diff options
10 files changed, 459 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/BigZ.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/BigZ.v
index 73cc5c21b..aa62ae76b 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/BigZ.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/BigZ.v
@@ -63,24 +63,31 @@ Arguments Scope BigZ.min [bigZ_scope bigZ_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.max [bigZ_scope bigZ_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.eq_bool [bigZ_scope bigZ_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.power_pos [bigZ_scope positive_scope].
+Arguments Scope BigZ.power [bigZ_scope N_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.sqrt [bigZ_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.div_eucl [bigZ_scope bigZ_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.modulo [bigZ_scope bigZ_scope].
Arguments Scope BigZ.gcd [bigZ_scope bigZ_scope].
Local Notation "0" := BigZ.zero : bigZ_scope.
+Local Notation "1" := BigZ.one : bigZ_scope.
Infix "+" := BigZ.add : bigZ_scope.
Infix "-" := BigZ.sub : bigZ_scope.
Notation "- x" := (BigZ.opp x) : bigZ_scope.
Infix "*" := BigZ.mul : bigZ_scope.
Infix "/" := BigZ.div : bigZ_scope.
-Infix "^" := BigZ.power_pos : bigZ_scope.
+Infix "^" := BigZ.power : bigZ_scope.
Infix "?=" := BigZ.compare : bigZ_scope.
Infix "==" := BigZ.eq (at level 70, no associativity) : bigZ_scope.
+Notation "x != y" := (~x==y)%bigZ (at level 70, no associativity) : bigZ_scope.
Infix "<" := BigZ.lt : bigZ_scope.
Infix "<=" := BigZ.le : bigZ_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (BigZ.lt y x)(only parsing) : bigZ_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (BigZ.le y x)(only parsing) : bigZ_scope.
+Notation "x < y < z" := (x<y /\ y<z)%bigZ : bigZ_scope.
+Notation "x < y <= z" := (x<y /\ y<=z)%bigZ : bigZ_scope.
+Notation "x <= y < z" := (x<=y /\ y<z)%bigZ : bigZ_scope.
+Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x<=y /\ y<=z)%bigZ : bigZ_scope.
Notation "[ i ]" := (BigZ.to_Z i) : bigZ_scope.
Infix "mod" := BigZ.modulo (at level 40, no associativity) : bigN_scope.
@@ -118,31 +125,94 @@ Qed.
(** [BigZ] is a ring *)
Lemma BigZring :
- ring_theory BigZ.zero BigZ.one BigZ.add BigZ.mul BigZ.sub BigZ.opp BigZ.eq.
+ ring_theory 0 1 BigZ.add BigZ.mul BigZ.sub BigZ.opp BigZ.eq.
-exact BigZ.add_0_l.
-exact BigZ.add_comm.
-exact BigZ.add_assoc.
-exact BigZ.mul_1_l.
-exact BigZ.mul_comm.
-exact BigZ.mul_assoc.
+exact BigZ.add_0_l. exact BigZ.add_comm. exact BigZ.add_assoc.
+exact BigZ.mul_1_l. exact BigZ.mul_comm. exact BigZ.mul_assoc.
exact BigZ.mul_add_distr_r.
symmetry. apply BigZ.add_opp_r.
exact BigZ.add_opp_diag_r.
-Add Ring BigZr : BigZring.
+Lemma BigZeqb_correct : forall x y, BigZ.eq_bool x y = true -> x==y.
+Proof. now apply BigZ.eqb_eq. Qed.
-(** [BigZ] benefits from an "order" tactic *)
+Lemma BigZpower : power_theory 1 BigZ.mul BigZ.eq (@id N) BigZ.power.
+intros. red. rewrite BigZ.spec_power. unfold id.
+destruct Zpower_theory as [EQ]. rewrite EQ.
+destruct n; simpl. reflexivity.
+induction p; simpl; intros; BigZ.zify; rewrite ?IHp; auto.
+Lemma BigZdiv : div_theory BigZ.eq BigZ.add BigZ.mul (@id _)
+ (fun a b => if BigZ.eq_bool b 0 then (0,a) else BigZ.div_eucl a b).
+constructor. unfold id. intros a b.
+generalize (Zeq_bool_if [b] 0); destruct (Zeq_bool [b] 0).
+BigZ.zify. auto with zarith.
+intros NEQ.
+generalize (BigZ.spec_div_eucl a b).
+generalize (Z_div_mod_full [a] [b] NEQ).
