path: root/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v
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1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v b/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v
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+++ b/contrib/omega/Zcomplements.v
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+(* The Calculus of Inductive Constructions *)
+(* *)
+(* Projet Coq *)
+(* *)
+(* Rocquencourt Orsay Lyon *)
+(* *)
+(* Coq V6.3 *)
+(* July 1st 1999 *)
+(* *)
+(* Zcomplements.v *)
+Require Omega.
+Require Wf_nat.
+(* Multiplication by a number >0 preserves Zcompare. It also perserves
+ Zle, Zlt, Zge, Zgt *)
+Implicit Arguments On.
+Lemma Zmult_zero : (x,y:Z)`x*y=0` -> `x=0` \/ `y=0`.
+Destruct x; Destruct y; Auto.
+Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
+Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
+Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
+Simpl; Intros; Discriminate H.
+Lemma Zeq_Zminus : (x,y:Z)x=y -> `x-y = 0`.
+Intros; Omega.
+Lemma Zminus_Zeq : (x,y:Z)`x-y=0` -> x=y.
+Intros; Omega.
+Lemma Zmult_Zminus_distr_l : (x,y,z:Z)`(x-y)*z = x*z - y*z`.
+Intros; Unfold Zminus.
+Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult.
+Apply Zmult_plus_distr_l.
+Lemma Zmult_Zminus_distr_r : (x,y,z:Z)`z*(x-y) = z*x - z*y`.
+Intros; Rewrite (Zmult_sym z `x-y`).
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x).
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y).
+Apply Zmult_Zminus_distr_l.
+Lemma Zmult_reg_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `z*x=z*y` -> x=y.
+Generalize (Zeq_Zminus H0).
+Apply Zminus_Zeq.
+Rewrite <- (Zmult_Zminus_distr_r x y z) in H1.
+Elim (Zmult_zero H1).
+Lemma Zmult_reg_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x*z=y*z` -> x=y.
+Intros x y z Hz.
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym x z).
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym y z).
+Intro; Apply Zmult_reg_left with z; Assumption.
+Lemma Zgt0_le_pred : (y:Z) `y > 0` -> `0 <= (Zpred y)`.
+Intro; Unfold Zpred; Omega.
+Lemma Zlt_Zplus :
+ (x1,x2,y1,y2:Z)`x1 < x2` -> `y1 < y2` -> `x1 + y1 < x2 + y2`.
+Intros; Omega.
+Lemma Zlt_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x < y` -> `x*z < y*z`.
+Intros; Rewrite (Zs_pred z); Generalize (Zgt0_le_pred H); Intro;
+Apply natlike_ind with P:=[z:Z]`x*(Zs z) < y*(Zs z)`;
+[ Simpl; Do 2 (Rewrite Zmult_n_1); Assumption
+| Unfold Zs; Intros x0 Hx0; Do 6 (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r);
+ Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_n_1);
+ Intro; Apply Zlt_Zplus; Assumption
+| Assumption ].
+Lemma Zlt_Zmult_right2 : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x*z < y*z` -> `x < y`.
+Intros x y z H; Rewrite (Zs_pred z).
+Apply natlike_ind with P:=[z:Z]`x*(Zs z) < y*(Zs z)`->`x < y`.
+Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_n_1; Auto 1.
+Unfold Zs.
+Intros x0 Hx0; Repeat (Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r).
+Repeat Rewrite Zmult_n_1.
+Auto with zarith.
+Unfold Zpred; Omega.
+Lemma Zle_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x <= y` -> `x*z <= y*z`.
+Intros x y z Hz Hxy.
+Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq x y Hxy).
+Intros; Apply Zlt_le_weak.
+Apply Zlt_Zmult_right; Trivial.
+Intros; Apply Zle_refl.
+Rewrite H; Trivial.
+Lemma Zle_Zmult_right2 : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x*z <= y*z` -> `x <= y`.
+Intros x y z Hz Hxy.
+Elim (Zle_lt_or_eq `x*z` `y*z` Hxy).
+Intros; Apply Zlt_le_weak.
+Apply Zlt_Zmult_right2 with z; Trivial.
+Intros; Apply Zle_refl.
+Apply Zmult_reg_right with z; Trivial.
+Lemma Zgt_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x > y` -> `x*z > y*z`.
+Intros; Apply Zlt_gt; Apply Zlt_Zmult_right;
+[ Assumption | Apply Zgt_lt ; Assumption ].
+Lemma Zlt_Zmult_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x < y` -> `z*x < z*y`.
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x); Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y);
+Apply Zlt_Zmult_right; Assumption.
+Lemma Zgt_Zmult_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x > y` -> `z*x > z*y`.
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x); Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y);
+Apply Zgt_Zmult_right; Assumption.
+Theorem Zcompare_Zmult_right : (x,y,z:Z)` z>0` -> `x ?= y`=`x*z ?= y*z`.
+Intros; Apply Zcompare_egal_dec;
+[ Intros; Apply Zlt_Zmult_right; Trivial
+| Intro Hxy; Apply [a,b:Z](let (t1,t2)=(Zcompare_EGAL a b) in t2);
+ Rewrite ((let (t1,t2)=(Zcompare_EGAL x y) in t1) Hxy); Trivial
+| Intros; Apply Zgt_Zmult_right; Trivial
+Theorem Zcompare_Zmult_left : (x,y,z:Z)`z>0` -> `x ?= y`=`z*x ?= z*y`.
