path: root/contrib
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2 files changed, 3161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/graphs/cgraph.v b/contrib/graphs/cgraph.v
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+++ b/contrib/graphs/cgraph.v
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+(*s Decision procedure for arithmetic formulas by looking
+ for negative cycles in a graph *)
+Require Allmaps.
+Require Arith.
+Require ZArith.
+Require Bool.
+Require Sumbool.
+Require PolyList.
+Require Wf_nat.
+Section ConstraintGraphs.
+(*s Axiomatisation of the domain of interpretation [D] *)
+ Variable D : Set.
+ Variable Dz : D.
+ Variable Dplus : D -> D -> D.
+ Variable Dneg : D -> D.
+ Variable Dle : D -> D -> bool.
+ Variable Dplus_d_z : (d:D) (Dplus d Dz)=d.
+ Variable Dplus_z_d : (d:D) (Dplus Dz d)=d.
+ Variable Dplus_assoc :
+ (d,d',d'':D) (Dplus (Dplus d d') d'')=(Dplus d (Dplus d' d'')).
+ Variable Dplus_neg : (d:D) (Dplus d (Dneg d))=Dz.
+ Variable Dle_refl : (d:D) (Dle d d)=true.
+ Variable Dle_antisym : (d,d':D) (Dle d d')=true -> (Dle d' d)=true -> d=d'.
+ Variable Dle_trans :
+ (d,d',d'':D) (Dle d d')=true -> (Dle d' d'')=true -> (Dle d d'')=true.
+ Variable Dle_total : (d,d':D) {(Dle d d')=true}+{(Dle d' d)=true}.
+ Variable Dle_plus_mono :
+ (d,d',d'',d''':D) (Dle d d')=true -> (Dle d'' d''')=true ->
+ (Dle (Dplus d d'') (Dplus d' d'''))=true.
+(*s Properties of [Dle] *)
+Lemma Dle_true_permut :
+ (d,d':D) (Dle d d')=true -> {(Dle d' d)=false}+{d=d'}.
+ Intros; Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d' d)); Intro; Auto.
+ Save.
+(*s Definition of the minimum function *)
+Definition Dmin := [d,d':D] if (Dle d d') then d else d'.
+Lemma Dle_true_Dmin : (d,d':D)(Dle d d')=true -> (Dmin d d')=d.
+ Unfold Dmin; Intros d d' H; Rewrite H; Trivial.
+ Save.
+Lemma Dle_inv_Dmin : (d,d':D)(Dle d' d)=true -> (Dmin d d')=d'.
+ Unfold Dmin; Intros d d' H.
+ Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d d')); Intro H'; Rewrite H'; Auto.
+ Save.
+Hints Resolve Dle_true_Dmin Dle_inv_Dmin.
+Lemma Dmin_idempotent : (d:D) (Dmin d d)=d.
+ Proof.
+ Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_comm : (d,d':D) (Dmin d d')=(Dmin d' d).
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d'; Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H; Trivial.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H; Trivial.
+ Save.
+Lemma Dmin_assoc
+ : (d,d',d'':D) (Dmin (Dmin d d') d'')=(Dmin d (Dmin d' d'')).
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d' d''; Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Case (Dle_total d' d''); Intro H'.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H'.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Rewrite (Dle_true_Dmin d d''); EAuto.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H'; Trivial.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Case (Dle_total d' d''); Intro H'.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H'.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H; Trivial.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H'.
+ Rewrite (Dle_inv_Dmin d d''); EAuto.
+Lemma Dmin_le_1 : (d,d':D) (Dle (Dmin d d') d)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H; Auto.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H; Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_le_2 : (d,d':D) (Dle (Dmin d d') d')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite (Dmin_comm d d'). Apply Dmin_le_1.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_le_3 : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle d (Dmin d' d''))=true -> (Dle d d')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d' d''; Elim (Dle_total d' d''); Intro H0.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:=H0; Trivial.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:=H0; EAuto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_le_4 : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle d (Dmin d' d''))=true -> (Dle d d'')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite (Dmin_comm d' d'') in H. Exact (Dmin_le_3 ? ? ? H).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_le_5 : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle d d')=true -> (Dle d d'')=true ->
+ (Dle d (Dmin d' d''))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold Dmin. Case (Dle d' d''); Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s Properties of [Dneg] *)
+Lemma Dneg_Dz : (Dneg Dz)=Dz.
+ Proof.
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d (Dneg Dz)). Apply Dplus_neg.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dneg_neg : (d:D) (Dneg (Dneg d))=d.
+ Proof.
+ Intro. Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d (Dneg (Dneg d))). Rewrite <- (Dplus_neg d).
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg. Apply Dplus_d_z.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dplus_neg_2 : (d:D) (Dplus (Dneg d) d)=Dz.
+ Proof.
+ Intro. Cut (Dplus (Dneg d) (Dneg (Dneg d)))=Dz. Rewrite Dneg_neg. Trivial.
+ Apply Dplus_neg.
+ Qed.
+(*s Properties of [Dplus] *)
+Lemma Dplus_reg_l
+ : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle (Dplus d'' d) (Dplus d'' d'))=true
+ -> (Dle d d')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d). Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d'). Rewrite <- (Dplus_neg_2 d'').
+ Rewrite (Dplus_assoc (Dneg d'') d'' d). Rewrite (Dplus_assoc (Dneg d'') d'' d').
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dplus_reg_r
+ : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle (Dplus d d'') (Dplus d' d''))=true -> (Dle d d')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite <- (Dplus_d_z d). Rewrite <- (Dplus_d_z d'). Rewrite <- (Dplus_neg d'').
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_assoc d d'' (Dneg d'')). Rewrite <- (Dplus_assoc d' d'' (Dneg d'')).
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_plus_l
+ : (d,d',d'':D) (Dplus (Dmin d d') d'')=(Dmin (Dplus d d'') (Dplus d' d'')).
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d' d''; Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:=H.
+ Rewrite (Dle_true_Dmin (Dplus d d'')); Auto.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:=H.
+ Rewrite (Dle_inv_Dmin (Dplus d d'')); Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_plus_r
+ : (d,d',d'':D) (Dplus d'' (Dmin d d'))=(Dmin (Dplus d'' d) (Dplus d'' d')).
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d' d''; Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:=H.
+ Rewrite (Dle_true_Dmin (Dplus d'' d)); Auto.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:=H.
+ Rewrite (Dle_inv_Dmin (Dplus d'' d)); Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dle_neg : (d:D) (Dle Dz d)=true -> (Dle (Dneg d) Dz)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Cut (Dle (Dplus Dz (Dneg d)) (Dplus d (Dneg d)))=true. Intro.
+ Rewrite (Dplus_z_d (Dneg d)) in H0. Rewrite (Dplus_neg d) in H0. Assumption.
+ Exact (Dle_plus_mono ? ? ? ? H (Dle_refl ?)).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dle_neg_2 : (d:D) (Dle d Dz)=true -> (Dle Dz (Dneg d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Cut (Dle (Dplus d (Dneg d)) (Dplus Dz (Dneg d)))=true. Intro.
+ Rewrite (Dplus_neg d) in H0. Rewrite (Dplus_z_d (Dneg d)) in H0. Assumption.
+ Exact (Dle_plus_mono ? ? ? ? H (Dle_refl ?)).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_not_eq : (d,d':D)(Dle d d')=false ->~d=d'.
+ Red; Intros.
+ Apply diff_true_false.
+ Rewrite H0 in H.
+ Rewrite (Dle_refl d') in H; Trivial.
+ Save.
+Hints Immediate Dnotle_not_eq.
+Lemma Dnotle_not_eq_sym : (d,d':D) (Dle d d')=false -> ~d'=d.
+ Proof.
+ Intros; Apply sym_not_eq; Auto.
+ Qed.
+Hints Immediate Dnotle_not_eq_sym.
+(*s Equality on [D] is decidable *)
+Lemma D_dec : (d,d':D) {d=d'}+{~d=d'}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d'; Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d d')); Intro H; Auto.
+ Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d' d)); Intro H0; Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_3_cases
+ : (d,d':D) {(Dle d d')=false}+{d=d'}+{(Dle d' d)=false}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d'; Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d d')); Intro H; Auto.
+ Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d' d)); Intro H0; Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dle_noteq_notle
+ : (d,d':D) (Dle d' d)=true -> ~d=d' -> (Dle d d')=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intros d d'; Case (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d d')); Intro H; Auto.
+ Intros; Absurd d=d'; Auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_not_refl
+ : (d:D) ~(Dle d d)=false.
+ Proof.
+ Red; Intro; Rewrite (Dle_refl d).
+ Exact diff_true_false.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_elim :
+ (d,d':D) (Dle d' d)=false -> ((Dle d d')=true /\ ~d=d').
+ Intros.
+ Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H'; Auto.
+ Case diff_true_false.
+ Rewrite <- H'; Trivial.
+Lemma Dnotle_trans : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle d d')=false -> (Dle d' d'')=false -> (Dle d d'')=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intros.
+ Case Dnotle_elim with 1:= H; Intros.
+ Case Dnotle_elim with 1:= H0; Intros.
+ Apply Dle_noteq_notle; EAuto.
+ Red; Intros.
+ Apply diff_false_true.
+ Rewrite <- H0.
+ Rewrite <- H5; Trivial.
+ Save.
+Lemma Dnotle_le_1 : (d,d':D) (Dle d d')=false -> (Dle d' d)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros; Case Dnotle_elim with 1:= H; Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dmin_le_distr_l : (d,d',d'':D) (Dle (Dmin d d') d'')=(orb (Dle d d'') (Dle d' d'')).
+ Proof.
+ Intros; Case (Dle_total d d'); Intro H.
+ Rewrite Dle_true_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Pattern (Dle d d''); Apply bool_eq_ind; Intro H'; Simpl; Trivial.
+ Pattern (Dle d' d''); Apply bool_eq_ind; Intro H''; Simpl; Trivial.
+ Rewrite <- H'; EAuto.
+ Rewrite Dle_inv_Dmin with 1:= H.
+ Pattern (Dle d d''); Apply bool_eq_ind; Intro H'; Simpl; EAuto.
+ Save.
+Lemma Dmin_choice : (d,d':D) {(Dmin d d')=d}+{(Dmin d d')=d'}.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold Dmin. Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d d')). Intro H. Left . Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H. Right . Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_noteq : (d,d':D) (Dle d d')=false -> ~d=d'.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold not. Intros. Rewrite H0 in H. Rewrite (Dle_refl d') in H. Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dneg_plus : (d,d':D) (Dneg (Dplus d d'))=(Dplus (Dneg d') (Dneg d)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Cut (Dplus (Dplus d d') (Dplus (Dneg d') (Dneg d)))=Dz. Intro.
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_d_z (Dneg (Dplus d d'))). Rewrite <- H. Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc.
+ Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Rewrite Dplus_z_d. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite <- (Dplus_assoc d' (Dneg d') (Dneg d)). Rewrite Dplus_neg.
+ Rewrite Dplus_z_d. Apply Dplus_neg.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dneg_le : (d,d':D) (Dle d d')=true -> (Dle (Dneg d') (Dneg d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=d'. Rewrite Dplus_neg. Rewrite <- (Dneg_neg d').
+ Rewrite <- Dneg_plus. Apply Dle_neg_2. Rewrite <- (Dplus_neg d').
+ Exact (Dle_plus_mono ? ? ? ? H (Dle_refl ?)).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_plus_mono_1 : (d,d',d'',d''':D) (Dle d' d)=true -> (Dle d'' d''')=false
+ -> (Dle (Dplus d d'') (Dplus d' d'''))=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply Dle_noteq_notle. Apply Dle_plus_mono. Assumption.
+ Apply Dnotle_le_1. Assumption.
+ Unfold not. Intro H1.
+ Cut (Dle (Dplus (Dneg d) (Dplus d d'')) (Dplus (Dneg d') (Dplus d' d''')))=true.
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_assoc (Dneg d) d d''). Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Rewrite Dplus_z_d.
+ Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Rewrite Dplus_z_d. Rewrite H0.
+ Intro H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dneg_le. Assumption.
+ Rewrite H1. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dnotle_plus_mono : (d,d',d'',d''':D) (Dle d d')=false -> (Dle d'' d''')=false
+ -> (Dle (Dplus d d'') (Dplus d' d'''))=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. (Apply Dnotle_plus_mono_1; Try Assumption). (Apply Dnotle_le_1; Assumption).
+ Qed.
+(*s Extending D with an element NONE representing infinity *)
+Definition Ddmin := [dd,dd':(option D)] Cases dd dd' of
+ NONE _ => dd'
+ | _ NONE => dd
+ | (SOME d) (SOME d') => (SOME D (Dmin d d'))
+ end.
+Lemma Ddmin_idempotent : (dd:(option D)) (Ddmin dd dd)=dd.
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Trivial.
+ Intro. Simpl. Rewrite Dmin_idempotent. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_comm : (dd,dd':(option D)) (Ddmin dd dd')=(Ddmin dd' dd).
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Intro. (Case dd'; Reflexivity).
+ Intro d. Induction dd'. Reflexivity.
+ Intro d'. Simpl. Rewrite Dmin_comm. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_assoc : (dd,dd',dd'':(option D))
+ (Ddmin (Ddmin dd dd') dd'')=(Ddmin dd (Ddmin dd' dd'')).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Case dd. Simpl. Case dd'. Simpl. (Case dd''; Reflexivity).
+ Intro. Simpl. (Case dd''; Reflexivity).
+ Intro. Simpl. Case dd'. Simpl. (Case dd''; Reflexivity).
+ Intro d'. Simpl. Case dd''. Reflexivity.
+ Intro d''. Rewrite Dmin_assoc. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+(*s The order [Dle] extended to $D_{\infty}$ *)
+Definition Ddle
+ := [dd,dd':(option D)] Cases dd dd' of
+ _ NONE => true
+ | NONE _ => false
+ | (SOME d) (SOME d') => (Dle d d')
+ end.
+Lemma Ddle_refl : (dd:(option D)) (Ddle dd dd)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intro. Case dd. Reflexivity.
+ Intro. Exact (Dle_refl d).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddle_antisym
+ : (dd,dd':(option D)) (Ddle dd dd')=true -> (Ddle dd' dd)=true -> dd=dd'.
+ Proof.
+ Intros dd dd'. Case dd. Case dd'. Trivial.
+ Intros. Discriminate H.
+ Case dd'. Intros. Discriminate H0.
+ Intros. Rewrite (Dle_antisym ? ? H0 H). Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddle_trans
+ : (dd,dd',dd'':(option D))
+ (Ddle dd dd')=true -> (Ddle dd' dd'')=true -> (Ddle dd dd'')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros dd dd' dd''. Case dd''. (Case dd; Trivial).
+ Intro d''. Case dd'. Intros. Discriminate H0.
+ Intro d'. Case dd. Intro. Discriminate H.
+ Intros d H H0. Exact (Dle_trans ? ? ? H H0).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddle_d_none : (dd:(option D)) (Ddle dd (NONE D))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd; Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_le_1 : (dd,dd':(option D)) (Ddle (Ddmin dd dd') dd)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Case dd. (Case dd'; Reflexivity).
+ Intro d. Case dd'. Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Exact (Dmin_le_1 d).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_le_2 : (dd,dd':(option D)) (Ddle (Ddmin dd dd') dd')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite (Ddmin_comm dd dd'). Apply Ddmin_le_1.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_le_3
+ : (dd,dd',dd'':(option D))
+ (Ddle dd (Ddmin dd' dd''))=true -> (Ddle dd dd')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros dd dd' dd''. Case dd'. (Case dd; Trivial).
+ Intro d'. Case dd. Case dd''. Intro. Discriminate H.
+ Intros d'' H. Discriminate H.
+ Intro d. Case dd''. Trivial.
+ Exact (Dmin_le_3 d d').
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_le_4 : (dd,dd',dd'':(option D)) (Ddle dd (Ddmin dd' dd''))=true ->
+ (Ddle dd dd'')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite (Ddmin_comm dd' dd'') in H. Exact (Ddmin_le_3 ? ? ? H).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_le_distr_l
+ : (dd,dd',dd'':(option D))
+ (Ddle (Ddmin dd dd') dd'')=(orb (Ddle dd dd'') (Ddle dd' dd'')).
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Induction dd'. (Induction dd''; Trivial).
+ Intro d. (Induction dd''; Trivial).
+ Intro d. Induction dd'. (Induction dd''; Trivial).
+ Simpl. Intro d'. Rewrite orb_b_false. Reflexivity.
+ Intro d'. (Induction dd''; Trivial). Simpl. Exact (Dmin_le_distr_l d d').
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddmin_choice
+ : (dd,dd':(option D)) {(Ddmin dd dd')=dd}+{(Ddmin dd dd')=dd'}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Intro. Right . Simpl. (Case dd'; Reflexivity).
+ Intro d. Induction dd'. Left . Reflexivity.
+ Intro d'. Simpl. Elim (Dmin_choice d d'). Intro H. Left . Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H. Right . Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+(*s Operation [Ddplus] on $D_{\infty}$ *)
+Definition Ddplus := [dd:(option D)][d':D]
+ Cases dd of
+ (SOME d) => (SOME ? (Dplus d d'))
+ | _ => dd
+ end.
+Lemma Ddmin_plus_l
+ : (dd,dd':(option D)) (d'':D)
+ (Ddplus (Ddmin dd dd') d'')=(Ddmin (Ddplus dd d'') (Ddplus dd' d'')).
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Induction dd'. Trivial.
+ Trivial.
+ Intro d. Induction dd'. Trivial.
+ Intros d' d''. Simpl. Rewrite Dmin_plus_l. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddle_plus_mono
+ : (dd,dd':(option D)) (d,d':D)
+ (Ddle dd dd')=true -> (Dle d d')=true ->
+ (Ddle (Ddplus dd d) (Ddplus dd' d'))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Induction dd'. Intros. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Intros. Assumption.
+ Intro d0. Induction dd'. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Exact (Dle_plus_mono d0).
+ Qed.
+Lemma Ddplus_reg_r
+ : (dd,dd':(option D)) (d'':D)
+ (Ddle (Ddplus dd d'') (Ddplus dd' d''))=true->(Ddle dd dd')=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction dd. Induction dd'. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Trivial.
+ Intro d. Induction dd'. Trivial.
+ Intros d' d'' H. Exact (Dplus_reg_r d d' d'' H).
+ Qed.
+(*s Introducing graphs of objects in [D] *)
+Definition CGraph1 := (Map (Map D)).
+Definition CGraph := (option CGraph1).
+Section CGDist.
+ Variable cg : CGraph1.
+Definition CG_edge := [x,y:ad]
+ Cases (MapGet ? cg x) of
+ (SOME edges) => Cases (MapGet ? edges y) of
+ (SOME d) => (SOME D d)
+ | _ => (NONE D)
+ end
+ | _ => (NONE D)
+ end.
+(*s Let $\rho$ be an interpretation of adresses as elements in [D],
+ the graph [cg] is satisfied by $\rho$ if for any edge
+ from $x$ to $y$ indexed by $d$, we have $\rho(x) \leq \rho(y)+d$
+ A graph is consistent if there exists an interpretation which satisfies it.
