diff options
6 files changed, 89 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/ide/coq.ml b/ide/coq.ml
index 7d1267c3a..bb0fdc089 100644
--- a/ide/coq.ml
+++ b/ide/coq.ml
@@ -179,81 +179,32 @@ let mk_ccb poly = { open_ccb = fun scope -> scope.bind_ccb poly }
let with_ccb ccb e = ccb.open_ccb e
let interrupter = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigint)
-let soft_killer = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigterm)
-let killer = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill)
-(** Handling old processes *)
-type unix_process_id = int
-type retry = int
-let zombies = ref ([] : (unix_process_id * retry) list)
-let pr_zombies ?(full=false) l =
- let pr (pid,retries) =
- string_of_int pid ^
- if full then "["^string_of_int retries^"]" else ""
- in
- String.concat ", " (List.map pr l)
-let is_buried pid =
- try fst (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] pid) <> 0
- with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
-let max_retry = 3 (* one soft then two hard kill attempts *)
+(** * The structure describing a coqtop sub-process *)
-let countdown = ref None
-let final_countdown () = (countdown := Some max_retry)
+let gio_channel_of_descr_socket = ref Glib.Io.channel_of_descr
-let check_zombies () =
- (* First, do [waitpid] on our zombies and try to kill the survivors *)
- let handle_zombie others (pid,retries) =
- if is_buried pid then others
- else
- let () = match retries with
- | 0 -> () (* freshly closed coqtop, leave it some time *)
- | 1 -> ignore_error !soft_killer pid
- | _ -> ignore_error !killer pid
- in (pid,retries+1) :: others
- in
- let zs = List.fold_left handle_zombie [] !zombies
- in
- if zs <> [] then
- Minilib.log ("Remaining zombies: "^ pr_zombies ~full:true zs);
- (* Second, we warn the user about old zombies that refuses to die
- (except in the middle of the final countdown) *)
- let chk_old = !countdown = None || !countdown = Some 0 in
- let old_zombies, new_zombies =
- List.partition (fun (_,n) -> chk_old && n >= max_retry) zs
- in
- if old_zombies <> [] then begin
- let msg1 = "Some coqtop processes are still running.\n" in
- let msg2 = "You may have to kill them manually.\nPids: " in
- let msg3 = pr_zombies old_zombies in
- let popup = GWindow.message_dialog ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.close
- ~message_type:`ERROR ~message:(msg1 ^ msg2 ^ msg3) ()
- in
- ignore (popup#run ());
- ignore (popup#destroy ())
- end;
- zombies := new_zombies;
- (* Finally, we might end coqide if the final countdown has started *)
- if !countdown = Some 0 || (!countdown <> None && zs = []) then exit 0;
- countdown := Option.map pred !countdown;
- true
+module GlibMainLoop = struct
+ type async_chan = Glib.Io.channel
+ type watch_id = Glib.Io.id
+ type condition = Glib.Io.condition
+ let add_watch ~callback chan =
+ Glib.Io.add_watch ~cond:[`ERR; `HUP; `IN; `NVAL; `PRI] ~callback chan
+ let remove_watch = Glib.Io.remove
+ let read_all = Ideutils.io_read_all
+ let async_chan_of_file fd = Glib.Io.channel_of_descr fd
+ let async_chan_of_socket s = !gio_channel_of_descr_socket s
+ let add_timeout ~sec callback =
+ ignore(Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:(sec * 1000) ~callback)
-let _ = Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback:check_zombies
-(** * The structure describing a coqtop sub-process *)
+module CoqTop = Spawn.Async(GlibMainLoop)
type handle = {
- pid : unix_process_id;
+ proc : CoqTop.process;
+ xml_oc : Xml_printer.t;
mutable alive : bool;
mutable waiting_for : (ccb * logger) option; (* last call + callback + log *)
- xml_oc : Xml_printer.t;
- xml_ic : Xml_parser.t;
- glib_ic : Glib.Io.channel;
- close_xml_channels : unit -> unit
(** Coqtop process status :
@@ -327,59 +278,16 @@ let lift (f : unit -> 'a) : 'a task =
closed in coqide.
