path: root/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
index 119b155d0..f0e986fb9 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.ml
@@ -810,14 +810,16 @@ type static_fix_info =
idx : int;
name : identifier;
types : types;
- nb_realargs : int
+ offset : int;
+ nb_realargs : int;
+ body_with_param : constr
let prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info =
(fun eq_hyps -> tclTHEN
- (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx - 1) eq_hyps)
+ (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx) eq_hyps)
(fun g ->
let _,pte_args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
let rec_hyp_proof =
@@ -849,282 +851,360 @@ let generalize_non_dep hyp g =
else (hyp::clear,keep))
~init:([],[]) (pf_env g)
- observe (str "to_revert := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id to_revert);
+(* observe (str "to_revert := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id to_revert); *)
(observe_tac "h_generalize" (h_generalize (List.map mkVar to_revert)))
(observe_tac "thin" (thin to_revert))
-let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _naprams : tactic =
- fun goal ->
-(* observe (str "Proving principle for "++ str (string_of_int fun_num) ++ str "th function : " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr (mkConst fnames.(fun_num))); *)
- let princ_type = pf_concl goal in
- let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let get_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
- | Some b ->
+let id_of_decl (na,_,_) = (Nameops.out_name na)
+let var_of_decl decl = mkVar (id_of_decl decl)
+let revert idl =
+ tclTHEN
+ (generalize (List.map mkVar idl))
+ (thin idl)
+let do_replace params rec_arg_num rev_args_id fun_to_replace body =
+ fun g ->
+ let nb_intro_to_do = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclDO nb_intro_to_do intro)
+ (
+ fun g' ->
+ let just_introduced = nLastHyps nb_intro_to_do g' in
+ let just_introduced_id = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> id) just_introduced in
+ let old_rev_args_id = rev_args_id in
+ let rev_args_id = just_introduced_id@rev_args_id in
+ let to_replace =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota (substl (List.map mkVar rev_args_id) fun_to_replace )
+ and by =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota (applist(body,List.rev_map mkVar rev_args_id))
+ in
+(* observe (str "to_replace := " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') to_replace); *)
+(* observe (str "by := " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') by); *)
+ let prove_replacement =
+ let rec_id = List.nth (List.rev old_rev_args_id) (rec_arg_num) in
+ observe_tac "prove_replacement"
+ [
+ revert just_introduced_id;
+ keep ((List.map id_of_decl params)@ old_rev_args_id);
+ generalize_non_dep rec_id;
+ observe_tac "h_case" (h_case(mkVar rec_id,Rawterm.NoBindings));
+ intros_reflexivity
+ ]
+ )
+ in
+ tclTHENS
+ (observe_tac "replacement" (Equality.replace to_replace by))
+ [ revert just_introduced_id;
+ tclSOLVE [prove_replacement]]
+ g'
+ )
+ g
+let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _nparams : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ let princ_type = pf_concl g in
+ let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
+ let fresh_id =
+ let avoid = ref (pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
+ (fun na ->
+ let new_id =
+ match na with
+ Name id -> fresh_id !avoid (string_of_id id)
+ | Anonymous -> fresh_id !avoid "H"
+ in
+ avoid := new_id :: !avoid;
+ (Name new_id)
+ )
+ in
+ let fresh_decl =
+ (fun (na,b,t) ->
+ (fresh_id na,b,t)
+ )
+ in
+ let princ_info : elim_scheme =
+ { princ_info with
+ params = List.map fresh_decl princ_info.params;
+ predicates = List.map fresh_decl princ_info.predicates;
+ branches = List.map fresh_decl princ_info.branches;
+ args = List.map fresh_decl princ_info.args
+ }
+ in
+ let get_body const =
+ match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
let body = force b in
(Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
(Global.env ())
- | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
- in
- let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in
