path: root/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml b/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f25541961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Coqast
+open Names
+open Term
+module SpSet = Set.Make(struct type t = section_path let compare = sp_ord end)
+(* debug *)
+let debug = ref false
+let deb_mess s =
+ if !debug then begin
+ mSGNL s; pp_flush()
+ end
+let list_of_some = function
+ None -> []
+ | Some x -> [x]
+let difference l1 l2 =
+ let rec diff = function
+ [] -> []
+ | a::rem -> if List.mem a l2 then diff rem else a::(diff rem)
+ in
+ diff l1
+(* TODO: these functions should be moved in the code of Coq *)
+let reraise_with_loc loc f x =
+ try f x with Util.UserError (_,_) as e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e
+(* functions on names *)
+let at_id id d = id_of_string ((string_of_id id) ^ "@" ^ d)
+let is_at id =
+ try
+ let _ = String.index (string_of_id id) '@' in true
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
+let un_at id =
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ try
+ let n = String.index s '@' in
+ id_of_string (String.sub s 0 n),
+ String.sub s (succ n) (pred (String.length s - n))
+ with Not_found ->
+ invalid_arg "un_at"
+let renaming_of_ids avoid ids =
+ let rec rename avoid = function
+ [] -> [], avoid
+ | x::rem ->
+ let al,avoid = rename avoid rem in
+ let x' = next_ident_away x avoid in
+ (x,x')::al, x'::avoid
+ in
+ rename avoid ids
+let result_id = id_of_string "result"
+let adr_id id = id_of_string ("adr_" ^ (string_of_id id))
+(* hypotheses names *)
+let next s r = function
+ Anonymous -> incr r; id_of_string (s ^ string_of_int !r)
+ | Name id -> id
+let reset_names,pre_name,post_name,inv_name,
+ test_name,bool_name,var_name,phi_name,for_name,label_name =
+ let pre = ref 0 in
+ let post = ref 0 in
+ let inv = ref 0 in
+ let test = ref 0 in
+ let bool = ref 0 in
+ let var = ref 0 in
+ let phi = ref 0 in
+ let forr = ref 0 in
+ let label = ref 0 in
+ (fun () ->
+ pre := 0; post := 0; inv := 0; test := 0;
+ bool := 0; var := 0; phi := 0; label := 0),
+ (next "Pre" pre),
+ (next "Post" post),
+ (next "Inv" inv),
+ (next "Test" test),
+ (fun () -> next "Bool" bool Anonymous),
+ (next "Variant" var),
+ (fun () -> next "rphi" phi Anonymous),
+ (fun () -> next "for" forr Anonymous),
+ (fun () -> string_of_id (next "Label" label Anonymous))
+let default = id_of_string "_"
+let id_of_name = function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> default
+(* functions on CIC terms *)
+let isevar = Evarutil.new_evar_in_sign (Global.env ())
+(* Substitutions of variables by others. *)
+let subst_in_constr alist =
+ let alist' = List.map (fun (id,id') -> (id, mkVar id')) alist in
+ replace_vars alist'
+let subst_in_ast alist ast =
+ let alist' =
+ List.map (fun (id,id') -> (string_of_id id,string_of_id id')) alist in
+ let rec subst = function
+ Nvar(l,s) -> Nvar(l,try List.assoc s alist' with Not_found -> s)
+ | Node(l,s,args) -> Node(l,s,List.map subst args)
+ | Slam(l,so,a) -> Slam(l,so,subst a) (* TODO:enlever so de alist' ? *)
+ | x -> x
+ in
+ subst ast
+let subst_ast_in_ast alist ast =
+ let alist' =
+ List.map (fun (id,a) -> (string_of_id id,a)) alist in
+ let rec subst = function
+ Nvar(l,s) as x -> (try List.assoc s alist' with Not_found -> x)
+ | Node(l,s,args) -> Node(l,s,List.map subst args)
+ | Slam(l,so,a) -> Slam(l,so,subst a) (* TODO:enlever so de alist' ? *)
+ | x -> x
+ in
+ subst ast
+(* subst. of variables by constr *)
+let real_subst_in_constr = replace_vars
+(* Coq constants *)
+let constant s =
+ let id = id_of_string s in
+ Declare.global_reference CCI id
+let connective_and = id_of_string "prog_bool_and"
+let connective_or = id_of_string "prog_bool_or"
+let connective_not = id_of_string "prog_bool_not"
+let is_connective id =
+ id = connective_and or id = connective_or or id = connective_not
+(* [conj i s] constructs the conjunction of two constr *)
+let conj i s =
+ Term.applist (constant "and", [i; s])
+(* [n_mkNamedProd v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type (x1:t1)...(xn:tn)v
+ *)
+let rec n_mkNamedProd v = function
+ [] -> v
+ | (id,ty)::rem -> n_mkNamedProd (Term.mkNamedProd id ty v) rem
+(* [n_lambda v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type [x1:t1]...[xn:tn]v *)
+let rec n_lambda v = function
+ [] -> v
+ | (id,ty)::rem -> n_lambda (Term.mkNamedLambda id ty v) rem
+(* [abstract env idl c] constructs [x1]...[xn]c where idl = [x1;...;xn] *)
+let abstract ids c = n_lambda c (List.rev ids)