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2 files changed, 33 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/g_ltac.ml4 b/parsing/g_ltac.ml4
index cd6947b5b..b027f8f4d 100644
--- a/parsing/g_ltac.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_ltac.ml4
@@ -149,7 +149,11 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ "()" -> <:ast< (VOID) >>
| n = pure_numarg -> n
- | id = identarg -> id
+ | l = Constr.qualid ->
+ (match l with
+ | [id] -> id
+ | _ -> <:ast< (QUALIDARG ($LIST l)) >>)
+ | id = METAIDENT -> <:ast< ($VAR $id) >>
| "?" -> <:ast< (COMMAND (ISEVAR)) >>
| "?"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (COMMAND (META $n)) >>
| IDENT "Eval"; rtc = Tactic.red_tactic; "in"; c = Constr.constr ->
diff --git a/proofs/tacinterp.ml b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
index f2b92ae96..ede93699a 100644
--- a/proofs/tacinterp.ml
+++ b/proofs/tacinterp.ml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ open Sign
open Tacred
open Util
open Names
+open Nametab
open Pfedit
open Proof_type
open Tacmach
@@ -79,6 +80,11 @@ let constr_of_Constr_context = function
anomalylabstrm "constr_of_Constr_context" [<'sTR
"Not a Constr_context tactic_arg">]
+(* Gives the qualid corresponding to a Qualid tactic_arg *)
+let qualid_of_Qualid = function
+ | Qualid id -> id
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "qualid_of_Qualid" [<'sTR "Not a Qualid tactic_arg">]
(* Gives identifiers and makes the possible injection constr -> ident *)
let make_ids ast = function
| Identifier id -> id
@@ -86,9 +92,20 @@ let make_ids ast = function
(try destVar c with
| Invalid_argument "destVar" ->
anomalylabstrm "make_ids"
- [<'sTR "This term cannot be reduced to an identifier"; 'fNL; print_ast ast>])
+ [<'sTR "This term cannot be reduced to an identifier"; 'fNL;
+ print_ast ast>])
| _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_ids" [< 'sTR "Not an identifier" >]
+(* Gives Qualid's and makes the possible injection identifier -> qualid *)
+let make_qid = function
+ | VArg (Qualid _) as arg -> arg
+ | VArg (Identifier id) -> VArg (Qualid (make_qualid [] id))
+ | VArg (Constr c) ->
+ (match (kind_of_term c) with
+ | IsConst _ -> VArg (Qualid (qualid_of_sp (path_of_const c)))
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" [< 'sTR "Not a Qualid" >])
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "make_qid" [< 'sTR "Not a Qualid" >]
(* Transforms a named_context into a (string * constr) list *)
let make_hyps = List.map (fun (id,_,typ) -> (string_of_id id,body_of_type typ))
@@ -111,39 +128,6 @@ let rec constr_list goalopt = function
| (str,VArg(Identifier id))::tl ->
(try (id_of_string str,(constr_of_id id goalopt))::(constr_list goalopt tl)
with | Not_found -> (constr_list goalopt tl))
-(* (match goalopt with
- | None -> constr_list goalopt tl
- | Some goal ->
- let hyps = pf_hyps goal in
- if mem_named_context id hyps then
- (id_of_string str,mkVar id)::(constr_list goalopt tl)
- else
- (try
- let csr = Declare.global_reference CCI id in
- (match kind_of_term csr with
- | IsVar _ -> constr_list goalopt tl
- | _ -> (id_of_string str,csr)::(constr_list goalopt tl))
- with
- | Not_found -> (constr_list goalopt tl)))*)
-(* (try
- let csr = Declare.global_reference CCI id in
- (match kind_of_term csr with
- | IsVar idc ->
- if mem_named_context idc hyps then
- (id_of_string str,csr)::(constr_list goalopt tl)
- else
- constr_list goalopt tl
- | _ ->
- (id_of_string str,Declare.global_reference CCI id)::
- (constr_list goalopt tl))
- with
- | Not_found ->
- if mem_named_context id (pf_hyps goal) then
- (id_of_string str,mkVar id)::(constr_list goalopt tl)
- else
- constr_list goalopt tl))*)
| _::tl -> constr_list goalopt tl
| [] -> []
@@ -480,7 +464,7 @@ let rec val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast =
rec_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast l
| Node(_,"LET",[Node(_,"LETDECL",l);u]) ->
let addlfun=letin_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast l in
- val_interp (evc,env,(lfun@addlfun),lmatch,goalopt,debug) u
+ val_interp (evc,env,addlfun@lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) u
| Node(_,"LETCUT",[Node(_,"LETDECL",l)]) ->
VTactic (letcut_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast l)
| Node(_,"MATCHCONTEXT",lmr) ->
@@ -520,20 +504,12 @@ let rec val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast =
with | Not_found ->
(try (vcontext_interp goalopt (lookup s))
with | Not_found -> VArg (Identifier (id_of_string s))))
- | Node(_,"QUALID",[Nvar(_,s)]) ->
- (try (unrec (List.assoc s lfun))
+ | Node(_,"QUALIDARG",[Nvar(_,s)]) ->
+ (try (make_qid (unrec (List.assoc s lfun)))
with | Not_found ->
- (try (vcontext_interp goalopt (lookup s))
- with | Not_found -> VArg (Identifier (id_of_string s))))
-(* | Node(loc,"METAID",[Num(_,n)]) ->
- (try VArg (Identifier (destVar (List.assoc n lmatch))) with
- | Invalid_argument "destVar" ->
- user_err_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.val_interp",[<'sTR
- "Metavariable "; 'iNT n; 'sTR " must be an identifier" >]))*)
- | Node(loc,"QUALIDARG",p) -> VArg (Qualid (interp_qualid p))
- | Node(loc,"QUALIDMETA",[Num(_,n)]) ->
- VArg
- (Qualid (Nametab.qualid_of_sp (path_of_const (List.assoc n lmatch))))
+ VArg (Qualid (qid_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast)))
+ | Node(_,"QUALIDARG",_) | Node(_,"QUALIDMETA",_) ->
+ VArg (Qualid (qid_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) ast))
| Str(_,s) -> VArg (Quoted_string s)
| Num(_,n) -> VArg (Integer n)
| Node(_,"COMMAND",[c]) ->
@@ -1090,14 +1066,10 @@ and cvt_pattern (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) = function
and cvt_unfold (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) = function
| Node(_,"UNFOLD", com::nums) ->
- (List.map num_of_ast nums,
- glob_const_nvar loc (id_of_Identifier (unvarg (val_interp
- (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) com))))
- let qid = qid_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) com in
- (List.map num_of_ast nums,glob_const_nvar loc env qid)
+ let qid =
+ qualid_of_Qualid
+ (unvarg (val_interp (evc,env,lfun,lmatch,goalopt,debug) com)) in
+ (List.map num_of_ast nums,glob_const_nvar loc env qid)
| arg -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc arg,"cvt_unfold")
(* Interprets the arguments of Fold *)