- let params : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let predicates : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let args : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let branches : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let pte_to_fix = ref Idmap.empty in
- let fbody_with_params = ref None in
- let intro_with_remembrance ref number : tactic =
- tclTHEN
- ( tclDO number intro )
- (fun g ->
- let last_n = list_chop number (pf_hyps g) in
- ref := List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> id) (fst last_n)@ !ref;
- tclIDTAC g
- )
- in
- let rec partial_combine body params =
- match kind_of_term body,params with
- | Lambda (x,t,b),param::params ->
- partial_combine (subst1 param b) params
- | Fix(infos),_ ->
- body,params, Some (infos)
- | _ -> body,params,None
- in
- let build_pte_to_fix (offset:int) params predicates
- ((idxs,fix_num),(na,typearray,ca)) (avoid,_) =
-(* let true_params,_ = list_chop offset params in *)
- let true_params = List.rev params in
- let avoid = ref avoid in
- let res = list_fold_left_i
- (fun i acc pte_id ->
- let this_fix_id = fresh_id !avoid "fix___" in
- avoid := this_fix_id::!avoid;
-(* let this_body = substl (List.rev fnames_as_constr) ca.(i) in *)
- let realargs,_ = decompose_lam ca.(i) in
- let n_realargs = List.length realargs - List.length params in
-(* observe (str "n_realargs := " ++ str (string_of_int n_realargs)); *)
-(* observe (str "n_fix := " ++ str (string_of_int(Array.length ca))); *)
-(* observe (str "body := " ++ pr_lconstr ca.(i)); *)
- let new_type = prod_applist typearray.(i) true_params in
- let new_type_args,_ = decompose_prod new_type in
- let nargs = List.length new_type_args in
- let pte_args =
- (* let rev_args = List.rev_map (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) new_type_args in *)
- let f = applist((* all_funs *)mkConst fnames.(i),true_params) in
- let app_f = mkApp(f,Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel(nargs - i))) in
- (Array.to_list (Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel(nargs - i))))@[app_f]
+ | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
+ in
+ let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in
+ let f_ctxt,f_body = decompose_lam fbody in
+ let f_ctxt_length = List.length f_ctxt in
+ let diff_params = princ_info.nparams - f_ctxt_length in
+ let full_params,princ_params,fbody_with_full_params =
+ if diff_params > 0
+ then
+ let princ_params,full_params =
+ list_chop diff_params princ_info.params
+ in
+ (full_params, (* real params *)
+ princ_params, (* the params of the principle which are not params of the function *)
+ substl (* function instanciated with real params *)
+ (List.map var_of_decl full_params)
+ f_body
+ )
+ else
+ let f_ctxt_other,f_ctxt_params =
+ list_chop (- diff_params) f_ctxt in
+ let f_body = compose_lam f_ctxt_other f_body in
+ (princ_info.params, (* real params *)
+ [],(* all params are full params *)
+ substl (* function instanciated with real params *)
+ (List.map var_of_decl princ_info.params)
+ f_body
+ )
+ in
+(* observe (str "full_params := " ++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *)
+(* full_params *)
+(* ); *)
+(* observe (str "princ_params := " ++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *)
+(* princ_params *)
+(* ); *)
+(* observe (str "fbody_with_full_params := " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr fbody_with_full_params *)
+(* ); *)
+ let all_funs_with_full_params =
+ Array.map (fun f -> applist(f, List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params)) all_funs
+ in
+ let fix_offset = List.length princ_params in
+ let ptes_to_fix,infos =
+ match kind_of_term fbody_with_full_params with
+ | Fix((idxs,i),(names,typess,bodies)) ->
+ let bodies_with_all_params =
+ Array.map
+ (fun body ->
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (applist(substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params)) body,
+ List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params))
+ )
+ bodies
- let app_pte = applist(mkVar pte_id,pte_args) in
- let new_type = compose_prod new_type_args app_pte in
- let fix_info =
