diff options
-rw-r--r--ide/richpp.ml (renamed from lib/richpp.ml)0
-rw-r--r--ide/richpp.mli (renamed from lib/richpp.mli)0
-rw-r--r--vernac/topfmt.mli (renamed from lib/pp_control.mli)19
48 files changed, 625 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.build b/Makefile.build
index 9d76638e1..c62420326 100644
--- a/Makefile.build
+++ b/Makefile.build
@@ -440,9 +440,10 @@ $(COQWORKMGR): $(call bestobj, lib/clib.cma stm/coqworkmgrApi.cmo tools/coqworkm
# fake_ide : for debugging or test-suite purpose, a fake ide simulating
# a connection to coqtop -ideslave
-FAKEIDECMO:= lib/clib.cma lib/cErrors.cmo lib/spawn.cmo ide/document.cmo \
- ide/serialize.cmo ide/xml_lexer.cmo ide/xml_parser.cmo ide/xml_printer.cmo \
- ide/xmlprotocol.cmo tools/fake_ide.cmo
+FAKEIDECMO:= lib/clib.cma lib/cErrors.cmo lib/spawn.cmo \
+ ide/document.cmo ide/serialize.cmo ide/richpp.cmo ide/xml_lexer.cmo \
+ ide/xml_parser.cmo ide/xml_printer.cmo ide/xmlprotocol.cmo \
+ tools/fake_ide.cmo
$(FAKEIDE): $(call bestobj, $(FAKEIDECMO)) | $(IDETOPLOOPCMA:.cma=$(BESTDYN))
diff --git a/dev/doc/changes.txt b/dev/doc/changes.txt
index 12c3ec454..53e9a282f 100644
--- a/dev/doc/changes.txt
+++ b/dev/doc/changes.txt
@@ -70,6 +70,58 @@ work for EXTEND macros though.
- The header parameter to `user_err` has been made optional.
+** Pretty printing **
+Some functions have been removed, see pretty printing below for more
+* Pretty Printing and XML protocol *
+The type std_cmdpps has been reworked and made the canonical "Coq rich
+document type". This allows for a more uniform handling of printing
+(specially in IDEs). The main consequences are:
+ - Richpp has been confined to IDE use. Most of previous uses of the
+ `richpp` type should be replaced now by `Pp.std_cmdpps`. Main API
+ has been updated.
+ - The XML protocol will send a new message type of `pp`, which should
+ be rendered client-wise.
+ - `Set Printing Width` is deprecated, now width is controlled
+ client-side.
+ - `Pp_control` has removed. The new module `Topfmt` implements
+ console control for the toplevel.
+ - The impure tag system in Pp has been removed. This also does away
+ with the printer signatures and functors. Now printers tag
+ unconditionally.
+ - The following functions have been removed from `Pp`:
+ val stras : int * string -> std_ppcmds
+ val tbrk : int * int -> std_ppcmds
+ val tab : unit -> std_ppcmds
+ val pifb : unit -> std_ppcmds
+ val comment : int -> std_ppcmds
+ val comments : ((int * int) * string) list ref
+ val eval_ppcmds : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+ val is_empty : std_ppcmds -> bool
+ val t : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+ val hb : int -> std_ppcmds
+ val vb : int -> std_ppcmds
+ val hvb : int -> std_ppcmds
+ val hovb : int -> std_ppcmds
+ val tb : unit -> std_ppcmds
+ val close : unit -> std_ppcmds
+ val tclose : unit -> std_ppcmds
+ val open_tag : Tag.t -> std_ppcmds
+ val close_tag : unit -> std_ppcmds
+ val msg_with : ...
+ module Tag
diff --git a/dev/top_printers.ml b/dev/top_printers.ml
index dc354b130..cd464801b 100644
--- a/dev/top_printers.ml
+++ b/dev/top_printers.ml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let _ = set_bool_option_value ["Printing";"Matching"] false
let _ = Detyping.set_detype_anonymous (fun _ _ -> raise Not_found)
(* std_ppcmds *)
-let pp x = Pp.pp_with !Pp_control.std_ft x
+let pp x = Pp.pp_with !Topfmt.std_ft x
(** Future printer *)
diff --git a/ide/coq.ml b/ide/coq.ml
index 9637b5b3f..e2036beee 100644
--- a/ide/coq.ml
+++ b/ide/coq.ml
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ type handle = {
proc : CoqTop.process;
xml_oc : Xml_printer.t;
mutable alive : bool;
- mutable waiting_for : ccb option; (* last call + callback + log *)
+ mutable waiting_for : ccb option; (* last call + callback *)
(** Coqtop process status :
diff --git a/ide/coqOps.ml b/ide/coqOps.ml
index 0f3629c8f..7982ffc8b 100644
--- a/ide/coqOps.ml
+++ b/ide/coqOps.ml
@@ -162,13 +162,16 @@ let flags_to_color f =
else if List.mem `INCOMPLETE f then `NAME "gray"
else `NAME Preferences.processed_color#get
-let validate s =
- let open Xml_datatype in
- let rec validate = function
- | PCData s -> Glib.Utf8.validate s
- | Element (_, _, children) -> List.for_all validate children
- in
- validate (Richpp.repr s)
+(* Move to utils? *)
+let rec validate (s : Pp.std_ppcmds) = match s with
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_empty
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_print_break _
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_force_newline -> true
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_glue l -> List.for_all validate l
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_string s -> Glib.Utf8.validate s
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_box (_,s)
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_tag (_,s) -> validate s
+ | Pp.Ppcmd_comment s -> List.for_all Glib.Utf8.validate s
module Doc = Document
@@ -418,9 +421,10 @@ object(self)
| _ -> false
method private enqueue_feedback msg =
+ (* Minilib.log ("Feedback received: " ^ Xml_printer.to_string_fmt (Xmlprotocol.of_feedback msg)); *)
let id = msg.id in
if self#is_dummy_id id then () else Queue.add msg feedbacks
method private process_feedback () =
let rec eat_feedback n =
if n = 0 then true else
@@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ object(self)
(Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" filepath ident ty)
| Message(Error, loc, msg), Some (id,sentence) ->
let loc = Option.default Loc.ghost loc in
- let msg = Richpp.raw_print msg in
+ let msg = Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg in
log "ErrorMsg" id;
remove_flag sentence `PROCESSING;
add_flag sentence (`ERROR (loc, msg));
@@ -476,14 +480,15 @@ object(self)
self#position_error_tag_at_sentence sentence (Some (Loc.unloc loc))
| Message(Warning, loc, msg), Some (id,sentence) ->
let loc = Option.default Loc.ghost loc in
- let rmsg = Richpp.raw_print msg in
- log "WarningMsg" id;
+ let rmsg = Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg in
+ log ("WarningMsg: " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg)id;
add_flag sentence (`WARNING (loc, rmsg));
self#attach_tooltip sentence loc rmsg;
self#position_warning_tag_at_sentence sentence loc;
messages#push Warning msg
| Message(lvl, loc, msg), Some (id,sentence) ->
- messages#push lvl msg
+ log ("Msg: " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg) id;
+ messages#push lvl msg
| InProgress n, _ ->
if n < 0 then processed <- processed + abs n
else to_process <- to_process + n
@@ -629,10 +634,9 @@ object(self)
if Queue.is_empty queue then conclude topstack else
match Queue.pop queue, topstack with
| `Skip(start,stop), [] ->
- logger Feedback.Error (Richpp.richpp_of_string "You must close the proof with Qed or Admitted");
+ logger Feedback.Error (Pp.str "You must close the proof with Qed or Admitted");
self#discard_command_queue queue;
- conclude []
+ conclude []
| `Skip(start,stop), (_,s) :: topstack ->
assert(start#equal (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.start));
assert(stop#equal (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.stop));
@@ -646,7 +650,7 @@ object(self)
let handle_answer = function
| Good (id, (Util.Inl (* NewTip *) (), msg)) ->
Doc.assign_tip_id document id;
- logger Feedback.Notice (Richpp.richpp_of_string msg);
+ logger Feedback.Notice (Pp.str msg);
self#commit_queue_transaction sentence;
loop id []
| Good (id, (Util.Inr (* Unfocus *) tip, msg)) ->
@@ -654,7 +658,7 @@ object(self)
let topstack, _ = Doc.context document in
self#cleanup (Doc.cut_at document tip);
- logger Feedback.Notice (Richpp.richpp_of_string msg);
+ logger Feedback.Notice (Pp.str msg);
self#mark_as_needed sentence;
if Queue.is_empty queue then loop tip []
else loop tip (List.rev topstack)
@@ -673,7 +677,7 @@ object(self)
let next = function
| Good _ ->
- messages#push Feedback.Info (Richpp.richpp_of_string "All proof terms checked by the kernel");
+ messages#push Feedback.Info (Pp.str "All proof terms checked by the kernel");
Coq.return ()
| Fail x -> self#handle_failure x in
Coq.bind (Coq.status true) next
@@ -860,7 +864,7 @@ object(self)
let next = function
| Fail (_, l, str) -> (* FIXME: check *)
display_error (l, str);
- messages#add (Richpp.richpp_of_string ("Unsuccessfully tried: "^phrase));
+ messages#add (Pp.str ("Unsuccessfully tried: "^phrase));
| Good msg ->
messages#add_string msg;
@@ -906,7 +910,7 @@ object(self)
let get_initial_state =
let next = function
| Fail (_, _, message) ->
- let message = "Couldn't initialize coqtop\n\n" ^ (Richpp.raw_print message) in
+ let message = "Couldn't initialize coqtop\n\n" ^ (Pp.string_of_ppcmds message) in
let popup = GWindow.message_dialog ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message_type:`ERROR ~message () in
ignore (popup#run ()); exit 1
| Good id -> initial_state <- id; Coq.return () in
diff --git a/ide/coqide.ml b/ide/coqide.ml
index 3d56f9dd4..25858acce 100644
--- a/ide/coqide.ml
+++ b/ide/coqide.ml
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ let export kind sn =
local_cd f ^ cmd_coqdoc#get ^ " --" ^ kind ^ " -o " ^
(Filename.quote output) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote basef) ^ " 2>&1"
- sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string ("Running: "^cmd));
+ sn.messages#set (Pp.str ("Running: "^cmd));
let finally st = flash_info (cmd ^ pr_exit_status st)
run_command (fun msg -> sn.messages#add_string msg) finally cmd
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ let compile sn =
^ " " ^ (Filename.quote f) ^ " 2>&1"
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
- sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string ("Running: "^cmd));
+ sn.messages#set (Pp.str ("Running: "^cmd));
let display s =
sn.messages#add_string s;
Buffer.add_string buf s
@@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ let compile sn =
flash_info (f ^ " successfully compiled")
