eta ni.(0) env br.(0) in
- let env' = push_rels_assum rb env in
- (* We know that all arguments are logic. *)
- let ctx' = iterate (fun l -> false :: l) ni.(0) ctx in
- extract_constr_to_term env' ctx' e
+ let (_,ids,e') = extract_branch 0 br.(0) in
+ assert (List.length ids = 1);
+ MLletin (List.hd ids,a,e')
+ end
+ else
+ (* Standard case: we apply [extract_branch]. *)
+ MLcase (a, Array.mapi extract_branch br)
-(* Extraction of a (co)-fixpoint *)
+(*s Extraction of a (co)-fixpoint. *)
-and extract_fix env ctx i (fi,ti,ci as recd) =
+and extract_fix env i (fi,ti,ci as recd) =
let n = Array.length ti in
let ti' = Array.mapi lift ti in
let lb = Array.to_list (array_map2 (fun a b -> (a,b)) fi ti') in
let env' = push_rels_assum (List.rev lb) env in
- let ctx' =
- (List.rev_map (fun (_,a) -> a = NotArity) (sign_of_lbinders env lb)) @ ctx
- in
let extract_fix_body c t =
- extract_constr_to_term_wt env' ctx' c (lift n t) in
+ extract_constr_to_term_wt env' c (lift n t) in
let ei = array_map2 extract_fix_body ci ti in
MLfix (i, Array.map id_of_name fi, ei)
-(* Auxiliary function dealing with term application.
- Precondition: the head [f] is [Info]. *)
+(*s Extraction of an term application.
+ Precondition: the head [f] is [Info]. *)
-and extract_app env ctx f args =
+and extract_app env f args =
let tyf = type_of env f in
let nargs = Array.length args in
let sf = signature_of_application env f tyf args in
@@ -745,31 +640,30 @@ and extract_app env ctx f args =
let mlargs =
(fun (v,a) args -> match v with
- | (_,Arity) -> args
+ | (_,Arity) -> MLarity :: args
| (Logic,NotArity) -> MLprop :: args
| (Info,NotArity) ->
(* We can't trust tag [default], so we use [extract_constr]. *)
- (extract_constr_to_term env ctx a) :: args)
+ (extract_constr_to_term env a) :: args)
(List.combine (list_firstn nargs sf) args)
(* [f : arity] implies [(f args):arity], that can't be *)
- let f' = extract_term_info_wt env ctx f tyf in
+ let f' = extract_term_wt env f tyf in
MLapp (f', mlargs)
-(* [signature_of_application] is used to generate a long enough signature.
+(*s [signature_of_application] is used to generate a long enough signature.
Precondition: the head [f] is [Info].
- Postcondition: the returned signature is longer than the arguments *)
+ Postcondition: the output signature is at least as long as the arguments. *)
and signature_of_application env f t a =
let nargs = Array.length a in
- let t = force_n_prod nargs env t in
- (* It does not really ensure that [t] start by [n] products,
- but it reduces as much as possible *)
+ let t = if nb_prod t >= nargs then t else whd_betadeltaiota env none t in
+ (* It does not really ensure that [t] start by [n] products, *)
+ (* but it reduces as much as possible *)
let nbp = nb_prod t in
let s = signature env t in
- if nbp >= nargs then
- s
+ if nbp >= nargs then s
(* This case can really occur. Cf [test_extraction.v]. *)
let f' = mkApp (f, Array.sub a 0 nbp) in
@@ -777,21 +671,20 @@ and signature_of_application env f t a =
let t' = type_of env f' in
s @ signature_of_application env f' t' a'
(*s Extraction of a constr seen as a term. *)
-and extract_constr_to_term env ctx c =
- extract_constr_to_term_wt env ctx c (type_of env c)
+and extract_constr_to_term env c =
+ extract_constr_to_term_wt env c (type_of env c)
(* Same, but With Type (wt). *)
-and extract_constr_to_term_wt env ctx c t =
+and extract_constr_to_term_wt env c t =
match v_of_t env t with
| (_, Arity) -> MLarity
| (Logic, NotArity) -> MLprop
- | (Info, NotArity) -> extract_term_info_wt env ctx c t
+ | (Info, NotArity) -> extract_term_wt env c t
-(* Extraction of a constr. *)
+(*S Extraction of a constr. *)
and extract_constr env c =
extract_constr_wt env c (type_of env c)
@@ -808,13 +701,12 @@ and extract_constr_wt env c t =
| Tarity -> Emltype (Miniml.Tarity, [], [])
| Tmltype (t, vl) -> Emltype (t, (signature env c), vl))
| (Info, NotArity) ->
- Emlterm (extract_term_info_wt env [] c t)
+ Emlterm (extract_term_wt env c t)
-(*s Extraction of a constant. *)
+(*S Extraction of a constant. *)
and extract_constant sp =
- try
- Gmap.find sp !constant_table
+ try lookup_constant sp
with Not_found ->
let env = Global.env() in
let cb = Global.lookup_constant sp in
@@ -830,26 +722,25 @@ and extract_constant sp =
| Emlterm MLprop as e -> e
| Emlterm MLarity as e -> e
| Emlterm a ->
- Emlterm (eta_expanse_w_prop a (signature_of_sp sp typ))
+ Emlterm (kill_prop_lams_eta a (signature_of_sp sp typ))
| e -> e
- in constant_table := Gmap.add sp e !constant_table;
- e
+ in add_constant sp e; e
-(*s Extraction of an inductive. *)
+(*S Extraction of an inductive. *)
and extract_inductive ((sp,_) as i) =
extract_mib sp;
- lookup_inductive_extraction i
+ lookup_inductive i
and extract_constructor (((sp,_),_) as c) =
extract_mib sp;
- lookup_constructor_extraction c
+ lookup_constructor c
and signature_of_constructor cp = match extract_constructor cp with
| Cprop -> assert false
| Cml (_,s,n) -> (s,n)
-(* Looking for informative singleton case, i.e. an inductive with one
+(*s Looking for informative singleton case, i.e. an inductive with one
constructor which has one informative argument. This dummy case will
be simplified. *)
@@ -867,39 +758,33 @@ and is_singleton_constructor ((sp,i),_) =
and extract_mib sp =
let ind = (sp,0) in
- if not (Gmap.mem ind !inductive_extraction_table) then begin
+ if not (Gmap.mem ind !inductive_table) then begin
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- let genv = Global.env () in
- (* Everything concerning parameters.
