diff options
-rw-r--r--ide/utils/configwin_types.mli (renamed from ide/utils/configwin_types.ml)181
12 files changed, 86 insertions, 6614 deletions
diff --git a/ide/ide.mllib b/ide/ide.mllib
index b2f32fcf7..72a14134b 100644
--- a/ide/ide.mllib
+++ b/ide/ide.mllib
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/ide/utils/config_file.ml b/ide/utils/config_file.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4c613913..000000000
--- a/ide/utils/config_file.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
-(* License, or any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
-(* *)
-(* TODO *)
-(* section comments *)
-(* better obsoletes: no "{}", line cuts *)
-(* possible improvements: *)
-(* use lex/yacc instead of genlex to be more robust, efficient, allow arrays and other types, read comments. *)
-(* description and help, level (beginner/advanced/...) for each cp *)
-(* find an option from its name and group *)
-(* class hooks *)
-(* get the sections of a group / of a file *)
-(* read file format from inifiles and ConfigParser *)
-(* Read the mli before reading this file! *)
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-(* ******************************** misc utilities ******************************** *)
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-(* This code is intended to be usable without any dependencies. *)
-(* as List.assoc, but applies f to the element matching [key] and returns the list
-where this element has been replaced by the result of f. *)
-let rec list_assoc_remove key f = function
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | (key',value) as elt :: tail ->
- if key <> key'
- then elt :: list_assoc_remove key f tail
- else match f value with
- | None -> tail
- | Some a -> (key',a) :: tail
-(* reminiscent of String.concat. Same as [Queue.iter f1 queue]
- but calls [f2 ()] between each calls to f1.
- Does not call f2 before the first call nor after the last call to f2.
- Could be more efficient with a richer module interface of Queue.
-let queue_iter_between f1 f2 queue =
-(* let f flag elt = if flag then f2 (); (f1 elt:unit); true in *)
- let f flag elt = if flag then f2 (); f1 elt; true in
- ignore (Queue.fold f false queue)
-let list_iter_between f1 f2 = function
- [] -> ()
- | a::[] -> f1 a
- | a::tail -> f1 a; List.iter (fun elt -> (f2 ():unit); f1 elt) tail
-(* | a::tail -> f1 a; List.iter (fun elt -> f2 (); f1 elt) tail *)
-(* !! types ??? *)
-(* to ensure that strings will be parsed correctly by Genlex.
-It's more comfortable not to have quotes around the string, but sometimes it's necessary. *)
-exception Unsafe_string
-let safe_string s =
- if s = ""
- then "\"\""
- else if (
- try match s.[0] with
- | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ->
- for i = 1 to String.length s - 1 do
- match s.[i] with
- 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9' -> ()
- | _ -> raise Unsafe_string
- done;
- false
- | _ ->
- try
- string_of_int (int_of_string s) <> s ||
- string_of_float (float_of_string s) <> s
- with Failure "int_of_string" | Failure "float_of_string" -> true
- with Unsafe_string -> true)
- then Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
- else s
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-(* ************************************* core ************************************* *)
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-module Raw = struct
- type cp =
- | String of string
- | Int of int
- | Float of float
- | List of cp list
- | Tuple of cp list
- | Section of (string * cp) list
-(* code generated by
-camlp4 pa_o.cmo pa_op.cmo pr_o.cmo -- -o config_file_parser.ml -impl config_file_parser.ml4
-Unreadable on purpose, edit the file config_file_parser.ml4 rather than editing this (huge) lines. Then manually copy-paste here the content of config_file_parser.ml.
-Could be one day rewritten with ocamllex/yacc to be more robust, efficient, allow arrays, read comments...*)
- module Parse = struct
- let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["="; "{"; "}"; "["; "]"; ";"; "("; ")"; ","]
- let rec file l (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match try Some (ident strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with Some id -> begin match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "=") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try value strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in begin try file ((id, v) :: l) strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> List.rev l
- and value (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "{") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try file [] strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in begin match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "}") -> Stream.junk strm__; Section v | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | Some (Genlex.Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; String s | Some (Genlex.String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; String s | Some (Genlex.Int i) -> Stream.junk strm__; Int i | Some (Genlex.Float f) -> Stream.junk strm__; Float f | Some (Genlex.Char c) -> Stream.junk strm__; String (String.make 1 c) | Some (Genlex.Kwd "[") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try list [] strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in List v | Some (Genlex.Kwd "(") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try list [] strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in Tuple v | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
- and ident (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s | Some (Genlex.String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
- and list l (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd ";") -> Stream.junk strm__; begin try list l strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | Some (Genlex.Kwd ",") -> Stream.junk strm__; begin try list l strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> match try Some (value strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with Some v -> begin try list (v :: l) strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "]") -> Stream.junk strm__; List.rev l | Some (Genlex.Kwd ")") -> Stream.junk strm__; List.rev l | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
- end
- open Format
- (* formating convention: the caller has to open the box, close it and flush the output *)
- (* remarks on Format:
- set_margin forces a call to set_max_indent
- sprintf et bprintf are flushed at each call*)
- (* pretty print a Raw.cp *)
- let rec save formatter = function
- | String s -> fprintf formatter "%s" (safe_string s) (* How can I cut lines and *)
- | Int i -> fprintf formatter "%d" i (* print backslashes just before the \n? *)
- | Float f -> fprintf formatter "%g" f
- | List l ->
- fprintf formatter "[@[<b0>";
- list_iter_between
- (fun v -> fprintf formatter "@[<b2>"; save formatter v; fprintf formatter "@]")
- (fun () -> fprintf formatter ";@ ")
- l;
- fprintf formatter "@]]"
- | Tuple l ->
- fprintf formatter "(@[<b0>";
- list_iter_between
- (fun v -> fprintf formatter "@[<b2>"; save formatter v; fprintf formatter "@]")
- (fun () -> fprintf formatter ",@ ")
- l;
- fprintf formatter "@])"
- | Section l ->
- fprintf formatter "{@;<0 2>@[<hv0>";
- list_iter_between
- (fun (name,value) ->
- fprintf formatter "@[<hov2>%s =@ @[<b2>" name;
- save formatter value;
- fprintf formatter "@]@]";)
- (fun () -> fprintf formatter "@;<2 0>")
- l;
- fprintf formatter "@]}"
-(* let to_string r = save str_formatter r; flush_str_formatter () *)
- let to_channel out_channel r =
- let f = formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
- fprintf f "@[<b2>"; save f r; fprintf f "@]@?"
- let of_string s = s |> Stream.of_string |> Parse.lexer |> Parse.value
- let of_channel in_channel =
- let result = in_channel |> Stream.of_channel |> Parse.lexer |> Parse.file [] in
- close_in in_channel;
- result
-(* print the given string in a way compatible with Format.
- Truncate the lines when needed, indent the newlines.*)
-let print_help formatter =
- String.iter (function
- | ' ' -> Format.pp_print_space formatter ()
- | '\n' -> Format.pp_force_newline formatter ()
- | c -> Format.pp_print_char formatter c)
-type 'a wrappers = {
- to_raw : 'a -> Raw.cp;
- of_raw : Raw.cp -> 'a}
-class type ['a] cp = object
-(* method private to_raw = wrappers.to_raw *)
-(* method private of_raw = wrappers.of_raw *)
-(* method private set_string s = s |> Raw.of_string |> self#of_raw |> self#set *)
- method add_hook : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
- method get : 'a
- method get_default : 'a
- method set : 'a -> unit
- method reset : unit
- method get_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
- method get_default_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
- method get_help_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
- method get_name : string list
- method get_short_name : string option
- method set_short_name : string -> unit
- method get_help : string
- method get_spec : Arg.spec
- method set_raw : Raw.cp -> unit
-type groupable_cp = <
- get_name : string list;
- get_short_name : string option;
- get_help : string;
- get_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
- get_default_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
- get_help_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
- get_spec : Arg.spec;
- reset : unit;
- set_raw : Raw.cp -> unit; >
-exception Double_name
-exception Missing_cp of groupable_cp
-exception Wrong_type of (out_channel -> unit)
-(* Two exceptions to stop the iteration on queues. *)
-exception Found
-exception Found_cp of groupable_cp
-(* The data structure to store the cps.
-It's a tree, each node is a section, and a queue of sons with their name.
-Each leaf contains a cp. *)
-type 'a nametree =
- | Immediate of 'a
- | Subsection of ((string * 'a nametree) Queue.t)
- (* this Queue must be nonempty for group.read.choose *)
-class group = object (self)
- val mutable cps = Queue.create () (* hold all the added cps, in a nametree. *)
- method add : 'a. 'a cp -> unit = fun original_cp ->
- let cp = (original_cp :> groupable_cp) in
- (* function called when we reach the end of the list cp#get_name. *)
- let add_immediate name cp queue =
- Queue.iter (fun (name',_) -> if name = name' then raise Double_name) queue;
- Queue.push (name, Immediate cp) queue in
- (* adds the cp with name [first_name::last_name] in section [section]. *)
- let rec add_in_section section first_name last_name cp queue =
- let sub_add = match last_name with (* what to do once we have find the correct section *)
- | [] -> add_immediate first_name
- | middle_name :: last_name -> add_in_section first_name middle_name last_name in
- try
- Queue.iter
- (function
- | name, Subsection subsection when name = section ->
- sub_add cp subsection; raise Found
- | _ -> ())
- queue;
- let sub_queue = Queue.create () in
- sub_add cp sub_queue;
- Queue.push (section, Subsection sub_queue) queue
- with Found -> () in
- (match cp#get_name with
- | [] -> failwith "empty name"
- | first_name :: [] -> add_immediate first_name cp cps
- | first_name :: middle_name :: last_name ->
- add_in_section first_name middle_name last_name cp cps)
- method write ?(with_help=true) filename =
- let out_channel = open_out filename in
- let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
- let print = Format.fprintf formatter in
- print "@[<v>";
- let rec save_queue formatter =
- queue_iter_between
- (fun (name,nametree) -> save_nametree name nametree)
- (Format.pp_print_cut formatter)
- and save_nametree name = function
- | Immediate cp ->
- if with_help && cp#get_help <> "" then
- (print "@[<hov3>(* "; cp#get_help_formatted formatter;
- print "@ *)@]@,");
- Format.fprintf formatter "@[<hov2>%s =@ @[<b2>" (safe_string name);
- cp#get_formatted formatter;
- print "@]@]"
- | Subsection queue ->
- Format.fprintf formatter "%s = {@;<0 2>@[<v>" (safe_string name);
- save_queue formatter queue;
- print "@]@,}" in
- save_queue formatter cps;
- print "@]@."; close_out out_channel
- method read ?obsoletes ?(no_default=false)
- ?(on_type_error = fun groupable_cp raw_cp output filename in_channel ->
- close_in in_channel;
- Printf.eprintf
- "Type error while loading configuration parameter %s from file %s.\n%!"
- (String.concat "." groupable_cp#get_name) filename;
- output stderr;
- exit 1)
- filename =
- (* [filename] is created if it doesn't exist. In this case there is no need to read it. *)
- match Sys.file_exists filename with false -> self#write filename | true ->
- let in_channel = open_in filename in
- (* what to do when a cp is missing: *)
- let missing cp default = if no_default then raise (Missing_cp cp) else default in
- (* returns a cp contained in the nametree queue, which must be nonempty *)
- let choose queue =
- let rec iter q = Queue.iter (function
- | _, Immediate cp -> raise (Found_cp cp)
- | _, Subsection q -> iter q) q in
- try iter queue; failwith "choose" with Found_cp cp -> cp in
- (* [set_and_remove raw_cps nametree] sets the cp of [nametree] to their value
- defined in [raw_cps] and returns the remaining raw_cps. *)
- let set_cp cp value =
- try cp#set_raw value
- with Wrong_type output -> on_type_error cp value output filename in_channel in
- let rec set_and_remove raw_cps = function
- | name, Immediate cp ->
- (try list_assoc_remove name (fun value -> set_cp cp value; None) raw_cps
- with Not_found -> missing cp raw_cps)
- | name, Subsection queue ->
- (try list_assoc_remove name
- (function
- | Raw.Section l ->
- (match remainings l queue with
- | [] -> None
- | l -> Some (Raw.Section l))
- | r -> missing (choose queue) (Some r))
- raw_cps
- with Not_found -> missing (choose queue) raw_cps)
- and remainings raw_cps queue = Queue.fold set_and_remove raw_cps queue in
- let remainings = remainings (Raw.of_channel in_channel) cps in
- (* Handling of cps defined in filename but not belonging to self. *)
- if remainings <> [] then match obsoletes with
- | Some filename ->
- let out_channel =
- open_out filename in
-(* open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append; Open_text] 0o666 filename in *)
- let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
- Format.fprintf formatter "@[<v>";
- Raw.save formatter (Raw.Section remainings);
- Format.fprintf formatter "@]@.";
- close_out out_channel
- | None -> ()
- method command_line_args ~section_separator =
- let print = Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter in (* shortcut *)
- let result = ref [] in let push x = result := x :: !result in
- let rec iter = function
- | _, Immediate cp ->
- let key = "-" ^ String.concat section_separator cp#get_name in
- let spec = cp#get_spec in
- let doc = (
- print "@[<hv5>";
- Format.pp_print_as Format.str_formatter (String.length key +3) "";
- if cp#get_help <> ""
- then (print "@,@[<b2>"; cp#get_help_formatted Format.str_formatter; print "@]@ ")
- else print "@,";
- print "@[<hv>@[current:@;<1 2>@[<hov1>"; cp#get_formatted Format.str_formatter;
- print "@]@],@ @[default:@;<1 2>@[<b2>"; cp#get_default_formatted Format.str_formatter;
- print "@]@]@]@]";
- Format.flush_str_formatter ()) in
- (match cp#get_short_name with
- | None -> ()
- | Some short_name -> push ("-" ^ short_name,spec,""));
- push (key,spec,doc)
- | _, Subsection queue -> Queue.iter iter queue in
- Queue.iter iter cps;
- List.rev !result
-(* Given wrappers for the type 'a, cp_custom_type defines a class 'a cp. *)
-class ['a] cp_custom_type wrappers
- ?group:(group:group option) name ?short_name default help =
-object (self)
- method private to_raw = wrappers.to_raw
- method private of_raw = wrappers.of_raw
- val mutable value = default
- (* output *)
- method get = value
- method get_default = default
- method get_formatted formatter = self#get |> self#to_raw |> Raw.save formatter
- method get_default_formatted formatter = self#get_default |> self#to_raw |> Raw.save formatter
- (* input *)
- method set v = let v' = value in value <- v; self#exec_hooks v' v
- method set_raw v = self#of_raw v |> self#set
- method private set_string s = s |> Raw.of_string |> self#of_raw |> self#set
- method reset = self#set self#get_default
- (* name *)
- val mutable shortname = short_name
- method get_name = name
- method get_short_name = shortname
- method set_short_name s = shortname <- Some s
- (* help *)
- method get_help = help
- method get_help_formatted formatter = print_help formatter self#get_help
- method get_spec = Arg.String self#set_string
- (* hooks *)
- val mutable hooks = []
- method add_hook f = hooks <- (f:'a->'a->unit) :: hooks
- method private exec_hooks v' v = List.iter (fun f -> f v' v) hooks
- initializer match group with Some g -> g#add (self :> 'a cp) | None -> ()
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-(* ****************************** predefined classes ****************************** *)
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-let int_wrappers = {
- to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.Int v);
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.Int v -> v
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Int expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))}
-class int_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
- inherit [int] cp_custom_type int_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
- method get_spec = Arg.Int self#set
-let float_wrappers = {
- to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.Float v);
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.Float v -> v
- | Raw.Int v -> float v
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Float expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class float_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
- inherit [float] cp_custom_type float_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
- method get_spec = Arg.Float self#set
-(* The Pervasives version is too restrictive *)
-let bool_of_string s =
- match String.lowercase s with
- | "false" | "no" | "n" | "0" -> false (* "0" and "1" aren't used. *)
- | "true" | "yes" | "y" | "1" -> true
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Bool expected, got %s\n%!" r))
-let bool_wrappers = {
- to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String (string_of_bool v));
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.String v -> bool_of_string v
- | Raw.Int v -> v <> 0
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Bool expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class bool_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
- inherit [bool] cp_custom_type bool_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
- method get_spec = Arg.Bool self#set
-let string_wrappers = {
- to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String v);
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.String v -> v
- | Raw.Int v -> string_of_int v
- | Raw.Float v -> string_of_float v
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.String expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class string_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
- inherit [string] cp_custom_type string_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
- method private of_string s = s
- method get_spec = Arg.String self#set
-let list_wrappers wrappers = {
- to_raw = (fun l -> Raw.List (List.map wrappers.to_raw l));
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.List l -> List.map wrappers.of_raw l
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.List expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class ['a] list_cp wrappers = ['a list] cp_custom_type (list_wrappers wrappers)
-let option_wrappers wrappers = {
- to_raw = (function
- | Some v -> wrappers.to_raw v
- | None -> Raw.String "");
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.String s as v -> (
- if s = "" || s = "None" then None
- else if String.length s >= 5 && String.sub s 0 5 = "Some "
- then Some (wrappers.of_raw (Raw.String (String.sub s 5 (String.length s -5))))
- else Some (wrappers.of_raw v))
- | r -> Some (wrappers.of_raw r)}
-class ['a] option_cp wrappers = ['a option] cp_custom_type (option_wrappers wrappers)
-let enumeration_wrappers enum =
- let switched = List.map (fun (string,cons) -> cons,string) enum in
- {to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String (List.assq v switched));
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.String s ->
- (try List.assoc s enum
- with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s isn't a known constructor" s))
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw enumeration expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class ['a] enumeration_cp enum ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
- inherit ['a] cp_custom_type (enumeration_wrappers enum)
- ?group name ?short_name default help
- method get_spec = Arg.Symbol (List.map fst enum, (fun s -> self#set (List.assoc s enum)))
-let tuple2_wrappers wrapa wrapb = {
- to_raw = (fun (a,b) -> Raw.Tuple [wrapa.to_raw a; wrapb.to_raw b]);
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.Tuple [a;b] -> wrapa.of_raw a, wrapb.of_raw b
