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4 files changed, 586 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/Gappa.v b/contrib/dp/Gappa.v
index 2259cb269..0e2e9a4d2 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/Gappa.v
+++ b/contrib/dp/Gappa.v
@@ -1,122 +1,407 @@
-Require Export ZArith.
-Require Export Reals.
-Inductive float :=
- | Fzero : float
- | Float (b : positive) (s : bool) (m : positive) (e : Z) : float.
-Fixpoint P2R (p : positive) :=
- match p with
- | xH => 1%R
- | xO xH => 2%R
- | xO t => (2 * P2R t)%R
- | xI xH => 3%R
- | xI t => (1 + 2 * P2R t)%R
- end.
+Require Import Reals.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Gappa_library.
+Require Import Gappa_integer.
+Inductive UnaryOp : Set :=
+ | uoNeg | uoSqrt | uoAbs | uoInv.
+Inductive BinaryOp : Set :=
+ | boAdd | boSub | boMul | boDiv.
+(* represent an expression on real numbers *)
+Inductive RExpr : Set :=
+ | reUnknown : R -> RExpr
+ | reInteger : Z -> RExpr
+ | reFloat2 : Z -> Z -> RExpr
+ | reUnary : UnaryOp -> RExpr -> RExpr
+ | reBinary : BinaryOp -> RExpr -> RExpr -> RExpr
+ | rePow2 : Z -> RExpr
+ | reINR : positive -> RExpr.
-Definition Z2R n :=
- match n with
- | Zpos p => P2R p
- | Zneg p => Ropp (P2R p)
- | Z0 => R0
+(* convert to an expression on real numbers *)
+Fixpoint convert t : R :=
+ match t with
+ | reUnknown x => x
+ | reInteger x => Float1 x
+ | reFloat2 x y => float2R (Float2 x y)
+ | reUnary o x =>
+ match o with
+ | uoNeg => Ropp
+ | uoSqrt => sqrt
+ | uoAbs => Rabs
+ | uoInv => Rinv
+ end (convert x)
+ | reBinary o x y =>
+ match o with
+ | boAdd => Rplus
+ | boSub => Rminus
+ | boMul => Rmult
+ | boDiv => Rdiv
+ end (convert x) (convert y)
+ | rePow2 x =>
+ powerRZ 2%R x
+ | reINR x =>
+ INR (nat_of_P x)
-Lemma IZR_Z2R :
- forall x, IZR x = Z2R x.
-Ltac get_float t :=
- let get_mantissa t :=
- let rec aux t :=
- match t with
- | 1%R => xH
- | 2%R => constr:(xO xH)
- | 3%R => constr:(xI xH)
- | (2 * ?v)%R =>
- let w := aux v in constr:(xO w)
- | (1 + 2 * ?v)%R =>
- let w := aux v in constr:(xI w)
- end in
- aux t in
- let get_float_rational s n d :=
- let rec aux t :=
- match t with
- | 2%R => xH
- | (2 * ?v)%R =>
- let w := aux v in
- eval vm_compute in (Psucc w)
- end in
- let e := aux d in
- let m := get_mantissa n in
- eval vm_compute in (Float 2 s m (Zneg e)) in
- let get_float_integer s t :=
- let rec aux m e :=
- match m with
- | xO ?v =>
- let u := eval vm_compute in (Zsucc e) in
- aux v u
- | _ => constr:(m, e)
- end in
- let m := get_mantissa t in
- let v := aux m Z0 in
- match v with
- | (?m, ?e) => eval vm_compute in (Float 2 s m e)
+Definition is_stable f :=
+ forall t, convert (f t) = convert t.
+(* apply a function recursively, starting from the leafs of an expression *)
+Definition recursive_transform f :=
+ let fix aux (t : RExpr) := f
+ match t with
+ | reUnary o x => reUnary o (aux x)
+ | reBinary o x y => reBinary o (aux x) (aux y)
+ | _ => t
end in
+ aux.
+Theorem recursive_transform_correct :
+ forall f,
+ is_stable f ->
+ is_stable (recursive_transform f).
+unfold is_stable.
+intros f Hf t.
+induction t ; simpl ; rewrite Hf ; try apply refl_equal.
+rewrite IHt.
+apply refl_equal.
