diff options
7 files changed, 308 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.depend b/.depend
index 115808b2f..be0d0cd1e 100644
--- a/.depend
+++ b/.depend
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ proofs/tacmach.cmi: kernel/environ.cmi proofs/evar_refiner.cmi \
proofs/tacred.cmi: kernel/closure.cmi kernel/environ.cmi kernel/evd.cmi \
kernel/names.cmi kernel/reduction.cmi kernel/term.cmi
proofs/typing_ev.cmi: kernel/environ.cmi kernel/evd.cmi kernel/term.cmi
+tactics/dn.cmi: lib/tlm.cmi
toplevel/errors.cmi: parsing/coqast.cmi lib/pp.cmi
toplevel/himsg.cmi: kernel/environ.cmi kernel/names.cmi lib/pp.cmi \
kernel/sign.cmi kernel/term.cmi kernel/type_errors.cmi
@@ -343,6 +344,8 @@ proofs/typing_ev.cmo: kernel/environ.cmi kernel/generic.cmi kernel/names.cmi \
proofs/typing_ev.cmx: kernel/environ.cmx kernel/generic.cmx kernel/names.cmx \
kernel/reduction.cmx kernel/term.cmx kernel/type_errors.cmx \
kernel/typeops.cmx lib/util.cmx proofs/typing_ev.cmi
+tactics/dn.cmo: lib/tlm.cmi tactics/dn.cmi
+tactics/dn.cmx: lib/tlm.cmi tactics/dn.cmi
toplevel/errors.cmo: parsing/ast.cmi lib/options.cmi lib/pp.cmi lib/util.cmi \
toplevel/errors.cmx: parsing/ast.cmx lib/options.cmx lib/pp.cmx lib/util.cmx \
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 81fab7c76..d7b1809d1 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ noargument:
@echo or make archclean
LOCALINCLUDES=-I config -I lib -I kernel -I library \
- -I proofs -I parsing -I toplevel
+ -I proofs -I tactics -I parsing -I toplevel
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ LIBRARY=library/libobject.cmo library/summary.cmo library/lib.cmo \
PROOFS=proofs/typing_ev.cmo proofs/tacred.cmo \
proofs/proof_trees.cmo proofs/logic.cmo \
proofs/refiner.cmo proofs/evar_refiner.cmo \
- proofs/macros.cmo proofs/tacinterp.cmo proofs/clenv.cmo
+ proofs/macros.cmo proofs/tacinterp.cmo # proofs/clenv.cmo
PARSING=parsing/lexer.cmo parsing/coqast.cmo parsing/pcoq.cmo parsing/ast.cmo \
parsing/g_prim.cmo parsing/g_basevernac.cmo parsing/g_vernac.cmo \
@@ -63,7 +65,8 @@ TOPLEVEL=toplevel/himsg.cmo toplevel/errors.cmo toplevel/vernac.cmo \
# Targets
@@ -102,9 +105,10 @@ LPLIB = lib/doc.tex $(LIB:.cmo=.mli)
LPKERNEL = kernel/doc.tex $(KERNEL:.cmo=.mli)
LPLIBRARY = library/doc.tex $(LIBRARY:.cmo=.mli)
LPPROOFS = proofs/doc.tex $(PROOFS:.cmo=.mli)
+LPTACTICS = tactics/doc.tex $(TCATICS:.cmo=.mli)
LPTOPLEVEL = toplevel/doc.tex $(TOPLEVEL:.cmo=.mli)
LPFILES = doc/macros.tex doc/intro.tex $(LPLIB) $(LPKERNEL) $(LPLIBRARY) \
doc/coq.tex: doc/preamble.tex $(LPFILES)
cat doc/preamble.tex > doc/coq.tex
@@ -195,6 +199,7 @@ archclean::
rm -f kernel/*.cmx kernel/*.[so]
rm -f library/*.cmx library/*.[so]
rm -f proofs/*.cmx proofs/*.[so]
+ rm -f tactics/*.cmx tactics/*.[so]
rm -f parsing/*.cmx parsing/*.[so]
cleanall:: archclean
@@ -205,6 +210,7 @@ cleanall:: archclean
rm -f kernel/*.cm[io] kernel/*~
rm -f library/*.cm[io] library/*~
rm -f proofs/*.cm[io] proofs/*~
+ rm -f tactics/*.cm[io] tactics/*~
rm -f parsing/*.cm[io] parsing/*.ppo parsing/*~
diff --git a/doc/tactics.dep.ps b/doc/tactics.dep.ps
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61da11e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tactics.dep.ps
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+%%Creator: dot version uwin98 (01-26-98)
+%%For: Bill Gates
+%%Title: G
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%BoundingBox: 36 36 37 37
+/DotDict 200 dict def
+DotDict begin
+%%BeginResource: procset
+/coord-font-family /Times-Roman def
+/default-font-family /Times-Roman def
+/coordfont coord-font-family findfont 8 scalefont def
+/InvScaleFactor 1.0 def
+/set_scale {
+ dup 1 exch div /InvScaleFactor exch def
+ dup scale
+} bind def
+% styles
+/solid { } bind def