else begin
flash_info (f ^ " failed to compile");
- sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string "Compilation output:\n");
- sn.messages#add (Richpp.richpp_of_string (Buffer.contents buf));
+ sn.messages#set (Pp.str "Compilation output:\n");
+ sn.messages#add (Pp.str (Buffer.contents buf));
run_command display finally cmd
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ let make sn =
|Some f ->
File.saveall ();
let cmd = local_cd f ^ cmd_make#get ^ " 2>&1" in
- sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string "Compilation output:\n");
+ sn.messages#set (Pp.str "Compilation output:\n");
Buffer.reset last_make_buf;
last_make := "";
last_make_index := 0;
@@ -508,11 +508,11 @@ let next_error sn =
let stopi = b#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) stop in
b#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:starti ~stop:stopi;
b#place_cursor ~where:starti;
- sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string error_msg);
+ sn.messages#set (Pp.str error_msg);
sn.script#misc#grab_focus ()
with Not_found ->
last_make_index := 0;
- sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string "No more errors.\n")
+ sn.messages#set (Pp.str "No more errors.\n")
let next_error = cb_on_current_term next_error
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ let coqtop_arguments sn =
let args = String.concat " " args in
let msg = Printf.sprintf "Invalid arguments: %s" args in
let () = sn.messages#clear in
- sn.messages#push Feedback.Error (Richpp.richpp_of_string msg)
+ sn.messages#push Feedback.Error (Pp.str msg)
else dialog#destroy ()
let _ = entry#connect#activate ok_cb in
diff --git a/ide/coqidetop.mllib b/ide/coqidetop.mllib
index ed1fa465d..043ad6008 100644
--- a/ide/coqidetop.mllib
+++ b/ide/coqidetop.mllib
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Xml_lexer
diff --git a/ide/ide.mllib b/ide/ide.mllib
index 72a14134b..12170c462 100644
--- a/ide/ide.mllib
+++ b/ide/ide.mllib
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ Config_lexer
diff --git a/ide/ide_slave.ml b/ide/ide_slave.ml
index 0cb8d377f..88b61042e 100644
--- a/ide/ide_slave.ml
+++ b/ide/ide_slave.ml
@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ let init_signal_handler () =
let f _ = if !catch_break then raise Sys.Break else Control.interrupt := true in
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle f)
-(** Redirection of standard output to a printable buffer *)
let pr_with_pid s = Printf.eprintf "[pid %d] %s\n%!" (Unix.getpid ()) s
let pr_error s = pr_with_pid s
@@ -174,13 +171,13 @@ let process_goal sigma g =
let id = Goal.uid g in
let ccl =
let norm_constr = Reductionops.nf_evar sigma (Goal.V82.concl sigma g) in
- Richpp.richpp_of_pp (pr_goal_concl_style_env env sigma norm_constr)
+ pr_goal_concl_style_env env sigma norm_constr
let process_hyp d (env,l) =
let d = CompactedDecl.map_constr (Reductionops.nf_evar sigma) d in
let d' = CompactedDecl.to_named_context d in
(List.fold_right Environ.push_named d' env,
- (Richpp.richpp_of_pp (pr_compacted_decl env sigma d)) :: l) in
+ (pr_compacted_decl env sigma d) :: l) in
let (_env, hyps) =
Context.Compacted.fold process_hyp
(Termops.compact_named_context (Environ.named_context env)) ~init:(min_env,[]) in
@@ -340,13 +337,10 @@ let handle_exn (e, info) =
let loc_of e = match Loc.get_loc e with
| Some loc when not (Loc.is_ghost loc) -> Some (Loc.unloc loc)
| _ -> None in
- let mk_msg () =
- let msg = CErrors.print ~info e in
- Richpp.richpp_of_pp msg
- in
+ let mk_msg () = CErrors.print ~info e in
match e with
- | CErrors.Drop -> dummy, None, Richpp.richpp_of_string "Drop is not allowed by coqide!"
- | CErrors.Quit -> dummy, None, Richpp.richpp_of_string "Quit is not allowed by coqide!"
+ | CErrors.Drop -> dummy, None, Pp.str "Drop is not allowed by coqide!"
+ | CErrors.Quit -> dummy, None, Pp.str "Quit is not allowed by coqide!"
| e ->
match Stateid.get info with
| Some (valid, _) -> valid, loc_of info, mk_msg ()
@@ -446,7 +440,6 @@ let print_xml =
try Xml_printer.print oc xml; Mutex.unlock m
with e -> let e = CErrors.push e in Mutex.unlock m; iraise e
let slave_feeder xml_oc msg =
let xml = Xmlprotocol.of_feedback msg in
print_xml xml_oc xml
@@ -467,7 +460,6 @@ let loop () =
(* SEXP parser make *)
let xml_ic = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SLexbuf in_lb) in
let () = Xml_parser.check_eof xml_ic false in
- Feedback.set_logger Feedback.feedback_logger;
Feedback.add_feeder (slave_feeder xml_oc);
(* We'll handle goal fetching and display in our own way *)
Vernacentries.enable_goal_printing := false;
@@ -478,7 +470,7 @@ let loop () =
(* pr_with_pid (Xml_printer.to_string_fmt xml_query); *)
let Xmlprotocol.Unknown q = Xmlprotocol.to_call xml_query in
let () = pr_debug_call q in
- let r = eval_call q in
+ let r = eval_call q in
let () = pr_debug_answer q r in
(* pr_with_pid (Xml_printer.to_string_fmt (Xmlprotocol.of_answer q r)); *)
print_xml xml_oc (Xmlprotocol.of_answer q r);
diff --git a/ide/ideutils.ml b/ide/ideutils.ml
index c3a280796..498a911ee 100644
--- a/ide/ideutils.ml
+++ b/ide/ideutils.ml
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ let textview_width (view : #GText.view_skel) =
let char_width = GPango.to_pixels metrics#approx_char_width in
pixel_width / char_width
-type logger = Feedback.level -> Richpp.richpp -> unit
+type logger = Feedback.level -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
let default_logger level message =
let level = match level with
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ let default_logger level message =
| Feedback.Warning -> `WARNING
| Feedback.Error -> `ERROR
- Minilib.log ~level (xml_to_string message)
+ Minilib.log ~level (Pp.string_of_ppcmds message)
(** {6 File operations} *)
diff --git a/ide/ideutils.mli b/ide/ideutils.mli
index e32a4d9e3..1ae66e23e 100644
--- a/ide/ideutils.mli
+++ b/ide/ideutils.mli
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ val requote : string -> string
val textview_width : #GText.view_skel -> int
(** Returns an approximate value of the character width of a textview *)
-type logger = Feedback.level -> Richpp.richpp -> unit
+type logger = Feedback.level -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
val default_logger : logger
(** Default logger. It logs messages that the casual user should not see. *)
diff --git a/ide/interface.mli b/ide/interface.mli
index 123cac6c2..43446f391 100644
--- a/ide/interface.mli
+++ b/ide/interface.mli
@@ -12,15 +12,14 @@
type raw = bool
type verbose = bool
-type richpp = Richpp.richpp
(** The type of coqtop goals *)
type goal = {
goal_id : string;
(** Unique goal identifier *)
- goal_hyp : richpp list;
+ goal_hyp : Pp.std_ppcmds list;
(** List of hypotheses *)
- goal_ccl : richpp;
+ goal_ccl : Pp.std_ppcmds;
(** Goal conclusion *)
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ type edit_id = Feedback.edit_id
should probably retract to that point *)
type 'a value =
| Good of 'a
- | Fail of (state_id * location * richpp)
+ | Fail of (state_id * location * Pp.std_ppcmds)
type ('a, 'b) union = ('a, 'b) Util.union
@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ type about_sty = unit
type about_rty = coq_info
type handle_exn_sty = Exninfo.iexn
-type handle_exn_rty = state_id * location * richpp
+type handle_exn_rty = state_id * location * Pp.std_ppcmds
(* Retrocompatibility stuff *)
type interp_sty = (raw * verbose) * string
diff --git a/lib/richpp.ml b/ide/richpp.ml
index c0128dbc2..c0128dbc2 100644
--- a/lib/richpp.ml
+++ b/ide/richpp.ml
diff --git a/lib/richpp.mli b/ide/richpp.mli
index 2e839e996..2e839e996 100644
--- a/lib/richpp.mli
+++ b/ide/richpp.mli
diff --git a/ide/wg_Command.ml b/ide/wg_Command.ml
index d33c0add4..b83bd107e 100644
--- a/ide/wg_Command.ml
+++ b/ide/wg_Command.ml
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ object(self)
let process =
Coq.bind (Coq.query (phrase,Stateid.dummy)) (function
| Interface.Fail (_,l,str) ->
- Ideutils.insert_xml result#buffer str;
+ Ideutils.insert_xml result#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp str);
notebook#set_page ~tab_label:(new_tab_lbl "Error") frame#coerce;
Coq.return ()
| Interface.Good res ->
diff --git a/ide/wg_MessageView.ml b/ide/wg_MessageView.ml
index 0330b8eff..1cf389c75 100644
--- a/ide/wg_MessageView.ml
+++ b/ide/wg_MessageView.ml
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ class type message_view =
inherit GObj.widget
method connect : message_view_signals
method clear : unit
- method add : Richpp.richpp -> unit
+ method add : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
method add_string : string -> unit
- method set : Richpp.richpp -> unit
+ method set : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
method push : Ideutils.logger
(** same as [add], but with an explicit level instead of [Notice] *)
method buffer : GText.buffer
@@ -79,21 +79,14 @@ let message_view () : message_view =
| Feedback.Warning -> [Tags.Message.warning]
| _ -> []
- let rec non_empty = function
- | Xml_datatype.PCData "" -> false
- | Xml_datatype.PCData _ -> true
- | Xml_datatype.Element (_, _, children) -> List.exists non_empty children
- in
- if non_empty (Richpp.repr msg) then begin
- let mark = `MARK mark in
- Ideutils.insert_xml ~mark buffer ~tags msg;
- buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark) "\n";
- push#call (level, msg)
- end
+ let mark = `MARK mark in
+ Ideutils.insert_xml ~mark buffer ~tags (Richpp.richpp_of_pp msg);
+ buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark) "\n";
+ push#call (level, msg)
method add msg = self#push Feedback.Notice msg
- method add_string s = self#add (Richpp.richpp_of_string s)
+ method add_string s = self#add (Pp.str s)
method set msg = self#clear; self#add msg
diff --git a/ide/wg_MessageView.mli b/ide/wg_MessageView.mli
index 2d34533de..a71d345a5 100644
--- a/ide/wg_MessageView.mli
+++ b/ide/wg_MessageView.mli
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ class type message_view =
