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diff --git a/theories/Logic/Hurkens.v b/theories/Logic/Hurkens.v
index 1dce51b2b..d7871995c 100644
--- a/theories/Logic/Hurkens.v
+++ b/theories/Logic/Hurkens.v
@@ -8,22 +8,49 @@
(* Hurkens.v *)
-(** This is Hurkens paradox [Hurkens] in system U-, adapted by Herman
- Geuvers [Geuvers] to show the inconsistency in the pure calculus of
- constructions of a retract from Prop into a small type.
+(** Exploiting Hurkens' paradox [[Hurkens95]] for system U- so as to
+ derive contradictions from
+ - the existence in the pure Calculus of Constructions of a retract
+ from Prop into a small type of Prop
+ - the existence in the Calculus of Constructions with universes
+ of a retract from some Type universe into Prop
+ The first proof is a simple and effective formulation by Herman
+ Geuvers [[Geuvers01]] of a result by Thierry Coquand
+ [[Coquand90]]. The result implies that Coq with classical logic
+ stated in impredicative Set is inconsistent and that classical
+ logic stated in Prop implies proof-irrelevance (see
+ [ClassicalFacts.v])
+ The second proof is an adaptation of the first proof by Hugo
+ Herbelin to eventually prove the inconsistency of Prop=Type.
- - [Hurkens] A. J. Hurkens, "A simplification of Girard's paradox",
+ - [[Coquand90]] T. Coquand, "Metamathematical Investigations of a
+ Calculus of Constructions", Proceedings of Logic in Computer
+ Science (LICS'90), 1990.
+ - [[Hurkens95]] A. J. Hurkens, "A simplification of Girard's paradox",
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference Typed Lambda-Calculi
and Applications (TLCA'95), 1995.
- - [Geuvers] "Inconsistency of Classical Logic in Type Theory", 2001
- (see http://www.cs.kun.nl/~herman/note.ps.gz).
+ - [[Geuvers01]] H. Geuvers, "Inconsistency of Classical Logic in Type
+ Theory", 2001, revised 2007
+ (see http://www.cs.ru.nl/~herman/PUBS/newnote.ps.gz).
+(* Pleasing coqdoc! *)
+(** * Inconsistency of the existence in the pure Calculus of Constructions of a retract from Prop into a small type of Prop *)
+Module NoRetractFromSmallPropositionToProp.
Section Paradox.
+(** Assumption of a retract from Prop to a small type in Prop, using
+ equivalence as the equality on propositions *)
Variable bool : Prop.
Variable p2b : Prop -> bool.
Variable b2p : bool -> Prop.
@@ -31,6 +58,8 @@ Hypothesis p2p1 : forall A:Prop, b2p (p2b A) -> A.
Hypothesis p2p2 : forall A:Prop, A -> b2p (p2b A).
Variable B : Prop.
+(** Proof *)
Definition V := forall A:Prop, ((A -> bool) -> A -> bool) -> A -> bool.
Definition U := V -> bool.
Definition sb (z:V) : V := fun A r a => r (z A r) a.
@@ -79,3 +108,135 @@ exact (lemma2 Omega).
End Paradox.
+End NoRetractFromSmallPropositionToProp.
+Export NoRetractFromSmallPropositionToProp.
+(** * Inconsistency of the existence in the Calculus of Constructions with universes of a retract from some Type universe into Prop. *)
+(** Note: Assuming the context [down:Type->Prop; up:Prop->Type; forth:
+ forall (A:Type), A -> up (down A); back: forall (A:Type), up
+ (down A) -> A; H: forall (A:Type) (P:A->Type) (a:A),
+ P (back A (forth A a)) -> P a] is probably enough. *)
+Module NoRetractFromTypeToProp.
+Definition Type2 := Type.
+Definition Type1 := Type : Type2.
+Section Paradox.
+Notation "'rew1' <- H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect_r Type1 _ (fun X : Type1 => X) H' _ H)
+ (at level 10, H' at level 10).
+Notation "'rew1' H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect Type1 _ (fun X : Type1 => X) H' _ H)
+ (at level 10, H' at level 10).
