diff options
15 files changed, 1892 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/.depend b/.depend
index 3916773b6..ff1d9deb2 100644
--- a/.depend
+++ b/.depend
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ kernel/evd.cmi: kernel/names.cmi kernel/sign.cmi kernel/term.cmi
kernel/generic.cmi: kernel/names.cmi lib/util.cmi
kernel/names.cmi: lib/pp.cmi
kernel/printer.cmi: lib/pp.cmi kernel/term.cmi
+kernel/reduction.cmi: kernel/closure.cmi kernel/environ.cmi kernel/evd.cmi \
+ kernel/generic.cmi kernel/names.cmi kernel/term.cmi kernel/univ.cmi
kernel/sign.cmi: kernel/generic.cmi kernel/names.cmi kernel/term.cmi
kernel/term.cmi: lib/coqast.cmi kernel/generic.cmi kernel/names.cmi \
@@ -33,6 +35,12 @@ kernel/generic.cmx: kernel/names.cmx lib/pp.cmx lib/util.cmx \
kernel/names.cmo: lib/hashcons.cmi lib/pp.cmi lib/util.cmi kernel/names.cmi
kernel/names.cmx: lib/hashcons.cmx lib/pp.cmx lib/util.cmx kernel/names.cmi
+kernel/reduction.cmo: kernel/closure.cmi kernel/environ.cmi kernel/evd.cmi \
+ kernel/generic.cmi kernel/names.cmi lib/pp.cmi kernel/printer.cmi \
+ kernel/term.cmi kernel/reduction.cmi
+kernel/reduction.cmx: kernel/closure.cmx kernel/environ.cmx kernel/evd.cmx \
+ kernel/generic.cmx kernel/names.cmx lib/pp.cmx kernel/printer.cmi \
+ kernel/term.cmx kernel/reduction.cmi
kernel/sign.cmo: kernel/generic.cmi kernel/names.cmi kernel/term.cmi \
lib/util.cmi kernel/sign.cmi
kernel/sign.cmx: kernel/generic.cmx kernel/names.cmx kernel/term.cmx \
diff --git a/dev/changements.txt b/dev/changements.txt
index c488bed58..0d007bd30 100644
--- a/dev/changements.txt
+++ b/dev/changements.txt
@@ -33,4 +33,8 @@ Changements dans les fonctions :
app_tl_vect -> array_app_tl
cons_vect -> array_cons
- Std.comp -> Util.compose
+ Std
+ comp -> Util.compose
+ rev_append -> List.rev_append
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kernel/closure.ml b/kernel/closure.ml
index a543f486c..fa174d610 100644
--- a/kernel/closure.ml
+++ b/kernel/closure.ml
@@ -849,12 +849,14 @@ let search_frozen_cst info op vars =
(* cache of constants: the body is computed only when needed. *)
type 'a clos_infos = (fconstr, 'a) infos
-let create_clos_infos flgs sigma =
+let create_clos_infos flgs env =
{ i_flags = flgs;
i_repr = (fun old_info c -> inject c);
- i_env = sigma;
+ i_env = env;
i_tab = Hashtbl.create 17 }
+let clos_infos_env infos = infos.i_env
(* Head normal form. *)
let fhnf info v =
let uv = unfreeze info v in
diff --git a/kernel/closure.mli b/kernel/closure.mli
index 3f3665191..52f2ad038 100644
--- a/kernel/closure.mli
+++ b/kernel/closure.mli
@@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ val cbv_norm_value : 'a cbv_infos -> cbv_value -> constr
-(* Lazy reduction
- *)
+(* Lazy reduction *)
type 'a freeze
type 'a frterm =
| FRel of int
@@ -161,6 +160,7 @@ type case_status =
(* Constant cache *)
type 'a clos_infos
val create_clos_infos : flags -> 'a unsafe_env -> 'a clos_infos
+val clos_infos_env : 'a clos_infos -> 'a unsafe_env
(* Reduction function *)
val norm_val : 'a clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
diff --git a/kernel/environ.ml b/kernel/environ.ml
index 06881e130..485d1baa3 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.ml
+++ b/kernel/environ.ml
@@ -3,8 +3,43 @@
open Names
open Sign
+open Term
type 'a unsafe_env = {
context : context;
- sigma : 'a evar_map }
+ sigma : 'a evar_map;
+ metamap : (int * constr) list
+(* First character of a constr *)
+let lowercase_first_char id = String.lowercase (first_char id)
+let rec hdchar = function
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> hdchar c
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> hdchar c
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> hdchar (array_hd cl)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> hdchar c
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) as x ->
+ let c = lowercase_first_char (basename (path_of_const x)) in
+ if c = "?" then "y" else c
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) as x ->
+ lowercase_first_char (basename (path_of_abst x))
+ | DOPN(MutInd (sp,i) as x,_) ->
+ if i=0 then
+ lowercase_first_char (basename sp)
+ else
+ let na = id_of_global x in lowercase_first_char na
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct(sp,i) as x,_) ->
+ let na = id_of_global x in String.lowercase(List.hd(explode_id na))
+ | VAR id -> lowercase_first_char id
+ | DOP0(Sort s) -> sort_hdchar s
+ | _ -> "y"
+let id_of_name_using_hdchar a = function
+ | Anonymous -> id_of_string (hdchar a)
+ | Name id -> id
+let named_hd a = function
+ | Anonymous -> Name (id_of_string (hdchar a))
+ | x -> x
diff --git a/kernel/environ.mli b/kernel/environ.mli
index ce2329734..98d9e7b88 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.mli
+++ b/kernel/environ.mli
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open Names
open Term
open Constant
open Inductive
+open Univ
type 'a unsafe_env
@@ -19,8 +20,23 @@ val lookup_var : identifier -> 'a unsafe_env -> constr
val loopup_rel : int -> 'a unsafe_env -> name * constr
val lookup_constant : section_path -> 'a unsafe_env -> constant
+val id_of_global : 'a unsafe_env -> sorts oper -> identifier
+val id_of_name_using_hdchar : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> name -> identifier
+val named_hd : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> name -> name
+val translucent_abst : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val evaluable_abst : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val abst_value : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+val translucent_const : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val evaluable_const : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val const_value : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
val const_abst_opt_value : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr option
+val mind_nparams : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> int
val mindsp_nparams : 'a unsafe_env -> section_path -> int
+val sort_cmp : 'a unsafe_env -> conv_pb -> sorts -> sorts -> bool * universes
diff --git a/kernel/names.ml b/kernel/names.ml
index e9de197fe..b471573f6 100644
--- a/kernel/names.ml
+++ b/kernel/names.ml
@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ let id_ord id1 id2 =
let id_without_number id = id.index = (-1)
+let first_char id =
+ if id.atom = "" then
+ failwith "lowercase_first_char"
+ else
+ String.make 1 id.atom.[0]
module IdOrdered =
type t = identifier
diff --git a/kernel/names.mli b/kernel/names.mli
index 5d8791ba9..0ca83f70d 100644
--- a/kernel/names.mli
+++ b/kernel/names.mli
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ val atompart_of_id : identifier -> string
val index_of_id : identifier -> int
val id_ord : identifier -> identifier -> int
val id_without_number : identifier -> bool
+val first_char : identifier -> string
module Idset : Set.S with type elt = identifier
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.ml b/kernel/reduction.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b88d5e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/reduction.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1622 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Generic
+open Term
+open Univ
+open Evd
+open Environ
+open Closure
+let mt_evd = Evd.mt_evd
+exception Redelimination
+exception Induc
+exception Elimconst
+type 'a reduction_function = 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+type 'a stack_reduction_function = 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr list
+ -> constr * constr list
+(*** Reduction Functions Operators ***)
+let rec under_casts f = function
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> DOP2(Cast,under_casts f c, t)
+ | c -> f c
+let rec whd_stack x stack =
+ match x with