+destruct BigZ.div_eucl as (q,r), Zdiv_eucl as (q',r').
+intros (EQ,_). injection 1. intros EQr EQq.
+BigZ.zify. rewrite EQr, EQq; auto.
+(** Detection of constants *)
+Ltac isBigZcst t :=
+ match t with
+ | BigZ.Pos ?t => isBigNcst t
+ | BigZ.Neg ?t => isBigNcst t
+ | BigZ.zero => constr:true
+ | BigZ.one => constr:true
+ | BigZ.minus_one => constr:true
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end.
+Ltac BigZcst t :=
+ match isBigZcst t with
+ | true => constr:t
+ | false => constr:NotConstant
+ end.
+(** Registration for the "ring" tactic *)
+Add Ring BigZr : BigZring
+ (decidable BigZeqb_correct,
+ constants [BigZcst],
+ power_tac BigZpower [Ncst],
+ div BigZdiv).
+Section TestRing.
+Let test : forall x y, 1 + x*y + x^2 + 1 == 1*1 + 1 + y*x + 1*x*x.
+intros. ring_simplify. reflexivity.
+Let test' : forall x y, 1 + x*y + x^2 - 1*1 - y*x + 1*(-x)*x == 0.
+intros. ring_simplify. reflexivity.
+End TestRing.
+(** [BigZ] also benefits from an "order" tactic *)
Ltac bigZ_order := BigZ.order.
-Section Test.
+Section TestOrder.
Let test : forall x y : bigZ, x<=y -> y<=x -> x==y.
Proof. bigZ_order. Qed.
-End Test.
+End TestOrder.
+(** We can use at least a bit of (r)omega by translating to [Z]. *)
-(** Todo: tactic translating from [BigZ] to [Z] + omega *)
+Section TestOmega.
+Let test : forall x y : bigZ, x<=y -> y<=x -> x==y.
+Proof. intros x y. BigZ.zify. omega. Qed.
+End TestOmega.
(** Todo: micromega *)
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/ZMake.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/ZMake.v
index 05c7ee32f..3196f11ea 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/ZMake.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/BigZ/ZMake.v
@@ -302,6 +302,19 @@ Module Make (N:NType) <: ZType.
rewrite F0; ring.
+ Definition power x n :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => one
+ | Npos p => power_pos x p
+ end.
+ Theorem spec_power: forall x n, to_Z (power x n) = to_Z x ^ Z_of_N n.
+ Proof.
+ destruct n; simpl. rewrite N.spec_1; reflexivity.
+ apply spec_power_pos.
+ Qed.
Definition sqrt x :=
match x with
| Pos nx => Pos (N.sqrt nx)
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v
index a9945e848..ffa91706f 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Module Type ZType.
Parameter mul : t -> t -> t.
Parameter square : t -> t.
Parameter power_pos : t -> positive -> t.
+ Parameter power : t -> N -> t.
Parameter sqrt : t -> t.
Parameter div_eucl : t -> t -> t * t.
Parameter div : t -> t -> t.
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ Module Type ZType.
Parameter spec_mul: forall x y, [mul x y] = [x] * [y].
Parameter spec_square: forall x, [square x] = [x] * [x].
Parameter spec_power_pos: forall x n, [power_pos x n] = [x] ^ Zpos n.
+ Parameter spec_power: forall x n, [power x n] = [x] ^ Z_of_N n.
Parameter spec_sqrt: forall x, 0 <= [x] ->
[sqrt x] ^ 2 <= [x] < ([sqrt x] + 1) ^ 2.
Parameter spec_div_eucl: forall x y,
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v
index 3d53707eb..bcecb6a8a 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v
@@ -255,5 +255,5 @@ Qed.
End ZTypeIsZAxioms.
Module ZType_ZAxioms (Z : ZType)
- <: ZAxiomsSig <: ZDivSig <: HasCompare Z <: HasEqBool Z
+ <: ZAxiomsSig <: ZDivSig <: HasCompare Z <: HasEqBool Z <: HasMinMax Z
:= Z <+ ZTypeIsZAxioms.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/BigN.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/BigN.v
index 64d2e58e6..9a4d7a9b0 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/BigN.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/BigN.v
@@ -59,23 +59,30 @@ Arguments Scope BigN.min [bigN_scope bigN_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.max [bigN_scope bigN_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.eq_bool [bigN_scope bigN_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.power_pos [bigN_scope positive_scope].
