diff options
10 files changed, 99 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cc/cctac.ml4 b/contrib/cc/cctac.ml4
index ca4a24968..420d0e4db 100644
--- a/contrib/cc/cctac.ml4
+++ b/contrib/cc/cctac.ml4
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ exception Not_an_eq
let fail()=raise Not_an_eq
-let constr_of_string s () =
- constr_of_reference (Nametab.locate (qualid_of_string s))
-let eq2eqT_theo = constr_of_string "Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.eq2eqT"
-let eqT2eq_theo = constr_of_string "Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.eqT2eq"
-let congr_theo = constr_of_string "Coq.cc.CC.Congr_nodep"
-let congr_dep_theo = constr_of_string "Coq.cc.CC.Congr_dep"
+let constant dir s = lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant "CC" dir s)
+let eq2eqT_theo = constant ["Logic";"Eqdep_dec"] "eq2eqT"
+let eqT2eq_theo = constant ["Logic";"Eqdep_dec"] "eqT2eq"
+let congr_theo = constant ["cc";"CC"] "Congr_nodep"
+let congr_dep_theo = constant ["cc";"CC"] "Congr_dep"
let fresh_id1=id_of_string "eq1" and fresh_id2=id_of_string "eq2"
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let st_wrap theo tac=
(* generate an adhoc tactic following the proof tree *)
let rec proof_tac uf axioms=function
- Ax id->(fun gl->(st_wrap (eq2eqT_theo ()) (exact_check (mkVar id)) gl))
+ Ax id->(fun gl->(st_wrap (Lazy.force eq2eqT_theo) (exact_check (mkVar id)) gl))
| Refl t->reflexivity
| Trans (p1,p2)->let t=(make_term (snd (type_proof uf axioms p1))) in
(tclTHENS (transitivity t)
@@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ let rec proof_tac uf axioms=function
and ts2=(make_term s2) and tt2=(make_term t2) in
let typ1=pf_type_of gl ts1 and typ2=pf_type_of gl ts2 in
let (typb,_,_)=(eq_type_of_term gl.it.evar_concl) in
- let act=mkApp ((congr_theo ()),[|typ2;typb;ts1;tt1;ts2;tt2|]) in
+ let act=mkApp ((Lazy.force congr_theo),[|typ2;typb;ts1;tt1;ts2;tt2|]) in
(apply act)
[(proof_tac uf axioms p1);(proof_tac uf axioms p2)])
(let p=mkLambda(destProd typ1) in
- let acdt=mkApp((congr_dep_theo ()),[|typ2;p;ts1;tt1;ts2|]) in
+ let acdt=mkApp((Lazy.force congr_dep_theo),[|typ2;p;ts1;tt1;ts2|]) in
apply acdt) (proof_tac uf axioms p1))
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ let cc_tactic gl_sg=
match (cc_proof prb) with
None->errorlabstrm "CC" [< str "CC couldn't solve goal" >]
| Some (p,uf,axioms)->let tac=proof_tac uf axioms p in
- (tclORELSE (st_wrap (eqT2eq_theo ()) tac)
+ (tclORELSE (st_wrap (Lazy.force eqT2eq_theo) tac)
(fun _->errorlabstrm "CC"
[< str "CC doesn't know how to handle dependent equality." >]) gl_sg)
diff --git a/contrib/field/field.ml4 b/contrib/field/field.ml4
index c67dea9aa..6f5668b19 100644
--- a/contrib/field/field.ml4
+++ b/contrib/field/field.ml4
@@ -26,15 +26,7 @@ open Tacexpr
let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c
(* Construction of constants *)
-let constant dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath
- (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::"field"::dir))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Field: cannot find "^
- (Libnames.string_of_qualid (Libnames.make_qualid dir id)))
+let constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "Field" ("field"::dir) s
(* To deal with the optional arguments *)
let constr_of_opt a opt =
diff --git a/contrib/funind/tacinvutils.ml b/contrib/funind/tacinvutils.ml
index f99b548ee..d90b06419 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/tacinvutils.ml
+++ b/contrib/funind/tacinvutils.ml
@@ -66,22 +66,12 @@ let prNamedLConstr s lc =
prNamedLConstr_aux lc
-(* tire de const\_omega.ml *)
-let constant dir s =
- try
- Declare.global_absolute_reference
- (Libnames.make_path
- (Names.make_dirpath (List.map Names.id_of_string (List.rev dir)))
- (Names.id_of_string s))
- with e -> print_endline (String.concat "." dir); print_endline s;
- raise e
-(* fin const\_omega.ml *)
+let constant =Coqlib.gen_constant "Funind"
let mkEq typ c1 c2 =
mkApp (build_coq_eq_data.eq(),[| typ; c1; c2|])
let mkRefl typ c1 =
- mkApp ((constant ["Coq"; "Init"; "Logic"] "refl_equal"),
+ mkApp ((constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "refl_equal"),
[| typ; c1|])
let rec popn i c = if i<=0 then c else pop (popn (i-1) c)
@@ -183,7 +173,7 @@ let nth_dep_constructor indtype n =
build_dependent_constructor cstr_sum, cstr_sum.cs_nargs
-let coq_refl_equal = lazy(constant ["Coq"; "Init"; "Logic"] "refl_equal")
+let coq_refl_equal = lazy(constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "refl_equal")
let rec buildrefl_from_eqs eqs =
