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31 files changed, 1402 insertions, 1791 deletions
diff --git a/checker/cic.mli b/checker/cic.mli
index fd3351674..0b732e4b9 100644
--- a/checker/cic.mli
+++ b/checker/cic.mli
@@ -276,8 +276,30 @@ type mutual_inductive_body = {
mind_native_name : native_name ref; (** status of the code (linked or not, and where) *)
-(** {6 Modules: signature component specifications, module types, and
- module declarations } *)
+(** {6 Module declarations } *)
+(** Functor expressions are forced to be on top of other expressions *)
+type ('ty,'a) functorize =
+ | NoFunctor of 'a
+ | MoreFunctor of MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty,'a) functorize
+(** The fully-algebraic module expressions : names, applications, 'with ...'.
+ They correspond to the user entries of non-interactive modules.
+ They will be later expanded into module structures in [Mod_typing],
+ and won't play any role into the kernel after that : they are kept
+ only for short module printing and for extraction. *)
+type with_declaration =
+ | WithMod of Id.t list * module_path
+ | WithDef of Id.t list * constr
+type module_alg_expr =
+ | MEident of module_path
+ | MEapply of module_alg_expr * module_path
+ | MEwith of module_alg_expr * with_declaration
+(** A component of a module structure *)
type structure_field_body =
| SFBconst of constant_body
@@ -285,45 +307,51 @@ type structure_field_body =
| SFBmodule of module_body
| SFBmodtype of module_type_body
-and structure_body = (label * structure_field_body) list
+(** A module structure is a list of labeled components.
+ Note : we may encounter now (at most) twice the same label in
+ a [structure_body], once for a module ([SFBmodule] or [SFBmodtype])
+ and once for an object ([SFBconst] or [SFBmind]) *)
+and structure_body = (Label.t * structure_field_body) list
+(** A module signature is a structure, with possibly functors on top of it *)
+and module_signature = (module_type_body,structure_body) functorize
+(** A module expression is an algebraic expression, possibly functorized. *)
+and module_expression = (module_type_body,module_alg_expr) functorize
-and struct_expr_body =
- | SEBident of module_path
- | SEBfunctor of MBId.t * module_type_body * struct_expr_body
- | SEBapply of struct_expr_body * struct_expr_body * Univ.constraints
- | SEBstruct of structure_body
- | SEBwith of struct_expr_body * with_declaration_body
+and module_implementation =
+ | Abstract (** no accessible implementation *)
+ | Algebraic of module_expression (** non-interactive algebraic expression *)
+ | Struct of module_signature (** interactive body *)
+ | FullStruct (** special case of [Struct] : the body is exactly [mod_type] *)
-and with_declaration_body =
- With_module_body of Id.t list * module_path
- | With_definition_body of Id.t list * constant_body
and module_body =
- { (** absolute path of the module *)
- mod_mp : module_path;
- (** Implementation *)
- mod_expr : struct_expr_body option;
- (** Signature *)
- mod_type : struct_expr_body;
- (** algebraic structure expression is kept
- if it's relevant for extraction *)
- mod_type_alg : struct_expr_body option;
- (** set of all constraint in the module *)
- mod_constraints : Univ.constraints;
- (** quotiented set of equivalent constant and inductive name *)
- mod_delta : delta_resolver;
- mod_retroknowledge : action list}
+ { mod_mp : module_path; (** absolute path of the module *)
+ mod_expr : module_implementation; (** implementation *)
+ mod_type : module_signature; (** expanded type *)
+ (** algebraic type, kept if it's relevant for extraction *)
+ mod_type_alg : module_expression option;
+ (** set of all constraints in the module *)
+ mod_constraints : Univ.constraints;
+ (** quotiented set of equivalent constants and inductive names *)
+ mod_delta : delta_resolver;
+ mod_retroknowledge : action list }
+(** A [module_type_body] is similar to a [module_body], with
+ no implementation and retroknowledge fields *)
and module_type_body =
- {
- (** Path of the module type *)
- typ_mp : module_path;
- typ_expr : struct_expr_body;
- (** algebraic structure expression is kept
- if it's relevant for extraction *)
- typ_expr_alg : struct_expr_body option ;
- typ_constraints : Univ.constraints;
- (** quotiented set of equivalent constant and inductive name *)
- typ_delta : delta_resolver}
+ { typ_mp : module_path; (** path of the module type *)
+ typ_expr : module_signature; (** expanded type *)
+ (** algebraic expression, kept if it's relevant for extraction *)
+ typ_expr_alg : module_expression option;
+ typ_constraints : Univ.constraints;
+ (** quotiented set of equivalent constants and inductive names *)
+ typ_delta : delta_resolver}
diff --git a/checker/declarations.ml b/checker/declarations.ml
index 0981cfd1a..eec76ba39 100644
--- a/checker/declarations.ml
+++ b/checker/declarations.ml
@@ -529,71 +529,50 @@ let subst_mind sub mib =
(* Modules *)
-let rec subst_with_body sub = function
- | With_module_body(id,mp) ->
- With_module_body(id,subst_mp sub mp)
- | With_definition_body(id,cb) ->
- With_definition_body( id,subst_const_body sub cb)
+let rec functor_map fty f0 = function
+ | NoFunctor a -> NoFunctor (f0 a)
+ | MoreFunctor (mbid,ty,e) -> MoreFunctor(mbid,fty ty,functor_map fty f0 e)
+let implem_map fs fa = function
+ | Struct s -> Struct (fs s)
+ | Algebraic a -> Algebraic (fa a)
+ | impl -> impl
+let subst_with_body sub = function
+ | WithMod(id,mp) -> WithMod(id,subst_mp sub mp)
+ | WithDef(id,c) -> WithDef(id,subst_mps sub c)
+let rec subst_expr sub = function
+ | MEident mp -> MEident (subst_mp sub mp)
+ | MEapply (me1,mp2)-> MEapply (subst_expr sub me1, subst_mp sub mp2)
+ | MEwith (me,wd)-> MEwith (subst_expr sub me, subst_with_body sub wd)
+let rec subst_expression sub me =
+ functor_map (subst_modtype sub) (subst_expr sub) me
+and subst_signature sub sign =
+ functor_map (subst_modtype sub) (subst_structure sub) sign
and subst_modtype sub mtb=
- let typ_expr' = subst_struct_expr sub mtb.typ_expr in
- let typ_alg' =
- Option.smartmap
- (subst_struct_expr sub) mtb.typ_expr_alg in
- let mp = subst_mp sub mtb.typ_mp
- in
- if typ_expr'==mtb.typ_expr &&
- typ_alg'==mtb.typ_expr_alg && mp==mtb.typ_mp then
- mtb
- else
- {mtb with
- typ_mp = mp;
- typ_expr = typ_expr';
- typ_expr_alg = typ_alg'}
+ { mtb with
+ typ_mp = subst_mp sub mtb.typ_mp;
+ typ_expr = subst_signature sub mtb.typ_expr;
+ typ_expr_alg = Option.smartmap (subst_expression sub) mtb.typ_expr_alg }
-and subst_structure sub sign =
+and subst_structure sub struc =
let subst_body = function
- SFBconst cb ->
- SFBconst (subst_const_body sub cb)
- | SFBmind mib ->
- SFBmind (subst_mind sub mib)
- | SFBmodule mb ->
- SFBmodule (subst_module sub mb)
- | SFBmodtype mtb ->
- SFBmodtype (subst_modtype sub mtb)
+ | SFBconst cb -> SFBconst (subst_const_body sub cb)
+ | SFBmind mib -> SFBmind (subst_mind sub mib)
+ | SFBmodule mb -> SFBmodule (subst_module sub mb)
+ | SFBmodtype mtb -> SFBmodtype (subst_modtype sub mtb)
- List.map (fun (l,b) -> (l,subst_body b)) sign
+ List.map (fun (l,b) -> (l,subst_body b)) struc
and subst_module sub mb =
- let mtb' = subst_struct_expr sub mb.mod_type in
- let typ_alg' = Option.smartmap
- (subst_struct_expr sub ) mb.mod_type_alg in
- let me' = Option.smartmap
- (subst_struct_expr sub) mb.mod_expr in
- let mp = subst_mp sub mb.mod_mp in
- if mtb'==mb.mod_type && mb.mod_expr == me'
- && mp == mb.mod_mp
- then mb else
- { mb with
- mod_mp = mp;
- mod_expr = me';
- mod_type_alg = typ_alg';
- mod_type=mtb'}
-and subst_struct_expr sub = function
- | SEBident mp -> SEBident (subst_mp sub mp)
- | SEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb') ->
- SEBfunctor(mbid,subst_modtype sub mtb
- ,subst_struct_expr sub meb')
- | SEBstruct (str)->
- SEBstruct( subst_structure sub str)
- | SEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst)->
- SEBapply(subst_struct_expr sub meb1,
- subst_struct_expr sub meb2,
- cst)
- | SEBwith (meb,wdb)->
- SEBwith(subst_struct_expr sub meb,
- subst_with_body sub wdb)
+ { mb with
+ mod_mp = subst_mp sub mb.mod_mp;
+ mod_expr =
+ implem_map (subst_signature sub) (subst_expression sub) mb.mod_expr;
+ mod_type = subst_signature sub mb.mod_type;
+ mod_type_alg = Option.map (subst_expression sub) mb.mod_type_alg }
diff --git a/checker/declarations.mli b/checker/declarations.mli
index 64234e8cd..ab74114d5 100644
--- a/checker/declarations.mli
+++ b/checker/declarations.mli
@@ -37,9 +37,7 @@ val mind_of_delta : delta_resolver -> mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive
val subst_const_body : constant_body subst_fun
val subst_mind : mutual_inductive_body subst_fun
-val subst_modtype : substitution -> module_type_body -> module_type_body
-val subst_struct_expr : substitution -> struct_expr_body -> struct_expr_body
-val subst_structure : substitution -> structure_body -> structure_body
+val subst_signature : substitution -> module_signature -> module_signature
val subst_module : substitution -> module_body -> module_body
val join : substitution -> substitution -> substitution
diff --git a/checker/mod_checking.ml b/checker/mod_checking.ml
index 66f1194d3..b0f20da70 100644
--- a/checker/mod_checking.ml
+++ b/checker/mod_checking.ml
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ open Subtyping
open Declarations
open Environ
-(* Checking constants *)
+(** {6 Checking constants } *)
let refresh_arity ar =
let ctxt, hd = decompose_prod_assum ar in
@@ -43,339 +42,95 @@ let check_constant_declaration env kn cb =
check_polymorphic_arity env ctxt par);
add_constant kn cb env
-(* Checking modules *)
+(** {6 Checking modules } *)
-exception Not_path
-let path_of_mexpr = function
- | SEBident mp -> mp
- | _ -> raise Not_path
-let is_modular = function
- | SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ -> true
- | SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ -> false
-let rec list_split_assoc ((k,m) as km) rev_before = function
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | (k',b)::after when k=k' && is_modular b = m -> rev_before,b,after
- | h::tail -> list_split_assoc km (h::rev_before) tail
-let check_definition_sub env cb1 cb2 =
- let check_type env t1 t2 =
- (* If the type of a constant is generated, it may mention
- non-variable algebraic universes that the general conversion
- algorithm is not ready to handle. Anyway, generated types of
- constants are functions of the body of the constant. If the
- bodies are the same in environments that are subtypes one of
- the other, the types are subtypes too (i.e. if Gamma <= Gamma',
- Gamma |- A |> T, Gamma |- A' |> T' and Gamma |- A=A' then T <= T').
- Hence they don't have to be checked again *)
- let t1,t2 =
- if isArity t2 then
- let (ctx2,s2) = destArity t2 in
- match s2 with
- | Type v when not (Univ.is_univ_variable v) ->
- (* The type in the interface is inferred and is made of algebraic
- universes *)
- begin try
- let (ctx1,s1) = dest_arity env t1 in
- match s1 with
- | Type u when not (Univ.is_univ_variable u) ->
- (* Both types are inferred, no need to recheck them. We
- cheat and collapse the types to Prop *)
- mkArity (ctx1,Prop Null), mkArity (ctx2,Prop Null)
- | Prop _ ->
- (* The type in the interface is inferred, it may be the case
- that the type in the implementation is smaller because
- the body is more reduced. We safely collapse the upper
- type to Prop *)
- mkArity (ctx1,Prop Null), mkArity (ctx2,Prop Null)
- | Type _ ->
- (* The type in the interface is inferred and the type in the
- implementation is not inferred or is inferred but from a
- more reduced body so that it is just a variable. Since
- constraints of the form "univ <= max(...)" are not
- expressible in the system of algebraic universes: we fail
- (the user has to use an explicit type in the interface *)
- raise Reduction.NotConvertible
- with UserError _ (* "not an arity" *) ->
- raise Reduction.NotConvertible end
- | _ -> t1,t2
- else
- (t1,t2) in
- Reduction.conv_leq env t1 t2
- in
- (*Start by checking types*)
- let typ1 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb1.const_type in
- let typ2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
- check_type env typ1 typ2;
- (* In the spirit of subtyping.check_constant, we accept
- any implementations of parameters and opaques terms,
- as long as they have the right type *)
- (match cb2.const_body with
- | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> ()
- | Def lc2 ->
- (match cb1.const_body with
- | Def lc1 ->
- let c1 = force_constr lc1 in
- let c2 = force_constr lc2 in
- Reduction.conv env c1 c2
- (* Coq only places transparent cb in With_definition_body *)
- | _ -> assert false))
-let lookup_modtype mp env =
- try Environ.lookup_modtype mp env
- with Not_found ->
- failwith ("Unknown module type: "^string_of_mp mp)
+(** We currently ignore the [mod_type_alg] and [typ_expr_alg] fields.
+ The only delicate part is when [mod_expr] is an algebraic expression :
+ we need to expand it before checking it is indeed a subtype of [mod_type].
+ Fortunately, [mod_expr] cannot contain any [MEwith]. *)
let lookup_module mp env =
try Environ.lookup_module mp env
with Not_found ->
failwith ("Unknown module: "^string_of_mp mp)
-let rec check_with env mtb with_decl mp=
- match with_decl with
- | With_definition_body (idl,c) ->
- check_with_def env mtb (idl,c) mp;
- mtb
- | With_module_body (idl,mp1) ->
- check_with_mod env mtb (idl,mp1) mp;
- mtb
-and check_with_def env mtb (idl,c) mp =
- let sig_b = match mtb with
- | SEBstruct(sig_b) ->
- sig_b
- | _ -> error_signature_expected mtb
+let rec check_module env mp mb =
+ let (_:module_signature) =
+ check_signature env mb.mod_type mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta
- let id,idl = match idl with
- | [] -> assert false
- | id::idl -> id,idl
+ let optsign = match mb.mod_expr with
+ |Struct sign -> Some (check_signature env sign mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta)
+ |Algebraic me -> Some (check_mexpression env me mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta)
+ |Abstract|FullStruct -> None
- let l = Label.of_id id in
- try
- let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc (l,(idl<>[])) [] sig_b in
- let before = List.rev rev_before in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp before empty_delta_resolver env in
- if idl = [] then
- let cb = match spec with
- SFBconst cb -> cb
- | _ -> error_not_a_constant l
- in
- check_definition_sub env' c cb
- else
- let old = match spec with
- SFBmodule msb -> msb
- | _ -> error_not_a_module l
- in
- begin
- match old.mod_expr with
- | None ->
- check_with_def env' old.mod_type (idl,c) (MPdot(mp,l))
- | Some msb ->
- error_a_generative_module_expected l
- end
- with
- Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
- | Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_with_incorrect l
-and check_with_mod env mtb (idl,mp1) mp =
- let sig_b =
- match mtb with
- | SEBstruct(sig_b) ->
- sig_b
- | _ -> error_signature_expected mtb in
- let id,idl = match idl with
- | [] -> assert false
- | id::idl -> id,idl
- in
- let l = Label.of_id id in
- try
- let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc (l,false) [] sig_b in
- let before = List.rev rev_before in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp before empty_delta_resolver env in
- if idl = [] then
- let _ = match spec with
- SFBmodule msb -> msb
- | _ -> error_not_a_module l
- in
- let (_:module_body) = (Environ.lookup_module mp1 env) in ()
- else
- let old = match spec with
- SFBmodule msb -> msb
- | _ -> error_not_a_module l
- in
- begin
- match old.mod_expr with
- None ->
- check_with_mod env'
- old.mod_type (idl,mp1) (MPdot(mp,l))
- | Some msb ->
- error_a_generative_module_expected l
- end
- with
- Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
- | Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_with_incorrect l
+ match optsign with
+ |None -> ()
+ |Some sign ->
+ let mtb1 =
+ {typ_mp=mp;
+ typ_expr=sign;
+ typ_expr_alg=None;
+ typ_constraints=Univ.empty_constraint;
+ typ_delta = mb.mod_delta;}
+ and mtb2 =
+ {typ_mp=mp;
+ typ_expr=mb.mod_type;
+ typ_expr_alg=None;
+ typ_constraints=Univ.empty_constraint;
+ typ_delta = mb.mod_delta;}
+ in
+ let env = add_module_type mp mtb1 env in
+ Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb1 mtb2
and check_module_type env mty =
- let (_:struct_expr_body) =
- check_modtype env mty.typ_expr mty.typ_mp mty.typ_delta in
+ let (_:module_signature) =
+ check_signature env mty.typ_expr mty.typ_mp mty.typ_delta in
-and check_module env mp mb =
- match mb.mod_expr, mb.mod_type with
- | None,mtb ->
- let (_:struct_expr_body) =
- check_modtype env mtb mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in ()
- | Some mexpr, mtb when mtb==mexpr ->
- let (_:struct_expr_body) =
- check_modtype env mtb mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in ()
- | Some mexpr, _ ->
- let sign = check_modexpr env mexpr mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in
- let (_:struct_expr_body) =
- check_modtype env mb.mod_type mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in
- let mtb1 =
- {typ_mp=mp;
- typ_expr=sign;
- typ_expr_alg=None;
- typ_constraints=Univ.empty_constraint;
- typ_delta = mb.mod_delta;}
- and mtb2 =
- {typ_mp=mp;
- typ_expr=mb.mod_type;
- typ_expr_alg=None;
- typ_constraints=Univ.empty_constraint;
- typ_delta = mb.mod_delta;}
- in
- let env = add_module (module_body_of_type mp mtb1) env in
- check_subtypes env mtb1 mtb2
and check_structure_field env mp lab res = function
| SFBconst cb ->
let c = Constant.make2 mp lab in
- check_constant_declaration env c cb
+ check_constant_declaration env c cb
| SFBmind mib ->
let kn = MutInd.make2 mp lab in
let kn = mind_of_delta res kn in
- Indtypes.check_inductive env kn mib
+ Indtypes.check_inductive env kn mib
| SFBmodule msb ->
- let (_:unit) = check_module env (MPdot(mp,lab)) msb in
- Modops.add_module msb env
+ let () = check_module env (MPdot(mp,lab)) msb in
+ Modops.add_module msb env
| SFBmodtype mty ->
check_module_type env mty;
add_modtype (MPdot(mp,lab)) mty env
-and check_modexpr env mse mp_mse res = match mse with
- | SEBident mp ->
+and check_mexpr env mse mp_mse res = match mse with
+ | MEident mp ->
let mb = lookup_module mp env in
(subst_and_strengthen mb mp_mse).mod_type
- | SEBfunctor (arg_id, mtb, body) ->
- check_module_type env mtb ;
- let env' = add_module (module_body_of_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb) env in
- let sign = check_modexpr env' body mp_mse res in
- SEBfunctor (arg_id, mtb, sign)
- | SEBapply (f,m,cst) ->
- let sign = check_modexpr env f mp_mse res in
- let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor env sign in
- let mp =
- try (path_of_mexpr m)
- with Not_path -> error_application_to_not_path m
- (* place for nondep_supertype *) in
- let mtb = module_type_of_module (Some mp) (lookup_module mp env) in
- check_subtypes env mtb farg_b;
- (subst_struct_expr (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b)
- | SEBwith(mte, with_decl) ->
- let sign = check_modexpr env mte mp_mse res in
- let sign = check_with env sign with_decl mp_mse in
- sign
- | SEBstruct(msb) ->
- let (_:env) = List.fold_left (fun env (lab,mb) ->
- check_structure_field env mp_mse lab res mb) env msb in
- SEBstruct(msb)
-and check_modtype env mse mp_mse res = match mse with
- | SEBident mp ->
- let mtb = lookup_modtype mp env in
- mtb.typ_expr
- | SEBfunctor (arg_id, mtb, body) ->
- check_module_type env mtb;
- let env' = add_module (module_body_of_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb) env in
- let body = check_modtype env' body mp_mse res in
- SEBfunctor(arg_id,mtb,body)
- | SEBapply (f,m,cst) ->
- let sign = check_modtype env f mp_mse res in
- let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor env sign in
- let mp =
- try (path_of_mexpr m)
- with Not_path -> error_application_to_not_path m
- (* place for nondep_supertype *) in
+ | MEapply (f,mp) ->
+ let sign = check_mexpr env f mp_mse res in
+ let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor sign in
let mtb = module_type_of_module (Some mp) (lookup_module mp env) in
- check_subtypes env mtb farg_b;
- subst_struct_expr (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b
- | SEBwith(mte, with_decl) ->
- let sign = check_modtype env mte mp_mse res in
- let sign = check_with env sign with_decl mp_mse in
- sign
- | SEBstruct(msb) ->
- let (_:env) = List.fold_left (fun env (lab,mb) ->
- check_structure_field env mp_mse lab res mb) env msb in
- SEBstruct(msb)
- let rec add_struct_expr_constraints env = function
- | SEBident _ -> env
- | SEBfunctor (_,mtb,meb) ->
- add_struct_expr_constraints
- (add_modtype_constraints env mtb) meb
- | SEBstruct (_,structure_body) ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun env (l,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item)
- env
- structure_body
- | SEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst) ->
-(* let g = Univ.merge_constraints cst Univ.initial_universes in
- Univ.pr_universes g++str"============="++fnl());
- Environ.add_constraints cst
- (add_struct_expr_constraints
- (add_struct_expr_constraints env meb1)
- meb2)
- | SEBwith(meb,With_definition_body(_,cb))->
- Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints
- (add_struct_expr_constraints env meb)
- | SEBwith(meb,With_module_body(_,_,cst))->
- Environ.add_constraints cst
- (add_struct_expr_constraints env meb)
+ check_subtypes env mtb farg_b;
+ subst_signature (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b
+ | MEwith _ -> error_with_module ()
-and add_struct_elem_constraints env = function
- | SFBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env
- | SFBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env
- | SFBmodule mb -> add_module_constraints env mb
- | SFBalias (mp,Some cst) -> Environ.add_constraints cst env
- | SFBalias (mp,None) -> env
- | SFBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
-and add_module_constraints env mb =
- let env = match mb.mod_expr with
- | None -> env
- | Some meb -> add_struct_expr_constraints env meb
- in
- let env = match mb.mod_type with
- | None -> env
- | Some mtb ->
- add_struct_expr_constraints env mtb
- in
- Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env
+and check_mexpression env sign mp_mse res = match sign with
+ | MoreFunctor (arg_id, mtb, body) ->
+ check_module_type env mtb;
+ let env' = add_module_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb env in
+ let body = check_mexpression env' body mp_mse res in
+ MoreFunctor(arg_id,mtb,body)
+ | NoFunctor me -> check_mexpr env me mp_mse res
-and add_modtype_constraints env mtb =
- add_struct_expr_constraints env mtb.typ_expr
+and check_signature env sign mp_mse res = match sign with
+ | MoreFunctor (arg_id, mtb, body) ->
+ check_module_type env mtb;
+ let env' = add_module_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb env in
+ let body = check_signature env' body mp_mse res in
+ MoreFunctor(arg_id,mtb,body)
+ | NoFunctor struc ->
+ let (_:env) = List.fold_left (fun env (lab,mb) ->
+ check_structure_field env mp_mse lab res mb) env struc
+ in
+ NoFunctor struc
diff --git a/checker/modops.ml b/checker/modops.ml
index 20f330812..89ffcb50b 100644
--- a/checker/modops.ml
+++ b/checker/modops.ml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ open Declarations
let error_not_a_constant l =
error ("\""^(Label.to_string l)^"\" is not a constant")
-let error_not_a_functor _ = error "Application of not a functor"
+let error_not_a_functor () = error "Application of not a functor"
let error_incompatible_modtypes _ _ = error "Incompatible module types"
@@ -38,61 +38,52 @@ let error_not_a_module_loc loc s =
let error_not_a_module s = error_not_a_module_loc Loc.ghost s
-let error_with_incorrect l =
- error ("Incorrect constraint for label \""^(Label.to_string l)^"\"")
+let error_with_module () =
+ error "Unsupported 'with' constraint in module implementation"
-let error_a_generative_module_expected l =
- error ("The module " ^ Label.to_string l ^ " is not generative. Only " ^
- "component of generative modules can be changed using the \"with\" " ^
- "construct.")
