diff options
4 files changed, 1942 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/tacticals.ml b/tactics/tacticals.ml
index 1794755ff..56cd5a42f 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticals.ml
+++ b/tactics/tacticals.ml
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ let make_elim_branch_assumptions ba gl =
| (_, _) -> error "make_elim_branch_assumptions"
makerec ([],[],[],[],[]) ba.branchsign
- (try firstn ba.nassums (ids_of_sign (pf_untyped_hyps gl))
+ (try list_firstn ba.nassums (ids_of_sign (pf_untyped_hyps gl))
with Failure _ -> anomaly "make_elim_branch_assumptions")
let elim_on_ba tac ba gl = tac (make_elim_branch_assumptions ba gl) gl
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ let make_case_branch_assumptions ba gl =
| (_, _) -> error "make_case_branch_assumptions"
makerec ([],[],[],[]) ba.branchsign
- (try firstn ba.nassums (ids_of_sign (pf_untyped_hyps gl))
+ (try list_firstn ba.nassums (ids_of_sign (pf_untyped_hyps gl))
with Failure _ -> anomaly "make_case_branch_assumptions")
let case_on_ba tac ba gl = tac (make_case_branch_assumptions ba gl) gl
diff --git a/tactics/tacticals.mli b/tactics/tacticals.mli
index 1ebd64f43..216a24b31 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticals.mli
+++ b/tactics/tacticals.mli
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ type branch_assumptions = {
val sort_of_goal : goal sigma -> sorts
val suff : goal sigma -> constr -> string
-val lookup_eliminator : context -> section_path -> string -> constr
+val lookup_eliminator :
+ typed_type signature -> section_path -> string -> constr
val general_elim_then_using :
constr -> (constr -> int -> bool list) ->
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.ml b/tactics/tactics.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bf647a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/tactics.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1694 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Sign
+open Generic
+open Term
+open Inductive
+open Reduction
+open Environ
+open Evd
+open Pfedit
+open Tacred
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_trees
+open Logic
+open Clenv
+open Tacticals
+open Pattern
+exception Bound
+(* Tactics *)
+(* General functions *)
+let get_pairs_from_bindings =
+ let pair_from_binding = function
+ | [(Bindings binds)] -> binds
+ | _ -> error "not a binding list!"
+ in
+ List.map pair_from_binding
+let get_commands =
+ let command_from_tacarg = function
+ | (Command x) -> x
+ | _ -> error "get_commands: not a command!"
+ in
+ List.map command_from_tacarg
+let rec string_head_bound = function
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) as x ->
+ string_of_id (basename (path_of_const x))
+ | DOPN(MutInd _,_) as x ->
+ let mispec = Global.lookup_mind_specif x in
+ string_of_id (mis_typename mispec)
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct ((sp,tyi),i),_) ->
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in
+ string_of_id (mib.mind_packets.(tyi).mind_consnames.(i-1))
+ | VAR id -> string_of_id id
+ | _ -> raise Bound
+let string_head c =
+ try string_head_bound c with Bound -> error "Bound head variable"
+let rec head_constr_bound t l =
+ let t = strip_outer_cast(collapse_appl t) in
+ match t with
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c2)) -> head_constr_bound c2 l
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) ->
+ head_constr_bound (array_hd cl) ((List.tl (Array.to_list cl))@l)
+ | DOPN(Const _,_) as x -> x::l
+ | DOPN(MutInd _,_) as x -> x::l
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) as x -> x::l
+ | VAR _ as x -> x::l
+ | _ -> raise Bound
+let head_constr c =
+ try head_constr_bound c [] with Bound -> error "Bound head variable"
+let bad_tactic_args s l =
+ raise (RefinerError (BadTacticArgs (s,l)))
+(* Primitive tactics *)
+let introduction = Tacmach.introduction
+let intro_replacing = Tacmach.intro_replacing
+let refine = Tacmach.refine
+let convert_concl = Tacmach.convert_concl
+let convert_hyp = Tacmach.convert_hyp
+let thin = Tacmach.thin
+let move_hyp = Tacmach.move_hyp
+let mutual_fix = Tacmach.mutual_fix
+let fix f n = mutual_fix [f] [n] []
+let fix_noname n =
+ let l = Pfedit.list_proofs() in
+ let id = id_of_string (List.hd l) in
+ fix id n
+(***TODO: les versions dyn_
+let dyn_mutual_fix argsl gl =
+ match argsl with
+ | [Integer n] -> fix_noname n gl
+ | [Identifier id;Integer n] -> fix id n gl
+ | ((Identifier id)::(Integer n)::lfix) ->
+ let rec decomp lid ln lar = function
+ | (Fixexp (id,n,ar)::rest) ->
+ decomp (id::lid) (n::ln) (ar::lar) rest
+ | [] -> (List.rev lid,List.rev ln,List.rev lar)
+ | _ -> bad_tactic_args "mutual_fix" argsl
+ in
+ let (lid,ln,lar) = decomp [] [] [] lfix in
+ mutual_fix (id::lid) (n::ln) (List.map (pf_constr_of_com gl) lar) gl
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "mutual_fix" l
+let mutual_cofix = Tacmach.mutual_cofix
+let cofix f = mutual_cofix [f] []
+let cofix_noname n =
+ let l = Pfedit.list_proofs() in
+ let id = id_of_string (List.hd l) in
+ cofix id n
+let dyn_mutual_cofix argsl gl =
+ match argsl with
+ | [] -> cofix_noname gl
+ | [(Identifier id)] -> cofix id gl
+ | ((Identifier id)::lcofix) ->
+ let rec decomp lid lar = function
+ | (Cofixexp (id,ar)::rest) ->
+ decomp (id::lid) (ar::lar) rest
+ | [] -> (List.rev lid,List.rev lar)
+ | _ -> bad_tactic_args "mutual_cofix" argsl
+ in
+ let (lid,lar) = decomp [] [] lcofix in
+ mutual_cofix (id::lid) (List.map (pf_constr_of_com gl) lar) gl
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "mutual_cofix" l
+(* Reduction and conversion tactics *)
+(* The following two tactics apply an arbitrary
+ reduction function either to the conclusion or to a
+ certain hypothesis *)
+let reduct_in_concl redfun gl =
+ convert_concl (pf_reduce redfun gl (pf_concl gl)) gl
+let reduct_in_hyp redfun id gl =
+ let ty = pf_get_hyp gl id in
+ let redfun' = under_casts (fun _ _ -> pf_reduce redfun gl) in
+ convert_hyp id (redfun' (pf_env gl) (project gl) ty) gl
+let reduct_option redfun = function
+ | Some id -> reduct_in_hyp redfun id
+ | None -> reduct_in_concl redfun
+(* The following tactic determines whether the reduction
+ function has to be applied to the conclusion or
+ to the hypotheses. *)
+let in_combinator tac1 tac2 = function
+ | [] -> tac1
+ | x -> (tclMAP tac2 x)
+let redin_combinator redfun = function
+ | [] -> reduct_in_concl redfun
+ | x -> (tclMAP (reduct_in_hyp redfun) x)
+(* Now we introduce different instances of the previous tacticals *)
+let change_hyp_and_check t env sigma c =
+ if is_conv (Global.unsafe_env()) sigma t c then
+ t
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "convert-check-hyp" [< 'sTR "Not convertible" >]
+let change_concl_and_check t env sigma c =
+ if is_conv_leq (Global.unsafe_env()) sigma t c then
+ t
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "convert-check-concl" [< 'sTR "Not convertible" >]
+let change_in_concl t = reduct_in_concl (change_concl_and_check t)
+let change_in_hyp t = reduct_in_hyp (change_hyp_and_check t)
+let change_option t = function
+ | Some id -> reduct_in_hyp (change_hyp_and_check t) id
+ | None -> reduct_in_concl (change_concl_and_check t)
+(* Pour usage interne (le niveau User est pris en compte par dyn_reduce) *)
+let red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl red_product
+let red_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp red_product
+let red_option = reduct_option red_product
+let hnf_in_concl = reduct_in_concl hnf_constr
+let hnf_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp hnf_constr
+let hnf_option = reduct_option hnf_constr
+let simpl_in_concl = reduct_in_concl nf
+let simpl_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp nf
+let simpl_option = reduct_option nf
+let normalise_in_concl = reduct_in_concl compute
+let normalise_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp compute
+let normalise_option = reduct_option compute
+let unfold_in_concl loccname = reduct_in_concl (unfoldn loccname)
+let unfold_in_hyp loccname = reduct_in_hyp (unfoldn loccname)
+let unfold_option loccname = reduct_option (unfoldn loccname)
+let pattern_option l = reduct_option (pattern_occs l)