+Definition CGsat
+ := [rho:ad->D]
+ (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_edge x y)=(SOME D d) -> (Dle (rho x) (Dplus (rho y) d))=true.
+Definition CGconsistent := (sig ? CGsat).
+(* [CG_path last d l] if there exists a path starting from [last] with successive
+ vertexes $l=[x0;...;xn]$ $(xn=last)$ and [d] is the sum of the weights on the
+ edges *)
+Inductive CG_path [last : ad] : D -> (list ad) -> Set :=
+ CG_p1 : (x:ad) x=last -> (CG_path last Dz (cons x (nil ?)))
+ | CG_p2 : (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D) (CG_path last d (cons y l)) ->
+ (d':D) (CG_edge x y)=(SOME D d') ->
+ (CG_path last (Dplus d d') (cons x (cons y l))).
+(* If $\rho$ satisfies the graph and there is a path from [last] to [x] of
+ weight d then $\rho(x) \leq \rho(last)+d$
+Definition first : (list ad) -> ad := [l]Cases l of nil => ad_z | (cons x _) => x end.
+Lemma CG_path_head
+ : (l:(list ad)) (last:ad) (d:D) (CG_path last d l) ->
+ (rho:ad->D) (CGsat rho) -> (Dle (rho (first l)) (Dplus (rho last) d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros; Elim H; Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite e; Rewrite Dplus_d_z; Auto.
+ Apply Dle_trans with (Dplus (rho y) d'); Auto.
+ Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc; Auto.
+ Save.
+Lemma CG_path_correct
+ : (l:(list ad)) (x,last:ad) (d:D) (CG_path last d (cons x l)) ->
+ (rho:ad->D) (CGsat rho) -> (Dle (rho x) (Dplus (rho last) d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros; Apply (CG_path_head (cons x l) last d); Trivial.
+ Save.
+(*s If there is a circuit [(cons x l)] with negative weight [d], then [cg] is inconsistent: *)
+Theorem CG_circuit_correct
+ : (x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad))
+ (CG_path x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=false -> CGconsistent -> False.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold CGconsistent in H1. Elim H1. Intros rho H2.
+ Cut (Dle (Dplus (rho x) Dz) (Dplus (rho x) d))=true. Intro H3.
+ Rewrite (Dplus_reg_l ? ? ? H3) in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Exact (CG_path_correct l x x d H rho H2).
+ Qed.
+Section CGConsistent.
+ Variable P : CGconsistent.
+(*s Assuming that [cg] is consistent, we can build a distance d(x,y) as follows:
+ d(x,y) is the length of the shortest path from x to y (or +infty if none). *)
+Lemma CG_circuits_non_negative_weight
+ : (x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle Dz d)). Trivial.
+ Intro H0. Elim (CG_circuit_correct x d l H H0 P).
+ Qed.
+End CGConsistent.
+(*s We assume that any cycle has a positive weight *)
+Section CGNoBadCycles.
+ Variable no_bad_cycles : (x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad))
+ (CG_path x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true.
+(*s The edges are in the domain of the graph *)
+Lemma CG_edge_in_cg_1
+ : (x,y:ad) (d:D) (CG_edge x y)=(SOME D d) -> (in_FSet x (MapDom ? cg))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Intros x y d.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet (Map D) cg x)). Intro H.
+ Elim H. Intros edges H0. Rewrite H0. Intros.
+ Exact (MapDom_semantics_1 ? cg x edges H0).
+ Intros H H0. Rewrite H in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Qed.
+(*s The elements of a path are in the domain of the graph extended with
+ the last element *)
+Lemma CG_path_in_cg_1
+ : (l:(list ad)) (last:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d l) -> (MapSubset ? ? (Elems l)
+ (MapPut ? (MapDom ? cg) last tt)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction 1.
+ Unfold MapSubset; Unfold Elems; Simpl; Intros.
+ Rewrite in_dom_put.
+ Rewrite in_dom_M1 in H0.
+ Rewrite <- e.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_comm a x).
+ Rewrite H0; Simpl; Trivial.
+ Unfold MapSubset.
+ Intros; Rewrite in_dom_put.
+ Change (in_dom unit a
+ (MapPut unit (Elems (cons y l0)) x tt))=true in H1.
+ Rewrite in_dom_put in H1.
+ Case orb_prop with 1:=H1; Intro.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H2).
+ Change
+ (orb (ad_eq x last) (in_FSet x (MapDom (Map D) cg)))=true.
+ Rewrite CG_edge_in_cg_1 with 1:=e; Auto with bool.
+ LetTac H3:=(H0 a H2).
+ Rewrite in_dom_put in H3.
+ Trivial.
+Lemma CG_path_last
+ : (l:(list ad)) (last:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d l) -> {l':(list ad) | l=(app l' (cons last (nil ad)))}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction 1; Intros.
+ Exists (nil ad); Simpl; Rewrite e; Trivial.
+ Case H0; Intros l' H1.
+ Exists (cons x l'); Simpl.
+ Rewrite H1; Auto.
+ Qed.
+(*s The length of a path without repetition is less than the
+ cardinal of the map representing the graph *)
+Lemma ad_simple_path_bounded_card
+ : (l:(list ad)) (last,x:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d (cons x l)) -> (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false
+ -> (le (length (cons x l)) (S (MapCard ? cg))).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply le_trans with m:=(MapCard ? (MapPut ? (MapDom ? cg) last tt)).
+ Rewrite (ad_list_not_stutters_card (cons x l) H0). Apply MapSubset_Card_le.
+ Apply CG_path_in_cg_1 with 1:=H; Trivial.
+ Rewrite (MapCard_Dom ? cg). Apply MapCard_Put_ub.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_path_app_1 : (l1,l2:(list ad)) (last,x:ad) (d1,d2:D)
+ (CG_path last d2 (cons x l2)) -> (CG_path x d1 l1) ->
+ (CG_path last (Dplus d2 d1) (app l1 l2)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros.
+ Elim H0; Intros.
+ Simpl; Rewrite Dplus_d_z; Rewrite e; Trivial.
+ Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc.
+ Simpl; Constructor; Auto.
+ Save.
+Lemma CG_path_app_2 : (l1,l2:(list ad)) (last,x:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d (app l1 (cons x l2))) ->
+ {d2 : D & (CG_path last d2 (cons x l2))}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction l1. Simpl. Intros. Split with d. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Induction l. Intros. Simpl in H0. Inversion H0. Split with d0. Assumption.
+ Intros. Simpl in H1. Inversion H1. Exact (H0 l2 last x d0 H5).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_path_app_3 : (l1,l2:(list ad)) (last,x:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d (app l1 (cons x l2))) ->
+ {d1 : D & (CG_path x d1 (app l1 (cons x (nil ad))))}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction l1. Simpl. Intros. Split with Dz. Apply CG_p1. Reflexivity.
+ Induction l. Simpl. Intros. Inversion H0. Split with d'. Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d').
+ Apply CG_p2. Apply CG_p1. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Inversion H1. Elim (H0 ? ? ? ? H5). Intros d1 H9. Split with (Dplus d1 d').
+ Apply CG_p2. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_path_weight_and_last_unique
+ : (l:(list ad)) (last,last':ad) (d,d':D)
+ (CG_path last d l) -> (CG_path last' d' l) -> d=d' /\ last=last'.
+ Proof.
+ Intros l last last' d d' H; Generalize d'.
+ Elim H; Intros.
+ Inversion H0.
+ Split; Trivial. Transitivity x; Auto.
+ Inversion H1.
+ Case H0 with 1:=H5; Split; Intros; Trivial.
+ Rewrite H8.
+ Replace d'0 with d'2; Auto.
+ Cut (SOME D d'2)=(SOME D d'0).
+ Intro E; Injection E; Trivial.
+ Transitivity (CG_edge x y); Auto.
+ Qed.
+ Inductive and_sp [A:Set; B:Prop] : Set := conj_sp : A -> B -> (and_sp A B).
+(*s Given a path, one may find a shortest path withour repetition *)
+Lemma ad_path_then_simple_path :
+ (l:(list ad)) (last:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d l) ->
+ {sl:(list ad) & {d0:D &
+ (and_sp (CG_path last d0 (cons (first l) sl))
+ ((ad_list_stutters (cons (first l) sl))=false /\
+ (Dle d0 d)=true))}}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction 1; Unfold first; Intros.
+ Exists (nil ad); Exists Dz; Split; Auto.
+ Constructor; Auto.
+ Case H0; Clear H0; Intros sl (d1,(H1,(H2,H3))).
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_in_list x (cons y sl))); Intro.
+ Case (ad_in_list_forms_circuit x (cons y sl) a); Intros.
+ Case s; Clear a s; Intros l2 H4.
+ Case (CG_path_app_2 x0 l2 last x d1).
+ Rewrite <- H4; Trivial.
+ Intros d2 H5; Exists l2; Exists d2.
+ Split; Trivial.
+ Split.
+ Apply (ad_list_stutters_app_conv_r x0).
+ Rewrite <- H4; Trivial.
+ Apply Dle_trans with (Dplus d1 d').
+ Case (CG_path_app_3 (cons x x0) l2 last x (Dplus d1 d')).
+ Simpl; Rewrite <- H4; Constructor; Trivial.
+ Intros d3 H6.
+ Replace (Dplus d1 d') with (Dplus d2 d3).
+ Apply Dle_trans with (Dplus d2 Dz).
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z; Auto.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono; Trivial.
+ Apply (no_bad_cycles x d3 (app x0 (cons x (nil ad)))); Auto.
+ Case (CG_path_weight_and_last_unique
+ (app (app (cons x x0) (cons x (nil ad))) l2)
+ last last (Dplus d2 d3) (Dplus d1 d')); Auto.
+ Apply CG_path_app_1 with x; Trivial.
+ Replace (app (app (cons x x0) (cons x (nil ad))) l2)
+ with (cons x (cons y sl)); Auto.
+ Constructor; Auto.
+ Rewrite H4; Rewrite <- ass_app; Simpl; Trivial.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono; Trivial.
+ Exists (cons y sl); Exists (Dplus d1 d'); Repeat Split; Auto.
+ Constructor; Auto.
+ Change (orb (ad_in_list x (cons y sl)) (ad_list_stutters (cons y sl))) = false.
+ Apply orb_false_intro; Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_path_app_4 : (l1,l2:(list ad)) (last,x:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_path last d (app l1 (cons x l2))) ->
+ {d1 : D & {d2 : D &
+ (and_sp (CG_path x d1 (app l1 (cons x (nil ad)))) *
+ (CG_path last d2 (cons x l2))
+ d=(Dplus d2 d1))}}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CG_path_app_2 l1 l2 last x d). Intros d1 H0.
+ Elim (CG_path_app_3 l1 l2 last x d). Intros d2 H1. Split with d2. Split with d1.
+ Split. Exact (H1,H0).
+ Cut (app l1 (cons x l2))=(app (app l1 (cons x (nil ad))) l2).
+ Intro. Rewrite H2 in H.
+ Elim (CG_path_weight_and_last_unique ? ? ? ? ? H
+ (CG_path_app_1 (app l1 (cons x (nil ad))) l2 last x d2 d1 H0 H1)).
+ Trivial.
+ Exact (ass_app l1 (cons x (nil ad)) l2).
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s [(ad_simple_path_naive_search x y prefix n)] is true when
+ there esists a path [x::l] from [y] to [x] of length less than
+ [n] with edges not in prefix
+Fixpoint ad_simple_path_naive_search [x,y:ad; l:(list ad); n:nat] : bool :=
+ (orb (ad_eq x y)
+ Cases n of
+ O => false
+ | (S n') => Cases (MapGet ? cg x) of
+ NONE => false
+ | (SOME edges) =>
+ let l'=(cons x l) in (* builds reverse path *)
+ Cases (MapSweep D
+ [z:ad][d:D] if (ad_in_list z l')
+ then false
+ else (ad_simple_path_naive_search z y l' n')
+ edges) of
+ NONE => false
+ | (SOME _) => true
+ end
+ end
+ end).
+Lemma ad_simple_path_naive_search_correct_1
+ : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (le (length l) n) -> (CG_path y d (cons x l)) ->
+ (prefix:(list ad))
+ (ad_list_stutters (app (rev prefix) (cons x l)))=false ->
+ (ad_simple_path_naive_search x y prefix n)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Intros x y l. Case l. Intros. Inversion H0.
+ Rewrite H4. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Elim (le_Sn_O ? H).
+ Intros n0 H x y l. Case l. Intros. Inversion H1. Rewrite H5. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x y)). Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Simpl. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H4. Elim H4.
+ Clear H4. Intros edges H4. Rewrite H4. Inversion_clear H1. Unfold CG_edge in H6.
+ Rewrite H4 in H6. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges a)). Intro H7. Elim H7. Clear H7.
+ Intros d'' H7. Rewrite H7 in H6.
+ Cut (if (ad_in_list a (cons x prefix))
+ then false
+ else (ad_simple_path_naive_search a y (cons x prefix) n0))=true.
+ Intro. Elim (MapSweep_semantics_4 D [z:ad] [_:D]
+ (if (orb (ad_eq z x) (ad_in_list z prefix))
+ then false
+ else (ad_simple_path_naive_search z y (cons x prefix) n0))
+ edges a d'' H7 H1).
+ Intros a' H8. Elim H8. Intros d1 H9. Rewrite H9. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite (ad_list_app_rev prefix (cons a l0) x) in H2.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_in_list_rev (cons x prefix) a).
+ Rewrite (ad_list_stutters_prev_conv_l ? ? ? H2).
+ Exact (H a y l0 d0 (le_S_n ? ? H0) H5 (cons x prefix) H2).
+ Intro H7. Rewrite H7 in H6. Discriminate H6.
+ Intro H4. Inversion_clear H1. Unfold CG_edge in H6. Rewrite H4 in H6. Discriminate H6.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_naive_search_correct
+ : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (le (length l) n) -> (CG_path y d (cons x l))
+ -> (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false
+ -> (ad_simple_path_naive_search x y (nil ad) n)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (ad_simple_path_naive_search_correct_1 n x y l d H H0 (nil ad) H1).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_naive_search_complete_1
+ : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (prefix:(list ad))
+ (d':D) (CG_path x d' (rev (cons x prefix))) ->
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x prefix))=false ->
+ (ad_simple_path_naive_search x y prefix n)=true ->
+ {d:D & {l:(list ad) & (and_sp (CG_path y d (app (rev (cons x prefix)) l))
+ (ad_list_stutters (app (rev (cons x prefix)) l))
+ =false)}}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Intros. Split with d'. Split with (nil ad). Simpl in H1.
+ Rewrite (orb_b_false (ad_eq x y)) in H1. Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H1).
+ Rewrite <- app_nil_end. Split. Assumption.
+ Rewrite ad_list_stutters_rev. Assumption.
+ Intros. Simpl in H2. Elim (orb_true_elim ? ? H2). Intro H3.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H3). Split with d'. Split with (nil ad).
+ Rewrite <- app_nil_end. Split. Assumption.
+ Rewrite ad_list_stutters_rev. Assumption.
+ Intro H3. Clear H2. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H4. Elim H4.
+ Intros edges H5. Rewrite H5 in H3.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapSweep D [z:ad] [_:D]
+ (if (orb (ad_eq z x) (ad_in_list z prefix))
+ then false
+ else (ad_simple_path_naive_search z y (cons x prefix) n0)) edges)).
+ Intro H2. Elim H2. Intro r. Elim r. Intros x0 d0 H6.
+ Cut (if (ad_in_list x0 (cons x prefix))
+ then false
+ else (ad_simple_path_naive_search x0 y (cons x prefix) n0))=true.
+ Intro. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_in_list x0 (cons x prefix))). Intro H8.
+ Rewrite H8 in H7. Discriminate H7.
+ Intro H8. Rewrite H8 in H7. Clear H2 H3. Elim (H x0 y (cons x prefix) (Dplus d0 d')).
+ Intros d1 H9. Elim H9. Intros l H10. Elim H10. Intros H11 H12.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_list_app_rev (cons x prefix) l x0) in H11.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_list_app_rev (cons x prefix) l x0) in H12. Split with d1.
+ Split with (cons x0 l). Split. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Change (CG_path x0 (Dplus d0 d') (app (rev (cons x prefix)) (cons x0 (nil ad)))).
+ Apply CG_path_app_1 with x:=x. Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d0). Apply CG_p2. Apply CG_p1.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite H5. Rewrite (MapSweep_semantics_2 ? ? edges x0 d0 H6).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Simpl. Simpl in H1. Rewrite H1. Simpl in H8. Rewrite H8. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Exact (MapSweep_semantics_1 ? ? ? x0 d0 H6).
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H3. Discriminate H3.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H3. Discriminate H3.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_naive_search_complete : (n:nat) (x,y:ad)
+ (ad_simple_path_naive_search x y (nil ad) n)=true ->
+ {d:D & {l:(list ad) & (and_sp (CG_path y d (cons x l))
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false)}}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (ad_simple_path_naive_search_complete_1 n x y (nil ad) Dz
+ (CG_p1 x x (refl_equal ? ?)) (refl_equal ? false) H).
+ Qed.
+(*s Definition of simple paths : paths without repetition *)
+Definition CG_simple_path := [last:ad] [d:D] [l:(list ad)]
+ (and_sp (CG_path last d l) (ad_list_stutters l)=false).
+(*s Between two vertexes, there exists a simple path or there exists no path *)
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dec : (x,y:ad)
+ {l:(list ad) & {d:D & (CG_simple_path y d (cons x l))}}+
+ {(l:(list ad)) (d:D) (CG_simple_path y d (cons x l)) -> False}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_simple_path_naive_search x y (nil ad) (MapCard ? cg))).
+ Intro H. Left . Elim (ad_simple_path_naive_search_complete ? ? ? H). Intros d H0.
+ Elim H0. Intros l H1. Split with l. Split with d. Exact H1.
+ Intro H. Right . Intros l d H0. Unfold CG_simple_path in H0. Elim H0. Intros H1 H2.
+ Rewrite (ad_simple_path_naive_search_correct ? x y l d
+ (le_S_n ? ? (ad_simple_path_bounded_card ? ? ? ? H1 H2)) H1 H2) in H.
+ Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+(*s Computing the minimum of edges in a Map *)
+Definition all_min := [f:ad->D->(option D)] (MapFold ? ? (NONE D) Ddmin f).
+Lemma all_min_le_1 : (f:ad->D->(option D)) (m:(Map D))
+ (a:ad) (d:D) (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? d) ->
+ (Ddle (all_min f m) (f a d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (f a d)). Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros d' H1. Rewrite H1.
+ Unfold all_min. Cut ([a:(option D)][b:D](Ddle a (SOME D b))
+ (MapFold D (option D) (NONE D) Ddmin f m) d')
+ =(MapFold D bool false orb
+ [a:ad] [y:D]([a0:(option D)][b:D](Ddle a0 (SOME D b)) (f a y) d') m).
+ Intro. Rewrite H2. Rewrite MapFold_orb.
+ Elim (MapSweep_semantics_4 D [a:ad][y:D](Ddle (f a y) (SOME D d')) m a d H).
