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3 files changed, 342 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
index 8a0553419..ae057235a 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -346,3 +346,13 @@ doc-www-install:
(cd $(WWWDOCDIR); rm -f node*.html main*.html toc.html \
tutorial.html changes.html cover.html)
cp www/* $(WWWDOCDIR)
+# traducteur V7 -> V8
+tradv8: tradv8.ml4
+ ocamlopt.opt -o $@ str.cmxa unix.cmxa -pp "camlp4o -impl" -impl $^
+v8: tradv8
+ for f in `grep -l coq_exa *tex`; do \
+ echo $$f; \
+ ./tradv8 $$f; mv $$f $$f.save; mv $$f.v8 $$f; \
+ done
diff --git a/doc/Tutorial.tex b/doc/Tutorial.tex
index 60812f353..661169d6a 100755
--- a/doc/Tutorial.tex
+++ b/doc/Tutorial.tex
@@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ hypotheses and definitions. It will also give a convenient way to
reset part of the development.
- Section Declaration.
+Section Declaration.
With what we already know, we may now enter in the system a declaration,
corresponding to the informal mathematics {\sl let n be a natural
-Variable n:nat.
+Variable n : nat.
If we want to translate a more precise statement, such as
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ we have to add another declaration, which will declare explicitly the
hypothesis \verb:Pos_n:, with specification the proper logical
-Hypothesis Pos_n : (gt n O).
+Hypothesis Pos_n : (n > 0)%N.
Indeed we may check that the relation \verb:gt: is known with the right type
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ with the (abstract) type \verb:Prop: of logical propositions through the
arrow function constructor, in order to get a functional type
-Check nat->Prop.
+Check (nat -> Prop).
which may be composed again with \verb:nat: in order to obtain the
type \verb:nat->nat->Prop: of binary relations over natural numbers.
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ the expression \verb:(gt n): is well-formed of type \verb:nat->Prop:,
and thus that the expression \verb:(gt n O):, which abbreviates
\verb:((gt n) O):, is a well-formed proposition.
-Check (gt n O).
+Check (n > 0)%N.
@@ -186,12 +186,12 @@ Definition one := (S O).
We may optionally indicate the required type:
-Definition two : nat := (S one).
+Definition two : nat := S one.
Actually \Coq~ allows several possible syntaxes:
-Definition three := (S two) : nat.
+Definition three : nat := S two.
Here is a way to define the doubling function, which expects an
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ argument \verb:m: of type \verb:nat: in order to build its result as
\verb:(plus m m)::
-Definition double := [m:nat](plus m m).
+Definition double (m:nat) := (m + m)%N.
The abstraction brackets are explained as follows. The expression
\verb+[x:A]e+ is well formed of type \verb+A->B+ in a context
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Bound (local) variables and free (global) variables may be mixed.
For instance, we may define the function which adds the constant \verb:n:
to its argument as
-Definition add_n := [m:nat](plus m n).
+Definition add_n (m:nat) := (m + n)%N.
However, note that here we may not rename the formal argument $m$ into $n$
without capturing the free occurrence of $n$, and thus changing the meaning
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ operator is available in \Coq, with the following syntax:
binding, we are obliged to declare explicitly the type of the quantified
variable. We check:
-Check (m:nat)(gt m O).
+Check (forall m:nat, (m > 0)%N).
We may clean-up the development by removing the contents of the
current section:
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ introducing these atoms as global variables declared of type \verb:Prop:.
It is easy to declare several names with the same specification:
Section Minimal_Logic.
-Variables A,B,C:Prop.
+Variables A B C : Prop.
We shall consider simple implications, such as $A\ra B$, read as
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ We shall consider simple implications, such as $A\ra B$, read as
has been used above as the functionality type constructor, and which
may be used as well as propositional connective:
-Check A->B.
+Check (A -> B).
Let us now embark on a simple proof. We want to prove the easy tautology
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ $((A\ra (B\ra C))\ra (A\ra B)\ra (A\ra C)$.
We enter the proof engine by the command
\verb:Goal:, followed by the conjecture we want to verify:
-Goal (A->(B->C))->(A->B)->(A->C).
+Goal (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C.
The system displays the current goal below a double line, local hypotheses
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ For instance, the \verb:Intro: tactic is applicable to any judgment
whose goal is an implication, by moving the proposition to the left
of the application to the list of local hypotheses:
-Intro H.
+intro H.
%{\bf Warning} to users of \Coq~ previous versions: The display of a sequent in
@@ -286,14 +286,14 @@ Intro H.
Several introductions may be done in one step:
-Intros H' HA.
+intros H' HA.
We notice that $C$, the current goal, may be obtained from hypothesis
\verb:H:, provided the truth of $A$ and $B$ are established.
The tactic \verb:Apply: implements this piece of reasoning:
-Apply H.
+apply H.
We are now in the situation where we have two judgments as conjectures
@@ -306,19 +306,19 @@ the judgments it generated.
In order to solve the current goal, we just have to notice that it is
exactly available as hypothesis $HA$:
-Exact HA.
+exact HA.
Now $H'$ applies:
-Apply H'.
+apply H'.
And we may now conclude the proof as before, with \verb:Exact HA.:
Actually, we may not bother with the name \verb:HA:, and just state that
the current goal is solvable from the current local assumptions:
The proof is now finished. We may either discard it, by using the
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ commands used in the proof. % ligne blanche apres Exact HA??
Let us redo the same proof with a few variations. First of all we may name
the initial goal as a conjectured lemma:
-Lemma distr_impl : (A->(B->C))->(A->B)->(A->C).
+Lemma distr_impl : (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C.
%{\bf Warning} to users of \Coq~ older versions: In order to enter the proof
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Next, we may omit the names of local assumptions created by the introduction
tactics, they can be automatically created by the proof engine as new
non-clashing names.
The \verb:Intros: tactic, with no arguments, effects as many individual
@@ -364,12 +364,12 @@ goal, and then tactic $T_1$ to the first newly generated subgoal,
We may thus complete the proof of \verb:distr_impl: with one composite tactic:
-Apply H; [Assumption | Apply H0; Assumption].
