diff options
7 files changed, 148 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 72ce17a09..adaae5487 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ env:
- TEST_TARGET="test-suite" COMPILER="4.02.3+32bit"
- TEST_TARGET="validate" TW="travis_wait"
- TEST_TARGET="validate" COMPILER="4.02.3+32bit" TW="travis_wait"
+ - TEST_TARGET="ci-bedrock-src"
+ - TEST_TARGET="ci-bedrock-facade"
- TEST_TARGET="ci-color"
- TEST_TARGET="ci-compcert"
- TEST_TARGET="ci-coquelicot"
diff --git a/Makefile.ci b/Makefile.ci
index b055ada8e..4c4606aff 100644
--- a/Makefile.ci
+++ b/Makefile.ci
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
CI_TARGETS=ci-all ci-hott ci-math-comp ci-compcert ci-sf ci-cpdt \
ci-color ci-math-classes ci-tlc ci-fiat-crypto ci-fiat-parsers \
ci-coquelicot ci-flocq ci-iris-coq ci-metacoq ci-geocoq \
- ci-unimath ci-vst
+ ci-unimath ci-vst ci-bedrock-src ci-bedrock-facade
# Generic rule, we use make to easy travis integraton with mixed rules
$(CI_TARGETS): ci-%:
diff --git a/dev/ci/ci-basic-overlay.sh b/dev/ci/ci-basic-overlay.sh
index 336ce9d8f..e0851816c 100644
--- a/dev/ci/ci-basic-overlay.sh
+++ b/dev/ci/ci-basic-overlay.sh
@@ -95,6 +95,18 @@
: ${fiat_crypto_CI_GITURL:=https://github.com/mit-plv/fiat-crypto.git}
+# bedrock_src
+: ${bedrock_src_CI_BRANCH:=master}
+: ${bedrock_src_CI_GITURL:=https://github.com/JasonGross/bedrock.git}
+# bedrock_facade
+: ${bedrock_facade_CI_BRANCH:=master}
+: ${bedrock_facade_CI_GITURL:=https://github.com/JasonGross/bedrock.git}
# CoLoR
: ${Color_CI_SVNURL:=https://scm.gforge.inria.fr/anonscm/svn/color/trunk/color}
@@ -109,4 +121,3 @@
: ${tlc_CI_BRANCH:=master}
: ${tlc_CI_GITURL:=https://gforge.inria.fr/git/tlc/tlc.git}
diff --git a/dev/ci/ci-bedrock-facade.sh b/dev/ci/ci-bedrock-facade.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..95cfa3073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/ci/ci-bedrock-facade.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+ci_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
+source ${ci_dir}/ci-common.sh
+git_checkout ${bedrock_facade_CI_BRANCH} ${bedrock_facade_CI_GITURL} ${bedrock_facade_CI_DIR}
+( cd ${bedrock_facade_CI_DIR} && make -j ${NJOBS} facade )
diff --git a/dev/ci/ci-bedrock-src.sh b/dev/ci/ci-bedrock-src.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..532611d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/ci/ci-bedrock-src.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+ci_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
+source ${ci_dir}/ci-common.sh
+git_checkout ${bedrock_src_CI_BRANCH} ${bedrock_src_CI_GITURL} ${bedrock_src_CI_DIR}
+( cd ${bedrock_src_CI_DIR} && make -j ${NJOBS} src )
diff --git a/pretyping/constr_matching.ml b/pretyping/constr_matching.ml
index efe03bc2e..d55350622 100644
--- a/pretyping/constr_matching.ml
+++ b/pretyping/constr_matching.ml
@@ -83,32 +83,71 @@ let add_binders na1 na2 binding_vars (names, terms as subst) =
let rec build_lambda sigma vars ctx m = match vars with
| [] ->
- let len = List.length ctx in
- EConstr.Vars.lift (-1 * len) m
+ if Vars.closed0 sigma m then m else raise PatternMatchingFailure
| n :: vars ->
- let open EConstr in
(* change [ x1 ... xn y z1 ... zm |- t ] into
[ x1 ... xn z1 ... zm |- lam y. t ] *)
let len = List.length ctx in
- let init i =
- if i < pred n then mkRel (i + 2)
- else if Int.equal i (pred n) then mkRel 1
- else mkRel (i + 1)
- in
- let m = Vars.substl (List.init len init) m in
let pre, suf = List.chop (pred n) ctx in
- match suf with
+ let (na, t, suf) = match suf with
| [] -> assert false
- | (_, na, t) :: suf ->