- We do that first, since they are common to all the [mib]. *)
- let nb = mip.mind_nparams in
- let rb = mip.mind_params_ctxt in
- let env = push_rel_context rb genv in
- let lb = List.rev_map (fun (n,s,t)->(n,t)) rb in
- let nbtokeep =
- lbinders_fold
- (fun _ _ (_,j) a -> if j = NotArity then a+1 else a) 0 genv lb in
- let vl = vl_of_lbinders genv lb in
- (* First pass: we store inductive signatures together with
- an initial type var list. *)
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ (* Everything concerning parameters. *)
+ (* We do that first, since they are common to all the [mib]. *)
+ let par_nb = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let par_env = push_rel_context mip.mind_params_ctxt env in
+ (* First pass: we store inductive signatures together with *)
+ (* an initial type var list. *)
let vl0 = iterate_for 0 (mib.mind_ntypes - 1)
(fun i vl ->
let ip = (sp,i) in
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ip in
if mip.mind_sort = (Prop Null) then begin
- add_inductive_extraction ip Iprop; vl
+ add_inductive ip Iprop; vl
end else begin
let arity = mip.mind_nf_arity in
- let vla = List.rev (vl_of_arity genv arity) in
- add_inductive_extraction ip
- (Iml (sign_of_arity genv arity, vla));
+ let vla = List.rev (vl_of_arity env arity) in
+ add_inductive ip
+ (Iml (sign_of_arity env arity, vla));
vla @ vl
) []
- (* Second pass: we extract constructors arities and we accumulate
- type variables. Thanks to on-the-fly renaming in [extract_type],
- the [vl] list should be correct. *)
+ (* Second pass: we extract constructors arities and we accumulate *)
+ (* type variables. Thanks to on-the-fly renaming in [extract_type], *)
+ (* the [vl] list should be correct. *)
let vl =
iterate_for 0 (mib.mind_ntypes - 1)
(fun i vl ->
@@ -907,20 +792,20 @@ and extract_mib sp =
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ip in
if mip.mind_sort = Prop Null then begin
for j = 1 to Array.length mip.mind_consnames do
- add_constructor_extraction (ip,j) Cprop
+ add_constructor (ip,j) Cprop
end else
iterate_for 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)
(fun j vl ->
- let t = type_of_constructor genv (ip,j) in
- let t = snd (decompose_prod_n nb t) in
- match extract_type_rec_info env t vl [] with
+ let t = type_of_constructor env (ip,j) in
+ let t = snd (decompose_prod_n par_nb t) in
+ match extract_type_rec_info par_env t vl [] with
| Tarity | Tprop -> assert false
| Tmltype (mlt, v) ->
let l = list_of_ml_arrows mlt
- and s = signature env t in
- add_constructor_extraction (ip,j) (Cml (l,s,nbtokeep));
+ and s = signature par_env t in
+ add_constructor (ip,j) (Cml (l,s,par_nb));
@@ -929,21 +814,21 @@ and extract_mib sp =
(* Third pass: we update the type variables list in the inductives table *)
for i = 0 to mib.mind_ntypes-1 do
let ip = (sp,i) in
- match lookup_inductive_extraction ip with
+ match lookup_inductive ip with
| Iprop -> ()
- | Iml (s,l) -> add_inductive_extraction ip (Iml (s,vl@l));
+ | Iml (s,l) -> add_inductive ip (Iml (s,vl@l));
(* Fourth pass: we also update the constructors table *)
for i = 0 to mib.mind_ntypes-1 do
let ip = (sp,i) in
for j = 1 to Array.length mib.mind_packets.(i).mind_consnames do
let cp = (ip,j) in
- match lookup_constructor_extraction cp with
+ match lookup_constructor cp with
| Cprop -> ()
| Cml (t,s,n) ->
let vl = List.rev_map (fun i -> Tvar i) vl in
let t' = List.map (update_args sp vl) t in
- add_constructor_extraction cp (Cml (t',s, n))
+ add_constructor cp (Cml (t',s, n))
@@ -952,11 +837,11 @@ and extract_inductive_declaration sp =
extract_mib sp;
let ip = (sp,0) in
if is_singleton_inductive ip then
- let t = match lookup_constructor_extraction (ip,1) with
+ let t = match lookup_constructor (ip,1) with
| Cml ([t],_,_)-> t
| _ -> assert false
- let vl = match lookup_inductive_extraction ip with
+ let vl = match lookup_inductive ip with
| Iml (_,vl) -> vl
| _ -> assert false
@@ -967,7 +852,7 @@ and extract_inductive_declaration sp =
iterate_for (-n) (-1)
(fun j l ->
let cp = (ip,-j) in
- match lookup_constructor_extraction cp with
+ match lookup_constructor cp with
| Cprop -> assert false
| Cml (t,_,_) -> (ConstructRef cp, t)::l) []
@@ -976,7 +861,7 @@ and extract_inductive_declaration sp =
(fun i acc ->
let ip = (sp,-i) in
let nc = Array.length mib.mind_packets.(-i).mind_consnames in
- match lookup_inductive_extraction ip with
+ match lookup_inductive ip with
| Iprop -> acc
| Iml (_,vl) ->
(List.rev vl, IndRef ip, one_ind ip nc) :: acc)
@@ -984,7 +869,9 @@ and extract_inductive_declaration sp =
Dtype (l, not mib.mind_finite)
-(*s Extraction of a global reference i.e. a constant or an inductive. *)
+(*S Extraction of a global reference. *)
+(* It is either a constant or an inductive. *)
let extract_declaration r = match r with
| ConstRef sp ->
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli b/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
index e3a747ce0..df11ee14c 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/extraction.mli
@@ -46,3 +46,5 @@ val decl_is_logical_ind : global_reference -> bool
a singleton inductive. *)
val decl_is_singleton : global_reference -> bool
+val signature : env -> constr -> signature
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml b/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
