diff options
6 files changed, 150 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/csdpcert.ml b/plugins/micromega/csdpcert.ml
index 1604b0eb1..1a41ec70b 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/csdpcert.ml
+++ b/plugins/micromega/csdpcert.ml
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ struct
open M
-open List
open Mutils
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ let real_nonlinear_prover d l =
match kd with
| Axiom_lt i -> poly_mul p y
| Axiom_eq i -> poly_mul (poly_pow p 2) y
- | _ -> failwith "monoids") m (poly_const (Int 1)) , map snd m))
+ | _ -> failwith "monoids") m (poly_const (Int 1)) , List.map snd m))
(sets_of_list neq) in
let (cert_ideal, cert_cone,monoid) = deepen_until d (fun d ->
@@ -130,10 +129,10 @@ let real_nonlinear_prover d l =
real_positivnullstellensatz_general false d peq pge (poly_neg (fst m) ) in
(ci,cc,snd m)) monoids) 0 in
- let proofs_ideal = map2 (fun q i -> Eqmul(term_of_poly q,Axiom_eq i))
+ let proofs_ideal = List.map2 (fun q i -> Eqmul(term_of_poly q,Axiom_eq i))
cert_ideal (List.map snd eq) in
- let proofs_cone = map term_of_sos cert_cone in
+ let proofs_cone = List.map term_of_sos cert_cone in
let proof_ne =
let (neq , lt) = List.partition
@@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ let pure_sos l =
(* If there is no strict inequality,
I should nonetheless be able to try something - over Z > is equivalent to -1 >= *)
- let l = List.combine l (interval 0 (length l -1)) in
+ let l = List.combine l (interval 0 (List.length l -1)) in
let (lt,i) = try (List.find (fun (x,_) -> snd x = Mc.Strict) l)
with Not_found -> List.hd l in
let plt = poly_neg (poly_of_term (expr_to_term (fst lt))) in
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/sos.ml b/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
index 6ddc48e73..130f6bfd4 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
+++ b/plugins/micromega/sos.ml
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
(* Nonlinear universal reals procedure using SOS decomposition. *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
open Num;;
-open List;;
open Sos_types;;
open Sos_lib;;
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ let decimalize =
let z = pow10(-e) */ y +/ Int 1 in
let k = round_num(pow10 d */ z) in
(if x </ Int 0 then "-0." else "0.") ^
- implode(tl(explode(string_of_num k))) ^
+ implode(List.tl(explode(string_of_num k))) ^
(if e = 0 then "" else "e"^string_of_int e);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ let vector_dot (v1:vector) (v2:vector) =
(combine ( */ ) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0) (snd v1) (snd v2));;
let vector_of_list l =
- let n = length l in
+ let n = List.length l in
(n,itlist2 (|->) (1--n) l undefined :vector);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -176,9 +175,9 @@ let diagonal (v:vector) =
((n,n),foldl (fun a i c -> ((i,i) |-> c) a) undefined (snd v) : matrix);;
let matrix_of_list l =
- let m = length l in
+ let m = List.length l in
if m = 0 then matrix_0 (0,0) else
- let n = length (hd l) in
+ let n = List.length (List.hd l) in
(m,n),itern 1 l (fun v i -> itern 1 v (fun c j -> (i,j) |-> c)) undefined;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -302,14 +301,14 @@ let string_of_vector min_size max_size (v:vector) =
let n_raw = dim v in
if n_raw = 0 then "[]" else
let n = max min_size (min n_raw max_size) in
- let xs = map ((o) string_of_num (element v)) (1--n) in
+ let xs = List.map ((o) string_of_num (element v)) (1--n) in
"[" ^ end_itlist (fun s t -> s ^ ", " ^ t) xs ^
(if n_raw > max_size then ", ...]" else "]");;
let string_of_matrix max_size (m:matrix) =
let i_raw,j_raw = dimensions m in
let i = min max_size i_raw and j = min max_size j_raw in
- let rstr = map (fun k -> string_of_vector j j (row k m)) (1--i) in
+ let rstr = List.map (fun k -> string_of_vector j j (row k m)) (1--i) in
"["^end_itlist(fun s t -> s^";\n "^t) rstr ^
(if j > max_size then "\n ...]" else "]");;
@@ -408,7 +407,7 @@ let rec poly_of_term t = match t with
let sdpa_of_vector (v:vector) =
let n = dim v in
- let strs = map (o (decimalize 20) (element v)) (1--n) in
+ let strs = List.map (o (decimalize 20) (element v)) (1--n) in