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Tuple 2 expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class ['a, 'b] tuple2_cp wrapa wrapb = ['a*'b] cp_custom_type (tuple2_wrappers wrapa wrapb)
-let tuple3_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc = {
- to_raw = (fun (a,b,c) -> Raw.Tuple[wrapa.to_raw a; wrapb.to_raw b; wrapc.to_raw c]);
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.Tuple [a;b;c] -> wrapa.of_raw a, wrapb.of_raw b, wrapc.of_raw c
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Tuple 3 expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class ['a,'b,'c] tuple3_cp wrapa wrapb wrapc =
- ['a*'b*'c] cp_custom_type (tuple3_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc)
-let tuple4_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc wrapd = {
- to_raw=(fun (a,b,c,d)->Raw.Tuple[wrapa.to_raw a;wrapb.to_raw b;wrapc.to_raw c;wrapd.to_raw d]);
- of_raw = function
- | Raw.Tuple [a;b;c;d] -> wrapa.of_raw a, wrapb.of_raw b, wrapc.of_raw c, wrapd.of_raw d
- | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
- "Raw.Tuple 4 expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
-class ['a,'b,'c,'d] tuple4_cp wrapa wrapb wrapc wrapd =
- ['a*'b*'c*'d] cp_custom_type (tuple4_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc wrapd)
-class string2_cp = [string,string] tuple2_cp string_wrappers string_wrappers
-(* class color_cp = string_cp *)
-class font_cp = string_cp
-class filename_cp = string_cp
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-(******************** Backward compatibility with module Flags.****************** *)
-(* ******************************************************************************** *)
-type 'a option_class = 'a wrappers
-type 'a option_record = 'a cp
-type options_file = {mutable filename:string; group:group}
-let create_options_file filename = {filename = filename; group = new group}
-let set_options_file options_file filename = options_file.filename <- filename
-let load {filename=f; group = g} = g#read f
-let append {group=g} filename = g#read filename
-let save {filename=f; group = g} = g#write ~with_help:false f
-let save_with_help {filename=f; group = g} = g#write ~with_help:true f
-let define_option {group=group} name help option_class default =
- (new cp_custom_type option_class ~group name default help)
-let option_hook cp f = cp#add_hook (fun _ _ -> f ())
-let string_option = string_wrappers
-let color_option = string_wrappers
-let font_option = string_wrappers
-let int_option = int_wrappers
-let bool_option = bool_wrappers
-let float_option = float_wrappers
-let string2_option = tuple2_wrappers string_wrappers string_wrappers
-let option_option = option_wrappers
-let list_option = list_wrappers
-let sum_option = enumeration_wrappers
-let tuple2_option (a,b) = tuple2_wrappers a b
-let tuple3_option (a,b,c) = tuple3_wrappers a b c
-let tuple4_option (a,b,c,d) = tuple4_wrappers a b c d
-let ( !! ) cp = cp#get
-let ( =:= ) cp value = cp#set value
-let shortname cp = String.concat ":" cp#get_name
-let get_help cp = cp#get_help
-type option_value =
- Module of option_module
-| StringValue of string
-| IntValue of int
-| FloatValue of float
-| List of option_value list
-| SmallList of option_value list
-and option_module = (string * option_value) list
-let rec value_to_raw = function
- | Module a -> Raw.Section (List.map (fun (name,value) -> name, value_to_raw value) a)
- | StringValue a -> Raw.String a
- | IntValue a -> Raw.Int a
- | FloatValue a -> Raw.Float a
- | List a -> Raw.List (List.map value_to_raw a)
- | SmallList a -> Raw.Tuple (List.map value_to_raw a)
-let rec raw_to_value = function
- | Raw.String a -> StringValue a
- | Raw.Int a -> IntValue a
- | Raw.Float a -> FloatValue a
- | Raw.List a -> List (List.map raw_to_value a)
- | Raw.Tuple a -> SmallList (List.map raw_to_value a)
- | Raw.Section a -> Module (List.map (fun (name,value) -> name, raw_to_value value) a)
-let define_option_class _ of_option_value to_option_value =
- {to_raw = (fun a -> a |> to_option_value |> value_to_raw);
- of_raw = (fun a -> a |> raw_to_value |> of_option_value)}
-let to_value {to_raw = to_raw} a = a |> to_raw |> raw_to_value
-let from_value {of_raw = of_raw} a = a |> value_to_raw |> of_raw
-let of_value_w wrappers a = a |> value_to_raw |> wrappers.of_raw
-let to_value_w wrappers a = a |> wrappers.to_raw |> raw_to_value
-(* fancy indentation when finishing this stub code, not good style :-) *)
-let value_to_string : option_value -> string = of_value_w string_option
-let string_to_value = to_value_w string_option
-let value_to_int = of_value_w int_option
-let int_to_value = to_value_w int_option
-let value_to_bool = of_value_w bool_option
-let bool_to_value = to_value_w bool_option
-let value_to_float = of_value_w float_option
-let float_to_value = to_value_w float_option
-let value_to_string2 = of_value_w string2_option
-let string2_to_value = to_value_w string2_option
-let value_to_list of_value =
- let wrapper = define_option_class "" of_value (fun _ -> failwith "value_to_list") in
- of_value_w (list_option wrapper)
-let list_to_value to_value =
- let wrapper = define_option_class "" (fun _ -> failwith "value_to_list") to_value in
- to_value_w (list_option wrapper)
diff --git a/ide/utils/config_file.mli b/ide/utils/config_file.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 22328e7f1..000000000
--- a/ide/utils/config_file.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
-(* License, or any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
-(* *)
- This module implements a mechanism to handle configuration files.
- A configuration file is defined as a set of [variable = value] lines,
- where value can be
- a simple string (types int, string, bool...),
- a list of values between brackets (lists) or parentheses (tuples),
- or a set of [variable = value] lines between braces.
- The configuration file is automatically loaded and saved,
- and configuration parameters are manipulated inside the program as easily as references.
- Object implementation by Jean-Baptiste Rouquier.
-(** {1:lowlevelinterface Low level interface} *)
-(** Skip this section on a first reading... *)
-(** The type of cp freshly parsed from configuration file,
-not yet wrapped in their proper type. *)
-module Raw : sig
- type cp =
- | String of string (** base types, reproducing the tokens of Genlex *)
- | Int of int
- | Float of float
- | List of cp list (** compound types *)
- | Tuple of cp list
- | Section of (string * cp) list
- (** A parser. *)
- val of_string : string -> cp
- (** Used to print the values into a log file for instance. *)
- val to_channel : out_channel -> cp -> unit
-(** A type used to specialize polymorphics classes and define new classes.
- {!Config_file.predefinedwrappers} are provided.
- *)
-type 'a wrappers = { to_raw : 'a -> Raw.cp; of_raw : Raw.cp -> 'a; }
-(** An exception raised by {!Config_file.cp.set_raw}
- when the argument doesn't have a suitable {!Config_file.Raw.cp} type.
- The function explains the problem and flush the output.*)
-exception Wrong_type of (out_channel -> unit)
-(* (\** {2 Miscellaneous functions} *\) *)
-(* val bool_of_string : string -> bool *)
-(** {1 High level interface} *)
-(** {2 The two main classes} *)
-(** A Configuration Parameter, in short cp, ie
- a value we can store in and read from a configuration file. *)
-class type ['a] cp = object
- (** {1 Accessing methods} *)
- method get : 'a
- method set : 'a -> unit
- method get_default : 'a
- method get_help : string
- method get_name : string list
- (** Resets to the default value. *)
- method reset : unit
- (** {1 Miscellaneous} *)
- (** All the hooks are executed each time the method set is called,
- just after setting the new value.*)
- method add_hook : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
- (** Used to generate command line arguments in {!Config_file.group.command_line_args} *)
- method set_short_name : string -> unit
- (** [None] if no optional short_name was provided during object creation
- and [set_short_name] was never called.*)
- method get_short_name : string option
- (** {1 Methods for internal use} *)
- method get_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
- method get_default_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
- method get_help_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
- method get_spec : Arg.spec
- method set_raw : Raw.cp -> unit
-(** Unification over all possible ['a cp]:
- contains the main methods of ['a cp] except the methods using the type ['a].
- A [group] manipulates only [groupable_cp] for homogeneity. *)
-type groupable_cp = <
- get_name : string list;
- get_short_name : string option;
- get_help : string;
- get_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
- get_default_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
- get_help_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
- get_spec : Arg.spec;
- reset : unit;
- set_raw : Raw.cp -> unit; >
-(** Raised in case a name is already used.
- See {!Config_file.group.add} *)
-exception Double_name
-(** An exception possibly raised if we want to check that
- every cp is defined in a configuration file.
- See {!Config_file.group.read}.
-exception Missing_cp of groupable_cp
-(** A group of cps, that can be loaded and saved,
-or used to generate command line arguments.
-The basic usage is to have only one group and one configuration file,
-but this mechanism allows having more,
-for instance having another smaller group for the options to pass on the command line.
-class group : object
- (** Adds a cp to the group.
- Note that the type ['a] must be lost
- to allow cps of different types to belong to the same group.
- @raise Double_name if [cp#get_name] is already used. *)
-(* method add : 'a cp -> 'a cp *)
- method add : 'a cp -> unit
- (**[write filename] saves all the cps into the configuration file [filename].*)
- method write : ?with_help:bool -> string -> unit
- (** [read filename] reads [filename]
- and stores the values it specifies into the cps belonging to this group.
- The file is created (and not read) if it doesn't exists.
- In the default behaviour, no warning is issued
- if not all cps are updated or if some values of [filename] aren't used.
- If [obsoletes] is specified,
- then prints in this file all the values that are
- in [filename] but not in this group.
- Those cps are likely to be erroneous or obsolete.
- Opens this file only if there is something to write in it.
- If [no_default] is [true], then raises [Missing_cp foo] if
- the cp [foo] isn't defined in [filename] but belongs to this group.
- [on_type_error groupable_cp value output filename in_channel]
- is called if the file doesn't give suitable value
- (string instead of int for instance, or a string not belonging to the expected enumeration)
- for the cp [groupable_cp].
- [value] is the value read from the file,
- [output] is the argument of {!Config_file.Wrong_type},
- [filename] is the same argument as the one given to read,
- and [in_channel] refers to [filename] to allow a function to close it if needed.
- Default behaviour is to print an error message and call [exit 1].
- method read : ?obsoletes:string -> ?no_default:bool ->
- ?on_type_error : (groupable_cp -> Raw.cp -> (out_channel -> unit) ->
- string -> in_channel -> unit) ->
- string -> unit
- (** Interface with module Arg.
- @param section_separator the string used to concatenate the name of a cp,
- to get the command line option name.
- ["-"] is a good default.
- @return a list that can be used with [Arg.parse] and [Arg.usage].*)
- method command_line_args : section_separator:string -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list
- end
-(** {2 Predefined cp classes} *)
-(** The last three non-optional arguments are always
- [name] (of type string list), [default_value] and [help] (of type string).
- [name] is the path to the cp: [["section";"subsection"; ...; "foo"]].
- It can consists of a single element but must not be empty.
- [short_name] will be added a "-" and used in
- {!Config_file.group.command_line_args}.
- [group], if provided, adds the freshly defined option to it
- (something like [initializer group#add self]).
- [help] needs not contain newlines, it will be automatically truncated where needed.
- It is mandatory but can be [""].
-class int_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> int -> string -> [int] cp
-class float_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> float -> string -> [float] cp
-class bool_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> bool -> string -> [bool] cp
-class string_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> string -> string -> [string] cp
-class ['a] list_cp : 'a wrappers -> ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a list -> string -> ['a list] cp
-class ['a] option_cp : 'a wrappers -> ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a option -> string -> ['a option] cp
-class ['a] enumeration_cp : (string * 'a) list -> ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a -> string -> ['a] cp
-class ['a, 'b] tuple2_cp : 'a wrappers -> 'b wrappers -> ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a * 'b -> string -> ['a * 'b] cp
-class ['a, 'b, 'c] tuple3_cp : 'a wrappers -> 'b wrappers -> 'c wrappers -> ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a * 'b * 'c -> string -> ['a * 'b * 'c] cp
-class ['a, 'b, 'c, 'd] tuple4_cp : 'a wrappers -> 'b wrappers -> 'c wrappers -> 'd wrappers -> ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> string -> ['a * 'b * 'c * 'd] cp
-class string2_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> string * string -> string -> [string, string] tuple2_cp
-(* class color_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> string -> string -> string_cp *)
-class font_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> string -> string -> string_cp
-class filename_cp : ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> string -> string -> string_cp
-(** {2:predefinedwrappers Predefined wrappers} *)
-val int_wrappers : int wrappers
-val float_wrappers : float wrappers
-val bool_wrappers : bool wrappers
-val string_wrappers : string wrappers
-val list_wrappers : 'a wrappers -> 'a list wrappers
-val option_wrappers : 'a wrappers -> 'a option wrappers
-(** If you have a [type suit = Spades | Hearts | Diamond | Clubs], then
-{[enumeration_wrappers ["spades",Spades; "hearts",Hearts; "diamond",Diamond; "clubs",Clubs]]}
-will allow you to use cp of this type.
-For sum types with not only constant constructors,
-you will need to define your own cp class. *)
-val enumeration_wrappers : (string * 'a) list -> 'a wrappers
-val tuple2_wrappers : 'a wrappers -> 'b wrappers -> ('a * 'b) wrappers
-val tuple3_wrappers : 'a wrappers -> 'b wrappers -> 'c wrappers -> ('a * 'b * 'c) wrappers
-val tuple4_wrappers : 'a wrappers -> 'b wrappers -> 'c wrappers -> 'd wrappers -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) wrappers
-(** {2 Defining new cp classes} *)
-(** To define a new cp class, you just have to provide an implementation for the wrappers
-between your type [foo] and the type [Raw.cp].
-Once you have your wrappers [w], write
-{[class foo_cp = [foo] cp_custom_type w]}
-For further details, have a look at the commented .ml file,
-section "predefined cp classes".
-class ['a] cp_custom_type : 'a wrappers ->
- ?group:group -> string list -> ?short_name:string -> 'a -> string -> ['a] cp
-(** {1 Backward compatibility}
-All the functions from the module Options are available, except:
-- [prune_file]: use [group#write ?obsoletes:"foo.ml"].
-- [smalllist_to_value], [smalllist_option]: use lists or tuples.
-- [get_class].
-- [class_hook]: hooks are local to a cp.
- If you want hooks global to a class,
- define a new class that inherit from {!Config_file.cp_custom_type}.
-- [set_simple_option], [get_simple_option], [simple_options], [simple_args]:
- use {!Config_file.group.write}.
-- [set_option_hook]: use {!Config_file.cp.add_hook}.
-- [set_string_wrappers]: define a new class with {!Config_file.cp_custom_type}.
-The old configurations files are readable by this module.
-type 'a option_class
-type 'a option_record
-type options_file
-val create_options_file : string -> options_file
-val set_options_file : options_file -> string -> unit
-val load : options_file -> unit
-val append : options_file -> string -> unit
-val save : options_file -> unit
-val save_with_help : options_file -> unit
-(* val define_option : options_file -> *)
-(* string list -> string -> 'a option_class -> 'a -> 'a option_record *)
-val option_hook : 'a option_record -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val string_option : string option_class
-val color_option : string option_class
-val font_option : string option_class
-val int_option : int option_class
-val bool_option : bool option_class
-val float_option : float option_class
-val string2_option : (string * string) option_class
-val option_option : 'a option_class -> 'a option option_class
-val list_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
-val sum_option : (string * 'a) list -> 'a option_class
-val tuple2_option :
- 'a option_class * 'b option_class -> ('a * 'b) option_class
-val tuple3_option : 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class ->
- ('a * 'b * 'c) option_class
-val tuple4_option :
- 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class * 'd option_class ->
- ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) option_class
-val ( !! ) : 'a option_record -> 'a
-val ( =:= ) : 'a option_record -> 'a -> unit
-val shortname : 'a option_record -> string
-val get_help : 'a option_record -> string
-type option_value =
- Module of option_module
-| StringValue of string
-| IntValue of int
-| FloatValue of float
-| List of option_value list
-| SmallList of option_value list
-and option_module = (string * option_value) list
-val define_option_class :
- string -> (option_value -> 'a) -> ('a -> option_value) -> 'a option_class
-val to_value : 'a option_class -> 'a -> option_value
-val from_value : 'a option_class -> option_value -> 'a
-val value_to_string : option_value -> string
-val string_to_value : string -> option_value
-val value_to_int : option_value -> int
-val int_to_value : int -> option_value
-val bool_of_string : string -> bool
-val value_to_bool : option_value -> bool
-val bool_to_value : bool -> option_value
-val value_to_float : option_value -> float
-val float_to_value : float -> option_value
-val value_to_string2 : option_value -> string * string
-val string2_to_value : string * string -> option_value
-val value_to_list : (option_value -> 'a) -> option_value -> 'a list
-val list_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin.ml b/ide/utils/configwin.ml
index 4606ef29f..69e8b647a 100644
--- a/ide/utils/configwin.ml
+++ b/ide/utils/configwin.ml
@@ -36,44 +36,16 @@ type return_button =
| Return_ok
| Return_cancel
-let string_to_key = Configwin_types.string_to_key
-let key_to_string = Configwin_types.key_to_string
-let key_cp_wrapper = Configwin_types.key_cp_wrapper
-class key_cp = Configwin_types.key_cp
let string = Configwin_ihm.string
-let text = Configwin_ihm.text
let strings = Configwin_ihm.strings
let list = Configwin_ihm.list
let bool = Configwin_ihm.bool
-let filename = Configwin_ihm.filename
-let filenames = Configwin_ihm.filenames
-let color = Configwin_ihm.color
-let font = Configwin_ihm.font
let combo = Configwin_ihm.combo
let custom = Configwin_ihm.custom
-let date = Configwin_ihm.date
-let hotkey = Configwin_ihm.hotkey
let modifiers = Configwin_ihm.modifiers
-let html = Configwin_ihm.html
let edit
?(apply=(fun () -> ()))
title ?width ?height
conf_struct_list =
Configwin_ihm.edit ~with_apply: true ~apply title ?width ?height conf_struct_list
-let get = Configwin_ihm.edit ~with_apply: false ~apply: (fun () -> ())
-let simple_edit
- ?(apply=(fun () -> ()))
- title ?width ?height
- param_list = Configwin_ihm.simple_edit ~with_apply: true ~apply title ?width ?height param_list
-let simple_get = Configwin_ihm.simple_edit
- ~with_apply: false ~apply: (fun () -> ())
-let box = Configwin_ihm.box
-let tabbed_box = Configwin_ihm.tabbed_box
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin.mli b/ide/utils/configwin.mli
index c5fbf39a0..7616e471d 100644
--- a/ide/utils/configwin.mli
+++ b/ide/utils/configwin.mli
@@ -50,22 +50,6 @@ type return_button =
button or the window manager but never clicked
on the apply button.*)
-(** {2 The key option class (to use with the {!Config_file} library)} *)
-val string_to_key : string -> Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int
-val key_to_string : Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int -> string
-val key_cp_wrapper : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) Config_file.wrappers
-class key_cp :
- ?group:Config_file.group ->
- string list ->
- ?short_name:string ->
- Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int ->
- string -> [Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int] Config_file.cp_custom_type
(** {2 Functions to create parameters} *)
(** [string label value] creates a string parameter.