+ Intros a' H3. Elim H3. Intros d'' H4. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite H1. Simpl. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Exact (MapFold_distr_r D ? (NONE D) Ddmin bool false orb D
+ [a:(option D)][b:D](Ddle a (SOME D b))
+ [c:D](refl_equal ? false)
+ [a,b:(option D)][c:D](Ddmin_le_distr_l a b (SOME ? c)) f m d').
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. (Case (all_min f m); Reflexivity).
+ Qed.
+Lemma all_min_le_2_1 : (f:ad->D->(option D)) (m:(Map D)) (pf:ad->ad)
+ (d:D) (MapFold1 ? ? (NONE D) Ddmin f pf m)=(SOME ? d) ->
+ {a:ad & {d':D | (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? d') /\ (f (pf a) d')=(SOME ? d)}}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction m. Intros. Discriminate H.
+ Intros a y pf d H. Simpl in H. Split with a. Split with y. Split. Apply M1_semantics_1.
+ Assumption.
+ Intros. Simpl in H1.
+ Elim (Ddmin_choice
+ (MapFold1 D (option D) (NONE D) Ddmin f [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0)) m0)
+ (MapFold1 D (option D) (NONE D) Ddmin f [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0)) m1)).
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Elim (H [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0)) d H1). Intros a0 H3.
+ Elim H3. Intros d' H4. Split with (ad_double a0). Split with d'. Split.
+ Rewrite MapGet_M2_bit_0_0. Rewrite ad_double_div_2. (Elim H4; Trivial).
+ Apply ad_double_bit_0.
+ (Elim H4; Trivial).
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Elim (H0 [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0)) d H1).
+ Intros a0 H3. Elim H3. Intros d' H4. Split with (ad_double_plus_un a0). Split with d'.
+ Split. Rewrite MapGet_M2_bit_0_1. Rewrite ad_double_plus_un_div_2. (Elim H4; Trivial).
+ Apply ad_double_plus_un_bit_0.
+ (Elim H4; Trivial).
+ Qed.
+Lemma all_min_le_2 : (f:ad->D->(option D)) (m:(Map D))
+ (d:D) (all_min f m)=(SOME ? d) ->
+ {a:ad & {d':D | (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? d') /\ (f a d')=(SOME ? d)}}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (all_min_le_2_1 f m [a:ad]a d H).
+ Qed.
+Lemma all_min_le_3 : (f,g:ad->D->(option D)) (m:(Map D))
+ ((a:ad) (d:D) (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? d) -> (Ddle (f a d) (g a d))=true) ->
+ (Ddle (all_min f m) (all_min g m))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (all_min g m)). Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros d H1.
+ Elim (all_min_le_2 g m d H1). Intros a H2. Elim H2. Intros d' H3. Elim H3. Intros H4 H5.
+ Apply Ddle_trans with (f a d'). Apply all_min_le_1. Assumption.
+ Rewrite H1. Rewrite <- H5. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Apply Ddle_d_none.
+ Qed.
+(*s [(ad_simple_path_dist_1 x y l n)] computes the minimum weight of a path
+ from [x] to [y] of maximal length [n] which does not contain vertexes
+ from [l] *)
+Fixpoint ad_simple_path_dist_1 [x,y:ad; l:(list ad); n:nat] : (option D) :=
+ if (ad_eq x y)
+ then (SOME ? Dz)
+ else
+ Cases n of
+ O => (NONE ?)
+ | (S n') => Cases (MapGet ? cg x) of
+ NONE => (NONE ?)
+ | (SOME edges) =>
+ let l'=(cons x l) in (* builds reverse path *)
+ (all_min [z:ad][d:D]
+ if (ad_in_list z l')
+ then (NONE D)
+ else (Ddplus (ad_simple_path_dist_1 z y l' n') d)
+ edges)
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_1_correct_1 : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (le (length l) n) -> (CG_path y d (cons x l)) ->
+ (prefix:(list ad))
+ (ad_list_stutters (app (rev prefix) (cons x l)))=false ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist_1 x y prefix n) (SOME ? d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Intros x y l. Case l. Intros. Inversion H0.
+ Rewrite H4. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Rewrite H3. Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intros. Elim (le_Sn_O ? H).
+ Intros n0 H x y l. Case l. Intros. Inversion H1.
+ Rewrite H5. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Rewrite H4. Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x y)). Intro H3. Rewrite H3.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H3) in H1. Exact (no_bad_cycles ? ? ? H1).
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H4. Elim H4.
+ Intros edges H5. Rewrite H5. Inversion_clear H1.
+ Apply Ddle_trans with dd':=Case (ad_in_list a (cons x prefix)) of
+ (NONE D)
+ (Ddplus (ad_simple_path_dist_1 a y (cons x prefix) n0) d')
+ end.
+ Cut (MapGet ? edges a)=(SOME ? d'). Intro.
+ Exact (all_min_le_1 [z:ad] [d:D]
+ Case (orb (ad_eq z x) (ad_in_list z prefix)) of
+ (NONE D)
+ (Ddplus (ad_simple_path_dist_1 z y (cons x prefix) n0) d)
+ end edges a d' H1).
+ Unfold CG_edge in H7. Rewrite H5 in H7. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges a)). Intro H8.
+ Elim H8. Intros d1 H9. Rewrite H9 in H7. Rewrite H9. Inversion_clear H7. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H8. Rewrite H8 in H7. Discriminate H7.
+ Rewrite (ad_list_app_rev prefix (cons a l0) x) in H2.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_in_list_rev (cons x prefix) a).
+ Rewrite (ad_list_stutters_prev_conv_l ? ? ? H2).
+ Apply (Ddle_plus_mono (ad_simple_path_dist_1 a y (cons x prefix) n0) (SOME D d0) d' d').
+ Exact (H a y l0 d0 (le_S_n ? ? H0) H6 (cons x prefix) H2).
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Intro H4. Inversion H1. Unfold CG_edge in H10.
+ Rewrite H4 in H10. Discriminate H10.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_1_correct_2 : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (le (length l) n) -> (CG_path y d (cons x l)) ->
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist_1 x y (nil ad) n) (SOME ? d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_1_correct_1 n x y l d H H0 (nil ad) H1).
+ Qed.
+(*s [(ad_simple_path_dist x y)] computes the minimum path from x to y *)
+Definition ad_simple_path_dist := [x,y:ad]
+ (ad_simple_path_dist_1 x y (nil ad) (MapCard ? cg)).
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_correct_1 : (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (CG_path y d (cons x l)) ->
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist x y) (SOME ? d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold ad_simple_path_dist.
+ (Apply ad_simple_path_dist_1_correct_2 with l:=l; Try Assumption).
+ Exact (le_S_n ? ? (ad_simple_path_bounded_card l y x d H H0)).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_correct : (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (CG_path y d (cons x l)) ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist x y) (SOME ? d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim ad_path_then_simple_path with 1:= H.
+ Intros l0 H0.
+ Elim H0. Intros d0 H1. Elim H1. Intros H2 H3. Elim H3. Intros H4 H5.
+ Apply Ddle_trans with dd':=(SOME D d0).
+ Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_correct_1 x y l0 d0 H2 H4).
+ Exact H5.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_1_complete_1 : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (prefix:(list ad))
+ (d':D) (CG_path x d' (rev (cons x prefix))) ->
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x prefix))=false ->
+ (d0:D)
+ (ad_simple_path_dist_1 x y prefix n)=(SOME D d0) ->
+ {l:(list ad) & (and_sp (CG_path y (Dplus d0 d') (app (rev (cons x prefix)) l))
+ (ad_list_stutters (app (rev (cons x prefix)) l))=false /\
+ (le (length l) n) )}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Intros. Split with (nil ad). Split. Unfold ad_simple_path_dist_1 in H1.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x y)). Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Inversion H1.
+ Rewrite <- H4. Rewrite Dplus_z_d. Rewrite <- app_nil_end.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H2). Assumption.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Discriminate H1.
+ Split. Rewrite <- app_nil_end. Rewrite ad_list_stutters_rev. Assumption.
+ Apply le_n.
+ Intros. Simpl in H2. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x y)). Intro H3. Rewrite H3 in H2.
+ Inversion H2. Split with (nil ad). Split. Rewrite <- H5. Rewrite Dplus_z_d.
+ Rewrite <- app_nil_end. Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H3). Assumption.
+ Split. Rewrite <- app_nil_end. Rewrite ad_list_stutters_rev. Assumption.
+ Apply le_O_n.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3 in H2. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H4. Elim H4.
+ Intros edges H5. Rewrite H5 in H2. Elim (all_min_le_2 ? edges d0 H2). Intros a H6.
+ Elim H6. Intros d1 H7. Elim H7. Intros H8 H9. Clear H2 H6 H7.
+ Cut (ad_in_list a (cons x prefix))=false. Intro.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist_1 a y (cons x prefix) n0)). Intro H6. Elim H6.
+ Intros d2 H7. Clear H6. Rewrite H7 in H9. Cut (Dplus d2 d1)=d0. Intro.
+ Cut (CG_path a (Dplus d1 d') (rev (cons a (cons x prefix)))). Intro.
+ Cut (ad_list_stutters (cons a (cons x prefix)))=false. Intro.
+ Elim (H a y (cons x prefix) ? H10 H11 d2 H7). Intros l0 H12. Elim H12. Intros H13 H14.
+ Elim H14. Intros H15 H16. Split with (cons a l0). Split. Rewrite ad_list_app_rev.
+ Rewrite <- H6. Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Assumption.
+ Split. Rewrite ad_list_app_rev. Assumption.
+ Exact (le_n_S ? ? H16).
+ Simpl. Simpl in H2. Rewrite H2. Simpl in H1. Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Apply (CG_path_app_1 (rev (cons x prefix)) (cons a (nil ad)) a x).
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d1). Apply CG_p2. Apply CG_p1. Reflexivity.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite H5. Rewrite H8. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (orb (ad_eq a x) (ad_in_list a prefix))). Intro H10.
+ Rewrite H10 in H9. Discriminate H9.
+ Intro H10. Rewrite H10 in H9. Simpl in H9. Inversion H9. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H6. Rewrite H6 in H9. Generalize H9.
+ Case (orb (ad_eq a x) (ad_in_list a prefix)); Intro H10; Discriminate H10.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_in_list a (cons x prefix))). Intro H10. Simpl in H10.
+ Rewrite H10 in H9. Discriminate H9.
+ Trivial.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_1_complete : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (ad_simple_path_dist_1 x y (nil ad) n)=(SOME D d) ->
+ {l:(list ad) & (and_sp (CG_path y d (cons x l))
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false)}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_1_complete_1 n x y (nil ad) Dz
+ (CG_p1 x x (refl_equal ? ?)) (refl_equal ? ?) d H).
+ Intros l H0. Split with l. Elim H0. Intros H1 H2. Elim H2. Intros H3 H4. Split.
+ Rewrite (Dplus_d_z d) in H1. Assumption.
+ Exact H3.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_complete : (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (ad_simple_path_dist x y)=(SOME D d) ->
+ {l:(list ad) & (and_sp (CG_path y d (cons x l))
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons x l))=false)}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_1_complete (MapCard ? cg) x y d H).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 : (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (ad_simple_path_dist x y)=(SOME D d) ->
+ {l:(list ad) & (CG_path y d (cons x l))}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete x y d H). Intros l H0. Split with l.
+ (Elim H0; Trivial).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_complete_3 : (x,y:ad) (dd:(option D))
+ ((l:(list ad)) (d:D) (CG_path y d (cons x l)) -> (Ddle dd (SOME ? d))=true) ->
+ (Ddle dd (ad_simple_path_dist x y))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros x y dd. Case dd. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist x y)). Intro H0.
+ Elim H0. Intros d H1. Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 x y d H1). Intros l H2.
+ Simpl in H. Rewrite <- (H l d H2). Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist x y)). Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros d0 H1.
+ Rewrite H1. Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 x y d0 H1). Intros l H2.
+ Exact (H l d0 H2).
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_d_1 : (x:ad) (ad_simple_path_dist x x)=(SOME ? Dz).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold ad_simple_path_dist. (Elim (MapCard ? cg); Simpl). Intro.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x). Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_d_2 : (x,y,z:ad) (d,d':D)
+ (ad_simple_path_dist x y)=(SOME ? d) -> (ad_simple_path_dist y z)=(SOME ? d') ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist x z) (SOME ? (Dplus d' d)))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 x y d H).
+ Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 y z d' H0). Intros l1 H1 l2 H2.
+ Apply (ad_simple_path_dist_correct x z (app l2 l1)).
+ Exact (CG_path_app_1 (cons x l2) l1 z y d d' H1 H2).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_simple_path_dist_d_3 : (x,y,z:ad) (d,d':D)
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist x y) (SOME ? d))=true ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist y z) (SOME ? d'))=true ->
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist x z) (SOME ? (Dplus d' d)))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist x y)). Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros d0 H2.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist y z)). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intros d'0 H4.
+ Apply Ddle_trans with dd':=(SOME D (Dplus d'0 d0)).
+ Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_d_2 x y z d0 d'0 H2 H4).
+ Rewrite H2 in H. Simpl in H. Rewrite H4 in H0. Simpl in H0. Simpl.
+ Exact (Dle_plus_mono ? ? ? ? H0 H).
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3 in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1 in H. Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+(*s [(CG_leq x y)] is true when there is a path from [x] to [y] *)
+Definition CG_leq := [x,y:ad] Cases (ad_simple_path_dist x y) of
+ (SOME _) => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma CG_leq_refl : (x:ad) (CG_leq x x)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_leq. Intros. Rewrite (ad_simple_path_dist_d_1 x). Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_leq_trans : (x,y,z:ad) (CG_leq x y)=true -> (CG_leq y z)=true -> (CG_leq x z)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_leq. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist x y)). Intro H1.
+ Elim H1. Intros d1 H2. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist y z)). Intro H3.
+ Elim H3. Intros d2 H4. Cut (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist x z) (SOME D (Dplus d2 d1)))=true.
+ Intro. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist x z)). Intro H6. Elim H6. Intros d3 H7.
+ Rewrite H7. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H6. Rewrite H6 in H5. Discriminate H5.
+ Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_d_2 ? ? ? ? ? H2 H4).
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3 in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1 in H. Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+(*s [(CG_standard_rho root d0 others x)] computes [d0-d] when
+ [root] and [x] are connected by a path of minimal
+ length [d] and [(others x)] when there are not connected
+Definition CG_standard_rho
+ := [root:ad] [d0:D] [others:ad->D] [x:ad]
+ Cases (ad_simple_path_dist root x) of
+ (SOME d) => (Dplus d0 (Dneg d))
+ | NONE => (others x) (* dummy *)
+ end.
+Lemma CG_standard_rho_root : (root:ad) (d0:D) (others:ad->D)
+ (CG_standard_rho root d0 others root)=d0.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_standard_rho. Intros. Rewrite (ad_simple_path_dist_d_1 root).
+ Rewrite Dneg_Dz. Apply Dplus_d_z.
+ Qed.
+(*s If there is a root such that all the nodes ae connected to
+ this root, then [CG_standard_rho] gives a correct valuation
+Lemma CG_rooted_sat_1 : (root:ad) (d0:D) (others:ad->D)
+ ((x:ad) (in_dom ? x cg)=true -> (CG_leq root x)=true) ->
+ (CGsat (CG_standard_rho root d0 others)).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_standard_rho. Intros. Unfold CGsat. Intros.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist root x)). Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros d1 H2.
+ Rewrite H2. Cut (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist root y) (SOME D (Dplus d d1)))=true. Intro.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist root y)). Intro H4. Elim H4. Intros d2 H5.
+ Rewrite H5. Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=d2. Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg.
+ Rewrite Dplus_z_d. Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=d1. Rewrite Dplus_assoc.
+ Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Rewrite H5 in H3. Exact H3.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H3. Discriminate H3.
+ Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 root x d1 H2). Intros l H3.
+ Apply (ad_simple_path_dist_correct root y (app l (cons y (nil ad))) (Dplus d d1)).
+ Change (CG_path y (Dplus d d1) (app (cons root l) (cons y (nil ad)))).
+ Apply CG_path_app_1 with last:=y x:=x. Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d). Apply CG_p2.
+ Apply CG_p1. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H1. Cut (CG_leq root x)=true.
+ Unfold CG_leq. Rewrite H1. Intro. Discriminate H2.
+ Apply H. Rewrite MapDom_Dom. Exact (CG_edge_in_cg_1 ? ? ? H0).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_rooted_sat : (root:ad) (d0:D)
+ ((x:ad) (in_dom ? x cg)=true -> (CG_leq root x)=true) ->
+ {rho:ad->D | (CGsat rho) /\ (rho root)=d0}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Split with (CG_standard_rho root d0 [x:ad]d0). Split.
+ Exact (CG_rooted_sat_1 root d0 [x:ad]d0 H).
+ Apply CG_standard_rho_root.
+ Qed.
+(*s The [CG_standard_rho] valuation is the minimal one *)
+Lemma CG_standard_rho_minimal : (root:ad) (d0:D) (others:ad->D)
+ (rho:ad->D) (CGsat rho) -> (Dle d0 (rho root))=true ->
+ (x:ad) (CG_leq root x)=true ->
+ (Dle (CG_standard_rho root d0 others x) (rho x))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_leq CG_standard_rho. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist root x)).
+ Intro H2. Elim H2. Intros d H3. Rewrite H3.
+ Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 root x d H3). Intros l H4.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=d. Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2.
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Apply Dle_trans with d':=(rho root). Exact H0.
+ Exact (CG_path_correct l root x d H4 rho H).
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Discriminate H1.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_sat_add_1 : (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (rho:ad->D) (CGsat rho) -> (Dle (rho x) (Dplus (rho y) d))=true ->
+ (Ddle (SOME ? (Dneg d)) (ad_simple_path_dist y x))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply ad_simple_path_dist_complete_3. Intros. Simpl.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=d. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=(rho x).
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus (rho y) d); Try Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus (Dplus (rho x) d0) d). Apply Dle_plus_mono.
+ Exact (CG_path_correct l y x d0 H1 rho H).
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Qed.
+ End CGNoBadCycles.
+(*s [(CG_add x y d)] adds the edge (x,y) of weight d to G,
+ in case an edge already exists, only the minimal one is kept
+Definition CG_add := [x,y:ad; d:D]
+ Cases (MapGet ? cg x) of
+ NONE => (MapPut ? cg x (M1 ? y d))
+ | (SOME edges) => Cases (MapGet ? edges y) of
+ NONE => (MapPut ? cg x (MapPut ? edges y d))
+ | (SOME d0) => (MapPut ? cg x (MapPut ? edges y (Dmin d d0)))
+ end
+ end.
+End CGDist.
+(*s Properties of [CG_add] *)
+Section CGAdd.
+ Variable cg1 : CGraph1.
+ Variable x,y : ad.
+ Variable d:D.
+Definition cg2 := (CG_add cg1 x y d).
+Lemma CG_add_edge_1 : (x0,y0:ad) (CG_edge cg2 x0 y0)=
+ (if (andb (ad_eq x x0) (ad_eq y y0))
+ then (Ddmin (SOME ? d) (CG_edge cg1 x0 y0))
+ else (CG_edge cg1 x0 y0)).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold cg2 CG_add. Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (andb (ad_eq x x0) (ad_eq y y0))).