inherit GObj.widget
method connect : message_view_signals
method clear : unit
- method add : Richpp.richpp -> unit
+ method add : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
method add_string : string -> unit
- method set : Richpp.richpp -> unit
+ method set : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
method push : Ideutils.logger
(** same as [add], but with an explicit level instead of [Notice] *)
method buffer : GText.buffer
diff --git a/ide/wg_ProofView.ml b/ide/wg_ProofView.ml
index 47c86045a..72aa9051a 100644
--- a/ide/wg_ProofView.ml
+++ b/ide/wg_ProofView.ml
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let mode_tactic sel_cb (proof : #GText.view_skel) goals hints = match goals with
let () = hook_tag_cb tag hint sel_cb on_hover in
[tag], hints
- let () = insert_xml ~tags proof#buffer hyp in
+ let () = insert_xml ~tags proof#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp hyp) in
proof#buffer#insert "\n";
insert_hyp rem_hints hs
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ let mode_tactic sel_cb (proof : #GText.view_skel) goals hints = match goals with
else []
proof#buffer#insert (goal_str 1 goals_cnt);
- insert_xml proof#buffer cur_goal;
+ insert_xml proof#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp cur_goal);
proof#buffer#insert "\n"
(* Insert remaining goals (no hypotheses) *)
let fold_goal i _ { Interface.goal_ccl = g } =
proof#buffer#insert (goal_str i goals_cnt);
- insert_xml proof#buffer g;
+ insert_xml proof#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp g);
proof#buffer#insert "\n"
let () = Util.List.fold_left_i fold_goal 2 () rem_goals in
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ let display mode (view : #GText.view_skel) goals hints evars =
(* The proof is finished, with the exception of given up goals. *)
view#buffer#insert "No more subgoals, but there are some goals you gave up:\n\n";
let iter goal =
- insert_xml view#buffer goal.Interface.goal_ccl;
+ insert_xml view#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp goal.Interface.goal_ccl);
view#buffer#insert "\n"
List.iter iter given_up_goals;
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ let display mode (view : #GText.view_skel) goals hints evars =
(* All the goals have been resolved but those on the shelf. *)
view#buffer#insert "All the remaining goals are on the shelf:\n\n";
let iter goal =
- insert_xml view#buffer goal.Interface.goal_ccl;
+ insert_xml view#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp goal.Interface.goal_ccl);
view#buffer#insert "\n"
List.iter iter shelved_goals
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ let display mode (view : #GText.view_skel) goals hints evars =
view#buffer#insert "This subproof is complete, but there are some unfocused goals:\n\n";
let iter i goal =
let () = view#buffer#insert (goal_str (succ i)) in
- insert_xml view#buffer goal.Interface.goal_ccl;
+ insert_xml view#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp goal.Interface.goal_ccl);
view#buffer#insert "\n"
List.iteri iter bg
diff --git a/ide/xmlprotocol.ml b/ide/xmlprotocol.ml
index 65f44fdd3..08f23d3d4 100644
--- a/ide/xmlprotocol.ml
+++ b/ide/xmlprotocol.ml
@@ -97,6 +97,49 @@ let to_richpp xml = match xml with
| Element ("richpp", [], [x]) -> Richpp.richpp_of_xml x
| x -> raise Serialize.(Marshal_error("richpp",x))
+let of_box (ppb : Pp.block_type) = let open Pp in match ppb with
+ | Pp_hbox i -> constructor "ppbox" "hbox" [of_int i]
+ | Pp_vbox i -> constructor "ppbox" "vbox" [of_int i]
+ | Pp_hvbox i -> constructor "ppbox" "hvbox" [of_int i]
+ | Pp_hovbox i -> constructor "ppbox" "hovbox" [of_int i]
+let to_box = let open Pp in
+ do_match "ppbox" (fun s args -> match s with
+ | "hbox" -> Pp_hbox (to_int (singleton args))
+ | "vbox" -> Pp_vbox (to_int (singleton args))
+ | "hvbox" -> Pp_hvbox (to_int (singleton args))
+ | "hovbox" -> Pp_hovbox (to_int (singleton args))
+ | x -> raise (Marshal_error("*ppbox",PCData x))
+ )
+let rec of_pp (pp : Pp.std_ppcmds) = let open Pp in match pp with
+ | Ppcmd_empty -> constructor "ppdoc" "emtpy" []
+ | Ppcmd_string s -> constructor "ppdoc" "string" [of_string s]
+ | Ppcmd_glue sl -> constructor "ppdoc" "glue" [of_list of_pp sl]
+ | Ppcmd_box (bt,s) -> constructor "ppdoc" "box" [of_pair of_box of_pp (bt,s)]
+ | Ppcmd_tag (t,s) -> constructor "ppdoc" "tag" [of_pair (of_list of_string) of_pp (t,s)]
+ | Ppcmd_print_break (i,j)
+ -> constructor "ppdoc" "break" [of_pair of_int of_int (i,j)]
+ | Ppcmd_force_newline -> constructor "ppdoc" "newline" []
+ | Ppcmd_comment cmd -> constructor "ppdoc" "comment" [of_list of_string cmd]
+let rec to_pp xpp = let open Pp in
+ do_match "ppdoc" (fun s args -> match s with
+ | "empty" -> Ppcmd_empty
+ | "string" -> Ppcmd_string (to_string (singleton args))
+ | "glue" -> Ppcmd_glue (to_list to_pp (singleton args))
+ | "box" -> let (bt,s) = to_pair to_box to_pp (singleton args) in
+ Ppcmd_box(bt,s)
+ | "tag" -> let (tg,s) = to_pair (to_list to_string) to_pp (singleton args) in
+ Ppcmd_tag(tg,s)
+ | "break" -> let (i,j) = to_pair to_int to_int (singleton args) in
+ Ppcmd_print_break(i, j)
+ | "newline" -> Ppcmd_force_newline
+ | "comment" -> Ppcmd_comment (to_list to_string (singleton args))
+ | x -> raise (Marshal_error("*ppdoc",PCData x))
+ ) xpp
let of_value f = function
| Good x -> Element ("value", ["val", "good"], [f x])
| Fail (id,loc, msg) ->
@@ -104,7 +147,7 @@ let of_value f = function
| None -> []
| Some (s, e) -> [("loc_s", string_of_int s); ("loc_e", string_of_int e)] in
let id = of_stateid id in
- Element ("value", ["val", "fail"] @ loc, [id; of_richpp msg])
+ Element ("value", ["val", "fail"] @ loc, [id; of_pp msg])
let to_value f = function
| Element ("value", attrs, l) ->
@@ -120,7 +163,7 @@ let to_value f = function
let (id, msg) = match l with [id; msg] -> (id, msg) | _ -> raise (Marshal_error("val",PCData "no id attribute")) in
let id = to_stateid id in
- let msg = to_richpp msg in
+ let msg = to_pp msg in
Fail (id, loc, msg)
else raise (Marshal_error("good or fail",PCData ans))
| x -> raise (Marshal_error("value",x))
@@ -147,15 +190,15 @@ let to_evar = function
| x -> raise (Marshal_error("evar",x))
let of_goal g =
- let hyp = of_list of_richpp g.goal_hyp in
- let ccl = of_richpp g.goal_ccl in
+ let hyp = of_list of_pp g.goal_hyp in
+ let ccl = of_pp g.goal_ccl in
let id = of_string g.goal_id in
Element ("goal", [], [id; hyp; ccl])
let to_goal = function
| Element ("goal", [], [id; hyp; ccl]) ->
- let hyp = to_list to_richpp hyp in
- let ccl = to_richpp ccl in
- let id = to_string id in
+ let hyp = to_list to_pp hyp in
+ let ccl = to_pp ccl in
+ let id = to_string id in
{ goal_hyp = hyp; goal_ccl = ccl; goal_id = id; }
| x -> raise (Marshal_error("goal",x))
@@ -344,8 +387,8 @@ end = struct
Printf.sprintf "Still focussed: [%a]." pr_focus g.bg_goals
let pr_goal { goal_hyp = hyps; goal_ccl = goal } =
- "[" ^ String.concat "; " (List.map Richpp.raw_print hyps) ^ " |- " ^
- Richpp.raw_print goal ^ "]" in
+ "[" ^ String.concat "; " (List.map Pp.string_of_ppcmds hyps) ^ " |- " ^
+ Pp.string_of_ppcmds goal ^ "]" in
String.concat " " (List.map pr_goal g.fg_goals)
let pr_evar (e : evar) = "[" ^ e.evar_info ^ "]"
let pr_status (s : status) =
@@ -701,10 +744,10 @@ let to_call : xml -> unknown_call =
let pr_value_gen pr = function
| Good v -> "GOOD " ^ pr v
- | Fail (id,None,str) -> "FAIL "^Stateid.to_string id^" ["^Richpp.raw_print str^"]"
+ | Fail (id,None,str) -> "FAIL "^Stateid.to_string id^" ["^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds str ^ "]"
| Fail (id,Some(i,j),str) ->
"FAIL "^Stateid.to_string id^
- " ("^string_of_int i^","^string_of_int j^")["^Richpp.raw_print str^"]"
+ " ("^string_of_int i^","^string_of_int j^")["^Pp.string_of_ppcmds str^"]"
let pr_value v = pr_value_gen (fun _ -> "FIXME") v
let pr_full_value : type a. a call -> a value -> string = fun call value -> match call with
| Add _ -> pr_value_gen (print add_rty_t ) value
@@ -760,7 +803,7 @@ let document to_string_fmt =
(to_string_fmt (of_value (fun _ -> PCData "b") (Good ())));
Printf.printf "or:\n\n%s\n\nwhere the attributes loc_s and loc_c are optional.\n"
(to_string_fmt (of_value (fun _ -> PCData "b")
- (Fail (Stateid.initial,Some (15,34),Richpp.richpp_of_string "error message"))));
+ (Fail (Stateid.initial,Some (15,34), Pp.str "error message"))));
document_type_encoding to_string_fmt
(* Moved from feedback.mli : This is IDE specific and we don't want to
@@ -787,12 +830,12 @@ let to_message_level =
let of_message lvl loc msg =
let lvl = of_message_level lvl in
let xloc = of_option of_loc loc in
- let content = of_richpp msg in
+ let content = of_pp msg in
Xml_datatype.Element ("message", [], [lvl; xloc; content])
let to_message xml = match xml with
| Xml_datatype.Element ("message", [], [lvl; xloc; content]) ->
- Message(to_message_level lvl, to_option to_loc xloc, to_richpp content)
+ Message(to_message_level lvl, to_option to_loc xloc, to_pp content)
| x -> raise (Marshal_error("message",x))
let to_feedback_content = do_match "feedback_content" (fun s a -> match s,a with
diff --git a/ide/xmlprotocol.mli b/ide/xmlprotocol.mli
index ca911178f..f6fae24d7 100644
--- a/ide/xmlprotocol.mli
+++ b/ide/xmlprotocol.mli
@@ -66,5 +66,6 @@ val of_feedback : Feedback.feedback -> xml
val to_feedback : xml -> Feedback.feedback
val is_feedback : xml -> bool
-val of_message : Feedback.level -> Loc.t option -> Richpp.richpp -> xml
+val of_message : Feedback.level -> Loc.t option -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> xml
+(* val to_message : xml -> Feedback.message *)
diff --git a/lib/cErrors.ml b/lib/cErrors.ml
index a05964039..99b763602 100644
--- a/lib/cErrors.ml
+++ b/lib/cErrors.ml
@@ -16,16 +16,6 @@ let push = Backtrace.add_backtrace
exception Anomaly of string option * std_ppcmds (* System errors *)
-(* XXX: To move to common tagging functions in Pp, blocked on tag
- * system cleanup as we cannot define generic error tags now.
