diff options
25 files changed, 4071 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 92f453590..480bd5328 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ SORTINGVO=\
theories/Sorting/Heap.vo theories/Sorting/Permutation.vo \
theories/Sorting/Sorting.vo theories/Sorting/PermutSetoid.vo \
theories/Bool/Bool.vo theories/Bool/IfProp.vo \
theories/Bool/Zerob.vo theories/Bool/DecBool.vo \
@@ -1046,6 +1046,34 @@ REALSVO=$(REALSBASEVO) $(REALS_$(REALS))
+ $(INTAXIOMSDIR)/ZAxioms.vo $(INTAXIOMSDIR)/ZDomain.vo\
+ $(INTAXIOMSDIR)/ZOrder.vo $(INTAXIOMSDIR)/ZPlusOrder.vo\
+ $(INTAXIOMSDIR)/ZPlus.vo $(INTAXIOMSDIR)/ZTimesOrder.vo\
@@ -1079,6 +1107,11 @@ reals: $(REALSVO)
allreals: $(ALLREALS)
setoids: $(SETOIDSVO)
sorting: $(SORTINGVO)
+# numbers
+natural: $(NATURALVO)
+integer: $(INTEGERVO)
+rational: $(RATIONALVO)
+numbers: $(NUMBERSVO)
noreal: logic arith bool zarith qarith lists sets fsets intmap relations \
wellfounded setoids sorting
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZAxioms.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f0eab8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZAxioms.v
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Require Import NumPrelude.
+Require Import ZDomain.
+Module Type IntSignature.
+Declare Module Export DomainModule : DomainSignature.
+Parameter Inline O : Z.
+Parameter Inline S : Z -> Z.
+Parameter Inline P : Z -> Z.
+Notation "0" := O.
+Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as S_wd.
+Add Morphism P with signature E ==> E as P_wd.
+Axiom S_inj : forall x y : Z, S x == S y -> x == y.
+Axiom S_P : forall x : Z, S (P x) == x.
+Axiom induction :
+ forall Q : Z -> Prop,
+ pred_wd E Q -> Q 0 ->
+ (forall x, Q x -> Q (S x)) ->
+ (forall x, Q x -> Q (P x)) -> forall x, Q x.
+End IntSignature.
+Module IntProperties (Export IntModule : IntSignature).
+Module Export DomainPropertiesModule := DomainProperties DomainModule.
+Ltac induct n :=
+ try intros until n;
+ pattern n; apply induction; clear n;
+ [unfold NumPrelude.pred_wd;
+ let n := fresh "n" in
+ let m := fresh "m" in
+ let H := fresh "H" in intros n m H; qmorphism n m | | |].
+Theorem P_inj : forall x y, P x == P y -> x == y.
+intros x y H.
+setoid_replace x with (S (P x)); [| symmetry; apply S_P].
+setoid_replace y with (S (P y)); [| symmetry; apply S_P].
+now rewrite H.
+Theorem P_S : forall x, P (S x) == x.
+intro x.
+apply S_inj.
+now rewrite S_P.
+(* The following tactics are intended for replacing a certain
+occurrence of a term t in the goal by (S (P t)) or by (P (S t)).
+Unfortunately, this cannot be done by setoid_replace tactic for two
+reasons. First, it seems impossible to do rewriting when one side of
+the equation in question (S_P or P_S) is a variable, due to bug 1604.
+This does not work even when the predicate is an identifier (e.g.,
+when one tries to rewrite (Q x) into (Q (S (P x)))). Second, the
+setoid_rewrite tactic, like the ordinary rewrite tactic, does not
+allow specifying the exact occurrence of the term to be rewritten. Now
+while not in the setoid context, this occurrence can be specified
+using the pattern tactic, it does not work with setoids, since pattern
+creates a lambda abstractuion, and setoid_rewrite does not work with
+them. *)
+Ltac rewrite_SP t set_tac repl thm :=
+let x := fresh "x" in
+set_tac x t;
+setoid_replace x with (repl x); [| symmetry; apply thm];
+unfold x; clear x.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_S_P" constr(t) :=
+rewrite_SP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t))) (fun x => (S (P x))) S_P.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_S_P" constr(t) "at" integer(k) :=
+rewrite_SP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t) in |-* at k)) (fun x => (S (P x))) S_P.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_P_S" constr(t) :=
+rewrite_SP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t))) (fun x => (P (S x))) P_S.
+Tactic Notation "rewrite_P_S" constr(t) "at" integer(k) :=
+rewrite_SP t ltac:(fun x t => (set (x := t) in |-* at k)) (fun x => (P (S x))) P_S.
+(* One can add tactic notations for replacements in assumptions rather
+than in the goal. For the reason of many possible variants, the core
+of the tactic is factored out. *)
+Section Induction.
+Variable Q : Z -> Prop.
+Hypothesis Q_wd : pred_wd E Q.
+Add Morphism Q with signature E ==> iff as Q_morph.
+Proof Q_wd.
+Theorem induction_n :
+ forall n, Q n ->
+ (forall m, Q m -> Q (S m)) ->
+ (forall m, Q m -> Q (P m)) -> forall m, Q m.
+induct n.
+intros; now apply induction.
+intros n IH H1 H2 H3; apply IH; try assumption. apply H3 in H1; now rewrite P_S in H1.
+intros n IH H1 H2 H3; apply IH; try assumption. apply H2 in H1; now rewrite S_P in H1.
+End Induction.
+Ltac induct_n k n :=
+ try intros until k;
+ pattern k; apply induction_n with (n := n); clear k;
+ [unfold NumPrelude.pred_wd;
+ let n := fresh "n" in
+ let m := fresh "m" in
+ let H := fresh "H" in intros n m H; qmorphism n m | | |].
+End IntProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZDomain.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZDomain.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00eab8842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZDomain.v
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Require Import NumPrelude.
+Module Type DomainSignature.
+Parameter Z : Set.
+Parameter E : relation Z.
+Parameter e : Z -> Z -> bool.
+Axiom E_equiv_e : forall x y : Z, E x y <-> e x y.
+Axiom E_equiv : equiv Z E.
+Add Relation Z E
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
+as E_rel.
+Notation "x == y" := (E x y) (at level 70).
+Notation "x # y" := (~ E x y) (at level 70).
+End DomainSignature.
+Module DomainProperties (Export DomainModule : DomainSignature).
+Add Morphism e with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as e_wd.
+intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
+case_eq (e x y); case_eq (e x' y'); intros H1 H2; trivial.
+assert (x == y); [apply <- E_equiv_e; now rewrite H2 |
+assert (x' == y'); [rewrite <- Exx'; now rewrite <- Eyy' |
+rewrite <- H1; assert (H3 : e x' y'); [now apply -> E_equiv_e | now inversion H3]]].
+assert (x' == y'); [apply <- E_equiv_e; now rewrite H1 |
+assert (x == y); [rewrite Exx'; now rewrite Eyy' |
+rewrite <- H2; assert (H3 : e x y); [now apply -> E_equiv_e | now inversion H3]]].
+Theorem neq_symm : forall n m, n # m -> m # n.
+intros n m H1 H2; symmetry in H2; false_hyp H2 H1.
+End DomainProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZOrder.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZOrder.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1983d6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZOrder.v
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+Require Import NumPrelude.
+Require Import ZDomain.
+Require Import ZAxioms.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.Zmisc. (* for iter_nat *)
+Module Type OrderSignature.
+Declare Module Export IntModule : IntSignature.
+Parameter Inline lt : Z -> Z -> bool.
+Parameter Inline le : Z -> Z -> bool.
+Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+Add Morphism le with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as le_wd.
+Notation "n < m" := (lt n m).
+Notation "n <= m" := (le n m).
+Axiom le_lt : forall n m, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n == m.
+Axiom lt_irr : forall n, ~ (n < n).
+Axiom lt_S : forall n m, n < (S m) <-> n <= m.
+End OrderSignature.
+Module OrderProperties (Export OrderModule : OrderSignature).
+Module Export IntPropertiesModule := IntProperties IntModule.
+Ltac le_intro1 := rewrite le_lt; left.
+Ltac le_intro2 := rewrite le_lt; right.
+Ltac le_elim H := rewrite le_lt in H; destruct H as [H | H].
+Theorem le_refl : forall n, n <= n.
+intro n; now le_intro2.
+Theorem lt_n_Sn : forall n, n < S n.
+intro n. rewrite lt_S. now le_intro2.
+Theorem le_n_Sn : forall n, n <= S n.
+intro; le_intro1; apply lt_n_Sn.
+Theorem lt_Pn_n : forall n, P n < n.
+intro n; rewrite_S_P n at 2; apply lt_n_Sn.
+Theorem le_Pn_n : forall n, P n <= n.
+intro; le_intro1; apply lt_Pn_n.
+Theorem lt_n_Sm : forall n m, n < m -> n < S m.
+intros. rewrite lt_S. now le_intro1.
+Theorem le_n_Sm : forall n m, n <= m -> n <= S m.
+intros n m H; rewrite <- lt_S in H; now le_intro1.
+Theorem lt_n_m_P : forall n m, n < m <-> n <= P m.
+intros n m; rewrite_S_P m; rewrite P_S; apply lt_S.
+Theorem not_le_n_Pn : forall n, ~ n <= P n.
+intros n H; le_elim H.
+apply lt_n_Sm in H; rewrite S_P in H; false_hyp H lt_irr.
+pose proof (lt_Pn_n n) as H1; rewrite <- H in H1; false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+Theorem le_S : forall n m, n <= S m <-> n <= m \/ n == S m.
+intros n m; rewrite le_lt. now rewrite lt_S.
+Theorem lt_P : forall n m, (P n) < m <-> n <= m.
+intro n; induct_n m (P n).
+split; intro H. false_hyp H lt_irr. false_hyp H not_le_n_Pn.
+intros m IH; split; intro H.
+apply -> lt_S in H; le_elim H.
+apply -> IH in H; now apply le_n_Sm.
+rewrite <- H; rewrite S_P; now le_intro2.
+apply -> le_S in H; destruct H as [H | H].
+apply <- IH in H. now apply lt_n_Sm. rewrite H; rewrite P_S; apply lt_n_Sn.
+intros m IH; split; intro H.
+pose proof H as H1. apply lt_n_Sm in H; rewrite S_P in H.
+apply -> IH in H; le_elim H. now apply -> lt_n_m_P.
+rewrite H in H1; false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+pose proof H as H1. apply le_n_Sm in H. rewrite S_P in H.
+apply <- IH in H. apply -> lt_n_m_P in H. le_elim H.
+assumption. apply P_inj in H; rewrite H in H1; false_hyp H1 not_le_n_Pn.
+Theorem lt_Pn_m : forall n m, n < m -> P n < m.
+intros; rewrite lt_P; now le_intro1.
+Theorem le_Pn_m : forall n m, n <= m -> P n <= m.
+intros n m H; rewrite <- lt_P in H; now le_intro1.
+Theorem lt_n_m_S : forall n m, n < m <-> S n <= m.
+intros n m; rewrite_P_S n; rewrite S_P; apply lt_P.
+Theorem lt_Sn_m : forall n m, S n < m -> n < m.
+intros n m H; rewrite_P_S n; now apply lt_Pn_m.
+Theorem le_Sn_m : forall n m, S n <= m -> n <= m.
+intros n m H; rewrite <- lt_n_m_S in H; now le_intro1.
+Theorem lt_n_Pm : forall n m, n < P m -> n < m.
+intros n m H; rewrite_S_P m; now apply lt_n_Sm.
+Theorem le_n_Pm : forall n m, n <= P m -> n <= m.
+intros n m H; rewrite <- lt_n_m_P in H; now le_intro1.
+Theorem lt_respects_S : forall n m, n < m <-> S n < S m.
+intros n m. rewrite lt_n_m_S. symmetry. apply lt_S.
+Theorem le_respects_S : forall n m, n <= m <-> S n <= S m.
+intros n m. do 2 rewrite le_lt.
+firstorder using lt_respects_S S_wd S_inj.
+Theorem lt_respects_P : forall n m, n < m <-> P n < P m.
+intros n m. rewrite lt_n_m_P. symmetry; apply lt_P.
+Theorem le_respects_P : forall n m, n <= m <-> P n <= P m.
+intros n m. do 2 rewrite le_lt.
+firstorder using lt_respects_P P_wd P_inj.
+Theorem lt_S_P : forall n m, S n < m <-> n < P m.
+intros n m; rewrite_P_S n at 2; apply lt_respects_P.
+Theorem le_S_P : forall n m, S n <= m <-> n <= P m.
+intros n m; rewrite_P_S n at 2; apply le_respects_P.
+Theorem lt_P_S : forall n m, P n < m <-> n < S m.
+intros n m; rewrite_S_P n at 2; apply lt_respects_S.
+Theorem le_P_S : forall n m, P n <= m <-> n <= S m.
+intros n m; rewrite_S_P n at 2; apply le_respects_S.
+Theorem lt_neq : forall n m, n < m -> n # m.
+intros n m H1 H2; rewrite H2 in H1; false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+Theorem lt_trans : forall n m p, n < m -> m < p -> n < p.
+intros n m; induct_n n m.
+intros p H _; false_hyp H lt_irr.
+intros n IH p H1 H2. apply lt_Sn_m in H1. pose proof (IH p H1 H2) as H3.
+rewrite lt_n_m_S in H3; le_elim H3.
+assumption. rewrite <- H3 in H2. rewrite lt_S in H2; le_elim H2.
+elimtype False; apply lt_irr with (n := n); now apply IH.
+rewrite H2 in H1; false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+intros n IH p H1 H2. apply lt_Pn_m. rewrite lt_P in H1; le_elim H1.
+now apply IH. now rewrite H1.
+Theorem le_trans : forall n m p, n <= m -> m <= p -> n <= p.
+intros n m p H1 H2; le_elim H1.
+le_elim H2. le_intro1; now apply lt_trans with (m := m).
+le_intro1; now rewrite <- H2. now rewrite H1.
+Theorem le_lt_trans : forall n m p, n <= m -> m < p -> n < p.
+intros n m p H1 H2; le_elim H1.
+now apply lt_trans with (m := m). now rewrite H1.
+Theorem lt_le_trans : forall n m p, n < m -> m <= p -> n < p.
+intros n m p H1 H2; le_elim H2.
+now apply lt_trans with (m := m). now rewrite <- H2.
+Theorem lt_asymm : forall n m, n < m -> ~ m < n.
+intros n m H1 H2; apply lt_irr with (n := n); now apply lt_trans with (m := m).
+Theorem le_antisym : forall n m, n <= m -> m <= n -> n == m.
+intros n m H1 H2; le_elim H1; le_elim H2.
+elimtype False; apply lt_irr with (n := n); now apply lt_trans with (m := m).
+now symmetry. assumption. assumption.
+Theorem not_lt_Sn_n : forall n, ~ S n < n.
+intros n H; apply (lt_asymm n (S n)). apply lt_n_Sn. assumption.
+Theorem not_le_Sn_n : forall n, ~ S n <= n.
+intros n H; le_elim H. false_hyp H not_lt_Sn_n.
+pose proof (lt_n_Sn n) as H1. rewrite H in H1; false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+Theorem lt_gt : forall n m, n < m -> m < n -> False.
+intros n m H1 H2; apply lt_irr with (n := n); now apply lt_trans with (m := m).
+Theorem lt_total : forall n m, n < m \/ n == m \/ m < n.
+intros n m; induct_n n m.
+right; now left.
+intros n IH; destruct IH as [H | [H | H]].
+rewrite lt_n_m_S in H. rewrite le_lt in H; tauto.
+right; right; rewrite H; apply lt_n_Sn.
+right; right; now apply lt_n_Sm.
+intros n IH; destruct IH as [H | [H | H]].
+left; now apply lt_Pn_m.
+left; rewrite H; apply lt_Pn_n.
+rewrite lt_n_m_P in H. rewrite le_lt in H.
+setoid_replace (m == P n) with (P n == m) in H using relation iff. tauto.
+split; intro; now symmetry.
+Theorem le_gt : forall n m, n <= m <-> ~ m < n.
+intros n m. rewrite -> le_lt.
+pose proof (lt_total n m). pose proof (lt_gt n m).
+assert (n == m -> ~ m < n); [intro A; rewrite A; apply lt_irr |].
+Theorem lt_ge : forall n m, n < m <-> ~ m <= n.
+intros n m. rewrite -> le_lt.
+pose proof (lt_total m n). pose proof (lt_gt n m).
+assert (n < m -> m # n); [intros A B; rewrite B in A; false_hyp A lt_irr |].
+Theorem lt_discrete : forall n m, n < m -> m < S n -> False.
+intros n m H1 H2; apply -> lt_S in H2; apply -> lt_ge in H1; false_hyp H2 H1.
+(* Decidability of order can be proved either from totality or from the fact
+that < and <= are boolean functions *)
+(** A corollary of having an order is that Z is infinite in both
+directions *)
+Theorem neq_Sn_n : forall n, S n # n.
+intros n H. pose proof (lt_n_Sn n) as H1. rewrite H in H1. false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+Theorem neq_Pn_n : forall n, P n # n.
+intros n H. apply S_wd in H. rewrite S_P in H. now apply neq_Sn_n with (n := n).
+Lemma lt_n_Skn :
+ forall (n : Z) (k : nat), n < iter_nat (Datatypes.S k) Z S n.
+intro n; induction k as [| k IH]; simpl in *.
+apply lt_n_Sn. now apply lt_n_Sm.