+ Intro H. Elim (andb_prop ? ? H). Intros H0 H1. Rewrite H.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H0). Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H1).
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg1 x)). Intro H2. Elim H2. Intros edges H3. Rewrite H3.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges y)). Intro H4. Elim H4. Intros d0 H5. Rewrite H5.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (MapPut D edges y (Dmin d d0)) x).
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x). Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? edges y (Dmin d d0) y).
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Rewrite H3. Rewrite H5. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4. Unfold CG_edge.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (MapPut D edges y d) x). Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x).
+ Rewrite H3. Rewrite H4. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? edges y d y).
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Reflexivity.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2. Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (M1 D y d) x).
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x). Rewrite H2. Rewrite (M1_semantics_1 ? y d). Reflexivity.
+ Intro H. Rewrite H. Elim (andb_false_elim ? ? H). Intro H0.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg1 x)). Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros edges H2. Rewrite H2.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? edges y)). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intros d0 H4. Rewrite H4.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (MapPut D edges y (Dmin d d0)) x0).
+ Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Unfold CG_edge.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (MapPut D edges y d) x0). Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (M1 D y d) x0).
+ Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H0. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg1 x)). Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros edges H2.
+ Rewrite H2. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? edges y)). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intros d0 H4.
+ Rewrite H4. Unfold CG_edge.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (MapPut D edges y (Dmin d d0)) x0).
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x x0)). Intro H5. Rewrite H5.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? edges y (Dmin d d0) y0). Rewrite H0.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H5). Rewrite H2. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H5. Rewrite H5. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Unfold CG_edge.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (MapPut D edges y d) x0).
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x x0)). Intro H4. Rewrite H4.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H4). Rewrite H2.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? edges y d y0). Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg1 x (M1 D y d) x0).
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x x0)). Intro H2. Rewrite H2.
+ Rewrite (M1_semantics_2 ? y y0 d H0). Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H2).
+ Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_edge_2 : (x0,y0:ad) (Ddle (CG_edge cg2 x0 y0) (CG_edge cg1 x0 y0))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 x0 y0).
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (andb (ad_eq x x0) (ad_eq y y0))). Intro H. Rewrite H.
+ Apply Ddmin_le_2.
+ Intro H. Rewrite H. Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_1 : (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGsat cg1 rho) -> (Dle (rho x) (Dplus (rho y) d))=true
+ -> (CGsat cg2 rho).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGsat. Intros. Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 x0 y0) in H1.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (andb (ad_eq x x0) (ad_eq y y0))). Intro H2.
+ Elim (andb_prop ? ? H2). Intros H3 H4. Rewrite H2 in H1.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H3). Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H4).
+ Elim (option_sum ? (CG_edge cg1 x0 y0)). Intro H5. Elim H5. Intros d1 H6.
+ Rewrite H6 in H1. Simpl in H1. Inversion H1. Rewrite Dmin_plus_r. Apply Dmin_le_5.
+ Assumption.
+ Apply H. Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H3). Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H4). Assumption.
+ Intro H5. Rewrite H5 in H1. Simpl in H1. Inversion H1. Rewrite <- H7. Assumption.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_2 : (rho:ad->D) (CGsat cg2 rho) -> (CGsat cg1 rho).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGsat. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (CG_edge cg2 x0 y0)). Intro H1. Elim H1.
+ Intros d1 H2. Cut (Dle d1 d0)=true. Intro H3.
+ Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus (rho y0) d1). Apply H. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Assumption.
+ Change (Ddle (SOME ? d1) (SOME ? d0))=true. Rewrite <- H2. Rewrite <- H0.
+ Apply CG_add_edge_2.
+ Intro H1. Cut (Ddle (NONE ?) (SOME ? d0))=true. Intro H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Rewrite <- H1. Rewrite <- H0. Apply CG_add_edge_2.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_3 : (rho:ad->D) (CGsat cg2 rho) -> (Dle (rho x) (Dplus (rho y) d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGsat. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (CG_edge cg2 x y)). Intro H0. Elim H0.
+ Intros d0 H1. Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus (rho y) d0). Apply H. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 x y) in H1. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x) in H1.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y) in H1. Simpl in H1. Elim (option_sum ? (CG_edge cg1 x y)).
+ Intro H2. Elim H2. Intros d1 H3. Rewrite H3 in H1. Inversion H1. Apply Dmin_le_1.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Inversion H1. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 x y) in H0. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x) in H0.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y) in H0. Simpl in H0. Generalize H0.
+ (Case (CG_edge cg1 x y); Intro H1). Discriminate H1.
+ Intro H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Qed.
+(*s Every path in the new graph [cg2] either goes through the new edge from [x] to [y],
+ or is a path in the old graph cg1:
+Lemma CG_add_4_1 : (l:(list ad)) (x0,y0:ad) (d0:D) (CG_path cg2 y0 d0 (cons x0 l)) ->
+ {l0:(list ad) & {l1:(list ad) | (cons x0 l)=(app l0 (cons x (cons y l1)))}}+
+ (CG_path cg1 y0 d0 (cons x0 l)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Intros. Inversion H. Right . Rewrite H2.
+ Rewrite <- H1. Apply CG_p1.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Inversion H0. Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 x0 a) in H6.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (andb (ad_eq x x0) (ad_eq y a))). Intro H8. Left .
+ Split with (nil ad). Split with l0. Elim (andb_prop ? ? H8). Intros H9 H10.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H9). Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H10). Reflexivity.
+ Intro H8. Elim (H ? ? ? H4). Intro H9. Elim H9. Intros l2 H10. Elim H10. Intros l3 H11.
+ Left . Split with (cons x0 l2). Split with l3. Rewrite H11. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H9. Right . Apply CG_p2. Assumption.
+ Rewrite H8 in H6. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_4_2 : (l:(list ad)) (last:ad) (d0:D)
+ (CG_path cg2 last d0 l) -> (ad_in_list y l)=false -> (CG_path cg1 last d0 l).
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Intros. Inversion H.
+ Intros a l0. Case l0. Intros. Inversion H0. Rewrite <- H3. Apply CG_p1. Assumption.
+ Intros. Inversion H0. Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 a a0) in H7. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H1).
+ Intros H9 H10. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H10).
+ Intros H11 H12. Rewrite H11 in H7.
+ Rewrite (andb_b_false (ad_eq x a)) in H7. Apply CG_p2. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Exact H10.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_4_3 : (x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad))
+ (ad_list_stutters (cons y l))=false ->
+ (CG_path cg2 x0 d0 (cons y l)) -> (CG_path cg1 x0 d0 (cons y l)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros x0 d0 l. Elim l. Intros. Inversion H0.
+ Rewrite <- H2. Apply CG_p1. Assumption.
+ Intros. Inversion H1. Apply CG_p2. Apply CG_add_4_2.
+ Assumption.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H0). Trivial.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 y a) in H7.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H0). Intros.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H8). Intros. Rewrite H10 in H7.
+ Rewrite (andb_b_false (ad_eq x y)) in H7. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_4_4 : (l:(list ad)) (last:ad) (d0:D)
+ (CG_path cg2 last d0 l) -> (ad_in_list x l)=false -> (CG_path cg1 last d0 l).
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Intros. Inversion H.
+ Intros a l0. Case l0. Intros. Inversion H0. Rewrite <- H3. Apply CG_p1. Assumption.
+ Intros. Inversion H0. Apply CG_p2. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H1). Trivial.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 a a0) in H7. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H1). Intros.
+ Rewrite H8 in H7. Exact H7.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_4_5 : (d0:D) (l:(list ad))
+ (ad_list_stutters (app l (cons x (nil ad))))=false ->
+ (CG_path cg2 x d0 (app l (cons x (nil ad)))) ->
+ (CG_path cg1 x d0 (app l (cons x (nil ad)))).
+ Proof.
+ Intros d0 l. Cut {l0:(list ad) & {y0:ad | l=(app l0 (cons y0 (nil ad)))}}+{l=(nil ad)}.
+ Intro. Elim H. Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros l0 H1. Elim H1. Intros y0 H2 H3 H4.
+ Rewrite H2 in H4. Rewrite (app_ass l0 (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))) in H4.
+ Simpl in H4. Elim (CG_path_app_3 cg2 l0 (cons x (nil ad)) x y0 d0 H4). Intros d1 H5.
+ Rewrite H2. Rewrite (app_ass l0 (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))). Simpl.
+ Elim (CG_path_app_2 cg2 l0 (cons x (nil ad)) x y0 d0 H4). Intros d2 H6.
+ Cut d0=(Dplus d2 d1). Intro. Rewrite H7.
+ Change (CG_path cg1 x (Dplus d2 d1) (app l0 (app (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))))).
+ Rewrite <- (app_ass l0 (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))).
+ Apply CG_path_app_1 with last:=x x:=y0. Inversion H6.
+ Inversion H11. Apply CG_p2.
+ Rewrite <- H15. Apply CG_p1. Assumption.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 y0 x) in H13. Rewrite H2 in H3.
+ Rewrite (app_ass l0 (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))) in H3. Simpl in H3.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? (ad_list_stutters_app_conv_r ? ? H3)). Intros.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H17). Intros.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_comm y0 x) in H19.
+ Rewrite H19 in H13.
+ Rewrite (andb_false_b (ad_eq y x)) in H13. Assumption.
+ Apply CG_add_4_4. Assumption.
+ Rewrite H2 in H3. Apply ad_list_stutters_prev_conv_l with l':=(nil ad). Assumption.
+ Elim (CG_path_weight_and_last_unique cg2
+ (app l0 (cons y0 (cons x (nil ad)))) x x d0 (Dplus d2 d1)).
+ Trivial.
+ Assumption.
+ Change (CG_path cg2 x (Dplus d2 d1) (app l0 (app (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))))).
+ Rewrite <- (app_ass l0 (cons y0 (nil ad)) (cons x (nil ad))).
+ Apply CG_path_app_1 with x:=y0. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Simpl. Intros. Inversion H2.
+ Rewrite <- H4. Apply CG_p1.
+ Assumption.
+ Elim l. Right . Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Elim H. Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros l1 H1. Elim H1. Intros a0 H2. Rewrite H2.
+ Left . Split with (cons a l1). Split with a0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Left . Split with (nil ad). Split with a. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+(*s If there is no cycle of negative weight in the old graph [cg1], and the distance
+ from [y] to [x] is $\geq -d$, then there is no simple cycle of negative weight in
+ the new graph [cg2] either: *)
+Lemma CG_add_4 :
+ ((x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg1 x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true) ->
+ (Ddle (SOME ? (Dneg d)) (ad_simple_path_dist cg1 y x))=true ->
+ (x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg2 x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) ->
+ (ad_list_stutters l)=false -> (Dle Dz d0)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CG_add_4_1 ? ? ? ? H1). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intros l0 H4. Elim H4.
+ Intros l1 H5. Rewrite H5 in H1.
+ Change (CG_path cg2 x0 d0 (app l0 (app (cons x (nil ad)) (cons y l1)))) in H1.
+ Elim (CG_path_app_4 cg2 ? ? ? ? ? H1). Intros d1 H6. Elim H6. Intros d2 H7.
+ Elim H7. Intros H8 H9. Elim H8. Intros H10 H11. Clear H3 H6 H7 H8. Rewrite H9.
+ Inversion_clear H11. Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 x y) in H6. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x) in H6.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y) in H6. Simpl in H6. Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=(Dneg d1).
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg. Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Rewrite Dplus_z_d.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=d1. Rewrite Dplus_neg. Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc.
+ Change (cons x0 l)=(app l0 (app (cons x (nil ad)) (cons y l1))) in H5.
+ Rewrite (ass_app l0 (cons x (nil ad)) (cons y l1)) in H5.
+ Cut {l'0:(list ad) | (app l0 (cons x (nil ad)))=(cons x0 l'0)}. Intro H7. Elim H7.
+ Intros l'0 H8. Clear H4 H7. Rewrite H8 in H5. Simpl in H5. Inversion H5. Rewrite H8 in H10.
+ Cut (CG_path cg1 x (Dplus d1 d3) (cons y (app l1 l'0))). Intro.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (CG_edge cg1 x y)). Intro H11. Elim H11. Intros d'0 H12.
+ Rewrite H12 in H6. Inversion_clear H6. Elim (Dmin_choice d d'0). Intro H13. Rewrite H13.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=(Dneg d). Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg.
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Rewrite Dplus_z_d.
+ Change (Ddle (SOME D (Dneg d)) (SOME D (Dplus d1 d3)))=true.
+ Apply Ddle_trans with dd':=(ad_simple_path_dist cg1 y x). Assumption.
+ Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_correct cg1 H y x ? ? H4).
+ Intro H13. Rewrite H13. Apply (H x (Dplus (Dplus d1 d3) d'0) (cons y (app l1 l'0))).
+ Apply (CG_path_app_1 cg1 (cons x (cons y (nil ad))) (app l1 l'0) x y). Assumption.
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_z_d d'0). Apply CG_p2. Apply CG_p1. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H11. Rewrite H11 in H6. Inversion H6. Rewrite <- H13.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=(Dneg d). Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg.
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Rewrite Dplus_z_d.
+ Change (Ddle (SOME D (Dneg d)) (SOME D (Dplus d1 d3)))=true.
+ Apply Ddle_trans with dd':=(ad_simple_path_dist cg1 y x). Assumption.
+ Exact (ad_simple_path_dist_correct cg1 H y x ? ? H4).
+ Apply (CG_path_app_1 cg1 (cons y l1) l'0 x x0). Rewrite <- H8. Apply CG_add_4_5.
+ Rewrite H8. Elim (CG_path_last cg2 ? ? ? H3). Intros l'1 H11. Rewrite H7 in H2.
+ Simpl. Rewrite (ad_list_stutters_app_conv_l ? ? H2). Rewrite H11 in H2.
+ Rewrite (ass_app l'0 l'1 (cons x0 (nil ad))) in H2.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_in_list x0 l'0)). Intro H12.
+ Rewrite (ad_list_stutters_prev_l ? (nil ad) ? (ad_in_list_l l'0 l'1 x0 H12)) in H2.
+ Discriminate H2.
+ Intro H12. Rewrite H12. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite H8. Assumption.
+ Apply CG_add_4_3. Rewrite H7 in H2. Exact (ad_list_stutters_app_conv_r l'0 (cons y l1) H2).
+ Assumption.
+ Generalize H5. Elim l0. Simpl. Intro H7. Exists (nil ad). Inversion_clear H7. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Rewrite (app_ass (cons a l2) (cons x (nil ad)) (cons y l1)) in H8. Simpl in H8.
+ Exists (app l2 (cons x (nil ad))). Inversion_clear H8. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Exact (H x0 d0 l H3).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_5_1 : (n:nat)
+ ((x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg1 x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true) ->
+ (Ddle (SOME ? (Dneg d)) (ad_simple_path_dist cg1 y x))=true ->
+ (x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg2 x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) ->
+ (le (length l) n) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Induction l. Intros. Inversion H1. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Intros. Elim (le_Sn_O ? H3).
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_list_stutters l)). Intros H4.
+ Elim (ad_list_stutters_has_circuit l H4). Intros y0 H5. Elim H5. Intros l0 H6. Elim H6.
+ Intros l1 H7. Elim H7. Intros l2 H8. Rewrite H8 in H2.
+ Elim (CG_path_app_4 cg2 (cons x0 l0) (app l1 (cons y0 l2)) x0 y0 d0 H2). Intros d1 H9.
+ Elim H9. Intros d2 H10. Elim H10. Intros H11 H12. Elim H11. Intros H13 H14.
+ Clear H5 H6 H7 H9 H10 H11. Elim (CG_path_app_4 cg2 (cons y0 l1) l2 x0 y0 d2 H14).
+ Intros d3 H5. Elim H5. Intros d4 H6. Elim H6. Intros H7 H9. Elim H7. Intros H10 H11.
+ Clear H5 H6 H7 H14. Rewrite H12. Rewrite H9. Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus d4 d1).
+ Apply (H H0 H1 x0 (Dplus d4 d1) (app l0 (cons y0 l2))).
+ Cut (cons x0 (app l0 (cons y0 l2)))=(app (app (cons x0 l0) (cons y0 (nil ad))) l2).
+ Intro. Rewrite H5. Exact (CG_path_app_1 cg2 ? ? ? ? ? ? H11 H13).
+ Exact (ass_app (cons x0 l0) (cons y0 (nil ad)) l2).
+ Rewrite ad_list_app_length. Apply le_S_n. Apply le_trans with m:=(length l).
+ Rewrite H8. Rewrite ad_list_app_length. Simpl. Rewrite ad_list_app_length. Simpl.
+ Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Simpl.
+ Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Simpl. Apply le_n_S. Apply le_n_S. Apply le_reg_l.
+ Apply le_plus_r. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_trans with (Dplus d4 Dz). Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Apply (H H0 H1 y0 d3 (app l1 (cons y0 (nil ad))) H10). Rewrite ad_list_app_length. Simpl.
+ Apply le_S_n. Apply le_trans with m:=(length l). Rewrite H8. Rewrite ad_list_app_length.
+ Simpl. Rewrite ad_list_app_length. Simpl. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm.
+ Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Simpl. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Simpl. Apply le_n_S. Apply le_n_S.
+ Apply le_trans with m:=(plus (length l1) (length l2)). Apply le_plus_plus. Apply le_n.
+ Apply le_O_n. Apply le_plus_r. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Intro H4. Exact (CG_add_4 H0 H1 x0 d0 l H2 H4).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_5 :
+ ((x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg1 x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true) ->
+ (Ddle (SOME ? (Dneg d)) (ad_simple_path_dist cg1 y x))=true ->
+ (x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg2 x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (CG_add_5_1 (length l) H H0 x0 d0 l H1 (le_n ?)).
+ Qed.
+ End CGAdd.
+(*s Properties of the range of the graph *)
+Definition cg_range := (DMerge D).
+Lemma cg_range_1
+ : (cg:CGraph1) (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_edge cg x y)=(SOME ? d) -> (in_dom D y (cg_range cg))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold cg_range CG_edge. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H0. Elim H0.
+ Intros edges H1. Rewrite H1 in H. Apply in_dom_DMerge_3 with a:=x m0:=edges. Assumption.
+ Unfold in_dom. Generalize H. Case (MapGet D edges y). Intro H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Trivial.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0 in H. Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_range_2
+ : (cg:CGraph1) (y:ad) (in_dom D y (cg_range cg))=true ->
+ {x:ad & {d:D | (CG_edge cg x y)=(SOME ? d)}}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (in_dom_DMerge_2 ? cg y H). Intros x H0. Elim H0. Intros edges H1. Elim H1.
+ Intros H2 H3. Split with x. Elim (in_dom_some ? edges y H3). Intros d H4. Split with d.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite H2. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_range_4 : (cg:CGraph1) (x,y:ad) (d:D) (a:ad)
+ (in_dom D a (cg_range (CG_add cg x y d)))=(orb (ad_eq a y) (in_dom D a (cg_range cg))).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (in_dom D a (cg_range (CG_add cg x y d)))). Intro H.
+ Elim (cg_range_2 ? ? H). Intros a0 H0. Elim H0. Intros d0 H1. Clear H0.