+let dyn_change = function
+ | [Command (com); Clause cl] ->
+ (fun goal ->
+ let c = constr_of_com_sort (project goal) (pf_hyps goal) com in
+ in_combinator (change_in_concl c) (change_in_hyp c) cl goal)
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "change" l
+(* A function which reduces accordingly to a reduction expression,
+ as the command Eval does. *)
+let reduce redexp cl goal =
+ redin_combinator (reduction_of_redexp redexp) cl goal
+let dyn_reduce = function
+ | [Redexp (redn,args); Clause cl] ->
+ (fun goal ->
+ let redexp =
+ redexp_of_ast (project goal) (pf_hyps goal) (redn,args) in
+ reduce redexp cl goal)
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "reduce" l
+(* Unfolding occurrences of a constant *)
+let unfold_constr c =
+ match strip_outer_cast c with
+ | DOPN(Const(sp),_) ->
+ unfold_in_concl [[],sp]
+ | t ->
+ errorlabstrm "unfold_constr"
+ [< 'sTR "Cannot unfold a non-constant." >]
+(* Introduction tactics *)
+let next_global_ident_from id avoid =
+ let rec next_rec id =
+ let id = next_ident_away_from id avoid in
+ if not (Declare.is_global id) then
+ id
+ else
+ next_rec (lift_ident id)
+ in
+ next_rec id
+let next_global_ident_away id avoid =
+ let id = next_ident_away id avoid in
+ if not (Declare.is_global id) then
+ id
+ else
+ next_global_ident_from (lift_ident id) avoid
+let fresh_id avoid id gl =
+ next_global_ident_away id (avoid@(ids_of_sign (pf_untyped_hyps gl)))
+let id_of_name_with_default s = function
+ | Anonymous -> id_of_string s
+ | Name id -> id
+let default_id gl =
+ match strip_outer_cast (pf_concl gl) with
+ | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(name,c2)) ->
+ (match pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl (pf_type_of gl c1) with
+ | DOP0(Sort(Prop _)) -> (id_of_name_with_default "H" name)
+ | DOP0(Sort(Type(_))) -> (id_of_name_with_default "X" name)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Wrong sort")
+ | _ -> error "Introduction needs a product"
+(* Non primitive introduction tactics are treated by central_intro
+ There is possibly renaming, with possibly names to avoid and
+ possibly a move to do after the introduction *)
+type intro_name_flag =
+ | IAvoid of identifier list
+ | IBasedOn of identifier * identifier list
+ | IMustBe of identifier
+let rec central_intro name_flag move_flag force_flag gl =
+ try
+ let id =
+ match name_flag with
+ | IAvoid idl -> fresh_id idl (default_id gl) gl
+ | IBasedOn (id,idl) -> fresh_id idl id gl
+ | IMustBe id ->
+ let id' = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ if id' <> id then warning
+ ((string_of_id id)^
+ " is already used; changed to "^(string_of_id id'));
+ id'
+ in
+ begin match move_flag with
+ | None -> introduction id gl
+ | Some dest -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (move_hyp true id dest) gl
+ end
+ with (UserError ("Introduction needs a product",_)) as e ->
+ if force_flag then
+ try
+ ((tclTHEN (reduce Red []) (central_intro name_flag move_flag
+ force_flag)) gl)
+ with UserError ("Term not reducible",_) ->
+ errorlabstrm "Intro"
+ [<'sTR "No product even after head-reduction">]
+ else
+ raise e
+let intro_using_warning id = central_intro (IMustBe id) None false
+let intro_using id = central_intro (IBasedOn (id,[])) None false
+let intro_force force_flag = central_intro (IAvoid []) None force_flag
+let intro = intro_force false
+let introf = intro_force true
+(**** Multiple introduction tactics ****)
+let rec intros_using = function
+ [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | str::l -> tclTHEN (intro_using str) (intros_using l)
+let intros = tclREPEAT (intro_force false)
+let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (intro_using id)
+(* User-level introduction tactics *)
+let dyn_intro = function
+ | [] -> central_intro (IAvoid []) None true
+ | [Identifier id] -> central_intro (IMustBe id) None true
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "intro" l
+let dyn_intro_move = function
+ | [Identifier id2] -> central_intro (IAvoid []) (Some id2) true
+ | [Identifier id; Identifier id2] ->
+ central_intro (IMustBe id) (Some id2) true
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "intro_move" l
+let rec intros_until s g =
+ match pf_lookup_name_as_renamed (pf_hyps g) (pf_concl g) s with
+ | Some depth -> tclDO depth intro g
+ | None ->
+ try
+ ((tclTHEN (reduce Red []) (intros_until s)) g)
+ with UserError ("Term not reducible",_) ->
+ errorlabstrm "Intros"
+ [<'sTR "No such hypothesis in current goal";
+ 'sTR "even after head-reduction" >]
+let rec intros_until_n n g =
+ match pf_lookup_index_as_renamed (pf_concl g) n with
+ | Some depth -> tclDO depth intro g
+ | None ->
+ try
+ ((tclTHEN (reduce Red []) (intros_until_n n)) g)
+ with UserError ("Term not reducible",_) ->
+ errorlabstrm "Intros"
+ [<'sTR "No such hypothesis in current goal";
+ 'sTR "even after head-reduction" >]
+let dyn_intros_until = function
+ | [Identifier id] -> intros_until id
+ | [Integer n] -> intros_until_n n
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "Intros until" l
+let intros_do n g =
+ let depth =
+ let rec lookup all nodep = function
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(name,c')) ->
+ (match name with
+ | Name(s') ->
+ if dependent (Rel 1) c' then
+ lookup (all+1) nodep c'
+ else if nodep = n then
+ all
+ else
+ lookup (all+1) (nodep+1) c'
+ | Anonymous ->
+ if nodep=n then all else lookup (all+1) (nodep+1) c')
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> lookup all nodep c
+ | _ -> error "No such hypothesis in current goal"
+ in
+ lookup 1 1 (pf_concl g)
+ in
+ tclDO depth intro g
+let rec intros_move = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | (hyp,destopt) :: rest ->
+ tclTHEN (central_intro (IMustBe hyp) destopt false)
+ (intros_move rest)
+let move_to_rhyp rhyp gl =
+ let rec get_lhyp lastfixed deptyp = function
+ | [] ->
+ (match rhyp with
+ | None -> lastfixed
+ | Some h -> anomaly ("Hypothesis should occur: "^ (string_of_id h)))
+ | (hyp,typ) as ht :: rest ->
+ if Some hyp = rhyp then
+ lastfixed
+ else if List.exists (occur_var hyp) deptyp then
+ get_lhyp lastfixed (typ::deptyp) rest
+ else
+ get_lhyp (Some hyp) deptyp rest
+ in
+ let sign = pf_untyped_hyps gl in
+ let (hyp,typ) = hd_sign sign in
+ match get_lhyp None [typ] (list_of_sign sign) with
+ | None -> tclIDTAC gl
+ | Some hypto -> move_hyp true hyp hypto gl
+let rec intros_rmove = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | (hyp,destopt) :: rest ->
+ tclTHENLIST [ introduction hyp;
+ move_to_rhyp destopt;
+ intros_rmove rest ]
+(* Resolution tactics *)
+(* Refinement tactic: unification with the head of the head normal form
+ * of the type of a term. *)
+let apply_type hdcty argl gl =
+ refine (DOPN(AppL,Array.of_list
+ ((DOP2(Cast,DOP0(Meta(newMETA())),hdcty))::argl))) gl
+let apply_term hdc argl gl =
+ refine (DOPN(AppL,Array.of_list(hdc::argl))) gl
+let bring_hyps clsl gl =
+ let ids =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | (Some id) -> id
+ | None -> error "BringHyps") clsl in
+ let newcl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id cl' -> mkNamedProd id (pf_type_of gl (VAR id)) cl')
+ ids (pf_concl gl)
+ in
+ apply_type newcl (List.map (fun id -> VAR id) ids) gl
+(* Resolution with missing arguments *)
+let collect_com lbind =
+ map_succeed (function (Com,c)->c | _ -> failwith "Com") lbind
+let make_clenv_binding_apply wc (c,t) lbind =
+ let largs = collect_com lbind in
+ let lcomargs = List.length largs in
+ if lcomargs = List.length lbind then
+ let clause = mk_clenv_from wc (c,t) in
+ clenv_constrain_missing_args largs clause
+ else if lcomargs = 0 then
+ let clause = mk_clenv_rename_from wc (c,t) in
+ clenv_match_args lbind clause
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "make_clenv_bindings"
+ [<'sTR "Cannot mix bindings and free associations">]
+let apply_with_bindings (c,lbind) gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let t = w_hnf_constr wc (w_type_of wc c) in
+ let clause = make_clenv_binding_apply wc (c,t) lbind in
+ let apply =
+ match c with
+ | DOP2(Lambda,_,_) -> res_pf_cast
+ | _ -> res_pf
+ in
+ apply kONT clause gl
+let apply c = apply_with_bindings (c,[])