-let open_coqtop_pipe prog args =
- let (ide2top_r,ide2top_w) = Unix.pipe () in
- let (top2ide_r,top2ide_w) = Unix.pipe () in
- Unix.set_close_on_exec ide2top_w;
- Unix.set_close_on_exec top2ide_r;
- let pid = Unix.create_process prog args ide2top_r top2ide_w Unix.stderr in
- assert (pid <> 0);
- Unix.close ide2top_r;
- Unix.close top2ide_w;
- Unix.set_nonblock top2ide_r;
- pid,
- Unix.in_channel_of_descr top2ide_r,
- Glib.Io.channel_of_descr top2ide_r,
- Unix.out_channel_of_descr ide2top_w,
- (fun () -> Unix.close top2ide_r; Unix.close ide2top_w)
-let gio_channel_of_descr_socket = ref Glib.Io.channel_of_descr
-let open_coqtop_socket prog args =
- let s = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
- Unix.bind s (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback,0));
- Unix.listen s 1;
- let host, port =
- match Unix.getsockname s with
- | Unix.ADDR_INET(host, port) ->
- Unix.string_of_inet_addr host, string_of_int port
- | _ -> assert false in
- let pid =
- Unix.create_process prog
- (Array.append args [|"-ideslave-socket";host^":"^port|])
- (Unix.openfile "slave.in" [Unix.O_CREAT;Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o660)
- (Unix.openfile "slave.out" [Unix.O_CREAT;Unix.O_WRONLY] 0o660)
- (Unix.openfile "slave.err" [Unix.O_CREAT;Unix.O_WRONLY] 0o660) in
- assert (pid <> 0);
- let cs, _ = Unix.accept s in
- Unix.set_nonblock cs;
- pid,
- Unix.in_channel_of_descr cs,
- !gio_channel_of_descr_socket cs,
- Unix.out_channel_of_descr cs,
- (fun () -> Unix.close cs; Unix.close s)
-let open_process_pid prog args =
- if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then open_coqtop_pipe prog args
- else open_coqtop_socket prog args
-exception TubeError
+exception TubeError of string
exception AnswerWithoutRequest of string
let rec check_errors = function
| [] -> ()
| (`IN | `PRI) :: conds -> check_errors conds
-| e :: _ -> raise TubeError
+| `ERR :: _ -> raise (TubeError "ERR")
+| `HUP :: _ -> raise (TubeError "HUP")
+| `NVAL :: _ -> raise (TubeError "NVAL")
+| `OUT :: _ -> raise (TubeError "OUT")
let handle_intermediate_message handle xml =
let message = Serialize.to_message xml in
@@ -413,13 +321,12 @@ type input_state = {
mutable lexerror : int option;
-let unsafe_handle_input handle feedback_processor state conds =
- let chan = handle.glib_ic in
- let () = check_errors conds in
- let s = io_read_all chan in
- let () = if String.length s = 0 then raise TubeError in
+let unsafe_handle_input handle feedback_processor state conds ~read_all =
+ check_errors conds;
+ let s = read_all () in
+ if String.length s = 0 then raise (TubeError "EMPTY");
let s = state.fragment ^ s in
- let () = state.fragment <- s in
+ state.fragment <- s;
let lex = Lexing.from_string s in
let p = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SLexbuf lex) in
let rec loop () =
@@ -444,65 +351,51 @@ let unsafe_handle_input handle feedback_processor state conds =
let l_end = Lexing.lexeme_end lex in
(** Heuristic hack not to reimplement the lexer: if ever the lexer dies
twice at the same place, then this is a non-recoverable error *)