+let is_functor = function
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> true
+ | NoFunctor _ -> false
-let error_signature_expected mtb =
- error "Signature expected"
+let destr_functor = function
+ | MoreFunctor (arg_id,arg_t,body_t) -> (arg_id,arg_t,body_t)
+ | NoFunctor _ -> error_not_a_functor ()
-let error_application_to_not_path _ = error "Application to not path"
-let destr_functor env mtb =
- match mtb with
- | SEBfunctor (arg_id,arg_t,body_t) ->
- (arg_id,arg_t,body_t)
- | _ -> error_not_a_functor mtb
-let module_body_of_type mp mtb =
+let module_body_of_type mp mtb =
{ mod_mp = mp;
mod_type = mtb.typ_expr;
mod_type_alg = mtb.typ_expr_alg;
- mod_expr = None;
+ mod_expr = Abstract;
mod_constraints = mtb.typ_constraints;
mod_delta = mtb.typ_delta;
mod_retroknowledge = []}
-let rec add_signature mp sign resolver env =
+let rec add_structure mp sign resolver env =
let add_one env (l,elem) =
let kn = KerName.make2 mp l in
let con = Constant.make1 kn in
let mind = mind_of_delta resolver (MutInd.make1 kn) in
match elem with
- | SFBconst cb ->
+ | SFBconst cb ->
(* let con = constant_of_delta resolver con in*)
Environ.add_constant con cb env
- | SFBmind mib ->
+ | SFBmind mib ->
(* let mind = mind_of_delta resolver mind in*)
Environ.add_mind mind mib env
| SFBmodule mb -> add_module mb env
(* adds components as well *)
| SFBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype mtb.typ_mp mtb env
- List.fold_left add_one env sign
+ List.fold_left add_one env sign
-and add_module mb env =
+and add_module mb env =
let mp = mb.mod_mp in
let env = Environ.shallow_add_module mp mb env in
- match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
- add_signature mp sign mb.mod_delta env
- | SEBfunctor _ -> env
- | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Modops" (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
+ match mb.mod_type with
+ | NoFunctor struc -> add_structure mp struc mb.mod_delta env
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> env
+let add_module_type mp mtb env = add_module (module_body_of_type mp mtb) env
let strengthen_const mp_from l cb resolver =
match cb.const_body with
@@ -107,20 +98,20 @@ let rec strengthen_mod mp_from mp_to mb =
match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
- let resolve_out,sign_out =
- strengthen_sig mp_from sign mp_to mb.mod_delta in
- { mb with
- mod_expr = Some (SEBident mp_to);
- mod_type = SEBstruct(sign_out);
- mod_type_alg = mb.mod_type_alg;
- mod_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
- mod_delta = resolve_out(*add_mp_delta_resolver mp_from mp_to
- (add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta resolve_out)*);
- mod_retroknowledge = mb.mod_retroknowledge}
- | SEBfunctor _ -> mb
- | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Modops" (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
+ | NoFunctor (sign) ->
+ let resolve_out,sign_out =
+ strengthen_sig mp_from sign mp_to mb.mod_delta
+ in
+ { mb with
+ mod_expr = Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp_to));
+ mod_type = NoFunctor sign_out;
+ mod_type_alg = mb.mod_type_alg;
+ mod_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
+ mod_delta = resolve_out(*add_mp_delta_resolver mp_from mp_to
+ (add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta resolve_out)*);
+ mod_retroknowledge = mb.mod_retroknowledge}
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> mb
and strengthen_sig mp_from sign mp_to resolver =
match sign with
| [] -> empty_delta_resolver,[]
@@ -139,21 +130,20 @@ and strengthen_sig mp_from sign mp_to resolver =
let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to resolver in
resolve_out (*add_delta_resolver resolve_out mb.mod_delta*),
item':: rest'
- | (l,SFBmodtype mty as item) :: rest ->
+ | (l,SFBmodtype mty as item) :: rest ->
let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to resolver in
-let strengthen mtb mp =
- match mtb.typ_expr with
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
- let resolve_out,sign_out =
- strengthen_sig mtb.typ_mp sign mp mtb.typ_delta in
- {mtb with
- typ_expr = SEBstruct(sign_out);
- typ_delta = resolve_out(*add_delta_resolver mtb.typ_delta
- (add_mp_delta_resolver mtb.typ_mp mp resolve_out)*)}
- | SEBfunctor _ -> mtb
- | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Modops" (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
+let strengthen mtb mp = match mtb.typ_expr with
+ | NoFunctor sign ->
+ let resolve_out,sign_out =
+ strengthen_sig mtb.typ_mp sign mp mtb.typ_delta
+ in
+ { mtb with
+ typ_expr = NoFunctor sign_out;
+ typ_delta = resolve_out(*add_delta_resolver mtb.typ_delta
+ (add_mp_delta_resolver mtb.typ_mp mp resolve_out)*)}
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> mtb
let subst_and_strengthen mb mp =
strengthen_mod mb.mod_mp mp (subst_module (map_mp mb.mod_mp mp) mb)
@@ -161,17 +151,16 @@ let subst_and_strengthen mb mp =
let module_type_of_module mp mb =
match mp with
- Some mp ->
- strengthen {
- typ_mp = mp;
- typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
- typ_delta = mb.mod_delta} mp
- | None ->
- {typ_mp = mb.mod_mp;
- typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
- typ_delta = mb.mod_delta}
+ | Some mp ->
+ strengthen {
+ typ_mp = mp;
+ typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
+ typ_expr_alg = None;
+ typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
+ typ_delta = mb.mod_delta} mp
+ | None ->
+ { typ_mp = mb.mod_mp;
+ typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
+ typ_expr_alg = None;
+ typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
+ typ_delta = mb.mod_delta}
diff --git a/checker/modops.mli b/checker/modops.mli
index 0b94edb54..396eb8e7c 100644
--- a/checker/modops.mli
+++ b/checker/modops.mli
@@ -15,20 +15,18 @@ open Environ
(* Various operations on modules and module types *)
-(* make the envirconment entry out of type *)
-val module_body_of_type : module_path -> module_type_body -> module_body
+val module_type_of_module :
+ module_path option -> module_body -> module_type_body
-val module_type_of_module : module_path option -> module_body ->
- module_type_body
+val is_functor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> bool
-val destr_functor :
- env -> struct_expr_body -> MBId.t * module_type_body * struct_expr_body
-val add_signature : module_path -> structure_body -> delta_resolver -> env -> env
+val destr_functor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty,'a) functorize
(* adds a module and its components, but not the constraints *)
val add_module : module_body -> env -> env
+val add_module_type : module_path -> module_type_body -> env -> env
val strengthen : module_type_body -> module_path -> module_type_body
val subst_and_strengthen : module_body -> module_path -> module_body
@@ -38,19 +36,13 @@ val error_incompatible_modtypes :
val error_not_match : label -> structure_field_body -> 'a
-val error_with_incorrect : label -> 'a
+val error_with_module : unit -> 'a
val error_no_such_label : label -> 'a
val error_no_such_label_sub :
label -> module_path -> 'a
-val error_signature_expected : struct_expr_body -> 'a
val error_not_a_constant : label -> 'a
val error_not_a_module : label -> 'a
-val error_a_generative_module_expected : label -> 'a
-val error_application_to_not_path : struct_expr_body -> 'a
diff --git a/checker/subtyping.ml b/checker/subtyping.ml
index 150e99bc9..7903c33c5 100644
--- a/checker/subtyping.ml
+++ b/checker/subtyping.ml
@@ -320,55 +320,52 @@ and check_signatures env mp1 sig1 sig2 subst1 subst2 =
| Modtype mtb -> mtb
| _ -> error_not_match l spec2
- let env = add_module (module_body_of_type mtb2.typ_mp mtb2)
- (add_module (module_body_of_type mtb1.typ_mp mtb1) env) in
- check_modtypes env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 true
+ let env =
+ add_module_type mtb2.typ_mp mtb2
+ (add_module_type mtb1.typ_mp mtb1 env)
+ in
+ check_modtypes env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 true
- List.iter check_one_body sig2
+ List.iter check_one_body sig2
-and check_modtypes env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 equiv =
- if mtb1==mtb2 then () else
- let mtb1',mtb2'=mtb1.typ_expr,mtb2.typ_expr in
- let rec check_structure env str1 str2 equiv subst1 subst2 =
- match str1,str2 with
- | SEBstruct (list1),
- SEBstruct (list2) ->
- check_signatures env
- mtb1.typ_mp list1 list2 subst1 subst2;
- if equiv then
- check_signatures env
- mtb2.typ_mp list2 list1 subst1 subst2
- else
- ()
- | SEBfunctor (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
- SEBfunctor (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
- check_modtypes env
- arg_t2 arg_t1
- (map_mp arg_t1.typ_mp arg_t2.typ_mp) subst2
- equiv ;
- (* contravariant *)
- let env = add_module
- (module_body_of_type (MPbound arg_id2) arg_t2) env
- in
- let env = match body_t1 with
- SEBstruct str ->
- let env = shallow_remove_module mtb1.typ_mp env in
- add_module {mod_mp = mtb1.typ_mp;
- mod_expr = None;
- mod_type = body_t1;
- mod_type_alg= None;
- mod_constraints=mtb1.typ_constraints;
- mod_retroknowledge = [];
- mod_delta = mtb1.typ_delta} env
- | _ -> env
- in
- check_structure env body_t1 body_t2 equiv
- (join (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2)) subst1)
- subst2
- | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
- in
- if mtb1'== mtb2' then ()
- else check_structure env mtb1' mtb2' equiv subst1 subst2
+and check_modtypes env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 equiv =
+ if mtb1==mtb2 || mtb1.typ_expr == mtb2.typ_expr then ()
+ else
+ let rec check_structure env str1 str2 equiv subst1 subst2 =
+ match str1,str2 with
+ | NoFunctor (list1),
+ NoFunctor (list2) ->
+ check_signatures env mtb1.typ_mp list1 list2 subst1 subst2;
+ if equiv then
+ check_signatures env mtb2.typ_mp list2 list1 subst1 subst2
+ else
+ ()
+ | MoreFunctor (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
+ MoreFunctor (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
+ check_modtypes env
+ arg_t2 arg_t1
+ (map_mp arg_t1.typ_mp arg_t2.typ_mp) subst2
+ equiv;
+ (* contravariant *)
+ let env = add_module_type (MPbound arg_id2) arg_t2 env in
+ let env =
+ if is_functor body_t1 then env
+ else
+ let env = shallow_remove_module mtb1.typ_mp env in
+ add_module {mod_mp = mtb1.typ_mp;
+ mod_expr = Abstract;
+ mod_type = body_t1;
+ mod_type_alg = None;
+ mod_constraints = mtb1.typ_constraints;
+ mod_retroknowledge = [];
+ mod_delta = mtb1.typ_delta} env
+ in
+ check_structure env body_t1 body_t2 equiv
+ (join (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2)) subst1)
+ subst2
+ | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
+ in
+ check_structure env mtb1.typ_expr mtb2.typ_expr equiv subst1 subst2
let check_subtypes env sup super =
check_modtypes env (strengthen sup sup.typ_mp) super empty_subst
diff --git a/checker/values.ml b/checker/values.ml
index 974d3431e..b39d90548 100644
--- a/checker/values.ml
+++ b/checker/values.ml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
To ensure this file is up-to-date, 'make' now compares the md5 of cic.mli
with a copy we maintain here:
-MD5 43e0b61e2a549058ae0a59bbadbb9d61 checker/cic.mli
+MD5 09a4e5d657809e040f50837a78fe6dfe checker/cic.mli
@@ -248,6 +248,18 @@ let v_ind_pack = v_tuple "mutual_inductive_body"
+let v_with =
+ Sum ("with_declaration_body",0,
+ [|[|List v_id;v_mp|];
+ [|List v_id;v_constr|]|])
+let rec v_mae =
+ Sum ("module_alg_expr",0,
+ [|[|v_mp|]; (* SEBident *)
+ [|v_mae;v_mp|]; (* SEBapply *)
+ [|v_mae;v_with|] (* SEBwith *)
+ |])
let rec v_sfb =
Sum ("struct_field_body",0,
[|[|v_cb|]; (* SFBconst *)
@@ -255,27 +267,25 @@ let rec v_sfb =
[|v_module|]; (* SFBmodule *)
[|v_modtype|] (* SFBmodtype *)
-and v_sb = List (Tuple ("label*sfb",[|v_id;v_sfb|]))
-and v_seb =
- Sum ("struct_expr_body",0,
- [|[|v_mp|]; (* SEBident *)
- [|v_uid;v_modtype;v_seb|]; (* SEBfunctor *)
- [|v_seb;v_seb;v_cstrs|]; (* SEBapply *)
- [|v_sb|]; (* SEBstruct *)
- [|v_seb;v_with|] (* SEBwith *)
- |])
-and v_with =
- Sum ("with_declaration_body",0,
- [|[|List v_id;v_mp|];
- [|List v_id;v_cb|]|])
+and v_struc = List (Tuple ("label*sfb",[|v_id;v_sfb|]))
+and v_sign =
+ Sum ("module_sign",0,
+ [|[|v_struc|]; (* NoFunctor *)
+ [|v_uid;v_modtype;v_sign|]|]) (* MoreFunctor *)
+and v_mexpr =
+ Sum ("module_expr",0,
+ [|[|v_mae|]; (* NoFunctor *)
+ [|v_uid;v_modtype;v_mexpr|]|]) (* MoreFunctor *)
+and v_impl =
+ Sum ("module_impl",2,
+ [|[|v_mexpr|]; (* Algebraic *)
+ [|v_sign|]|]) (* Struct *)
and v_module =
Tuple ("module_body",
- [|v_mp;Opt v_seb;v_seb;
- Opt v_seb;v_cstrs;v_resolver;Any|])
+ [|v_mp;v_impl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_cstrs;v_resolver;Any|])
and v_modtype =
Tuple ("module_type_body",
- [|v_mp;v_seb;Opt v_seb;v_cstrs;v_resolver|])
+ [|v_mp;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_cstrs;v_resolver|])
(** kernel/safe_typing *)
diff --git a/interp/modintern.ml b/interp/modintern.ml
index d809f0221..8f8e2df93 100644
--- a/interp/modintern.ml
+++ b/interp/modintern.ml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Declarations
open Entries
open Libnames
open Constrexpr
@@ -59,34 +60,32 @@ let lookup_module lqid = fst (lookup_module_or_modtype Module lqid)
let transl_with_decl env = function
| CWith_Module ((_,fqid),qid) ->
- With_Module (fqid,lookup_module qid)
+ WithMod (fqid,lookup_module qid)
| CWith_Definition ((_,fqid),c) ->
- With_Definition (fqid,interp_constr Evd.empty env c)
+ WithDef (fqid,interp_constr Evd.empty env c)
let loc_of_module = function
| CMident (loc,_) | CMapply (loc,_,_) | CMwith (loc,_,_) -> loc
-let is_path = function
- | CMident _ -> true
- | CMapply _ | CMwith _ -> false
(* Invariant : the returned kind is never ModAny, and it is
equal to the input kind when this one isn't ModAny. *)
let rec interp_module_ast env kind = function
| CMident qid ->
let (mp,kind) = lookup_module_or_modtype kind qid in
- (MSEident mp, kind)
+ (MEident mp, kind)
| CMapply (_,me1,me2) ->
let me1',kind1 = interp_module_ast env kind me1 in
let me2',kind2 = interp_module_ast env ModAny me2 in
- if not (is_path me2) then
- error_application_to_not_path (loc_of_module me2) me2';
+ let mp2 = match me2' with
+ | MEident mp -> mp
+ | _ -> error_application_to_not_path (loc_of_module me2) me2'
+ in
if kind2 == ModType then
error_application_to_module_type (loc_of_module me2);
- (MSEapply (me1',me2'), kind1)
+ (MEapply (me1',mp2), kind1)
| CMwith (loc,me,decl) ->
let me,kind = interp_module_ast env kind me in
if kind == Module then error_incorrect_with_in_module loc;
let decl = transl_with_decl env decl in
- (MSEwith(me,decl), kind)
+ (MEwith(me,decl), kind)
diff --git a/kernel/declarations.mli b/kernel/declarations.mli
index 5cb406ffa..6a5b0dbb2 100644
--- a/kernel/declarations.mli
+++ b/kernel/declarations.mli
@@ -155,8 +155,30 @@ type mutual_inductive_body = {
-(** {6 Modules: signature component specifications, module types, and
- module declarations } *)
+(** {6 Module declarations } *)
+(** Functor expressions are forced to be on top of other expressions *)
+type ('ty,'a) functorize =
+ | NoFunctor of 'a
+ | MoreFunctor of MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty,'a) functorize
+(** The fully-algebraic module expressions : names, applications, 'with ...'.
+ They correspond to the user entries of non-interactive modules.
+ They will be later expanded into module structures in [Mod_typing],
+ and won't play any role into the kernel after that : they are kept
+ only for short module printing and for extraction. *)
+type with_declaration =
+ | WithMod of Id.t list * module_path
+ | WithDef of Id.t list * constr
+type module_alg_expr =
+ | MEident of module_path
+ | MEapply of module_alg_expr * module_path
+ | MEwith of module_alg_expr * with_declaration
+(** A component of a module structure *)
type structure_field_body =
| SFBconst of constant_body
@@ -164,47 +186,58 @@ type structure_field_body =
| SFBmodule of module_body
| SFBmodtype of module_type_body
-(** NB: we may encounter now (at most) twice the same label in
+(** A module structure is a list of labeled components.