+ Change (CG_edge (cg2 cg x y d) a0 a)=(SOME D d0) in H1.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 cg x y d a0 a) in H1. Rewrite H.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (andb (ad_eq x a0) (ad_eq y a))). Intro H2. Elim (andb_prop ? ? H2).
+ Intros H3 H4. Rewrite (ad_eq_comm y a) in H4. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Rewrite (cg_range_1 ? ? ? ? H1). Apply sym_eq. Apply orb_b_true.
+ Intro H. Rewrite H. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq a y)). Intro H0.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H0) in H. Cut {d0:D | (CG_edge (cg2 cg x y d) x y)=(SOME ? d0)}.
+ Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros d0 H2. Unfold cg2 in H2. Rewrite (cg_range_1 ? ? ? ? H2) in H.
+ Discriminate H.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 cg x y d x y). Rewrite (ad_eq_correct x). Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y).
+ Case (CG_edge cg x y). Split with d. Reflexivity.
+ Intro d0. Split with (Dmin d d0). Reflexivity.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (in_dom D a (cg_range cg))). Intro H1.
+ Elim (cg_range_2 ? ? H1). Intros a0 H2. Elim H2. Intros d0 H3.
+ Cut {d1:D | (CG_edge (cg2 cg x y d) a0 a)=(SOME ? d1)}. Intro H4. Elim H4. Intros d1 H5.
+ Unfold cg2 in H5. Rewrite (cg_range_1 ? ? ? ? H5) in H. Discriminate H.
+ Rewrite (CG_add_edge_1 cg x y d a0 a). Rewrite (ad_eq_comm a y) in H0. Rewrite H0.
+ Rewrite (andb_b_false (ad_eq x a0)). Split with d0. Assumption.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_out_of_range_1 : (cg:CGraph1) (y:ad) (in_dom D y (cg_range cg))=false ->
+ (x:ad) (CG_edge cg x y)=(NONE D).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (CG_edge cg x y)). Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros d H1.
+ Rewrite (cg_range_1 cg x y d H1) in H. Discriminate H.
+ Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_out_of_range_2 : (cg:CGraph1) (y:ad) (in_dom D y (cg_range cg))=false ->
+ (x:ad) (ad_eq x y)=false -> (ad_simple_path_dist cg x y)=(NONE D).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist cg x y)). Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros d H2.
+ Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_complete_2 cg x y d H2). Intros l H3.
+ Cut {a:ad & {d':D | (CG_edge cg a y)=(SOME ? d')}}. Intro H4. Elim H4. Intros a H5. Elim H5.
+ Intros d' H6. Rewrite (cg_out_of_range_1 cg y H a) in H6. Discriminate H6.
+ Generalize x H0 d H3. Elim l. Intros. Inversion H5.
+ Rewrite H8 in H4.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y) in H4. Discriminate H4.
+ Intros. Inversion H6. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq a y)).
+ Intro H14. Split with x0.
+ Split with d'. Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H14). Assumption.
+ Intro H14. Exact (H4 a H14 ? H10).
+ Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_out_of_range_3 : (cg:CGraph1) (y:ad) (in_dom D y (cg_range cg))=false ->
+ (x:ad) (ad_eq x y)=false -> (CG_leq cg x y)=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold CG_leq. Rewrite (cg_out_of_range_2 cg y H x H0). Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_add_out_of_range_1 : (cg:(CGraph1)) (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ ((x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true) ->
+ (in_dom D x (cg_range cg))=false ->
+ (ad_eq y x)=false ->
+ (x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path (CG_add cg x y d) x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) ->
+ (Dle Dz d0)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply (CG_add_5 cg x y d H) with x0:=x0 l:=l.
+ Rewrite (cg_out_of_range_2 cg x H0 y H1). Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma cg_add_dom_subset : (cg:CGraph1) (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (MapSubset ? ? (MapDom ? cg) (MapDom ? (CG_add cg x y d))).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_add. Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H. Elim H. Intros edges H0.
+ Rewrite H0. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges y)). Intro H1. Elim H1. Intros d0 H2.
+ Rewrite H2. Apply MapSubset_Dom_1. Apply MapSubset_Put.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Apply MapSubset_Dom_1. Apply MapSubset_Put.
+ Intro H. Rewrite H. Apply MapSubset_Dom_1. Apply MapSubset_Put.
+ Qed.
+(*s Adding a lis of adresses connected to [root] with weight $0$ *)
+Fixpoint CG_add_root [root:ad; cg:CGraph1; l:(list ad)] : CGraph1 :=
+ Cases l of
+ nil => cg
+ | (cons x l') => (CG_add_root root (CG_add cg root x Dz) l')
+ end.
+Lemma CG_add_root_out_of_range : (l:(list ad)) (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad)
+ ((x0:ad) (d0:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg x0 d0 (cons x0 l)) -> (Dle Dz d0)=true) ->
+ (MapSubset ? ? (Elems l) (MapDom ? cg)) ->
+ (ad_in_list root l)=false ->
+ (in_dom ? root (cg_range cg))=false ->
+ (x0:ad) (d0:D) (l0:(list ad)) (CG_path (CG_add_root root cg l) x0 d0 (cons x0 l0)) ->
+ (Dle Dz d0)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Intros. Apply (H (CG_add cg root a Dz) root) with x0:=x0 d0:=d0 l1:=l1. Intros.
+ Apply (cg_add_out_of_range_1 cg root a Dz) with x0:=x1 d0:=d1 l:=l2. Intros.
+ Exact (H0 ? ? ? H6).
+ Assumption.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H2). Intros. Rewrite ad_eq_comm. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Apply MapSubset_trans with m':=(MapPut unit (Elems l0) a tt). Apply MapSubset_Put.
+ Apply MapSubset_trans with m':=(MapDom ? cg). Assumption.
+ Apply cg_add_dom_subset.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H2). Trivial.
+ Rewrite cg_range_4. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H2). Intros H5 H6. Rewrite H5. Rewrite H3.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_rooted_1 : (cg:CGraph1) (root,a:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_edge cg root a)=(NONE D) ->
+ (CG_edge (CG_add cg root a d) root a)=(SOME D d).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Change (CG_edge (cg2 cg root a d) root a)=(SOME D d). Rewrite CG_add_edge_1.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct root). Rewrite (ad_eq_correct a). Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_rooted_1 : (l:(list ad)) (cg:CGraph1) (root,a:ad)
+ (ad_list_stutters l)=false ->
+ (ad_in_list a l)=false -> (d:D) (CG_edge cg root a)=(SOME D d) ->
+ (CG_edge (CG_add_root root cg l) root a)=(SOME D d).
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H0). Intros. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H1).
+ Intros. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Change (CG_edge (cg2 cg root a Dz) root a0)=(SOME D d). Rewrite CG_add_edge_1.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_comm a a0). Rewrite H5. Rewrite (andb_b_false (ad_eq root root)). Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_rooted_2 : (l:(list ad)) (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad)
+ (ad_list_stutters l)=false ->
+ ((a0:ad) (ad_in_list a0 l)=true -> (CG_edge cg root a0)=(NONE D)) ->
+ (a:ad) (ad_in_list a l)=true ->
+ (CG_edge (CG_add_root root cg l) root a)=(SOME ? Dz).
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Intros. Discriminate H1.
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H0). Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq a0 a)).
+ Intro H5. Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H5). Apply CG_add_root_rooted_1. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Apply CG_add_rooted_1. Apply H1. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct a). Reflexivity.
+ Intro H5. Rewrite H5 in H2. Simpl in H2. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Intros. Change (CG_edge (cg2 cg root a Dz) root a1)=(NONE D). Rewrite CG_add_edge_1.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq a a1)). Intro H7. Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H7) in H3.
+ Rewrite H6 in H3. Discriminate H3.
+ Intro H7. Rewrite H7. Rewrite (andb_b_false (ad_eq root root)).
+ Apply H1. Rewrite H6. Apply orb_b_true.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_rooted_3 : (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad)
+ (in_dom ? root cg)=false ->
+ (a:ad) (in_dom ? a cg)=true ->
+ (CG_edge (CG_add_root root cg (ad_list_of_dom ? cg)) root a)=(SOME ? Dz).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply CG_add_root_rooted_2. Apply ad_list_of_dom_not_stutters.
+ Intros. Unfold CG_edge. Rewrite (in_dom_none ? ? ? H). Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite ad_in_list_of_dom_in_dom. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_rooted_4 : (l:(list ad)) (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad) (a:ad)
+ (in_dom ? a (CG_add_root root cg l))=true -> {a=root}+{(in_dom ? a cg)=true}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Intros. Right . Exact H.
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (H (CG_add cg root a Dz) root a0 H0). Intro H1. Left . Assumption.
+ Intro H1. Unfold in_dom CG_add in H1. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg root)). Intro H2.
+ Elim H2. Intros edges H3. Rewrite H3 in H1. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges a)). Intro H4.
+ Elim H4. Intros d H5. Rewrite H5 in H1.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg root (MapPut D edges a (Dmin Dz d)) a0) in H1.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq root a0)). Intro H6. Left . Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H6).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Intro H6. Rewrite H6 in H1. Right . Exact H1.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H1.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg root (MapPut D edges a Dz) a0) in H1.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq root a0)). Intro H5. Left . Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H5).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Intro H5. Rewrite H5 in H1. Right . Exact H1.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Rewrite (MapPut_semantics ? cg root (M1 D a Dz) a0) in H1.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq root a0)). Intro H3. Left . Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H3).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3 in H1. Right . Exact H1.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_edge_dist_some_1 : (n:nat) (cg:CGraph1) (x,y:ad) (d:D) (prefix:(list ad))
+ (CG_edge cg x y)=(SOME D d) -> (ad_in_list y prefix)=false ->
+ {d':D | (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg x y prefix (S n)) (SOME ? d'))=true}.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_edge. Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x y)). Intro H1. Rewrite H1.
+ Split with Dz. Simpl. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H2. Elim H2.
+ Intros edges H3. Rewrite H3 in H. Rewrite H3. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges y)).
+ Intro H4. Elim H4. Intros d0 H5. Rewrite H5 in H. Inversion H. Split with (Dplus Dz d).
+ Rewrite H7 in H5. Apply Ddle_trans with dd':=([z:ad] [d0:D]
+ Case (orb (ad_eq z x) (ad_in_list z prefix)) of
+ (NONE D)
+ (Ddplus
+ (ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg z y (cons x prefix) n) d0)
+ end y d).
+ Apply all_min_le_1 with f:=[z:ad] [d0:D]
+ Case (orb (ad_eq z x) (ad_in_list z prefix)) of
+ (NONE D)
+ (Ddplus (ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg z y (cons x prefix) n)
+ d0)
+ end.
+ Assumption.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_comm y x). Rewrite H1. Rewrite H0. Simpl. Case n. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intro. Simpl. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H. Discriminate H.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H. Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_edge_dist_some : (cg:CGraph1) (x,y:ad) (d:D)
+ (CG_edge cg x y)=(SOME D d) -> {d':D | (ad_simple_path_dist cg x y)=(SOME ? d')}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist cg x y)). Trivial.
+ Unfold ad_simple_path_dist. Intro H0. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H1. Elim H1.
+ Intros edges H2. Elim (MapCard_is_not_O ? cg x edges H2). Intros n H3.
+ Elim (CG_edge_dist_some_1 n cg x y d (nil ad) H (refl_equal ? ?)). Intros d0 H4.
+ Rewrite H3 in H0. Rewrite H0 in H4. Discriminate H4.
+ Intro H1. Unfold CG_edge in H. Rewrite H1 in H. Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_rooted : (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad)
+ ((x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true) ->
+ (in_dom ? root cg)=false ->
+ (a:ad) (in_dom ? a (CG_add_root root cg (ad_list_of_dom ? cg)))=true ->
+ (CG_leq (CG_add_root root cg (ad_list_of_dom ? cg)) root a)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CG_add_root_rooted_4 ? ? ? ? H1). Intro H2. Rewrite H2. Apply CG_leq_refl.
+ Intro H2. Elim (CG_edge_dist_some ? root a Dz (CG_add_root_rooted_3 cg root H0 a H2)).
+ Intros d H3. Unfold CG_leq. Rewrite H3. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_sat : (cg:CGraph1) (root,a:ad) (d:D) (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGsat (cg2 cg root a d) rho) -> (CGsat cg rho).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGsat. Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (andb (ad_eq root x) (ad_eq a y))). Intro H1.
+ Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus (rho y) (Dmin d d0)). Apply H. Rewrite CG_add_edge_1.
+ Rewrite H1. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Apply Dmin_le_2.
+ Intro H1. Apply H. Rewrite CG_add_edge_1. Rewrite H1. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_sat : (l:(list ad)) (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad) (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGsat (CG_add_root root cg l) rho) -> (CGsat cg rho).
+ Proof.
+ Induction l. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Intros. Apply (CG_add_sat cg root a Dz rho). Unfold cg2. Exact (H ? ? ? H0).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_root_consistent : (l:(list ad)) (cg:CGraph1) (root:ad)
+ (CGconsistent (CG_add_root root cg l)) -> (CGconsistent cg).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGconsistent. Intros. Elim H. Intros rho H0. Split with rho.
+ Exact (CG_add_root_sat l cg root rho H0).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_circuit_complete_1 : (cg:CGraph1)
+ ((x:ad)(d:D)(l:(list ad))
+ (CG_path cg x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true) ->
+ (root:ad)
+ root=(ad_alloc_opt unit (FSetUnion (MapDom ? cg) (MapDom ? (cg_range cg)))) ->
+ (cg':CGraph1) cg'=(CG_add_root root cg (ad_list_of_dom ? cg))
+ -> (CGconsistent cg).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply (CG_add_root_consistent (ad_list_of_dom (Map D) cg) cg root). Rewrite <- H1.
+ Cut (orb (in_dom ? root cg) (in_dom ? root (cg_range cg)))=false. Intro H2.
+ Elim (orb_false_elim ? ? H2). Intros. Elim CG_rooted_sat with cg:=cg' root:=root d0:=Dz.
+ Intros rho H5. Elim H5. Unfold CGconsistent. Intros H6 H7. Split with rho. Assumption.
+ Rewrite H1. Intros.
+ Apply CG_add_root_out_of_range with l:=(ad_list_of_dom (Map D) cg) cg:=cg root:=root
+ x0:=x d0:=d l0:=l.
+ Assumption.
+ Apply MapSubset_2_imp. Unfold MapSubset_2.
+ Apply eqmap_trans with m':=(MapDomRestrBy unit unit (MapDom (Map D) cg) (MapDom (Map D) cg)).
+ Apply MapDomRestrBy_ext. Apply Elems_of_list_of_dom.
+ Apply eqmap_refl.
+ Apply MapDomRestrBy_m_m_1.
+ Rewrite ad_in_list_of_dom_in_dom. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Intros. Rewrite H1. Apply CG_add_root_rooted. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Rewrite <- H1. Assumption.
+ Rewrite MapDom_Dom. Rewrite MapDom_Dom. Rewrite <- in_FSet_union. Rewrite H0.
+ Unfold in_FSet. Apply ad_alloc_opt_allocates.
+ Qed.
+(*s If there is no circuit [(cons x l)] with negative weight [d], then [cg] is consistent: *)
+Theorem CG_circuit_complete : (cg:CGraph1)
+ ((x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true) ->
+ (CGconsistent cg).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. EApply CG_circuit_complete_1. Assumption.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_translate_l : (cg:CGraph1) (rho:ad->D) (d:D) (CGsat cg rho) ->
+ (CGsat cg [a:ad] (Dplus d (rho a))).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGsat. Intros. Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Apply Dle_plus_mono. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Apply H. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s [(CGconsistent_anchored cg a d)] if there exists a valuation $\rho$ which
+ satisfies [cg] and such that $\rho(a)=d$
+Definition CGconsistent_anchored :=
+ [cg:CGraph1][a:ad][d0:D] {rho:ad->D | (CGsat cg rho) /\ (rho a)=d0}.
+Lemma CGconsistent_then_anchored
+ : (cg:CGraph1) (CGconsistent cg) ->
+ (a:ad) (d0:D) (CGconsistent_anchored cg a d0).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGconsistent CGconsistent_anchored. Intros. Elim H. Intros rho H0.
+ Split with [a0:ad](Dplus (Dplus d0 (Dneg (rho a))) (rho a0)). Split.
+ Apply CG_translate_l. Assumption.
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Apply Dplus_d_z.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGanchored_then_consistent : (cg:CGraph1) (a:ad) (d0:D) (CGconsistent_anchored cg a d0) ->
+ (CGconsistent cg).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CGconsistent CGconsistent_anchored. Intros. Elim H. Intros rho H0. Elim H0. Intros.
+ Split with rho. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s Definition of [ad_0_path_dist_1]
+ a more efficient version of [ad_simple_path_dist]: *)
+Section CGDist1.
+ Variable cg : CGraph1.
+Fixpoint ad_0_path_dist_1 [x,y:ad; l:(list ad); n:nat] : (option D) :=
+ if (ad_eq x y)
+ then (SOME ? Dz)
+ else
+ Cases n of
+ O => (NONE ?)
+ | (S n') => Cases (MapGet ? cg x) of
+ NONE => (NONE ?)
+ | (SOME edges) =>
+ if (ad_in_list x l)
+ then (NONE D)
+ else let l'=(cons x l) in (* builds reverse path *)
+ (all_min [z:ad][d:D]
+ if (ad_in_list z l')
+ then (NONE D)
+ else (Ddplus (ad_0_path_dist_1 z y l' n') d)
+ edges)
+ end
+ end.
+Definition ad_0_path_dist := [x,y:ad]
+ (ad_0_path_dist_1 x y (nil ad) (MapCard ? cg)).
+Lemma ad_0_path_dist_1_ge : (n:nat) (l:(list ad)) (x,y:ad)
+ (Ddle (ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg x y l n) (ad_0_path_dist_1 x y l n))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Simpl. Intros. Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Simpl. Intros. Case (ad_eq x y). Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Case (MapGet ? cg x). Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intro. Case (ad_in_list x l). Apply Ddle_d_none.
+ Apply all_min_le_3. Intros. Case (orb (ad_eq a x) (ad_in_list a l)). Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Apply Ddle_plus_mono. Apply H.
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_0_path_dist_1_correct_1 :
+ ((x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true) ->
+ (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad)) (d:D)
+ (le (length l) n) -> (CG_path cg y d (cons x l)) ->
+ (prefix:(list ad))
+ (ad_list_stutters (app (rev prefix) (cons x l)))=false ->
+ (Ddle (ad_0_path_dist_1 x y prefix n) (SOME ? d))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Intros x y l. Case l. Intros. Simpl.
+ Inversion H1. Rewrite H5.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intros. Elim (le_Sn_O ? H0).
+ Intros n0 H0 x y l. Case l. Intros. Inversion H2.
+ Rewrite H6. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_correct y). Rewrite H5. Apply Ddle_refl.
+ Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x y)). Intro H4. Rewrite H4.
+ Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H4) in H2. Exact (H ? ? ? H2).
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H5. Elim H5.
