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1 files changed, 125 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/univ.ml b/kernel/univ.ml
index 01dc09b22..e31e2be68 100644
--- a/kernel/univ.ml
+++ b/kernel/univ.ml
@@ -552,19 +552,85 @@ let normalize_universes g =
UniverseLMap.mapi canonicalize g
(** [check_sorted g sorted]: [g] being a universe graph, [sorted]
- being a map to [Equiv Type.n] (with [n] being a natural number),
- checks that all constraints in [g] are satisfied in [sorted]. *)
+ being a map to levels, checks that all constraints in [g] are
+ satisfied in [sorted]. *)
let check_sorted g sorted =
- let get u = match UniverseLMap.find u sorted with
- | Equiv x -> x
- | Canonical _ -> assert false
- in
- UniverseLMap.iter (fun u arc -> let repr_u = get u in match arc with
- | Equiv v -> assert (get v == repr_u)
+ let get u = try UniverseLMap.find u sorted with
+ | Not_found -> assert false
+ in UniverseLMap.iter (fun u arc -> let lu = get u in match arc with
+ | Equiv v -> assert (lu = get v)
| Canonical {univ=u'; lt=lt; le=le} ->
assert (u == u');
- List.iter (fun v -> assert (UniverseLevel.compare repr_u (get v) <= 0)) le;
- List.iter (fun v -> assert (UniverseLevel.compare repr_u (get v) < 0)) lt) g
+ List.iter (fun v -> assert (lu <= get v)) le;
+ List.iter (fun v -> assert (lu < get v)) lt) g
+ Bellman-Ford algorithm with a few customizations:
+ - [weight(eq|le) = 0], [weight(lt) = -1]
+ - a [le] edge is initially added from [bottom] to all other
+ vertices, and [bottom] is used as the source vertex
+let bellman_ford bottom g =
+ assert (lookup_level bottom g = None);
+ let ( << ) a b = match a, b with
+ | _, None -> true
+ | None, _ -> false
+ | Some x, Some y -> x < y
+ and ( ++ ) a y = match a with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some x -> Some (x-y)
+ and push u x m = match x with
+ | None -> m
+ | Some y -> UniverseLMap.add u y m
+ in
+ let relax u v uv distances =
+ let x = lookup_level u distances ++ uv in
+ if x << lookup_level v distances then push v x distances
+ else distances
+ in
+ let init = UniverseLMap.add bottom 0 UniverseLMap.empty in
+ let vertices = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res ->
+ let res = UniverseLSet.add u res in
+ match arc with
+ | Equiv e -> UniverseLSet.add e res
+ | Canonical {univ=univ; lt=lt; le=le} ->
+ assert (u == univ);
+ let add res v = UniverseLSet.add v res in
+ let res = List.fold_left add res le in
+ let res = List.fold_left add res lt in
+ res) g UniverseLSet.empty
+ in
+ let g =
+ let node = Canonical {
+ univ = bottom;
+ lt = [];
+ le = UniverseLSet.elements vertices
+ } in UniverseLMap.add bottom node g
+ in
+ let rec iter count accu =
+ if count <= 0 then
+ accu
+ else
+ let accu = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res -> match arc with
+ | Equiv e -> relax e u 0 (relax u e 0 res)
+ | Canonical {univ=univ; lt=lt; le=le} ->
+ assert (u == univ);
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun res v -> relax u v 0 res) res le in
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun res v -> relax u v 1 res) res lt in
+ res) g accu
+ in iter (count-1) accu
+ in
+ let distances = iter (UniverseLSet.cardinal vertices) init in
+ let () = UniverseLMap.iter (fun u arc ->
+ let lu = lookup_level u distances in match arc with
+ | Equiv v ->
+ let lv = lookup_level v distances in
+ assert (not (lu << lv) && not (lv << lu))
+ | Canonical {univ=univ; lt=lt; le=le} ->
+ assert (u == univ);
+ List.iter (fun v -> assert (not (lu ++ 0 << lookup_level v distances))) le;
+ List.iter (fun v -> assert (not (lu ++ 1 << lookup_level v distances))) lt) g
+ in distances
(** [sort_universes g] builds a map from universes in [g] to natural
numbers. It outputs a graph containing equivalence edges from each
@@ -574,83 +640,60 @@ let check_sorted g sorted =
necessarily minimal. Note: the result is unspecified if the input
graph already contains [Type.n] nodes (calling a module Type is
probably a bad idea anyway). *)
-let sort_universes orig_g =
- (* basically a topological sort with grouping, le and lt nodes are
- treated the same way *)
+let sort_universes orig =
let mp = Names.make_dirpath [Names.id_of_string "Type"] in
- let g = normalize_universes orig_g in
- let degs = (* map from canonical nodes to incoming degrees *)