- *
- * Anyways, tagging should not happen here, but in the specific
- * listener to the msg_* stuff.
- *)
-let tag_err_str s = tag Ppstyle.error_tag (str s) ++ spc ()
-let err_str = tag_err_str "Error:"
-let ann_str = tag_err_str "Anomaly:"
let _ =
let pr = function
| Anomaly (s, pp) -> Some ("\"Anomaly: " ^ string_of_ppcmds pp ^ "\"")
@@ -102,7 +92,7 @@ let print_backtrace e = match Backtrace.get_backtrace e with
let print_anomaly askreport e =
if askreport then
- hov 0 (ann_str ++ raw_anomaly e ++ spc () ++
+ hov 0 (raw_anomaly e ++ spc () ++
strbrk "Please report at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++
str ".")
@@ -124,7 +114,7 @@ let iprint_no_report (e, info) =
let _ = register_handler begin function
| UserError(s, pps) ->
- hov 0 (err_str ++ where s ++ pps)
+ hov 0 (where s ++ pps)
| _ -> raise Unhandled
diff --git a/lib/clib.mllib b/lib/clib.mllib
index 1e33173ee..5a5f6afd3 100644
--- a/lib/clib.mllib
+++ b/lib/clib.mllib
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Store
@@ -28,9 +27,8 @@ CStack
diff --git a/lib/feedback.ml b/lib/feedback.ml
index 852eec2f2..31677ecfc 100644
--- a/lib/feedback.ml
+++ b/lib/feedback.ml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type feedback_content =
(* Extra metadata *)
| Custom of Loc.t * string * xml
(* Generic messages *)
- | Message of level * Loc.t option * Richpp.richpp
+ | Message of level * Loc.t option * Pp.std_ppcmds
type feedback = {
id : edit_or_state_id;
@@ -45,140 +45,6 @@ type feedback = {
let default_route = 0
-(** Feedback and logging *)
-open Pp
-open Pp_control
-type logger = ?loc:Loc.t -> level -> std_ppcmds -> unit
-let msgnl_with ?pp_tag fmt strm =
- pp_with ?pp_tag fmt (strm ++ fnl ());
- Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
-(* XXX: This is really painful! *)
-module Emacs = struct
- (* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *)
- let emacs_quote_start = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
- let emacs_quote_end = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
- let emacs_quote_err g =
- hov 0 (str emacs_quote_start ++ g ++ str emacs_quote_end)
- let emacs_quote_info_start = "<infomsg>"
- let emacs_quote_info_end = "</infomsg>"
- let emacs_quote_info g =
- hov 0 (str emacs_quote_info_start++ brk(0,0) ++ g ++ brk(0,0) ++ str emacs_quote_info_end)
-open Emacs
-let dbg_str = tag Ppstyle.debug_tag (str "Debug:") ++ spc ()
-let info_str = mt ()
-let warn_str = tag Ppstyle.warning_tag (str "Warning:") ++ spc ()
-let err_str = tag Ppstyle.error_tag (str "Error:" ) ++ spc ()
-let make_body quoter info ?loc s =
- let loc = Option.cata Pp.pr_loc (Pp.mt ()) loc in
- quoter (hov 0 (loc ++ info ++ s))
-(* Generic logger *)
-let gen_logger dbg err ?pp_tag ?loc level msg = match level with
- | Debug -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !std_ft (make_body dbg dbg_str ?loc msg)
- | Info -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !std_ft (make_body dbg info_str ?loc msg)
- | Notice -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !std_ft msg
- | Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () ->
- msgnl_with ?pp_tag !err_ft (make_body err warn_str ?loc msg)) ()
- | Error -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !err_ft (make_body err err_str ?loc msg)
-(* We provide a generic clear_log_backend callback for backends
- wanting to do clenaup after the print.
-let std_logger_tag = ref None
-let std_logger_cleanup = ref (fun () -> ())
-let std_logger ?loc level msg =
- gen_logger (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) ?pp_tag:!std_logger_tag ?loc level msg;
- !std_logger_cleanup ()
-(* Rules for emacs:
- - Debug/info: emacs_quote_info
- - Warning/Error: emacs_quote_err
- - Notice: unquoted
- Note the inconsistency.
- *)
-let emacs_logger = gen_logger emacs_quote_info emacs_quote_err ?pp_tag:None
-(** Color logging. Moved from pp_style, it may need some more refactoring *)
-(** Not thread-safe. We should put a lock somewhere if we print from
- different threads. Do we? *)
-let make_style_stack () =
- (** Default tag is to reset everything *)
- let empty = Terminal.make () in
- let default_tag = Terminal.({
- fg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
- bg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
- bold = Some false;
- italic = Some false;
- underline = Some false;
- negative = Some false;
- })
- in
- let style_stack = ref [] in
- let peek () = match !style_stack with
- | [] -> default_tag (** Anomalous case, but for robustness *)
- | st :: _ -> st
- in
- let push tag =
- let style = match Ppstyle.get_style_format tag with
- | None -> empty
- | Some st -> st
- in
- (** Use the merging of the latest tag and the one being currently pushed.
- This may be useful if for instance the latest tag changes the background and
- the current one the foreground, so that the two effects are additioned. *)
- let style = Terminal.merge (peek ()) style in
- style_stack := style :: !style_stack;
- Terminal.eval style
- in
- let pop _ = match !style_stack with
- | [] -> (** Something went wrong, we fallback *)
- Terminal.eval default_tag
- | _ :: rem -> style_stack := rem;
- Terminal.eval (peek ())
- in
- let clear () = style_stack := [] in
- push, pop, clear
-let init_color_output () =
- let open Pp_control in
- let push_tag, pop_tag, clear_tag = make_style_stack () in
- std_logger_cleanup := clear_tag;
- std_logger_tag := Some Ppstyle.to_format;
- let tag_handler = {
- Format.mark_open_tag = push_tag;
- Format.mark_close_tag = pop_tag;
- Format.print_open_tag = ignore;
- Format.print_close_tag = ignore;
- } in
- Format.pp_set_mark_tags !std_ft true;
- Format.pp_set_mark_tags !err_ft true;
- Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !std_ft tag_handler;
- Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !err_ft tag_handler
-let logger = ref std_logger
-let set_logger l = logger := l
-let msg_info ?loc x = !logger ?loc Info x
-let msg_notice ?loc x = !logger ?loc Notice x
-let msg_warning ?loc x = !logger ?loc Warning x
-let msg_error ?loc x = !logger ?loc Error x
-let msg_debug ?loc x = !logger ?loc Debug x
(** Feeders *)
let feeders : (int, feedback -> unit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
@@ -190,11 +56,6 @@ let add_feeder =
let del_feeder fid = Hashtbl.remove feeders fid
-let debug_feeder = function
- | { contents = Message (Debug, loc, pp) } ->
- msg_debug ?loc (Pp.str (Richpp.raw_print pp))
- | _ -> ()
let feedback_id = ref (Edit 0)
let feedback_route = ref default_route
@@ -209,32 +70,16 @@ let feedback ?id ?route what =
} in
Hashtbl.iter (fun _ f -> f m) feeders
+(* Logging messages *)
let feedback_logger ?loc lvl msg =
- feedback ~route:!feedback_route ~id:!feedback_id
- (Message (lvl, loc, Richpp.richpp_of_pp msg))
+ feedback ~route:!feedback_route ~id:!feedback_id (Message (lvl, loc, msg))
-(* Output to file *)
-let ft_logger old_logger ft ?loc level mesg =
- let id x = x in
- match level with
- | Debug -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id dbg_str mesg)
- | Info -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id info_str mesg)
- | Notice -> msgnl_with ft mesg
- | Warning -> old_logger ?loc level mesg
- | Error -> old_logger ?loc level mesg
-let with_output_to_file fname func input =
- let old_logger = !logger in
- let channel = open_out (String.concat "." [fname; "out"]) in
- logger := ft_logger old_logger (Format.formatter_of_out_channel channel);
- try
- let output = func input in
- logger := old_logger;
- close_out channel;
- output
- with reraise ->
- let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
- logger := old_logger;
- close_out channel;
- Exninfo.iraise reraise
+let msg_info ?loc x = feedback_logger ?loc Info x
+let msg_notice ?loc x = feedback_logger ?loc Notice x
+let msg_warning ?loc x = feedback_logger ?loc Warning x
+let msg_error ?loc x = feedback_logger ?loc Error x
+let msg_debug ?loc x = feedback_logger ?loc Debug x
+let debug_feeder = function
+ | { contents = Message (Debug, loc, pp) } -> msg_debug ?loc pp
+ | _ -> ()
diff --git a/lib/feedback.mli b/lib/feedback.mli
index 8eae31588..3fb7c0039 100644
--- a/lib/feedback.mli
+++ b/lib/feedback.mli
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
open Xml_datatype
-(* Old plain messages (used to be in Pp) *)
+(* Legacy-style logging messages (used to be in Pp) *)
type level =
| Debug
| Info
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ type level =
| Warning
| Error
(** Coq "semantic" infos obtained during parsing/execution *)
type edit_id = int
type state_id = Stateid.t
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ type feedback_content =
(* Extra metadata *)
| Custom of Loc.t * string * xml
(* Generic messages *)
- | Message of level * Loc.t option * Richpp.richpp
+ | Message of level * Loc.t option * Pp.std_ppcmds
type feedback = {
id : edit_or_state_id; (* The document part concerned *)
@@ -53,32 +52,12 @@ type feedback = {
(** {6 Feedback sent, even asynchronously, to the user interface} *)
-(** Moved here from pp.ml *)
(* Morally the parser gets a string and an edit_id, and gives back an AST.