+apply H; [ assumption | apply H0; assumption ].
Let us now save lemma \verb:distr_impl::
Here \verb:Save: needs no argument, since we gave the name \verb:distr_impl:
@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ Actually, such an easy combination of tactics \verb:Intro:, \verb:Apply:
and \verb:Assumption: may be found completely automatically by an automatic
tactic, called \verb:Auto:, without user guidance:
-Lemma distr_imp : (A->(B->C))->(A->B)->(A->C).
+Lemma distr_imp : (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C.
This time, we do not save the proof, we just discard it with the \verb:Abort:
@@ -424,26 +424,26 @@ connective. Let us show how to use these ideas for the propositional connectives
Lemma and_commutative : A /\ B -> B /\ A.
We make use of the conjunctive hypothesis \verb:H: with the \verb:Elim: tactic,
which breaks it into its components:
-Elim H.
+elim H.
We now use the conjunction introduction tactic \verb:Split:, which splits the
conjunctive goal into the two subgoals:
and the proof is now trivial. Indeed, the whole proof is obtainable as follows:
-Intro H; Elim H; Auto.
+intro H; elim H; auto.
The tactic \verb:Auto: succeeded here because it knows as a hint the
@@ -467,14 +467,14 @@ In a similar fashion, let us consider disjunction:
Lemma or_commutative : A \/ B -> B \/ A.
-Intro H; Elim H.
+intro H; elim H.
Let us prove the first subgoal in detail. We use \verb:Intro: in order to
be left to prove \verb:B\/A: from \verb:A::
-Intro HA.
+intro HA.
Here the hypothesis \verb:H: is not needed anymore. We could choose to
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ actually erase it with the tactic \verb:Clear:; in this simple proof it
does not really matter, but in bigger proof developments it is useful to
clear away unnecessary hypotheses which may clutter your screen.
-Clear H.
+clear H.
The disjunction connective has two introduction rules, since \verb:P\/Q:
@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ proof constructors are called respectively \verb:or_introl: and
\verb:or_intror:; they are applied to the current goal by tactics
\verb:Left: and \verb:Right: respectively. For instance:
The tactic \verb:Trivial: works like \verb:Auto: with the hints
database, but it only tries those tactics that can solve the goal in one
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ As before, all these tedious elementary steps may be performed automatically,
as shown for the second symmetric case:
However, \verb:Auto: alone does not succeed in proving the full lemma, because
@@ -519,8 +519,8 @@ tautologies is indeed available in \Coq~ as the \verb:Tauto: tactic.
%called ``Dyckhoff'':
It is possible to inspect the actual proof tree constructed by \verb:Tauto:,
@@ -544,9 +544,9 @@ naive user of \Coq~ may safely ignore these formal details.
Let us exercise the \verb:Tauto: tactic on a more complex example:
-Lemma distr_and : A->(B/\C) -> (A->B) /\ (A->C).
+Lemma distr_and : A -> B /\ C -> (A -> B) /\ (A -> C).
\subsection{Classical reasoning}
@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@ Save.
\verb:Tauto: always comes back with an answer. Here is an example where it
-Lemma Peirce : ((A->B)->A)->A.
-Try Tauto.
+Lemma Peirce : ((A -> B) -> A) -> A.
+try tauto.
Note the use of the \verb:Try: tactical, which does nothing if its tactic
@@ -567,9 +567,9 @@ every truth-assignment to \verb:A: and \verb:B:. Indeed the double negation
of Peirce's law may be proved in \Coq~ using \verb:Tauto::
-Lemma NNPeirce : ~~(((A->B)->A)->A).
+Lemma NNPeirce : ~ ~ (((A -> B) -> A) -> A).
In classical logic, the double negation of a proposition is equivalent to this
@@ -579,16 +579,16 @@ want to use classical logic in \Coq, you have to import explicitly the
of excluded middle, and classical tautologies such as de Morgan's laws.
The \verb:Require: command is used to import a module from \Coq's library:
-Require Classical.
+Require Import Classical.
Check NNPP.
and it is now easy (although admittedly not the most direct way) to prove
a classical law such as Peirce's:
-Lemma Peirce : ((A->B)->A)->A.
-Apply NNPP; Tauto.
+Lemma Peirce : ((A -> B) -> A) -> A.
+apply NNPP; tauto.
Here is one more example of propositional reasoning, in the shape of
@@ -604,16 +604,16 @@ a Scottish puzzle. A private club has the following rules:
Now, we show that these rules are so strict that no one can be accepted.
Section club.
-Variable Scottish, RedSocks, WearKilt, Married, GoOutSunday : Prop.
-Hypothesis rule1 : ~Scottish -> RedSocks.
-Hypothesis rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~RedSocks.
-Hypothesis rule3 : Married -> ~GoOutSunday.
+Variables Scottish RedSocks WearKilt Married GoOutSunday : Prop.
+Hypothesis rule1 : ~ Scottish -> RedSocks.
+Hypothesis rule2 : WearKilt \/ ~ RedSocks.
+Hypothesis rule3 : Married -> ~ GoOutSunday.
Hypothesis rule4 : GoOutSunday <-> Scottish.
-Hypothesis rule5 : WearKilt -> (Scottish /\ Married).
+Hypothesis rule5 : WearKilt -> Scottish /\ Married.
Hypothesis rule6 : Scottish -> WearKilt.
Lemma NoMember : False.
At that point \verb:NoMember: is a proof of the absurdity depending on
@@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ notions local to a well-delimited scope. We start by assuming a domain of
discourse \verb:D:, and a binary relation \verb:R: over \verb:D::
Section Predicate_calculus.
-Variable D:Set.
-Variable R: D -> D -> Prop.
+Variable D : Set.
+Variable R : D -> D -> Prop.
As a simple example of predicate calculus reasoning, let us assume
@@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ a theory, but rather local hypotheses to a theorem, we open a specific
section to this effect.
Section R_sym_trans.
-Hypothesis R_symmetric : (x,y:D) (R x y) -> (R y x).
-Hypothesis R_transitive : (x,y,z:D) (R x y) -> (R y z) -> (R x z).
+Hypothesis R_symmetric : forall x y:D, R x y -> R y x.