end_itlist (fun x y -> x ^ " " ^ y) strs ^ "\n";;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -445,15 +444,15 @@ let sdpa_of_matrix k (m:matrix) =
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let sdpa_of_problem comment obj mats =
- let m = length mats - 1
- and n,_ = dimensions (hd mats) in
+ let m = List.length mats - 1
+ and n,_ = dimensions (List.hd mats) in
"\"" ^ comment ^ "\"\n" ^
string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
"1\n" ^
string_of_int n ^ "\n" ^
sdpa_of_vector obj ^
itlist2 (fun k m a -> sdpa_of_matrix (k - 1) m ^ a)
- (1--length mats) mats "";;
+ (1--List.length mats) mats "";;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* More parser basics. *)
@@ -461,7 +460,7 @@ let sdpa_of_problem comment obj mats =
let word s =
end_itlist (fun p1 p2 -> (p1 ++ p2) >> (fun (s,t) -> s^t))
- (map a (explode s));;
+ (List.map a (explode s));;
let token s =
many (some isspace) ++ word s ++ many (some isspace)
>> (fun ((_,t),_) -> t);;
@@ -470,7 +469,7 @@ let decimal =
let numeral = some isnum in
let decimalint = atleast 1 numeral >> ((o) Num.num_of_string implode) in
let decimalfrac = atleast 1 numeral
- >> (fun s -> Num.num_of_string(implode s) // pow10 (length s)) in
+ >> (fun s -> Num.num_of_string(implode s) // pow10 (List.length s)) in
let decimalsig =
decimalint ++ possibly (a "." ++ decimalfrac >> snd)
>> (function (h,[x]) -> h +/ x | (h,_) -> h) in
@@ -626,13 +625,13 @@ let scale_then =
fun solver obj mats ->
let cd1 = itlist common_denominator mats (Int 1)
and cd2 = common_denominator (snd obj) (Int 1) in
- let mats' = map (mapf (fun x -> cd1 */ x)) mats
+ let mats' = List.map (mapf (fun x -> cd1 */ x)) mats
and obj' = vector_cmul cd2 obj in
let max1 = itlist maximal_element mats' (Int 0)
and max2 = maximal_element (snd obj') (Int 0) in
let scal1 = pow2 (20-int_of_float(log(float_of_num max1) /. log 2.0))
and scal2 = pow2 (20-int_of_float(log(float_of_num max2) /. log 2.0)) in
- let mats'' = map (mapf (fun x -> x */ scal1)) mats'
+ let mats'' = List.map (mapf (fun x -> x */ scal1)) mats'
and obj'' = vector_cmul scal2 obj' in
solver obj'' mats'';;
@@ -651,7 +650,7 @@ let nice_vector n = mapa (nice_rational n);;
let linear_program_basic a =
let m,n = dimensions a in
- let mats = map (fun j -> diagonal (column j a)) (1--n)
+ let mats = List.map (fun j -> diagonal (column j a)) (1--n)
and obj = vector_const (Int 1) m in
let rv,res = run_csdp false obj mats in
if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then false
@@ -665,7 +664,7 @@ let linear_program_basic a =
let linear_program a b =
let m,n = dimensions a in
if dim b <> m then failwith "linear_program: incompatible dimensions" else
- let mats = diagonal b :: map (fun j -> diagonal (column j a)) (1--n)
+ let mats = diagonal b :: List.map (fun j -> diagonal (column j a)) (1--n)
and obj = vector_const (Int 1) m in
let rv,res = run_csdp false obj mats in
if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then false
@@ -679,10 +678,10 @@ let linear_program a b =
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let in_convex_hull pts pt =
- let pts1 = (1::pt) :: map (fun x -> 1::x) pts in
- let pts2 = map (fun p -> map (fun x -> -x) p @ p) pts1 in
- let n = length pts + 1
- and v = 2 * (length pt + 1) in
+ let pts1 = (1::pt) :: List.map (fun x -> 1::x) pts in
+ let pts2 = List.map (fun p -> List.map (fun x -> -x) p @ p) pts1 in
+ let n = List.length pts + 1
+ and v = 2 * (List.length pt + 1) in
let m = v + n - 1 in
let mat =
@@ -700,8 +699,8 @@ let minimal_convex_hull =
| (m::ms) -> if in_convex_hull ms m then ms else ms@[m] in
let augment m ms = funpow 3 augment1 (m::ms) in
fun mons ->
- let mons' = itlist augment (tl mons) [hd mons] in
- funpow (length mons') augment1 mons';;
+ let mons' = itlist augment (List.tl mons) [List.hd mons] in
+ funpow (List.length mons') augment1 mons';;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Stuff for "equations" (generic A->num functions). *)
@@ -743,7 +742,7 @@ let eliminate_equations =
let b = tryapplyd e v (Int 0) in
if b =/ Int 0 then e else
equation_add e (equation_cmul (minus_num b // a) eq) in
- eliminate vs ((v |-> eq') (mapf elim dun)) (map elim oeqs)
+ eliminate vs ((v |-> eq') (mapf elim dun)) (List.map elim oeqs)
