diff options
6 files changed, 1 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 17bade57b..70f183d15 100644
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Tactics
when one knows which side is true.
- Tactic "exists" and "eexists" supports iteration using
comma-separated arguments.
+- Tactic "gappa" has been removed from the Dp plugin.
Tactic Language
diff --git a/doc/refman/ExternalProvers.tex b/doc/refman/ExternalProvers.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a9a3740..000000000
--- a/doc/refman/ExternalProvers.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-\achapter{Calling external provers}
-\asection{The \texttt{gappa} tactic}
-\aauthor{Sylvie Boldo, Guillaume Melquiond, Jean-Christophe Filliātre}
-The \texttt{gappa} tactic invokes the Gappa
-tool\footnote{\url{http://lipforge.ens-lyon.fr/www/gappa/}} to solve
-properties about floating-point or fixed-point arithmetic. It can also
-solve simple inequalities over real numbers.
-The Gappa tool must be installed and its executable (called
-\texttt{gappa}) must be in the user program path. The Coq support
-library for Gappa must also be installed (it is available from Gappa's
-web site). This library provides a \texttt{Gappa\_tactic} module,
-which must be loaded for the tactic to work properly.
-The \texttt{gappa} tactic only handles goals and hypotheses that are
-double inequalities $f_1 \le e \le f_2$ where $f_1$ and $f_2$ are
-dyadic constants and $e$ a real-valued expression. Here is an example
-of a goal solved by \texttt{gappa}:
-Lemma test_gappa :
- forall x y:R,
- 3/4 <= x <= 3 ->
- 0 <= sqrt x <= 1775 * (powerRZ 2 (-10)).
- gappa.
-Gappa supports floating-point rounding operations (as functions over
-real numbers). Here is an example involving double-precision
-floating-point numbers with rounding toward zero:
-Definition rnd := gappa_rounding (rounding_float roundZR 53 1074).
-Lemma test_gappa2 :
- forall a_ b_ a b : R,
- a = rnd a_ ->
- b = rnd b_ ->
- 52 / 16 <= a <= 53 / 16 ->
- 22 / 16 <= b <= 30 / 16 ->
- 0 <= rnd (a - b) - (a - b) <= 0.
- unfold rnd; gappa.
-The function \texttt{gappa\_rounding} declares a rounding mode
-recognized by the \texttt{gappa} tactic. Rounding modes are built
-using constants such as \texttt{rounding\_float} and
-\texttt{roundZR} provided by the Gappa support library.
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
diff --git a/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex b/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
index 2a6dfe035..946bfda12 100644
--- a/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ Options A and B of the licence are {\em not} elected.}
\include{Polynom.v}% = Ring
\include{Setoid.v}% Tactique pour les setoides
-\include{ExternalProvers}% Tactiques appelant des prouveurs externes
diff --git a/plugins/dp/dp_gappa.ml b/plugins/dp/dp_gappa.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c035aa85..000000000
--- a/plugins/dp/dp_gappa.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-open Format
-open Util
-open Pp
-open Term
-open Tacmach
-open Tactics
-open Tacticals
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Termops
-open Coqlib
-open Hipattern
-open Libnames
-open Declarations
-open Evarutil
-let debug = ref false
-(* 1. gappa syntax trees and output *)
-module Constant = struct
- open Bigint
- type t = { mantissa : bigint; base : int; exp : bigint }
- let create (b, m, e) =
- { mantissa = m; base = b; exp = e }
- let of_int x =
- { mantissa = x; base = 1; exp = zero }
- let print fmt x = match x.base with
- | 1 -> fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string x.mantissa)
- | 2 -> fprintf fmt "%sb%s" (to_string x.mantissa) (to_string x.exp)