+Hypothesis R_transitive : forall x y z:D, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
Remark the syntax \verb+(x:D)+ which stands for universal quantification
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ $\forall x : D$.
We now state our lemma, and enter proof mode.
-Lemma refl_if : (x:D)(EX y | (R x y)) -> (R x x).
+Lemma refl_if : forall x:D, ( EX y : _ | R x y) -> R x x.
Remark that the hypotheses which are local to the currently opened sections
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ tactic \verb:Exists:, and its elimination provides a witness \verb+a:D+ to
\verb:P:, together with an assumption \verb+h:(P a)+ that indeed \verb+a+
verifies \verb:P:. Let us see how this works on this simple example.
-Intros x x_Rlinked.
+intros x x_Rlinked.
Remark that \verb:Intro: treats universal quantification in the same way
@@ -716,11 +716,11 @@ we would have obtained the goal:
-Intro y.
+intro y.
-Intros x x_Rlinked.
+intros x x_Rlinked.
Let us now use the existential hypothesis \verb:x_Rlinked: to
@@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ exhibit an R-successor y of x. This is done in two steps, first with
\verb:Elim:, then with \verb:Intros:
-Elim x_Rlinked.
-Intros y Rxy.
+elim x_Rlinked.
+intros y Rxy.
Now we want to use \verb:R_transitive:. The \verb:Apply: tactic will know
@@ -738,21 +738,21 @@ help on how to instantiate \verb:y:, which appear in the hypotheses of
\verb:R_transitive:, but not in its conclusion. We give the proper hint
to \verb:Apply: in a \verb:with: clause, as follows:
-Apply R_transitive with y.
+apply R_transitive with y.
The rest of the proof is routine:
-Apply R_symmetric; Assumption.
+apply R_symmetric; assumption.
Let us now close the current section.
-End R_sym_trans.
+End R_sym_trans.
Here \Coq's printout is a warning that all local hypotheses have been
@@ -774,16 +774,16 @@ Let us illustrate this feature by pursuing our \verb:Predicate_calculus:
section with an enrichment of our language: we declare a unary predicate
\verb:P: and a constant \verb:d::
-Variable P:D->Prop.
-Variable d:D.
+Variable P : D -> Prop.
+Variable d : D.
We shall now prove a well-known fact from first-order logic: a universal
predicate is non-empty, or in other terms existential quantification
follows from universal quantification.
-Lemma weird : ((x:D)(P x)) -> (EX a | (P a)).
-Intro UnivP.
+Lemma weird : (forall x:D, P x) -> EX a : _ | P a.
+ intro UnivP.
First of all, notice the pair of parentheses around \verb+(x:D)(P x)+ in
@@ -807,8 +807,8 @@ the predicate.
Let us conclude the proof, in order to show the use of the \verb:Exists:
-Exists d; Trivial.
+exists d; trivial.
Another fact which illustrates the sometimes disconcerting rules of
@@ -820,51 +820,51 @@ We shall need classical reasoning. Instead of loading the \verb:Classical:
module as we did above, we just state the law of excluded middle as a
local hypothesis schema at this point:
-Hypothesis EM : (A:Prop) A \/ ~A.
-Lemma drinker : (EX x | (P x) -> (x:D)(P x)).
+Hypothesis EM : forall A:Prop, A \/ ~ A.
+Lemma drinker : EX x : _ | P x -> forall x:D, P x.
The proof goes by cases on whether or not
there is someone who does not drink. Such reasoning by cases proceeds
by invoking the excluded middle principle, via \verb:Elim: of the
proper instance of \verb:EM::
-Elim (EM (EX x | ~(P x))).
+elim (EM ( EX x : _ | ~ P x)).
We first look at the first case. Let Tom be the non-drinker:
-Intro Non_drinker; Elim Non_drinker; Intros Tom Tom_does_not_drink.
+intro Non_drinker; elim Non_drinker; intros Tom Tom_does_not_drink.
We conclude in that case by considering Tom, since his drinking leads to
a contradiction:
-Exists Tom; Intro Tom_drinks.
+exists Tom; intro Tom_drinks.
There are several ways in which we may eliminate a contradictory case;
a simple one is to use the \verb:Absurd: tactic as follows:
-Absurd (P Tom); Trivial.
+absurd (P Tom); trivial.
We now proceed with the second case, in which actually any person will do;
such a John Doe is given by the non-emptiness witness \verb:d::
-Intro No_nondrinker; Exists d; Intro d_drinks.
+intro No_nondrinker; exists d; intro d_drinks.
Now we consider any Dick in the bar, and reason by cases according to its
drinking or not:
-Intro Dick; Elim (EM (P Dick)); Trivial.
+intro Dick; elim (EM (P Dick)); trivial.
The only non-trivial case is again treated by contradiction:
-Intro Dick_does_not_drink; Absurd (EX x | ~(P x)); Trivial.
-Exists Dick; Trivial.
+intro Dick_does_not_drink; absurd ( EX x : _ | ~ P x); trivial.
+exists Dick; trivial.
Now, let us close the main section:
@@ -906,10 +906,12 @@ in order to get a more general induction hypothesis. The tactic
Section Predicate_Calculus.
-Variable P,Q:nat->Prop. Variable R: nat->nat->Prop.
-Lemma PQR : (x,y:nat)((R x x)->(P x)->(Q x))->(P x)->(R x y)->(Q x).
-Generalize H0.
+Variables P Q : nat -> Prop.
+Variable R : nat -> nat -> Prop.
+Lemma PQR :
+ forall x y:nat, (R x x -> P x -> Q x) -> P x -> R x y -> Q x.
+generalize H0.
Sometimes it may be convenient to use a lemma, although we do not have
@@ -917,7 +919,7 @@ a direct way to appeal to such an already proven fact. The tactic \verb:Cut:
permits to use the lemma at this point, keeping the corresponding proof
obligation as a new subgoal:
-Cut (R x x); Trivial.
+cut (R x x); trivial.
@@ -931,31 +933,31 @@ and \verb:Replace:.
Let us give a few examples of equality replacement. Let us assume that
some arithmetic function \verb:f: is null in zero:
-Variable f:nat->nat.