+let apply_com = tactic_com (fun c -> apply_with_bindings (c,[]))
+let apply_list = function
+ | c::l -> apply_with_bindings (c,List.map (fun com ->(Com,com)) l)
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Resolution with no reduction on the type *)
+let apply_without_reduce c gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let clause = mk_clenv_type_of wc c in
+ res_pf kONT clause gl
+let apply_without_reduce_com = tactic_com apply_without_reduce
+let refinew_scheme kONT clause gl = res_pf kONT clause gl
+let dyn_apply l =
+ match l with
+ | [Command com; BINDINGS binds] ->
+ tactic_com_bind_list apply_with_bindings (com,binds)
+ | [CONSTR c; CBINDINGS binds] ->
+ apply_with_bindings (c,binds)
+ | l ->
+ bad_tactic_args "apply" l
+(* A useful resolution tactic, equivalent to Cut type_of_c;[Idtac|Apply c] *)
+let cut_and_apply c gl =
+ let goal_constr = pf_concl gl in
+ match (pf_hnf_constr gl (pf_type_of gl c)) with
+ | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(_,c2)) when not (dependent (Rel 1) c2) ->
+ tclTHENS
+ (apply_type (DOP2(Prod,c2,DLAM(Anonymous,goal_constr)))
+ [DOP0(Meta(newMETA()))])
+ [tclIDTAC;apply_term c [DOP0(Meta(newMETA()))]] gl
+ | _ -> error "Imp_elim needs a non-dependent product"
+let dyn_cut_and_apply = function
+ | [Command com] -> tactic_com cut_and_apply com
+ | [Constr c] -> cut_and_apply c
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "cut_and_apply" l
+(* Cut tactics *)
+let cut c gl =
+ match hnf_type_of gl c with
+ | (DOP0(Sort _)) ->
+ apply_type (DOP2(Prod,c,DLAM(Anonymous,(pf_concl gl))))
+ [DOP0(Meta (newMETA()))] gl
+ | _ -> error "Not a proposition or a type"
+let dyn_cut = function
+ | [Command com] -> tactic_com_sort cut com
+ | [Constr c] -> cut c
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "cut" l
+let cut_intro t = (tclTHENS (cut t) [intro;tclIDTAC])
+let cut_replacing id t =
+ (tclTHENS (cut t)
+ [(tclORELSE (intro_replacing id)
+ (tclORELSE (intro_erasing id)
+ (intro_using id)));
+ tclIDTAC])
+let cut_in_parallel l =
+ let rec prec = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | h::t -> (tclTHENS (cut h) ([prec t;tclIDTAC]))
+ in
+ prec (List.rev l)
+(* Generalize tactics *)
+let generalize_goal gl c cl =
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ match c with
+ | (VAR id) -> mkNamedProd id t cl
+ | _ ->
+ let cl' = subst_term c cl in
+ if noccurn 1 cl' then
+ DOP2(Prod,t,DLAM(Anonymous,cl))
+ (* On ne se casse pas la tete : on prend pour nom de variable
+ la premiere lettre du type, meme si "ci" est une
+ constante et qu'on pourrait prendre directement son nom *)
+ else
+ prod_name (Anonymous, t, cl')
+let generalize_dep c gl =
+ let sign = pf_untyped_hyps gl in
+ let init_ids = ids_of_sign (initial_sign ()) in
+ let rec seek ((hl,tl) as toquant) h t =
+ if List.exists (fun id -> occur_var id t) hl or dependent c t then
+ (h::hl,t::tl)
+ else
+ toquant
+ in
+ let (hl,tl) = it_sign seek ([],[]) sign in
+ let tothin = filter (fun id -> not (List.mem id init_ids)) hl in
+ let tothin' =
+ match c with
+ | VAR id when mem_sign sign id & not (List.mem id init_ids) -> id::tothin
+ | _ -> tothin
+ in
+ let cl' = List.fold_right2 mkNamedProd hl tl (pf_concl gl) in
+ let cl'' = generalize_goal gl c cl' in
+ tclTHEN
+ (apply_type cl'' (c::(List.map (fun id -> VAR id) hl)))
+ (thin (List.rev tothin'))
+ gl
+let generalize lconstr gl =
+ let newcl = List.fold_right (generalize_goal gl) lconstr (pf_concl gl) in
+ apply_type newcl lconstr gl
+let dyn_generalize =
+ fun argsl -> tactic_com_list generalize (get_commands argsl)
+let dyn_generalize_dep = function
+ | [Command com] -> tactic_com generalize_dep com
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "dyn_generalize_dep" l
+(* Faudra-t-il une version avec plusieurs args de generalize_dep ?
+Cela peut-être troublant de faire "Generalize Dependent H n" dans
+"n:nat; H:n=n |- P(n)" et d'échouer parce que H a disparu après la
+généralisation dépendante par n.
+let quantify lconstr =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun com tac -> tclTHEN tac (tactic_com generalize_dep c))
+ lconstr
+ tclIDTAC
+(* A dependent cut rule à la sequent calculus *)
+(* Sera simplifiable le jour où il y aura un let in primitif dans constr *)
+(* if [occhypl] is empty, [c] is substituted in every hyp where it occurs *)
+(* if name = Anonymous, the name is build from the first letter of the type *)
+let letin_abstract id c occ_ccl occhypl gl =
+ let allhyp = occhypl=[] in
+ let hyps = pf_untyped_hyps gl in
+ let abstract ((dephyps,deptyps,marks,occl as accu),lhyp) hyp typ =
+ try
+ let occ = if allhyp then [] else List.assoc hyp occl in
+ let newtyp = subst1 (VAR id) (subst_term_occ occ c typ) in
+ let newoccl = except_assoc hyp occl in
+ if typ=newtyp then
+ (accu,Some hyp)
+ else
+ ((hyp::dephyps,newtyp::deptyps,(hyp,lhyp)::marks,newoccl),lhyp)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (accu,Some hyp)
+ in
+ let (dephyps,deptyps,marks,rest),_ =
+ it_sign abstract (([],[],[],occhypl),None) hyps in
+ if rest <> [] then begin
+ let id = fst (List.hd rest) in
+ if mem_sign hyps id
+ then error ("Hypothesis "^(string_of_id id)^" occurs twice")
+ else error ("No such hypothesis : " ^ (string_of_id id))
+ end;
+ let ccl = match occ_ccl with
+ | None -> (pf_concl gl)
+ | Some occ -> subst1 (VAR id) (subst_term_occ occ c (pf_concl gl))
+ in
+ (dephyps,deptyps,marks,ccl)
+let letin_tac with_eq name c occ_ccl occhypl gl =
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (pf_type_of gl c) name in
+ let hyps = pf_untyped_hyps gl in
+ let id = next_global_ident_away x (ids_of_sign hyps) in
+ if mem_sign hyps id then error "New variable is already declared";
+ let (dephyps,deptyps,marks,ccl)= letin_abstract id c occ_ccl occhypl gl in
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let (eqc,reflc) =
+ let sort = pf_type_of gl t in
+ if is_Set sort then
+ (pf_parse_const gl "eq", pf_parse_const gl "refl_equal")
+ else if is_Type sort then
+ (pf_parse_const gl "eqT", pf_parse_const gl "refl_eqT")
+ else error "Not possible with proofs yet"
+ in
+ let heq = next_global_ident_away (id_of_string "Heq") (ids_of_sign hyps) in
+ let tmpcl = List.fold_right2 mkNamedProd dephyps deptyps ccl in
+ let tmpargs = List.map (fun id -> VAR id) dephyps in
+ let newcl,args =
+ if with_eq then
+ let eq = applist (eqc,[t;VAR id;c]) in
+ let refl = applist (reflc,[t;c]) in
+ (mkNamedProd id t (mkNamedProd heq eq tmpcl), c::refl::tmpargs)
+ else
+ (mkNamedProd id t tmpcl, c::tmpargs)
+ in
+ let lastlhyp = if marks=[] then None else snd (List.hd marks) in
+ [ apply_type newcl args;
+ thin dephyps;
+ central_intro (IMustBe id) lastlhyp false;
+ if with_eq then central_intro (IMustBe heq) lastlhyp false else tclIDTAC;
+ intros_move marks ] gl
+let dyn_lettac args gl = match args with
+ | [Identifier id; Command com; Letpatterns (o,l)] ->
+ letin_tac true (Name id) (pf_constr_of_com gl com) o l gl
+ | [Identifier id; Constr c; Letpatterns (o,l)] ->
+ letin_tac true (Name id) c o l gl
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "letin" l
+(* Exact tactics *)
+let exact c gl =
+ let concl = (pf_concl gl) in
+ let ct = pf_type_of gl c in
+ if pf_conv_x_leq gl ct concl then
+ refine c gl
+ else
+ error "Not an exact proof"
+let dyn_exact =
+ function [(COMMAND com)] -> tactic_com exact com
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "exact" l
+let dyn_exact cc gl = match cc with
+ | [Constr c] -> exact c gl
+ | [Command com] ->
+ let evc = (project gl) in
+ let concl = (pf_concl gl) in
+ let c = constr_of_com_casted evc (pf_hyps gl) com concl in
+ refine c gl
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "exact" l
+let (assumption:tactic) = fun gl ->
+ let concl = pf_concl gl in
+ let rec arec = function
+ | ([],[]) -> error "No such assumption"
+ | (s::sl,a::al) -> if pf_conv_x_leq gl a concl then
+ refine (VAR(s)) gl else arec (sl,al)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ arec (pf_untyped_hyps gl)
+let dyn_assumption = function
+ | [] -> assumption
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "assumption" l
+(* Modification of a local context *)
+(* This tactic enables the user to remove hypotheses from the signature.