+Lemma lt_Pkn_n :
+ forall (n : Z) (k : nat), iter_nat (Datatypes.S k) Z P n < n.
+intro n; induction k as [| k IH]; simpl in *.
+apply lt_Pn_n. now apply lt_Pn_m.
+Theorem neq_n_Skn :
+ forall (n : Z) (k : nat), iter_nat (Datatypes.S k) Z S n # n.
+intros n k H. pose proof (lt_n_Skn n k) as H1. rewrite H in H1.
+false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+Theorem neq_Pkn_n :
+ forall (n : Z) (k : nat), iter_nat (Datatypes.S k) Z P n # n.
+intros n k H. pose proof (lt_Pkn_n n k) as H1. rewrite H in H1.
+false_hyp H1 lt_irr.
+(** Stronger variant of induction with assumptions n >= 0 (n <= 0)
+in the induction step *)
+Section Induction.
+Variable Q : Z -> Prop.
+Hypothesis Q_wd : pred_wd E Q.
+Add Morphism Q with signature E ==> iff as Q_morph.
+Proof Q_wd.
+Section Center.
+Variable z : Z. (* Q z is the basis of induction *)
+Section RightInduction.
+Let Q' := fun n : Z => forall m, z <= m -> m < n -> Q m.
+Add Morphism Q' with signature E ==> iff as Q'_pos_wd.
+intros x1 x2 H; unfold Q'; qmorphism x1 x2.
+Theorem right_induction :
+ Q z -> (forall n, z <= n -> Q n -> Q (S n)) -> forall n, z <= n -> Q n.
+intros Qz QS k k_ge_z.
+assert (H : forall n, Q' n). induct_n n z; unfold Q'.
+intros m H1 H2. apply -> le_gt in H1; false_hyp H2 H1.
+intros n IH m H2 H3.
+rewrite lt_S in H3; le_elim H3. now apply IH.
+le_elim H2. rewrite_S_P m.
+apply QS. now apply -> lt_n_m_P. apply IH. now apply -> lt_n_m_P.
+rewrite H3; apply lt_Pn_n. now rewrite <- H2.
+intros n IH m H2 H3. apply IH. assumption. now apply lt_n_Pm.
+pose proof (H (S k)) as H1; unfold Q' in H1. apply H1.
+apply k_ge_z. apply lt_n_Sn.
+End RightInduction.
+Section LeftInduction.
+Let Q' := fun n : Z => forall m, m <= z -> n < m -> Q m.
+Add Morphism Q' with signature E ==> iff as Q'_neg_wd.
+intros x1 x2 H; unfold Q'; qmorphism x1 x2.
+Theorem left_induction :
+ Q z -> (forall n, n <= z -> Q n -> Q (P n)) -> forall n, n <= z -> Q n.
+intros Qz QP k k_le_z.
+assert (H : forall n, Q' n). induct_n n z; unfold Q'.
+intros m H1 H2. apply -> le_gt in H1; false_hyp H2 H1.
+intros n IH m H2 H3. apply IH. assumption. now apply lt_Sn_m.
+intros n IH m H2 H3.
+rewrite lt_P in H3; le_elim H3. now apply IH.
+le_elim H2. rewrite_P_S m.
+apply QP. now apply -> lt_n_m_S. apply IH. now apply -> lt_n_m_S.
+rewrite H3; apply lt_n_Sn. now rewrite H2.
+pose proof (H (P k)) as H1; unfold Q' in H1. apply H1.
+apply k_le_z. apply lt_Pn_n.
+End LeftInduction.
+Theorem induction_ord_n :
+ Q z ->
+ (forall n, z <= n -> Q n -> Q (S n)) ->
+ (forall n, n <= z -> Q n -> Q (P n)) ->
+ forall n, Q n.
+intros Qz QS QP n.
+destruct (lt_total n z) as [H | [H | H]].
+now apply left_induction; [| | le_intro1].
+now rewrite H.
+now apply right_induction; [| | le_intro1].
+End Center.
+Theorem induction_ord :
+ Q 0 ->
+ (forall n, 0 <= n -> Q n -> Q (S n)) ->
+ (forall n, n <= 0 -> Q n -> Q (P n)) ->
+ forall n, Q n.
+Proof (induction_ord_n 0).
+Theorem lt_ind : forall (n : Z),
+ Q (S n) ->
+ (forall m : Z, n < m -> Q m -> Q (S m)) ->
+ forall m : Z, n < m -> Q m.
+intros n H1 H2 m H3.
+apply right_induction with (S n). assumption.
+intros; apply H2; try assumption. now apply <- lt_n_m_S.
+now apply -> lt_n_m_S.
+Theorem le_ind : forall (n : Z),
+ Q n ->
+ (forall m : Z, n <= m -> Q m -> Q (S m)) ->
+ forall m : Z, n <= m -> Q m.
+intros n H1 H2 m H3.
+now apply right_induction with n.
+End Induction.
+Ltac induct_ord n :=
+ try intros until n;
+ pattern n; apply induction_ord; clear n;
+ [unfold NumPrelude.pred_wd;
+ let n := fresh "n" in
+ let m := fresh "m" in
+ let H := fresh "H" in intros n m H; qmorphism n m | | |].
+End OrderProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPlus.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPlus.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b5aa73fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPlus.v
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+Require Import NumPrelude.
+Require Import ZDomain.
+Require Import ZAxioms.
+Module Type PlusSignature.
+Declare Module Export IntModule : IntSignature.
+Parameter Inline plus : Z -> Z -> Z.
+Parameter Inline minus : Z -> Z -> Z.
+Parameter Inline uminus : Z -> Z.
+Notation "x + y" := (plus x y).
+Notation "x - y" := (minus x y).
+Notation "- x" := (uminus x).
+Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+Add Morphism minus with signature E ==> E ==> E as minus_wd.
+Add Morphism uminus with signature E ==> E as uminus_wd.
+Axiom plus_0 : forall n, 0 + n == n.
+Axiom plus_S : forall n m, (S n) + m == S (n + m).
+Axiom minus_0 : forall n, n - 0 == n.
+Axiom minus_S : forall n m, n - (S m) == P (n - m).
+Axiom uminus_0 : - 0 == 0.
+Axiom uminus_S : forall n, - (S n) == P (- n).
+End PlusSignature.
+Module PlusProperties (Export PlusModule : PlusSignature).
+Module Export IntPropertiesModule := IntProperties IntModule.
+Theorem plus_P : forall n m, P n + m == P (n + m).
+intros n m. rewrite_S_P n at 2. rewrite plus_S. now rewrite P_S.
+Theorem minus_P : forall n m, n - (P m) == S (n - m).
+intros n m. rewrite_S_P m at 2. rewrite minus_S. now rewrite S_P.
+Theorem uminus_P : forall n, - (P n) == S (- n).
+intro n. rewrite_S_P n at 2. rewrite uminus_S. now rewrite S_P.
+Theorem plus_n_0 : forall n, n + 0 == n.
+induct n.
+now rewrite plus_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite plus_S. now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH. rewrite plus_P. now rewrite IH.
+Theorem plus_n_Sm : forall n m, n + S m == S (n + m).
+intros n m; induct n.
+now do 2 rewrite plus_0.
+intros n IH. do 2 rewrite plus_S. now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH. do 2 rewrite plus_P. rewrite IH. rewrite P_S; now rewrite S_P.
+Theorem plus_n_Pm : forall n m, n + P m == P (n + m).
+intros n m; rewrite_S_P m at 2. rewrite plus_n_Sm; now rewrite P_S.
+Theorem plus_opp_minus : forall n m, n + (- m) == n - m.
+induct m.
+rewrite uminus_0; rewrite minus_0; now rewrite plus_n_0.
+intros m IH. rewrite uminus_S; rewrite minus_S. rewrite plus_n_Pm; now rewrite IH.
+intros m IH. rewrite uminus_P; rewrite minus_P. rewrite plus_n_Sm; now rewrite IH.
+Theorem minus_0_n : forall n, 0 - n == - n.
+intro n; rewrite <- plus_opp_minus; now rewrite plus_0.
+Theorem minus_Sn_m : forall n m, S n - m == S (n - m).
+intros n m; do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus; now rewrite plus_S.
+Theorem minus_Pn_m : forall n m, P n - m == P (n - m).
+intros n m. rewrite_S_P n at 2; rewrite minus_Sn_m; now rewrite P_S.
+Theorem plus_assoc : forall n m p, n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p.
+intros n m p; induct n.
+now do 2 rewrite plus_0.
+intros n IH. do 3 rewrite plus_S. now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH. do 3 rewrite plus_P. now rewrite IH.
+Theorem plus_comm : forall n m, n + m == m + n.
+intros n m; induct n.
+rewrite plus_0; now rewrite plus_n_0.
+intros n IH; rewrite plus_S; rewrite plus_n_Sm; now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH; rewrite plus_P; rewrite plus_n_Pm; now rewrite IH.
+Theorem minus_diag : forall n, n - n == 0.
+induct n.
+now rewrite minus_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite minus_S; rewrite minus_Sn_m; rewrite P_S; now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH. rewrite minus_P; rewrite minus_Pn_m; rewrite S_P; now rewrite IH.
+Theorem plus_opp_r : forall n, n + (- n) == 0.
+intro n; rewrite plus_opp_minus; now rewrite minus_diag.
+Theorem plus_opp_l : forall n, - n + n == 0.
+intro n; rewrite plus_comm; apply plus_opp_r.
+Theorem minus_swap : forall n m, - m + n == n - m.
+intros n m; rewrite <- plus_opp_minus; now rewrite plus_comm.
+Theorem plus_minus_inverse : forall n m, n + (m - n) == m.
+intros n m; rewrite <- minus_swap. rewrite plus_assoc;
+rewrite plus_opp_r; now rewrite plus_0.
+Theorem plus_minus_distr : forall n m p, n + (m - p) == (n + m) - p.
+intros n m p; do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus; now rewrite plus_assoc.
+Theorem double_opp : forall n, - (- n) == n.
+induct n.
+now do 2 rewrite uminus_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite uminus_S; rewrite uminus_P; now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH. rewrite uminus_P; rewrite uminus_S; now rewrite IH.
+Theorem opp_plus_distr : forall n m, - (n + m) == - n + (- m).
+intros n m; induct n.
+rewrite uminus_0; now do 2 rewrite plus_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite plus_S; do 2 rewrite uminus_S. rewrite IH. now rewrite plus_P.
+intros n IH. rewrite plus_P; do 2 rewrite uminus_P. rewrite IH. now rewrite plus_S.
+Theorem opp_minus_distr : forall n m, - (n - m) == - n + m.
+intros n m; rewrite <- plus_opp_minus; rewrite opp_plus_distr.
+now rewrite double_opp.
+Theorem opp_inj : forall n m, - n == - m -> n == m.
+intros n m H. apply uminus_wd in H. now do 2 rewrite double_opp in H.
+Theorem minus_plus_distr : forall n m p, n - (m + p) == (n - m) - p.
+intros n m p; rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. rewrite opp_plus_distr. rewrite plus_assoc.
+now do 2 rewrite plus_opp_minus.
+Theorem minus_minus_distr : forall n m p, n - (m - p) == (n - m) + p.
+intros n m p; rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. rewrite opp_minus_distr. rewrite plus_assoc.
+now rewrite plus_opp_minus.
+Theorem plus_minus_swap : forall n m p, n + m - p == n - p + m.
+intros n m p. rewrite <- plus_minus_distr.
+rewrite <- (plus_opp_minus n p). rewrite <- plus_assoc. now rewrite minus_swap.
+Theorem plus_cancel_l : forall n m p, n + m == n + p -> m == p.
+intros n m p H.
+assert (H1 : - n + n + m == -n + n + p).
+do 2 rewrite <- plus_assoc; now rewrite H.
+rewrite plus_opp_l in H1; now do 2 rewrite plus_0 in H1.
+Theorem plus_cancel_r : forall n m p, n + m == p + m -> n == p.
+intros n m p H.
+rewrite plus_comm in H. set (k := m + n) in H. rewrite plus_comm in H.
+unfold k in H; clear k. now apply plus_cancel_l with m.
+Theorem plus_minus_l : forall n m p, m + p == n -> p == n - m.
+intros n m p H.
+assert (H1 : - m + m + p == - m + n).
+rewrite <- plus_assoc; now rewrite H.
+rewrite plus_opp_l in H1. rewrite plus_0 in H1. now rewrite minus_swap in H1.
+Theorem plus_minus_r : forall n m p, m + p == n -> m == n - p.
+intros n m p H; rewrite plus_comm in H; now apply plus_minus_l in H.
+Lemma minus_eq : forall n m, n - m == 0 -> n == m.
+intros n m H. rewrite <- (plus_minus_inverse m n). rewrite H. apply plus_n_0.
+End PlusProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPlusOrder.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPlusOrder.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abaaa664f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZPlusOrder.v
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+Require Import ZOrder.
+Require Import ZPlus.
+(* Warning: Trying to mask the absolute name "Plus"!!! *)
+Module PlusOrderProperties (Export PlusModule : PlusSignature)
+ (Export OrderModule : OrderSignature with
+ Module IntModule := PlusModule.IntModule).
+Module Export PlusPropertiesModule := PlusProperties PlusModule.
+Module Export OrderPropertiesModule := OrderProperties OrderModule.
+Theorem plus_lt_compat_l : forall n m p, n < m <-> p + n < p + m.
+intros n m p; induct p.
+now do 2 rewrite plus_0.
+intros p IH. do 2 rewrite plus_S. now rewrite <- lt_respects_S.
+intros p IH. do 2 rewrite plus_P. now rewrite <- lt_respects_P.
+Theorem plus_lt_compat_r : forall n m p, n < m <-> n + p < m + p.
+intros n m p; rewrite (plus_comm n p); rewrite (plus_comm m p);
+apply plus_lt_compat_l.
+Theorem plus_le_compat_l : forall n m p, n <= m <-> p + n <= p + m.
+intros n m p; do 2 rewrite <- lt_S. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm;
+apply plus_lt_compat_l.
+Theorem plus_le_compat_r : forall n m p, n <= m <-> n + p <= m + p.
+intros n m p; rewrite (plus_comm n p); rewrite (plus_comm m p);
+apply plus_le_compat_l.
+Theorem plus_lt_compat : forall n m p q, n < m -> p < q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2. apply lt_trans with (m := m + p).
+now apply -> plus_lt_compat_r. now apply -> plus_lt_compat_l.
+Theorem plus_lt_le_compat : forall n m p q, n < m -> p <= q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2. le_elim H2. now apply plus_lt_compat.
+rewrite H2. now apply -> plus_lt_compat_r.
+Theorem plus_le_lt_compat : forall n m p q, n <= m -> p < q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2. le_elim H1. now apply plus_lt_compat.
+rewrite H1. now apply -> plus_lt_compat_l.
+Theorem plus_le_compat : forall n m p q, n <= m -> p <= q -> n + p <= m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2. le_elim H1. le_intro1; now apply plus_lt_le_compat.
+rewrite H1. now apply -> plus_le_compat_l.
+Theorem plus_pos : forall n m, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> 0 <= n + m.
+intros; rewrite <- (plus_0 0); now apply plus_le_compat.
+Lemma lt_opp_forward : forall n m, n < m -> - m < - n.
+induct n.
+induct_ord m.
+intro H; false_hyp H lt_irr.
+intros m H1 IH H2. rewrite uminus_S. rewrite uminus_0 in *.
+le_elim H1. apply IH in H1. now apply lt_Pn_m.
+rewrite <- H1; rewrite uminus_0; apply lt_Pn_n.
+intros m H1 IH H2. apply lt_n_Pm in H2. apply -> le_gt in H1. false_hyp H2 H1.
+intros n IH m H. rewrite uminus_S.
+apply -> lt_S_P in H. apply IH in H. rewrite uminus_P in H. now apply -> lt_S_P.
+intros n IH m H. rewrite uminus_P.
+apply -> lt_P_S in H. apply IH in H. rewrite uminus_S in H. now apply -> lt_P_S.
+Theorem lt_opp : forall n m, n < m <-> - m < - n.
+intros n m; split.
+apply lt_opp_forward.
+intro; rewrite <- (double_opp n); rewrite <- (double_opp m);
+now apply lt_opp_forward.
+Theorem le_opp : forall n m, n <= m <-> - m <= - n.
+intros n m; do 2 rewrite -> le_lt; rewrite <- lt_opp.
+assert (n == m <-> - m == - n).
+split; intro; [now apply uminus_wd | now apply opp_inj].
+Theorem lt_opp_neg : forall n, n < 0 <-> 0 < - n.
+intro n. set (k := 0) in |-* at 2.
+setoid_replace k with (- k); unfold k; clear k.
+apply lt_opp. now rewrite uminus_0.
+Theorem le_opp_neg : forall n, n <= 0 <-> 0 <= - n.
+intro n. set (k := 0) in |-* at 2.
+setoid_replace k with (- k); unfold k; clear k.
+apply le_opp. now rewrite uminus_0.
+Theorem lt_opp_pos : forall n, 0 < n <-> - n < 0.
+intro n. set (k := 0) in |-* at 2.
+setoid_replace k with (- k); unfold k; clear k.
+apply lt_opp. now rewrite uminus_0.
+Theorem le_opp_pos : forall n, 0 <= n <-> - n <= 0.
+intro n. set (k := 0) in |-* at 2.
+setoid_replace k with (- k); unfold k; clear k.