index 53c1b4bc5..201458bb7 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/haskell.ml
@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
let ids',env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in
pp_fix par env' (Some i) (Array.of_list (List.rev ids'),defs) args
| MLexn s ->
- (* An [MLexn] may be applied, but I don't really care *)
+ (* An [MLexn] may be applied, but I don't really care. *)
(open_par par ++ str "Prelude.error" ++ spc () ++
qs s ++ close_par par)
| MLprop ->
- assert (args=[]); str "prop"
+ str "prop" (* An [MLprop] may be applied, but I don't really care. *)
| MLarity ->
- assert (args=[]); str "arity"
+ str "arity" (* Idem for [MLarity].*)
| MLcast (a,t) ->
let tvars = get_tvars t in
let _,ren = rename_tvars keywords tvars in
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
index d9286f441..32c72519c 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.ml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
open Pp
open Names
open Term
@@ -18,16 +19,25 @@ open Nametab
open Table
open Options
open Nameops
(*s Exceptions. *)
exception Found
exception Impossible
-(*s Dummy names. *)
+(*S Names operations. *)
let anonymous = id_of_string "x"
let prop_name = id_of_string "_"
+let flex_name = id_of_string "flex"
+let id_of_name = function
+ | Anonymous -> anonymous
+ | Name id when id = prop_name -> anonymous
+ | Name id -> id
+(*S Operations upon ML types. *)
(*s Get all type variables from a ML type *)
@@ -64,66 +74,10 @@ let rec update_args sp vl = function
| Tarr (a,b)->
Tarr (update_args sp vl a, update_args sp vl b)
| a -> a
-(*s [collect_lams MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns
- the list [idn;...;id1] and the term [t]. *)
-let collect_lams =
- let rec collect acc = function
- | MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) t
- | x -> acc,x
- in collect []
-(* [collect_n_lams] does the same for a precise number of [MLlam] *)
-let collect_n_lams =
- let rec collect acc n t =
- if n = 0 then acc,t
- else match t with
- | MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) (n-1) t
- | _ -> assert false
- in collect []
-(* [remove_n_lams] just remove some [MLlam] *)
-let rec remove_n_lams n t =
- if n = 0 then t
- else match t with
- | MLlam(_,t) -> remove_n_lams (n-1) t
- | _ -> assert false
-(* [nb_lams] gives the number of head [MLlam] *)
-let rec nb_lams = function
- | MLlam(_,t) -> succ (nb_lams t)
- | _ -> 0
-(*s [named_lams] does the converse of [collect_lams] *)
-let rec named_lams a = function
- | [] -> a
- | id :: ids -> named_lams (MLlam(id,a)) ids
-(* The same in anonymous version. *)
-let rec anonym_lams a = function
- | 0 -> a
- | n -> anonym_lams (MLlam(anonymous,a)) (pred n)
-(*s The following function create [MLrel n;...;MLrel 1] *)
-let rec make_eta_args n =
- if n = 0 then [] else (MLrel n)::(make_eta_args (pred n))
-(* This one tests [MLrel (n+k); ... ;MLrel (1+k)] *)
-let rec test_eta_args_lift k n = function
- | [] -> n=0
- | a :: q -> (a = (MLrel (k+n))) && (test_eta_args_lift k (pred n) q)
-(*s Generic functions overs [ml_ast]. *)
+(*S Generic functions over ML ast terms. *)
-(* [ast_iter_rel f t] applies [f] on every [MLrel] in t. It takes care
+(*s [ast_iter_rel f t] applies [f] on every [MLrel] in t. It takes care
of the number of bingings crossed before reaching the [MLrel]. *)
let ast_iter_rel f =
@@ -141,7 +95,7 @@ let ast_iter_rel f =
| MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> ()
in iter 0
-(* Map over asts. *)
+(*s Map over asts. *)
let ast_map_case f (c,ids,a) = (c,ids,f a)
@@ -156,7 +110,7 @@ let ast_map f = function
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f a)
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
-(* Map over asts, with binding depth as parameter. *)
+(*s Map over asts, with binding depth as parameter. *)
let ast_map_lift_case f n (c,ids,a) = (c,ids, f (n+(List.length ids)) a)
@@ -172,7 +126,7 @@ let ast_map_lift f n = function
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f n a)
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> a
-(* Iter over asts. *)
+(*s Iter over asts. *)
let ast_iter_case f (c,ids,a) = f a
@@ -187,14 +141,16 @@ let ast_iter f = function
| MLmagic a -> f a
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity as a -> ()
-(*s [occurs k t] returns true if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
+(*S Operations concerning De Bruijn indices. *)
+(*s [occurs k t] returns [true] if [(Rel k)] occurs in [t]. *)
let occurs k t =
ast_iter_rel (fun i -> if i = k then raise Found) t; false
with Found -> true
-(*s [occurs_itvl k k' t] return true if there is a [(Rel i)]
+(*s [occurs_itvl k k' t] returns [true] if there is a [(Rel i)]
in [t] with [k<=i<=k'] *)
let occurs_itvl k k' t =
@@ -222,22 +178,6 @@ let ml_lift k t =
let ml_pop t = ml_lift (-1) t
-(*s Computes a eta-reduction *)
-let eta_red e =
- let ids,t = collect_lams e in
- let n = List.length ids in
- if n = 0 then e
- else match t with
- | MLapp (f,a) ->
- let m = (List.length a) - n in
- if m < 0 then e else
- let a',a'' = list_chop m a in
- let f = if m = 0 then f else MLapp (f,a') in
- if test_eta_args_lift 0 n a'' && not (occurs_itvl 1 n f)
- then ml_lift (-n) f
- else e
- | _ -> e
(*s [permut_rels k k' c] translates [Rel 1 ... Rel k] to [Rel (k'+1) ...