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whd_stack cl.(0) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_stack c stack
+ | _ -> (x,stack)
+let stack_reduction_of_reduction red_fun x stack =
+ let t = red_fun (applistc x stack) in
+ whd_stack t []
+let rec strong whdfun t =
+ match whdfun t with
+ | DOP0 _ as t -> t
+ (* Cas ad hoc *)
+ | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strong whdfun c)
+ | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strong whdfun c1,strong whdfun c2)
+ | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map (strong whdfun) cl)
+ | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map (strong whdfun) cl)
+ | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strong whdfun c)
+ | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map (strong whdfun) c)
+ | VAR _ as t -> t
+ | Rel _ as t -> t
+let rec strong_prodspine redfun c =
+ match redfun c with
+ | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(na,b)) ->
+ DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(na,strong_prodspine redfun b))
+ | x -> x
+(* Reduction Functions *)
+(* call by value reduction functions *)
+let cbv_norm_flags flags env t =
+ cbv_norm (create_cbv_infos flags env) t
+let cbv_beta env = cbv_norm_flags beta env
+let cbv_betaiota env = cbv_norm_flags betaiota env
+let cbv_betadeltaiota env = cbv_norm_flags betadeltaiota env
+let compute = cbv_betadeltaiota
+(* lazy reduction functions. The infos must be created for each term *)
+let clos_norm_flags flgs env t =
+ norm_val (create_clos_infos flgs env) (inject t)
+let nf_beta env = clos_norm_flags beta env
+let nf_betaiota env = clos_norm_flags betaiota env
+let nf_betadeltaiota env = clos_norm_flags betadeltaiota env
+(* lazy weak head reduction functions *)
+(* Pb: whd_val parcourt tout le terme, meme si aucune reduction n'a lieu *)
+let whd_flags flgs env t =
+ whd_val (create_clos_infos flgs env) (inject t)
+let whd_beta = whd_flags beta mt_evd
+let whd_betaiota = whd_flags betaiota mt_evd
+let whd_betadeltaiota = whd_flags betadeltaiota
+let whd_beta_stack = stack_reduction_of_reduction whd_beta
+let whd_betaiota_stack = stack_reduction_of_reduction whd_betaiota
+let whd_betadeltaiota_stack env =
+ stack_reduction_of_reduction (whd_betadeltaiota env)
+(* Red reduction tactic: reduction to a product *)
+let red_product env c =
+ let rec redrec x =
+ match x with
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) ->
+ DOPN(AppL,Array.append [|redrec (array_hd cl)|] (array_tl cl))
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) when evaluable_const env x -> const_value env x
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) when evaluable_abst env x -> abst_value env x
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> redrec c
+ | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(x,b)) -> DOP2(Prod, a, DLAM(x, redrec b))
+ | _ -> error "Term not reducible"
+ in
+ nf_betaiota env (redrec c)
+(* Substitute only a list of locations locs, the empty list is interpreted
+ as substitute all, if 0 is in the list then no substitution is done
+ the list may contain only negative occurrences that will not be substituted *)
+(* Aurait sa place dans term.ml mais term.ml ne connait pas printer.ml *)
+let subst_term_occ locs c t =
+ let rec substcheck except k occ c t =
+ if except or List.exists (function u -> u>=occ) locs
+ then substrec except k occ c t
+ else (occ,t)
+and substrec except k occ c t =
+ if eq_constr t c then
+ if except then if List.mem (-occ) locs then (occ+1,t)
+ else (occ+1,Rel(k))
+ else if List.mem occ locs then (occ+1,Rel(k))
+ else (occ+1,t)
+ else match t with
+ DOPN(Const sp,tl) -> occ,t
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct _,tl) -> occ,t
+ | DOPN(MutInd _,tl) -> occ,t
+ | DOPN(i,cl) -> let (occ',cl') =
+ Array.fold_left (fun (nocc',lfd) f ->
+ let (nocc'',f') = substcheck except k nocc' c f
+ in (nocc'',f'::lfd)) (occ,[]) cl
+ in (occ',DOPN(i,Array.of_list (List.rev cl')))
+ | DOP2(i,t1,t2) -> let (nocc1,t1')=substrec except k occ c t1 in
+ let (nocc2,t2')=substcheck except k nocc1 c t2
+ in nocc2,DOP2(i,t1',t2')
+ | DOP1(i,t) -> let (nocc,t')= substrec except k occ c t in
+ nocc,DOP1(i,t')
+ | DLAM(n,t) -> let (occ',t') = substcheck except (k+1) occ (lift 1 c) t
+ in (occ',DLAM(n,t'))
+ | DLAMV(n,cl) -> let (occ',cl') =
+ Array.fold_left (fun (nocc',lfd) f ->
+ let (nocc'',f') = substcheck except (k+1) nocc' (lift 1 c) f
+ in (nocc'',f'::lfd)) (occ,[]) cl
+ in (occ',DLAMV(n,Array.of_list (List.rev cl') ))
+ | _ -> occ,t
+ in if locs = [] then subst_term c t
+ else if List.mem 0 locs then t
+ else let except = List.for_all (fun n -> n<0) locs in
+ let (nbocc,t') = substcheck except 1 1 c t in
+ if List.exists (fun o -> o>=nbocc or o<= -nbocc) locs then
+ errorlabstrm "subst_occ"
+ [< 'sTR "Only "; 'iNT (nbocc-1); 'sTR " occurrences of";
+ 'bRK(1,1); Printer.prterm c; 'sPC;
+ 'sTR "in"; 'bRK(1,1); Printer.prterm t>]
+ else t'
+(* linear substitution (following pretty-printer) of the value of name in c.
+ * n is the number of the next occurence of name.
+ * ol is the occurence list to find. *)
+let rec substlin env name n ol c =
+ match c with
+ DOPN(Const sp,_) ->
+ if (path_of_const c)=name then
+ if (List.hd ol)=n then
+ if evaluable_const env c then ((n+1),(List.tl ol), const_value env c)
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "substlin"
+ [< 'sTR(string_of_path sp);
+ 'sTR " is not a defined constant" >]
+ else ((n+1),ol,c)
+ else (n,ol,c)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if (path_of_abst c)=name then
+ if (List.hd ol)=n then ((n+1),(List.tl ol), abst_value env c)
+ else ((n+1),ol,c)
+ else (n,ol,c)
+ | DOPN(AppL,tl) ->
+ let c1 = array_hd tl and cl = array_tl tl in
+ Array.fold_left (fun (n1,ol1,c1') c2 ->
+ (match ol1 with
+ [] -> (n1,[],applist(c1',[c2]))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2
+ in (n2,ol2,applist(c1',[c2']))))
+ (substlin env name n ol c1) cl
+ | DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1
+ in (match ol1 with
+ [] -> (n1,[],DOP2(Lambda,c1',DLAM(na,c2)))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2
+ in (n2,ol2,DOP2(Lambda,c1',DLAM(na,c2'))))
+ | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1
+ in (match ol1 with
+ [] -> (n1,[],DOP2(Prod,c1',DLAM(na,c2)))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2
+ in (n2,ol2,DOP2(Prod,c1',DLAM(na,c2'))))
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,llf) = destCase c in
+ let rec substlist nn oll = function
+ [] -> (nn,oll,[])
+ | f::lfe ->
+ let (nn1,oll1,f') = substlin env name nn oll f in
+ (match oll1 with
+ [] -> (nn1,[],f'::lfe)
+ | _ ->
+ let (nn2,oll2,lfe') = substlist nn1 oll1 lfe
+ in (nn2,oll2,f'::lfe'))
+ in
+ let (n1,ol1,p') = substlin env name n ol p in (* ATTENTION ERREUR *)
+ (match ol1 with (* si P pas affiche *)
+ [] -> (n1,[],mkMutCaseA ci p' d llf)
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,d') = substlin env name n1 ol1 d in
+ (match ol2 with
+ [] -> (n2,[],mkMutCaseA ci p' d' llf)
+ | _ ->
+ let (n3,ol3,lf') = substlist n2 ol2 (Array.to_list llf)
+ in (n3,ol3,mkMutCase ci p' d' lf')))
+ | DOP2(Cast,c1,c2) ->
+ let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1
+ in (match ol1 with
+ [] -> (n1,[],DOP2(Cast,c1',c2))
+ | _ ->
+ let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2
+ in (n2,ol2,DOP2(Cast,c1',c2')))
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ (warning "do not consider occurrences inside fixpoints"; (n,ol,c))
+ | DOPN(CoFix _,_) ->
+ (warning "do not consider occurrences inside cofixpoints"; (n,ol,c))
+ | _ -> (n,ol,c)
+let unfold env name =
+ let flag = (UNIFORM,{ r_beta = true;
+ r_delta = (fun op -> op=(Const name) or op=(Abst name));
+ r_iota = true })
+ in clos_norm_flags flag env
+(* unfoldoccs : (readable_constraints -> (int list * section_path) -> constr -> constr)
+ * Unfolds the constant name in a term c following a list of occurrences occl.