@@ -136,24 +120,6 @@ val list : ?editable: bool -> ?help: string ->
'a list ->
-(** [color label value] creates a color parameter.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param expand indicate if the entry widget must expand or not (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
-val color : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** [font label value] creates a font parameter.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param expand indicate if the entry widget must expand or not (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
-val font : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
(** [combo label choices value] creates a combo parameter.
@param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
@param expand indicate if the entry widget must expand or not (default is [true]).
@@ -169,69 +135,6 @@ val combo : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
?new_allowed: bool -> ?blank_allowed: bool ->
string -> string list -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** [text label value] creates a text parameter.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param expand indicate if the box for the text must expand or not (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
-val text : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** Same as {!Configwin.text} but html bindings are available
- in the text widget. Use the [configwin_html_config] utility
- to edit your bindings.
-val html : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** [filename label value] creates a filename parameter.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param expand indicate if the entry widget must expand or not (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
-val filename : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
-(** [filenames label value] creates a filename list parameter.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
- @param eq the comparison function, used not to have doubles in list. Default
- is [Pervasives.(=)]. If you want to allow doubles in the list, give a function
- always returning false.
-val filenames : ?editable: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: (string list -> unit) ->
- ?eq: (string -> string -> bool) ->
- string -> string list -> parameter_kind
-(** [date label value] creates a date parameter.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param expand indicate if the entry widget must expand or not (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
- @param f_string the function used to display the date as a string. The parameter
- is a tupe [(day,month,year)], where [month] is between [0] and [11]. The default
- function creates the string [year/month/day].
-val date : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: ((int * int * int) -> unit) ->
- ?f_string: ((int * int * int -> string)) ->
- string -> (int * int * int) -> parameter_kind
-(** [hotkey label value] creates a hot key parameter.
- A hot key is defined by a list of modifiers and a key code.
- @param editable indicate if the value is editable (default is [true]).
- @param expand indicate if the entry widget must expand or not (default is [true]).
- @param help an optional help message.
- @param f the function called to apply the value (default function does nothing).
-val hotkey : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
- ?f: ((Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> unit) ->
- string -> (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> parameter_kind
val modifiers : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
?allow:(Gdk.Tags.modifier list) ->
?f: (Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> unit) ->
@@ -259,46 +162,3 @@ val edit :
?height:int ->
configuration_structure list ->
-(** This function takes a configuration structure and creates a window used
- to get the various parameters from the user. It is the same window as edit but
- there is no apply button.*)
-val get :
- string ->
- ?width:int ->
- ?height:int ->
- configuration_structure list ->
- return_button
-(** This function takes a list of parameter specifications and
- creates a window to configure the various parameters.
- @param apply this function is called when the apply button is clicked, after
- giving new values to parameters.*)
-val simple_edit :
- ?apply: (unit -> unit) ->
- string ->
- ?width:int ->
- ?height:int ->
- parameter_kind list -> return_button
-(** This function takes a list of parameter specifications and
- creates a window to configure the various parameters,
- without Apply button.*)
-val simple_get :
- string ->
- ?width:int ->
- ?height:int ->
- parameter_kind list -> return_button
-(** Create a [GPack.box] with the list of given parameters,
- Return the box and the function to call to apply new values to parameters.
-val box : parameter_kind list -> GData.tooltips -> GPack.box * (unit -> unit)
-(** Create a [GPack.box] with the list of given configuration structure list,
- and the given list of buttons (defined by their label and callback).
- Before calling the callback of a button, the [apply] function
- of each parameter is called.
-val tabbed_box : configuration_structure list ->
- (string * (unit -> unit)) list -> GData.tooltips -> GPack.box
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.ml b/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.ml
index c1062a9db..70133fb9f 100644
--- a/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.ml
+++ b/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,25 @@
open Configwin_types
-module O = Config_file
+let modifiers_to_string m =
+ let rec iter m s =
+ match m with
+ [] -> s
+ | c :: m ->
+ iter m ((
+ match c with
+ `CONTROL -> "<ctrl>"
+ | `SHIFT -> "<shft>"
+ | `LOCK -> "<lock>"
+ | `MOD1 -> "<alt>"
+ | `MOD2 -> "<mod2>"
+ | `MOD3 -> "<mod3>"
+ | `MOD4 -> "<mod4>"
+ | `MOD5 -> "<mod5>"
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ ) ^ s)
+ in
+ iter m ""
class type widget =
@@ -35,112 +53,9 @@ class type widget =
method apply : unit -> unit
-let file_html_config = Filename.concat Configwin_messages.home ".configwin_html"
let debug = false
let dbg s = if debug then Minilib.log s else ()
-(** Return the config group for the html config file,
- and the option for bindings. *)
-let html_config_file_and_option () =
- let ini = new O.group in
- let bindings = new O.list_cp
- Configwin_types.htmlbinding_cp_wrapper
- ~group: ini
- ["bindings"]
- ~short_name: "bd"
- [ { html_key = Configwin_types.string_to_key "A-b" ;
- html_begin = "<b>";
- html_end = "</b>" ;
- } ;
- { html_key = Configwin_types.string_to_key "A-i" ;
- html_begin = "<i>";
- html_end = "</i>" ;
- }
- ]
- ""
- in
- ini#read file_html_config ;
- (ini, bindings)
-(** This variable contains the last directory where the user selected a file.*)
-let last_dir = ref "";;
-(** This function allows the user to select a file and returns the
- selected file name. An optional function allows changing the
- behaviour of the ok button.
- A VOIR : mutli-selection ? *)
-let select_files ?dir
- ?(fok : (string -> unit) option)
- the_title =
- let files = ref ([] : string list) in
- let fs = GWindow.file_selection ~modal:true
- ~title: the_title () in
- (* we set the previous directory, if no directory is given *)
- (
- match dir with
- None ->
- if !last_dir <> "" then
- let _ = fs#set_filename !last_dir in
- ()
- else
- ()
- | Some dir ->
- let _ = fs#set_filename !last_dir in
- ()
- );
- let _ = fs # connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.Main.quit in
- let _ = fs # ok_button # connect#clicked ~callback:
- (match fok with
- None ->
- (fun () -> files := [fs#filename] ; fs#destroy ())
- | Some f ->
- (fun () -> f fs#filename)
- )
- in
- let _ = fs # cancel_button # connect#clicked ~callback:fs#destroy in
- fs # show ();
- GMain.Main.main ();
- match !files with
- | [] ->
- []
- | [""] ->
- []
- | l ->
- (* we keep the directory in last_dir *)
- last_dir := Filename.dirname (List.hd l);
- l
-(** Make the user select a date. *)
-let select_date title (day,mon,year) =
- let v_opt = ref None in
- let window = GWindow.dialog ~modal:true ~title () in
- let hbox = GPack.hbox ~border_width:10 ~packing:window#vbox#add () in
- let cal = GMisc.calendar ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: true) () in
- cal#select_month ~month: mon ~year: year ;
- cal#select_day day;
- let bbox = window#action_area in
- let bok = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mOk
- ~packing:(bbox#pack ~expand:true ~padding:4) ()
- in
- let bcancel = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mCancel
- ~packing:(bbox#pack ~expand:true ~padding:4) ()
- in
- ignore (bok#connect#clicked ~callback:
- (fun () -> v_opt := Some (cal#date); window#destroy ()));
- ignore(bcancel#connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy);
- bok#grab_default ();
- ignore(window#connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.Main.quit);
- window#set_position `CENTER;
- window#show ();
- GMain.Main.main ();
- !v_opt
(** This class builds a frame with a clist and two buttons :
one to add items and one to remove the selected items.
The class takes in parameter a function used to add items and
@@ -460,164 +375,6 @@ class custom_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
method apply = param.custom_f_apply ()
-(** This class is used to build a box for a color parameter.*)
-class color_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
- let _ = dbg "color_param_box" in
- let v = ref param.color_value in
- let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.color_label
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
- in
- let w_test = GMisc.arrow
- ~kind: `RIGHT
- ~shadow: `OUT
- ~width: 20
- ~height: 20
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 )
- ()
- in
- let we = GEdit.entry
- ~editable: param.color_editable
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.color_expand ~padding: 2)
- ()
- in
- let _ =
- match param.color_help with
- None -> ()
- | Some help ->
- tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wb#coerce
- in
- let set_color s =
- let style = w_test#misc#style#copy in
- (
- try style#set_fg [ (`NORMAL, `NAME s) ; ]
- with _ -> ()
- );
- w_test#misc#set_style style;
- in
- let _ = set_color !v in
- let _ = we#set_text !v in
- let f_sel () =
- let dialog = GWindow.color_selection_dialog
- ~title: param.color_label
- ~modal: true
- ~show: true
- ()
- in
- let wb_ok = dialog#ok_button in
- let wb_cancel = dialog#cancel_button in
- let _ = dialog#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.Main.quit in
- let _ = wb_ok#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun () ->
-(* let color = dialog#colorsel#color in
- let r = (Gdk.Color.red color) in
- let g = (Gdk.Color.green color)in
- let b = (Gdk.Color.blue color) in
- let s = Printf.sprintf "#%4X%4X%4X" r g b in
- let _ =
- for i = 1 to (String.length s) - 1 do
- if s.[i] = ' ' then s.[i] <- '0'
- done
- in
- we#set_text s ; *)
- dialog#destroy ()
- )
- in
- let _ = wb_cancel#connect#clicked ~callback:dialog#destroy in
- GMain.Main.main ()
- in
- let _ =
- if param.color_editable then ignore (wb#connect#clicked ~callback:f_sel)
- in
- object (self)
- (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
- method box = hbox#coerce
- (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
- method apply =
- let new_value = we#text in
- if new_value <> param.color_value then
- let _ = param.color_f_apply new_value in
- param.color_value <- new_value
- else
- ()
- initializer
- ignore (we#connect#changed ~callback:(fun () -> set_color we#text));
- end ;;
-(** This class is used to build a box for a font parameter.*)
-class font_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
- let _ = dbg "font_param_box" in
- let v = ref param.font_value in
- let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.font_label
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
- in
- let we = GEdit.entry
- ~editable: false
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.font_expand ~padding: 2)
- ()
- in
- let _ =
- match param.font_help with
- None -> ()
- | Some help ->
- tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wb#coerce
- in
- let set_entry_font font_opt =
- match font_opt with
- None -> ()
- | Some s ->
- let style = we#misc#style#copy in
- (
- try
- let font = Gdk.Font.load_fontset s in
- style#set_font font
- with _ -> ()
- );
- we#misc#set_style style
- in
- let _ = set_entry_font (Some !v) in
- let _ = we#set_text !v in
- let f_sel () =
- let dialog = GWindow.font_selection_dialog
- ~title: param.font_label
- ~modal: true
- ~show: true
- ()
- in
- dialog#selection#set_font_name !v;
- let wb_ok = dialog#ok_button in
- let wb_cancel = dialog#cancel_button in
- let _ = dialog#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.Main.quit in
- let _ = wb_ok#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun () ->
- let font = dialog#selection#font_name in
- we#set_text font ;
- set_entry_font (Some font);
- dialog#destroy ()
- )
- in
- let _ = wb_cancel#connect#clicked ~callback:dialog#destroy in
- GMain.Main.main ()
- in
- let _ = if param.font_editable then ignore (wb#connect#clicked ~callback:f_sel) in
- object (self)
- (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
- method box = hbox#coerce
- (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
- method apply =
- let new_value = we#text in
- if new_value <> param.font_value then
- let _ = param.font_f_apply new_value in
- param.font_value <- new_value
- else
- ()
- end ;;
(** This class is used to build a box for a text parameter.*)
class text_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
let _ = dbg "text_param_box" in
@@ -662,35 +419,6 @@ class text_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
end ;;
-(** This class is used to build a box a html parameter. *)
-class html_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
- let _ = dbg "html_param_box" in
- object (self)
- inherit text_param_box param tt
- method private exec html_start html_end () =
- let (i1,i2) = wview#buffer#selection_bounds in
- let s = i1#get_text ~stop: i2 in
- match s with
- "" ->
- wview#buffer#insert (html_start^html_end)
- | _ ->
- ignore (wview#buffer#insert ~iter: i2 html_end);
- ignore (wview#buffer#insert ~iter: i1 html_start);
- wview#buffer#place_cursor ~where: i2
- initializer
- dbg "html_param_box:initializer";
- let (_,html_bindings) = html_config_file_and_option () in
- dbg "html_param_box:connecting key press events";
- let add_shortcut hb =
- let (mods, k) = hb.html_key in
- Okey.add wview ~mods k (self#exec hb.html_begin hb.html_end)
- in
- List.iter add_shortcut html_bindings#get;
- dbg "html_param_box:end"
- end
(** This class is used to build a box for a boolean parameter.*)
class bool_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
let _ = dbg "bool_param_box" in
@@ -719,105 +447,6 @@ class bool_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
end ;;
-(** This class is used to build a box for a file name parameter.*)
-class filename_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
- let _ = dbg "filename_param_box" in
- let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.string_label
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
- in
- let we = GEdit.entry
- ~editable: param.string_editable
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.string_expand ~padding: 2)
- ()
- in
- let _ =
- match param.string_help with
- None -> ()
- | Some help ->
- tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wb#coerce
- in
- let _ = we#set_text (param.string_to_string param.string_value) in
- let f_click () =
- match select_files param.string_label with
- [] ->
- ()
- | f :: _ ->
- we#set_text f
- in
- let _ =
- if param.string_editable then
- let _ = wb#connect#clicked ~callback:f_click in
- ()
- else
- ()
- in
- object (self)
- (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
- method box = hbox#coerce
- (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
- method apply =
- let new_value = param.string_of_string we#text in
- if new_value <> param.string_value then
- let _ = param.string_f_apply new_value in
- param.string_value <- new_value
- else
- ()
- end ;;
-(** This class is used to build a box for a hot key parameter.*)
-class hotkey_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
- let _ = dbg "hotkey_param_box" in
- let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
- let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.hk_label ~packing: wev#add () in
- let we = GEdit.entry
- ~editable: false
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.hk_expand ~padding: 2)
- ()
- in
- let value = ref param.hk_value in
- let _ =
- match param.hk_help with
- None -> ()
- | Some help ->
- tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce
- in
- let _ = we#set_text (Configwin_types.key_to_string param.hk_value) in
- let mods_we_dont_care = [`MOD2 ; `MOD3 ; `MOD4 ; `MOD5 ; `LOCK] in
- let capture ev =
- let key = GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev in
- let modifiers = GdkEvent.Key.state ev in
- let mods = List.filter
- (fun m -> not (List.mem m mods_we_dont_care))
- modifiers
- in
- value := (mods, key);
- we#set_text (Glib.Convert.locale_to_utf8 (Configwin_types.key_to_string !value));
- false
- in
- let _ =
- if param.hk_editable then
- ignore (we#event#connect#key_press ~callback:capture)
- else
- ()
- in
- object (self)
- (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
- method box = hbox#coerce
- (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
- method apply =
- let new_value = !value in
- if new_value <> param.hk_value then
- let _ = param.hk_f_apply new_value in
- param.hk_value <- new_value
- else
- ()
- end ;;
class modifiers_param_box param =
let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true ~padding: 2) () in
@@ -825,7 +454,7 @@ class modifiers_param_box param =
let value = ref param.md_value in
let _ = List.map (fun modifier ->
let but = GButton.toggle_button
- ~label:(Configwin_types.modifiers_to_string [modifier])
+ ~label:(modifiers_to_string [modifier])
~active:(List.mem modifier param.md_value)
~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in
ignore (but#connect#toggled
@@ -854,55 +483,6 @@ class modifiers_param_box param =
end ;;
-(** This class is used to build a box for a date parameter.*)
-class date_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
- let _ = dbg "date_param_box" in
- let v = ref param.date_value in
- let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let wb = GButton.button ~label: param.date_label
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) ()
- in
- let we = GEdit.entry
- ~editable: false
- ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.date_expand ~padding: 2)
- ()
- in
- let _ =
- match param.date_help with
- None -> ()
- | Some help ->
- tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wb#coerce
- in
- let _ = we#set_text (param.date_f_string param.date_value) in
- let f_click () =
- match select_date param.date_label !v with
- None -> ()
- | Some (y,m,d) ->
- v := (d,m,y) ;
- we#set_text (param.date_f_string (d,m,y))
- in
- let _ =
- if param.date_editable then
- let _ = wb#connect#clicked ~callback:f_click in
- ()
- else
- ()
- in
- object (self)
- (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
- method box = hbox#coerce
- (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
- method apply =
- if !v <> param.date_value then
- let _ = param.date_f_apply !v in
- param.date_value <- !v
- else
- ()
- end ;;
(** This class is used to build a box for a parameter whose values are a list.*)
class ['a] list_param_box (param : 'a list_param) (tt:GData.tooltips) =
let _ = dbg "list_param_box" in
@@ -975,10 +555,6 @@ class configuration_box (tt : GData.tooltips) conf_struct =
let box = new bool_param_box p tt in
let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- | Filename_param p ->
- let box = new filename_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
| List_param f ->
let box = f tt in
let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 box#box in
@@ -987,30 +563,10 @@ class configuration_box (tt : GData.tooltips) conf_struct =
let box = new custom_param_box p tt in
let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.custom_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
- | Color_param p ->
- let box = new color_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Font_param p ->
- let box = new font_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Date_param p ->
- let box = new date_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Hotkey_param p ->
- let box = new hotkey_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
| Modifiers_param p ->
let box = new modifiers_param_box p in
let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- | Html_param p ->
- let box = new html_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
let set_icon iter = function
@@ -1102,36 +658,6 @@ class configuration_box (tt : GData.tooltips) conf_struct =
-(** Create a vbox with the list of given configuration structure list,
- and the given list of buttons (defined by their label and callback).
