diff options
6 files changed, 6 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/doc/refman/Classes.tex b/doc/refman/Classes.tex
index 6e76d04e7..da798a238 100644
--- a/doc/refman/Classes.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/Classes.tex
@@ -492,26 +492,6 @@ control on the triggering of instances. For example, forcing a constant
to explicitely appear in the pattern will make it never apply on a goal
where there is a hole in that place.
-\subsection{\tt Set Typeclasses Legacy Resolution}
-\optindex{Typeclasses Legacy Resolution}
-\emph{Deprecated since 8.7}
-This option (off by default) uses the 8.5 implementation of resolution.
-Use for compatibility purposes only (porting and debugging).
-\subsection{\tt Set Typeclasses Module Eta}
-\optindex{Typeclasses Modulo Eta}
-\emph{Deprecated since 8.7}
-This option allows eta-conversion for functions and records during
-unification of type-classes. This option is unsupported since 8.6 with
-{\tt Typeclasses Filtered Unification} set, but still affects the
-default unification strategy, and the one used in {\tt Legacy
- Resolution} mode. It is \emph{unset} by default. If {\tt Typeclasses
- Filtered Unification} is set, this has no effect and unification will
-find solutions up-to eta conversion. Note however that syntactic
-pattern-matching is not up-to eta.
\subsection{\tt Set Typeclasses Limit Intros}
\optindex{Typeclasses Limit Intros}
@@ -525,13 +505,6 @@ invertibility status of the product introduction rule, resulting in
potentially more expensive proof-search (i.e. more useless
-\subsection{\tt Set Typeclass Resolution After Apply}
-\optindex{Typeclass Resolution After Apply}
-\emph{Deprecated since 8.6}
-This option (off by default in Coq 8.6 and 8.5) controls the resolution
-of typeclass subgoals generated by the {\tt apply} tactic.
\subsection{\tt Set Typeclass Resolution For Conversion}
\optindex{Typeclass Resolution For Conversion}
diff --git a/tactics/class_tactics.ml b/tactics/class_tactics.ml
index 4c91f3f61..9f6624889 100644
--- a/tactics/class_tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/class_tactics.ml
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ open Names
open Term
open Termops
open EConstr
-open Proof_type
open Tacmach
open Tactics
open Clenv
@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ open Typeclasses
open Globnames
open Evd
open Locus
-open Misctypes
open Proofview.Notations
open Hints
@@ -41,10 +39,6 @@ module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
let typeclasses_debug = ref 0
let typeclasses_depth = ref None
-let typeclasses_modulo_eta = ref false
-let set_typeclasses_modulo_eta d = (:=) typeclasses_modulo_eta d
-let get_typeclasses_modulo_eta () = !typeclasses_modulo_eta
(** When this flag is enabled, the resolution of type classes tries to avoid
useless introductions. This is no longer useful since we have eta, but is
here for compatibility purposes. Another compatibility issues is that the
@@ -71,13 +65,6 @@ let set_typeclasses_filtered_unification d =
let get_typeclasses_filtered_unification () =
-(** [typeclasses_legacy_resolution] falls back to the 8.5 resolution algorithm,
- instead of the 8.6 one which uses the native backtracking facilities of the
- proof engine. *)
-let typeclasses_legacy_resolution = ref false
-let set_typeclasses_legacy_resolution d = (:=) typeclasses_legacy_resolution d
-let get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution () = !typeclasses_legacy_resolution
let set_typeclasses_debug d = (:=) typeclasses_debug (if d then 1 else 0)
let get_typeclasses_debug () = if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then true else false
