path: root/contrib/subtac/subtac_obligations.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/subtac/subtac_obligations.ml')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/subtac_obligations.ml b/contrib/subtac/subtac_obligations.ml
index e3cf7a57a..c184169ac 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/subtac_obligations.ml
+++ b/contrib/subtac/subtac_obligations.ml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ open Decl_kinds
open Util
open Evd
+type definition_hook = constant -> unit
let pperror cmd = Util.errorlabstrm "Program" cmd
let error s = pperror (str s)
@@ -40,6 +42,9 @@ type program_info = {
prg_obligations: obligations;
prg_deps : identifier list;
prg_nvrec : int array;
+ prg_implicits : (Topconstr.explicitation * (bool * bool)) list;
+ prg_kind : definition_object_kind;
+ prg_hook : definition_hook;
let assumption_message id =
@@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ let progmap_union = ProgMap.fold ProgMap.add
let cache (_, (infos, tac)) =
from_prg := infos;
- default_tactic_expr := tac
+ set_default_tactic tac
let (input,output) =
@@ -125,24 +130,30 @@ let rec intset_to = function
let subst_body prg =
let obls, _ = prg.prg_obligations in
- subst_deps obls (intset_to (pred (Array.length obls))) prg.prg_body
+ let ints = intset_to (pred (Array.length obls)) in
+ subst_deps obls ints prg.prg_body,
+ subst_deps obls ints (Termops.refresh_universes prg.prg_type)
let declare_definition prg =
- let body = subst_body prg in
+ let body, typ = subst_body prg in
(try trace (str "Declaring: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id prg.prg_name ++ spc () ++
my_print_constr (Global.env()) body ++ str " : " ++
my_print_constr (Global.env()) prg.prg_type);
with _ -> ());
let ce =
{ const_entry_body = body;
- const_entry_type = Some (Termops.refresh_universes prg.prg_type);
+ const_entry_type = Some typ;
const_entry_opaque = false;
const_entry_boxed = false}
let c = Declare.declare_constant
- prg.prg_name (DefinitionEntry ce,IsDefinition Definition)
+ prg.prg_name (DefinitionEntry ce,IsDefinition prg.prg_kind)
+ let gr = ConstRef c in
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args () || prg.prg_implicits <> [] then
+ Impargs.declare_manual_implicits false gr (Impargs.is_implicit_args ()) prg.prg_implicits;
print_message (definition_message c);
+ prg.prg_hook c;
open Pp
@@ -151,14 +162,18 @@ open Ppconstr
let declare_mutual_definition l =
let len = List.length l in
let namerec = Array.of_list (List.map (fun x -> x.prg_name) l) in
- let arrec =
- Array.of_list (List.map (fun x -> snd (decompose_prod_n len x.prg_type)) l)
- in
- let recvec =
- Array.of_list
- (List.map (fun x ->
- let subs = (subst_body x) in
- snd (decompose_lam_n len subs)) l)
+(* let arrec = *)
+(* Array.of_list (List.map (fun x -> snd (decompose_prod_n len x.prg_type)) l) *)
+(* in *)
+ let recvec, arrec =
+ let l, l' =
+ List.split
+ (List.map (fun x ->
+ let subs, typ = (subst_body x) in
+ snd (decompose_lam_n len subs),
+ snd (decompose_prod_n len typ)) l)
+ in
+ Array.of_list l, Array.of_list l'
let nvrec = (List.hd l).prg_nvrec in
let recdecls = (Array.map (fun id -> Name id) namerec, arrec, recvec) in
@@ -205,7 +220,7 @@ let try_tactics obls =
let red = Reductionops.nf_betaiota
-let init_prog_info n b t deps nvrec obls =
+let init_prog_info n b t deps nvrec obls impls kind hook =
let obls' =
(fun i (n, t, o, d) ->
@@ -216,7 +231,7 @@ let init_prog_info n b t deps nvrec obls =
{ prg_name = n ; prg_body = b; prg_type = red t; prg_obligations = (obls', Array.length obls');
- prg_deps = deps; prg_nvrec = nvrec; }
+ prg_deps = deps; prg_nvrec = nvrec; prg_implicits = impls; prg_kind = kind; prg_hook = hook; }
let get_prog name =
let prg_infos = !from_prg in
@@ -327,7 +342,8 @@ let rec solve_obligation prg num =
