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1 files changed, 21 insertions, 4 deletions
index 55eb0fbdb..89b845bd6 100644
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Bug reports are enormously useful to identify issues with Coq; we can't fix what
- An anomaly. These are always considered bugs, so Coq will even ask you to file a bug report!
- An error you didn't expect. If you're not sure whether it's a bug or intentional, feel free to file a bug anyway. We may want to improve the documentation or error message.
+- Missing documentation. It's helpful to track where the documentation should be improved, so please file a bug if you can't find or don't understand some bit of documentation.
- An error message that wasn't as helpful as you'd like. Bonus points for suggesting what information would have helped you.
- Bugs in CoqIDE should also be filed on the Bugzilla. Bugs in the Emacs plugin should be filed against [ProofGeneral](https://github.com/ProofGeneral/PG/issues), or against [company-coq](https://github.com/cpitclaudel/company-coq/issues) if they are specific to company-coq features.
@@ -17,14 +18,30 @@ When it applies, it's extremely helpful for bug reports to include sample code,
## Pull requests
-Sometimes you able to contribute a bug fix or improvement yourself, and pull requests are the mechanism to get these changes into Coq.
+Sometimes you are able to contribute a bug fix or improvement yourself, and pull requests are the mechanism to get these changes into Coq. Documentation for getting started with the Coq sources is located at `dev/doc`.
Please make pull requests against the `master` branch.
-It's helpful to run the Coq test suite with `make -C test-suite` before submitting your change. Travis CI runs this test suite and a much larger one on every pull request, but these results take significantly longer to come back (on the order of a few hours). Running the test suite locally will take somewhere around 10-15 minutes.
+It's helpful to run the Coq test suite with `make test-suite` before submitting your change. Travis CI runs this test suite and a much larger one including external Coq developments on every pull request, but these results take significantly longer to come back (on the order of a few hours). Running the test suite locally will take somewhere around 10-15 minutes.
-Don't be alarmed if pull requests take some time. It can take a few days to get feedback, approval on the final changes, and then a merge. Coq doesn't release new versions very frequently so it can take a few months for your change to land in a released version. That said, you can start using the latest Coq `master` branch to take advantage of all the new features, improvements, and fixes.
+Don't be alarmed if the pull request process takes some time. It can take a few days to get feedback, approval on the final changes, and then a merge. Coq doesn't release new versions very frequently so it can take a few months for your change to land in a released version. That said, you can start using the latest Coq `master` branch to take advantage of all the new features, improvements, and fixes.
+Here are a few tags Coq developers may add to your PR and what they mean. In general feedback and requests for you as the pull request author will be in the comments and tags are only used to organize pull requests.
+- [needs: rebase](https://github.com/coq/coq/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen%20is%3Apr%20label%3A%22needs%3A%20rebase%22%20) indicates the PR should be rebased on top of the latest `master` branch. See the [GitHub documentation](https://help.github.com/articles/about-git-rebase/) for a brief introduction to using `git rebase`.
+- [needs: fixing](https://github.com/coq/coq/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3A%22needs%3A+fixing%22) indicates the PR needs a fix, as discussed in the comments.
+- [needs: testing](https://github.com/coq/coq/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3A%22needs%3A+testing%22) indicates the PR needs testing. This is often used when testing beyond what the test suite can handle is required. For example, performance benchmarking is currently performed with a different infrastructure. Unless some followup is specifically requested you aren't expected to do this additional testing.
## Documentation
-Currently the process for contributing to the documentation is the same as for changing anything else in Coq, so please submit a pull request as described above. We hope to streamline this process eventually.
+Currently the process for contributing to the documentation is the same as for changing anything else in Coq, so please submit a pull request as described above.
+Bugzilla includes a component to mark bugs related to documentation. You can view a list of documentation-related bugs using a [Bugzilla search](https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/buglist.cgi?component=Doc&list_id=455006&product=Coq&resolution=---). Many of these bugs can be fixed by contributing writing, without knowledge of Coq's OCaml source code.
+The sources for the [Coq reference manual](https://coq.inria.fr/distrib/current/refman/) are at [`doc/refman`](https://github.com/coq/coq/tree/master/doc/refman). These are written in LaTeX and compiled to HTML with [HeVeA](http://hevea.inria.fr/).
+## Contributing outside this repository
+There are many useful ways to contribute to the Coq ecosystem that don't involve the Coq repository.
+Tutorials to teach Coq, and especially to teach particular advanced features, would be much appreciated. We don't yet have a good process or home for these tutorials, but are open to suggestions.