+ * at the occurrences of occ_list. If occ_list is empty, unfold all occurences.
+ * Performs a betaiota reduction after unfolding. *)
+let unfoldoccs env (occl,name) c =
+ match occl with
+ [] -> unfold env name c
+ | l ->
+ match substlin env name 1 (Sort.list (<) l) c with
+ (_,[],uc) -> nf_betaiota env uc
+ | (1,_,_) -> error ((string_of_path name)^" does not occur")
+ | _ -> error ("bad occurrence numbers of "^(string_of_path name))
+(* Unfold reduction tactic: *)
+let unfoldn loccname env c =
+ List.fold_left (fun c occname -> unfoldoccs env occname c) c loccname
+(* Re-folding constants tactics: refold com in term c *)
+let fold_one_com env com c =
+ let rcom = red_product env com in
+ subst1 com (subst_term rcom c)
+let fold_commands cl env c =
+ List.fold_right (fold_one_com env) (List.rev cl) c
+(* Pattern *)
+ * gives [na:ta]c' such that c converts to ([na:ta]c' a), abstracting only
+ * the specified occurrences.
+ *)
+let abstract_scheme env (locc,a,ta) t =
+ let na = named_hd env ta Anonymous in
+ if occur_meta ta then
+ error "cannot find a type for the generalisation"
+ else if occur_meta a then
+ DOP2(Lambda,ta,DLAM(na,t))
+ else
+ DOP2(Lambda, ta, DLAM(na,subst_term_occ locc a t))
+let pattern_occs env loccs_trm_typ c =
+ let abstr_trm = List.fold_right (abstract_scheme env) loccs_trm_typ c in
+ applist(abstr_trm, List.map (fun (_,t,_) -> t) loccs_trm_typ)
+(*** Reduction using substitutions ***)
+(* 1. Beta Reduction *)
+let rec stacklam recfun env t stack =
+ match (stack,t) with
+ | ((h::stacktl), (DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)))) ->
+ stacklam recfun (h::env) c stacktl
+ | _ -> recfun (substl env t) stack
+let beta_applist (c,l) = stacklam (fun c l -> applist(c,l)) [] c l
+let whd_beta_stack =
+ let rec whrec x stack = match x with
+ DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(name,c2)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (x,[])
+ | a1::rest -> stacklam whrec [a1] c2 rest)
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in whrec
+let whd_beta x = applist(whd_beta_stack x [])
+let whd_betaimplicit_stack = whrec
+ where rec whrec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOP2(Lambda,DOP0(Implicit),DLAM(name,c2)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> x,[]
+ | a1::rest -> stacklam (fun l x -> whrec x l)[a1] rest c2)
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (hd_vect cl) (app_tl_vect cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack
+ | x -> x,stack
+let whd_betaimplicit x = applist(whd_betaimplicit_stack x [])
+(* 2. Delta Reduction *)
+let whd_const_stack namelist env =
+ let rec whrec x l =
+ match x with
+ (DOPN(Const sp,_)) as c ->
+ if List.mem sp namelist then
+ if evaluable_const env c then
+ whrec (const_value env c) l
+ else error "whd_const_stack"
+ else x,l
+ | (DOPN(Abst sp,_)) as c ->
+ if List.mem sp namelist then
+ if evaluable_abst env c then
+ whrec (abst_value env c) l
+ else error "whd_const_stack"
+ else x,l
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l)
+ | x -> x,l
+ in whrec
+let whd_const namelist env c = applist(whd_const_stack namelist env c [])
+let whd_delta_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x l =
+ match x with
+ (DOPN(Const _,_)) as c ->
+ if evaluable_const env c then
+ whrec (const_value env c) l
+ else x,l
+ | (DOPN(Abst _,_)) as c ->
+ if evaluable_abst env c then
+ whrec (abst_value env c) l
+ else x,l
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l)
+ | x -> x,l
+ in whrec
+let whd_delta env c = applist(whd_delta_stack env c [])
+let whd_betadelta_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x l =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_const env x then whrec (const_value env x) l
+ else (x,l)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) l
+ else (x,l)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match l with
+ [] -> (x,l)
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | x -> (x,l)
+ in whrec
+let whd_betadelta env c = applist(whd_betadelta_stack env c [])
+let whd_betadeltat_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x l =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ if translucent_const env x then whrec (const_value env x) l
+ else (x,l)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if translucent_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) l
+ else (x,l)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match l with
+ [] -> (x,l)
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | x -> (x,l)
+ in whrec
+let whd_betadeltat env c = applist(whd_betadeltat_stack env c [])
+let whd_betadeltaeta_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_const env x then whrec (const_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (match applist (whrec c []) with
+ (DOPN(AppL,cl)) ->
+ (match whrec (array_last cl) [] with
+ (Rel 1,[]) -> let napp = (Array.length cl) -1 in
+ if napp = 0 then (x,stack) else
+ let lc = Array.sub cl 0 napp in
+ let u = if napp = 1 then lc.(0) else DOPN(AppL,lc)
+ in if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,[]) else (x,stack)
+ | _ -> (x,stack))
+ | _ -> (x,stack))
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in whrec
+let whd_betadeltaeta env x = applist(whd_betadeltaeta_stack env x [])
+(* 3. Iota reduction *)
+type 'a miota_args =
+ {mP : constr; (* the result type *)
+ mconstr : constr; (* the constructor *)
+ mci : case_info; (* special info to re-build pattern *)
+ mcargs : 'a list; (* the constructor's arguments *)
+ mlf : 'a array} (* the branch code vector *)
+let reducible_mind_case c =
+ match c with
+ DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) | DOPN(CoFix _,_) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let contract_cofix = function
+ | DOPN(CoFix(bodynum),bodyvect) ->
+ let nbodies = (Array.length bodyvect) -1 in
+ let make_Fi j = DOPN(CoFix(j),bodyvect) in
+ sAPPViList bodynum (array_last bodyvect)
+ (list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let reduce_mind_case env mia =
+ match mia.mconstr with
+ (DOPN(MutConstruct((indsp,tyindx),i),_)) ->
+ let ind = DOPN(MutInd(indsp,tyindx),args_of_mconstr mia.mconstr) in
+ let nparams = mind_nparams env ind in
+ let real_cargs = snd (list_chop nparams mia.mcargs) in
+ applist (mia.mlf.(i-1),real_cargs)
+ | (DOPN(CoFix _,_)) as cofix ->
+ let cofix_def = contract_cofix cofix
+ in mkMutCaseA mia.mci mia.mP (applist(cofix_def,mia.mcargs)) mia.mlf
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* contracts fix==FIX[nl;i](A1...Ak;[F1...Fk]{B1....Bk}) to produce
+ Bi[Fj --> FIX[nl;j](A1...Ak;[F1...Fk]{B1...Bk})]
+ *)
+let contract_fix = function
+ | DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect) ->
+ let nbodies = Array.length recindices in
+ let make_Fi j = DOPN(Fix(recindices,j),bodyvect) in
+ sAPPViList bodynum (array_last bodyvect) (list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let fix_recarg fix stack =
+ match fix with
+ | DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),_) ->
+ if 0 <= bodynum & bodynum < Array.length recindices then
+ let recargnum = Array.get recindices bodynum in
+ (try Some(recargnum, List.nth stack recargnum)
+ with Failure "nth" | Invalid_argument "List.nth" -> None)
+ else None
+ | _ -> assert false
+let reduce_fix whfun fix stack =
+ match fix with
+ | DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect) ->
+ (match fix_recarg fix stack with
+ None -> (false,(fix,stack))
+ | Some (recargnum,recarg) ->
+ let (recarg'hd,_ as recarg') = whfun recarg [] in
+ let stack' = list_assign stack recargnum (applist recarg') in
+ (match recarg'hd with
+ DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) ->
+ (true,(contract_fix fix,stack'))
+ | _ -> (false,(fix,stack'))))
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* NB : Cette fonction alloue pau c'est l'appel
+ ``let (recarg'hd,_ as recarg') = whfun recarg [] in''
+ --------------------
+qui coute cher dans whd_betadeltaiota *)
+let whd_betaiota_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (x,stack)
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in
+ let (c,cargs) = whrec d []
+ in if reducible_mind_case c
+ then whrec (reduce_mind_case env
+ {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack
+ else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf, stack)
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack
+ in if reduced then whrec fix stack
+ else (fix,stack)
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in whrec
+let whd_betaiota env x = applist (whd_betaiota_stack env x [])
+let whd_betadeltatiota_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ if translucent_const env x then
+ whrec (const_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if translucent_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (x,stack)