- let map i = if i > n then pred i else i in
- let vars = List.map map vars in
- (** Check that the abstraction is legal *)
- let frels = free_rels sigma t in
- let brels = List.fold_right Int.Set.add vars Int.Set.empty in
- let () = if not (Int.Set.subset frels brels) then raise PatternMatchingFailure in
- (** Create the abstraction *)
- let m = mkLambda (na, t, m) in
- build_lambda sigma vars (pre @ suf) m
+ | (_, na, t) :: suf -> (na, t, suf)
+ in
+ (** Check that the abstraction is legal by generating a transitive closure of
+ its dependencies. *)
+ let is_nondep t clear = match clear with
+ | [] -> true
+ | _ ->
+ let rels = free_rels sigma t in
+ let check i b = b || not (Int.Set.mem i rels) in
+ List.for_all_i check 1 clear
+ in
+ let fold (_, _, t) clear = is_nondep t clear :: clear in
+ (** Produce a list of booleans: true iff we keep the hypothesis *)
+ let clear = List.fold_right fold pre [false] in
+ let clear = List.drop_last clear in
+ (** If the conclusion depends on a variable we cleared, failure *)
+ let () = if not (is_nondep m clear) then raise PatternMatchingFailure in
+ (** Create the abstracted term *)
+ let fold (k, accu) keep =
+ if keep then
+ let k = succ k in
+ (k, Some k :: accu)
+ else (k, None :: accu)
+ in
+ let keep, shift = List.fold_left fold (0, []) clear in
+ let shift = List.rev shift in
+ let map = function
+ | None -> mkProp (** dummy term *)
+ | Some i -> mkRel (i + 1)
+ in
+ (** [x1 ... xn y z1 ... zm] -> [x1 ... xn f(z1) ... f(zm) y] *)
+ let subst =
+ List.map map shift @
+ mkRel 1 ::
+ List.mapi (fun i _ -> mkRel (i + keep + 2)) suf
+ in
+ let map i (id, na, c) =
+ let i = succ i in
+ let subst = List.skipn i subst in
+ let subst = List.map (fun c -> Vars.lift (- i) c) subst in
+ (id, na, substl subst c)
+ in
+ let pre = List.mapi map pre in
+ let pre = List.filter_with clear pre in
+ let m = substl subst m in
+ let map i =
+ if i > n then i - n + keep
+ else match List.nth shift (i - 1) with
+ | None ->
+ (** We cleared a variable that we wanted to abstract! *)
+ raise PatternMatchingFailure
+ | Some k -> k
+ in
+ let vars = List.map map vars in
+ (** Create the abstraction *)
+ let m = mkLambda (na, Vars.lift keep t, m) in
+ build_lambda sigma vars (pre @ suf) m
let rec extract_bound_aux k accu frels ctx = match ctx with
| [] -> accu
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/5377.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5377.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..130d9f9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5377.v
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Goal ((forall (t : Type) (x y : t),
+ True ->
+ x = y)) -> False.
+ intro HG.
+ let P := lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : forall t x y, True -> @?P t x y
+ |- _ ]
+ => P
+ end in
+ pose (f := P).
+ unify f (fun (t : Type) (x y : t) => x = y).
+Goal True.
+let c := lazymatch constr:(fun (T : nat -> Type) (y : nat) (_ : T y) => y) with
+ | fun _ y _ => @?C y => C
+ end in
+pose (f := c).
+unify f (fun n : nat => n).
+Goal (forall x : nat, x = x -> x = x \/ x = x) -> True.
+let P := lazymatch goal with
+| [ H : forall y, @?P y -> @?P y \/ _ |- _ ]
+ => P
+end in
+pose (f := P).
+unify f (fun x : nat => x = x).
+Goal (forall x : nat, x = x -> x = x \/ x = x) -> True.
+lazymatch goal with
+| [ H : forall y, @?P y -> @?Q y \/ _ |- _ ]
+ => idtac
+Axiom eq : forall {T} (_ : T), Prop.
+Goal forall _ : (forall t (_ : eq t) (x : t), eq x), Prop.
+let P := lazymatch goal with
+| [ H : forall t _ x, @?P t x |- _ ]
+ => P
+end in
+pose (f := P).