* Feedbacks during the parsing phase are attached to this edit_id.
* The interpreter assignes an exec_id to the ast, and feedbacks happening
* during interpretation are attached to the exec_id.
* Only one among state_id and edit_id can be provided. *)
-(** A [logger] takes a level plus a pretty printing doc and logs it *)
-type logger = ?loc:Loc.t -> level -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
-(** [set_logger l] makes the [msg_*] to use [l] for logging *)
-val set_logger : logger -> unit
-(** [std_logger] standard logger to [stdout/stderr] *)
-val std_logger : logger
-(** [init_color_output ()] Enable color in the std_logger *)
-val init_color_output : unit -> unit
-(** [feedback_logger] will produce feedback messages instead IO events *)
-val feedback_logger : logger
-val emacs_logger : logger
(** [add_feeder f] adds a feeder listiner [f], returning its id *)
val add_feeder : (feedback -> unit) -> int
@@ -97,10 +76,6 @@ val feedback :
(** [set_id_for_feedback route id] Set the defaults for feedback *)
val set_id_for_feedback : ?route:route_id -> edit_or_state_id -> unit
-(** [with_output_to_file file f x] executes [f x] with logging
- redirected to a file [file] *)
-val with_output_to_file : string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(** {6 output functions}
[msg_notice] do not put any decoration on output by default. If
@@ -128,7 +103,3 @@ val msg_error : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
val msg_debug : ?loc:Loc.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
(** For debugging purposes *)
diff --git a/lib/pp.ml b/lib/pp.ml
index d763767dc..5dba0356d 100644
--- a/lib/pp.ml
+++ b/lib/pp.ml
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Pp_control
(* The different kinds of blocks are:
\item[hbox:] Horizontal block no line breaking;
@@ -178,10 +176,9 @@ let pp_with ?pp_tag ft =
| Ppcmd_glue sl -> List.iter pp_cmd sl
| Ppcmd_string str -> let n = utf8_length str in
pp_print_as ft n str
- | Ppcmd_box(bty,ss) -> (* Prevent evaluation of the stream! *)
- cpp_open_box bty ;
- if not (Format.over_max_boxes ()) then pp_cmd ss;
- Format.pp_close_box ft ()
+ | Ppcmd_box(bty,ss) -> cpp_open_box bty ;
+ if not (over_max_boxes ()) then pp_cmd ss;
+ pp_close_box ft ()
| Ppcmd_print_break(m,n) -> pp_print_break ft m n
| Ppcmd_force_newline -> pp_force_newline ft ()
| Ppcmd_comment coms -> List.iter (pr_com ft) coms
diff --git a/lib/pp.mli b/lib/pp.mli
index 5bf5391d3..12747d3a1 100644
--- a/lib/pp.mli
+++ b/lib/pp.mli
@@ -8,6 +8,30 @@
(** Coq document type. *)
+(** Pretty printing guidelines ******************************************)
+(* *)
+(* std_ppcmds is the main pretty printing datatype in he Coq. Documents *)
+(* are composed laying out boxes, and users can add arbitrary metadata *)
+(* that backends are free to interpret. *)
+(* *)
+(* The datatype is public to allow serialization or advanced uses, *)
+(* regular users are _strongly_ encouraged to use the top-level *)
+(* functions to manipulate the type. *)
+(* *)
+(* Box order and number is indeed an important factor. Users should try *)
+(* to create a proper amount of boxes. Also, the ++ operator provides *)
+(* "efficient" concatenation, but directly using a list is preferred. *)
+(* *)
+(* That is to say, this: *)
+(* *)
+(* `hov [str "Term"; hov (pr_term t); str "is defined"]` *)
+(* *)
+(* is preferred to: *)
+(* *)
+(* `hov (str "Term" ++ hov (pr_term t) ++ str "is defined")` *)
+(* *)
(* XXX: Improve and add attributes *)
type pp_tag = string list
diff --git a/lib/pp_control.ml b/lib/pp_control.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8dc0798..000000000
--- a/lib/pp_control.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Parameters of pretty-printing *)
-type pp_global_params = {
- margin : int;
- max_indent : int;
- max_depth : int;
- ellipsis : string }
-(* Default parameters of pretty-printing *)
-let dflt_gp = {
- margin = 78;
- max_indent = 50;
- max_depth = 50;
- ellipsis = "..." }
-(* A deeper pretty-printer to print proof scripts *)
-let deep_gp = {
- margin = 78;
- max_indent = 50;
- max_depth = 10000;
- ellipsis = "..." }
-(* set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
- * set the parameters of a formatter *)
-let set_gp ft gp =
- Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ;
- Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ;
- Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ;
- Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis
-let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp
-let get_gp ft =
- { margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft ();
- max_indent = Format.pp_get_max_indent ft ();
- max_depth = Format.pp_get_max_boxes ft ();
- ellipsis = Format.pp_get_ellipsis_text ft () }
-(* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
- * returns of formatter for given formatter functions *)
-let with_fp chan out_function flush_function =
- let ft = Format.make_formatter out_function flush_function in
- Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ft chan;
- ft
-(* Output on a channel ch *)
-let with_output_to ch =
- let ft = with_fp ch (output_substring ch) (fun () -> flush ch) in
- set_gp ft deep_gp;
- ft
-let std_ft = ref Format.std_formatter
-let _ = set_dflt_gp !std_ft
-let err_ft = ref Format.err_formatter
-let _ = set_gp !err_ft deep_gp
-let deep_ft = ref (with_output_to stdout)
-let _ = set_gp !deep_ft deep_gp
-(* For parametrization through vernacular *)
-let default = Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ()
-let default_margin = Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ()
-let get_depth_boxes () = Some (Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ())
-let set_depth_boxes v =
- Format.pp_set_max_boxes !std_ft (match v with None -> default | Some v -> v)
-let get_margin () = Some (Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ())
-let set_margin v =
- let v = match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v in
- Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter v;
- Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft v;
- Format.pp_set_margin !deep_ft v;
- (* Heuristic, based on usage: the column on the right of max_indent
- column is 20% of width, capped to 30 characters *)
- let m = max (64 * v / 100) (v-30) in
- Format.pp_set_max_indent Format.str_formatter m;
- Format.pp_set_max_indent !std_ft m;
- Format.pp_set_max_indent !deep_ft m
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml b/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
index e019bb3c2..ee623c5ca 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
+++ b/plugins/extraction/extract_env.ml
@@ -472,13 +472,14 @@ let formatter dry file =
if dry then Format.make_formatter (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ -> ())
match file with
- | Some f -> Pp_control.with_output_to f
+ | Some f -> Topfmt.with_output_to f
| None -> Format.formatter_of_buffer buf
+ (* XXX: Fixme, this shouldn't depend on Topfmt *)
(* We never want to see ellipsis ... in extracted code *)
Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft max_int;
(* We reuse the width information given via "Set Printing Width" *)
- (match Pp_control.get_margin () with
+ (match Topfmt.get_margin () with
| None -> ()
| Some i ->
Format.pp_set_margin ft i;
diff --git a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml
index 8acc3c233..28548ecee 100644
--- a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml
+++ b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.ml
@@ -298,18 +298,11 @@ module Make(T : Task) = struct
let slave_handshake () =
Pool.worker_handshake (Option.get !slave_ic) (Option.get !slave_oc)
- let pp_pid pp =
- (* Breaking all abstraction barriers... very nice *)
- let get_xml pp = match Richpp.repr pp with
- | Xml_datatype.Element("_", [], xml) -> xml
- | _ -> assert false in
- Richpp.richpp_of_xml (Xml_datatype.Element("_", [],
- get_xml (Richpp.richpp_of_pp Pp.(str (System.process_id ()^ " "))) @
- get_xml pp))
+ let pp_pid pp = Pp.(str (System.process_id () ^ " ") ++ pp)
let debug_with_pid = Feedback.(function
| { contents = Message(Debug, loc, pp) } as fb ->
- { fb with contents = Message(Debug,loc,pp_pid pp) }
+ { fb with contents = Message(Debug,loc, pp_pid pp) }
| x -> x)
let main_loop () =
@@ -317,7 +310,6 @@ module Make(T : Task) = struct
let slave_feeder oc fb =
Marshal.to_channel oc (RespFeedback (debug_with_pid fb)) []; flush oc in
Feedback.add_feeder (fun x -> slave_feeder (Option.get !slave_oc) x);
- Feedback.set_logger Feedback.feedback_logger;
(* We ask master to allocate universe identifiers *)
Universes.set_remote_new_univ_level (bufferize (fun () ->
marshal_response (Option.get !slave_oc) RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel;
diff --git a/stm/stm.ml b/stm/stm.ml
index e56db4090..75872d633 100644
--- a/stm/stm.ml
+++ b/stm/stm.ml
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ let pr_err s = Printf.eprintf "%s] %s\n" (System.process_id ()) s; flush stderr
let prerr_endline s = if false then begin pr_err (s ()) end else ()
let prerr_debug s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err (s ()) end else ()
-(* Opening ppvernac below aliases Richpp, see PR#185 *)
-let pp_to_richpp = Richpp.richpp_of_pp
-let str_to_richpp = Richpp.richpp_of_string
open Vernacexpr
open CErrors
open Pp
@@ -26,7 +22,7 @@ open Feedback
let execution_error state_id loc msg =
feedback ~id:(State state_id)
- (Message (Error, Some loc, pp_to_richpp msg))
+ (Message (Error, Some loc, msg))
module Hooks = struct
@@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ let forward_feedback, forward_feedback_hook =
let parse_error, parse_error_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun id loc msg ->
- feedback ~id (Message(Error, Some loc, pp_to_richpp msg))) ()
+ feedback ~id (Message(Error, Some loc, msg))) ()
let unreachable_state, unreachable_state_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun _ _ -> ()) ()
@@ -1945,7 +1941,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
feedback ~id:(State r_for) Processed
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
let e = CErrors.push e in
- let msg = pp_to_richpp (iprint e) in
+ let msg = iprint e in
feedback ~id:(State r_for) (Message (Error, None, msg))
let name_of_task { t_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t_what)
diff --git a/test-suite/output/Arguments.out b/test-suite/output/Arguments.out
index a2ee2d4c8..979396969 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/Arguments.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/Arguments.out
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ Expands to: Constant Top.f
forall w : r, w 3 true = tt
: Prop
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Unknown interpretation for notation "$".