+(** Assumption of a retract from Type into Prop *)
+Variable down : Type1 -> Prop.
+Variable up : Prop -> Type1.
+Hypothesis up_down : forall (A:Type1), up (down A) = A :> Type1.
+(** Proof *)
+Definition V : Type1 := forall A:Prop, ((up A -> Prop) -> up A -> Prop) -> up A -> Prop.
+Definition U : Type1 := V -> Prop.
+Definition forth (a:U) : up (down U) := rew1 <- (up_down U) in a.
+Definition back (x:up (down U)) : U := rew1 (up_down U) in x.
+Definition sb (z:V) : V := fun A r a => r (z A r) a.
+Definition le (i:U -> Prop) (x:U) : Prop := x (fun A r a => i (fun v => sb v A r a)).
+Definition le' (i:up (down U) -> Prop) (x:up (down U)) : Prop := le (fun a:U => i (forth a)) (back x).
+Definition induct (i:U -> Prop) : Type1 := forall x:U, up (le i x) -> up (i x).
+Definition WF : U := fun z => down (induct (fun a => z (down U) le' (forth a))).
+Definition I (x:U) : Prop :=
+ (forall i:U -> Prop, up (le i x) -> up (i (fun v => sb v (down U) le' (forth x)))) -> False.
+Lemma back_forth (a:U) : back (forth a) = a.
+apply rew_opp_r with (P:=fun X:Type1 => X).
+Lemma Omega : forall i:U -> Prop, induct i -> up (i WF).
+intros i y.
+apply y.
+unfold le, WF, induct.
+rewrite up_down.
+intros x H0.
+apply y.
+unfold sb, le', le.
+rewrite back_forth.
+exact H0.
+Lemma lemma1 : induct (fun u => down (I u)).
+unfold induct.
+intros x p.
+rewrite up_down.
+intro q.
+generalize (q (fun u => down (I u)) p).
+rewrite up_down.
+intro r.
+apply r.
+intros i j.
+unfold le, sb, le', le in j |-.
+rewrite back_forth in j.
+specialize q with (i := fun y => i (fun v:V => sb v (down U) le' (forth y))).
+apply q.
+exact j.
+Lemma lemma2 : (forall i:U -> Prop, induct i -> up (i WF)) -> False.
+intro x.
+generalize (x (fun u => down (I u)) lemma1).
+rewrite up_down.
+intro r. apply r.
+intros i H0.
+apply (x (fun y => i (fun v => sb v (down U) le' (forth y)))).
+unfold le, WF in H0.
+rewrite up_down in H0.
+exact H0.
+Theorem paradox : False.
+exact (lemma2 Omega).
+End Paradox.
+End NoRetractFromTypeToProp.
+(** Application: Prop<>Type for some given Type *)
+Import NoRetractFromTypeToProp.
+Section Prop_neq_Type.
+Notation "'rew2' <- H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect_r Type2 _ (fun X : Type2 => X) H' _ H)
+ (at level 10, H' at level 10).
+Notation "'rew2' H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect Type2 _ (fun X : Type2 => X) H' _ H)
+ (at level 10, H' at level 10).
+Variable Heq : Prop = Type1 :> Type2.
+Definition down : Type1 -> Prop := fun A => rew2 <- Heq in A.
+Definition up : Prop -> Type1 := fun A => rew2 Heq in A.
+Lemma up_down : forall (A:Type1), up (down A) = A :> Type1.
+unfold up, down. rewrite Heq. reflexivity.
+Theorem Prop_neq_Type : False.
+apply paradox with down up.
+apply up_down.
+End Prop_neq_Type.
diff --git a/theories/Logic/UniversesFacts.v b/theories/Logic/UniversesFacts.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0adb662fc..000000000
--- a/theories/Logic/UniversesFacts.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** A proof of the inconsistency of Prop=Type (for some fixed Type) in
- Coq using Hurkens' paradox for system Type:Type [Hurkens].
- Adapted from an initial formulation by Herman Geuvers [Geuvers] (this
- formulation was used to show the inconsistency in the pure
- calculus of constructions of a retract from Prop into a small
- type, see Hurkens.v).