match eqs with
diff --git a/contrib/interface/pbp.ml b/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
index b5d6601c6..9b1602ad4 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
+++ b/contrib/interface/pbp.ml
@@ -222,29 +222,21 @@ let (imply_elim2: pbp_rule) = function
make_clears clear_names]))
| _ -> None;;
-let reference dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath
- (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::"Init"::[dir]))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Nametab.absolute_reference (Libnames.make_path dir id)
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Coqlib: cannot find "^
- (Libnames.string_of_qualid (Libnames.make_qualid dir id)))
-let constant dir s = constr_of_reference (reference dir s);;
+let reference dir s = Coqlib.gen_reference "Pbp" ("Init"::dir) s
+let constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "Pbp" ("Init"::dir) s
let andconstr: unit -> constr = Coqlib.build_coq_and;;
-let prodconstr () = constant "Datatypes" "prod";;
+let prodconstr () = constant ["Datatypes"] "prod";;
let exconstr = Coqlib.build_coq_ex;;
-let exTconstr () = constant "Logic_Type" "exT";;
-let sigconstr () = constant "Specif" "sig";;
+let exTconstr () = constant ["Logic_Type"] "exT";;
+let sigconstr () = constant ["Specif"] "sig";;
let sigTconstr () = (Coqlib.build_sigma_type()).Coqlib.typ;;
let orconstr = Coqlib.build_coq_or;;
let sumboolconstr = Coqlib.build_coq_sumbool;;
-let sumconstr() = constant "Datatypes" "sum";;
+let sumconstr() = constant ["Datatypes"] "sum";;
let notconstr = Coqlib.build_coq_not;;
-let notTconstr () = constant "Logic_Type" "notT";;
+let notTconstr () = constant ["Logic_Type"] "notT";;
let is_matching_local a b = is_matching (pattern_of_constr a) b;;
diff --git a/contrib/omega/coq_omega.ml b/contrib/omega/coq_omega.ml
index 93408cbc4..6f988076e 100644
--- a/contrib/omega/coq_omega.ml
+++ b/contrib/omega/coq_omega.ml
@@ -193,14 +193,7 @@ let recognize_number t =
To use the constant Zplus, one must type "Lazy.force coq_Zplus"
This is the right way to access to Coq constants in tactics ML code *)
-let constant dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::dir))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Coq_omega: cannot find "^
- (Libnames.string_of_qualid (Libnames.make_qualid dir id)))
+let constant = Coqlib.gen_constant "Omega"
let arith_constant dir = constant ("Arith"::dir)
let zarith_constant dir = constant ("ZArith"::dir)
diff --git a/contrib/ring/quote.ml b/contrib/ring/quote.ml
index a2798d7a7..393eff193 100644
--- a/contrib/ring/quote.ml
+++ b/contrib/ring/quote.ml
@@ -119,15 +119,7 @@ open Tacexpr
We do that lazily, because this code can be linked before
the constants are loaded in the environment *)
-let constant dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath
- (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::"ring"::dir))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Quote: cannot find "^
- (Libnames.string_of_qualid (Libnames.make_qualid dir id)))
+let constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "Quote" ("ring"::dir) s
let coq_Empty_vm = lazy (constant ["Quote"] "Empty_vm")
let coq_Node_vm = lazy (constant ["Quote"] "Node_vm")
diff --git a/contrib/ring/ring.ml b/contrib/ring/ring.ml
index f4848c729..c360f795a 100644
--- a/contrib/ring/ring.ml
+++ b/contrib/ring/ring.ml
@@ -38,14 +38,7 @@ open Quote
let mt_evd = Evd.empty
let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr mt_evd (Global.env()) c
-let constant dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::dir))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Ring: cannot find "^
- (Libnames.string_of_qualid (Libnames.make_qualid dir id)))
+let constant = Coqlib.gen_constant "Ring"
(* Ring theory *)
let coq_Ring_Theory = lazy (constant ["ring";"Ring_theory"] "Ring_Theory")
diff --git a/interp/coqlib.ml b/interp/coqlib.ml
index 86857a17c..7c49c18c2 100644
--- a/interp/coqlib.ml
+++ b/interp/coqlib.ml
@@ -17,6 +17,22 @@ open Pattern
open Nametab
let make_dir l = make_dirpath (List.map id_of_string (List.rev l))
+let gen_reference locstr dir s =
+ let dir = make_dir ("Coq"::dir) in
+ let id = id_of_string s in
+ try
+ Nametab.absolute_reference (Libnames.make_path dir id)
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly (locstr^": cannot find "^(string_of_qualid (make_qualid dir id)))
+let gen_constant locstr dir s =
+ constr_of_reference (gen_reference locstr dir s)
+let init_reference dir s=gen_reference "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let init_constant dir s=gen_constant "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
