path: root/contrib/xml/cooking.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/xml/cooking.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/xml/cooking.ml b/contrib/xml/cooking.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c8d80ef..000000000
--- a/contrib/xml/cooking.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* *)
-(* A tactic to print Coq objects in XML *)
-(* *)
-(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 02/12/1999 *)
-(* *)
-(* This module compute the list of variables occurring in a term from the *)
-(* term and the list of variables possibly occuring in it *)
-(* *)
-let get_depth_of_var vl v =
- let rec aux n =
- function
- [] -> None
- | (he::tl) -> if List.mem v he then Some n else aux (n + 1) tl
- in
- aux 0 vl
-exception CookingInternalError;;
-let string_of_vars_list =
- let add_prefix n s = string_of_int n ^ ": " ^ s in
- let rec aux =
- function
- [n,v] -> (n,v)
- | (n,v)::tl ->
- let (k,s) = aux tl in
- if k = n then (k, v ^ " " ^ s) else (n, v ^ " " ^ add_prefix k s)
- | [] -> raise CookingInternalError
- in
- function
- [] -> ""
- | vl -> let (k,s) = aux vl in add_prefix k s
-(*CSC commento sbagliato ed obsoleto *)
-(* If t is \v1. ... \vn.t' where v1, ..., vn are in the variable list vl then *)
-(* get_params_from_type vl t returns [v1; ...; vn] *)
-let get_params_from_type vl t =
- let rec rget t l =
- let module T = Term in
- let module N = Names in
- match T.kind_of_term t with
- T.IsProd (N.Name id, _, target) ->
- let id' = N.string_of_id id in
- (match get_depth_of_var vl id' with
- None -> l
- | Some n -> rget target ((n,id')::l)
- )
- | T.IsCast (term, _) -> rget term l
- | _ -> l
- in
- let pl = List.rev (rget t []) in
- string_of_vars_list pl
-(* add_cooking_information csp vl *)
-(* when csp is the section path of the most cooked object co *)
-(* and vl is the list of variables possibly occuring in co *)
-(* returns the list of variables actually occurring in co *)
-let add_cooking_information sp vl =
- let module D = Declarations in
- let module G = Global in
- let module N = Names in
- let module T = Term in
- let module X = Xml in
- try
- let {D.const_body=val0 ; D.const_type = typ} = G.lookup_constant sp in
- let typ = T.body_of_type typ in
- get_params_from_type vl typ
- with
- Not_found ->
- try
- let {D.mind_packets=packs ; D.mind_nparams=nparams} =
- G.lookup_mind sp
- in
- let {D.mind_nf_arity=arity} = packs.(0) in
- let arity = T.body_of_type arity in
- get_params_from_type vl arity
- with
- Not_found -> Util.anomaly "Cooking of an uncoockable term required"