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in
+ let (c,cargs) = whrec d []
+ in if reducible_mind_case c
+ then whrec (reduce_mind_case env
+ {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack
+ else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf,stack)
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack
+ in if reduced then whrec fix stack
+ else (fix,stack)
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in whrec
+let whd_betadeltatiota env x = applist(whd_betadeltatiota_stack env x [])
+let whd_betadeltaiota_stack env =
+ let rec bdi_rec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_const env x then bdi_rec (const_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_abst env x then bdi_rec (abst_value env x) stack else (x,stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> bdi_rec c stack
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> bdi_rec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (x,stack)
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam bdi_rec [a] c m)
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in
+ let (c,cargs) = bdi_rec d []
+ in if reducible_mind_case c
+ then bdi_rec (reduce_mind_case env
+ {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack
+ else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf,stack)
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix bdi_rec x stack
+ in if reduced then bdi_rec fix stack
+ else (fix,stack)
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in bdi_rec
+let whd_betadeltaiota env x = applist(whd_betadeltaiota_stack env x [])
+let whd_betadeltaiotaeta_stack env =
+ let rec whrec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_const env x then whrec (const_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) stack
+ else (x,stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] ->
+ (match applist (whrec c []) with
+ (DOPN(AppL,cl)) ->
+ (match whrec (array_last cl) [] with
+ (Rel 1,[]) ->
+ let napp = (Array.length cl) -1 in
+ if napp = 0 then (x,stack) else
+ let lc = Array.sub cl 0 napp in
+ let u = if napp = 1 then lc.(0) else DOPN(AppL,lc)
+ in if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,[]) else (x,stack)
+ | _ -> (x,stack))
+ | _ -> (x,stack))
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in
+ let (c,cargs) = whrec d []
+ in if reducible_mind_case c
+ then whrec (reduce_mind_case env
+ {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack
+ else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf,stack)
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack
+ in if reduced then whrec fix stack
+ else (fix,stack)
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in whrec
+let whd_betadeltaiotaeta env x = applist(whd_betadeltaiotaeta_stack env x [])
+(* Conversion *)
+type 'a conversion_function =
+ 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr -> bool * universes
+(* Conversion between [lft1]term1 and [lft2]term2 *)
+let rec ccnv cv_pb infos lft1 lft2 term1 term2 =
+ eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf infos term1) (lft2, fhnf infos term2)
+(* Conversion between [lft1]([^n1]hd1 v1) and [lft2]([^n2]hd2 v2) *)
+and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 =
+ let (lft1,(n1,hd1,v1)) = appr1
+ and (lft2,(n2,hd2,v2)) = appr2 in
+ let el1 = el_shft n1 lft1
+ and el2 = el_shft n2 lft2 in
+ match (frterm_of hd1, frterm_of hd2) with
+ (* case of leaves *)
+ | (FOP0(Sort s1), FOP0(Sort s2)) ->
+ (Array.length v1 = 0) & (Array.length v2 = 0)
+ & sort_cmp (clos_infos_env infos) cv_pb s1 s2
+ | (FVAR x1, FVAR x2) ->
+ (x1=x2)
+ & (array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
+ | (FRel n, FRel m) ->
+ (reloc_rel n el1=reloc_rel m el2)
+ & (array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
+ | (FOP0(Meta(n)), FOP0(Meta(m))) ->
+ (n=m)
+ & (array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)
+ | (FOP0 Implicit, FOP0 Implicit) ->
+ Array.length v1 = 0 & Array.length v2 = 0
+ (* 2 constants or 2 abstractions *)
+ | (FOPN(Const sp1,al1), FOPN(Const sp2,al2)) ->
+ uni_or_if (pb_is_univ_adjust cv_pb)
+ (fun () -> (* try first intensional equality *)
+ (sp1 == sp2 or sp1=sp2)
+ & (for_all2eq_vect (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) al1 al2)
+ & (for_all2eq_vect (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
+ (fun () -> (* else expand the second occurrence (arbitrary heuristic) *)
+ (match search_frozen_cst infos (Const sp2) al2 with
+ Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2)
+ | None -> (match search_frozen_cst infos (Const sp1) al1 with
+ Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos
+ (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2
+ | None -> false)))
+ | (FOPN(Abst sp1,al1), FOPN(Abst sp2,al2)) ->
+ uni_or_if (pb_is_univ_adjust cv_pb)
+ (fun () -> (* try first intensional equality *)
+ sp1=sp2
+ & (for_all2eq_vect (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) al1 al2)
+ & (for_all2eq_vect (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))
+ (fun () -> (* else expand the second occurrence (arbitrary heuristic) *)
+ (match search_frozen_cst infos (Abst sp2) al2 with
+ Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2)
+ | None -> (match search_frozen_cst infos (Abst sp1) al2 with
+ Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos
+ (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2
+ | None -> false)))
+ (* only one constant or abstraction *)
+ | (FOPN((Const _ | Abst _) as op,al1), _) ->
+ (match search_frozen_cst infos op al1 with
+ | Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2
+ | None -> false)
+ | (_, FOPN((Const _ | Abst _) as op,al2)) ->
+ (match search_frozen_cst infos op al2 with
+ | Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2)
+ | None -> false)
+ (* other constructors *)
+ | (FOP2(Lambda,c1,c2), FOP2(Lambda,c'1,c'2)) ->
+ (Array.length v1 = 0) & (Array.length v2 = 0)
+ & ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c'1
+ & ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c2 c'2
+ | (FOP2(Prod,c1,c2), FOP2(Prod,c'1,c'2)) ->
+ (Array.length v1 = 0) & (Array.length v2 = 0)
+ & ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c'1 (* Luo's system *)
+ & ccnv cv_pb infos el1 el2 c2 c'2
+ (* Inductive types: MutInd MutConstruct MutCase Fix Cofix *)
+ (* Le cas MutCase doit venir avant le cas general DOPN car, a
+ priori, 2 termes a base de MutCase peuvent etre convertibles
+ sans que les annotations des MutCase le soient *)
+ | (FOPN(MutCase _,cl1), FOPN(MutCase _,cl2)) ->
+ array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2
+ & array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2
+ | (FOPN(op1,cl1), FOPN(op2,cl2)) ->
+ (op1 = op2)
+ & array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2
+ & array_for_all2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2
+ (* binders *)
+ | (FLAM(_,c1,_,_), FLAM(_,c2,_,_)) ->
+ (Array.length v1 = 0) & (Array.length v2 = 0)
+ & ccnv cv_pb infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2) c1 c2
+ | (FLAMV(_,vc1,_,_), FLAMV(_,vc2,_,_)) ->
+ (Array.length v1 = 0) & (Array.length v2 = 0)
+ & for_all2eq_vect (ccnv cv_pb infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2))
+ vc1 vc2
+ | _ -> false
+let fconv cv_pb env t1 t2 =
+ let t1 = strong strip_outer_cast t1
+ and t2 = strong strip_outer_cast t2 in
+ if eq_constr t1 t2 then
+ true
+ else
+ let infos = create_clos_infos hnf_flags env in
+ ccnv cv_pb infos ELID ELID (inject t1) (inject t2)
+let conv env term1 term2 = uni_pred (fconv CONV env term1) term2
+let conv_leq env term1 term2 = uni_pred (fconv CONV_LEQ env term1) term2
+let conv_x env term1 term2 = fconv CONV_X env term1 term2
+let conv_x_leq env term1 term2 = fconv CONV_X_LEQ env term1 term2
+(* Special-Purpose Reduction *)
+let whd_meta mvmap = function
+ (DOP0(Meta p) as u) -> (try List.assoc p mvmap with Not_found -> u)
+ | x -> x
+(* Try to replace all metas. Does not replace metas in the metas' values
+ * Differs from (strong whd_meta). *)
+let plain_instance s c =
+ let rec irec u =
+ match u with
+ DOP0(Meta p) -> (try List.assoc p s with Not_found -> u)
+ | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper, irec c)
+ | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper, irec c1, irec c2)
+ | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper, Array.map irec cl)
+ | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper, List.map irec cl)
+ | DLAM(x,c) -> DLAM(x, irec c)
+ | DLAMV(x,v) -> DLAMV(x, Array.map irec v)
+ | _ -> u
+ in if s=[] then c else irec c
+(* Pourquoi ne fait-on pas nf_betaiota si s=[] ? *)
+let instance s c =
+ if s=[] then c else nf_betaiota (plain_instance s c)
+(* pseudo-reduction rule:
+ * [hnf_prod_app env s (Prod(_,B)) N --> B[N]
+ * with an HNF on the first argument to produce a product.
