diff options
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/2016.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/2016.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13ec5bea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/2016.v
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(* Coq 8.2beta4 *)
+Require Import Classical_Prop.
+Record coreSemantics : Type := CoreSemantics {
+ core: Type;
+ corestep: core -> core -> Prop;
+ corestep_fun: forall q q1 q2, corestep q q1 -> corestep q q2 -> q1 = q2
+Definition state : Type := {sem: coreSemantics & sem.(core)}.
+Inductive step: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | step_core: forall sem st st'
+ (Hcs: sem.(corestep) st st'),
+ step (existT _ sem st) (existT _ sem st').
+Lemma step_fun: forall st1 st2 st2', step st1 st2 -> step st1 st2' -> st2 = st2'.
+inversion H; clear H; subst. inversion H0; clear H0; subst; auto.
+generalize (inj_pairT2 _ _ _ _ _ H2); clear H2; intro; subst.
+rewrite (corestep_fun _ _ _ _ Hcs Hcs0); auto.
+Record oe_core := oe_Core {
+ in_core: Type;
+ in_corestep: in_core -> in_core -> Prop;
+ in_corestep_fun: forall q q1 q2, in_corestep q q1 -> in_corestep q q2 -> q1 = q2;
+ in_q: in_core
+Definition oe2coreSem (oec : oe_core) : coreSemantics :=
+ CoreSemantics oec.(in_core) oec.(in_corestep) oec.(in_corestep_fun).
+Definition oe_corestep (q q': oe_core) :=
+ step (existT _ (oe2coreSem q) q.(in_q)) (existT _ (oe2coreSem q') q'.(in_q)).
+Lemma inj_pairT1: forall (U: Type) (P: U -> Type) (p1 p2: U) x y,
+ existT P p1 x = existT P p2 y -> p1=p2.
+Proof. intros; injection H; auto.
+Definition f := CoreSemantics oe_core.
+Lemma oe_corestep_fun: forall q q1 q2,
+ oe_corestep q q1 -> oe_corestep q q2 -> q1 = q2.
+unfold oe_corestep; intros.
+assert (HH:= step_fun _ _ _ H H0); clear H H0.
+destruct q1; destruct q2; unfold oe2coreSem; simpl in *.
+generalize (inj_pairT1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HH); clear HH; intros.
+injection H; clear H; intros.
+revert in_q1 in_corestep1 in_corestep_fun1
+ H.
+pattern in_core1.
+apply eq_ind_r with (x := in_core0).
+apply sym_eq.
+(** good to here **)
+Show Universes.
+Print Universes.
+Fail apply H0. \ No newline at end of file