@@ -94,14 +81,6 @@ open Goptions
let _ =
- { optdepr = true; (* remove in 8.8 *)
- optname = "do typeclass search modulo eta conversion";
- optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Modulo";"Eta"];
- optread = get_typeclasses_modulo_eta;
- optwrite = set_typeclasses_modulo_eta; }
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "do typeclass search avoiding eta-expansions " ^
" in proof terms (expensive)";
@@ -127,14 +106,6 @@ let _ =
let _ =
- { optdepr = true; (* remove in 8.8 *)
- optname = "compat";
- optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Legacy";"Resolution"];
- optread = get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution;
- optwrite = set_typeclasses_legacy_resolution; }
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "compat";
optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Filtered";"Unification"];
@@ -199,7 +170,7 @@ let auto_core_unif_flags st freeze = {
frozen_evars = freeze;
restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false; (* ? *)
modulo_betaiota = true;
- modulo_eta = !typeclasses_modulo_eta;
+ modulo_eta = false;
let auto_unif_flags freeze st =
@@ -426,9 +397,6 @@ and e_my_find_search db_list local_db secvars hdc complete only_classes env sigm
let tac =
with_prods nprods poly (term,cl) (unify_resolve poly flags) in
- if get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution () then
- Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac Proofview.shelve_unifiable
- else
Proofview.tclBIND (Proofview.with_shelf tac)
(fun (gls, ()) -> shelve_dependencies gls)
| ERes_pf (term,cl) ->
@@ -441,9 +409,6 @@ and e_my_find_search db_list local_db secvars hdc complete only_classes env sigm
let tac =
with_prods nprods poly (term,cl) (unify_e_resolve poly flags) in
- if get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution () then
- Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac Proofview.shelve_unifiable
- else
Proofview.tclBIND (Proofview.with_shelf tac)
(fun (gls, ()) -> shelve_dependencies gls)
| Give_exact (c,clenv) ->
@@ -618,359 +583,6 @@ let make_hints g st only_classes sign =
([]) sign
in Hint_db.add_list (pf_env g) (project g) hintlist (Hint_db.empty st true)
-(** <= 8.5 resolution *)
-module V85 = struct
- type autoinfo = { hints : hint_db; is_evar: existential_key option;
- only_classes: bool; unique : bool;
- auto_depth: int list; auto_last_tac: Pp.t Lazy.t;
- auto_path : global_reference option list;
- auto_cut : hints_path }
- type autogoal = goal * autoinfo
- type failure = NotApplicable | ReachedLimit
- type 'ans fk = failure -> 'ans
- type ('a,'ans) sk = 'a -> 'ans fk -> 'ans
- type 'a tac = { skft : 'ans. ('a,'ans) sk -> 'ans fk -> autogoal sigma -> 'ans }
- type auto_result = autogoal list sigma
- type atac = auto_result tac
- (* Some utility types to avoid the need of -rectypes *)
- type 'a optionk =
- | Nonek
- | Somek of 'a * 'a optionk fk
- type ('a,'b) optionk2 =
- | Nonek2 of failure
- | Somek2 of 'a * 'b * ('a,'b) optionk2 fk
- let pf_filtered_hyps gls =
- Goal.V82.hyps gls.Evd.sigma (sig_it gls)
- let make_autogoal_hints =
- let cache = Summary.ref ~name:"make_autogoal_hints_cache"
- (true, Environ.empty_named_context_val,
- Hint_db.empty full_transparent_state true)
- in
- fun only_classes ?(st=full_transparent_state) g ->
- let sign = pf_filtered_hyps g in
- let (onlyc, sign', cached_hints) = !cache in
- if onlyc == only_classes &&
- (sign == sign' || Environ.eq_named_context_val sign sign')
- && Hint_db.transparent_state cached_hints == st
- then
- cached_hints
- else
- let hints = make_hints g st only_classes (EConstr.named_context_of_val sign)