with Failure _ -> eliminate vs dun eqs in
fun one vars eqs ->
let assig = eliminate vars undefined eqs in
@@ -774,7 +773,7 @@ let eliminate_all_equations one =
let b = tryapplyd e v (Int 0) in
if b =/ Int 0 then e else
equation_add e (equation_cmul (minus_num b // a) eq) in
- eliminate ((v |-> eq') (mapf elim dun)) (map elim oeqs) in
+ eliminate ((v |-> eq') (mapf elim dun)) (List.map elim oeqs) in
fun eqs ->
let assig = eliminate undefined eqs in
let vs = foldl (fun a x f -> subtract (dom f) [one] @ a) [] assig in
@@ -805,14 +804,14 @@ let solve_equations one eqs =
let newton_polytope pol =
let vars = poly_variables pol in
- let mons = map (fun m -> map (fun x -> monomial_degree x m) vars) (dom pol)
- and ds = map (fun x -> (degree x pol + 1) / 2) vars in
+ let mons = List.map (fun m -> List.map (fun x -> monomial_degree x m) vars) (dom pol)
+ and ds = List.map (fun x -> (degree x pol + 1) / 2) vars in
let all = itlist (fun n -> allpairs (fun h t -> h::t) (0--n)) ds [[]]
and mons' = minimal_convex_hull mons in
let all' =
- filter (fun m -> in_convex_hull mons' (map (fun x -> 2 * x) m)) all in
- map (fun m -> itlist2 (fun v i a -> if i = 0 then a else (v |-> i) a)
- vars m monomial_1) (rev all');;
+ List.filter (fun m -> in_convex_hull mons' (List.map (fun x -> 2 * x) m)) all in
+ List.map (fun m -> itlist2 (fun v i a -> if i = 0 then a else (v |-> i) a)
+ vars m monomial_1) (List.rev all');;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Diagonalize (Cholesky/LDU) the matrix corresponding to a quadratic form. *)
@@ -851,10 +850,10 @@ let deration d =
let a = foldl (fun a i c -> lcm_num a (denominator c)) (Int 1) (snd l) //
foldl (fun a i c -> gcd_num a (numerator c)) (Int 0) (snd l) in
(c // (a */ a)),mapa (fun x -> a */ x) l in
- let d' = map adj d in
+ let d' = List.map adj d in
let a = itlist ((o) lcm_num ( (o) denominator fst)) d' (Int 1) //
itlist ((o) gcd_num ( (o) numerator fst)) d' (Int 0) in
- (Int 1 // a),map (fun (c,l) -> (a */ c,l)) d';;
+ (Int 1 // a),List.map (fun (c,l) -> (a */ c,l)) d';;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Enumeration of monomials with given multidegree bound. *)
@@ -865,8 +864,8 @@ let rec enumerate_monomials d vars =
else if d = 0 then [undefined]
else if vars = [] then [monomial_1] else
let alts =
- map (fun k -> let oths = enumerate_monomials (d - k) (tl vars) in
- map (fun ks -> if k = 0 then ks else (hd vars |-> k) ks) oths)
+ List.map (fun k -> let oths = enumerate_monomials (d - k) (List.tl vars) in
+ List.map (fun ks -> if k = 0 then ks else (List.hd vars |-> k) ks) oths)
(0--d) in
end_itlist (@) alts;;
@@ -883,7 +882,7 @@ let rec enumerate_products d pols =
| (p,b)::ps -> let e = multidegree p in
if e = 0 then enumerate_products d ps else
enumerate_products d ps @
- map (fun (q,c) -> poly_mul p q,Product(b,c))
+ List.map (fun (q,c) -> poly_mul p q,Product(b,c))
(enumerate_products (d - e) ps);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -936,15 +935,15 @@ let sdpa_of_blockdiagonal k m =
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let sdpa_of_blockproblem comment nblocks blocksizes obj mats =
- let m = length mats - 1 in
+ let m = List.length mats - 1 in
"\"" ^ comment ^ "\"\n" ^
string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
string_of_int nblocks ^ "\n" ^
- (end_itlist (fun s t -> s^" "^t) (map string_of_int blocksizes)) ^
+ (end_itlist (fun s t -> s^" "^t) (List.map string_of_int blocksizes)) ^
"\n" ^
sdpa_of_vector obj ^
itlist2 (fun k m a -> sdpa_of_blockdiagonal (k - 1) m ^ a)
- (1--length mats) mats "";;
+ (1--List.length mats) mats "";;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Hence run CSDP on a problem in block diagonal form. *)
@@ -996,35 +995,35 @@ let bmatrix_sub m1 m2 = bmatrix_add m1 (bmatrix_neg m2);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let blocks blocksizes bm =
- map (fun (bs,b0) ->
+ List.map (fun (bs,b0) ->
let m = foldl
(fun a (b,i,j) c -> if b = b0 then ((i,j) |-> c) a else a)
undefined bm in
- (zip blocksizes (1--length blocksizes));;
+ (zip blocksizes (1--List.length blocksizes));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Positiv- and Nullstellensatz. Flag "linf" forces a linear representation. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