- | 10 -> fprintf fmt "%se%s" (to_string x.mantissa) (to_string x.exp)
- | _ -> assert false
-type binop = Bminus | Bplus | Bmult | Bdiv
-type unop = Usqrt | Uabs | Uopp
-type rounding_mode = string
-type term =
- | Tconst of Constant.t
- | Tvar of string
- | Tbinop of binop * term * term
- | Tunop of unop * term
- | Tround of rounding_mode * term
-type pred =
- | Pin of term * Constant.t * Constant.t
-let rec print_term fmt = function
- | Tconst c -> Constant.print fmt c
- | Tvar s -> pp_print_string fmt s
- | Tbinop (op, t1, t2) ->
- let op = match op with
- | Bplus -> "+" | Bminus -> "-" | Bmult -> "*" | Bdiv -> "/"
- in
- fprintf fmt "(%a %s %a)" print_term t1 op print_term t2
- | Tunop (Uabs, t) ->
- fprintf fmt "|%a|" print_term t
- | Tunop (Uopp | Usqrt as op, t) ->
- let s = match op with
- | Uopp -> "-" | Usqrt -> "sqrt" | _ -> assert false
- in
- fprintf fmt "(%s(%a))" s print_term t
- | Tround (m, t) ->
- fprintf fmt "(%s(%a))" m print_term t
-let print_pred fmt = function
- | Pin (t, c1, c2) ->
- fprintf fmt "%a in [%a, %a]"
- print_term t Constant.print c1 Constant.print c2
-let temp_file f = if !debug then f else Filename.temp_file f ".v"
-let remove_file f = if not !debug then try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()
-let read_gappa_proof f =
- let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
- Buffer.add_char buf '(';
- let cin = open_in f in
- let rec skip_space () =
- let c = input_char cin in if c = ' ' then skip_space () else c
- in
- while input_char cin <> '=' do () done;
- try
- while true do
- let c = skip_space () in
- if c = ':' then raise Exit;
- Buffer.add_char buf c;
- let s = input_line cin in
- Buffer.add_string buf s;
- Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
- done;
- assert false
- with Exit ->
- close_in cin;
- remove_file f;
- Buffer.add_char buf ')';
- Buffer.contents buf
-exception GappaFailed
-exception GappaProofFailed
-let patch_gappa_proof fin fout =
- let cin = open_in fin in
- let cout = open_out fout in
- let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel cout in
- let last = ref "" in
- let defs = ref "" in
- try
- while true do
- let s = input_line cin in
- if s = "Qed." then
- fprintf fmt "Defined.@\n"
- else begin
- begin
- try Scanf.sscanf s "Lemma %s "
- (fun n -> defs := n ^ " " ^ !defs; last := n)
- with Scanf.Scan_failure _ ->
- try Scanf.sscanf s "Definition %s "
- (fun n -> defs := n ^ " " ^ !defs)
- with Scanf.Scan_failure _ ->
- ()
- end;
- fprintf fmt "%s@\n" s
- end
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- close_in cin;
- fprintf fmt "Definition proof := Eval cbv delta [%s] in %s.@." !defs !last;
- close_out cout
-let call_gappa hl p =
- let gappa_in = temp_file "gappa_input" in
- let c = open_out gappa_in in
- let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel c in
- fprintf fmt "@[{ ";
- List.iter (fun h -> fprintf fmt "%a ->@ " print_pred h) hl;
- fprintf fmt "%a }@]@." print_pred p;
- close_out c;
- let gappa_out = temp_file "gappa_output" in
- let cmd = sprintf "gappa -Bcoq < %s > %s 2> /dev/null" gappa_in gappa_out in
- let out = Sys.command cmd in
- if out <> 0 then raise GappaFailed;
- remove_file gappa_in;
- let gappa_out2 = temp_file "gappa2" in
- patch_gappa_proof gappa_out gappa_out2;
- remove_file gappa_out;
- let cmd = (Filename.concat (Envars.coqbin ()) "coqc") ^ " " ^ gappa_out2 in
- let out = Sys.command cmd in
- if out <> 0 then raise GappaProofFailed;
- let gappa_out3 = temp_file "gappa3" in
- let c = open_out gappa_out3 in
- let gappa2 = Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename gappa_out2) ".v" in
- Printf.fprintf c
- "Require \"%s\". Set Printing Depth 999999. Print %s.proof."
