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4 files changed, 74 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/interp/implicit_quantifiers.ml b/interp/implicit_quantifiers.ml
index 7f11c0a3b..d6749e918 100644
--- a/interp/implicit_quantifiers.ml
+++ b/interp/implicit_quantifiers.ml
@@ -131,61 +131,7 @@ let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) ?(allowed=Id.Set.emp
if Id.List.mem_assoc id vs then vs
else (id, loc) :: vs
else vs
- | GApp (loc,f,args) -> List.fold_left (vars bound) vs (f::args)
- | GLambda (loc,na,_,ty,c) | GProd (loc,na,_,ty,c) ->
- let vs' = vars bound vs ty in
- let bound' = add_name_to_ids bound na in
- vars bound' vs' c
- | GLetIn (loc,na,b,ty,c) ->
- let vs' = vars bound vs b in
- let vs'' = Option.fold_left (vars bound) vs' ty in
- let bound' = add_name_to_ids bound na in
- vars bound' vs'' c
- | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
- let vs1 = vars_option bound vs rtntypopt in
- let vs2 = List.fold_left (fun vs (tm,_) -> vars bound vs tm) vs1 tml in
- List.fold_left (vars_pattern bound) vs2 pl
- | GLetTuple (loc,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
- let vs1 = vars_return_type bound vs rtntyp in
- let vs2 = vars bound vs1 b in
- let bound' = List.fold_left add_name_to_ids bound nal in
- vars bound' vs2 c
- | GIf (loc,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
- let vs1 = vars_return_type bound vs rtntyp in
- let vs2 = vars bound vs1 c in
- let vs3 = vars bound vs2 b1 in
- vars bound vs3 b2
- | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
- let bound' = Array.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bound in
- let vars_fix i vs fid =
- let vs1,bound1 =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (vs,bound) (na,k,bbd,bty) ->
- let vs' = vars_option bound vs bbd in
- let vs'' = vars bound vs' bty in
- let bound' = add_name_to_ids bound na in
- (vs'',bound')
- )
- (vs,bound')
- bl.(i)
- in
- let vs2 = vars bound1 vs1 tyl.(i) in
- vars bound1 vs2 bv.(i)
- in
- Array.fold_left_i vars_fix vs idl
- | GCast (loc,c,k) -> let v = vars bound vs c in
- (match k with CastConv t | CastVM t -> vars bound v t | _ -> v)
- | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> vs
- and vars_pattern bound vs (loc,idl,p,c) =
- let bound' = List.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bound in
- vars bound' vs c
- and vars_option bound vs = function None -> vs | Some p -> vars bound vs p
- and vars_return_type bound vs (na,tyopt) =
- let bound' = add_name_to_ids bound na in
- vars_option bound' vs tyopt
+ | c -> Glob_ops.fold_glob_constr_with_binders Id.Set.add vars bound vs c
in fun rt ->
let vars = List.rev (vars bound [] rt) in
List.iter (fun (id, loc) ->
diff --git a/pretyping/glob_ops.ml b/pretyping/glob_ops.ml
index ebbfa195f..080ec5ed1 100644
--- a/pretyping/glob_ops.ml
+++ b/pretyping/glob_ops.ml
@@ -214,55 +214,57 @@ let fold_glob_constr f acc = function
f acc c
| (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> acc
-let iter_glob_constr f = fold_glob_constr (fun () -> f) ()
+let fold_return_type_with_binders f g v acc (na,tyopt) =
+ Option.fold_left (f (name_fold g na v)) acc tyopt
+let fold_glob_constr_with_binders g f v acc = function
+ | GVar _ -> acc
+ | GApp (_,c,args) -> List.fold_left (f v) (f v acc c) args
+ | GLambda (_,na,_,b,c) | GProd (_,na,_,b,c) ->
+ f (name_fold g na v) (f v acc b) c
+ | GLetIn (_,na,b,t,c) ->
+ f (name_fold g na v) (Option.fold_left (f v) (f v acc b) t) c
+ | GCases (_,_,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
+ let fold_pattern acc (_,idl,p,c) = f (List.fold_right g idl v) acc c in
+ let fold_tomatch (v',acc) (tm,(na,onal)) =
+ (Option.fold_left (fun v'' (_,_,nal) -> List.fold_right (name_fold g) nal v'')
+ (name_fold g na v') onal,
+ f v acc tm) in
+ let (v',acc) = List.fold_left fold_tomatch (v,acc) tml in
+ let acc = Option.fold_left (f v') acc rtntypopt in
+ List.fold_left fold_pattern acc pl
+ | GLetTuple (_,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
+ f v (f v (fold_return_type_with_binders f g v acc rtntyp) b) c
+ | GIf (_,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
+ f v (f v (f v (fold_return_type_with_binders f g v acc rtntyp) c) b1) b2
+ | GRec (_,_,idl,bll,tyl,bv) ->
+ let f' i acc fid =
+ let v,acc =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (v,acc) (na,k,bbd,bty) ->
+ (name_fold g na v, f v (Option.fold_left (f v) acc bbd) bty))
+ (v,acc)
+ bll.(i) in
+ f (Array.fold_right g idl v) (f v acc tyl.(i)) (bv.(i)) in