+rewrite IHt1.
+rewrite IHt2.
+apply refl_equal.
+Record TF : Set := mkTF
+ { trans_func :> RExpr -> RExpr ;
+ trans_prop : is_stable trans_func }.
+(* apply several recursive transformations in a row (selected from head to tail) *)
+Definition multi_transform :=
+ fold_left (fun v f => recursive_transform (trans_func f) v).
+Theorem multi_transform_correct :
+ forall l t,
+ convert (multi_transform l t) = convert t.
+intros l.
+unfold multi_transform.
+rewrite <- (rev_involutive l).
+induction (rev l) ; intros t.
+apply refl_equal.
+rewrite fold_left_app.
+rewrite recursive_transform_correct.
+apply IHl0.
+apply trans_prop.
+(* detect closed integers *)
+Ltac is_natural t :=
match t with
- | 0%R => Fzero
- | (-?n * /?d)%R => get_float_rational true n d
- | (?n * /?d)%R => get_float_rational false n d
- | (-?n / ?d)%R => get_float_rational true n d
- | (?n / ?d)%R => get_float_rational false n d
- | (-?n)%R => get_float_integer true n
- | ?n => get_float_integer false n
+ | O => true
+ | S ?t' => is_natural t'
| _ => false
-Definition FtoR radix (s : bool) m e :=
- let sm := if s then Zneg m else Zpos m in
- match e with
- | Zpos p => Z2R (sm * Zpower_pos (Zpos radix) p)
- | Z0 => Z2R sm
- | Zneg p => (Z2R sm / Z2R (Zpower_pos (Zpos radix) p))%R
+Ltac is_positive t :=
+ match t with
+ | xH => true
+ | xO ?t' => is_positive t'
+ | xI ?t' => is_positive t'
+ | _ => false
-Definition F2R f :=
- match f with
- | Fzero => R0
- | Float b s m e => FtoR b s m e
+Ltac is_integer t :=
+ match t with
+ | Z0 => true
+ | Zpos ?t' => is_positive t'
+ | Zneg ?t' => is_positive t'
+ | _ => false
-Ltac get_term t :=
- match get_float t with
- | false =>
- match t with
- | (?a + ?b)%R =>
- let a' := get_term a in
- let b' := get_term b in
- constr:(Rplus a' b')
- | ?e => e
+(* produce an inductive object u such that convert(u) is convertible to t,
+ all the integers contained in u are closed expressions *)
+Ltac get_inductive_term t :=
+ match t with
+ | 0%R =>
+ constr:(reInteger 0%Z)
+ | 1%R =>
+ constr:(reInteger 1%Z)
+ | 2%R =>
+ constr:(reInteger 2%Z)
+ | 3%R =>
+ constr:(reInteger 3%Z)
+ | (2 * ?x)%R =>
+ match get_inductive_term x with
+ | reInteger (Zpos (?c ?y)) => constr:(reInteger (Zpos (xO (c y))))
+ | ?x' => constr:(reBinary boMul (reInteger 2%Z) x')
+ end
+ | (1 + 2 * ?x)%R =>
+ match get_inductive_term x with
+ | reInteger (Zpos (?c ?y)) => constr:(reInteger (Zpos (xI (c y))))
+ | ?x' => constr:(reBinary boAdd (reInteger 1%Z) (reBinary boMul (reInteger 2%Z) x'))
- | ?f =>constr:(F2R f)
+ | IZR 0%Z =>
+ constr:(reInteger 0%Z)
+ | IZR 1%Z =>
+ constr:(reInteger 1%Z)
+ | IZR 2%Z =>
+ constr:(reInteger 2%Z)
+ | IZR (-1)%Z =>
+ constr:(reInteger (-1)%Z)
+ | IZR (-2)%Z =>
+ constr:(reInteger (-2)%Z)
+ | INR 0%nat =>
+ constr:(reInteger 0%Z)
+ | INR 1%nat =>
+ constr:(reInteger 1%Z)
+ | INR 2%nat =>
+ constr:(reInteger 2%Z)
+ | INR (S ?x) =>
+ match is_natural x with
+ | true =>
+ let x' := eval vm_compute in (P_of_succ_nat x) in
