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5 files changed, 374 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/interp/genarg.ml b/interp/genarg.ml
index eb5287b32..f9b5bee0a 100644
--- a/interp/genarg.ml
+++ b/interp/genarg.ml
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ let app_pair f1 f2 = function
(u, Obj.repr (o1,o2))
| _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
+let has_type (t, v) u = argument_type_eq t u
let unquote x = x
type an_arg_of_this_type = Obj.t
diff --git a/interp/genarg.mli b/interp/genarg.mli
index 7f9d39907..4f5dea7ec 100644
--- a/interp/genarg.mli
+++ b/interp/genarg.mli
@@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ val out_gen : ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> 'co generic_argument -> 'a
(** [out_gen t x] recovers an argument of type [t] from a generic argument. It
fails if [x] has not the right dynamic type. *)
+val has_type : 'co generic_argument -> ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> bool
+(** [has_type v t] tells whether [v] has type [t]. If true, it ensures that
+ [out_gen t v] will not raise a dynamic type exception. *)
(** {6 Manipulation of generic arguments}
Those functions fail if they are applied to an argument which has not the right
diff --git a/lib/util.ml b/lib/util.ml
index c2d290714..fb968cc64 100644
--- a/lib/util.ml
+++ b/lib/util.ml
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ let is_blank = function
| ' ' | '\r' | '\t' | '\n' -> true
| _ -> false
+module Empty =
+ type t
+ let abort (x : t) = assert false
(* Strings *)
module String : CString.ExtS = CString
diff --git a/lib/util.mli b/lib/util.mli
index 33812c200..209f64c2f 100644
--- a/lib/util.mli
+++ b/lib/util.mli
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@ val is_digit : char -> bool
val is_ident_tail : char -> bool
val is_blank : char -> bool
+(** {6 Empty type} *)
+module Empty :
+ type t
+ val abort : t -> 'a
(** {6 Strings. } *)
module String : CString.ExtS
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.ml b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
index e142b9349..82354c815 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.ml
@@ -49,11 +49,13 @@ let safe_msgnl s =
pp_flush ()
+type value = tlevel generic_argument
(* Values for interpretation *)
-type value =
+type tacvalue =
| VRTactic of (goal list sigma) (* For Match results *)
- (* Not a true value *)
- | VFun of ltac_trace * (Id.t*value) list *
+ (* Not a true tacvalue *)
+ | VFun of ltac_trace * (Id.t * value) list *
Id.t option list * glob_tactic_expr
| VVoid
| VInteger of int
@@ -63,30 +65,45 @@ type value =
| VConstr of constr_under_binders
(* includes idents known to be bound and references *)
| VConstr_context of constr
- | VList of value list
- | VRec of (Id.t*value) list ref * glob_tactic_expr
+ | VList of tacvalue list
+ | VRec of (Id.t * value) list ref * glob_tactic_expr
+let (wit_tacvalue : (Empty.t, Empty.t, tacvalue) Genarg.genarg_type) =
+ Genarg.create_arg None "tacvalue"
+let of_tacvalue v = in_gen (topwit wit_tacvalue) v
+let to_tacvalue v = out_gen (topwit wit_tacvalue) v
module Value =
type t = value
-let of_constr c = VConstr ([], c)
+let of_constr c = of_tacvalue (VConstr ([], c))
-let to_constr = function
-| VConstr (vars, c) ->
- let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in Some c
-| _ -> None
+let to_constr v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VConstr (vars, c) ->
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in Some c
+ | _ -> None
+ else None
-let of_int i = VInteger i
+let of_int i = of_tacvalue (VInteger i)
-let to_int = function
-| VInteger i -> Some i
-| _ -> None
+let to_int v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VInteger i -> Some i
+ | _ -> None
+ else None
-let to_list = function
-| VList l -> Some l
-| _ -> None
+let to_list v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VList l -> Some (List.map of_tacvalue l)
+ | _ -> None
+ else None
@@ -115,16 +132,23 @@ type interp_sign =
debug : debug_info;
trace : ltac_trace }
-let check_is_value = function
- | VRTactic _ -> (* These are goals produced by Match *)
- error "Immediate match producing tactics not allowed in local definitions."
- | _ -> ()
+let check_is_value v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VRTactic _ -> (* These are goals produced by Match *)
+ error "Immediate match producing tactics not allowed in local definitions."
+ | _ -> ()
+ else ()
(* Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr_context tactic_arg *)
-let constr_of_VConstr_context = function
- | VConstr_context c -> c
- | _ ->
- errorlabstrm "constr_of_VConstr_context" (str "Not a context variable.")