+Unknown interpretation for notation "$".
w 3 true = tt
: Prop
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Extra arguments: _, _.
+Extra arguments: _, _.
diff --git a/test-suite/output/Arguments_renaming.out b/test-suite/output/Arguments_renaming.out
index b084ad498..4df21ae35 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/Arguments_renaming.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/Arguments_renaming.out
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: To rename arguments the "rename" flag must be specified.
+To rename arguments the "rename" flag must be specified.
Argument A renamed to B.
File "stdin", line 2, characters 0-25:
Warning: This command is just asserting the names of arguments of identity.
@@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ Expands to: Constant Top.myplus
: forall Z : Type, Z -> nat -> nat -> nat
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Argument lists should agree on the names they provide.
+Argument lists should agree on the names they provide.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Sequences of implicit arguments must be of different lengths.
+Sequences of implicit arguments must be of different lengths.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Some argument names are duplicated: F
+Some argument names are duplicated: F
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Argument z cannot be declared implicit.
+Argument z cannot be declared implicit.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Extra arguments: y.
+Extra arguments: y.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: To rename arguments the "rename" flag must be specified.
+To rename arguments the "rename" flag must be specified.
Argument A renamed to R.
diff --git a/test-suite/output/Errors.out b/test-suite/output/Errors.out
index 06a6b2d15..38d055b28 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/Errors.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/Errors.out
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ In nested Ltac calls to "f" and "apply x", last call failed.
Unable to unify "nat" with "True".
The command has indeed failed with message:
Ltac call to "instantiate ( (ident) := (lglob) )" failed.
-Error: Instance is not well-typed in the environment of ?x.
+Instance is not well-typed in the environment of ?x.
diff --git a/test-suite/output/FunExt.out b/test-suite/output/FunExt.out
index c6786c72f..8d2a125c1 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/FunExt.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/FunExt.out
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ Tactic failure: Already an intensional equality.
The command has indeed failed with message:
In nested Ltac calls to "extensionality in (var)" and
"clearbody (ne_var_list)", last call failed.
-Error: Hypothesis e depends on the body of H'
+Hypothesis e depends on the body of H'
diff --git a/test-suite/output/Notations.out b/test-suite/output/Notations.out
index 26eaca827..9d106d2da 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/Notations.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/Notations.out
@@ -41,29 +41,29 @@ fun x : nat => ifn x is succ n then n else 0
: Z
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: x should not be bound in a recursive pattern of the right-hand side.
+x should not be bound in a recursive pattern of the right-hand side.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: in the right-hand side, y and z should appear in
+in the right-hand side, y and z should appear in
term position as part of a recursive pattern.
The command has indeed failed with message:
The reference w was not found in the current environment.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: in the right-hand side, y and z should appear in
+in the right-hand side, y and z should appear in
term position as part of a recursive pattern.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: z is expected to occur in binding position in the right-hand side.
+z is expected to occur in binding position in the right-hand side.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: as y is a non-closed binder, no such "," is allowed to occur.
+as y is a non-closed binder, no such "," is allowed to occur.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
+Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
+Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
+Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
+Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same.
+Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same.
SUM (nat * nat) nat
: Set
FST (0; 1)
diff --git a/test-suite/output/ltac.out b/test-suite/output/ltac.out
index 1ff09e3af..35c3057d8 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/ltac.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/ltac.out
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
The command has indeed failed with message:
Ltac variable y depends on pattern variable name z which is not bound in current context.
Ltac f x y z :=
symmetry in x, y; auto with z; auto; intros **; clearbody x; generalize
@@ -22,11 +21,11 @@ The term "I" has type "True" while it is expected to have type "False".
The command has indeed failed with message:
In nested Ltac calls to "h" and "injection (destruction_arg)", last call
-Error: No primitive equality found.
+No primitive equality found.
The command has indeed failed with message:
In nested Ltac calls to "h" and "injection (destruction_arg)", last call
-Error: No primitive equality found.
+No primitive equality found.
diff --git a/test-suite/output/ltac_missing_args.out b/test-suite/output/ltac_missing_args.out
index ae3fd7acc..172612405 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/ltac_missing_args.out
+++ b/test-suite/output/ltac_missing_args.out
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected:
-missing arguments for variables y and _.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing arguments for variables y and _.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable _.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable _.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable _.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable _.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable _.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable _.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
The command has indeed failed with message:
-Error: A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
+A fully applied tactic is expected: missing argument for variable x.
diff --git a/tools/fake_ide.ml b/tools/fake_ide.ml
index 23c111b37..e89f19041 100644
--- a/tools/fake_ide.ml
+++ b/tools/fake_ide.ml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let error_xml s =
exit 1
let logger level content =
- Printf.eprintf "%a\n%! " print_xml (Richpp.repr content)
+ Printf.eprintf "%a\n%! " print_xml Richpp.(content |> richpp_of_pp |> repr)
let base_eval_call ?(print=true) ?(fail=true) call coqtop =
if print then prerr_endline (Xmlprotocol.pr_call call);
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ let base_eval_call ?(print=true) ?(fail=true) call coqtop =
let res = loop () in
if print then prerr_endline (Xmlprotocol.pr_full_value call res);
match res with
- | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) when fail -> error_xml (Richpp.repr s)
- | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) as x -> Printf.eprintf "%a\n%!" print_xml (Richpp.repr s); x
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) when fail -> error_xml Richpp.(s |> richpp_of_pp |> repr)
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) as x -> Printf.eprintf "%a\n%!" print_xml Richpp.(s |> richpp_of_pp |> repr); x
| x -> x
let eval_call c q = ignore(base_eval_call c q)
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ let print_document () =
module GUILogic = struct
let after_add = function
- | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> error_xml (Richpp.repr s)
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> error_xml Richpp.(repr (richpp_of_pp s))
| Interface.Good (id, (Util.Inl (), _)) ->
Document.assign_tip_id doc id
| Interface.Good (id, (Util.Inr tip, _)) ->
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ module GUILogic = struct
let at id id' _ = Stateid.equal id' id
let after_edit_at (id,need_unfocus) = function
- | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> error_xml (Richpp.repr s)
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> error_xml Richpp.(repr (richpp_of_pp s))
| Interface.Good (Util.Inl ()) ->
if need_unfocus then Document.unfocus doc;
ignore(Document.cut_at doc id);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ let main =
let finish () =
match base_eval_call (Xmlprotocol.status true) coq with
| Interface.Good _ -> exit 0
- | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> error_xml (Richpp.repr s) in
+ | Interface.Fail (_,_,s) -> error_xml Richpp.(repr (richpp_of_pp s)) in
(* The main loop *)
init ();
while true do
diff --git a/toplevel/coqloop.ml b/toplevel/coqloop.ml
index 2cb608326..e9506803d 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqloop.ml
+++ b/toplevel/coqloop.ml
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ open Vernac
open Pcoq
let top_stderr x =
- pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.to_format !Pp_control.err_ft x;
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.err_ft ()
+ Format.fprintf !Topfmt.err_ft "@[%a@]%!" (pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.to_format) x
(* A buffer for the character read from a channel. We store the command
* entered to be able to report errors without pretty-printing. *)
@@ -253,7 +252,8 @@ let print_toplevel_error (e, info) =
else mt ()
else print_location_in_file loc
- locmsg ++ CErrors.iprint (e, info)
+ let hdr msg = hov 0 (tag Ppstyle.error_tag (str "Error:") ++ spc () ++ msg) in
+ locmsg ++ hdr (CErrors.iprint (e, info))
(* Read the input stream until a dot is encountered *)
let parse_to_dot =
@@ -285,6 +285,33 @@ let read_sentence input =
discard_to_dot ();
iraise reraise
+(** Coqloop Console feedback handler *)
+let coqloop_feed (fb : Feedback.feedback) = let open Feedback in
+ match fb.contents with
+ | Processed -> ()
+ | Incomplete -> ()
+ | Complete -> ()
+ | ProcessingIn _ -> ()
+ | InProgress _ -> ()
+ | WorkerStatus (_,_) -> ()
+ | AddedAxiom -> ()
+ | GlobRef (_,_,_,_,_) -> ()
+ | GlobDef (_,_,_,_) -> ()
+ | FileDependency (_,_) -> ()
+ | FileLoaded (_,_) -> ()
+ | Custom (_,_,_) -> ()
+ | Message (Error,loc,msg) ->
+ (* We ignore errors here as we (still) have a different error
+ printer for the toplevel. It is hard to solve due the many
+ error paths presents, and the different compromise of feedback
+ error forwaring in the stm depending on the mode *)
+ ()
+ | Message (lvl,loc,msg) ->
+ if !Flags.print_emacs then
+ Topfmt.emacs_logger ?loc lvl msg
+ else
+ Topfmt.std_logger ?loc lvl msg
(** [do_vernac] reads and executes a toplevel phrase, and print error
messages when an exception is raised, except for the following:
- Drop: kill the Coq toplevel, going down to the Caml toplevel if it exists.
@@ -307,12 +334,13 @@ let do_vernac () =
top_stderr (fnl ()); raise CErrors.Quit
| CErrors.Drop -> (* Last chance *)
if Mltop.is_ocaml_top() then raise CErrors.Drop
- else Feedback.msg_error (str"There is no ML toplevel.")
+ else top_stderr (str "There is no ML toplevel.")
| any ->
+ (** Main error printer, note that this didn't it the "emacs"
+ legacy path. *)
let any = CErrors.push any in
let msg = print_toplevel_error any ++ fnl () in
- pp_with !Pp_control.std_ft msg;
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ()
+ top_stderr msg
(** Main coq loop : read vernacular expressions until Drop is entered.
Ctrl-C is handled internally as Sys.Break instead of aborting Coq.