+ Intros edges H6. Rewrite H6. Inversion_clear H2. Apply Ddle_trans
+ with dd':=Case (ad_in_list a (cons x prefix)) of
+ (NONE D)
+ (Ddplus (ad_0_path_dist_1 a y (cons x prefix) n0) d')
+ end.
+ Cut (MapGet ? edges a)=(SOME ? d'). Intro. Cut (ad_in_list x prefix)=false. Intro H9.
+ Rewrite H9. Exact (all_min_le_1 [z:ad] [d:D]
+ Case (orb (ad_eq z x) (ad_in_list z prefix)) of
+ (NONE D)
+ (Ddplus (ad_0_path_dist_1 z y (cons x prefix) n0) d)
+ end edges a d' H2).
+ Rewrite <- ad_in_list_rev. Exact (ad_list_stutters_prev_conv_l ? ? ? H3).
+ Unfold CG_edge in H8. Rewrite H6 in H8. Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet D edges a)).
+ Intro H9. Elim H9. Intros d1 H10. Rewrite H10 in H8. Rewrite H10. Assumption.
+ Intro H9. Rewrite H9 in H8. Discriminate H8.
+ Rewrite (ad_list_app_rev prefix (cons a l0) x) in H3.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_in_list_rev (cons x prefix) a).
+ Rewrite (ad_list_stutters_prev_conv_l ? ? ? H3).
+ Apply (Ddle_plus_mono (ad_0_path_dist_1 a y (cons x prefix) n0) (SOME D d0) d' d').
+ Exact (H0 a y l0 d0 (le_S_n ? ? H1) H7 (cons x prefix) H3).
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Intro H5. Inversion H2.
+ Unfold CG_edge in H11. Rewrite H5 in H11. Discriminate H11.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_0_path_dist_1_le :
+ ((x:ad) (d:D) (l:(list ad)) (CG_path cg x d (cons x l)) -> (Dle Dz d)=true) ->
+ (n:nat) (x,y:ad)
+ (Ddle (ad_0_path_dist_1 x y (nil ad) n) (ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg x y (nil ad) n))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (option_sum ? (ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg x y (nil ad) n)). Intro H0. Elim H0.
+ Intros d H1. Rewrite H1.
+ Elim (ad_simple_path_dist_1_complete_1 cg n x y (nil ad) Dz) with d0:=d. Intros l H2.
+ Elim H2. Intros H3 H4. Apply (ad_0_path_dist_1_correct_1 H n x y l). Exact (proj2 ? ? H4).
+ Rewrite (Dplus_d_z d) in H3. Exact H3.
+ Exact (proj1 ? ? H4).
+ Simpl. Apply CG_p1. Reflexivity.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Apply Ddle_d_none.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_0_path_dist_correct_1 :
+ (CGconsistent cg) ->
+ (x,y:ad) (n:nat)
+ (ad_0_path_dist_1 x y (nil ad) n)=(ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg x y (nil ad) n).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply Ddle_antisym. Apply ad_0_path_dist_1_le.
+ Exact (CG_circuits_non_negative_weight cg H).
+ Apply ad_0_path_dist_1_ge.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_0_path_dist_correct : (CGconsistent cg) ->
+ (x,y:ad) (ad_0_path_dist x y)=(ad_simple_path_dist cg x y).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (ad_0_path_dist_correct_1 H x y (MapCard ? cg)).
+ Qed.
+(*s Uses a set [s] of already visited nodes *)
+Fixpoint ad_1_path_dist_1 [x,y:ad; s:FSet; n:nat] : (option D) :=
+ if (ad_eq x y)
+ then (SOME ? Dz)
+ else
+ Cases n of
+ O => (NONE ?)
+ | (S n') => Cases (MapGet ? cg x) of
+ NONE => (NONE ?)
+ | (SOME edges) =>
+ Cases (MapGet ? s x) of
+ (SOME _) => (NONE ?)
+ | NONE => let s'=(MapPut unit s x tt) in
+ (all_min [z:ad][d:D]
+ Cases (MapGet ? s' z) of
+ (SOME _) => (NONE D)
+ | NONE => (Ddplus (ad_1_path_dist_1 z y s' n') d)
+ end
+ edges)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+Definition ad_1_path_dist := [x,y:ad]
+ (ad_1_path_dist_1 x y (M0 unit) (MapCard ? cg)).
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_correct_1 : (n:nat) (x,y:ad) (l:(list ad))
+ (ad_1_path_dist_1 x y (Elems l) n)=(ad_0_path_dist_1 x y l n).
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Intros. Case (ad_eq x y). Reflexivity.
+ Case (MapGet ? cg x). Reflexivity.
+ Intro. Unfold all_min. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_in_list x l)). Intro H0. Rewrite H0.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_in_elems_in_list l x) in H0. Elim (in_dom_some ? ? ? H0). Intros t H1.
+ Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Rewrite <- (ad_in_elems_in_list l x) in H0.
+ Rewrite (in_dom_none ? ? ? H0). Apply MapFold_ext_f. Intros.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_in_list a (cons x l))). Intro H2.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_in_elems_in_list (cons x l) a) in H2. Elim (in_dom_some ? ? ? H2). Simpl.
+ Intro t. Elim t. Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Rewrite (ad_in_elems_in_list (cons x l) a) in H2.
+ Simpl in H2. Rewrite H2. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H2. Cut (orb (ad_eq a x) (ad_in_list a l))=false. Intro H3. Rewrite H3.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_in_elems_in_list (cons x l) a) in H2. Simpl in H2.
+ Rewrite (in_dom_none ? ? ? H2). Rewrite <- (H a y (cons x l)). Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_correct_2 : (x,y:ad) (ad_1_path_dist x y)=(ad_0_path_dist x y).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (ad_1_path_dist_correct_1 (MapCard ? cg) x y (nil ad)).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_correct_3 : (CGconsistent cg) ->
+ (n:nat) (x,y:ad)
+ (ad_1_path_dist_1 x y (M0 unit) n)=(ad_simple_path_dist_1 cg x y (nil ad) n).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite <- (ad_0_path_dist_correct_1 H x y n).
+ Exact (ad_1_path_dist_correct_1 n x y (nil ad)).
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_correct : (CGconsistent cg) ->
+ (x,y:ad) (ad_1_path_dist x y)=(ad_simple_path_dist cg x y).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite ad_1_path_dist_correct_2. Apply ad_0_path_dist_correct. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_big_enough_1 : (n:nat) (s:FSet)
+ (MapSubset ? ? s (MapDom ? cg)) ->
+ (le (MapCard ? cg) (plus n (MapCard ? s))) ->
+ (x,y:ad) (ad_1_path_dist_1 x y s n)=(ad_1_path_dist_1 x y s (S n)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Intros. Simpl. Case (ad_eq x y). Reflexivity.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (in_dom ? x cg)). Intro H1. Elim (in_dom_some ? ? ? H1).
+ Intros edges H2. Rewrite H2. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (in_dom ? x s)). Intro H3.
+ Elim (in_dom_some ? ? ? H3). Intros t H4. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Simpl in H0. Rewrite (MapCard_Dom ? cg) in H0. Rewrite (MapDom_Dom ? s x) in H3.
+ Cut (MapGet ? (MapDom unit s) x)=(NONE ?). Rewrite (MapSubset_card_eq ? ? ? ? H H0 x).
+ Rewrite (FSet_Dom (MapDom ? cg)).
+ Elim (in_dom_some ? ? ? (MapDom_semantics_1 ? cg x edges H2)). Intros t H4 H5.
+ Rewrite H4 in H5. Discriminate H5.
+ Exact (in_dom_none ? ? ? H3).
+ Intro H1. Rewrite (in_dom_none ? ? ? H1). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Cut (m:nat) m=(S n0)->(ad_1_path_dist_1 x y s (S n0))=(ad_1_path_dist_1 x y s (S m)).
+ Intro. Exact (H2 (S n0) (refl_equal ? ?)).
+ Intros. Simpl. Case (ad_eq x y). Reflexivity.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? cg x)). Intro H'. Elim H'. Intros edges H'0. Rewrite H'0.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapGet ? s x)). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intros t H4. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Unfold all_min. Apply MapFold_ext_f. Intros.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics unit s x tt a). Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x a)). Intro H5.
+ Rewrite H5. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H5. Rewrite H5. Case (MapGet ? s a). Rewrite H2. Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Unfold MapSubset. Intros. Elim (in_dom_some ? ? ? H6). Intro.
+ Rewrite (MapPut_semantics unit s x tt a0). Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq x a0)). Intro H7.
+ Rewrite H7. Intro H8. Rewrite <- (ad_eq_complete ? ? H7). Fold (in_FSet x (MapDom ? cg)).
+ Rewrite <- (MapDom_Dom ? cg x). Unfold in_dom. Rewrite H'0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H7. Rewrite H7. Intro H8. Apply (H0 a0). Unfold in_dom. Rewrite H8. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite MapCard_Put_2_conv. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Exact H1.
+ Assumption.
+ Trivial.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_big_enough_2 : (n:nat)
+ (x,y:ad) (ad_1_path_dist x y)=(ad_1_path_dist_1 x y (M0 unit) (plus n (MapCard ? cg))).
+ Proof.
+ Induction n. Trivial.
+ Intros. Unfold plus. Fold (plus n0 (MapCard ? cg)). Rewrite <- ad_1_path_dist_big_enough_1.
+ Apply H.
+ Unfold MapSubset. Intros. Discriminate H0.
+ Simpl. Rewrite <- plus_n_O. Apply le_plus_r.
+ Qed.
+Lemma ad_1_path_dist_big_enough : (n:nat) (le (MapCard ? cg) n) ->
+ (x,y:ad) (ad_1_path_dist x y)=(ad_1_path_dist_1 x y (M0 unit) n).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Cut (EX m:nat | n=(plus m (MapCard ? cg))). Intro H0. Elim H0. Intros m H1.
+ Rewrite H1. Apply ad_1_path_dist_big_enough_2.
+ Elim H. Split with O. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Elim H1. Intros m' H2. Split with (S m'). Rewrite H2. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End CGDist1.
+(*s Definition of concrete formulas :
+ [(CGleq x y d)] means $x\leq y+d$, [(CGeq x y d)] means $x=y+d$
+ *)
+Inductive CGForm : Set :=
+ CGleq : ad -> ad -> D -> CGForm
+ | CGeq : ad -> ad -> D -> CGForm
+ | CGand : CGForm -> CGForm -> CGForm
+ | CGor : CGForm -> CGForm -> CGForm
+ | CGimp : CGForm -> CGForm -> CGForm
+ | CGnot : CGForm -> CGForm.
+(*s Interpretation of concrete formulas as proposition *)
+Fixpoint CGeval [rho:ad->D; f:CGForm] : Prop :=
+ Cases f of
+ (CGleq x y d) => (Dle (rho x) (Dplus (rho y) d))=true
+ | (CGeq x y d) => (rho x)=(Dplus (rho y) d)
+ | (CGand f0 f1) => (CGeval rho f0) /\ (CGeval rho f1)
+ | (CGor f0 f1) => (CGeval rho f0) \/ (CGeval rho f1)
+ | (CGimp f0 f1) => (CGeval rho f0) -> (CGeval rho f1)
+ | (CGnot f0) => ~(CGeval rho f0)
+ end.
+(*s Decidability of satisfaction *)
+Lemma CGeval_dec : (f:CGForm) (rho:ad->D) {(CGeval rho f)}+{~(CGeval rho f)}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction f.
+ Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle (rho a) (Dplus (rho a0) d))).
+ Intro H. Left . Assumption.
+ Intro H. Right . Unfold not. Rewrite H. Intro H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Simpl. Intros. Apply D_dec.
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (H rho). Intro H1. Elim (H0 rho). Intro H2. Left . (Split; Assumption).
+ Unfold not. Intro H2. Right . Intro. Elim H3. Intro. Assumption.
+ Unfold not. Intro H1. Right . Intro H2. Elim H2. Intros. Apply (H1 H3).
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (H rho). Intro H1. Left . Left . Assumption.
+ Elim (H0 rho). Intros H1 H2. Left . Right . Assumption.
+ Unfold not. Intros H1 H2. Right . Intro H3. (Elim H3; Assumption).
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (H0 rho). Intro H1. Left . Intro H2. Assumption.
+ Elim (H rho). Unfold not. Intros H1 H2. Right . Intro H3. Apply H2. Apply H3. Assumption.
+ Unfold not. Intros H1 H2. Left . Intro H3. Elim (H1 H3).
+ Intros. Simpl. Elim (H rho). Intro H0. Right . Unfold not. Intros. Exact (H1 H0).
+ Intro H0. Left . Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s Simplified formulae: *)
+Inductive CGSForm : Set :=
+ CGSleq : ad -> ad -> D -> CGSForm
+ | CGSand : CGSForm -> CGSForm -> CGSForm
+ | CGSor : CGSForm -> CGSForm -> CGSForm.
+Fixpoint CG_of_CGS [fs:CGSForm] : CGForm :=
+ Cases fs of
+ (CGSleq x y d) => (CGleq x y d)
+ | (CGSand fs0 fs1) => (CGand (CG_of_CGS fs0) (CG_of_CGS fs1))
+ | (CGSor fs0 fs1) => (CGor (CG_of_CGS fs0) (CG_of_CGS fs1))
+ end.
+Definition CGSeval := [rho:ad->D; fs:CGSForm] (CGeval rho (CG_of_CGS fs)).
+(*s Decision procedure for simplified formulae *)
+Section CGSSolve.
+ Variable anchor : ad.
+ Variable anchor_value : D.
+(*s Is $x\leq y+d$ consistent with [cg]? *)
+Definition CG_test_ineq := [cg:CGraph1; n:nat; x,y:ad; d:D]
+ (Ddle (SOME ? (Dneg d)) (ad_1_path_dist_1 cg y x (M0 unit) n)).
+ Variable def_answer : bool.
+(*s Invariants: [cg] is consistent, [|cg|<=n].
+ [(CGS_solve_1 cg n fsl gas)]
+ returns [true] iff [cg /\ fsl /\ anchor=anchor_value] is consistent,
+ where [fsl] is understood as the conjunction of all the [fs] in [fsl];
+ i.e. iff [cg /\ fsl] alone is consistent
+ (lemmas [CG_anchored_then_consistent] and [CG_consistent_then_anchored)].
+ [gas] is intended to be [>=] the sum of sizes of all formulas in [fsl]. *)
+Fixpoint CGS_solve_1 [cg:CGraph1; n:nat; fsl:(list CGSForm); gas:nat] : bool :=
+ Cases gas of
+ O => def_answer
+ | (S gas') =>
+ Cases fsl of
+ nil => true
+ | (cons fs fsl') =>
+ Cases fs of
+ (CGSleq x y d) => if (CG_test_ineq cg n x y d)
+ then let cg' = (CG_add cg x y d) in
+ (CGS_solve_1 cg' (S n) fsl' gas')
+ else false
+ | (CGSand fs0 fs1) => (CGS_solve_1 cg n (cons fs0 (cons fs1 fsl')) gas')
+ | (CGSor fs0 fs1) => if (CGS_solve_1 cg n (cons fs0 fsl') gas')
+ then true
+ else (CGS_solve_1 cg n (cons fs1 fsl') gas')
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+(*s Size of a set of formula and of a list of formula *)
+Fixpoint FSize [f:CGSForm] : nat :=
+ Cases f of
+ (CGSand f0 f1) => (S (plus (FSize f0) (FSize f1)))
+ | (CGSor f0 f1) => (S (plus (FSize f0) (FSize f1)))
+ | _ => (1)
+ end.
+Fixpoint FlSize [fsl:(list CGSForm)] : nat :=
+ Cases fsl of
+ nil => O
+ | (cons fs fsl') => (plus (FSize fs) (FlSize fsl'))
+ end.
+Definition CGS_solve := [fs:CGSForm] (CGS_solve_1 (M0 ?) O (cons fs (nil ?)) (S (FSize fs))).
+(*s Interpretation of a list of formula as a conjonction *)
+Fixpoint CGSeval_l [rho:ad->D; fsl:(list CGSForm)] : Prop :=
+ Cases fsl of
+ nil => True
+ | (cons fs fsl') => (CGSeval rho fs) /\ (CGSeval_l rho fsl')
+ end.
+Lemma FSize_geq_1 : (fs:CGSForm) {n:nat | (FSize fs)=(S n)}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction fs. Simpl. Intros. Split with O. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl. Split with (plus (FSize c) (FSize c0)). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl. Split with (plus (FSize c) (FSize c0)). Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma FlSize_is_O : (fsl:(list CGSForm)) (FlSize fsl)=O -> fsl=(nil ?).
+ Proof.
+ Induction fsl. Trivial.
+ Intros. Simpl in H0. Elim (FSize_geq_1 a). Intros n H1. Rewrite H1 in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CG_add_card_le : (cg:CGraph1) (x,y:ad) (d:D) (n:nat)
+ (le (MapCard ? cg) n) -> (le (MapCard ? (CG_add cg x y d)) (S n)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold CG_add. Case (MapGet ? cg x).
+ Apply (le_trans ? ? (S n) (MapCard_Put_ub ? cg x (M1 D y d))). Apply le_n_S. Assumption.
+ Intro. Case (MapGet ? m y).
+ Apply (le_trans ? ? (S n) (MapCard_Put_ub ? cg x (MapPut D m y d))). Apply le_n_S.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro. Apply (le_trans ? ? (S n) (MapCard_Put_ub ? cg x (MapPut D m y (Dmin d d0)))).
+ Apply le_n_S. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGS_solve_1_correct : (gas:nat) (fsl:(list CGSForm)) (cg:CGraph1) (n:nat)
+ (CGconsistent cg) ->
+ (le (MapCard ? cg) n) ->
+ (lt (FlSize fsl) gas) ->
+ (CGS_solve_1 cg n fsl gas)=true ->
+ {rho:ad->D | (CGSeval_l rho fsl) /\ (CGsat cg rho)}.
+ Proof.
+ Induction gas. Intros. Elim (lt_n_O ? H1).
+ Simpl. Intros n H fsl. Case fsl. Intros. Elim H0. Intros rho H4. Split with rho.
+ Split. Exact I.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro fs. Case fs. Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (CG_test_ineq cg n0 a a0 d)). Intro H4.
+ Rewrite H4 in H3. Unfold CG_test_ineq in H4. Elim (H l (CG_add cg a a0 d) (S n0)).
+ Intros rho H5. Split with rho. Elim H5. Intros. Split. Simpl. Split. Unfold CGSeval.
+ Simpl. Exact (CG_add_3 cg a a0 d rho H7).
+ Assumption.
+ Exact (CG_add_2 cg a a0 d rho H7).
+ Apply CG_circuit_complete.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_1_path_dist_big_enough cg n0 H1 a0 a) in H4.
+ Rewrite (ad_1_path_dist_correct cg H0 a0 a) in H4.
+ Exact (CG_add_5 cg a a0 d (CG_circuits_non_negative_weight cg H0) H4).
+ Apply CG_add_card_le. Assumption.
+ Exact (lt_S_n ? ? H2).
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H3. Discriminate H3.
+ Intros. Elim (H (cons c (cons c0 l)) cg n0 H0). Simpl. Intros rho H4. Split with rho.