+let constr_of_VConstr_context v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VConstr_context c -> c
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "constr_of_VConstr_context" (str "Not a context variable.")
+ else errorlabstrm "constr_of_VConstr_context" (str "Not a context variable.")
(* Displays a value *)
let rec pr_value env = function
@@ -141,6 +165,8 @@ let rec pr_value env = function
| VList (a::_) ->
str "a list (first element is " ++ pr_value env a ++ str")"
+let pr_value env v = pr_value env (to_tacvalue v)
(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails with Not_found *)
let constr_of_id env id =
Term.mkVar (let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in id)
@@ -154,7 +180,7 @@ let ((tactic_in : (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr) -> Dyn.t),
let ((value_in : value -> Dyn.t),
(value_out : Dyn.t -> value)) = Dyn.create "value"
-let valueIn t = TacDynamic (Loc.ghost,value_in t)
+let valueIn t = TacDynamic (Loc.ghost, value_in t)
(* Tactics table (TacExtend). *)
@@ -207,21 +233,35 @@ let push_trace (loc,ck) = function
| (n,loc',ck')::trl when Pervasives.(=) ck ck' -> (n+1,loc,ck)::trl (** FIXME *)
| trl -> (1,loc,ck)::trl
-let propagate_trace ist loc id = function
- | VFun (_,lfun,it,b) ->
- let t = if List.is_empty it then b else TacFun (it,b) in
- VFun (push_trace(loc,LtacVarCall (id,t)) ist.trace,lfun,it,b)
- | x -> x
-let append_trace trace = function
- | VFun (trace',lfun,it,b) -> VFun (trace'@trace,lfun,it,b)
- | x -> x
+let propagate_trace ist loc id v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let tacv = to_tacvalue v in
+ match tacv with
+ | VFun (_,lfun,it,b) ->
+ let t = if List.is_empty it then b else TacFun (it,b) in
+ let ans = VFun (push_trace(loc,LtacVarCall (id,t)) ist.trace,lfun,it,b) in
+ of_tacvalue ans
+ | _ -> v
+ else v
+let append_trace trace v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VFun (trace',lfun,it,b) -> of_tacvalue (VFun (trace'@trace,lfun,it,b))
+ | _ -> v
+ else v
(* Dynamically check that an argument is a tactic *)
-let coerce_to_tactic loc id = function
- | VFun _ | VRTactic _ as a -> a
- | _ -> user_err_loc
- (loc, "", str "Variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a tactic.")
+let coerce_to_tactic loc id v =
+ let fail () = user_err_loc
+ (loc, "", str "Variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a tactic.")
+ in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let tacv = to_tacvalue v in
+ match tacv with
+ | VFun _ | VRTactic _ -> v
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ else fail ()
(* External tactics *)
let print_xml_term = ref (fun _ -> failwith "print_xml_term unset")
@@ -229,11 +269,15 @@ let declare_xml_printer f = print_xml_term := f
let internalise_tacarg ch = G_xml.parse_tactic_arg ch
-let extern_tacarg ch env sigma = function
- | VConstr ([],c) -> !print_xml_term ch env sigma c
- | VRTactic _ | VFun _ | VVoid | VInteger _ | VConstr_context _
- | VIntroPattern _ | VRec _ | VList _ | VConstr _ ->
- error "Only externing of closed terms is implemented."
+let extern_tacarg ch env sigma v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VConstr ([],c) -> !print_xml_term ch env sigma c
+ | VRTactic _ | VFun _ | VVoid | VInteger _ | VConstr_context _
+ | VIntroPattern _ | VRec _ | VList _ | VConstr _ ->
+ error "Only externing of closed terms is implemented."
+ else
+ error "Only externing of closed terms is implemented."