+ Note : we may encounter now (at most) twice the same label in
a [structure_body], once for a module ([SFBmodule] or [SFBmodtype])
and once for an object ([SFBconst] or [SFBmind]) *)
and structure_body = (Label.t * structure_field_body) list
-and struct_expr_body =
- | SEBident of module_path
- | SEBfunctor of MBId.t * module_type_body * struct_expr_body
- | SEBapply of struct_expr_body * struct_expr_body * Univ.constraints
- | SEBstruct of structure_body
- | SEBwith of struct_expr_body * with_declaration_body
+(** A module signature is a structure, with possibly functors on top of it *)
+and module_signature = (module_type_body,structure_body) functorize
+(** A module expression is an algebraic expression, possibly functorized. *)
-and with_declaration_body =
- With_module_body of Id.t list * module_path
- | With_definition_body of Id.t list * constant_body
+and module_expression = (module_type_body,module_alg_expr) functorize
+and module_implementation =
+ | Abstract (** no accessible implementation *)
+ | Algebraic of module_expression (** non-interactive algebraic expression *)
+ | Struct of module_signature (** interactive body *)
+ | FullStruct (** special case of [Struct] : the body is exactly [mod_type] *)
and module_body =
- { (** absolute path of the module *)
- mod_mp : module_path;
- (** Implementation *)
- mod_expr : struct_expr_body option;
- (** Signature *)
- mod_type : struct_expr_body;
- (** algebraic structure expression is kept
- if it's relevant for extraction *)
- mod_type_alg : struct_expr_body option;
- (** set of all constraint in the module *)
- mod_constraints : Univ.constraints;
- (** quotiented set of equivalent constant and inductive name *)
- mod_delta : Mod_subst.delta_resolver;
- mod_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list}
+ { mod_mp : module_path; (** absolute path of the module *)
+ mod_expr : module_implementation; (** implementation *)
+ mod_type : module_signature; (** expanded type *)
+ (** algebraic type, kept if it's relevant for extraction *)
+ mod_type_alg : module_expression option;
+ (** set of all constraints in the module *)
+ mod_constraints : Univ.constraints;
+ (** quotiented set of equivalent constants and inductive names *)
+ mod_delta : Mod_subst.delta_resolver;
+ mod_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list }
+(** A [module_type_body] is similar to a [module_body], with
+ no implementation and retroknowledge fields *)
and module_type_body =
- {
- (** Path of the module type *)
- typ_mp : module_path;
- typ_expr : struct_expr_body;
- (** algebraic structure expression is kept
- if it's relevant for extraction *)
- typ_expr_alg : struct_expr_body option ;
- typ_constraints : Univ.constraints;
- (** quotiented set of equivalent constant and inductive name *)
- typ_delta : Mod_subst.delta_resolver}
+ { typ_mp : module_path; (** path of the module type *)
+ typ_expr : module_signature; (** expanded type *)
+ (** algebraic expression, kept if it's relevant for extraction *)
+ typ_expr_alg : module_expression option;
+ typ_constraints : Univ.constraints;
+ (** quotiented set of equivalent constants and inductive names *)
+ typ_delta : Mod_subst.delta_resolver}
+(** Extra invariants :
+ - No [MEwith] inside a [mod_expr] implementation : the 'with' syntax
+ is only supported for module types
+ - A module application is atomic, for instance ((M N) P) :
+ * the head of [MEapply] can only be another [MEapply] or a [MEident]
+ * the argument of [MEapply] is now directly forced to be a [module_path].
diff --git a/kernel/entries.mli b/kernel/entries.mli
index 3b7a2fd19..b78372c0e 100644
--- a/kernel/entries.mli
+++ b/kernel/entries.mli
@@ -67,16 +67,14 @@ type constant_entry =
(** {6 Modules } *)
-type module_struct_entry =
- MSEident of module_path
- | MSEfunctor of MBId.t * module_struct_entry * module_struct_entry
- | MSEwith of module_struct_entry * with_declaration
- | MSEapply of module_struct_entry * module_struct_entry
-and with_declaration =
- With_Module of Id.t list * module_path
- | With_Definition of Id.t list * constr
-and module_entry =
- { mod_entry_type : module_struct_entry option;
- mod_entry_expr : module_struct_entry option}
+type module_struct_entry = Declarations.module_alg_expr
+type module_params_entry =
+ (MBId.t * module_struct_entry) list (** older first *)
+type module_type_entry = module_params_entry * module_struct_entry
+type module_entry =
+ | MType of module_params_entry * module_struct_entry
+ | MExpr of
+ module_params_entry * module_struct_entry * module_struct_entry option
diff --git a/kernel/mod_typing.ml b/kernel/mod_typing.ml
index d5555c624..7794f19be 100644
--- a/kernel/mod_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/mod_typing.ml
@@ -20,17 +20,13 @@ open Environ
open Modops
open Mod_subst
-exception Not_path
-let path_of_mexpr = function
- | MSEident mp -> mp
- | _ -> raise Not_path
+type 'alg translation =
+ module_signature * 'alg option * delta_resolver * Univ.constraints
let rec mp_from_mexpr = function
- | MSEident mp -> mp
- | MSEapply (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
- | MSEfunctor (_,_,expr) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
- | MSEwith (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
+ | MEident mp -> mp
+ | MEapply (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
+ | MEwith (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
let is_modular = function
| SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ -> true
@@ -39,7 +35,7 @@ let is_modular = function
(** Split a [structure_body] at some label corresponding to
a modular definition or not. *)
-let split_sign k m struc =
+let split_struc k m struc =
let rec split rev_before = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (k',b)::after when Label.equal k k' && (is_modular b) == (m : bool) ->
@@ -48,8 +44,8 @@ let split_sign k m struc =
in split [] struc
let discr_resolver mtb = match mtb.typ_expr with
- | SEBstruct _ -> mtb.typ_delta
- | _ -> empty_delta_resolver (* when mp is a functor *)
+ | NoFunctor _ -> mtb.typ_delta
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> empty_delta_resolver
let rec rebuild_mp mp l =
match l with
@@ -58,19 +54,15 @@ let rec rebuild_mp mp l =
let (+++) = Univ.union_constraints
-let rec check_with_def env sign (idl,c) mp equiv =
- let sig_b = match sign with
- | SEBstruct(sig_b) -> sig_b
- | _ -> error_signature_expected sign
- in
+let rec check_with_def env struc (idl,c) mp equiv =
let lab,idl = match idl with
| [] -> assert false
| id::idl -> Label.of_id id, idl
let modular = not (List.is_empty idl) in
- let before,spec,after = split_sign lab modular sig_b in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp before equiv env in
+ let before,spec,after = split_struc lab modular struc in
+ let env' = Modops.add_structure mp before equiv env in
if List.is_empty idl then
(* Toplevel definition *)
let cb = match spec with
@@ -80,27 +72,26 @@ let rec check_with_def env sign (idl,c) mp equiv =
(* In the spirit of subtyping.check_constant, we accept
any implementations of parameters and opaques terms,
as long as they have the right type *)
- let def,cst = match cb.const_body with
+ let c',cst = match cb.const_body with
| Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ ->
let j,cst1 = Typeops.infer env' c in
let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env' cb.const_type in
let cst2 = Reduction.conv_leq env' j.uj_type typ in
let cst = Future.force cb.const_constraints +++ cst1 +++ cst2 in
- let def = Def (Lazyconstr.from_val j.uj_val) in
- def,cst
+ j.uj_val,cst
| Def cs ->
let cst1 = Reduction.conv env' c (Lazyconstr.force cs) in
let cst = Future.force cb.const_constraints +++ cst1 in
- let def = Def (Lazyconstr.from_val c) in
- def,cst
+ c, cst
+ let def = Def (Lazyconstr.from_val c') in
let cb' =
{ cb with
const_body = def;
const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env' def);
const_constraints = Future.from_val cst }
- SEBstruct(before@(lab,SFBconst(cb'))::after),cb',cst
+ before@(lab,SFBconst(cb'))::after, c', cst
(* Definition inside a sub-module *)
let mb = match spec with
@@ -108,33 +99,30 @@ let rec check_with_def env sign (idl,c) mp equiv =
| _ -> error_not_a_module (Label.to_string lab)
begin match mb.mod_expr with
- | Some _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
- | None ->
- let sign,cb,cst =
- check_with_def env' mb.mod_type (idl,c) (MPdot(mp,lab)) mb.mod_delta
+ | Abstract ->
+ let struc = Modops.destr_nofunctor mb.mod_type in
+ let struc',c',cst =
+ check_with_def env' struc (idl,c) (MPdot(mp,lab)) mb.mod_delta
let mb' = { mb with
- mod_type = sign;
+ mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
mod_type_alg = None }
- SEBstruct(before@(lab,SFBmodule mb')::after),cb,cst
+ before@(lab,SFBmodule mb')::after, c', cst
+ | _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
| Not_found -> error_no_such_label lab
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
-let rec check_with_mod env sign (idl,mp1) mp equiv =
- let sig_b = match sign with
- | SEBstruct(sig_b) -> sig_b
- | _ -> error_signature_expected sign
- in
+let rec check_with_mod env struc (idl,mp1) mp equiv =
let lab,idl = match idl with
| [] -> assert false
| id::idl -> Label.of_id id, idl
- let before,spec,after = split_sign lab true sig_b in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp before equiv env in
+ let before,spec,after = split_struc lab true struc in
+ let env' = Modops.add_structure mp before equiv env in
let old = match spec with
| SFBmodule mb -> mb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (Label.to_string lab)
@@ -142,33 +130,35 @@ let rec check_with_mod env sign (idl,mp1) mp equiv =
if List.is_empty idl then
(* Toplevel module definition *)
let mb_mp1 = lookup_module mp1 env in
- let mtb_mp1 = module_type_of_module None mb_mp1 in
+ let mtb_mp1 = module_type_of_module mb_mp1 in
let cst = match old.mod_expr with
- | None ->
+ | Abstract ->
- let mtb_old = module_type_of_module None old in
+ let mtb_old = module_type_of_module old in
Subtyping.check_subtypes env' mtb_mp1 mtb_old
+++ old.mod_constraints
with Failure _ -> error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
- | Some (SEBident(mp')) ->
+ | Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident(mp'))) ->
check_modpath_equiv env' mp1 mp';
- | _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
+ | _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
let mp' = MPdot (mp,lab) in
let new_mb = strengthen_and_subst_mb mb_mp1 mp' false in
- let new_mb' = {new_mb with
- mod_mp = mp';
- mod_expr = Some (SEBident mp1);
- mod_constraints = cst }
+ let new_mb' =
+ { new_mb with
+ mod_mp = mp';
+ mod_expr = Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp1));
+ mod_constraints = cst }
+ let new_equiv = add_delta_resolver equiv new_mb.mod_delta in
(* we propagate the new equality in the rest of the signature
with the identity substitution accompagned by the new resolver*)
let id_subst = map_mp mp' mp' new_mb.mod_delta in
- SEBstruct(before@(lab,SFBmodule new_mb')::subst_signature id_subst after),
- add_delta_resolver equiv new_mb.mod_delta,cst
+ let new_after = subst_structure id_subst after in
+ before@(lab,SFBmodule new_mb')::new_after, new_equiv, cst
(* Module definition of a sub-module *)
let mp' = MPdot (mp,lab) in
@@ -177,255 +167,163 @@ let rec check_with_mod env sign (idl,mp1) mp equiv =
| _ -> error_not_a_module (Label.to_string lab)
begin match old.mod_expr with
- | None ->
- let sign,equiv',cst =
- check_with_mod env' old.mod_type (idl,mp1) mp' old.mod_delta in
+ | Abstract ->
+ let struc = destr_nofunctor old.mod_type in
+ let struc',equiv',cst =
+ check_with_mod env' struc (idl,mp1) mp' old.mod_delta
+ in
+ let new_mb =
+ { old with
+ mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
+ mod_type_alg = None;
+ mod_delta = equiv' }
+ in
let new_equiv = add_delta_resolver equiv equiv' in
- let new_mb = { old with
- mod_type = sign;
- mod_type_alg = None;
- mod_delta = equiv'}
- in
let id_subst = map_mp mp' mp' equiv' in
- SEBstruct(before@(lab,SFBmodule new_mb)::subst_signature id_subst after),
- new_equiv,cst
- | Some (SEBident mp0) ->
+ let new_after = subst_structure id_subst after in
+ before@(lab,SFBmodule new_mb)::new_after, new_equiv, cst
+ | Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp0)) ->
let mpnew = rebuild_mp mp0 idl in
check_modpath_equiv env' mpnew mp;
- SEBstruct(before@(lab,spec)::after),equiv,Univ.empty_constraint
+ before@(lab,spec)::after, equiv, Univ.empty_constraint
| _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
| Not_found -> error_no_such_label lab
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
-let check_with env sign with_decl alg_sign mp equiv =
- let sign,wd,equiv,cst= match with_decl with
- | With_Definition (idl,c) ->
- let sign,cb,cst = check_with_def env sign (idl,c) mp equiv in
- sign,With_definition_body(idl,cb),equiv,cst
- | With_Module (idl,mp1) ->
- let sign,equiv,cst = check_with_mod env sign (idl,mp1) mp equiv in
- sign,With_module_body(idl,mp1),equiv,cst
- in
- match alg_sign with
- | None -> sign, None, equiv, cst
- | Some s -> sign, Some (SEBwith(s, wd)), equiv, cst
-let rec translate_module env mp inl me =
- match me.mod_entry_expr, me.mod_entry_type with
- | None, None ->
- Errors.anomaly ~label:"Mod_typing.translate_module"
- (Pp.str "empty type and expr in module entry")
- | None, Some mte ->
- let mtb = translate_module_type env mp inl mte in
- { mod_mp = mp;
- mod_expr = None;
- mod_type = mtb.typ_expr;
- mod_type_alg = mtb.typ_expr_alg;
- mod_delta = mtb.typ_delta;
- mod_constraints = mtb.typ_constraints;
- mod_retroknowledge = []}
- | Some mexpr, _ ->
- let sign,alg_implem,resolver,cst1 =
- translate_struct_module_entry env mp inl mexpr in
- let sign,alg1,resolver,cst2 =
- match me.mod_entry_type with
- | None ->
- sign,None,resolver,Univ.empty_constraint
- | Some mte ->
- let mtb = translate_module_type env mp inl mte in
- let cst = Subtyping.check_subtypes env
- {typ_mp = mp;
- typ_expr = sign;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = Univ.empty_constraint;
- typ_delta = resolver;}
- mtb
- in
- mtb.typ_expr,mtb.typ_expr_alg,mtb.typ_delta,cst
- in
- { mod_mp = mp;
- mod_type = sign;
- mod_expr = alg_implem;
- mod_type_alg = alg1;
- mod_constraints = cst1 +++ cst2;
- mod_delta = resolver;
- mod_retroknowledge = []}
- (* spiwack: not so sure about that. It may
- cause a bug when closing nested modules.
- If it does, I don't really know how to
- fix the bug.*)
-and translate_apply env inl ftrans mexpr mkalg =
- let sign,alg,resolver,cst1 = ftrans in
+let mk_alg_with alg wd = Option.map (fun a -> MEwith (a,wd)) alg
+let check_with env mp (sign,alg,reso,cst) = function
+ |WithDef(idl,c) ->
+ let struc = destr_nofunctor sign in
+ let struc',c',cst' = check_with_def env struc (idl,c) mp reso in
+ let alg' = mk_alg_with alg (WithDef (idl,c')) in
+ (NoFunctor struc'),alg',reso, cst+++cst'
+ |WithMod(idl,mp1) as wd ->
+ let struc = destr_nofunctor sign in
+ let struc',reso',cst' = check_with_mod env struc (idl,mp1) mp reso in
+ let alg' = mk_alg_with alg wd in
+ (NoFunctor struc'),alg',reso', cst+++cst'
+let mk_alg_app mpo alg arg = match mpo, alg with
+ | Some _, Some alg -> Some (MEapply (alg,arg))
+ | _ -> None
+(** Translation of a module struct entry :
+ - We translate to a module when a [module_path] is given,
+ otherwise to a module type.
+ - The first output is the expanded signature
+ - The second output is the algebraic expression, kept for the extraction.
+ It is never None when translating to a module, but for module type
+ it could not be contain [SEBapply] or [SEBfunctor].
+let rec translate_mse env mpo inl = function
+ |MEident mp1 ->
+ let sign,reso = match mpo with
+ |Some mp ->
+ let mb = strengthen_and_subst_mb (lookup_module mp1 env) mp false in
+ mb.mod_type, mb.mod_delta
+ |None ->
+ let mtb = lookup_modtype mp1 env in
+ mtb.typ_expr, mtb.typ_delta
+ in
+ sign,Some (MEident mp1),reso,Univ.empty_constraint
+ |MEapply (fe,mp1) ->
+ translate_apply env inl (translate_mse env mpo inl fe) mp1 (mk_alg_app mpo)
+ |MEwith(me, with_decl) ->
+ assert (mpo == None); (* No 'with' syntax for modules *)
+ let mp = mp_from_mexpr me in
+ check_with env mp (translate_mse env None inl me) with_decl
+and translate_apply env inl (sign,alg,reso,cst1) mp1 mkalg =
let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor sign in
- let mp1 =
- try path_of_mexpr mexpr
- with Not_path -> error_application_to_not_path mexpr
- in
- let mtb = module_type_of_module None (lookup_module mp1 env) in
+ let mtb = module_type_of_module (lookup_module mp1 env) in
let cst2 = Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb farg_b in
let mp_delta = discr_resolver mtb in
let mp_delta = inline_delta_resolver env inl mp1 farg_id farg_b mp_delta in
let subst = map_mbid farg_id mp1 mp_delta in
- subst_struct_expr subst fbody_b,
- mkalg alg mp1 cst2,
- subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver,
- cst1 +++ cst2
-and translate_functor env inl arg_id arg_e trans mkalg =
- let mtb = translate_module_type env (MPbound arg_id) inl arg_e in
- let env' = add_module (module_body_of_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb) env in
- let sign,alg,resolver,cst = trans env'
+ let body = subst_signature subst fbody_b in
+ let alg' = mkalg alg mp1 in
+ let reso' = subst_codom_delta_resolver subst reso in
+ body,alg',reso', cst1 +++ cst2
+let mk_alg_funct mpo mbid mtb alg = match mpo, alg with
+ | Some _, Some alg -> Some (MoreFunctor (mbid,mtb,alg))
+ | _ -> None
+let rec translate_mse_funct env mpo inl mse = function
+ |[] ->
+ let sign,alg,reso,cst = translate_mse env mpo inl mse in
+ sign, Option.map (fun a -> NoFunctor a) alg, reso, cst
+ |(mbid, ty) :: params ->
+ let mp_id = MPbound mbid in
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mp_id inl ([],ty) in
+ let env' = add_module_type mp_id mtb env in
+ let sign,alg,reso,cst = translate_mse_funct env' mpo inl mse params in
+ let alg' = mk_alg_funct mpo mbid mtb alg in
+ MoreFunctor (mbid, mtb, sign), alg',reso, cst +++ mtb.typ_constraints
+and translate_modtype env mp inl (params,mte) =
+ let sign,alg,reso,cst = translate_mse_funct env None inl mte params in
+ let mtb =
+ { typ_mp = mp_from_mexpr mte;
+ typ_expr = sign;
+ typ_expr_alg = None;
+ typ_constraints = cst;
+ typ_delta = reso }
- SEBfunctor (arg_id, mtb, sign),
- mkalg alg arg_id mtb,
- resolver,
- cst +++ mtb.typ_constraints
-and translate_struct_module_entry env mp inl = function
- | MSEident mp1 ->
- let mb = lookup_module mp1 env in
- let mb' = strengthen_and_subst_mb mb mp false in
- mb'.mod_type, Some (SEBident mp1), mb'.mod_delta,Univ.empty_constraint
- | MSEfunctor (arg_id, arg_e, body_expr) ->
- let trans env' = translate_struct_module_entry env' mp inl body_expr in
- let mkalg a id m = Option.map (fun a -> SEBfunctor (id,m,a)) a in
- translate_functor env inl arg_id arg_e trans mkalg
- | MSEapply (fexpr,mexpr) ->
- let trans = translate_struct_module_entry env mp inl fexpr in
- let mkalg a mp c = Option.map (fun a -> SEBapply(a,SEBident mp,c)) a in
- translate_apply env inl trans mexpr mkalg
- | MSEwith(mte, with_decl) ->
- let sign,alg,resolve,cst1 =
- translate_struct_module_entry env mp inl mte in
- let sign,alg,resolve,cst2 =
- check_with env sign with_decl alg mp resolve in
- sign,alg,resolve, cst1 +++ cst2
-and translate_struct_type_entry env inl = function
- | MSEident mp1 ->
- let mtb = lookup_modtype mp1 env in
- mtb.typ_expr,Some (SEBident mp1),mtb.typ_delta,Univ.empty_constraint
- | MSEfunctor (arg_id, arg_e, body_expr) ->
- let trans env' = translate_struct_type_entry env' inl body_expr in
- translate_functor env inl arg_id arg_e trans (fun _ _ _ -> None)
- | MSEapply (fexpr,mexpr) ->
- let trans = translate_struct_type_entry env inl fexpr in
- translate_apply env inl trans mexpr (fun _ _ _ -> None)
- | MSEwith(mte, with_decl) ->
- let sign,alg,resolve,cst1 = translate_struct_type_entry env inl mte in
- let sign,alg,resolve,cst2 =
- check_with env sign with_decl alg (mp_from_mexpr mte) resolve
- in
- sign,alg,resolve, cst1 +++ cst2
-and translate_module_type env mp inl mte =
- let mp_from = mp_from_mexpr mte in
- let sign,alg,resolve,cst = translate_struct_type_entry env inl mte in
- let mtb = subst_modtype_and_resolver
- {typ_mp = mp_from;
- typ_expr = sign;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = cst;
- typ_delta = resolve} mp
- in {mtb with typ_expr_alg = alg}
-let rec translate_struct_include_module_entry env mp inl = function
- | MSEident mp1 ->
- let mb = lookup_module mp1 env in
- let mb' = strengthen_and_subst_mb mb mp true in
- let mb_typ = clean_bounded_mod_expr mb'.mod_type in
- mb_typ,None,mb'.mod_delta,Univ.empty_constraint
- | MSEapply (fexpr,mexpr) ->
- let ftrans = translate_struct_include_module_entry env mp inl fexpr in
- translate_apply env inl ftrans mexpr (fun _ _ _ -> None)
- | _ -> Modops.error_higher_order_include ()
-let rec add_struct_expr_constraints env = function
- | SEBident _ -> env
- | SEBfunctor (_,mtb,meb) ->
- add_struct_expr_constraints
- (add_modtype_constraints env mtb) meb
- | SEBstruct (structure_body) ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun env (_,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item)
- env
- structure_body
- | SEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst) ->
- Environ.add_constraints cst
- (add_struct_expr_constraints
- (add_struct_expr_constraints env meb1)
- meb2)
- | SEBwith(meb,With_definition_body(_,cb))->
- Environ.add_constraints (Future.force cb.const_constraints)
- (add_struct_expr_constraints env meb)
- | SEBwith(meb,With_module_body(_,_))->
- add_struct_expr_constraints env meb
-and add_struct_elem_constraints env = function
- | SFBconst cb ->
- Environ.add_constraints (Future.force cb.const_constraints) env
- | SFBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env
- | SFBmodule mb -> add_module_constraints env mb
- | SFBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
-and add_module_constraints env mb =
- let env = match mb.mod_expr with
- | None -> env
- | Some meb -> add_struct_expr_constraints env meb
- in
- let env =
- add_struct_expr_constraints env mb.mod_type
- in
- Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env
-and add_modtype_constraints env mtb =
- Environ.add_constraints mtb.typ_constraints
- (add_struct_expr_constraints env mtb.typ_expr)
-let rec struct_expr_constraints cst = function
- | SEBident _ -> cst
- | SEBfunctor (_,mtb,meb) ->
- struct_expr_constraints
- (modtype_constraints cst mtb) meb
- | SEBstruct (structure_body) ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun cst (_,item) -> struct_elem_constraints cst item)
- cst
- structure_body
- | SEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst1) ->
- struct_expr_constraints (struct_expr_constraints (cst1 +++ cst) meb1)
- meb2
- | SEBwith(meb,With_definition_body(_,cb))->
- struct_expr_constraints ((Future.force cb.const_constraints) +++ cst) meb
- | SEBwith(meb,With_module_body(_,_))->
- struct_expr_constraints cst meb
-and struct_elem_constraints cst = function
- | SFBconst cb -> cst
- | SFBmind mib -> cst
- | SFBmodule mb -> module_constraints cst mb
- | SFBmodtype mtb -> modtype_constraints cst mtb
-and module_constraints cst mb =
- let cst = match mb.mod_expr with
- | None -> cst
- | Some meb -> struct_expr_constraints cst meb in
- let cst = struct_expr_constraints cst mb.mod_type in
- mb.mod_constraints +++ cst
-and modtype_constraints cst mtb =
- struct_expr_constraints (mtb.typ_constraints +++ cst) mtb.typ_expr
-let struct_expr_constraints = struct_expr_constraints Univ.empty_constraint
-let module_constraints = module_constraints Univ.empty_constraint
+ let mtb' = subst_modtype_and_resolver mtb mp in
+ { mtb' with typ_expr_alg = alg }
+(** [finalize_module] :
+ from an already-translated (or interactive) implementation
+ and a signature entry, produce a final [module_expr] *)
+let finalize_module env mp (sign,alg,reso,cst) restype = match restype with
+ |None ->
+ let impl = match alg with Some e -> Algebraic e | None -> FullStruct in
+ { mod_mp = mp;
+ mod_expr = impl;
+ mod_type = sign;
+ mod_type_alg = None;
+ mod_constraints = cst;
+ mod_delta = reso;
+ mod_retroknowledge = [] }
+ |Some (params_mte,inl) ->
+ let res_mtb = translate_modtype env mp inl params_mte in
+ let auto_mtb = {
+ typ_mp = mp;
+ typ_expr = sign;
+ typ_expr_alg = None;
+ typ_constraints = Univ.empty_constraint;
+ typ_delta = reso } in
+ let cst' = Subtyping.check_subtypes env auto_mtb res_mtb in
+ let impl = match alg with Some e -> Algebraic e | None -> Struct sign in
+ { mod_mp = mp;
+ mod_expr = impl;
+ mod_type = res_mtb.typ_expr;
+ mod_type_alg = res_mtb.typ_expr_alg;
+ mod_constraints = cst +++ cst';
+ mod_delta = res_mtb.typ_delta;
+ mod_retroknowledge = [] }
+let translate_module env mp inl = function
+ |MType (params,ty) ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mp inl (params,ty) in
+ module_body_of_type mp mtb
+ |MExpr (params,mse,oty) ->
+ let t = translate_mse_funct env (Some mp) inl mse params in
+ let restype = Option.map (fun ty -> ((params,ty),inl)) oty in
+ finalize_module env mp t restype
+let rec translate_mse_incl env mp inl = function
+ |MEident mp1 ->
+ let mb = strengthen_and_subst_mb (lookup_module mp1 env) mp true in
+ let sign = clean_bounded_mod_expr mb.mod_type in
+ sign,None,mb.mod_delta,Univ.empty_constraint
+ |MEapply (fe,arg) ->
+ let ftrans = translate_mse_incl env mp inl fe in
+ translate_apply env inl ftrans arg (fun _ _ -> None)
+ |_ -> Modops.error_higher_order_include ()
diff --git a/kernel/mod_typing.mli b/kernel/mod_typing.mli
index 0990e36c1..21171705d 100644
--- a/kernel/mod_typing.mli
+++ b/kernel/mod_typing.mli
@@ -12,40 +12,40 @@ open Entries
open Mod_subst
open Names
+(** Main functions for translating module entries
+ Note : [module_body] and [module_type_body] obtained this way
+ won't have any [MEstruct] in their algebraic fields.