+ * Some care is taken to prevent him from removing variables that are
+ * subsequently used in other hypotheses or in the conclusion of the
+ * goal. *)
+let clear ids gl = thin ids gl
+let clear_one id gl = clear [id] gl
+let dyn_clear = function
+ | [Clause ids] -> clear ids
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Clears a list of identifiers clauses form the context *)
+let clear_clauses clsl =
+ clear (List.map
+ (function
+ | Some id -> id
+ | None -> error "ThinClauses") clsl)
+(* Clears one identifier clause from the context *)
+let clear_clause cls = clear_clauses [cls]
+(* Takes a list of booleans, and introduces all the variables
+ * quantified in the goal which are associated with a value
+ * true in the boolean list. *)
+let rec intros_clearing = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | (false::tl) -> tclTHEN intro (intros_clearing tl)
+ | (true::tl) ->
+ tclTHENLIST [ intro; onLastHyp clear_clause; intros_clearing tl]
+(* Adding new hypotheses *)
+let new_hyp mopt c blist g =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk g in
+ let clause = mk_clenv_printable_type_of wc c in
+ let clause' = clenv_match_args blist clause in
+ let (thd,tstack) = whd_castapp_stack (clenv_instance_template clause')[] in
+ let nargs = List.length tstack in
+ let cut_pf =
+ applist(thd,
+ match mopt with
+ | Some m -> if m < nargs then firstn m tstack else tstack
+ | None -> tstack)
+ in
+ (tclTHENL (tclTHEN (kONT clause.hook)
+ (cut (pf_type_of g cut_pf)))
+ ((tclORELSE (apply cut_pf) (exact cut_pf)))) g
+let dyn_new_hyp argsl gl =
+ match argsl with
+ | [Integer n; Command com; Bindings binds] ->
+ tactic_bind_list
+ (new_hyp (Some n)
+ (pf_constr_of_com gl com))
+ binds gl
+ | [Command com; Bindings binds] ->
+ tactic_bind_list
+ (new_hyp None
+ (pf_constr_of_com gl com))
+ binds gl
+ | [Integer n; Constr c; Cbindings binds] ->
+ new_hyp (Some n) c binds gl
+ | [Constr c; Cbindings binds] ->
+ new_hyp None c binds gl
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "new_hyp" l
+(* Moving hypotheses *)
+let dyn_move = function
+ | [Identifier idfrom; Identifier idto] -> move_hyp false idfrom idto
+ | _ -> assert false
+let dyn_move_dep = function
+ | [Identifier idfrom; Identifier idto] -> move_hyp true idfrom idto
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Introduction tactics *)
+let constructor_checking_bound boundopt i lbind gl =
+ let cl = pf_concl gl in
+ let (mind,_,redcl) = reduce_to_mind (project gl) cl in
+ let (x_0,x_1,args) = destMutInd mind in
+ let nconstr = mis_nconstr (mind_specif_of_mind mind)
+ and sigma = project gl in
+ if i=0 then error "The constructors are numbered starting from 1";
+ if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors";
+ begin match boundopt with
+ | Some expctdnum ->
+ if expctdnum <> nconstr then
+ error "Not the expected number of constructors"
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ let cons = DOPN(MutConstruct((x_0,x_1),i),args) in
+ let apply_tac = apply_with_bindings (cons,lbind) in
+ (tclTHENLIST [convert_concl redcl; intros; apply_tac]) gl
+let one_constructor i = (constructor_checking_bound None i)
+let any_constructor gl =
+ let cl = pf_concl gl in
+ let (mind,_,redcl) = reduce_to_mind (project gl) cl in
+ let (x_0,x_1,args) = destMutInd mind in
+ let nconstr = mis_nconstr (mind_specif_of_mind mind)
+ and sigma = project gl in
+ if nconstr = 0 then error "The type has no constructors";
+ tclFIRST (List.map (fun i -> one_constructor i [])
+ (interval 1 nconstr)) gl
+let dyn_constructor = function
+ | [Integer i; Bindings binds] -> tactic_bind_list (one_constructor i) binds
+ | [Integer i; Cbindings binds] -> (one_constructor i) binds
+ | [] -> any_constructor
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "constructor" l
+let left = (constructor_checking_bound (Some 2) 1)
+let simplest_left = left []
+let dyn_left = function
+ | [Cbindings binds] -> left binds
+ | [Bindings binds] -> tactic_bind_list left binds
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "left" l
+let right = (constructor_checking_bound (Some 2) 2)
+let simplest_right = right []
+let dyn_right = function
+ | [Cbindings binds] -> right binds
+ | [Bindings binds] -> tactic_bind_list right binds
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "right" l
+let split = (constructor_checking_bound (Some 1) 1)
+let simplest_split = split []
+let dyn_split = function
+ | [Cbindings binds] -> split binds
+ | [Bindings binds] -> tactic_bind_list split binds
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "split" l
+(* Elimination tactics *)
+(* kONT : ??
+ * wc : ??
+ * elimclause : ??
+ * inclause : ??
+ * gl : the current goal
+let last_arg = function
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> cl.(Array.length cl - 1)
+ | _ -> anomaly "last_arg"
+let elimination_clause_scheme kONT wc elimclause indclause gl =
+ let indmv =
+ (match last_arg (clenv_template elimclause).rebus with
+ | DOP0(Meta mv) -> mv
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "elimination_clause"
+ [< 'sTR "The type of elimination clause is not well-formed" >])
+ in
+ let elimclause' = clenv_fchain indmv elimclause indclause in
+ elim_res_pf kONT elimclause' gl
+(* cast added otherwise tactics Case (n1,n2) generates (?f x y) and
+ * refine fails *)
+let make_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbind =
+ let largs = collect_com lbind in
+ let lcomargs = List.length largs in
+ if lcomargs = List.length lbind then
+ let clause = mk_clenv_from wc (c,t) in
+ clenv_constrain_dep_args largs clause
+ else if lcomargs = 0 then
+ let clause = mk_clenv_rename_from wc (c,t) in
+ clenv_match_args lbind clause
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "make_clenv_bindings"
+ [<'sTR "Cannot mix bindings and free associations">]
+let type_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbind =
+ clenv_instance_template_type (make_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbind)
+ * Elimination tactic with bindings and using an arbitrary
+ * elimination constant called elimc. This constant should end
+ * with a clause (x:I)(P .. ), where P is a bound variable.
+ * The term c is of type t, which is a product ending with a type
+ * matching I, lbindc are the expected terms for c arguments
+ *)
+let general_elim (c,lbindc) (elimc,lbindelimc) gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let (_,_,t) = reduce_to_ind (project gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let indclause = make_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbindc in
+ let elimt = w_type_of wc elimc in
+ let elimclause = make_clenv_binding wc (elimc,elimt) lbindelimc in
+ elimination_clause_scheme kONT wc elimclause indclause gl
+(* Elimination tactic with bindings but using the default elimination
+ * constant associated with the type. *)
+let default_elim (c,lbindc) gl =
+ let (path_name,_,t) = reduce_to_ind (project gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let elimc =
+ lookup_eliminator (pf_hyps gl) path_name (suff gl (pf_concl gl))
+ in
+ general_elim (c,lbindc) (elimc,[]) gl
+(* The simplest elimination tactic, with no substitutions at all. *)
+let simplest_elim c = default_elim (c,[])
+ * A "natural" induction tactic
+ *
+ - [H0:T0, ..., Hi:Ti, hyp0:P->I(args), Hi+1:Ti+1, ..., Hn:Tn |-G] is the goal
+ - [hyp0] is the induction hypothesis
+ - we extract from [args] the variables which are not rigid parameters
+ of the inductive type, this is [indvars] (other terms are forgotten);
+ [indhyps] are the ones which actually are declared in context
+ (done in [find_atomic_param_of_ind])
+ - we look for all hyps depending of [hyp0] or one of [indvars]:
+ this is [dephyps] of types [deptyps] respectively
+ - [statuslist] tells for each hyps in [dephyps] after which other hyp
+ fixed in the context they must be moved (when induction is done)
+ - [hyp0succ] is the name of the hyp fixed in the context after which to
+ move the subterms of [hyp0succ] in the i-th branch where it is supposed
+ to be the i-th constructor of the inductive type.