-Hypothesis foo : (f O)=O.
+Variable f : nat -> nat.
+Hypothesis foo : f 0 = 0%N.
We want to prove the following conditional equality:
-Lemma L1 : (k:nat)k=O->(f k)=k.
+Lemma L1 : forall k:nat, k = 0%N -> f k = k.
As usual, we first get rid of local assumptions with \verb:Intro::
-Intros k E.
+intros k E.
Let us now use equation \verb:E: as a left-to-right rewriting:
-Rewrite E.
+rewrite E.
This replaced both occurrences of \verb:k: by \verb:O:.
Now \verb:Apply foo: will finish the proof:
-Apply foo.
+apply foo.
When one wants to rewrite an equality in a right to left fashion, we should
@@ -963,9 +965,9 @@ use \verb:Rewrite <- E: rather than \verb:Rewrite E: or the equivalent
\verb:Rewrite -> E:.
Let us now illustrate the tactic \verb:Replace:.
-Hypothesis f10 : (f (S O))=(f O).
-Lemma L2 : (f (f (S O)))=O.
-Replace (f (S O)) with O.
+Hypothesis f10 : f 1 = f 0.
+Lemma L2 : f (f 1) = 0%N.
+replace (f 1) with 0%N.
What happened here is that the replacement left the first subgoal to be
proved, but another proof obligation was generated by the \verb:Replace:
@@ -974,8 +976,8 @@ by applying lemma \verb:foo:; the second one transitivity and then
symmetry of equality, for instance with tactics \verb:Transitivity: and
-Apply foo.
-Transitivity (f O); Symmetry; Trivial.
+apply foo.
+transitivity (f 0); symmetry; trivial.
In case the equality $t=u$ generated by \verb:Replace: $u$ \verb:with:
$t$ is an assumption
@@ -983,9 +985,9 @@ $t$ is an assumption
corresponding goal will not appear. For instance:
-Replace (f O) with O.
-Rewrite f10; Rewrite foo; Trivial.
+replace (f 0) with 0%N.
+rewrite f10; rewrite foo; trivial.
@@ -998,7 +1000,7 @@ abstract Types. In order to develop such abstract reasoning, one must
load the library \verb:Logic_Type:.
-Require Logic_Type.
+Require Import Logic_Type.
New proof combinators are now available, such as the existential
@@ -1006,7 +1008,7 @@ quantification \verb:exT: over a Type, available with syntax
\verb:(EXT x | (P x)):. The corresponding introduction
combinator may be invoked by the tactic \verb:Exists: as above.
-Check exT_intro.
+Check ex_intro.
Similarly, equality over Type is available, with notation
@@ -1029,62 +1031,63 @@ Assume that we want to develop the theory of sets represented as characteristic
predicates over some universe \verb:U:. For instance:
%CP Une petite explication pour le codage de element ?
-Variable U:Type.
-Definition set := U->Prop.
-Definition element := [x:U][S:set](S x).
-Definition subset := [A,B:set](x:U)(element x A)->(element x B).
+Variable U : Type.
+Definition set := U -> Prop.
+Definition element (x:U) (S:set) := S x.
+Definition subset (A B:set) := forall x:U, element x A -> element x B.
Now, assume that we have loaded a module of general properties about
relations over some abstract type \verb:T:, such as transitivity:
-Definition transitive := [T:Type][R:T->T->Prop]
- (x,y,z:T)(R x y)->(R y z)->(R x z).
+Definition transitive (T:Type) (R:T -> T -> Prop) :=
+ forall x y z:T, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
Now, assume that we want to prove that \verb:subset: is a \verb:transitive:
-Lemma subset_transitive : (transitive set subset).
+Lemma subset_transitive : transitive set subset.
In order to make any progress, one needs to use the definition of
\verb:transitive:. The \verb:Unfold: tactic, which replaces all occurrences of a
defined notion by its definition in the current goal, may be used here.
-Unfold transitive.
+unfold transitive.
Now, we must unfold \verb:subset::
-Unfold subset.
+unfold subset.
Now, unfolding \verb:element: would be a mistake, because indeed a simple proof
can be found by \verb:Auto:, keeping \verb:element: an abstract predicate:
Many variations on \verb:Unfold: are provided in \Coq. For instance,
we may selectively unfold one designated occurrence:
Undo 2.
-Unfold 2 subset.
+unfold subset 2.
One may also unfold a definition in a given local hypothesis, using the
\verb:in: notation:
-Unfold subset in H.
+unfold subset in H.
Finally, the tactic \verb:Red: does only unfolding of the head occurrence
of the current goal:
-Auto. Save.
@@ -1117,7 +1120,9 @@ mathematical constructions.
Let us start with the collection of booleans, as they are specified
in the \Coq's \verb:Prelude: module:
-Inductive bool : Set := true : bool | false : bool.
+Inductive bool : Set :=
+ | true : bool
+ | false : bool.
Such a declaration defines several objects at once. First, a new
@@ -1139,21 +1144,21 @@ Check bool_rect.
Let us for instance prove that every Boolean is true or false.
-Lemma duality : (b:bool)(b=true \/ b=false).
-Intro b.
+Lemma duality : forall b:bool, b = true \/ b = false.
+intro b.
We use the knowledge that \verb:b: is a \verb:bool: by calling tactic
\verb:Elim:, which is this case will appeal to combinator \verb:bool_ind:
in order to split the proof according to the two cases:
-Elim b.
+elim b.
It is easy to conclude in each case:
-Left; Trivial.
-Right; Trivial.
+left; trivial.
+right; trivial.
Indeed, the whole proof can be done with the combination of the
@@ -1161,8 +1166,8 @@ Indeed, the whole proof can be done with the combination of the
with good old \verb:Auto::
-Induction b; Auto.
+oldinduction b; auto.
\subsection{Natural numbers}
@@ -1170,7 +1175,9 @@ Save.
Similarly to Booleans, natural numbers are defined in the \verb:Prelude:
module with constructors \verb:S: and \verb:O::
-Inductive nat : Set := O : nat | S : nat->nat.
+Inductive nat : Set :=
+ | O : nat
+ | S : nat -> nat.