Rel (k'+k)] and [Rel (k+1) ... Rel (k+k')] to [Rel 1 ... Rel k'] *)
@@ -265,6 +205,106 @@ let rec ml_subst e =
| a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
in subst 0
+(*s Generalized substitution.
+ [gensubst v m d t] applies to [t] the substitution coded in the
+ [v] array: [(Rel i)] becomes [(Rel v.(i))]. [d] is the correction applies
+ to [Rel] greater than [m]. *)
+let gen_subst v d t =
+ let rec subst n = function
+ | MLrel i as a ->
+ let i'= i-n in
+ if i' < 1 then a
+ else if i' < Array.length v then MLrel (v.(i')+n)
+ else MLrel (i+d)
+ | a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
+ in subst 0 t
+(*S Operations concerning lambdas. *)
+(*s [collect_lams MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns
+ [[idn;...;id1]] and the term [t]. *)
+let collect_lams =
+ let rec collect acc = function
+ | MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) t
+ | x -> acc,x
+ in collect []
+(*s [collect_n_lams] does the same for a precise number of [MLlam]. *)
+let collect_n_lams =
+ let rec collect acc n t =
+ if n = 0 then acc,t
+ else match t with
+ | MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) (n-1) t
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in collect []
+(*s [remove_n_lams] just removes some [MLlam]. *)
+let rec remove_n_lams n t =
+ if n = 0 then t
+ else match t with
+ | MLlam(_,t) -> remove_n_lams (n-1) t
+ | _ -> assert false
+(*s [nb_lams] gives the number of head [MLlam]. *)
+let rec nb_lams = function
+ | MLlam(_,t) -> succ (nb_lams t)
+ | _ -> 0
+(*s [named_lams] does the converse of [collect_lams]. *)
+let rec named_lams ids a = match ids with
+ | [] -> a
+ | id :: ids -> named_lams ids (MLlam(id,a))
+(*s The same in anonymous version. *)
+let rec anonym_lams a = function
+ | 0 -> a
+ | n -> anonym_lams (MLlam(anonymous,a)) (pred n)
+(*s Idem for [prop_name]. *)
+let rec prop_lams a = function
+ | 0 -> a
+ | n -> anonym_lams (MLlam(prop_name,a)) (pred n)
+(*S Operations concerning eta. *)
+(*s The following function creates [MLrel n;...;MLrel 1] *)
+let rec eta_args n =
+ if n = 0 then [] else (MLrel n)::(eta_args (pred n))
+(*s This one tests [MLrel (n+k); ... ;MLrel (1+k)] *)
+let rec test_eta_args_lift k n = function
+ | [] -> n=0
+ | a :: q -> (a = (MLrel (k+n))) && (test_eta_args_lift k (pred n) q)
+(*s Computes a eta-reduction. *)
+let eta_red e =
+ let ids,t = collect_lams e in
+ let n = List.length ids in
+ if n = 0 then e
+ else match t with
+ | MLapp (f,a) ->
+ let m = (List.length a) - n in
+ if m < 0 then e else
+ let a',a'' = list_chop m a in
+ let f = if m = 0 then f else MLapp (f,a') in
+ if test_eta_args_lift 0 n a'' && not (occurs_itvl 1 n f)
+ then ml_lift (-n) f
+ else e
+ | _ -> e
+(*S Auxiliary functions used in simplification of ML cases. *)
(*s [check_and_generalize (r0,l,c)] transforms any [MLcons(r0,l)] in [MLrel 1]
and raises [Impossible] if any variable in [l] occurs outside such a
[MLcons] *)
@@ -282,8 +322,6 @@ let check_and_generalize (r0,l,c) =
| a -> ast_map_lift genrec n a
in genrec 0 c
-(*s Auxialiary functions used during simplifications of [MLcase]. *)
let check_generalizable_case br =
let f = check_and_generalize br.(0) in
for i = 1 to Array.length br - 1 do
@@ -319,10 +357,11 @@ let rec permut_case_fun br acc =
-(*s Generalized iota-reduction. *)
+(*S Generalized iota-reduction. *)
(* Definition of a generalized iota-redex: it's a [MLcase(e,_)]
- with [(is_iota_gen e)=true]. *)
+ with [(is_iota_gen e)=true]. Any generalized iota-redex is
+ transformed into beta-redexes. *)
let rec is_iota_gen = function
| MLcons _ -> true
@@ -333,8 +372,6 @@ let constructor_index = function
| ConstructRef (_,j) -> pred j
| _ -> assert false
-(* Any generalized iota-redex is transformed into beta-redexes. *)
let iota_gen br =
let rec iota k = function
| MLcons (r,a) ->
@@ -349,12 +386,14 @@ let iota_gen br =
| _ -> assert false
in iota 0
-(*s Some beta-iota reductions + simplifications. *)
let is_atomic = function
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLprop | MLarity -> true
| _ -> false
+(*S The main simplification function. *)
+(* Some beta-iota reductions + simplifications. *)
let rec simpl o = function
| MLapp (f, []) ->
simpl o f
@@ -363,8 +402,9 @@ let rec simpl o = function
| MLcase (e,br) ->
let br = Array.map (fun (n,l,t) -> (n,l,simpl o t)) br in
simpl_case o br (simpl o e)
- | MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic c) || (nb_occur e <= 1) ->