@@ -320,22 +348,13 @@ let do_vernac () =
exit the loop are Drop and Quit. Any other exception there indicates
an issue with [print_toplevel_error] above. *)
-let feed_emacs = function
- | { Interface.id = Interface.State id;
- Interface.content = Interface.GlobRef (_,a,_,c,_) } ->
- prerr_endline ("<info>" ^"<id>"^Stateid.to_string id ^"</id>"
- ^a^" "^c^ "</info>")
- | _ -> ()
(* Flush in a compatible order with 8.5 *)
(* This mimics the semantics of the old Pp.flush_all *)
let loop_flush_all () =
Pervasives.flush stderr;
Pervasives.flush stdout;
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ();
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.err_ft ()
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Topfmt.std_ft ();
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Topfmt.err_ft ()
let rec loop () =
Sys.catch_break true;
@@ -348,9 +367,9 @@ let rec loop () =
| CErrors.Drop -> ()
| CErrors.Quit -> exit 0
| any ->
- Feedback.msg_error (str"Anomaly: main loop exited with exception: " ++
- str (Printexc.to_string any) ++
- fnl() ++
- str"Please report" ++
- strbrk" at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++ str ".");
+ top_stderr (str"Anomaly: main loop exited with exception: " ++
+ str (Printexc.to_string any) ++
+ fnl() ++
+ str"Please report" ++
+ strbrk" at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++ str ".");
loop ()
diff --git a/toplevel/coqloop.mli b/toplevel/coqloop.mli
index d248f2f70..eb61084e0 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqloop.mli
+++ b/toplevel/coqloop.mli
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ val set_prompt : (unit -> string) -> unit
val print_toplevel_error : Exninfo.iexn -> std_ppcmds
+val coqloop_feed : Feedback.feedback -> unit
(** Parse and execute one vernac command. *)
val do_vernac : unit -> unit
diff --git a/toplevel/coqtop.ml b/toplevel/coqtop.ml
index 541c1fd1b..823d05580 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqtop.ml
+++ b/toplevel/coqtop.ml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let init_color () =
match colors with
| None ->
(** Default colors *)
- Feedback.init_color_output ()
+ Topfmt.init_color_output ()
| Some "" ->
(** No color output *)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let init_color () =
(** Overwrite all colors *)
Ppstyle.clear_styles ();
Ppstyle.parse_config s;
- Feedback.init_color_output ()
+ Topfmt.init_color_output ()
let toploop_init = ref begin fun x ->
@@ -78,15 +78,27 @@ let toploop_init = ref begin fun x ->
-let toploop_run = ref (fun () ->
+(* Feedback received in the init stage, this is different as the STM
+ will not be generally be initialized, thus stateid, etc... may be
+ bogus. For now we just print to the console too *)
+let coqtop_init_feed = Coqloop.coqloop_feed
+(* Default toplevel loop *)
+let console_toploop_run () =
+ (* We initialize the console only if we run the toploop_run *)
+ let tl_feed = Feedback.add_feeder Coqloop.coqloop_feed in
if Dumpglob.dump () then begin
if_verbose warning "Dumpglob cannot be used in interactive mode.";
Dumpglob.noglob ()
+ (* We remove the feeder but it could be ok not to do so *)
+ Feedback.del_feeder tl_feed;
(* Initialise and launch the Ocaml toplevel *)
- Mltop.ocaml_toploop())
+ Mltop.ocaml_toploop()
+let toploop_run = ref console_toploop_run
let output_context = ref false
@@ -228,7 +240,6 @@ let compile_files () =
if !compile_list == [] then ()
let init_state = States.freeze ~marshallable:`No in
- Feedback.(add_feeder debug_feeder);
List.iter (fun vf ->
States.unfreeze init_state;
compile_file vf)
@@ -240,7 +251,6 @@ let set_emacs () =
if not (Option.is_empty !toploop) then
error "Flag -emacs is incompatible with a custom toplevel loop";
Flags.print_emacs := true;
- Feedback.(set_logger emacs_logger);
Vernacentries.qed_display_script := false;
color := `OFF
@@ -435,7 +445,7 @@ let get_native_name s =
with the appropriate error code *)
let fatal_error info anomaly =
let msg = info ++ fnl () in
- Format.fprintf !Topfmt.err_ft "@[%a@]%!" pp_with msg;
+ Format.fprintf !Topfmt.err_ft "@[%a@]%!" (pp_with ?pp_tag:None) msg;
exit (if anomaly then 129 else 1)
let parse_args arglist =
@@ -609,6 +619,7 @@ let parse_args arglist =
let init_toplevel arglist =
init_gc ();
Sys.catch_break false; (* Ctrl-C is fatal during the initialisation *)
+ let init_feeder = Feedback.add_feeder coqtop_init_feed in
@@ -663,7 +674,8 @@ let init_toplevel arglist =
Feedback.msg_notice (with_option raw_print Prettyp.print_full_pure_context () ++ fnl ());
Profile.print_profile ();
exit 0
- end
+ end;
+ Feedback.del_feeder init_feeder
let start () =
let () = init_toplevel (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in
diff --git a/toplevel/vernac.ml b/toplevel/vernac.ml
index 5d17054fc..4fc4540c1 100644
--- a/toplevel/vernac.ml
+++ b/toplevel/vernac.ml
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ let pr_new_syntax_in_context loc chan_beautify ocom =
| None -> mt() in
let after = comment (CLexer.extract_comments (snd loc)) in
if !beautify_file then
- (Pp.pp_with !Pp_control.std_ft (hov 0 (before ++ com ++ after));
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ())
+ (Pp.pp_with !Topfmt.std_ft (hov 0 (before ++ com ++ after));
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Topfmt.std_ft ())
Feedback.msg_info (hov 4 (str"New Syntax:" ++ fnl() ++ (hov 0 com)));
States.unfreeze fs;
@@ -179,9 +179,10 @@ let pp_cmd_header loc com =
(* This is a special case where we assume we are in console batch mode
and take control of the console.
+(* FIXME *)
let print_cmd_header loc com =
- Pp.pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.to_format !Pp_control.std_ft (pp_cmd_header loc com);
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ()
+ Pp.pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.to_format !Topfmt.std_ft (pp_cmd_header loc com);
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Topfmt.std_ft ()
let rec interp_vernac po chan_beautify checknav (loc,com) =
let interp = function
diff --git a/vernac/explainErr.ml b/vernac/explainErr.ml
index 5b91af03c..f1e0c48f0 100644
--- a/vernac/explainErr.ml
+++ b/vernac/explainErr.ml
@@ -45,15 +45,9 @@ let _ = CErrors.register_handler explain_exn_default
(** Pre-explain a vernac interpretation error *)
-let wrap_vernac_error with_header (exn, info) strm =
- if with_header then
- let header = Pp.tag Ppstyle.error_tag (str "Error:") in
- let e = EvaluatedError (hov 0 (header ++ spc () ++ strm), None) in
- (e, info)
- else
- (EvaluatedError (strm, None), info)
+let wrap_vernac_error (exn, info) strm = (EvaluatedError (strm, None), info)
-let process_vernac_interp_error with_header exn = match fst exn with
+let process_vernac_interp_error exn = match fst exn with
| Univ.UniverseInconsistency i ->
let msg =
if !Constrextern.print_universes then
@@ -61,40 +55,40 @@ let process_vernac_interp_error with_header exn = match fst exn with
Univ.explain_universe_inconsistency Universes.pr_with_global_universes i
mt() in
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (str "Universe inconsistency" ++ msg ++ str ".")
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (str "Universe inconsistency" ++ msg ++ str ".")
| TypeError(ctx,te) ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_type_error ctx Evd.empty te)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_type_error ctx Evd.empty te)
| PretypeError(ctx,sigma,te) ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_pretype_error ctx sigma te)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_pretype_error ctx sigma te)
| Typeclasses_errors.TypeClassError(env, te) ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env te)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env te)
| InductiveError e ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_inductive_error e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_inductive_error e)
| Modops.ModuleTypingError e ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_module_error e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_module_error e)
| Modintern.ModuleInternalizationError e ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_module_internalization_error e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_module_internalization_error e)
| RecursionSchemeError e ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_recursion_scheme_error e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_recursion_scheme_error e)
| Cases.PatternMatchingError (env,sigma,e) ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_pattern_matching_error env sigma e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_pattern_matching_error env sigma e)
| Tacred.ReductionTacticError e ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_reduction_tactic_error e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_reduction_tactic_error e)
| Logic.RefinerError e ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_refiner_error e)
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (Himsg.explain_refiner_error e)
| Nametab.GlobalizationError q ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn
+ wrap_vernac_error exn
(str "The reference" ++ spc () ++ Libnames.pr_qualid q ++
spc () ++ str "was not found" ++
spc () ++ str "in the current" ++ spc () ++ str "environment.")
| Refiner.FailError (i,s) ->
let s = Lazy.force s in
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn
+ wrap_vernac_error exn
(str "Tactic failure" ++
(if Pp.ismt s then s else str ": " ++ s) ++
if Int.equal i 0 then str "." else str " (level " ++ int i ++ str").")
| AlreadyDeclared msg ->
- wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (msg ++ str ".")
+ wrap_vernac_error exn (msg ++ str ".")