The elimination principles which are automatically generated are Peano's
@@ -1183,7 +1190,7 @@ Check nat_rec.
Let us start by showing how to program the standard primitive recursion
operator \verb:prim_rec: from the more general \verb:nat_rec::
-Definition prim_rec := (nat_rec [i:nat]nat).
+Definition prim_rec := nat_rec (fun i:nat => nat).
That is, instead of computing for natural \verb:i: an element of the indexed
@@ -1199,15 +1206,15 @@ get an apparently more complicated expression. Indeed the type of
be checked in \Coq~ by command \verb:Eval Cbv Beta:, which $\beta$-reduces
an expression to its {\sl normal form}:
-Eval Cbv Beta in
- ([_:nat]nat O)
- ->((y:nat)([_:nat]nat y)->([_:nat]nat (S y)))
- ->(n:nat)([_:nat]nat n).
+Eval cbv beta in
+ ((fun _:nat => nat) O ->
+ (forall y:nat, (fun _:nat => nat) y -> (fun _:nat => nat) (S y)) ->
+ forall n:nat, (fun _:nat => nat) n).
Let us now show how to program addition with primitive recursion:
-Definition addition := [n,m:nat](prim_rec m [p:nat][rec:nat](S rec) n).
+Definition addition (n m:nat) := prim_rec m (fun p rec:nat => S rec) n.
That is, we specify that \verb+(addition n m)+ computes by cases on \verb:n:
@@ -1216,7 +1223,7 @@ according to its main constructor; when \verb:n=O:, we get \verb:m:;
of the recursive computation \verb+(addition p m)+. Let us verify it by
asking \Coq~to compute for us say $2+3$:
-Eval Compute in (addition (S (S O)) (S (S (S O)))).
+Eval compute in (addition (S (S O)) (S (S (S O)))).
Actually, we do not have to do all explicitly. {\Coq} provides a
@@ -1224,11 +1231,11 @@ special syntax {\tt Fixpoint/Cases} for generic primitive recursion,
and we could thus have defined directly addition as:
-Fixpoint plus [n:nat] : nat -> nat :=
- [m:nat]Cases n of
- O => m
- | (S p) => (S (plus p m))
- end.
+Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
+ match n with
+ | O => m
+ | S p => S (plus p m)
+ end.
For the rest of the session, we shall clean up what we did so far with
@@ -1252,8 +1259,8 @@ Let us now show how to do proofs by structural induction. We start with easy
properties of the \verb:plus: function we just defined. Let us first
show that $n=n+0$.
-Lemma plus_n_O : (n:nat)n=(plus n O).
-Intro n; Elim n.
+Lemma plus_n_O : forall n:nat, n = (n + 0)%N.
+intro n; elim n.
What happened was that \verb:Elim n:, in order to construct a \verb:Prop:
@@ -1268,14 +1275,14 @@ argument starts with a constructor, and is thus amenable to simplification
by primitive recursion. The \Coq~tactic \verb:Simpl: can be used for
this purpose:
We proceed in the same way for the base step:
-Simpl; Auto.
+simpl; auto.
Here \verb:Auto: succeeded, because it used as a hint lemma \verb:eq_S:,
@@ -1287,13 +1294,13 @@ Check eq_S.
Actually, let us see how to declare our lemma \verb:plus_n_O: as a hint
to be used by \verb:Auto::
-Hints Resolve plus_n_O.
+Hints Resolve plus_n_O .
We now proceed to the similar property concerning the other constructor
-Lemma plus_n_S : (n,m:nat)(S (plus n m))=(plus n (S m)).
+Lemma plus_n_S : forall n m:nat, S (n + m) = (n + S m)%N.
We now go faster, remembering that tactic \verb:Induction: does the
@@ -1301,21 +1308,21 @@ necessary \verb:Intros: before applying \verb:Elim:. Factoring simplification
and automation in both cases thanks to tactic composition, we prove this
lemma in one line:
-Induction n; Simpl; Auto.
-Hints Resolve plus_n_S.
+oldinduction n; simpl; auto.
+Hints Resolve plus_n_S .
Let us end this exercise with the commutativity of \verb:plus::
-Lemma plus_com : (n,m:nat)(plus n m)=(plus m n).
+Lemma plus_com : forall n m:nat, (n + m)%N = (m + n)%N.
Here we have a choice on doing an induction on \verb:n: or on \verb:m:, the
situation being symmetric. For instance:
-Induction m; Simpl; Auto.
+oldinduction m; simpl; auto.
Here \verb:Auto: succeeded on the base case, thanks to our hint
@@ -1323,8 +1330,8 @@ Here \verb:Auto: succeeded on the base case, thanks to our hint
\verb:Auto: does not handle:
-Intros m' E; Rewrite <- E; Auto.
+intros m' E; rewrite <- E; auto.
@@ -1335,16 +1342,18 @@ the constructors \verb:O: and \verb:S:: it computes to \verb:False:
when its argument is \verb:O:, and to \verb:True: when its argument is
of the form \verb:(S n)::
-Definition Is_S
- := [n:nat]Cases n of O => False | (S p) => True end.
+Definition Is_S (n:nat) := match n with
+ | O => False
+ | S p => True
+ end.
Now we may use the computational power of \verb:Is_S: in order to prove
trivially that \verb:(Is_S (S n))::
-Lemma S_Is_S : (n:nat)(Is_S (S n)).
-Simpl; Trivial.
+Lemma S_Is_S : forall n:nat, Is_S (S n).
+simpl; trivial.
But we may also use it to transform a \verb:False: goal into
@@ -1352,26 +1361,26 @@ But we may also use it to transform a \verb:False: goal into
we want to prove that \verb:O: and \verb:S: construct different values, one
of Peano's axioms:
-Lemma no_confusion : (n:nat)~(O=(S n)).
+Lemma no_confusion : forall n:nat, 0%N <> S n.
First of all, we replace negation by its definition, by reducing the
goal with tactic \verb:Red:; then we get contradiction by successive
-Red; Intros n H.
+red; intros n H.
Now we use our trick:
-Change (Is_S O).
+change (Is_S 0).