- in
- cache := (only_classes, sign, hints); hints
- let lift_tactic tac (f : goal list sigma -> autoinfo -> autogoal list sigma) : 'a tac =
- { skft = fun sk fk {it = gl,hints; sigma=s;} ->
- let res = try Some (tac {it=gl; sigma=s;})
- with e when catchable e -> None in
- match res with
- | Some gls -> sk (f gls hints) fk
- | None -> fk NotApplicable }
- let intro_tac : atac =
- let tac {it = gls; sigma = s} info =
- let gls' =
- List.map (fun g' ->
- let env = Goal.V82.env s g' in
- let context = EConstr.named_context_of_val (Goal.V82.hyps s g') in
- let hint = make_resolve_hyp env s (Hint_db.transparent_state info.hints)
- (true,false,false) info.only_classes empty_hint_info (List.hd context) in
- let ldb = Hint_db.add_list env s hint info.hints in
- (g', { info with is_evar = None; hints = ldb;
- auto_last_tac = lazy (str"intro") })) gls
- in {it = gls'; sigma = s;}
- in
- lift_tactic (Proofview.V82.of_tactic Tactics.intro) tac
- let normevars_tac : atac =
- { skft = fun sk fk {it = (gl, info); sigma = s;} ->
- let gl', sigma' = Goal.V82.nf_evar s gl in
- let info' = { info with auto_last_tac = lazy (str"normevars") } in
- sk {it = [gl', info']; sigma = sigma';} fk }
- let merge_failures x y =
- match x, y with
- | _, ReachedLimit
- | ReachedLimit, _ -> ReachedLimit
- | NotApplicable, NotApplicable -> NotApplicable
- let or_tac (x : 'a tac) (y : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
- { skft = fun sk fk gls -> x.skft sk
- (fun f -> y.skft sk (fun f' -> fk (merge_failures f f')) gls) gls }
- let or_else_tac (x : 'a tac) (y : failure -> 'a tac) : 'a tac =
- { skft = fun sk fk gls -> x.skft sk
- (fun f -> (y f).skft sk fk gls) gls }
- let needs_backtrack env evd oev concl =
- if Option.is_empty oev || is_Prop env evd concl then
- occur_existential evd concl
- else true
- let hints_tac hints sk fk {it = gl,info; sigma = s} =
- let env = Goal.V82.env s gl in
- let concl = Goal.V82.concl s gl in
- let tacgl = {it = gl; sigma = s;} in
- let secvars = secvars_of_hyps (Environ.named_context_of_val (Goal.V82.hyps s gl)) in
- let poss = e_possible_resolve hints info.hints secvars info.only_classes env s concl in
- let unique = is_unique env s concl in
- let rec aux i foundone = function
- | (tac, _, extern, name, pp) :: tl ->
- let derivs = path_derivate info.auto_cut name in
- let res =
- try
- if path_matches derivs [] then None
- else Some (Proofview.V82.of_tactic tac tacgl)
- with e when catchable e -> None
- in
- (match res with
- | None -> aux i foundone tl
- | Some {it = gls; sigma = s';} ->
- if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
- Feedback.msg_debug
- (pr_depth (i :: info.auto_depth) ++ str": " ++ Lazy.force pp
- ++ str" on" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev s gl);
- let sgls =
- evars_to_goals
- (fun evm ev evi ->
- if Typeclasses.is_resolvable evi && not (Evd.is_undefined s ev) &&
- (not info.only_classes || Typeclasses.is_class_evar evm evi)
- then Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, true
- else evi, false) s'
- in
- let newgls, s' =
- let gls' = List.map (fun g -> (None, g)) gls in
- match sgls with
- | None -> gls', s'
- | Some (evgls, s') ->
- if not !typeclasses_dependency_order then
- (gls' @ List.map (fun (ev,_) -> (Some ev, ev)) (Evar.Map.bindings evgls), s')
- else
- (* Reorder with dependent subgoals. *)
- let evm = List.fold_left
- (fun acc g -> Evar.Map.add g (Evd.find_undefined s' g) acc) evgls gls in
- let gls = top_sort s' evm in
- (List.map (fun ev -> Some ev, ev) gls, s')
- in
- let reindex g =
- let open Goal.V82 in
- extern && not (Environ.eq_named_context_val
- (hyps s' g) (hyps s' gl))
- in