+ constr:(reINR x')
+ end
+ | IZR (Zpos ?x) =>
+ match is_positive x with
+ | true => constr:(reINR x)
+ end
+ | IZR (Zneg ?x) =>
+ match is_positive x with
+ | true => constr:(reUnary uoNeg (reINR x))
+ end
+ | Ropp ?x =>
+ match get_inductive_term x with
+ | reInteger (Zpos ?y) => constr:(reInteger (Zneg y))
+ | ?x' => constr:(reUnary uoNeg x')
+ end
+ | (?x + -?y)%R =>
+ let x' := get_inductive_term x in
+ let y' := get_inductive_term y in
+ constr:(reBinary boSub x' y')
+ | (?x * /?y)%R =>
+ let x' := get_inductive_term x in
+ let y' := get_inductive_term y in
+ constr:(reBinary boDiv x' y')
+ | powerRZ ?x ?y =>
+ match get_inductive_term x with
+ | reInteger 2%Z =>
+ match is_integer y with
+ | true => constr:(rePow2 y)
+ end
+ end
+ | ?f ?x ?y =>
+ let bo :=
+ match f with
+ | Rplus => boAdd
+ | Rminus => boSub
+ | Rmult => boMul
+ | Rdiv => boDiv
+ end in
+ let x' := get_inductive_term x in
+ let y' := get_inductive_term y in
+ constr:(reBinary bo x' y')
+ | ?f ?x =>
+ let bo :=
+ match f with
+ | Ropp => uoNeg
+ | sqrt => uoSqrt
+ | Rinv => uoInv
+ | Rabs => uoAbs
+ end in
+ let x' := get_inductive_term x in
+ constr:(reUnary bo x')
+ | _ =>
+ constr:(reUnknown t)
-Ltac gappar :=
+(* factor an integer into odd*2^e *)
+Definition get_float2 x :=
+ let fix aux (m : positive) e { struct m } :=
+ match m with
+ | xO p => aux p (Zsucc e)
+ | _ => Float2 (Zpos m) e
+ end in
+ aux x Z0.
+Lemma get_float2_correct :
+ forall x, float2R (get_float2 x) = Z2R (Zpos x).
+intros x.
+unfold get_float2.
+change (Z2R (Zpos x)) with (float2R (Float2 (Zpos x) 0%Z)).
+generalize 0%Z.
+induction x ; intros e ; try apply refl_equal.
+rewrite IHx.
+unfold float2R.
+replace (Zpos (xO x)) with (Zpos x * 2)%Z.
+exact (Gappa_round_aux.float2_shift_p1 _ _).
+rewrite Zmult_comm.
+apply refl_equal.
+(* transform INR and IZR into real integers, change a/b and a*2^b into floats *)
+Definition gen_float2_func t :=
+ match t with
+ | reUnary uoNeg (reInteger (Zpos x)) =>
+ reInteger (Zneg x)
+ | reBinary boDiv (reInteger x) (reInteger (Zpos y)) =>
+ match get_float2 y with
+ | Float2 1 (Zpos y') => reFloat2 x (Zneg y')
+ | _ => t
+ end
+ | reBinary boMul (reInteger x) (rePow2 y) =>
+ reFloat2 x y
+ | reINR x =>
+ reInteger (Zpos x)
+ | _ => t
+ end.
+Lemma gen_float2_prop :
+ is_stable gen_float2_func.
+intros [x|x|x y|o x|o x y|x|x] ; try apply refl_equal.
+(* unary ops *)
+destruct o ; try apply refl_equal.
+destruct x ; try apply refl_equal.
+destruct z ; apply refl_equal.
+(* binary ops *)
+destruct o ; try apply refl_equal ;
+ destruct x ; try apply refl_equal ;
+ destruct y ; try apply refl_equal.
+(* . x * 2^y *)
+unfold float2R.
+rewrite F2R_split.
+apply refl_equal.
+(* . x / 2*2*2*2 *)
+destruct z0 ; try apply refl_equal.
+generalize (get_float2_correct p).
+destruct (get_float2 p) as ([|[m|m|]|m], [|e|e]) ; intros H ; try apply refl_equal.
+rewrite <- H.
+unfold float2R.
+do 2 rewrite F2R_split.
+rewrite Rmult_1_l.