+apply le_opp. now rewrite uminus_0.
+Theorem minus_lt_decr_r : forall n m p, n < m <-> p - m < p - n.
+intros n m p. do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. rewrite <- plus_lt_compat_l.
+apply lt_opp.
+Theorem minus_le_nonincr_r : forall n m p, n <= m <-> p - m <= p - n.
+intros n m p. do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. rewrite <- plus_le_compat_l.
+apply le_opp.
+Theorem minus_lt_incr_l : forall n m p, n < m <-> n - p < m - p.
+intros n m p. do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. now rewrite <- plus_lt_compat_r.
+Theorem minus_le_nondecr_l : forall n m p, n <= m <-> n - p <= m - p.
+intros n m p. do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. now rewrite <- plus_le_compat_r.
+Theorem lt_plus_swap : forall n m p, n + p < m <-> n < m - p.
+intros n m p. rewrite (minus_lt_incr_l (n + p) m p).
+rewrite <- plus_minus_distr. rewrite minus_diag. now rewrite plus_n_0.
+Theorem le_plus_swap : forall n m p, n + p <= m <-> n <= m - p.
+intros n m p. rewrite (minus_le_nondecr_l (n + p) m p).
+rewrite <- plus_minus_distr. rewrite minus_diag. now rewrite plus_n_0.
+End PlusOrderProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZTimes.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZTimes.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f9c7c4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZTimes.v
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Require Import NumPrelude.
+Require Import ZDomain.
+Require Import ZAxioms.
+Require Import ZPlus.
+Module Type TimesSignature.
+Declare Module Export PlusModule : PlusSignature.
+Parameter Inline times : Z -> Z -> Z.
+Notation "x * y" := (times x y).
+Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+Axiom times_0 : forall n, n * 0 == 0.
+Axiom times_S : forall n m, n * (S m) == n * m + n.
+(* Here recursion is done on the second argument to conform to the
+usual definition of ordinal multiplication in set theory, which is not
+commutative. It seems, however, that this definition in set theory is
+unfortunate for two reasons. First, multiplication of two ordinals A
+and B can be defined as (an order type of) the cartesian product B x A
+(not A x B) ordered lexicographically. For example, omega * 2 =
+2 x omega = {(0,0) < (0,1) < (0,2) < ... < (1,0) < (1,1) < (1,2) < ...},
+while 2 * omega = omega x 2 = {(0,0) < (0,1) < (1,0) < (1,1) < (2,0) <
+(2,1) < ...} = omega. Secondly, the way the product 2 * 3 is said in
+French (deux fois trois) and Russian (dvazhdy tri) implies 3 + 3, not
+2 + 2 + 2. So it would possibly be more reasonable to define multiplication
+(here as well as in set theory) by recursion on the first argument. *)
+End TimesSignature.
+Module TimesProperties (Export TimesModule : TimesSignature).
+Module Export PlusPropertiesModule := PlusProperties PlusModule.
+Theorem times_P : forall n m, n * (P m) == n * m - n.
+intros n m. rewrite_S_P m at 2. rewrite times_S. rewrite <- plus_minus_distr.
+rewrite minus_diag. now rewrite plus_n_0.
+Theorem times_0_n : forall n, 0 * n == 0.
+induct n.
+now rewrite times_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite times_S. rewrite IH; now rewrite plus_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite times_P. rewrite IH; now rewrite minus_0.
+Theorem times_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) * m == n * m + m.
+induct m.
+do 2 rewrite times_0. now rewrite plus_0.
+intros m IH. do 2 rewrite times_S. rewrite IH.
+do 2 rewrite <- plus_assoc. apply plus_wd. reflexivity.
+do 2 rewrite plus_n_Sm; now rewrite plus_comm.
+intros m IH. do 2 rewrite times_P. rewrite IH.
+rewrite <- plus_minus_swap. do 2 rewrite <- plus_minus_distr.
+apply plus_wd. reflexivity.
+rewrite minus_S. now rewrite minus_Pn_m.
+Theorem times_Pn_m : forall n m, (P n) * m == n * m - m.
+intros n m. rewrite_S_P n at 2. rewrite times_Sn_m.
+rewrite <- plus_minus_distr. rewrite minus_diag; now rewrite plus_n_0.
+Theorem times_comm : forall n m, n * m == m * n.
+intros n m; induct n.
+rewrite times_0_n; now rewrite times_0.
+intros n IH. rewrite times_Sn_m; rewrite times_S; now rewrite IH.
+intros n IH. rewrite times_Pn_m; rewrite times_P; now rewrite IH.
+Theorem times_opp_r : forall n m, n * (- m) == - (n * m).
+intros n m; induct m.
+rewrite uminus_0; rewrite times_0; now rewrite uminus_0.
+intros m IH. rewrite uminus_S. rewrite times_P; rewrite times_S. rewrite IH.
+rewrite <- plus_opp_minus; now rewrite opp_plus_distr.
+intros m IH. rewrite uminus_P. rewrite times_P; rewrite times_S. rewrite IH.
+now rewrite opp_minus_distr.
+Theorem times_opp_l : forall n m, (- n) * m == - (n * m).
+intros n m; rewrite (times_comm (- n) m); rewrite (times_comm n m);
+now rewrite times_opp_r.
+Theorem times_opp_opp : forall n m, (- n) * (- m) == n * m.
+intros n m. rewrite times_opp_l. rewrite times_opp_r. now rewrite double_opp.
+Theorem times_plus_distr_r : forall n m p, n * (m + p) == n * m + n * p.
+intros n m p; induct m.
+rewrite times_0; now do 2 rewrite plus_0.
+intros m IH. rewrite plus_S. do 2 rewrite times_S. rewrite IH.
+do 2 rewrite <- plus_assoc; apply plus_wd; [reflexivity | apply plus_comm].
+intros m IH. rewrite plus_P. do 2 rewrite times_P. rewrite IH.
+apply plus_minus_swap.
+Theorem times_plus_distr_l : forall n m p, (n + m) * p == n * p + m * p.
+intros n m p; rewrite (times_comm (n + m) p); rewrite times_plus_distr_r;
+rewrite (times_comm p n); now rewrite (times_comm p m).
+Theorem times_minus_distr_r : forall n m p, n * (m - p) == n * m - n * p.
+intros n m p.
+do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. rewrite times_plus_distr_r. now rewrite times_opp_r.
+Theorem times_minus_distr_l : forall n m p, (n - m) * p == n * p - m * p.
+intros n m p.
+do 2 rewrite <- plus_opp_minus. rewrite times_plus_distr_l. now rewrite times_opp_l.
+Theorem times_assoc : forall n m p, n * (m * p) == (n * m) * p.
+intros n m p; induct p.
+now do 3 rewrite times_0.
+intros p IH. do 2 rewrite times_S. rewrite times_plus_distr_r. now rewrite IH.
+intros p IH. do 2 rewrite times_P. rewrite times_minus_distr_r. now rewrite IH.
+End TimesProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZTimesOrder.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZTimesOrder.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f8b0a947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/Axioms/ZTimesOrder.v
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Require Import ZPlus.
+Require Import ZTimes.
+Require Import ZOrder.
+(* Warning: Trying to mask the absolute name "Plus"!!! *)
+Require Import ZPlusOrder.
+Module TimesOrderProperties (Export TimesModule : TimesSignature)
+ (Export OrderModule : OrderSignature with
+ Module IntModule := TimesModule.PlusModule.IntModule).
+Module Export TimesPropertiesModule := TimesProperties TimesModule.
+Module Export PlusOrderPropertiesModule :=
+ PlusOrderProperties TimesModule.PlusModule OrderModule.
+Theorem mult_lt_compat_r : forall n m p, 0 < p -> n < m -> n * p < m * p.
+intros n m p; induct_ord p.
+intros H _; false_hyp H lt_irr.
+intros p H IH H1 H2. do 2 rewrite times_S.
+apply -> lt_S in H1; le_elim H1.
+apply plus_lt_compat. now apply IH. assumption.
+rewrite <- H1. do 2 rewrite times_0; now do 2 rewrite plus_0.
+intros p H IH H1 H2. apply lt_n_Pm in H1. apply -> le_gt in H.
+false_hyp H1 H.
+Theorem mult_lt_compat_l : forall n m p, 0 < p -> n < m -> p * n < p * m.
+intros n m p. rewrite (times_comm p n); rewrite (times_comm p m).
+apply mult_lt_compat_r.
+Theorem mult_lt_le_compat_r : forall n m p, 0 < p -> n <= m -> n * p <= m * p.
+intros n m p H1 H2; le_elim H2.
+le_intro1; now apply mult_lt_compat_r.
+rewrite H2. now le_intro2.
+Theorem mult_lt_le_compat_l : forall n m p, 0 < p -> n <= m -> p * n <= p * m.
+intros n m p. rewrite (times_comm p n); rewrite (times_comm p m).
+apply mult_lt_le_compat_r.
+(* And so on *)
+Theorem mult_pos_pos : forall n m, 0 < n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n * m.
+intros n m; set (k := 0) in |-* at 3;
+setoid_replace k with (n * 0); unfold k; clear k.
+apply mult_lt_compat_l. now rewrite times_0.
+Theorem mult_pos_neg : forall n m, 0 < n -> m < 0 -> n * m < 0.
+intros n m; set (k := 0) in |-* at 3;
+setoid_replace k with (n * 0); unfold k; clear k.
+apply mult_lt_compat_l. now rewrite times_0.
+(* The same proof script as for mult_pos_pos! *)
+Theorem mult_neg_pos : forall n m, n < 0 -> 0 < m -> n * m < 0.
+intros n m H1 H2; rewrite times_comm; now apply mult_pos_neg.
+Theorem mult_neg_neg : forall n m, n < 0 -> m < 0 -> 0 < n * m.
+intros n m H1 H2. setoid_replace (n * m) with (- - (n * m));
+[| symmetry; apply double_opp].
+rewrite <- times_opp_l. rewrite <- times_opp_r.
+apply -> lt_opp_neg in H1. apply -> lt_opp_neg in H2.
+now apply mult_pos_pos.
+(** With order, Z is an integral domain *)
+Theorem mult_neq_0 : forall n m, n # 0 -> m # 0 -> n * m # 0.
+intros n m H1 H2.
+destruct (lt_total n 0) as [H3 | [H3 | H3]];
+destruct (lt_total m 0) as [H4 | [H4 | H4]].
+apply neq_symm. apply lt_neq. now apply mult_neg_neg.
+false_hyp H4 H2.
+apply lt_neq; now apply mult_neg_pos.
+false_hyp H3 H1. false_hyp H3 H1. false_hyp H3 H1.
+apply lt_neq; now apply mult_pos_neg.
+false_hyp H4 H2.
+apply neq_symm. apply lt_neq. now apply mult_pos_pos.
+End TimesOrderProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/CommRefl.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/CommRefl.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..673a1fe50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/CommRefl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+Require Import Arith.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Inductive bin : Set := node : bin->bin->bin | leaf : nat->bin.
+Fixpoint flatten_aux (t fin:bin){struct t} : bin :=
+ match t with
+ | node t1 t2 => flatten_aux t1 (flatten_aux t2 fin)
+ | x => node x fin
+ end.
+Fixpoint flatten (t:bin) : bin :=
+ match t with
+ | node t1 t2 => flatten_aux t1 (flatten t2)
+ | x => x
+ end.
+Fixpoint nat_le_bool (n m:nat){struct m} : bool :=
+ match n, m with
+ | O, _ => true
+ | S _, O => false
+ | S n, S m => nat_le_bool n m
+ end.
+Fixpoint insert_bin (n:nat)(t:bin){struct t} : bin :=
+ match t with
+ | leaf m => match nat_le_bool n m with
+ | true => node (leaf n)(leaf m)
+ | false => node (leaf m)(leaf n)
+ end
+ | node (leaf m) t' => match nat_le_bool n m with
+ | true => node (leaf n) t
+ | false =>
+ node (leaf m)(insert_bin n t')
+ end
+ | t => node (leaf n) t
+ end.
+Fixpoint sort_bin (t:bin) : bin :=
+ match t with
+ | node (leaf n) t' => insert_bin n (sort_bin t')
+ | t => t
+ end.
+Section commut_eq.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable E : relation A.
+Variable f : A -> A -> A.
+Hypothesis E_equiv : equiv A E.
+Hypothesis comm : forall x y : A, f x y = f y x.
+Hypothesis assoc : forall x y z : A, f x (f y z) = f (f x y) z.
+Notation "x == y" := (E x y) (at level 70).
+Add Relation A E
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
+as E_rel.
+Fixpoint bin_A (l:list A)(def:A)(t:bin){struct t} : A :=
+ match t with
+ | node t1 t2 => f (bin_A l def t1)(bin_A l def t2)
+ | leaf n => nth n l def
+ end.
+ Theorem flatten_aux_valid_A :
+ forall (l:list A)(def:A)(t t':bin),
+ f (bin_A l def t)(bin_A l def t') == bin_A l def (flatten_aux t t').
+ intros l def t; elim t; simpl; auto.
+ intros t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2 t'. rewrite <- IHt1; rewrite <- IHt2.
+ symmetry; apply assoc.
+ Theorem flatten_valid_A :
+ forall (l:list A)(def:A)(t:bin),
+ bin_A l def t == bin_A l def (flatten t).
+ intros l def t; elim t; simpl; trivial.
+ intros t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2; rewrite <- flatten_aux_valid_A; rewrite <- IHt2.
+ trivial.
+Theorem flatten_valid_A_2 :
+ forall (t t':bin)(l:list A)(def:A),
+ bin_A l def (flatten t) == bin_A l def (flatten t')->
+ bin_A l def t == bin_A l def t'.
+ intros t t' l def Heq.
+ rewrite (flatten_valid_A l def t); rewrite (flatten_valid_A l def t').
+ trivial.
+Theorem insert_is_f : forall (l:list A)(def:A)(n:nat)(t:bin),
+ bin_A l def (insert_bin n t) ==
+ f (nth n l def) (bin_A l def t).
+ intros l def n t; elim t.
+ intros t1; case t1.
+ intros t1' t1'' IHt1 t2 IHt2.
+ simpl.
+ auto.
+ intros n0 IHt1 t2 IHt2.
+ simpl.
+ case (nat_le_bool n n0).
+ simpl.
+ auto.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite IHt2.
+ repeat rewrite assoc; rewrite (comm (nth n l def)); auto.
+ simpl.
+ intros n0; case (nat_le_bool n n0); auto.
+ rewrite comm; auto.
+Theorem sort_eq : forall (l:list A)(def:A)(t:bin),
+ bin_A l def (sort_bin t) == bin_A l def t.
+ intros l def t; elim t.
+ intros t1 IHt1; case t1.
+ auto.
+ intros n t2 IHt2; simpl; rewrite insert_is_f.
+ rewrite IHt2; auto.
+ auto.
+Theorem sort_eq_2 :
+ forall (l:list A)(def:A)(t1 t2:bin),
+ bin_A l def (sort_bin t1) == bin_A l def (sort_bin t2)->
+ bin_A l def t1 == bin_A l def t2.
+ intros l def t1 t2.
+ rewrite <- (sort_eq l def t1); rewrite <- (sort_eq l def t2).
+ trivial.
+End commut_eq.
+Ltac term_list f l v :=
+ match v with
+ | (f ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let l1 := term_list f l X2 in term_list f l1 X1
+ | ?X1 => constr:(cons X1 l)
+ end.
+Ltac compute_rank l n v :=
+ match l with
+ | (cons ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let tl := constr:X2 in
+ match constr:(X1 == v) with
+ | (?X1 == ?X1) => n
+ | _ => compute_rank tl (S n) v
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac model_aux l f v :=
+ match v with
+ | (f ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let r1 := model_aux l f X1 with r2 := model_aux l f X2 in
+ constr:(node r1 r2)
+ | ?X1 => let n := compute_rank l 0 X1 in constr:(leaf n)
+ | _ => constr:(leaf 0)
+ end.
+Ltac comm_eq A f assoc_thm comm_thm :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- (?X1 == ?X2 :>A) ] =>
+ let l := term_list f (nil (A:=A)) X1 in
+ let term1 := model_aux l f X1
+ with term2 := model_aux l f X2 in
+ (change (bin_A A f l X1 term1 == bin_A A f l X1 term2);
+ apply flatten_valid_A_2 with (1 := assoc_thm);
+ apply sort_eq_2 with (1 := comm_thm)(2 := assoc_thm);
+ auto)
+ end.
+Theorem reflection_test4 : forall x y z:nat, x+(y+z) = (z+x)+y.
+ intros x y z. comm_eq nat plus plus_assoc plus_comm.
+*) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2634970d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Require Import NDomain.
+Require Import NAxioms.
+Require Import NPlus.
+Require Import NTimes.
+Require Import NLt.
+Require Import NPlusLt.
+Require Import NTimesLt.
+Require Import ZDomain.
+Require Import ZAxioms.
+Require Import ZPlus.
+Require Import ZTimes.
+Require Import ZOrder.
+Require Import ZPlusOrder.
+Require Import ZTimesOrder.
+Module NatPairsDomain (Export PlusModule : NPlus.PlusSignature) <:
+ ZDomain.DomainSignature.
+Module Export PlusPropertiesModule := NPlus.PlusProperties PlusModule.
+Definition Z : Set := (N * N)%type.
+Definition E (p1 p2 : Z) := (fst p1) + (snd p2) == (fst p2) + (snd p1).