Now we use equality in order to get a subgoal which computes out to
\verb:True:, which finishes the proof:
-Rewrite H; Trivial.
-Simpl; Trivial.
+rewrite H; trivial.
+simpl; trivial.
Actually, a specific tactic \verb:Discriminate: is provided
@@ -1380,8 +1389,8 @@ explicitly the relevant discrimination predicates:
-Intro n; Discriminate.
+intro n; discriminate.
@@ -1392,9 +1401,9 @@ may define inductive families, and for instance inductive predicates.
Here is the definition of predicate $\le$ over type \verb:nat:, as
given in \Coq's \verb:Prelude: module:
-Inductive le [n:nat] : nat -> Prop
- := le_n : (le n n)
- | le_S : (m:nat)(le n m)->(le n (S m)).
+Inductive le (n:nat) : nat -> Prop :=
+ | le_n : le n n
+ | le_S : forall m:nat, le n m -> le n (S m).
This definition introduces a new predicate \verb+le:nat->nat->Prop+,
@@ -1415,9 +1424,9 @@ Check le_ind.
Let us show how proofs may be conducted with this principle.
First we show that $n\le m \Rightarrow n+1\le m+1$:
-Lemma le_n_S : (n,m:nat)(le n m)->(le (S n) (S m)).
-Intros n m n_le_m.
-Elim n_le_m.
+Lemma le_n_S : forall n m:nat, le n m -> le (S n) (S m).
+intros n m n_le_m.
+elim n_le_m.
What happens here is similar to the behaviour of \verb:Elim: on natural
@@ -1426,8 +1435,8 @@ which generates the two subgoals, which may then be solved easily
%as if ``backchaining'' the current goal
with the help of the defining clauses of \verb:le:.
-Apply le_n; Trivial.
-Intros; Apply le_S; Trivial.
+apply le_n; trivial.
+intros; apply le_S; trivial.
Now we know that it is a good idea to give the defining clauses as hints,
@@ -1435,7 +1444,7 @@ so that the proof may proceed with a simple combination of
\verb:Induction: and \verb:Auto:.
-Hints Resolve le_n le_S.
+Hints Resolve le_n le_S .
We have a slight problem however. We want to say ``Do an induction on
@@ -1443,15 +1452,15 @@ hypothesis \verb:(le n m):'', but we have no explicit name for it. What we
do in this case is to say ``Do an induction on the first unnamed hypothesis'',
as follows.
-Induction 1; Auto.
+oldinduction 1; auto.
Here is a more tricky problem. Assume we want to show that
$n\le 0 \Rightarrow n=0$. This reasoning ought to follow simply from the
fact that only the first defining clause of \verb:le: applies.
-Lemma tricky : (n:nat)(le n O)->n=O.
+Lemma tricky : forall n:nat, le n 0 -> n = 0%N.
However, here trying something like \verb:Induction 1: would lead
@@ -1463,9 +1472,9 @@ that only \verb:le_n: applies, whence the result.
This analysis may be performed by the ``inversion'' tactic
\verb:Inversion_clear: as follows:
-Intros n H; Inversion_clear H.
+intros n H; inversion_clear H.
@@ -1480,7 +1489,7 @@ the library, you have to use the \verb"Require" command, as we saw for
classical logic above. For instance, if you want more arithmetic
constructions, you should request:
-Require Arith.
+Require Import Arith.
Such a command looks for a (compiled) module file \verb:Arith.vo: in
@@ -1496,7 +1505,7 @@ it resides in eponym subdirectory \verb=Arith= of the standard
library, it can be as well required by the command
-Require Coq.Arith.Arith.
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
This may be useful to avoid ambiguities if somewhere, in another branch
@@ -1547,7 +1556,7 @@ conclusion matching a given pattern, where \verb:?: can be used in
place of an arbitrary term.
-SearchPattern (plus ? ?)=?.
+SearchPattern ((_ + _)%N = _).
% The argument to give is a type and it searches in the current context all
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index c69c587b7..0f9173755 100644
--- a/doc/faq.tex
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@@ -178,8 +178,10 @@ the result (look at \verb=inj_pair2= in \vfile{\LogicEqdep}{Eqdep}).
elimination of reflexive equality proofs.
-Axiom Streicher_K: (U:Type)(x:U)(P:x=x->Prop)
- (P (refl_equal ? x))->(p:x=x)(P p).
+ Streicher_K :
+ forall (U:Type) (x:U) (P:x = x -> Prop),
+ P (refl_equal x) -> forall p:x = x, P p.
In the general case, axiom $K$ is an independent statement of the
@@ -192,27 +194,34 @@ Axiom $K$ is equivalent to {\em Uniqueness of Identity Proofs} \cite{HofStr98}
which states that
-Axiom UIP: (A:Set)(x,y:A)(p1,p2:x=y)p1==p2.
+Axiom UIP : forall (A:Set) (x y:A) (p1 p2:x = y), p1 = p2.
Axiom $K$ is also equivalent to {\em Uniqueness of Reflexive Identity Proofs} \cite{HofStr98}
-Axiom UIP_refl: (A:Set)(x:A)(p:x=x)p==(refl_equal A x).
+Axiom UIP_refl : forall (A:Set) (x:A) (p:x = x), p = refl_equal x.
Axiom $K$ is also equivalent to
-Axiom eq_rec_eq : (A:Set)(a:A)(P:A->Set)(p:(P p))(h:a==a) p=(eq_rect A a P p a h).
+ eq_rec_eq :
+ forall (A:Set) (a:A) (P:A -> Set) (p:P p) (h:a = a),
+ p = eq_rect P p h.
It is also equivalent to the injectivity of dependent equality (dependent equality is itself equivalent to equality of dependent pairs).
-Inductive eq_dep [U:Set;P:U->Set;p:U;x:(P p)] : (q:U)(P q)->Prop :=
- eq_dep_intro : (eq_dep U P p x p x).
-Axiom eq_dep_eq : (U:Set)(u:U)(P:U->Set)(p1,p2:(P u))(eq_dep U P u p1 u p2)->p1=p2.