+ Strategy: (cf in [induction_from_context])
+ - requantify and clear all [dephyps]
+ - apply induction on [hyp0]
+ - clear [indhyps] and [hyp0]
+ - in the i-th subgoal, intro the arguments of the i-th constructor
+ of the inductive type after [hyp0succ] (done in
+ [induct_discharge]) let the induction hypotheses on top of the
+ hyps because they may depend on variables between [hyp0] and the
+ top. A counterpart is that the dep hyps programmed to be intro-ed
+ on top must now be intro-ed after the induction hypotheses
+ - move each of [dephyps] at the right place following the
+ [statuslist]
+ *)
+let rec is_rec_arg indpath t =
+ try
+ mind_path (fst (find_mrectype empty_evd t)) = indpath
+ with Induc ->
+ false
+let induct_discharge indpath statuslists cname destopt avoid (_,t) =
+ let (lstatus,rstatus) = statuslists in
+ let tophyp = ref None in
+ let (l,_) = decompose_prod t in
+ let n = List.length (filter (fun (_,t') -> is_rec_arg indpath t') l) in
+ let recvarname =
+ if n=1 then
+ cname
+ else if id_without_number cname then
+ id_of_string ((string_of_id cname)^"1")
+ else
+ id_of_string ((string_of_id cname)^"_1")
+ in
+ let hyprecname = id_of_string ("Hrec"^(string_of_id recvarname)) in
+ let rec peel_tac = function
+ | DOP2 (Prod,t,DLAM(na,DOP2(Prod,tr,DLAM(nar,c))))
+ when is_rec_arg indpath t
+ -> if !tophyp=None then tophyp:=Some hyprecname;(* for lstatus *)
+ [ central_intro (IBasedOn (recvarname,avoid)) destopt false;
+ central_intro (IBasedOn (hyprecname,avoid)) None false;
+ peel_tac c]
+ | DOP2 (Cast,c,t) -> peel_tac c
+ | DOP2 (Prod,t,DLAM(na,c))
+ -> tclTHEN (central_intro (IAvoid avoid) destopt false)
+ (peel_tac c)
+ | _ -> tclIDTAC
+ in
+ let evaluated_peel_tac = peel_tac t in (* because side effect on tophyp *)
+ let newlstatus = (* if some Hrec has taken place at the top of hyps *)
+ List.map (function (hyp,None) -> (hyp,!tophyp) | x -> x) lstatus
+ in
+ tclTHENLIST [ evaluated_peel_tac;
+ intros_rmove rstatus;
+ intros_move newlstatus ]
+(* - le recalcul de indtyp à chaque itération de atomize_one est pour ne pas
+ s'embêter à regarder si un letin_tac ne fait pas des
+ substitutions aussi sur l'argument voisin *)
+(* Marche pas... faut prendre en compte l'occurence précise... *)
+let atomize_param_of_ind hyp0 gl =
+ let tmptyp0 =
+ try
+ (snd(lookup_sign hyp0 (pf_untyped_hyps gl)))
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("No such hypothesis : " ^ (string_of_id hyp0))
+ in
+ let (mind,indtyp,typ0) = pf_reduce_to_mind gl tmptyp0 in
+ let mis = mind_specif_of_mind mind in
+ let nparams = mis_nparams mis in
+ let argl = snd (decomp_app indtyp) in
+ let params = firstn nparams argl in
+ (* le gl est important pour ne pas préévaluer *)
+ let rec atomize_one i avoid gl =
+ if i<>nparams then
+ let tmptyp0 = pf_get_hyp gl hyp0 in
+ let (_,indtyp,_) = pf_reduce_to_mind gl tmptyp0 in
+ match (destAppL (whd_castapp indtyp)).(i) with
+ | VAR id when not (List.exists (occur_var id) avoid) ->
+ atomize_one (i-1) ((VAR id)::avoid) gl
+ | VAR id ->
+ let x = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (letin_tac true (Name x) (VAR id) (Some []) [])
+ (atomize_one (i-1) ((VAR x)::avoid)) gl
+ | c ->
+ let id = id_of_name_using_hdchar (pf_type_of gl c) Anonymous in
+ let x = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (letin_tac true (Name x) c (Some []) [])
+ (atomize_one (i-1) ((VAR x)::avoid)) gl
+ else
+ tclIDTAC gl
+ in
+ atomize_one (List.length argl) params gl
+let find_atomic_param_of_ind mind indtyp =
+ let mis = mind_specif_of_mind mind in
+ let nparams = mis_nparams mis in
+ let argl = snd (decomp_app indtyp) in
+ let argv = Array.of_list argl in
+ let params = firstn nparams argl in
+ let indvars = ref [] in
+ for i = nparams to (Array.length argv)-1 do
+ match argv.(i) with
+ | VAR id when not (List.exists (occur_var id) params) ->
+ indvars := add_set id !indvars
+ | _ -> ()
+ done;
+ !indvars
+ (* [cook_sign] builds the lists [indhyps] of hyps that must be
+ erased, the lists of hyps to be generalize [(hdeps,tdeps)] on the
+ goal together with the places [(lstatus,rstatus)] where to re-intro
+ them after induction. To know where to re-intro the dep hyp, we
+ remember the name of the hypothesis [lhyp] after which (if the dep
+ hyp is more recent than [hyp0]) or [rhyp] before which (if older
+ than [hyp0]) its equivalent must be moved when the induction has
+ been applied. Since computation of dependencies and [rhyp] is from
+ more ancient (on the right) to more recent hyp (on the left) but
+ the computation of [lhyp] progresses from the other way, [cook_hyp]
+ is in two passes (an alternative would have been to write an
+ higher-order algorithm). We strongly use references to reduce
+ the accumulation of arguments.
+ To summarize, the situation looks like this
+ Goal(n,x) -| H6:(Q n); x:A; H5:True; H4:(le O n); H3:(P n); H2:True; n:nat
+ Left Right
+ Induction hypothesis is H4 ([hyp0])
+ Variable parameters of (le O n) is the singleton list with "n" ([indvars])
+ Part of [indvars] really in context is the same ([indhyps]
+ The dependent hyps are H3 and H6 ([dephyps])
+ For H3 the memorized places are H5 ([lhyp]) and H2 ([rhyp])
+ because these names are among the hyp which are fixed through the induction
+ For H6 the neighbours are None ([lhyp]) and H5 ([rhyp])
+ For H3, because on the right of H4, we remember rhyp (here H2)
+ For H6, because on the left of H4, we remember lhyp (here None)
+ For H4, we remember lhyp (here H5)
+ The right neighbour is then translated into the left neighbour
+ because move_hyp tactic needs the name of the hyp _after_ which we
+ move the hyp to move.
+ But, say in the 2nd subgoal of the hypotheses, the goal will be
+ (m:nat)((P m)->(Q m)->(Goal m)) -> (P Sm)-> (Q Sm)-> (Goal Sm)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
+ both go where H4 was goes where goes where
+ H3 was H6 was
+ We have to intro and move m and the recursive hyp first, but then
+ where to move H3 ??? Only the hyp on its right is relevant, but we
+ have to translate it into the name of the hyp on the left
+ Note: this case where some hyp(s) in [dephyps] has(have) the same
+ left neighbour as [hyp0] is the only problematic case with right
+ neighbours. For the other cases (e.g. an hyp H1:(R n) between n and H2
+ would have posed no problem. But for uniformity, we decided to use
+ the right hyp for all hyps on the right of H4.