+Definition e (p1 p2 : Z) := e ((fst p1) + (snd p2)) ((fst p2) + (snd p1)).
+Theorem E_equiv_e : forall x y : Z, E x y <-> e x y.
+intros x y; unfold E, e; apply E_equiv_e.
+Theorem E_equiv : equiv Z E.
+split; [| split]; unfold reflexive, symmetric, transitive, E.
+now intro x.
+intros x y z H1 H2.
+comm_eq N
+assert (H : ((fst x) + (snd y)) + ((fst y) + (snd z)) ==
+ ((fst y) + (snd x)) + ((fst z) + (snd y))); [now apply plus_wd |].
+assert (H : (fst y) + (snd y) + (fst x) + (snd z) ==
+ (fst y) + (snd y) + (snd x) + (fst z)).
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NAxioms.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55f07eb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NAxioms.v
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+Require Export NDomain.
+* Peano Axioms *
+Module Type NatSignature.
+Declare Module Export DomainModule : DomainSignature.
+Parameter Inline O : N.
+Parameter Inline S : N -> N.
+Notation "0" := O.
+Notation "1" := (S O).
+Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as S_wd.
+(* It is natural to formulate induction for well-defined predicates
+only because standard induction
+forall P, P 0 -> (forall n, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n, P n
+does not hold in the setoid context (for example, there is no reason
+for (P x) hold when x == 0 but x <> 0). However, it is possible to
+formulate induction without mentioning well-defidedness (see OtherInd.v);
+this formulation is equivalent. *)
+Axiom induction :
+ forall P : N -> Prop, pred_wd E P ->
+ P 0 -> (forall n : N, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : N, P n.
+(* Why do we separate induction and recursion?
+(1) When induction and recursion are the same, they are dependent
+(nondependent induction does not make sense). However, one must impose
+conditions on the predicate, or codomain, that it respects the setoid
+equality. For induction this means considering predicates P for which
+forall n n', n == n' -> (P n <-> P n') holds. For recursion, where P :
+nat -> Set, we cannot say (P n <-> P n'). It may make sense to require
+forall n n', n == n' -> (P n = P n').
+(2) Unlike induction, recursion requires that two equalities hold:
+[recursion a f 0 == a] and [recursion a f (S n) == f n (recursion a f n)]
+(or something like this). It may be difficult to state, let alone prove,
+these equalities because the left- and the right-hand sides may have
+different types (P t1) and (P t2) where t1 == t2 is provable but t1 and t2
+are not convertible into each other. Nevertheless, these equalities may
+be proved using dependent equality (EqdepFacts) or JM equality (JMeq).
+However, requiring this for any implementation of natural numbers seems
+a little complex. It may make sense to devote a separate module to dependent
+recursion (see DepRec.v). *)
+Parameter Inline recursion : forall A : Set, A -> (N -> A -> A) -> N -> A.
+Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
+(* Suppose the codomain A has a setoid equality relation EA. If A is a
+function space C -> D, it makes sense to consider extensional
+functional equality as EA. Indeed, suppose, for example, that we say
+[Definition g (x : N) : C -> D := (recursion ... x ...)]. We would
+like to show that the function g of two arguments is well-defined.
+This requirement is the same as the requirement that the functions of
+one argument (g x) and (g x') are extensionally equal whenever x ==
+x', i.e.,
+forall x x' : N, x == x' -> eq_fun (g x) (g x'),
+which is the same as
+forall x x' : N, x == x' -> forall y y' : C, EC y y' -> ED (g x y) (g x' y')
+where EC and ED are setoid equalities on C and D, respectively.
+Now, if we consider EA to be extensional equality on the function
+space, we cannot require that EA is reflexive. Indeed, reflexivity of
+forall f : C -> D, eq_fun f f
+forall f : C -> D, forall x x', EC x x' -> ED (f x) (f x')
+means that every function f ; C -> D is well-defined, which is in
+general false. We can expect that EA is symmetric and transitive,
+i.e., that EA is a partial equivalence relation (PER). However, there
+seems to be no need to require this in the following axioms.
+When we defined a function by recursion, the arguments of this
+function may occur in the recursion's base case a, the counter x, or
+the step function f. For example, in the following definition:
+Definition plus (x y : N) := recursion y (fun _ p => S p) x.
+one argument becomes the base case and the other becomes the counter.
+In the definitions of times:
+Definition times (x y : N) := recursion 0 (fun x p => plus y p) x.
+the argument y occurs in the step function. Thus it makes sense to
+formulate an axiom saying that (recursion a f x) is equal to
+(recursion a' f' x') whenever (EA a a'), x == x', and eq_fun2 f f'. We
+need to vary all three arguments; for example, claiming that
+(recursion a f x) equals (recursion a' f x') with the same f whenever
+(EA a a') and x == x' is not enough to prove well-defidedness of
+multiplication defined above.
+This leads to the axioms given below. There is a question if it is
+possible to formulate simpler axioms that would imply this statement
+for any implementation. Indeed, the proof seems to have to proceed by
+straighforward induction on x. The difficulty is that we cannot prove
+(EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x')) using the induction axioms
+above because recursion is not declared to be a setoid morphism:
+that's what we are proving! Therefore, this has to be proved by
+induction inside each particular implementation. *)
+Axiom recursion_wd : forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A),
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x == x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+(* Can we instead declare recursion as a morphism? It does not seem
+so. For this, we need to register the relation EA, and for this we
+need to declare it as a variable in a section. But information about
+morhisms is lost when sections are closed. *)
+(* When the function recursion is polymorphic on the codomain A, there
+seems no other option than to return the given base case a when the
+counter is 0. Therefore, we can formulate the following axioms with
+Leibniz equality. *)
+Axiom recursion_0 :
+ forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A), recursion a f 0 = a.
+Axiom recursion_S :
+ forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n : N, EA (recursion a f (S n)) (f n (recursion a f n)).
+(* It may be possible to formulate recursion_0 and recursion_S as follows:
+Axiom recursion_0 :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> forall x : N, x == 0 -> EA (recursion a f x) a.
+Axiom recursion_S :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n m : N, n == S m -> EA (recursion a f n) (f m (recursion a f m)).
+Then it is possible to prove recursion_wd (see IotherInd.v). This
+raises some questions:
+(1) Can the axioms recursion_wd, recursion_0 and recursion_S (both
+variants) proved for all reasonable implementations?
+(2) Can these axioms be proved without assuming that EA is symmetric
+and transitive? In OtherInd.v, recursion_wd can be proved from
+recursion_0 and recursion_S by assuming symmetry and transitivity.
+(2) Which variant requires proving less for each implementation? Can
+it be that proving all three axioms about recursion has some common
+parts which have to be repeated? *)
+Implicit Arguments recursion_wd [A].
+Implicit Arguments recursion_0 [A].
+Implicit Arguments recursion_S [A].
+End NatSignature.
+Module NatProperties (Export NatModule : NatSignature).
+Module Export DomainPropertiesModule := DomainProperties DomainModule.
+(* This tactic applies the induction axioms and solves the resulting
+goal "pred_wd E P" *)
+Ltac induct n :=
+ try intros until n;
+ pattern n; apply induction; clear n;
+ [unfold NumPrelude.pred_wd;
+ let n := fresh "n" in
+ let m := fresh "m" in
+ let H := fresh "H" in intros n m H; qmorphism n m | |].
+Definition if_zero (A : Set) (a b : A) (n : N) : A :=
+ recursion a (fun _ _ => b) n.
+Add Morphism if_zero with signature LE_Set ==> LE_Set ==> E ==> LE_Set as if_zero_wd.
+unfold LE_Set.
+intros; unfold if_zero; now apply recursion_wd with (EA := (@eq A));
+[| unfold eq_fun2; now intros |].
+Theorem if_zero_0 : forall (A : Set) (a b : A), if_zero A a b 0 = a.
+unfold if_zero; intros; now rewrite recursion_0.
+Theorem if_zero_S : forall (A : Set) (a b : A) (n : N), if_zero A a b (S n) = b.
+intros; unfold if_zero.
+now rewrite (recursion_S (@eq A)); [| | unfold fun2_wd; now intros].
+Implicit Arguments if_zero [A].
+(* To prove this statement, we need to provably different terms,
+e.g., true and false *)
+Theorem S_0 : forall n, ~ S n == 0.
+intros n H.
+assert (true = false); [| discriminate].
+replace true with (if_zero false true (S n)) by apply if_zero_S.
+pattern false at 2; replace false with (if_zero false true 0) by apply if_zero_0.
+change (LE_Set bool (if_zero false true (S n)) (if_zero false true 0)).
+rewrite H. unfold LE_Set. reflexivity.
+Definition pred (n : N) : N := recursion 0 (fun m _ => m) n.
+Add Morphism pred with signature E ==> E as pred_wd.
+intros; unfold pred.
+now apply recursion_wd with (EA := E); [| unfold eq_fun2; now intros |].
+Theorem pred_0 : pred 0 == 0.
+unfold pred; now rewrite recursion_0.
+Theorem pred_S : forall n, pred (S n) == n.
+intro n; unfold pred; now rewrite (recursion_S E); [| unfold fun2_wd; now intros |].
+Theorem S_inj : forall m n, S m == S n -> m == n.
+intros m n H.
+setoid_replace m with (pred (S m)) by (symmetry; apply pred_S).
+setoid_replace n with (pred (S n)) by (symmetry; apply pred_S).
+now apply pred_wd.
+Theorem not_eq_S : forall n m, n # m -> S n # S m.
+intros n m H1 H2. apply S_inj in H2. now apply H1.
+Theorem not_eq_Sn_n : forall n, S n # n.
+induct n.
+apply S_0.
+intros n IH H. apply S_inj in H. now apply IH.
+Theorem not_all_eq_0 : ~ forall n, n == 0.
+intro H; apply (S_0 0). apply H.
+Theorem not_0_implies_S : forall n, n # 0 <-> exists m, n == S m.
+intro n; split.
+induct n; [intro H; now elim H | intros n _ _; now exists n].
+intro H; destruct H as [m H]; rewrite H; apply S_0.
+Theorem nondep_induction :
+ forall P : N -> Prop, NumPrelude.pred_wd E P ->
+ P 0 -> (forall n, P (S n)) -> forall n, P n.
+intros; apply induction; auto.
+Ltac nondep_induct n :=
+ try intros until n;
+ pattern n; apply nondep_induction; clear n;
+ [unfold NumPrelude.pred_wd;
+ let n := fresh "n" in
+ let m := fresh "m" in
+ let H := fresh "H" in intros n m H; qmorphism n m | |].
+Theorem O_or_S : forall n, n == 0 \/ exists m, n == S m.
+nondep_induct n; [now left | intros n; right; now exists n].
+(* The following is useful for reasoning about, e.g., Fibonacci numbers *)
+Section DoubleInduction.
+Variable P : N -> Prop.
+Hypothesis P_correct : NumPrelude.pred_wd E P.
+Add Morphism P with signature E ==> iff as P_morphism.
+exact P_correct.
+Theorem double_induction :
+ P 0 -> P 1 ->
+ (forall n, P n -> P (S n) -> P (S (S n))) -> forall n, P n.
+intros until 3.
+assert (D : forall n, P n /\ P (S n)); [ |intro n; exact (proj1 (D n))].
+induct n; [ | intros n [IH1 IH2]]; auto.
+End DoubleInduction.
+(* The following is useful for reasoning about, e.g., Ackermann function *)
+Section TwoDimensionalInduction.
+Variable R : N -> N -> Prop.
+Hypothesis R_correct : rel_wd E R.
+Add Morphism R with signature E ==> E ==> iff as R_morphism.
+exact R_correct.
+Theorem two_dim_induction :
+ R 0 0 ->
+ (forall n m, R n m -> R n (S m)) ->
+ (forall n, (forall m, R n m) -> R (S n) 0) -> forall n m, R n m.
+intros H1 H2 H3. induct n.
+induct m.
+exact H1. exact (H2 0).
+intros n IH. induct m.
+now apply H3. exact (H2 (S n)).
+End TwoDimensionalInduction.
+End NatProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NDepRec.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NDepRec.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7da105f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NDepRec.v
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Require Import NAxioms.
+Require Import NPlus.
+Require Import NTimes.
+(* Here we allow dependent recursion only for domains with Libniz
+equality. The reason is that, if the domain is A : nat -> Set, then (A
+n) must coincide with (A n') whenever n == n'. However, it is possible
+to try to use arbitrary domain and require that n == n' -> A n = A n'. *)
+Module Type DepRecSignature.
+Declare Module DomainModule : DomainEqSignature.
+Declare Module Export NatModule : NatSignature with
+ Module DomainModule := DomainModule.
+(* Instead of these two lines, I would like to say
+Declare Module Export Nat : NatSignature with Module Domain : NatDomainEq. *)
+Parameter Inline dep_recursion :
+ forall A : N -> Set, A 0 -> (forall n, A n -> A (S n)) -> forall n, A n.
+Axiom dep_recursion_0 :
+ forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)),
+ dep_recursion A a f 0 = a.
+Axiom dep_recursion_S :
+ forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)) (n : N),
+ dep_recursion A a f (S n) = f n (dep_recursion A a f n).
+End DepRecSignature.
+Module DepRecTimesProperties (Export DepRecModule : DepRecSignature)
+ (Export TimesModule : TimesSignature
+ with Module PlusModule.NatModule := DepRecModule.NatModule).
+Module Export TimesPropertiesModule := TimesProperties TimesModule.
+Theorem not_0_implies_S_dep : forall n, n # O -> {m : N | n == S m}.
+intro n; pattern n; apply dep_recursion; clear n;
+[intro H; now elim H | intros n _ _; now exists n].
+Theorem plus_eq_1_dep :
+ forall m n : N, m + n == 1 -> {m == 0 /\ n == 1} + {m == 1 /\ n == 0}.
+(* Why do we write == here instead of just = ? "x == y" is a notation
+for (E x y) declared (along with E := (@eq N)) in NatDomainEq signature. If we
+want to rewrite, e.g., plus_comm, which contains E, in a formula with
+=, setoid rewrite signals an error, because E is not declared a
+morphism w.r.t. = even though E is defined to be =. Thus, we need to
+use E instead of = in our formulas. *)
+intros m n; pattern m; apply dep_recursion; clear m.
+intro H.
+rewrite plus_0_n in H. left; now split.
+intros m IH H. rewrite plus_Sn_m in H. apply S_inj in H.
+apply plus_eq_0 in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
+right; now split; [rewrite H1 |].
+Theorem times_eq_0_dep :
+ forall n m, n * m == 0 -> {n == 0} + {m == 0}.
+intros n m; pattern n; apply dep_recursion; pattern m; apply dep_recursion;
+clear n m.
+intros; left; reflexivity.
+intros; left; reflexivity.
+intros; right; reflexivity.
+intros n _ m _ H.
+rewrite times_Sn_m in H; rewrite plus_Sn_m in H; now apply S_0 in H.
+End DepRecTimesProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NDomain.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NDomain.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebc692d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NDomain.v
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Require Export NumPrelude.
+Module Type DomainSignature.
+Parameter Inline N : Set.
+Parameter Inline E : relation N.
+Parameter Inline e : N -> N -> bool.
+(* Theoretically, we it is enough to have decidable equality e only.
+If necessary, E could be defined using a coercion. However, after we
+prove properties of natural numbers, we would like them to eventually
+use ordinary Leibniz equality. E.g., we would like the commutativity
+theorem, instantiated to nat, to say forall x y : nat, x + y = y + x,
+and not forall x y : nat, eq_true (e (x + y) (y + x))
+In fact, if we wanted to have decidable equality e only, we would have
+some trouble doing rewriting. If there is a hypothesis H : e x y, this
+means more precisely that H : eq_true (e x y). Such hypothesis is not
+recognized as equality by setoid rewrite because it does not have the
+form R x y where R is an identifier. *)
+Axiom E_equiv_e : forall x y : N, E x y <-> e x y.
+Axiom E_equiv : equiv N E.
+Add Relation N E
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
+as E_rel.
+Notation "x == y" := (E x y) (at level 70).
+Notation "x # y" := (~ E x y) (at level 70).
+End DomainSignature.
+(* Now we give DomainSignature, but with E being Leibniz equality. If
+an implementation uses this signature, then more facts may be proved
+about it. *)
+Module Type DomainEqSignature.
+Parameter Inline N : Set.
+Definition E := (@eq N).
+Parameter Inline e : N -> N -> bool.
+Axiom E_equiv_e : forall x y : N, E x y <-> e x y.
+Definition E_equiv : equiv N E := eq_equiv N.
+Add Relation N E
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
+as E_rel.
+Notation "x == y" := (E x y) (at level 70).
+Notation "x # y" := ((E x y) -> False) (at level 70).
+(* Why do we need a new notation for Leibniz equality? See DepRec.v *)
+End DomainEqSignature.
+Module DomainProperties (Export DomainModule : DomainSignature).
+(* It also accepts module of type NatDomainEq *)
+(* The following easily follows from transitivity of e and E, but
+we need to deal with the coercion *)
+Add Morphism e with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as e_wd.
+intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
+case_eq (e x y); case_eq (e x' y'); intros H1 H2; trivial.
+assert (x == y); [apply <- E_equiv_e; now rewrite H2 |
+assert (x' == y'); [rewrite <- Exx'; now rewrite <- Eyy' |
+rewrite <- H1; assert (H3 : e x' y'); [now apply -> E_equiv_e | now inversion H3]]].