- let vars = itlist ((o) union poly_variables) (pol::eqs @ map fst leqs) [] in
+ let vars = itlist ((o) union poly_variables) (pol::eqs @ List.map fst leqs) [] in
let monoid =
if linf then
(poly_const num_1,Rational_lt num_1)::
- (filter (fun (p,c) -> multidegree p <= d) leqs)
+ (List.filter (fun (p,c) -> multidegree p <= d) leqs)
else enumerate_products d leqs in
- let nblocks = length monoid in
+ let nblocks = List.length monoid in
let mk_idmultiplier k p =
let e = d - multidegree p in
let mons = enumerate_monomials e vars in
- let nons = zip mons (1--length mons) in
+ let nons = zip mons (1--List.length mons) in
itlist (fun (m,n) -> (m |-> ((-k,-n,n) |=> Int 1))) nons undefined in
let mk_sqmultiplier k (p,c) =
let e = (d - multidegree p) / 2 in
let mons = enumerate_monomials e vars in
- let nons = zip mons (1--length mons) in
+ let nons = zip mons (1--List.length mons) in
itlist (fun (m1,n1) ->
itlist (fun (m2,n2) a ->
@@ -1035,9 +1034,9 @@ let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
(m |-> equation_add ((k,n1,n2) |=> c) e) a)
nons undefined in
- let sqmonlist,sqs = unzip(map2 mk_sqmultiplier (1--length monoid) monoid)
- and idmonlist,ids = unzip(map2 mk_idmultiplier (1--length eqs) eqs) in
- let blocksizes = map length sqmonlist in
+ let sqmonlist,sqs = unzip(List.map2 mk_sqmultiplier (1--List.length monoid) monoid)
+ and idmonlist,ids = unzip(List.map2 mk_idmultiplier (1--List.length eqs) eqs) in
+ let blocksizes = List.map List.length sqmonlist in
let bigsum =
itlist2 (fun p q a -> epoly_pmul p q a) eqs ids
(itlist2 (fun (p,c) s a -> epoly_pmul p s a) monoid sqs
@@ -1055,8 +1054,8 @@ let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
let diagents = foldl
(fun a (b,i,j) e -> if b > 0 & i = j then equation_add e a else a)
undefined allassig in
- let mats = map mk_matrix qvars
- and obj = length pvs,
+ let mats = List.map mk_matrix qvars
+ and obj = List.length pvs,
itern 1 pvs (fun v i -> (i |--> tryapplyd diagents v (Int 0)))
undefined in
let raw_vec = if pvs = [] then vector_0 0
@@ -1071,11 +1070,11 @@ let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
(fun i a -> bmatrix_add (bmatrix_cmul (element vec i) (el i mats)) a)
(bmatrix_neg (el 0 mats)) in
let allmats = blocks blocksizes blockmat in
- vec,map diag allmats in
+ vec,List.map diag allmats in
let vec,ratdias =
if pvs = [] then find_rounding num_1
- else tryfind find_rounding (map Num.num_of_int (1--31) @
- map pow2 (5--66)) in
+ else tryfind find_rounding (List.map Num.num_of_int (1--31) @
+ List.map pow2 (5--66)) in
let newassigs =
itlist (fun k -> el (k - 1) pvs |-> element vec k)
(1--dim vec) ((0,0,0) |=> Int(-1)) in
@@ -1088,11 +1087,11 @@ let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
let mk_sos mons =
let mk_sq (c,m) =
c,itlist (fun k a -> (el (k - 1) mons |--> element m k) a)
- (1--length mons) undefined in
- map mk_sq in
- let sqs = map2 mk_sos sqmonlist ratdias
- and cfs = map poly_of_epoly ids in
- let msq = filter (fun (a,b) -> b <> []) (map2 (fun a b -> a,b) monoid sqs) in
+ (1--List.length mons) undefined in
+ List.map mk_sq in
+ let sqs = List.map2 mk_sos sqmonlist ratdias
+ and cfs = List.map poly_of_epoly ids in
+ let msq = List.filter (fun (a,b) -> b <> []) (List.map2 (fun a b -> a,b) monoid sqs) in
let eval_sq sqs = itlist
(fun (c,q) -> poly_add (poly_cmul c (poly_mul q q))) sqs poly_0 in
let sanity =
@@ -1100,7 +1099,7 @@ let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
(itlist2 (fun p q -> poly_add (poly_mul p q)) cfs eqs
(poly_neg pol)) in
if not(is_undefined sanity) then raise Sanity else
- cfs,map (fun (a,b) -> snd a,b) msq;;
+ cfs,List.map (fun (a,b) -> snd a,b) msq;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Iterative deepening. *)
@@ -1138,7 +1137,7 @@ let monomial_order =
else lexorder mon1 mon2;;
let dest_poly p =
- map (fun (m,c) -> c,dest_monomial m)
+ List.map (fun (m,c) -> c,dest_monomial m)
(sort (fun (m1,_) (m2,_) -> monomial_order m1 m2) (graph p));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1164,7 +1163,7 @@ let term_of_cmonomial =
let term_of_poly =
fun p ->
if p = poly_0 then Zero else
- let cms = map term_of_cmonomial