+ Others solutions are welcome *)
+exception Shunt of identifier option
+let cook_sign hyp0 indvars sign =
+ (* First pass from L to R: get [indhyps], [dephyps] and [statuslist]
+ for the hypotheses before (= more ancient than) hyp0 (see above) *)
+ let allindhyps = hyp0::indvars in
+ let indhyps = ref [] in
+ let hdeps = ref [] in
+ let tdeps = ref [] in
+ let ldeps = ref [] in
+ let rstatus = ref [] in
+ let lstatus = ref [] in
+ let before = ref true in
+ let seek_deps hyp typ rhyp =
+ if hyp = hyp0 then begin
+ before:=false;
+ None (* fake value *)
+ end else if List.mem hyp indvars then begin
+ indhyps := hyp::!indhyps;
+ rhyp
+ end else if (List.exists (fun id -> occur_var id typ) allindhyps
+ or List.exists (fun id -> occur_var id typ) !hdeps) then begin
+ hdeps := hyp::!hdeps;
+ tdeps := typ::!tdeps;
+ if !before then
+ rstatus := (hyp,rhyp)::!rstatus
+ else
+ ldeps := hyp::!ldeps; (* status calculé lors de la 2ème passe *)
+ Some hyp
+ end else
+ Some hyp
+ in
+ let _ = sign_it seek_deps sign None in
+ (* 2nd pass from R to L: get left hyp of [hyp0] and [lhyps] *)
+ let compute_lstatus lhyp hyp typ =
+ if hyp = hyp0 then raise (Shunt lhyp);
+ if List.mem hyp !ldeps then begin
+ lstatus := (hyp,lhyp)::!lstatus;
+ lhyp
+ end else
+ (Some hyp)
+ in
+ try
+ let _ = it_sign compute_lstatus None sign in anomaly "hyp0 not found"
+ with Shunt lhyp0 ->
+ let statuslists = (!lstatus,List.rev !rstatus) in
+ let deps = (List.rev !hdeps, List.rev !tdeps) in
+ (statuslists, lhyp0, !indhyps, deps)
+(* Vieille version en une seule passe grace à l'ordre supérieur mais
+ trop difficile à comprendre
+let cook_sign hyp0 indvars sign =
+ let finaldeps = ref ([],[]) in
+ let indhyps = ref [] in
+ let hyp0succ = ref None in
+ let cook_init (hdeps,tdeps) rhyp before =
+ finaldeps := (List.rev hdeps, List.rev tdeps);
+ (None, []) in
+ let cook_hyp compute_rhyp hyp typ ((hdeps,tdeps) as deps) =
+ fun rhyp before ->
+ match () with
+ _ when (List.mem hyp indvars)
+ -> let result = compute_rhyp deps rhyp before in
+ indhyps := hyp::!indhyps; result
+ | _ when hyp = hyp0
+ -> let (lhyp,statl) = compute_rhyp deps rhyp true in
+ hyp0succ := lhyp; (None (* fake value *),statl)
+ | _ when (List.exists (fun id -> occur_var id typ) (hyp0::indvars)
+ or List.exists (fun id -> occur_var id typ) hdeps)
+ -> let deps' = (hyp::hdeps, typ::tdeps) in
+ let (lhyp,statl) = compute_rhyp deps' rhyp before in
+ let hyp = if before then lhyp else rhyp in
+ (lhyp,(DEPENDENT (before,hyp,hyp))::statl)
+ | _ ->
+ let (_,statl) = compute_rhyp deps (Some hyp) before
+ in (Some hyp, statl)
+ in let (_,statuslist) = it_sign cook_hyp cook_init sign ([],[]) None false in
+ (statuslist, !hyp0succ, !indhyps, !finaldeps)
+let induction_tac varname typ (elimc,elimt) gl =
+ let c = VAR varname in
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let indclause = make_clenv_binding wc (c,typ) [] in
+ let elimclause = make_clenv_binding wc (DOP2(Cast,elimc,elimt),elimt) [] in
+ elimination_clause_scheme kONT wc elimclause indclause gl
+let get_constructors varname (elimc,elimt) mind mindpath =
+ (* Je suppose que w_type_of=type_of pour les constantes comme elimc *)
+ (* J'espere que je ne me trompe pas *)
+ let (hyps_of_elimt,_) = decompose_prod elimt in
+ let mis = mind_specif_of_mind mind in
+ let nconstr = mis_nconstr mis in
+ let nparam = mis_nparams mis in
+ try
+ List.rev (firstn nconstr (lastn (nconstr + nparam + 1) hyps_of_elimt))
+ with Failure _ ->
+ anomaly "induct_elim: bad elimination predicate"
+let induction_from_context hyp0 gl =
+ (*test suivant sans doute inutile car protégé par le letin_tac avant appel*)
+ if List.mem hyp0 (ids_of_sign (initial_sign ())) then
+ errorlabstrm "induction" [< 'sTR "Cannot generalize a global variable" >];
+ let sign = pf_untyped_hyps gl in
+ let tsign = pf_hyps gl in
+ let tmptyp0 = pf_get_hyp gl hyp0 in
+ let (mind,indtyp,typ0) = pf_reduce_to_mind gl tmptyp0 in
+ let indvars = find_atomic_param_of_ind mind indtyp in
+ let mindpath = mind_path mind in
+ let elimc = lookup_eliminator tsign mindpath (suff gl (pf_concl gl)) in
+ let elimt = pf_type_of gl elimc in
+ let (statlists,lhyp0,indhyps,deps) = cook_sign hyp0 indvars sign in
+ let (dephyps,deptyps) = deps in
+ let tmpcl = List.fold_right2 mkNamedProd dephyps deptyps (pf_concl gl) in
+ let lc = get_constructors hyp0 (elimc,elimt) mind mindpath in
+ [ apply_type tmpcl (List.map (fun id -> VAR id) dephyps);
+ thin dephyps;
+ tclTHENS
+ (tclTHEN
+ (induction_tac hyp0 typ0 (elimc,elimt))
+ (thin (hyp0::(List.rev indhyps))))
+ (List.map (induct_discharge mindpath statlists hyp0 lhyp0 dephyps) lc)]
+ gl
+let induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg hyp0 =
+ tclTHEN
+ (atomize_param_of_ind hyp0)
+ (induction_from_context hyp0)
+let new_induct c gl =
+ match c with
+ | (VAR id) when not (List.mem id (ids_of_sign (initial_sign ()))) ->
+ (tclTHEN (intros_until id) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_elim))
+ (induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg id) gl
+ | _ ->
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (pf_type_of gl c) Anonymous in
+ let id = fresh_id [] x gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (letin_tac true (Name id) c (Some []) [])
+ (induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg id) gl
+(* The registered tactic, which calls the default elimination
+ * if no elimination constant is provided. *)
+let dyn_elim = function
+ | [Constr mp; Cbindings mpbinds] ->
+ default_elim (mp,mpbinds)
+ | [Command mp; Bindings mpbinds] ->
+ tactic_com_bind_list default_elim (mp,mpbinds)
+ | [Command mp; Bindings mpbinds; Command elimc; Bindings elimcbinds] ->
+ let funpair2funlist f = (function [x;y] -> f x y | _ -> assert false) in
+ tactic_com_bind_list_list
+ (funpair2funlist general_elim)
+ [(mp,mpbinds);(elimc,elimcbinds)]
+ | [Constr mp; Cbindings mpbinds; Constr elimc; Cbindings elimcbinds] ->
+ general_elim (mp,mpbinds) (elimc,elimcbinds)
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "elim" l
+(* Induction tactics *)
+let induct s =
+ tclORELSE (tclTHEN (intros_until s) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_elim))
+ (induction_from_context s)
+let induct_nodep n = tclTHEN (intros_do n) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_elim)
+(* Pour le futur
+let dyn_induct = function
+ | [(COMMAND c)] -> tactic_com new_induct x
+ | [(CONSTR x)] -> new_induct x
+ | [(INTEGER n)] -> induct_nodep n
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "induct" l
+let dyn_induct = function
+ | [Identifier x] -> induct x
+ | [Integer n] -> induct_nodep n
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "induct" l
+(* Case analysis tactics *)
+let general_case_analysis (c,lbindc) gl =
+ let (mind,_,_) = reduce_to_mind (project gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let sort = sort_of_goal gl in
+ let elim = Indrec.make_case_gen sigma mind sort in
+ general_elim (c,lbindc) (elim,[]) gl
+let simplest_case c = general_case_analysis (c,[])
+let dyn_case =function
+ | [(CONSTR mp);(CBINDINGS mpbinds)] ->
+ general_case_analysis (mp,mpbinds)
+ | [(COMMAND mp);(BINDINGS mpbinds)] ->
+ tactic_com_bind_list general_case_analysis (mp,mpbinds)
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "case" l
+(* Destruction tactics *)
+let destruct s = (tclTHEN (intros_until s) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case))
+let destruct_nodep n = (tclTHEN (intros_do n) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case))
+let dyn_destruct = function
+ | [(IDENTIFIER x)] -> destruct x
+ | [(INTEGER n)] -> destruct_nodep n
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "destruct" l
+ * Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof.
+ * These tactics use the default elimination constant and
+ * no substitutions at all.