let extern_request ch req gl la =
output_string ch "<REQUEST req=\""; output_string ch req;
@@ -241,11 +285,12 @@ let extern_request ch req gl la =
List.iter (pf_apply (extern_tacarg ch) gl) la;
output_string ch "</REQUEST>\n"
-let value_of_ident id = VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+let tacvalue_of_ident id = VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+let value_of_ident id = of_tacvalue (VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id))
let extend_values_with_bindings (ln,lm) lfun =
let lnames = Id.Map.fold (fun id id' accu -> (id,value_of_ident id') :: accu) ln [] in
- let lmatch = Id.Map.fold (fun id (ids,c) accu -> (id, VConstr (ids, c)) :: accu) lm [] in
+ let lmatch = Id.Map.fold (fun id (ids,c) accu -> (id, of_tacvalue (VConstr (ids, c))) :: accu) lm [] in
(* For compatibility, bound variables are visible only if no other
binding of the same name exists *)
@@ -295,12 +340,15 @@ let interp_ltac_var coerce ist env locid =
with Not_found -> anomaly (str "Detected '" ++ Id.print (snd locid) ++ str "' as ltac var at interning time")
(* Interprets an identifier which must be fresh *)
-let coerce_to_ident fresh env = function
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> id
- | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c & not (fresh & is_variable env (destVar c)) ->
- (* We need it fresh for intro e.g. in "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
- destVar c
- | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a fresh identifier")
+let coerce_to_ident fresh env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> id
+ | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c && not (fresh && is_variable env (destVar c)) ->
+ (* We need it fresh for intro e.g. in "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
+ destVar c
+ | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a fresh identifier")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a fresh identifier")
let interp_ident_gen fresh ist env id =
try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_ident fresh env) ist (Some env) (dloc,id)
@@ -316,29 +364,38 @@ let interp_fresh_name ist env = function
| Anonymous -> Anonymous
| Name id -> Name (interp_fresh_ident ist env id)
-let coerce_to_intro_pattern env = function
- | VIntroPattern ipat -> ipat
- | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c ->
- (* This happens e.g. in definitions like "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
- (* but also in "destruct H as (H,H')" *)
- IntroIdentifier (destVar c)
- | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an introduction pattern")
+let coerce_to_intro_pattern env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VIntroPattern ipat -> ipat
+ | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c ->
+ (* This happens e.g. in definitions like "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
+ (* but also in "destruct H as (H,H')" *)
+ IntroIdentifier (destVar c)
+ | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an introduction pattern")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "an introduction pattern")
let interp_intro_pattern_var loc ist env id =
try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_intro_pattern env) ist (Some env) (loc,id)
with Not_found -> IntroIdentifier id
-let coerce_to_hint_base = function
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> Id.to_string id
- | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a hint base name")
+let coerce_to_hint_base v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> Id.to_string id
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a hint base name")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a hint base name")
let interp_hint_base ist s =
try try_interp_ltac_var coerce_to_hint_base ist None (dloc,Id.of_string s)
with Not_found -> s
-let coerce_to_int = function
- | VInteger n -> n
- | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an integer")
+let coerce_to_int v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VInteger n -> n
+ | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an integer")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "an integer")
let interp_int ist locid =
try try_interp_ltac_var coerce_to_int ist None locid
@@ -350,9 +407,14 @@ let interp_int_or_var ist = function
| ArgVar locid -> interp_int ist locid
| ArgArg n -> n
-let int_or_var_list_of_VList = function
- | VList l -> List.map (fun n -> ArgArg (coerce_to_int n)) l
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+let int_or_var_list_of_VList v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VList l ->
+ let map n = ArgArg (coerce_to_int (of_tacvalue n)) in
+ List.map map l
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ else raise Not_found
let interp_int_or_var_as_list ist = function
| ArgVar (_,id as locid) ->
@@ -363,20 +425,26 @@ let interp_int_or_var_as_list ist = function
let interp_int_or_var_list ist l =
List.flatten (List.map (interp_int_or_var_as_list ist) l)
-let constr_of_value env = function
- | VConstr csr -> csr
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> ([],constr_of_id env id)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+let constr_of_value env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VConstr csr -> csr
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> ([],constr_of_id env id)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ else raise Not_found
let closed_constr_of_value env v =
let ids,c = constr_of_value env v in
if not (List.is_empty ids) then raise Not_found;
-let coerce_to_hyp env = function
- | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c -> destVar c
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) when is_variable env id -> id
- | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable")
+let coerce_to_hyp env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c -> destVar c
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) when is_variable env id -> id
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable")
(* Interprets a bound variable (especially an existing hypothesis) *)
let interp_hyp ist gl (loc,id as locid) =
@@ -389,9 +457,14 @@ let interp_hyp ist gl (loc,id as locid) =
else user_err_loc (loc,"eval_variable",
str "No such hypothesis: " ++ pr_id id ++ str ".")