+ let cms = List.map term_of_cmonomial
(sort (fun (m1,_) (m2,_) -> monomial_order m1 m2) (graph p)) in
end_itlist (fun t1 t2 -> Add (t1,t2)) cms;;
@@ -1173,7 +1172,7 @@ let term_of_sqterm (c,p) =
let term_of_sos (pr,sqs) =
if sqs = [] then pr
- else Product(pr,end_itlist (fun a b -> Sum(a,b)) (map term_of_sqterm sqs));;
+ else Product(pr,end_itlist (fun a b -> Sum(a,b)) (List.map term_of_sqterm sqs));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Interface to HOL. *)
@@ -1371,14 +1370,14 @@ let SOS_RULE tm =
let rec allpermutations l =
if l = [] then [[]] else
- itlist (fun h acc -> map (fun t -> h::t)
+ itlist (fun h acc -> List.map (fun t -> h::t)
(allpermutations (subtract l [h])) @ acc) l [];;
let allvarorders l =
- map (fun vlis x -> index x vlis) (allpermutations l);;
+ List.map (fun vlis x -> index x vlis) (allpermutations l);;
let changevariables_monomial zoln (m:monomial) =
- foldl (fun a x k -> (assoc x zoln |-> k) a) monomial_1 m;;
+ foldl (fun a x k -> (List.assoc x zoln |-> k) a) monomial_1 m;;
let changevariables zoln pol =
foldl (fun a m c -> (changevariables_monomial zoln m |-> c) a)
@@ -1390,7 +1389,7 @@ let changevariables zoln pol =
let sdpa_of_vector (v:vector) =
let n = dim v in
- let strs = map (o (decimalize 20) (element v)) (1--n) in
+ let strs = List.map (o (decimalize 20) (element v)) (1--n) in
end_itlist (fun x y -> x ^ " " ^ y) strs ^ "\n";;
let sdpa_of_blockdiagonal k m =
@@ -1412,15 +1411,15 @@ let sdpa_of_matrix k (m:matrix) =
" " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) mss "";;
let sdpa_of_problem comment obj mats =
- let m = length mats - 1
- and n,_ = dimensions (hd mats) in
+ let m = List.length mats - 1
+ and n,_ = dimensions (List.hd mats) in
"\"" ^ comment ^ "\"\n" ^
string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
"1\n" ^
string_of_int n ^ "\n" ^
sdpa_of_vector obj ^
itlist2 (fun k m a -> sdpa_of_matrix (k - 1) m ^ a)
- (1--length mats) mats "";;
+ (1--List.length mats) mats "";;
let run_csdp dbg obj mats =
let input_file = Filename.temp_file "sos" ".dat-s" in
@@ -1455,33 +1454,33 @@ let csdp obj mats =
let sumofsquares_general_symmetry tool pol =
let vars = poly_variables pol
and lpps = newton_polytope pol in
- let n = length lpps in
+ let n = List.length lpps in
let sym_eqs =
- let invariants = filter
+ let invariants = List.filter
(fun vars' ->
is_undefined(poly_sub pol (changevariables (zip vars vars') pol)))
(allpermutations vars) in
- let lpns = zip lpps (1--length lpps) in
+ let lpns = zip lpps (1--List.length lpps) in
let lppcs =
- filter (fun (m,(n1,n2)) -> n1 <= n2)
+ List.filter (fun (m,(n1,n2)) -> n1 <= n2)
(fun (m1,n1) (m2,n2) -> (m1,m2),(n1,n2)) lpns lpns) in
let clppcs = end_itlist (@)
- (map (fun ((m1,m2),(n1,n2)) ->
- map (fun vars' ->
+ (List.map (fun ((m1,m2),(n1,n2)) ->
+ List.map (fun vars' ->
(changevariables_monomial (zip vars vars') m1,
changevariables_monomial (zip vars vars') m2),(n1,n2))
lppcs) in
- let clppcs_dom = setify(map fst clppcs) in
- let clppcs_cls = map (fun d -> filter (fun (e,_) -> e = d) clppcs)
+ let clppcs_dom = setify(List.map fst clppcs) in
+ let clppcs_cls = List.map (fun d -> List.filter (fun (e,_) -> e = d) clppcs)
clppcs_dom in
- let eqvcls = map (o setify (map snd)) clppcs_cls in
+ let eqvcls = List.map (o setify (List.map snd)) clppcs_cls in
let mk_eq cls acc =
match cls with
[] -> raise Sanity
| [h] -> acc
- | h::t -> map (fun k -> (k |-> Int(-1)) (h |=> Int 1)) t @ acc in
+ | h::t -> List.map (fun k -> (k |-> Int(-1)) (h |=> Int 1)) t @ acc in
itlist mk_eq eqvcls [] in
let eqs = foldl (fun a x y -> y::a) []
(itern 1 lpps (fun m1 n1 ->
@@ -1497,15 +1496,15 @@ let sumofsquares_general_symmetry tool pol =
let allassig = itlist (fun v -> (v |-> (v |=> Int 1))) pvs assig in
let qvars = (0,0)::pvs in
let diagents =
- end_itlist equation_add (map (fun i -> apply allassig (i,i)) (1--n)) in
+ end_itlist equation_add (List.map (fun i -> apply allassig (i,i)) (1--n)) in
let mk_matrix v =
foldl (fun m (i,j) ass -> let c = tryapplyd ass v (Int 0) in
if c =/ Int 0 then m else
((j,i) |-> c) (((i,j) |-> c) m))
undefined allassig :matrix) in
- let mats = map mk_matrix qvars
- and obj = length pvs,
+ let mats = List.map mk_matrix qvars
+ and obj = List.length pvs,