- {
- idx = idxs.(i) - offset + 1;
- name = this_fix_id;
- types = new_type;
- nb_realargs = n_realargs
- }
+ let info_array =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i types ->
+ let types = prod_applist types (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params) in
+ { idx = idxs.(i) - fix_offset;
+ name = Nameops.out_name (fresh_id names.(i));
+ types = types;
+ offset = fix_offset;
+ nb_realargs =
+ List.length
+ (fst (decompose_lam bodies.(i))) - fix_offset;
+ body_with_param = bodies_with_all_params.(i)
+ }
+ )
+ typess
- pte_to_fix := Idmap.add pte_id fix_info !pte_to_fix;
- fix_info::acc
- )
- 0
- []
- predicates
- in
- !avoid,List.rev res
- in
- let mk_fixes : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let body_p,params',fix_infos =
- partial_combine fbody (List.rev_map mkVar !params)
- in
- fbody_with_params := Some body_p;
- let offset = List.length params' in
- let not_real_param,true_params =
- list_chop
- ((List.length !params ) - offset)
- !params
- in
- params := true_params; args := not_real_param;
-(* observe (str "mk_fixes : params are "++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep spc *)
-(* (fun id -> pr_lconstr (mkVar id)) *)
-(* !params *)
-(* ); *)
- let new_avoid,infos =
- option_fold_right
- (build_pte_to_fix
- offset
- (List.map mkVar !params)
- (List.rev !predicates)
- )
- fix_infos
- ((pf_ids_of_hyps g),[])
- in
- let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in
- match pre_info,infos with
- | [],[] -> tclIDTAC g
- | _,this_fix_info::infos' ->
- let other_fix_info =
- List.map
- (fun fix_info -> fix_info.name,fix_info.idx,fix_info.types)
- (pre_info@infos')
- in
- if other_fix_info = []
- then h_fix (Some this_fix_info.name) this_fix_info.idx g
- else h_mutual_fix this_fix_info.name this_fix_info.idx other_fix_info g
- | _,[] -> anomaly "Not a valid information"
- in
- let do_prove ptes_to_fixes args branches : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let nb_intros_to_do = List.length (fst (Sign.decompose_prod_assum (pf_concl g))) in
-(* observe (str "nb_intros_to_do " ++ str (string_of_int nb_intros_to_do)); *)
- tclTHEN
- (tclDO nb_intros_to_do intro)
- (fun g ->
- match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
- | App(pte,pte_args) when isVar pte ->
- begin
- let pte = destVar pte in
- try
- if not (Idmap.mem pte ptes_to_fixes) then raise Not_Rec;
- let nparams = List.length !params in
- let args_as_constr = List.map mkVar args in
- let other_args = fst (list_chop nb_intros_to_do (pf_ids_of_hyps g)) in
- let other_args_as_constr = List.map mkVar other_args in
- let rec_num,new_body =
- let idx' = list_index pte (List.rev !predicates) - 1 in
- let f = fnames.(idx') in
- let body_with_params = match !fbody_with_params with Some f -> f | _ -> anomaly ""
- in
- let name_of_f = Name (id_of_label (con_label f)) in
- let ((rec_nums,_),(na,_,bodies)) = destFix body_with_params in
- let idx'' = list_index name_of_f (Array.to_list na) - 1 in
- let body = substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs)) bodies.(idx'') in
- let body = Reductionops.nf_beta (applist(body,(List.rev_map mkVar !params))) in
- rec_nums.(idx'') - nparams ,body
- in
- let applied_body_with_real_args =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota
- (applist(new_body,List.rev args_as_constr))
- in
- let applied_body =
-(* Reductionops.nf_beta *)
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota
- (applist(applied_body_with_real_args,List.rev other_args_as_constr))
- in
-(* observe (str "applied_body_with_real_args := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) applied_body_with_real_args); *)
-(* observe (str "applied_body := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) applied_body); *)
- let do_prove branches applied_body =
- build_proof
- interactive_proof
- (Array.to_list fnames)
- (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fixes)
- branches
- applied_body
- in
- let replace_and_prove =
- tclTHENS
- (fun g -> (Equality.replace (array_last pte_args) applied_body) g)
- [
- [
- generalize other_args_as_constr;
- thin other_args;
- clean_goal_with_heq