- let gl' j (evar, g) =
- let hints' =
- if reindex g then
- make_autogoal_hints
- info.only_classes
- ~st:(Hint_db.transparent_state info.hints)
- {it = g; sigma = s';}
- else info.hints
- in
- { info with
- auto_depth = j :: i :: info.auto_depth;
- auto_last_tac = pp;
- is_evar = evar;
- hints = hints';
- auto_cut = derivs }
- in
- let gls' = List.map_i (fun i g -> snd g, gl' i g) 1 newgls in
- let glsv = {it = gls'; sigma = s';} in
- let fk' =
- (fun e ->
- let do_backtrack =
- if unique then occur_existential tacgl.sigma concl
- else if info.unique then true
- else if List.is_empty gls' then
- needs_backtrack env tacgl.sigma info.is_evar concl
- else true
- in
- let e' = match foundone with None -> e
- | Some e' -> merge_failures e e' in
- if !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
- Feedback.msg_debug
- ((if do_backtrack then str"Backtracking after "
- else str "Not backtracking after ")
- ++ Lazy.force pp);
- if do_backtrack then aux (succ i) (Some e') tl
- else fk e')
- in
- sk glsv fk')
- | [] ->
- if foundone == None && !typeclasses_debug > 0 then
- Feedback.msg_debug
- (pr_depth info.auto_depth ++ str": no match for " ++
- Printer.pr_econstr_env (Goal.V82.env s gl) s concl ++
- spc () ++ str ", " ++ int (List.length poss) ++
- str" possibilities");
- match foundone with
- | Some e -> fk e
- | None -> fk NotApplicable
- in aux 1 None poss
- let hints_tac hints =
- { skft = fun sk fk gls -> hints_tac hints sk fk gls }
- let then_list (second : atac) (sk : (auto_result, 'a) sk) : (auto_result, 'a) sk =
- let rec aux s (acc : autogoal list list) fk = function
- | (gl,info) :: gls ->
- Control.check_for_interrupt ();
- (match info.is_evar with
- | Some ev when Evd.is_defined s ev -> aux s acc fk gls
- | _ ->
- second.skft
- (fun {it=gls';sigma=s'} fk' ->
- let fk'' =
- if not info.unique && List.is_empty gls' &&
- not (needs_backtrack (Goal.V82.env s gl) s
- info.is_evar (Goal.V82.concl s gl))
- then fk
- else fk'
- in
- aux s' (gls'::acc) fk'' gls)
- fk {it = (gl,info); sigma = s; })
- | [] -> Somek2 (List.rev acc, s, fk)
- in fun {it = gls; sigma = s; } fk ->
- let rec aux' = function
- | Nonek2 e -> fk e
- | Somek2 (res, s', fk') ->
- let goals' = List.concat res in
- sk {it = goals'; sigma = s'; } (fun e -> aux' (fk' e))
- in aux' (aux s [] (fun e -> Nonek2 e) gls)
- let then_tac (first : atac) (second : atac) : atac =
- { skft = fun sk fk -> first.skft (then_list second sk) fk }
- let run_tac (t : 'a tac) (gl : autogoal sigma) : auto_result option =
- t.skft (fun x _ -> Some x) (fun _ -> None) gl
- type run_list_res = auto_result optionk
- let run_list_tac (t : 'a tac) p goals (gl : autogoal list sigma) : run_list_res =
- (then_list t (fun x fk -> Somek (x, fk)))
- gl
- (fun _ -> Nonek)
- let fail_tac reason : atac =
- { skft = fun sk fk _ -> fk reason }
- let rec fix (t : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
- then_tac t { skft = fun sk fk -> (fix t).skft sk fk }
- let rec fix_limit limit (t : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
- if Int.equal limit 0 then fail_tac ReachedLimit
- else then_tac t { skft = fun sk fk -> (fix_limit (pred limit) t).skft sk fk }
- let fix_iterative t =
- let rec aux depth =
- or_else_tac (fix_limit depth t)
- (function
- | NotApplicable as e -> fail_tac e
- | ReachedLimit -> aux (succ depth))
- in aux 1
- let fix_iterative_limit limit (t : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
- let rec aux depth =
- if Int.equal limit depth then fail_tac ReachedLimit
- else or_tac (fix_limit depth t)
- { skft = fun sk fk -> (aux (succ depth)).skft sk fk }
- in aux 1
- let make_autogoal ?(only_classes=true) ?(unique=false) ?(st=full_transparent_state)
