diff options
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqmktop.ml b/tools/coqmktop.ml
index 0bcd44d0e..b9b67f3e4 100644
--- a/tools/coqmktop.ml
+++ b/tools/coqmktop.ml
@@ -10,11 +10,7 @@
The command line contains options specific to coqmktop, options for the
Ocaml linker and files to link (in addition to the default Coq files). *)
-open Unix
-(* In Win32 outside cygwin, Sys.command calls cmd.exe. When it executes
- a command that may contains many double-quote, we should double-quote
- the whole ! *)
+let (/) = Filename.concat
let safe_sys_command =
if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
@@ -76,7 +72,7 @@ let src_dirs =
let includes () =
let coqlib = if !Flags.boot then "." else Envars.coqlib () in
- let mkdir d = "\"" ^ List.fold_left Filename.concat coqlib d ^ "\"" in
+ let mkdir d = "\"" ^ List.fold_left (/) coqlib d ^ "\"" in
(List.fold_right (fun d l -> "-I" :: mkdir d :: l) src_dirs [])
@ ["-I"; "\"" ^ Envars.camlp4lib () ^ "\""]
@ (if is_ocaml4 then ["-I"; "+compiler-libs"] else [])
@@ -112,27 +108,15 @@ let files_to_link userfiles =
(modules, libstolink)
-(* Gives the list of all the directories under [dir].
- Uses [Unix] (it is hard to do without it). *)
+(* Gives the list of all the directories under [dir]. *)
let all_subdirs dir =
- let l = ref [dir] in
+ let l = ref [] in
let add f = l := f :: !l in
let rec traverse dir =
- let dirh =
- try opendir dir with Unix_error _ -> invalid_arg "all_subdirs"
- in
- try
- while true do
- let f = readdir dirh in
- if f <> "." && f <> ".." then
- let file = Filename.concat dir f in
- if (stat file).st_kind = S_DIR then begin
- add file;
- traverse file
- end
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- closedir dirh
+ if Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir then
+ let () = add dir in
+ let subdirs = try Sys.readdir dir with _ -> [||] in
+ Array.iter (fun f -> traverse (dir/f)) subdirs
traverse dir; List.rev !l
@@ -266,14 +250,14 @@ let main () =
if !opt then begin
(* native code *)
if !top then failwith "no custom toplevel in native code !";
- let ocamloptexec = Filename.quote (Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlopt") in
+ let ocamloptexec = Filename.quote (camlbin/"ocamlopt") in
ocamloptexec^" -linkall"
end else
(* bytecode (we shunt ocamlmktop script which fails on win32) *)
let ocamlmktoplib = if is_ocaml4
then " ocamlcommon.cma ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamltoplevel.cma"
else " toplevellib.cma" in
- let ocamlcexec = Filename.quote (Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlc") in
+ let ocamlcexec = Filename.quote (camlbin/"ocamlc") in
let ocamlccustom = Printf.sprintf "%s %s -linkall "
ocamlcexec Coq_config.coqrunbyteflags in
(if !top then ocamlccustom^ocamlmktoplib else ocamlccustom)