let coq_id = id_of_string "Coq"
let init_id = id_of_string "Init"
let arith_id = id_of_string "Arith"
@@ -45,16 +61,6 @@ let eqT_path = make_path logic_module (id_of_string "eq")
let glob_eq = IndRef (eq_path,0)
let glob_eqT = IndRef (eqT_path,0)
-let reference dir s =
- let dir = make_dir ("Coq"::"Init"::[dir]) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Nametab.absolute_reference (Libnames.make_path dir id)
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Coqlib: cannot find "^(string_of_qualid (make_qualid dir id)))
-let constant dir s = constr_of_reference (reference dir s)
type coq_sigma_data = {
proj1 : constr;
proj2 : constr;
@@ -65,18 +71,18 @@ type coq_sigma_data = {
type 'a delayed = unit -> 'a
let build_sigma_set () =
- { proj1 = constant "Specif" "projS1";
- proj2 = constant "Specif" "projS2";
- elim = constant "Specif" "sigS_rec";
- intro = constant "Specif" "existS";
- typ = constant "Specif" "sigS" }
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projS1";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projS2";
+ elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigS_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existS";
+ typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigS" }
let build_sigma_type () =
- { proj1 = constant "Specif" "projT1";
- proj2 = constant "Specif" "projT2";
- elim = constant "Specif" "sigT_rec";
- intro = constant "Specif" "existT";
- typ = constant "Specif" "sigT" }
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT1";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT2";
+ elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existT";
+ typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT" }
(* Equalities *)
type coq_leibniz_eq_data = {
@@ -87,16 +93,16 @@ type coq_leibniz_eq_data = {
congr: constr delayed;
sym : constr delayed }
-let constant dir id = lazy (constant dir id)
+let lazy_init_constant dir id = lazy (init_constant dir id)
(* Equality on Set *)
-let coq_eq_eq = constant "Logic" "eq"
-let coq_eq_ind = constant "Logic" "eq_ind"
-let coq_eq_rec = constant "Logic" "eq_rec"
-let coq_eq_rect = constant "Logic" "eq_rect"
-let coq_eq_congr = constant "Logic" "f_equal"
-let coq_eq_sym = constant "Logic" "sym_eq"
-let coq_f_equal2 = constant "Logic" "f_equal2"
+let coq_eq_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eq_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eq_rec = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_rec"
+let coq_eq_rect = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_rect"
+let coq_eq_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eq_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "sym_eq"
+let coq_f_equal2 = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal2"
let build_coq_eq_data = {
eq = (fun () -> Lazy.force coq_eq_eq);
@@ -110,15 +116,16 @@ let build_coq_eq = build_coq_eq_data.eq
let build_coq_f_equal2 () = Lazy.force coq_f_equal2
(* Specif *)
-let coq_sumbool = constant "Specif" "sumbool"
+let coq_sumbool = lazy_init_constant ["Specif"] "sumbool"
let build_coq_sumbool () = Lazy.force coq_sumbool
(* Equality on Type *)
-let coq_eqT_eq = constant "Logic" "eq"
-let coq_eqT_ind = constant "Logic" "eq_ind"
-let coq_eqT_congr =constant "Logic" "f_equal"
-let coq_eqT_sym = constant "Logic" "sym_eq"
+let coq_eqT_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eqT_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eqT_congr =lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eqT_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "sym_eq"
let build_coq_eqT_data = {
eq = (fun () -> Lazy.force coq_eqT_eq);
@@ -132,12 +139,12 @@ let build_coq_eqT = build_coq_eqT_data.eq
let build_coq_sym_eqT = build_coq_eqT_data.sym
(* Equality on Type as a Type *)
-let coq_idT_eq = constant "Logic_Type" "identityT"
-let coq_idT_ind = constant "Logic_Type" "identityT_ind"
-let coq_idT_rec = constant "Logic_Type" "identityT_rec"
-let coq_idT_rect = constant "Logic_Type" "identityT_rect"
-let coq_idT_congr = constant "Logic_Type" "congr_idT"
-let coq_idT_sym = constant "Logic_Type" "sym_idT"
+let coq_idT_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identityT"
+let coq_idT_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identityT_ind"
+let coq_idT_rec = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identityT_rec"
+let coq_idT_rect = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identityT_rect"
+let coq_idT_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "congr_idT"