+/dashed { [9 InvScaleFactor mul dup ] 0 setdash } bind def
+/dotted { [1 InvScaleFactor mul 6 InvScaleFactor mul] 0 setdash } bind def
+/invis {/fill {newpath} def /stroke {newpath} def /show {pop newpath} def} bind def
+/bold { 2 setlinewidth } bind def
+/filled { } bind def
+/unfilled { } bind def
+/rounded { } bind def
+/diagonals { } bind def
+% hooks for setting color
+/nodecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
+/edgecolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
+/graphcolor { sethsbcolor } bind def
+/nopcolor {pop pop pop} bind def
+/beginpage { % i j npages
+ /npages exch def
+ /j exch def
+ /i exch def
+ /str 10 string def
+ npages 1 gt {
+ gsave
+ coordfont setfont
+ 0 0 moveto
+ (() show i str cvs show (,) show j str cvs show ()) show
+ grestore
+ } if
+} bind def
+/set_font {
+ findfont exch
+ scalefont setfont
+} def
+% draw aligned label in bounding box aligned to current point
+% alignfactor tells what fraction to place on the left.
+% -.5 is centered.
+/alignedtext { % text labelwidth fontsz alignfactor
+ /alignfactor exch def
+ /fontsz exch def
+ /width exch def
+ /text exch def
+ gsave
+ % even if node or edge is dashed, don't paint text with dashes
+ [] 0 setdash
+ currentpoint newpath moveto
+ text stringwidth pop
+ alignfactor mul fontsz -.3 mul rmoveto
+ text show
+ grestore
+} def
+/boxprim { % xcorner ycorner xsize ysize
+ 4 2 roll
+ moveto
+ 2 copy
+ exch 0 rlineto
+ 0 exch rlineto
+ pop neg 0 rlineto
+ closepath
+} bind def
+/ellipse_path {
+ /ry exch def
+ /rx exch def
+ /y exch def
+ /x exch def
+ matrix currentmatrix
+ newpath
+ x y translate
+ rx ry scale
+ 0 0 1 0 360 arc
+ setmatrix
+} bind def
+/endpage { showpage } bind def
+ [ % layer color sequence - darkest to lightest
+ [0 0 0]
+ [.2 .8 .8]
+ [.4 .8 .8]
+ [.6 .8 .8]
+ [.8 .8 .8]
+ ]
+/setlayer {/maxlayer exch def /curlayer exch def
+ layercolorseq curlayer get
+ aload pop sethsbcolor
+ /nodecolor {nopcolor} def
+ /edgecolor {nopcolor} def
+ /graphcolor {nopcolor} def
+} bind def
+/onlayer { curlayer ne {invis} if } def
+/onlayers {
+ /myupper exch def
+ /mylower exch def
+ curlayer mylower lt
+ curlayer myupper gt
+ or
+ {invis} if
+} def
+/curlayer 0 def
+14 default-font-family set_font
+% /arrowlength 10 def
+% /arrowwidth 5 def
+%%Page: 1 1
+%%PageBoundingBox: 36 36 37 37
+35 35 2 2 boxprim clip newpath
+36 36 translate
+0 0 1 beginpage
+0 0 translate 0 rotate
+0.000 0.000 0.000 graphcolor
+14.00 /Times-Roman set_font
+%%EndPage: 1
+%%Pages: 1
diff --git a/lib/tlm.mli b/lib/tlm.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abf1efc67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tlm.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+type ('a,'b) t
+val create : unit -> ('a,'b) t
+(* Work on labels, not on paths *)
+val map : ('a,'b) t -> 'a -> ('a,'b) t
+val xtract : ('a,'b) t -> 'b list
+val dom : ('a,'b) t -> 'a list
+val in_dom : ('a,'b) t -> 'a -> bool
+(* Work on paths, not labels *)
+val add : ('a,'b) t -> 'a list * 'b -> ('a,'b) t
+val rmv : ('a,'b) t -> ('a list * 'b) -> ('a,'b) t
+val app : (('a list * 'c) -> unit) -> ('a,'c) t -> unit
+val to_list : ('a,'b) t -> ('a list * 'b) list
diff --git a/tactics/dn.ml b/tactics/dn.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc811735a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/dn.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* This file implements the basic structure of what Chet called
+ ``discrimination nets''. If my understanding is wright, it serves
+ to associate actions (for example, tactics) with a priority to term
+ patterns, so that if a hypothesis matches a pattern in the net,
+ then the associated tactic is applied. Discrimination nets are used
+ (only) to implement the tactics Auto, DHyp and Point.