+ * if this does not work, then we use the string S as part of our
+ * error message.
+ *)
+let hnf_prod_app env s t n =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env t with
+ DOP2(Prod,_,b) -> sAPP b n
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm s [< 'sTR"Needed a product, but didn't find one in " ;
+ 'sTR s ; 'fNL >]
+let hnf_prod_appvect env s t nL = it_vect (hnf_prod_app env s) t nL
+let hnf_prod_applist env s t nL = List.fold_left (hnf_prod_app env s) t nL
+let hnf_lam_app env s t n =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env t with
+ DOP2(Lambda,_,b) -> sAPP b n
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm s [< 'sTR"Needed a product, but didn't find one in " ;
+ 'sTR s ; 'fNL >]
+let hnf_lam_appvect env s t nL = it_vect (hnf_lam_app env s) t nL
+let hnf_lam_applist env s t nL = List.fold_left (hnf_lam_app env s) t nL
+let splay_prod env =
+ let rec decrec m c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(n,c_0)) -> decrec ((n,a)::m) c_0
+ | t -> m,t
+ in decrec []
+let decomp_prod env =
+ let rec decrec m c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ (DOP0(Sort _) as x) -> m,x
+ | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(n,c_0)) -> decrec (m+1) c_0
+ | _ -> error "decomp_prod: Not a product"
+ in decrec 0
+let decomp_n_prod env n =
+ let rec decrec m ln c = if m = 0 then (ln,c) else
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(n,c_0)) -> decrec (m-1) ((n,a)::ln) c_0
+ | _ -> error "decomp_n_prod: Not enough products"
+ in decrec n []
+(* Special iota reduction... *)
+let contract_cofix_use_function f cofix =
+ match cofix with
+ | DOPN(CoFix(bodynum),bodyvect) ->
+ let nbodies = (Array.length bodyvect) -1 in
+ let make_Fi j = DOPN(CoFix(j),bodyvect) in
+ let lbodies = list_assign (tabulate_list make_Fi nbodies) bodynum f
+ in sAPPViList bodynum (last_vect bodyvect) lbodies
+ | _ -> assert false
+let reduce_mind_case_use_function f mia =
+ match mia.mconstr with
+ (DOPN(MutConstruct((indsp,tyindx),i),_)) ->
+ let ind = DOPN(MutInd(indsp,tyindx),args_of_mconstr mia.mconstr) in
+ let nparams = mind_nparams ind in
+ let real_cargs = snd(chop_list nparams mia.mcargs)
+ in applist (mia.mlf.(i-1),real_cargs)
+ | (DOPN(CoFix _,_)) as cofix ->
+ let cofix_def = contract_cofix_use_function f cofix
+ in mkMutCaseA mia.mci mia.mP (applist(cofix_def,mia.mcargs)) mia.mlf
+ | _ -> assert false
+let special_red_case env whfun p c ci lf =
+ let rec redrec c l =
+ let (constr,cargs) = whfun c l in
+ match constr with
+ (DOPN(Const _,_)) as g ->
+ if (evaluable_const env g)
+ then
+ let gvalue = (const_value env g)
+ in if reducible_mind_case gvalue
+ then reduce_mind_case_use_function g
+ {mP=p; mconstr=gvalue; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}
+ else redrec gvalue cargs
+ else raise Redelimination
+ | _ ->
+ if reducible_mind_case constr
+ then reduce_mind_case
+ {mP=p; mconstr=constr; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}
+ else raise Redelimination
+ in redrec c []
+(* F is convertible to DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect) make
+the reduction using this extra information *)
+let contract_fix_use_function f fix =
+ match fix with
+ | DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect) ->
+ let nbodies = Array.length recindices in
+ let make_Fi j = DOPN(Fix(recindices,j),bodyvect) in
+ let lbodies = list_assign (tabulate_list make_Fi nbodies) bodynum f in
+ sAPPViList bodynum (last_vect bodyvect) lbodies
+ | _ -> assert false
+let reduce_fix_use_function f whfun fix stack =
+ match fix with
+ |DOPN (Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect) ->
+ (match fix_recarg fix stack with
+ None -> (false,(fix,stack))
+ | Some (recargnum,recarg) ->
+ let (recarg'hd,_ as recarg')= whfun recarg [] in
+ let stack' = list_assign stack recargnum (applist recarg') in
+ (match recarg'hd with
+ DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) ->
+ (true,(contract_fix_use_function f fix,stack'))
+ | _ -> (false,(fix,stack'))))
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Check that c is an "elimination constant"
+ [xn:An]..[x1:A1](<P>MutCase (Rel i) of f1..fk end g1 ..gp)
+or [xn:An]..[x1:A1](Fix(f|t) (Rel i1) ..(Rel ip))
+ with i1..ip distinct variables not occuring in t
+keep relevenant information ([i1,Ai1;..;ip,Aip],n,b)
+with b = true in case of a fixpoint in order to compute
+an equivalent of Fix(f|t)[xi<-ai] as
+[yip:Bip]..[yi1:Bi1](F bn..b1)
+ == [yip:Bip]..[yi1:Bi1](Fix(f|t)[xi<-ai] (Rel 1)..(Rel p))
+with bj=aj if j<>ik and bj=(Rel c) and Bic=Aic[xn..xic-1 <- an..aic-1]
+ *)
+let compute_consteval c =
+ let rec srec n labs c =
+ match whd_betadeltaeta_stack mt_evd c [] with
+ (DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(_,g)),[]) -> srec (n+1) (t::labs) g
+ | (DOPN(Fix((nv,i)),bodies),l) ->
+ if (List.length l) > n then raise Elimconst
+ else
+ let li =
+ List.map (function
+ Rel k ->
+ if for_all_vect (noccurn k) bodies
+ then (k, List.nth labs (k-1)) else raise Elimconst
+ | _ -> raise Elimconst) l
+ in if (distinct (List.map fst li)) then (li,n,true)
+ else raise Elimconst
+ | (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc,lapp) ->
+ (match destCase mc with
+ (_,_,Rel _,_) -> ([],n,false)
+ | _ -> raise Elimconst)
+ | _ -> raise Elimconst
+ in
+ try Some (srec 0 [] c)
+ with Elimconst -> None
+let is_elim env c =
+ let (sp, cl) = destConst c in
+ if (evaluable_const env c)
+ & (defined_const env c)
+ & (not((is_existential c)))
+ then
+ let (_,cb) = const_of_path sp in
+ ((match cb.cONSTEVAL with
+ Some _ -> ()
+ | None ->
+ (match cb.cONSTBODY with
+ Some{contents=COOKED b} ->
+ cb.cONSTEVAL <- Some(compute_consteval b)
+ | Some{contents=RECIPE _} ->
+ anomalylabstrm "Reduction.is_elim"
+ [< 'sTR"Found an uncooked transparent constant," ; 'sPC ;
+ 'sTR"which is supposed to be impossible" >]
+ | _ -> assert false));
+ (match (cb.cONSTEVAL) with
+ Some (Some x) -> x
+ | Some None -> raise Elimconst
+ | _ -> assert false))
+ else raise Elimconst
+(* takes the fn first elements of the list and gives them back lifted by ln
+ and in reverse order *)
+let rev_firstn_liftn fn ln =
+ let rec rfprec p res l =
+ if p = 0 then res
+ else
+ match l with
+ [] -> invalid_arg "Reduction.rev_firstn_liftn"
+ | a::rest -> rfprec (p-1) ((lift ln a)::res) rest
+ in rfprec fn []
+let make_elim_fun env f largs =
+ try let (lv,n,b) = is_elim env f and ll = List.length largs
+ in if ll < n then raise Redelimination else
+ if b then
+ let labs,_ = chop_list n largs in
+ let p = List.length lv in
+ let la' = map_i (fun q aq ->
+ try (Rel (p+1-(index (n+1-q) (List.map fst lv))))
+ with Failure _ -> aq) 1
+ (List.map (lift p) labs) in
+ it_list_i (fun i c (k,a) ->
+ DOP2(Lambda,(substl (rev_firstn_liftn (n-k) (-i) la') a),
+ DLAM(Name(id_of_string"x"),c))) 0 (applistc f la') lv
+ else f
+ with Elimconst | Failure _ -> raise Redelimination
