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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ide/xmlprotocol.ml b/ide/xmlprotocol.ml
index a4f133810..a55d19aa1 100644
--- a/ide/xmlprotocol.ml
+++ b/ide/xmlprotocol.ml
@@ -788,6 +788,10 @@ let of_message lvl msg =
let lvl = of_message_level lvl in
let content = of_richpp msg in
Xml_datatype.Element ("message", [], [lvl; content])
+let to_message xml = match xml with
+ | Xml_datatype.Element ("message", [], [lvl; content]) ->
+ Message(to_message_level lvl, to_richpp content)
+ | x -> raise (Marshal_error("message",x))
let is_message = function
| Xml_datatype.Element ("message", [], [lvl; content]) ->
@@ -816,8 +820,7 @@ let to_feedback_content = do_match "feedback_content" (fun s a -> match s,a with
FileDependency (to_option to_string from, to_string dep)
| "fileloaded", [dirpath; filename] ->
FileLoaded (to_string dirpath, to_string filename)
- | "message", [lvl; content] ->
- Message (to_message_level lvl, to_richpp content)
+ | "message", [x] -> to_message x
| x,l -> raise (Marshal_error("feedback_content",PCData (x ^ " with attributes " ^ string_of_int (List.length l)))))
let of_feedback_content = function