-let hyp_list_of_VList env = function
- | VList l -> List.map (coerce_to_hyp env) l
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+let hyp_list_of_VList env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VList l ->
+ let map n = coerce_to_hyp env (of_tacvalue n) in
+ List.map map l
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ else raise Not_found
let interp_hyp_list_as_list ist gl (loc,id as x) =
try hyp_list_of_VList (pf_env gl) (List.assoc id ist.lfun)
@@ -408,10 +481,15 @@ let interp_move_location ist gl = function
(* Interprets a qualified name *)
let coerce_to_reference env v =
- try match v with
- | VConstr ([],c) -> global_of_constr c (* may raise Not_found *)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VConstr ([],c) ->
+ begin
+ try global_of_constr c
+ with Not_found -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
+ end
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
let interp_reference ist env = function
| ArgArg (_,r) -> r
@@ -420,26 +498,30 @@ let interp_reference ist env = function
let pf_interp_reference ist gl = interp_reference ist (pf_env gl)
-let coerce_to_inductive = function
- | VConstr ([],c) when isInd c -> destInd c
- | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an inductive type")
+let coerce_to_inductive v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VConstr ([],c) when isInd c -> destInd c
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an inductive type")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "an inductive type")
let interp_inductive ist = function
| ArgArg r -> r
| ArgVar locid -> interp_ltac_var coerce_to_inductive ist None locid
let coerce_to_evaluable_ref env v =
- let ev = match v with
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let ev = match to_tacvalue v with
| VConstr ([],c) when isConst c -> EvalConstRef (destConst c)
| VConstr ([],c) when isVar c -> EvalVarRef (destVar c)
| VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) when List.mem id (ids_of_context env)
-> EvalVarRef id
| _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an evaluable reference")
- in
- if not (Tacred.is_evaluable env ev) then
- raise (CannotCoerceTo "an evaluable reference")
- else
- ev
+ in
+ if not (Tacred.is_evaluable env ev) then
+ raise (CannotCoerceTo "an evaluable reference")
+ else ev
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "an evaluable reference")
let interp_evaluable ist env = function
| ArgArg (r,Some (loc,id)) ->
@@ -470,17 +552,21 @@ let interp_clause ist gl { onhyps=ol; concl_occs=occs } =
(* Extract the constr list from lfun *)
let extract_ltac_constr_values ist env =
- let rec aux = function
- | (id,v)::tl ->
- let (l1,l2) = aux tl in
- (try (Id.Map.add id (constr_of_value env v) l1,l2)
- with Not_found ->
- let ido = match v with
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id0) -> Some id0
- | _ -> None in
- (l1,(id,ido)::l2))
- | [] -> (Id.Map.empty,[]) in
- aux ist.lfun
+ let fold (id, v) (vars1, vars2) =
+ try
+ let c = constr_of_value env v in
+ (Id.Map.add id c vars1, vars2)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let ido =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue v with
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id0) -> Some id0
+ | _ -> None
+ else None
+ in
+ (vars1, (id, ido) :: vars2)
+ in
+ List.fold_right fold ist.lfun (Id.Map.empty, [])
(* Extract the identifier list from lfun: join all branches (what to do else?)*)
let rec intropattern_ids (loc,pat) = match pat with
@@ -490,11 +576,18 @@ let rec intropattern_ids (loc,pat) = match pat with
| IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroRewrite _
| IntroForthcoming _ -> []
-let rec extract_ids ids = function
- | (id,VIntroPattern ipat)::tl when not (List.mem id ids) ->
- intropattern_ids (dloc,ipat) @ extract_ids ids tl
- | _::tl -> extract_ids ids tl
- | [] -> []
+let rec extract_ids ids lfun =
+ let fold accu (id, v) =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VIntroPattern ipat ->
+ if List.mem id ids then accu
+ else accu @ intropattern_ids (dloc, ipat)
+ | _ -> accu
+ else accu
+ in
+ List.fold_left fold [] lfun
let default_fresh_id = Id.of_string "H"
@@ -595,9 +688,15 @@ let pf_interp_casted_constr ist gl c =
let pf_interp_constr ist gl =
interp_constr ist (pf_env gl) (project gl)
-let constr_list_of_VList env = function
- | VList l -> List.map (closed_constr_of_value env) l
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+let constr_list_of_VList env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VList l ->
+ let map v = closed_constr_of_value env (of_tacvalue v) in
+ List.map map l
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ else raise Not_found
let interp_constr_in_compound_list inj_fun dest_fun interp_fun ist env sigma l =
let try_expand_ltac_var sigma x =