- cut ev g =
- let hints = make_autogoal_hints only_classes ~st g in
- (g.it, { hints = hints ; is_evar = ev; unique = unique;
- only_classes = only_classes; auto_depth = [];
- auto_last_tac = lazy (str"none");
- auto_path = []; auto_cut = cut })
- let make_autogoals ?(only_classes=true) ?(unique=false)
- ?(st=full_transparent_state) hints gs evm' =
- let cut = cut_of_hints hints in
- let gl i g =
- let (gl, auto) = make_autogoal ~only_classes ~unique
- ~st cut (Some g) {it = g; sigma = evm'; } in
- (gl, { auto with auto_depth = [i]})
- in { it = List.map_i gl 1 gs; sigma = evm' }
- let get_result r =
- match r with
- | Nonek -> None
- | Somek (gls, fk) -> Some (gls.sigma,fk)
- let run_on_evars ?(only_classes=true) ?(unique=false) ?(st=full_transparent_state)
- p evm hints tac =
- match evars_to_goals p evm with
- | None -> None (* This happens only because there's no evar having p *)
- | Some (goals, evm') ->
- let goals =
- if !typeclasses_dependency_order then
- top_sort evm' goals
- else List.map (fun (ev, _) -> ev) (Evar.Map.bindings goals)
- in
- let res = run_list_tac tac p goals
- (make_autogoals ~only_classes ~unique ~st hints goals evm') in
- match get_result res with
- | None -> raise Not_found
- | Some (evm', fk) ->
- Some (evars_reset_evd ~with_conv_pbs:true ~with_univs:false evm' evm, fk)
- let eauto_tac hints =
- then_tac normevars_tac (or_tac (hints_tac hints) intro_tac)
- let eauto_tac strategy depth hints =
- match strategy with
- | Bfs ->
- begin match depth with
- | None -> fix_iterative (eauto_tac hints)
- | Some depth -> fix_iterative_limit depth (eauto_tac hints) end
- | Dfs ->
- match depth with
- | None -> fix (eauto_tac hints)
- | Some depth -> fix_limit depth (eauto_tac hints)
- let real_eauto ?depth strategy unique st hints p evd =
- let res =
- run_on_evars ~st ~unique p evd hints (eauto_tac strategy depth hints)
- in
- match res with
- | None -> evd
- | Some (evd', fk) ->
- if unique then
- (match get_result (fk NotApplicable) with
- | Some (evd'', fk') -> user_err Pp.(str "Typeclass resolution gives multiple solutions")
- | None -> evd')
- else evd'
- let resolve_all_evars_once debug depth unique p evd =
- let db = searchtable_map typeclasses_db in
- let strategy = if get_typeclasses_iterative_deepening () then Bfs else Dfs in
- real_eauto ?depth strategy unique (Hint_db.transparent_state db) [db] p evd
- let eauto85 ?(only_classes=true) ?st ?strategy depth hints g =
- let strategy =
- match strategy with
- | None -> if get_typeclasses_iterative_deepening () then Bfs else Dfs
- | Some s -> s
- in
- let gl = { it = make_autogoal ~only_classes ?st
- (cut_of_hints hints) None g; sigma = project g; } in
- match run_tac (eauto_tac strategy depth hints) gl with
- | None -> raise Not_found
- | Some {it = goals; sigma = s; } ->
- {it = List.map fst goals; sigma = s;}
-(** 8.6 resolution *)
module Search = struct
type autoinfo =
{ search_depth : int list;
@@ -1406,13 +1018,7 @@ let typeclasses_eauto ?(only_classes=false) ?(st=full_transparent_state)
let st = match dbs with x :: _ -> Hint_db.transparent_state x | _ -> st in
let depth = match depth with None -> get_typeclasses_depth () | Some l -> Some l in
- if get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution () then
- Proofview.V82.tactic
- (fun gl ->
- try V85.eauto85 depth ~only_classes ~st ?strategy dbs gl
- with Not_found ->
- Refiner.tclFAIL 0 (str"Proof search failed") gl)
- else Search.eauto_tac ~st ~only_classes ?strategy ~depth ~dep:true dbs
+ Search.eauto_tac ~st ~only_classes ?strategy ~depth ~dep:true dbs
(** We compute dependencies via a union-find algorithm.