+ Elim H4. Intros. Split; Try Assumption. Elim H5. Intros. Elim H8. Intros.
+ Split; Try Assumption. Exact (conj ? ? H7 H9).
+ Assumption.
+ Simpl. Simpl in H2. Rewrite plus_assoc_l. Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (CGS_solve_1 cg n0 (cons c l) n)). Intro H4.
+ Elim (H (cons c l) cg n0 H0 H1). Intros rho H5. Split with rho. Elim H5. Intros. Simpl.
+ Split; Try Assumption. Split; Try Assumption. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Left . Simpl in H6.
+ Exact (proj1 ? ? H6).
+ Exact (proj2 ? ? H6).
+ Simpl. Simpl in H2. Apply le_lt_trans with m:=(plus (plus (FSize c) (FSize c0)) (FlSize l)).
+ Apply le_reg_r. Apply le_plus_l.
+ Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H3. Elim (H (cons c0 l) cg n0 H0). Intros rho H5. Elim H5.
+ Intros. Split with rho. Split; Try Assumption. Simpl. Simpl in H6. Elim H6. Intros.
+ Split; Try Assumption. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Right . Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Simpl. Simpl in H2. Apply le_lt_trans with m:=(plus (plus (FSize c) (FSize c0)) (FlSize l)).
+ Apply le_reg_r. Apply le_plus_r.
+ Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGS_solve_correct : (fs:CGSForm) (CGS_solve fs)=true ->
+ {rho:ad->D | (CGSeval rho fs)}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CGS_solve_1_correct (S (FSize fs)) (cons fs (nil ?)) (M0 ?) O). Intros rho H0.
+ Simpl in H0. Elim H0. Intros. Elim H1. Intros. Split with rho. Assumption.
+ Split with [x:ad]Dz. Unfold CGsat. Unfold CG_edge. Simpl. Intros. Discriminate H0.
+ Apply le_n.
+ Simpl. Rewrite <- plus_n_O. Unfold lt. Apply le_n.
+ Exact H.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGS_translate_l : (fs:CGSForm) (rho:ad->D) (d:D) (CGSeval rho fs) ->
+ (CGSeval [a:ad] (Dplus d (rho a)) fs).
+ Proof.
+ Induction fs. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Intros. Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Apply Dle_plus_mono.
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Assumption.
+ Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Intros. Elim H1. Intros. Split. Apply H. Assumption.
+ Apply H0. Assumption.
+ Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Intros. Elim H1. Intro. Left . Apply H. Assumption.
+ Intro. Right . Apply H0. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGS_solve_correct_anchored : (fs:CGSForm) (CGS_solve fs)=true ->
+ {rho:ad->D | (CGSeval rho fs) /\ (rho anchor)=anchor_value}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CGS_solve_correct fs H). Intros rho H0.
+ Split with [a:ad](Dplus (Dplus anchor_value (Dneg (rho anchor))) (rho a)). Split.
+ Apply CGS_translate_l. Assumption.
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Apply Dplus_d_z.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGS_solve_complete_1 : (gas:nat) (fsl:(list CGSForm)) (cg:CGraph1) (n:nat)
+ (lt (FlSize fsl) gas) -> (le (MapCard ? cg) n) ->
+ (rho:ad->D) (CGsat cg rho) -> (CGSeval_l rho fsl) -> (CGS_solve_1 cg n fsl gas)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Induction gas. Intros. Elim (lt_n_O ? H).
+ Intros n H fsl. Case fsl. Trivial.
+ Intro fs. Case fs. Simpl. Intros. Unfold CG_test_ineq.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_1_path_dist_big_enough cg n0 H1 a0 a). Cut (CGconsistent cg). Intro H4.
+ Rewrite (ad_1_path_dist_correct cg H4 a0 a). Elim H3. Intros.
+ Rewrite (CG_sat_add_1 cg a a0 d rho H2 H5). Apply H with rho:=rho. Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Apply CG_add_card_le. Assumption.
+ Fold (cg2 cg a a0 d). Apply CG_add_1. Assumption.
+ Exact H5.
+ Assumption.
+ Split with rho. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Apply H with rho:=rho. Simpl. Rewrite plus_assoc_l. Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Elim H3. Intros. Simpl. Elim H4. Intros. Split; Try Assumption. Split; Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim H3. Intros. Elim H4. Intro. Cut (CGS_solve_1 cg n0 (cons c l) n)=true.
+ Intro H7. Rewrite H7. Reflexivity.
+ Apply H with rho:=rho. Simpl.
+ Apply le_lt_trans with m:=(plus (plus (FSize c) (FSize c0)) (FlSize l)). Apply le_reg_r.
+ Apply le_plus_l.
+ Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Split; Assumption.
+ Intro H6. Cut (CGS_solve_1 cg n0 (cons c0 l) n)=true. Intro H7.
+ Case (CGS_solve_1 cg n0 (cons c l) n); Trivial.
+ Apply H with rho:=rho. Simpl.
+ Apply le_lt_trans with m:=(plus (plus (FSize c) (FSize c0)) (FlSize l)). Apply le_reg_r.
+ Apply le_plus_r.
+ Apply lt_S_n. Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Split; Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGS_solve_complete : (fs:CGSForm) (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGSeval rho fs) -> (CGS_solve fs)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply (CGS_solve_complete_1 (S (FSize fs)) (cons fs (nil ?)) (M0 ?) O) with rho:=rho.
+ Simpl. Rewrite <- plus_n_O. Unfold lt. Apply le_n.
+ Apply le_n.
+ Unfold CGsat. Intros. Unfold CG_edge in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Simpl. Split; Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Definition CGSeq := [x,y:ad] [d:D] (CGSand (CGSleq x y d) (CGSleq y x (Dneg d))).
+Lemma CGSeq_correct : (x,y:ad) (d:D) (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGSeval rho (CGSeq x y d)) -> (rho x)=(Dplus (rho y) d).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold CGSeq CGSeval in H. Simpl in H. Elim H. Intros. Apply Dle_antisym. Assumption.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=(Dneg d). Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg.
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGSeq_complete : (x,y:ad) (d:D) (rho:ad->D)
+ (rho x)=(Dplus (rho y) d) -> (CGSeval rho (CGSeq x y d)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold CGSeq CGSeval. Simpl. Rewrite H. Split. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg. Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Apply Dle_refl.
+ Qed.
+End CGSSolve.
+Section CGWithOne.
+ Variable Done : D.
+ Variable Done_pos : (Dle Done Dz)=false.
+ Variable Done_min_pos : (d:D) (Dle d Dz)=false -> (Dle Done d)=true.
+(*s Defining the negation of a formula :
+ $\neg x \leq y+d \Leftrightarrow x>y+d \Leftrightarrow x \geq y+d+1$
+ *)
+Fixpoint CGSnot [fs:CGSForm] : CGSForm :=
+ Cases fs of
+ (CGSleq x y d) => (CGSleq y x (Dneg (Dplus d Done)))
+ | (CGSand f0 f1) => (CGSor (CGSnot f0) (CGSnot f1))
+ | (CGSor f0 f1) => (CGSand (CGSnot f0) (CGSnot f1))
+ end.
+Lemma Dmone_neg : (Dle Dz (Dneg Done))=false.
+ Proof.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle Dz (Dneg Done))). Intro H.
+ Rewrite <- (Dneg_neg Done) in Done_pos.
+ Rewrite (Dle_neg ? H) in Done_pos. Discriminate Done_pos.
+ Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dminus_one_1 : (d:D) (Dle d (Dplus d (Dneg Done)))=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intro. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d (Dplus d (Dneg Done)))). Intro H.
+ Cut (Dle Dz (Dneg Done))=true. Intro. Rewrite Dmone_neg in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=d. Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Assumption.
+ Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dle_lt_1 : (d,d':D) (Dle d' d)=false -> (Dle d (Dplus d' (Dneg Done)))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=Done. Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2.
+ Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=(Dneg d). Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc.
+ Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Rewrite Dplus_z_d. Apply Done_min_pos.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle (Dplus (Dneg d) d') Dz)). Intro H0. Cut (Dle d' d)=true.
+ Rewrite H. Intro. Discriminate H1.
+ Apply Dplus_reg_l with d'':=(Dneg d). Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Assumption.
+ Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Dle_lt_2 : (d,d':D) (Dle d (Dplus d' (Dneg Done)))=true -> (Dle d' d)=false.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle d' d)). Intro H0. Cut (Dle d (Dplus d (Dneg Done)))=true.
+ Rewrite Dminus_one_1. Intro. Discriminate H1.
+ Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus d' (Dneg Done)). Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_plus_mono. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Trivial.
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGSnot_correct : (fs:CGSForm) (rho:ad->D) (CGSeval rho fs) -> ~(CGSeval rho (CGSnot fs)).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold not. Induction fs. Simpl. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Intros.
+ Cut (Dle (rho a) (Dplus (rho a) (Dneg Done)))=true. Rewrite Dminus_one_1. Intro.
+ Discriminate H1.
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_d_z (Dneg Done)). Rewrite <- (Dplus_neg_2 d).
+ Rewrite <- (Dplus_assoc (Dneg Done)). Rewrite <- Dneg_plus.
+ Apply Dle_trans with d':=(Dplus (rho a0) d). Assumption.
+ Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc. Apply Dle_plus_mono. Assumption.
+ Apply Dle_refl.
+ Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Intros. Elim H1. Intros. Elim H2. Intro. Exact (H rho H3 H5).
+ Intro. Exact (H0 rho H4 H5).
+ Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Intros. Elim H2. Intros. Elim H1. Intro. Exact (H rho H5 H3).
+ Intro. Exact (H0 rho H5 H4).
+ Qed.
+Lemma CGSnot_complete : (fs:CGSForm) (rho:ad->D)
+ ~(CGSeval rho (CGSnot fs)) -> (CGSeval rho fs).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold not CGSeval. Induction fs. Simpl. Intros.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (Dle (rho a) (Dplus (rho a0) d))). Trivial.
+ Intro H0. Cut False. Intro. Elim H1.
+ Apply H. Rewrite Dneg_plus. Rewrite <- Dplus_assoc. Apply Dplus_reg_r with d'':=d.
+ Rewrite Dplus_assoc. Rewrite Dplus_neg_2. Rewrite Dplus_d_z. Apply Dle_lt_1. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Split. Apply H. Intro. Apply H1. Left . Assumption.
+ Apply H0. Intro. Apply H1. Right . Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros.
+ Cut ~(CGeval rho (CG_of_CGS (CGSnot c))) \/ ~(CGeval rho (CG_of_CGS (CGSnot c0))). Intro.
+ Elim H2. Intro. Left . Apply H. Assumption.
+ Intro. Right . Apply H0. Assumption.
+ Elim (CGeval_dec (CG_of_CGS (CGSnot c)) rho). Intro H2.
+ Elim (CGeval_dec (CG_of_CGS (CGSnot c0)) rho). Intro H3. Elim (H1 (conj ? ? H2 H3)).
+ Intro H3. Right . Assumption.
+ Intro H2. Left . Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s Interpreting formula as simplified formula *)
+Fixpoint CGFormSimplify [f:CGForm] : CGSForm :=
+ Cases f of
+ (CGleq x y d) => (CGSleq x y d)
+ | (CGeq x y d) => (CGSeq x y d)
+ | (CGand f0 f1) => (CGSand (CGFormSimplify f0) (CGFormSimplify f1))
+ | (CGor f0 f1) => (CGSor (CGFormSimplify f0) (CGFormSimplify f1))
+ | (CGimp f0 f1) => (CGSor (CGSnot (CGFormSimplify f0)) (CGFormSimplify f1))
+ | (CGnot f0) => (CGSnot (CGFormSimplify f0))
+ end.
+Lemma CGFormSimplify_correct : (f:CGForm) (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGeval rho f) <-> (CGSeval rho (CGFormSimplify f)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction f. Intros. Split; Trivial.
+ Intros. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Split. Intro H. Exact (CGSeq_complete a a0 d rho H).
+ Exact (CGSeq_correct a a0 d rho).
+ Simpl. Intros. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Elim (H rho). Intros. Elim (H0 rho). Intros.
+ Split. Intro. Elim H5. Intros. Split. Apply H1. Assumption.
+ Apply H3. Assumption.
+ Intro. Elim H5. Intros. Split. Apply H2. Assumption.
+ Apply H4. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Unfold CGSeval. Elim (H rho). Intros. Elim (H0 rho). Intros. Simpl. Split.
+ Intro. Elim H5. Intro. Left . Apply H1. Assumption.
+ Intro. Right . Apply H3. Assumption.
+ Intro. Elim H5. Intro. Left . Apply H2. Assumption.
+ Intro. Right . Apply H4. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Elim (H rho). Intros. Elim (H0 rho). Intros. Split.
+ Intro. Elim (CGeval_dec c rho). Intro H6. Right . Apply H3. Apply H5. Assumption.
+ Intro H6. Left . Elim (CGeval_dec (CG_of_CGS (CGSnot (CGFormSimplify c))) rho). Trivial.
+ Intro H7. Elim (H6 (H2 (CGSnot_complete ? ? H7))).
+ Intro. Elim H5. Intros. Elim (CGeval_dec (CG_of_CGS (CGFormSimplify c)) rho). Intro H8.
+ Elim (CGSnot_correct ? ? H8 H6).
+ Intro H8. Elim (H8 (H1 H7)).
+ Intros. Apply H4. Assumption. Simpl. Intros. Unfold CGSeval. Simpl. Elim (H rho). Intros.
+ Split. Intro. Elim (CGeval_dec (CG_of_CGS (CGSnot (CGFormSimplify c))) rho). Trivial.
+ Intro H3. Elim (H2 (H1 (CGSnot_complete ? ? H3))).
+ Unfold not. Intros. Elim (CGSnot_correct ? ? (H0 H3) H2).
+ Qed.
+(*s Formula are solved by looking at their simplified form *)
+Definition CG_solve := [f:CGForm] (CGS_solve false (CGFormSimplify f)).
+Theorem CG_solve_correct : (f:CGForm) (CG_solve f)=true -> {rho:ad->D | (CGeval rho f)}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CGS_solve_correct ? ? H). Intros rho H0. Split with rho.
+ Apply (proj2 ? ? (CGFormSimplify_correct f rho)). Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Theorem CG_solve_correct_anchored : (anchor:ad) (anchor_value:D)
+ (f:CGForm) (CG_solve f)=true ->
+ {rho:ad->D | (CGeval rho f) /\ (rho anchor)=anchor_value}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Elim (CGS_solve_correct_anchored anchor anchor_value ? ? H). Intros rho H0.
+ Split with rho. Elim H0. Intros. Split. Apply (proj2 ? ? (CGFormSimplify_correct f rho)).
+ Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+Theorem CG_solve_complete : (f:CGForm) (rho:ad->D)
+ (CGeval rho f) -> (CG_solve f)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold CG_solve. Apply (CGS_solve_complete false) with rho:=rho.
+ Apply (proj1 ? ? (CGFormSimplify_correct f rho)). Assumption.
+ Qed.
+(*s A formula is proved when its negation cannot be satisfied *)
+Definition CG_prove := [f:CGForm] (negb (CG_solve (CGnot f))).
+Theorem CG_prove_correct : (f:CGForm) (CG_prove f)=true -> (rho:ad->D) (CGeval rho f).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_prove CG_solve. Simpl. Intros. Apply (proj2 ? ? (CGFormSimplify_correct f rho)).
+ Apply CGSnot_complete. Unfold not. Intro. Rewrite (CGS_solve_complete false ? ? H0) in H.
+ Discriminate H.
+ Qed.
+Theorem CG_prove_complete : (f:CGForm) ((rho:ad->D) (CGeval rho f)) -> (CG_prove f)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_prove CG_solve. Simpl. Intros.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (CGS_solve false (CGSnot (CGFormSimplify f)))). Intro H0.
+ Elim (CGS_solve_correct false ? H0). Intros rho H1.
+ Elim (CGSnot_correct ? ? (proj1 ? ? (CGFormSimplify_correct ? ?) (H rho)) H1).
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Theorem CG_prove_complete_anchored : (f:CGForm) (anchor:ad) (anchor_value:D)
+ ((rho:ad->D) (rho anchor)=anchor_value -> (CGeval rho f)) -> (CG_prove f)=true.
+ Proof.
+ Unfold CG_prove CG_solve. Simpl. Intros.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (CGS_solve false (CGSnot (CGFormSimplify f)))). Intro H0.
+ Elim (CGS_solve_correct_anchored anchor anchor_value false ? H0). Intros rho H1.
+ Elim H1. Intros.
+ Elim (CGSnot_correct ? ? (proj1 ? ? (CGFormSimplify_correct f rho) (H rho H3)) H2).
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End CGWithOne.
+End ConstraintGraphs.
diff --git a/contrib/graphs/zcgraph.v b/contrib/graphs/zcgraph.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64d1f9555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/graphs/zcgraph.v
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+(*s The decision procedure is instantiated for Z *)
+Require cgraph.
+Require ZArith.
+Require Addr.
+Require Addec.
+Inductive ZCGForm : Set :=
+ ZCGle : ad -> ad -> ZCGForm (* x<=y *)
+ | ZCGge : ad -> ad -> ZCGForm (* x>=y *)
+ | ZCGlt : ad -> ad -> ZCGForm (* x<y *)
+ | ZCGgt : ad -> ad -> ZCGForm (* x>y *)
+ | ZCGlep : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x<=y+k *)
+ | ZCGgep : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x>=y+k *)
+ | ZCGltp : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x<y+k *)
+ | ZCGgtp : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x>y+k *)
+ | ZCGlem : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k<=y *)
+ | ZCGgem : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k>=y *)
+ | ZCGltm : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k<y *)
+ | ZCGgtm : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k>y *)
+ | ZCGlepm : ad -> ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k<=y+k' *)
+ | ZCGgepm : ad -> ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k>=y+k' *)
+ | ZCGltpm : ad -> ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k<y+k' *)
+ | ZCGgtpm : ad -> ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k>y+k' *)
+ | ZCGeq : ad -> ad -> ZCGForm (* x=y *)
+ | ZCGeqp : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x=y+k *)
+ | ZCGeqm : ad -> ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k=y *)
+ | ZCGeqpm : ad -> ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k=y+k' *)
+ | ZCGzylem : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k<=y *)
+ | ZCGzygem : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k>=y *)
+ | ZCGzyltm : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k<y *)
+ | ZCGzygtm : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k>y *)
+ | ZCGzylepm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k<=y+k' *)
+ | ZCGzygepm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k>=y+k' *)
+ | ZCGzyltpm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k<y+k' *)
+ | ZCGzygtpm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k>y+k' *)
+ | ZCGzyeqm : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k=y *)
+ | ZCGzyeqpm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k=y+k' *)
+ | ZCGxzlep : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x<=k *)
+ | ZCGxzgep : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x>=k *)
+ | ZCGxzltp : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x<k *)
+ | ZCGxzgtp : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x>k *)
+ | ZCGxzlepm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k<=k' *)
+ | ZCGxzgepm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k>=k' *)
+ | ZCGxzltpm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k<k' *)
+ | ZCGxzgtpm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k>k' *)
+ | ZCGxzeqp : ad -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x=k *)
+ | ZCGxzeqpm : ad -> Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* x+k=k' *)
+ | ZCGzzlep : Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k<=k' *)
+ | ZCGzzltp : Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k<k' *)
+ | ZCGzzgep : Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k>=k' *)
+ | ZCGzzgtp : Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k>k' *)
+ | ZCGzzeq : Z -> Z -> ZCGForm (* k=k' *)
+ | ZCGand : ZCGForm -> ZCGForm -> ZCGForm
+ | ZCGor : ZCGForm -> ZCGForm -> ZCGForm
+ | ZCGimp : ZCGForm -> ZCGForm -> ZCGForm
+ | ZCGnot : ZCGForm -> ZCGForm
+ | ZCGiff : ZCGForm -> ZCGForm -> ZCGForm.