- simpl o (ml_subst c e)
+ | MLletin(id,c,e) when
+ (id = prop_name) || (is_atomic c) || (nb_occur e <= 1) ->
+ simpl o (ml_subst c e)
| MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic (eta_red c)) ->
simpl o (ml_subst (eta_red c) e)
| MLfix(i,ids,c) as t when o ->
@@ -376,6 +416,8 @@ let rec simpl o = function
and simpl_app o a = function
| MLapp (f',a') -> simpl_app o (a'@a) f'
+ | MLlam (id,t) when id = prop_name ->
+ simpl o (MLapp (ml_pop t, List.tl a))
| MLlam (id,t) -> (* Beta redex *)
(match nb_occur t with
| 0 -> simpl o (MLapp (ml_pop t, List.tl a))
@@ -394,7 +436,9 @@ and simpl_app o a = function
let k = List.length l in
let a' = List.map (ml_lift k) a in
(n, l, simpl o (MLapp (t,a')))) br
- in simpl o (MLcase (e,br'))
+ in simpl o (MLcase (e,br'))
+ | (MLarity | MLprop | MLexn _) as e -> e
+ (* We just discard arguments in those cases. *)
| f -> MLapp (f,a)
and simpl_case o br e =
@@ -414,117 +458,121 @@ and simpl_case o br e =
let ids,br = permut_case_fun br [] in
let n = List.length ids in
if n = 0 then MLcase (e, br)
- else named_lams (MLcase (ml_lift n e, br)) ids
-(*s Local [prop] elimination. *)
-(* Try to eliminate as many [prop] as possible inside an [ml_ast]. *)
-(* Given the names of the variables, build a substitution array. *)
-let rels_to_kill ids =
- let n = List.length ids in
- let v = Array.make (n+1) 0 in
- for i = 1 to n do v.(i) <- i done;
- let rec parse_ids i j = function
- | [] -> ()
- | id :: q when id <> prop_name ->
- v.(i) <- j; parse_ids (i+1) (j+1) q
- | _ :: q -> parse_ids (i+1) j q
- in parse_ids 1 1 ids ; v
-(* [kill_prop_rels v m d t] applies to [t] the substitution coded with the
- [v] array. [m] is the number of [Rel] concerned by this substitution,
- and [d] is the correction applies to [Rel] greater than [m]. *)
-let rec kill_prop_rels v m d t =
- let rec killrec n = function
- | MLrel i as a ->
- let i'= i-n in
- if i' < 1 then a
- else if i' <= m then MLrel (v.(i')+n)
- else MLrel (i-d)
- | a -> ast_map_lift killrec n a
- in killrec 0 t
-(* In a list of args, kill the ones corresponding to a [prop]. *)
+ else named_lams ids (MLcase (ml_lift n e, br))
-let rec kill_some_args ids args = match ids,args with
- | [],_ -> args
- | i::l,t::q -> let a = kill_some_args l q in
- if i = prop_name then a else t::a
- | _ -> assert false
+(*S Local prop elimination. *)
+(* We try to eliminate as many [prop] as possible inside an [ml_ast]. *)
-(* Apply the previous function recursively on a whole term *)
+(*s In a list, it selects only the elements corresponding to a [true]
+ in the boolean list [l]. *)
-let kill_prop_args t0 ids m t =
- let rids = List.rev ids in
+let rec select_via_bl l args = match l,args with
+ | [],_ -> args
+ | true::l,a::args -> a :: (select_via_bl l args)
+ | false::l,a::args -> select_via_bl l args
+ | _ -> assert false
+(*s [kill_some_lams] removes some head lambdas according to the bool list [bl].
+ This list is build on the identifier list model: outermost lambda
+ is on the right. [true] means "to keep" and [false] means "to eliminate".
+ [Rels] corresponding to removed lambdas are supposed not to occur, and
+ the other [Rels] are made correct via a [gen_subst].
+ Output is not directly a [ml_ast], compose with [named_lams] if needed. *)
+let kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) =
+ let n = List.length bl in
+ let n' = List.fold_left (fun n b -> if b then (n+1) else n) 0 bl in
+ if n = n' then ids,c
+ else if n' = 0 then [],ml_lift (-n) c
+ else begin
+ let v = Array.make (n+1) 0 in
+ let rec parse_ids i j = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | true :: q ->
+ v.(i) <- j; parse_ids (i+1) (j+1) q
+ | false :: q -> parse_ids (i+1) j q
+ in parse_ids 1 1 bl ;
+ select_via_bl bl ids, gen_subst v (n'-n) c
+ end
+(*s [kill_prop_lams] uses the last function to kill the lambdas corresponding
+ to a [prop_name]. It can raise [Impossible] if there is nothing to do, or
+ if there is no lambda left at all. *)
+let kill_prop_lams c =
+ let ids,c = collect_lams c in
+ let bl = List.map ((<>) prop_name) ids in
+ if (List.mem true bl) && (List.mem false bl) then
+ let ids',c = kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) in
+ ids, named_lams ids' c
+ else raise Impossible
+(*s [kill_prop_args ids t0 t] looks for occurences of [t0] in [t] and
+ purge the args of [t0] corresponding to a [prop_name].