+ * May be they should be integrated into Elim ...
+ *)
+let elim_scheme_type elim t gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let clause = mk_clenv_type_of wc elim in
+ match last_arg (clenv_template clause).rebus with
+ | DOP0(Meta mv) ->
+ let clause' = clenv_unify (clenv_instance_type clause mv) t clause in
+ elim_res_pf kONT clause' gl
+ | _ -> anomaly "elim_scheme_type"
+let elim_type t gl =
+ let (path_name,tind,t) = reduce_to_ind (project gl) t in
+ let elimc =
+ lookup_eliminator (pf_hyps gl) path_name (suff gl (pf_concl gl))
+ in
+ match t with
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,_) -> error "Not an inductive definition"
+ | _ -> elim_scheme_type elimc tind gl
+let dyn_elim_type = function
+ | [(CONSTR c)] -> elim_type c
+ | [(COMMAND com)] -> tactic_com_sort elim_type com
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "elim_type" l
+let case_type t gl =
+ let (mind,_,t) = reduce_to_mind (project gl) t in
+ match t with
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,_) -> error "Not an inductive definition"
+ | _ ->
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let sort = sort_of_goal gl in
+ let elimc = Indrec.make_case_gen sigma mind sort in
+ elim_scheme_type elimc t gl
+let dyn_case_type = function
+ | [CONSTR c] -> case_type c
+ | [COMMAND com] -> tactic_com case_type com
+ |l -> bad_tactic_args "case_type" l
+(* Some eliminations frequently used *)
+(* These elimination tactics are particularly adapted for sequent
+ calculus. They take a clause as argument, and yield the
+ elimination rule if the clause is of the form (Some id) and a
+ suitable introduction rule otherwise. They do not depend on
+ the name of the eliminated constant, so they can be also
+ used on ad-hoc disjunctions and conjunctions introduced by
+ the user.
+ -- Eduardo Gimenez (11/8/97)
+ HH (29/5/99) replaces failures by specific error messages
+ *)
+let andE id gl =
+ let t = pf_get_hyp gl id in
+ if is_conjunction (pf_hnf_constr gl t) then
+ (tclTHEN (simplest_elim (VAR id)) (tclDO 2 intro)) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "andE"
+ [< 'sTR("Tactic andE expects "^(string_of_id id)^" is a conjunction.")>]
+let dAnd cls gl =
+ match cls with
+ | None -> simplest_split gl
+ | Some id -> andE id gl
+let orE id gl =
+ let t = pf_get_hyp gl id in
+ if is_disjunction (pf_hnf_constr gl t) then
+ (tclTHEN (simplest_elim (VAR id)) intro) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "orE"
+ [< 'sTR("Tactic orE expects "^(string_of_id id)^" is a disjunction.")>]
+let dorE b cls gl =
+ match cls with
+ | (Some id) -> orE id gl
+ | None -> (if b then right else left) [] gl
+let impE id gl =
+ let t = pf_get_hyp gl id in
+ if is_imp_term (pf_hnf_constr gl t) then
+ let (dom, _, rng) = destProd (pf_hnf_constr gl t) in
+ (tclTHENS (cut_intro rng)
+ [tclIDTAC;apply_term (VAR id) [DOP0(Meta(newMETA()))]]) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "impE"
+ [< 'sTR("Tactic impE expects "^(string_of_id id)^
+ " is a an implication.")>]
+let dImp cls gl =
+ match cls with
+ | None -> intro gl
+ | Some id -> impE id gl
+(* Instantiation of existential variables *)
+let instantiate_pf n c pfts =
+ let gls = top_goal_of_pftreestate pfts in
+ let (wc,_) = startWalk gls in
+ let sigma = (w_Underlying wc) in
+ let (sp,_) =
+ try
+ List.nth (Evd.non_instantiated sigma) (n-1)
+ with Failure _ ->
+ error "not so many uninstantiated existential variables"
+ in
+ let wc' = w_Define sp c wc in
+ let newgc = ts_mk (w_Underlying wc') in
+ change_constraints_pftreestate newgc pfts
+let instantiate_pf_com n com pfts =
+ let gls = top_goal_of_pftreestate pfts in
+ let (wc,_) = startWalk gls in
+ let sigma = (w_Underlying wc) in
+ let (sp,evd) =
+ try
+ List.nth (Evd.non_instantiated sigma) (n-1)
+ with Failure _ ->
+ error "not so many uninstantiated existential variables"
+ in
+ let c = constr_of_com sigma evd.hyps com in
+ let wc' = w_Define sp c wc in
+ let newgc = ts_mk (w_Underlying wc') in
+ change_constraints_pftreestate newgc pfts
+(* Tactics related with logic connectives *)
+(* Contradiction *)
+let contradiction_on_hyp id gl =
+ let hyp = pf_get_hyp gl id in
+ if is_empty_type hyp then
+ simplest_elim (VAR id) gl
+ else
+ error "Not a contradiction"
+(* Absurd *)
+let absurd c gls =
+ let falseterm = pf_constr_of_com_sort gls (nvar "False") in
+ (tclTHENS
+ (tclTHEN (elim_type falseterm) (cut c))
+ ([(tclTHENS
+ (cut (applist(pf_global gls (id_of_string "not"),[c])))
+ ([(tclTHEN (intros)
+ ((fun gl ->
+ let (ida,_) = pf_nth_hyp gl 1
+ and (idna,_) = pf_nth_hyp gl 2 in
+ exact (applist(VAR idna,[VAR ida])) gl)));
+ tclIDTAC]));
+ tclIDTAC])) gls
+let dyn_absurd = function
+ | [(CONSTR c)] -> absurd c
+ | [(COMMAND com)] -> tactic_com_sort absurd com
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "absurd" l
+let contradiction gls =
+ let falseterm = pf_constr_of_com_sort gls (nvar "False") in
+ tclTHENLIST [ intros; elim_type falseterm; assumption ] gls
+let dyn_contradiction = function
+ | [] -> contradiction
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "contradiction" l
+(* Relfexivity tactics *)
+let reflexivity gl =
+ match match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | None -> error "The conclusion is not a substitutive equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) -> one_constructor 1 [] gl
+let intros_reflexivity = (tclTHEN intros reflexivity)
+let dyn_reflexivity = function
+ | [] -> intros_reflexivity
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "Tactics.reflexivity"
+ [<'sTR "Tactic applied to bad arguments!">]
+(* Symmetry tactics *)
+(* This tactic first tries to apply a constant named sym_eq, where eq
+ is the name of the equality predicate. If this constant is not
+ defined and the conclusion is a=b, it solves the goal doing (Cut
+ b=a;Intro H;Case H;Constructor 1) *)
+let symmetry gl =
+ match match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | None -> error "The conclusion is not a substitutive equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_head hdcncl in
+ begin
+ try
+ (apply (pf_parse_const gl ("sym_"^hdcncls)) gl)
+ with _ ->
+ let symc = match args with
+ | [typ;c1;c2] -> mkAppL [| hdcncl; typ; c2; c1 |]
+ | [c1;c2] -> mkAppL [| hdcncl; c2; c1 |]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ (tclTHENS (cut symc)
+ [ tclTHENLIST [ intro;
+ tclLAST_HYP simplest_case;
+ one_constructor 1 [] ];
+ tclIDTAC ]) gl
+ end
+let intros_symmetry = (tclTHEN intros symmetry)
+let dyn_symmetry = function
+ | [] -> intros_symmetry
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "symmetry" l
+(* Transitivity tactics *)
+(* This tactic first tries to apply a constant named trans_eq, where eq
+ is the name of the equality predicate. If this constant is not
+ defined and the conclusion is a=b, it solves the goal doing
+ Cut x1=x2;
+ [Cut x2=x3; [Intros e1 e2; Case e2;Assumption
+ | Idtac]
+ | Idtac]
+ --Eduardo (19/8/97)
+let transitivity t gl =
+ match match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | None -> error "The conlcusion is not a substitutive equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_head hdcncl in
+ begin
+ try
+ apply_list [(pf_parse_const gl ("trans_"^hdcncls));t] gl
+ with _ ->
+ let eq1 = match args with
+ | [typ;c1;c2] -> mkAppL [| hdcncl; typ; c1; t |]
+ | [c1;c2] -> mkAppL [| hdcncl; c1; t|]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let eq2 = match args with
+ | [typ;c1;c2] -> mkAppL [| hdcncl; typ; t; c2 |]
+ | [c1;c2] -> mkAppL [| hdcncl; t; c2 |]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ (tclTHENS (cut eq2)
+ [tclTHENS (cut eq1)
+ [ tclTHENLIST [ tclDO 2 intro;
+ tclLAST_HYP simplest_case;
+ assumption ];
+ tclIDTAC];
+ tclIDTAC])gl
+ end
+let intros_transitivity n = tclTHEN intros (transitivity n)
+let dyn_transitivity = function
+ | [(CONSTR n)] -> intros_transitivity n
+ | [(COMMAND n)] -> tactic_com intros_transitivity n
+ | l -> bad_tactic_args "transitivity" l
+(* tactical to save as name a subproof such that the generalisation of
+ the current goal, abstracted with respect to the local signature,
+ is solved by tac *)
+let abstract_subproof name tac gls =
+ let current_sign = initial_sign()
+ and global_sign = pf_untyped_hyps gls in
+ let sign = Names.sign_it
+ (fun id typ s ->
+ if mem_sign current_sign id then s else add_sign (id,typ) s)
+ global_sign nil_sign
+ in
+ let na = next_global_ident_away name
+ (ids_of_sign global_sign) in
+ let nas = string_of_id na in
+ let concl = Names.it_sign (fun t id typ -> mkNamedProd id typ t)
+ (pf_concl gls) sign in
+ let top_goal = mkGOAL (mt_ctxt Spset.empty) current_sign concl in
+ let ts = {top_hyps = initial_assumptions();
+ top_goal = top_goal;
+ top_strength = Constrtypes.NeverDischarge}
+ in
+ start(nas,ts);set_proof (Some nas);
+ begin
+ try
+ by (tclCOMPLETE (tclTHEN (tclDO (sign_length sign) intro)