+apply refl_equal.
+(* INR *)
+exact (P2R_INR _).
+Definition gen_float2 := mkTF gen_float2_func gen_float2_prop.
+(* remove pending powerRZ 2 *)
+Definition clean_pow2_func t :=
+ match t with
+ | rePow2 x => reFloat2 1 x
+ | _ => t
+ end.
+Lemma clean_pow2_prop :
+ is_stable clean_pow2_func.
+intros [x|x|x y|o x|o x y|x|x] ; try apply refl_equal.
+apply Gappa_round_aux.float2_pow2.
+Definition clean_pow2 := mkTF clean_pow2_func clean_pow2_prop.
+(* compute on constant terms, so that they are hopefully represented by a single float *)
+Definition merge_float2_func t :=
+ match t with
+ | reInteger x => reFloat2 x 0
+ | reUnary uoNeg (reFloat2 x y) => reFloat2 (- x) y
+ | reBinary boMul (reFloat2 x1 y1) (reFloat2 x2 y2) => reFloat2 (x1 * x2) (y1 + y2)
+ | _ => t
+ end.
+Lemma merge_float2_prop :
+ is_stable merge_float2_func.
+intros [x|x|x y|o x|o x y|x|x] ; try apply refl_equal.
+(* unary ops *)
+destruct o ; try apply refl_equal.
+destruct x ; try apply refl_equal.
+rewrite <- Gappa_dyadic.Fopp2_correct.
+apply refl_equal.
+(* binary ops *)
+destruct o ; try apply refl_equal.
+destruct x ; try apply refl_equal.
+destruct y ; try apply refl_equal.
+rewrite <- Gappa_dyadic.Fmult2_correct.
+apply refl_equal.
+Definition merge_float2 := mkTF merge_float2_func merge_float2_prop.
+(* some dummy definition to ensure precise rewriting of the terms and termination *)
+Definition convertTODO1 := convert.
+Definition convertTODO2 := convert.
+Definition convertTODO3 := convert.
+Definition reUnknownTODO := reUnknown.
+(* produce a compatible goal where all the Gappa-usable enclosures have been converted,
+ some integers may no longer be closed terms, but they can be evaluated to closed terms *)
+Ltac gappa_prepare :=
intros ; subst ;
+ let trans_expr := constr:(gen_float2 :: clean_pow2 :: nil) in
+ let trans_bound := constr:(gen_float2 :: clean_pow2 :: merge_float2 :: nil) in
+ (* - get an inductive object for the bounded expression without any INR, INZ, powerRZ 2
+ - same for the bounds, but try harder to get single floats *)
+ match goal with
+ | |- (?a <= ?e <= ?b)%R =>
+ let a' := get_inductive_term a in
+ let b' := get_inductive_term b in
+ let e' := get_inductive_term e in
+ change (convertTODO1 a' <= convertTODO2 e' <= convertTODO3 b')%R ;
+ let w := eval simpl in (multi_transform trans_bound a') in
+ replace (convertTODO1 a') with (convert w) ; [idtac | exact (multi_transform_correct trans_bound a')] ;
+ let w := eval simpl in (multi_transform trans_bound b') in
+ replace (convertTODO3 b') with (convert w) ; [idtac | exact (multi_transform_correct trans_bound b')] ;
+ let w := eval simpl in (multi_transform trans_expr e') in
+ replace (convertTODO2 e') with (convert w) ; [idtac | exact (multi_transform_correct trans_expr e')]
+ end ;
+ (* apply the same transformation to the hypotheses and move them to the goal *)
match goal with
| H: (?a <= ?e <= ?b)%R |- _ =>
- let a' := get_float a in
- let b' := get_float b in
- let e' := get_term e in
- change (F2R a' <= e' <= F2R b')%R in H
- | |- (?a <= ?e <= ?b)%R =>
- let a' := get_float a in
- let b' := get_float b in
- let e' := get_term e in
- change (F2R a' <= e' <= F2R b')%R
- end.
-Ltac gappa2 :=
- gappar;
- gappa.