+assert (x' == y'); [apply <- E_equiv_e; now rewrite H1 |
+assert (x == y); [rewrite Exx'; now rewrite Eyy' |
+rewrite <- H2; assert (H3 : e x y); [now apply -> E_equiv_e | now inversion H3]]].
+End DomainProperties.
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index 000000000..41d7d6145
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+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NIso.v
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Require Import NAxioms.
+Module Homomorphism (Nat1 Nat2 : NatSignature).
+Module Import DomainProperties1 := DomainProperties Nat1.DomainModule.
+Module Import DomainProperties2 := DomainProperties Nat2.DomainModule.
+(* This registers Nat1.Domain.E and Nat2.Domain.E as setoid relations *)
+Notation Local N1 := Nat1.DomainModule.N.
+Notation Local N2 := Nat2.DomainModule.N.
+Notation Local E1 := Nat1.DomainModule.E.
+Notation Local E2 := Nat2.DomainModule.E.
+Notation Local O1 := Nat1.O.
+Notation Local O2 := Nat2.O.
+Notation Local S1 := Nat1.S.
+Notation Local S2 := Nat2.S.
+Notation Local "x == y" := (Nat2.DomainModule.E x y) (at level 70).
+Definition homomorphism (f : N1 -> N2) : Prop :=
+ f O1 == O2 /\ forall x : N1, f (S1 x) == S2 (f x).
+Definition natural_isomorphism : N1 -> N2 :=
+ Nat1.recursion O2 (fun (x : N1) (p : N2) => S2 p).
+Add Morphism natural_isomorphism
+with signature E1 ==> E2
+as natural_isomorphism_wd.
+unfold natural_isomorphism.
+intros x y Exy.
+apply Nat1.recursion_wd with (EA := E2).
+unfold eq_fun2. intros _ _ _ y' y'' H. now apply Nat2.S_wd.
+Theorem natural_isomorphism_0 : natural_isomorphism O1 == O2.
+unfold natural_isomorphism; now rewrite Nat1.recursion_0.
+Theorem natural_isomorphism_S :
+ forall x : N1, natural_isomorphism (S1 x) == S2 (natural_isomorphism x).
+unfold natural_isomorphism;
+intro x; now rewrite (Nat1.recursion_S Nat2.DomainModule.E);
+[| unfold fun2_wd; intros; apply Nat2.S_wd |].
+Theorem iso_hom : homomorphism natural_isomorphism.
+unfold homomorphism, natural_isomorphism; split;
+[exact natural_isomorphism_0 | exact natural_isomorphism_S].
+End Homomorphism.
+Module Inverse (Nat1 Nat2 : NatSignature).
+Module Import NatProperties1 := NatProperties Nat1.
+(* This makes the tactic induct available. Since it is taken from
+NatProperties Nat1, it refers to Nat1.induction. *)
+Module Hom12 := Homomorphism Nat1 Nat2.
+Module Hom21 := Homomorphism Nat2 Nat1.
+Notation Local N1 := Nat1.DomainModule.N.
+Notation Local N2 := Nat2.DomainModule.N.
+Notation Local h12 := Hom12.natural_isomorphism.
+Notation Local h21 := Hom21.natural_isomorphism.
+Notation Local "x == y" := (Nat1.DomainModule.E x y) (at level 70).
+Lemma iso_inverse :
+ forall x : N1, h21 (h12 x) == x.
+induct x.
+now rewrite Hom12.natural_isomorphism_0; rewrite Hom21.natural_isomorphism_0.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite Hom12.natural_isomorphism_S; rewrite Hom21.natural_isomorphism_S;
+now rewrite IH.
+End Inverse.
+Module Isomorphism (Nat1 Nat2 : NatSignature).
+Module Hom12 := Homomorphism Nat1 Nat2.
+Module Hom21 := Homomorphism Nat2 Nat1.
+Module Inverse121 := Inverse Nat1 Nat2.
+Module Inverse212 := Inverse Nat2 Nat1.
+Notation Local N1 := Nat1.DomainModule.N.
+Notation Local N2 := Nat2.DomainModule.N.
+Notation Local E1 := Nat1.DomainModule.E.
+Notation Local E2 := Nat2.DomainModule.E.
+Notation Local h12 := Hom12.natural_isomorphism.
+Notation Local h21 := Hom21.natural_isomorphism.
+Definition isomorphism (f1 : N1 -> N2) (f2 : N2 -> N1) : Prop :=
+ Hom12.homomorphism f1 /\ Hom21.homomorphism f2 /\
+ forall x : N1, E1 (f2 (f1 x)) x /\
+ forall y : N2, E2 (f1 (f2 y)) y.
+Theorem iso_iso : isomorphism h12 h21.
+unfold isomorphism.
+split. apply Hom12.iso_hom.
+split. apply Hom21.iso_hom.
+split. apply Inverse121.iso_inverse.
+apply Inverse212.iso_inverse.
+End Isomorphism.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NLt.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NLt.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..210786bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NLt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+Require Export NAxioms.
+Module Type LtSignature.
+Declare Module Export NatModule : NatSignature.
+Parameter Inline lt : N -> N -> bool.
+Notation "x < y" := (lt x y).
+Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+Axiom lt_0 : forall x, ~ (x < 0).
+Axiom lt_S : forall x y, x < S y <-> x < y \/ x == y.
+End LtSignature.
+Module LtProperties (Export LtModule : LtSignature).
+Module Export NatPropertiesModule := NatProperties NatModule.
+Theorem lt_n_Sn : forall n, n < S n.
+intro n. apply <- lt_S. now right.
+Theorem lt_closed_S : forall n m, n < m -> n < S m.
+intros. apply <- lt_S. now left.
+Theorem lt_S_lt : forall n m, S n < m -> n < m.
+intro n; induct m.
+intro H; absurd_hyp H; [apply lt_0 | assumption].
+intros x IH H.
+apply -> lt_S in H; elim H.
+intro H1; apply IH in H1; now apply lt_closed_S.
+intro H1; rewrite <- H1.
+apply lt_closed_S; apply lt_n_Sn.
+Theorem lt_0_Sn : forall n, 0 < S n.
+induct n; [apply lt_n_Sn | intros x H; now apply lt_closed_S].
+Theorem lt_transitive : forall n m p, n < m -> m < p -> n < p.
+intros n m p; induct m.
+intros H1 H2; absurd_hyp H1; [ apply lt_0 | assumption].
+intros x IH H1 H2.
+apply -> lt_S in H1; elim H1.
+intro H; apply IH; [assumption | apply lt_S_lt; assumption].
+intro H; rewrite H; apply lt_S_lt; assumption.
+Theorem lt_positive : forall n m, n < m -> 0 < m.
+intros n m; induct n.
+intros x IH H.
+apply lt_transitive with (m := S x); [apply lt_0_Sn | apply H].
+Theorem S_respects_lt : forall n m, S n < S m <-> n < m.
+intros n m; split.
+intro H; apply -> lt_S in H; elim H.
+intros; apply lt_S_lt; assumption.
+intro H1; rewrite <- H1; apply lt_n_Sn.
+induct m.
+intro H; absurd_hyp H; [ apply lt_0 | assumption].
+intros x IH H.
+apply -> lt_S in H; elim H; intro H1.
+apply lt_transitive with (m := S x).
+apply IH; assumption.
+apply lt_n_Sn.
+rewrite H1; apply lt_n_Sn.
+Theorem lt_n_m : forall n m, n < m <-> S n < m \/ S n == m.
+intros n m; nondep_induct m.
+split; intro H; [false_hyp H lt_0 |
+destruct H as [H | H]; [false_hyp H lt_0 | false_hyp H S_0]].
+intros m; split; intro H.
+apply -> lt_S in H. destruct H; [left; now apply <- S_respects_lt | right; now apply S_wd].
+destruct H; [apply lt_transitive with (m := S n); [apply lt_n_Sn | assumption] |
+apply S_inj in H; rewrite H; apply lt_n_Sn].
+Theorem lt_irreflexive : forall n, ~ (n < n).
+induct n.
+apply lt_0.
+intro x; unfold not; intros H1 H2; apply H1; now apply -> S_respects_lt.
+Theorem neq_0_lt : forall n, 0 # n -> 0 < n.
+induct n.
+intro H; now elim H.
+intros; apply lt_0_Sn.
+Theorem lt_0_neq : forall n, 0 < n -> 0 # n.
+induct n.
+intro H; absurd_hyp H; [apply lt_0 | assumption].
+unfold not; intros; now apply S_0 with (n := n).
+Theorem lt_asymmetric : forall n m, ~ (n < m /\ m < n).
+unfold not; intros n m [H1 H2].
+now apply (lt_transitive n m n) in H1; [false_hyp H1 lt_irreflexive|].
+Theorem eq_0_or_lt_0: forall n, 0 == n \/ 0 < n.
+induct n; [now left | intros x; right; apply lt_0_Sn].
+Theorem lt_options : forall n m, n < m -> S n < m \/ S n == m.
+intros n m; induct m.
+intro H; false_hyp H lt_0.
+intros x IH H.
+apply -> lt_S in H; elim H; intro H1.
+apply IH in H1; elim H1; intro H2.
+left; apply lt_transitive with (m := x); [assumption | apply lt_n_Sn].
+rewrite H2; left; apply lt_n_Sn.
+right; rewrite H1; reflexivity.
+Theorem lt_trichotomy : forall n m, n < m \/ n == m \/ m < n.
+intros n m; induct n.
+assert (H : 0 == m \/ 0 < m); [apply eq_0_or_lt_0 | tauto].
+intros n IH. destruct IH as [H | H].
+assert (S n < m \/ S n == m); [now apply lt_options | tauto].
+destruct H as [H1 | H1].
+right; right; rewrite H1; apply lt_n_Sn.
+right; right; apply lt_transitive with (m := n); [assumption | apply lt_n_Sn].
+Theorem lt_dichotomy : forall n m, n < m \/ ~ n < m.
+intros n m; pose proof (lt_trichotomy n m) as H.
+destruct H as [H1 | H1]; [now left |].
+destruct H1 as [H2 | H2].
+right; rewrite H2; apply lt_irreflexive.
+right; intro; apply (lt_asymmetric n m); split; assumption.
+Theorem nat_total_order : forall n m, n # m -> n < m \/ m < n.
+intros n m H; destruct (lt_trichotomy n m) as [A | A]; [now left |].
+now destruct A as [A | A]; [elim H | right].
+Theorem lt_exists_pred : forall n, 0 < n -> exists m, n == S m.
+induct n.
+intro H; false_hyp H lt_0.
+intros n IH H; now exists n.
+End LtProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NMiscFunct.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NMiscFunct.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f9b7b1d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NMiscFunct.v
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+Require Import Bool. (* To get the negb function *)
+Require Import NAxioms.
+Require Import NStrongRec.
+Require Import NPlus.
+Require Import NTimes.
+Require Import NLt.
+Require Import NPlusLt.
+Require Import NTimesLt.
+Module MiscFunctFunctor (NatMod : NatSignature).
+Module Export NatPropertiesModule := NatProperties NatMod.
+Module Export StrongRecPropertiesModule := StrongRecProperties NatMod.
+(** Addition *)
+Definition plus (x y : N) := recursion y (fun _ p => S p) x.
+Lemma plus_step_wd : fun2_wd E E E (fun _ p => S p).
+unfold fun2_wd; intros _ _ _ p p' H; now rewrite H.
+Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+unfold plus.
+intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := E).
+unfold eq_fun2; intros _ _ _ p p' Epp'; now rewrite Epp'.
+Theorem plus_0 : forall y, plus 0 y == y.
+intro y. unfold plus.
+(*pose proof (recursion_0 E y (fun _ p => S p)) as H.*)
+rewrite recursion_0. apply (proj1 E_equiv).
+Theorem plus_S : forall x y, plus (S x) y == S (plus x y).
+intros x y; unfold plus.
+now rewrite (recursion_S E); [|apply plus_step_wd|].
+(** Multiplication *)
+Definition times (x y : N) := recursion 0 (fun x p => plus y p) x.
+Lemma times_step_wd : forall y, fun2_wd E E E (fun x p => plus y p).
+unfold fun2_wd. intros y _ _ _ p p' Ezz'.
+now apply plus_wd.
+Lemma times_step_equal :
+ forall y y', y == y' -> eq_fun2 E E E (fun x p => plus y p) (fun x p => plus y' p).
+unfold eq_fun2; intros; apply plus_wd; assumption.
+Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+unfold times.
+intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := E).
+reflexivity. apply times_step_equal. assumption. assumption.
+Theorem times_0 : forall y, times 0 y == 0.
+intro y. unfold times. now rewrite recursion_0.
+Theorem times_S : forall x y, times (S x) y == plus y (times x y).
+intros x y; unfold times.
+now rewrite (recursion_S E); [| apply times_step_wd |].
+(** Less Than *)
+Definition lt (m : N) : N -> bool :=
+ recursion (if_zero false true)
+ (fun _ f => fun n => recursion false (fun n' _ => f n') n)
+ m.
+Lemma lt_base_wd : eq_fun E eq_bool (if_zero false true) (if_zero false true).
+unfold eq_fun, eq_bool; intros; apply if_zero_wd; now unfold LE_Set.
+Lemma lt_step_wd :
+ let step := (fun _ f => fun n => recursion false (fun n' _ => f n') n) in
+ eq_fun2 E (eq_fun E eq_bool) (eq_fun E eq_bool) step step.
+unfold eq_fun2, eq_fun, eq_bool.
+intros x x' Exx' f f' Eff' y y' Eyy'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_bool); unfold eq_bool.
+unfold eq_fun2; intros; now apply Eff'.
+Lemma lt_curry_wd : forall m m', m == m' -> eq_fun E eq_bool (lt m) (lt m').
+unfold lt.
+intros m m' Emm'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_fun E eq_bool).
+apply lt_base_wd.
+apply lt_step_wd.
+Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+unfold eq_fun; intros m m' Emm' n n' Enn'.
+now apply lt_curry_wd.
+(* Note that if we unfold lt along with eq_fun above, then "apply" signals
+as error "Impossible to unify", not just, e.g., "Cannot solve second-order
+unification problem". Something is probably wrong. *)
+Theorem lt_base_eq : forall n, lt 0 n = if_zero false true n.
+intro n; unfold lt; now rewrite recursion_0.
+Theorem lt_step_eq : forall m n, lt (S m) n = recursion false (fun n' _ => lt m n') n.
+intros m n; unfold lt.
+pose proof (recursion_S (eq_fun E eq_bool) (if_zero false true)
+ (fun _ f => fun n => recursion false (fun n' _ => f n') n)
+ lt_base_wd lt_step_wd m n n) as H.
+unfold eq_bool in H.
+assert (H1 : n == n); [reflexivity | apply H in H1; now rewrite H1].
+Theorem lt_0 : forall n, ~ lt n 0.
+nondep_induct n.
+rewrite lt_base_eq; rewrite if_zero_0; now intro.
+intros n; rewrite lt_step_eq. rewrite recursion_0. now intro.
+(* Above, we rewrite applications of function. Is it possible to rewrite
+functions themselves, i.e., rewrite (recursion lt_base lt_step (S n)) to
+lt_step n (recursion lt_base lt_step n)? *)
+Lemma lt_0_1 : lt 0 1.
+rewrite lt_base_eq; now rewrite if_zero_S.
+Lemma lt_0_Sn : forall n, lt 0 (S n).
+intro n; rewrite lt_base_eq; now rewrite if_zero_S.
+Lemma lt_Sn_Sm : forall n m, lt (S n) (S m) <-> lt n m.
+intros n m.
+rewrite lt_step_eq. rewrite (recursion_S eq_bool).
+now unfold eq_bool.
+unfold fun2_wd; intros; now apply lt_wd.
+Theorem lt_S : forall m n, lt m (S n) <-> lt m n \/ m == n.
+induct m.
+nondep_induct n;
+[split; intro; [now right | apply lt_0_1] |
+intro n; split; intro; [left |]; apply lt_0_Sn].
+intros n IH. nondep_induct n0.
+intro. assert (H1 : lt n 0); [now apply -> lt_Sn_Sm | false_hyp H1 lt_0].
+intro H; destruct H as [H | H].
+false_hyp H lt_0. false_hyp H S_0.
+intro m. pose proof (IH m) as H; clear IH.
+assert (lt (S n) (S (S m)) <-> lt n (S m)); [apply lt_Sn_Sm |].
+assert (lt (S n) (S m) <-> lt n m); [apply lt_Sn_Sm |].
+assert (S n == S m <-> n == m); [split; [ apply S_inj | apply S_wd]|].
+(** Even *)
+Definition even (x : N) := recursion true (fun _ p => negb p) x.
+Lemma even_step_wd : fun2_wd E eq_bool eq_bool (fun x p => if p then false else true).
+unfold fun2_wd.
+intros x x' Exx' b b' Ebb'.
+unfold eq_bool; destruct b; destruct b'; now simpl.
+Add Morphism even with signature E ==> eq_bool as even_wd.
+unfold even; intros.
+apply recursion_wd with (A := bool) (EA := eq_bool).
+now unfold eq_bool.
+unfold eq_fun2. intros _ _ _ b b' Ebb'. unfold eq_bool; destruct b; destruct b'; now simpl.
+Theorem even_0 : even 0 = true.
+unfold even.
+now rewrite recursion_0.
+Theorem even_S : forall x : N, even (S x) = negb (even x).
+unfold even.
+intro x; rewrite (recursion_S (@eq bool)); try reflexivity.
+unfold fun2_wd.