@@ -724,14 +823,20 @@ let interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c =
sigma , csr
-let rec message_of_value gl = function
- | VVoid -> str "()"
- | VInteger n -> int n
- | VIntroPattern ipat -> pr_intro_pattern (dloc,ipat)
- | VConstr_context c -> pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) c
- | VConstr c -> pr_constr_under_binders_env (pf_env gl) c
- | VRec _ | VRTactic _ | VFun _ -> str "<tactic>"
- | VList l -> prlist_with_sep spc (message_of_value gl) l
+let rec message_of_value gl v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VVoid -> str "()"
+ | VInteger n -> int n
+ | VIntroPattern ipat -> pr_intro_pattern (dloc,ipat)
+ | VConstr_context c -> pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) c
+ | VConstr c -> pr_constr_under_binders_env (pf_env gl) c
+ | VRec _ | VRTactic _ | VFun _ -> str "<tactic>"
+ | VList l ->
+ let print v = message_of_value gl (of_tacvalue v) in
+ prlist_with_sep spc print l
+ else str "<abstr>"
let interp_message_token ist gl = function
| MsgString s -> str s
@@ -751,9 +856,18 @@ let interp_message ist gl l =
are raised now and not at printing time *)
prlist (fun x -> spc () ++ x) (List.map (interp_message_token ist gl) l)
-let intro_pattern_list_of_Vlist loc env = function
- | VList l -> List.map (fun a -> loc,coerce_to_intro_pattern env a) l
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+let intro_pattern_list_of_Vlist loc env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VList l ->
+ let map v =
+ let v = of_tacvalue v in
+ (loc, coerce_to_intro_pattern env v)
+ in
+ List.map map l
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ else raise Not_found
let rec interp_intro_pattern ist gl = function
| loc, IntroOrAndPattern l ->
@@ -780,10 +894,14 @@ let interp_in_hyp_as ist gl (id,ipat) =
(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
(* (as in Inversion) *)
-let coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis = function
- | VInteger n -> AnonHyp n
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> NamedHyp id
- | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
+let coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VInteger n -> AnonHyp n
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> NamedHyp id
+ | v -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
let interp_quantified_hypothesis ist = function
| AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n
@@ -802,12 +920,19 @@ let interp_binding_name ist = function
(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
(* (as in Inversion) *)
-let coerce_to_decl_or_quant_hyp env = function
- | VInteger n -> AnonHyp n
- | v ->
- try NamedHyp (coerce_to_hyp env v)
- with CannotCoerceTo _ ->
- raise (CannotCoerceTo "a declared or quantified hypothesis")
+let coerce_to_decl_or_quant_hyp env v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VInteger n -> AnonHyp n
+ | v ->
+ try
+ let hyp = coerce_to_hyp env (of_tacvalue v) in
+ NamedHyp hyp
+ with CannotCoerceTo _ ->
+ raise (CannotCoerceTo "a declared or quantified hypothesis")
+ else
+ raise (CannotCoerceTo "a declared or quantified hypothesis")
let interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl = function
| AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n
@@ -860,23 +985,29 @@ let interp_induction_arg ist gl arg =
ElimOnConstr (interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma c)
| ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
| ElimOnIdent (loc,id) ->
+ let error () = user_err_loc (loc, "",
+ strbrk "Cannot coerce " ++ pr_id id ++
+ strbrk " neither to a quantified hypothesis nor to a term.")
+ in
- match List.assoc id ist.lfun with
- | VInteger n ->
- ElimOnAnonHyp n
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id') ->
- if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id' gl
- then ElimOnIdent (loc,id')
- else
- (try ElimOnConstr (sigma,(constr_of_id env id',NoBindings))
- with Not_found ->
- user_err_loc (loc,"",
- pr_id id ++ strbrk " binds to " ++ pr_id id' ++ strbrk " which is neither a declared or a quantified hypothesis."))
- | VConstr ([],c) ->
- ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,NoBindings))
- | _ -> user_err_loc (loc,"",
- strbrk "Cannot coerce " ++ pr_id id ++
- strbrk " neither to a quantified hypothesis nor to a term.")
+ let v = List.assoc id ist.lfun in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VInteger n ->
+ ElimOnAnonHyp n
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id') ->
+ if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id' gl
+ then ElimOnIdent (loc,id')
+ else
+ (try ElimOnConstr (sigma,(constr_of_id env id',NoBindings))
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ pr_id id ++ strbrk " binds to " ++ pr_id id' ++ strbrk " which is neither a declared or a quantified hypothesis."))