- let () = match state.lexerror with
- | None -> ()
- | Some loc -> if loc = l_end then raise e
- in
- let () = state.lexerror <- Some l_end in
- ()
-let install_input_watch handle respawner feedback_processor =
- let io_chan = handle.glib_ic in
- let all_conds = [`ERR; `HUP; `IN; `NVAL; `PRI] in (* all except `OUT *)
- let state = {
- fragment = "";
- lexerror = None;
- } in
- let print_exception = function
+ if state.lexerror = Some l_end then raise e;
+ state.lexerror <- Some l_end
+let print_exception = function
| Xml_parser.Error e -> Xml_parser.error e
| Serialize.Marshal_error -> "Protocol violation"
| e -> Printexc.to_string e
- in
- let handle_input conds =
- if not handle.alive then false (* coqtop already terminated *)
+let input_watch handle respawner feedback_processor =
+ let state = { fragment = ""; lexerror = None; } in
+ (fun conds ~read_all ->
+ let h = handle () in
+ if not h.alive then false
- try
- let () = unsafe_handle_input handle feedback_processor state conds in
- true
+ try unsafe_handle_input h feedback_processor state conds ~read_all; true
with e ->
- let () = Minilib.log ("Coqtop reader failed, resetting: "^print_exception e) in
- let () = respawner () in
- false
- in
- ignore (Glib.Io.add_watch ~cond:all_conds ~callback:handle_input io_chan)
+ Minilib.log ("Coqtop reader failed, resetting: "^print_exception e);
+ respawner ();
+ false)
+let bind_self_as f =
+ let me = ref None in
+ let get_me () = Option.get !me in
+ me := Some(f get_me);
+ Option.get !me
(** This launches a fresh handle from its command line arguments. *)
-let spawn_handle args =
+let spawn_handle args respawner feedback_processor =
let prog = coqtop_path () in
- let args = Array.of_list (
- prog :: "-async-proofs" :: "on" :: "-ideslave" :: args) in
- let pid, ic, gic, oc, close_channels = open_process_pid prog args in
- let xml_ic = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SChannel ic) in
- let xml_oc = Xml_printer.make (Xml_printer.TChannel oc) in
- Xml_parser.check_eof xml_ic false;
+ let args = Array.of_list ("-async-proofs" :: "on" :: "-ideslave" :: args) in
+ bind_self_as (fun handle ->
+ let proc, oc =
+ CoqTop.spawn ?env prog args (input_watch handle respawner feedback_processor) in
- pid = pid;
+ proc;
+ xml_oc = Xml_printer.make (Xml_printer.TChannel oc);
alive = true;
waiting_for = None;
- xml_oc = xml_oc;
- xml_ic = xml_ic;
- glib_ic = gic;
- close_xml_channels = close_channels
- }
+ })
(** This clears any potentially remaining open garbage. *)
let clear_handle h =
if h.alive then begin
(* invalidate the old handle *)
h.alive <- false;
- h.close_xml_channels ();
- (* we monitor the death of the old process *)
- zombies := (h.pid,0) :: !zombies
let mkready coqtop =
@@ -510,29 +403,28 @@ let mkready coqtop =
let rec respawn_coqtop ?(why=Unexpected) coqtop =
clear_handle coqtop.handle;
- ignore_error (fun () -> coqtop.handle <- spawn_handle coqtop.sup_args) ();
+ ignore_error (fun () ->
+ coqtop.handle <-
+ spawn_handle
+ coqtop.sup_args
+ (fun () -> respawn_coqtop coqtop)
+ coqtop.feedback_handler) ();
(* Normally, the handle is now a fresh one.