+ It makes eta-expansion if needed. *)
+let kill_prop_args ids t0 t =
+ let m = List.length ids in
+ let bl = List.rev_map ((<>) prop_name) ids in
let rec killrec n = function
| MLapp(e, a) when e = ml_lift n t0 ->
let k = max 0 (m - (List.length a)) in
let a = List.map (killrec n) a in
let a = List.map (ml_lift k) a in
- let a = kill_some_args rids (a @ (make_eta_args k)) in
- named_lams (MLapp (ml_lift k e, a)) (list_firstn k ids)
+ let a = select_via_bl bl (a @ (eta_args k)) in
+ named_lams (list_firstn k ids) (MLapp (ml_lift k e, a))
| e when e = ml_lift n t0 ->
- let a = kill_some_args rids (make_eta_args m) in
- named_lams (MLapp (ml_lift m e, a)) ids
+ let a = select_via_bl bl (eta_args m) in
+ named_lams ids (MLapp (ml_lift m e, a))
| e -> ast_map_lift killrec n e
in killrec 0 t
-let kill_prop_aux c =
- let ids,c = collect_lams c in
- let m = List.length ids in
- let ids' = List.filter ((<>) prop_name) ids in
- let diff = m - List.length ids' in
- if ids' = [] || diff = 0 then raise Impossible;
- let db = rels_to_kill ids in
- let c = named_lams (kill_prop_rels db m diff c) ids' in
- (c,ids,m)
-(* The main function for local [prop] elimination. *)
+(*s The main function for local [prop] elimination. *)
let rec kill_prop = function
| MLfix(i,fi,c) ->
- let c,ids,m = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
- ml_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) (kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m (MLrel 1))
+ let ids,c = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
+ ml_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) (kill_prop_args ids (MLrel 1) (MLrel 1))
with Impossible -> MLfix (i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c))
| MLapp (MLfix (i,fi,c),a) ->
- let c,ids,m = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
+ let ids,c = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
let a = List.map (fun t -> ml_lift 1 (kill_prop t)) a in
- let e = kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m (MLapp (MLrel 1,a)) in
+ let e = kill_prop_args ids (MLrel 1) (MLapp (MLrel 1,a)) in
ml_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) e
with Impossible ->
MLapp(MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),List.map kill_prop a))
| MLletin(id, MLfix (i,fi,c),e) ->
- let c,ids,m = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
- let e = kill_prop (kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m e) in
+ let ids,c = kill_prop_fix i fi c in
+ let e = kill_prop (kill_prop_args ids (MLrel 1) e) in
MLletin(id, MLfix(i,fi,c),e)
with Impossible ->
MLletin(id, MLfix(i,fi,Array.map kill_prop c),kill_prop e))
| MLletin(id,c,e) ->
- let c,ids,m = kill_prop_aux c in
- let e = kill_prop_args (MLrel 1) ids m e in
+ let ids,c = kill_prop_lams c in
+ let e = kill_prop_args ids (MLrel 1) e in
MLletin (id, kill_prop c,kill_prop e)
with Impossible -> MLletin(id,kill_prop c,kill_prop e))
| a -> ast_map kill_prop a
and kill_prop_fix i fi c =
let n = Array.length fi in
- let ci,ids,m = kill_prop_aux c.(i) in
+ let ids,ci = kill_prop_lams c.(i) in
let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
for j = 0 to (n-1) do
- c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args (MLrel (n-i)) ids m c.(j))
+ c.(j) <- kill_prop (kill_prop_args ids (MLrel (n-i)) c.(j))
- c,ids,m
+ ids,c
+(*s Putting things together. *)
let normalize a =
if (optim()) then kill_prop (simpl true a) else simpl false a
-(*s Special treatment of non-mutual fixpoint for pretty-printing purpose. *)
+(*S Special treatment of non-mutual fixpoint for pretty-printing purpose. *)
(* TODO a reecrire plus proprement!! *)
@@ -532,19 +580,13 @@ let make_general_fix f ids n args m c =
let v = Array.make n 0 in
for i=0 to (n-1) do v.(i)<-i done;
let aux i = function
- MLrel j when v.(j-1)>=0 -> v.(j-1)<-(-i-1)
+ | MLrel j when v.(j-1)>=0 -> v.(j-1)<-(-i-1)
| _ -> raise Impossible
- in
- list_iter_i aux args;
- let args_f =
- List.rev_map
- (fun i -> MLrel (i+m+1)) (Array.to_list v) in
- let new_f =
- anonym_lams (MLapp (MLrel (n+m+1),args_f)) m in
- let new_c =
- named_lams
- (normalize (MLapp ((ml_subst new_f c),args))) ids
- in MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
+ in list_iter_i aux args;
+ let args_f = List.rev_map (fun i -> MLrel (i+m+1)) (Array.to_list v) in
+ let new_f = anonym_lams (MLapp (MLrel (n+m+1),args_f)) m in
+ let new_c = named_lams ids (normalize (MLapp ((ml_subst new_f c),args))) in
+ MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
let optimize_fix a =
if not (optim()) then a
@@ -552,28 +594,27 @@ let optimize_fix a =
let ids,a' = collect_lams a in
let n = List.length ids in
if n = 0 then a
- else
- (match a' with
- | MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
- let new_f = MLapp (MLrel (n+1),make_eta_args n) in
- let new_c = named_lams (ml_subst new_f c) ids
- in MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
- | MLapp(a',args) ->
- let m = List.length args in
- (match a' with
- | MLfix(_,[|_|],[|_|]) when
- (test_eta_args_lift 0 n args) && not (occurs_itvl 1 m a')
- -> a'
- | MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
- (try
- make_general_fix f ids n args m c
- with Impossible ->
- named_lams (MLapp (MLfix (0,[|f|],[|c|]),args)) ids)
- | _ -> a)
- | _ -> a)
-(*s Utility functions used for the decision of expansion. *)
+ else match a' with
+ | MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
+ let new_f = MLapp (MLrel (n+1),eta_args n) in
+ let new_c = named_lams ids (ml_subst new_f c)
+ in MLfix(0,[|f|],[|new_c|])
+ | MLapp(a',args) ->
+ let m = List.length args in
+ (match a' with
+ | MLfix(_,[|_|],[|_|]) when
+ (test_eta_args_lift 0 n args) && not (occurs_itvl 1 m a')
+ -> a'
+ | MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
+ (try make_general_fix f ids n args m c
+ with Impossible ->
+ named_lams ids (MLapp (MLfix (0,[|f|],[|c|]),args)))
+ | _ -> a)
+ | _ -> a
+(*S Inlining. *)
+(* Utility functions used in the decision of inlining. *)
let rec ml_size = function
| MLapp(t,l) -> List.length l + ml_size t + ml_size_list l
@@ -629,9 +670,8 @@ let rec non_stricts add cand = function
List.filter ((<>) n) cand
| MLapp (MLrel n, _) ->
List.filter ((<>) n) cand
- (* In [(x y)] we say that only x is strict. Cf [sig_rec].