+intros _ _ _ b b' Ebb'. destruct b; destruct b'; now simpl.
+(** Division by 2 *)
+Definition half_aux (x : N) : N * N :=
+ recursion (0, 0) (fun _ p => let (x1, x2) := p in ((S x2, x1))) x.
+Definition half (x : N) := snd (half_aux x).
+Definition E2 := prod_rel E E.
+Add Relation (prod N N) E2
+reflexivity proved by (prod_rel_refl N N E E E_equiv E_equiv)
+symmetry proved by (prod_rel_symm N N E E E_equiv E_equiv)
+transitivity proved by (prod_rel_trans N N E E E_equiv E_equiv)
+as E2_rel.
+Lemma half_step_wd: fun2_wd E E2 E2 (fun _ p => let (x1, x2) := p in ((S x2, x1))).
+unfold fun2_wd, E2, prod_rel.
+intros _ _ _ p1 p2 [H1 H2].
+destruct p1; destruct p2; simpl in *.
+now split; [rewrite H2 |].
+Add Morphism half with signature E ==> E as half_wd.
+unfold half.
+assert (H: forall x y, x == y -> E2 (half_aux x) (half_aux y)).
+intros x y Exy; unfold half_aux; apply recursion_wd with (EA := E2); unfold E2.
+unfold E2.
+unfold prod_rel; simpl; now split.
+unfold eq_fun2, prod_rel; simpl.
+intros _ _ _ p1 p2; destruct p1; destruct p2; simpl.
+intros [H1 H2]; split; [rewrite H2 | assumption]. reflexivity. assumption.
+unfold E2, prod_rel in H. intros x y Exy; apply H in Exy.
+exact (proj2 Exy).
+(** Logarithm for the base 2 *)
+Definition log (x : N) : N :=
+strong_rec 0
+ (fun x g =>
+ if (e x 0) then 0
+ else if (e x 1) then 0
+ else S (g (half x)))
+ x.
+Add Morphism log with signature E ==> E as log_wd.
+intros x x' Exx'. unfold log.
+apply strong_rec_wd with (EA := E); try (reflexivity || assumption).
+unfold eq_fun2. intros y y' Eyy' g g' Egg'.
+assert (H : e y 0 = e y' 0); [now apply e_wd|].
+rewrite <- H; clear H.
+assert (H : e y 1 = e y' 1); [now apply e_wd|].
+rewrite <- H; clear H.
+assert (H : S (g (half y)) == S (g' (half y')));
+[apply S_wd; apply Egg'; now apply half_wd|].
+now destruct (e y 0); destruct (e y 1).
+(** To get the properties of plus, times and lt defined *)
+(** via recursion, we form the corresponding modules and *)
+(** apply the properties functors to these modules *)
+Module DefaultPlusModule <: PlusSignature.
+Module NatModule := NatMod.
+(* If we used the name NatModule instead of NatMod then this would
+produce many warnings like "Trying to mask the absolute name
+NatModule", "Trying to mask the absolute name Nat.O" etc. *)
+Definition plus := plus.
+Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+exact plus_wd.
+Theorem plus_0_n : forall n, plus 0 n == n.
+exact plus_0.
+Theorem plus_Sn_m : forall n m, plus (S n) m == S (plus n m).
+exact plus_S.
+End DefaultPlusModule.
+Module DefaultTimesModule <: TimesSignature.
+Module Export PlusModule := DefaultPlusModule.
+Definition times := times.
+Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+exact times_wd.
+Theorem times_0_n : forall n, times 0 n == 0.
+exact times_0.
+Theorem times_Sn_m : forall n m, times (S n) m == plus m (times n m).
+exact times_S.
+End DefaultTimesModule.
+Module DefaultLtModule <: LtSignature.
+Module NatModule := NatMod.
+Definition lt := lt.
+Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+exact lt_wd.
+Theorem lt_0 : forall x, ~ (lt x 0).
+exact lt_0.
+Theorem lt_S : forall x y, lt x (S y) <-> lt x y \/ x == y.
+exact lt_S.
+End DefaultLtModule.
+Module Export DefaultPlusProperties := PlusProperties DefaultPlusModule.
+Module Export DefaultTimesProperties := TimesProperties DefaultTimesModule.
+Module Export DefaultLtProperties := LtProperties DefaultLtModule.
+Module Export DefaultPlusLtProperties := PlusLtProperties DefaultPlusModule DefaultLtModule.
+Module Export DefaultTimesLtProperties := TimesLtProperties DefaultTimesModule DefaultLtModule.
+(*Opaque MiscFunctFunctor.plus.
+Check plus_comm. (* This produces the following *)
+Eval compute in (forall n m : PlusModule.NatModule.DomainModule.N, plus n m == plus m n).*)
+End MiscFunctFunctor.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NOtherInd.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NOtherInd.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e37669bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NOtherInd.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+Require Export NDomain.
+Declare Module Export DomainModule : DomainSignature.
+Parameter O : N.
+Parameter S : N -> N.
+Notation "0" := O.
+Definition induction :=
+forall P : N -> Prop, pred_wd E P ->
+ P 0 -> (forall n : N, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : N, P n.
+Definition other_induction :=
+forall P : N -> Prop,
+ (forall n : N, n == 0 -> P n) ->
+ (forall n : N, P n -> forall m : N, m == S n -> P m) ->
+ forall n : N, P n.
+Theorem other_ind_implies_ind : other_induction -> induction.
+unfold induction, other_induction; intros OI P P_wd Base Step.
+apply OI; unfold pred_wd in P_wd.
+intros; now apply -> (P_wd 0).
+intros n Pn m EmSn; now apply -> (P_wd (S n)); [apply Step|].
+Theorem ind_implies_other_ind : induction -> other_induction.
+intros I P Base Step.
+set (Q := fun n => forall m, m == n -> P m).
+cut (forall n, Q n).
+unfold Q; intros H n; now apply (H n).
+apply I.
+unfold pred_wd, Q. intros x y Exy.
+split; intros H m Em; apply H; [now rewrite Exy | now rewrite <- Exy].
+exact Base.
+intros n Qn m EmSn; now apply Step with (n := n); [apply Qn |].
+(* This theorem is not really needed. It shows that if we have
+other_induction and we proved the base case and the induction step, we
+can in fact show that the predicate in question is well-defined, and
+therefore we can turn this other induction into the standard one. *)
+Theorem other_ind_implies_pred_wd :
+other_induction ->
+ forall P : N -> Prop,
+ (forall n : N, n == 0 -> P n) ->
+ (forall n : N, P n -> forall m : N, m == S n -> P m) ->
+ pred_wd E P.
+intros OI P Base Step; unfold pred_wd.
+intros x; pattern x; apply OI; clear x.
+(* Base case *)
+intros x H1 y H2.
+assert (y == 0); [rewrite <- H2; now rewrite H1|].
+assert (P x); [now apply Base|].
+assert (P y); [now apply Base|].
+split; now intro.
+(* Step *)
+intros x IH z H y H1.
+rewrite H in H1. symmetry in H1.
+split; (intro H2; eapply Step; [|apply H || apply H1]); now apply OI.
+Section Recursion.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable EA : relation A.
+Hypothesis EA_symm : symmetric A EA.
+Hypothesis EA_trans : transitive A EA.
+Add Relation A EA
+ symmetry proved by EA_symm
+ transitivity proved by EA_trans
+as EA_rel.
+Lemma EA_neighbor : forall a a' : A, EA a a' -> EA a a.
+intros a a' EAaa'.
+apply EA_trans with (y := a'); [assumption | apply EA_symm; assumption].
+Parameter recursion : A -> (N -> A -> A) -> N -> A.
+Axiom recursion_0 :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> forall x : N, x == 0 -> EA (recursion a f x) a.
+Axiom recursion_S :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n m : N, n == S m -> EA (recursion a f n) (f m (recursion a f m)).
+Theorem recursion_wd : induction ->
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, fun2_wd E EA EA f -> fun2_wd E EA EA f' -> eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x == x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+intros I a a' Eaa' f f' f_wd f'_wd Eff'.
+apply ind_implies_other_ind in I.
+intro x; pattern x; apply I; clear x.
+intros x Ex0 x' Exx'.
+rewrite Ex0 in Exx'; symmetry in Exx'.
+(* apply recursion_0 in Ex0. produces
+Anomaly: type_of: this is not a well-typed term. Please report. *)
+assert (EA (recursion a f x) a).
+apply recursion_0. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a'). assumption.
+assert (EA a' (recursion a' f' x')).
+apply EA_symm. apply recursion_0. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a). assumption.
+apply EA_trans with (y := a). assumption.
+now apply EA_trans with (y := a').
+intros x IH y H y' H1.
+rewrite H in H1; symmetry in H1.
+assert (EA (recursion a f y) (f x (recursion a f x))).
+apply recursion_S. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a').
+assumption. now symmetry.
+assert (EA (f' x (recursion a' f' x)) (recursion a' f' y')).
+symmetry; apply recursion_S. now apply EA_neighbor with (a' := a). assumption.
+now symmetry.
+assert (EA (f x (recursion a f x)) (f' x (recursion a' f' x))).
+apply Eff'. reflexivity. apply IH. reflexivity.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f x (recursion a f x))). assumption.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f' x (recursion a' f' x))). assumption.
+Axiom recursion_0' :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ forall x : N, x == 0 -> recursion a f x = a.
+Axiom recursion_S' :
+ forall (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n m : N, n == S m -> EA (recursion a f n) (f m (recursion a f m)).
+Theorem recursion_wd' : other_induction ->
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a -> EA a' a' -> EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, fun2_wd E EA EA f -> fun2_wd E EA EA f' -> eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x == x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+intros I a a' a_wd a'_wd Eaa' f f' f_wd f'_wd Eff'.
+intro x; pattern x; apply I; clear x.
+intros x Ex0 x' Exx'. rewrite Ex0 in Exx'. symmetry in Exx'.
+replace (recursion a f x) with a. replace (recursion a' f' x') with a'.
+assumption. symmetry; now apply recursion_0'. symmetry; now apply recursion_0'.
+intros x IH y EySx y' Eyy'. rewrite EySx in Eyy'. symmetry in Eyy'.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f x (recursion a f x))). now apply recursion_S'.
+apply EA_trans with (y := (f' x (recursion a' f' x))).
+apply Eff'. reflexivity. now apply IH.
+symmetry; now apply recursion_S'.
+End Recursion.
+Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NPlus.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NPlus.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29b65e3f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NPlus.v
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+Require Export NAxioms.
+Module Type PlusSignature.
+Declare Module Export NatModule : NatSignature.
+Parameter Inline plus : N -> N -> N.
+Notation "x + y" := (plus x y).
+Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+Axiom plus_0_n : forall n, 0 + n == n.
+Axiom plus_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) + m == S (n + m).
+End PlusSignature.
+Module PlusProperties (Export PlusModule : PlusSignature).
+Module Export NatPropertiesModule := NatProperties NatModule.
+Lemma plus_0_r : forall n, n + 0 == n.
+induct n.
+now rewrite plus_0_n.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite plus_Sn_m.
+now rewrite IH.
+Lemma plus_0_l : forall n, 0 + n == n.
+intro n.
+now rewrite plus_0_n.
+Lemma plus_n_Sm : forall n m, n + S m == S (n + m).
+intros n m; generalize n; clear n. induct n.
+now repeat rewrite plus_0_n.
+intros x IH.
+repeat rewrite plus_Sn_m; now rewrite IH.
+Lemma plus_Sn_m : forall n m, S n + m == S (n + m).
+now rewrite plus_Sn_m.
+Lemma plus_comm : forall n m, n + m == m + n.
+intros n m; generalize n; clear n. induct n.
+rewrite plus_0_l; now rewrite plus_0_r.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite plus_Sn_m; rewrite plus_n_Sm; now rewrite IH.
+Lemma plus_assoc : forall n m p, n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p.
+intros n m p; generalize n; clear n. induct n.
+now repeat rewrite plus_0_l.
+intros x IH.
+repeat rewrite plus_Sn_m; now rewrite IH.
+Lemma plus_1_l : forall n, 1 + n == S n.
+intro n; rewrite plus_Sn_m; now rewrite plus_0_n.
+Lemma plus_1_r : forall n, n + 1 == S n.
+intro n; rewrite plus_comm; apply plus_1_l.
+Lemma plus_cancel_l : forall n m p, p + n == p + m -> n == m.
+induct p.
+do 2 rewrite plus_0_n; trivial.
+intros p IH H. do 2 rewrite plus_Sn_m in H. apply S_inj in H. now apply IH.
+Lemma plus_cancel_r : forall n m p, n + p == m + p -> n == m.
+intros n m p.
+rewrite plus_comm.
+set (k := p + n); rewrite plus_comm; unfold k.
+apply plus_cancel_l.
+Lemma plus_eq_0 : forall n m, n + m == 0 -> n == 0 /\ m == 0.
+intros n m; induct n.
+rewrite plus_0_n; now split.
+intros n IH H. rewrite plus_Sn_m in H.
+absurd_hyp H; [|assumption]. unfold not; apply S_0.
+Lemma succ_plus_discr : forall n m, m # S (n + m).
+intro n; induct m.
+intro H. apply S_0 with (n := (n + 0)). now apply (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv)). (* symmetry *)
+intros m IH H. apply S_inj in H. rewrite plus_n_Sm in H.
+unfold not in IH; now apply IH.
+Lemma n_SSn : forall n, n # S (S n).
+intro n. pose proof (succ_plus_discr 1 n) as H.
+rewrite plus_Sn_m in H; now rewrite plus_0_n in H.
+Lemma n_SSSn : forall n, n # S (S (S n)).
+intro n. pose proof (succ_plus_discr (S (S 0)) n) as H.
+do 2 rewrite plus_Sn_m in H. now rewrite plus_0_n in H.
+Lemma n_SSSSn : forall n, n # S (S (S (S n))).
+intro n. pose proof (succ_plus_discr (S (S (S 0))) n) as H.
+do 3 rewrite plus_Sn_m in H. now rewrite plus_0_n in H.
+(* The following section is devoted to defining a function that, given
+two numbers whose some equals 1, decides which number equals 1. The
+main property of the function is also proved .*)
+(* First prove a theorem with ordinary disjunction *)
+Theorem plus_eq_1 :
+ forall m n, m + n == 1 -> (m == 0 /\ n == 1) \/ (m == 1 /\ n == 0).
+induct m.
+intros n H; rewrite plus_0_n in H; left; now split.
+intros n IH m H; rewrite plus_Sn_m in H; apply S_inj in H;
+apply plus_eq_0 in H; destruct H as [H1 H2];
+now right; split; [apply S_wd |].
+Definition plus_eq_1_dec (m n : N) : bool := recursion true (fun _ _ => false) m.
+Lemma plus_eq_1_dec_step_wd : fun2_wd E eq_bool eq_bool (fun _ _ => false).
+unfold fun2_wd; intros. unfold eq_bool. reflexivity.
+Add Morphism plus_eq_1_dec with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as plus_eq_1_dec_wd.
+unfold fun2_wd, plus_eq_1_dec.
+intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_bool).
+unfold eq_bool; reflexivity.
+unfold eq_fun2; unfold eq_bool; reflexivity.
+Lemma plus_eq_1_dec_0 : forall n, plus_eq_1_dec 0 n = true.
+intro n. unfold plus_eq_1_dec.
+now apply recursion_0.
+Lemma plus_eq_1_dec_S : forall m n, plus_eq_1_dec (S n) m = false.
+intros n m. unfold plus_eq_1_dec.
+now rewrite (recursion_S eq_bool);
+[| unfold eq_bool | apply plus_eq_1_dec_step_wd].
+Theorem plus_eq_1_dec_correct :
+ forall m n, m + n == 1 ->
+ (plus_eq_1_dec m n = true -> m == 0 /\ n == 1) /\
+ (plus_eq_1_dec m n = false -> m == 1 /\ n == 0).
+intros m n; induct m.
+intro H. rewrite plus_0_l in H.
+rewrite plus_eq_1_dec_0.
+split; [intros; now split | intro H1; discriminate H1].
+intros m _ H. rewrite plus_eq_1_dec_S.
+split; [intro H1; discriminate | intros _ ].
+rewrite plus_Sn_m in H. apply S_inj in H.
+apply plus_eq_0 in H; split; [apply S_wd | ]; tauto.
+End PlusProperties.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac322a8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NPlusLt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Require Export NPlus.
+Require Export NLt.
+Module PlusLtProperties (Export PlusModule : PlusSignature)
+ (Export LtModule : LtSignature with
+ Module NatModule := PlusModule.NatModule).
+Module Export PlusPropertiesModule := PlusProperties PlusModule.
+Module Export LtPropertiesModule := LtProperties LtModule.
+(* Print All locks up here !!! *)
+Theorem lt_plus_trans : forall n m p, n < m -> n < m + p.
+intros n m p; induct p.
+now rewrite plus_0_r.
+intros x IH H.
+rewrite plus_n_Sm. apply lt_closed_S. apply IH; apply H.
+Lemma plus_lt_compat_l : forall n m p, n < m -> p + n < p + m.
+intros n m p H; induct p.
+do 2 rewrite plus_0_n; assumption.
+intros x IH. do 2 rewrite plus_Sn_m. now apply <- S_respects_lt.
+Lemma plus_lt_compat_r : forall n m p, n < m -> n + p < m + p.
+intros n m p H; rewrite plus_comm.
+set (k := p + n); rewrite plus_comm; unfold k; clear k.
+now apply plus_lt_compat_l.