If not, there isn't much we can do ... *)
assert (coqtop.handle.alive = true);
coqtop.status <- New;
- install_input_watch coqtop.handle
- (fun () -> respawn_coqtop coqtop)
- (fun msg -> coqtop.feedback_handler msg);
ignore (coqtop.reset_handler why coqtop.handle (mkready coqtop))
let spawn_coqtop sup_args =
- let ct =
- {
- handle = spawn_handle sup_args;
+ bind_self_as (fun this -> {
+ handle = spawn_handle sup_args
+ (fun () -> respawn_coqtop (this ()))
+ (fun msg -> (this ()).feedback_handler msg);
sup_args = sup_args;
reset_handler = (fun _ _ k -> k ());
feedback_handler = (fun _ -> ());
status = New;
- }
- in
- install_input_watch ct.handle
- (fun () -> respawn_coqtop ct) (fun msg -> ct.feedback_handler msg);
- ct
+ })
let set_reset_handler coqtop hook = coqtop.reset_handler <- hook
@@ -552,7 +444,7 @@ let close_coqtop coqtop =
let reset_coqtop coqtop = respawn_coqtop ~why:Planned coqtop
let break_coqtop coqtop =
- try !interrupter coqtop.handle.pid
+ try !interrupter (CoqTop.unixpid coqtop.handle.proc)
with _ -> Minilib.log "Error while sending Ctrl-C"
let get_arguments coqtop = coqtop.sup_args
diff --git a/ide/coq.mli b/ide/coq.mli
index aa8346348..f6f92a9a9 100644
--- a/ide/coq.mli
+++ b/ide/coq.mli
@@ -86,19 +86,9 @@ val get_arguments : coqtop -> string list
val set_arguments : coqtop -> string list -> unit
(** Set process arguments. This also forces a planned reset. *)
-(** In win32, we'll use a different kill function than Unix.kill *)
-val killer : (int -> unit) ref
-val soft_killer : (int -> unit) ref
-val interrupter : (int -> unit) ref
(** In win32, sockets are not like regular files *)
val gio_channel_of_descr_socket : (Unix.file_descr -> Glib.Io.channel) ref
-val final_countdown : unit -> unit
-(** [final_countdown] triggers an exit of coqide after
- some last cycles for closing remaining coqtop zombies *)
(** {5 Task processing} *)
val try_grab : coqtop -> unit task -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/ide/coqide.ml b/ide/coqide.ml
index 9da46d2e6..1a6685b38 100644
--- a/ide/coqide.ml
+++ b/ide/coqide.ml
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ let check_quit saveall =
(* For MacOS, just to be sure, we close all coqtops (again?) *)
let close_and_quit () =
List.iter (fun sn -> Coq.close_coqtop sn.coqtop) notebook#pages;
- Coq.final_countdown ()
+ exit 0
let crash_save exitcode =
Minilib.log "Starting emergency save of buffers in .crashcoqide files";
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ let revert_all _ =
let quit _ =
- try FileAux.check_quit saveall; Coq.final_countdown ()
+ try FileAux.check_quit saveall; exit 0
with FileAux.DontQuit -> ()
let close_buffer sn =
@@ -1469,6 +1469,7 @@ let read_coqide_args argv =
output_string stderr "Error: missing argument after -coqtop"; exit 1
|"-debug"::args ->
Minilib.debug := true;
+ Flags.debug := true;
Backtrace.record_backtrace true;
filter_coqtop coqtop project_files ("-debug"::out) args
|arg::args -> filter_coqtop coqtop project_files (arg::out) args
diff --git a/ide/coqide_main.ml4 b/ide/coqide_main.ml4
index 5c960c444..1e9f0b9ab 100644
--- a/ide/coqide_main.ml4
+++ b/ide/coqide_main.ml4
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ IFDEF WIN32 THEN
external win32_kill : int -> unit = "win32_kill"
external win32_interrupt : int -> unit = "win32_interrupt"
let () =
- Coq.killer := win32_kill;
- Coq.soft_killer := win32_kill;
- Coq.interrupter := win32_interrupt;
Coq.gio_channel_of_descr_socket := Glib.Io.channel_of_descr_socket;
set_win32_path ();
reroute_stdout_stderr ()
diff --git a/toplevel/coqtop.ml b/toplevel/coqtop.ml
index 840ba3e4c..72db18ef0 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqtop.ml
+++ b/toplevel/coqtop.ml
@@ -239,8 +239,11 @@ let get_int opt n =
let get_host_port opt s =
match CString.split ':' s with
- | [host; port] -> Some (host, int_of_string port)
- | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: host:port expected after option "^opt); exit 1
+ | [host; port] -> Some (Spawned.Socket(host, int_of_string port))