val translate_module :
env -> module_path -> inline -> module_entry -> module_body
-val translate_module_type :
- env -> module_path -> inline -> module_struct_entry -> module_type_body
+val translate_modtype :
+ env -> module_path -> inline -> module_type_entry -> module_type_body
-val translate_struct_module_entry :
- env -> module_path -> inline -> module_struct_entry ->
- struct_expr_body (* Signature *)
- * struct_expr_body option (* Algebraic expr, in fact never None *)
- * delta_resolver
- * Univ.constraints
-val translate_struct_type_entry :
- env -> inline -> module_struct_entry ->
- struct_expr_body
- * struct_expr_body option
- * delta_resolver
- * Univ.constraints
-val translate_struct_include_module_entry :
- env -> module_path -> inline -> module_struct_entry ->
- struct_expr_body
- * struct_expr_body option (* Algebraic expr, always None *)
- * delta_resolver
- * Univ.constraints
+(** Low-level function for translating a module struct entry :
+ - We translate to a module when a [module_path] is given,
+ otherwise to a module type.
+ - The first output is the expanded signature
+ - The second output is the algebraic expression, kept for the extraction.
+ It is never None when translating to a module, but for module type
+ it could not be contain applications or functors.
+ Moreover algebraic expressions obtained here cannot contain [MEstruct].
-val add_modtype_constraints : env -> module_type_body -> env
+type 'alg translation =
+ module_signature * 'alg option * delta_resolver * Univ.constraints
-val add_module_constraints : env -> module_body -> env
+val translate_mse :
+ env -> module_path option -> inline -> module_struct_entry ->
+ module_alg_expr translation
-val add_struct_expr_constraints : env -> struct_expr_body -> env
-val struct_expr_constraints : struct_expr_body -> Univ.constraints
+val translate_mse_incl :
+ env -> module_path -> inline -> module_struct_entry ->
+ module_alg_expr translation
-val module_constraints : module_body -> Univ.constraints
+val finalize_module :
+ env -> module_path -> module_expression translation ->
+ (module_type_entry * inline) option ->
+ module_body
diff --git a/kernel/modops.ml b/kernel/modops.ml
index deff291ec..76feb8498 100644
--- a/kernel/modops.ml
+++ b/kernel/modops.ml
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ type module_typing_error =
Label.t * structure_field_body * signature_mismatch_error
| LabelAlreadyDeclared of Label.t
| ApplicationToNotPath of module_struct_entry
- | NotAFunctor of struct_expr_body
+ | NotAFunctor
+ | IsAFunctor
| IncompatibleModuleTypes of module_type_body * module_type_body
| NotEqualModulePaths of module_path * module_path
| NoSuchLabel of Label.t
| IncompatibleLabels of Label.t * Label.t
- | SignatureExpected of struct_expr_body
| NotAModule of string
| NotAModuleType of string
| NotAConstant of Label.t
@@ -73,8 +73,11 @@ let error_existing_label l =
let error_application_to_not_path mexpr =
raise (ModuleTypingError (ApplicationToNotPath mexpr))
-let error_not_a_functor mtb =
- raise (ModuleTypingError (NotAFunctor mtb))
+let error_not_a_functor () =
+ raise (ModuleTypingError NotAFunctor)
+let error_is_a_functor () =
+ raise (ModuleTypingError IsAFunctor)
let error_incompatible_modtypes mexpr1 mexpr2 =
raise (ModuleTypingError (IncompatibleModuleTypes (mexpr1,mexpr2)))
@@ -91,9 +94,6 @@ let error_no_such_label l =
let error_incompatible_labels l l' =
raise (ModuleTypingError (IncompatibleLabels (l,l')))
-let error_signature_expected mtb =
- raise (ModuleTypingError (SignatureExpected mtb))
let error_not_a_module s =
raise (ModuleTypingError (NotAModule s))
@@ -112,24 +112,49 @@ let error_no_such_label_sub l l1 =
let error_higher_order_include () =
raise (ModuleTypingError HigherOrderInclude)
-(** {6 Misc operations } *)
+(** {6 Operations on functors } *)
+let is_functor = function
+ |NoFunctor _ -> false
+ |MoreFunctor _ -> true
let destr_functor = function
- | SEBfunctor (arg_id,arg_t,body_t) -> (arg_id,arg_t,body_t)
- | mtb -> error_not_a_functor mtb
+ |NoFunctor _ -> error_not_a_functor ()
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,ty,x) -> (mbid,ty,x)
-let is_functor = function
- | SEBfunctor _ -> true
- | _ -> false
+let destr_nofunctor = function
+ |NoFunctor a -> a
+ |MoreFunctor _ -> error_is_a_functor ()
+let rec functor_smartmap fty f0 funct = match funct with
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,ty,e) ->
+ let ty' = fty ty in
+ let e' = functor_smartmap fty f0 e in
+ if ty==ty' && e==e' then funct else MoreFunctor (mbid,ty',e')
+ |NoFunctor a ->
+ let a' = f0 a in if a==a' then funct else NoFunctor a'
+let rec functor_iter fty f0 = function
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,ty,e) -> fty ty; functor_iter fty f0 e
+ |NoFunctor a -> f0 a
+(** {6 Misc operations } *)
+let module_type_of_module mb =
+ { typ_mp = mb.mod_mp;
+ typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
+ typ_expr_alg = None;
+ typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
+ typ_delta = mb.mod_delta }
let module_body_of_type mp mtb =
{ mod_mp = mp;
mod_type = mtb.typ_expr;
mod_type_alg = mtb.typ_expr_alg;
- mod_expr = None;
+ mod_expr = Abstract;
mod_constraints = mtb.typ_constraints;
mod_delta = mtb.typ_delta;
- mod_retroknowledge = []}
+ mod_retroknowledge = [] }
let check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 =
if ModPath.equal mp1 mp2 then ()
@@ -139,17 +164,27 @@ let check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 =
if ModPath.equal mp1' mp2' then ()
else error_not_equal_modpaths mp1 mp2
+let implem_smartmap fs fa impl = match impl with
+ |Struct e -> let e' = fs e in if e==e' then impl else Struct e'
+ |Algebraic a -> let a' = fa a in if a==a' then impl else Algebraic a'
+ |Abstract|FullStruct -> impl
+let implem_iter fs fa impl = match impl with
+ |Struct e -> fs e
+ |Algebraic a -> fa a
+ |Abstract|FullStruct -> ()
(** {6 Substitutions of modular structures } *)
let id_delta x y = x
let rec subst_with_body sub = function
- |With_module_body(id,mp) as orig ->
+ |WithMod(id,mp) as orig ->
let mp' = subst_mp sub mp in
- if mp==mp' then orig else With_module_body(id,mp')
- |With_definition_body(id,cb) as orig ->
- let cb' = subst_const_body sub cb in
- if cb==cb' then orig else With_definition_body(id,cb')
+ if mp==mp' then orig else WithMod(id,mp')
+ |WithDef(id,c) as orig ->
+ let c' = subst_mps sub c in
+ if c==c' then orig else WithDef(id,c')
and subst_modtype sub do_delta mtb=
let { typ_mp = mp; typ_expr = ty; typ_expr_alg = aty } = mtb in
@@ -158,8 +193,8 @@ and subst_modtype sub do_delta mtb=
if ModPath.equal mp mp' then sub
else add_mp mp mp' empty_delta_resolver sub
- let ty' = subst_struct_expr sub do_delta ty in
- let aty' = Option.smartmap (subst_struct_expr sub id_delta) aty in
+ let ty' = subst_signature sub do_delta ty in
+ let aty' = Option.smartmap (subst_expression sub id_delta) aty in
let delta' = do_delta mtb.typ_delta sub in
if mp==mp' && ty==ty' && aty==aty' && delta'==mtb.typ_delta
then mtb
@@ -172,16 +207,16 @@ and subst_modtype sub do_delta mtb=
and subst_structure sub do_delta sign =
let subst_body ((l,body) as orig) = match body with
- | SFBconst cb ->
+ |SFBconst cb ->
let cb' = subst_const_body sub cb in
if cb==cb' then orig else (l,SFBconst cb')
- | SFBmind mib ->
+ |SFBmind mib ->
let mib' = subst_mind sub mib in
if mib==mib' then orig else (l,SFBmind mib')
- | SFBmodule mb ->
+ |SFBmodule mb ->
let mb' = subst_module sub do_delta mb in
if mb==mb' then orig else (l,SFBmodule mb')
- | SFBmodtype mtb ->
+ |SFBmodtype mtb ->
let mtb' = subst_modtype sub do_delta mtb in
if mtb==mtb' then orig else (l,SFBmodtype mtb')
@@ -194,13 +229,12 @@ and subst_module sub do_delta mb =
if not (is_functor ty) || ModPath.equal mp mp' then sub
else add_mp mp mp' empty_delta_resolver sub
- let ty' = subst_struct_expr sub do_delta ty in
- (* Special optim : maintain sharing between [mod_expr] and [mod_type] *)
- let me' = match me with
- | Some m when m == ty -> if ty == ty' then me else Some ty'
- | _ -> Option.smartmap (subst_struct_expr sub id_delta) me
+ let ty' = subst_signature sub do_delta ty in
+ let me' =
+ implem_smartmap
+ (subst_signature sub id_delta) (subst_expression sub id_delta) me
- let aty' = Option.smartmap (subst_struct_expr sub id_delta) aty in
+ let aty' = Option.smartmap (subst_expression sub id_delta) aty in
let delta' = do_delta mb.mod_delta sub in
if mp==mp' && me==me' && ty==ty' && aty==aty' && delta'==mb.mod_delta
then mb
@@ -212,34 +246,35 @@ and subst_module sub do_delta mb =
mod_type_alg = aty';
mod_delta = delta' }
-and subst_struct_expr sub do_delta seb = match seb with
- |SEBident mp ->
+and subst_expr sub do_delta seb = match seb with
+ |MEident mp ->
let mp' = subst_mp sub mp in
- if mp==mp' then seb else SEBident mp'
- |SEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) ->
- let mtb' = subst_modtype sub do_delta mtb in
- let meb' = subst_struct_expr sub do_delta meb in
- if mtb==mtb' && meb==meb' then seb
- else SEBfunctor(mbid,mtb',meb')
- |SEBstruct str ->
- let str' = subst_structure sub do_delta str in
- if str==str' then seb else SEBstruct str'
- |SEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst) ->
- let meb1' = subst_struct_expr sub do_delta meb1 in
- let meb2' = subst_struct_expr sub do_delta meb2 in
- if meb1==meb1' && meb2==meb2' then seb else SEBapply(meb1',meb2',cst)
- |SEBwith (meb,wdb) ->
- let meb' = subst_struct_expr sub do_delta meb in
+ if mp==mp' then seb else MEident mp'
+ |MEapply (meb1,mp2) ->
+ let meb1' = subst_expr sub do_delta meb1 in
+ let mp2' = subst_mp sub mp2 in
+ if meb1==meb1' && mp2==mp2' then seb else MEapply(meb1',mp2')
+ |MEwith (meb,wdb) ->
+ let meb' = subst_expr sub do_delta meb in
let wdb' = subst_with_body sub wdb in
- if meb==meb' && wdb==wdb' then seb else SEBwith(meb',wdb')
+ if meb==meb' && wdb==wdb' then seb else MEwith(meb',wdb')
+and subst_expression sub do_delta =
+ functor_smartmap
+ (subst_modtype sub do_delta)
+ (subst_expr sub do_delta)
+and subst_signature sub do_delta =
+ functor_smartmap
+ (subst_modtype sub do_delta)
+ (subst_structure sub do_delta)
-let subst_signature subst =
- subst_structure subst
- (fun resolver subst-> subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver)
+let do_delta_dom reso sub = subst_dom_delta_resolver sub reso
+let do_delta_codom reso sub = subst_codom_delta_resolver sub reso
+let do_delta_dom_codom reso sub = subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver sub reso
-let subst_struct_expr subst =
- subst_struct_expr subst
- (fun resolver subst-> subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver)
+let subst_signature subst = subst_signature subst do_delta_codom
+let subst_structure subst = subst_structure subst do_delta_codom
(** {6 Retroknowledge } *)
@@ -247,16 +282,12 @@ let subst_struct_expr subst =
the retroknowledge declared in the library *)
(* lclrk : retroknowledge_action list, rkaction : retroknowledge action *)
let add_retroknowledge mp =
- let perform rkaction env =
- match rkaction with
- | Retroknowledge.RKRegister (f, e) ->
- Environ.register env f
- (match e with
- | Const kn -> kind_of_term (mkConst kn)
- | Ind ind -> kind_of_term (mkInd ind)
- | _ ->
- anomaly ~label:"Modops.add_retroknowledge"
- (Pp.str "had to import an unsupported kind of term"))
+ let perform rkaction env = match rkaction with
+ |Retroknowledge.RKRegister (f, (Const _ | Ind _ as e)) ->
+ Environ.register env f e
+ |_ ->
+ Errors.anomaly ~label:"Modops.add_retroknowledge"
+ (Pp.str "had to import an unsupported kind of term")
fun lclrk env ->
(* The order of the declaration matters, for instance (and it's at the
@@ -271,7 +302,7 @@ let add_retroknowledge mp =
(** {6 Adding a module in the environment } *)
-let rec add_signature mp sign resolver env =
+let rec add_structure mp sign resolver env =
let add_one env (l,elem) = match elem with
|SFBconst cb ->
let c = constant_of_delta_kn resolver (KerName.make2 mp l) in
@@ -288,105 +319,71 @@ and add_module mb env =
let mp = mb.mod_mp in
let env = Environ.shallow_add_module mb env in
match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
+ |NoFunctor struc ->
add_retroknowledge mp mb.mod_retroknowledge
- (add_signature mp sign mb.mod_delta env)
- | SEBfunctor _ -> env
- | _ ->
- anomaly ~label:"Modops"
- (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
+ (add_structure mp struc mb.mod_delta env)
+ |MoreFunctor _ -> env
+let add_module_type mp mtb env =
+ add_module (module_body_of_type mp mtb) env
(** {6 Strengtening } *)
let strengthen_const mp_from l cb resolver =
match cb.const_body with
- | Def _ -> cb
- | _ ->
- let kn = KerName.make2 mp_from l in
- let con = constant_of_delta_kn resolver kn in
- { cb with
- const_body = Def (Lazyconstr.from_val (mkConst con));
- const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val (Cbytegen.compile_alias con)
- }
+ |Def _ -> cb
+ |_ ->
+ let kn = KerName.make2 mp_from l in
+ let con = constant_of_delta_kn resolver kn in
+ { cb with
+ const_body = Def (Lazyconstr.from_val (mkConst con));
+ const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val (Cbytegen.compile_alias con) }
let rec strengthen_mod mp_from mp_to mb =
- if mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta then
- mb
- else
- match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
- let resolve_out,sign_out =
- strengthen_sig mp_from sign mp_to mb.mod_delta
- in
- { mb with
- mod_expr = Some (SEBident mp_to);
- mod_type = SEBstruct(sign_out);
- mod_type_alg = mb.mod_type_alg;
- mod_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
- mod_delta = add_mp_delta_resolver mp_from mp_to
- (add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta resolve_out);
- mod_retroknowledge = mb.mod_retroknowledge }
- | SEBfunctor _ -> mb
- | _ ->
- anomaly ~label:"Modops"
- (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
-and strengthen_sig mp_from sign mp_to resolver =
- match sign with
- | [] -> empty_delta_resolver,[]
- | (l,SFBconst cb) :: rest ->
- let item' = l,SFBconst (strengthen_const mp_from l cb resolver) in
- let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to resolver in
- resolve_out,item'::rest'
- | (_,SFBmind _ as item):: rest ->
- let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to resolver in
- resolve_out,item::rest'
- | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: rest ->
- let mp_from' = MPdot (mp_from,l) in
- let mp_to' = MPdot(mp_to,l) in
- let mb_out = strengthen_mod mp_from' mp_to' mb in
- let item' = l,SFBmodule (mb_out) in
- let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to resolver in
- add_delta_resolver resolve_out mb.mod_delta, item':: rest'
- | (l,SFBmodtype mty as item) :: rest ->
- let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to resolver in
- resolve_out,item::rest'
+ if mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta then mb
+ else match mb.mod_type with
+ |NoFunctor struc ->
+ let reso,struc' = strengthen_sig mp_from struc mp_to mb.mod_delta in
+ { mb with
+ mod_expr = Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp_to));
+ mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
+ mod_delta =
+ add_mp_delta_resolver mp_from mp_to
+ (add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta reso) }
+ |MoreFunctor _ -> mb
+and strengthen_sig mp_from struc mp_to reso = match struc with
+ |[] -> empty_delta_resolver,[]
+ |(l,SFBconst cb) :: rest ->
+ let item' = l,SFBconst (strengthen_const mp_from l cb reso) in
+ let reso',rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to reso in
+ reso',item'::rest'
+ |(_,SFBmind _ as item):: rest ->
+ let reso',rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to reso in
+ reso',item::rest'
+ |(l,SFBmodule mb) :: rest ->
+ let mp_from' = MPdot (mp_from,l) in
+ let mp_to' = MPdot(mp_to,l) in
+ let mb' = strengthen_mod mp_from' mp_to' mb in
+ let item' = l,SFBmodule mb' in
+ let reso',rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to reso in
+ add_delta_resolver reso' mb.mod_delta, item':: rest'
+ |(l,SFBmodtype mty as item) :: rest ->
+ let reso',rest' = strengthen_sig mp_from rest mp_to reso in
+ reso',item::rest'
let strengthen mtb mp =
- if mp_in_delta mtb.typ_mp mtb.typ_delta then
- (* in this case mtb has already been strengthened*)
- mtb
- else
- match mtb.typ_expr with
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
- let resolve_out,sign_out =
- strengthen_sig mtb.typ_mp sign mp mtb.typ_delta
- in
- {mtb with
- typ_expr = SEBstruct(sign_out);
- typ_delta = add_delta_resolver mtb.typ_delta
- (add_mp_delta_resolver mtb.typ_mp mp resolve_out)}
- | SEBfunctor _ -> mtb
- | _ ->
- anomaly ~label:"Modops"
- (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
-let module_type_of_module mp mb =
- match mp with
- Some mp ->
- strengthen {
- typ_mp = mp;
- typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
- typ_delta = mb.mod_delta} mp
- | None ->
- {typ_mp = mb.mod_mp;
- typ_expr = mb.mod_type;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
- typ_delta = mb.mod_delta}
+ (* Has mtb already been strengthened ? *)
+ if mp_in_delta mtb.typ_mp mtb.typ_delta then mtb
+ else match mtb.typ_expr with
+ |NoFunctor struc ->
+ let reso',struc' = strengthen_sig mtb.typ_mp struc mp mtb.typ_delta in
+ { mtb with
+ typ_expr = NoFunctor struc';
+ typ_delta =
+ add_delta_resolver mtb.typ_delta
+ (add_mp_delta_resolver mtb.typ_mp mp reso') }
+ |MoreFunctor _ -> mtb
let inline_delta_resolver env inl mp mbid mtb delta =
let constants = inline_of_delta inl mtb.typ_delta in
@@ -409,109 +406,97 @@ let inline_delta_resolver env inl mp mbid mtb delta =
make_inline delta constants
-let rec strengthen_and_subst_mod mb subst mp_from mp_to resolver =
+let rec strengthen_and_subst_mod mb subst mp_from mp_to =
match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct str ->
- let mb_is_an_alias = mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in
- if mb_is_an_alias then
- subst_module subst
- (fun resolver subst-> subst_dom_delta_resolver subst resolver) mb
- else
- let resolver,new_sig =
- strengthen_and_subst_struct str subst
- mp_from mp_from mp_to false false mb.mod_delta
- in
- {mb with
- mod_mp = mp_to;
- mod_expr = Some (SEBident mp_from);
- mod_type = SEBstruct(new_sig);
- mod_delta = add_mp_delta_resolver mp_to mp_from resolver}
- | SEBfunctor(arg_id,arg_b,body) ->
- let subst = add_mp mb.mod_mp mp_to empty_delta_resolver subst in
- subst_module subst
- (fun resolver subst-> subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver) mb
- | _ ->
- anomaly ~label:"Modops"
- (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
-and strengthen_and_subst_struct
- str subst mp_alias mp_from mp_to alias incl resolver =
+ |NoFunctor struc ->
+ let mb_is_an_alias = mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in
+ if mb_is_an_alias then subst_module subst do_delta_dom mb
+ else
+ let reso',struc' =
+ strengthen_and_subst_struct struc subst
+ mp_from mp_to false false mb.mod_delta
+ in
+ { mb with
+ mod_mp = mp_to;
+ mod_expr = Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp_from));
+ mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
+ mod_delta = add_mp_delta_resolver mp_to mp_from reso' }
+ |MoreFunctor _ ->
+ let subst = add_mp mb.mod_mp mp_to empty_delta_resolver subst in
+ subst_module subst do_delta_dom mb
+and strengthen_and_subst_struct str subst mp_from mp_to alias incl reso =
match str with
| [] -> empty_delta_resolver,[]
| (l,SFBconst cb) :: rest ->
- let item' = if alias then
- (* case alias no strengthening needed*)
- l,SFBconst (subst_const_body subst cb)
- else
- l,SFBconst (strengthen_const mp_from l