- UniverseLMap.fold
- (fun u arc res -> match arc with
- | Equiv _ -> res
- | Canonical {univ=_; lt=lt; le=le} ->
- let res =
- try let _ = UniverseLMap.find u res in res
- with Not_found -> UniverseLMap.add u 0 res
- in
- let cumul res u =
- let x = try UniverseLMap.find u res with Not_found -> 0 in
- UniverseLMap.add u (x+1) res
- in
- List.fold_left cumul (List.fold_left cumul res lt) le)
- g UniverseLMap.empty
- in
- let init = (* canonical nodes with zero incoming edges *)
- UniverseLMap.fold
- (fun u deg res -> if deg = 0 then u::res else res) degs []
- in
- (* [init] should contain at least [Set] *)
- assert (List.mem UniverseLevel.Set init);
- let make_level n = UniverseLevel.Level (mp, n) in
- let rec reduce level_map degs n level us =
- (* preconditions: [us] is the list of nodes for universe number
- [n], supposed non-empty, and [level] is the [UniverseLevel.t]
- corresponding to [n] *)
- assert (us <> [] && level = make_level n);
- let edge = Equiv level in
- let visit (level_map, degs, next) u =
- let level_map = UniverseLMap.add u edge level_map in
- match lookup_level u g with
- | None -> level_map, degs, next
- | Some (Equiv _) -> assert false
- | Some (Canonical {univ=_; lt=lt; le=le}) ->
- (* virtually remove [u] from the graph, decrement incoming
- edge counts in [degs], and collect nodes for the next
- level (i.e. nodes for which the edge count reached
- zero) *)
- let cumul (degs, next) u =
- let x = UniverseLMap.find u degs - 1 in
- assert (x >= 0);
- let degs = UniverseLMap.add u x degs in
- if x = 0 then degs, u::next else degs, next
- in
- let z = List.fold_left cumul (degs, next) lt in
- let degs, next = List.fold_left cumul z le in
- level_map, degs, next
+ let rec make_level accu g i =
+ let type0 = UniverseLevel.Level (mp, i) in
+ let distances = bellman_ford type0 g in
+ let accu, continue = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u x (accu, continue) ->
+ let continue = continue || x < 0 in
+ let accu =
+ if x = 0 && u != type0 then UniverseLMap.add u i accu
+ else accu
+ in accu, continue) distances (accu, false)
- let level_map, degs, next =
- List.fold_left visit (level_map, degs, []) us
+ let filter x = not (UniverseLMap.mem x accu) in
+ let push g u =
+ if UniverseLMap.mem u g then g else UniverseLMap.add u (Equiv u) g
- if next = [] then
- let () = UniverseLMap.iter (fun _ x -> assert (x = 0)) degs in
- level_map
- else
- (* we create [next_level] here to keep physical equality of all
- [Type.n]s *)
- let next_level = make_level (n+1) in
- let level_map = UniverseLMap.add level
- (Canonical {univ=level; lt=[next_level]; le=[]}) level_map
- in
- reduce level_map degs (n+1) next_level next
- in
- let level_map = reduce UniverseLMap.empty degs 0 (make_level 0) init in
- let level_map = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res -> match arc with
- | Equiv v -> UniverseLMap.add u (UniverseLMap.find v res) res
- | Canonical _ -> res) g level_map
+ let g = UniverseLMap.fold (fun u arc res -> match arc with
+ | Equiv v as x ->
+ begin match filter u, filter v with
+ | true, true -> UniverseLMap.add u x res
+ | true, false -> push res u
+ | false, true -> push res v
+ | false, false -> res
+ end
+ | Canonical {univ=v; lt=lt; le=le} ->
+ assert (u == v);
+ if filter u then
+ let lt = List.filter filter lt in
+ let le = List.filter filter le in
+ UniverseLMap.add u (Canonical {univ=u; lt=lt; le=le}) res
+ else
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun g u -> if filter u then push g u else g) res lt in
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun g u -> if filter u then push g u else g) res le in
+ res) g UniverseLMap.empty
+ in
+ if continue then make_level accu g (i+1) else i, accu
+ let max, levels = make_level UniverseLMap.empty orig 0 in
(* defensively check that the result makes sense *)
- check_sorted orig_g level_map;
- level_map
+ check_sorted orig levels;
+ let types = Array.init (max+1) (fun x -> UniverseLevel.Level (mp, x)) in
+ let g = UniverseLMap.map (fun x -> Equiv types.(x)) levels in
+ let g =
+ let rec aux i g =
+ if i < max then
+ let u = types.(i) in
+ let g = UniverseLMap.add u (Canonical {
+ univ = u;
+ le = [];
+ lt = [types.(i+1)]
+ }) g in aux (i+1) g
+ else g
+ in aux 0 g
+ in g
(* Tools for sort-polymorphic inductive types *)