+ Array.fold_left_i f' acc idl
+ | GCast (_,c,k) ->
+ let acc = match k with
+ | CastConv t | CastVM t | CastNative t -> f v acc t | CastCoerce -> acc in
+ f v acc c
+ | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> acc
-let same_id na id = match na with
-| Anonymous -> false
-| Name id' -> Id.equal id id'
+let iter_glob_constr f = fold_glob_constr (fun () -> f) ()
let occur_glob_constr id =
- let rec occur = function
+ let rec occur barred acc = function
| GVar (loc,id') -> Id.equal id id'
- | GApp (loc,f,args) -> (occur f) || (List.exists occur args)
- | GLambda (loc,na,bk,ty,c) ->
- (occur ty) || (not (same_id na id) && (occur c))
- | GProd (loc,na,bk,ty,c) ->
- (occur ty) || (not (same_id na id) && (occur c))
- | GLetIn (loc,na,b,t,c) ->
- (Option.fold_left (fun b t -> occur t || b) (occur b) t) || (not (same_id na id) && (occur c))
- | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
- (occur_option rtntypopt)
- || (List.exists (fun (tm,_) -> occur tm) tml)
- || (List.exists occur_pattern pl)
- | GLetTuple (loc,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
- occur_return_type rtntyp id
- || (occur b) || (not (List.mem_f Name.equal (Name id) nal) && (occur c))
- | GIf (loc,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
- occur_return_type rtntyp id || (occur c) || (occur b1) || (occur b2)
- | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
- not (Array.for_all4 (fun fid bl ty bd ->
- let rec occur_fix = function
- [] -> not (occur ty) && (Id.equal fid id || not(occur bd))
- | (na,k,bbd,bty)::bl ->
- not (occur bty) &&
- (match bbd with
- Some bd -> not (occur bd)
- | _ -> true) &&
- (match na with Name id' -> Id.equal id id' | _ -> not (occur_fix bl)) in
- occur_fix bl)
- idl bl tyl bv)
- | GCast (loc,c,k) -> (occur c) || (match k with CastConv t
- | CastVM t | CastNative t -> occur t | CastCoerce -> false)
- | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> false
- and occur_pattern (loc,idl,p,c) = not (Id.List.mem id idl) && (occur c)
- and occur_option = function None -> false | Some p -> occur p
- and occur_return_type (na,tyopt) id = not (same_id na id) && occur_option tyopt
- in occur
+ | c ->
+ (* [g] looks if [id] appears in a binding position, in which
+ case, we don't have to look in the corresponding subterm *)
+ let g id' barred = barred || Id.equal id id' in
+ let f barred acc c = acc || not barred && occur false acc c in
+ fold_glob_constr_with_binders g f barred acc c in
+ occur false false
let add_name_to_ids set na =
match na with
@@ -270,64 +272,9 @@ let add_name_to_ids set na =
| Name id -> Id.Set.add id set
let free_glob_vars =
- let rec vars bounded vs = function
- | GVar (loc,id') -> if Id.Set.mem id' bounded then vs else Id.Set.add id' vs
- | GApp (loc,f,args) -> List.fold_left (vars bounded) vs (f::args)
- | GLambda (loc,na,_,ty,c) | GProd (loc,na,_,ty,c) ->
- let vs' = vars bounded vs ty in
- let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
- vars bounded' vs' c
- | GLetIn (loc,na,b,ty,c) ->
- let vs' = vars bounded vs b in
- let vs'' = Option.fold_left (vars bounded) vs' ty in
- let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
- vars bounded' vs'' c
- | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
- let vs1 = vars_option bounded vs rtntypopt in
- let vs2 = List.fold_left (fun vs (tm,_) -> vars bounded vs tm) vs1 tml in
- List.fold_left (vars_pattern bounded) vs2 pl
- | GLetTuple (loc,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
- let vs1 = vars_return_type bounded vs rtntyp in
- let vs2 = vars bounded vs1 b in
- let bounded' = List.fold_left add_name_to_ids bounded nal in
- vars bounded' vs2 c
- | GIf (loc,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
- let vs1 = vars_return_type bounded vs rtntyp in
- let vs2 = vars bounded vs1 c in
- let vs3 = vars bounded vs2 b1 in
- vars bounded vs3 b2
- | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
- let bounded' = Array.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bounded in
- let vars_fix i vs fid =
- let vs1,bounded1 =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (vs,bounded) (na,k,bbd,bty) ->
- let vs' = vars_option bounded vs bbd in
- let vs'' = vars bounded vs' bty in
- let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
- (vs'',bounded')
- )
- (vs,bounded')
- bl.(i)
- in
- let vs2 = vars bounded1 vs1 tyl.(i) in
- vars bounded1 vs2 bv.(i)
- in
- Array.fold_left_i vars_fix vs idl
- | GCast (loc,c,k) -> let v = vars bounded vs c in