+ tac));
+ save_named true
+ with UserError _ as e ->
+ (abort_cur_goal(); raise e)
+ end;
+ exact (applist ((Machops.global (gLOB current_sign) na),
+ (List.map (fun id -> VAR(id))
+ (List.rev (ids_of_sign sign)))))
+ gls
+let tclABSTRACT name_op tac gls =
+ let s = match name_op with
+ | Some s -> s
+ | None -> id_of_string ((get_proof ())^"_subproof")
+ in
+ abstract_subproof s tac gls
+let dyn_tclABSTRACT =
+ hide_tactic "ABSTRACT"
+ (function
+ | [TACEXP tac] ->
+ tclABSTRACT None (Tacinterp.interp tac)
+ | [IDENTIFIER s; TACEXP tac] ->
+ tclABSTRACT (Some s) (Tacinterp.interp tac)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "tclABSTRACT")
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mli b/tactics/tactics.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db60df966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_trees
+open Reduction
+open Evd
+open Clenv
+open Tacred
+open Tacticals
+(* Main tactics. *)
+(*s General functions. *)
+val make_clenv_binding_apply :
+ walking_constraints -> constr * constr -> constr substitution ->
+ walking_constraints clausenv
+val type_clenv_binding : walking_constraints ->
+ constr * constr -> constr substitution -> constr
+val string_head : constr -> string
+val head_constr : constr -> constr list
+val head_constr_bound : constr -> constr list -> constr list
+val bad_tactic_args : string -> tactic_arg list -> 'a
+exception Bound
+(*s Primitive tactics. *)
+val introduction : identifier -> tactic
+val refine : constr -> tactic
+val convert_concl : constr -> tactic
+val convert_hyp : identifier -> constr -> tactic
+val thin : identifier list -> tactic
+val mutual_fix : identifier list -> int list -> constr list -> tactic
+val fix : identifier -> int -> tactic
+val mutual_cofix : identifier list -> constr list -> tactic
+val cofix : identifier -> tactic
+val dyn_mutual_fix : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_mutual_cofix : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Introduction tactics. *)
+val next_global_ident_away : identifier -> identifier list -> identifier
+val intro : tactic
+val introf : tactic
+val intro_force : bool -> tactic
+val dyn_intro : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_intro_move : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val intro_replacing : identifier -> tactic
+val intro_using : identifier -> tactic
+val intro_using_warning : identifier -> tactic
+val intros_using : identifier list -> tactic
+val intro_erasing : identifier -> tactic
+val intros : tactic
+(*i Obsolete, subsumed by Elim.dyn_intro_pattern
+val dyn_intros_using : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val intros_until : identifier -> tactic
+val dyn_intros_until : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val intros_clearing : bool list -> tactic
+(*s Exact tactics. *)
+val assumption : tactic
+val dyn_assumption : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val exact : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_exact : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Reduction tactics. *)
+val reduct_in_hyp : 'a reduction_function -> identifier -> tactic
+val reduct_option : 'a reduction_function -> identifier option -> tactic
+val reduct_in_concl : 'a reduction_function -> tactic
+val change_in_concl : constr -> tactic
+val change_in_hyp : constr -> identifier -> tactic
+val change_option : constr -> identifier option -> tactic
+val red_in_concl : tactic
+val red_in_hyp : identifier -> tactic
+val red_option : identifier option -> tactic
+val hnf_in_concl : tactic
+val hnf_in_hyp : identifier -> tactic
+val hnf_option : identifier option -> tactic
+val simpl_in_concl : tactic
+val simpl_in_hyp : identifier -> tactic
+val simpl_option : identifier option -> tactic
+val normalise_in_concl: tactic
+val normalise_in_hyp : identifier -> tactic
+val normalise_option : identifier option -> tactic
+val unfold_in_concl : (int list * section_path) list -> tactic
+val unfold_in_hyp :
+ (int list * section_path) list -> identifier -> tactic
+val unfold_option :
+ (int list * section_path) list -> identifier option -> tactic
+val reduce : red_expr -> identifier list -> tactic
+val dyn_reduce : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_change : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val unfold_constr : constr -> tactic
+val pattern_option :
+ (int list * constr * constr) list -> identifier option -> tactic
+(*s Modification of the local context. *)
+val clear : identifier list -> tactic
+val clear_one : identifier -> tactic
+val dyn_clear : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val clear_clauses : clause list -> tactic
+val clear_clause : clause -> tactic
+val new_hyp : int option ->constr -> constr substitution -> tactic
+val dyn_new_hyp : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_move : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_move_dep : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Resolution tactics. *)
+val apply_type : constr -> constr list -> tactic
+val apply_term : constr -> constr list -> tactic
+val bring_hyps : clause list -> tactic
+val apply : constr -> tactic
+val apply_without_reduce : constr -> tactic
+val apply_list : constr list -> tactic
+val apply_with_bindings : (constr * constr substitution) -> tactic
+val dyn_apply : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val cut_and_apply : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_cut_and_apply : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Instantiation tactics. *)
+val instantiate_pf : int -> constr -> pftreestate -> pftreestate
+(*s Elimination tactics. *)
+val general_elim : constr * constr substitution ->
+ constr * constr substitution -> tactic
+val default_elim : constr * constr substitution -> tactic
+val simplest_elim : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_elim : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val induct : identifier -> tactic
+val induct_nodep : int -> tactic
+val dyn_induct : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Case analysis tactics. *)
+val general_case_analysis : constr * constr substitution -> tactic
+val simplest_case : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_case : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val destruct : identifier -> tactic
+val destruct_nodep : int -> tactic
+val dyn_destruct : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof. *)
+val case_type : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_case_type : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val elim_type : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_elim_type : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Some eliminations which are frequently used. *)
+val impE : identifier -> tactic
+val andE : identifier -> tactic
+val orE : identifier -> tactic
+val dImp : clause -> tactic
+val dAnd : clause -> tactic
+val dorE : bool -> clause ->tactic
+(*s Introduction tactics. *)
+val constructor_checking_bound : int option -> int ->
+ constr substitution -> tactic
+val one_constructor : int -> constr substitution -> tactic
+val any_constructor : tactic
+val left : constr substitution -> tactic
+val simplest_left : tactic
+val right : constr substitution -> tactic
+val simplest_right : tactic
+val split : constr substitution -> tactic
+val simplest_split : tactic
+val dyn_constructor : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_left : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_right : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_split : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+(*s Logical connective tactics. *)
+val absurd : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_absurd : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val contradiction_on_hyp : identifier -> tactic
+val contradiction : tactic
+val dyn_contradiction : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val reflexivity : tactic
+val intros_reflexivity : tactic
+val dyn_reflexivity : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val symmetry : tactic
+val intros_symmetry : tactic
+val dyn_symmetry : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val transitivity : constr -> tactic
+val intros_transitivity : constr -> tactic
+val dyn_transitivity : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val cut : constr -> tactic
+val cut_intro : constr -> tactic
+val cut_replacing : identifier -> constr -> tactic
+val cut_in_parallel : constr list -> tactic
+val dyn_cut : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_lettac : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val generalize : constr list -> tactic
+val dyn_generalize : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val dyn_generalize_dep : tactic_arg list -> tactic
+val tclABSTRACT : identifier option -> tactic -> tactic