diff options
5 files changed, 79 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/dev/ci/user-overlays/07495-gares-elpi-test-bug.sh b/dev/ci/user-overlays/07495-gares-elpi-test-bug.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6939ead2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/ci/user-overlays/07495-gares-elpi-test-bug.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+if [ "$CI_PULL_REQUEST" = "7495" ] || [ "$CI_BRANCH" = "fix-restrict" ]; then
+ # this branch contains a commit not present on coq-master that triggers
+ # the universe restriction bug #7472
+ Elpi_CI_BRANCH=overlay-7495
+ Elpi_CI_GITURL=https://github.com/LPCIC/coq-elpi.git
diff --git a/engine/univops.ml b/engine/univops.ml
index 76dbaa250..3fd518490 100644
--- a/engine/univops.ml
+++ b/engine/univops.ml
@@ -35,79 +35,14 @@ let universes_of_constr env c =
| _ -> Constr.fold aux s c
in aux LSet.empty c
-type graphnode = {
- mutable up : constraint_type LMap.t;
- mutable visited : bool
-let merge_types d d0 =
- match d, d0 with
- | _, Lt | Lt, _ -> Lt
- | Le, _ | _, Le -> Le
- | Eq, Eq -> Eq
-let merge_up d b up =
- let find = try Some (LMap.find b up) with Not_found -> None in
- match find with
- | Some d0 ->
- let d = merge_types d d0 in
- if d == d0 then up else LMap.add b d up
- | None -> LMap.add b d up
-let add_up a d b graph =
- let node, graph =
- try LMap.find a graph, graph
- with Not_found ->
- let node = { up = LMap.empty; visited = false } in
- node, LMap.add a node graph
- in
- node.up <- merge_up d b node.up;
- graph
-(* for each node transitive close until you find a non removable, discard the rest *)
-let transitive_close removable graph =
- let rec do_node a node =
- if not node.visited
- then
- let keepup =
- LMap.fold (fun b d keepup ->
- if not (LSet.mem b removable)
- then merge_up d b keepup
- else
- begin
- match LMap.find b graph with
- | bnode ->
- do_node b bnode;
- LMap.fold (fun k d' keepup ->
- merge_up (merge_types d d') k keepup)
- bnode.up keepup
- | exception Not_found -> keepup
- end
- )
- node.up LMap.empty
- in
- node.up <- keepup;
- node.visited <- true
- in
- LMap.iter do_node graph
-let restrict_universe_context (univs,csts) keep =
- let removable = LSet.diff univs keep in
- let (csts, rem) =
- Constraint.fold (fun (a,d,b as cst) (csts, rem) ->
- if LSet.mem a removable || LSet.mem b removable
- then (csts, add_up a d b rem)
- else (Constraint.add cst csts, rem))
- csts (Constraint.empty, LMap.empty)
- in
- transitive_close removable rem;
- let csts =
- LMap.fold (fun a node csts ->
- if LSet.mem a removable
- then csts
- else
- LMap.fold (fun b d csts -> Constraint.add (a,d,b) csts)
- node.up csts)
- rem csts
- in
+let restrict_universe_context (univs, csts) keep =
+ let removed = LSet.diff univs keep in
+ if LSet.is_empty removed then univs, csts
+ else
+ let allunivs = Constraint.fold (fun (u,_,v) all -> LSet.add u (LSet.add v all)) csts univs in
+ let g = UGraph.empty_universes in
+ let g = LSet.fold UGraph.add_universe_unconstrained allunivs g in
+ let g = UGraph.merge_constraints csts g in
+ let allkept = LSet.diff allunivs removed in
+ let csts = UGraph.constraints_for ~kept:allkept g in
(LSet.inter univs keep, csts)
diff --git a/engine/univops.mli b/engine/univops.mli
index d1585414c..0b37ab975 100644
--- a/engine/univops.mli
+++ b/engine/univops.mli
@@ -14,5 +14,8 @@ open Univ
(** The universes of monomorphic constants appear. *)
val universes_of_constr : Environ.env -> constr -> LSet.t
-(** Shrink a universe context to a restricted set of variables *)
+(** [restrict_universe_context (univs,csts) keep] restricts [univs] to
+ the universes in [keep]. The constraints [csts] are adjusted so
+ that transitive constraints between remaining universes (those in
+ [keep] and those not in [univs]) are preserved. *)
val restrict_universe_context : ContextSet.t -> LSet.t -> ContextSet.t
diff --git a/kernel/uGraph.ml b/kernel/uGraph.ml
index e6b27077b..4a9467de5 100644
--- a/kernel/uGraph.ml
+++ b/kernel/uGraph.ml