| _ -> ());
trace (str "Started obligation " ++ int user_num ++ str " proof: " ++
Subtac_utils.my_print_constr (Global.env ()) obl.obl_type);
- Pfedit.by !default_tactic
+ Pfedit.by !default_tactic;
+ Flags.if_verbose (fun () -> msg (Printer.pr_open_subgoals ())) ()
| l -> pperror (str "Obligation " ++ int user_num ++ str " depends on obligation(s) "
++ str (string_of_list ", " (fun x -> string_of_int (succ x)) l))
@@ -393,9 +409,22 @@ and auto_solve_obligations n : progress =
Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "Solving obligations automatically...");
try solve_obligations n !default_tactic with NoObligations _ -> Dependent
-let add_definition n b t obls =
+open Pp
+let show_obligations ?(msg=true) n =
+ let prg = get_prog_err n in
+ let n = prg.prg_name in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ if msg then msgnl (int rem ++ str " obligation(s) remaining: ");
+ Array.iteri (fun i x ->
+ match x.obl_body with
+ None -> msgnl (str "Obligation" ++ spc() ++ int (succ i) ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc() ++ str (string_of_id n) ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
+ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) x.obl_type ++ str "." ++ fnl ())
+ | Some _ -> ())
+ obls
+let add_definition n b t ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Definition) ?(hook=fun x -> ()) obls =
Flags.if_verbose pp (str (string_of_id n) ++ str " has type-checked");
- let prg = init_prog_info n b t [] (Array.make 0 0) obls in
+ let prg = init_prog_info n b t [] (Array.make 0 0) obls implicits kind hook in
let obls,_ = prg.prg_obligations in
if Array.length obls = 0 then (
Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str ".");
@@ -406,19 +435,30 @@ let add_definition n b t obls =
let len = Array.length obls in
let _ = Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str ", generating " ++ int len ++ str " obligation(s)") in
from_prg := ProgMap.add n prg !from_prg;
- auto_solve_obligations (Some n))
+ let res = auto_solve_obligations (Some n) in
+ match res with
+ | Remain rem when rem < 5 -> Flags.if_verbose (fun () -> show_obligations ~msg:false (Some n)) (); res
+ | _ -> res)
-let add_mutual_definitions l nvrec =
+let add_mutual_definitions l ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Definition) nvrec =
let deps = List.map (fun (n, b, t, obls) -> n) l in
let upd = List.fold_left
(fun acc (n, b, t, obls) ->
- let prg = init_prog_info n b t deps nvrec obls in
+ let prg = init_prog_info n b t deps nvrec obls implicits kind (fun x -> ()) in
ProgMap.add n prg acc)
!from_prg l
from_prg := upd;
- List.iter (fun x -> ignore(auto_solve_obligations (Some x))) deps
+ let _defined =
+ List.fold_left (fun finished x ->
+ if finished then finished
+ else
+ match auto_solve_obligations (Some x) with
+ Defined _ -> (* If one definition is turned into a constant, the whole block is defined. *) true
+ | _ -> false)
+ false deps
+ in ()
let admit_obligations n =
let prg = get_prog_err n in
let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
@@ -447,18 +487,5 @@ let next_obligation n =
array_find (fun x -> x.obl_body = None && deps_remaining obls x.obl_deps = [])
in solve_obligation prg i
-open Pp
-let show_obligations n =
- let prg = get_prog_err n in
- let n = prg.prg_name in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- msgnl (int rem ++ str " obligation(s) remaining: ");
- Array.iteri (fun i x ->
- match x.obl_body with
- None -> msgnl (str "Obligation" ++ spc() ++ int (succ i) ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc() ++ str (string_of_id n) ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
- my_print_constr (Global.env ()) x.obl_type ++ str "." ++ fnl ())
- | Some _ -> ())
- obls
let default_tactic () = !default_tactic