- (Filename.chop_suffix gappa_out2 ".v") gappa2;
- close_out c;
- let lambda = temp_file "gappa_lambda" in
- let cmd = (Filename.concat (Envars.coqbin ()) "coqc") ^ " " ^ gappa_out3 ^ " > " ^ lambda in
- let out = Sys.command cmd in
- if out <> 0 then raise GappaProofFailed;
- remove_file gappa_out2; remove_file gappa_out3;
- remove_file (gappa_out2 ^ "o"); remove_file (gappa_out3 ^ "o");
- read_gappa_proof lambda
-(* 2. coq -> gappa translation *)
-exception NotGappa
-let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
-let coq_modules =
- init_modules @ [logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules
- @ [["Coq"; "ZArith"; "BinInt"];
- ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Rdefinitions"];
- ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Raxioms";];
- ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Rbasic_fun";];
- ["Coq"; "Reals"; "R_sqrt";];
- ["Coq"; "Reals"; "Rfunctions";];
- ["Gappa"; "Gappa_tactic";];
- ["Gappa"; "Gappa_fixed";];
- ["Gappa"; "Gappa_float";];
- ["Gappa"; "Gappa_round_def";];
- ["Gappa"; "Gappa_pred_bnd";];
- ["Gappa"; "Gappa_definitions";];
- ]
-let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "gappa" coq_modules
-let coq_refl_equal = lazy (constant "refl_equal")
-let coq_Rle = lazy (constant "Rle")
-let coq_R = lazy (constant "R")
-let coq_Rplus = lazy (constant "Rplus")
-let coq_Rminus = lazy (constant "Rminus")
-let coq_Rmult = lazy (constant "Rmult")
-let coq_Rdiv = lazy (constant "Rdiv")
-let coq_powerRZ = lazy (constant "powerRZ")
-let coq_R1 = lazy (constant "R1")
-let coq_Ropp = lazy (constant "Ropp")
-let coq_Rabs = lazy (constant "Rabs")
-let coq_sqrt = lazy (constant "sqrt")
-let coq_convert = lazy (constant "convert")
-let coq_reUnknown = lazy (constant "reUnknown")
-let coq_reFloat2 = lazy (constant "reFloat2")
-let coq_reFloat10 = lazy (constant "reFloat10")
-let coq_reInteger = lazy (constant "reInteger")
-let coq_reBinary = lazy (constant "reBinary")
-let coq_reUnary = lazy (constant "reUnary")
-let coq_reRound = lazy (constant "reRound")
-let coq_roundDN = lazy (constant "roundDN")
-let coq_roundUP = lazy (constant "roundUP")
-let coq_roundNE = lazy (constant "roundNE")
-let coq_roundZR = lazy (constant "roundZR")
-let coq_rounding_fixed = lazy (constant "rounding_fixed")
-let coq_rounding_float = lazy (constant "rounding_float")
-let coq_boAdd = lazy (constant "boAdd")
-let coq_boSub = lazy (constant "boSub")
-let coq_boMul = lazy (constant "boMul")
-let coq_boDiv = lazy (constant "boDiv")
-let coq_uoAbs = lazy (constant "uoAbs")
-let coq_uoNeg = lazy (constant "uoNeg")
-let coq_uoSqrt = lazy (constant "uoSqrt")
-let coq_subset = lazy (constant "subset")
-let coq_makepairF = lazy (constant "makepairF")
-let coq_true = lazy (constant "true")
-let coq_false = lazy (constant "false")
-let coq_Z0 = lazy (constant "Z0")
-let coq_Zpos = lazy (constant "Zpos")
-let coq_Zneg = lazy (constant "Zneg")
-let coq_xH = lazy (constant "xH")
-let coq_xI = lazy (constant "xI")
-let coq_xO = lazy (constant "xO")
-let coq_IZR = lazy (constant "IZR")
-(* translates a closed Coq term p:positive into a FOL term of type int *)
-let rec tr_positive p = match kind_of_term p with
- | Term.Construct _ when p = Lazy.force coq_xH ->
- 1
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xI ->
- 2 * (tr_positive a) + 1
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xO ->
- 2 * (tr_positive a)
- | Term.Cast (p, _, _) ->
- tr_positive p
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
-(* translates a closed Coq term t:Z into a term of type int *)
-let rec tr_arith_constant t = match kind_of_term t with
- | Term.Construct _ when t = Lazy.force coq_Z0 -> 0
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zpos -> tr_positive a
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zneg -> - (tr_positive a)
- | Term.Cast (t, _, _) -> tr_arith_constant t
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
-(* translates a closed Coq term p:positive into a FOL term of type bigint *)
-let rec tr_bigpositive p = match kind_of_term p with