| _ ->
@@ -108,9 +102,9 @@ let additional_error_info = ref []
let register_additional_error_info f =
additional_error_info := f :: !additional_error_info
-let process_vernac_interp_error ?(allow_uncaught=true) ?(with_header=true) (exc, info) =
+let process_vernac_interp_error ?(allow_uncaught=true) (exc, info) =
let exc = strip_wrapping_exceptions exc in
- let e = process_vernac_interp_error with_header (exc, info) in
+ let e = process_vernac_interp_error (exc, info) in
let () =
if not allow_uncaught && not (CErrors.handled (fst e)) then
let (e, info) = e in
diff --git a/vernac/explainErr.mli b/vernac/explainErr.mli
index a67c887af..370ad7e3b 100644
--- a/vernac/explainErr.mli
+++ b/vernac/explainErr.mli
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ exception EvaluatedError of Pp.std_ppcmds * exn option
(** Pre-explain a vernac interpretation error *)
-val process_vernac_interp_error : ?allow_uncaught:bool -> ?with_header:bool -> Util.iexn -> Util.iexn
+val process_vernac_interp_error : ?allow_uncaught:bool -> Util.iexn -> Util.iexn
(** General explain function. Should not be used directly now,
see instead function [Errors.print] and variants *)
diff --git a/vernac/topfmt.ml b/vernac/topfmt.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85981c386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vernac/topfmt.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Feedback
+open Pp
+(** Pp control also belongs here as the terminal is private to the toplevel *)
+type pp_global_params = {
+ margin : int;
+ max_indent : int;
+ max_depth : int;
+ ellipsis : string }
+(* Default parameters of pretty-printing *)
+let dflt_gp = {
+ margin = 78;
+ max_indent = 50;
+ max_depth = 50;
+ ellipsis = "..." }
+(* A deeper pretty-printer to print proof scripts *)
+let deep_gp = {
+ margin = 78;
+ max_indent = 50;
+ max_depth = 10000;
+ ellipsis = "..." }
+(* set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
+ * set the parameters of a formatter *)
+let set_gp ft gp =
+ Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ;
+ Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ;
+ Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis
+let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp
+let get_gp ft =
+ { margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft ();
+ max_indent = Format.pp_get_max_indent ft ();
+ max_depth = Format.pp_get_max_boxes ft ();
+ ellipsis = Format.pp_get_ellipsis_text ft () }
+(* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
+ * returns of formatter for given formatter functions *)
+let with_fp chan out_function flush_function =
+ let ft = Format.make_formatter out_function flush_function in
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ft chan;
+ ft
+(* Output on a channel ch *)
+let with_output_to ch =
+ let ft = with_fp ch (output_substring ch) (fun () -> flush ch) in
+ set_gp ft deep_gp;
+ ft
+let std_ft = ref Format.std_formatter
+let _ = set_dflt_gp !std_ft
+let err_ft = ref Format.err_formatter
+let _ = set_gp !err_ft deep_gp
+let deep_ft = ref (with_output_to stdout)
+let _ = set_gp !deep_ft deep_gp
+(* For parametrization through vernacular *)
+let default = Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ()
+let default_margin = Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ()
+let get_depth_boxes () = Some (Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ())
+let set_depth_boxes v =
+ Format.pp_set_max_boxes !std_ft (match v with None -> default | Some v -> v)
+let get_margin () = Some (Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ())
+let set_margin v =
+ let v = match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v in
+ Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter v;
+ Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft v;
+ Format.pp_set_margin !deep_ft v;
+ (* Heuristic, based on usage: the column on the right of max_indent
+ column is 20% of width, capped to 30 characters *)
+ let m = max (64 * v / 100) (v-30) in
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent Format.str_formatter m;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent !std_ft m;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent !deep_ft m
+(** Console display of feedback *)
+type logger = ?loc:Loc.t -> level -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+let msgnl_with ?pp_tag fmt strm =
+ pp_with ?pp_tag fmt (strm ++ fnl ());
+ Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
+(* XXX: This is really painful! *)
+module Emacs = struct
+ (* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *)
+ let emacs_quote_start = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
+ let emacs_quote_end = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
+ let emacs_quote_err g =
+ hov 0 (str emacs_quote_start ++ g ++ str emacs_quote_end)
+ let emacs_quote_info_start = "<infomsg>"
+ let emacs_quote_info_end = "</infomsg>"
+ let emacs_quote_info g =
+ hov 0 (str emacs_quote_info_start++ brk(0,0) ++ g ++ brk(0,0) ++ str emacs_quote_info_end)
+open Emacs
+let dbg_str = tag Ppstyle.debug_tag (str "Debug:") ++ spc ()
+let info_str = mt ()
+let warn_str = tag Ppstyle.warning_tag (str "Warning:") ++ spc ()
+let err_str = tag Ppstyle.error_tag (str "Error:") ++ spc ()
+let make_body quoter info ?loc s =
+ let loc = Option.cata Pp.pr_loc (Pp.mt ()) loc in
+ quoter (hov 0 (loc ++ info ++ s))
+(* Generic logger *)
+let gen_logger ?pp_tag dbg err ?loc level msg = match level with
+ | Debug -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !std_ft (make_body dbg dbg_str ?loc msg)
+ | Info -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !std_ft (make_body dbg info_str ?loc msg)
+ (* XXX: What to do with loc here? *)
+ | Notice -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !std_ft msg
+ | Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () ->
+ msgnl_with ?pp_tag !err_ft (make_body err warn_str ?loc msg)) ()
+ | Error -> msgnl_with ?pp_tag !err_ft (make_body err err_str ?loc msg)
+(** Standard loggers *)
+(* We provide a generic clear_log_backend callback for backends
+ wanting to do clenaup after the print.
+let std_logger_tag = ref None
+let std_logger_cleanup = ref (fun () -> ())
+let std_logger ?loc level msg =
+ gen_logger (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) ?pp_tag:!std_logger_tag ?loc level msg;
+ !std_logger_cleanup ()
+(** Color logging. Moved from pp_style, it may need some more refactoring *)
+(** Not thread-safe. We should put a lock somewhere if we print from
+ different threads. Do we? *)
+let make_style_stack () =
+ (** Default tag is to reset everything *)
+ let empty = Terminal.make () in
+ let default_tag = Terminal.({
+ fg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
+ bg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
+ bold = Some false;
+ italic = Some false;
+ underline = Some false;
+ negative = Some false;
+ })
+ in
+ let style_stack = ref [] in
+ let peek () = match !style_stack with
+ | [] -> default_tag (** Anomalous case, but for robustness *)
+ | st :: _ -> st
+ in
+ let push tag =
+ let style = match Ppstyle.get_style_format tag with
+ | None -> empty
+ | Some st -> st
+ in
+ (** Use the merging of the latest tag and the one being currently pushed.
+ This may be useful if for instance the latest tag changes the background and
+ the current one the foreground, so that the two effects are additioned. *)
+ let style = Terminal.merge (peek ()) style in
+ style_stack := style :: !style_stack;
+ Terminal.eval style
+ in
+ let pop _ = match !style_stack with
+ | [] -> (** Something went wrong, we fallback *)
+ Terminal.eval default_tag
+ | _ :: rem -> style_stack := rem;
+ Terminal.eval (peek ())
+ in
+ let clear () = style_stack := [] in
+ push, pop, clear
+let init_color_output () =
+ let push_tag, pop_tag, clear_tag = make_style_stack () in
+ std_logger_cleanup := clear_tag;
+ std_logger_tag := Some Ppstyle.to_format;
+ let tag_handler = {
+ Format.mark_open_tag = push_tag;
+ Format.mark_close_tag = pop_tag;
+ Format.print_open_tag = ignore;
+ Format.print_close_tag = ignore;
+ } in
+ Format.pp_set_mark_tags !std_ft true;
+ Format.pp_set_mark_tags !err_ft true;
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !std_ft tag_handler;
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !err_ft tag_handler
+(* Rules for emacs:
+ - Debug/info: emacs_quote_info
+ - Warning/Error: emacs_quote_err
+ - Notice: unquoted
+ *)
+let emacs_logger = gen_logger emacs_quote_info emacs_quote_err
+(* Output to file, used only in extraction so a candidate for removal *)
+let ft_logger old_logger ft ?loc level mesg =
+ let id x = x in
+ match level with
+ | Debug -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id dbg_str mesg)
+ | Info -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id info_str mesg)
+ | Notice -> msgnl_with ft mesg
+ | Warning -> old_logger ?loc level mesg
+ | Error -> old_logger ?loc level mesg
+let with_output_to_file fname func input =
+ (* XXX FIXME: redirect std_ft *)
+ (* let old_logger = !logger in *)
+ let channel = open_out (String.concat "." [fname; "out"]) in
+ (* logger := ft_logger old_logger (Format.formatter_of_out_channel channel); *)
+ try
+ let output = func input in
+ (* logger := old_logger; *)
+ close_out channel;
+ output
+ with reraise ->
+ let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
+ (* logger := old_logger; *)
+ close_out channel;
+ Exninfo.iraise reraise
diff --git a/lib/pp_control.mli b/vernac/topfmt.mli
index d26f89eb3..38a400cfd 100644
--- a/lib/pp_control.mli
+++ b/vernac/topfmt.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** Parameters of pretty-printing. *)
+(** Console printing options *)
type pp_global_params = {
margin : int;
@@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ val set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
val set_dflt_gp : Format.formatter -> unit
val get_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params
(** {6 Output functions of pretty-printing. } *)
val with_output_to : out_channel -> Format.formatter
-val std_ft : Format.formatter ref
-val err_ft : Format.formatter ref
+val std_ft : Format.formatter ref
+val err_ft : Format.formatter ref
val deep_ft : Format.formatter ref
(** {6 For parametrization through vernacular. } *)
@@ -36,3 +35,15 @@ val get_depth_boxes : unit -> int option
val set_margin : int option -> unit
val get_margin : unit -> int option
+(** Console display of feedback *)
+val std_logger : ?loc:Loc.t -> Feedback.level -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
+val emacs_logger : ?loc:Loc.t -> Feedback.level -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
+val init_color_output : unit -> unit
+(** [with_output_to_file file f x] executes [f x] with logging
+ redirected to a file [file] *)
+val with_output_to_file : string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
diff --git a/vernac/vernac.mllib b/vernac/vernac.mllib
index 94ef54f70..283c095eb 100644
--- a/vernac/vernac.mllib
+++ b/vernac/vernac.mllib
@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ Record
diff --git a/vernac/vernacentries.ml b/vernac/vernacentries.ml
index 3afe04b37..09c43f93e 100644
--- a/vernac/vernacentries.ml
+++ b/vernac/vernacentries.ml
@@ -1448,8 +1448,8 @@ let _ =
optdepr = false;
optname = "the printing depth";
optkey = ["Printing";"Depth"];
- optread = Pp_control.get_depth_boxes;
- optwrite = Pp_control.set_depth_boxes }
+ optread = Topfmt.get_depth_boxes;
+ optwrite = Topfmt.set_depth_boxes }
let _ =
@@ -1457,8 +1457,8 @@ let _ =
optdepr = false;
optname = "the printing width";
optkey = ["Printing";"Width"];
- optread = Pp_control.get_margin;
- optwrite = Pp_control.set_margin }
+ optread = Topfmt.get_margin;
+ optwrite = Topfmt.set_margin }
let _ =
@@ -2193,7 +2193,7 @@ let with_fail b f =
| e ->
let e = CErrors.push e in
raise (HasFailed (CErrors.iprint
- (ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error ~allow_uncaught:false ~with_header:false e))))
+ (ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error ~allow_uncaught:false e))))
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
let (e, _) = CErrors.push e in
@@ -2226,7 +2226,7 @@ let interp ?(verbosely=true) ?proof (loc,c) =
current_timeout := Some n;
aux ?locality ?polymorphism isprogcmd v
| VernacRedirect (s, (_,v)) ->
- Feedback.with_output_to_file s (aux false) v
+ Topfmt.with_output_to_file s (aux false) v
| VernacTime (_,v) ->
System.with_time !Flags.time
(aux ?locality ?polymorphism isprogcmd) v;