itern 1 pvs (fun v i -> (i |--> tryapplyd diagents v (Int 0)))
undefined in
let raw_vec = if pvs = [] then vector_0 0 else tool obj mats in
@@ -1524,12 +1523,12 @@ let sumofsquares_general_symmetry tool pol =
let mat = matrix_neg (el 0 mats) in
deration(diag mat)
- tryfind find_rounding (map Num.num_of_int (1--31) @
- map pow2 (5--66)) in
+ tryfind find_rounding (List.map Num.num_of_int (1--31) @
+ List.map pow2 (5--66)) in
let poly_of_lin(d,v) =
d,foldl(fun a i c -> (el (i - 1) lpps |-> c) a) undefined (snd v) in
- let lins = map poly_of_lin dia in
- let sqs = map (fun (d,l) -> poly_mul (poly_const d) (poly_pow l 2)) lins in
+ let lins = List.map poly_of_lin dia in
+ let sqs = List.map (fun (d,l) -> poly_mul (poly_const d) (poly_pow l 2)) lins in
let sos = poly_cmul rat (end_itlist poly_add sqs) in
if is_undefined(poly_sub sos pol) then rat,lins else raise Sanity;;
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/sos_lib.ml b/plugins/micromega/sos_lib.ml
index baf90d4da..e592611ac 100644
--- a/plugins/micromega/sos_lib.ml
+++ b/plugins/micromega/sos_lib.ml
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
(* ========================================================================= *)
open Sos_types
open Num
-open List
let debugging = ref false;;
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ let lcm_num x y =
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec el n l =
- if n = 0 then hd l else el (n - 1) (tl l);;
+ if n = 0 then List.hd l else el (n - 1) (List.tl l);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ let insert x l =
let union l1 l2 = itlist insert l1 l2;;
-let subtract l1 l2 = filter (fun x -> not (mem x l2)) l1;;
+let subtract l1 l2 = List.filter (fun x -> not (mem x l2)) l1;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Merging and bottom-up mergesort. *)
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ let rec sort cmp lis =
match lis with
[] -> []
| piv::rest ->
- let r,l = partition (cmp piv) rest in
+ let r,l = List.partition (cmp piv) rest in
(sort cmp l) @ (piv::(sort cmp r));;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -416,7 +415,7 @@ let (|=>) = fun x y -> (x |-> y) undefined;;
let rec choose t =
match t with
Empty -> failwith "choose: completely undefined function"
- | Leaf(h,l) -> hd l
+ | Leaf(h,l) -> List.hd l
| Branch(b,p,t1,t2) -> choose t1;;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -583,7 +582,7 @@ let strings_of_file filename =
let rec suck_lines acc =
try let l = Pervasives.input_line fd in
suck_lines (l::acc)
- with End_of_file -> rev acc in
+ with End_of_file -> List.rev acc in
let data = suck_lines [] in
(Pervasives.close_in fd; data);;
diff --git a/plugins/nsatz/ideal.ml b/plugins/nsatz/ideal.ml
index b635fd1fc..55980b330 100644
--- a/plugins/nsatz/ideal.ml
+++ b/plugins/nsatz/ideal.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ a polynomial is a sorted list of (coefficient, monomial)
open Utile
-open List
exception NotInIdeal
@@ -219,9 +218,9 @@ let equal =
(fun (c1,m1) (c2,m2) -> P.equal c1 c2 && m1=m2)
let hash p =
- let c = map fst p in
- let m = map snd p in
- fold_left (fun h p -> h * 17 + P.hash p) (Hashtbl.hash m) c
+ let c = List.map fst p in
+ let m = List.map snd p in
+ List.fold_left (fun h p -> h * 17 + P.hash p) (Hashtbl.hash m) c
module Hashpol = Hashtbl.Make(
@@ -236,8 +235,8 @@ module Hashpol = Hashtbl.Make(
open Format
let getvar lv i =
- try (nth lv i)
- with _ -> (fold_left (fun r x -> r^" "^x) "lv= " lv)
+ try (List.nth lv i)
+ with _ -> (List.fold_left (fun r x -> r^" "^x) "lv= " lv)
^" i="^(string_of_int i)
let string_of_pol zeroP hdP tlP coefterm monterm string_of_coef
@@ -362,8 +361,8 @@ let stringPcut p =
let res =
- if (length p)> !nsP2
- then (stringP [hd p])^" + "^(string_of_int (length p))^" terms"
+ if (List.length p)> !nsP2
+ then (stringP [List.hd p])^" + "^(string_of_int (List.length p))^" terms"
else stringP p in
(*Polynomesrec.nsP1:= max_int;*)
nsP2:= max_int;
@@ -462,7 +461,7 @@ let puisP p n=
match p with
[] -> []
|_ ->
- let d = nvar (snd (hd p)) in
+ let d = nvar (snd (List.hd p)) in
let rec puisP n =
match n with
0 -> [coef1, Array.create (d+1) 0]
@@ -483,7 +482,7 @@ let contentPlist lp =
match lp with