- (match k with CastConv t | CastVM t | CastNative t -> vars bounded v t | _ -> v)
- | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> vs
- and vars_pattern bounded vs (loc,idl,p,c) =
- let bounded' = List.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bounded in
- vars bounded' vs c
- and vars_option bounded vs = function None -> vs | Some p -> vars bounded vs p
- and vars_return_type bounded vs (na,tyopt) =
- let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
- vars_option bounded' vs tyopt
- in
+ let rec vars bound vs = function
+ | GVar (loc,id') -> if Id.Set.mem id' bound then vs else Id.Set.add id' vs
+ | c -> fold_glob_constr_with_binders Id.Set.add vars bound vs c in
fun rt ->
let vs = vars Id.Set.empty Id.Set.empty rt in
Id.Set.elements vs
@@ -353,57 +300,16 @@ let add_and_check_ident id set =
Id.Set.add id set
let bound_glob_vars =
- let rec vars bound = function
- | GLambda (_,na,_,_,_) | GProd (_,na,_,_,_) | GLetIn (_,na,_,_,_) as c ->
- let bound = name_fold add_and_check_ident na bound in
- fold_glob_constr vars bound c
- | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
- let bound = vars_option bound rtntypopt in
- let bound =
- List.fold_left (fun bound (tm,_) -> vars bound tm) bound tml in
- List.fold_left vars_pattern bound pl
- | GLetTuple (loc,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
- let bound = vars_return_type bound rtntyp in
- let bound = vars bound b in
- let bound = List.fold_right (name_fold add_and_check_ident) nal bound in
- vars bound c
- | GIf (loc,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
- let bound = vars_return_type bound rtntyp in
- let bound = vars bound c in
- let bound = vars bound b1 in
- vars bound b2
- | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
- let bound = Array.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bound in
- let vars_fix i bound fid =
- let bound =
- List.fold_left
- (fun bound (na,k,bbd,bty) ->
- let bound = vars_option bound bbd in
- let bound = vars bound bty in
- name_fold add_and_check_ident na bound
- )
- bound
- bl.(i)
- in
- let bound = vars bound tyl.(i) in
- vars bound bv.(i)
- in
- Array.fold_left_i vars_fix bound idl
- | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _ | GVar _) -> bound
- | GApp _ | GCast _ as c -> fold_glob_constr vars bound c
- and vars_pattern bound (loc,idl,p,c) =
- let bound = List.fold_right add_and_check_ident idl bound in
- vars bound c
- and vars_option bound = function None -> bound | Some p -> vars bound p
- and vars_return_type bound (na,tyopt) =
- let bound = name_fold add_and_check_ident na bound in
- vars_option bound tyopt
+ let rec vars bound =
+ fold_glob_constr_with_binders
+ (fun id () -> bound := add_and_check_ident id !bound)
+ (fun () () -> vars bound)
+ () ()
fun rt ->
- vars Id.Set.empty rt
+ let bound = ref Id.Set.empty in
+ vars bound rt;
+ !bound
(** Mapping of names in binders *)
diff --git a/pretyping/glob_ops.mli b/pretyping/glob_ops.mli
index 55e6b6533..af2834e49 100644
--- a/pretyping/glob_ops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/glob_ops.mli
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ val map_glob_constr_left_to_right :
val warn_variable_collision : ?loc:Loc.t -> Id.t -> unit
val fold_glob_constr : ('a -> glob_constr -> 'a) -> 'a -> glob_constr -> 'a
+val fold_glob_constr_with_binders : (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b -> glob_constr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> glob_constr -> 'b
val iter_glob_constr : (glob_constr -> unit) -> glob_constr -> unit
val occur_glob_constr : Id.t -> glob_constr -> bool
val free_glob_vars : glob_constr -> Id.t list
diff --git a/test-suite/success/boundvars.v b/test-suite/success/boundvars.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fafe27292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/success/boundvars.v
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* An example showing a bug in the detection of free variables *)
+(* "x" is not free in the common type of "x" and "y" *)
+Check forall (x z:unit) (x y : match z as x return x=x with tt => eq_refl end = eq_refl), x=x.
+(* An example showing a bug in the detection of bound variables *)
+Goal forall x, match x return x = x with 0 => eq_refl | _ => eq_refl end = eq_refl.
+match goal with
+|- (match x as y in nat return y = y with O => _ | S n => _ end) = _ => assert (forall y, y = 0) end.
+Check x0. (* Check that "y" has been bound to "x0" while matching "match x as x0 return x0=x0 with ... end" *)