- (subst_const_body subst cb) resolver)
- in
- let resolve_out,rest' =
- strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst
- mp_alias mp_from mp_to alias incl resolver in
+ let cb' = subst_const_body subst cb in
+ let cb'' =
+ if alias then cb'
+ else strengthen_const mp_from l cb' reso
+ in
+ let item' = l, SFBconst cb'' in
+ let reso',rest' =
+ strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst mp_from mp_to alias incl reso
+ in
if incl then
- (* If we are performing an inclusion we need to add
- the fact that the constant mp_to.l is \Delta-equivalent
- to resolver(mp_from.l) *)
- let kn_from = KerName.make2 mp_from l in
- let kn_to = KerName.make2 mp_to l in
- let old_name = kn_of_delta resolver kn_from in
- (add_kn_delta_resolver kn_to old_name resolve_out),
- item'::rest'
+ (* If we are performing an inclusion we need to add
+ the fact that the constant mp_to.l is \Delta-equivalent
+ to reso(mp_from.l) *)
+ let kn_from = KerName.make2 mp_from l in
+ let kn_to = KerName.make2 mp_to l in
+ let old_name = kn_of_delta reso kn_from in
+ add_kn_delta_resolver kn_to old_name reso', item'::rest'
- (*In this case the fact that the constant mp_to.l is
- \Delta-equivalent to resolver(mp_from.l) is already known
- because resolve_out contains mp_to maps to resolver(mp_from)*)
- resolve_out,item'::rest'
+ (* In this case the fact that the constant mp_to.l is
+ \Delta-equivalent to resolver(mp_from.l) is already known
+ because reso' contains mp_to maps to reso(mp_from) *)
+ reso', item'::rest'
| (l,SFBmind mib) :: rest ->
- (*Same as constant*)
let item' = l,SFBmind (subst_mind subst mib) in
- let resolve_out,rest' =
- strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst
- mp_alias mp_from mp_to alias incl resolver in
+ let reso',rest' =
+ strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst mp_from mp_to alias incl reso
+ in
+ (* Same as constant *)
if incl then
let kn_from = KerName.make2 mp_from l in
let kn_to = KerName.make2 mp_to l in
- let old_name = kn_of_delta resolver kn_from in
- (add_kn_delta_resolver kn_to old_name resolve_out),
- item'::rest'
+ let old_name = kn_of_delta reso kn_from in
+ add_kn_delta_resolver kn_to old_name reso', item'::rest'
- resolve_out,item'::rest'
+ reso', item'::rest'
| (l,SFBmodule mb) :: rest ->
let mp_from' = MPdot (mp_from,l) in
- let mp_to' = MPdot(mp_to,l) in
- let mb_out = if alias then
- subst_module subst
- (fun resolver subst -> subst_dom_delta_resolver subst resolver) mb
+ let mp_to' = MPdot (mp_to,l) in
+ let mb' = if alias then
+ subst_module subst do_delta_dom mb
- strengthen_and_subst_mod
- mb subst mp_from' mp_to' resolver
+ strengthen_and_subst_mod mb subst mp_from' mp_to'
- let item' = l,SFBmodule (mb_out) in
- let resolve_out,rest' =
- strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst
- mp_alias mp_from mp_to alias incl resolver in
- (* if mb is a functor we should not derive new equivalences
- on names, hence we add the fact that the functor can only
- be equivalent to itself. If we adopt an applicative
- semantic for functor this should be changed.*)
- if is_functor mb_out.mod_type then
- (add_mp_delta_resolver
- mp_to' mp_to' resolve_out),item':: rest'
- else
- add_delta_resolver resolve_out mb_out.mod_delta,
- item':: rest'
- | (l,SFBmodtype mty) :: rest ->
+ let item' = l,SFBmodule mb' in
+ let reso',rest' =
+ strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst mp_from mp_to alias incl reso
+ in
+ (* if mb is a functor we should not derive new equivalences
+ on names, hence we add the fact that the functor can only
+ be equivalent to itself. If we adopt an applicative
+ semantic for functor this should be changed.*)
+ if is_functor mb'.mod_type then
+ add_mp_delta_resolver mp_to' mp_to' reso', item':: rest'
+ else
+ add_delta_resolver reso' mb'.mod_delta, item':: rest'
+ | (l,SFBmodtype mty) :: rest ->
let mp_from' = MPdot (mp_from,l) in
let mp_to' = MPdot(mp_to,l) in
let subst' = add_mp mp_from' mp_to' empty_delta_resolver subst in
- let mty = subst_modtype subst'
- (fun resolver subst -> subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver subst' resolver) mty in
- let resolve_out,rest' = strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst
- mp_alias mp_from mp_to alias incl resolver
+ let mty = subst_modtype subst'
+ (fun resolver _ -> subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver subst' resolver)
+ mty
- (add_mp_delta_resolver mp_to' mp_to' resolve_out),
- (l,SFBmodtype mty)::rest'
+ let item' = l,SFBmodtype mty in
+ let reso',rest' =
+ strengthen_and_subst_struct rest subst mp_from mp_to alias incl reso
+ in
+ add_mp_delta_resolver mp_to' mp_to' reso', item'::rest'
(** Let P be a module path when we write:
@@ -521,7 +506,7 @@ and strengthen_and_subst_struct
- The second one is strenghtening. *)
let strengthen_and_subst_mb mb mp include_b = match mb.mod_type with
- |SEBstruct str ->
+ |NoFunctor struc ->
let mb_is_an_alias = mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in
(* if mb.mod_mp is an alias then the strengthening is useless
(i.e. it is already done)*)
@@ -529,168 +514,125 @@ let strengthen_and_subst_mb mb mp include_b = match mb.mod_type with
let subst_resolver = map_mp mb.mod_mp mp empty_delta_resolver in
let new_resolver =
add_mp_delta_resolver mp mp_alias
- (subst_dom_delta_resolver subst_resolver mb.mod_delta) in
+ (subst_dom_delta_resolver subst_resolver mb.mod_delta)
+ in
let subst = map_mp mb.mod_mp mp new_resolver in
- let resolver_out,new_sig =
- strengthen_and_subst_struct str subst
- mp_alias mb.mod_mp mp mb_is_an_alias include_b mb.mod_delta
+ let reso',struc' =
+ strengthen_and_subst_struct struc subst
+ mb.mod_mp mp mb_is_an_alias include_b mb.mod_delta
{ mb with
mod_mp = mp;
- mod_type = SEBstruct(new_sig);
- mod_expr = Some (SEBident mb.mod_mp);
+ mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
+ mod_expr = Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mb.mod_mp));
mod_delta =
- if include_b then resolver_out
- else add_delta_resolver new_resolver resolver_out }
- |SEBfunctor(arg_id,argb,body) ->
+ if include_b then reso'
+ else add_delta_resolver new_resolver reso' }
+ |MoreFunctor _ ->
let subst = map_mp mb.mod_mp mp empty_delta_resolver in
- subst_module subst
- (fun resolver subst -> subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver) mb
- | _ ->
- anomaly ~label:"Modops" (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
+ subst_module subst do_delta_dom_codom mb
let subst_modtype_and_resolver mtb mp =
- let subst = (map_mp mtb.typ_mp mp empty_delta_resolver) in
+ let subst = map_mp mtb.typ_mp mp empty_delta_resolver in
let new_delta = subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver subst mtb.typ_delta in
- let full_subst = (map_mp mtb.typ_mp mp new_delta) in
- subst_modtype full_subst
- (fun resolver subst -> subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver) mtb
+ let full_subst = map_mp mtb.typ_mp mp new_delta in
+ subst_modtype full_subst do_delta_dom_codom mtb
+(** {6 Cleaning a module expression from bounded parts }
-(** {6 Cleaning a bounded module expression } *)
+ For instance:
+ functor(X:T)->struct module M:=X end)
+ becomes:
+ functor(X:T)->struct module M:=<content of T> end)
let rec is_bounded_expr l = function
- | SEBident mp -> List.mem mp l
- | SEBapply (fexpr,mexpr,_) ->
- is_bounded_expr l mexpr || is_bounded_expr l fexpr
+ | MEident (MPbound mbid) -> MBIset.mem mbid l
+ | MEapply (fexpr,mp) ->
+ is_bounded_expr l (MEident mp) || is_bounded_expr l fexpr
| _ -> false
-let rec clean_struct l = function
- | (lab,SFBmodule mb) as field ->
- let clean_typ = clean_expr l mb.mod_type in
- let clean_impl =
- begin try
- if (is_bounded_expr l (Option.get mb.mod_expr)) then
- Some clean_typ
- else Some (clean_expr l (Option.get mb.mod_expr))
- with
- Option.IsNone -> None
- end in
- if clean_typ==mb.mod_type && clean_impl==mb.mod_expr then
- field
- else
- (lab,SFBmodule {mb with
- mod_type=clean_typ;
- mod_expr=clean_impl})
- | field -> field
-and clean_expr l = function
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,sigt,str) as s->
- let str_clean = clean_expr l str in
- let sig_clean = clean_expr l sigt.typ_expr in
- if str_clean == str && Int.equal (Pervasives.compare sig_clean sigt.typ_expr) 0 then (** FIXME **)
- s else SEBfunctor (mbid,{sigt with typ_expr=sig_clean},str_clean)
- | SEBstruct str as s->
- let str_clean = List.smartmap (clean_struct l) str in
- if str_clean == str then s else SEBstruct(str_clean)
- | str -> str
-let rec collect_mbid l = function
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,sigt,str) as s->
- let str_clean = collect_mbid ((MPbound mbid)::l) str in
- if str_clean == str then s else
- SEBfunctor (mbid,sigt,str_clean)
- | SEBstruct str as s->
- let str_clean = List.smartmap (clean_struct l) str in
- if str_clean == str then s else SEBstruct(str_clean)
- | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Modops" (Pp.str "the evaluation of the structure failed ")
-let clean_bounded_mod_expr = function
- | SEBfunctor _ as str ->
- let str_clean = collect_mbid [] str in
- if str_clean == str then str else str_clean
- | str -> str
+let rec clean_module l mb =
+ let impl, typ = mb.mod_expr, mb.mod_type in
+ let typ' = clean_signature l typ in
+ let impl' = match impl with
+ | Algebraic (NoFunctor m) when is_bounded_expr l m -> FullStruct
+ | _ -> implem_smartmap (clean_signature l) (clean_expression l) impl
+ in
+ if typ==typ' && impl==impl' then mb
+ else { mb with mod_type=typ'; mod_expr=impl' }
+and clean_modtype l mt =
+ let ty = mt.typ_expr in
+ let ty' = clean_signature l ty in
+ if ty==ty' then mt else { mt with typ_expr=ty' }
+and clean_field l field = match field with
+ |(lab,SFBmodule mb) ->
+ let mb' = clean_module l mb in
+ if mb==mb' then field else (lab,SFBmodule mb')
+ |_ -> field
+and clean_structure l = List.smartmap (clean_field l)
+and clean_signature l =
+ functor_smartmap (clean_modtype l) (clean_structure l)
+and clean_expression l =
+ functor_smartmap (clean_modtype l) (fun me -> me)
+let rec collect_mbid l sign = match sign with
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,ty,m) ->
+ let m' = collect_mbid (MBIset.add mbid l) m in
+ if m==m' then sign else MoreFunctor (mbid,ty,m')
+ |NoFunctor struc ->
+ let struc' = clean_structure l struc in
+ if struc==struc' then sign else NoFunctor struc'
+let clean_bounded_mod_expr sign =
+ if is_functor sign then collect_mbid MBIset.empty sign else sign
(** {6 Stm machinery : join and prune } *)
-let rec join_module_body mb =
- Option.iter join_struct_expr_body mb.mod_expr;
- Option.iter join_struct_expr_body mb.mod_type_alg;
- join_struct_expr_body mb.mod_type
-and join_structure_body struc =
- let join_body (l,body) = match body with
- | SFBconst sb -> join_constant_body sb
- | SFBmind _ -> ()
- | SFBmodule m -> join_module_body m
- | SFBmodtype m ->
- join_struct_expr_body m.typ_expr;
- Option.iter join_struct_expr_body m.typ_expr_alg in
- List.iter join_body struc;
-and join_struct_expr_body = function
- | SEBfunctor (_,t,e) ->
- join_struct_expr_body t.typ_expr;
- Option.iter join_struct_expr_body t.typ_expr_alg;
- join_struct_expr_body e
- | SEBident mp -> ()
- | SEBstruct s -> join_structure_body s
- | SEBapply (mexpr,marg,u) ->
- join_struct_expr_body mexpr;
- join_struct_expr_body marg
- | SEBwith (seb,wdcl) ->
- join_struct_expr_body seb;
- match wdcl with
- | With_module_body _ -> ()
- | With_definition_body (_, sb) -> join_constant_body sb
-let rec prune_module_body mb =
+let rec join_module mb =
+ implem_iter join_signature join_expression mb.mod_expr;
+ Option.iter join_expression mb.mod_type_alg;
+ join_signature mb.mod_type
+and join_modtype mt =
+ Option.iter join_expression mt.typ_expr_alg;
+ join_signature mt.typ_expr
+and join_field (l,body) = match body with
+ |SFBconst sb -> join_constant_body sb
+ |SFBmind _ -> ()
+ |SFBmodule m -> join_module m
+ |SFBmodtype m -> join_modtype m
+and join_structure struc = List.iter join_field struc
+and join_signature sign = functor_iter join_modtype join_structure sign
+and join_expression me = functor_iter join_modtype (fun _ -> ()) me
+let rec prune_module mb =
let me, mta, mt = mb.mod_expr, mb.mod_type_alg, mb.mod_type in
- let me' = Option.smartmap prune_struct_expr_body me in
- let mta' = Option.smartmap prune_struct_expr_body mta in
- let mt' = prune_struct_expr_body mt in
+ let mt' = prune_signature mt in
+ let me' = implem_smartmap prune_signature prune_expression me in
+ let mta' = Option.smartmap prune_expression mta in
if me' == me && mta' == mta && mt' == mt then mb
else {mb with mod_expr = me'; mod_type_alg = mta'; mod_type = mt'}
-and prune_structure_body struc =
- let prune_body (l,body as orig) = match body with
- | SFBconst sb ->
- let sb' = prune_constant_body sb in
- if sb == sb' then orig else (l, SFBconst sb')
- | SFBmind _ -> orig
- | SFBmodule m ->
- let m' = prune_module_body m in
- if m == m' then orig else (l, SFBmodule m')
- | SFBmodtype m ->
- let te, te_alg = m.typ_expr, m.typ_expr_alg in
- let te' = prune_struct_expr_body te in
- let te_alg' =
- Option.smartmap prune_struct_expr_body te_alg in
- if te' == te && te_alg' == te_alg then orig
- else (l, SFBmodtype {m with typ_expr = te'; typ_expr_alg = te_alg'})
- in
- List.smartmap prune_body struc
-and prune_struct_expr_body orig = match orig with
- | SEBfunctor (id,t,e) ->
- let te, ta = t.typ_expr, t.typ_expr_alg in
- let te' = prune_struct_expr_body te in
- let ta' = Option.smartmap prune_struct_expr_body ta in
- let e' = prune_struct_expr_body e in
- if te' == te && ta' == ta && e' == e then orig
- else SEBfunctor(id, {t with typ_expr = te'; typ_expr_alg = ta'}, e')
- | SEBident _ -> orig
- | SEBstruct s ->
- let s' = prune_structure_body s in
- if s' == s then orig else SEBstruct s'
- | SEBapply (mexpr,marg,u) ->
- let mexpr' = prune_struct_expr_body mexpr in
- let marg' = prune_struct_expr_body marg in
- if mexpr' == mexpr && marg' == marg then orig
- else SEBapply (mexpr', marg', u)
- | SEBwith (seb,wdcl) ->
- let seb' = prune_struct_expr_body seb in
- let wdcl' = match wdcl with
- | With_module_body _ -> wdcl
- | With_definition_body (id, sb) ->
- let sb' = prune_constant_body sb in
- if sb' == sb then wdcl else With_definition_body (id, sb') in
- if seb' == seb && wdcl' == wdcl then orig
- else SEBwith (seb', wdcl')
+and prune_modtype mt =
+ let te, ta = mt.typ_expr, mt.typ_expr_alg in
+ let te' = prune_signature te in
+ let ta' = Option.smartmap prune_expression ta in
+ if te==te' && ta==ta' then mt else { mt with typ_expr=te'; typ_expr_alg=ta' }
+and prune_field (l,body as orig) = match body with
+ |SFBconst sb ->
+ let sb' = prune_constant_body sb in
+ if sb == sb' then orig else (l, SFBconst sb')
+ |SFBmind _ -> orig
+ |SFBmodule m ->
+ let m' = prune_module m in
+ if m == m' then orig else (l, SFBmodule m')
+ |SFBmodtype m ->
+ let m' = prune_modtype m in
+ if m == m' then orig else (l, SFBmodtype m')
+and prune_structure struc = List.smartmap prune_field struc
+and prune_signature sign = functor_smartmap prune_modtype prune_structure sign
+and prune_expression me = functor_smartmap prune_modtype (fun me -> me) me
diff --git a/kernel/modops.mli b/kernel/modops.mli
index e148f9628..6aed95988 100644
--- a/kernel/modops.mli
+++ b/kernel/modops.mli
@@ -16,30 +16,43 @@ open Mod_subst
(** {6 Various operations on modules and module types } *)
-val module_body_of_type : module_path -> module_type_body -> module_body
+(** Functors *)
-val module_type_of_module :
- module_path option -> module_body -> module_type_body
+val is_functor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> bool
-val destr_functor :
- struct_expr_body -> MBId.t * module_type_body * struct_expr_body
+val destr_functor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty,'a) functorize
+val destr_nofunctor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> 'a
+(** Conversions between [module_body] and [module_type_body] *)
+val module_type_of_module : module_body -> module_type_body
+val module_body_of_type : module_path -> module_type_body -> module_body
val check_modpath_equiv : env -> module_path -> module_path -> unit
-(** {6 Substitutions } *)
+val implem_smartmap :
+ (module_signature -> module_signature) ->
+ (module_expression -> module_expression) ->
+ (module_implementation -> module_implementation)
-val subst_struct_expr : substitution -> struct_expr_body -> struct_expr_body
+(** {6 Substitutions } *)
-val subst_signature : substitution -> structure_body -> structure_body
+val subst_signature : substitution -> module_signature -> module_signature
+val subst_structure : substitution -> structure_body -> structure_body
(** {6 Adding to an environment } *)
-val add_signature :
+val add_structure :
module_path -> structure_body -> delta_resolver -> env -> env
(** adds a module and its components, but not the constraints *)
val add_module : module_body -> env -> env
+(** same, for a module type *)
+val add_module_type : module_path -> module_type_body -> env -> env
(** {6 Strengthening } *)
val strengthen : module_type_body -> module_path -> module_type_body
@@ -53,17 +66,22 @@ val strengthen_and_subst_mb : module_body -> module_path -> bool -> module_body
val subst_modtype_and_resolver : module_type_body -> module_path ->
-(** {6 Cleaning a bound module expression } *)
+(** {6 Cleaning a module expression from bounded parts }
-val clean_bounded_mod_expr : struct_expr_body -> struct_expr_body
+ For instance:
+ functor(X:T)->struct module M:=X end)
+ becomes:
+ functor(X:T)->struct module M:=<content of T> end)
+val clean_bounded_mod_expr : module_signature -> module_signature
(** {6 Stm machinery : join and prune } *)
-val join_module_body : module_body -> unit
-val join_structure_body : structure_body -> unit
-val join_struct_expr_body : struct_expr_body -> unit
+val join_module : module_body -> unit
+val join_structure : structure_body -> unit
-val prune_structure_body : structure_body -> structure_body
+val prune_structure : structure_body -> structure_body
(** {6 Errors } *)
@@ -91,12 +109,12 @@ type module_typing_error =
Label.t * structure_field_body * signature_mismatch_error
| LabelAlreadyDeclared of Label.t
| ApplicationToNotPath of module_struct_entry
- | NotAFunctor of struct_expr_body
+ | NotAFunctor
+ | IsAFunctor
| IncompatibleModuleTypes of module_type_body * module_type_body
| NotEqualModulePaths of module_path * module_path
| NoSuchLabel of Label.t
| IncompatibleLabels of Label.t * Label.t
- | SignatureExpected of struct_expr_body
| NotAModule of string
| NotAModuleType of string
| NotAConstant of Label.t
@@ -121,8 +139,6 @@ val error_incompatible_labels : Label.t -> Label.t -> 'a
val error_no_such_label : Label.t -> 'a
-val error_signature_expected : struct_expr_body -> 'a
val error_not_a_module : string -> 'a
val error_not_a_constant : Label.t -> 'a
diff --git a/kernel/names.ml b/kernel/names.ml
index fbd26ca3d..0da8fc5d4 100644
--- a/kernel/names.ml
+++ b/kernel/names.ml
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ struct
module MBImap = Map.Make(MBId)
+module MBIset = Set.Make(MBId)
(** {6 Names of structure elements } *)
diff --git a/kernel/names.mli b/kernel/names.mli
index 8022cb199..c05e30b9b 100644
--- a/kernel/names.mli
+++ b/kernel/names.mli
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ sig
+module MBIset : Set.S with type elt = MBId.t
module MBImap : Map.S with type key = MBId.t
(** {6 The module part of the kernel name } *)
diff --git a/kernel/nativelibrary.ml b/kernel/nativelibrary.ml
index acb740cd0..55d348550 100644
--- a/kernel/nativelibrary.ml
+++ b/kernel/nativelibrary.ml
@@ -19,13 +19,11 @@ compiler *)
