diff options
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.mli b/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.mli
index 6e43be9c2..68d038f04 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.mli
+++ b/contrib/xml/xmlcommand.mli
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(* inductive definition *)
(* and dest is either None (for stdout) or (Some filename) *)
(* pretty prints via Xml.pp the object whose identifier is id on dest *)
-(* Note: it is printed only (and directly) the most cooked available *)
+(* Note: it is printed only (and directly) the most discharged available *)
(* form of the definition (all the parameters are *)
(* lambda-abstracted, but the object can still refer to variables) *)
val print : Libnames.reference -> string option -> unit
@@ -34,27 +34,3 @@ val print : Libnames.reference -> string option -> unit
(* where dest is either None (for stdout) or (Some filename) *)
(* pretty prints via Xml.pp the proof in progress on dest *)
val show : string option -> unit
-(*CSC: untested, no more working or semantics unclear
-(* print All () prints what is the structure of the current environment of *)
-(* Coq. No terms are printed. Useful only for debugging *)
-val printAll : unit -> unit
-(* printLibrary identifier directory_name *)
-(* where identifier is the qualified name of a library d *)
-(* and directory_name is the directory in which to root all the xml files *)
-(* prints all the xml files and directories corresponding to the subsections *)
-(* and terms of the library d *)
-(* Note: the terms are printed in their uncooked form plus the informations *)
-(* on the parameters of their most cooked form *)
-val printLibrary : Libnames.qualid Util.located -> string option -> unit
-(* printSection identifier directory_name *)
-(* where identifier is the name of a closed section d *)
-(* and directory_name is the directory in which to root all the xml files *)
-(* prints all the xml files and directories corresponding to the subsections *)
-(* and terms of the closed section d *)
-(* Note: the terms are printed in their uncooked form plus the informations *)
-(* on the parameters of their most cooked form *)
-val printSection : Names.identifier -> string option -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/xml/xmlentries.ml4 b/contrib/xml/xmlentries.ml4
index da65de237..56f21b625 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/xmlentries.ml4
+++ b/contrib/xml/xmlentries.ml4
@@ -37,25 +37,10 @@ VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND filename
| [ ] -> [ None ]
-(* Disk name *)
-| [ "Disk" string(fn) ] -> [ Some fn ]
-| [ ] -> [ None ]
+(* Print XML and Show XML *)
| [ "Print" "XML" filename(fn) global(id) ] -> [ Xmlcommand.print id fn ]
| [ "Show" "XML" filename(fn) "Proof" ] -> [ Xmlcommand.show fn ]
-| [ "Print" "XML" "All" ] -> [ Xmlcommand.printAll () ]
-| [ "Print" "XML" "Module" diskname(dn) global(id) ] ->
- [ Xmlcommand.printLibrary id dn ]
-| [ "Print" "XML" "Section" diskname(dn) ident(id) ] ->
- [ Xmlcommand.printSection id dn ]