+ | VConstr ([],c) ->
+ ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,NoBindings))
+ | _ -> error ()
+ else error ()
with Not_found ->
(* We were in non strict (interactive) mode *)
if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id gl then
@@ -903,7 +1034,7 @@ let head_with_value (lvar,lval) =
(* Gives a context couple if there is a context identifier *)
let give_context ctxt = function
| None -> []
- | Some id -> [id,VConstr_context ctxt]
+ | Some id -> [id, of_tacvalue (VConstr_context ctxt)]
(* Reads a pattern by substituting vars of lfun *)
let use_types = false
@@ -982,7 +1113,7 @@ type 'a extended_matching_result =
let push_id_couple id name env = match name with
| Name idpat ->
- let binding = idpat, VConstr ([], mkVar id) in
+ let binding = idpat, of_tacvalue (VConstr ([], mkVar id)) in
binding :: env
| Anonymous -> env
@@ -1062,17 +1193,21 @@ let extend_gl_hyps { it=gl ; sigma=sigma } sign =
Goal.V82.new_goal_with sigma gl sign
(* Interprets an l-tac expression into a value *)
-let rec val_interp ist gl (tac:glob_tactic_expr) =
+let rec val_interp ist gl (tac:glob_tactic_expr) : Evd.evar_map * typed_generic_argument =
let value_interp ist = match tac with
(* Immediate evaluation *)
- | TacFun (it,body) -> project gl , VFun (ist.trace,ist.lfun,it,body)
+ | TacFun (it,body) ->
+ let v = VFun (ist.trace,ist.lfun,it,body) in
+ project gl, of_tacvalue v
| TacLetIn (true,l,u) -> interp_letrec ist gl l u
| TacLetIn (false,l,u) -> interp_letin ist gl l u
| TacMatchGoal (lz,lr,lmr) -> interp_match_goal ist gl lz lr lmr
| TacMatch (lz,c,lmr) -> interp_match ist gl lz c lmr
| TacArg (loc,a) -> interp_tacarg ist gl a
(* Delayed evaluation *)
- | t -> project gl , VFun (ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],t)
+ | t ->
+ let v = VFun (ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],t) in
+ project gl, of_tacvalue v
in check_for_interrupt ();
match ist.debug with
@@ -1120,9 +1255,13 @@ and eval_tactic ist = function
strbrk "Some specific verbose tactics may exist instead, such as info_trivial, info_auto, info_eauto.");
eval_tactic ist tac
-and force_vrec ist gl = function
- | VRec (lfun,body) -> val_interp {ist with lfun = !lfun} gl body
- | v -> project gl , v
+and force_vrec ist gl v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ let v = to_tacvalue v in
+ match v with
+ | VRec (lfun,body) -> val_interp {ist with lfun = !lfun} gl body
+ | v -> project gl , of_tacvalue v
+ else project gl, v
and interp_ltac_reference loc' mustbetac ist gl = function
| ArgVar (loc,id) ->
@@ -1141,17 +1280,19 @@ and interp_ltac_reference loc' mustbetac ist gl = function
and interp_tacarg ist gl arg =
let evdref = ref (project gl) in
let v = match arg with
- | TacVoid -> VVoid
+ | TacVoid -> of_tacvalue VVoid
| Reference r ->
let (sigma,v) = interp_ltac_reference dloc false ist gl r in
evdref := sigma;
- | Integer n -> VInteger n
- | IntroPattern ipat -> VIntroPattern (snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl ipat))
+ | Integer n -> of_tacvalue (VInteger n)
+ | IntroPattern ipat ->
+ let ans = VIntroPattern (snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl ipat)) in
+ of_tacvalue ans
| ConstrMayEval c ->
let (sigma,c_interp) = interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c in
evdref := sigma;
- VConstr ([],c_interp)
+ of_tacvalue (VConstr ([], c_interp))
| MetaIdArg (loc,_,id) -> assert false
| TacCall (loc,r,[]) ->
let (sigma,v) = interp_ltac_reference loc true ist gl r in
@@ -1181,7 +1322,7 @@ and interp_tacarg ist gl arg =
| TacFreshId l ->
let id = pf_interp_fresh_id ist gl l in
- VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+ of_tacvalue (VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id))
| Tacexp t ->
let (sigma,v) = val_interp ist gl t in
evdref := sigma;
@@ -1195,7 +1336,7 @@ and interp_tacarg ist gl arg =
else if String.equal tg "value" then
value_out t
else if String.equal tg "constr" then
- VConstr ([],constr_out t)
+ of_tacvalue (VConstr ([],constr_out t))
anomaly ~loc:dloc ~label:"Tacinterp.val_interp"
(str "Unknown dynamic: <" ++ str (Dyn.tag t) ++ str ">")
@@ -1204,7 +1345,10 @@ and interp_tacarg ist gl arg =
(* Interprets an application node *)
and interp_app loc ist gl fv largs =
- match fv with
+ let fail () = user_err_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.interp_app",
+ (str"Illegal tactic application.")) in
+ if has_type fv (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue fv with
(* if var=[] and body has been delayed by val_interp, then body
is not a tactic that expects arguments.
Otherwise Ltac goes into an infinite loop (val_interp puts
@@ -1234,14 +1378,14 @@ and interp_app loc ist gl fv largs =
str"evaluation returns"++fnl()++pr_value (Some (pf_env gl)) v);
if List.is_empty lval then sigma,v else interp_app loc ist gl v lval
- project gl , VFun(trace,newlfun@olfun,lvar,body)
- | _ ->
- user_err_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.interp_app",
- (str"Illegal tactic application."))