let rec translate_mod prefix mp env mod_expr acc =
match mod_expr with
- | SEBident mp' -> assert false
- | SEBstruct msb ->
- let env' = add_signature mp msb empty_delta_resolver env in
- List.fold_left (translate_field prefix mp env') acc msb
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,mtb,meb) -> acc
- | SEBapply (f,x,_) -> assert false
- | SEBwith _ -> assert false
+ | NoFunctor struc ->
+ let env' = add_structure mp struc empty_delta_resolver env in
+ List.fold_left (translate_field prefix mp env') acc struc
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> acc
and translate_field prefix mp env (code, upds as acc) (l,x) =
match x with
| SFBconst cb ->
@@ -41,14 +39,14 @@ and translate_field prefix mp env (code, upds as acc) (l,x) =
let dump_library mp dp env mod_expr =
if !Flags.debug then Pp.msg_debug (Pp.str "Compiling library...");
match mod_expr with
- | SEBstruct msb ->
- let env = add_signature mp msb empty_delta_resolver env in
+ | NoFunctor struc ->
+ let env = add_structure mp struc empty_delta_resolver env in
let prefix = mod_uid_of_dirpath dp ^ "." in
- let t0 = Sys.time () in
+ let t0 = Sys.time () in
clear_global_tbl ();
clear_symb_tbl ();
let mlcode, upds =
- List.fold_left (translate_field prefix mp env) ([],empty_updates) msb
+ List.fold_left (translate_field prefix mp env) ([],empty_updates) struc
let t1 = Sys.time () in
let time_info = Format.sprintf "Time spent generating this code: %.5fs" (t1-.t0) in
diff --git a/kernel/nativelibrary.mli b/kernel/nativelibrary.mli
index 7b74b00c5..3f413631c 100644
--- a/kernel/nativelibrary.mli
+++ b/kernel/nativelibrary.mli
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ open Nativecode
(** This file implements separate compilation for libraries in the native
compiler *)
-val dump_library : module_path -> dir_path -> env -> struct_expr_body ->
+val dump_library : module_path -> dir_path -> env -> module_signature ->
global list * symbol array * code_location_updates
val compile_library :
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.ml b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
index c7711b137..5ff619ce1 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ let is_curmod_library senv =
match senv.modvariant with LIBRARY -> true | _ -> false
let join_safe_environment e =
- Modops.join_structure_body e.revstruct;
- List.fold_left
+ Modops.join_structure e.revstruct;
+ List.fold_left
(fun e fc -> add_constraints (Now (Future.join fc)) e)
{e with future_cst = []} e.future_cst
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ let prune_env env =
let prune_safe_environment e =
{ e with
modvariant = (match e.modvariant with LIBRARY -> LIBRARY | _ -> NONE);
- revstruct = Modops.prune_structure_body e.revstruct;
+ revstruct = Modops.prune_structure e.revstruct;
future_cst = [];
env = prune_env e.env }
@@ -433,9 +433,9 @@ let add_mind dir l mie senv =
(** Insertion of module types *)
-let add_modtype l mte inl senv =
+let add_modtype l params_mte inl senv =
let mp = MPdot(senv.modpath, l) in
- let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_module_type senv.env mp inl mte in
+ let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_modtype senv.env mp inl params_mte in
let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmodtype mtb) MT senv in
mp, senv'
@@ -445,16 +445,19 @@ let full_add_module mb senv =
let senv = add_constraints (Now mb.mod_constraints) senv in
{ senv with env = Modops.add_module mb senv.env }
+let full_add_module_type mp mt senv =
+ let senv = add_constraints (Now mt.typ_constraints) senv in
+ { senv with env = Modops.add_module_type mp mt senv.env }
(** Insertion of modules *)
let add_module l me inl senv =
let mp = MPdot(senv.modpath, l) in
let mb = Mod_typing.translate_module senv.env mp inl me in
let senv' = add_field (l,SFBmodule mb) M senv in
- let senv'' = match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct _ ->
- update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta) senv'
- | _ -> senv'
+ let senv'' =
+ if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then senv'
+ else update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta) senv'
@@ -489,27 +492,24 @@ let start_modtype l senv =
let add_module_parameter mbid mte inl senv =
let () = check_empty_struct senv in
let mp = MPbound mbid in
- let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_module_type senv.env mp inl mte in
- let senv = full_add_module (Modops.module_body_of_type mp mtb) senv in
+ let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_modtype senv.env mp inl ([],mte) in
+ let senv = full_add_module_type mp mtb senv in
let new_variant = match senv.modvariant with
| STRUCT (params,oldenv) -> STRUCT ((mbid,mtb) :: params, oldenv)
| SIG (params,oldenv) -> SIG ((mbid,mtb) :: params, oldenv)
| _ -> assert false
- let new_paramresolver = match mtb.typ_expr with
- | SEBstruct _ ->
- Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mtb.typ_delta senv.paramresolver
- | _ -> senv.paramresolver
+ let new_paramresolver =
+ if Modops.is_functor mtb.typ_expr then senv.paramresolver
+ else Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mtb.typ_delta senv.paramresolver
{ senv with
modvariant = new_variant;
paramresolver = new_paramresolver }
-let functorize_struct params seb0 =
- List.fold_left
- (fun seb (arg_id,arg_b) -> SEBfunctor(arg_id,arg_b,seb))
- seb0 params
+let functorize params init =
+ List.fold_left (fun e (mbid,mt) -> MoreFunctor(mbid,mt,e)) init params
let propagate_loads senv =
@@ -520,36 +520,22 @@ let propagate_loads senv =
(** Build the module body of the current module, taking in account
a possible return type (_:T) *)
+let functorize_module params mb =
+ let f x = functorize params x in
+ { mb with
+ mod_expr = Modops.implem_smartmap f f mb.mod_expr;
+ mod_type = f mb.mod_type;
+ mod_type_alg = Option.map f mb.mod_type_alg }
let build_module_body params restype senv =
- let mp = senv.modpath in
- let mexpr = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
- let mexpr' = functorize_struct params mexpr in
- match restype with
- | None ->
- { mod_mp = mp;
- mod_expr = Some mexpr';
- mod_type = mexpr';
- mod_type_alg = None;
- mod_constraints = senv.univ;
- mod_delta = senv.modresolver;
- mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge }
- | Some (res,inl) ->
- let res_mtb = Mod_typing.translate_module_type senv.env mp inl res in
- let auto_mtb = {
- typ_mp = mp;
- typ_expr = mexpr;
- typ_expr_alg = None;
- typ_constraints = Univ.empty_constraint;
- typ_delta = Mod_subst.empty_delta_resolver} in
- let cst = Subtyping.check_subtypes senv.env auto_mtb res_mtb in
- { mod_mp = mp;
- mod_expr = Some mexpr';
- mod_type = functorize_struct params res_mtb.typ_expr;
- mod_type_alg =
- Option.map (functorize_struct params) res_mtb.typ_expr_alg;
- mod_constraints = Univ.union_constraints cst senv.univ;
- mod_delta = res_mtb.typ_delta;
- mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge }
+ let struc = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
+ let restype' = Option.map (fun (ty,inl) -> (([],ty),inl)) restype in
+ let mb =
+ Mod_typing.finalize_module senv.env senv.modpath
+ (struc,None,senv.modresolver,senv.univ) restype'
+ in
+ let mb' = functorize_module params mb in
+ { mb' with mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge }
(** Returning back to the old pre-interactive-module environment,
with one extra component and some updated fields
@@ -582,10 +568,9 @@ let end_module l restype senv =
let senv'= propagate_loads {senv with env=newenv} in
let newenv = Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints senv'.env in
let newenv = Modops.add_module mb newenv in
- let newresolver = match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct _ ->
- Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta oldsenv.modresolver
- | _ -> oldsenv.modresolver
+ let newresolver =
+ if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then oldsenv.modresolver
+ else Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta oldsenv.modresolver
propagate_senv (l,SFBmodule mb) newenv newresolver senv' oldsenv
@@ -596,14 +581,14 @@ let end_modtype l senv =
let () = check_current_label l mp in
let () = check_empty_context senv in
let mbids = List.rev_map fst params in
- let auto_tb = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
+ let auto_tb = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
let newenv = oldsenv.env in
let newenv = Environ.add_constraints senv.univ newenv in
let newenv = set_engagement_opt newenv senv.engagement in
let senv' = propagate_loads {senv with env=newenv} in
let mtb =
{ typ_mp = mp;
- typ_expr = functorize_struct params auto_tb;
+ typ_expr = functorize params auto_tb;
typ_expr_alg = None;
typ_constraints = senv'.univ;
typ_delta = senv.modresolver }
@@ -616,22 +601,21 @@ let end_modtype l senv =
(** {6 Inclusion of module or module type } *)
let add_include me is_module inl senv =
+ let open Mod_typing in
let mp_sup = senv.modpath in
let sign,cst,resolver =
if is_module then
- let sign,_,resolver,cst =
- Mod_typing.translate_struct_include_module_entry senv.env mp_sup inl me
- in
- sign,cst,resolver
+ let sign,_,reso,cst = translate_mse_incl senv.env mp_sup inl me in
+ sign,cst,reso
- let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_module_type senv.env mp_sup inl me in
+ let mtb = translate_modtype senv.env mp_sup inl ([],me) in
let senv = add_constraints (Now cst) senv in
(* Include Self support *)
let rec compute_sign sign mb resolver senv =
match sign with
- | SEBfunctor(mbid,mtb,str) ->
+ | MoreFunctor(mbid,mtb,str) ->
let cst_sub = Subtyping.check_subtypes senv.env mb mtb in
let senv = add_constraints (Now cst_sub) senv in
let mpsup_delta =
@@ -639,21 +623,21 @@ let add_include me is_module inl senv =
let subst = Mod_subst.map_mbid mbid mp_sup mpsup_delta in
let resolver = Mod_subst.subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver in
- compute_sign (Modops.subst_struct_expr subst str) mb resolver senv
+ compute_sign (Modops.subst_signature subst str) mb resolver senv
| str -> resolver,str,senv
let resolver,sign,senv =
let mtb =
{ typ_mp = mp_sup;
- typ_expr = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct);
+ typ_expr = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct);
typ_expr_alg = None;
typ_constraints = Univ.empty_constraint;
typ_delta = senv.modresolver } in
compute_sign sign mtb resolver senv
let str = match sign with
- | SEBstruct str_l -> str_l
- | _ -> Modops.error_higher_order_include ()
+ | NoFunctor struc -> struc
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> Modops.error_higher_order_include ()
let senv = update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver resolver) senv
@@ -682,7 +666,7 @@ type compiled_library = {
type native_library = Nativecode.global list
-let join_compiled_library l = Modops.join_module_body l.comp_mod
+let join_compiled_library l = Modops.join_module l.comp_mod
let start_library dir senv =
check_initial senv;
@@ -702,10 +686,10 @@ let export senv dir =
let () = check_current_library dir senv in
let mp = senv.modpath in
- let str = SEBstruct (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
+ let str = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
let mb =
{ mod_mp = mp;
- mod_expr = Some str;
+ mod_expr = FullStruct;
mod_type = str;
mod_type_alg = None;
mod_constraints = senv.univ;
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.mli b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
index 3d67f6c07..5d1c98de5 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.mli
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ val add_module :
Label.t -> Entries.module_entry -> Declarations.inline ->
(module_path * Mod_subst.delta_resolver) safe_transformer
val add_modtype :
- Label.t -> Entries.module_struct_entry -> Declarations.inline ->
+ Label.t -> Entries.module_type_entry -> Declarations.inline ->
module_path safe_transformer
(** Adding universe constraints *)
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ val add_module_parameter :
MBId.t -> Entries.module_struct_entry -> Declarations.inline ->
Mod_subst.delta_resolver safe_transformer
+(** The optional result type is given without its functorial part *)
val end_module :
Label.t -> (Entries.module_struct_entry * Declarations.inline) option ->
(module_path * MBId.t list * Mod_subst.delta_resolver) safe_transformer
diff --git a/kernel/subtyping.ml b/kernel/subtyping.ml
index 99c1b8483..6cedb6ad2 100644
--- a/kernel/subtyping.ml
+++ b/kernel/subtyping.ml
@@ -319,10 +319,9 @@ let check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
check_conv error cst conv env ty1 ty2
let rec check_modules cst env msb1 msb2 subst1 subst2 =
- let mty1 = module_type_of_module None msb1 in
- let mty2 = module_type_of_module None msb2 in
- let cst = check_modtypes cst env mty1 mty2 subst1 subst2 false in
- cst
+ let mty1 = module_type_of_module msb1 in
+ let mty2 = module_type_of_module msb2 in
+ check_modtypes cst env mty1 mty2 subst1 subst2 false
and check_signatures cst env mp1 sig1 mp2 sig2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2=
let map1 = make_labmap mp1 sig1 in
@@ -344,67 +343,62 @@ and check_signatures cst env mp1 sig1 mp2 sig2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2=
| Modtype mtb -> mtb
| _ -> error_signature_mismatch l spec2 ModuleTypeFieldExpected
- let env = add_module (module_body_of_type mtb2.typ_mp mtb2)
- (add_module (module_body_of_type mtb1.typ_mp mtb1) env) in
- check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 true
+ let env =
+ add_module_type mtb2.typ_mp mtb2
+ (add_module_type mtb1.typ_mp mtb1 env)
+ in
+ check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 true
List.fold_left check_one_body cst sig2
-and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 equiv =
- if mtb1==mtb2 then cst else
- let mtb1',mtb2'=mtb1.typ_expr,mtb2.typ_expr in
- let rec check_structure cst env str1 str2 equiv subst1 subst2 =
- match str1,str2 with
- | SEBstruct (list1),
- SEBstruct (list2) ->
- if equiv then
- let subst2 =
- add_mp mtb2.typ_mp mtb1.typ_mp mtb1.typ_delta subst2 in
- Univ.union_constraints
- (check_signatures cst env
- mtb1.typ_mp list1 mtb2.typ_mp list2 subst1 subst2
- mtb1.typ_delta mtb2.typ_delta)
- (check_signatures cst env
- mtb2.typ_mp list2 mtb1.typ_mp list1 subst2 subst1
- mtb2.typ_delta mtb1.typ_delta)
- else
- check_signatures cst env
- mtb1.typ_mp list1 mtb2.typ_mp list2 subst1 subst2
- mtb1.typ_delta mtb2.typ_delta
- | SEBfunctor (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
- SEBfunctor (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
- let subst1 =
- (join (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2) arg_t2.typ_delta) subst1) in
- let cst = check_modtypes cst env
- arg_t2 arg_t1 subst2 subst1
- equiv in
- (* contravariant *)
- let env = add_module
- (module_body_of_type (MPbound arg_id2) arg_t2) env
- in
- let env = match body_t1 with
- SEBstruct str ->
- add_module {mod_mp = mtb1.typ_mp;
- mod_expr = None;
- mod_type = subst_struct_expr subst1 body_t1;
- mod_type_alg= None;
- mod_constraints=mtb1.typ_constraints;
- mod_retroknowledge = [];
- mod_delta = mtb1.typ_delta} env
- | _ -> env
- in
- check_structure cst env body_t1 body_t2 equiv
- subst1
- subst2
- | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
- in
- if mtb1'== mtb2' then cst
- else check_structure cst env mtb1' mtb2' equiv subst1 subst2
+and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 subst1 subst2 equiv =
+ if mtb1==mtb2 || mtb1.typ_expr == mtb2.typ_expr then cst
+ else
+ let rec check_structure cst env str1 str2 equiv subst1 subst2 =
+ match str1,str2 with
+ |NoFunctor list1,
+ NoFunctor list2 ->
+ if equiv then
+ let subst2 = add_mp mtb2.typ_mp mtb1.typ_mp mtb1.typ_delta subst2 in
+ let cst1 = check_signatures cst env
+ mtb1.typ_mp list1 mtb2.typ_mp list2 subst1 subst2
+ mtb1.typ_delta mtb2.typ_delta
+ in
+ let cst2 = check_signatures cst env
+ mtb2.typ_mp list2 mtb1.typ_mp list1 subst2 subst1
+ mtb2.typ_delta mtb1.typ_delta
+ in
+ Univ.union_constraints cst1 cst2
+ else
+ check_signatures cst env
+ mtb1.typ_mp list1 mtb2.typ_mp list2 subst1 subst2
+ mtb1.typ_delta mtb2.typ_delta
+ |MoreFunctor (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
+ MoreFunctor (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
+ let mp2 = MPbound arg_id2 in
+ let subst1 = join (map_mbid arg_id1 mp2 arg_t2.typ_delta) subst1 in
+ let cst = check_modtypes cst env arg_t2 arg_t1 subst2 subst1 equiv in
+ (* contravariant *)
+ let env = add_module_type mp2 arg_t2 env in
+ let env =
+ if Modops.is_functor body_t1 then env
+ else add_module
+ {mod_mp = mtb1.typ_mp;
+ mod_expr = Abstract;
+ mod_type = subst_signature subst1 body_t1;
+ mod_type_alg = None;
+ mod_constraints = mtb1.typ_constraints;
+ mod_retroknowledge = [];
+ mod_delta = mtb1.typ_delta} env
+ in
+ check_structure cst env body_t1 body_t2 equiv subst1 subst2
+ | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
+ in
+ check_structure cst env mtb1.typ_expr mtb2.typ_expr equiv subst1 subst2
let check_subtypes env sup super =
- let env = add_module
- (module_body_of_type sup.typ_mp sup) env in
- check_modtypes empty_constraint env
+ let env = add_module_type sup.typ_mp sup env in
+ check_modtypes empty_constraint env
(strengthen sup sup.typ_mp) super empty_subst
(map_mp super.typ_mp sup.typ_mp sup.typ_delta) false
diff --git a/library/assumptions.ml b/library/assumptions.ml
index 2418f0648..b1f133ac3 100644
--- a/library/assumptions.ml
+++ b/library/assumptions.ml
@@ -67,6 +67,23 @@ let rec search_cst_label lab = function
| (l, SFBconst cb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> cb
| _ :: fields -> search_cst_label lab fields
+(* TODO: using [empty_delta_resolver] below is probably slightly incorrect. But:
+ a) I don't see currently what should be used instead
+ b) this shouldn't be critical for Print Assumption. At worse some
+ constants will have a canonical name which is non-canonical,
+ leading to failures in [Global.lookup_constant], but our own
+ [lookup_constant] should work.
+let rec fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args = function
+ |NoFunctor a -> f subs mp0 args a
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,_,e) ->
+ match args with
+ | [] -> assert false (* we should only encounter applied functors *)
+ | mpa :: args ->
+ let subs = add_mbid mbid mpa empty_delta_resolver (*TODO*) subs in
+ fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args e
let rec lookup_module_in_impl mp =
try Global.lookup_module mp
with Not_found ->
@@ -93,43 +110,29 @@ and fields_of_mp mp =
if mp_eq inner_mp mp then subs
else add_mp inner_mp mp mb.mod_delta subs
- Modops.subst_signature subs fields
+ Modops.subst_structure subs fields
-and fields_of_mb subs mb args =
- let seb = match mb.mod_expr with
- | None -> mb.mod_type (* cf. Declare Module *)
- | Some seb -> seb
- in
- fields_of_seb subs mb.mod_mp seb args
+and fields_of_mb subs mb args = match mb.mod_expr with
+ |Algebraic expr -> fields_of_expression subs mb.mod_mp args expr
+ |Struct sign -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args sign
+ |Abstract|FullStruct -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args mb.mod_type
-(* TODO: using [empty_delta_resolver] below in [fields_of_seb]
- is probably slightly incorrect. But:
- a) I don't see currently what should be used instead
- b) this shouldn't be critical for Print Assumption. At worse some
- constants will have a canonical name which is non-canonical,
- leading to failures in [Global.lookup_constant], but our own
- [lookup_constant] should work.