+Arguments Scope BigN.power [bigN_scope N_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.sqrt [bigN_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.div_eucl [bigN_scope bigN_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.modulo [bigN_scope bigN_scope].
Arguments Scope BigN.gcd [bigN_scope bigN_scope].
Local Notation "0" := BigN.zero : bigN_scope. (* temporary notation *)
+Local Notation "1" := BigN.one : bigN_scope. (* temporary notation *)
Infix "+" := BigN.add : bigN_scope.
Infix "-" := BigN.sub : bigN_scope.
Infix "*" := BigN.mul : bigN_scope.
Infix "/" := BigN.div : bigN_scope.
-Infix "^" := BigN.power_pos : bigN_scope.
+Infix "^" := BigN.power : bigN_scope.
Infix "?=" := BigN.compare : bigN_scope.
Infix "==" := BigN.eq (at level 70, no associativity) : bigN_scope.
+Notation "x != y" := (~x==y)%bigN (at level 70, no associativity) : bigN_scope.
Infix "<" := BigN.lt : bigN_scope.
Infix "<=" := BigN.le : bigN_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (BigN.lt y x)(only parsing) : bigN_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (BigN.le y x)(only parsing) : bigN_scope.
+Notation "x < y < z" := (x<y /\ y<z)%bigN : bigN_scope.
+Notation "x < y <= z" := (x<y /\ y<=z)%bigN : bigN_scope.
+Notation "x <= y < z" := (x<=y /\ y<z)%bigN : bigN_scope.
+Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x<=y /\ y<=z)%bigN : bigN_scope.
Notation "[ i ]" := (BigN.to_Z i) : bigN_scope.
Infix "mod" := BigN.modulo (at level 40, no associativity) : bigN_scope.
@@ -92,23 +99,130 @@ Qed.
(** [BigN] is a semi-ring *)
-Lemma BigNring :
- semi_ring_theory BigN.zero BigN.one BigN.add BigN.mul BigN.eq.
+Lemma BigNring : semi_ring_theory 0 1 BigN.add BigN.mul BigN.eq.
-exact BigN.add_0_l.
-exact BigN.add_comm.
-exact BigN.add_assoc.
-exact BigN.mul_1_l.
-exact BigN.mul_0_l.
-exact BigN.mul_comm.
-exact BigN.mul_assoc.
-exact BigN.mul_add_distr_r.
+exact BigN.add_0_l. exact BigN.add_comm. exact BigN.add_assoc.
+exact BigN.mul_1_l. exact BigN.mul_0_l. exact BigN.mul_comm.
+exact BigN.mul_assoc. exact BigN.mul_add_distr_r.
-Add Ring BigNr : BigNring.
+Lemma BigNeqb_correct : forall x y, BigN.eq_bool x y = true -> x==y.
+Proof. now apply BigN.eqb_eq. Qed.
-(** We benefit from an "order" tactic *)
+Lemma BigNpower : power_theory 1 BigN.mul BigN.eq (@id N) BigN.power.
+intros. red. rewrite BigN.spec_power. unfold id.
+destruct Zpower_theory as [EQ]. rewrite EQ.
+destruct n; simpl. reflexivity.
+induction p; simpl; intros; BigN.zify; rewrite ?IHp; auto.
+Lemma BigNdiv : div_theory BigN.eq BigN.add BigN.mul (@id _)
+ (fun a b => if BigN.eq_bool b 0 then (0,a) else BigN.div_eucl a b).
+constructor. unfold id. intros a b.
+generalize (Zeq_bool_if [b] 0); destruct (Zeq_bool [b] 0).
+BigN.zify. auto with zarith.
+intros NEQ.
+generalize (BigN.spec_div_eucl a b).
+generalize (Z_div_mod_full [a] [b] NEQ).
+destruct BigN.div_eucl as (q,r), Zdiv_eucl as (q',r').
+intros (EQ,_). injection 1. intros EQr EQq.
+BigN.zify. rewrite EQr, EQq; auto.
+(** Detection of constants *)
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Ltac isInt31cst_lst l :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => constr:true
+ | ?t::?l => match t with
+ | D1 => isInt31cst_lst l
+ | D0 => isInt31cst_lst l
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end.