- Before calling the callback of a button, the [apply] function
- of each parameter is called.
-let tabbed_box conf_struct_list buttons tooltips =
- let param_box =
- new configuration_box tooltips conf_struct_list
- in
- let f_apply () = param_box#apply
- in
- let hbox_buttons = GPack.hbox ~packing: (param_box#box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 4) () in
- let rec iter_buttons ?(grab=false) = function
- [] ->
- ()
- | (label, callb) :: q ->
- let b = GButton.button ~label: label
- ~packing:(hbox_buttons#pack ~expand:true ~fill: true ~padding:4) ()
- in
- ignore (b#connect#clicked ~callback:
- (fun () -> f_apply (); callb ()));
- (* If it's the first button then give it the focus *)
- if grab then b#grab_default ();
- iter_buttons q
- in
- iter_buttons ~grab: true buttons;
- param_box#box
(** This function takes a configuration structure list and creates a window
to configure the various parameters. *)
let edit ?(with_apply=true)
@@ -1174,110 +700,6 @@ let edit ?(with_apply=true)
iter Return_cancel
-(** Create a vbox with the list of given parameters. *)
-let box param_list tt =
- let main_box = GPack.vbox () in
- let f parameter =
- match parameter with
- String_param p ->
- let box = new string_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Combo_param p ->
- let box = new combo_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Text_param p ->
- let box = new text_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Bool_param p ->
- let box = new bool_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Filename_param p ->
- let box = new filename_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | List_param f ->
- let box = f tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Custom_param p ->
- let box = new custom_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.custom_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Color_param p ->
- let box = new color_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Font_param p ->
- let box = new font_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Date_param p ->
- let box = new date_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Hotkey_param p ->
- let box = new hotkey_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Modifiers_param p ->
- let box = new modifiers_param_box p in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- | Html_param p ->
- let box = new html_param_box p tt in
- let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
- box
- in
- let list_param_box = List.map f param_list in
- let f_apply () =
- List.iter (fun param_box -> param_box#apply) list_param_box
- in
- (main_box, f_apply)
-(** This function takes a list of parameter specifications and
- creates a window to configure the various parameters.*)
-let simple_edit ?(with_apply=true)
- ?(apply=(fun () -> ()))
- title ?width ?height
- param_list =
- let dialog = GWindow.dialog
- ~modal: true ~title: title
- ?height ?width
- ()
- in
- let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
- if with_apply then
- dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mApply `APPLY;
- dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mOk `OK;
- dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mCancel `CANCEL;
- let (box, f_apply) = box param_list tooltips in
- dialog#vbox#pack ~expand: true ~fill: true box#coerce;
- let destroy () =
- tooltips#destroy () ;
- dialog#destroy ();
- in
- let rec iter rep =
- try
- match dialog#run () with
- | `APPLY -> f_apply (); apply (); iter Return_apply
- | `OK -> f_apply () ; destroy () ; Return_ok
- | _ -> destroy (); rep
- with
- Failure s ->
- GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" s; iter rep
- | e ->
- GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" (Printexc.to_string e); iter rep
- in
- iter Return_cancel
let edit_string l s =
match GToolbox.input_string ~title: l ~text: s Configwin_messages.mValue with
None -> s
@@ -1342,30 +764,6 @@ let strings ?(editable=true) ?help
?(add=(fun () -> [])) label v =
list ~editable ?help ~f ~eq ~edit: (edit_string label) ~add label (fun s -> [s]) v
-(** Create a color param. *)
-let color ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
- Color_param
- {
- color_label = label ;
- color_help = help ;
- color_value = v ;
- color_editable = editable ;
- color_f_apply = f ;
- color_expand = expand ;
- }
-(** Create a font param. *)
-let font ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
- Font_param
- {
- font_label = label ;
- font_help = help ;
- font_value = v ;
- font_editable = editable ;
- font_f_apply = f ;
- font_expand = expand ;
- }
(** Create a combo param. *)
let combo ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
@@ -1383,82 +781,6 @@ let combo ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
combo_expand = expand ;
-(** Create a text param. *)
-let text ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
- Text_param
- {
- string_label = label ;
- string_help = help ;
- string_value = v ;
- string_editable = editable ;
- string_f_apply = f ;
- string_expand = expand ;
- string_to_string = (fun x -> x) ;
- string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ;
- }
-(** Create a html param. *)
-let html ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
- Html_param
- {
- string_label = label ;
- string_help = help ;
- string_value = v ;
- string_editable = editable ;
- string_f_apply = f ;
- string_expand = expand ;
- string_to_string = (fun x -> x) ;
- string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ;
- }
-(** Create a filename param. *)
-let filename ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true)?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
- Filename_param
- {
- string_label = label ;
- string_help = help ;
- string_value = v ;
- string_editable = editable ;
- string_f_apply = f ;
- string_expand = expand ;
- string_to_string = (fun x -> x) ;
- string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ;
- }
-(** Create a filenames param.*)
-let filenames ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
- ?(eq=Pervasives.(=))
- label v =
- let add () = select_files label in
- list ~editable ?help ~f ~eq ~add label (fun s -> [Glib.Convert.locale_to_utf8 s]) v
-(** Create a date param. *)
-let date ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
- ?(f_string=(fun(d,m,y)-> Printf.sprintf "%d/%d/%d" y (m+1) d))
- label v =
- Date_param
- {
- date_label = label ;
- date_help = help ;
- date_value = v ;
- date_editable = editable ;
- date_f_string = f_string ;
- date_f_apply = f ;
- date_expand = expand ;
- }
-(** Create a hot key param. *)
-let hotkey ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
- Hotkey_param
- {
- hk_label = label ;
- hk_help = help ;
- hk_value = v ;
- hk_editable = editable ;
- hk_f_apply = f ;
- hk_expand = expand ;
- }
let modifiers
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.mli b/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c867ad912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/utils/configwin_ihm.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+(* Cameleon *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
+(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
+(* License, or any later version. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
+(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
+(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
+(* 02111-1307 USA *)
+(* *)
+(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
+(* *)
+open Configwin_types
+val string : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
+ ?f: (string -> unit) -> string -> string -> parameter_kind
+val bool : ?editable: bool -> ?help: string ->
+ ?f: (bool -> unit) -> string -> bool -> parameter_kind
+val strings : ?editable: bool -> ?help: string ->
+ ?f: (string list -> unit) ->
+ ?eq: (string -> string -> bool) ->
+ ?add: (unit -> string list) ->
+ string -> string list -> parameter_kind
+val list : ?editable: bool -> ?help: string ->
+ ?f: ('a list -> unit) ->
+ ?eq: ('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
+ ?edit: ('a -> 'a) ->
+ ?add: (unit -> 'a list) ->
+ ?titles: string list ->
+ ?color: ('a -> string option) ->
+ string ->
+ ('a -> string list) ->
+ 'a list ->
+ parameter_kind
+val combo : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
+ ?f: (string -> unit) ->
+ ?new_allowed: bool -> ?blank_allowed: bool ->
+ string -> string list -> string -> parameter_kind
+val modifiers : ?editable: bool -> ?expand: bool -> ?help: string ->
+ ?allow:(Gdk.Tags.modifier list) ->
+ ?f: (Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> unit) ->
+ string -> Gdk.Tags.modifier list -> parameter_kind
+val custom : ?label: string -> GPack.box -> (unit -> unit) -> bool -> parameter_kind
+val edit :
+ ?with_apply:bool ->
+ ?apply:(unit -> unit) ->
+ string ->
+ ?width:int ->
+ ?height:int ->
+ configuration_structure list ->
+ return_button
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin_keys.ml b/ide/utils/configwin_keys.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f44e5c6b..000000000
--- a/ide/utils/configwin_keys.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4176 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
-(* License, or any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
-(* *)
-(** Key codes
- Ce fichier provient de X11/keysymdef.h
- les noms des symboles deviennent : XK_ -> xk_
- Thanks to Fabrice Le Fessant.
-let xk_VoidSymbol = 0xFFFFFF (** void symbol *)
-(** TTY Functions, cleverly chosen to map to ascii, for convenience of
- programming, but could have been arbitrary (at the cost of lookup
- tables in client code.
-let xk_BackSpace = 0xFF08 (** back space, back char *)
-let xk_Tab = 0xFF09
-let xk_Linefeed = 0xFF0A (** Linefeed, LF *)
-let xk_Clear = 0xFF0B
-let xk_Return = 0xFF0D (** Return, enter *)
-let xk_Pause = 0xFF13 (** Pause, hold *)
-let xk_Scroll_Lock = 0xFF14
-let xk_Sys_Req = 0xFF15
-let xk_Escape = 0xFF1B
-let xk_Delete = 0xFFFF (** Delete, rubout *)
-(** International & multi-key character composition *)
-let xk_Multi_key = 0xFF20 (** Multi-key character compose *)
-(** Japanese keyboard support *)
-let xk_Kanji = 0xFF21 (** Kanji, Kanji convert *)
-let xk_Muhenkan = 0xFF22 (** Cancel Conversion *)
-let xk_Henkan_Mode = 0xFF23 (** Start/Stop Conversion *)
-let xk_Henkan = 0xFF23 (** Alias for Henkan_Mode *)
-let xk_Romaji = 0xFF24 (** to Romaji *)
-let xk_Hiragana = 0xFF25 (** to Hiragana *)
-let xk_Katakana = 0xFF26 (** to Katakana *)
-let xk_Hiragana_Katakana = 0xFF27 (** Hiragana/Katakana toggle *)
-let xk_Zenkaku = 0xFF28 (** to Zenkaku *)
-let xk_Hankaku = 0xFF29 (** to Hankaku *)
-let xk_Zenkaku_Hankaku = 0xFF2A (** Zenkaku/Hankaku toggle *)
-let xk_Touroku = 0xFF2B (** Add to Dictionary *)
-let xk_Massyo = 0xFF2C (** Delete from Dictionary *)
-let xk_Kana_Lock = 0xFF2D (** Kana Lock *)
-let xk_Kana_Shift = 0xFF2E (** Kana Shift *)
-let xk_Eisu_Shift = 0xFF2F (** Alphanumeric Shift *)
-let xk_Eisu_toggle = 0xFF30 (** Alphanumeric toggle *)
-(** = 0xFF31 thru = 0xFF3F are under xk_KOREAN *)
-(** Cursor control & motion *)
-let xk_Home = 0xFF50
-let xk_Left = 0xFF51 (** Move left, left arrow *)
-let xk_Up = 0xFF52 (** Move up, up arrow *)
-let xk_Right = 0xFF53 (** Move right, right arrow *)
-let xk_Down = 0xFF54 (** Move down, down arrow *)
-let xk_Prior = 0xFF55 (** Prior, previous *)
-let xk_Page_Up = 0xFF55
-let xk_Next = 0xFF56 (** Next *)
-let xk_Page_Down = 0xFF56
-let xk_End = 0xFF57 (** EOL *)
-let xk_Begin = 0xFF58 (** BOL *)
-(** Misc Functions *)
-let xk_Select = 0xFF60 (** Select, mark *)
-let xk_Print = 0xFF61
-let xk_Execute = 0xFF62 (** Execute, run, do *)
-let xk_Insert = 0xFF63 (** Insert, insert here *)
-let xk_Undo = 0xFF65 (** Undo, oops *)
-let xk_Redo = 0xFF66 (** redo, again *)
-let xk_Menu = 0xFF67
-let xk_Find = 0xFF68 (** Find, search *)
-let xk_Cancel = 0xFF69 (** Cancel, stop, abort, exit *)
-let xk_Help = 0xFF6A (** Help *)
-let xk_Break = 0xFF6B
-let xk_Mode_switch = 0xFF7E (** Character set switch *)
-let xk_script_switch = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
-let xk_Num_Lock = 0xFF7F
-(** Keypad Functions, keypad numbers cleverly chosen to map to ascii *)
-let xk_KP_Space = 0xFF80 (** space *)
-let xk_KP_Tab = 0xFF89
-let xk_KP_Enter = 0xFF8D (** enter *)
-let xk_KP_F1 = 0xFF91 (** PF1, KP_A, ... *)
-let xk_KP_F2 = 0xFF92
-let xk_KP_F3 = 0xFF93
-let xk_KP_F4 = 0xFF94
-let xk_KP_Home = 0xFF95
-let xk_KP_Left = 0xFF96
-let xk_KP_Up = 0xFF97
-let xk_KP_Right = 0xFF98
-let xk_KP_Down = 0xFF99
-let xk_KP_Prior = 0xFF9A
-let xk_KP_Page_Up = 0xFF9A
-let xk_KP_Next = 0xFF9B
-let xk_KP_Page_Down = 0xFF9B
-let xk_KP_End = 0xFF9C
-let xk_KP_Begin = 0xFF9D
-let xk_KP_Insert = 0xFF9E
-let xk_KP_Delete = 0xFF9F
-let xk_KP_Equal = 0xFFBD (** equals *)
-let xk_KP_Multiply = 0xFFAA
-let xk_KP_Add = 0xFFAB
-let xk_KP_Separator = 0xFFAC (** separator, often comma *)
-let xk_KP_Subtract = 0xFFAD
-let xk_KP_Decimal = 0xFFAE
-let xk_KP_Divide = 0xFFAF
-let xk_KP_0 = 0xFFB0
-let xk_KP_1 = 0xFFB1
-let xk_KP_2 = 0xFFB2
-let xk_KP_3 = 0xFFB3
-let xk_KP_4 = 0xFFB4
-let xk_KP_5 = 0xFFB5
-let xk_KP_6 = 0xFFB6
-let xk_KP_7 = 0xFFB7
-let xk_KP_8 = 0xFFB8
-let xk_KP_9 = 0xFFB9
- * Auxilliary Functions; note the duplicate definitions for left and right
- * function keys; Sun keyboards and a few other manufactures have such
- * function key groups on the left and/or right sides of the keyboard.
- * We've not found a keyboard with more than 35 function keys total.