Beware of the imperative effects on the partition structure,
@@ -1531,12 +1137,7 @@ let resolve_all_evars debug depth unique env p oevd do_split fail =
| comp :: comps ->
let p = select_and_update_evars p oevd (in_comp comp) in
- let evd' =
- if get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution () then
- V85.resolve_all_evars_once debug depth unique p evd
- else
- Search.typeclasses_resolve env evd debug depth unique p
- in
+ let evd' = Search.typeclasses_resolve env evd debug depth unique p in
if has_undefined p oevd evd' then raise Unresolved;
docomp evd' comps
with Unresolved | Not_found ->
@@ -1581,9 +1182,6 @@ let resolve_one_typeclass env ?(sigma=Evd.empty) gl unique =
let st = Hint_db.transparent_state hints in
let depth = get_typeclasses_depth () in
let gls' =
- if get_typeclasses_legacy_resolution () then
- V85.eauto85 depth ~st [hints] gls
- else
(Search.eauto_tac ~st ~only_classes:true ~depth [hints] ~dep:true) gls
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
index 20519dd98..b99a45103 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.ml
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -61,16 +61,6 @@ let typ_of env sigma c =
open Goptions
-let apply_solve_class_goals = ref false
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optdepr = true; (* remove in 8.8 *)
- optname = "Perform typeclass resolution on apply-generated subgoals.";
- optkey = ["Typeclass";"Resolution";"After";"Apply"];
- optread = (fun () -> !apply_solve_class_goals);
- optwrite = (fun a -> apply_solve_class_goals := a); }
let clear_hyp_by_default = ref false
let use_clear_hyp_by_default () = !clear_hyp_by_default
@@ -1689,22 +1679,6 @@ let descend_in_conjunctions avoid tac (err, info) c =
(* Resolution tactics *)
-let solve_remaining_apply_goals =
- Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
- let evd = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
- if !apply_solve_class_goals then
- try
- let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
- let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
- if Typeclasses.is_class_type evd concl then
- let evd', c' = Typeclasses.resolve_one_typeclass env evd concl in
- Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS evd')
- (Refine.refine ~typecheck:false (fun h -> (h,c')))
- else Proofview.tclUNIT ()
- with Not_found -> Proofview.tclUNIT ()
- else Proofview.tclUNIT ()
- end
let tclORELSEOPT t k =
Proofview.tclORELSE t
(fun e -> match k e with
@@ -1780,11 +1754,9 @@ let general_apply with_delta with_destruct with_evars clear_flag (loc,(c,lbind :
| _ -> None)
- Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
- try_main_apply with_destruct c;
- solve_remaining_apply_goals;
- apply_clear_request clear_flag (use_clear_hyp_by_default ()) c
- ]
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHEN
+ (try_main_apply with_destruct c)
+ (apply_clear_request clear_flag (use_clear_hyp_by_default ()) c)
let rec apply_with_bindings_gen b e = function
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3513.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3513.v
index 5adc48215..1f0f3b0da 100644
--- a/test-suite/bugs/closed/3513.v
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/3513.v
@@ -69,26 +69,6 @@ Goal forall (T : Type) (O0 : T -> OPred) (O1 : T -> PointedOPred)
refine (P _ _)
end; unfold Basics.flip.
Focus 2.
- Set Typeclasses Debug.