+Inductive eq_dep (U:Set) (P:U -> Set) (p:U) (x:P p) :
+forall q:U, P q -> Prop :=
+ eq_dep_intro : eq_dep U P p x p x.
+ eq_dep_eq :
+ forall (U:Set) (u:U) (P:U -> Set) (p1 p2:P u),
+ eq_dep U P u p1 u p2 -> p1 = p2.
All of these statements can be found in file \vfile{\LogicEqdep}{Eqdep}.
@@ -227,14 +236,16 @@ nat} are discriminable. As discrimination property we take the
property to have no more than 2 elements.
-Theorem nat_bool_discr : ~bool==nat.
+Theorem nat_bool_discr : bool <> nat.
- Pose discr := [X:Set]~(a,b:X)~(x:X)~x=a->~x=b->False.
- Intro Heq; Assert H : (discr bool).
- Intro H; Apply (H true false); NewDestruct x; Auto.
- Rewrite Heq in H; Apply H; Clear H.
- NewDestruct a; NewDestruct b; Intro H0; EAuto.
- NewDestruct n; [Apply (H0 (S (S O))); Discriminate | EAuto].
+ pose discr :=
+ fun X:Set =>
+ ~ (forall a b:X, ~ (forall x:X, x <> a -> x <> b -> False)).
+ intro Heq; assert H: discr bool.
+ intro H; apply (H true false); destruct x; auto.
+ rewrite Heq in H; apply H; clear H.
+ destruct a; destruct b; intro H0; eauto.
+ destruct n; [ apply (H0 2%N); discriminate | eauto ].
@@ -245,24 +256,28 @@ predicate satisfied by the elements of the sets. As an example we show
the following theorem.
-Theorem le_le: (m,n:nat){x:nat | (le x m)} = {x:nat | (le x n)} -> m = n.
-Inductive discr_int_n [n:nat;X:Set] : Prop :=
- intro : (fst:X->nat)(snd:(x:X)(le (fst x) n))
- ((x,y:X)(exist ? [z](le z n) (fst x) (snd x))=
- (exist ? [z](le z n) (fst y) (snd y))->x=y)
- -> (discr_int_n n X).
+Theorem le_le :
+ forall m n:nat,
+ {x : nat | (x <= m)%N} = {x : nat | (x <= n)%N} -> m = n.
+Inductive discr_int_n (n:nat) (X:Set) : Prop :=
+ intro :
+ forall (fst:X -> nat) (snd:forall x:X, (fst x <= n)%N),
+ (forall x y:X,
+ exist (fun z => (z <= n)%N) (fst x) (snd x) =
+ exist (fun z => (z <= n)%N) (fst y) (snd y) -> x = y) ->
+ discr_int_n n X.
-Assert Hdiscr : (discr_int_n m {x:nat | (le x m)}).
-Split with (proj1_sig nat [x:?](le x m)) (proj2_sig nat [x:?](le x m)).
-NewDestruct x; NewDestruct y.
-Exact [x]x.
-Rewrite H in Hdiscr.
-Elim Hdiscr.
-Assert H1:=(snd (exist nat [z](le z (S n)) (S n) (le_n (S n)))).
-(* ... *)
+assert Hdiscr: discr_int_n m ({x : nat | (x <= m)%N}).
+split with
+ (proj1_sig (P:=(fun x => (x <= m)%N)))
+ (proj2_sig (P:=(fun x => (x <= m)%N))).
+destruct x; destruct y.
+exact (fun x => x).
+rewrite H in Hdiscr.
+elim Hdiscr.
+assert H1 :=
+ snd (A:=(exist (fun z => (z <= S n)%N) (S n) (le_n (S n)))).
@@ -283,7 +298,8 @@ Let {\tt A}, {\tt B} be types. To deal with extensionality on
own extensional equality on \verb=A->B=.
- Definition ext_eq [f,g:A->B] := (x:A)(f x)=(g x).
+Definition ext_eq (f
+ g:A -> B) := forall x:A, f x = g x.
and to reason on \verb=A->B= as a setoid (see the Chapter on
@@ -319,8 +335,8 @@ if its constructors embed sets or propositions. As an example, here is
a large inductive type:
- Inductive sigST [P:Set->Set] : Set
- := existST : (X:Set)(P X) -> (sigST P).
+Inductive sigST (P:Set -> Set) : Set :=
+ existST : forall X:Set, P X -> sigST P.
Large inductive definition have restricted elimination scheme to
@@ -337,9 +353,12 @@ Reset Initial.
- Inductive I : Set := intro : (k:Set)k -> I.
- Lemma eq_jdef : (x,y:nat) (intro ? x)=(intro ? y) -> x=y.
- Intros x y H; Injection H.
+Inductive I : Set :=
+ intro : forall k:Set, k -> I.
+Lemma eq_jdef :
+ forall x y:nat, intro _ x = intro _ y -> x = y.
+ intros x y H; injection H.
\answer Injectivity of constructors is restricted to predicative types. If
@@ -389,13 +408,13 @@ mergesort} as an example).
the arguments of the loop.
-Definition R [a,b:(list nat)] := (length a) < (length b).
+Definition R (a b:list nat) := (length a < length b)%N.
\item Prove that this order is well-founded (in fact that all elements in {\tt A} are accessible along {\tt R}).
-Lemma Rwf : (well_founded R).
+Lemma Rwf : well_founded (A:=R).
\item Define the step function (which needs proofs that recursive
@@ -416,7 +435,7 @@ Definition merge_step [l:(list nat)][f:(l':(list nat))(R l' l)->(list nat)] :=
\item Define the recursive function by fixpoint on the step function.
-Definition merge := (fix (list nat) R Rwf [_](list nat) merge_step).
+Definition merge := Fix Rwf (fun _ => list nat) merge_step.
@@ -522,15 +541,15 @@ apply the elimination scheme using the \verb=using= option of
\answer To reason by induction on pairs, just reason by induction on the first component then by case analysis on the second component. Here is an example:
-Require Arith.
+Require Import Arith.
-Infix "<" lt (at level 5, no associativity).
-Infix "<=" le (at level 5, no associativity).
-Lemma le_or_lt : (n,n0:nat) n0<n \/ n<=n0.
