path: root/contrib/xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/xml')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml b/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml
index 63f7bfce2..ace8a7435 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml
+++ b/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.ml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-let verbose = ref false;; (* always set to true during a "Print XML All" *)
+let verbose = ref false;;
(* HOOKS *)
let print_proof_tree, set_print_proof_tree =
@@ -557,277 +557,6 @@ let show fn =
show_pftreestate fn (kind,pftst) id
-(* list of (name, uncooked sp, most cooked sp, uncooked leaf object, *)
-(* list of possible variables, directory name) *)
-(* used to collect informations on the uncooked and most cooked forms *)
-(* of objects that could be cooked (have namesakes) *)
-let printed = ref [];;
-(* makes a filename from a directory name, a section path and an extension *)
-let mkfilename dn sp ext =
- let dir_list_of_dirpath s =
- let rec aux n =
- try
- let pos = String.index_from s n '/' in
- let head = String.sub s n (pos - n) in
- head::(aux (pos + 1))
- with
- Not_found -> [String.sub s n (String.length s - n)]
- in
- aux 0
- in
- let module L = Library in
- let module S = System in
- let module N = Names in
- let module No = Nameops in
- match dn with
- None -> None
- | Some basedir ->
- let dir0 = No.extend_dirpath (No.dirpath sp) (No.basename sp) in
- let dir = List.map N.string_of_id (List.rev (N.repr_dirpath dir0)) in
- Some (join_dirs basedir dir ^ "." ^ ext)
-*) match dn with None -> None | Some _ -> Some "/tmp/nonloso"
-(* print_coq_object leaf_object id section_path directory_name formal_vars *)
-(* where leaf_object is a leaf object *)
-(* and id is the identifier (name) of the definition/theorem *)
-(* or of the inductive definition o *)
-(* and section_path is the section path of o *)
-(* and directory_name is the base directory in which putting the print *)
-(* and formal_vars is the list of parameters (variables) of o *)
-(* pretty prints via Xml.pp the object o in the right directory deduced *)
-(* from directory_name and section_path *)
-(* Note: it is printed only the uncooked available form of the object plus *)
-(* the list of parameters of the object deduced from it's most cooked *)
-(* form *)
-let print_coq_object lobj id sp dn fv env =
- let module D = Declarations in
- let module E = Environ in
- let module G = Global in
- let module N = Names in
- let module T = Term in
- let module X = Xml in
-(*CSC: GROSSO BUG: env e' l'environment cumulativo in cui aggiungiamo passo passo tutte le variabili. Qui, invece, non lo stiamo piu' usando per nulla. Quindi la prima variabile che incontreremo non verra' trovata ;-(((( Direi che l'environment vada passato fino alla print_object che a sua volta lo passera' a chi di dovere (ovvero sia a Cic2Acic che a DoubleTypeInference *)
- let strtag = Libobject.object_tag lobj in
- try
- let tag = tag_of_string_tag strtag in
- let obj =
- match strtag with
- "CONSTANT" (* = Definition, Theorem, Axiom *)
- let {D.const_body=val0 ; D.const_type = typ ; D.const_hyps = hyps} =
- G.lookup_constant sp
- in
- mk_constant_obj id val0 typ fv hyps
- | "INDUCTIVE" ->
- let
- {D.mind_packets=packs ;
- D.mind_hyps = hyps;
- D.mind_finite = finite
- } = G.lookup_mind sp
- in
- mk_inductive_obj sp packs fv hyps finite
- | "VARIABLE" ->
- let (_,(_,varentry,_)) = Declare.out_variable lobj in
- begin
- match varentry with
- Declare.SectionLocalDef (body,optt,opaq) ->
- let typ = match optt with
- | None -> Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty body
- | Some t -> t in
- add_to_pvars (Definition (N.string_of_id id, body, typ)) ;
- mk_variable_obj id (Some body) typ
- | Declare.SectionLocalAssum typ ->
- add_to_pvars (Assumption (N.string_of_id id, typ)) ;
- mk_variable_obj id None (T.body_of_type typ)
- end
- | "CLASS"
- | _ -> raise Uninteresting
- in
- let fileext () = ext_of_tag tag in
- let fn = mkfilename dn sp (fileext ()) in
- print_object (uri_of_path sp tag) obj Evd.empty None fn
- with
- Uninteresting -> ()
-(* print_library_segment state bprintleaf directory_name *)
-(* where state is a list of (section-path, node) *)
-(* and bprintleaf is true iff the leaf objects should be printed *)
-(* and directory_name is the name of the base directory in which to print *)
-(* the files *)
-(* print via print_node all the nodes (leafs excluded if bprintleaf is false) *)(* in state *)
-let rec print_library_segment state bprintleaf dn =
- List.iter
- (function (sp, node) ->
- print_if_verbose ("Print_library_segment: " ^ Names.string_of_path sp ^ "\n") ;
- print_node node (Nameops.basename sp) sp bprintleaf dn ;
- print_if_verbose "\n"
- ) (List.rev state)
-(* print_node node id section_path bprintleaf directory_name *)
-(* prints a single node (and all it's subnodes via print_library_segment *)
-and print_node n id sp bprintleaf dn =
- let module L = Lib in
- match n with
- L.Leaf o ->
- print_if_verbose "LEAF\n" ;
- if bprintleaf then
- begin
- if not (List.mem id !printed) then