- *)
-let xk_F1 = 0xFFBE
-let xk_F2 = 0xFFBF
-let xk_F3 = 0xFFC0
-let xk_F4 = 0xFFC1
-let xk_F5 = 0xFFC2
-let xk_F6 = 0xFFC3
-let xk_F7 = 0xFFC4
-let xk_F8 = 0xFFC5
-let xk_F9 = 0xFFC6
-let xk_F10 = 0xFFC7
-let xk_F11 = 0xFFC8
-let xk_L1 = 0xFFC8
-let xk_F12 = 0xFFC9
-let xk_L2 = 0xFFC9
-let xk_F13 = 0xFFCA
-let xk_L3 = 0xFFCA
-let xk_F14 = 0xFFCB
-let xk_L4 = 0xFFCB
-let xk_F15 = 0xFFCC
-let xk_L5 = 0xFFCC
-let xk_F16 = 0xFFCD
-let xk_L6 = 0xFFCD
-let xk_F17 = 0xFFCE
-let xk_L7 = 0xFFCE
-let xk_F18 = 0xFFCF
-let xk_L8 = 0xFFCF
-let xk_F19 = 0xFFD0
-let xk_L9 = 0xFFD0
-let xk_F20 = 0xFFD1
-let xk_L10 = 0xFFD1
-let xk_F21 = 0xFFD2
-let xk_R1 = 0xFFD2
-let xk_F22 = 0xFFD3
-let xk_R2 = 0xFFD3
-let xk_F23 = 0xFFD4
-let xk_R3 = 0xFFD4
-let xk_F24 = 0xFFD5
-let xk_R4 = 0xFFD5
-let xk_F25 = 0xFFD6
-let xk_R5 = 0xFFD6
-let xk_F26 = 0xFFD7
-let xk_R6 = 0xFFD7
-let xk_F27 = 0xFFD8
-let xk_R7 = 0xFFD8
-let xk_F28 = 0xFFD9
-let xk_R8 = 0xFFD9
-let xk_F29 = 0xFFDA
-let xk_R9 = 0xFFDA
-let xk_F30 = 0xFFDB
-let xk_R10 = 0xFFDB
-let xk_F31 = 0xFFDC
-let xk_R11 = 0xFFDC
-let xk_F32 = 0xFFDD
-let xk_R12 = 0xFFDD
-let xk_F33 = 0xFFDE
-let xk_R13 = 0xFFDE
-let xk_F34 = 0xFFDF
-let xk_R14 = 0xFFDF
-let xk_F35 = 0xFFE0
-let xk_R15 = 0xFFE0
-(** Modifiers *)
-let xk_Shift_L = 0xFFE1 (** Left shift *)
-let xk_Shift_R = 0xFFE2 (** Right shift *)
-let xk_Control_L = 0xFFE3 (** Left control *)
-let xk_Control_R = 0xFFE4 (** Right control *)
-let xk_Caps_Lock = 0xFFE5 (** Caps lock *)
-let xk_Shift_Lock = 0xFFE6 (** Shift lock *)
-let xk_Meta_L = 0xFFE7 (** Left meta *)
-let xk_Meta_R = 0xFFE8 (** Right meta *)
-let xk_Alt_L = 0xFFE9 (** Left alt *)
-let xk_Alt_R = 0xFFEA (** Right alt *)
-let xk_Super_L = 0xFFEB (** Left super *)
-let xk_Super_R = 0xFFEC (** Right super *)
-let xk_Hyper_L = 0xFFED (** Left hyper *)
-let xk_Hyper_R = 0xFFEE (** Right hyper *)
- * ISO 9995 Function and Modifier Keys
- * Byte 3 = = 0xFE
- *)
-let xk_ISO_Lock = 0xFE01
-let xk_ISO_Level2_Latch = 0xFE02
-let xk_ISO_Level3_Shift = 0xFE03
-let xk_ISO_Level3_Latch = 0xFE04
-let xk_ISO_Level3_Lock = 0xFE05
-let xk_ISO_Group_Shift = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
-let xk_ISO_Group_Latch = 0xFE06
-let xk_ISO_Group_Lock = 0xFE07
-let xk_ISO_Next_Group = 0xFE08
-let xk_ISO_Next_Group_Lock = 0xFE09
-let xk_ISO_Prev_Group = 0xFE0A
-let xk_ISO_Prev_Group_Lock = 0xFE0B
-let xk_ISO_First_Group = 0xFE0C
-let xk_ISO_First_Group_Lock = 0xFE0D
-let xk_ISO_Last_Group = 0xFE0E
-let xk_ISO_Last_Group_Lock = 0xFE0F
-let xk_ISO_Left_Tab = 0xFE20
-let xk_ISO_Move_Line_Up = 0xFE21
-let xk_ISO_Move_Line_Down = 0xFE22
-let xk_ISO_Partial_Line_Up = 0xFE23
-let xk_ISO_Partial_Line_Down = 0xFE24
-let xk_ISO_Partial_Space_Left = 0xFE25
-let xk_ISO_Partial_Space_Right = 0xFE26
-let xk_ISO_Set_Margin_Left = 0xFE27
-let xk_ISO_Set_Margin_Right = 0xFE28
-let xk_ISO_Release_Margin_Left = 0xFE29
-let xk_ISO_Release_Margin_Right = 0xFE2A
-let xk_ISO_Release_Both_Margins = 0xFE2B
-let xk_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left = 0xFE2C
-let xk_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right = 0xFE2D
-let xk_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up = 0xFE2E
-let xk_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down = 0xFE2F
-let xk_ISO_Continuous_Underline = 0xFE30
-let xk_ISO_Discontinuous_Underline = 0xFE31
-let xk_ISO_Emphasize = 0xFE32
-let xk_ISO_Center_Object = 0xFE33
-let xk_ISO_Enter = 0xFE34
-let xk_dead_grave = 0xFE50
-let xk_dead_acute = 0xFE51
-let xk_dead_circumflex = 0xFE52
-let xk_dead_tilde = 0xFE53
-let xk_dead_macron = 0xFE54
-let xk_dead_breve = 0xFE55
-let xk_dead_abovedot = 0xFE56
-let xk_dead_diaeresis = 0xFE57
-let xk_dead_abovering = 0xFE58
-let xk_dead_doubleacute = 0xFE59
-let xk_dead_caron = 0xFE5A
-let xk_dead_cedilla = 0xFE5B
-let xk_dead_ogonek = 0xFE5C
-let xk_dead_iota = 0xFE5D
-let xk_dead_voiced_sound = 0xFE5E
-let xk_dead_semivoiced_sound = 0xFE5F
-let xk_dead_belowdot = 0xFE60
-let xk_First_Virtual_Screen = 0xFED0
-let xk_Prev_Virtual_Screen = 0xFED1
-let xk_Next_Virtual_Screen = 0xFED2
-let xk_Last_Virtual_Screen = 0xFED4
-let xk_Terminate_Server = 0xFED5
-let xk_AccessX_Enable = 0xFE70
-let xk_AccessX_Feedback_Enable = 0xFE71
-let xk_RepeatKeys_Enable = 0xFE72
-let xk_SlowKeys_Enable = 0xFE73
-let xk_BounceKeys_Enable = 0xFE74
-let xk_StickyKeys_Enable = 0xFE75
-let xk_MouseKeys_Enable = 0xFE76
-let xk_MouseKeys_Accel_Enable = 0xFE77
-let xk_Overlay1_Enable = 0xFE78
-let xk_Overlay2_Enable = 0xFE79
-let xk_AudibleBell_Enable = 0xFE7A
-let xk_Pointer_Left = 0xFEE0
-let xk_Pointer_Right = 0xFEE1
-let xk_Pointer_Up = 0xFEE2
-let xk_Pointer_Down = 0xFEE3
-let xk_Pointer_UpLeft = 0xFEE4
-let xk_Pointer_UpRight = 0xFEE5
-let xk_Pointer_DownLeft = 0xFEE6
-let xk_Pointer_DownRight = 0xFEE7
-let xk_Pointer_Button_Dflt = 0xFEE8
-let xk_Pointer_Button1 = 0xFEE9
-let xk_Pointer_Button2 = 0xFEEA
-let xk_Pointer_Button3 = 0xFEEB
-let xk_Pointer_Button4 = 0xFEEC
-let xk_Pointer_Button5 = 0xFEED
-let xk_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt = 0xFEEE
-let xk_Pointer_DblClick1 = 0xFEEF
-let xk_Pointer_DblClick2 = 0xFEF0
-let xk_Pointer_DblClick3 = 0xFEF1
-let xk_Pointer_DblClick4 = 0xFEF2
-let xk_Pointer_DblClick5 = 0xFEF3
-let xk_Pointer_Drag_Dflt = 0xFEF4
-let xk_Pointer_Drag1 = 0xFEF5
-let xk_Pointer_Drag2 = 0xFEF6
-let xk_Pointer_Drag3 = 0xFEF7
-let xk_Pointer_Drag4 = 0xFEF8
-let xk_Pointer_Drag5 = 0xFEFD
-let xk_Pointer_EnableKeys = 0xFEF9
-let xk_Pointer_Accelerate = 0xFEFA
-let xk_Pointer_DfltBtnNext = 0xFEFB
-let xk_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev = 0xFEFC
- * 3270 Terminal Keys
- * Byte 3 = = 0xFD
- *)
-let xk_3270_Duplicate = 0xFD01
-let xk_3270_FieldMark = 0xFD02
-let xk_3270_Right2 = 0xFD03
-let xk_3270_Left2 = 0xFD04
-let xk_3270_BackTab = 0xFD05
-let xk_3270_EraseEOF = 0xFD06
-let xk_3270_EraseInput = 0xFD07
-let xk_3270_Reset = 0xFD08
-let xk_3270_Quit = 0xFD09
-let xk_3270_PA1 = 0xFD0A
-let xk_3270_PA2 = 0xFD0B
-let xk_3270_PA3 = 0xFD0C
-let xk_3270_Test = 0xFD0D
-let xk_3270_Attn = 0xFD0E
-let xk_3270_CursorBlink = 0xFD0F
-let xk_3270_AltCursor = 0xFD10
-let xk_3270_KeyClick = 0xFD11
-let xk_3270_Jump = 0xFD12
-let xk_3270_Ident = 0xFD13
-let xk_3270_Rule = 0xFD14
-let xk_3270_Copy = 0xFD15
-let xk_3270_Play = 0xFD16
-let xk_3270_Setup = 0xFD17
-let xk_3270_Record = 0xFD18
-let xk_3270_ChangeScreen = 0xFD19
-let xk_3270_DeleteWord = 0xFD1A
-let xk_3270_ExSelect = 0xFD1B
-let xk_3270_CursorSelect = 0xFD1C
-let xk_3270_PrintScreen = 0xFD1D
-let xk_3270_Enter = 0xFD1E
- * Latin 1
- * Byte 3 = 0
- *)
-let xk_space = 0x020
-let xk_exclam = 0x021
-let xk_quotedbl = 0x022
-let xk_numbersign = 0x023
-let xk_dollar = 0x024
-let xk_percent = 0x025
-let xk_ampersand = 0x026
-let xk_apostrophe = 0x027
-let xk_quoteright = 0x027 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_parenleft = 0x028
-let xk_parenright = 0x029
-let xk_asterisk = 0x02a
-let xk_plus = 0x02b
-let xk_comma = 0x02c
-let xk_minus = 0x02d
-let xk_period = 0x02e
-let xk_slash = 0x02f
-let xk_0 = 0x030
-let xk_1 = 0x031
-let xk_2 = 0x032
-let xk_3 = 0x033
-let xk_4 = 0x034
-let xk_5 = 0x035
-let xk_6 = 0x036
-let xk_7 = 0x037
-let xk_8 = 0x038
-let xk_9 = 0x039
-let xk_colon = 0x03a
-let xk_semicolon = 0x03b
-let xk_less = 0x03c
-let xk_equal = 0x03d
-let xk_greater = 0x03e
-let xk_question = 0x03f
-let xk_at = 0x040
-let xk_A = 0x041
-let xk_B = 0x042
-let xk_C = 0x043
-let xk_D = 0x044
-let xk_E = 0x045
-let xk_F = 0x046
-let xk_G = 0x047
-let xk_H = 0x048
-let xk_I = 0x049
-let xk_J = 0x04a
-let xk_K = 0x04b
-let xk_L = 0x04c
-let xk_M = 0x04d
-let xk_N = 0x04e
-let xk_O = 0x04f
-let xk_P = 0x050
-let xk_Q = 0x051
-let xk_R = 0x052
-let xk_S = 0x053
-let xk_T = 0x054
-let xk_U = 0x055
-let xk_V = 0x056
-let xk_W = 0x057
-let xk_X = 0x058
-let xk_Y = 0x059
-let xk_Z = 0x05a
-let xk_bracketleft = 0x05b
-let xk_backslash = 0x05c
-let xk_bracketright = 0x05d
-let xk_asciicircum = 0x05e
-let xk_underscore = 0x05f
-let xk_grave = 0x060
-let xk_quoteleft = 0x060 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_a = 0x061
-let xk_b = 0x062
-let xk_c = 0x063
-let xk_d = 0x064
-let xk_e = 0x065
-let xk_f = 0x066
-let xk_g = 0x067
-let xk_h = 0x068
-let xk_i = 0x069
-let xk_j = 0x06a
-let xk_k = 0x06b
-let xk_l = 0x06c
-let xk_m = 0x06d
-let xk_n = 0x06e
-let xk_o = 0x06f
-let xk_p = 0x070
-let xk_q = 0x071
-let xk_r = 0x072
-let xk_s = 0x073
-let xk_t = 0x074
-let xk_u = 0x075
-let xk_v = 0x076
-let xk_w = 0x077
-let xk_x = 0x078
-let xk_y = 0x079
-let xk_z = 0x07a
-let xk_braceleft = 0x07b
-let xk_bar = 0x07c
-let xk_braceright = 0x07d
-let xk_asciitilde = 0x07e
-let xk_nobreakspace = 0x0a0
-let xk_exclamdown = 0x0a1
-let xk_cent = 0x0a2
-let xk_sterling = 0x0a3
-let xk_currency = 0x0a4
-let xk_yen = 0x0a5
-let xk_brokenbar = 0x0a6
-let xk_section = 0x0a7
-let xk_diaeresis = 0x0a8
-let xk_copyright = 0x0a9
-let xk_ordfeminine = 0x0aa
-let xk_guillemotleft = 0x0ab (** left angle quotation mark *)
-let xk_notsign = 0x0ac
-let xk_hyphen = 0x0ad
-let xk_registered = 0x0ae
-let xk_macron = 0x0af
-let xk_degree = 0x0b0
-let xk_plusminus = 0x0b1
-let xk_twosuperior = 0x0b2
-let xk_threesuperior = 0x0b3
-let xk_acute = 0x0b4
-let xk_mu = 0x0b5
-let xk_paragraph = 0x0b6
-let xk_periodcentered = 0x0b7
-let xk_cedilla = 0x0b8
-let xk_onesuperior = 0x0b9
-let xk_masculine = 0x0ba
-let xk_guillemotright = 0x0bb (** right angle quotation mark *)
-let xk_onequarter = 0x0bc
-let xk_onehalf = 0x0bd
-let xk_threequarters = 0x0be
-let xk_questiondown = 0x0bf
-let xk_Agrave = 0x0c0
-let xk_Aacute = 0x0c1
-let xk_Acircumflex = 0x0c2
-let xk_Atilde = 0x0c3
-let xk_Adiaeresis = 0x0c4
-let xk_Aring = 0x0c5
-let xk_AE = 0x0c6
-let xk_Ccedilla = 0x0c7
-let xk_Egrave = 0x0c8
-let xk_Eacute = 0x0c9
-let xk_Ecircumflex = 0x0ca
-let xk_Ediaeresis = 0x0cb
-let xk_Igrave = 0x0cc
-let xk_Iacute = 0x0cd
-let xk_Icircumflex = 0x0ce
-let xk_Idiaeresis = 0x0cf
-let xk_ETH = 0x0d0
-let xk_Eth = 0x0d0 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Ntilde = 0x0d1
-let xk_Ograve = 0x0d2
-let xk_Oacute = 0x0d3
-let xk_Ocircumflex = 0x0d4
-let xk_Otilde = 0x0d5
-let xk_Odiaeresis = 0x0d6
-let xk_multiply = 0x0d7
-let xk_Ooblique = 0x0d8
-let xk_Ugrave = 0x0d9
-let xk_Uacute = 0x0da
-let xk_Ucircumflex = 0x0db
-let xk_Udiaeresis = 0x0dc
-let xk_Yacute = 0x0dd
-let xk_THORN = 0x0de
-let xk_Thorn = 0x0de (** deprecated *)
-let xk_ssharp = 0x0df
-let xk_agrave = 0x0e0
-let xk_aacute = 0x0e1
-let xk_acircumflex = 0x0e2
-let xk_atilde = 0x0e3
-let xk_adiaeresis = 0x0e4
-let xk_aring = 0x0e5
-let xk_ae = 0x0e6
-let xk_ccedilla = 0x0e7
-let xk_egrave = 0x0e8
-let xk_eacute = 0x0e9
-let xk_ecircumflex = 0x0ea
-let xk_ediaeresis = 0x0eb
-let xk_igrave = 0x0ec
-let xk_iacute = 0x0ed
-let xk_icircumflex = 0x0ee
-let xk_idiaeresis = 0x0ef
-let xk_eth = 0x0f0
-let xk_ntilde = 0x0f1
-let xk_ograve = 0x0f2
-let xk_oacute = 0x0f3
-let xk_ocircumflex = 0x0f4
-let xk_otilde = 0x0f5
-let xk_odiaeresis = 0x0f6
-let xk_division = 0x0f7
-let xk_oslash = 0x0f8
-let xk_ugrave = 0x0f9
-let xk_uacute = 0x0fa
-let xk_ucircumflex = 0x0fb
-let xk_udiaeresis = 0x0fc
-let xk_yacute = 0x0fd
-let xk_thorn = 0x0fe
-let xk_ydiaeresis = 0x0ff
- * Latin 2
- * Byte 3 = 1
- *)
-let xk_Aogonek = 0x1a1
-let xk_breve = 0x1a2
-let xk_Lstroke = 0x1a3
-let xk_Lcaron = 0x1a5
-let xk_Sacute = 0x1a6
-let xk_Scaron = 0x1a9
-let xk_Scedilla = 0x1aa
-let xk_Tcaron = 0x1ab
-let xk_Zacute = 0x1ac
-let xk_Zcaron = 0x1ae
-let xk_Zabovedot = 0x1af
-let xk_aogonek = 0x1b1
-let xk_ogonek = 0x1b2
-let xk_lstroke = 0x1b3
-let xk_lcaron = 0x1b5
-let xk_sacute = 0x1b6
-let xk_caron = 0x1b7
-let xk_scaron = 0x1b9
-let xk_scedilla = 0x1ba
-let xk_tcaron = 0x1bb
-let xk_zacute = 0x1bc
-let xk_doubleacute = 0x1bd
-let xk_zcaron = 0x1be
-let xk_zabovedot = 0x1bf
-let xk_Racute = 0x1c0
-let xk_Abreve = 0x1c3
-let xk_Lacute = 0x1c5
-let xk_Cacute = 0x1c6
-let xk_Ccaron = 0x1c8
-let xk_Eogonek = 0x1ca
-let xk_Ecaron = 0x1cc
-let xk_Dcaron = 0x1cf
-let xk_Dstroke = 0x1d0
-let xk_Nacute = 0x1d1
-let xk_Ncaron = 0x1d2
-let xk_Odoubleacute = 0x1d5
-let xk_Rcaron = 0x1d8
-let xk_Uring = 0x1d9
-let xk_Udoubleacute = 0x1db
-let xk_Tcedilla = 0x1de
-let xk_racute = 0x1e0
-let xk_abreve = 0x1e3
-let xk_lacute = 0x1e5
-let xk_cacute = 0x1e6
-let xk_ccaron = 0x1e8
-let xk_eogonek = 0x1ea
-let xk_ecaron = 0x1ec
-let xk_dcaron = 0x1ef
-let xk_dstroke = 0x1f0
-let xk_nacute = 0x1f1
-let xk_ncaron = 0x1f2
-let xk_odoubleacute = 0x1f5
-let xk_udoubleacute = 0x1fb
-let xk_rcaron = 0x1f8
-let xk_uring = 0x1f9
-let xk_tcedilla = 0x1fe
-let xk_abovedot = 0x1ff
- * Latin 3
- * Byte 3 = 2
- *)
-let xk_Hstroke = 0x2a1
-let xk_Hcircumflex = 0x2a6
-let xk_Iabovedot = 0x2a9
-let xk_Gbreve = 0x2ab
-let xk_Jcircumflex = 0x2ac
-let xk_hstroke = 0x2b1
-let xk_hcircumflex = 0x2b6
-let xk_idotless = 0x2b9
-let xk_gbreve = 0x2bb
-let xk_jcircumflex = 0x2bc
-let xk_Cabovedot = 0x2c5
-let xk_Ccircumflex = 0x2c6
-let xk_Gabovedot = 0x2d5
-let xk_Gcircumflex = 0x2d8
-let xk_Ubreve = 0x2dd
-let xk_Scircumflex = 0x2de
-let xk_cabovedot = 0x2e5
-let xk_ccircumflex = 0x2e6
-let xk_gabovedot = 0x2f5
-let xk_gcircumflex = 0x2f8
-let xk_ubreve = 0x2fd
-let xk_scircumflex = 0x2fe
- * Latin 4
- * Byte 3 = 3
- *)
-let xk_kra = 0x3a2
-let xk_kappa = 0x3a2 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Rcedilla = 0x3a3
-let xk_Itilde = 0x3a5
-let xk_Lcedilla = 0x3a6
-let xk_Emacron = 0x3aa
-let xk_Gcedilla = 0x3ab
-let xk_Tslash = 0x3ac
-let xk_rcedilla = 0x3b3
-let xk_itilde = 0x3b5