+let rec red_elim_const env k largs =
+ if not(evaluable_const env k) then raise Redelimination else
+ let f = make_elim_fun env k largs in
+ match whd_betadeltaeta_stack env (const_value env k) largs with
+ (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc,lrest) ->
+ let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase mc in
+ (special_red_case env (construct_const env) p c ci lf, lrest)
+ | (DOPN(Fix _,_) as fix,lrest) ->
+ let (b,(c,rest)) = reduce_fix_use_function f (construct_const env) fix lrest
+ in if b then (nf_beta c, rest) else raise Redelimination
+ | _ -> assert false
+and construct_const env c stack =
+ let rec hnfstack x stack =
+ match x with
+ (DOPN(Const _,_)) as k ->
+ (try
+ let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env k stack
+ in hnfstack c' lrest
+ with Redelimination ->
+ if evaluable_const env k
+ then let cval = const_value env k
+ in (match cval with
+ DOPN (CoFix _,_) -> (k,stack)
+ | _ -> hnfstack cval stack)
+ else raise Redelimination)
+ | (DOPN(Abst _,_) as a) ->
+ if evaluable_abst a then hnfstack (abst_value a) stack
+ else raise Redelimination
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> hnfstack c stack
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> hnfstack (hd_vect cl) (app_tl_vect cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> assert false
+ | c'::rest -> stacklam hnfstack [c'] c rest)
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) as c_0 ->
+ let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase c_0 in
+ hnfstack (special_red_case env (construct_const env) p c ci lf) stack
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) as c_0 -> c_0,stack
+ | DOPN(CoFix _,_) as c_0 -> c_0,stack
+ | DOPN(Fix (_) ,_) as fix ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack')) = reduce_fix hnfstack fix stack
+ in if reduced then hnfstack fix stack' else raise Redelimination
+ | _ -> raise Redelimination
+ in hnfstack c stack
+(* Hnf reduction tactic: *)
+let hnf_constr env c =
+ let rec redrec x largs =
+ match x with
+ DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(n,c)) ->
+ (match largs with
+ [] -> applist(x,largs)
+ | a::rest -> stacklam redrec [a] c rest)
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> redrec (hd_vect cl) (app_tl_vect cl largs)
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ (try
+ let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env x largs
+ in redrec c' lrest
+ with Redelimination ->
+ if evaluable_const env x
+ then
+ let c = const_value env x
+ in match c with
+ DOPN(CoFix _,_) -> x
+ | _ -> redrec c largs
+ else applist(x,largs))
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_abst x then redrec (abst_value x) largs
+ else applist(x,largs)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> redrec c largs
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase x in
+ (try
+ redrec (special_red_case env (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env) p c ci lf) largs
+ with Redelimination -> applist(x,largs))
+ | (DOPN(Fix _,_)) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) =
+ reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env) x largs
+ in if reduced then redrec fix stack else applist(x,largs)
+ | _ -> applist(x,largs)
+ in redrec c []
+(* Simpl reduction tactic: same as simplify, but also reduces elimination constants *)
+let whd_nf env c =
+ let rec nf_app c stack =
+ match c with
+ DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(name,c2)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (c,[])
+ | a1::rest -> stacklam nf_app [a1] c2 rest)
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> nf_app (hd_vect cl) (app_tl_vect cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> nf_app c stack
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ (try
+ let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env c stack
+ in nf_app c' lrest
+ with Redelimination -> (c,stack))
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase c in
+ (try
+ nf_app (special_red_case env nf_app p d ci lf) stack
+ with Redelimination -> (c,stack))
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,rest)) = reduce_fix nf_app c stack
+ in if reduced then nf_app fix rest
+ else (fix,stack)
+ | _ -> (c,stack)
+ in applist (nf_app c [])
+let nf env c = strong (whd_nf env) c
+(* Generic reduction: reduction functions used in reduction tactics *)
+type red_expr =
+ | Red
+ | Hnf
+ | Simpl
+ | Cbv of flags
+ | Lazy of flags
+ | Unfold of (int list * section_path) list
+ | Fold of constr list
+ | Change of constr
+ | Pattern of (int list * constr * constr) list
+let reduction_of_redexp = function
+ | Red -> red_product
+ | Hnf -> hnf_constr
+ | Simpl -> nf
+ | Cbv f -> cbv_norm_flags f
+ | Lazy f -> clos_norm_flags f
+ | Unfold ubinds -> unfoldn ubinds
+ | Fold cl -> fold_commands cl
+ | Change t -> (fun _ _ -> t)
+ | Pattern lp -> (fun _ -> pattern_occs lp)
+(* Other reductions *)
+let one_step_reduce env =
+ let rec redrec largs x =
+ match x with
+ DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(n,c)) ->
+ (match largs with
+ [] -> error "Not reducible 1"
+ | a::rest -> applistc (subst1 a c) rest)
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> redrec (app_tl_vect cl largs) (hd_vect cl)
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) ->
+ (try
+ let (c',l) = red_elim_const env x largs
+ in applistc c' l
+ with Redelimination ->
+ if evaluable_const env x then
+ applistc (const_value env x) largs
+ else error "Not reductible 1")
+ | DOPN(Abst _,_) ->
+ if evaluable_abst x then applistc (abst_value x) largs
+ else error "Not reducible 0"
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase x in
+ (try applistc (special_red_case env (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env) p c ci lf) largs
+ with Redelimination -> error "Not reducible 2")
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env) x largs
+ in if reduced then applistc fix stack else error "Not reducible 3"
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> redrec largs c
+ | _ -> error "Not reducible 3"
+ in redrec []
+(* One step of approximation *)
+let rec apprec env c stack =
+ let (t,stack) = whd_betaiota_stack c stack in
+ match t with
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase t in
+ let (cr,crargs) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env d [] in
+ let rslt = mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(cr,crargs)) lf in
+ if reducible_mind_case cr
+ then apprec env rslt stack
+ else (t,stack)
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env) t stack in
+ if reduced then apprec env fix stack
+ else (fix,stack)
+ | _ -> (t,stack)
+let hnf env c = apprec env c []
+(* A reduction function like whd_betaiota but which keeps casts
+ * and does not reduce redexes containing meta-variables.
+ * Used in Programs.