+ let a' := get_inductive_term a in
+ let b' := get_inductive_term b in
+ let e' := get_inductive_term e in
+ change (convertTODO1 a' <= convertTODO2 e' <= convertTODO3 b')%R in H ;
+ generalize H ; clear H ;
+ let w := eval simpl in (multi_transform trans_bound a') in
+ replace (convertTODO1 a') with (convert w) ; [idtac | exact (multi_transform_correct trans_bound a')] ;
+ let w := eval simpl in (multi_transform trans_bound b') in
+ replace (convertTODO3 b') with (convert w) ; [idtac | exact (multi_transform_correct trans_bound b')] ;
+ let w := eval simpl in (multi_transform trans_expr e') in
+ replace (convertTODO2 e') with (convert w) ; [idtac | exact (multi_transform_correct trans_expr e')]
+ end ;
+ (* generalize any unrecognized expression *)
+ change reUnknown with reUnknownTODO ;
+ repeat
+ match goal with
+ | z: R |- _ =>
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [reUnknownTODO z] =>
+ change (reUnknownTODO z) with (reUnknown z)
+ end
+ | |- context [reUnknownTODO ?z] =>
+ change (reUnknownTODO z) with (reUnknown z) ;
+ generalize z ; intro
+ end ;
+ intros.
+ forall y x,
+ (1 <= x + INR 7 * (y * sin y) <= IZR 12/16 * powerRZ 2 3)%R ->
+ (1 <= sqrt x <= 3/2)%R.
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp_gappa.ml b/contrib/dp/dp_gappa.ml
index 65ec7124f..1fd9190f7 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/dp_gappa.ml
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp_gappa.ml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ open Coqlib
open Hipattern
open Libnames
open Declarations
+open Evarutil
(* 1. gappa syntax trees and output *)
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ module Constant = struct
type t = { mantissa : int; base : int; exp : int }
let create (b, m, e) =
- if b <> 2 && b <> 10 then invalid_arg "Constant.create";
{ mantissa = m; base = b; exp = e }
let of_int x =
@@ -73,16 +73,53 @@ let print_pred fmt = function
fprintf fmt "%a in [%a, %a]"
print_term t Constant.print c1 Constant.print c2
+let read_gappa_proof f =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
+ Buffer.add_char buf '(';
+ let cin = open_in f in
+ let rec skip_space () =
+ let c = input_char cin in if c = ' ' then skip_space () else c
+ in
+ while input_char cin <> '=' do () done;
+ try
+ while true do
+ let c = skip_space () in
+ if c = ':' then raise Exit;
+ Buffer.add_char buf c;
+ let s = input_line cin in
+ Buffer.add_string buf s;
+ Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
+ done;
+ assert false
+ with Exit ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf ')';
+ Buffer.contents buf
+exception GappaFailed
+exception GappaProofFailed
let call_gappa hl p =
- let f = "test.gappa" in
- let c = open_out f in
+ let gappa_in = "test.gappa" in
+ let c = open_out gappa_in in
let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel c in
fprintf fmt "@[{ ";
List.iter (fun h -> fprintf fmt "%a ->@ " print_pred h) hl;
fprintf fmt "%a }@]@." print_pred p;
close_out c;
- let out = Sys.command (sprintf "gappa < %s" f) in
- msgnl (str ("gappa exit code is " ^ string_of_int out))
+ let gappa_out = "gappa.v" in
+ let cmd = sprintf "gappa -Bcoq < %s > %s" gappa_in gappa_out in
+ let out = Sys.command cmd in
+ if out <> 0 then raise GappaFailed;
+ let cmd = sprintf "sed -e '/^Lemma/ h ; s/Qed/Defined/ ; $ { p ; g ; s/Lemma \\([^ ]*\\).*/Eval compute in \\1./ }' -i %s" gappa_out
+ in
+ let _ = Sys.command cmd in
+ let lambda = "test.lambda" in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "coqc -I ~/src/gappalib-coq-0.7 %s > %s" gappa_out lambda
+ in
+ let out = Sys.command cmd in
+ if out <> 0 then raise GappaProofFailed;
+ read_gappa_proof lambda
(* 2. coq -> gappa translation *)
@@ -103,6 +140,8 @@ let coq_modules =
let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "gappa" coq_modules
let coq_Rle = lazy (constant "Rle")
+let coq_R = lazy (constant "R")
let coq_Rplus = lazy (constant "Rplus")