+Ltac isInt31cst t :=
+ match t with
+ | I31 ?i0 ?i1 ?i2 ?i3 ?i4 ?i5 ?i6 ?i7 ?i8 ?i9 ?i10
+ ?i11 ?i12 ?i13 ?i14 ?i15 ?i16 ?i17 ?i18 ?i19 ?i20
+ ?i21 ?i22 ?i23 ?i24 ?i25 ?i26 ?i27 ?i28 ?i29 ?i30 =>
+ let l :=
+ constr:(i0::i1::i2::i3::i4::i5::i6::i7::i8::i9::i10
+ ::i11::i12::i13::i14::i15::i16::i17::i18::i19::i20
+ ::i21::i22::i23::i24::i25::i26::i27::i28::i29::i30::nil)
+ in isInt31cst_lst l
+ | Int31.On => constr:true
+ | Int31.In => constr:true
+ | Int31.Tn => constr:true
+ | Int31.Twon => constr:true
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end.
+Ltac isStaticWordCst t :=
+ match t with
+ | W0 => constr:true
+ | WW ?t1 ?t2 =>
+ match isStaticWordCst t1 with
+ | false => constr:false
+ | true => isStaticWordCst t2
+ end
+ | _ => isInt31cst t
+ end.
+Ltac isBigNcst t :=
+ match t with
+ | BigN.N0 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.N1 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.N2 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.N3 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.N4 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.N5 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.N6 ?t => isStaticWordCst t
+ | BigN.Nn ?n ?t => match isnatcst n with
+ | true => isStaticWordCst t
+ | false => constr:false
+ end
+ | BigN.zero => constr:true
+ | BigN.one => constr:true
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end.
+Ltac BigNcst t :=
+ match isBigNcst t with
+ | true => constr:t
+ | false => constr:NotConstant
+ end.
+Ltac Ncst t :=
+ match isNcst t with
+ | true => constr:t
+ | false => constr:NotConstant
+ end.
+(** Registration for the "ring" tactic *)
+Add Ring BigNr : BigNring
+ (decidable BigNeqb_correct,
+ constants [BigNcst],
+ power_tac BigNpower [Ncst],
+ div BigNdiv).
+Section TestRing.
+Let test : forall x y, 1 + x*y + x^2 + 1 == 1*1 + 1 + y*x + 1*x*x.
+intros. ring_simplify. reflexivity.
+End TestRing.
+(** We benefit also from an "order" tactic *)
Ltac bigN_order := BigN.order.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml b/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml
index 6257e8e63..8240604c2 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.ml
@@ -1780,6 +1780,20 @@ let _ =
pp " intros; rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto.";
pp " Qed.";
pp "";
+ pr " Definition power x (n:N) := match n with";
+ pr " | BinNat.N0 => one";
+ pr " | BinNat.Npos p => power_pos x p";
+ pr " end.";
+ pr "";
+ pr " Theorem spec_power: forall x n, [power x n] = [x] ^ Z_of_N n.";
+ pa " Admitted.";
+ pp " Proof.";
+ pp " destruct n; simpl. apply (spec_1 w0_spec).";
+ pp " apply spec_power_pos.";
+ pp " Qed.";
+ pr "";
pr "";
pr " (***************************************************************)";
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSig.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSig.v
index 586e4992e..116927766 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSig.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSig.v
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Module Type NType.
Parameter mul : t -> t -> t.
Parameter square : t -> t.
Parameter power_pos : t -> positive -> t.
+ Parameter power : t -> N -> t.
Parameter sqrt : t -> t.
Parameter div_eucl : t -> t -> t * t.
Parameter div : t -> t -> t.
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ Module Type NType.
Parameter spec_mul: forall x y, [mul x y] = [x] * [y].
Parameter spec_square: forall x, [square x] = [x] * [x].
Parameter spec_power_pos: forall x n, [power_pos x n] = [x] ^ Zpos n.
+ Parameter spec_power: forall x n, [power x n] = [x] ^ Z_of_N n.
Parameter spec_sqrt: forall x, [sqrt x] ^ 2 <= [x] < ([sqrt x] + 1) ^ 2.
Parameter spec_div_eucl: forall x y,
let (q,r) := div_eucl x y in ([q], [r]) = Zdiv_eucl [x] [y].
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSigNAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSigNAxioms.v
index 9e3674a23..49a60916a 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSigNAxioms.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Natural/SpecViaZ/NSigNAxioms.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Module NTypeIsNAxioms (Import N : NType').