-let xk_lcedilla = 0x3b6
-let xk_emacron = 0x3ba
-let xk_gcedilla = 0x3bb
-let xk_tslash = 0x3bc
-let xk_ENG = 0x3bd
-let xk_eng = 0x3bf
-let xk_Amacron = 0x3c0
-let xk_Iogonek = 0x3c7
-let xk_Eabovedot = 0x3cc
-let xk_Imacron = 0x3cf
-let xk_Ncedilla = 0x3d1
-let xk_Omacron = 0x3d2
-let xk_Kcedilla = 0x3d3
-let xk_Uogonek = 0x3d9
-let xk_Utilde = 0x3dd
-let xk_Umacron = 0x3de
-let xk_amacron = 0x3e0
-let xk_iogonek = 0x3e7
-let xk_eabovedot = 0x3ec
-let xk_imacron = 0x3ef
-let xk_ncedilla = 0x3f1
-let xk_omacron = 0x3f2
-let xk_kcedilla = 0x3f3
-let xk_uogonek = 0x3f9
-let xk_utilde = 0x3fd
-let xk_umacron = 0x3fe
- * Katakana
- * Byte 3 = 4
- *)
-let xk_overline = 0x47e
-let xk_kana_fullstop = 0x4a1
-let xk_kana_openingbracket = 0x4a2
-let xk_kana_closingbracket = 0x4a3
-let xk_kana_comma = 0x4a4
-let xk_kana_conjunctive = 0x4a5
-let xk_kana_middledot = 0x4a5 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_kana_WO = 0x4a6
-let xk_kana_a = 0x4a7
-let xk_kana_i = 0x4a8
-let xk_kana_u = 0x4a9
-let xk_kana_e = 0x4aa
-let xk_kana_o = 0x4ab
-let xk_kana_ya = 0x4ac
-let xk_kana_yu = 0x4ad
-let xk_kana_yo = 0x4ae
-let xk_kana_tsu = 0x4af
-let xk_kana_tu = 0x4af (** deprecated *)
-let xk_prolongedsound = 0x4b0
-let xk_kana_A = 0x4b1
-let xk_kana_I = 0x4b2
-let xk_kana_U = 0x4b3
-let xk_kana_E = 0x4b4
-let xk_kana_O = 0x4b5
-let xk_kana_KA = 0x4b6
-let xk_kana_KI = 0x4b7
-let xk_kana_KU = 0x4b8
-let xk_kana_KE = 0x4b9
-let xk_kana_KO = 0x4ba
-let xk_kana_SA = 0x4bb
-let xk_kana_SHI = 0x4bc
-let xk_kana_SU = 0x4bd
-let xk_kana_SE = 0x4be
-let xk_kana_SO = 0x4bf
-let xk_kana_TA = 0x4c0
-let xk_kana_CHI = 0x4c1
-let xk_kana_TI = 0x4c1 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_kana_TSU = 0x4c2
-let xk_kana_TU = 0x4c2 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_kana_TE = 0x4c3
-let xk_kana_TO = 0x4c4
-let xk_kana_NA = 0x4c5
-let xk_kana_NI = 0x4c6
-let xk_kana_NU = 0x4c7
-let xk_kana_NE = 0x4c8
-let xk_kana_NO = 0x4c9
-let xk_kana_HA = 0x4ca
-let xk_kana_HI = 0x4cb
-let xk_kana_FU = 0x4cc
-let xk_kana_HU = 0x4cc (** deprecated *)
-let xk_kana_HE = 0x4cd
-let xk_kana_HO = 0x4ce
-let xk_kana_MA = 0x4cf
-let xk_kana_MI = 0x4d0
-let xk_kana_MU = 0x4d1
-let xk_kana_ME = 0x4d2
-let xk_kana_MO = 0x4d3
-let xk_kana_YA = 0x4d4
-let xk_kana_YU = 0x4d5
-let xk_kana_YO = 0x4d6
-let xk_kana_RA = 0x4d7
-let xk_kana_RI = 0x4d8
-let xk_kana_RU = 0x4d9
-let xk_kana_RE = 0x4da
-let xk_kana_RO = 0x4db
-let xk_kana_WA = 0x4dc
-let xk_kana_N = 0x4dd
-let xk_voicedsound = 0x4de
-let xk_semivoicedsound = 0x4df
-let xk_kana_switch = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
- * Arabic
- * Byte 3 = 5
- *)
-let xk_Arabic_comma = 0x5ac
-let xk_Arabic_semicolon = 0x5bb
-let xk_Arabic_question_mark = 0x5bf
-let xk_Arabic_hamza = 0x5c1
-let xk_Arabic_maddaonalef = 0x5c2
-let xk_Arabic_hamzaonalef = 0x5c3
-let xk_Arabic_hamzaonwaw = 0x5c4
-let xk_Arabic_hamzaunderalef = 0x5c5
-let xk_Arabic_hamzaonyeh = 0x5c6
-let xk_Arabic_alef = 0x5c7
-let xk_Arabic_beh = 0x5c8
-let xk_Arabic_tehmarbuta = 0x5c9
-let xk_Arabic_teh = 0x5ca
-let xk_Arabic_theh = 0x5cb
-let xk_Arabic_jeem = 0x5cc
-let xk_Arabic_hah = 0x5cd
-let xk_Arabic_khah = 0x5ce
-let xk_Arabic_dal = 0x5cf
-let xk_Arabic_thal = 0x5d0
-let xk_Arabic_ra = 0x5d1
-let xk_Arabic_zain = 0x5d2
-let xk_Arabic_seen = 0x5d3
-let xk_Arabic_sheen = 0x5d4
-let xk_Arabic_sad = 0x5d5
-let xk_Arabic_dad = 0x5d6
-let xk_Arabic_tah = 0x5d7
-let xk_Arabic_zah = 0x5d8
-let xk_Arabic_ain = 0x5d9
-let xk_Arabic_ghain = 0x5da
-let xk_Arabic_tatweel = 0x5e0
-let xk_Arabic_feh = 0x5e1
-let xk_Arabic_qaf = 0x5e2
-let xk_Arabic_kaf = 0x5e3
-let xk_Arabic_lam = 0x5e4
-let xk_Arabic_meem = 0x5e5
-let xk_Arabic_noon = 0x5e6
-let xk_Arabic_ha = 0x5e7
-let xk_Arabic_heh = 0x5e7 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Arabic_waw = 0x5e8
-let xk_Arabic_alefmaksura = 0x5e9
-let xk_Arabic_yeh = 0x5ea
-let xk_Arabic_fathatan = 0x5eb
-let xk_Arabic_dammatan = 0x5ec
-let xk_Arabic_kasratan = 0x5ed
-let xk_Arabic_fatha = 0x5ee
-let xk_Arabic_damma = 0x5ef
-let xk_Arabic_kasra = 0x5f0
-let xk_Arabic_shadda = 0x5f1
-let xk_Arabic_sukun = 0x5f2
-let xk_Arabic_switch = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
- * Cyrillic
- * Byte 3 = 6
- *)
-let xk_Serbian_dje = 0x6a1
-let xk_Macedonia_gje = 0x6a2
-let xk_Cyrillic_io = 0x6a3
-let xk_Ukrainian_ie = 0x6a4
-let xk_Ukranian_je = 0x6a4 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Macedonia_dse = 0x6a5
-let xk_Ukrainian_i = 0x6a6
-let xk_Ukranian_i = 0x6a6 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Ukrainian_yi = 0x6a7
-let xk_Ukranian_yi = 0x6a7 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_je = 0x6a8
-let xk_Serbian_je = 0x6a8 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_lje = 0x6a9
-let xk_Serbian_lje = 0x6a9 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_nje = 0x6aa
-let xk_Serbian_nje = 0x6aa (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Serbian_tshe = 0x6ab
-let xk_Macedonia_kje = 0x6ac
-let xk_Byelorussian_shortu = 0x6ae
-let xk_Cyrillic_dzhe = 0x6af
-let xk_Serbian_dze = 0x6af (** deprecated *)
-let xk_numerosign = 0x6b0
-let xk_Serbian_DJE = 0x6b1
-let xk_Macedonia_GJE = 0x6b2
-let xk_Cyrillic_IO = 0x6b3
-let xk_Ukrainian_IE = 0x6b4
-let xk_Ukranian_JE = 0x6b4 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Macedonia_DSE = 0x6b5
-let xk_Ukrainian_I = 0x6b6
-let xk_Ukranian_I = 0x6b6 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Ukrainian_YI = 0x6b7
-let xk_Ukranian_YI = 0x6b7 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_JE = 0x6b8
-let xk_Serbian_JE = 0x6b8 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_LJE = 0x6b9
-let xk_Serbian_LJE = 0x6b9 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_NJE = 0x6ba
-let xk_Serbian_NJE = 0x6ba (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Serbian_TSHE = 0x6bb
-let xk_Macedonia_KJE = 0x6bc
-let xk_Byelorussian_SHORTU = 0x6be
-let xk_Cyrillic_DZHE = 0x6bf
-let xk_Serbian_DZE = 0x6bf (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Cyrillic_yu = 0x6c0
-let xk_Cyrillic_a = 0x6c1
-let xk_Cyrillic_be = 0x6c2
-let xk_Cyrillic_tse = 0x6c3
-let xk_Cyrillic_de = 0x6c4
-let xk_Cyrillic_ie = 0x6c5
-let xk_Cyrillic_ef = 0x6c6
-let xk_Cyrillic_ghe = 0x6c7
-let xk_Cyrillic_ha = 0x6c8
-let xk_Cyrillic_i = 0x6c9
-let xk_Cyrillic_shorti = 0x6ca
-let xk_Cyrillic_ka = 0x6cb
-let xk_Cyrillic_el = 0x6cc
-let xk_Cyrillic_em = 0x6cd
-let xk_Cyrillic_en = 0x6ce
-let xk_Cyrillic_o = 0x6cf
-let xk_Cyrillic_pe = 0x6d0
-let xk_Cyrillic_ya = 0x6d1
-let xk_Cyrillic_er = 0x6d2
-let xk_Cyrillic_es = 0x6d3
-let xk_Cyrillic_te = 0x6d4
-let xk_Cyrillic_u = 0x6d5
-let xk_Cyrillic_zhe = 0x6d6
-let xk_Cyrillic_ve = 0x6d7
-let xk_Cyrillic_softsign = 0x6d8
-let xk_Cyrillic_yeru = 0x6d9
-let xk_Cyrillic_ze = 0x6da
-let xk_Cyrillic_sha = 0x6db
-let xk_Cyrillic_e = 0x6dc
-let xk_Cyrillic_shcha = 0x6dd
-let xk_Cyrillic_che = 0x6de
-let xk_Cyrillic_hardsign = 0x6df
-let xk_Cyrillic_YU = 0x6e0
-let xk_Cyrillic_A = 0x6e1
-let xk_Cyrillic_BE = 0x6e2
-let xk_Cyrillic_TSE = 0x6e3
-let xk_Cyrillic_DE = 0x6e4
-let xk_Cyrillic_IE = 0x6e5
-let xk_Cyrillic_EF = 0x6e6
-let xk_Cyrillic_GHE = 0x6e7
-let xk_Cyrillic_HA = 0x6e8
-let xk_Cyrillic_I = 0x6e9
-let xk_Cyrillic_SHORTI = 0x6ea
-let xk_Cyrillic_KA = 0x6eb
-let xk_Cyrillic_EL = 0x6ec
-let xk_Cyrillic_EM = 0x6ed
-let xk_Cyrillic_EN = 0x6ee
-let xk_Cyrillic_O = 0x6ef
-let xk_Cyrillic_PE = 0x6f0
-let xk_Cyrillic_YA = 0x6f1
-let xk_Cyrillic_ER = 0x6f2
-let xk_Cyrillic_ES = 0x6f3
-let xk_Cyrillic_TE = 0x6f4
-let xk_Cyrillic_U = 0x6f5
-let xk_Cyrillic_ZHE = 0x6f6
-let xk_Cyrillic_VE = 0x6f7
-let xk_Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN = 0x6f8
-let xk_Cyrillic_YERU = 0x6f9
-let xk_Cyrillic_ZE = 0x6fa
-let xk_Cyrillic_SHA = 0x6fb
-let xk_Cyrillic_E = 0x6fc
-let xk_Cyrillic_SHCHA = 0x6fd
-let xk_Cyrillic_CHE = 0x6fe
-let xk_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN = 0x6ff
- * Greek
- * Byte 3 = 7
- *)
-let xk_Greek_ALPHAaccent = 0x7a1
-let xk_Greek_EPSILONaccent = 0x7a2
-let xk_Greek_ETAaccent = 0x7a3
-let xk_Greek_IOTAaccent = 0x7a4
-let xk_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis = 0x7a5
-let xk_Greek_OMICRONaccent = 0x7a7
-let xk_Greek_UPSILONaccent = 0x7a8
-let xk_Greek_UPSILONdieresis = 0x7a9
-let xk_Greek_OMEGAaccent = 0x7ab
-let xk_Greek_accentdieresis = 0x7ae
-let xk_Greek_horizbar = 0x7af
-let xk_Greek_alphaaccent = 0x7b1
-let xk_Greek_epsilonaccent = 0x7b2
-let xk_Greek_etaaccent = 0x7b3
-let xk_Greek_iotaaccent = 0x7b4
-let xk_Greek_iotadieresis = 0x7b5
-let xk_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis = 0x7b6
-let xk_Greek_omicronaccent = 0x7b7
-let xk_Greek_upsilonaccent = 0x7b8
-let xk_Greek_upsilondieresis = 0x7b9
-let xk_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis = 0x7ba
-let xk_Greek_omegaaccent = 0x7bb
-let xk_Greek_ALPHA = 0x7c1
-let xk_Greek_BETA = 0x7c2
-let xk_Greek_GAMMA = 0x7c3
-let xk_Greek_DELTA = 0x7c4
-let xk_Greek_EPSILON = 0x7c5
-let xk_Greek_ZETA = 0x7c6
-let xk_Greek_ETA = 0x7c7
-let xk_Greek_THETA = 0x7c8
-let xk_Greek_IOTA = 0x7c9
-let xk_Greek_KAPPA = 0x7ca
-let xk_Greek_LAMDA = 0x7cb
-let xk_Greek_LAMBDA = 0x7cb
-let xk_Greek_MU = 0x7cc
-let xk_Greek_NU = 0x7cd
-let xk_Greek_XI = 0x7ce
-let xk_Greek_OMICRON = 0x7cf
-let xk_Greek_PI = 0x7d0
-let xk_Greek_RHO = 0x7d1
-let xk_Greek_SIGMA = 0x7d2
-let xk_Greek_TAU = 0x7d4
-let xk_Greek_UPSILON = 0x7d5
-let xk_Greek_PHI = 0x7d6
-let xk_Greek_CHI = 0x7d7
-let xk_Greek_PSI = 0x7d8
-let xk_Greek_OMEGA = 0x7d9
-let xk_Greek_alpha = 0x7e1
-let xk_Greek_beta = 0x7e2
-let xk_Greek_gamma = 0x7e3
-let xk_Greek_delta = 0x7e4
-let xk_Greek_epsilon = 0x7e5
-let xk_Greek_zeta = 0x7e6
-let xk_Greek_eta = 0x7e7
-let xk_Greek_theta = 0x7e8
-let xk_Greek_iota = 0x7e9
-let xk_Greek_kappa = 0x7ea
-let xk_Greek_lamda = 0x7eb
-let xk_Greek_lambda = 0x7eb
-let xk_Greek_mu = 0x7ec
-let xk_Greek_nu = 0x7ed
-let xk_Greek_xi = 0x7ee
-let xk_Greek_omicron = 0x7ef
-let xk_Greek_pi = 0x7f0
-let xk_Greek_rho = 0x7f1
-let xk_Greek_sigma = 0x7f2
-let xk_Greek_finalsmallsigma = 0x7f3
-let xk_Greek_tau = 0x7f4
-let xk_Greek_upsilon = 0x7f5
-let xk_Greek_phi = 0x7f6
-let xk_Greek_chi = 0x7f7
-let xk_Greek_psi = 0x7f8
-let xk_Greek_omega = 0x7f9
-let xk_Greek_switch = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
- * Technical
- * Byte 3 = 8
- *)
-let xk_leftradical = 0x8a1
-let xk_topleftradical = 0x8a2
-let xk_horizconnector = 0x8a3
-let xk_topintegral = 0x8a4
-let xk_botintegral = 0x8a5
-let xk_vertconnector = 0x8a6
-let xk_topleftsqbracket = 0x8a7
-let xk_botleftsqbracket = 0x8a8
-let xk_toprightsqbracket = 0x8a9
-let xk_botrightsqbracket = 0x8aa
-let xk_topleftparens = 0x8ab
-let xk_botleftparens = 0x8ac
-let xk_toprightparens = 0x8ad
-let xk_botrightparens = 0x8ae
-let xk_leftmiddlecurlybrace = 0x8af
-let xk_rightmiddlecurlybrace = 0x8b0
-let xk_topleftsummation = 0x8b1
-let xk_botleftsummation = 0x8b2
-let xk_topvertsummationconnector = 0x8b3
-let xk_botvertsummationconnector = 0x8b4
-let xk_toprightsummation = 0x8b5
-let xk_botrightsummation = 0x8b6
-let xk_rightmiddlesummation = 0x8b7
-let xk_lessthanequal = 0x8bc
-let xk_notequal = 0x8bd
-let xk_greaterthanequal = 0x8be
-let xk_integral = 0x8bf
-let xk_therefore = 0x8c0
-let xk_variation = 0x8c1
-let xk_infinity = 0x8c2
-let xk_nabla = 0x8c5
-let xk_approximate = 0x8c8
-let xk_similarequal = 0x8c9
-let xk_ifonlyif = 0x8cd
-let xk_implies = 0x8ce
-let xk_identical = 0x8cf
-let xk_radical = 0x8d6
-let xk_includedin = 0x8da
-let xk_includes = 0x8db
-let xk_intersection = 0x8dc
-let xk_union = 0x8dd
-let xk_logicaland = 0x8de
-let xk_logicalor = 0x8df
-let xk_partialderivative = 0x8ef
-let xk_function = 0x8f6
-let xk_leftarrow = 0x8fb
-let xk_uparrow = 0x8fc
-let xk_rightarrow = 0x8fd
-let xk_downarrow = 0x8fe
- * Special
- * Byte 3 = 9
- *)
-let xk_blank = 0x9df
-let xk_soliddiamond = 0x9e0
-let xk_checkerboard = 0x9e1
-let xk_ht = 0x9e2
-let xk_ff = 0x9e3
-let xk_cr = 0x9e4
-let xk_lf = 0x9e5
-let xk_nl = 0x9e8
-let xk_vt = 0x9e9
-let xk_lowrightcorner = 0x9ea
-let xk_uprightcorner = 0x9eb
-let xk_upleftcorner = 0x9ec
-let xk_lowleftcorner = 0x9ed
-let xk_crossinglines = 0x9ee
-let xk_horizlinescan1 = 0x9ef
-let xk_horizlinescan3 = 0x9f0
-let xk_horizlinescan5 = 0x9f1
-let xk_horizlinescan7 = 0x9f2
-let xk_horizlinescan9 = 0x9f3
-let xk_leftt = 0x9f4
-let xk_rightt = 0x9f5
-let xk_bott = 0x9f6
-let xk_topt = 0x9f7
-let xk_vertbar = 0x9f8
- * Publishing
- * Byte 3 = a
- *)
-let xk_emspace = 0xaa1
-let xk_enspace = 0xaa2
-let xk_em3space = 0xaa3
-let xk_em4space = 0xaa4
-let xk_digitspace = 0xaa5
-let xk_punctspace = 0xaa6
-let xk_thinspace = 0xaa7
-let xk_hairspace = 0xaa8
-let xk_emdash = 0xaa9
-let xk_endash = 0xaaa
-let xk_signifblank = 0xaac
-let xk_ellipsis = 0xaae
-let xk_doubbaselinedot = 0xaaf
-let xk_onethird = 0xab0
-let xk_twothirds = 0xab1
-let xk_onefifth = 0xab2
-let xk_twofifths = 0xab3
-let xk_threefifths = 0xab4
-let xk_fourfifths = 0xab5
-let xk_onesixth = 0xab6
-let xk_fivesixths = 0xab7
-let xk_careof = 0xab8
-let xk_figdash = 0xabb
-let xk_leftanglebracket = 0xabc
-let xk_decimalpoint = 0xabd
-let xk_rightanglebracket = 0xabe
-let xk_marker = 0xabf
-let xk_oneeighth = 0xac3
-let xk_threeeighths = 0xac4
-let xk_fiveeighths = 0xac5
-let xk_seveneighths = 0xac6
-let xk_trademark = 0xac9
-let xk_signaturemark = 0xaca
-let xk_trademarkincircle = 0xacb
-let xk_leftopentriangle = 0xacc
-let xk_rightopentriangle = 0xacd
-let xk_emopencircle = 0xace
