diff options
6 files changed, 262 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/doc/refman/RefMan-tac.tex b/doc/refman/RefMan-tac.tex
index c5fd40bf1..d23a49bc6 100644
--- a/doc/refman/RefMan-tac.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/RefMan-tac.tex
@@ -4356,22 +4356,23 @@ vernacular command and printed using {\nobreak {\tt Print Firstorder
Tries to solve the goal with {\tac} when no logical rule may apply.
- \item {\tt firstorder with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ }
- \tacindex{firstorder with}
- Adds lemmas \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ to the proof-search
- environment.
\item {\tt firstorder using {\qualid}$_1$ , \dots\ , {\qualid}$_n$ }
\tacindex{firstorder using}
- Adds lemmas in {\tt auto} hints bases {\qualid}$_1$ \dots\ {\qualid}$_n$
- to the proof-search environment. If {\qualid}$_i$ refers to an inductive
- type, it is the collection of its constructors which is added as hints.
+ Adds lemmas {\qualid}$_1$ \dots\ {\qualid}$_n$ to the proof-search
+ environment. If {\qualid}$_i$ refers to an inductive type, it is
+ the collection of its constructors which are added to the
+ proof-search environment.
-\item \texttt{firstorder using {\qualid}$_1$ , \dots\ , {\qualid}$_n$ with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
+ \item {\tt firstorder with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ }
+ \tacindex{firstorder with}
- This combines the effects of the {\tt using} and {\tt with} options.
+ Adds lemmas from {\tt auto} hint bases \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$
+ to the proof-search environment.
+\item \texttt{firstorder {\tac} using {\qualid}$_1$ , \dots\ , {\qualid}$_n$ with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
+ This combines the effects of the different variants of \texttt{firstorder}.
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.ml b/tactics/eauto.ml
index ba9a2d95c..90f80a737 100644
--- a/tactics/eauto.ml
+++ b/tactics/eauto.ml
@@ -282,7 +282,8 @@ module SearchProblem = struct
let rec_tacs =
let l =
- filter_tactics s.tacres (e_possible_resolve s.dblist (List.hd s.localdb) (pf_concl g))
+ let concl = Reductionops.nf_evar (project g)(pf_concl g) in
+ filter_tactics s.tacres (e_possible_resolve s.dblist (List.hd s.localdb) concl)
(fun (lgls, cost, pp) ->
diff --git a/tactics/equality.ml b/tactics/equality.ml
index 3e5b7b65f..26e4f01f2 100644
--- a/tactics/equality.ml
+++ b/tactics/equality.ml
@@ -1761,20 +1761,22 @@ let subst_all ?(flags=default_subst_tactic_flags ()) () =
let gl = Proofview.Goal.assume gl in
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let find_eq_data_decompose = find_eq_data_decompose gl in
- let test decl =
+ let select_equation_name decl =
let lbeq,u,(_,x,y) = find_eq_data_decompose (get_type decl) in
let eq = Universes.constr_of_global_univ (lbeq.eq,u) in
if flags.only_leibniz then restrict_to_eq_and_identity eq;
match kind_of_term x, kind_of_term y with
- | Var z, _ | _, Var z when not (is_evaluable env (EvalVarRef z)) ->
+ | Var z, _ when not (is_evaluable env (EvalVarRef z)) ->
+ Some (get_id decl)
+ | _, Var z when not (is_evaluable env (EvalVarRef z)) ->
Some (get_id decl)
| _ ->
with Constr_matching.PatternMatchingFailure -> None
let hyps = Proofview.Goal.hyps gl in
- List.rev (List.map_filter test hyps)
+ List.rev (List.map_filter select_equation_name hyps)
(* Second step: treat equations *)
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/4762.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/4762.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a87b07a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/4762.v
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Inductive myand (P Q : Prop) := myconj : P -> Q -> myand P Q.
+Lemma foo P Q R : R = myand P Q -> P -> Q -> R.
+Proof. intros ->; constructor; auto. Qed.
+Hint Extern 0 (myand _ _) => eapply foo; [reflexivity| |] : test1.
+Goal forall P Q R : Prop, P -> Q -> R -> myand P (myand Q R).
+ intros.
+ eauto with test1.
+Hint Extern 0 =>
+ match goal with
+ | |- myand _ _ => eapply foo; [reflexivity| |]
+ end : test2.
+Goal forall P Q R : Prop, P -> Q -> R -> myand P (myand Q R).
+ intros.
+ eauto with test2. (* works *)
diff --git a/test-suite/output/subst.out b/test-suite/output/subst.out
index 209b2bc26..dbb9e09a4 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/subst.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/subst.out
@@ -26,6 +26,19 @@
1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
x, y : nat
Hx : x = 0
Hy : y = 0
@@ -39,6 +52,45 @@
1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ x, z : nat
+ Hx : x = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : x = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : x = 2
+ H3 : 0 = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
H1 : 0 = 1
HA : True
H2 : 0 = 2
@@ -52,6 +104,58 @@
y, z : nat
Hy : y = 0
Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ x, z : nat
+ Hx : x = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : x = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : x = 2
+ H3 : 0 = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
HA : True
H3 : y = 3
HB : True
@@ -75,6 +179,19 @@
1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ HA : True
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
x, y : nat
Hx : x = 0
Hy : y = 0
@@ -88,6 +205,45 @@
1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ HA : True
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ x, z : nat
+ Hx : x = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : x = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : x = 2
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H3 : 0 = 3
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ HA : True
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
HA, HB : True
H4 : 0 = 4
H3 : 0 = 3
@@ -95,3 +251,55 @@
H2 : 0 = 2
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ HA : True
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ HA : True
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ x, z : nat
+ Hx : x = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ H1 : x = 1
+ HA : True
+ H2 : x = 2
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H3 : 0 = 3
+ ============================
+ True
+1 subgoal
+ y, z : nat
+ Hy : y = 0
+ Hz : z = 0
+ HA : True
+ H3 : y = 3
+ HB : True
+ H4 : z = 4
+ H1 : 0 = 1
+ H2 : 0 = 2
+ ============================
+ True
diff --git a/test-suite/output/subst.v b/test-suite/output/subst.v
index e48aa6bb2..91bdd03e0 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/subst.v
+++ b/test-suite/output/subst.v
@@ -45,4 +45,15 @@ Show.
+(* A bug revealed by OCaml 4.03 warnings *)
+Goal forall y, let x:=0 in y=x -> y=y.
+intros * H;
+Fail clear H. (* Was working *)
+Goal forall y, let x:=0 in y=x -> y=y.
+intros * H;
+Fail clear H. (* Was failing before fix *)