|[] -> coef1
|p::l1 ->
- fold_left
+ List.fold_left
(fun r q ->
if P.equal r coef1 || P.equal r coefm1
then r
@@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ let polynom0 = {pol = ref []; num = 0; sugar = 0}
let ppol p = !(p.pol)
-let lm p = snd (hd (ppol p))
+let lm p = snd (List.hd (ppol p))
let nallpol = ref 0
@@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ let new_allpol p s =
let rec selectdiv m l =
match l with
[] -> polynom0
- |q::r -> let m'= snd (hd (ppol q)) in
+ |q::r -> let m'= snd (List.hd (ppol q)) in
match (div_mon_test m m') with
true -> q
|false -> selectdiv m r
@@ -549,7 +548,7 @@ let div_coef a b = P.divP a b
(* remainder r of the division of p by polynomials of l, returns (c,r) where c is the coefficient for pseudo-division : c p = sum_i q_i p_i + r *)
let reduce2 p l =
- let l = if nouveaux_pol_en_tete then rev l else l in
+ let l = if nouveaux_pol_en_tete then List.rev l else l in
let rec reduce p =
match p with
[] -> (coef1,[])
@@ -600,8 +599,8 @@ let coefpoldep_set p q c =
let initcoefpoldep d lp =
- poldepcontent:= map (fun p -> contentP (ppol p)) lp;
- iter
+ poldepcontent:= List.map (fun p -> contentP (ppol p)) lp;
+ List.iter
(fun p -> coefpoldep_set p p (polconst d (coef_of_int 1)))
@@ -609,7 +608,7 @@ let initcoefpoldep d lp =
divides without pseudodivisions *)
let reduce2_trace p l lcp =
- let l = if nouveaux_pol_en_tete then rev l else l in
+ let l = if nouveaux_pol_en_tete then List.rev l else l in
(* rend (lq,r), ou r = p + sum(lq) *)
let rec reduce p =
match p with
@@ -645,10 +644,10 @@ let reduce2_trace p l lcp =
info ((stringP x)^"\n"))
info "ok\n";*)
- (map2
+ (List.map2
(fun c0 q ->
let c =
- fold_left
+ List.fold_left
(fun x (a,m,s) ->
if equal (ppol s) (ppol q)
@@ -671,7 +670,7 @@ let pol_courant = ref polynom0
let sugar_flag = ref true
let compute_sugar p =
- fold_left (fun s (a,m) -> max s m.(0)) 0 p
+ List.fold_left (fun s (a,m) -> max s m.(0)) 0 p
let mk_polynom p =
new_allpol p (compute_sugar p)
@@ -679,12 +678,12 @@ let mk_polynom p =
let spol ps qs=
let p = ppol ps in
let q = ppol qs in
- let m = snd (hd p) in
- let m'= snd (hd q) in
- let a = fst (hd p) in
- let b = fst (hd q) in
- let p'= tl p in
- let q'= tl q in
+ let m = snd (List.hd p) in
+ let m'= snd (List.hd q) in
+ let a = fst (List.hd p) in
+ let b = fst (List.hd q) in
+ let p'= List.tl p in
+ let q'= List.tl q in
let c = (pgcdpos a b) in
let m''=(ppcm_mon m m') in
let m1 = div_mon m'' m in
@@ -708,8 +707,8 @@ let spol ps qs=
let etrangers p p'=
- let m = snd (hd p) in
- let m'= snd (hd p') in
+ let m = snd (List.hd p) in
+ let m'= snd (List.hd p') in
let d = nvar m in
let res=ref true in
let i=ref 1 in
@@ -722,9 +721,9 @@ let etrangers p p'=
(* teste if head monomial of p'' divides lcm of lhead monomials of p and p' *)
let div_ppcm p p' p'' =
- let m = snd (hd p) in
- let m'= snd (hd p') in
- let m''= snd (hd p'') in
+ let m = snd (List.hd p) in
+ let m'= snd (List.hd p') in
+ let m''= snd (List.hd p'') in
let d = nvar m in
let res=ref true in
let i=ref 1 in
@@ -822,10 +821,10 @@ let ordcpair ((i1,j1),m1) ((i2,j2),m2) =
compare_mon m1 m2
let sortcpairs lcp =
- sort ordcpair lcp
+ List.sort ordcpair lcp
let mergecpairs l1 l2 =
- merge ordcpair l1 l2
+ List.merge ordcpair l1 l2
let ord i j =
if i<j then (i,j) else (j,i)
@@ -837,7 +836,7 @@ let cpair p q =
ppcm_mon (lm p) (lm q))]
let cpairs1 p lq =
- sortcpairs (fold_left (fun r q -> r @ (cpair p q)) [] lq)
+ sortcpairs (List.fold_left (fun r q -> r @ (cpair p q)) [] lq)
let cpairs lp =
let rec aux l =
@@ -848,18 +847,18 @@ let cpairs lp =
let critere2 ((i,j),m) lp lcp =
- exists
+ List.exists
(fun h ->
h.num <> i && h.num <> j
&& (div_mon_test m (lm h))
&& (let c1 = ord i h.num in
- not (exists (fun (c,_) -> c1 = c) lcp))
+ not (List.exists (fun (c,_) -> c1 = c) lcp))
&& (let c1 = ord j h.num in
- not (exists (fun (c,_) -> c1 = c) lcp)))
+ not (List.exists (fun (c,_) -> c1 = c) lcp)))
let critere3 ((i,j),m) lp lcp =
- exists
+ List.exists
(fun h ->
h.num <> i && h.num <> j
&& (div_mon_test m (lm h))
@@ -880,8 +879,8 @@ let step = ref 0
let infobuch p q =
if !step = 0
- then (info ("[" ^ (string_of_int (length p))
- ^ "," ^ (string_of_int (length q))
+ then (info ("[" ^ (string_of_int (List.length p))