+ project gl , of_tacvalue (VFun(trace,newlfun@olfun,lvar,body))
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ else fail ()
(* Gives the tactic corresponding to the tactic value *)
and tactic_of_value ist vle g =
- match vle with
+ if has_type vle (topwit wit_tacvalue) then
+ match to_tacvalue vle with
| VRTactic res -> res
| VFun (trace,lfun,[],t) ->
let tac = eval_tactic {ist with lfun=lfun; trace=[]} t in
@@ -1253,17 +1397,19 @@ and tactic_of_value ist vle g =
| VIntroPattern _ ->
errorlabstrm "" (str"Value is an intro pattern. Expected a tactic.")
| _ -> errorlabstrm "" (str"Expression does not evaluate to a tactic.")
+ else errorlabstrm "" (str"Expression does not evaluate to a tactic.")
(* Evaluation with FailError catching *)
and eval_with_fail ist is_lazy goal tac =
let (sigma,v) = val_interp ist goal tac in
sigma ,
- (match v with
+ (if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue v with
| VFun (trace,lfun,[],t) when not is_lazy ->
let tac = eval_tactic {ist with lfun=lfun; trace=trace} t in
- VRTactic (catch_error trace tac { goal with sigma=sigma })
- | a -> a)
+ of_tacvalue (VRTactic (catch_error trace tac { goal with sigma=sigma }))
+ | _ -> v
+ else v)
(** FIXME: Should we add [Errors.push]? *)
| FailError (0,s) ->
@@ -1274,7 +1420,8 @@ and eval_with_fail ist is_lazy goal tac =
(* Interprets the clauses of a recursive LetIn *)
and interp_letrec ist gl llc u =
let lref = ref ist.lfun in
- let lve = List.map_left (fun ((_,id),b) -> (id,VRec (lref,TacArg (dloc,b)))) llc in
+ let map ((_, id), b) = (id, of_tacvalue (VRec (lref,TacArg (dloc,b)))) in
+ let lve = List.map_left map llc in
lref := lve@ist.lfun;
let ist = { ist with lfun = lve@ist.lfun } in
val_interp ist gl u
@@ -1469,10 +1616,12 @@ and interp_genarg ist gl x =
| ExtraArgType s ->
match tactic_genarg_level s with
| Some n ->
- (* Special treatment of tactic arguments *)
- in_gen (topwit (wit_tactic n))
- (TacArg(dloc,valueIn(VFun(ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],
- out_gen (glbwit (wit_tactic n)) x))))
+ let f = VFun(ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],
+ out_gen (glbwit (wit_tactic n)) x)
+ in
+ (* Special treatment of tactic arguments *)
+ in_gen (topwit (wit_tactic n))
+ (TacArg(dloc,valueIn (of_tacvalue f)))
| None ->
let (sigma,v) = lookup_interp_genarg s ist gl x in
@@ -1588,7 +1737,7 @@ and interp_ltac_constr ist gl e =
(str "Must evaluate to a closed term" ++ fnl() ++
str "offending expression: " ++ fnl() ++
Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (pf_env gl) e ++ fnl() ++ str "this is a " ++
- (match result with
+ (if has_type result (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue result with
| VRTactic _ -> str "VRTactic"
| VFun (_,il,ul,b) ->
(str "VFun with body " ++ fnl() ++
@@ -1611,7 +1760,8 @@ and interp_ltac_constr ist gl e =
| VIntroPattern _ -> str "VIntroPattern"
| VConstr_context _ -> str "VConstrr_context"
| VRec _ -> str "VRec"
- | VList _ -> str "VList") ++ str".")
+ | VList _ -> str "VList"
+ else str "unknown object") ++ str".")