let coq_Rminus = lazy (constant "Rminus")
let coq_Rmult = lazy (constant "Rmult")
@@ -112,10 +151,21 @@ let coq_R1 = lazy (constant "R1")
let coq_Ropp = lazy (constant "Ropp")
let coq_Rabs = lazy (constant "Rabs")
let coq_sqrt = lazy (constant "sqrt")
-let coq_F2R = lazy (constant "F2R")
-let coq_Fzero = lazy (constant "Fzero")
-let coq_Float = lazy (constant "Float")
+let coq_convert = lazy (constant "convert")
+let coq_reUnknown = lazy (constant "reUnknown")
+let coq_reFloat2 = lazy (constant "reFloat2")
+let coq_reInteger = lazy (constant "reInteger")
+let coq_reBinary = lazy (constant "reBinary")
+let coq_reUnary = lazy (constant "reUnary")
+let coq_boAdd = lazy (constant "boAdd")
+let coq_boSub = lazy (constant "boSub")
+let coq_boMul = lazy (constant "boMul")
+let coq_boDiv = lazy (constant "boDiv")
+let coq_uoAbs = lazy (constant "uoAbs")
+let coq_uoNeg = lazy (constant "uoNeg")
+let coq_uoSqrt = lazy (constant "uoSqrt")
let coq_true = lazy (constant "true")
let coq_false = lazy (constant "false")
@@ -163,64 +213,119 @@ let tr_bool c = match decompose_app c with
| c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_false -> false
| _ -> raise NotGappa
-let tr_float c = match decompose_app c with
- | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_Fzero ->
- (2,0,0)
- | c, [b; s; m; e] when c = Lazy.force coq_Float ->
- let m = tr_positive m in
- let m' = if tr_bool s then - m else m in
- (tr_positive b, m', tr_arith_constant e)
- | _ ->
- raise NotGappa
+let tr_float b m e =
+ (b, tr_arith_constant m, tr_arith_constant e)
+let tr_binop c = match decompose_app c with
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boAdd -> Bplus
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boSub -> Bminus
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boMul -> Bmult
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_boDiv -> Bdiv
+ | _ -> assert false
+let tr_unop c = match decompose_app c with
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_uoNeg -> Uopp
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_uoSqrt -> Usqrt
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_uoAbs -> Uabs
+ | _ -> raise NotGappa
+let tr_var c = match decomp c with
+ | Var x, [] -> string_of_id x
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* REexpr -> term *)
let rec tr_term c0 =
let c, args = decompose_app c0 in
match kind_of_term c, args with
- | Var id, [] ->
- Tvar (string_of_id id)
- | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_F2R ->
- Tconst (Constant.create (tr_float a))
- | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rplus ->
- Tbinop (Bplus, tr_term a, tr_term b)
- | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rminus ->
- Tbinop (Bminus, tr_term a, tr_term b)
- | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rmult ->
- Tbinop (Bmult, tr_term a, tr_term b)
- | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rdiv ->
- Tbinop (Bmult, tr_term a, tr_term b)
- | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_sqrt ->
- Tunop (Usqrt, tr_term a)
- | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rabs ->
- Tunop (Uabs, tr_term a)
- | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_Ropp ->
- Tunop (Uopp, tr_term a)
+ | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reUnknown ->
+ Tvar (tr_var a)
+ | _, [a; b] when c = Lazy.force coq_reFloat2 ->
+ Tconst (Constant.create (tr_float 2 a b))
+ | _, [a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reInteger ->
+ Tconst (Constant.create (1, tr_arith_constant a, 0))
+ | _, [op;a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_reBinary ->
+ Tbinop (tr_binop op, tr_term a, tr_term b)
+ | _, [op;a] when c = Lazy.force coq_reUnary ->
+ Tunop (tr_unop op, tr_term a)
| _ ->
- msgnl (str "tr_term: " ++ Printer.pr_constr c0); raise NotGappa
+ msgnl (str "tr_term: " ++ Printer.pr_constr c0);
+ assert false
let tr_rle c =