-let xk_emopenrectangle = 0xacf
-let xk_leftsinglequotemark = 0xad0
-let xk_rightsinglequotemark = 0xad1
-let xk_leftdoublequotemark = 0xad2
-let xk_rightdoublequotemark = 0xad3
-let xk_prescription = 0xad4
-let xk_minutes = 0xad6
-let xk_seconds = 0xad7
-let xk_latincross = 0xad9
-let xk_hexagram = 0xada
-let xk_filledrectbullet = 0xadb
-let xk_filledlefttribullet = 0xadc
-let xk_filledrighttribullet = 0xadd
-let xk_emfilledcircle = 0xade
-let xk_emfilledrect = 0xadf
-let xk_enopencircbullet = 0xae0
-let xk_enopensquarebullet = 0xae1
-let xk_openrectbullet = 0xae2
-let xk_opentribulletup = 0xae3
-let xk_opentribulletdown = 0xae4
-let xk_openstar = 0xae5
-let xk_enfilledcircbullet = 0xae6
-let xk_enfilledsqbullet = 0xae7
-let xk_filledtribulletup = 0xae8
-let xk_filledtribulletdown = 0xae9
-let xk_leftpointer = 0xaea
-let xk_rightpointer = 0xaeb
-let xk_club = 0xaec
-let xk_diamond = 0xaed
-let xk_heart = 0xaee
-let xk_maltesecross = 0xaf0
-let xk_dagger = 0xaf1
-let xk_doubledagger = 0xaf2
-let xk_checkmark = 0xaf3
-let xk_ballotcross = 0xaf4
-let xk_musicalsharp = 0xaf5
-let xk_musicalflat = 0xaf6
-let xk_malesymbol = 0xaf7
-let xk_femalesymbol = 0xaf8
-let xk_telephone = 0xaf9
-let xk_telephonerecorder = 0xafa
-let xk_phonographcopyright = 0xafb
-let xk_caret = 0xafc
-let xk_singlelowquotemark = 0xafd
-let xk_doublelowquotemark = 0xafe
-let xk_cursor = 0xaff
- * APL
- * Byte 3 = b
- *)
-let xk_leftcaret = 0xba3
-let xk_rightcaret = 0xba6
-let xk_downcaret = 0xba8
-let xk_upcaret = 0xba9
-let xk_overbar = 0xbc0
-let xk_downtack = 0xbc2
-let xk_upshoe = 0xbc3
-let xk_downstile = 0xbc4
-let xk_underbar = 0xbc6
-let xk_jot = 0xbca
-let xk_quad = 0xbcc
-let xk_uptack = 0xbce
-let xk_circle = 0xbcf
-let xk_upstile = 0xbd3
-let xk_downshoe = 0xbd6
-let xk_rightshoe = 0xbd8
-let xk_leftshoe = 0xbda
-let xk_lefttack = 0xbdc
-let xk_righttack = 0xbfc
- * Hebrew
- * Byte 3 = c
- *)
-let xk_hebrew_doublelowline = 0xcdf
-let xk_hebrew_aleph = 0xce0
-let xk_hebrew_bet = 0xce1
-let xk_hebrew_beth = 0xce1 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_gimel = 0xce2
-let xk_hebrew_gimmel = 0xce2 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_dalet = 0xce3
-let xk_hebrew_daleth = 0xce3 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_he = 0xce4
-let xk_hebrew_waw = 0xce5
-let xk_hebrew_zain = 0xce6
-let xk_hebrew_zayin = 0xce6 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_chet = 0xce7
-let xk_hebrew_het = 0xce7 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_tet = 0xce8
-let xk_hebrew_teth = 0xce8 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_yod = 0xce9
-let xk_hebrew_finalkaph = 0xcea
-let xk_hebrew_kaph = 0xceb
-let xk_hebrew_lamed = 0xcec
-let xk_hebrew_finalmem = 0xced
-let xk_hebrew_mem = 0xcee
-let xk_hebrew_finalnun = 0xcef
-let xk_hebrew_nun = 0xcf0
-let xk_hebrew_samech = 0xcf1
-let xk_hebrew_samekh = 0xcf1 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_ayin = 0xcf2
-let xk_hebrew_finalpe = 0xcf3
-let xk_hebrew_pe = 0xcf4
-let xk_hebrew_finalzade = 0xcf5
-let xk_hebrew_finalzadi = 0xcf5 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_zade = 0xcf6
-let xk_hebrew_zadi = 0xcf6 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_qoph = 0xcf7
-let xk_hebrew_kuf = 0xcf7 (** deprecated *)
-let xk_hebrew_resh = 0xcf8
-let xk_hebrew_shin = 0xcf9
-let xk_hebrew_taw = 0xcfa
-let xk_hebrew_taf = 0xcfa (** deprecated *)
-let xk_Hebrew_switch = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
- * Thai
- * Byte 3 = d
- *)
-let xk_Thai_kokai = 0xda1
-let xk_Thai_khokhai = 0xda2
-let xk_Thai_khokhuat = 0xda3
-let xk_Thai_khokhwai = 0xda4
-let xk_Thai_khokhon = 0xda5
-let xk_Thai_khorakhang = 0xda6
-let xk_Thai_ngongu = 0xda7
-let xk_Thai_chochan = 0xda8
-let xk_Thai_choching = 0xda9
-let xk_Thai_chochang = 0xdaa
-let xk_Thai_soso = 0xdab
-let xk_Thai_chochoe = 0xdac
-let xk_Thai_yoying = 0xdad
-let xk_Thai_dochada = 0xdae
-let xk_Thai_topatak = 0xdaf
-let xk_Thai_thothan = 0xdb0
-let xk_Thai_thonangmontho = 0xdb1
-let xk_Thai_thophuthao = 0xdb2
-let xk_Thai_nonen = 0xdb3
-let xk_Thai_dodek = 0xdb4
-let xk_Thai_totao = 0xdb5
-let xk_Thai_thothung = 0xdb6
-let xk_Thai_thothahan = 0xdb7
-let xk_Thai_thothong = 0xdb8
-let xk_Thai_nonu = 0xdb9
-let xk_Thai_bobaimai = 0xdba
-let xk_Thai_popla = 0xdbb
-let xk_Thai_phophung = 0xdbc
-let xk_Thai_fofa = 0xdbd
-let xk_Thai_phophan = 0xdbe
-let xk_Thai_fofan = 0xdbf
-let xk_Thai_phosamphao = 0xdc0
-let xk_Thai_moma = 0xdc1
-let xk_Thai_yoyak = 0xdc2
-let xk_Thai_rorua = 0xdc3
-let xk_Thai_ru = 0xdc4
-let xk_Thai_loling = 0xdc5
-let xk_Thai_lu = 0xdc6
-let xk_Thai_wowaen = 0xdc7
-let xk_Thai_sosala = 0xdc8
-let xk_Thai_sorusi = 0xdc9
-let xk_Thai_sosua = 0xdca
-let xk_Thai_hohip = 0xdcb
-let xk_Thai_lochula = 0xdcc
-let xk_Thai_oang = 0xdcd
-let xk_Thai_honokhuk = 0xdce
-let xk_Thai_paiyannoi = 0xdcf
-let xk_Thai_saraa = 0xdd0
-let xk_Thai_maihanakat = 0xdd1
-let xk_Thai_saraaa = 0xdd2
-let xk_Thai_saraam = 0xdd3
-let xk_Thai_sarai = 0xdd4
-let xk_Thai_saraii = 0xdd5
-let xk_Thai_saraue = 0xdd6
-let xk_Thai_sarauee = 0xdd7
-let xk_Thai_sarau = 0xdd8
-let xk_Thai_sarauu = 0xdd9
-let xk_Thai_phinthu = 0xdda
-let xk_Thai_maihanakat_maitho = 0xdde
-let xk_Thai_baht = 0xddf
-let xk_Thai_sarae = 0xde0
-let xk_Thai_saraae = 0xde1
-let xk_Thai_sarao = 0xde2
-let xk_Thai_saraaimaimuan = 0xde3
-let xk_Thai_saraaimaimalai = 0xde4
-let xk_Thai_lakkhangyao = 0xde5
-let xk_Thai_maiyamok = 0xde6
-let xk_Thai_maitaikhu = 0xde7
-let xk_Thai_maiek = 0xde8
-let xk_Thai_maitho = 0xde9
-let xk_Thai_maitri = 0xdea
-let xk_Thai_maichattawa = 0xdeb
-let xk_Thai_thanthakhat = 0xdec
-let xk_Thai_nikhahit = 0xded
-let xk_Thai_leksun = 0xdf0
-let xk_Thai_leknung = 0xdf1
-let xk_Thai_leksong = 0xdf2
-let xk_Thai_leksam = 0xdf3
-let xk_Thai_leksi = 0xdf4
-let xk_Thai_lekha = 0xdf5
-let xk_Thai_lekhok = 0xdf6
-let xk_Thai_lekchet = 0xdf7
-let xk_Thai_lekpaet = 0xdf8
-let xk_Thai_lekkao = 0xdf9
- * Korean
- * Byte 3 = e
- *)
-let xk_Hangul = 0xff31 (** Hangul start/stop(toggle) *)
-let xk_Hangul_Start = 0xff32 (** Hangul start *)
-let xk_Hangul_End = 0xff33 (** Hangul end, English start *)
-let xk_Hangul_Hanja = 0xff34 (** Start Hangul->Hanja Conversion *)
-let xk_Hangul_Jamo = 0xff35 (** Hangul Jamo mode *)
-let xk_Hangul_Romaja = 0xff36 (** Hangul Romaja mode *)
-let xk_Hangul_Codeinput = 0xff37 (** Hangul code input mode *)
-let xk_Hangul_Jeonja = 0xff38 (** Jeonja mode *)
-let xk_Hangul_Banja = 0xff39 (** Banja mode *)
-let xk_Hangul_PreHanja = 0xff3a (** Pre Hanja conversion *)
-let xk_Hangul_PostHanja = 0xff3b (** Post Hanja conversion *)
-let xk_Hangul_SingleCandidate = 0xff3c (** Single candidate *)
-let xk_Hangul_MultipleCandidate = 0xff3d (** Multiple candidate *)
-let xk_Hangul_PreviousCandidate = 0xff3e (** Previous candidate *)
-let xk_Hangul_Special = 0xff3f (** Special symbols *)
-let xk_Hangul_switch = 0xFF7E (** Alias for mode_switch *)
-(** Hangul Consonant Characters *)
-let xk_Hangul_Kiyeog = 0xea1
-let xk_Hangul_SsangKiyeog = 0xea2
-let xk_Hangul_KiyeogSios = 0xea3
-let xk_Hangul_Nieun = 0xea4
-let xk_Hangul_NieunJieuj = 0xea5
-let xk_Hangul_NieunHieuh = 0xea6
-let xk_Hangul_Dikeud = 0xea7
-let xk_Hangul_SsangDikeud = 0xea8
-let xk_Hangul_Rieul = 0xea9
-let xk_Hangul_RieulKiyeog = 0xeaa
-let xk_Hangul_RieulMieum = 0xeab
-let xk_Hangul_RieulPieub = 0xeac
-let xk_Hangul_RieulSios = 0xead
-let xk_Hangul_RieulTieut = 0xeae
-let xk_Hangul_RieulPhieuf = 0xeaf
-let xk_Hangul_RieulHieuh = 0xeb0
-let xk_Hangul_Mieum = 0xeb1
-let xk_Hangul_Pieub = 0xeb2
-let xk_Hangul_SsangPieub = 0xeb3
-let xk_Hangul_PieubSios = 0xeb4
-let xk_Hangul_Sios = 0xeb5
-let xk_Hangul_SsangSios = 0xeb6
-let xk_Hangul_Ieung = 0xeb7
-let xk_Hangul_Jieuj = 0xeb8
-let xk_Hangul_SsangJieuj = 0xeb9
-let xk_Hangul_Cieuc = 0xeba
-let xk_Hangul_Khieuq = 0xebb
-let xk_Hangul_Tieut = 0xebc
-let xk_Hangul_Phieuf = 0xebd
-let xk_Hangul_Hieuh = 0xebe
-(** Hangul Vowel Characters *)
-let xk_Hangul_A = 0xebf
-let xk_Hangul_AE = 0xec0
-let xk_Hangul_YA = 0xec1
-let xk_Hangul_YAE = 0xec2
-let xk_Hangul_EO = 0xec3
-let xk_Hangul_E = 0xec4
-let xk_Hangul_YEO = 0xec5
-let xk_Hangul_YE = 0xec6
-let xk_Hangul_O = 0xec7
-let xk_Hangul_WA = 0xec8
-let xk_Hangul_WAE = 0xec9
-let xk_Hangul_OE = 0xeca
-let xk_Hangul_YO = 0xecb
-let xk_Hangul_U = 0xecc
-let xk_Hangul_WEO = 0xecd
-let xk_Hangul_WE = 0xece
-let xk_Hangul_WI = 0xecf
-let xk_Hangul_YU = 0xed0
-let xk_Hangul_EU = 0xed1
-let xk_Hangul_YI = 0xed2
-let xk_Hangul_I = 0xed3
-(** Hangul syllable-final (JongSeong) Characters *)
-let xk_Hangul_J_Kiyeog = 0xed4
-let xk_Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog = 0xed5
-let xk_Hangul_J_KiyeogSios = 0xed6
-let xk_Hangul_J_Nieun = 0xed7
-let xk_Hangul_J_NieunJieuj = 0xed8
-let xk_Hangul_J_NieunHieuh = 0xed9
-let xk_Hangul_J_Dikeud = 0xeda
-let xk_Hangul_J_Rieul = 0xedb
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog = 0xedc
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulMieum = 0xedd
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulPieub = 0xede
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulSios = 0xedf
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulTieut = 0xee0
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf = 0xee1
-let xk_Hangul_J_RieulHieuh = 0xee2
-let xk_Hangul_J_Mieum = 0xee3
-let xk_Hangul_J_Pieub = 0xee4
-let xk_Hangul_J_PieubSios = 0xee5
-let xk_Hangul_J_Sios = 0xee6
-let xk_Hangul_J_SsangSios = 0xee7
-let xk_Hangul_J_Ieung = 0xee8
-let xk_Hangul_J_Jieuj = 0xee9
-let xk_Hangul_J_Cieuc = 0xeea
-let xk_Hangul_J_Khieuq = 0xeeb
-let xk_Hangul_J_Tieut = 0xeec
-let xk_Hangul_J_Phieuf = 0xeed
-let xk_Hangul_J_Hieuh = 0xeee
-(** Ancient Hangul Consonant Characters *)
-let xk_Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh = 0xeef
-let xk_Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum = 0xef0
-let xk_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub = 0xef1
-let xk_Hangul_PanSios = 0xef2
-let xk_Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung = 0xef3
-let xk_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf = 0xef4
-let xk_Hangul_YeorinHieuh = 0xef5
-(** Ancient Hangul Vowel Characters *)
-let xk_Hangul_AraeA = 0xef6
-let xk_Hangul_AraeAE = 0xef7
-(** Ancient Hangul syllable-final (JongSeong) Characters *)
-let xk_Hangul_J_PanSios = 0xef8
-let xk_Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung = 0xef9
-let xk_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh = 0xefa
-(** Korean currency symbol *)
-let xk_Korean_Won = 0xeff
-let name_to_keysym = [
-let keysym_to_name = [
diff --git a/ide/utils/configwin_types.ml b/ide/utils/configwin_types.mli
index ace751c64..9e339d135 100644
--- a/ide/utils/configwin_types.ml
+++ b/ide/utils/configwin_types.mli
@@ -25,113 +25,6 @@
(** This module contains the types used in Configwin. *)
-open Config_file
-let name_to_keysym =
- ("Button1", Configwin_keys.xk_Pointer_Button1) ::
- ("Button2", Configwin_keys.xk_Pointer_Button2) ::
- ("Button3", Configwin_keys.xk_Pointer_Button3) ::
- ("Button4", Configwin_keys.xk_Pointer_Button4) ::
- ("Button5", Configwin_keys.xk_Pointer_Button5) ::
- Configwin_keys.name_to_keysym
-let string_to_key s =
- let mask = ref [] in
- let key = try
- let pos = String.rindex s '-' in
- for i = 0 to pos - 1 do
- let m = match s.[i] with
- 'C' -> `CONTROL
- | 'S' -> `SHIFT
- | 'L' -> `LOCK
- | 'M' -> `MOD1
- | 'A' -> `MOD1
- | '1' -> `MOD1
- | '2' -> `MOD2
- | '3' -> `MOD3
- | '4' -> `MOD4
- | '5' -> `MOD5
- | _ ->
- Minilib.log s;
- raise Not_found
- in
- mask := m :: !mask
- done;
- String.sub s (pos+1) (String.length s - pos - 1)
- with _ ->
- s
- in
- try
- !mask, List.assoc key name_to_keysym
- with
- e ->
- Minilib.log s;
- raise e
-let key_to_string (m, k) =
- let s = List.assoc k Configwin_keys.keysym_to_name in
- match m with
- [] -> s
- | _ ->
- let rec iter m s =
- match m with
- [] -> s
- | c :: m ->
- iter m ((
- match c with
- `CONTROL -> "C"
- | `SHIFT -> "S"
- | `LOCK -> "L"
- | `MOD1 -> "A"
- | `MOD2 -> "2"
- | `MOD3 -> "3"
- | `MOD4 -> "4"
- | `MOD5 -> "5"
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- ) ^ s)
- in
- iter m ("-" ^ s)
-let modifiers_to_string m =
- let rec iter m s =
- match m with
- [] -> s
- | c :: m ->
- iter m ((
- match c with
- `CONTROL -> "<ctrl>"
- | `SHIFT -> "<shft>"
- | `LOCK -> "<lock>"
- | `MOD1 -> "<alt>"
- | `MOD2 -> "<mod2>"
- | `MOD3 -> "<mod3>"
- | `MOD4 -> "<mod4>"
- | `MOD5 -> "<mod5>"
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- ) ^ s)
- in
- iter m ""
-let value_to_key v =
- match v with
- Raw.String s -> string_to_key s
- | _ ->
- Minilib.log "value_to_key";
- raise Not_found
-let key_to_value k =
- Raw.String (key_to_string k)
-let key_cp_wrapper =
- {
- to_raw = key_to_value ;
- of_raw = value_to_key ;
- }
-(** A class to define key options, with the {!Config_file} module. *)
-class key_cp =
- [(Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int)] Config_file.cp_custom_type key_cp_wrapper
(** This type represents a string or filename parameter, or
any other type, depending on the given conversion functions. *)
type 'a string_param = {
@@ -188,49 +81,6 @@ type custom_param = {
custom_framed : string option ; (** optional label for an optional frame *)
} ;;
-type color_param = {
- color_label : string; (** the label of the parameter *)
- mutable color_value : string; (** the current value of the parameter *)
- color_editable : bool ; (** indicates if the value can be changed *)