- (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fixes)
- do_prove
- {
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches;
- rec_hyps = branches;
- info = applied_body_with_real_args;
- eq_hyps = [];
- } ];
- let id =
- try
- List.nth (List.rev args_as_constr) (rec_num)
- with _ -> anomaly ("Cannot find recursive argument of function ! ")
- in
- [
- keep (!params@(List.map destVar args_as_constr));
- observe_tac "generalizing" (generalize_non_dep (destVar id));
- observe_tac "new_destruct"
- (h_case (id,Rawterm.NoBindings));
- observe_tac "intros_reflexivity" intros_reflexivity
- ])
- ]
- in
- (observe_tac "doing replacement" ( replace_and_prove)) g
- with Not_Rec ->
- let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (array_last pte_args))) in
- tclTHEN
- (unfold_in_concl [([],Names.EvalConstRef fname)])
- (observe_tac ""
- (fun g' ->
- let body = array_last (snd (destApp (pf_concl g'))) in
- let dyn_infos =
- { nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches;
- rec_hyps = branches;
- info = body;
- eq_hyps = []
- }
- in
- let do_prove =
- build_proof
- interactive_proof
- (Array.to_list fnames)
- (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fixes)
- in
- clean_goal_with_heq (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fixes)
- do_prove dyn_infos g'
- )
- )
- g
- end
- | _ -> assert false
- ) g
- in
- [
- (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing params" (intro_with_remembrance params princ_info.nparams) g);
- (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing predicate" (intro_with_remembrance predicates princ_info.npredicates) g);
- (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing branches" (intro_with_remembrance branches princ_info.nbranches) g);
- (fun g -> observe_tac "declaring fix(es)" mk_fixes g);
- (fun g ->
- let nb_real_args =
- let pte_app = snd (Sign.decompose_prod_assum (pf_concl g)) in
- let pte = fst (decompose_app pte_app) in
- try
- let fix_info = Idmap.find (destVar pte) !pte_to_fix in
- fix_info.nb_realargs
- with Not_found -> (* Not a recursive function *)
- nb_lam (Util.out_some !fbody_with_params)
-(* nb_prod (pf_concl g) *)
+ let pte_to_fix,rev_info =
+ list_fold_left_i
+ (fun i (acc_map,acc_info) (pte,_,_) ->
+ let infos = info_array.(i) in
+ let type_args,_ = decompose_prod infos.types in
+ let nargs = List.length type_args in
+ let f = applist(mkConst fnames.(i), List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_info.params) in
+ let first_args = Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel (nargs -i)) in
+ let app_f = mkApp(f,first_args) in
+ let pte_args = (Array.to_list first_args)@[app_f] in
+ let app_pte = applist(mkVar (Nameops.out_name pte),pte_args) in
+ let body_with_param =
+ let body = get_body fnames.(i) in
+ let body_with_full_params =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota (
+ applist(body,List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params))
+ in
+ match kind_of_term body_with_full_params with
+ | Fix((_,num),(_,_,bs)) ->
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (
+ (applist
+ (substl
+ (List.rev
+ (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params))
+ bs.(num),
+ List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params))
+ )
+ | _ -> error "Not a mutual block"
+ in
+ let info =
+ {infos with
+ types = compose_prod type_args app_pte;
+ body_with_param = body_with_param
+ }
+ in
+(* observe (str "binding " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name pte) ++ *)
+(* str " to " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id info.name); *)
+ (Idmap.add (Nameops.out_name pte) info acc_map,info::acc_info)
+ )
+ 0
+ (Idmap.empty,[])
+ (List.rev princ_info.predicates)
+ in
+ pte_to_fix,List.rev rev_info
+ | _ -> Idmap.empty,[]
+ in
+ let mk_fixes : tactic =
+ let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in
+ match pre_info,infos with
+ | [],[] -> tclIDTAC
+ | _, this_fix_info::others_infos ->
+ let other_fix_infos =
+ List.map
+ (fun fi -> fi.name,fi.idx + 1 ,fi.types)
+ (pre_info@others_infos)
- observe_tac "" (tclTHEN
- (tclDO nb_real_args (observe_tac "intro" intro))
- (fun g' ->
