path: root/contrib/interface/dad.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/dad.ml')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/dad.ml b/contrib/interface/dad.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fefb6c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/interface/dad.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+(* This file contains an ml version of drag-and-drop. *)
+(* #use "/net/home/bertot/experiments/pcoq/src/dad/dad.ml" *)
+open Names;;
+open Term;;
+open Rawterm;;
+open Util;;
+open Environ;;
+open Tactics;;
+open Tacticals;;
+open Pattern;;
+open Reduction;;
+open Coqast;;
+open Termast;;
+open Astterm;;
+open Vernacinterp;;
+open Proof_type;;
+open Proof_trees;;
+open Tacmach;;
+open Typing;;
+open Pp;;
+open Paths;;
+(* In a first approximation, drag-and-drop rules are like in CtCoq
+ 1/ a pattern,
+ 2,3/ Two paths: start and end positions,
+ 4/ the degree: the number of steps the algorithm should go up from the
+ longest common prefix,
+ 5/ the tail path: the suffix of the longest common prefix of length the
+ degree,
+ 6/ the command pattern, where meta variables are represented by objects
+ of the form Node(_,"META"; [Num(_,i)])
+type dad_rule = Coqast.t * int list * int list * int * int list * Coqast.t;;
+(* This value will be used systematically when constructing objects of
+ type Coqast.t, the value is stupid and meaningless, but it is needed
+ to construct well-typed terms. *)
+let zz = (0,0);;
+(* This function receives a length n, a path p, and a term and returns a
+ couple whose first component is the subterm designated by the prefix
+ of p of length n, and the second component is the rest of the path *)
+let rec get_subterm (depth:int) (path: int list) (constr:constr) =
+ match depth, path, kind_of_term constr with
+ 0, l, c -> (constr,l)
+ | n, 2::a::tl, IsApp(func,arr) ->
+ get_subterm (n - 2) tl arr.(a-1)
+ | _,l,_ -> failwith (int_list_to_string
+ "wrong path or wrong form of term"
+ l);;
+(* This function maps a substitution on an abstract syntax tree. The
+ first argument, an object of type env, is necessary to
+ transform constr terms into abstract syntax trees. The second argument is
+ the substitution, a list of pairs linking an integer and a constr term. *)
+let map_subst (env :env)
+ (subst:(int * Term.constr) list) =
+ let rec map_subst_aux = function
+ Node(_, "META", [Num(_, i)]) ->
+ let constr = List.assoc i subst in
+ ast_of_constr false env constr
+ | Node(loc, s, l) -> Node(loc, s, List.map map_subst_aux l)
+ | ast -> ast in
+ map_subst_aux;;
+(* This function is really the one that is important. *)
+let rec find_cmd (l:(string * dad_rule) list) env constr p p1 p2 =
+ match l with
+ [] -> failwith "nothing happens"
+ | (name, (pat, p_f, p_l, deg, p_r, cmd))::tl ->
+ let length = List.length p in
+ try
+ if deg > length then
+ failwith "internal"
+ else
+ let term_to_match, p_r =
+ try
+ get_subterm (length - deg) p constr
+ with
+ Failure s -> failwith "internal" in
+ let _, constr_pat =
+ interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env())
+ pat in
+ let subst = matches constr_pat term_to_match in
+ if (is_prefix p_f (p_r@p1)) & (is_prefix p_l (p_r@p2)) then
+ map_subst env subst cmd
+ else
+ failwith "internal"
+ with
+ Failure "internal" -> find_cmd tl env constr p p1 p2
+ | PatternMatchingFailure -> find_cmd tl env constr p p1 p2;;
+let dad_rule_list = ref ([]: (string * dad_rule) list);;
+(* \\ This function is also used in pbp. *)
+let rec tactic_args_to_ints = function
+ [] -> []
+ | (Integer n)::l -> n::(tactic_args_to_ints l)
+ | _ -> failwith "expecting only numbers";;
+(* We assume that the two lists of integers for the tactic are simply
+ given in one list, separated by a dummy tactic. *)
+let rec part_tac_args l = function
+ [] -> l,[]
+ | (Tacexp a)::tl -> l, (tactic_args_to_ints tl)
+ | (Integer n)::tl -> part_tac_args (n::l) tl
+ | _ -> failwith "expecting only numbers and the word \"to\"";;
+(* The dad_tac tactic takes a display_function as argument. This makes
+ it possible to use it in pcoq, but also in other contexts, just by
+ changing the output routine. *)
+let dad_tac display_function = function
+ l -> let p1, p2 = part_tac_args [] l in
+ (function g ->
+ let (p_a, p1prime, p2prime) = decompose_path (List.rev p1,p2) in
+ (display_function
+ (find_cmd (!dad_rule_list) (pf_env g)
+ (pf_concl g) p_a p1prime p2prime));
+ tclIDTAC g);;
+(* Now we enter dad rule list management. *)
+let add_dad_rule name patt p1 p2 depth pr command =
+ dad_rule_list := (name,
+ (patt, p1, p2, depth, pr, command))::!dad_rule_list;;
+let rec remove_if_exists name = function
+ [] -> false, []
+ | ((a,b) as rule1)::tl -> if a = name then
+ let result1, l = (remove_if_exists name tl) in
+ true, l
+ else
+ let result1, l = remove_if_exists name tl in
+ result1, (rule1::l);;
+let remove_dad_rule name =
+ let result1, result2 = remove_if_exists name !dad_rule_list in
+ if result1 then
+ failwith("No such name among the drag and drop rules " ^ name)
+ else
+ dad_rule_list := result2;;