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym z x);
+Rewrite (Zmult_sym z y);
+Apply Zcompare_Zmult_right; Assumption.
+Section diveucl.
+Lemma two_or_two_plus_one : (x:Z) { y:Z | `x = 2*y`}+{ y:Z | `x = 2*y+1`}.
+Destruct x.
+Left ; Split with ZERO; Reflexivity.
+Destruct p.
+Right ; Split with (POS p0); Reflexivity.
+Left ; Split with (POS p0); Reflexivity.
+Right ; Split with ZERO; Reflexivity.
+Destruct p.
+Right ; Split with (NEG (add xH p0)).
+Rewrite NEG_xI.
+Rewrite NEG_add.
+Left ; Split with (NEG p0); Reflexivity.
+Right ; Split with `-1`; Reflexivity.
+(* The biggest power of 2 that is stricly less than a *)
+(* Easy to compute : replace all "1" of the binary representation by
+ "0", except the first "1" (or the first one :-) *)
+Fixpoint floor_pos [a : positive] : positive :=
+ Cases a of
+ | xH => xH
+ | (xO a') => (xO (floor_pos a'))
+ | (xI b') => (xO (floor_pos b'))
+ end.
+Definition floor := [a:positive](POS (floor_pos a)).
+Lemma floor_gt0 : (x:positive) `(floor x) > 0`.
+Lemma floor_ok : (a:positive)
+ `(floor a) <= (POS a) < 2*(floor a)`.
+Unfold floor.
+Induction a.
+Intro p; Simpl.
+Repeat Rewrite POS_xI.
+Rewrite (POS_xO (xO (floor_pos p))).
+Rewrite (POS_xO (floor_pos p)).
+Intro p; Simpl.
+Repeat Rewrite POS_xI.
+Rewrite (POS_xO (xO (floor_pos p))).
+Rewrite (POS_xO (floor_pos p)).
+Rewrite (POS_xO p).
+Simpl; Omega.
+Lemma Zdiv_eucl_POS : (b:Z)`b > 0` -> (p:positive)
+ { qr:Z*Z | let (q,r)=qr in `(POS p)=b*q+r` /\ `0 <= r < b` }.
+Induction p.
+(* p => (xI p) *)
+(* Notez l'utilisation des nouveaux patterns Intro *)
+Intros p' ((q,r), (Hrec1, Hrec2)).
+Elim (Z_lt_ge_dec `2*r+1` b);
+[ Exists `(2*q, 2*r+1)`;
+ Rewrite POS_xI;
+ Rewrite Hrec1;
+ Split;
+ [ Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
+ Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l;
+ Rewrite (Zmult_permute b `2`);
+ Reflexivity
+ | Omega ]
+| Exists `(2*q+1, 2*r+1-b)`;
+ Rewrite POS_xI;
+ Rewrite Hrec1;
+ Split;
+ [ Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
+ Unfold Zminus;
+ Do 2 Rewrite Zplus_assoc_l;
+ Rewrite <- (Zmult_permute `2` b);
+ Generalize `b*q`; Intros; Omega
+ | Omega ]
+(* p => (xO p) *)
+Intros p' ((q,r), (Hrec1, Hrec2)).
+Elim (Z_lt_ge_dec `2*r` b);
+[ Exists `(2*q,2*r)`;
+ Rewrite POS_xO;
+ Rewrite Hrec1;
+ Split;
+ [ Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
+ Rewrite (Zmult_permute b `2`);
+ Reflexivity
+ | Omega ]
+| Exists `(2*q+1, 2*r-b)`;
+ Rewrite POS_xO;
+ Rewrite Hrec1;
+ Split;
+ [ Do 2 Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
+ Unfold Zminus;
+ Rewrite <- (Zmult_permute `2` b);
+ Generalize `b*q`; Intros; Omega
+ | Omega ]
+(* xH *)
+Elim (Z_le_gt_dec `2` b);
+[ Exists `(0,1)`; Omega
+| Exists `(1,0)`; Omega
+Theorem Zdiv_eucl : (b:Z)`b > 0` -> (a:Z)
+ { qr:Z*Z | let (q,r)=qr in `a=b*q+r` /\ `0 <= r < b` }.
+Destruct a;
+[ (* a=0 *) Exists `(0,0)`; Omega
+| (* a = (POS p) *) Intros; Apply Zdiv_eucl_POS; Auto
+| (* a = (NEG p) *) Intros; Elim (Zdiv_eucl_POS H p);
+ Intros (q,r) (Hp1, Hp2);
+ Elim (Z_le_gt_dec r `0`);
+ [ Exists `(-q,0)`; Split;
+ [ Apply Zopp_intro; Simpl; Rewrite Hp1;
+ Rewrite Zero_right;
+ Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult;
+ Rewrite Zmult_Zopp_Zopp;
+ Generalize `b*q`; Intro; Omega
+ | Omega
+ ]
+ | Exists `(-(q+1),b-r)`; Split;
+ [ Apply Zopp_intro;
+ Unfold Zminus; Simpl; Rewrite Hp1;
+ Repeat Rewrite Zopp_Zplus;
+ Repeat Rewrite <- Zopp_Zmult;
+ Rewrite Zmult_Zplus_distr;
+ Rewrite Zmult_Zopp_Zopp;
+ Rewrite Zplus_assoc_r;
+ Apply f_equal with f:=[c:Z]`b*q+c`;
+ Omega
+ | Omega ]
+ ]
+End diveucl.
+(* $Id$ *)