- let realargs_ids = fst (list_chop ~msg:"args" nb_real_args (pf_ids_of_hyps g')) in
- let do_prove_on_branches branches : tactic =
- observe_tac "proving" (do_prove !pte_to_fix ( realargs_ids) branches)
+ if other_fix_infos = []
+ then
+ observe_tac ("h_fix") (h_fix (Some this_fix_info.name) (this_fix_info.idx +1))
+ else
+ h_mutual_fix this_fix_info.name (this_fix_info.idx + 1)
+ other_fix_infos
+ | _ -> anomaly "Not a valid information"
+ in
+ let first_tac : tactic = (* every operations until fix creations *)
+ [ observe_tac "introducing params" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.params));
+ observe_tac "introducing predictes" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.predicates));
+ observe_tac "introducing branches" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches));
+ observe_tac "building fixes" mk_fixes;
+ ]
+ in
+ let intros_after_fixes : tactic =
+ fun gl ->
+ let ctxt,pte_app = (Sign.decompose_prod_assum (pf_concl gl)) in
+ let pte,pte_args = (decompose_app pte_app) in
+ try
+ let pte = try destVar pte with _ -> anomaly "Property is not a variable" in
+ let fix_info = Idmap.find pte ptes_to_fix in
+ let nb_args = fix_info.nb_realargs in
+ [
+ observe_tac ("introducing args") (tclDO nb_args intro);
+ (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *)
+ let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in
+ let fix_body = fix_info.body_with_param in
+(* observe (str "fix_body := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env gl) fix_body); *)
+ let args_id = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps = -100;
+ rec_hyps = [];
+ info =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (applist(fix_body,List.rev_map mkVar args_id));
+ eq_hyps = []
+ }
- observe_tac "instanciating rec hyps"
- (instanciate_hyps_with_args do_prove_on_branches !branches (List.rev realargs_ids))
- g'
- ))
- g
- )
- ]
- goal
+ [
+ observe_tac "do_replace"
+ (do_replace princ_info.params fix_info.idx args_id
+ (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)) fix_body);
+ let do_prove =
+ build_proof
+ interactive_proof
+ (Array.to_list fnames)
+ (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ in
+ let prove_tac branches =
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {dyn_infos with
+ rec_hyps = branches;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches
+ }
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq
+ (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ do_prove
+ dyn_infos
+ in
+(* observe (str "branches := " ++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun decl -> Ppconstr.pr_id (id_of_decl decl)) princ_info.branches); *)
+ observe_tac "instancing" (instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac
+ (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)
+ (List.rev args_id))
+ ]
+ g
+ );
+ ] gl
+ with Not_found ->
+ let nb_args = min (princ_info.nargs) (List.length ctxt) in
+ [
+ tclDO nb_args intro;
+ (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *)
+ let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in
+ let args_id = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps = -100;
+ rec_hyps = [];
+ info =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (applist(fbody_with_full_params,
+ (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params)@
+ (List.rev_map mkVar args_id)
+ ));
+ eq_hyps = []
+ }
+ in
+ let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)))) in
+ [unfold_in_concl [([],Names.EvalConstRef fname)];
+ let do_prove =
+ build_proof
+ interactive_proof
+ (Array.to_list fnames)
+ (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ in
+ let prove_tac branches =
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {dyn_infos with
+ rec_hyps = branches;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches
+ }
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq
+ (Idmap.map prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ do_prove
+ dyn_infos
+ in
+ instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac
+ (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)
+ (List.rev args_id)
+ ]
+ g
+ )
+ ]
+ gl
+ in
+ tclTHEN
+ first_tac
+ intros_after_fixes
+ g