- - [Hurkens] A. J. Hurkens, "A simplification of Girard's paradox",
- Proceedings of the 2nd international conference Typed Lambda-Calculi
- and Applications (TLCA'95), 1995.
- - [Geuvers] "Inconsistency of Classical Logic in Type Theory", 2001
- (see http://www.cs.kun.nl/~herman/note.ps.gz).
-Section Paradox.
-Definition Type2 := Type.
-Definition Type1 := Type : Type2.
-(** Preliminary *)
-Notation "'rew2' <- H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect_r Type2 _ (fun X : Type2 => X) H' _ H)
- (at level 10, H' at level 10).
-Notation "'rew2' H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect Type2 _ (fun X : Type2 => X) H' _ H)
- (at level 10, H' at level 10).
-Notation "'rew1' <- H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect_r Type1 _ (fun X : Type1 => X) H' _ H)
- (at level 10, H' at level 10).
-Notation "'rew1' H 'in' H'" := (@eq_rect Type1 _ (fun X : Type1 => X) H' _ H)
- (at level 10, H' at level 10).
-Lemma rew_rew : forall (A B:Type1) (H:B=A) (x:A), rew1 H in rew1 <- H in x = x.
-destruct H.
-(** Main assumption and proof *)
-Variable Heq : Prop = Type1 :> Type2.
-Definition down : Type1 -> Prop := fun A => rew2 <- Heq in A.
-Definition up : Prop -> Type1 := fun A => rew2 Heq in A.
-Lemma up_down : forall (A:Type1), up (down A) = A :> Type1.
-unfold up, down. rewrite Heq. reflexivity.
-Definition V : Type1 := forall A:Prop, ((up A -> Prop) -> up A -> Prop) -> up A -> Prop.
-Definition U : Type1 := V -> Prop.
-Definition forth (a:U) : up (down U) := rew1 <- (up_down U) in a.
-Definition back (x:up (down U)) : U := rew1 (up_down U) in x.
-Definition sb (z:V) : V := fun A r a => r (z A r) a.
-Definition le (i:U -> Prop) (x:U) : Prop := x (fun A r a => i (fun v => sb v A r a)).
-Definition le' (i:up (down U) -> Prop) (x:up (down U)) : Prop := le (fun a:U => i (forth a)) (back x).
-Definition induct (i:U -> Prop) : Type1 := forall x:U, up (le i x) -> up (i x).
-Definition WF : U := fun z => down (induct (fun a => z (down U) le' (forth a))).
-Definition I (x:U) : Prop :=
- (forall i:U -> Prop, up (le i x) -> up (i (fun v => sb v (down U) le' (forth x)))) -> False.
-Lemma back_forth (a:U) : back (forth a) = a.
-apply rew_rew.
-Lemma Omega : forall i:U -> Prop, induct i -> up (i WF).
-intros i y.
-apply y.
-unfold le, WF, induct.
-rewrite up_down.
-intros x H0.
-apply y.
-unfold sb, le', le.
-rewrite back_forth.
-exact H0.
-Lemma lemma1 : induct (fun u => down (I u)).
-unfold induct.
-intros x p.
-rewrite up_down.
-intro q.
-generalize (q (fun u => down (I u)) p).
-rewrite up_down.
-intro r.
-apply r.
-intros i j.
-unfold le, sb, le', le in j |-.
-rewrite back_forth in j.
-specialize q with (i := fun y => i (fun v:V => sb v (down U) le' (forth y))).
-apply q.
-exact j.
-Lemma lemma2 : (forall i:U -> Prop, induct i -> up (i WF)) -> False.
-intro x.
-generalize (x (fun u => down (I u)) lemma1).
-rewrite up_down.
-intro r. apply r.
-intros i H0.
-apply (x (fun y => i (fun v => sb v (down U) le' (forth y)))).
-unfold le, WF in H0.
-rewrite up_down in H0.
-exact H0.
-Theorem paradox : False.
-exact (lemma2 Omega).
-End Paradox.