(* Interprets tactic expressions : returns a "tactic" *)
and interp_tactic ist tac gl =
@@ -1909,36 +2059,36 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl tac =
let evdref = ref gl.sigma in
let f x = match genarg_tag x with
| IntArgType ->
- VInteger (out_gen (glbwit wit_int) x)
+ of_tacvalue (VInteger (out_gen (glbwit wit_int) x))
| IntOrVarArgType ->
- mk_int_or_var_value ist (out_gen (glbwit wit_int_or_var) x)
+ of_tacvalue (mk_int_or_var_value ist (out_gen (glbwit wit_int_or_var) x))
| PreIdentArgType ->
failwith "pre-identifiers cannot be bound"
| IntroPatternArgType ->
- VIntroPattern
- (snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_intro_pattern) x)))
+ of_tacvalue (VIntroPattern
+ (snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_intro_pattern) x))))
| IdentArgType b ->
value_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env
(out_gen (glbwit (wit_ident_gen b)) x))
| VarArgType ->
- mk_hyp_value ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_var) x)
+ of_tacvalue (mk_hyp_value ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_var) x))
| RefArgType ->
- VConstr ([],constr_of_global
- (pf_interp_reference ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_ref) x)))
+ of_tacvalue (VConstr ([],constr_of_global
+ (pf_interp_reference ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_ref) x))))
| SortArgType ->
- VConstr ([],mkSort (interp_sort (out_gen (glbwit wit_sort) x)))
+ of_tacvalue (VConstr ([],mkSort (interp_sort (out_gen (glbwit wit_sort) x))))
| ConstrArgType ->
let (sigma,v) = mk_constr_value ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr) x) in
evdref := sigma;
- v
+ of_tacvalue v
| OpenConstrArgType false ->
let (sigma,v) = mk_open_constr_value ist gl (snd (out_gen (glbwit wit_open_constr) x)) in
evdref := sigma;
- v
+ of_tacvalue v
| ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
let (sigma,c_interp) = interp_constr_may_eval ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr_may_eval) x) in
evdref := sigma;
- VConstr ([],c_interp)
+ of_tacvalue (VConstr ([],c_interp))
| ExtraArgType s when not (Option.is_empty (tactic_genarg_level s)) ->
(* Special treatment of tactic arguments *)
let (sigma,v) = val_interp ist gl
@@ -1955,24 +2105,24 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl tac =
end (out_gen wit x) (project gl,[])
evdref := sigma;
- VList (l_interp)
+ of_tacvalue (VList l_interp)
| List0ArgType VarArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list0 wit_var) in
- VList (List.map (mk_hyp_value ist gl) (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map (mk_hyp_value ist gl) (out_gen wit x)))
| List0ArgType IntArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list0 wit_int) in
- VList (List.map (fun x -> VInteger x) (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map (fun x -> VInteger x) (out_gen wit x)))
| List0ArgType IntOrVarArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list0 wit_int_or_var) in
- VList (List.map (mk_int_or_var_value ist) (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map (mk_int_or_var_value ist) (out_gen wit x)))
| List0ArgType (IdentArgType b) ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list0 (wit_ident_gen b)) in
- let mk_ident x = value_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env x) in
- VList (List.map mk_ident (out_gen wit x))
+ let mk_ident x = tacvalue_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env x) in
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map mk_ident (out_gen wit x)))
| List0ArgType IntroPatternArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list0 wit_intro_pattern) in
let mk_ipat x = VIntroPattern (snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl x)) in
- VList (List.map mk_ipat (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map mk_ipat (out_gen wit x)))
| List1ArgType ConstrArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list1 wit_constr) in
let (sigma, l_interp) =
@@ -1982,24 +2132,24 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl tac =
end (out_gen wit x) (project gl,[])
- VList l_interp
+ of_tacvalue (VList l_interp)
| List1ArgType VarArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list1 wit_var) in
- VList (List.map (mk_hyp_value ist gl) (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map (mk_hyp_value ist gl) (out_gen wit x)))
| List1ArgType IntArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list1 wit_int) in
- VList (List.map (fun x -> VInteger x) (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map (fun x -> VInteger x) (out_gen wit x)))
| List1ArgType IntOrVarArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list1 wit_int_or_var) in
- VList (List.map (mk_int_or_var_value ist) (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map (mk_int_or_var_value ist) (out_gen wit x)))
| List1ArgType (IdentArgType b) ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list1 (wit_ident_gen b)) in
- let mk_ident x = value_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env x) in
- VList (List.map mk_ident (out_gen wit x))
+ let mk_ident x = tacvalue_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env x) in
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map mk_ident (out_gen wit x)))
| List1ArgType IntroPatternArgType ->
let wit = glbwit (wit_list1 wit_intro_pattern) in
let mk_ipat x = VIntroPattern (snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl x)) in
- VList (List.map mk_ipat (out_gen wit x))
+ of_tacvalue (VList (List.map mk_ipat (out_gen wit x)))
| StringArgType | BoolArgType
| QuantHypArgType | RedExprArgType
| OpenConstrArgType _ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType
@@ -2071,5 +2221,5 @@ let tacticIn t =
let _ = Hook.set Auto.extern_interp
(fun l ->
- let l = Id.Map.mapi (fun id c -> VConstr ([], c)) l in
+ let l = Id.Map.mapi (fun id c -> of_tacvalue (VConstr ([], c))) l in
interp_tactic {lfun=Id.Map.bindings l;avoid_ids=[];debug=get_debug(); trace=[]})