let c, args = decompose_app c in
match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rle -> tr_term a, tr_term b
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
+ | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Rle ->
+ begin match decompose_app a, decompose_app b with
+ | (ac, [at]), (bc, [bt])
+ when ac = Lazy.force coq_convert && bc = Lazy.force coq_convert ->
+ at, bt
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotGappa
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotGappa
let tr_pred c =
let c, args = decompose_app c in
match kind_of_term c, args with
| _, [a;b] when c = build_coq_and () ->
begin match tr_rle a, tr_rle b with
- | (Tconst c1, t1), (t2, Tconst c2) when t1 = t2 -> Pin (t1,c1,c2)
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
+ | (c1, t1), (t2, c2) when t1 = t2 ->
+ begin match tr_term c1, tr_term c2 with
+ | Tconst c1, Tconst c2 ->
+ Pin (tr_term t1, c1, c2)
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotGappa
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotGappa
- | _ -> raise NotGappa
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotGappa
+let is_R c = match decompose_app c with
+ | c, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_R -> true
+ | _ -> false
let tr_hyps =
(fun acc (_,h) -> try tr_pred h :: acc with NotGappa -> acc) []
-let gappa gl =
+let constr_of_string gl s =
+ let parse_constr = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr in
+ Constrintern.interp_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) (parse_constr s)
+let var_name = function
+ | Name id ->
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
+ mkVar (id_of_string s)
+ | Anonymous ->
+ assert false
+let build_proof_term c0 =
+ let bl,c = decompose_lam c0 in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (x,t) pf ->
+ mkApp (pf, [| if is_R t then var_name x else mk_new_meta () |]))
+ bl c0
+let gappa_internal gl =
let c = tr_pred (pf_concl gl) in
- call_gappa (tr_hyps (pf_hyps_types gl)) c;
- Tacticals.tclIDTAC gl
- with NotGappa ->
- error "not a gappa goal"
+ let s = call_gappa (tr_hyps (pf_hyps_types gl)) c in
+ msgnl (str s);
+ let pf = constr_of_string gl s in
+ let pf = build_proof_term pf in
+ Tacticals.tclTHEN (Tactics.refine pf) Tactics.assumption gl
+ with
+ | NotGappa -> error "not a gappa goal"
+ | GappaFailed -> error "gappa failed"
+ | GappaProofFailed -> error "incorrect gappa proof term"
+Local Variables:
+compile-command: "make -C ../.. bin/coqc.opt bin/coqide.opt contrib/dp/Gappa.vo"
diff --git a/contrib/dp/g_dp.ml4 b/contrib/dp/g_dp.ml4
index f7c5135bd..7acbce26d 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/g_dp.ml4
+++ b/contrib/dp/g_dp.ml4
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ TACTIC EXTEND Gwhy
- [ "gappa" ] -> [ Dp_gappa.gappa ]
+ [ "gappa_internal" ] -> [ Dp_gappa.gappa_internal ]
(* should be part of basic tactics syntax *)
diff --git a/contrib/dp/test_gappa.v b/contrib/dp/test_gappa.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1eba44d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dp/test_gappa.v
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Require Export Gappa.
+Require Export Gappa_library.
+Require Export Reals.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Open Scope R_scope.
+Ltac gappa := gappa_prepare; gappa_internal.
+Lemma test1 :
+ forall x y:R,
+ 0 <= x <= 1 ->
+ 0 <= -y <= 1 ->
+ 0 <= x * (-y) <= 1.
+ gappa.
+Lemma test2 :
+ forall x y:R,
+ 0 <= x <= 3 ->
+ 0 <= sqrt x <= 1775 * (powerRZ 2 (-10)).
+ gappa.
+Lemma test3 :
+ forall x y z:R,
+ 0 <= x - y <= 3 ->
+ -2 <= y - z <= 4 ->
+ -2 <= x - z <= 7.
+ gappa.
+Lemma test4 :
+ forall x1 x2 y1 y2 : R,
+ 1 <= Rabs y1 <= 1000 ->
+ 1 <= Rabs y2 <= 1000 ->
+ - powerRZ 2 (-53) <= (x1 - y1) / y1 <= powerRZ 2 (-53) ->
+ - powerRZ 2 (-53) <= (x2 - y2) / y2 <= powerRZ 2 (-53) ->
+ - powerRZ 2 (-51) <= (x1 * x2 - y1 * y2) / (y1 * y2) <= powerRZ 2 (-51).
+ gappa.