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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/checker/check.ml b/checker/check.ml
index bc36f2732..e91516c7b 100644
--- a/checker/check.ml
+++ b/checker/check.ml
@@ -267,10 +267,8 @@ let try_locate_qualified_library qid =
(*s Loading from disk to cache (preparation phase) *)
-let vo_magic_number = 08190 (* trunk *)
let (raw_extern_library, raw_intern_library) =
- System.raw_extern_intern vo_magic_number ".vo"
+ System.raw_extern_intern Coq_config.vo_magic_number ".vo"
let with_magic_number_check f a =
try f a
@@ -323,7 +321,8 @@ let get_deps (dir, f) =
(* Read a compiled library and all dependencies, in reverse order.
Do not include files that are already in the context. *)
-let rec intern_library (dir, f) needed =
+let rec intern_library seen (dir, f) needed =
+ if LibrarySet.mem dir seen then failwith "Recursive dependencies!";
(* Look if in the current logical environment *)
try let _ = find_library dir in needed
with Not_found ->
@@ -332,28 +331,34 @@ let rec intern_library (dir, f) needed =
(* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *)
let m = intern_from_file (dir,f) in
- (dir,m)::List.fold_right intern_mandatory_library m.library_deps needed
-(* digest error with checked modules could be a warning *)
-and intern_mandatory_library (dir,_) needed =
- intern_library (try_locate_absolute_library dir) needed
+ let seen' = LibrarySet.add dir seen in
+ let deps =
+ List.map (fun (d,_) -> try_locate_absolute_library d) m.library_deps in
+ (dir,m) :: List.fold_right (intern_library seen') deps needed
(* Compute the reflexive transitive dependency closure *)
-let rec fold_deps ff (dir,f) s =
- if LibrarySet.mem dir s then s
+let rec fold_deps seen ff (dir,f) (s,acc) =
+ if LibrarySet.mem dir seen then failwith "Recursive dependencies!";
+ if LibrarySet.mem dir s then (s,acc)
let deps = get_deps (dir,f) in
let deps = List.map (fun (d,_) -> try_locate_absolute_library d) deps in
- ff dir (List.fold_right (fold_deps ff) deps s)
+ let seen' = LibrarySet.add dir seen in
+ let (s',acc') = List.fold_right (fold_deps seen' ff) deps (s,acc) in
+ (LibrarySet.add dir s', ff dir acc')
+and fold_deps_list seen ff modl needed =
+ List.fold_right (fold_deps seen ff) modl needed
-and fold_deps_list ff modl needed =
- List.fold_right (fold_deps ff) modl needed
+let fold_deps_list ff modl acc =
+ snd (fold_deps_list LibrarySet.empty ff modl (LibrarySet.empty,acc))
let recheck_library ~norec ~admit ~check =
let ml = List.map try_locate_qualified_library check in
let nrl = List.map try_locate_qualified_library norec in
let al = List.map try_locate_qualified_library admit in
- let needed = List.rev (List.fold_right intern_library (ml@nrl) []) in
+ let needed = List.rev
+ (List.fold_right (intern_library LibrarySet.empty) (ml@nrl) []) in
(* first compute the closure of norec, remove closure of check,
add closure of admit, and finally remove norec and check *)
let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.add nrl LibrarySet.empty in