+Lemma plus_lt_compat : forall n m p q, n < m -> p < q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2.
+apply lt_transitive with (m := m + p);
+[now apply plus_lt_compat_r | now apply plus_lt_compat_l].
+Lemma plus_lt_reg_l : forall n m p, p + n < p + m -> n < m.
+intros n m p; induct p.
+now do 2 rewrite plus_0_n.
+intros x IH H.
+do 2 rewrite plus_Sn_m in H.
+apply IH; now apply -> S_respects_lt.
+End PlusLtProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NStrongRec.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NStrongRec.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a97dca9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NStrongRec.v
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Require Import NAxioms.
+Module StrongRecProperties (Export NatModule : NatSignature).
+Module Export DomainPropertiesModule := DomainProperties NatModule.DomainModule.
+Section StrongRecursion.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable EA : relation A.
+Hypothesis EA_equiv : equiv A EA.
+Definition strong_rec (a : A) (f : N -> (N -> A) -> A) (x : N) : A :=
+(recursion (fun _ : N => a)
+ (fun (x : N) (p : N -> A) (y : N) => if (e y x) then (f x p) else (p y))
+ (S x)) x.
+Lemma strong_rec_step_wd : forall f : N -> (N -> A) -> A,
+fun2_wd E (eq_fun E EA) EA f ->
+ fun2_wd E (eq_fun E EA) (eq_fun E EA)
+ (fun (x : N) (p : N -> A) (y : N) => if (e y x) then (f x p) else (p y)).
+unfold fun2_wd; intros f f_wd.
+intros x x' Exx'. unfold eq_fun. intros g g' Egg' y y' Eyy'.
+assert (H : e y x = e y' x'). now apply e_wd. rewrite H.
+destruct (e y' x'); simpl.
+now apply f_wd. now apply Egg'.
+Theorem strong_rec_wd :
+forall a a', EA a a' ->
+ forall f f', eq_fun2 E (eq_fun E EA) EA f f' ->
+ forall x x', x == x' ->
+ EA (strong_rec a f x) (strong_rec a' f' x').
+intros a a' Eaa' f f' Eff' x x' Exx'.
+assert (H : eq_fun E EA
+ (recursion (fun _ : N => a)
+ (fun (x : N) (p : N -> A) (y : N) => if (e y x) then (f x p) else (p y))
+ (S x))
+ (recursion (fun _ : N => a')
+ (fun (x : N) (p : N -> A) (y : N) => if (e y x) then (f' x p) else (p y))
+ (S x'))).
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_fun E EA).
+unfold eq_fun; now intros.
+unfold eq_fun2. intros y y' Eyy' p p' Epp'. unfold eq_fun. intros z z' Ezz'.
+assert (H: e z y = e z' y'); [now apply e_wd|].
+rewrite <- H. destruct (e z y); [now apply Eff' | now apply Epp'].
+now rewrite Exx'.
+unfold strong_rec.
+now apply H.
+(* To do:
+Definition step_good (g : N -> (N -> A) -> A) :=
+ forall (x : N) (h1 h2 : N -> A),
+ (forall y : N, y < x -> EA (h1 y) (h2 y)) -> EA (g x h1) (g x h2).
+Theorem strong_recursion_fixpoint : forall a g, step_good g ->
+ let f x := (strong_rec a g x) in forall x, EA (f x) (g x f).
+End StrongRecursion.
+Implicit Arguments strong_rec [A].
+End StrongRecProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NTimes.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NTimes.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a47070083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NTimes.v
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+Require Export NPlus.
+Module Type TimesSignature.
+Declare Module Export PlusModule : PlusSignature.
+Parameter Inline times : N -> N -> N.
+Notation "x * y" := (times x y).
+Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+Axiom times_0_n : forall n, 0 * n == 0.
+Axiom times_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) * m == m + n * m.
+End TimesSignature.
+Module TimesProperties (Export TimesModule : TimesSignature).
+Module Export PlusPropertiesModule := PlusProperties PlusModule.
+Theorem mult_0_r : forall n, n * 0 == 0.
+induct n.
+now rewrite times_0_n.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite times_Sn_m; now rewrite plus_0_n.
+Theorem mult_0_l : forall n, 0 * n == 0.
+intro n; now rewrite times_0_n.
+Theorem mult_plus_distr_r : forall n m p, (n + m) * p == n * p + m * p.
+intros n m p; induct n.
+rewrite mult_0_l.
+now do 2 rewrite plus_0_l.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite plus_Sn_m.
+do 2 rewrite times_Sn_m.
+rewrite IH.
+apply plus_assoc.
+Theorem mult_plus_distr_l : forall n m p, n * (m + p) == n * m + n * p.
+intros n m p; induct n.
+do 3 rewrite mult_0_l; now rewrite plus_0_l.
+intros x IH.
+do 3 rewrite times_Sn_m.
+rewrite IH.
+(* Now we have to rearrange the sum of 4 terms *)
+rewrite <- (plus_assoc m p (x * m + x * p)).
+rewrite (plus_assoc p (x * m) (x * p)).
+rewrite (plus_comm p (x * m)).
+rewrite <- (plus_assoc (x * m) p (x * p)).
+apply (plus_assoc m (x * m) (p + x * p)).
+Theorem mult_assoc : forall n m p, n * (m * p) == (n * m) * p.
+intros n m p; induct n.
+now do 3 rewrite mult_0_l.
+intros x IH.
+do 2 rewrite times_Sn_m.
+rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
+now rewrite IH.
+Theorem mult_1_l : forall n, 1 * n == n.
+intro n.
+rewrite times_Sn_m; rewrite times_0_n. now rewrite plus_0_r.
+Theorem mult_1_r : forall n, n * 1 == n.
+induct n.
+now rewrite times_0_n.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite times_Sn_m; rewrite IH; rewrite plus_Sn_m; now rewrite plus_0_n.
+Theorem mult_comm : forall n m, n * m == m * n.
+intros n m.
+induct n.
+rewrite mult_0_l; now rewrite mult_0_r.
+intros x IH.
+rewrite times_Sn_m.
+assert (H : S x == S 0 + x).
+rewrite plus_Sn_m; rewrite plus_0_n; reflexivity.
+rewrite H.
+rewrite mult_plus_distr_l.
+rewrite mult_1_r; rewrite IH; reflexivity.
+Theorem times_eq_0 : forall n m, n * m == 0 -> n == 0 \/ m == 0.
+induct n; induct m.
+intros; now left.
+intros; now left.
+intros; now right.
+intros m IH H1.
+rewrite times_Sn_m in H1; rewrite plus_Sn_m in H1; now apply S_0 in H1.
+Definition times_eq_0_dec (n m : N) : bool :=
+ recursion true (fun _ _ => recursion false (fun _ _ => false) m) n.
+Lemma times_eq_0_dec_wd_step :
+ forall y y', y == y' ->
+ eq_bool (recursion false (fun _ _ => false) y)
+ (recursion false (fun _ _ => false) y').
+intros y y' Eyy'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_bool).
+now unfold eq_bool.
+unfold eq_fun2. intros. now unfold eq_bool.
+Add Morphism times_eq_0_dec with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool
+as times_eq_0_dec_wd.
+unfold fun2_wd, times_eq_0_dec.
+intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
+apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_bool).
+now unfold eq_bool.
+unfold eq_fun2; intros. now apply times_eq_0_dec_wd_step.
+Theorem times_eq_0_dec_correct :
+ forall n m, n * m == 0 ->
+ (times_eq_0_dec n m = true -> n == 0) /\
+ (times_eq_0_dec n m = false -> m == 0).
+nondep_induct n; nondep_induct m; unfold times_eq_0_dec.
+rewrite recursion_0; split; now intros.
+intro n; rewrite recursion_0; split; now intros.
+intro; rewrite recursion_0; rewrite (recursion_S eq_bool);
+[split; now intros | now unfold eq_bool | unfold fun2_wd; unfold eq_bool; now intros].
+intro m; rewrite (recursion_S eq_bool).
+rewrite times_Sn_m. rewrite plus_Sn_m. intro H; now apply S_0 in H.
+now unfold eq_bool.
+unfold fun2_wd; intros; now unfold eq_bool.
+Theorem times_eq_1 : forall n m, n * m == 1 -> n == 1 /\ m == 1.
+nondep_induct n; nondep_induct m.
+intro H; rewrite times_0_n in H; symmetry in H; now apply S_0 in H.
+intros n H; rewrite times_0_n in H; symmetry in H; now apply S_0 in H.
+intro H; rewrite mult_0_r in H; symmetry in H; now apply S_0 in H.
+intros m H; rewrite times_Sn_m in H; rewrite plus_Sn_m in H;
+apply S_inj in H; rewrite mult_comm in H; rewrite times_Sn_m in H;
+apply plus_eq_0 in H; destruct H as [H1 H2];
+apply plus_eq_0 in H2; destruct H2 as [H3 _]; rewrite H1; rewrite H3; now split.
+End TimesProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NTimesLt.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NTimesLt.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e67b5bb2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Axioms/NTimesLt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Require Export NLt.
+Require Export NTimes.
+Require Export NPlusLt.
+Module TimesLtProperties (Export TimesModule : TimesSignature)
+ (Export LtModule : LtSignature with
+ Module NatModule := TimesModule.PlusModule.NatModule).
+Module Export TimesPropertiesModule := TimesProperties TimesModule.
+Module Export LtPropertiesModule := LtProperties LtModule.
+Module Export PlusLtPropertiesModule := PlusLtProperties TimesModule.PlusModule LtModule.
+Lemma mult_S_lt_compat_l : forall n m p, m < p -> S n * m < S n * p.
+intros n m p; induct n.
+now do 2 rewrite mult_1_l.
+intros x IH H.
+rewrite times_Sn_m.
+set (k := S x * m); rewrite times_Sn_m; unfold k; clear k.
+apply plus_lt_compat; [assumption | apply IH; assumption].
+Lemma mult_S_lt_compat_r : forall n m p, m < p -> m * (S n) < p * (S n).
+intros n m p H.
+set (k := (p * (S n))); rewrite mult_comm; unfold k; clear k.
+set (k := ((S n) * m)); rewrite mult_comm; unfold k; clear k.
+now apply mult_S_lt_compat_l.
+Lemma mult_lt_compat_l : forall m n p, n < m -> 0 < p -> p * n < p * m.
+intros n m p H1 H2.
+apply (lt_exists_pred p) in H2.
+destruct H2 as [q H]. repeat rewrite H.
+now apply mult_S_lt_compat_l.
+Lemma mult_lt_compat_r : forall n m p, n < m -> 0 < p -> n * p < m * p.
+intros n m p H1 H2.
+apply (lt_exists_pred p) in H2.
+destruct H2 as [q H]. repeat rewrite H.
+now apply mult_S_lt_compat_r.
+Lemma mult_positive : forall n m, 0 < n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n * m.
+intros n m H1 H2.
+rewrite <- (times_0_n m); now apply mult_lt_compat_r.
+Lemma mult_lt_compat : forall n m p q, n < m -> p < q -> n * p < m * q.
+intros n m p q; induct n.
+intros; rewrite times_0_n; apply mult_positive;
+[assumption | apply lt_positive with (n := p); assumption].
+intros x IH H1 H2.
+apply lt_transitive with (m := ((S x) * q)).
+now apply mult_S_lt_compat_l; assumption.
+now apply mult_lt_compat_r; [| apply lt_positive with (n := p)].
+End TimesLtProperties.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Binary/NBinary.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Binary/NBinary.v
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index 000000000..47b39bfeb
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+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Binary/NBinary.v
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+Require Import NArith.
+Require Import Ndec.
+Require Import NDepRec.
+Require Import NAxioms.
+Require Import NPlus.
+Require Import NTimes.
+Require Import NLt.
+Require Import NPlusLt.
+Require Import NTimesLt.
+Require Import NMiscFunct.
+Open Scope N_scope.
+Module BinaryDomain <: DomainEqSignature.
+Definition N := N.
+Definition E := (@eq N).
+Definition e := Neqb.
+Theorem E_equiv_e : forall x y : N, E x y <-> e x y.
+unfold E, e; intros x y; split; intro H;
+[rewrite H; now rewrite Neqb_correct |
+apply Neqb_complete; now inversion H].
+Definition E_equiv : equiv N E := eq_equiv N.
+Add Relation N E
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
+as E_rel.
+End BinaryDomain.
+Module BinaryNat <: NatSignature.
+Module Export DomainModule := BinaryDomain.
+Definition O := N0.
+Definition S := Nsucc.
+Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as S_wd.
+Theorem induction :
+ forall P : N -> Prop, pred_wd E P ->
+ P 0 -> (forall n, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n, P n.
+intros P P_wd; apply Nind.
+Definition recursion (A : Set) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A) (n : N) :=
+ Nrec (fun _ => A) a f n.
+Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
+Theorem recursion_wd :
+forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A),
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x = x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+unfold fun2_wd, E, eq_fun2.
+intros A EA a a' Eaa' f f' Eff'.
+intro x; pattern x; apply Nind.
+intros x' H; now rewrite <- H.
+clear x.
+intros x IH x' H; rewrite <- H.
+unfold recursion, Nrec in *; do 2 rewrite Nrect_step.
+now apply Eff'; [| apply IH].
+Theorem recursion_0 :
+ forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A), recursion a f 0 = a.
+intros A a f; unfold recursion; unfold Nrec; now rewrite Nrect_base.
+Theorem recursion_S :
+ forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n : N, EA (recursion a f (S n)) (f n (recursion a f n)).
+unfold E, recursion, Nrec, fun2_wd; intros A EA a f EAaa f_wd n; pattern n; apply Nind.
+rewrite Nrect_step; rewrite Nrect_base; now apply f_wd.
+clear n; intro n; do 2 rewrite Nrect_step; intro IH. apply f_wd; [reflexivity|].
+now rewrite Nrect_step.
+End BinaryNat.
+Module BinaryDepRec <: DepRecSignature.
+Module Export DomainModule := BinaryDomain.
+Module Export NatModule := BinaryNat.
+Definition dep_recursion := Nrec.
+Theorem dep_recursion_0 :
+ forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)),
+ dep_recursion A a f 0 = a.
+intros A a f; unfold dep_recursion; unfold Nrec; now rewrite Nrect_base.
+Theorem dep_recursion_S :
+ forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)) (n : N),
+ dep_recursion A a f (S n) = f n (dep_recursion A a f n).
+intros A a f n; unfold dep_recursion; unfold Nrec; now rewrite Nrect_step.
+End BinaryDepRec.
+Module BinaryPlus <: PlusSignature.
+Module Export NatModule := BinaryNat.
+Definition plus := Nplus.
+Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+unfold E; congruence.
+Theorem plus_0_n : forall n, 0 + n = n.
+exact Nplus_0_l.
+Theorem plus_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) + m = S (n + m).
+exact Nplus_succ.
+End BinaryPlus.
+Module BinaryTimes <: TimesSignature.
+Module Export PlusModule := BinaryPlus.
+Definition times := Nmult.
+Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+unfold E; congruence.
+Theorem times_0_n : forall n, 0 * n = 0.
+exact Nmult_0_l.
+Theorem times_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) * m = m + n * m.
+exact Nmult_Sn_m.
+End BinaryTimes.
+Module BinaryLt <: LtSignature.
+Module Export NatModule := BinaryNat.
+Definition lt (m n : N) := less_than (Ncompare m n).
+Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+unfold E; congruence.
+Theorem lt_0 : forall x, ~ (lt x 0).
+unfold lt; destruct x as [|x]; simpl; now intro.
+Theorem lt_S : forall x y, lt x (S y) <-> lt x y \/ x = y.
+intros x y.
+assert (H1 : lt x (S y) <-> Ncompare x (S y) = Lt);
+[unfold lt, less_than; destruct (x ?= S y); simpl; split; now intro |].
+assert (H2 : lt x y <-> Ncompare x y = Lt);
+[unfold lt, less_than; destruct (x ?= y); simpl; split; now intro |].
+pose proof (Ncompare_n_Sm x y) as H. tauto.
+End BinaryLt.
+Module Export BinaryPlusProperties := PlusProperties BinaryPlus.
+Module Export BinaryTimesProperties := TimesProperties BinaryTimes.
+Module Export BinaryDepRecTimesProperties :=
+ DepRecTimesProperties BinaryDepRec BinaryTimes.
+Module Export BinaryLtProperties := LtProperties BinaryLt.
+Module Export BinaryPlusLtProperties := PlusLtProperties BinaryPlus BinaryLt.
+Module Export BinaryTimesLtProperties := TimesLtProperties BinaryTimes BinaryLt.
+Module Export BinaryRecEx := MiscFunctFunctor BinaryNat.
+(* Time Eval compute in (log 100000). *) (* 98 sec *)
+Fixpoint binposlog (p : positive) : N :=
+match p with
+| xH => 0
+| xO p' => Nsucc (binposlog p')
+| xI p' => Nsucc (binposlog p')
+Definition binlog (n : N) : N :=
+match n with
+| 0 => 0
+| Npos p => binposlog p
+(* Eval compute in (binlog 1000000000000000000). *) (* Works very fast *)
+(*Check nat_total_order : forall n m : N, (n = m -> False) -> lt n m \/ lt m n.
+Check mult_positive : forall n m : N, lt 0 n -> lt 0 m -> lt 0 (n * m).*)
+Close Scope N_scope.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..403521e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/Peano/NPeano.v
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+Require Import NDepRec.
+Require Import NPlus.