+ A discrimination net is a tries structure, that is, a tree structure
+ specially conceived for searching patterns, like for example strings
+ --see the file Tlm.ml in the directory lib/util--. Here the tries
+ structure are used for looking for term patterns.
+ This module is then used in :
+ - termdn.ml (discrimination nets of terms);
+ - btermdn.ml (discrimination nets of terms with bounded depth,
+ used in the tactic auto);
+ - nbtermdn.ml (named discrimination nets with bounded depth, used
+ in the tactics Dhyp and Point).
+ Eduardo (4/8/97) *)
+(* Definition of the basic structure *)
+type ('lbl,'pat) dn_args = 'pat -> ('lbl * 'pat list) option
+type ('lbl,'pat,'inf) under_t = (('lbl * int) option,'pat * 'inf) Tlm.t
+type ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t = {
+ tm : ('lbl,'pat,'inf) under_t;
+ args :('lbl,'pat) dn_args }
+let create dna = {tm = Tlm.create(); args = dna}
+let path_of dna =
+ let rec path_of_deferred = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::tl -> pathrec tl h
+ and pathrec deferred t =
+ match dna t with
+ | None ->
+ None :: (path_of_deferred deferred)
+ | Some (lbl,[]) ->
+ (Some (lbl,0))::(path_of_deferred deferred)
+ | Some (lbl,(h::def_subl as v)) ->
+ (Some (lbl,List.length v))::(pathrec (def_subl@deferred) h)
+ in
+ pathrec []
+let tm_of tm lbl =
+ try [Tlm.map tm lbl] with Not_found -> []
+let lookup dnm dna' t =
+ let rec lookrec t tm =
+ (tm_of tm None)@
+ (match dna' t with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some(lbl,v) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l c -> List.flatten(List.map (lookrec c) l))
+ (tm_of tm (Some(lbl,List.length v))) v)
+ in
+ List.flatten(List.map Tlm.xtract (lookrec t dnm.tm))
+let upd dnm f = { args = dnm.args; tm = f dnm.args dnm.tm }
+let add dnm (pat,inf) =
+ upd dnm
+ (fun dna tm ->
+ let p = path_of dna pat in Tlm.add tm (p,(pat,inf)))
+let rmv dnm (pat,inf) =
+ upd dnm
+ (fun dna tm ->
+ let p = path_of dna pat in Tlm.rmv tm (p,(pat,inf)))
+let app f dnm = Tlm.app (fun (_,p) -> f p) dnm.tm
diff --git a/tactics/dn.mli b/tactics/dn.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..211b75a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/dn.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Discrimination nets. *)
+type ('lbl,'pat) dn_args = 'pat -> ('lbl * 'pat list) option
+type ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t = {
+ tm : (('lbl * int) option,'pat * 'inf) Tlm.t;
+ args : ('lbl,'pat) dn_args }
+type ('lbl,'pat,'inf) under_t = (('lbl * int) option,'pat * 'inf) Tlm.t
+val create : ('lbl,'pat) dn_args -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t
+val add : ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> 'pat * 'inf -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t
+val rmv : ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> 'pat * 'inf -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t
+val path_of : ('lbl,'pat) dn_args -> 'pat -> ('lbl * int) option list
+val lookup :
+ ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> ('lbl,'term) dn_args -> 'term -> ('pat * 'inf) list
+val app : (('pat * 'inf) -> unit) -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/doc.tex b/tactics/doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d44cc14a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\section*{The Tactics}
+\ocwsection \label{tactics}
+This chapter describes the \Coq\ main tactics.
+The modules of that chapter are organized as follows.