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3 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/output/FunExt.out b/test-suite/output/FunExt.out
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b97fe7a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/output/FunExt.out
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+The command has indeed failed with message:
+Ltac call to "extensionality" failed.
+Tactic failure: Not a non-dependent hypothesis.
+The command has indeed failed with message:
+Ltac call to "extensionality" failed.
+Tactic failure: Not an extensional equality.
+The command has indeed failed with message:
+Ltac call to "extensionality" failed.
+Tactic failure: Not an extensional equality.
+The command has indeed failed with message:
+Ltac call to "extensionality" failed.
+Tactic failure: Not a non-dependent hypothesis.
+The command has indeed failed with message:
+Ltac call to "extensionality" failed.
+Tactic failure: Not an extensional equality.
diff --git a/test-suite/output/FunExt.v b/test-suite/output/FunExt.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5469b70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/output/FunExt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
+(* Basic example *)
+Goal (forall x y z, x+y+z = z+y+x) -> (fun x y z => z+y+x) = (fun x y z => x+y+z).
+intro H.
+extensionality in H.
+symmetry in H.
+(* Test rejection of non-equality *)
+Goal forall H:(forall A:Prop, A), H=H -> forall H'':True, H''=H''.
+intros H H' H''.
+Fail extensionality in H.
+clear H'.
+Fail extensionality in H.
+Fail extensionality in H''.
+(* Test rejection of dependent equality *)
+Goal forall (p : forall x, S x = x + 1), p = p -> S = fun x => x + 1.
+intros p H.
+Fail extensionality in p.
+clear H.
+extensionality in p.
+(* Test dependent functional extensionality *)
+Goal forall (P:nat->Type) (Q:forall a, P a -> Type) (f g:forall a (b:P a), Q a b),
+ (forall x y, f x y = g x y) -> f = g.
+intros * H.
+extensionality in H.
+(* Other tests, courtesy of Jason Gross *)
+Goal forall A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c), (forall a b c, f a b c = g a b c) -> f = g.
+ intros A B C D f g H.
+ extensionality in H.
+ match type of H with f = g => idtac end.
+ exact H.
+Section test_section.
+ Context A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c)
+ (H : forall a b c, f a b c = g a b c).
+ Goal f = g.
+ Proof.
+ extensionality in H.
+ match type of H with f = g => idtac end.
+ exact H.
+ Qed.
+End test_section.
+Section test2.
+ Context A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c)
+ (H : forall b a c, f a b c = g a b c).
+ Goal (fun b a c => f a b c) = (fun b a c => g a b c).
+ Proof.
+ extensionality in H.
+ match type of H with (fun b a c => f a b c) = (fun b' a' c' => g a' b' c') => idtac end.
+ exact H.
+ Qed.
+End test2.
+Section test3.
+ Context A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c)
+ (H : forall a c, (fun b => f a b c) = (fun b => g a b c)).
+ Goal (fun a c b => f a b c) = (fun a c b => g a b c).
+ Proof.
+ extensionality in H.
+ match type of H with (fun a c b => f a b c) = (fun a' c' b' => g a' b' c') => idtac end.
+ exact H.
+ Qed.
+End test3.
+Section test4.
+ Context A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c -> Type)
+ (H : forall b, (forall a c d, f a b c d) = (forall a c d, g a b c d)).
+ Goal (fun b => forall a c d, f a b c d) = (fun b => forall a c d, g a b c d).
+ Proof.
+ extensionality in H.
+ exact H.
+ Qed.
+End test4.
+Section test5.
+ Goal nat -> True.
+ Proof.
+ intro n.
+ Fail extensionality in n.
+ constructor.
+ Qed.
+End test5.
+Section test6.
+ Goal let f := fun A (x : A) => x in let pf := fun A x => @eq_refl _ (f A x) in f = f.
+ Proof.
+ intros f pf.
+ extensionality in pf.
+ match type of pf with f = f => idtac end.
+ exact pf.
+ Qed.
+End test6.
+Section test7.
+ Context A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c)
+ (H : forall a b c, True -> f a b c = g a b c).
+ Goal True.
+ Proof.
+ extensionality in H.
+ match type of H with (fun a b c (_ : True) => f a b c) = (fun a' b' c' (_ : True) => g a' b' c') => idtac end.
+ constructor.
+ Qed.
+End test7.
+Section test8.
+ Context A B C (D : forall a : A, C a -> Type) (f g : forall a : A, B -> forall c : C a, D a c)
+ (H : True -> forall a b c, f a b c = g a b c).
+ Goal True.
+ Proof.
+ extensionality in H.
+ match type of H with (fun (_ : True) a b c => f a b c) = (fun (_ : True) a' b' c' => g a' b' c') => idtac end.
+ constructor.
+ Qed.
+End test8.
diff --git a/theories/Logic/FunctionalExtensionality.v b/theories/Logic/FunctionalExtensionality.v
index 04d9a6704..133eba702 100644
--- a/theories/Logic/FunctionalExtensionality.v
+++ b/theories/Logic/FunctionalExtensionality.v
@@ -68,6 +68,25 @@ Tactic Notation "extensionality" ident(x) :=
apply forall_extensionality) ; intro x
+(** Iteratively apply [functional_extensionality] on an hypothesis
+ until finding an equality statement *)
+Tactic Notation "extensionality" "in" hyp(H) :=
+ let rec iter_fun_ext :=
+ lazymatch type of H with
+ | _ = _ => exact H
+ | forall x, _ =>
+ eapply functional_extensionality_dep; intro x;
+ (specialize (H x) || fail "Not a non-dependent hypothesis"); iter_fun_ext
+ | _ => fail "Not an extensional equality"
+ end in
+ let H' := fresh "H" in
+ simple refine (let H' := _ in _);
+ [shelve|
+ iter_fun_ext|
+ clearbody H'; move H' before H;
+ (clear H; rename H' into H) || fail "Not a non-dependent hypothesis"].
(** Eta expansion follows from extensionality. *)
Lemma eta_expansion_dep {A} {B : A -> Type} (f : forall x : A, B x) :