+let dad_rule_names () =
+ List.map (function (s,_) -> s) !dad_rule_list;;
+(* this function is inspired from matches_core in pattern.ml *)
+let constrain ((n : int),(pat : constr_pattern)) sigma =
+ if List.mem_assoc n sigma then
+ if pat = (List.assoc n sigma) then sigma
+ else failwith "internal"
+ else
+ (n,pat)::sigma
+(* This function is inspired from matches_core in pattern.ml *)
+let more_general_pat pat1 pat2 =
+ let rec match_rec sigma p1 p2 =
+ match p1, p2 with
+ | PMeta (Some n), m -> constrain (n,m) sigma
+ | PMeta None, m -> sigma
+ | PRef (VarRef sp1), PRef(VarRef sp2) when sp1 = sp2 -> sigma
+ | PVar v1, PVar v2 when v1 = v2 -> sigma
+ | PRef ref1, PRef ref2 when ref1 = ref2 -> sigma
+ | PRel n1, PRel n2 when n1 = n2 -> sigma
+ | PSort (RProp c1), PSort (RProp c2) when c1 = c2 -> sigma
+ | PSort RType, PSort RType -> sigma
+ | PApp (c1,arg1), PApp (c2,arg2) ->
+ (try array_fold_left2 match_rec (match_rec sigma c1 c2) arg1 arg2
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "internal")
+ | _ -> failwith "unexpected case in more_general_pat" in
+ try let _ = match_rec [] pat1 pat2 in true
+ with Failure "internal" -> false;;
+let more_general r1 r2 =
+ match r1,r2 with
+ (_,(patt1,p11,p12,_,_,_)),
+ (_,(patt2,p21,p22,_,_,_)) ->
+ (more_general_pat patt1 patt2) &
+ (is_prefix p11 p21) & (is_prefix p12 p22);;
+let not_less_general r1 r2 =
+ not (match r1,r2 with
+ (_,(patt1,p11,p12,_,_,_)),
+ (_,(patt2,p21,p22,_,_,_)) ->
+ (more_general_pat patt1 patt2) &
+ (is_prefix p21 p11) & (is_prefix p22 p12));;
+let rec add_in_list_sorting rule1 = function
+ [] -> [rule1]
+ | (b::tl) as this_list ->
+ if more_general rule1 b then
+ b::(add_in_list_sorting rule1 tl)
+ else if not_less_general rule1 b then
+ let tl2 = add_in_list_sorting_aux rule1 tl in
+ (match tl2 with
+ [] -> rule1::this_list
+ | _ -> b::tl2)
+ else
+ rule1::this_list
+and add_in_list_sorting_aux rule1 = function
+ [] -> []
+ | b::tl ->
+ if more_general rule1 b then
+ b::(add_in_list_sorting rule1 tl)
+ else
+ let tl2 = add_in_list_sorting_aux rule1 tl in
+ (match tl2 with
+ [] -> []
+ | _ -> rule1::tl2);;
+let rec sort_list = function
+ [] -> []
+ | a::l -> add_in_list_sorting a (sort_list l);;
+let mk_dad_meta n = Node(zz,"META",[Num(zz, n)]);;
+let mk_rewrite1 ast =
+ Node(zz,"TACTICLIST",
+ [Node(zz,"RewriteLR",
+ [Node(zz, "COMMAND", ast);Node(zz,"BINDINGS",[])])]);;
+let mk_rewrite2 ast =
+ Node(zz,"TACTICLIST",
+ [Node(zz,"RewriteRL",
+ [Node(zz, "COMMAND", ast);Node(zz,"BINDINGS",[])])]);;
+let start_dad () =
+vinterp_add "AddDadRule"
+ (function
+ (function () ->
+ let pr = match decompose_path (p1, p2) with pr, _, _ -> pr in
+ (add_dad_rule name pat p1 p2 (List.length pr) pr com))
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "AddDadRule1"
+ [< 'sTR "AddDadRule2">]);
+add_dad_rule "distributivity-inv"
+[2; 2]
+[2; 1]
+(mk_rewrite1 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "mult_plus_distr");(mk_dad_meta 4) ;(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "distributivity1-r"
+[2; 2; 2; 2]
+(mk_rewrite2 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "mult_plus_distr");(mk_dad_meta 4) ;(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "distributivity1-l"
+[2; 1; 2; 2]
+(mk_rewrite2 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "mult_plus_distr");(mk_dad_meta 4) ;(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "associativity"
+[2; 1]
+(mk_rewrite1 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_assoc_r");(mk_dad_meta 4) ;(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "minus-identity-lr"
+[2; 1]
+[2; 2]
+(mk_rewrite2 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "minus_n_n");(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "minus-identity-rl"
+[2; 2]
+[2; 1]
+(mk_rewrite2 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "minus_n_n");(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "plus-sym-rl"
+[2; 2]
+[2; 1]
+(mk_rewrite1 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_sym");(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "plus-sym-lr"
+[2; 1]
+[2; 2]
+(mk_rewrite1 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_sym");(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "absorb-0-r-rl"
+[2; 2]
+(mk_rewrite2 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_n_O");(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "absorb-0-r-lr"
+[2; 2]
+(mk_rewrite2 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_n_O");(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "plus-permute-lr"
+[2; 1]
+[2; 2; 2; 1]
+(mk_rewrite1 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_permute");(mk_dad_meta 4) ;(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));
+add_dad_rule "plus-permute-rl"
+[2; 2; 2; 1]
+[2; 1]
+(mk_rewrite1 ([Node(zz, "APPLIST", [Nvar(zz, "plus_permute");(mk_dad_meta 4) ;(mk_dad_meta 3) ;(mk_dad_meta 2) ])]));;
+vinterp_add "StartDad"
+ (function
+ | [] ->
+ (function () -> start_dad())
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "StartDad" [< >]);;