- We may gain something if x is replaced by a function like
- a projection *)
+ (* In [(x y)] we say that only x is strict. Cf [sig_rec]. We may *)
+ (* gain something if x is replaced by a function like a projection *)
| MLapp (t,l)->
let cand = non_stricts false cand t in
List.fold_left (non_stricts false) cand l
@@ -646,9 +686,9 @@ let rec non_stricts add cand = function
let cand = Array.fold_left (non_stricts false) cand f in
pop n cand
| MLcase (t,v) ->
- (* The only interesting case: for a variable to be non-strict,
- it is sufficient that it appears non-strict in at least one branch,
- so he make an union (in fact a merge). *)
+ (* The only interesting case: for a variable to be non-strict, *)
+ (* it is sufficient that it appears non-strict in at least one branch, *)
+ (* so he make an union (in fact a merge). *)
let cand = non_stricts false cand t in
(fun c (_,i,t)->
@@ -669,63 +709,55 @@ let rec non_stricts add cand = function
exception. *)
let is_not_strict t =
- try
- let _ = non_stricts true [] t in false
- with
- | Toplevel -> true
+ try let _ = non_stricts true [] t in false
+ with Toplevel -> true
-(*s Expansion decision *)
+(*s Inlining decision *)
-(* [expansion_test] answers the following question:
- If we could expand [t] (the user said nothing special),
- should we expand ?
+(* [inline_test] answers the following question:
+ If we could inline [t] (the user said nothing special),
+ should we inline ?
We don't expand fixpoints, but always inductive constructors
and small terms.
- Last case of expansion is a term with at least one non-strict
+ Last case of inlining is a term with at least one non-strict
variable (i.e. a variable that may not be evaluated). *)
-let expansion_test t =
- (not (is_fix t))
- &&
- ((is_constr t) ||
- (ml_size t < 3) ||
- ((ml_size t < 12) && (is_not_strict t)))
+let inline_test t =
+ not (is_fix t)
+ && (is_constr t || ml_size t < 3 || (ml_size t < 12 && is_not_strict t))
-let manual_expand_list =
+let manual_inline_list =
List.map (fun s -> path_of_string ("Coq.Init."^s))
[ "Specif.sigS_rect" ; "Specif.sigS_rec" ;
"Datatypes.prod_rect" ; "Datatypes.prod_rec";
"Wf.Acc_rec" ; "Wf.Acc_rect" ;
"Wf.well_founded_induction" ; "Wf.well_founded_induction_type" ]
-let manual_expand = function
- | ConstRef sp -> List.mem sp manual_expand_list
+let manual_inline = function
+ | ConstRef sp -> List.mem sp manual_inline_list
| _ -> false
-(* If the user doesn't say he wants to keep [t], we expand in two cases:
+(* If the user doesn't say he wants to keep [t], we inline in two cases:
\item the user explicitly requests it
- \item [expansion_test] answers that the expansion is a good idea, and
+ \item [expansion_test] answers that the inlining is a good idea, and
we are free to act (AutoInline is set)
\end{itemize} *)
-let expand r t =
- (not (to_keep r)) (* The user DOES want to keep it *)
- &&
- ((to_inline r) (* The user DOES want to expand it *)
- ||
- (auto_inline () && lang () <> Haskell &&
- ((manual_expand r) || expansion_test t)))
+let inline r t =
+ not (to_keep r) (* The user DOES want to keep it *)
+ && (to_inline r (* The user DOES want to inline it *)
+ || (auto_inline () && lang () <> Haskell
+ && (manual_inline r || inline_test t)))
-(*s Optimization *)
+(*S Optimization. *)
let subst_glob_ast r m =
let rec substrec = function
| MLglob r' as t -> if r = r' then m else t
| t -> ast_map substrec t
- in
- substrec
+ in substrec
let subst_glob_decl r m = function
| Dglob(r',t') -> Dglob(r', subst_glob_ast r m t')
@@ -747,20 +779,14 @@ let rec optimize prm = function
Dabbrev(r,_,Tprop) |
Dglob(r,MLarity) |
Dglob(r,MLprop) ) as d :: l ->
- if List.mem r prm.to_appear then
- d :: (optimize prm l)
+ if List.mem r prm.to_appear then d :: (optimize prm l)
else optimize prm l
| Dglob (r,t) :: l ->
let t = normalize t in
- let b = expand r t in
- let l = if b then
- List.map (subst_glob_decl r t) l
- else l in
- if (not b || prm.modular || List.mem r prm.to_appear) then
- let t = optimize_fix t in
- Dglob (r,t) :: (optimize prm l)
+ let b = not (inline r t) in
+ let l = if b then l else List.map (subst_glob_decl r t) l in
+ if (b || prm.modular || List.mem r prm.to_appear) then
+ Dglob (r,optimize_fix t) :: (optimize prm l)
optimize prm l
| d :: l -> d :: (optimize prm l)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
index 02257be77..b58ee5260 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
@@ -18,17 +18,25 @@ open Nametab
val anonymous : identifier
val prop_name : identifier
+val flex_name : identifier
+val id_of_name : name -> identifier
(*s [collect_lambda MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns
the list [idn;...;id1] and the term [t]. *)
val collect_lams : ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
+val collect_n_lams : int -> ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
+val nb_lams : ml_ast -> int
(*s [anonym_lams a n] creates [n] anonymous [MLlam] in front of [a] *)
val anonym_lams : ml_ast -> int -> ml_ast
-val named_lams : ml_ast -> identifier list -> ml_ast
+val prop_lams : ml_ast -> int -> ml_ast
+val named_lams : identifier list -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
(*s Utility functions over ML types. [update_args sp vl t] puts [vl]
as arguments behind every inductive types [(sp,_)]. *)
@@ -56,7 +64,7 @@ val ml_subst : ml_ast -> ml_ast -> ml_ast
(*s Some transformations of ML terms. [normalize] simplify
all beta redexes (when the argument does not occur, it is just
thrown away; when it occurs exactly once it is substituted; otherwise
- a let in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other
+ a let-in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other
optimizations. *)
val normalize : ml_ast -> ml_ast
@@ -69,7 +77,5 @@ val add_ml_decls :
val optimize :
extraction_params -> ml_decl list -> ml_decl list
-exception Impossible
-val kill_prop_aux : ml_ast -> ml_ast * identifier list * int
+val kill_some_lams :
+ bool list -> identifier list * ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
index 57a198d13..4bd05b03f 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
+++ b/contrib/extraction/ocaml.ml
@@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ let rec pp_expr par env args =
let ids',env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in
pp_fix par env' (Some i) (Array.of_list (List.rev ids'),defs) args
| MLexn s ->
- (* an [MLexn] may be applied, but I don't really care *)
+ (* An [MLexn] may be applied, but I don't really care. *)
(open_par par ++ str "assert false" ++ spc () ++
str ("(* "^s^" *)") ++ close_par par)
| MLprop ->
- assert (args=[]); str "prop"
+ str "prop" (* An [MLprop] may be applied, but I don't really care. *)
| MLarity ->
- assert (args=[]); str "arity"
+ str "arity" (* idem for [MLarity]. *)
| MLcast (a,t) ->
let tvars = get_tvars t in
let _,ren = rename_tvars keywords tvars in
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test_extraction.v b/contrib/extraction/test_extraction.v
index a2a17d20b..406b81953 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test_extraction.v
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test_extraction.v
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Extraction [f:nat->nat][x:nat](f x).
(* fun f x -> f x *)
Extraction [f:nat->Set->nat][x:nat](f x nat).
-(* fun f x -> f x *)
+(* fun f x -> f x arity *)
Extraction [f:(nat->nat)->nat][x:nat][g:nat->nat](f g).
(* fun f x g -> f g *)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Extraction ([X:Set][x:X]x nat).
Definition d := [X:Type]X.
Extraction d. (* type 'x d = 'x *)
Extraction (d Set). (* arity d *)
-Extraction [x:(d Set)]O. (* O *)
+Extraction [x:(d Set)]O. (* fun _ -> O *)
Extraction (d nat). (* nat d *)
Extraction ([x:(d Type)]O Type). (* O *)
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ Extraction eta_c.
Eta_c of nat * nat
Extraction (eta_c O).
-(* fun x -> Eta_c (O, x) *)
+(* fun _ x _ -> Eta_c (O, x) *)
Extraction (eta_c O True).
-(* fun x -> Eta_c (O, x) *)
+(* fun x _ -> Eta_c (O, x) *)
Extraction (eta_c O True O).
-(* Eta_c (O, O) *)
+(* fun _ -> Eta_c (O, O) *)
(** Example of singleton inductive type *)
@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ Extraction [i:(X:Type)X->X](pair ? ? (i nat O) (i bool true)).
(* problem: fun f -> (f 0, f true) not legal in ocaml *)
(* solution: fun f -> (f 0, Obj.magic f true) *)
-(* Prop applied to Prop : impossible ?*)
Definition funPropSet:=
[b:bool]<[_:bool]Type>if b then (X:Prop)X->X else (X:Set)X->X.
@@ -310,3 +309,33 @@ Definition idpropset :=
Definition funProp := [b:bool][x:True]<natTrue>if b then O else x.
+(*s prop and arity can be applied.... *)
+Definition f : (X:Type)(nat->X)->(X->bool)->bool :=
+ [X:Type;x:nat->X;y:X->bool](y (x O)).
+Extraction f.
+(* let f x y =
+ y (x O)
+Definition f_prop := (f (O=O) [_](refl_equal ? O) [_]true).
+Extraction NoInline f.
+Extraction f_prop.
+(* let f_prop =
+ f prop (fun _ -> True)
+Definition f_arity := (f Set [_:nat]nat [_:Set]true).
+Extraction f_arity.
+(* let f_arity =
+ f arity (fun _ -> True)
+Definition f_normal := (f nat [x]x [x](Cases x of O => true | _ => false end)).
+Extraction f_normal.
+(* let f_normal =
+ f (fun x -> x) (fun x -> match x with
+ O -> True
+ | S n -> False)