+ * Added by JCF, 29/1/98. *)
+let whd_programs_stack =
+ let rec whrec x stack =
+ match x with
+ DOPN(AppL,cl) ->
+ if occur_meta cl.(1) then
+ (x,stack)
+ else
+ whrec (hd_vect cl) (app_tl_vect cl stack)
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) ->
+ (match stack with
+ [] -> (x,stack)
+ | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m)
+ | DOPN(MutCase _,_) ->
+ let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in
+ if occur_meta d then
+ (x,stack)
+ else
+ let (c,cargs) = whrec d [] in
+ if reducible_mind_case c then
+ whrec (reduce_mind_case
+ {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf})
+ stack
+ else
+ (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf, stack)
+ | DOPN(Fix _,_) ->
+ let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack in
+ if reduced then whrec fix stack else (fix,stack)
+ | x -> (x,stack)
+ in whrec
+let whd_programs x = applist(whd_programs_stack x [])
+(* Used in several tactics, moved from tactics.ml *)
+(* -- Eduardo *)
+ * put t as t'=(x1:A1)..(xn:An)B with B an inductive definition of name name
+ * return name, B and t'
+let reduce_to_mind env t =
+ let rec elimrec t l =
+ match whd_castapp_stack t [] with
+ (DOPN(MutInd _,_) as mind,_) -> (mind,t,prod_it t l)
+ | (DOPN(Const _,_),_) ->
+ (try let t' = nf_betaiota (one_step_reduce env t)
+ in elimrec t' l
+ with UserError _ -> errorlabstrm "tactics__reduce_to_mind"
+ [< 'sTR"Not an inductive product : it is a constant." >])
+ | (DOPN(MutCase _,_),_) ->
+ (try let t' = nf_betaiota (one_step_reduce env t)
+ in elimrec t' l
+ with UserError _ -> errorlabstrm "tactics__reduce_to_mind"
+ [< 'sTR"Not an inductive product: it is a case analysis term" >])
+ | (DOP2(Cast,c,_),[]) -> elimrec c l
+ | (DOP2(Prod,ty,DLAM(n,t')),[]) -> elimrec t' ((n,ty)::l)
+ | _ -> error "Not an inductive product"
+ in elimrec t []
+let reduce_to_ind env t =
+ let (mind,redt,c) = reduce_to_mind env t
+ in ((mind_path mind),redt,c)
+let find_mrectype env c =
+ let (t,l) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env c [] in
+ match t with
+ DOPN(MutInd (sp,i),_) -> (t,l)
+ | _ -> raise Induc
+let find_minductype env c =
+ let (t,l) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env c [] in
+ match t with
+ DOPN(MutInd (sp,i),_)
+ when mind_type_finite (snd (mind_of_path sp)) i -> (t,l)
+ | _ -> raise Induc
+let find_mcoinductype env c =
+ let (t,l) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env c [] in
+ match t with
+ DOPN(MutInd (sp,i),_)
+ when not (mind_type_finite (snd (mind_of_path sp)) i) -> (t,l)
+ | _ -> raise Induc
+let minductype_spec env c =
+ try let (x,l) = find_minductype env c
+ in if l<>[] then anomaly "minductype_spec: Not a recursive type 1"
+ else x
+ with Induc -> anomaly "minductype_spec: Not a recursive type 2"
+let mrectype_spec env c =
+ try let (x,l) = find_mrectype env c
+ in if l<>[] then anomaly "mrectype_spec: Not a recursive type 1"
+ else x
+ with Induc -> anomaly "mrectype_spec: Not a recursive type 2"
+let check_mrectype_spec env c =
+ try let (x,l) = find_mrectype env c
+ in if l<>[] then error "check_mrectype: Not a recursive type 1" else x
+ with Induc -> error "check_mrectype: Not a recursive type 2"
+exception IsType
+let info_arity env =
+ let rec srec c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ DOP0(Sort(Prop(Null))) -> false
+ | DOP0(Sort(Prop(Pos))) -> true
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c'
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c'
+ | _ -> raise IsType
+ in srec
+let is_type_arity env =
+ let rec srec c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ DOP0(Sort(Type(_))) -> true
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c'
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c'
+ | _ -> false
+ in srec
+let is_logic_arity env c = try (not (info_arity env c))
+ with IsType -> false
+let is_info_arity env c = try (info_arity env c)
+ with IsType -> true
+let is_info_cast_type env c =
+ match c with DOP2(Cast,c,t) ->
+ (try info_arity env t
+ with IsType -> try info_arity env c with IsType -> true)
+ | _ -> try info_arity env c with IsType -> true
+let contents_of_cast_type env c =
+ if is_info_cast_type env c then Pos else Null
+let is_info_sort = is_info_arity mt_evd
+(* calcul des arguments implicites *)
+(* la seconde liste est ordonne'e *)
+let ord_add x l =
+let rec aux l = match l with [] -> [x]
+ | y::l' -> if y > x then x::l
+ else if x = y then l
+ else y::(aux l')
+in aux l
+let add_free_rels_until depth m acc =
+let rec frec depth loc acc = function
+ Rel n -> if (n <= depth) & (n > loc) then (ord_add (depth-n+1) acc) else acc
+ | DOPN(_,cl) -> it_vect (frec depth loc) acc cl
+ | DOPL(_,cl) -> List.fold_left (frec depth loc) acc cl
+ | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> frec depth loc (frec depth loc acc c1) c2
+ | DOP1(_,c) -> frec depth loc acc c
+ | DLAM(_,c) -> frec (depth+1) (loc+1) acc c
+ | DLAMV(_,cl) -> it_vect (frec (depth+1) (loc+1)) acc cl
+ | VAR _ -> acc
+ | DOP0 _ -> acc
+in frec depth 0 acc m
+(* calcule la liste des arguments implicites *)
+let poly_args t =
+ let rec aux n t = match (whd_betadeltaiota mt_evd t) with
+ (DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(_,b))) -> add_free_rels_until n a (aux (n+1) b)
+ | (DOP2(Cast,t',_)) -> aux n t'
+ | _ -> []
+in match (strip_outer_cast (whd_betadeltaiota mt_evd t))
+ with (DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(_,b))) -> aux 1 b
+ | _ -> []
+(* Expanding existential variables (trad.ml, progmach.ml) *)
+(* 1- whd_ise fails if an existential is undefined *)
+let rec whd_ise env = function
+ (DOPN(Const sp,_) as k) ->
+ if Evd.in_dom env sp then
+ if defined_const env k then
+ whd_ise env (const_value env k)
+ else
+ let pk = Printer.prterm k in
+ let pkt = Printer.prterm (const_type env k) in
+ errorlabstrm "whd_ise"
+ [< 'sTR"Undefined evar "; pk; 'sTR" : "; pkt >]
+ errorlabstrm "whd_ise"
+ [< 'sTR"There is an unknown subterm I cannot solve" >]
+ else k
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_ise env c
+ | DOP0(Sort(Type(_))) -> DOP0(Sort(Type(dummy_univ)))
+ | c -> c
+(* 2- undefined existentials are left unchanged *)
+let rec whd_ise1 env = function
+ (DOPN(Const sp,_) as k) ->
+ if Evd.in_dom env sp & defined_const env k then
+ whd_ise1 env (const_value env k)
+ else k
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_ise1 env c
+ | DOP0(Sort(Type(_))) -> DOP0(Sort(Type(dummy_univ)))
+ | c -> c
+let nf_ise1 env = strong (whd_ise1 env)
+(* Same as whd_ise1, but replaces the remaining ISEVAR by Metavariables
+ * Similarly we have is_fmachine1_metas and is_resolve1_metas *)
+let rec whd_ise1_metas env = function
+ (DOPN(Const sp,_) as k) ->
+ if Evd.in_dom env sp then
+ if defined_const env k then
+ whd_ise1_metas env (const_value env k)
+ else
+ let m = DOP0(Meta (newMETA())) in
+ DOP2(Cast,m,const_type env k)
+ else
+ k
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_ise1_metas env c
+ | c -> c
+(* Fonction spéciale qui laisse les cast clés sous les Fix ou les MutCase *)
+let under_outer_cast f = function
+ | DOP2 (Cast,b,t) -> DOP2 (Cast,f b,f t)
+ | c -> f c
+let rec strip_all_casts t =
+ match t with
+ | DOP2 (Cast, b, _) -> strip_all_casts b
+ | DOP0 _ as t -> t
+ (* Cas ad hoc *)
+ | DOPN(Fix _ as f,v) ->
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ let ts = Array.sub v 0 (n-1) in
+ let b = v.(n-1) in
+ DOPN(f, Array.append
+ (Array.map strip_all_casts ts)
+ [|under_outer_cast strip_all_casts b|])
+ | DOPN(CoFix _ as f,v) ->
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ let ts = Array.sub v 0 (n-1) in
+ let b = v.(n-1) in
+ DOPN(f, Array.append
+ (Array.map strip_all_casts ts)
+ [|under_outer_cast strip_all_casts b|])
+ | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strip_all_casts c)
+ | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strip_all_casts c1,strip_all_casts c2)
+ | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map strip_all_casts cl)
+ | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map strip_all_casts cl)
+ | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strip_all_casts c)
+ | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map (under_outer_cast strip_all_casts) c)
+ | VAR _ as t -> t
+ | Rel _ as t -> t
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.mli b/kernel/reduction.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8646c902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/reduction.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Names
+open Generic
+open Term
+open Univ
+open Environ
+open Closure
+open Evd
+exception Redelimination
+exception Induc
+exception Elimconst
+type 'a reduction_function = 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+type 'a stack_reduction_function = 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr list
+ -> constr * constr list
+val whd_stack : 'a stack_reduction_function
+(* Reduction Function Operators *)
+val under_casts : 'a reduction_function -> 'a reduction_function