- Set Typeclasses Legacy Resolution.
- apply reflexivity.
- (* Debug: 1.1: apply @IsPointed_catOP on
-(IsPointed (exists x0 : Actions, (catOP ?Goal O2 : OPred) x0))
-Debug: apply OPred_inhabited on (IsPointed (exists x0 : Actions, ?Goal x0))
-Debug: apply OPred_inhabited on (IsPointed (exists x : Actions, O2 x))
-Debug: 2.1: apply @Equivalence_Reflexive on (Reflexive lentails)
-Debug: 2.1.1: no match for (Equivalence lentails) , 5 possibilities
-Debug: Backtracking after apply @Equivalence_Reflexive
-Debug: 2.2: apply @PreOrder_Reflexive on (Reflexive lentails)
-Debug: apply @lentailsPre on (PreOrder lentails)
-Debug: apply ILFun_ILogic on (ILogic OPred)
- Undo. Unset Typeclasses Legacy Resolution.
- Test Typeclasses Unique Solutions.
- Test Typeclasses Unique Instances.
- Show Existentials.
- Set Typeclasses Debug Verbosity 2.
- Set Printing All.
(* As in 8.5, allow a shelved subgoal to remain *)
apply reflexivity.
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3926.v b/test-suite/bugs/opened/3926.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cfad76357..000000000
--- a/test-suite/bugs/opened/3926.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Notation compose := (fun g f x => g (f x)).
-Notation "g 'o' f" := (compose g f) (at level 40, left associativity) : function_scope.
-Open Scope function_scope.
-Inductive paths {A : Type} (a : A) : A -> Type := idpath : paths a a where "x = y" := (@paths _ x y) : type_scope.
-Arguments idpath {A a} , [A] a.
-Definition ap {A B:Type} (f:A -> B) {x y:A} (p:x = y) : f x = f y := match p with idpath => idpath end.
-Class IsEquiv {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) := { equiv_inv : B -> A }.
-Notation "f ^-1" := (@equiv_inv _ _ f _) (at level 3, format "f '^-1'") : equiv_scope.
-Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
-Axiom eisretr : forall {A B} (f : A -> B) `{IsEquiv A B f} x, f (f^-1 x) = x.
-Generalizable Variables A B C f g.
-Global Instance isequiv_compose `{IsEquiv A B f} `{IsEquiv B C g} : IsEquiv (compose g f) | 1000
- := Build_IsEquiv A C (compose g f) (compose f^-1 g^-1).
-Definition isequiv_homotopic {A B} (f : A -> B) {g : A -> B} `{IsEquiv A B f} (h : forall x, f x = g x) : IsEquiv g
- := Build_IsEquiv _ _ g (f ^-1).
-Global Instance isequiv_inverse {A B} (f : A -> B) `{IsEquiv A B f} : IsEquiv f^-1 | 10000
- := Build_IsEquiv B A f^-1 f.
-Definition cancelR_isequiv {A B C} (f : A -> B) {g : B -> C}
- `{IsEquiv A B f} `{IsEquiv A C (g o f)}
- : IsEquiv g.
- Unset Typeclasses Modulo Eta.
- exact (isequiv_homotopic (compose (compose g f) f^-1)
- (fun b => ap g (eisretr f b))) || fail "too early".
- Undo.
- Set Typeclasses Modulo Eta.
- Set Typeclasses Dependency Order.
- Set Typeclasses Debug.
- Fail exact (isequiv_homotopic (compose (compose g f) f^-1)
- (fun b => ap g (eisretr f b))).
diff --git a/test-suite/success/old_typeclass.v b/test-suite/success/old_typeclass.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 01e35810b..000000000
--- a/test-suite/success/old_typeclass.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
-Set Typeclasses Legacy Resolution.
-Declare Instance and_Proper_eq: Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) and.
-Axiom In : Prop.
-Axiom union_spec : In <-> True.
-Lemma foo : In /\ True.
-progress rewrite union_spec.
-repeat constructor.