+Definition ZCG_eval := (CGeval Z Zplus Zle_bool).
+(*s Translation of formula on Z into a constraint graph formula.
+ we reserve [ad_z] as the "zero" variable,
+ i.e., the one that is anchored at the value `0`. *)
+Fixpoint ZCGtranslate [f:ZCGForm] : (CGForm Z) :=
+ Cases f of
+ (ZCGle x y) => (CGleq Z x y `0`)
+ | (ZCGge x y) => (CGleq Z y x `0`)
+ | (ZCGlt x y) => (CGleq Z x y `-1`)
+ | (ZCGgt x y) => (CGleq Z y x `-1`)
+ | (ZCGlep x y k) => (CGleq Z x y k)
+ | (ZCGgep x y k) => (CGleq Z y x (Zopp k))
+ | (ZCGltp x y k) => (CGleq Z x y `k-1`)
+ | (ZCGgtp x y k) => (CGleq Z y x (Zopp `k+1`))
+ | (ZCGlem x y k) => (CGleq Z x y (Zopp k))
+ | (ZCGgem x y k) => (CGleq Z y x k)
+ | (ZCGltm x y k) => (CGleq Z x y (Zopp `k+1`))
+ | (ZCGgtm x y k) => (CGleq Z y x `k-1`)
+ | (ZCGlepm x y k k') => (CGleq Z x y `k'-k`)
+ | (ZCGgepm x y k k') => (CGleq Z y x `k-k'`)
+ | (ZCGltpm x y k k') => (CGleq Z x y `k'-k-1`)
+ | (ZCGgtpm x y k k') => (CGleq Z y x `k-k'-1`)
+ | (ZCGeq x y) => (CGeq Z x y `0`)
+ | (ZCGeqp x y k) => (CGeq Z x y k)
+ | (ZCGeqm x y k) => (CGeq Z y x k)
+ | (ZCGeqpm x y k k') => (CGeq Z x y `k'-k`)
+ | (ZCGzylem y k) => (CGleq Z ad_z y (Zopp k))
+ | (ZCGzygem y k) => (CGleq Z y ad_z k)
+ | (ZCGzyltm y k) => (CGleq Z ad_z y (Zopp `k+1`))
+ | (ZCGzygtm y k) => (CGleq Z y ad_z `k-1`)
+ | (ZCGzylepm y k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z y `k'-k`)
+ | (ZCGzygepm y k k') => (CGleq Z y ad_z `k-k'`)
+ | (ZCGzyltpm y k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z y `k'-k-1`)
+ | (ZCGzygtpm y k k') => (CGleq Z y ad_z `k-k'-1`)
+ | (ZCGzyeqm y k) => (CGeq Z y ad_z k)
+ | (ZCGzyeqpm y k k') => (CGeq Z y ad_z `k-k'`)
+ | (ZCGxzlep x k) => (CGleq Z x ad_z k)
+ | (ZCGxzgep x k) => (CGleq Z ad_z x (Zopp k))
+ | (ZCGxzltp x k) => (CGleq Z x ad_z `k-1`)
+ | (ZCGxzgtp x k) => (CGleq Z ad_z x (Zopp `k+1`))
+ | (ZCGxzlepm x k k') => (CGleq Z x ad_z `k'-k`)
+ | (ZCGxzgepm x k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z x `k-k'`)
+ | (ZCGxzltpm x k k') => (CGleq Z x ad_z `k'-k-1`)
+ | (ZCGxzgtpm x k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z x `k-k'-1`)
+ | (ZCGxzeqp x k) => (CGeq Z x ad_z k)
+ | (ZCGxzeqpm x k k') => (CGeq Z x ad_z `k'-k`)
+ | (ZCGzzlep k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z ad_z `k'-k`)
+ | (ZCGzzltp k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z ad_z `k'-k-1`)
+ | (ZCGzzgep k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z ad_z `k-k'`)
+ | (ZCGzzgtp k k') => (CGleq Z ad_z ad_z `k-k'-1`)
+ | (ZCGzzeq k k') => (CGeq Z ad_z ad_z `k-k'`)
+ | (ZCGand f0 f1) => (CGand Z (ZCGtranslate f0) (ZCGtranslate f1))
+ | (ZCGor f0 f1) => (CGor Z (ZCGtranslate f0) (ZCGtranslate f1))
+ | (ZCGimp f0 f1) => (CGimp Z (ZCGtranslate f0) (ZCGtranslate f1))
+ | (ZCGnot f0) => (CGnot Z (ZCGtranslate f0))
+ | (ZCGiff f0 f1) => (CGand Z (CGimp Z (ZCGtranslate f0) (ZCGtranslate f1))
+ (CGimp Z (ZCGtranslate f1) (ZCGtranslate f0)))
+ end.
+Section ZCGevalDef.
+ Variable rho : ad -> Z.
+Fixpoint ZCGeval [f:ZCGForm] : Prop :=
+ Cases f of
+ (ZCGle x y) => `(rho x)<=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGge x y) => `(rho x)>=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGlt x y) => `(rho x)<(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGgt x y) => `(rho x)>(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGlep x y k) => `(rho x)<=(rho y)+k`
+ | (ZCGgep x y k) => `(rho x)>=(rho y)+k`
+ | (ZCGltp x y k) => `(rho x)<(rho y)+k`
+ | (ZCGgtp x y k) => `(rho x)>(rho y)+k`
+ | (ZCGlem x y k) => `(rho x)+k<=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGgem x y k) => `(rho x)+k>=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGltm x y k) => `(rho x)+k<(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGgtm x y k) => `(rho x)+k>(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGlepm x y k k') => `(rho x)+k<=(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGgepm x y k k') => `(rho x)+k>=(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGltpm x y k k') => `(rho x)+k<(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGgtpm x y k k') => `(rho x)+k>(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGeq x y) => `(rho x)=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGeqp x y k) => `(rho x)=(rho y)+k`
+ | (ZCGeqm x y k) => `(rho x)+k=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGeqpm x y k k') => `(rho x)+k=(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGzylem y k) => `k<=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGzygem y k) => `k>=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGzyltm y k) => `k<(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGzygtm y k) => `k>(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGzylepm y k k') => `k<=(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGzygepm y k k') => `k>=(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGzyltpm y k k') => `k<(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGzygtpm y k k') => `k>(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGzyeqm y k) => `k=(rho y)`
+ | (ZCGzyeqpm y k k') => `k=(rho y)+k'`
+ | (ZCGxzlep x k) => `(rho x)<=k`
+ | (ZCGxzgep x k) => `(rho x)>=k`
+ | (ZCGxzltp x k) => `(rho x)<k`
+ | (ZCGxzgtp x k) => `(rho x)>k`
+ | (ZCGxzlepm x k k') => `(rho x)+k<=k'`
+ | (ZCGxzgepm x k k') => `(rho x)+k>=k'`
+ | (ZCGxzltpm x k k') => `(rho x)+k<k'`
+ | (ZCGxzgtpm x k k') => `(rho x)+k>k'`
+ | (ZCGxzeqp x k) => `(rho x)=k`
+ | (ZCGxzeqpm x k k') => `(rho x)+k=k'`
+ | (ZCGzzlep k k') => `k<=k'`
+ | (ZCGzzltp k k') => `k<k'`
+ | (ZCGzzgep k k') => `k>=k'`
+ | (ZCGzzgtp k k') => `k>k'`
+ | (ZCGzzeq k k') => `k=k'`
+ | (ZCGand f0 f1) => (ZCGeval f0) /\ (ZCGeval f1)
+ | (ZCGor f0 f1) => (ZCGeval f0) \/ (ZCGeval f1)
+ | (ZCGimp f0 f1) => (ZCGeval f0) -> (ZCGeval f1)
+ | (ZCGnot f0) => ~(ZCGeval f0)
+ | (ZCGiff f0 f1) => (ZCGeval f0) <-> (ZCGeval f1)
+ end.
+ Variable Zrho_zero : (rho ad_z)=ZERO.
+Lemma ZCGeval_correct
+ : (f:ZCGForm) (ZCGeval f) <-> (ZCG_eval rho (ZCGtranslate f)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction f; Simpl. Intros. Rewrite Zero_right. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Rewrite Zero_right. Apply Zge_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool (rho a) (rho a0)).
+ Intros. Exact (Zgt_is_le_bool (rho a) (rho a0)).
+ Intros. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0)+z <= (rho a)`. Apply Zge_iff_le.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0) <= (rho a)-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold Zminus. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=(Zle_bool (rho a) `(rho a0)+z-1`)=true. Apply Zlt_is_le_bool.
+ Unfold 1 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r. Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0)+z < (rho a)`. Apply Zgt_iff_lt.
+ Apply iff_trans with `(rho a0) < (rho a)-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Rewrite Zopp_Zplus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool (rho a0) `(rho a)-z`).
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) <= (rho a0)-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold Zminus. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Apply Zge_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) < (rho a0)-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Rewrite Zopp_Zplus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool (rho a) `(rho a0)-z`).
+ Intros. Unfold Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zgt_is_le_bool `(rho a)+z` (rho a0)).
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) <= (rho a0)+z0-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 1 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r. Unfold Zminus. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0)+z0 <= (rho a)+z`. Apply Zge_iff_le.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0) <= (rho a)+z-z0`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 1 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r. Unfold Zminus. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) < (rho a0)+z0-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 2 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Unfold 1 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r.
+ Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool (rho a) `(rho a0)+(z0+ -z)`).
+ Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0)+z0 < (rho a)+z`. Apply Zgt_iff_lt.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a0) < (rho a)+z-z0`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 2 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Unfold 1 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r.
+ Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool (rho a0) `(rho a)+(z+ -z0)`).
+ Intros. Rewrite Zero_right. Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Split; Intro; Apply sym_eq; Assumption.
+ Intros. Unfold Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zeq_plus_swap (rho a) `(rho a0)+z0` z).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z <= (rho a)`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 <= (rho a)-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold Zminus. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zge_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z < (rho a)`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 < (rho a)-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Rewrite Zopp_Zplus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)-z`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zgt_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z <= (rho a)+z0`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 <= (rho a)+z0-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 2 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zle_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)+z0-z`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a)+z0 <= z`.
+ Apply Zge_iff_le.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) <= z-z0`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with `0+z < (rho a)+z0`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 < (rho a)+z0-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 2 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Unfold Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l.
+ Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)+z0+ -z`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a)+z0 < z`.
+ Apply Zgt_iff_lt.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) < z-z0`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zlt_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Split; Intro; Apply sym_eq; Assumption.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with `(rho a)+z0 = z`.
+ Split; Intro; Apply sym_eq; Assumption.
+ Apply Zeq_plus_swap.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z <= (rho a)`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Apply Zge_iff_le.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 <= (rho a)-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Exact (Zle_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)-z`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zlt_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z < (rho a)`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Apply Zgt_iff_lt.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 < (rho a)-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Rewrite Zopp_Zplus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)-z`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) <= z0-z`.
+ Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z0 <= (rho a)+z`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Apply Zge_iff_le.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 <= (rho a)+z-z0`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 2 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Exact (Zle_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)+z-z0`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`(rho a) < z0-z`.
+ Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zlt_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z0 < (rho a)+z`. Rewrite Zero_left.
+ Apply Zgt_iff_lt.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 < (rho a)+z-z0`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Unfold 2 Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l. Unfold Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l.
+ Exact (Zlt_is_le_bool `0` `(rho a)+z+ -z0`).
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zeq_plus_swap.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z <= z0`.
+ Rewrite Zero_left. Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 <= z0-z`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z < z0`.
+ Rewrite Zero_left. Split; Intro; Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 < z0-z`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zlt_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z0 <= z`.
+ Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zge_iff_le.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 <= z-z0`. Apply Zle_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zle_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Apply iff_trans with b:=`0+z0 < z`.
+ Rewrite Zero_left. Apply Zgt_iff_lt.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=`0 < z-z0`. Apply Zlt_plus_swap.
+ Apply Zlt_is_le_bool.
+ Rewrite Zrho_zero. Intros. Rewrite Zero_left. Split. Intro. Rewrite H. Apply Zminus_n_n.
+ Intro. Rewrite <- (Zero_left z0). Rewrite H. Unfold Zminus. Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r.
+ Rewrite Zplus_inverse_l. Rewrite Zero_right. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Elim H. Intros. Elim H0. Intros. Split. Intro. Elim H5. Intros. Split. Apply H1.
+ Assumption.
+ Apply H3. Assumption.
+ Intro. Elim H5. Intros. Split. Apply H2. Assumption.
+ Apply H4. Assumption.
+ Intros. Elim H. Intros. Elim H0. Intros. Split. Intro. Elim H5. Intro. Left . Apply H1.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro. Right . Apply H3. Assumption.
+ Intro. Elim H5. Intro. Left . Apply H2. Assumption.
+ Intro. Right . Apply H4. Assumption.
+ Intros. Elim H. Intros. Elim H0. Intros. Split. Intros. Apply H3. Apply H5. Apply H2.
+ Assumption.
+ Intros. Apply H4. Apply H5. Apply H1. Assumption.
+ Unfold not. Intros. Elim H. Intros. Split. Intros. Apply H2. Apply H1. Assumption.
+ Intros. Apply H2. Apply H0. Assumption.
+ Intros. Fold (ZCG_eval rho (ZCGtranslate z))<->(ZCG_eval rho (ZCGtranslate z0)). Split.
+ Intro. Apply iff_trans with b:=(ZCGeval z). Apply iff_sym. Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=(ZCGeval z0). Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro. Apply iff_trans with b:=(ZCG_eval rho (ZCGtranslate z)). Assumption.
+ Apply iff_trans with b:=(ZCG_eval rho (ZCGtranslate z0)). Assumption.
+ Apply iff_sym. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+End ZCGevalDef.
+Definition ZCG_solve
+ := [f:ZCGForm] (CG_solve Z ZERO Zplus Zopp Zle_bool `1` (ZCGtranslate f)).
+Theorem ZCG_solve_correct :
+ (f:ZCGForm) (ZCG_solve f)=true ->
+ {rho:ad->Z | (ZCGeval rho f) /\ (rho ad_z)=`0`}.
+ Intros.
+ Elim (CG_solve_correct_anchored Z ZERO Zplus Zopp Zle_bool Zero_right
+ Zero_left Zplus_assoc_r Zplus_inverse_r Zle_bool_refl
+ Zle_bool_antisym Zle_bool_trans Zle_bool_total
+ Zle_bool_plus_mono `1` Zone_pos Zone_min_pos ad_z `0` ? H).
+ Intros rho H0. Split with rho. Elim H0. Intros. Split.
+ Apply (proj2 ? ? (ZCGeval_correct rho H2 f)). Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+Theorem ZCG_solve_complete
+ : (f:ZCGForm) (rho:ad->Z)
+ (ZCGeval rho f) -> (rho ad_z)=`0` -> (ZCG_solve f)=true.
+ Intros. Unfold ZCG_solve.
+ Apply (CG_solve_complete Z ZERO Zplus Zopp Zle_bool Zero_right
+ Zero_left Zplus_assoc_r Zplus_inverse_r Zle_bool_refl
+ Zle_bool_antisym Zle_bool_trans Zle_bool_total
+ Zle_bool_plus_mono `1` Zone_pos Zone_min_pos (ZCGtranslate f)
+ rho).
+ Apply (proj1 ? ? (ZCGeval_correct rho H0 f)). Assumption.
+Definition ZCG_prove
+ := [f:ZCGForm] (CG_prove Z ZERO Zplus Zopp Zle_bool `1` (ZCGtranslate f)).
+Theorem ZCG_prove_correct
+ : (f:ZCGForm) (ZCG_prove f)=true ->
+ (rho:ad->Z) (rho ad_z)=`0` -> (ZCGeval rho f).
+ Intros. Apply (proj2 ? ? (ZCGeval_correct rho H0 f)).
+ Exact (CG_prove_correct Z ZERO Zplus Zopp Zle_bool Zero_right Zero_left
+ Zplus_assoc_r Zplus_inverse_r Zle_bool_refl Zle_bool_antisym
+ Zle_bool_trans Zle_bool_total Zle_bool_plus_mono `1` Zone_pos
+ Zone_min_pos ? H rho).
+Theorem ZCG_prove_complete
+ : (f:ZCGForm)
+ ((rho:ad->Z) (rho ad_z)=`0` -> (ZCGeval rho f)) -> (ZCG_prove f)=true.
+ Intros. Unfold ZCG_prove.
+ Apply (CG_prove_complete_anchored Z ZERO Zplus Zopp Zle_bool Zero_right
+ Zero_left Zplus_assoc_r Zplus_inverse_r Zle_bool_refl
+ Zle_bool_antisym Zle_bool_trans Zle_bool_total
+ Zle_bool_plus_mono `1` Zone_pos Zone_min_pos (ZCGtranslate f)
+ ad_z `0`).
+ Intros. Exact (proj1 ? ? (ZCGeval_correct rho H0 f) (H rho H0)).
+(*i Tests:
+ Definition v := [n:Z] Cases n of
+ (POS p) => (ad_x p)
+ | _ => ad_z
+ end.
+ Lemma test1 : (x,y:Z) `x<=y` -> `x<=y+1`.
+ Proof.
+ Intros.
+ Cut (rho:ad->Z) (rho ad_z)=`0` ->
+ (ZCGeval rho (ZCGimp (ZCGle (v`1`) (v`2`)) (ZCGlep (v`1`) (v`2`) `1`))).
+ Intro.
+ Exact (H0 [a:ad]Case (ad_eq a (v`1`)) of x
+ Case (ad_eq a (v`2`)) of y
+ `0` end end
+ (refl_equal ? ?)
+ H).
+ Intros. Apply ZCG_prove_correct. Compute. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma test2 : (x,y:Z) ~(`x<=y` -> `x<=y-1`).
+ Proof.
+ Intros.
+ Cut (rho:ad->Z) (rho ad_z)=`0` ->
+ (ZCGeval rho (ZCGnot (ZCGimp (ZCGle (v `1`) (v `2`)) (ZCGlep (v `1`) (v `2`) `-1`)))).
+ Intro.
+ Exact (H [a:ad] Case (ad_eq a (v `1`)) of x
+ Case (ad_eq a (v `2`)) of y
+ `0` end end (refl_equal ? ?)).
+ Intros. Apply ZCG_prove_correct. Compute. (* fails: remains to prove false=true; indeed,
+ test2 is not provable. *)
+ <Your Tactic Text here>
+ <Your Tactic Text here>