Hint Rewrite
spec_0 spec_succ spec_add spec_mul spec_pred spec_sub
spec_div spec_modulo spec_gcd spec_compare spec_eq_bool
- spec_max spec_min
+ spec_max spec_min spec_power_pos spec_power
: nsimpl.
Ltac nsimpl := autorewrite with nsimpl.
Ltac ncongruence := unfold eq; repeat red; intros; nsimpl; congruence.
@@ -252,5 +252,5 @@ Qed.
End NTypeIsNAxioms.
Module NType_NAxioms (N : NType)
- <: NAxiomsSig <: NDivSig <: HasCompare N <: HasEqBool N
+ <: NAxiomsSig <: NDivSig <: HasCompare N <: HasEqBool N <: HasMinMax N
:= N <+ NTypeIsNAxioms.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Rational/BigQ/BigQ.v b/theories/Numbers/Rational/BigQ/BigQ.v
index 15abaaa42..0bc71166d 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Rational/BigQ/BigQ.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Rational/BigQ/BigQ.v
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(** Initial authors: Benjamin Gregoire, Laurent Thery, INRIA, 2007 *)
Require Export BigZ.
-Require Import Field Qfield QSig QMake.
+Require Import Field Qfield QSig QMake Orders GenericMinMax.
(** We choose for BigQ an implemention with
multiple representation of 0: 0, 1/0, 2/0 etc.
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ End BigN_BigZ.
(** This allows to build [BigQ] out of [BigN] and [BigQ] via [QMake] *)
-Module BigQ <: QSig.QType := QMake.Make BigN BigZ BigN_BigZ.
+Module BigQ <: QType <: OrderedTypeFull <: TotalOrder :=
+ QMake.Make BigN BigZ BigN_BigZ <+ !QProperties <+ HasEqBool2Dec
+ <+ !MinMaxLogicalProperties <+ !MinMaxDecProperties.
(** Notations about [BigQ] *)
@@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ Arguments Scope BigQ.power_norm [bigQ_scope bigQ_scope].
(** As in QArith, we use [#] to denote fractions *)
Notation "p # q" := (BigQ.Qq p q) (at level 55, no associativity) : bigQ_scope.
+Local Notation "0" := BigQ.zero : bigQ_scope.
+Local Notation "1" := BigQ.one : bigQ_scope.
Infix "+" := BigQ.add : bigQ_scope.
Infix "-" := BigQ.sub : bigQ_scope.
Notation "- x" := (BigQ.opp x) : bigQ_scope.
@@ -84,146 +88,102 @@ Infix "/" := BigQ.div : bigQ_scope.
Infix "^" := BigQ.power : bigQ_scope.
Infix "?=" := BigQ.compare : bigQ_scope.
Infix "==" := BigQ.eq : bigQ_scope.
+Notation "x != y" := (~x==y)%bigQ (at level 70, no associativity) : bigQ_scope.
Infix "<" := BigQ.lt : bigQ_scope.
Infix "<=" := BigQ.le : bigQ_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (BigQ.lt y x)(only parsing) : bigQ_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (BigQ.le y x)(only parsing) : bigQ_scope.
+Notation "x < y < z" := (x<y /\ y<z)%bigQ : bigQ_scope.
+Notation "x < y <= z" := (x<y /\ y<=z)%bigQ : bigQ_scope.
+Notation "x <= y < z" := (x<=y /\ y<z)%bigQ : bigQ_scope.
+Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x<=y /\ y<=z)%bigQ : bigQ_scope.
Notation "[ q ]" := (BigQ.to_Q q) : bigQ_scope.
Local Open Scope bigQ_scope.
-(** [BigQ] is a setoid *)
-Instance BigQeq_rel : Equivalence BigQ.eq.
-Proof. unfold BigQ.eq. split; red; eauto with qarith. Qed.
-Instance BigQadd_wd : Proper (BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq) BigQ.add.
- do 3 red. unfold BigQ.eq; intros.
- rewrite !BigQ.spec_add, H, H0. reflexivity.
-Instance BigQopp_wd : Proper (BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq) BigQ.opp.
- do 2 red. unfold BigQ.eq; intros.
- rewrite !BigQ.spec_opp, H; reflexivity.
-Instance BigQsub_wd : Proper (BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq) BigQ.sub.
- do 3 red. unfold BigQ.eq; intros.
- rewrite !BigQ.spec_sub, H, H0; reflexivity.
-Instance BigQmul_wd : Proper (BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq) BigQ.mul.
- do 3 red. unfold BigQ.eq; intros.