+Require Import NTimes.
+Require Import NLt.
+Require Import NPlusLt.
+Require Import NTimesLt.
+Require Import NMiscFunct.
+Module PeanoDomain <: DomainEqSignature.
+Definition N := nat.
+Definition E := (@eq nat).
+Definition e := eq_nat_bool.
+Theorem E_equiv_e : forall x y : N, E x y <-> e x y.
+unfold E, e; intros x y; split; intro H;
+[rewrite H; apply eq_nat_bool_refl |
+now apply eq_nat_bool_implies_eq].
+Definition E_equiv : equiv N E := eq_equiv N.
+Add Relation N E
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 E_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 E_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 E_equiv))
+as E_rel.
+End PeanoDomain.
+Module PeanoNat <: NatSignature.
+Module Export DomainModule := PeanoDomain.
+Definition O := 0.
+Definition S := S.
+Add Morphism S with signature E ==> E as S_wd.
+Theorem induction :
+ forall P : nat -> Prop, pred_wd (@eq nat) P ->
+ P 0 -> (forall n, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n, P n.
+intros P W Base Step n; elim n; assumption.
+Definition recursion := fun A : Set => nat_rec (fun _ => A).
+Implicit Arguments recursion [A].
+Theorem recursion_wd :
+forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A),
+ forall a a' : A, EA a a' ->
+ forall f f' : N -> A -> A, eq_fun2 E EA EA f f' ->
+ forall x x' : N, x = x' ->
+ EA (recursion a f x) (recursion a' f' x').
+unfold fun2_wd, E.
+intros A EA a a' Eaa' f f' Eff'.
+induction x as [| n IH]; intros x' H; rewrite <- H; simpl.
+apply Eff'; [reflexivity | now apply IH].
+Theorem recursion_0 :
+ forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A), recursion a f O = a.
+Theorem recursion_S :
+forall (A : Set) (EA : relation A) (a : A) (f : N -> A -> A),
+ EA a a -> fun2_wd E EA EA f ->
+ forall n : N, EA (recursion a f (S n)) (f n (recursion a f n)).
+intros A EA a f EAaa f_wd. unfold fun2_wd, E in *.
+induction n; simpl; now apply f_wd.
+End PeanoNat.
+Module PeanoDepRec <: DepRecSignature.
+Module Export DomainModule := PeanoDomain.
+Module Export NatModule <: NatSignature := PeanoNat.
+Definition dep_recursion := nat_rec.
+Theorem dep_recursion_0 :
+ forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)),
+ dep_recursion A a f 0 = a.
+Theorem dep_recursion_S :
+ forall (A : N -> Set) (a : A 0) (f : forall n, A n -> A (S n)) (n : N),
+ dep_recursion A a f (S n) = f n (dep_recursion A a f n).
+End PeanoDepRec.
+Module PeanoPlus <: PlusSignature.
+Module Export NatModule := PeanoNat.
+Definition plus := plus.
+Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd.
+unfold E; congruence.
+Theorem plus_0_n : forall n, 0 + n = n.
+Theorem plus_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) + m = S (n + m).
+End PeanoPlus.
+Module PeanoTimes <: TimesSignature.
+Module Export PlusModule := PeanoPlus.
+Definition times := mult.
+Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd.
+unfold E; congruence.
+Theorem times_0_n : forall n, 0 * n = 0.
+Theorem times_Sn_m : forall n m, (S n) * m = m + n * m.
+End PeanoTimes.
+(* Some checks:
+Check times_eq_1 : forall n m, n * m = 1 -> n = 1 /\ m = 1.
+Eval compute in times_eq_0_dec 0 5.
+Eval compute in times_eq_0_dec 5 0. *)
+Module PeanoLt <: LtSignature.
+Module Export NatModule := PeanoNat.
+Definition lt := lt_bool.
+Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd.
+unfold E, eq_bool; congruence.
+Theorem lt_0 : forall x, ~ (lt x 0).
+exact lt_bool_0.
+Theorem lt_S : forall x y, lt x (S y) <-> lt x y \/ x = y.
+exact lt_bool_S.
+End PeanoLt.
+(* Obtaining properties for +, *, <, and their combinations *)
+Module Export PeanoPlusProperties := PlusProperties PeanoPlus.
+Module Export PeanoTimesProperties := TimesProperties PeanoTimes.
+Module Export PeanoLtProperties := LtProperties PeanoLt.
+Module Export PeanoPlusLtProperties := PlusLtProperties PeanoPlus PeanoLt.
+Module Export PeanoTimesLtProperties := TimesLtProperties PeanoTimes PeanoLt.
+Module Export PeanoDepRecTimesProperties :=
+ DepRecTimesProperties PeanoDepRec PeanoTimes.
+Module MiscFunctModule := MiscFunctFunctor PeanoNat.
+(*Eval compute in MiscFunctModule.lt 6 5.*)
+(*Set Printing All.*)
+(*Check plus_comm.
+Goal forall x y : nat, x + y = y + x.
+intros x y.
+rewrite plus_comm. reflexivity. (* does now work -- but the next line does *)
+apply plus_comm.*)
+(*Opaque plus.
+Eval compute in (forall n m : N, E m (PeanoPlus.Nat.S (PeanoPlus.plus n m)) -> False).
+Eval compute in (plus_eq_1_dec 1 1).
+Opaque plus_eq_1_dec.
+Check plus_eq_1.
+Eval compute in (forall m n : N,
+ E (PeanoPlus.plus m n) (PeanoPlus.Nat.S PeanoPlus.Nat.O) ->
+ (plus_eq_1_dec m n = true ->
+ E m PeanoPlus.Nat.O /\ E n (PeanoPlus.Nat.S PeanoPlus.Nat.O)) /\
+ (plus_eq_1_dec m n = false ->
+ E m (PeanoPlus.Nat.S PeanoPlus.Nat.O) /\ E n PeanoPlus.Nat.O)).*)
+(*Require Import rec_ex.
+Module Import PeanoRecursionExamples := RecursionExamples PeanoNat.
+Eval compute in mult 3 15.
+Eval compute in e 100 100.
+Eval compute in log 8.
+Eval compute in half 0.*)
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/NumPrelude.v b/theories/Numbers/NumPrelude.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fe547681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/NumPrelude.v
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+Require Export Setoid.
+- Coercion from bool to Prop
+- An attempt to extend setoid rewrite to formulas with quantifiers
+- Extentional properties of predicates, relations and functions
+ (well-definedness and equality)
+- Relations on cartesian product
+- Some boolean functions on nat
+- Miscellaneous
+(** Coercion from bool to Prop *)
+Definition eq_bool := (@eq bool).
+Inductive eq_true : bool -> Prop := is_eq_true : eq_true true.
+Coercion eq_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
+Theorem neg_eq_true : forall x : bool, ~ x -> x = false.
+intros x H; destruct x; [elim (H is_eq_true) | reflexivity].
+(** An attempt to extend setoid rewrite to formulas with quantifiers *)
+(* The following algorithm was explained to me by Bruno Barras.
+In the future, we need to prove that some predicates are
+well-defined w.r.t. a setoid relation, i.e., we need to prove theorems
+of the form "forall x y, x == y -> (P x <-> P y)". The reason is that it
+makes sense to do induction only on predicates that satisfy this
+property. Ideally, such goal should be proved by saying "intros x y H;
+rewrite H; reflexivity".
+Now, such predicates P may contain quantifiers besides setoid
+morphisms. However, the tactic "rewrite" (which in this case stands
+for "setoid_rewrite") currently cannot handle universal quantifiers as
+well as lambda abstractions, which are part of the existential
+quantifier notation (recall that "exists x, P" stands for "ex (fun x
+=> p)").
+Therefore, to prove that P x <-> P y, we proceed as follows. Suppose
+that P x is C[forall z, Q[x,z]] where C is a context, i.e., a term
+with a hole. We assume that the hole of C does not occur inside
+another quantifier, i.e., that forall z, Q[x,z] is a top-level
+quantifier in P. The notation Q[x,z] means that the term Q contains
+free occurrences of variables x and z. We prove that forall z, Q[x,z]
+<-> forall z, Q[y,z]. To do this, we show that forall z, Q[x,z] <->
+Q[y,z]. After performing "intro z", this goal is handled recursively,
+until no more quantifiers are left in Q.
+After we obtain the goal
+H : x == y
+H1 : forall z, Q[x,z] <-> forall z, Q[y,z]
+C[forall z, Q[x,z]] <-> C[forall z, Q[y,z]]
+we say "rewrite H1". Repeating this for other quantifier subformulas
+in P, we make them all identical in P x and P y. After that, saying
+"rewrite H" solves the goal.
+To implement this algorithm, we need the following theorems:
+Theorem forall_morphism :
+ forall (A : Set) (P Q : A -> Prop),
+ (forall x : A, P x <-> Q x) -> ((forall x : A, P x) <-> (forall x : A, Q x)).
+Theorem exists_morphism :
+ forall (A : Set) (P Q : A -> Prop),
+ (forall x : A, P x <-> Q x) -> (ex P <-> ex Q)
+Below, we obtain them by registering the universal and existential
+quantifiers as setoid morphisms, though they can be proved without any
+reference to setoids. Ideally, registering quantifiers as morphisms
+should take care of setoid rewriting in the presence of quantifiers,
+but as described above, this is currently not so, and we have to
+handle quantifiers manually.
+The job of deriving P x <-> P y from x == y is done by the tactic
+qmorphism x y below. *)
+Section Quantifiers.
+Variable A : Set.
+Definition predicate := A -> Prop.
+Definition equiv_predicate : relation predicate :=
+ fun (P1 P2 : predicate) => forall x : A, P1 x <-> P2 x.
+Theorem equiv_predicate_refl : reflexive predicate equiv_predicate.
+unfold reflexive, equiv_predicate. reflexivity.
+Theorem equiv_predicate_symm : symmetric predicate equiv_predicate.
+Theorem equiv_predicate_trans : transitive predicate equiv_predicate.
+Add Relation predicate equiv_predicate
+ reflexivity proved by equiv_predicate_refl
+ symmetry proved by equiv_predicate_symm
+ transitivity proved by equiv_predicate_trans
+as equiv_predicate_rel.
+Add Morphism (@ex A)
+ with signature equiv_predicate ==> iff
+ as exists_morphism.
+Add Morphism (fun P : predicate => forall x : A, P x)
+ with signature equiv_predicate ==> iff
+ as forall_morphism.
+End Quantifiers.
+(* replace x by y in t *)
+Ltac repl x y t :=
+match t with
+| context C [x] => let t' := (context C [y]) in repl x y t'
+| _ => t
+Ltac qmorphism x y :=
+lazymatch goal with
+| |- ?P <-> ?P => reflexivity
+| |- context [ex ?P] =>
+ match P with
+ | context [x] =>
+ let P' := repl x y P in
+ setoid_replace (ex P) with (ex P') using relation iff;
+ [qmorphism x y |
+ apply exists_morphism; unfold equiv_predicate; intros; qmorphism x y]
+ end
+| |- context [forall z, @?P z] =>
+ match P with
+ | context [x] =>
+ let P' := repl x y P in
+ setoid_replace (forall z, P z) with (forall z, P' z) using relation iff;
+ [qmorphism x y |
+ apply forall_morphism; unfold equiv_predicate; intros; qmorphism x y]
+ end
+| _ => setoid_replace x with y; [reflexivity | assumption]
+(** Extentional properties of predicates, relations and functions *)
+Section ExtensionalProperties.
+Variables A B C : Set.
+Variable EA : relation A.
+Variable EB : relation B.
+Variable EC : relation C.
+(* "wd" stands for "well-defined" *)
+Definition fun_wd (f : A -> B) := forall x y : A, EA x y -> EB (f x) (f y).
+Definition fun2_wd (f : A -> B -> C) :=
+ forall x x' : A, EA x x' -> forall y y' : B, EB y y' -> EC (f x y) (f x' y').
+Definition pred_wd (P : predicate A) :=
+ forall x y, EA x y -> (P x <-> P y).
+Definition rel_wd (R : relation A) :=
+ forall x x', EA x x' -> forall y y', EA y y' -> (R x y <-> R x' y').
+Definition eq_fun : relation (A -> B) :=
+ fun f f' => forall x x' : A, EA x x' -> EB (f x) (f' x').
+(* Note that reflexivity of eq_fun means that every function
+is well-defined w.r.t. EA and EB, i.e.,
+forall x x' : A, EA x x' -> EB (f x) (f x') *)
+Definition eq_fun2 (f f' : A -> B -> C) :=
+ forall x x' : A, EA x x' -> forall y y' : B, EB y y' -> EC (f x y) (f' x' y').
+End ExtensionalProperties.
+Implicit Arguments fun_wd [A B].
+Implicit Arguments fun2_wd [A B C].
+Implicit Arguments eq_fun [A B].
+Implicit Arguments eq_fun2 [A B C].
+Implicit Arguments pred_wd [A].
+Implicit Arguments rel_wd [A].
+(** Relations on cartesian product. Used in MiscFunct for defining
+functions whose domain is a product of sets by primitive recursion *)
+Section RelationOnProduct.
+Variables A B : Set.
+Variable EA : relation A.
+Variable EB : relation B.
+Hypothesis EA_equiv : equiv A EA.
+Hypothesis EB_equiv : equiv B EB.
+Definition prod_rel : relation (A * B) :=
+ fun p1 p2 => EA (fst p1) (fst p2) /\ EB (snd p1) (snd p2).
+Lemma prod_rel_refl : reflexive (A * B) prod_rel.
+unfold reflexive, prod_rel.
+destruct x; split; [apply (proj1 EA_equiv) | apply (proj1 EB_equiv)]; simpl.
+Lemma prod_rel_symm : symmetric (A * B) prod_rel.
+unfold symmetric, prod_rel.
+destruct x; destruct y;
+split; [apply (proj2 (proj2 EA_equiv)) | apply (proj2 (proj2 EB_equiv))]; simpl in *; tauto.
+Lemma prod_rel_trans : transitive (A * B) prod_rel.
+unfold transitive, prod_rel.
+destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl.
+intros; split; [apply (proj1 (proj2 EA_equiv)) with (y := a0) |
+apply (proj1 (proj2 EB_equiv)) with (y := b0)]; tauto.
+Theorem prod_rel_equiv : equiv (A * B) prod_rel.
+unfold equiv; split; [exact prod_rel_refl | split; [exact prod_rel_trans | exact prod_rel_symm]].
+End RelationOnProduct.
+Implicit Arguments prod_rel [A B].
+Implicit Arguments prod_rel_equiv [A B].
+(** Some boolean functions on nat. Their analogs are available in the
+standard library; however, we provide simpler definitions. Used in
+defining implementations of natural numbers. *)
+Fixpoint eq_nat_bool (x y : nat) {struct x} : bool :=
+match x, y with
+| 0, 0 => true
+| S x', S y' => eq_nat_bool x' y'
+| _, _ => false
+Theorem eq_nat_bool_implies_eq : forall x y, eq_nat_bool x y -> x = y.
+induction x; destruct y; simpl; intro H; try (reflexivity || inversion H).
+apply IHx in H; now rewrite H.
+Theorem eq_nat_bool_refl : forall x, eq_nat_bool x x.
+induction x; now simpl.
+(* The boolean less function can be defined as
+fun n m => proj1_sig (nat_lt_ge_bool n m)
+using the standard library.
+However, this definitionseems too complex. First, there are many
+functions involved: nat_lt_ge_bool is defined (in Coq.Arith.Bool_nat)
+using bool_of_sumbool and
+lt_ge_dec : forall x y : nat, {x < y} + {x >= y},
+where the latter function is defined using sumbool_not and
+le_lt_dec : forall n m : nat, {n <= m} + {m < n}.
+Second, this definition is not the most efficient, especially since
+le_lt_dec is proved using tactics, not by giving the explicit proof term. *)
+Fixpoint lt_bool (n m : nat) {struct n} : bool :=
+match n, m with
+| 0, S _ => true
+| S n', S m' => lt_bool n' m'
+| _, 0 => false
+(* The following properties are used both in Peano.v and in MPeano.v *)
+Theorem lt_bool_0 : forall x, ~ (lt_bool x 0).
+destruct x as [|x]; simpl; now intro.
+Theorem lt_bool_S : forall x y, lt_bool x (S y) <-> lt_bool x y \/ x = y.
+induction x as [| x IH]; destruct y as [| y]; simpl.
+split; [now right | now intro].
+split; [now left | now intro].
+split; [intro H; false_hyp H lt_bool_0 |
+intro H; destruct H as [H | H]; now auto].
+assert (H : x = y <-> S x = S y); [split; auto|].
+rewrite <- H; apply IH.
+(** Miscellaneous *)
+Definition less_than (x : comparison) : bool :=
+match x with Lt => true | _ => false end.
+Definition LE_Set : forall A : Set, relation A := (@eq).
+Lemma eq_equiv : forall A : Set, equiv A (LE_Set A).
+intro A; unfold equiv, LE_Set, reflexive, symmetric, transitive.
+repeat split; [exact (@trans_eq A) | exact (@sym_eq A)].
+(* It is interesting how the tactic split proves reflexivity *)
+Add Relation (fun A : Set => A) LE_Set
+ reflexivity proved by (fun A : Set => (proj1 (eq_equiv A)))
+ symmetry proved by (fun A : Set => (proj2 (proj2 (eq_equiv A))))
+ transitivity proved by (fun A : Set => (proj1 (proj2 (eq_equiv A))))
+as EA_rel.