+val strong : 'a reduction_function -> 'a reduction_function
+val strong_prodspine : 'a reduction_function -> 'a reduction_function
+val stack_reduction_of_reduction :
+ 'a reduction_function -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+ ** Reduction Functions **
+ *************************)
+(* Generic Optimized Reduction Functions using Closures *)
+(* 1. lazy strategy *)
+val clos_norm_flags : Closure.flags -> 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+(* Same as (strong whd_beta[delta][iota]), but much faster on big terms *)
+val nf_beta : 'a reduction_function
+val nf_betaiota : 'a reduction_function
+val nf_betadeltaiota : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+(* 2. call by value strategy *)
+val cbv_norm_flags : flags -> 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val cbv_beta : 'a reduction_function
+val cbv_betaiota : 'a reduction_function
+val cbv_betadeltaiota : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+(* 3. lazy strategy, weak head reduction *)
+val whd_beta : 'a reduction_function
+val whd_betaiota : 'a reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltaiota : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_beta_stack : 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_betaiota_stack : 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltaiota_stack : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+(* Head normal forms *)
+val whd_const_stack : section_path list -> 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_const : section_path list -> 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_delta_stack : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_delta : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_betadelta_stack : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_betadelta : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltat_stack : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltat : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltatiota_stack : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltatiota : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltaiotaeta_stack : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val whd_betadeltaiotaeta : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val beta_applist : (constr * constr list) -> constr
+(* Special-Purpose Reduction Functions *)
+val whd_meta : (int * constr) list -> 'a reduction_function
+val plain_instance : (int * constr) list -> 'a reduction_function
+val instance : (int * constr) list -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_ise : 'a unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_ise1 : 'a unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val nf_ise1 : 'a unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val whd_ise1_metas : 'a unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val red_elim_const : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a stack_reduction_function
+val one_step_reduce : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+val hnf_prod_app : 'c unsafe_env -> string -> constr -> constr -> constr
+val hnf_prod_appvect :
+ 'c unsafe_env -> string -> constr -> constr array -> constr
+val hnf_prod_applist : 'c unsafe_env -> string -> constr -> constr list -> constr
+val hnf_lam_app : 'c unsafe_env -> string -> constr -> constr -> constr
+val hnf_lam_appvect : 'c unsafe_env -> string -> constr -> constr array -> constr
+val hnf_lam_applist : 'c unsafe_env -> string -> constr -> constr list -> constr
+val splay_prod : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> (name * constr) list * constr
+val decomp_prod : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> int * constr
+val decomp_n_prod :
+ 'c unsafe_env -> int -> constr -> ((name * constr) list) * constr
+val is_info_arity : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val is_info_sort : constr -> bool
+val is_logic_arity : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val is_type_arity : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val is_info_cast_type : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> bool
+val contents_of_cast_type : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> contents
+val poly_args : constr -> int list
+val reduce_to_mind : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> constr * constr * constr
+val reduce_to_ind : 'c unsafe_env -> constr ->
+ section_path*constr*constr
+val whd_programs : 'a reduction_function
+(* Generic reduction: reduction functions associated to tactics *)
+type red_expr =
+ | Red
+ | Hnf
+ | Simpl
+ | Cbv of flags
+ | Lazy of flags
+ | Unfold of (int list * section_path) list
+ | Fold of constr list
+ | Change of constr
+ | Pattern of (int list * constr * constr) list
+val nf : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val unfoldn :
+ (int list * section_path) list -> 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val fold_one_com : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> 'a reduction_function
+val fold_commands : constr list -> 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val subst_term_occ : int list -> constr -> constr -> constr
+val pattern_occs : (int list * constr * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+val hnf_constr : 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+val compute : 'c unsafe_env -> 'a reduction_function
+val reduction_of_redexp : red_expr -> 'c unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+(* Conversion Functions (uses closures, lazy strategy) *)
+type 'a conversion_function =
+ 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr -> bool * universes
+val fconv : conv_pb -> 'a conversion_function
+(* fconv has 4 instances:
+ * conv = fconv CONV : conversion test, and adjust universes constraints
+ * conv_x = fconv CONV_X : id. , without adjusting univ
+ (used in tactics)
+ * conv_leq = fconv CONV_LEQ : cumulativity test, adjust universes
+ * conv_x_leq = fconv CONV_X_LEQ : id. , without adjusting
+ (in tactics)
+ *)
+val conv : 'a conversion_function
+val conv_leq : 'a conversion_function
+val conv_x : 'a conversion_function
+val conv_x_leq : 'a conversion_function
+(* Obsolete Reduction Functions *)
+val hnf : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr * constr list
+val apprec : 'a stack_reduction_function
+val red_product : 'a reduction_function
+val find_mrectype : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr * constr list
+val find_minductype : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr * constr list
+val find_mcoinductype : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr * constr list
+val check_mrectype_spec : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+val minductype_spec : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+val mrectype_spec : 'a unsafe_env -> constr -> constr
+(* Fonction spéciale qui laisse les cast clés sous les Fix ou les MutCase *)
+val strip_all_casts : constr -> constr
diff --git a/kernel/term.ml b/kernel/term.ml
index 0e8a8cdaa..bdf461340 100644
--- a/kernel/term.ml
+++ b/kernel/term.ml
@@ -1228,6 +1228,7 @@ let rec unmatchable=function
DLAMV(ne,(Array.map unmatchable tab))
| a -> a
(* hash-consing functions *)
diff --git a/kernel/term.mli b/kernel/term.mli
index d5a9b11d3..1a3f29c73 100644
--- a/kernel/term.mli
+++ b/kernel/term.mli
@@ -465,7 +465,6 @@ val pb_is_univ_adjust : conv_pb -> bool
val pb_is_equal : conv_pb -> bool
val pb_equal : conv_pb -> conv_pb
val sort_hdchar : sorts -> string
-(* val sort_cmp : conv_pb -> sorts -> sorts -> bool *)
diff --git a/kernel/univ.mli b/kernel/univ.mli
index 0bfaddbcc..391629672 100644
--- a/kernel/univ.mli
+++ b/kernel/univ.mli
@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ val dummy_univ : universe
val prop_univ : universe
val prop_univ_univ : universe
val prop_univ_univ_univ : universe
+type universes
diff --git a/lib/util.ml b/lib/util.ml
index 625ceed87..77a26062d 100644
--- a/lib/util.ml
+++ b/lib/util.ml
@@ -76,7 +76,21 @@ let list_chop n l =
| (_, []) -> failwith "chop_list"
chop_aux [] (n,l)
+let list_tabulate f len =
+ let rec tabrec n =
+ if n = len then [] else (f n)::(tabrec (n+1))
+ in
+ tabrec 0
+let list_assign l n e =
+ let rec assrec stk = function
+ | ((h::t), 0) -> List.rev_append stk (e::t)
+ | ((h::t), n) -> assrec (h::stk) (t, n-1)
+ | ([], _) -> failwith "list_assign"
+ in
+ assrec [] (l,n)
(* Arrays *)
let array_exists f v =
diff --git a/lib/util.mli b/lib/util.mli
index 92aabea5d..c539bdf67 100644
--- a/lib/util.mli
+++ b/lib/util.mli
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ val parse_section_path : string -> string list * string * string
val intersect : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
val subtract : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val list_chop : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+val list_chop : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+val list_tabulate : (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list
+val list_assign : 'a list -> int -> 'a -> 'a list
(* Arrays *)