- rewrite !BigQ.spec_mul, H, H0; reflexivity.
-Instance BigQinv_wd : Proper (BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq) BigQ.inv.
- do 2 red; unfold BigQ.eq; intros.
- rewrite !BigQ.spec_inv, H; reflexivity.
-Instance BigQdiv_wd : Proper (BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq==>BigQ.eq) BigQ.div.
- do 3 red; unfold BigQ.eq; intros.
- rewrite !BigQ.spec_div, H, H0; reflexivity.
-(* TODO : fix this. For the moment it's useless (horribly slow)
-Hint Rewrite
- BigQ.spec_0 BigQ.spec_1 BigQ.spec_m1 BigQ.spec_compare
- BigQ.spec_red BigQ.spec_add BigQ.spec_sub BigQ.spec_opp
- BigQ.spec_mul BigQ.spec_inv BigQ.spec_div BigQ.spec_power_pos
- BigQ.spec_square : bigq. *)
(** [BigQ] is a field *)
Lemma BigQfieldth :
- field_theory BigQ.zero BigQ.one BigQ.add BigQ.mul BigQ.sub BigQ.opp BigQ.div BigQ.inv BigQ.eq.
+ field_theory 0 1 BigQ.add BigQ.mul BigQ.sub BigQ.opp
+ BigQ.div BigQ.inv BigQ.eq.
-constructor; intros; red.
-rewrite BigQ.spec_add, BigQ.spec_0; ring.
-rewrite ! BigQ.spec_add; ring.
-rewrite ! BigQ.spec_add; ring.
-rewrite BigQ.spec_mul, BigQ.spec_1; ring.
-rewrite ! BigQ.spec_mul; ring.
-rewrite ! BigQ.spec_mul; ring.
-rewrite BigQ.spec_add, ! BigQ.spec_mul, BigQ.spec_add; ring.
-unfold BigQ.sub; apply Qeq_refl.
-rewrite BigQ.spec_add, BigQ.spec_0, BigQ.spec_opp; ring.
-compute; discriminate.
-intros; red.
-unfold BigQ.div; apply Qeq_refl.
-intros; red.
-rewrite BigQ.spec_mul, BigQ.spec_inv, BigQ.spec_1; field.
-rewrite <- BigQ.spec_0; auto.
-Lemma BigQpowerth :
- power_theory BigQ.one BigQ.mul BigQ.eq Z_of_N BigQ.power.
-intros; red.
-rewrite BigQ.spec_power.
-replace ([r] ^ Z_of_N n)%Q with (pow_N 1 Qmult [r] n)%Q.
-destruct n.
-simpl; compute; auto.
-induction p; simpl; auto; try rewrite !BigQ.spec_mul, !IHp; apply Qeq_refl.
-destruct n; reflexivity.
+exact BigQ.add_0_l. exact BigQ.add_comm. exact BigQ.add_assoc.
+exact BigQ.mul_1_l. exact BigQ.mul_comm. exact BigQ.mul_assoc.
+exact BigQ.mul_add_distr_r. exact BigQ.sub_add_opp.
+exact BigQ.add_opp_diag_r. exact BigQ.neq_1_0.
+exact BigQ.div_mul_inv. exact BigQ.mul_inv_diag_l.
-Lemma BigQ_eq_bool_iff :
- forall x y, BigQ.eq_bool x y = true <-> x==y.
+Lemma BigQpowerth :
+ power_theory 1 BigQ.mul BigQ.eq Z_of_N BigQ.power.
-intros. rewrite BigQ.spec_eq_bool. apply Qeq_bool_iff.
+constructor. intros. BigQ.qify.
+replace ([r] ^ Z_of_N n)%Q with (pow_N 1 Qmult [r] n)%Q by (now destruct n).
+destruct n. reflexivity.
+induction p; simpl; auto; rewrite ?BigQ.spec_mul, ?IHp; reflexivity.
-Lemma BigQ_eq_bool_correct :
- forall x y, BigQ.eq_bool x y = true -> x==y.
-Proof. now apply BigQ_eq_bool_iff. Qed.
-Lemma BigQ_eq_bool_complete :
- forall x y, x==y -> BigQ.eq_bool x y = true.
-Proof. now apply BigQ_eq_bool_iff. Qed.