+ ^ "," ^ (string_of_int (List.length q))
^ "]"))
(* in lp new polynomials are at the end *)
@@ -899,13 +898,13 @@ let test_dans_ideal p lp lp0 =
pol_courant:= mk_polynom r;
if r=[]
then (info "polynomial reduced to 0\n";
- let lcp = map (fun q -> []) !poldep in
+ let lcp = List.map (fun q -> []) !poldep in
let c = !coef_courant in
let (lcq,r) = reduce2_trace (emultP c p) lp lcp in
info "r ok\n";
info ("r: "^(stringP r)^"\n");
let res=ref (emultP c p) in
- iter2
+ List.iter2
(fun cq q -> res:=plusP (!res) (multP cq (ppol q));
lcq !poldep;
@@ -915,22 +914,22 @@ let test_dans_ideal p lp lp0 =
match lp with
|[] -> []
|p::lp ->
- (map
+ (List.map
(fun q -> coefpoldep_find p q)
lp)::(aux lp)
let coefficient_multiplicateur = c in
- let liste_polynomes_de_depart = rev lp0 in
+ let liste_polynomes_de_depart = List.rev lp0 in
let polynome_a_tester = p in
let liste_des_coefficients_intermediaires =
- (let lci = rev (aux (rev lp)) in
+ (let lci = List.rev (aux (List.rev lp)) in
let lci = ref lci (* (map rev lci) *) in
- iter (fun x -> lci := tl (!lci)) lp0;
+ List.iter (fun x -> lci := List.tl (!lci)) lp0;
!lci) in
let liste_des_coefficients =
- map
+ List.map
(fun cq -> emultP (coef_of_int (-1)) cq)
- (rev lcq) in
+ (List.rev lcq) in
{coef = coefficient_multiplicateur;
@@ -945,7 +944,7 @@ let test_dans_ideal p lp lp0 =
let divide_rem_with_critical_pair = ref false
let list_diff l x =
- filter (fun y -> y <> x) l
+ List.filter (fun y -> y <> x) l
let deg_hom p =
match p with
@@ -983,12 +982,12 @@ let pbuchf pq p lp0=
(* info "pair reduced\n";*)
a.pol := emultP ca (ppol a);
let (lca,a0) = reduce2_trace (ppol a) lp
- (map (fun q -> emultP ca (coefpoldep_find a q))
+ (List.map (fun q -> emultP ca (coefpoldep_find a q))
!poldep) in
(* info "paire re-reduced";*)
a.pol := a0;
(* let a0 = new_allpol a0 sa in*)
- iter2 (fun c q ->
+ List.iter2 (fun c q ->
coefpoldep_remove a q;
coefpoldep_set a q c) lca !poldep;
let a0 = a in
@@ -1008,7 +1007,7 @@ let is_homogeneous p =
match p with
| [] -> true
| (a,m)::p1 -> let d = m.(0) in
- for_all (fun (b,m') -> m'.(0)=d) p1
+ List.for_all (fun (b,m') -> m'.(0)=d) p1
(* returns
@@ -1030,14 +1029,14 @@ let in_ideal d lp p =
Hashtbl.clear coefpoldep;
nallpol := 0;
allpol := Array.create 1000 polynom0;
- homogeneous := for_all is_homogeneous (p::lp);
+ homogeneous := List.for_all is_homogeneous (p::lp);
if !homogeneous then info "homogeneous polynomials\n";
info ("p: "^(stringPcut p)^"\n");
- info ("lp:\n"^(fold_left (fun r p -> r^(stringPcut p)^"\n") "" lp));
+ info ("lp:\n"^(List.fold_left (fun r p -> r^(stringPcut p)^"\n") "" lp));
(*info ("p: "^(stringP p)^"\n");
info ("lp:\n"^(fold_left (fun r p -> r^(stringP p)^"\n") "" lp));*)
- let lp = map mk_polynom lp in
+ let lp = List.map mk_polynom lp in
let p = mk_polynom p in
initcoefpoldep d lp;
@@ -1048,7 +1047,7 @@ let in_ideal d lp p =
with NotInIdeal -> pbuchf (lp, (cpairs lp)) p lp in
info "computed\n";
- (map ppol lp1, p1, cert)
+ (List.map ppol lp1, p1, cert)
(* *)
diff --git a/pretyping/pretyping.ml b/pretyping/pretyping.ml
index a494e2f93..254adb5f6 100644
--- a/pretyping/pretyping.ml
+++ b/pretyping/pretyping.ml
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ open Libnames
open Globnames
open Nameops
open Classops
-open List
open Recordops
open Evarutil
open Pretype_errors
diff --git a/toplevel/obligations.ml b/toplevel/obligations.ml
index 0d6bc39f3..4711d9f6d 100644
--- a/toplevel/obligations.ml
+++ b/toplevel/obligations.ml
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ open Term
open Sign
open Names
open Evd
-open List
open Pp
open Errors
open Util
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ let etype_of_evar evs hyps concl =
| [] ->
let t', s, trans = subst_evar_constr evs n mkVar concl in
subst_vars acc 0 t', s, trans
- in aux [] 0 (rev hyps)
+ in aux [] 0 (List.rev hyps)
open Tacticals
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ let eterm_obligations env name evm fs ?status t ty =
let evts =
(* Remove existential variables in types and build the corresponding products *)
- fold_right
+ List.fold_right
(fun (id, (n, nstr), ev) l ->
let hyps = Evd.evar_filtered_context ev in
let hyps = trunc_named_context nc_len hyps in