+ | ["stdfds"] -> Some Spawned.AnonPipe
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline ("Error: host:port or stdfds expected after option "^opt);
+ exit 1
let get_task_list s = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp ",") s)
@@ -326,7 +329,6 @@ let parse_args arglist =
|"-compile-verbose" -> add_compile true (next ())
|"-dump-glob" -> Dumpglob.dump_into_file (next ()); glob_opt := true
|"-exclude-dir" -> exclude_search_in_dirname (next ())
- |"-ideslave-socket" -> Flags.ide_slave_socket := get_host_port opt (next())
|"-init-file" -> set_rcfile (next ())
|"-inputstate"|"-is" -> set_inputstate (next ())
|"-load-ml-object" -> Mltop.dir_ml_load (next ())
@@ -340,6 +342,8 @@ let parse_args arglist =
|"-top" -> set_toplevel_name (dirpath_of_string (next ()))
|"-unsafe" -> add_unsafe (next ())
|"-with-geoproof" -> Coq_config.with_geoproof := get_bool opt (next ())
+ |"-main-channel" -> Spawned.main_channel := get_host_port opt (next())
+ |"-control-channel" -> Spawned.control_channel := get_host_port opt (next())
(* Options with zero arg *)
|"-batch" -> set_batch_mode ()
@@ -415,6 +419,9 @@ let init arglist =
prerr_endline "See --help for the list of supported options";
exit 1
+ (* If we have been spawned by the Spawn module, this has to be done
+ * early since the master waits us to connect back *)
+ Spawned.init_channels ();
Envars.set_coqlib Errors.error;
if !print_where then (print_endline (Envars.coqlib ()); exit (exitcode ()));
if !print_config then (Usage.print_config (); exit (exitcode ()));
diff --git a/toplevel/ide_slave.ml b/toplevel/ide_slave.ml
index 98386c69e..e93d16720 100644
--- a/toplevel/ide_slave.ml
+++ b/toplevel/ide_slave.ml
@@ -30,22 +30,16 @@ let init_signal_handler () =
(** Redirection of standard output to a printable buffer *)
-let orig_stdout = ref stdout
-let init_stdout,read_stdout =
+let init_stdout, read_stdout =
let out_buff = Buffer.create 100 in
let out_ft = Format.formatter_of_buffer out_buff in
let deep_out_ft = Format.formatter_of_buffer out_buff in
let _ = Pp_control.set_gp deep_out_ft Pp_control.deep_gp in
(fun () ->
flush_all ();
- orig_stdout := Unix.out_channel_of_descr (Unix.dup Unix.stdout);
- Unix.dup2 Unix.stderr Unix.stdout;
Pp_control.std_ft := out_ft;
Pp_control.err_ft := out_ft;
Pp_control.deep_ft := deep_out_ft;
- set_binary_mode_out !orig_stdout true;
- set_binary_mode_in stdin true;
(fun () -> Format.pp_print_flush out_ft ();
let r = Buffer.contents out_buff in
@@ -365,7 +359,7 @@ let eval_call xml_oc log c =
Serialize.abstract_eval_call handler c
(** Message dispatching.
- Since coqtop -ideslave -coq-slaves on starts 1 thread per slave, and each
+ Since coqtop -ideslave starts 1 thread per slave, and each
thread forwards feedback messages from the slave to the GUI on the same
xml channel, we need mutual exclusion. The mutex should be per-channel, but
here we only use 1 channel. *)
@@ -401,13 +395,12 @@ let slave_feeder xml_oc msg =
let loop () =
init_signal_handler ();
catch_break := false;
- let in_ch, out_ch =
- match !Flags.ide_slave_socket with
- | None -> stdin, !orig_stdout
- | Some(h,p) ->
- Unix.open_connection (Unix.ADDR_INET(Unix.inet_addr_of_string h,p)) in
+ let in_ch, out_ch = Spawned.get_channels () in
let xml_oc = Xml_printer.make (Xml_printer.TChannel out_ch) in
- let xml_ic = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SChannel in_ch) in
+ Spawned.prepare_in_channel_for_thread_friendly_blocking_input in_ch;
+ let in_lb =
+ Lexing.from_function (Spawned.thread_friendly_blocking_input in_ch) in
+ let xml_ic = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SLexbuf in_lb) in
let () = Xml_parser.check_eof xml_ic false in
set_logger (slave_logger xml_oc);
set_feeder (slave_feeder xml_oc);
@@ -425,7 +418,7 @@ let loop () =
let () = pr_debug_answer q r in
(* pr_with_pid (Xml_printer.to_string_fmt (Serialize.of_answer q r)); *)
print_xml xml_oc (Serialize.of_answer q r);
- flush !orig_stdout
+ flush out_ch
| Xml_parser.Error (Xml_parser.Empty, _) ->
pr_debug "End of input, exiting gracefully.";