-(* TODO : improve later the detection of constants ... *)
+Ltac isBigQcst t :=
+ match t with
+ | BigQ.Qz ?t => isBigZcst t
+ | BigQ.Qq ?n ?d => match isBigZcst n with
+ | true => isBigNcst d
+ | false => constr:false
+ end
+ | BigQ.zero => constr:true
+ | BigQ.one => constr:true
+ | BigQ.minus_one => constr:true
+ | _ => constr:false
+ end.
Ltac BigQcst t :=
- match t with
- | BigQ.zero => BigQ.zero
- | BigQ.one => BigQ.one
- | BigQ.minus_one => BigQ.minus_one
- | _ => NotConstant
+ match isBigQcst t with
+ | true => constr:t
+ | false => constr:NotConstant
Add Field BigQfield : BigQfieldth
- (decidable BigQ_eq_bool_correct,
- completeness BigQ_eq_bool_complete,
+ (decidable BigQ.eqb_correct,
+ completeness BigQ.eqb_complete,
constants [BigQcst],
power_tac BigQpowerth [Qpow_tac]).
-Section Examples.
+Section TestField.
Let ex1 : forall x y z, (x+y)*z == (x*z)+(y*z).
-Let ex8 : forall x, x ^ 1 == x.
+Let ex8 : forall x, x ^ 2 == x*x.
-Let ex10 : forall x y, ~(y==BigQ.zero) -> (x/y)*y == x.
+Let ex10 : forall x y, y!=0 -> (x/y)*y == x.
-End Examples. \ No newline at end of file
+End TestField.
+(** [BigQ] can also benefit from an "order" tactic *)
+Module BigQ_Order := !OrdersTac.MakeOrderTac BigQ.
+Ltac bigQ_order := BigQ_Order.order.
+Section TestOrder.
+Let test : forall x y : bigQ, x<=y -> y<=x -> x==y.
+Proof. bigQ_order. Qed.
+End TestOrder.
+(** We can also reason by switching to QArith thanks to tactic
+ BigQ.qify. *)
+Section TestQify.
+Let test : forall x : bigQ, 0+x == 1*x.
+Proof. intro x. BigQ.qify. ring. Qed.
+End TestQify.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Rational/SpecViaQ/QSig.v b/theories/Numbers/Rational/SpecViaQ/QSig.v
index 1959f4ad6..10d0189a3 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Rational/SpecViaQ/QSig.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Rational/SpecViaQ/QSig.v
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(*i $Id$ i*)
-Require Import QArith Qpower Qminmax.
+Require Import QArith Qpower Qminmax Orders RelationPairs GenericMinMax.
Open Scope Q_scope.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Module Type QType.
Parameter t : Type.
Parameter to_Q : t -> Q.
- Notation "[ x ]" := (to_Q x).
+ Local Notation "[ x ]" := (to_Q x).
Definition eq x y := [x] == [y].
Definition lt x y := [x] < [y].
@@ -73,3 +73,153 @@ End QType.
that expect reduced arguments and return reduced results. *)
(** TODO : also speak of specifications via Qcanon ... *)
+Module Type QType_Notation (Import Q : QType).
+ Notation "[ x ]" := (to_Q x).
+ Infix "==" := eq (at level 70).
+ Notation "x != y" := (~x==y) (at level 70).
+ Infix "<=" := le.
+ Infix "<" := lt.
+ Notation "0" := zero.
+ Notation "1" := one.
+ Infix "+" := add.
+ Infix "-" := sub.
+ Infix "*" := mul.
+ Notation "- x" := (opp x).
+ Infix "/" := div.
+ Notation "/ x" := (inv x).
+ Infix "^" := power.
+End QType_Notation.
+Module Type QType' := QType <+ QType_Notation.
+Module QProperties (Import Q : QType').
+(** Conversion to Q *)
+Hint Rewrite
+ spec_red spec_compare spec_eq_bool spec_min spec_max
+ spec_add spec_sub spec_opp spec_mul spec_square spec_inv spec_div
+ spec_power : qsimpl.
+Ltac qify := unfold eq, lt, le in *; autorewrite with qsimpl;
+ try rewrite spec_0 in *; try rewrite spec_1 in *; try rewrite spec_m1 in *.
+(** NB: do not add [spec_0] in the autorewrite database. Otherwise,
+ after instanciation in BigQ, this lemma become convertible to 0=0,
+ and autorewrite loops. Idem for [spec_1] and [spec_m1] *)
+(** Morphisms *)
+Ltac solve_wd1 := intros x x' Hx; qify; now rewrite Hx.
