diff options
3 files changed, 75 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index b5aaad725..deca62f92 100644
@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ Build Infrastructure
access to the same .cmi files. In short, use "make -j && make -j byte"
instead of "make -j world byte".
+- Cumulative inductive types. see prefixes "Cumulative", "NonCumulative"
+ for inductive definitions and the option "Set Inductive Cumulativity"
+ in the reference manual.
Changes from V8.6beta1 to V8.6
diff --git a/doc/refman/RefMan-cic.tex b/doc/refman/RefMan-cic.tex
index fdd272581..96fb1eb75 100644
--- a/doc/refman/RefMan-cic.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/RefMan-cic.tex
@@ -461,6 +461,13 @@ recursively convertible to $u'_1$, or, symmetrically, $u_2$ is $\lb
x:T\mto u'_2$ and $u_1\,x$ is recursively convertible to $u'_2$. We
then write $\WTEGCONV{t_1}{t_2}$.
+Apart from this we consider two instances of polymorphic and cumulative (see Chapter~\ref{Universes-full}) inductive types (see below)
+convertible $\WTEGCONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ if we have subtypings (see below) in both directions, i.e.,
+$\WTEGLECONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ and $\WTEGLECONV{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}$.
+Furthermore, we consider $\WTEGCONV{c\ v_1 \dots v_m}{c'\ v_1' \dots v_m'}$ convertible if $\WTEGCONV{v_i}{v_i'}$
+and we have that $c$ and $c'$ are the same constructors of different instances the same inductive types (differing only in universe levels)
+such that $\WTEG{c\ v_1 \dots v_m}{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}$ and $\WTEG{c'\ v_1' \dots v_m'}{t'\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ and we have $\WTEGCONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$.
The convertibility relation allows introducing a new typing rule
which says that two convertible well-formed types have the same
@@ -480,6 +487,17 @@ convertibility into a {\em subtyping} relation inductively defined by:
\item $\WTEGLECONV{\Prop}{\Set}$, hence, by transitivity,
$\WTEGLECONV{\Prop}{\Type(i)}$, for any $i$
\item if $\WTEGCONV{T}{U}$ and $\WTELECONV{\Gamma::(x:T)}{T'}{U'}$ then $\WTEGLECONV{\forall~x:T, T'}{\forall~x:U, U'}$.
+\item if $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ is a universe polymorphic and cumulative (see Chapter~\ref{Universes-full})
+ inductive type (see below) and $(t : \forall\Gamma_P,\forall\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}, \Sort)\in\Gamma_I$
+ and $(t' : \forall\Gamma_P',\forall\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}', \Sort')\in\Gamma_I$
+ are two different instances of \emph{the same} inductive type (differing only in universe levels) with constructors
+ \[[c_1: \forall\Gamma_P,\forall T_{1,1} \dots T_{1,n_1},t\ v_{1,1} \dots v_{1,m}; \dots; c_k: \forall\Gamma_P,\forall T_{k, 1} \dots T_{k,n_k},t\ v_{n,1}\dots v_{n,m}]\]
+ and
+ \[[c_1: \forall\Gamma_P',\forall T_{1,1}' \dots T_{1,n_1}',t'\ v_{1,1}' \dots v_{1,m}'; \dots; c_k: \forall\Gamma_P',\forall T_{k, 1}' \dots T_{k,n_k}',t\ v_{n,1}'\dots v_{n,m}']\]
+ respectively then $\WTEGLECONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ (notice that $t$ and $t'$ are both fully applied, i.e., they have a sort as a type)
+ if $\WTEGCONV{w_i}{w_i'}$ for $1 \le i \le m$ and we have
+ \[ \WTEGLECONV{T_{i,j}}{T_{i,j}'} \text{ and } \WTEGLECONV{A_i}{A_i'}\]
+ where $\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)} = [a_1 : A_1; a_1 : A_l]$ and $\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)} = [a_1 : A_1'; a_1 : A_l']$.
The conversion rule up to subtyping is now exactly:
@@ -530,8 +548,12 @@ Formally, we can represent any {\em inductive definition\index{definition!induct
These inductive definitions, together with global assumptions and global definitions, then form the global environment.
Additionally, for any $p$ there always exists $\Gamma_P=[a_1:A_1;\dots;a_p:A_p]$
-such that each $(t:T)\in\Gamma_I\cup\Gamma_C$ can be written as:
+such that each $T$ in $(t:T)\in\Gamma_I\cup\Gamma_C$ can be written as:
$\forall\Gamma_P, T^\prime$ where $\Gamma_P$ is called the {\em context of parameters\index{context of parameters}}.
+Furthermore, we must have that each $T$ in $(t:T)\in\Gamma_I$ can be written as:
+$\forall\Gamma_P,\forall\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}, \Sort$ where $\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}$ is called the
+{\em Arity} of the inductive type\index{arity of inductive type} $t$ and
+$\Sort$ is called the sort of the inductive type $t$.
diff --git a/doc/refman/Universes.tex b/doc/refman/Universes.tex
index 36518e6fa..2bb1301c7 100644
--- a/doc/refman/Universes.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/Universes.tex
@@ -131,6 +131,52 @@ producing global universe constraints, one can use the
polymorphically, not at a single instance.
+\asection{{\tt Cumulative, NonCumulative}}
+\optindex{Inductive Cumulativity}
+Inductive types, coinductive types, variants and records can be
+declared cumulative using the \texttt{Cumulative}. Alternatively,
+there is an option \texttt{Set Inductive Cumulativity} which when set,
+makes all subsequent inductive definitions cumulative. Consider the examples below.
+Polymorphic Cumulative Inductive list {A : Type} :=
+| nil : list
+| cons : A -> list -> list.
+Print list.
+When printing \texttt{list}, the part of the output of the form
+\texttt{$\mathtt{\sim}$@\{i\} <= $\mathtt{\sim}$@\{j\} iff }
+indicates the universe constraints in order to have the subtyping
+$\WTEGLECONV{\mathtt{list@\{i\}} A}{\mathtt{list@\{j\}} B}$
+(for fully applied instances of \texttt{list}) whenever $\WTEGCONV{A}{B}$.
+In the case of \texttt{list} there is no constraint!
+This also means that any two instances of \texttt{list} are convertible:
+$\WTEGCONV{\mathtt{list@\{i\}} A}{\mathtt{list@\{j\}} B}$ whenever $\WTEGCONV{A}{B}$ and
+furthermore their corresponding (when fully applied to convertible arguments) constructors.
+See Chapter~\ref{Cic} for more details on convertibility and subtyping.
+Also notice the subtyping constraints for the \emph{non-cumulative} version of list:
+Polymorphic NonCumulative Inductive list' {A : Type} :=
+| nil' : list'
+| cons' : A -> list' -> list'.
+Print list'.
+The following is an example of a record with non-trivial subtyping relation:
+Polymorphic Cumulative Record packType := {pk : Type}.
+Print packType.
+Notice that as expected, \texttt{packType@\{i\}} and \texttt{packType@\{j\}} are convertible if and only if \texttt{i $=$ j}.
\asection{Global and local universes}
Each universe is declared in a global or local environment before it can