+let coq_idT_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "sym_idT"
let build_coq_idT_data = {
eq = (fun () -> Lazy.force coq_idT_eq);
@@ -148,24 +155,24 @@ let build_coq_idT_data = {
sym = (fun () -> Lazy.force coq_idT_sym) }
(* Empty Type *)
-let coq_EmptyT = constant "Logic_Type" "EmptyT"
+let coq_EmptyT = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "EmptyT"
(* Unit Type and its unique inhabitant *)
-let coq_UnitT = constant "Logic_Type" "UnitT"
-let coq_IT = constant "Logic_Type" "IT"
+let coq_UnitT = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "UnitT"
+let coq_IT = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "IT"
(* The False proposition *)
-let coq_False = constant "Logic" "False"
+let coq_False = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "False"
(* The True proposition and its unique proof *)
-let coq_True = constant "Logic" "True"
-let coq_I = constant "Logic" "I"
+let coq_True = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "True"
+let coq_I = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "I"
(* Connectives *)
-let coq_not = constant "Logic" "not"
-let coq_and = constant "Logic" "and"
-let coq_or = constant "Logic" "or"
-let coq_ex = constant "Logic" "ex"
+let coq_not = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "not"
+let coq_and = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "and"
+let coq_or = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "or"
+let coq_ex = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "ex"
(* Runtime part *)
let build_coq_EmptyT () = Lazy.force coq_EmptyT
@@ -216,15 +223,15 @@ let coq_eqdec_pattern =
(* The following is less readable but does not depend on parsing *)
-let coq_eq_ref = lazy (reference "Logic" "eq")
-let coq_eqT_ref = lazy (reference "Logic" "eq")
-let coq_idT_ref = lazy (reference "Logic_Type" "identityT")
-let coq_existS_ref = lazy (reference "Specif" "existS")
-let coq_existT_ref = lazy (reference "Specif" "existT")
-let coq_not_ref = lazy (reference "Logic" "not")
-let coq_False_ref = lazy (reference "Logic" "False")
-let coq_sumbool_ref = lazy (reference "Specif" "sumbool")
-let coq_sig_ref = lazy (reference "Specif" "sig")
+let coq_eq_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "eq")
+let coq_eqT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "eq")
+let coq_idT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic_Type"] "identityT")
+let coq_existS_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existS")
+let coq_existT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existT")
+let coq_not_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "not")
+let coq_False_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "False")
+let coq_sumbool_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "sumbool")
+let coq_sig_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "sig")
(* Pattern "(sig ?1 ?2)" *)
let coq_sig_pattern =
diff --git a/interp/coqlib.mli b/interp/coqlib.mli
index dbe99e399..2c035cc34 100644
--- a/interp/coqlib.mli
+++ b/interp/coqlib.mli
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ open Pattern
(*s This module collects the global references, constructions and
patterns of the standard library used in ocaml files *)
+(*s Some utilities, the first argument is used for error messages.
+ Must be used lazyly. s*)
+val gen_reference : string->string list -> string -> global_reference
+val gen_constant : string->string list -> string -> constr
(*s Global references *)
(* Modules *)
diff --git a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
index 4468fd4d3..e397cd0cf 100644
--- a/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
+++ b/tactics/setoid_replace.ml
@@ -47,23 +47,9 @@ type morphism =
let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c
-let constant dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath
- (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::"Setoids"::dir))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Setoid: cannot find "^(string_of_qualid (make_qualid dir id)))
-let global_constant dir s =
- let dir = make_dirpath
- (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::"Init"::dir))) in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- try
- Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ("Setoid: cannot find "^(string_of_qualid (make_qualid dir id)))
+let constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "Setoid_replace" ("Setoids"::dir) s
+let global_constant dir s =Coqlib.gen_constant "Setoid_replace" ("Init"::dir) s
let current_constant id =