+(** The Abstract case above corresponds to [Declare Module] *)
-and fields_of_seb subs mp0 seb args = match seb with
- | SEBstruct l ->
- let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
- l, mp0, subs
- | SEBident mp ->
+and fields_of_signature x =
+ fields_of_functor
+ (fun subs mp0 args struc ->
+ assert (List.is_empty args);
+ (struc, mp0, subs)) x
+and fields_of_expr subs mp0 args = function
+ |MEident mp ->
let mb = lookup_module_in_impl (subst_mp subs mp) in
fields_of_mb subs mb args
- | SEBapply (seb1,seb2,_) ->
- (match seb2 with
- | SEBident mp2 -> fields_of_seb subs mp0 seb1 (mp2::args)
- | _ -> assert false) (* only legal application is to module names *)
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,mtb,seb) ->
- (match args with
- | [] -> assert false (* we should only encounter applied functors *)
- | mpa :: args ->
- let subs = add_mbid mbid mpa empty_delta_resolver subs in
- fields_of_seb subs mp0 seb args)
- | SEBwith _ -> assert false (* should not appear in a mod_expr
- or mod_type field *)
+ |MEapply (me1,mp2) -> fields_of_expr subs mp0 (mp2::args) me1
+ |MEwith _ -> assert false (* no 'with' in [mod_expr] *)
+and fields_of_expression x = fields_of_functor fields_of_expr x
let lookup_constant_in_impl cst fallback =
diff --git a/library/declaremods.ml b/library/declaremods.ml
index 5c0700606..8d332b7df 100644
--- a/library/declaremods.ml
+++ b/library/declaremods.ml
@@ -336,15 +336,14 @@ let () = ModSubstObjs.set_missing_handler handle_missing_substobjs
(** Turn a chain of [MSEapply] into the head module_path and the
list of module_path parameters (deepest param coming first).
- Currently, right part of [MSEapply] must be [MSEident],
- and left part must be either [MSEident] or another [MSEapply]. *)
+ The left part of a [MSEapply] must be either [MSEident] or
+ another [MSEapply]. *)
let get_applications mexpr =
let rec get params = function
- | MSEident mp -> mp, params
- | MSEapply (fexpr, MSEident mp) -> get (mp::params) fexpr
- | MSEapply (_,mexpr) -> Modops.error_application_to_not_path mexpr
- | _ -> error "Application of a non-functor."
+ | MEident mp -> mp, params
+ | MEapply (fexpr, mp) -> get (mp::params) fexpr
+ | MEwith _ -> error "Non-atomic functor application."
in get [] mexpr
(** Create the substitution corresponding to some functor applications *)
@@ -357,10 +356,10 @@ let rec compute_subst env mbids sign mp_l inl =
let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = Modops.destr_functor sign in
let mb = Environ.lookup_module mp env in
let mbid_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids fbody_b mp_l inl in
- let resolver = match mb.mod_type with
- | SEBstruct _ ->
- Modops.inline_delta_resolver env inl mp farg_id farg_b mb.mod_delta
- | _ -> empty_delta_resolver (* case of a functor *)
+ let resolver =
+ if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then empty_delta_resolver
+ else
+ Modops.inline_delta_resolver env inl mp farg_id farg_b mb.mod_delta
mbid_left,join (map_mbid mbid mp resolver) subst
@@ -386,25 +385,21 @@ let type_of_mod mp env = function
|false -> (Environ.lookup_modtype mp env).typ_expr
let rec get_module_path = function
- |MSEident mp -> mp
- |MSEfunctor (_,_,me) -> get_module_path me
- |MSEwith (me,_) -> get_module_path me
- |MSEapply _ as me -> fst (get_applications me)
+ |MEident mp -> mp
+ |MEwith (me,_) -> get_module_path me
+ |MEapply (me,_) -> get_module_path me
(** Substitutive objects of a module expression (or module type) *)
let rec get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl = function
- |MSEident mp ->
+ |MEident mp ->
begin match ModSubstObjs.get mp with
|(mbids,Objs _) when not (ModPath.is_bound mp) ->
(mbids,Ref (mp, empty_subst)) (* we create an alias *)
|sobjs -> sobjs
- |MSEfunctor (mbid,_,mexpr) ->
- let (mbids, aobjs) = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mexpr in
- (mbid::mbids, aobjs)
- |MSEwith (mty, With_Definition _) -> get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mty
- |MSEwith (mty, With_Module (idl,mp1)) ->
+ |MEwith (mty, WithDef _) -> get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mty
+ |MEwith (mty, WithMod (idl,mp1)) ->
assert (not is_mod);
let sobjs0 = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mty in
assert (sobjs_no_functor sobjs0);
@@ -413,35 +408,27 @@ let rec get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl = function
let objs0 = expand_sobjs sobjs0 in
let objs1 = expand_sobjs (ModSubstObjs.get mp1) in
([], Objs (replace_module_object idl mp0 objs0 mp1 objs1))
- |MSEapply _ as me ->
+ |MEapply _ as me ->
let mp1, mp_l = get_applications me in
- let mbids, aobjs = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl (MSEident mp1) in
+ let mbids, aobjs = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl (MEident mp1) in
let typ = type_of_mod mp1 env is_mod in
let mbids_left,subst = compute_subst env mbids typ mp_l inl in
(mbids_left, subst_aobjs subst aobjs)
+let get_functor_sobjs is_mod env inl (params,mexpr) =
+ let (mbids, aobjs) = get_module_sobjs is_mod env inl mexpr in
+ (List.map fst params @ mbids, aobjs)
(** {6 Handling of module parameters} *)
(** For printing modules, [process_module_binding] adds names of
bound module (and its components) to Nametab. It also loads
- objects associated to it. It may raise a [Failure] when the
- bound module hasn't an atomic type. *)
-let rec seb2mse = function
- | SEBident mp -> MSEident mp
- | SEBapply (s,s',_) -> MSEapply(seb2mse s, seb2mse s')
- | SEBwith (s,With_module_body (l,mp)) -> MSEwith(seb2mse s,With_Module(l,mp))
- | SEBwith (s,With_definition_body(l,cb)) ->
- (match cb.const_body with
- | Def c -> MSEwith(seb2mse s,With_Definition(l,Lazyconstr.force c))
- | _ -> assert false)
- | _ -> failwith "seb2mse: received a non-atomic seb"
-let process_module_binding mbid seb =
+ objects associated to it. *)
+let process_module_binding mbid me =
let dir = DirPath.make [MBId.to_id mbid] in
let mp = MPbound mbid in
- let me = seb2mse seb in
let sobjs = get_module_sobjs false (Global.env()) (default_inline ()) me in
let subst = map_mp (get_module_path me) mp empty_delta_resolver in
let sobjs = subst_sobjs subst sobjs in
@@ -468,7 +455,7 @@ let intern_arg interp_modast acc (idl,(typ,ann)) =
let resolver = Global.add_module_parameter mbid mty inl in
let sobjs = subst_sobjs (map_mp mp0 mp resolver) sobjs in
do_module false Lib.load_objects 1 dir mp sobjs [];
- (mbid,(mty,inl))::acc)
+ (mbid,mty,inl)::acc)
acc idl
(** Process a list of declarations of functor parameters
@@ -504,7 +491,7 @@ let check_subtypes mp sub_mtb_l =
let mb =
try Global.lookup_module mp with Not_found -> assert false
- let mtb = Modops.module_type_of_module None mb in
+ let mtb = Modops.module_type_of_module mb in
check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l
(** Same for module type [mp] *)
@@ -515,24 +502,21 @@ let check_subtypes_mt mp sub_mtb_l =
check_sub mtb sub_mtb_l
-(** Create a functor entry.
+(** Create a params entry.
In [args], the youngest module param now comes first. *)
-let mk_funct_entry args entry0 =
- List.fold_left
- (fun entry (arg_id,(arg_t,_)) ->
- MSEfunctor (arg_id,arg_t,entry))
- entry0 args
+let mk_params_entry args =
+ List.rev_map (fun (mbid,arg_t,_) -> (mbid,arg_t)) args
(** Create a functor type struct.
In [args], the youngest module param now comes first. *)
let mk_funct_type env args seb0 =
- (fun seb (arg_id,(arg_t,arg_inl)) ->
+ (fun seb (arg_id,arg_t,arg_inl) ->
let mp = MPbound arg_id in
- let arg_t = Mod_typing.translate_module_type env mp arg_inl arg_t in
- SEBfunctor(arg_id,arg_t,seb))
+ let arg_t = Mod_typing.translate_modtype env mp arg_inl ([],arg_t) in
+ MoreFunctor(arg_id,arg_t,seb))
seb0 args
(** Prepare the module type list for check of subtypes *)
@@ -542,7 +526,7 @@ let build_subtypes interp_modast env mp args mtys =
(fun (m,ann) ->
let inl = inl2intopt ann in
let mte,_ = interp_modast env ModType m in
- let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_module_type env mp inl mte in
+ let mtb = Mod_typing.translate_modtype env mp inl ([],mte) in
{ mtb with typ_expr = mk_funct_type env args mtb.typ_expr })
@@ -583,7 +567,8 @@ let start_module interp_modast export id args res fs =
| Enforce (res,ann) ->
let inl = inl2intopt ann in
let mte,_ = interp_modast env ModType res in
- let _ = Mod_typing.translate_struct_type_entry env inl mte in
+ (* We check immediately that mte is well-formed *)
+ let _ = Mod_typing.translate_mse env None inl mte in
Some (mte,inl), []
| Check resl ->
None, build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r resl
@@ -636,32 +621,31 @@ let declare_module interp_modast id args res mexpr_o fs =
(* We simulate the beginning of an interactive module,
then we adds the module parameters to the global env. *)
let mp = Global.start_module id in
- let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args
- in
+ let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args in
+ let params = mk_params_entry arg_entries_r in
let env = Global.env () in
- let mk_entry k m = mk_funct_entry arg_entries_r (fst (interp_modast env k m))
- in
let mty_entry_o, subs, inl_res = match res with
| Enforce (mty,ann) ->
- Some (mk_entry ModType mty), [], inl2intopt ann
+ Some (fst (interp_modast env ModType mty)), [], inl2intopt ann
| Check mtys ->
None, build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r mtys,
default_inline ()
let mexpr_entry_o, inl_expr = match mexpr_o with
| None -> None, default_inline ()
- | Some (mexpr,ann) -> Some (mk_entry Module mexpr), inl2intopt ann
+ | Some (mexpr,ann) ->
+ Some (fst (interp_modast env Module mexpr)), inl2intopt ann
- let entry =
- {mod_entry_type = mty_entry_o;
- mod_entry_expr = mexpr_entry_o }
+ let entry = match mexpr_entry_o, mty_entry_o with
+ | None, None -> assert false (* No body, no type ... *)
+ | None, Some typ -> MType (params, typ)
+ | Some body, otyp -> MExpr (params, body, otyp)
let sobjs, mp0 = match entry with
- | {mod_entry_type = Some mte} ->
- get_module_sobjs false env inl_res mte, get_module_path mte
- | {mod_entry_expr = Some me} ->
- get_module_sobjs true env inl_expr me, get_module_path me
- | _ -> assert false (* No type, no body ... *)
+ | MType (_,mte) | MExpr (_,_,Some mte) ->
+ get_functor_sobjs false env inl_res (params,mte), get_module_path mte
+ | MExpr (_,me,None) ->
+ get_functor_sobjs true env inl_expr (params,me), get_module_path me
(* Undo the simulated interactive building of the module
and declare the module as a whole *)
@@ -720,16 +704,13 @@ let declare_modtype interp_modast id args mtys (mty,ann) fs =
(* We simulate the beginning of an interactive module,
then we adds the module parameters to the global env. *)
let mp = Global.start_modtype id in
- let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args
- in
+ let arg_entries_r = intern_args interp_modast args in
+ let params = mk_params_entry arg_entries_r in
let env = Global.env () in
- let entry,_ = interp_modast env ModType mty in
- let entry = mk_funct_entry arg_entries_r entry in
+ let entry = params, fst (interp_modast env ModType mty) in
let sub_mty_l = build_subtypes interp_modast env mp arg_entries_r mtys in
- let sobjs = get_module_sobjs false env inl entry in
- let subst = map_mp (get_module_path entry) mp empty_delta_resolver in
+ let sobjs = get_functor_sobjs false env inl entry in
+ let subst = map_mp (get_module_path (snd entry)) mp empty_delta_resolver in
let sobjs = subst_sobjs subst sobjs in
(* Undo the simulated interactive building of the module type
@@ -767,17 +748,17 @@ let rec include_subst env mp reso mbids sign inline = match mbids with
let rec decompose_functor mpl typ =
match mpl, typ with
| [], _ -> typ
- | _::mpl, SEBfunctor(_,_,str) -> decompose_functor mpl str
+ | _::mpl, MoreFunctor(_,_,str) -> decompose_functor mpl str
| _ -> error "Application of a functor with too much arguments."
exception NoIncludeSelf
let type_of_incl env is_mod = function
- |MSEident mp -> type_of_mod mp env is_mod
- |MSEapply _ as me ->
+ |MEident mp -> type_of_mod mp env is_mod
+ |MEapply _ as me ->
let mp0, mp_l = get_applications me in
decompose_functor mp_l (type_of_mod mp0 env is_mod)
- |_ -> raise NoIncludeSelf
+ |MEwith _ -> raise NoIncludeSelf
let declare_one_include interp_modast (me_ast,annot) =
let env = Global.env() in
diff --git a/library/declaremods.mli b/library/declaremods.mli
index f18ed2807..89bcccef3 100644
--- a/library/declaremods.mli
+++ b/library/declaremods.mli
@@ -118,4 +118,4 @@ val debug_print_modtab : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds
bound module hasn't an atomic type. *)
val process_module_binding :
- MBId.t -> Declarations.struct_expr_body -> unit
+ MBId.t -> Declarations.module_alg_expr -> unit
diff --git a/library/global.mli b/library/global.mli
index 1bc745bb7..c62f51e16 100644
--- a/library/global.mli
+++ b/library/global.mli
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ val add_module :
Id.t -> Entries.module_entry -> Declarations.inline ->
module_path * Mod_subst.delta_resolver
val add_modtype :
- Id.t -> Entries.module_struct_entry -> Declarations.inline -> module_path
+ Id.t -> Entries.module_type_entry -> Declarations.inline -> module_path
val add_include :
Entries.module_struct_entry -> bool -> Declarations.inline ->
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml b/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
index cc302b95d..7fffc960b 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Miniml
open Term
open Declarations
open Names
@@ -14,7 +15,6 @@ open Globnames
open Pp
open Errors
open Util
-open Miniml
open Table
open Extraction
open Modutil
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let toplevel_env () =
| _ -> None
- SEBstruct (List.rev (List.map_filter get_reference (Lib.contents ())))
+ List.rev (List.map_filter get_reference (Lib.contents ()))
let environment_until dir_opt =
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ let environment_until dir_opt =
| [] when dir_opt = None -> [current_toplevel (), toplevel_env ()]
| [] -> []
| d :: l ->
- match (Global.lookup_module (MPfile d)).mod_expr with
- | Some meb ->
- if dir_opt = Some d then [MPfile d, meb]
- else (MPfile d, meb) :: (parse l)
- | _ -> assert false
+ let meb =
+ Modops.destr_nofunctor (Global.lookup_module (MPfile d)).mod_type
+ in
+ if dir_opt = Some d then [MPfile d, meb]
+ else (MPfile d, meb) :: (parse l)
in parse (Library.loaded_libraries ())
@@ -168,113 +168,106 @@ let factor_fix env l cb msb =
labels, recd, msb''
-(** Expanding a [struct_expr_body] into a version without abbreviations
+(** Expanding a [module_alg_expr] into a version without abbreviations
or functor applications. This is done via a detour to entries
(hack proposed by Elie)
-let rec seb2mse = function
- | SEBapply (s,s',_) -> Entries.MSEapply(seb2mse s, seb2mse s')
- | SEBident mp -> Entries.MSEident mp
- | _ -> failwith "seb2mse: received a non-atomic seb"
-let expand_seb env mp seb =
- let seb,_,_,_ =
- let inl = Some (Flags.get_inline_level()) in
- Mod_typing.translate_struct_module_entry env mp inl (seb2mse seb)
- in seb
-(** When possible, we use the nicer, shorter, algebraic type structures
- instead of the expanded ones. *)
-let my_type_of_mb mb =
- let m0 = mb.mod_type in
- match mb.mod_type_alg with Some m -> m0,m | None -> m0,m0
-let my_type_of_mtb mtb =
- let m0 = mtb.typ_expr in
- match mtb.typ_expr_alg with Some m -> m0,m | None -> m0,m0
+let expand_mexpr env mp me =
+ let inl = Some (Flags.get_inline_level()) in
+ let sign,_,_,_ = Mod_typing.translate_mse env (Some mp) inl me in
+ sign
(** Ad-hoc update of environment, inspired by [Mod_type.check_with_aux_def].
To check with Elie. *)
-let rec msid_of_seb = function
- | SEBident mp -> mp
- | SEBwith (seb,_) -> msid_of_seb seb
+let rec mp_of_mexpr = function
+ | MEident mp -> mp
+ | MEwith (seb,_) -> mp_of_mexpr seb
| _ -> assert false
-let env_for_mtb_with_def env mp seb idl =
- let sig_b = match seb with
- | SEBstruct(sig_b) -> sig_b
- | _ -> assert false
- in
+let env_for_mtb_with_def env mp me idl =
+ let struc = Modops.destr_nofunctor me in
let l = Label.of_id (List.hd idl) in
- let spot = function (l',SFBconst _) -> l = l' | _ -> false in
- let before = fst (List.split_when spot sig_b) in
- Modops.add_signature mp before empty_delta_resolver env
+ let spot = function (l',SFBconst _) -> Label.equal l l' | _ -> false in
+ let before = fst (List.split_when spot struc) in
+ Modops.add_structure mp before empty_delta_resolver env
(* From a [structure_body] (i.e. a list of [structure_field_body])
to specifications. *)
-let rec extract_sfb_spec env mp = function
+let rec extract_structure_spec env mp = function
| [] -> []
| (l,SFBconst cb) :: msig ->
let kn = Constant.make2 mp l in
let s = extract_constant_spec env kn cb in
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
+ let specs = extract_structure_spec env mp msig in
if logical_spec s then specs
else begin Visit.add_spec_deps s; (l,Spec s) :: specs end
| (l,SFBmind _) :: msig ->
let mind = MutInd.make2 mp l in
let s = Sind (mind, extract_inductive env mind) in
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
+ let specs = extract_structure_spec env mp msig in
if logical_spec s then specs
else begin Visit.add_spec_deps s; (l,Spec s) :: specs end
| (l,SFBmodule mb) :: msig ->
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
- let spec = extract_seb_spec env mb.mod_mp (my_type_of_mb mb) in
+ let specs = extract_structure_spec env mp msig in
+ let spec = extract_mb_spec env mb.mod_mp mb in
(l,Smodule spec) :: specs
| (l,SFBmodtype mtb) :: msig ->
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
- let spec = extract_seb_spec env mtb.typ_mp (my_type_of_mtb mtb) in
+ let specs = extract_structure_spec env mp msig in
+ let spec = extract_mtb_spec env mtb.typ_mp mtb in
(l,Smodtype spec) :: specs
-(* From [struct_expr_body] to specifications *)
+(* From [module_expression] to specifications *)
-(* Invariant: the [seb] given to [extract_seb_spec] should either come
+(* Invariant: the [me] given to [extract_mexpr_spec] should either come
from a [mod_type] or [type_expr] field, or their [_alg] counterparts.
- This way, any encountered [SEBident] should be a true module type.
+ This way, any encountered [MEident] should be a true module type.
-and extract_seb_spec env mp1 (seb,seb_alg) = match seb_alg with
- | SEBident mp -> Visit.add_mp_all mp; MTident mp
- | SEBwith(seb',With_definition_body(idl,cb))->
- let env' = env_for_mtb_with_def env (msid_of_seb seb') seb idl in
- let mt = extract_seb_spec env mp1 (seb,seb') in
- (match extract_with_type env' cb with (* cb peut contenir des kn *)
+and extract_mexpr_spec env mp1 (me_struct,me_alg) = match me_alg with
+ | MEident mp -> Visit.add_mp_all mp; MTident mp
+ | MEwith(me',WithDef(idl,c))->
+ let env' = env_for_mtb_with_def env (mp_of_mexpr me') me_struct idl in
+ let mt = extract_mexpr_spec env mp1 (me_struct,me') in
+ (match extract_with_type env' c with (* cb may contain some kn *)
| None -> mt
| Some (vl,typ) -> MTwith(mt,ML_With_type(idl,vl,typ)))
- | SEBwith(seb',With_module_body(idl,mp))->
+ | MEwith(me',WithMod(idl,mp))->
Visit.add_mp_all mp;
- MTwith(extract_seb_spec env mp1 (seb,seb'),
- ML_With_module(idl,mp))
- | SEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, seb_alg') ->
- let seb' = match seb with
- | SEBfunctor (mbid',_,seb') when mbid' = mbid -> seb'
+ MTwith(extract_mexpr_spec env mp1 (me_struct,me'), ML_With_module(idl,mp))
+ | MEapply _ -> extract_msignature_spec env mp1 me_struct
+and extract_mexpression_spec env mp1 (me_struct,me_alg) = match me_alg with
+ | MoreFunctor (mbid, mtb, me_alg') ->
+ let me_struct' = match me_struct with
+ | MoreFunctor (mbid',_,me') when MBId.equal mbid' mbid -> me'
| _ -> assert false
let mp = MPbound mbid in
- let env' = Modops.add_module (Modops.module_body_of_type mp mtb) env in
- MTfunsig (mbid, extract_seb_spec env mp (my_type_of_mtb mtb),
- extract_seb_spec env' mp1 (seb',seb_alg'))
- | SEBstruct (msig) ->
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp1 msig empty_delta_resolver env in
- MTsig (mp1, extract_sfb_spec env' mp1 msig)
- | SEBapply _ ->
- if seb <> seb_alg then extract_seb_spec env mp1 (seb,seb)
- else assert false
+ let env' = Modops.add_module_type mp mtb env in
+ MTfunsig (mbid, extract_mtb_spec env mp mtb,
+ extract_mexpression_spec env' mp1 (me_struct',me_alg'))
+ | NoFunctor m -> extract_mexpr_spec env mp1 (me_struct,m)
+and extract_msignature_spec env mp1 = function
+ | NoFunctor struc ->
+ let env' = Modops.add_structure mp1 struc empty_delta_resolver env in
+ MTsig (mp1, extract_structure_spec env' mp1 struc)
+ | MoreFunctor (mbid, mtb, me) ->
+ let mp = MPbound mbid in
+ let env' = Modops.add_module_type mp mtb env in
+ MTfunsig (mbid, extract_mtb_spec env mp mtb,
+ extract_msignature_spec env' mp1 me)
+and extract_mtb_spec env mp mtb = match mtb.typ_expr_alg with
+ | Some ty -> extract_mexpression_spec env mp (mtb.typ_expr,ty)
+ | None -> extract_msignature_spec env mp mtb.typ_expr
+and extract_mb_spec env mp mb = match mb.mod_type_alg with
+ | Some ty -> extract_mexpression_spec env mp (mb.mod_type,ty)
+ | None -> extract_msignature_spec env mp mb.mod_type
(* From a [structure_body] (i.e. a list of [structure_field_body])
to implementations.