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ let insert_edge strict ucan vcan g =
let () = cleanup_universes g in
raise e
-let add_universe vlev strict g =
+let add_universe_gen vlev g =
let _arcv = UMap.find vlev g.entries in
raise AlreadyDeclared
@@ -520,8 +520,14 @@ let add_universe vlev strict g =
let entries = UMap.add vlev (Canonical v) g.entries in
- let g = { entries; index = g.index - 1; n_nodes = g.n_nodes + 1; n_edges = g.n_edges } in
- insert_edge strict (get_set_arc g) v g
+ { entries; index = g.index - 1; n_nodes = g.n_nodes + 1; n_edges = g.n_edges }, v
+let add_universe vlev strict g =
+ let g, v = add_universe_gen vlev g in
+ insert_edge strict (get_set_arc g) v g
+let add_universe_unconstrained vlev g =
+ fst (add_universe_gen vlev g)
exception Found_explanation of explanation
@@ -696,6 +702,9 @@ let enforce_univ_lt u v g =
error_inconsistency Lt u v (get_explanation false v u g)
let empty_universes =
+ { entries = UMap.empty; index = 0; n_nodes = 0; n_edges = 0 }
+let initial_universes =
let set_arc = Canonical {
univ = Level.set;
ltle = LMap.empty;
@@ -718,9 +727,6 @@ let empty_universes =
let empty = { entries; index = (-2); n_nodes = 2; n_edges = 0 } in
enforce_univ_lt Level.prop Level.set empty
-(* Prop = Set is forbidden here. *)
-let initial_universes = empty_universes
let is_initial_universes g = UMap.equal (==) g.entries initial_universes.entries
let enforce_constraint cst g =
@@ -780,6 +786,42 @@ let constraints_of_universes g =
let csts = UMap.fold constraints_of g.entries Constraint.empty in
csts, UF.partition uf
+(* domain g.entries = kept + removed *)
+let constraints_for ~kept g =
+ (* rmap: partial map from canonical universes to kept universes *)
+ let rmap, csts = LSet.fold (fun u (rmap,csts) ->
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ if LSet.mem arcu.univ kept then
+ LMap.add arcu.univ arcu.univ rmap, enforce_eq_level u arcu.univ csts
+ else
+ match LMap.find arcu.univ rmap with
+ | v -> rmap, enforce_eq_level u v csts
+ | exception Not_found -> LMap.add arcu.univ u rmap, csts)
+ kept (LMap.empty,Constraint.empty)
+ in
+ let rec add_from u csts todo = match todo with
+ | [] -> csts
+ | (v,strict)::todo ->
+ let v = repr g v in
+ (match LMap.find v.univ rmap with
+ | v ->
+ let d = if strict then Lt else Le in
+ let csts = Constraint.add (u,d,v) csts in
+ add_from u csts todo
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ (* v is not equal to any kept universe *)
+ let todo = LMap.fold (fun v' strict' todo ->
+ (v',strict || strict') :: todo)
+ v.ltle todo
+ in
+ add_from u csts todo)
+ in
+ LSet.fold (fun u csts ->
+ let arc = repr g u in
+ LMap.fold (fun v strict csts -> add_from u csts [v,strict])
+ arc.ltle csts)
+ kept csts
(** [sort_universes g] builds a totally ordered universe graph. The
output graph should imply the input graph (and the implication
will be strict most of the time), but is not necessarily minimal.
diff --git a/kernel/uGraph.mli b/kernel/uGraph.mli
index cca2eb472..e6dd629e4 100644
--- a/kernel/uGraph.mli
+++ b/kernel/uGraph.mli
@@ -49,13 +49,15 @@ exception AlreadyDeclared
val add_universe : Level.t -> bool -> t -> t
+(** Add a universe without (Prop,Set) <= u *)
+val add_universe_unconstrained : Level.t -> t -> t
(** {6 Pretty-printing of universes. } *)
val pr_universes : (Level.t -> Pp.t) -> t -> Pp.t
(** The empty graph of universes *)
val empty_universes : t
-[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use UGraph.initial_universes"]
val sort_universes : t -> t
@@ -64,6 +66,12 @@ val sort_universes : t -> t
of the universes into equivalence classes. *)
val constraints_of_universes : t -> Constraint.t * LSet.t list
+(** [constraints_for ~kept g] returns the constraints about the
+ universes [kept] in [g] up to transitivity.
+ eg if [g] is [a <= b <= c] then [constraints_for ~kept:{a, c} g] is [a <= c]. *)
+val constraints_for : kept:LSet.t -> t -> Constraint.t
val check_subtype : AUContext.t check_function
(** [check_subtype univ ctx1 ctx2] checks whether [ctx2] is an instance of
[ctx1]. *)