- color_f_apply : (string -> unit) ; (** the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter *)
- color_help : string option ; (** optional help string *)
- color_expand : bool ; (** expand the entry widget or not *)
- } ;;
-type date_param = {
- date_label : string ; (** the label of the parameter *)
- mutable date_value : int * int * int ; (** day, month, year *)
- date_editable : bool ; (** indicates if the value can be changed *)
- date_f_string : (int * int * int) -> string ;
- (** the function used to display the current value (day, month, year) *)
- date_f_apply : ((int * int * int) -> unit) ;
- (** the function to call to apply the new value (day, month, year) of the parameter *)
- date_help : string option ; (** optional help string *)
- date_expand : bool ; (** expand the entry widget or not *)
- } ;;
-type font_param = {
- font_label : string ; (** the label of the parameter *)
- mutable font_value : string ; (** the font name *)
- font_editable : bool ; (** indicates if the value can be changed *)
- font_f_apply : (string -> unit) ;
- (** the function to call to apply the new value of the parameter *)
- font_help : string option ; (** optional help string *)
- font_expand : bool ; (** expand the entry widget or not *)
- } ;;
-type hotkey_param = {
- hk_label : string ; (** the label of the parameter *)
- mutable hk_value : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) ;
- (** The value, as a list of modifiers and a key code *)
- hk_editable : bool ; (** indicates if the value can be changed *)
- hk_f_apply : ((Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> unit) ;
- (** the function to call to apply the new value of the paramter *)
- hk_help : string option ; (** optional help string *)
- hk_expand : bool ; (** expand or not *)
- }
type modifiers_param = {
md_label : string ; (** the label of the parameter *)
mutable md_value : Gdk.Tags.modifier list ;
@@ -248,17 +98,11 @@ type modifiers_param = {
type parameter_kind =
String_param of string string_param
| List_param of (GData.tooltips -> <box: GObj.widget ; apply : unit>)
- | Filename_param of string string_param
| Bool_param of bool_param
| Text_param of string string_param
| Combo_param of combo_param
| Custom_param of custom_param
- | Color_param of color_param
- | Date_param of date_param
- | Font_param of font_param
- | Hotkey_param of hotkey_param
| Modifiers_param of modifiers_param
- | Html_param of string string_param
(** This type represents the structure of the configuration window. *)
@@ -275,28 +119,3 @@ type return_button =
| Return_cancel (** The user closed the window with the cancel
button or the window manager but never clicked
on the apply button.*)
-(** {2 Bindings in the html editor} *)
-type html_binding = {
- mutable html_key : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) ;
- mutable html_begin : string ;
- mutable html_end : string ;
- }
-let htmlbinding_cp_wrapper =
- let w = Config_file.tuple3_wrappers
- key_cp_wrapper
- Config_file.string_wrappers
- Config_file.string_wrappers
- in
- {
- to_raw = (fun v -> w.to_raw (v.html_key, v.html_begin, v.html_end)) ;
- of_raw =
- (fun r -> let (k,b,e) = w.of_raw r in
- { html_key = k ; html_begin = b ; html_end = e }
- ) ;
- }
-class htmlbinding_cp =
- [html_binding] Config_file.option_cp htmlbinding_cp_wrapper
diff --git a/ide/utils/editable_cells.ml b/ide/utils/editable_cells.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 33968b8dd..000000000
--- a/ide/utils/editable_cells.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-open Gobject
-let create l =
- let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
- let scw = GBin.scrolled_window
- ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
- ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:true) () in
- let columns = new GTree.column_list in
- let command_col = columns#add Data.string in
- let coq_col = columns#add Data.string in
- let store = GTree.list_store columns
- in
-(* populate the store *)
- let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
- let row = store#append () in
- store#set ~row ~column:command_col x;
- store#set ~row ~column:coq_col y)
- l
- in
- let view = GTree.view ~model:store ~packing:scw#add_with_viewport () in
- (* Alternate colors for the rows *)
- view#set_rules_hint true;
- let renderer_comm = GTree.cell_renderer_text [`EDITABLE true] in
- ignore (renderer_comm#connect#edited
- ~callback:(fun (path:Gtk.tree_path) (s:string) ->
- store#set
- ~row:(store#get_iter path)
- ~column:command_col s));
- let first =
- GTree.view_column ~title:"Coq Command to try"
- ~renderer:(renderer_comm,["text",command_col])
- ()
- in ignore (view#append_column first);
- let renderer_coq = GTree.cell_renderer_text [`EDITABLE true] in
- ignore(renderer_coq#connect#edited
- ~callback:(fun (path:Gtk.tree_path) (s:string) ->
- store#set
- ~row:(store#get_iter path)
- ~column:coq_col s));
- let second =
- GTree.view_column ~title:"Coq Command to insert"
- ~renderer:(renderer_coq,["text",coq_col])
- ()
- in ignore (view#append_column second);
- let vbox = GPack.button_box `VERTICAL ~packing:hbox#pack ~layout:`SPREAD ()
- in
- let up = GButton.button ~stock:`GO_UP ~label:"Up" ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) () in
- let down = GButton.button
- ~stock:`GO_DOWN
- ~label:"Down"
- ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) ()
- in
- let add = GButton.button ~stock:`ADD
- ~label:"Add"
- ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false)
- ()
- in
- let remove = GButton.button ~stock:`REMOVE
- ~label:"Remove"
- ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:false) ()
- in
- ignore (add#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- let n = store#append () in
- view#selection#select_iter n));
- ignore (remove#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b -> match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
- | [] -> ()
- | path::_ ->
- let iter = store#get_iter path in
- ignore (store#remove iter);
- ));
- ignore (up#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
- | [] -> ()
- | path::_ ->
- let iter = store#get_iter path in
- ignore (GtkTree.TreePath.prev path);
- let upiter = store#get_iter path in
- ignore (store#swap iter upiter);
- ));
- ignore (down#connect#clicked
- ~callback:(fun b ->
- match view#selection#get_selected_rows with
- | [] -> ()
- | path::_ ->
- let iter = store#get_iter path in
- GtkTree.TreePath.next path;
- try let upiter = store#get_iter path in
- ignore (store#swap iter upiter)
- with _ -> ()
- ));
- let get_data () =
- let start_path = GtkTree.TreePath.from_string "0" in
- let start_iter = store#get_iter start_path in
- let rec all acc =
- let new_acc = (store#get ~row:start_iter ~column:command_col,
- store#get ~row:start_iter ~column:coq_col)::acc
- in
- if store#iter_next start_iter then all new_acc else List.rev new_acc
- in all []
- in
- (hbox,get_data)
diff --git a/ide/utils/okey.ml b/ide/utils/okey.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6cb382a..000000000
--- a/ide/utils/okey.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
-(* License, or any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
-(* *)
-type modifier = Gdk.Tags.modifier
-type handler = {
- cond : (unit -> bool) ;
- cback : (unit -> unit) ;
- }
-type handler_spec = int * int * Gdk.keysym
- (** mods * mask * key *)
-let int_of_modifier = function
- `SHIFT -> 1
- | `LOCK -> 2
- | `CONTROL -> 4
- | `MOD1 -> 8
- | `MOD2 -> 16
- | `MOD3 -> 32
- | `MOD4 -> 64
- | `MOD5 -> 128
- | `BUTTON1 -> 256
- | `BUTTON2 -> 512
- | `BUTTON3 -> 1024
- | `BUTTON4 -> 2048
- | `BUTTON5 -> 4096
- | `HYPER -> 1 lsl 22
- | `META -> 1 lsl 20
- | `RELEASE -> 1 lsl 30
- | `SUPER -> 1 lsl 21
-let int_of_modifiers l =
- List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun m -> acc + (int_of_modifier m)) 0 l
-module H =
- struct
- type t = handler_spec * handler
- let equal (m,k) (mods, mask, key) =
- (k = key) && ((m land mask) = mods)
- let filter_with_mask mods mask key l =
- List.filter (fun a -> (fst a) <> (mods, mask, key)) l
- let find_handlers mods key l =
- List.map snd
- (List.filter
- (fun ((m,ma,k),_) -> equal (mods,key) (m,ma,k))
- l
- )
- end
-let (table : (int, H.t list ref) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 13
-let key_press w ev =
- let key = GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev in
- let modifiers = GdkEvent.Key.state ev in
- try
- let (r : H.t list ref) = Hashtbl.find table (Oo.id w) in
- let l = H.find_handlers (int_of_modifiers modifiers) key !r in
- match l with
- [] -> false
- | _ ->
- List.iter
- (fun h ->
- if h.cond () then
- try h.cback ()
- with e -> Minilib.log (Printexc.to_string e)
- else ()
- )
- l;
- true
- with
- Not_found ->
- false
-let associate_key_press w =
- ignore ((w#event#connect#key_press ~callback: (key_press w)) : GtkSignal.id)
-let default_modifiers = ref ([] : modifier list)
-let default_mask = ref ([`MOD2 ; `MOD3 ; `MOD4 ; `MOD5 ; `LOCK] : modifier list)
-let set_default_modifiers l = default_modifiers := l
-let set_default_mask l = default_mask := l
-let remove_widget (w : < event : GObj.event_ops ; ..>) () =
- try
- let r = Hashtbl.find table (Oo.id w) in
- r := []
- with
- Not_found ->
- ()
-let add1 ?(remove=false) w
- ?(cond=(fun () -> true))
- ?(mods= !default_modifiers)
- ?(mask= !default_mask)
- k callback =
- let r =
- try Hashtbl.find table (Oo.id w)
- with Not_found ->
- let r = ref [] in
- Hashtbl.add table (Oo.id w) r;
- ignore (w#connect#destroy ~callback: (remove_widget w));
- associate_key_press w;
- r
- in
- let n_mods = int_of_modifiers mods in
- let n_mask = lnot (int_of_modifiers mask) in
- let new_h = { cond = cond ; cback = callback } in
- if remove then
- (
- let l = H.filter_with_mask n_mods n_mask k !r in
- r := ((n_mods, n_mask, k), new_h) :: l
- )
- else
- r := ((n_mods, n_mask, k), new_h) :: !r
-let add w
- ?(cond=(fun () -> true))
- ?(mods= !default_modifiers)
- ?(mask= !default_mask)
- k callback =
- add1 w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback
-let add_list w
- ?(cond=(fun () -> true))
- ?(mods= !default_modifiers)
- ?(mask= !default_mask)
- k_list callback =
- List.iter (fun k -> add w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback) k_list
-let set w
- ?(cond=(fun () -> true))
- ?(mods= !default_modifiers)
- ?(mask= !default_mask)
- k callback =
- add1 ~remove: true w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback
-let set_list w
- ?(cond=(fun () -> true))
- ?(mods= !default_modifiers)
- ?(mask= !default_mask)
- k_list callback =
- List.iter (fun k -> set w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback) k_list
diff --git a/ide/utils/okey.mli b/ide/utils/okey.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ea4df44..000000000
--- a/ide/utils/okey.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
-(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
-(* License, or any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
-(* *)
-(** Okey interface.
- Once the lib is compiled and installed, you can use it by referencing
- it with the [Okey] module. You must add [okey.cmo] or [okey.cmx]
- on the commande line when you link.
-type modifier = Gdk.Tags.modifier
-(** Set the default modifier list. The first default value is [[]].*)
-val set_default_modifiers : modifier list -> unit
-(** Set the default modifier mask. The first default value is
- [[`MOD2 ; `MOD3 ; `MOD4 ; `MOD5 ; `LOCK]].
- The mask defines the modifiers not taken into account
- when looking for the handler of a key press event.
-val set_default_mask : modifier list -> unit
-(** [add widget key callback] associates the [callback] function to the event
- "key_press" with the given [key] for the given [widget].
- @param remove when true, the previous handlers for the given key and modifier
- list are not kept.
- @param cond this function is a guard: the [callback] function is not called
- if the [cond] function returns [false].
- The default [cond] function always returns [true].
- @param mods the list of modifiers. If not given, the default modifiers
- are used.
- You can set the default modifiers with function {!Okey.set_default_modifiers}.
- @param mask the list of modifiers which must not be taken
- into account to trigger the given handler. [mods]
- and [mask] must not have common modifiers. If not given, the default mask
- is used.
- You can set the default modifiers mask with function {!Okey.set_default_mask}.
-val add :
- < connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
- unit
-(** It calls {!Okey.add} for each given key.*)
-val add_list :
- < connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym list ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
- unit
-(** Like {!Okey.add} but the previous handlers for the
- given modifiers and key are not kept.*)
-val set :
- < connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
- unit
-(** It calls {!Okey.set} for each given key.*)
-val set_list :
- < connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- ?cond: (unit -> bool) ->
- ?mods: modifier list ->
- ?mask: modifier list ->
- Gdk.keysym list ->
- (unit -> unit) ->
- unit
-(** Remove the handlers associated to the given widget.
- This is automatically done when a widget is destroyed but
- you can do it yourself. *)
-val remove_widget :
- < connect : < destroy : callback: (unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id; .. >;
- event : GObj.event_ops; get_oid : int; .. > ->
- unit ->
- unit