+Ltac solve_wd2 := intros x x' Hx y y' Hy; qify; now rewrite Hx, Hy.
+Local Obligation Tactic := solve_wd2 || solve_wd1.
+Instance : Measure to_Q.
+Instance eq_equiv : Equivalence eq.
+Program Instance lt_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>iff) lt.
+Program Instance le_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>iff) le.
+Program Instance red_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) red.
+Program Instance compare_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>Logic.eq) compare.
+Program Instance eq_bool_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>Logic.eq) eq_bool.
+Program Instance min_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) min.
+Program Instance max_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) max.
+Program Instance add_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) add.
+Program Instance sub_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) sub.
+Program Instance opp_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) opp.
+Program Instance mul_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) mul.
+Program Instance square_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) square.
+Program Instance inv_wd : Proper (eq==>eq) inv.
+Program Instance div_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) div.
+Program Instance power_wd : Proper (eq==>Logic.eq==>eq) power.
+(** Let's implement [HasCompare] *)
+Lemma compare_spec : forall x y, CompSpec eq lt x y (compare x y).
+Proof. intros. qify. destruct (Qcompare_spec [x] [y]); auto. Qed.
+(** Let's implement [TotalOrder] *)
+Definition lt_compat := lt_wd.
+Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
+Lemma le_lteq : forall x y, x<=y <-> x<y \/ x==y.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qle_lteq. Qed.
+Lemma lt_total : forall x y, x<y \/ x==y \/ y<x.
+Proof. intros. destruct (compare_spec x y); auto. Qed.
+(** Let's implement [HasEqBool] *)
+Definition eqb := eq_bool.
+Lemma eqb_eq : forall x y, eq_bool x y = true <-> x == y.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qeq_bool_iff. Qed.
+Lemma eqb_correct : forall x y, eq_bool x y = true -> x == y.
+Proof. now apply eqb_eq. Qed.
+Lemma eqb_complete : forall x y, x == y -> eq_bool x y = true.
+Proof. now apply eqb_eq. Qed.
+(** Let's implement [HasMinMax] *)
+Lemma max_l : forall x y, y<=x -> max x y == x.
+Proof. intros x y. qify. apply Qminmax.Q.max_l. Qed.
+Lemma max_r : forall x y, x<=y -> max x y == y.
+Proof. intros x y. qify. apply Qminmax.Q.max_r. Qed.
+Lemma min_l : forall x y, x<=y -> min x y == x.
+Proof. intros x y. qify. apply Qminmax.Q.min_l. Qed.
+Lemma min_r : forall x y, y<=x -> min x y == y.
+Proof. intros x y. qify. apply Qminmax.Q.min_r. Qed.
+(** Q is a ring *)
+Lemma add_0_l : forall x, 0+x == x.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qplus_0_l. Qed.
+Lemma add_comm : forall x y, x+y == y+x.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qplus_comm. Qed.
+Lemma add_assoc : forall x y z, x+(y+z) == x+y+z.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qplus_assoc. Qed.
+Lemma mul_1_l : forall x, 1*x == x.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qmult_1_l. Qed.
+Lemma mul_comm : forall x y, x*y == y*x.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qmult_comm. Qed.
+Lemma mul_assoc : forall x y z, x*(y*z) == x*y*z.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qmult_assoc. Qed.
+Lemma mul_add_distr_r : forall x y z, (x+y)*z == x*z + y*z.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qmult_plus_distr_l. Qed.
+Lemma sub_add_opp : forall x y, x-y == x+(-y).
+Proof. intros. qify. now unfold Qminus. Qed.
+Lemma add_opp_diag_r : forall x, x+(-x) == 0.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Qplus_opp_r. Qed.
+(** Q is a field *)
+Lemma neq_1_0 : 1!=0.
+Proof. intros. qify. apply Q_apart_0_1. Qed.
+Lemma div_mul_inv : forall x y, x/y == x*(/y).
+Proof. intros. qify. now unfold Qdiv. Qed.
+Lemma mul_inv_diag_l : forall x, x!=0 -> /x * x == 1.
+Proof. intros x. qify. rewrite Qmult_comm. apply Qmult_inv_r. Qed.
+End QProperties.
+Module QTypeExt (Q : QType)
+ <: QType <: TotalOrder <: HasCompare Q <: HasMinMax Q <: HasEqBool Q
+ := Q <+ QProperties. \ No newline at end of file