@@ -283,13 +276,13 @@ and extract_seb_spec env mp1 (seb,seb_alg) = match seb_alg with
important: last to first ensures correct dependencies.
-let rec extract_sfb env mp all = function
+let rec extract_structure env mp all = function
| [] -> []
- | (l,SFBconst cb) :: msb ->
+ | (l,SFBconst cb) :: struc ->
- let vl,recd,msb = factor_fix env l cb msb in
+ let vl,recd,struc = factor_fix env l cb struc in
let vc = Array.map (Constant.make2 mp) vl in
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
+ let ms = extract_structure env mp all struc in
let b = Array.exists Visit.needed_con vc in
if all || b then
let d = extract_fixpoint env vc recd in
@@ -297,7 +290,7 @@ let rec extract_sfb env mp all = function
else begin Visit.add_decl_deps d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
else ms
with Impossible ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
+ let ms = extract_structure env mp all struc in
let c = Constant.make2 mp l in
let b = Visit.needed_con c in
if all || b then
@@ -305,8 +298,8 @@ let rec extract_sfb env mp all = function
if (not b) && (logical_decl d) then ms
else begin Visit.add_decl_deps d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
else ms)
- | (l,SFBmind mib) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
+ | (l,SFBmind mib) :: struc ->
+ let ms = extract_structure env mp all struc in
let mind = MutInd.make2 mp l in
let b = Visit.needed_ind mind in
if all || b then
@@ -314,41 +307,54 @@ let rec extract_sfb env mp all = function
if (not b) && (logical_decl d) then ms
else begin Visit.add_decl_deps d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
else ms
- | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
+ | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: struc ->
+ let ms = extract_structure env mp all struc in
let mp = MPdot (mp,l) in
if all || Visit.needed_mp mp then
(l,SEmodule (extract_module env mp true mb)) :: ms
else ms
- | (l,SFBmodtype mtb) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
+ | (l,SFBmodtype mtb) :: struc ->
+ let ms = extract_structure env mp all struc in
let mp = MPdot (mp,l) in
- if all || Visit.needed_mp mp then
- (l,SEmodtype (extract_seb_spec env mp (my_type_of_mtb mtb))) :: ms
+ if all || Visit.needed_mp mp then
+ (l,SEmodtype (extract_mtb_spec env mp mtb)) :: ms
else ms
-(* From [struct_expr_body] to implementations *)
+(* From [module_expr] and [module_expression] to implementations *)
-and extract_seb env mp all = function
- | (SEBident _ | SEBapply _) as seb when lang () <> Ocaml ->
+and extract_mexpr env mp all = function
+ | MEwith _ -> assert false (* no 'with' syntax for modules *)
+ | me when lang () <> Ocaml ->
(* in Haskell/Scheme, we expand everything *)
- extract_seb env mp all (expand_seb env mp seb)
- | SEBident mp ->
+ extract_msignature env mp all (expand_mexpr env mp me)
+ | MEident mp ->
if is_modfile mp && not (modular ()) then error_MPfile_as_mod mp false;
- Visit.add_mp_all mp; MEident mp
- | SEBapply (meb, meb',_) ->
- MEapply (extract_seb env mp true meb,
- extract_seb env mp true meb')
- | SEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) ->
+ Visit.add_mp_all mp; Miniml.MEident mp
+ | MEapply (me, arg) ->
+ Miniml.MEapply (extract_mexpr env mp true me,
+ extract_mexpr env mp true (MEident arg))
+and extract_mexpression env mp all = function
+ | NoFunctor me -> extract_mexpr env mp all me
+ | MoreFunctor (mbid, mtb, me) ->
let mp1 = MPbound mbid in
- let env' = Modops.add_module (Modops.module_body_of_type mp1 mtb)
- env in
- MEfunctor (mbid, extract_seb_spec env mp1 (my_type_of_mtb mtb),
- extract_seb env' mp true meb)
- | SEBstruct (msb) ->
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp msb empty_delta_resolver env in
- MEstruct (mp,extract_sfb env' mp all msb)
- | SEBwith (_,_) -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not available yet")
+ let env' = Modops.add_module_type mp1 mtb env in
+ Miniml.MEfunctor
+ (mbid,
+ extract_mtb_spec env mp1 mtb,
+ extract_mexpression env' mp true me)
+and extract_msignature env mp all = function
+ | NoFunctor struc ->
+ let env' = Modops.add_structure mp struc empty_delta_resolver env in
+ Miniml.MEstruct (mp,extract_structure env' mp all struc)
+ | MoreFunctor (mbid, mtb, me) ->
+ let mp1 = MPbound mbid in
+ let env' = Modops.add_module_type mp1 mtb env in
+ Miniml.MEfunctor
+ (mbid,
+ extract_mtb_spec env mp1 mtb,
+ extract_msignature env' mp true me)
and extract_module env mp all mb =
(* A module has an empty [mod_expr] when :
@@ -357,14 +363,14 @@ and extract_module env mp all mb =
Since we look at modules from outside, we shouldn't have variables.
But a Declare Module at toplevel seems legal (cf #2525). For the
moment we don't support this situation. *)
- match mb.mod_expr with
- | None -> error_no_module_expr mp
- | Some me ->
- { ml_mod_expr = extract_seb env mp all me;
- ml_mod_type = extract_seb_spec env mp (my_type_of_mb mb) }
-let unpack = function MEstruct (_,sel) -> sel | _ -> assert false
+ let impl = match mb.mod_expr with
+ | Abstract -> error_no_module_expr mp
+ | Algebraic me -> extract_mexpression env mp all me
+ | Struct sign -> extract_msignature env mp all sign
+ | FullStruct -> extract_msignature env mp all mb.mod_type
+ in
+ { ml_mod_expr = impl;
+ ml_mod_type = extract_mb_spec env mp mb }
let mono_environment refs mpl =
Visit.reset ();
@@ -373,7 +379,8 @@ let mono_environment refs mpl =
let env = Global.env () in
let l = List.rev (environment_until None) in
- (fun (mp,m) -> mp, unpack (extract_seb env mp (Visit.needed_mp_all mp) m))
+ (fun (mp,struc) ->
+ mp, extract_structure env mp (Visit.needed_mp_all mp) struc)
@@ -620,9 +627,9 @@ let extraction_library is_rec m =
Visit.add_mp_all (MPfile dir_m);
let env = Global.env () in
let l = List.rev (environment_until (Some dir_m)) in
- let select l (mp,meb) =
+ let select l (mp,struc) =
if Visit.needed_mp mp
- then (mp, unpack (extract_seb env mp true meb)) :: l
+ then (mp, extract_structure env mp true struc) :: l
else l
let struc = List.fold_left select [] l in
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml b/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml
index 68f832997..6c1be2d36 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/extraction.ml
@@ -1024,17 +1024,12 @@ let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
Sval (r, type_expunge env t)
-let extract_with_type env cb =
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
+let extract_with_type env c =
+ let typ = type_of env c in
match flag_of_type env typ with
| (Info, TypeScheme) ->
let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
let db = db_from_sign s in
- let c = match cb.const_body with
- | Def body -> Lazyconstr.force body
- (* A "with Definition ..." is necessarily transparent *)
- | Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ -> assert false
- in
let t = extract_type_scheme env db c (List.length s) in
Some (vl, t)
| _ -> None
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/extraction.mli b/plugins/extraction/extraction.mli
index 3a5fc9794..89db50e63 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/extraction.mli
+++ b/plugins/extraction/extraction.mli
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ val extract_constant : env -> constant -> constant_body -> ml_decl
val extract_constant_spec : env -> constant -> constant_body -> ml_spec
-val extract_with_type : env -> constant_body -> ( Id.t list * ml_type ) option
+val extract_with_type : env -> constr -> ( Id.t list * ml_type ) option
val extract_fixpoint :
env -> constant array -> (constr, types) prec_declaration -> ml_decl
diff --git a/printing/printmod.ml b/printing/printmod.ml
index ee4a2db7f..b5d1d8a18 100644
--- a/printing/printmod.ml
+++ b/printing/printmod.ml
@@ -114,18 +114,24 @@ let nametab_register_module_body mp struc =
nametab_register_dir mp;
List.iter (nametab_register_body mp DirPath.empty) struc
-let nametab_register_module_param mbid seb =
- (* For algebraic seb, we use a Declaremods function that converts into mse *)
- try Declaremods.process_module_binding mbid seb
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- (* Otherwise, for expanded structure, we try to play with the nametab *)
- match seb with
- | SEBstruct struc ->
- let mp = MPbound mbid in
- let dir = DirPath.make [MBId.to_id mbid] in
- nametab_register_dir mp;
- List.iter (nametab_register_body mp dir) struc
- | _ -> ()
+let get_typ_expr_alg mtb = match mtb.typ_expr_alg with
+ | Some (NoFunctor me) -> me
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let nametab_register_modparam mbid mtb =
+ match mtb.typ_expr with
+ | MoreFunctor _ -> () (* functorial param : nothing to register *)
+ | NoFunctor struc ->
+ (* We first try to use the algebraic type expression if any,
+ via a Declaremods function that converts back to module entries *)
+ try
+ Declaremods.process_module_binding mbid (get_typ_expr_alg mtb)
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ (* Otherwise, we try to play with the nametab ourselves *)
+ let mp = MPbound mbid in
+ let dir = DirPath.make [MBId.to_id mbid] in
+ nametab_register_dir mp;
+ List.iter (nametab_register_body mp dir) struc
let print_body is_impl env mp (l,body) =
let name = str (Label.to_string l) in
@@ -161,71 +167,71 @@ let print_body is_impl env mp (l,body) =
let print_struct is_impl env mp struc =
prlist_with_sep spc (print_body is_impl env mp) struc
+let print_structure is_type env mp locals struc =
+ let env' = Option.map
+ (Modops.add_structure mp struc Mod_subst.empty_delta_resolver) env in
+ nametab_register_module_body mp struc;
+ let kwd = if is_type then "Sig" else "Struct" in
+ hv 2 (str kwd ++ spc () ++ print_struct false env' mp struc ++
+ brk (1,-2) ++ str "End")
let rec flatten_app mexpr l = match mexpr with
- | SEBapply (mexpr, SEBident arg,_) -> flatten_app mexpr (arg::l)
- | SEBident mp -> mp::l
- | _ -> assert false
+ | MEapply (mexpr, arg) -> flatten_app mexpr (arg::l)
+ | MEident mp -> mp::l
+ | MEwith _ -> assert false
-let rec print_modtype env mp locals mty =
+let rec print_typ_expr env mp locals mty =
match mty with
- | SEBident kn -> print_kn locals kn
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,mtb1,mtb2) ->
- let mp1 = MPbound mbid in
- let env' = Option.map
- (Modops.add_module (Modops.module_body_of_type mp1 mtb1)) env in
- let seb1 = Option.default mtb1.typ_expr mtb1.typ_expr_alg in
- let locals' = (mbid, get_new_id locals (MBId.to_id mbid))::locals
- in
- nametab_register_module_param mbid seb1;
- hov 2 (str "Funsig" ++ spc () ++ str "(" ++
- pr_id (MBId.to_id mbid) ++ str ":" ++
- print_modtype env mp1 locals seb1 ++
- str ")" ++ spc() ++ print_modtype env' mp locals' mtb2)
- | SEBstruct (sign) ->
- let env' = Option.map
- (Modops.add_signature mp sign Mod_subst.empty_delta_resolver) env in
- nametab_register_module_body mp sign;
- hv 2 (str "Sig" ++ spc () ++ print_struct false env' mp sign ++
- brk (1,-2) ++ str "End")
- | SEBapply _ ->
+ | MEident kn -> print_kn locals kn
+ | MEapply _ ->
let lapp = flatten_app mty [] in
let fapp = List.hd lapp in
let mapp = List.tl lapp in
hov 3 (str"(" ++ (print_kn locals fapp) ++ spc () ++
prlist_with_sep spc (print_modpath locals) mapp ++ str")")
- | SEBwith(seb,With_definition_body(idl,cb))->
+ | MEwith(me,WithDef(idl,c))->
let env' = None in (* TODO: build a proper environment if env <> None *)
- let s = (String.concat "." (List.map Id.to_string idl)) in
- hov 2 (print_modtype env' mp locals seb ++ spc() ++ str "with" ++ spc() ++
- str "Definition"++ spc() ++ str s ++ spc() ++ str ":="++ spc())
- | SEBwith(seb,With_module_body(idl,mp))->
- let s =(String.concat "." (List.map Id.to_string idl)) in
- hov 2 (print_modtype env mp locals seb ++ spc() ++ str "with" ++ spc() ++
- str "Module"++ spc() ++ str s ++ spc() ++ str ":="++ spc())
-let rec print_modexpr env mp locals mexpr = match mexpr with
- | SEBident mp -> print_modpath locals mp
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) ->
- let mp' = MPbound mbid in
- let env' = Option.map
- (Modops.add_module (Modops.module_body_of_type mp' mty)) env in
- let typ = Option.default mty.typ_expr mty.typ_expr_alg in
+ let s = String.concat "." (List.map Id.to_string idl) in
+ hov 2 (print_typ_expr env' mp locals me ++ spc() ++ str "with" ++ spc()
+ ++ str "Definition"++ spc() ++ str s ++ spc() ++ str ":="++ spc())
+ | MEwith(me,WithMod(idl,mp))->
+ let s = String.concat "." (List.map Id.to_string idl) in
+ hov 2 (print_typ_expr env mp locals me ++ spc() ++ str "with" ++ spc() ++
+ str "Module"++ spc() ++ str s ++ spc() ++ str ":="++ spc())
+let print_mod_expr env mp locals = function
+ | MEident mp -> print_modpath locals mp
+ | MEapply _ as me ->
+ let lapp = flatten_app me [] in
+ hov 3
+ (str"(" ++ prlist_with_sep spc (print_modpath locals) lapp ++ str")")
+ | MEwith _ -> assert false (* No 'with' syntax for modules *)
+let rec print_functor fty fatom is_type env mp locals = function
+ |NoFunctor me -> fatom is_type env mp locals me
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,mtb1,me2) ->
+ nametab_register_modparam mbid mtb1;
+ let mp1 = MPbound mbid in
+ let pr_mtb1 = fty env mp1 locals mtb1 in
+ let env' = Option.map (Modops.add_module_type mp1 mtb1) env in
let locals' = (mbid, get_new_id locals (MBId.to_id mbid))::locals in
- nametab_register_module_param mbid typ;
- hov 2 (str "Functor" ++ spc() ++ str"(" ++ pr_id(MBId.to_id mbid) ++
- str ":" ++ print_modtype env mp' locals typ ++
- str ")" ++ spc () ++ print_modexpr env' mp locals' mexpr)
- | SEBstruct struc ->
- let env' = Option.map
- (Modops.add_signature mp struc Mod_subst.empty_delta_resolver) env in
- nametab_register_module_body mp struc;
- hv 2 (str "Struct" ++ spc () ++ print_struct true env' mp struc ++
- brk (1,-2) ++ str "End")
- | SEBapply _ ->
- let lapp = flatten_app mexpr [] in
- hov 3 (str"(" ++ prlist_with_sep spc (print_modpath locals) lapp ++ str")")
- | SEBwith (_,_)-> anomaly (Pp.str "Not available yet")
+ let kwd = if is_type then "Funsig" else "Functor" in
+ hov 2
+ (str kwd ++ spc () ++
+ str "(" ++ pr_id (MBId.to_id mbid) ++ str ":" ++ pr_mtb1 ++ str ")" ++
+ spc() ++ print_functor fty fatom is_type env' mp locals' me2)
+let rec print_expression x =
+ print_functor
+ print_modtype
+ (function true -> print_typ_expr | false -> print_mod_expr) x
+and print_signature x =
+ print_functor print_modtype print_structure x
+and print_modtype env mp locals mtb = match mtb.typ_expr_alg with
+ | Some me -> print_expression true env mp locals me
+ | None -> print_signature true env mp locals mtb.typ_expr
let rec printable_body dir =
let dir = pop_dirpath dir in
@@ -241,23 +247,28 @@ let rec printable_body dir =
(** Since we might play with nametab above, we should reset to prior
state after the printing *)
-let print_modexpr' env mp mexpr =
+let print_expression' is_type env mp me =
- (fun e -> eval_ppcmds (print_modexpr env mp [] e)) mexpr
+ (fun e -> eval_ppcmds (print_expression is_type env mp [] e)) me
-let print_modtype' env mp mty =
+let print_signature' is_type env mp me =
- (fun e -> eval_ppcmds (print_modtype env mp [] e)) mty
+ (fun e -> eval_ppcmds (print_signature is_type env mp [] e)) me
-let print_module' env mp with_body mb =
+let unsafe_print_module env mp with_body mb =
let name = print_modpath [] mp in
+ let pr_equals = spc () ++ str ":= " in
let body = match with_body, mb.mod_expr with
| false, _
- | true, None -> mt()
- | true, Some mexpr ->
- spc () ++ str ":= " ++ print_modexpr' env mp mexpr
+ | true, Abstract -> mt()
+ | _, Algebraic me -> pr_equals ++ print_expression' false env mp me
+ | _, Struct sign -> pr_equals ++ print_signature' false env mp sign
+ | _, FullStruct -> pr_equals ++ print_signature' false env mp mb.mod_type
- let modtype = brk (1,1) ++ str": " ++ print_modtype' env mp mb.mod_type
+ let modtype = match mb.mod_expr, mb.mod_type_alg with
+ | FullStruct, _ -> mt ()
+ | _, Some ty -> brk (1,1) ++ str": " ++ print_expression' true env mp ty
+ | _, _ -> brk (1,1) ++ str": " ++ print_signature' true env mp mb.mod_type
hv 0 (str "Module " ++ name ++ modtype ++ body)
@@ -267,9 +278,9 @@ let print_module with_body mp =
let me = Global.lookup_module mp in
if !short then raise ShortPrinting;
- print_module' (Some (Global.env ())) mp with_body me ++ fnl ()
+ unsafe_print_module (Some (Global.env ())) mp with_body me ++ fnl ()
with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- print_module' None mp with_body me ++ fnl ()
+ unsafe_print_module None mp with_body me ++ fnl ()
let print_modtype kn =
let mtb = Global.lookup_modtype kn in
@@ -278,6 +289,6 @@ let print_modtype kn =
(str "Module Type " ++ name ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++
if !short then raise ShortPrinting;
- print_modtype' (Some (Global.env ())) kn mtb.typ_expr
+ print_signature' true (Some (Global.env ())) kn mtb.typ_expr
with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- print_modtype' None kn mtb.typ_expr))
+ print_signature' true None kn mtb.typ_expr))
diff --git a/toplevel/himsg.ml b/toplevel/himsg.ml
index c9090f76e..de77ee131 100644
--- a/toplevel/himsg.ml
+++ b/toplevel/himsg.ml
@@ -671,8 +671,11 @@ let explain_label_already_declared l =
let explain_application_to_not_path _ =
str "Application of modules is restricted to paths."
-let explain_not_a_functor mtb =
- str "Application of not a functor."
+let explain_not_a_functor () =
+ str "Application of a non-functor."
+let explain_is_a_functor () =
+ str "Illegal use of a functor."
let explain_incompatible_module_types mexpr1 mexpr2 =
str "Incompatible module types."
@@ -687,9 +690,6 @@ let explain_incompatible_labels l l' =
str "Opening and closing labels are not the same: " ++
str (Label.to_string l) ++ str " <> " ++ str (Label.to_string l') ++ str "!"
-let explain_signature_expected mtb =
- str "Signature expected."
let explain_not_a_module s =
quote (str s) ++ str " is not a module."
@@ -719,12 +719,12 @@ let explain_module_error = function
| SignatureMismatch (l,spec,err) -> explain_signature_mismatch l spec err
| LabelAlreadyDeclared l -> explain_label_already_declared l
| ApplicationToNotPath mexpr -> explain_application_to_not_path mexpr
- | NotAFunctor mtb -> explain_not_a_functor mtb
+ | NotAFunctor -> explain_not_a_functor ()
+ | IsAFunctor -> explain_is_a_functor ()
| IncompatibleModuleTypes (m1,m2) -> explain_incompatible_module_types m1 m2
| NotEqualModulePaths (mp1,mp2) -> explain_not_equal_module_paths mp1 mp2
| NoSuchLabel l -> explain_no_such_label l
| IncompatibleLabels (l1,l2) -> explain_incompatible_labels l1 l2
- | SignatureExpected mtb -> explain_signature_expected mtb
| NotAModule s -> explain_not_a_module s
| NotAModuleType s -> explain_not_a_module_type s
| NotAConstant l -> explain_not_a_constant l