- | Term.Construct _ when p = Lazy.force coq_xH ->
- Bigint.one
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xI ->
- Bigint.add_1 (Bigint.mult_2 (tr_bigpositive a))
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xO ->
- (Bigint.mult_2 (tr_bigpositive a))
- | Term.Cast (p, _, _) ->
- tr_bigpositive p
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
-(* translates a closed Coq term t:Z into a term of type bigint *)
-let rec tr_arith_bigconstant t = match kind_of_term t with
- | Term.Construct _ when t = Lazy.force coq_Z0 -> Bigint.zero
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zpos -> tr_bigpositive a
- | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zneg ->
- Bigint.neg (tr_bigpositive a)
- | Term.Cast (t, _, _) -> tr_arith_bigconstant t
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
-let decomp c =
- let c, args = decompose_app c in
- kind_of_term c, args
-let tr_bool c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_true -> true
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_false -> false
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
-let tr_float b m e =
- (b, tr_arith_bigconstant m, tr_arith_bigconstant e)
-let tr_binop c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boAdd -> Bplus
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boSub -> Bminus
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boMul -> Bmult
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boDiv -> Bdiv
- | _ -> assert false
-let tr_unop c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_uoNeg -> Uopp
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_uoSqrt -> Usqrt
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_uoAbs -> Uabs
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
-let tr_var c = match decomp c with
- | Var x, [] -> string_of_id x
- | _ -> assert false
-let tr_mode c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_roundDN -> "dn"
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_roundNE -> "ne"
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_roundUP -> "up"
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_roundZR -> "zr"
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
-let tr_rounding_mode c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_rounding_fixed ->
- let a = tr_mode a in
- let b = tr_arith_constant b in
- sprintf "fixed<%d,%s>" b a
- | c, [a;p;e] when c = Lazy.force coq_rounding_float ->
- let a = tr_mode a in
- let p = tr_positive p in
- let e = tr_arith_constant e in
- sprintf "float<%d,%d,%s>" p (-e) a
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
-(* REexpr -> term *)
-let rec tr_term c0 =
- let c, args = decompose_app c0 in
- match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reUnknown ->
- Tvar (tr_var a)
- | _, [a; b] when c = Lazy.force coq_reFloat2 ->
- Tconst (Constant.create (tr_float 2 a b))
- | _, [a; b] when c = Lazy.force coq_reFloat10 ->
- Tconst (Constant.create (tr_float 10 a b))
- | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reInteger ->
- Tconst (Constant.create (1, tr_arith_bigconstant a, Bigint.zero))
- | _, [op;a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_reBinary ->
- Tbinop (tr_binop op, tr_term a, tr_term b)
- | _, [op;a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reUnary ->
- Tunop (tr_unop op, tr_term a)
- | _, [op;a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reRound ->
- Tround (tr_rounding_mode op, tr_term a)
- | _ ->
- msgnl (str "tr_term: " ++ Printer.pr_constr c0);
- assert false
-let tr_rle c =
- let c, args = decompose_app c in
- match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rle ->
- begin match decompose_app a, decompose_app b with
- | (ac, [at]), (bc, [bt])
- when ac = Lazy.force coq_convert && bc = Lazy.force coq_convert ->
- at, bt
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
- end
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
-let tr_pred c =
- let c, args = decompose_app c in
- match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [a;b] when c = build_coq_and () ->