- (* this is an uncooked term or a local (with no namesakes) term *)
- begin
-(*CSC: pezza quando i .vo sono magri
- if could_have_namesakes o sp then
- begin
- (* this is an uncooked term *)
- print_if_verbose ("OK, stampo solo questa volta " ^ Names.string_of_id id ^ "\n") ;
- print_coq_object o id sp dn !pvars !cumenv ;
- printed := id::!printed
- end
- else
- begin
- (* this is a local term *)
- print_if_verbose ("OK, stampo " ^ Names.string_of_id id ^ "\n") ;
- print_coq_object o id sp dn !pvars !cumenv
- end
-(*CSC: pezza quando i .vo sono magri
-with _ -> print_if_verbose ("EXCEPTION RAISED!!!\n");
- end
- else
- begin
- (* update the least cooked sp *)
- print_if_verbose ("Suppongo gia' stampato " ^ Names.string_of_id id ^ "\n")
- end
- end
- | L.OpenedSection (dir,_) ->
- let id = snd (Nameops.split_dirpath dir) in
- print_if_verbose ("OpenDir " ^ Names.string_of_id id ^ "\n")
- | L.ClosedSection (_,dir,state) ->
- let id = snd (Nameops.split_dirpath dir) in
- print_if_verbose("ClosedDir " ^ Names.string_of_id id ^ "\n") ;
- if bprintleaf then
- begin
- (* open a new scope *)
- let (_,section_name) = Nameops.split_dirpath dir in
- pvars := (section_name,[])::!pvars ;
- print_library_segment state bprintleaf dn ;
- (* close the scope *)
- match !pvars with
- [] -> assert false
- | he::tl -> pvars := tl
- end ;
- print_if_verbose "/ClosedDir\n"
- | L.Module s ->
- print_if_verbose ("Module " ^ (Names.string_of_dirpath s) ^ "\n")
- | L.FrozenState _ ->
- print_if_verbose ("FrozenState\n")
-(* print_closed_section module_name node directory_name *)
-(* where module_name is the name of a module *)
-(* and node is the library segment of the module *)
-(* and directory_name is the base directory in which to put the xml files *)
-(* prints all the leaf objects of the tree rooted in node using *)
-(* print_library_segment on all its sons *)
-let print_closed_section s ls dn =
- let module L = Lib in
- printed := [] ;
- pvars := [Names.id_of_string "",[]] ;
- cumenv := Safe_typing.env_of_safe_env (Global.safe_env ()) ;
- print_if_verbose ("Module " ^ s ^ ":\n") ;
- print_library_segment ls true dn ;
- print_if_verbose "\n/Module\n" ;
-(* printModule identifier directory_name *)
-(* where identifier is the name of a module (section) d *)
-(* and directory_name is the directory in which to root all the xml files *)
-(* prints all the xml files and directories corresponding to the subsections *)
-(* and terms of the module d *)
-(* Note: the terms are printed in their uncooked form plus the informations *)
-(* on the parameters of their most cooked form *)
-let printModule (loc,qid) dn =
- let module L = Library in
- let module N = Nametab in
- let module X = Xml in
- let (_,dir_path,_) = L.locate_qualified_library qid in
- let str = N.string_of_qualid qid in
- let ls = L.module_segment (Some dir_path) in
- print_if_verbose ("MODULE_BEGIN " ^ str ^ " " ^
- (L.module_full_filename dir_path) ^ "\n") ;
- print_closed_section str (List.rev ls) dn ;
- print_if_verbose ("MODULE_END " ^ str ^ " " ^
- (L.module_full_filename dir_path) ^ "\n")
-(* printSection identifier directory_name *)
-(* where identifier is the name of a closed section d *)
-(* and directory_name is the directory in which to root all the xml files *)
-(* prints all the xml files and directories corresponding to the subsections *)
-(* and terms of the closed section d *)
-(* Note: the terms are printed in their uncooked form plus the informations *)
-(* on the parameters of their most cooked form *)
-let printSection id dn =
- let module L = Library in
- let module N = Names in
- let module No = Nameops in
- let module X = Xml in
- let sp = Lib.make_path id in
- let ls =
- let rec find_closed_section =
- function
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | (_,Lib.ClosedSection (_,dir,ls))::_ when snd (No.split_dirpath dir) = id
- -> ls
- | _::t -> find_closed_section t
- in
- print_string ("Searching " ^ Names.string_of_path sp ^ "\n") ;
- find_closed_section (Lib.contents_after None)
- in
- let str = N.string_of_id id in
- print_if_verbose ("SECTION_BEGIN " ^ str ^ " " ^ N.string_of_path sp ^ "\n");
- print_closed_section str ls dn ;
- print_if_verbose ("SECTION_END " ^ str ^ " " ^ N.string_of_path sp ^ "\n")
-(* print All () prints what is the structure of the current environment of *)
-(* Coq. No terms are printed. Useful only for debugging *)
-let printAll () =
- let state = Library.module_segment None in
- let oldverbose = !verbose in
- verbose := true ;
- print_library_segment state false None ;
- let ml = Library.loaded_modules () in
- List.iter (function i -> printModule (Names.id_of_string i) None) ml ;
- verbose := oldverbose
-(*CSC: Ask Hugo for a better solution *)
-let ref_of_kernel_name kn =
- let module N = Names in
- let module Ln = Libnames in
- let (modpath,_,label) = N.repr_kn kn in
- match modpath with
- N.MPself _ -> Ln.Qualid (Ln.qualid_of_sp (Nametab.sp_of_global None kn))
- | _ ->
- Util.anomaly ("ref_of_kernel_name: the module path is not MPself")
(* Let's register the callbacks *)
let xml_library_root =