-NewInduction n; NewDestruct n0; Auto with arith.
-NewDestruct (IHn n0); Auto with arith.
+Infix "<" := lt (at level 50, no associativity).
+Infix "<=" := le (at level 50, no associativity).
+Lemma le_or_lt : forall n n0:nat, n0 < n \/ n <= n0.
+induction n; destruct n0; auto with arith.
+destruct (IHn n0); auto with arith.
\question{How to define a function by double recursion?}
@@ -539,13 +558,13 @@ NewDestruct (IHn n0); Auto with arith.
compilation algorithm to do the work for you. Here is an example:
-Fixpoint minus [n:nat] : nat -> nat :=
- [m:nat]Cases n m of
- O _ => O
- | (S k) O => (S k)
- | (S k) (S l) => (minus k l)
- end.
-Print minus.
+Fixpoint minus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
+ match n, m with
+ | O, _ => 0%N
+ | S k, O => S k
+ | S k, S l => minus k l
+ end.
+Print minus.
@@ -558,15 +577,19 @@ the simplest way?}
Here is what it gives on e.g. the type of streams on naturals
- Set Implicit Arguments.
- CoInductive Stream [A : Set] : Set := Cons : A->(Stream A)->(Stream A).
- CoFixpoint nats : nat -> (Stream nat) := [n](Cons n (nats (S n))).
- Lemma Stream_unfold : (n:nat)(nats n)= (Cons n (nats (S n))).
- Proof.
- Intro; Change (nats n) = (Cases (nats n) of (Cons x s) => (Cons x s) end).
- Case (nats n); Reflexivity.
- Qed.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+CoInductive Stream (A:Set) : Set :=
+ Cons : A -> Stream A -> Stream A.
+CoFixpoint nats (n:nat) : Stream nat := Cons n (nats (S n)).
+Lemma Stream_unfold :
+ forall n:nat, nats n = Cons n (nats (S n)).
+ intro;
+ change (nats n = match nats n with
+ | Cons x s => Cons x s
+ end).
+ case (nats n); reflexivity.
@@ -600,18 +623,14 @@ Reset Initial.
-Inductive Def1 : Set
- := c1 : Def1.
-Inductive DefProp : Def1 -> Set
- := c2 : (d:Def1)(DefProp d).
-Inductive Comb : Set
- := c3 : (d:Def1)(DefProp d) -> Comb.
-Lemma eq_comb
- : (d1,d1':Def1; d2:(DefProp d1); d2':(DefProp d1')) d1=d1' ->
- (c3 d1 d2)=(c3 d1' d2').
+Inductive Def1 : Set := c1 : Def1.
+Inductive DefProp : Def1 -> Set :=
+ c2 : forall d:Def1, DefProp d.
+Inductive Comb : Set :=
+ c3 : forall d:Def1, DefProp d -> Comb.
+Lemma eq_comb :
+ forall (d1 d1':Def1) (d2:DefProp d1) (d2':DefProp d1'),
+ d1 = d1' -> c3 d1 d2 = c3 d1' d2'.
\answer You need to derive the dependent elimination
@@ -623,33 +642,30 @@ Abort.
Scheme DefProp_elim := Induction for DefProp Sort Prop.
-Lemma eq_comb
- : (d1,d1':Def1)d1=d1'->(d2:(DefProp d1); d2':(DefProp d1'))
- (c3 d1 d2)=(c3 d1' d2').
-NewDestruct H.
-NewDestruct d2 using DefProp_elim.
-NewDestruct d2' using DefProp_elim.
+Lemma eq_comb :
+ forall d1 d1':Def1,
+ d1 = d1' ->
+ forall (d2:DefProp d1) (d2':DefProp d1'), c3 d1 d2 = c3 d1' d2'.
+destruct H.
+destruct d2 using DefProp_elim.
+destruct d2' using DefProp_elim.
\question{And what if I want to prove the following?}
-Inductive natProp : nat -> Prop
- := p0 : (natProp O)
- | pS : (n:nat)(natProp n) -> (natProp (S n)).
-Inductive package : Set
- := pack : (n:nat)(natProp n) -> package.
-Lemma eq_pack
- : (n,n':nat)
- n=n' ->
- (np:(natProp n); np':(natProp n'))
- (pack n np)=(pack n' np').
+Inductive natProp : nat -> Prop :=
+ | p0 : natProp 0%N
+ | pS : forall n:nat, natProp n -> natProp (S n).
+Inductive package : Set :=
+ pack : forall n:nat, natProp n -> package.
+Lemma eq_pack :
+ forall n n':nat,
+ n = n' ->
+ forall (np:natProp n) (np':natProp n'), pack n np = pack n' np'.
@@ -659,29 +675,26 @@ Abort.
Scheme natProp_elim := Induction for natProp Sort Prop.
-Definition pack_S : package -> package.
-NewDestruct 1.
-Apply (pack (S n)).
-Apply pS; Assumption.
+Definition pack_S : package -> package.
+destruct 1.
+apply (pack (S n)).
+apply pS; assumption.
-Lemma eq_pack
- : (n,n':nat)
- n=n' ->
- (np:(natProp n); np':(natProp n'))
- (pack n np)=(pack n' np').
-Intros n n' Heq np np'.
-Generalize Dependent n'.
-NewInduction np using natProp_elim.
-NewInduction np' using natProp_elim; Intros; Auto.
-Discriminate Heq.
-NewInduction np' using natProp_elim; Intros; Auto.
-Discriminate Heq.
-Change (pack_S (pack n np))=(pack_S (pack n0 np')).
-Apply (f_equal package).
-Apply IHnp.
+Lemma eq_pack :
+ forall n n':nat,
+ n = n' ->
+ forall (np:natProp n) (np':natProp n'), pack n np = pack n' np'.
+intros n n' Heq np np'.
+generalize dependent n'.
+induction np using natProp_elim.
+induction np' using natProp_elim; intros; auto.
+ discriminate Heq.
+induction np' using natProp_elim; intros; auto.
+ discriminate Heq.
+change (pack_S (pack n np) = pack_S (pack n0 np')).
+apply (f_equal (A:=package)).
+apply IHnp.