- begin match tr_rle a, tr_rle b with
- | (c1, t1), (t2, c2) when t1 = t2 ->
- begin match tr_term c1, tr_term c2 with
- | Tconst c1, Tconst c2 ->
- Pin (tr_term t1, c1, c2)
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
- end
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
- end
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
-let is_R c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_R -> true
- | _ -> false
-let tr_hyps =
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc (_,h) -> try tr_pred h :: acc with NotGappa -> acc) []
-let constr_of_string gl s =
- let parse_constr = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr in
- Constrintern.interp_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) (parse_constr s)
-let var_name = function
- | Name id ->
- let s = string_of_id id in
- let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
- mkVar (id_of_string s)
- | Anonymous ->
- assert false
-let build_proof_term c0 =
- let bl,c = decompose_lam c0 in
- List.fold_right
- (fun (x,t) pf ->
- mkApp (pf, [| if is_R t then var_name x else mk_new_meta () |]))
- bl c0
-let gappa_internal gl =
- try
- let c = tr_pred (pf_concl gl) in
- let s = call_gappa (tr_hyps (pf_hyps_types gl)) c in
- let pf = constr_of_string gl s in
- let pf = build_proof_term pf in
- Tacticals.tclTHEN (Tacmach.refine_no_check pf) Tactics.assumption gl
- with
- | NotGappa -> error "not a gappa goal"
- | GappaFailed -> error "gappa failed"
- | GappaProofFailed -> error "incorrect gappa proof term"
-let gappa_prepare =
- let id = Ident (dummy_loc, id_of_string "gappa_prepare") in
- lazy (Tacinterp.interp (Tacexpr.TacArg (Tacexpr.Reference id)))
-let gappa gl =
- Coqlib.check_required_library ["Gappa"; "Gappa_tactic"];
- Tacticals.tclTHEN (Lazy.force gappa_prepare) gappa_internal gl
-Local Variables:
-compile-command: "make -C ../.. bin/coqc.opt bin/coqide.opt"
diff --git a/plugins/dp/g_dp.ml4 b/plugins/dp/g_dp.ml4
index 4842e36aa..e027c882e 100644
--- a/plugins/dp/g_dp.ml4
+++ b/plugins/dp/g_dp.ml4
@@ -44,14 +44,6 @@ TACTIC EXTEND Gwhy
[ "gwhy" ] -> [ gwhy ]
-TACTIC EXTEND Gappa_internal
- [ "gappa_internal" ] -> [ Dp_gappa.gappa_internal ]
- [ "gappa" ] -> [ Dp_gappa.gappa ]
(* should be part of basic tactics syntax *)
[ "admit" ] -> [ Tactics.admit_as_an_axiom ]
diff --git a/plugins/dp/test_gappa.v b/plugins/dp/test_gappa.v
deleted file mode 100644
index eb65a59d6..000000000
--- a/plugins/dp/test_gappa.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Require Export Gappa_tactic.
-Require Export Reals.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Open Scope R_scope.
-Lemma test_base10 :
- forall x y:R,
- 0 <= x <= 4 ->
- 0 <= x * (24 * powerRZ 10 (-1)) <= 10.
- gappa.
-@rnd = float< ieee_32, zr >;
-a = rnd(a_); b = rnd(b_);
-{ a in [3.2,3.3] /\ b in [1.4,1.9] ->
- rnd(a - b) - (a - b) in [0,0] }
-Definition rnd := gappa_rounding (rounding_float roundZR 43 (120)).
-Lemma test_float3 :
- forall a_ b_ a b : R,
- a = rnd a_ ->
- b = rnd b_ ->
- 52 / 16 <= a <= 53 / 16 ->
- 22 / 16 <= b <= 30 / 16 ->
- 0 <= rnd (a - b) - (a - b) <= 0.
- unfold rnd.
- gappa.
-Lemma test_float2 :
- forall x y:R,
- 0 <= x <= 1 ->
- 0 <= y <= 1 ->
- 0 <= gappa_rounding (rounding_float roundNE 53 (1074)) (x+y) <= 2.
- gappa.
-Lemma test_float1 :
- forall x y:R,
- 0 <= gappa_rounding (rounding_fixed roundDN (0)) x -
- gappa_rounding (rounding_fixed roundDN (0)) y <= 0 ->
- Rabs (x - y) <= 1.
- gappa.
-Lemma test1 :
- forall x y:R,
- 0 <= x <= 1 ->
- 0 <= -y <= 1 ->
- 0 <= x * (-y) <= 1.
- gappa.
-Lemma test2 :
- forall x y:R,
- 3/4 <= x <= 3 ->
- 0 <= sqrt x <= 1775 * (powerRZ 2 (-10)).
- gappa.
-Lemma test3 :
- forall x y z:R,
- 0 <= x - y <= 3 ->
- -2 <= y - z <= 4 ->
- -2 <= x - z <= 7.
- gappa.
-Lemma test4 :
- forall x1 x2 y1 y2 : R,
- 1 <= Rabs y1 <= 1000 ->
- 1 <= Rabs y2 <= 1000 ->
- - powerRZ 2 (-53) <= (x1 - y1) / y1 <= powerRZ 2 (-53) ->
- - powerRZ 2 (-53) <= (x2 - y2) / y2 <= powerRZ 2 (-53) ->
- - powerRZ 2 (-51) <= (x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) / (y1 * y2) <= powerRZ 2 (-51).
- gappa.